#I'm genuinely sorry if I didnt
letdibtravel · 6 months
The boy needs to go to The Warp. Fun times all around.
The Warp/Interrium(?), Warhammer 40K
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iraprince · 2 years
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george compilation so far 🎀 (full name Cooking with Gorgeous, cookie or george for short, he/him + she/her) my first @sapphicworldttrpg character!
whenever i have a burst of passion and churn out a bunch of related sketches like this, i have to remember to bundle them together!!!
also, my first drawings of him + my other two PC concepts (who are still going to exist in the game i'm playing cookie in, just as her attendants!)
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it worked out, bc i love all of their designs and character concepts, but i wasn't sure i was as excited about roleplaying as velvet or dandy for an extended time the same way i am about cookie. when they're npcs connected to cookie, then i still get to bring them up and wave them around and have fun interactions with them, but i don't have to commit to playing them fulltime!
anyway, once we start playing i'll try to keep a specific tag to chronicle any sketches and stuff i do throughout the campaign!! check back 4 updates :)
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
nobody's doing it like itsuki yyh. i've been thinking about him and sensui a lot today but like. ok get this. imagine being a demon and this cute human guy (you are gay btw green hair and pronounsed and everything) shows up and tries to kill you and almost succeeds. you survive because you lament that you're gonna miss the finale of a show you watch/see a niche pop artist on tv (depending on adaptation, but either way these are your last words and it airs the next night), and he says he's into it too. you become partners. this man, shinobu sensui, is a spirit detective who's been haunted by demons his whole life, has been killing them with the complete, unwavering belief that he's right for it, since he was in pre-k. you being a demon does not seem to change how he thinks about this. it doesn't change your feelings either, since he fascinates you. you help him kill demons.
one day, your human is confronted with one of the worst sights imaginable, one that shatters his worldview completely. he sees demons being tortured and slaughtered hedonistically by a group of humans. he can't process it. he splits. your shinobu is now one of seven within his body. you love each of them. you love him. you watch as he pivots into a deep hatred of humanity, and of himself for slaughtering so many demons, and of his own inescapable humanity. you love it. you can't get enough of it. watching someone so pure and self-assured become confused, disillusioned, twisted, evil, broken, it thrills and captivates you. it's beautiful, and you egg it on. you make it worse, obsessively. you make him worse. you only want what he wants, really. but you want him to want it worse. sensui is spiraling and you don't steady him, you accelerate it and accelerate it, until he's deciding that before he dies (which will be sooner than you'd like, sooner than you know what to do with), he's going to end humanity. he's going to unleash demonkind on them and secure his redemption, his doom, his punishment. it's a baptism by fire. what a way to go. a very sensui way to go, and you love it like the rest of him: poisonously. you don't need a word of convincing, no argument (as desperate as sensui is to argue his case for this), not a second of that tape, to follow him. you watch as sensui breaks the fragile people he encounters, wrenches them into misanthropic weapons. he's amazing at it. minoru is amazing at it. he brings together his crew of heart-bleeding, self-loathing pawns, and in your downtime you and sensui watch human tv, share your love for animals, plants, the human world. you cherish, distract yourself with, and celebrate these together. they're what brought you together in the first place, and you will destroy them together. you wonder if he knows that these things he loves will surely die when the demons come. you expect he views them as necessary casualties in ridding the world of human evil. how deliciously cruel he can be. you savor it. you have to savor it. you don't like thinking about the end. that sensui will barely be alive to enjoy his victory. is he so convinced of humanity's foulness that he would never bend, never doubt his genocide at all? or would he come to regret it? would he hate himself even more than he does now? once the greater evil, humanity, is eliminated, would he turn his sights on himself? he may see himself as one of the "enlightened" humans who know mankind's evil, but he is still a human with plenty of demon blood on his hands. you want to know. you're desperate for it. you don't ask him what he thinks he will become. you want to watch it unfold naturally, for as long as he is around. let the ink bleed over the page. don't blow. don't wave the paper, don't even touch it. be patient.
your sensui is killed spectacularly at the finish line. he was struck down by a human reborn as a demon. how fitting. it's what sensui wanted, and you are happy for him, as much as you can be. it's bittersweet. you knew it would end soon. you both did. you talked about it all the time. and now it's... over. the portal is being resealed. demons will not wipe out mankind. humanity will go on, unaffected. your sensui's lonely war against his own kind is already being forgotten by the few who knew of it. such a beautiful moment, swept away by time, your sensui. and now his enemies want to claim his soul. his body. to bring him to the afterlife, for whatever judgement awaits him. and you fulfill your final obligation to him. you take him away. sensui did not want any part of that, and neither do you, not particularly. it sounds rather painful, all considered. you lift him and slip away to where no one can reach you. your own little dimension, your own little pocket of existence, just the two of you. no one can touch him now. you, either, not that you care. you hold him like you have for years, and think of your future together. here, where no one can reach him. no one will touch him or stain him or rip him or tear him ever again, not even you. but you will always be closest, and that's enough. cut off from humankind and demonkind completely. it's only you. and it's only him. you wonder how long you will live, like this. a long time. it makes no difference. sensui has broken completely, and you hold the shards of him. every piece remaining is yours, is in your arms, will be yours forever. you wonder if this should be enough for you. if you should be satisfied. you are. as someone whose last regret was missing a late night program, you don't see much point in leaving. what is there for itsuki without sensui? what is there in the world worthwhile? demons, humans, the rest of it. none of it would ever compare. not even to the shards.
you wonder, and it is far from the first or the last time, how sensui will change now, in your arms. white to black, skin to bone to dust. and when you die your soul will dissipate like his, and in a little unreality you and he will linger forever, where no one can know or recall. you will die a secret of the world, a potential wasted, a close call, a scream that is swallowed last-minute. and you will be together. it's all that's mattered for a long time. you wonder if you'll ever change. you don't expect to.
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pallanophblargh · 11 months
Lost in thoughts, endure a little more word vomit (emotional) if you will.
I received the news that a much beloved instructor of mine from the institute that won't be named passed away recently. I had the honor of taking her intaglio and relief/monotype/woodcut printmaking classes. They were the bright spark in a fog of dread, stress, and overwhelming feelings of inadequacy. They were what I looked forward to every week.
You really don't understand how much an impact someone has had on you until they're gone, sometimes.
I may not have the tools at my disposal to do a proper intaglio piece, but I can still make a book or a linocut, in her honor.
Jody, you left a bright spot in the heart of a jaded cynic who had no real business going to school for art. You were a real one. And everyone who ever met you knew it.
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bonetrousledbones · 1 year
my biggest irl secret is that at some point i started telling people i like drawing skeletons because i was too embarrassed to say i draw undertale fanart and that snowballed into getting more skeleton themed things which i liked but didnt really go out of my way for and now its not a lie anymore and whenever i need to buy something i will try my very best to find a skeleton version of it and now i’ve fallen to my self fulfilling prophecy of becoming the skeleton guy
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oh man ok i need to gush about moonlight chicken for a second lol
i adored how this show didnt shy away from the messiness of real life and relationships! like u hav a single gay working class man desperately trying to make ends meet and struggling with the guilt of his past lover having died tragically whilst bringing up his nephew who wants to be taken seriously and finally fly the nest to live his own life whilst at the same time navigating his crush on a lonely deaf boy who just wants to be understood and respected. and then you have a man stuck in relationship limbo where he's unable to let go of his past love but also yearning to move on and free them both from the pain they cause each other... and that's not even to mention the side characters who deal with the loss of parents, unfaithful partners, unplanned pregnancies, trying to be a better mother to your son, etc...
no one was a villain, instead you had a group of people who needed to grow and learn in a very natural way, and that's just so refreshing to see! honestly one of my fav parts of the story is that rather than inventing some arbitrary dramatic reason for wen and alan to break up, it just happened because their love had fizzled out, a thing that happens all the time in real relationships! and even though their love had died, it was still obvious that they cared deeply for one another which made both of them trying to move on so much more painful...
so much of this show was about the cycles of emotional abuse that can develop when you're stuck in the past... jim is unable to see a happy future for himself because he blames himself for beam's death, and he let's that anger and resentment inform how he treats li ming. wen is ignoring the messiness of his relationship with alan in favour of pursuing jim, but knows deep down that neither will be able to truly move on unless he deals with the situation. even heart's parents are stuck unable to relate to or be willing to understand their deaf son as they continue to isolate him from the outside world, thinking that it will protect him but all it does is make him even more lonely!
idk i just loved how the show focused so much on living in the moment. that the past is fixed and the future is uncertain, but there will always be now where you can always find some glimmer of joy and optimism.
and then there's ofc the queer element of the show where we get to see how internalised and external homophobia exist as perimeters to queer people being able to truly be themselves. one of the most heart wrenching scenes is at beam's funeral where his parents come up to jim and effectively tell him that because he and beam weren't married, he has no legal rights to any of the things they had worked so hard for together! and this is something you hear time and time again, both historically and now, where queer couples in countries that dont recognise gay marriage or even civil partnerships are denied so much (particularly when one of them dies) because their relationship is deemed illegitimate by law.
jim as a character has internalised this so much that when he finds out his nephew is gay, he lashes out (in one of the funniest scenes ever, mind you lol... literally the whole 'why are you gay, isn't being poor enough of a challenge!?' thing is gonna stick in my mind forever i love it sm lol) because he knows first hand how hard it is to be a queer man in a society that still doesnt fully accept you! (and it rly showed the disparity between him, a working class man, and wen, someone from a middle class/wealthy background when it comes to queerness that i don't think gets discussed as much... cos the fact of the matter is that for a long time queerness /was/ effectively reserved for wealthy people, as working class people wouldnt have had as much of a choice in how they could live their lives, so jim's reticence when it comes to accepting li ming's (and his own) queerness is directly tied to how being poor doesnt always allow you the luxury of simply 'being yourself'...)
and i think it was especially interesting that this show didnt present homophobia in individualistic terms. we don't get a character calling them slurs or saying that they're wrong for being gay, instead we get systemic and societal prejudices showing up in insidious ways, which feels so much more realistic! (like even jam, who is presented as having outdated and homophobic opinions, isnt presented as some evil villain. she's just a product of a homophobic society that teaches people being gay is a sad way of living, and she has to unlearn that as both her brother and son prove her wrong!)
i honestly could (and probably will) go on but yeh... this show man... this show
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chiimeramanticore · 4 days
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#im not dead quit asking#I'm just really really really not doing well#sorry if i scared anyone. that wasnt my intent#things got. let's say worse. for me irl. more complicated for sure#i hate to publicize my breakdown I really do. but maybe i... need this? in a weird way?#i haven't really been adjusting well to having a platform online. that's not anyone's fault but mine ofc#i feel that my 'fans' (if ive earned the right to call them that) dont and frankly cant ever care for me as a person#i dont know you and you dont know me. you dont know all of me at least. just what i make public. what i allow others to see#i had it kinda bullied into me that i need to keep my mouth shut abt my own issues. and ive spent a lot of this year trying to unlearn that#maybe publicizing this is a bad idea anyway#I just know ive been more honest abt my emotions and my personal life with my friends and my partner#and not everyone enjoys it but i know I'm not like. traumadumping so i feel somewhat assured that anyone who doesnt wanna hear abt my life-#-probably wasnt all that interested in forming a close relationship w me to begin with. even if theyre friendly at first#everyone else; the people who I know care about me; have shown me that through their actions#my point is being honest abt how youre doing w other ppl is a good idea. revolutionary i know lol#and i still don't know a lot of you personally but#parasocial or not i got some very genuine sounding messages while I was gone. and i. feel really bad that i worried those people#I guess theres my proof that people would care if i disappeared suddenly. people would notice pretty quick it seems#im never gonna kms btw. even if i didnt have the support i have im simply too stubborn to die lol. to put it lightly#and to those who thought this was abt fandom drama: it's not. those who shall not be named are genuinely the least of my problems these days#I'm on a journey of self actualization. or something. im trying to get my shit together. im trying to stop being clinically depressed lol#but god keeps throwing wrenches in my plans and. i beat myself up about it too much#but that's just life. they say you make a plan and god laughs#im. trying to be okay with just riding the wave. im impatient but if i keep trying to somehow speed up time im just gonna exhaust myself#which I think is where im at now. burnt out#and on top of all that i still feel this need to like. perform for you guys#if i dont keep making content everyone will forget i exist. if i dont make another video essay this year can i even call myself a youtuber#etc etc. its the spiral its impostor syndrome we've all been there#im trying to end this on a positive note but idk. i dont have all the answers yet#hoping i figure it out soon. i hope you dont forget me in the meantime
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pyromance · 3 months
heartbreak is one thing my ego's another i beg you don't embarrass me motherfucker
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smokestarrules · 11 months
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guess what I finished watching
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pandaspwnz · 3 months
If you’ve written to me in the past week or so, for example around my recent birthday, I just wanna say I'm really sorry for not getting back to you yet: I'm not ignoring you or angry at you or ungrateful (truly thank you for the well wishes!), but I am having an absurdly difficult time sitting down and replying to (or starting new conversations with) people, both people I know well and love dearly as well as people I'm more acquaintances with. Even just sitting down and writing this message on my tumblr is like pulling teeth honestly but I feel like I owe you that much. So yeah, if you’ve written, I'm sorry! I'll get back to you when I can!
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pendragora · 4 months
Our fandom whines about the lack of nuance and critical thinking, but then fails to comprehend the complexity of human emotion when it comes to seeing something you like being ruined or executed poorly
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lyriumrain · 4 months
brother i cannot watch shows (fiction or reality shows) that feature people around my own age (aka early 30s). So many people have already been around the world, own their own companies, or at least have been in their jobs/pursuing their passions for 10-20 years, so they have all this experience and stories, and here i am feeling like a fucking 16 yr old cause i've never lived. I feel so stupid and childish all the goddamn time.
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formulaonedirection · 7 months
All you lando blogs get quiet when he does wrong
Hey best friend good morning <3333 Since it's giving obsessed I'll just let you know my schedule: I had family dinner yesterday to celebrate my brother's birthday, and I'm having dinner with my friends tonight and then we're gonna tailgate N5 of the Eras tour and then tomorrow I'm GOING to the Eras tour and then Sunday I'm watching Kung Fu Panda 4 with my best friends! So I've actually been having a crazy packed week due to love of family and friends and work and a bunch of other crises and in fact have barely posted if at all! It must be really tough to have this website be your whole life but I think you'll find if you stop giving in to that little voice that says "make people you don't know feel bad via anonymous comments" you too can start accepting more love in your heart. Peace n love ❤️
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funnierasafictive · 8 months
Bruh we read your tags on gravity falls and were like “Hah! We don’t have any fictives from Gravity Falls! Guess we’re just built different!” And then someone reminded me of an alter who while they don’t identify as a fictive, their internal appearance is literally that one human Bill design. Systems really can’t escape Gravity Falls
It's why I can't watch gravity falls because i genuinely might become mentally ill !!! (half joking) but like, I'm of the belief that systems should do whatever they want and not be afraid to split. "be cringe but be free". but Gravity Falls is on a different level. its not that ill feel cringe, it's that i'm going to get psychosis
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ceaseless-rambler · 10 months
As someone who’s fairly new to all The Mechanisms stuff, I was wondering if you could offer some guidance to the lore / backstory side of things because there’s a lot and I’m ✨overwhelmed✨ xx
Hi okay yes!! I'd recommend watching Revenge of Spaceport Mahon for a neat compilation of backstories, as well as some fun character banter and the like. I also have this post that gives a brief bio of each character. A lot of the smaller bits of lore are like, random social media posts or one-off bits of live show banter, and there's no real way to compile all that in any sort of concise manner. If you have any specific questions, or want more details on anything I didn't delve into in the linked post, please shoot me another ask!! Since I'm not quite sure what you already know or what bits of lore you're unsure about it, there's only so much I can give you as a starting point. I'm always happy to explain more though!!
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twistmusings · 1 month
I have finally found my audience and it's feral Jade Stans /gen
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