#I'm kinda glad this is one of two blogs I feel safe on
slaybestieslay946 · 7 months
Hey! I love ur blog and I saw ur accepting requests for luke castellan, (I’ve never requested a fic before so I’m sorry if I’m doing this wrong lol)
Could I have a fic where reader comes to camp in the middle of the night after getting attacked by monster(doesn’t matter which monster) but after they’re in camp and moved into the Hermes cabin they’re distant and angry because theyre pissed off at the world and the gods. Luke being luke though doesn’t give up on trying to make the reader feel at home and tries his hardest to get them out of their shell. UNTIL reader gets claimed by Zeus and gets moved to the lonely Cabin 1 and can’t sleep so they go back to Hermes cabin and Luke lets them sleep in his bunk w him and fluffy ending of such
Damn that was a lot it’s totally ok if u don’t want to do this!
Thank you!!!
I really love this idea, and I'm so glad you love my blog! Hope you enjoy!
Mystery Girl
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word count: 2700
pairing: luke castellan x zeus!reader
warnings: minor depictions of violence, readers kind of a bitch but like not really.
a/n: reader is so unbothered i kinda aspire to be her
Late at night, you stumbled through the camp's threshold, leaning on Aspen, your protector. He was equally leaning into you, and you couldn’t tell whose blood it was soaking threw your shirt, yours, or his. 
You could see a few buildings at the bottom of the hill, and a few of them had lights on. 
“Help, please!” You shouted, weakly raising your arm to catch some sort of attention. 
Aspen did the same, his exclamations a mix of real words and pained bleats. 
Eventually, people began emerging from the buildings, rubbing their eyes in exhaustion, trying to work out what was going on. You and Aspen continued to shout for help, shuffling slowly down the hill, praying that you wouldn’t bleed out before you reached the bottom. 
Finally, someone seemed to realise you were in trouble, and a boy about your age began jogging up the hill towards you. His face was mostly calm, and he opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, halting when he saw the blood on your clothes and the used spear in your hand. 
You instinctively let go of Aspen, and rushed forward to seek help.
“Please, help me.” You pleaded desperately, losing your balance and stumbling forwards towards him. 
“Alright, alright.” He said, catching you by the arm and holding you steady, before shouting down at the campers below, “These two need to get to the infirmary! Someone wake the Apollo cabin, yeah?!”
He then turned back to you, holding you steady by the arms and trying to assess the damage. 
“It’s alright, yeah? You’re safe now, we just gotta get these cuts checked out, hm?”
You tried to nod, but found you couldn’t move your head, or your body. You tried to speak, tried to tell him that Aspen needed help too, but your mouth couldn’t move either. 
And then your vision went black. 
When you woke up, you thought you were in heaven. It smelt nice, homely. Not that you really knew that home was supposed to smell like. 
It was warm too, and you felt yourself sighing contentedly. If this really was heaven, then you didn’t mind being there all that much. 
After a while, you decided it was time to open your eyes, maybe go and explore the afterlife. 
But when you tried to sit up, you felt a sharp jolt of pain that snapped you back to reality. You let out a small hiss in discomfort, lowering yourself back into the bed. 
Slowly, the memories began to come back to you, leaving school, Aspen forcing you onto a road trip, nearly getting killed by a monster, and finally passing out on the hill of a ‘camp’. 
Heaven sounded preferable. 
You took in the room. It seemed like any old house, a dresser in the corner along with a wardrobe and old floral wallpaper that even covered the ceiling. Until you noticed another bed beside yours, with Aspen asleep on it, and one beside his. 
You remembered the words of that boy who’d run to you, and you figured this must be the infirmary. 
“Hey, Aspen.” You whispered, turning your head to the side and trying to ignore the sting of your injuries.
“Aspen!” You called again, raising your voice, but still he didn’t hear you. He must still be asleep. Lucky bastard. 
You huffed, sinking fully back into the pillows and waiting for someone to arrive. Thankfully, it didn’t take long, and soon enough a young boy was coming in, holding several canisters of liquid. 
“Oh, you’re awake,” He grinned, “How’s the pain?”
“Bad.” You replied, groaning at the thought. 
He chuckled, “Not surprising. You got some nasty scratches from that monster. Here, drink some of this, it’ll fix you up.” 
He offered one of the canisters to you, and you took it, regarding it with a certain amount of suspicion. 
“What’s this?”
“Nectar. It’ll help, trust me.” 
You relented, deciding that it was worth the risk if it would get rid of some of the throbbing in your back. 
And he was right, almost immediately, you felt soothed, and as you drank more, you began to feel energised, like you could conquer the world. 
“What did you say this was? Nectar?” 
“Yep. Food of the gods.” 
“Where’d you get this stuff?” 
“Oh, we get shipments from Olympus every month. You won’t find that at your local grocery store.”
“Woah, woah, woah.” You held up your hands to stop him for a minute, “What do you mean Olympus?” 
The boy's eyes widened, and some kind of realisation struck him. 
“I don’t think I should be the one to break this to you.” 
Just a few hours later, everything had been explained to you, and you were kicked out of the so-called ‘Big House’. Nice of them to do that, considering a centaur had just dropped the bombshell that you were the child of an ancient Greek god. 
To be fair though, you probably should have clocked that something was up when you were being chased by a mythical beast, but then again, you did have your hands full. 
Now, you were sitting on the front steps of the porch, waiting for some kid to show you round the camp. 
“Hey, mystery girl! Good to see you’re feeling better.” A voice called out, and you looked up to see the very same boy who had come to your aide on the hill. 
“Oh, hi. Yeah, I’m all good.”
“Cool. Nice to meet you, by the way. I’m Luke.”
“Right, so, I’ll start the tour.” He declared, flashing you another bright grin which you feebly returned. 
He started the tour off at the dining pavilion, then showed you the amphitheatre, then the strawberry fields, the archery range and the lake. 
Finally, he introduced you to each of the cabins, skipping over the empty cabins 1, 2 and 3. 
“And this,” He gestured to the eleventh cabin, “Will be where you’re staying.”
“Woah.” You said, stepping back, “What do you mean staying? I can’t stay here.” 
He looked at you blankly, “You don’t really have much of a choice, mystery girl.”
“Yeah, I do. I can leave whenever I want, you can’t do anything about it.” 
“You wanna get killed by a monster? Because if I remember right, you came awfully close a few days ago. That’s why you can’t leave.” 
“Well I guess I’ll just have to take that chance. Appreciate the tour and everything, but I’m going.” You then turned on your heel and began to walk away. 
There was no chance in hell you were staying in this camp, and if it had to be over your dead body, then so be it. 
However, your desertion was halted by Luke grabbing you by the hand and pulling you back. 
“I’m not kidding, Y/N. You’ll die as soon as you step past that barrier. Just,” He sighed, seemingly exasperated, “Stay for one night. It’s not that bad here once you get used to it.” 
You glared up at him, weighing your options. He seemed pretty serious about this. 
“And you can’t leave Aspen when he’s still in critical condition?”
That broke your resolve.
“Fine. I’ll stay until Aspen wakes up. Show me my bunk.” 
He grinned, and turned back to Cabin 11, showing you inside. 
Turns out, Aspen waking up wouldn’t be such a close deadline as you thought. As it turned out, he’d been hit by some kind of poisonous claw from the monster, and had been put into some kind of coma. 
So now, as prior to your agreement with Luke, you were stuck here until he woke up. Which could be next week, or next year for all you knew. 
And yeah, you felt bad for the guy ‘cause he was in a coma, but it was seriously messing up your plans of leaving camp. 
Because you hated camp. 
The Hermes cabin stunk, and it was constantly noisy. Probably because there were so many people in there all the damn time. 
You also sucked at most of the stuff around camp. 
You weren’t exactly nurturing, so it was a no to the infirmary and the strawberry fields. You were an awful shot, and when you had a go in the forges you dropped a mallet on your foot. You were still recovering from that one. 
It seemed the only thing you were even slightly good at was fighting, mainly with the staff Aspen had lent you during the fight with the monster outside camp. Still, you weren’t great, unlike Luke who had insisted on taking you under his wing. 
He sat with you at every dinner and breakfast, and always seemed to be there when you turned a corner, or found a moment of peace. 
Yes, it was very kind of him to try and settle you in, but it was pretty futile, considering all you had wanted to do ever since you woke up was leave, consequences be damned. 
The one saving grace to your boredom was capture the flag. Luke had told you about it on your first day, and it was a game you remembered playing as a kid, and really enjoying. Apparently they ran a game every month, and this coming Sunday would be your first time playing.
The day of the game arrived, and for the first time in your two weeks at camp, you were in a decently good mood, and of course, Luke took notice of this. 
“What’s got you so happy, mystery girl?”
“Nothing. Besides, why do you keep calling me that, you know my name now, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but you're just so private and mysterious. I’m surprised you even told me your name.”
“I wish I didn’t, Castellan, maybe you wouldn’t be here to bug me all the time.” 
“Ouch, don’t be like that. You know I’m great company really.” 
You didn’t reply to that, instead rolling your eyes at him and returning to the task of tightening your armour, struggling a bit with the straps. 
Luke quickly came to your aid, much to your chagrin, helping you adjust the breastplate so it fit properly. 
“Thanks.” You sighed reluctantly, quickly stepping away from him to grab your spear. 
“No problem.” 
Soon, the game was well underway, and you quickly realised that you had been given possibly the most boring job, that being guarding the perimeter. Not that you could really blame your team leaders, you were the newest member and logically the most inexperienced. But still, you’d been hoping for something a little more exciting. 
Every now and then you heard the odd shout further on in the woods and raised your spear, but you never actually caught sight of anyone from the opposing team. Or your team for that matter. 
You really had been given the short straw. 
After another hour of standing there, you were about ready to quit all of this completely, throw off your armour and escape camp, agreement with Luke be damned, that was until you heard hurried footsteps, and someone panting heavily coming from behind you. 
You quickly whipped around, to see a girl from the Ares cabin, holding your flag, standing about 50 feet away. 
Then you heard another step of footsteps, and there was Luke, around the same distance away, holding the opposing team's flag. 
You really didn’t want to be caught in the middle of something this exciting. 
They both began to run towards the threshold at top speed, and you stayed standing between them, unsure of what to do. Should you step back and let Luke do his thing, or should you step in to stop the girl. She looked pretty terrifying. 
You whipped your head side to side, continuing to debate, and in the midst of your dilemma, you realised the girl was much closer to you than Luke was. Fuck. 
You had to stop her somehow, but you obviously could just slash blindly at her, you didn’t want to behead her. 
And then, suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck a nearby tree, falling directly in her path, and she leapt back to avoid it, stumbling and also falling to the floor. 
Luke kept running, swerving around the fallen tree and onto your team's territory, cheering as the red flag shimmered and turned blue, and the conch sounded. 
You quickly ran over to the girl, clambering over the tree in an effort to help her up. 
She looked up at you in shock and confusion, but her eyes seemed to be focused on the space just about your head. 
“What’s wrong?” 
She pointed above you, “He claimed you.” She stuttered out. 
You looked to where she was pointing, and saw a lightning bolt shining above your head. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” 
Of course you had to be Zeus’ kid. Just your luck, a forbidden child, with some stupid prophetic destiny. 
If you ever met your father, you’d be sure to give him an earful about his part in your conception. 
Almost immediately after capture the flag, you were announced to the camp by Chiron, and then promptly herded into the empty cabin 1. 
And you never thought you’d say it, but you missed cabin 11. Sure, it was a mess, and the kids in there didn’t know how to shut up, but at least it had some semblance of life, unlike your new home. It was barren, and empty, and you hated it. 
It was even worse now that you had your own permanent bed. Before you’d had at least a pipedream of leaving camp and going off on your own again, but now that was entirely gone. Chiron would never let you out of his sight ever again, not now that you were a child of the ‘Big Three’. You were so screwed. 
You tossed and turned for hours in bed, unable to sleep in the unfamiliar environment, and, strangely, uncomfortable with the crushing loneliness you felt. 
You’d never felt lonely before. Your whole life, you’d been pretty much alone, but that was by choice. This time it was by force, and you felt isolated from everyone else at camp. Suddenly you regretted your refusal to make friends. 
So, your feet naturally carried you to the only person you could kind of call a friend, and you weren’t surprised when you landed outside Luke Castellan’s window. 
You gave it a light tap, and he opened his eyes, giving you a sad smile as he saw your face through the window. It looked like he hadn’t slept at all either. 
“Can I come in?” You mouthed through the window, and he quickly nodded, reaching up to open it and let you in. 
“Thanks,” You whispered, stepping down onto the hardwood floor. 
“No problem. Having trouble sleeping?” He asked, patting the spot beside him. You gladly sat down.
“Uh, yeah. It’s really empty there.” 
“Hm, sure is. You sure you didn’t just miss me too much?”
“Maybe I did Castellan.” You declared, shrugging your shoulders as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world to say.
 “I’m sorry though, Luke. I’ve been kind of an asshole ever since I got here.” You said, looking down at your muddy shoes. 
“Hey, I get it. It’s an adjustment, that’s for sure. I’ve dealt with worse from newcomers.” 
“Thanks. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me, even if it doesn’t seem like it.” 
You both fell silent for a moment, listening to the snores of the kids around you before he piped up again. 
“Hey, I don’t mind you staying here tonight if you want?” He said, his voice slightly awkward. You paid it no mind.
“I’d like that.” 
He moved to the other side of the bed as you removed your shoes, rolling onto the bed beside him. 
You were both silent again for a while, until Luke’s voice yet again came from beside you. 
“I’m gonna have to come up with a new name for you now, huh?”
“What, I’m not mysterious anymore?” You asked, feigning offence. 
“Not now that we’re best buddies. I’m thinking… Sparky!” 
“That is god awful.” 
You snickered under your breath at his idiotic sense of humour, and allowed yourself to sink into the bed beside him. 
And for the first time, you didn’t want to leave.
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Hello ! I just discovered your blog, and it's sooo good ! I am also French, so I'm happy ! I just want to ask : what king of voice the skellies have ? I'm really curious about it !
Thank you! Glad to see other Frenchies around! We're at least 4 in this community now lmao.
Undertale Sans - He has a nice deep voice, but he doesn't talk very loud, except when he laughs, where he's actually incredibly loud and makes you realize that Papyrus and him are really brothers. He never raises his voice, even when he's angry. It's all in the tone. He can be super warm and friendly just as extremely cold and distant if he wants to.
Undertale Papyrus - Loud. So so loud. Papyrus is extremely expressive and screams when he's happy or excited. Other than that, he has two voices. The one to impress people, being silly and showing off (even though not a lot of people are actually impressed), and the casual voice for his friends and family, where he's actually a lot more calm and natural. Papyrus rarely gets angry (he plays around when he's falsely angry, but never when he truly is), but when he is, people usually never want to make him angry again. Papyrus can be awfully terrifying when he's mad, and well, it reminds some people that even he can have bad days sometimes, and is not forced to be everyone's funny guy. It's still really rare.
Underswap Sans - He has a pretty deep voice, like Sans, but he can modulate it to sound less deep. He actually doesn't like talking too deep, because it's aging him. He prefers an energetic and very expressive voice. He still uses the deep voice when he fails to get the attention he asks, or when he's mad. He's definitely using the deep voice to flirt too. He loves flirting.
Underswap Papyrus - A bit like his Undyne, he tends to stutter on words. He often struggles to make himself clear, and he often sounds like he's not taking anything seriously when really, it's just his anxiety speaking. He's usually silent and even has days where he's non-verbal at all because he's too stressed. He never raises his voice either, which often causes people to ignore him in conversations, because he's scared to say what he wants to say, or scared he's going to mess up. He has a comforting voice though, and when he feels safe, he is definitely talking a little more to show he cares, especially when he's exciting about something.
Underfell Sans - He has a deep deep voice and a hell of an accent. He lost a lot of teeth Underground, so he struggles to make some sounds. And since he's lazy, he tends to abbreviate complicated words so he doesn't have to say them. It's usually hard to understand him at first, but everyone gets used to it at some point because he's a charmer and knows how to play his cards right. He's swearing and cursing a lot, even when he's happy, and even around children. He can't help it, it's entirely in his language. He can sound very scary when he's mad though. It's mainly a bluff to send people away because honestly, he can fight small monsters and drunk humans, but definitely not the big ones, but he likes to scare the people he likes too sometimes because he loves being a pain in the ass.
Underfell Papyrus - His voice is very annoying. He's a lot louder than classic Papyrus, and he has no chill. He gets angry or frustrated very fast, and when he's angry or frustrated, he immediately raises his voice to keep control of the situation. Like Red, it's total bluff, because he learned really small that the scariest you look, the more power you have over people. He tries to control it, but old habits are hard. However, it's easy to understand him, because he talks actually really well, sometimes with an elitist vocabulary. His old instructor in the Royal Guard said that being strong is nothing if you can't make a suspect talk, and he kinda beat him and the other soldiers up until they learned to talk like distinguished people the King could present in important meetings. So yeah, he's more educated than people can think, which doesn't stop him to curse and swear in a very familiar language when he's talking with Undyne or his brother. You definitely don't want to see him furious though. Edge was not nicknamed the Snowdin's Tyran for nothing. He's truly terrifying when he's really really mad.
Horrortale Sans - Talking is hard, so most of the time, Oak prefers animal-like sounds as answers. People understand him like that, so why bother? After Undyne almost killed him, Oak stayed in a coma for half a year. When he woke up, he lost the most basic skills. He didn't know how to eat, how to walk... And how to talk. Willow had to find a way to make his memory work so his old knowledges come back, but for almost two years, Oak couldn't talk. And obviously, it left some sequels. It's mostly why he's more animalistic than his old safe. Walking on all four was easier, just like growling like an angry bear to show displeasure. Even years after, Oak is mostly silent. When he talks, it's always very slow as he tries to not mess up his words. The fact that he tends to forget what he was saying in the middle of his sentence is definitely not helping though. So usually, he prefers to write when he has something big to say, as it's easier to focus on his notebook. At least, you know when he's happy because of his very deep loud tractor noise purr.
Horrortale Papyrus - His voice is similar to his old self, but he had a hard time Underground, mainly because of how painful his damaged teeth were. He had the brilliant idea to try to eat rocks when he was too hungry, but it damaged his teeth. Undyne breaking his jaw during their last encounter for sure didn't help to fix the problem, as for a long time, talking was very painful. With a lot of patience and a lot of work, dentists managed to ease the pain, and so he feels himself again (even though not really, as Willow dissociates completely from his old self. He struggles not to imagine that old Papyrus was actually him at some point :( )
Swapfell Sans - He talks like an English aristocrat. Mainly because he is an aristocrat. Even if he was dumped in the streets at a very young age, he became the Queen's favorite fast and she kinda mothered him until he got educated enough to talk like a future monarch. Well, for sure, maybe that should have trigger him sooner that she wanted him to be her heir, but he had other problems at the time. Nox is really good at arguing with people, and he definitely has a deep nice voice that helps to get to the point. He has a very rich vocabulary and sometimes talks like an old man, which never fails to amuse Rus, who is teasing him to death. It's hard to change his mind when he decides something though. He rarely gets angry or frustrated, as Toriel taught him to stay calm whatever how bad the situation is. I like to imagine him a bit like Levaï in Attack on Titans, but a little less vulgar, even though he can insult people (always with class though, you'll never hear him say shit or fuck).
Swapfell Papyrus - Unfortunately, he didn't have his brother's education, and even if Nox tried desperately to teach him, Rus decided he wanted to do things his way. Rus' voice is... something lol. You're not sure what his voice really is actually, because he can mimic every tone, every voice, every animal sound, that's his little superpower. He's super good at mimicking people, and so he tends to use a lot of voices all at once, depending on the situation. He's insolent, he's cursing and insulting a lot, and he will definitely push topics until you show him clearly you have enough. He never sounds mad, even when he is, hiding everything behind his humor, which usually turns cold or dark when he's angry. Rus is actually not too sure who he is really. He spent too much time playing roles, and he's not sure which voice is the real him anymore. He still has a long way to recover from all the abuse Underground, but he's not sure if he wants to heal yet, it scares him. So for now, humor and provocation is his best defense against everything.
Fellswap Gold Sans - His voice is always gentle and nice, but with a you're not sure what that doesn't sound right. Wine is an excellent negotiator and by extension a very good manipulator. Words are strategy and he uses them with care to get what he wants, even if it means sounding insensitive and careless. Wine takes the longest time to warm up, that's why he doesn't have very good luck in his love life. He's rude, brutally honest and doesn't hesitate to say when something is bothering him. A bit like Nox, he's definitely an aristocrat and talks like such. He's very proud of his education and learned really early that words have as much power as weapons. He's extremely dangerous because you can never tell when he's angry or not. And usually, when he is, you notice it when it's too late.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He has only two moods: very enthusiastic, sounding almost childish, and getting overexcited over the little things, and complete panic when someone is meeting his eyes and wants to talk to him. Coffee struggled to make himself understand since he was a kid, mainly because Wine never left his side and kinda translated everything to the other people. But that comes with consequences: he lacks the basic social skills to hold a conversation as an adult. He is always scared to say something wrong and gets usually completely paralyzed when he can't control the situation. When it happens, he switches to being nonverbal. He knows sign language, and he's actually more comfortable talking like this with his favorite people. He panics less when he doesn't have to use his voice.
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alohajun · 10 months
HIIIII i'm coming back again to request bcos i really REALLY missed reading treasure fics hehe (your blog is one of my faves btw! ♡)
anyways, i just had this idea for a scenario when i saw 0104's pics on han river recently!! can i request a haruto scenario wherein you are hanging out with the 0104 guys (OR MAYBE EVEN T5) and bf!haruto just kinda got a little jealous when you give him no attention because jeongwoo/junghwan just entertains you so much and you give them all the attention becayse they're like dongsaengs to you??? TT
their bond really makes me cry they truly are the cutest <3 ANYWAY no pressure on this!! stay safe!!!!!!
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bf!haruto x fem!reader | wc : 0.7k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationship, fluff, mild angst, playful teasing, jealousy | loki's lines : this one was long overdue, i'm sorry 😭
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“jealous? me? pfft. never. what would i be jealous about?”
watanabe haruto shook his head as you raised your brows, challenging him to confess his true feelings.
while you were at the han river, you tried teaching jeongwoo how to ride a bike, since the younger had confided in you, letting you know he didn’t know how.
but your biking lessons seemed to be disturbed by your boyfriend, haruto.
the raven-haired male was stuck to your side like glue, making it impossible to teach his best friend.
“ruto, seriously. get it together.” you smiled, amused by his behavior. “i was just teaching him how to ride a bike. why are you being jealous?”
“shut up, i’m not jealous!”
“oh, you’re so jealous.”
haruto frowned. “am not!” he shook his head. “i’m not jealous; i’m being absolutely reasonable,” he explained, making you burst into a fit of giggles.
“no, you are not!” you laughed, shaking your head. “this isn't reasonable at all.”
“stop laughing!” haruto whined, brows furrowed in annoyance. “so what if i'm jealous? what then, huh?!”
you smiled. “really, ruto? are you jealous? of jeongwoo? seriously?” you asked, your voice was quiet as you spoke.
“maybe i am a little jealous, okay? honestly, though, who wouldn’t be?”
“jealousy doesn’t suit you, my love. don't fret your pretty head over all this.”
haruto sighed, covering his face in embarrassment as he thought over the situation he got himself into.
he never meant to get jealous like this. he knew you were just helping jeongwoo, but he couldn't help the way he felt.
haruto trusted you both, but when you took this much care of jeongwoo, haruto couldn't help but feel jealous of the attention his best friend received from you.
“gosh, i never would have thought i’d ever be jealous about things like this,” he grumbled under his breath, shaking his head. “you must think i’m stupid, huh?”
you nodded, giggling at the way your boyfriend’s face fell. “you are stupid. stupid, because i can’t believe you don’t know how much i love you.” you smiled widely.
“really? you mean that?” he asked, confused.
“hey, look at me.” you held his face in your hands. “i’m yours, and no one can change that, okay? i love you, not anyone else. you.”
“i love you, y/n.” haruto smiled, leaning closer as he placed his lips against yours. “thank you for making me feel better.”
before you could respond, jeongwoo’s voice grabbed the attention of you two, and you turned towards him as you watched him ride his bicycle around in circles.
“look, y/n! ruto!” he yelled, excited. “i’m riding a bike!”
the two of you exchanged proud looks, excitedly cheering in unison as you watched the younger male do his first solo bike ride.
jaehyuk and asahi watched you all from the sides, glad you two talked it out and everything was back to normal.
they were worried when you dragged haruto to the side, having noted the male’s odd behavior, but seeing you two in big smiles assured them everything was fine.
“i never knew haruto was the jealous type,” jaehyuk admitted, amused. “that too, jealous of jeongwoo.”
asahi shrugged. “eh, there are days where you crave more affection than the rest. today was one of those days for haruto,” he explained.
“i’m glad they sorted it out, though.”
“yeah, me too.”
jeongwoo biked towards the couple, beaming as he looked at you. “y/n, you wanna race? i think i can beat you,” he challenged, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
“oh, like heck you can! i literally taught you how to ride a bike.” you scoffed, grabbing your bike and sitting on it. “you think you can outdo the master?!”
“i don’t think i can beat you. i know i can!”
“you are so on, park jeongwoo!”
haruto stared between the two of you, shaking his head with a smile. “now, what happened to the conversation we were just having?” he asked, pretending to be upset.
you bit back a smile. “woo is like my brother, ruto. you are my boyfriend.” you shrugged. “bros before hoes, dude!” you announced, pedaling away with jeongwoo as fast as you could.
watanabe haruto stood in his spot, shell-shocked, as he watched his girlfriend and best friend laugh at his expressions. he placed his hands on his hips, shaking his head as he looked at them.
“this is outrageous, y/n! i demand more attention! you said you love me!”
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taglist : @kflixnet @gyutendo @twntycm @heejojo @jaesvelvet @fightmegirl @koishua @lovethyfandoms2 @kpoprhia @woooooooosh8 @milkybonya @enhacolor @yunho-leeknow @candililac @willdieforbeidou @luvbrie @mui890mew @one16core @soobin-chois @odetoyeonjun @wonluvrbot @acciomylove @idkwatodoanymore @kyufilms @ily-cuz-i @acaiasahi @bobariki @teuranghae @changmin-wrlds (to be added, please send an ask or dm!)
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plus-i-miss-you · 10 months
Hello, Lina!! I wish you luck and hope you can have lots of fun with your new blog!! How about a request to help you kick off? 👀 Headcanons for t2!Mikoto and Orekoto with a guard gn!reader that tries to keep Mikoto from getting too stressed when interrogating him? Basically, they don't want to push him too hard. After the end of trial 1, I was thinking about how I would have preferred Mikoto and Orekoto over Kotoko as allies if I was a guard, haha.
▷ listening to:
"i won't hurt you, i promise" (gn!reader)
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⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ılıılıılıılıılıılıㅤㅤ
♪ note: thank you sm aurora! i hope you like this one! (again. probably came out too cute ahshajaj)
♪ summary: okay, maybe voting a guy with undiagnosed did (and an alter who is extremely protective of him) guilty wasn't a good idea. wishing to make amends and get to know these two better, you try to help these two feel at least a bit safer in this hellhole known as milgram prison.
♪ warnings: mostly none, except there's a description of john trying to make the reader believe that he's the "evil" alter in an attempt to protect mikoto. the reader doesn't believe him though and it's mostly lighthearted. also the reader is kinda supposed to be a "replacement" of es, since they're the reason why mikoto's been voted guilty and there's a mention of.. well, what happened in mikoto's first vd.
mikoto kayano.
♪ "y/n, d-don't get me wrong, i don't mind the attention, but seriously, i'm fine! my head hurts a little bit, but other than that-"
oh, but you know well that this man is not fine at all. you're glad to see that mikoto is doing better after.. well, everything that happened with kotoko and all, but you refuse to leave him alone even for a minute. yes, you're worried about him. why wouldn't you be? voting him guilty was your decision and you're not sure it was the correct one (well, you certainly were shocked after watching his video, haha..) and you're ready to take responsibility for it. you just hope kotoko really won't try to attack him (or anyone, really) again..
♪ you make sure to do everything in your power to help mikoto when he's feeling stressed or anxious and you know that this guy really doesn't like to show how he really feels. but you recognize the signs pretty easily, so no matter how hard he tries, you're already there, asking if he's okay. yes, he's still a prisoner, but that doesn't mean you're just gonna interrogate him until he loses consciousness because of how tired he is. so you try your best to check up on him as often as you possibly can. and no, you have no idea why the other prisoners are saying you have your favorites. 
♪ when you're interrogating him, you tell him that it's okay if he doesn't remember something and he doesn't have to force himself to remember it, especially if it's something that can be traumatic for him. of course, you still try to learn at least some new information, that's your job after all, but you try not to push him too hard. you don't mind if john appears again, but you also want to make sure mikoto himself feels safe. whenever he gets distracted, you gently get him back on track and remind him why he's here and if you notice that he's starting to get visibly anxious, you ask if he needs anything and change the topic and try to go back to the question you had once he calms down.
♪ yes, you feel bad about voting him guilty. maybe it really wasn't the right choice. and when mikoto gives you that lost and confused look, asking why you voted him guilty and feeling like he did something wrong.. yeah, you don't feel so good about it. he looks like a sad puppy when he does it and you refuse to look him in the eyes when it happens. so, uh.. you just try to make it up to him by still letting him do things that make him at least a little bit happy. he can sit in his cell and draw stuff if he wants. you can even take a look if he's okay with that. you can also try to help him start hanging out with the other prisoners again-
"h-hey, y/n.. do you know why everyone's kind of.. i don't wanna sound like i'm blaming them or anything, but is it just me or they're avoiding me for some reason?"
.. ah, about that.
john kayano.
♪ o-okay, now you have to try to get along with this guy. and to your surprise, it wasn't.. that hard? he still doesn't fully trust you, that's for sure. but even though your first meeting didn't go that well (him beating you up and almost killing you in the process, romantic, isn't it?), when you've finally managed to make john trust you and believe that you're not dangerous and you're not planning to hurt mikoto (it took.. a lot of time), he started to act a little bit calmer around you. he's still mad at you, for obvious reasons. he has no idea what you saw in that video, but you still voted mikoto guilty. and he won't forgive you so easily.
♪ whenever you try to learn more about mikoto (or john's?..) crime, john tries really hard to make it seem like he's the one at fault. he's the one to blame, not mikoto. just forgive mikoto already, is that so hard? you really think that guy is capable of murdering someone? and you really don't want to suspect these two, but again, that's your job. and you know well that all prisoners are murderers at least in some way. so when john says that he murdered someone to help mikoto relieve his stress.. it just.. doesn't make any sense. you don't say it out loud though and just say that you're not going to try and figure out which one is innocent and which one is guilty. you're going to judge both of them and you will try your best to be fair, but you're not going to point a finger at one of them and go "you're the bad guy here". not at least before you really do get a confirmation that one of them is the murderer.
♪ john tries to play it cool, doing the whole "tch.. do what you want" thing, but on the inside?? he's LOSING IT. hey. hey. he's the murderer. he's the bad one. he's the evil one. just leave mikoto alone already. however, that's not the only reason why he's kinda going insane. he's just.. not used to being treated like this. what do you mean you see him and mikoto as two different people and treat them as such. why are you so nice to both of them. he's not surprised that mikoto feels safe around you, this guy is way too naive (yes, he means it in an affectionate way), but why does he also feel kind of.. whatever. just remember to forgive mikoto and everything will be fine.
♪ when you hear the infamous "weird noises coming from mikoto's cell", you know well that it's john's doing, so you go pay him a visit. you try to talk to him about whatever that's bothering him, and when he asks just why are you "acting like this" (he's talking about being nice.), you simply say that it's also a part of your job. yes, you're supposed to judge the prisoners, but you don't want anything to happen to them before all three trials are over. he looks at you for a moment, processing your words and says that it sounds like a lie, though you can't hear any anger in his voice, he actually sounds a little confused. you sigh and try to fix his hair that's been messy since the second trial started.
"well, you're not exactly being honest with me either."
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sparklingdemon · 1 month
holy shit the like m. newest post. yes, we should listen to cody. thier feelings matter. but my god so many mixed things. it reminds me of the people i used to hang out with. (i was scared of them+my wellbeing but they were familiar and they were my friends, some of the ‘worst’ people were the ones who got me up in the morning) apologies for the dump, cody’s situation is. huh.
its familiar but is it good, can it really work, cody wants a place of understanding so they can reject the world of pokemon in a “meaningful” way but its all they really know so they’re just. idk thats kinda my take on it. not sure about the “right” action in terms of cody but i cannot help but feel this “wholesome” moment is more a byproduct of something else (i mean, duh) but cody’s gotten way more emotional recently (i assume because charizard is gone) but i cant help but look into it, probably too deep, do they really feel so strong in liking the players to the point of tears or is the idea of being left alone, giving into blastoise’s demands in a way truly that frightening
i apologize for the ramble, if this got too personal+incoherent i will make sure future asks aren’t this way (or at least, less personal)
no no you're so good haha, i'm glad that post was able to give you such a strong reaction because that's exactly what i was going for!
on the surface it seems like a wholesome interaction, but it is a symptom of a VERY unhealthy situation. cody is living under the rules of some very abusive people, and this is how they are choosing to approach those people, now.
blastoise said it best once, "It's for the best… When you can't fight and you can't flee, all you can do is fawn and hope it keeps the waters calm." and that's exactly what cody is doing now.
cody genuinely thought their life would be over after charizard. they thought that once there were no more tasks for the player to accomplish, they would get bored of cody and kill them/put them away forever. the fact that their players HAVEN'T done that yet, despite charizard's death being a symbol of having no more "tasks" to complete in the game, has given cody hope that they can now achieve a "normal" life with their players. and cody would do anything to maintain that "normalcy."
this life has been cody's normal for the past two years. and pokemon has been their "normal" for their whole life.
there isn't an easy solution to cody's problems. by the very nature of their existence, they are being held against their will, both by the world of pokemon, and by the players who would rather spend their time passing cody around and documenting them like a little research project instead of actually getting them into a safe living situation like cody's asked them to do multiple times. (while from a meta standpoint, the players can't change the status quo of the blog, this is a character flaw of the players in-universe. the players are flaky/negligent at best and outright malicious at worst.)
so if cody can't do anything to change their living situation, the only thing they can do is change how to they cope with it.
(i plan on having cody comment about this themself in a future post...)
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blues824 · 2 years
I'm like kinda new to your blog but I've read a few of your obey me scenarios and I really love them! Especially the scarlet witch! reader! ^^
I heard that requests were open so I was wondering if you could do an hc with the brothers + Diavolo and Barbatos with a Black Widow! Reader? She's one of my fav avengers so I thought of requesting this! <3
Hope you have a good day! :D
Went off the information in Wiki Fandom because there are a multitude of movies. Gender-neutral reader.
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You both acted a lot alike: level-headed, almost emotionless, strong-willed, independent, exceedingly intelligent, and sarcastic every once in a while. He knew a lot about you considering he was one of the ones who examined your student profile, and that made you a bit unsettled because you knew next to nothing about him.
He knew of your heroic streak and your avenging nature, and he admired it. He used to be that way, especially for his family. As we all know, he was one of the angels who fought for his sister because he thought God judged her unfairly.
After spending a while in the Devildom, but more specifically within the House of Lamentation, the two of you grew closer. Lucifer genuinely liked having conversations with you, spending hours sipping on glasses of demonus just reveling in your company.
Eventually, those short drinking sessions ended up in you telling him about your time in the Red Room, being trained to be the best and most dangerous operative. He’s quite impressed with your skillset, but he is a big angry that you were put through that pain and suffering.
Speaking of being impressed by your abilities, he’s glad that you are able to defend yourself. Unfortunately, he is still worried about you, so he insists upon walking with you everywhere (also so none of his brothers steal you away from him).
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He was most definitely intimidated by you because you acted just like Lucifer did. However, he got to see your more sarcastic side, and now you target him a lot… especially when he’s been particularly stupid. He liked it when you targeted others, just not him.
Mammon got a glimpse of your heroic side whenever Lucifer went to string him up from the chandelier using the WiFi cable. You argued in his place, stating that like everyone else he couldn’t control his sin. Therefore, everyone should be punished if they indulged in their sin.
Honestly, you became his favorite person because you always defended him. You both spent a lot of time together because he grew attached. He tried to disguise it as ‘making sure you were safe’, but you were fairly certain that cuddling in his bed wasn’t exactly protecting you.
During one of these cuddling sessions, you told him how you went through the Red Room when you were younger just to be trained to be the best operative out there and how you were a danger to a lot of people. He was angry, but he just held you close, hands shaking in rage.
You decided to maintain your abilities by going to training, and Mammon sometimes took you because he didn’t want you getting abducted on the street. He saw you absolutely beat the shit out of your trainer, and he spat out his drink in surprise. How in the actual f- could you do that??
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You reminded him of one of the main characters in the comic book series that was popular within the Devildom, and you intimidated him like that character did. However, it’s not like how Mammon feels. Levi just thinks you’re so freaking cool that he can’t help but feel scared.
You even acted like her, and that solidified his admiration for you and the character. You were brave, heroic, level-headed, everything he aspired to be. Whenever he looked at you, he had both stars and hearts in his eyes, and you had to admit that it was absolutely adorable.
Mans basically worshiped the ground you walked on. He would set his jacket down just so you wouldn’t have to get your shoes filthy. He is a simp. However, this does make you a bit unsettled because you are used to being attacked constantly rather than worshiped.
Levi loved hanging out with you in his room because you always had interesting stories about your life. However, this time was different because you decided that you’ve gotten to a point in your relationship where you could tell him about the Red Room. As you told him, he gripped his controller so hard that it snapped in half.
His tail whipped out and wrapped itself around your waist, pulling you closer as he held onto you. Sure, your skills and abilities because of the severe training you went through were cool, but it all came at what cost? Even he, as the general of Hell’s Navy, wouldn’t put soldiers through that.
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You acted like him as well, especially with the sarcasm directed towards everyone else, and he doesn’t mind if it’s targeted at him as long as you’re the only one. He finds it amusing since no human besides you and Solomon has had the courage to have a witty battle against him.
He experienced your heroic side when a random demon compared him to Lucifer, and you defended him saying that the two are completely different from each other. He appreciated the sentiment, and the fact that his beloved was so willing to fight for his honor.
I think the two of you always have long conversations about anything that comes to mind. It allows the both of you to learn more about each other, which establishes a closer connection in addition to solidifying the relationship you both already have. 
It was during one of these conversations that you told him about the Red Room. He was shocked that you had to suffer that training, in addition to being beyond angry. You had to hold his hand in yours to bring him back to the present and prevent him from destroying the room.
Sure, your skillset was very impressive, but you had to go through genuine torture just to get those abilities. The Wrath within him is for once righteous and avenging, and he could feel it surging through his body. However, he would hold back for your sake.
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You were very interesting because you were also a bit flirtatious, but also very level-headed when need be. He loved your quick comebacks as they were hilarious to him. Especially if they were directed at either of his two oldest brothers.
He got to see your heroic side when Mammon stole something of Asmo’s to sell, and you used your spy skills to quietly enter the former’s room, steal back the item, and return it to Asmo. The older brother was angry, but backed off once you threatened him with telling Lucifer about what he had done.
The two of you enjoy talking to each other while doing skincare. Be it gossip, an article you read in the news, a post either of you saw on Devilgram, etc. he loved talking to you. You listened and you contributed actually good input and opinions.
One of these little sessions between the two of you led to you telling him about the Red Room, and he was angry that you had to go through that. He held you in his arms as you recounted the traumatic events that happened in your life.
Asmo considered gathering his brothers to go attack the Red Room, but decided against it as it would go against Diavolo’s wishes for a union between the three realms. After all, who would be there for you when you went through flashbacks if he was locked away due to going against His Highness?
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You reminded him of Lucifer, aside from your more flirtatious side. Many times, he spit out the food that he was eating out of pure shock whenever you said something sarcastic towards any of them because he thought that they were way more powerful than you.
As for your heroic side, he saw it when you defended him after he emptied the fridge. You told everyone that he couldn’t control his sin just as either of them couldn’t either, and therefore he shouldn’t be scolded due to the hypocrisy going on.
The two of you loved cuddling sessions once you got more comfortable around him, since they allowed just a bit more closeness between the two of you. You talked about pretty much anything there was to talk about, which led to one fateful day.
It was one of those days where you both were just laying in his bed, talking about what his life was like when he was a young angel playing with Belphie and Lilith, when he asked about your childhood. You let out a deep sigh before telling him about the Red Room and the training you went through in there.
Oh, he was madder than a bull is at a bullfighter. You felt his hold around your waist tighten, but he was careful enough not to hurt you. How could those evil people harm someone as great as you? He couldn’t begin to comprehend the anger that was bubbling up within him. Is this how Satan always felt?
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He didn’t like you at first, until you brought out your sarcasm. That was probably when he fell in love: Lucifer was scolding one of his brothers for indulging in their sin when you told him off for indulging in his constantly without punishment as a consequence.
Mans was just about on his knee with a ring, and he hadn’t even known you that long. Ever since then, he was in love (which was a bit out of character for him, but you weren’t afraid to say what you said to Lucifer, the eldest and most powerful of the Avatars).
You both also loved cuddling sessions, but he was able to see your past through your dream. You were having a flashback in your nightmare, and he could sense you moving around and being restless. So, he used his power to see your dream, and what he saw made him angry.
You shouldn’t have had to go through that unwillingly just to become the best agent. Didn’t they know that you were human? Plus, the graduation process seemed absolutely heartbreaking. He was angry, but he knew you would need a good night’s rest, so he used his powers to put you into a more peaceful sleep.
Oh, but he didn’t forget. No, this just reinforced his original thoughts about humanity and their flaws. However, you were an exception. He thought you belonged with the angels; you certainly sacrificed enough to get to the Celestial Realm.
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You were his opposite. He was friendly and compassionate (unless the situation called for a serious attitude), and you were always level-headed and cold (but also sarcastic). But, as we all are aware, opposites attract. You were his anchor, and he was your freedom.
He first witnessed your heroic side when you helped him with his paperwork. You read it over and it was a proposal that would benefit the Devildom financially, but it would make budget cuts on the education system. You pointed it out to Diavolo, and he was shocked that someone would worry about money rather than the children being affected. 
Diavolo loved spending time with you, not doing paperwork. He especially loved having tea time with you since it allows him to get to know you more. He already knew about your training from a place called the Red Room, so he thought about asking you about it. The shocked look on your face made him regret asking, but you insisted it was fine.
You told him about the exact training you went through and how it allowed you to be the agent that you are today. You even went as far as telling him about the… unique graduation process. He was devastated, he was angry, he couldn’t even figure out how he was feeling.
What he did know was that he was gonna get that place shut down if it’s the last thing he ever does in his very long life. It didn’t take too much either, considering he was very powerful even in the human world. A few threats and using his demon form to intimidate them was enough, since not even the recruits could come close to beating him.
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You both acted pretty much the same, except he was a tad more cordial rather than sarcastic and witty. Although, lighthearted banter wasn’t uncommon between the two of you. It was how you expressed your love for him at the beginning.
As you got more comfortable within the Devildom, you got more comfortable with Barbatos. You were his ‘hero’ because you often helped him with his many chores. It wasn’t much, but it did take a bit of the load off of his shoulders.
Now, this was how you both typically spent time with each other. You would do chores within the same room so that the two of you can still talk to each other. You learned that Barbatos had been the servant of Diavolo since the latter was a child, and that was adorable to you.
When he asked about your past, you stopped wiping the counter. The butler apologized for overstepping any boundaries, but you said it was fine. So, you explained what you had gone through in the Red Room. Barbatos had to stop himself from breaking one of the plates he was drying because he was angry.
He was angry that his beloved Y/N had to suffer through that just so you could be used as a top-tier spy. He later told Diavolo about it, and the next day the facility was shut down for unknown reasons. You figured out that your lovely demon had something to do with it, but you didn’t mind since it meant that no one else had to suffer the way that you did.
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theprettynosferatu · 1 month
State of the Blog, August 2024
Friends, kinksters, secret crushes:
Thank you for coming. Well, the blog is starting to get moving again after my 4 month absence, and I hope to keep up production! I already wrote a new story and I'm working on a second!
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Which means the Patr¿on people are getting the library fed a bit! I mean, it's already quite massive, but I'm so glad to be creating once more.
And for the people that stuck by me during my hiatus: THANK YOU. You truly don't know what it means to me. You saved my bacon more than once.
To be honest, I'm not promoting the patr¿on again yet here aside from tags on images. I don't feel comfortable doing so just yet. I'm still finding my balance again, juggling real life work and kink work. This is why I haven't opened commissions either, but I'm hoping to soon.
Also, let me offer an explanation and a little bit of a secret. My content was a bit... spicy there- so if you sign up, wait for me to dm you (it usually takes me less than 24 hours) on how to access the library.
As for the secret... I have never, ever revoked access after a patr¿n stopped subscribing. I'm not goddamn Netflix. As far as I'm concerned, any support for me is a donation. Those than can do it more or for longer are greatly appreciated and kinda make up for those that fall on hard times: but I hope you do it because you care about my work and kink, not because you fear losing access to the library, because you won't.
I'm building kink socialism over here!
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AI Sucks Ass and Not in A Fun Way and I'm a Hypocrite.
Let's address this elephant in the room. You have surely noticed I'm using AI for captions. I hate it. I hate that I haven't found a better way yet.
The reason is this: as I've explained before, long ago in the before-times, I just used pics of people that were available online. Mainly sex workers. I didn't think much of it, as I saw captioning as inherently transformative. Well, that bit of a legal leaf ignored something rather big: what the sex workers wanted. And it took sex workers on my own discord having a serious chat to make me change my stubborn mind. There is a consent issue: what if I use a pic of someone and transform it into a sort of maledom, misogyny kink pic? They never consented to being the face of that kink! Maybe they hate it!
I have worked together with swers to make captions they'd feel fine with and promote their work as well as mine. The problem there is the ravenous appetite of the algorithm, which demands more and more content. Sex workers are people, and chatting with me, deciding to trust me, working together is something I truly cherish. It's also a very slow process. Sex work is hard and takes up a lot of time!
And so we land on the current day. I try to make the blog more text-based these days but captions are a part of the content and have been since the beginning. Does it suck? Yes. absolutely. I mean, some of the pics turn out pretty cool, but it's just... icky to use it. It has been trained on scrubbed data from all over, without compensation. It is a bad thing.
But it might be the less-bad option. God, I hate "lesser of two evils" shit and the point may come when I don't feel comfortable doing captions at all, aside from a few ones starring followers who want to be captioned.
We'll see how I feel after a while.
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For now, I'm just happy to be back here, with all of you. I hope I can provide some kinky entertainment.
And again, thank you all for sticking around. You're the reason I'm still here, every one of you. Stay safe, stay proud.
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
Off-topic but kinda not. I'm really glad you post SFW stuff rather the NSFW ideas. I'm only 15 and some of my friends are into that sort of thing, which is fine, but I'm just not ready for that yet and it's nice to see blogs like yours (especially with a rare ship like Purly) post things that I like. (I once stumbled upon an old fanfic back on FF.Net and the creator didn't tag rape and I accidentally read it. It wasn't in full detail it was snippets suggesting it and it was gross to all hell considering they were written to be 16-15)
I also really hate it when fanfics make Curly an instigator of some sort, like they make him out to be abusive; yeah I guess we have S. E. Hinton for that with TWTTIN and how he's basically a schoolyard bully, but from the sounds of it how he was written in The Outsiders, Curly was set up to be a mix of Two-Bit and Dallas almost where he's daring but also a regular loud teenage greaser boy. I feel the fandom ruined his character (almost) then again it's just my opinion.
i always wanted this blog to b safe for everyone so i try not to post just random nsfw, the closest ill like ever get to nsfw is like mentioning a one night stand or somethin along those lines, even then its like a passing thing cause its part of a story km trynna tell, nsfw addicts this acc is NOT for u,,,look at the sign,,
BUT YEA I HATE THAT TOO, i made a post on that a while ago maybe u saw it already idfk, but it genuinely just feels out of character bc like, damn near none of the boys act like that,,,where did u get curly being abusive from,,,and why,,,
anyways hope u enjoy ur stay on my acc woooooo
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jacksonscouts · 3 months
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Gather round, Scouts!
Let's meet @roselees, our Scout Spotlight winner! Feel free to say hello or give reactions in the comments. Now without further ado...😊
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1. What was your first introduction to TLOU?
Is this when I confess I'm a relatively new fan? 🙈 I first played the game in about 2021 when I was looking on the PS Plus catalogue for something to play, and I've been hooked ever since!
Finding out there was a show was just an added bonus, even if streaming it here isn't super accessible. I wasn't necessarily the biggest fan of games in this genre so it was an accident I stumbled across it, but I'm very glad I did.
2. What would Joel's favorite girl scout cookie be?
3. What TLOU moment lives rent-free in your head?
None.. he's on Atkins ✋️.. my terrible show reference aside, in terms of an actual answer, I'm not from the States so my knowledge of girl-scout cookies is limited to pop culture but after a bit of googling:
I think he'd be kinda basic.. he's probably a thin-mints kind of guy. Whatever Sarah would buy, he'd probably sneak one when she went to bed, in typical dad fashion.
4. Any special talents?
Tess' goodbye in the game was an especially poignant moment because I went into it completely blind - I hadn't had any spoilers and had no idea what was coming. I'm a big fan of exploring different types of relationship and connections within media and so I really loved how they managed to essentially canonize how important Tess and Joel were to one another in that final scene without having either of them out and out /say/ it.
Something about the way in which their relationship is so clearly this unspoken bond built up over the years was really beautifully done and it really does occupy so much space it should be paying rent
And for the show - I'll keep it quick here because I've rambled enough - but definitely the scene where they first arrive in Jackson. I'm also a sucker for found family and I adore how it leans into that trope as well as showing the first instance of Ellie struggling with that new dynamic; it's the first real moment in canon where she goes from being a FEDRA orphanage kid to realising she could have a real home somewhere and all that entails.
I love how you can see that on her face when they get there and she's clearly awestruck by the most mundane things, yet is obviously also struggling with Tommy being effectively this newfound obstacle because she has no idea how his presence is going to shake up the - already turbulent - dynamic she's developing with Joel. Safe to say I have an awful lot of thoughts about those two scenes LMAO
I wouldn't say I'm a super talented person all things considered but I am quite proud of my writing! I've been in fandom spaces for a long time but it's only in recent years I've really been happy with the quality of the work I'm putting out there; it's just for fun, but - as most fic authors on here can vouch for - I put a lot of time and energy into making the plot and the characters tick ❤️ I'm also a historian, which isn't necessarily a talent but something I'm equally passionate about!
5. Would you like to promote anything?
I wouldn't mind promoting my ao3 to anyone whose interested in reading some more TLOU fics - I'm roselees over there too. I currently have an ongoing canon-divergence AU where Tess, Joel and Tommy raise baby Ellie (who they discover at the same time as the Fireflies is in fact still immune in this timeline) and I have several others in the works: a Sarah!lives AU, a part one rewrite following the original idea for the game wherein Tess is the antagonist, and some Jackson!Joel and Ellie shenanigans.
I'd also 100% recommend that if you're a part of the LGBT community or just otherwise an enthusiastic ally, if you want to check out the @tloupride blog run by me and @consultingzoologist, for the whole of pride month we've been reblogging posts that relate to the queer community and TLOU, as well as providing prompts for people to submit their own fanart and fics! We're hoping to keep the blog up as an archive of LGBT pride within the fandom so if you're interested, be sure to check it out ❤️
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woozis-boy · 2 months
Hii. I just came across your blog and I have a couple questions..
How old were you when you realized you were a regressor? Because I think I might be one, but I’m only fifteen so maybe I’m too young to regress. And how do you know when you slip? Because some times when I’m tired I get giggly and babble but idk what that really means.
And whenever I read age fics about kpop groups, the reader always regresses with a member or their cg but I don’t have one. Do you find it hard to regress when alone? And how do you know how old you are when in little space?
I know I have a lot of questions but I’m scared and confused and I’ve never talked to anyone about it so I was hoping I could talk to you.
But I love you find so much comfort in Woozi, I do too, he makes me feel safe and protected☺️
hey there!! I'm so glad I made you feel safe enough to ask all this, I hope I can help you out.
my journey as a regressor, I think I was doing it for a long time before I made the connection and before I even knew what it was. I only admitted it to myself that I regress coming up on two years ago now, but I was writing agere fanfiction back in 2018, and de-aging fanfic probably about 13 years ago. The first time I came across anything agere related was when I was 15-ish, so about your age. I'm 27 now. But I think I have some foggy memories of being much younger than that and showing signs of regressing. I've seen other age regressors that are younger than you and active in the community, too. Obviously there's a limit to how young you can be to regress to certain ages (You can't regress to being mentally 8 when you are physically 8 lol) and I don't know how young you go but I doubt that's a problem here haha.
For me, I can tell when I'm regressing by how I feel and think. I feel giddy and bubbly in a way I don't when I'm big, and always kinda pouty. And I have a bit of a lisp struggling with R's and L's, and my balance is worse, so I'm wobbly. I tend to want to curl up in someone's arms and get cuddles and just be held and doted on and loved... But I don't have a caregiver, either. So I settle for daydreams. Lots of them. A lot of them with Seventeen and Woozi and Joshua giving me the parental love I never got as a kid, and the safety I never had.
Honestly, a lot of figuring out my age is just vibes and a gut feeling. Sometimes it's easier, like if I want a sippy, or I want to run around outside and play. But most of the time I just play around in my head with how I feel calling myself certain ages and figure it out on what feels right.
It can be challenging to regress on my own, especially if I'm stressed from work (these last couple of weeks have been brutal tbh), so admittedly sometimes I have to calm myself down with big-me techniques like meditating or something in order to be able to indulge in my main coping mechanism hahaha. And sometimes I don't even regress at all, despite my best efforts. But focusing on just trying for a little bit even helps me relax some!
It's okay that you're scared about this. I was too and I think that's why it took me like 10 years to admit I was doing it! And even then, buying my first pacifier was terrifying. Letting myself try intentionally regressing was the scariest thing, and if I hadn't have been mid-panic attack and desperate for relief, who knows if I ever would have! But it's going to all be okay, and YOU are going to be okay. If it helps, it helps, and if it doesnt, it doesn't, and that's okay.
All this is from my perspective of doing it as a coping mechanism and reclaiming a childhood lost to bad things, but if you're doing it for fun or just because it feels good, that's okay too! That's why I regress most of the time tbh. It's so fun and relaxing to just kick back and color with my paci and some Blues Clues. Half of the reason I'm looking forward to moving out is because I'll be able to regress whenever I want and not have to hide it. So whatever your reason for regressing, totally valid. You don't even need a reason!
I hope this has helped in any way 🥺 Feel free to message me whenever you need or if you have more questions! I may be a tiger cub when I'm tiny but I can be a papa bear when I'm big, so I'll be happy to help you with whatever you need 😊
(Also yeah! Safe and protected is also exactly how I feel about Woozi 🥺 I call him eomma in my headspace for a reason lol. I'm sooo glad you get it!!!)
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ocshowandtell · 8 months
Hiii! Found your Tumblr yesterday and was so happy to see a Tumblr dedicated to OC sharing! We all know how hard it is to be an OC creator as people tend to overlook OCs a lot so having a space for them here was such an amazing idea!
I, myself, love to share my OCs around and see other's OCs so I would love to share these two cuties from my original story with you all!
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This beautiful art was a commission I ordered from the sweet Calmomila, one of my favorite TLK artists.
If you don't mind I'd like to take advantage of this piece to explain a bit about these two girls (more of an info dump, I'M SO SORRY FSKJFKDJS) because I am totally crazy over them. *screams* The one standing is Thabisa, the leader of the Jabulani pride, which is a pride that consists only of females, they are seen as atypical and other prides don’t appreciate their ways, however, they are also feared because they are extremely capable lionesses and are known to drive away males trying to invade their territory, especially the ones who still follow the old ways as they do not approve these (my story happens during a period of change, prides are slowly appropriating the new ways, basically the old ways are just like how lions work in real life, while the new ways work kinda like the The Lion King world, but with a few differences). The Jabulani pride is a very unique pride, with their own culture and rules.
The one lying down is Matimba, she is a trans lioness that had a very rough past and wasn’t well accepted by her previous pride. She was kicked out of the pride after she finally got the courage to face them about their acts of prejudice towards her, especially towards her incomplete mane, for which she was bullied. Unfortunately for her, their territory wasn’t far away from the sandy lands where the Jabulani pride lives and she ends up getting lost into a totally different biome than what she was used to, not being able to thrive alone due to the lack of experience and adaptation. She was found by Thabisa and some of her lionesses weeks later, she was severely dehydrated and malnourished, could barely get up. Together the females were able to move Matimba to a safe place within their territory and took care of her for the next months.
Once Matimba gained some of her strength back, she finally started to introduce herself, she wasn’t sure if she could trust them yet so she still presented herself as Mavuto, her now dead name, quickly she started to realize there was no need to hide her true self, Thabisa knew the signs and to Matimba’s surprise, she was totally fine with her being trans. She was loved and cared for since the day she was found and it didn’t take too long for her to finally feel at home, a home where she could finally be herself. The name Matimba was suggested by Thabisa when she decided she wanted to get rid of her birth name, not only because it was a male name, but also because it gave her some sad memories that she wanted to let go, she didn’t feel right with it anymore. The name means “strength” and that was how Thabisa started to see her after finding out about her past: a representation of courage and strength. I am an avid shipper of these two, I don’t care if I am the creator and if people find it cringe for a creator to ship their own OCs, I'mma shipping them until the day I die, I love them so much.
Thank you so much for creating this blog and I hope you are having a great week! :D
i'm telling you guys there is no cringe only joy here!!! im glad you're loving this, this is the whole point!
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Hi! I came across your blog and wanted to offload some feelings, I hope you don't mind.
I've been kinda aware of the situation in Palestine for a few years now (However I am sure that there is A LOT more I don't know) I'm from Western Europe, I'm sure you're aware of how little concern there was and is for Palestinian here. My stomach just dropped when I turned on the news this past weekend. The first thing I saw was the Israeli president proclaiming war. I felt horrified, I knew that whatever Hamas had done, the Palestinian people would be punished for it. It's terrible what happened to the Israeli people, of course, but the entire western world doesn't seem to acknowledge, accept or even care about the fact that those in Palestine are living in an 'Apartheid system'
I've seen videos of kids being 'roughed up' by Israeli military, old people forced from homes they've lived in for generations. They have been suffering for decades like this. Why is it okay for them to be treated like this? Because they're brown? Muslim? I'm sorry if that's a controversial thing to say, but I can't think of any other reason for it. It is both heartbreaking and infuriating.
I wish the western world just cared, if only a little bit. We have been bombarded with 'Israel the victim' narrative, there is some reporting about what they are doing to Gaza (cutting aid etc) and it's generating a little sympathy but not enough to change the overall narrative. Those who publicly support 'Free Palestine' are painted as antisemitic at best, a terrorist sympathizer at worst.
I'm sick of it!
Forgive me if I've got anything wrong here, but this is the opinion I've come to from what I've seen/read. Feel free to correct me.
Thanks for letting me vent.
sorry, i meant to reply to this when you sent it but ive been so busy 😭😭
im glad you feel that my blog is a safe space to vent :) and no worries, im fine w you feeling the need to spill all this. if anything im somewhat honored you chose my blog !
i will be expanding on some notes you said, but trigger warning for graphic depictions of violence. also notable that if people will get triggered at the very ideas of these things, at seeing them as words or on screens, then imagine those who face this in their every day lives, who have faced this every day for decades. you can choose not to read and not get triggered and move on. they dont have a choice.
the first thing id mention is that you mention how the condemnation is "why is it okay for them to be treated like this? because theyre brown? muslim?" and as a brown muslim, yes this is exactly why its okay for them to be treated like this. the west has made it clear for decades that muslims are terrorists or plane hijackers or bombers and they should be disciplined and indoctrinated, and arabs are either oil money bilionaires or robbers or sex objects who live in tents and dont use cars because they have camels. thats why white ukrainians are defending themselves but brown palestinians are terrorists
but also keep in mind that minorities such as arab christians are just as threatened, especially due to a lack of awareness about the fact that theres actually a large number of christians in arabia, and the christian communities in the middle east are some of the oldest in the world, with the ones in palestine able to date back to the birth of the church. in fact, arab christians are almost condemned more than arab muslims because people tend to blow them off because theyre arab christian and somewhat alien to other people.
not to mention that people have the nerve to say palestinians should die bc the majority are muslims and want to kill infidels and queers. what of the queer palestinians? im friends with palestinians irl and two of them are queer. are they excused from the massacre but their families should die? and its sad that this next sentence might be controversial, but even homophobes dont deserve to be slaughtered. yes, i said it.
next, this is smth that angers me, not what you said, but the fact that its so unknown. youve seen videos of "kids being 'roughed up' by israeli military, old people forced from homes theyve lived in for generations". i promise you, anon, this is the tip of the iceberg. scroll far enough, esp on twitter under the hashtag #freepalestine. the things ive seen will stay with me forever. the things youll see if you look far enough, i promise, you wont be able to comprehend how people who witness this every day can still have the will to live.
if you scroll far enough, youll see videos of women screaming in pain as they watch their homes getting bulldozed. youll see a video of a hearing impaired palestinian girl running, only to get hit in the face w a stun grenade. shes only eleven years old. youll see videos of a boy, only about six, eyes wide and staring off, silent as the person holding the camera urges him to speak and shakes him. youll see a father crying over his sons body after finding it among the dead. youll see a boy running through a crowd, screaming and crying for his dad, only to find his fathers corpse being held up by the people in front. youll find people being pulled out from rubble. youll find a boy pointing at his little sister and saying "look at the blood on her feet." youll see videos of people being held hostage in al aqsa mosque, the third holiest site in islam, by the idf. they did nothing but pray. youll see a man holding a dead fetus, saying that its mother was killed. youll see a father vlogging what life is like in gaza, he buys gifts for his daughters for eid but they keep hiding under pillows thinking that theyre going to get bombed and he has to reassure them and hug them. he died a few days later. youll see two children being held by an idf soldier as they cry and swear they havent done anything. youll see a palestinian girl gesturing towards destroyed buildings behind her and saying "you see all of this. what do you expect me to do, fix it? im only ten." youll see a woman talking about how her two and a half year old son, who was shot by israeli soldiers, was loved by everyone and he loved everyone. youll see a group of men in the middle of prayer, refusing to stop even when they hear israeli missiles hitting. they flinch but they dont stop praying. 
and what of the incidents that didnt get recorded? these are just from the last decade or so. what of the sixty five years before that? this is what i call terrorism. the hijabi on your flight is not a terrorist. the zionists who tells people to leave the land they grew up in, the land their ancestors grew up in? THATS who the the terrorist here.
and even those who dont get killed are terrorized. there are people who have to sign in with checkpoints any time they enter or leave their own home. theyre arrested by the idf for no reason and interrogated for hours.
i would also like to add a point. palestinians arent punished for hamas's crimes. palestinians are punished for being palestinians. people could argue that "oh, israels trying to attack hamas, the civilians are collateral damage, thats inevitable in war!!!"
bull. shit.
okay fine, lets assume that, ethically speaking, its morally just to level all of gaza with the aim of exterminating hamas. lets assume that its not morally questionable to do so, and lets assume that it doesnt violate international law. let me steal the argument of bassem youssef from when he debated w piers morgan:
lets assume hamas doesnt exist. lets assume theres a world where hamas doesnt exist in palestine, and lets call this world the west bank. ... whats the excuse for killing palestinians in the west bank?
(he said smth of the sort, im not sure these were his exact words)
why would you kill palestinians in the west bank, where there isnt hamas, and say that its "collateral damage" from a war w hamas? its thinly veiled racism, i promise you
the slightly more fortunate news is that the world seems to be waking up. there are protests, even in the west, in support of palestine. al jazeera news has an article abt places that have held protests in solidarity w palestine (the link is here) and a lot of them are in western/european countries. even jews are protesting, i remember seeing a video (its kinda old tho maybe two years old ??) of a jewish guy saying "we are embarassed of whats happening in the state of israel, in the jewish name" and that palestinians "shouldnt give up the struggle" (the video is here)
unfortunately, where i live, no protests can be held, but maybe if theres any near you, anon, you can show some love by attending :) and if there arent then you can simply donate (only if you can, obviously)
sorry this ramble is so long hahaha its just that your ask allowed me to let out some bottled up feelings of my own
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(Strap in, this might get long🥲 I'm a rambler 🫶🏼)
I just read "Heat" and can those two get ANY cuter???😍💓 Thanks for explaining their names and as long as you want to do the glossery I'd 100% read it! I absolutely LOVE the WereRoomies girlies and I'd love to get to know more about them! Especially Moss and Autumn!
I get what you mean about Changbin and Autumn literally just being fine and doing well together😭✨ They're literally so so so cute! I also wish for their eternal happiness🤧 But I'm sure their playful banter and relationship dynamic as an Alpha with Omega Tendencies and vice versa would make for some very funny and cavity inducing stories!😂💖
Did you write anything about how the rest of the pack reacted to Changbin being marked by Autumn instead of the other way around?
Was Changbin nervous after knowing the pack, minus Chan, would now know of his Omega Tendencies? How did he go about it? How did the pack react to it?
Sorry if these seem like obvious questions😭 I've only read those 2 Changbin Instalments and maybe 2 or 3 Minho instalments (That I might re-read🤭) I can't remember (I'd been on your blog for awhile I just never spoke, I was to afraid to cause I didn't understand much🥲💔) roughly the same amount of Chris instalments and the Hyunlix instalment🥹
If the pack was really shocked by the new info I can picture them turning to Chan after realizing he seemed unfazed and he'd just be like "Yeah I knew" *Shrug* and go back to playing with Pretty's thighs, which he 100% was already doing😂
This took place before Moss arrived right? After she got was introduced and found out about Changbin and Autumns dynamic, how did they react? Btw I LOVE LOVE LOVE Moss🥹Not more than Hyun and Lix do but I ADORE them seriously!!! They're so amazing and so cool and I kinda wanna see them take care of Lix and Hyun some more🤧✨ Only whenever you're ready tho!
Literally trembling with excitement for the Jisung and Seungmin Instalments! You? Writing about 2 of my biases? After I was already blessed with the Hyunlix combo, my other 2 biases?? You're a god send and I may or may not worship the little lizard in your brain🛐✨
- 🦁
hehehe i'm glad you liked heat 🥰 writing changbin in those.... situations was just a lot of fun. can't wait to read your thoughts on "The Love I Always Dreamt Of" 👀
i'm hoping i'll be able to get to seungmin's and jisung's stories soon sjkdfhsdkjf
i don't recall ever writing about after the pack finding out about Changbin's tendencies and/or mark :O i have a vague idea that i might've talked about it in an ask but i could be remembering wrong.... but anyway, i'll leave some thoughts under the cut!
i think Changbin's tendencies were very obvious to everyone in the pack, even if no one explicitly said anything. they kind of just... accepted Changbin as he was. that's Chris' pack philosophy, after all. to have a safe space, y'know?
with that being said, i have a feeling that the majority of the pack wouldn't really be surprised by autumn marking Changbin. mostly because, by that point they had been together for a while, and i'm sure their dynamic is more than obvious to anyone that takes a good look at them sdkjhfskjdf. i like to think that Changbin wears his mating mark proudly.
maybe he waited until all pack members were sitting together and randomly went "EVERYONE. I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY..." and showed the mark hahaha Autumn would blush, and everyone would mostly just congratulate them.
i'm sure more than one was super shocked that an omega could mark anyone at all, and if they inquired about it Autumn would've been just like "idk i just... did it".
Moss would absolutely love seeing their dynamic, btw. i'm sure she almost had stars in their eyes when she first saw them interacting with each other and when she was the mark. Moss is all about being unconventional, so i feel like they would engage both Changbin and Autumn to ask them about it.
my brain is a bit fried rn so this is all i can come up with, but i'll take it into account for a possible future instalment 👀 or one of those fluffy drabbles we've been talking about~
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jongbross · 6 months
hi bestie <3 soo just wanted to talk about how i dreamed of junmyeon last night, but it was kinda weird tho??? like i don't really remember what was going on, but we were in a school and running away from other people, like in an zombie apocalypse movie? but without zombies and just regular people instead
so after a while we escaped them (after being separated for some time) and i remember trying to hold his hand but i was soo nervous and even trembling so i was having a hard time doing it 😭 but then junmyeon held my hand higher (like in front of my face) and interwined our hands together 🫠 and when i looked at his face he was smiling so tenderly i swear i could've cried... but then i woke up </3
now this is the second time i've dreamed of an exo member, the first one was jongin a couple months ago, i don't remember the context but he was being soo soft like all smiles at me and stuff... and when i woke up i started to feel a really strong attachment to him that lasted for like a week (it's still here ngl just not as strong)
so yeah that's it! just wanted to get it off my system since i'm a little embarrassed of talking about this type of stuff with my exol friend, thanks for making this a safe space for us and i can't wait for the sleepover this weekend. take care 🩷
this is really sweet, i'm glad you've dreamed about him 🥹 i'm sure that's a way your subconscious found to remind you that the members are always with you, getting you through stuff.
i used to dream a lot about the members too, kind of miss seeing them in my sleep - last time i dreamed about an idol was like, two weeks ago? i dreamed about dokyeom from seventeen :(
glad to know that you're comfortable around me and on this blog, darling. i love you 💘
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sophietv · 1 year
I keep seeing a lot of doubts lately about LSK which makes me spiral and think maybe they really are over. But then they also flag each other constantly to the point where it cannot be "accidental" or even an "idgaf war" but especially not the latter coz why would 2 extremely successful women in their 30s(!!), one (or both? 🤭) with kids, actively fuel an idgaf war. Both these things to me make as little sense as to how Kaylor having kids together does to some others. Rather, kids together kinda makes more sense to me than an idgaf war 🤷‍♀️
Sorry to kinda rant here but didn't want to post this on Twitter and this just felt like a safer place to do so...feel free to add your thoughts!
First. I'm really glad that you feel like my blog is a safe space to ask your question. It is! 🫶
Second I understand how this can be very confusing, there's so many different discourse and at some point it's difficult to see wich one makes more sense.
LSK or Kaylor hate has been around for a very long time now. Over the years, really really often people have tried to make the Kaylor discourse die down.
2016 was - We have to respect Taylor and Calvin!
We learn very quickly that he was a beard...
2018 was - Karlie is engaged and getting married
Taylor and Karlie continues flagging, Lover is out and it's pretty undeniable to everyone that they were still together even after Karlie's wedding.
2019 was - Karlie betrayed Taylor! (Thank god this one died down quickly in the gaylor community...)
There was also : She chose Josh! We need to respect that.
2020 - It was almost illegal to even talk about Kaylor theories anywhere. You were shut down practically immediatly.
2021 - Was even worse with Levi.
So you see, as much as I understand the point of view that since there's children involved some people are unconfortable talking about that. But at the same time, the "hate" toward Kaylors have been very much present for a long time now.
But yeah. The IDGAF war is the most childish argument I have seen over the years. And it's wrong in so many ways... But you are totally right that two woman in their 30s wouldn't go to that extent to get to the other...at least I really hope so.
But saying that there's a IDGAF war going on is admitting to seeing the flagging that they are both doing in some way.
Taylor flags Karlie and people say: She is unable to move on! She's gonna get over Karlie her whole life! She needs therapy asap...
Two minutes later, they are shipping Taylor with another woman...I truly wouldn't want to be this other person dating someone who is still as hung up over their ex... but it might be just me.
The same week Karlie flags Taylor the same way, and they go: She's doing it for clouts! She's profiting of the 50 person that think that they are still together to get interaction on her posts. (Do I need to tell you how Karlie doesn't need this kind of attention, or how Kaylors number are insignificant to give her interaction. In fact I'm sure that for some companies, having Kaylors/Gaylors interacting on her post is a liability...)
Karlie has no control on her social media and doesn't know how to do easter egg. Must be a gaylor trolling us.
Recently there was also: Karlie and Taylor are both doing this for PR to cover Taylor's relationships with a secret girl... If the girl ain't an aspiring queen in a foreign country... I have a really hard time seeing how it would be ok, and preferable to make some people believe that she has anything to do with Karlie and the children. This would be wrong in so many different ways...
So yeah. I can totally understand someone who's not confortable with the children discourse though.
After all. This is a though pill to swallow. Because to entertain the possibility that this can be true. You have to admit that Hollywood is truly that toxic and archaic place where most likely a lot of other artists like Karlie and Taylor are forced to closet this way... and this is a rough reality check.
So I guess what I want to say with all this is that I don't have anything against other theories.
I'm just really unconfortable with the hate and the tendency to try and shut lsk theories down... because most of the time this is not well intended and not done in a friendly way.
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chaisshitposts · 11 months
It's okay Chai, I understand your side and I know I didn't say I was a burden, that was the way I interpreted it I shouldn't have cried about it, I know, but sometimes I take things a little too seriously. And I also thought it was a little insensitive for you to say that I was treating your ask box like a blog (Ik that wasn't your intention, but I felt like you were disdaining of what I was doing). But anyway, I'm still a little hurt by this situation, and I found your apology too formal and serious too (sorry for this addendum, maybe I'm the more emotional one, whatever) Well, I had a few more posts planned, but I don't even know if that makes sense to me anymore. I will always be here seeing the posts and interacting, but Idk if I want to return with the texts in the ask box I'm sorry about that, but it still hurts a little. But you still can tag me here whenever you want for whatever you need
hey 🦁🐻🦒— are you neurodivergent by any chance??? 🤨 based on this ask, I kinda feel like ya are— as someone who is neurodivergent, I kinda feel that vibe comin' from ya, ngl. and don't take that in a negative manner, please, I'm just saying that I recognize the similarities in us which is not a bad thing. but it does help me understand you more and why we may be having some miscommunication and perhaps some mixed messages.
I totally understand what ya mean by takin' things to heart, anxiety and overthinking can do that. I use to do that a lot, or overanalyze the things people would say to me because I didn't want to misunderstand what they were trying to communicate to me but I always ended up blowing things out of proportion. I don't want to invalidate your feelings in the slightest, I just wantcha to know that I really didn't mean any harm—
and ik ya said that my apology was too formal but— I really would like to apologize to ya, I really, really didn't mean to offend you or anything like that. seriously. it's cool that you feel comfortable enough with my blog and I, and feel that this is a safe place to express yourself. I can admire that, but I understand that ya might not wanna do that anymore based on the last two asks I've answered of yours— regardless, I hope you're doing well and will remain doin' well! happy manifestin' to ya! glad to have ya as an anonnie!
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