#I'm living my best angsty life with this project but also I don't want people to judge me LOL
nogenderbee · 1 year
HI!!! uhmmm, I'd like to request Mafuyu and Mizuki (Project Sekai) with a Reader who wants to confess to them, but they're too scared to do so (aka unrequited love). It's up to you if they secretly actually feel the same way towards the reader or not, just also choosing to not confess either.
I'm sorry I'm just in a slightly angsty mood—
You asked the right person if you wanted some ANGST muahahahahahah yeah, I love writing angst...
Mafuyu, Mizuki with reader who's scared of confessing to them
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @no1mizukifan @modyuki
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Mafuyu was always such a good girl, always so eager to help with a smile and won't ever say "no" to someone in need. How could you not really fall for her? She was perfect! So of course she also had a lot of other admirers who felt the same way about her...
You knew you had to act quick if you want to have some chances but the thought of confessing to her was scary... what if she won't return the feeling and will hate you for that? What if whole school will know about it and everyone will turn against you? You couldn't help but think if any of these can actually happen... even tho you could logically tell it wouldn't, the words "maybe it will" were crossing your mind.
Maybe you wouldn't be so scared if one day you wouldn't eavesdrop on Mafuyu's conversation with some male student. You really still remember clearly what it went... he confessed to her and she rejected him. She wasn't mean or anything like that but just the fact that your love rejected you, without giving you another chance was unbearable! So of course you had a goal: you had to become better. But it's up to you if you actually tried or have up midway. Despite if you tried or not, you still were scared of rejection so you stayed quiet... hoping that she won't notice as you two continue to be nothing more than friends.
"She's so out of my league... there's no way someone like her would actually tolerate someone like me..."
On the other side tho, Mafuyu didn't understood a thing... Why did she felt her heart flutter whenever you're near? And why it's easier for her to smile whenever you look in her direction? Others from Nightcord said it's called love... But what is it even for? She can live without it. And besides, even if you'd feel the same, you'd love "good girl" not her true self...
So she'll just stay there, keep her "good girl" act and continue being friends with you because surely, that's enough. Like, she doesn't need to be in a relationship with you to find that... happiness, everyone talks about... right?
"It's not me who they like... it's 'good girl Mafuyu'... even if... I don't need love. All I need to focus on are my grades and music."
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Mizuki... another one that you're not even surprised you fell for them... They're just so cheerful and always full of life, and no matter how bad the situation gets they always try to cheer up everyone. Not a surprise tho that they also had a lot of admirers... well, maybe there weren't A LOT of them but still more than you'd like. After all it's always better to not have any competition... You really just hoped that despite all those people better then your they would still at least give you a chance...
You don't even know why you were so scared... after all, they're always so cheerful and they don't look like the type to brutally reject someone, I'd anything they would do it in a somehow nice way. You tried many times confessing to them but something always interrupted you, be it someone walking on you, teacher chasing after Mizuki because they have test to write or anything else really! So you took it as a sign that maybe you're not meant to confess to them after all...
Maybe that's it? But of course, you'll be happy even if the two of you will stay friends. At least you won't loose someone as amazing as them, right? So you might as well try to be the best friend they could've asked for.
"Mizuki wouldn't mind if I have a crush on them if I won't make it weird, right? So I'll simply keep it to myself..."
You didn't expect that on other side of the coin, Mizuki shared the same feelings for you but also the same thoughts... They thought that you have someone else on mind or that you simply deserve so much better than them. But you seem rather stubborn to maintain being friends and they don't know if you're really not aware of their feelings or if you just hate them and want them to suffer by not being able to become something more than just friends with you.
"They're definitely interesting one... and at this point I done even know if I want them to ignore me or to make it hurt whenever they're near me..."
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theonethatyaks93 · 1 year
Character/Plot Notes for Upcoming Dark Pinky x Future Brain Fanfiction (+ a Preview!) (Also, Happy Dark Pinky Thursday!)
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Hello everyone!! This is kind of new territory for me, but I'm excited to announce that my very first Dark Pinky x Future Brain fanfiction is currently in the works! And it's not just one fanfiction; it's an entire series that establishes my own universe. I've had this idea for a while, but after looking at the askdarkpinky blog and reading an unhealthy number of Dark Pinky fanfiction, I finally decided to put my concept to writing. I consider this to be a passion project of mine. It has changed quite a bit over the past few months, however, the core idea is still present: establish a Dark Pinky and Future Brain world and write an angsty, dark, and melancholy continuous story. The series will be titled Dark Future, and each separate fanfic will either be a one-shot or a multi-chapter. Some of these fics might even take on a different style such as first-person perspective or alternate/side characters getting the spotlight. I've only posted one fanfiction on AO3 before which is titled When He Loved Me (go check it out, but it's not the best as it was my first work). This will be better executed since I've been planning for longer. I usually do this kind of character analysis/plot analysis in privacy, so I can remember personalities and story beats while I work. Since this is a larger project and that it involves a few characters whom I've never worked with before, I wanted to post this publicly to gain feedback from you guys and to show everyone my ideas. Just a quick note; the preview will not reveal any major spoilers I have planned or character moments aside from setting up the plot. It's also very long and you don't have to read it. Also, this will be rated T for dark themes, light violence/implied violence, and some gore, albeit it's very brief and not graphic. Alright, let's begin!
Plot-Here's a basic, still in development, plot description for the entire series:
After a massive falling out, Future Brain abandons his former husband, Dark Pinky, and runs away to live a life of seclusion alongside his former adversary turned-friend, Julia. Dark Pinky spends years searching for his estranged partner, eventually seeking the help of the beautiful Billie to aid in his pursuit. Unfortunately, after Future Brain comes to a horrifying realization that his husband may cause the world to dissolve into disarray and ruin, he sets off to try and rekindle his relationship with Pinky. Meanwhile, Dark Pinky continues to attempt to find Brain in secret, while continuing to put up a threatening image in the public eye. However, an old foe is plotting to seek revenge on his mortal enemies once and for all. Dark Pinky and Future Brain must attempt to rebuild their rapport in order to gain back control of the world and to realize that certain past mistakes need to be fixed.
There are a lot more elements to this premise than what I've put here, including complex characters, side plots, and fanfictions entirely dedicated to the villains. This universe has a kind of grim origin story that I came up with back in late 2021. Here's a bit from the currently in progress first draft of the very start to this universe:
"The plan has been very dangerous, yet it succeeded with flying colors. The world was theirs in an instant. With one swift attack, the military was abolished, and the world leaders surrendered each country they had dominance over. Bloody corpses lined the streets in the days following, leaving the people of the planet in anguish. It was almost surreal how everything had panned out in the end. And at first, he was satisfied and had convinced himself that he was making Earth a better place for all. However, after the construction of their palace was completed and after the hundreds of private and public executions commanded by him were carried out, the ever-present feeling of dread began to take him day after day. Future Brain had convinced himself countless times that he was happy; though now, it was an almost impossible feat. These feelings of sorrow and shame wouldn’t go away, no matter how hard he tried."
A part that wasn't mentioned here that I want to say is that Dark Pinky and Future Brain didn't start off like this. The reason why they look so maniacal and off-putting is that it's a result of Brain's actions to world domination (to be discussed in an origin story). His plans become increasingly more dangerous as time passes, with him and Pinky receiving more serious injuries. Eventually, this constant barrage of pain, plus an electrical shock, causes Pinky's mind to deteriorate until he becomes Dark Pinky. He's now hyper-focused on world domination and Brain decides that taking a more violent path is the key to their success. Going by Future Brain, he and Dark Pinky launch a brutal attack on the world, causing it to fall into their grasp. But while Dark Pinky loves his new life as a ruler, Future Brain shows quite a bit of regret for his previous actions. This point of Brain hating the world he and Pinky have made is a massive plot point and it's what causes most of the tension in the series. There will be a lot of conflict between Dark Pinky and Future Brain, as they bicker over their different viewpoints. Brain is going to be very hard on himself here as he blames his actions for Pinky being changed. This is one of the reasons why he leaves Dark Pinky behind to live a life of seclusion. There will be a few references to episodes from the spin-off series since this universe takes place after the events of the 1995 show. Since this is an alternate universe, there will be very few or no references to the Animaniacs reboot considering this takes place during that time period.
Characters- There are quite a few recognizable faces here from other Dark Pinky x Future Brain universes, but there are also some new characters that are going to be incorporated. The list below only features the main characters or the ones that get more focus; some others will be getting mentioned or will have a brief cameo. The characters with significance include Dark Pinky, Future Brain, Snowball, Julia, Billie, Egwind and Romy. Their designs are either inspired by the designs from the askdarkpinky blog or are my own original creations. Some of their personalities have been altered such as an unusual character being made a major antagonist or Julia being Brain's closest confidant.
Locations- These are just a few ideas I had for possible major locations of the series:
Dark Pinky and Future Brain's Castle- The primary destination of the entire work, this palace is inspired by the look from the askdarkpinky blog, though it's a little larger. It's located in Washington D.C on the ruins of the White House. It's massive and features lots of rooms, a throne room, spaces for the soldiers, dungeons, and even a library/study room.
Acme Labs- Shuttered after Dark Pinky and Future Brain took over, the lab is abandoned and desolate. Access is restricted for anyone aside from officials. This also is the hideout for Future Brain after his escape from Dark Pinky since his personal living space is located in the basement. Julia resides here also. Brain uses Julia's technology to spy on Dark Pinky's location to avoid getting caught.
Snowball's Fortress- Hidden in the woods, Snowball has created a home for himself after Acme Labs' closure. Here, he spies on Dark Pinky and Future Brain, creating devious schemes to take the world from them. It's not very large, but it has a space where Snowball can create his inventions and an advanced system of computers for watching over Dark Pinky and Future Brain.
Preview- This is a little idea of what is going to happen in this series. This comes from the first fanfiction in the series "Darkness" and it's the ending from that fanfic. Here's a little snippet of the first draft (It's not that little, though. 2000+ words?! This isn't even the entire fic and it's almost longer than my previous work! Yeesh!):
Despite the thunderous chaos that occurred during the day, the castle was quite peaceful at night. Most of the soldiers, aside from the ones on a night shift, had dissipated into the inky blackness of midnight to rest away. The servants that didn’t tend to their mouse overlords’ evening needs slept quietly in their personal quarters without a second thought. And even the ones still awake tried their best to stay as quiet as possible, since Dark Pinky’s temper tended to flare immensely in later hours and that would mean Future Brain would get angry, too. Being on the receiving end of their rage was nothing to cough at; your life was basically in jeopardy if you were to wrong them. Most servants, however, drifted off around 11:30, despite being informed not to do so. All seemed quiet and serene.
The last of the butlers, who carried delicacies on the finest plates, had settled in at around 12:30, when quite suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream echoed through the halls, followed by the sound of shattering glass. Servants, maids, and the night guards nearly leaped from their posts precisely at the time the loud noises occurred and rushed to aid in whatever was going on. Many people were in their nightwear, rubbing sleep from their eyes.
The entourage of associates arrived at Dark Pinky and Future Brain’s room in only a matter of seconds. A soldier rapped on the door in a panic, hoping that all was well. “Your Highnesses is everything alright?” he questioned once, then again, then again. No response. Panic began to settle in with the group; had their rulers been taken? Luckily, the door was unlocked, which was unusual. Though they were told to avoid entering the room without knocking, at this point, there was no other choice.
The servants, guards, and maids filed into the room via the human-sized door. They were met with a confusing albeit disturbing sight. Dark Pinky was kneeling on the floor in only his plush purple robe, back facing away from everyone. Only a single lamp lit the room, hazy shadows lingering everywhere. Pieces of shattered glass surrounded the mouse, though it seemed like he didn’t care or notice. His paws seemed to be against his chest as if he were holding something precious. The only sound in the room was heavy breathing. Very heavy breathing.
“Uhm, are you okay, sir?” one of the servants spoke up, doing his best as to not upset his leader.
A chuckle was the response to that question, followed by a light gasp. “He’s gone.” Dark Pinky murmured discreetly. “He’s gone.”
The night guards eyed each other, the perplexity rising. “Who’s gone?” a soldier in the back of the group asked.
“He’s gone.” A breathy sob emerged from the mouse as he un-cupped a paw and pointed it towards his bed. Surely enough, no one was there. “Brain’s not here.”
Even more glances occurred between the people in the room. Usually when this happened, it wasn’t anything to get distraught about. What was so different now? One of the servants stepped forward in a tentative attempt to get more information.
“Your Excellence, I’m certain that if we just sent out the guards, we’d find you husband somewhere in the castle…”
“HE’S NOT HERE!!!” Pinky roared, abruptly standing up and turning to face the cluster. His eyes were bloodshot, and his cheeks were matted and damp from what looked like tears. He kept his paws close to his middle despite all the thrashing.
“Sir, are you convinced that Brain has vanished completely? He might just be in the kitchen or in his study room or-”
“I can assure you that he’s left the castle! I know! I know everything! I read his mind!” That was a lie. Brain had already been gone by the time he’d awoken to get a drink.
“But are you sure…”
“BRAIN’S GONE YOU IDIOT!!! I’M POSITIVE, STOP DOUBTING ME!! NARF!!!” Dark Pinky yelled, though it came off as more of a moan as his voice cracked.
The group of servants and soldiers moved closer together at their ruler’s sudden outburst. Some cowered in fear. One guard pushed himself out of the huddle, quivering in his purple uniform. “If you are sure that Brain has departed the perimeter, what can we do to assist you in his return?”
Pinky froze for a moment before letting out a snarl. His shoulders slumped as he stared at the ground below his feet. “Find him.” His mouth twitched. “Search everything and everywhere. Leave nothing untouched. Go to every corner of this miserable planet if you must. If he thinks that he can escape me, I think he’s more stupid than what he lets on.”
The soldiers nodded and departed the room to instruct their colleagues about the situation. The rumble of their boots quavered through the entire palace, yet Pinky still didn’t look up. Only the servants and maids remained standing in the doorway.
“As for the rest of you,” Pinky finally raised his head from facing the floor, staring at the miserable helps. He briefly read their puny little terrified minds full of concern. He liked the fear he instilled in them; it was comforting. “You are to scour the castle and look for any hints at where Brain might’ve gone. Check the security cameras, look at locks and see if they’ve been picked. Do anything you can to get a better idea of where he is. Fail me, and the dungeon will be your new home. Understand?”
The servants nodded, still shivering ever so slightly. They bolted out of the room at a rapid pace, setting off to track down the security footage and investigate the locks. Their jobs depended on finding these answers.
He didn’t move until the door slammed shut. He didn’t say a word. He eventually turned away to face the balcony, the dark blue atmosphere painting everything in unsettling colors. Usually, midnight was Pinky’s favorite time of the day, since the world seemed to stand still, and all the hustle simply faded into nothingness. Now, it just seemed bleak, unrelenting, even sinister. It did fit the persona he’d made for himself over the years, but something seemed twisted. For the first time in a while, Dark Pinky felt…uncertain about what was to come. Brain was gone. The mouse he loved most was gone. He let the moment sink in, bearing its claws to slash at his insides, turning his mind to mush.
The next few moments were made of pure silence. Pinky’s heart hammered against his chest, each beat causing him to feel weaker and weaker. The faint hum of servants’ thoughts trickled away until waning completely. Not even the sound of a familiar voice approaching was enough to pull him from his mute state.
“Dinky? Dinky, where are you?”
“Julia’s run away. I don’t know where she went. Do ya know anything about where she went? I’m scared for her! Dinky? Please answer me!”
She sounded so desperate, so confused, so upset. Her thoughts were very scattered and shrill. Pinky winced as they entered his mind. It was like nails on a chalkboard. He tried to keep his composure, yet it was so difficult. He turned to face the door as he drew shuttering breaths. He loathed Billie quite a bit, and even her headspace was insufferable. Pinky ignored her calls. He didn’t care that Julia was also missing.
He brought his attention back to the balcony, gazing out into the vast void of black sky. He felt another cry working its way up. He held it in as best he could. Dark Pinky was so tired, yet so angry. Why had Brain left? What did he do? Was having the world not enough?
Hot tears escaped his eyes very freely. He brought his attention to his paws, still clasping onto something. Pinky uncurled his fingers, revealing the object: a tiny gold ring that sparkled with light pink diamonds. It began glowing in the light from the lamp.
Brain’s wedding ring.
The symbol of their love, their devotion.
He’d left it.
That’s how Pinky knew he was gone. Forever.
The room around him grew dizzy. Pinky felt his knees give out instantly, collapsing to the floor with a loud thud. His head hit the ground first, sending an astronomical amount of pain rattling towards his skull. His arms reached in front of him, the ring slipping away and clinking on the tile. The blue-eyed mouse felt a sharp twinge of discomfort coming from his arms and legs. He briefly sat up peered down at his lower limbs, grunting when he saw blood trailing through his ivory fur and bleeding into the fabric of his robe.
He'd fallen on the shards from when he’d thrown the water glass on his nightstand after seeing the wedding ring.
It had just sat there, on the dresser. No letter, no warning, nothing.
The abnormal amount of blood was alarming, but what made Dark Pinky really panic was the ring slipping away. He got up on his knees, reached out, and grabbed it quickly, pressing it against his bloodied red chest and robe as if it were his most valuable thing. Seeing all the jewels sparkle pink, the color of Brain’s eyes, proved too much. Especially when he stared at his own ring, the matching light blue diamonds complementing perfectly with the pink.
The tears came back with a vengeance. The sobs Pinky had tried to suppress spiraled out of control. His breaths came out labored and shaky. The pain from the gashes on his arms and legs burned even hotter. His head throbbed. Pinky’s emotional state was in ruin.
“B-Brain.” He began incoherently stuttering, forcing out the word that meant the most to him, though he’d never say it. “B-Brain. Oh Brain! Brain! P-Please! Brain!” Another sob, this one even stronger. The excess moisture in his eyes came rushing out in abundance. It wouldn’t stop.
The sobs turned into wails lightning fast. Dark Pinky was in so much pain, physically and emotionally. It was weird that he’d be this distraught, and yet, he didn’t pay any mind to it. Brain had left him. He deserved to be upset. Still, he hoped that no one would hear him.
“P-Poit.” The verbal tics began slipping out. In between each cry, his nonsense words would find their way to his vocabulary again. They kept coming and coming. Pinky did all he could to push those inane phrases away, but he was already having a tic fit. “N-Narf! Poit! Zort! Troz!” His body shuddered with the outbursts, the cuts still running red. Each tic made his chest ache to unbearable degrees. The tears poured out in massive amounts.
“P-Poit, Poit, Poit!” Pinky wheezed, his voice sore from sobbing. He clasped the ring even tighter in his left paw, reaching his right paw to his head. He felt so miserable. He felt like that vulnerable and pitiful creature he used to be, the one who messed everything up. The one who interjected sentences with random nonsense. The one who got unhappy at the stupidest of things.
The one that Brain loved.
Pinky began having trouble catching his breath, gasping for air. He needed to prevent himself from acting like his old self; he was improved now. Stronger, tougher, ruthless.
Brain hated the new you.
 He rubbed his head, feeling his fingers against his fur. “Stop-poit! Just stop-narf! You’re-zort-better than-poit! This!” Each verbal tic interfered with his words. It became harder to speak each second. Even as he rubbed his forehead, he still could feel streams of tears trailing from his eyes. These horrible thoughts were maddening.
Brain hated you. He was using you. You finally do what he’s always wanted, yet he abandons you.
The weight of everything proved too much for the mouse. Pinky felt his knees give out once again, this time, his back being the first thing to hit the floor. He felt the shards of glass pierce and prod at his skin, but he didn’t bother acknowledging. It was futile to use this as an attempt to calm down. He didn’t call for a servant to clean up the mess. He might later, but not currently. Pinky just let the blood run out, mimicking the way his emotions were spilling. He knew his robe was ruined. He had an inkling that many of these gashes would scar. And yet, he didn’t demand for anyone nor ask anyone for help. It was just him. Brain certainly wasn’t there. Why should he ask for someone when his whole world had fled into the night?
Dark Pinky hugged his legs tightly, feeling his navy-blue colored nails dig into the skin on his shins. The cuts stung, but the blood from them was cold. He let some of it run across his fingers. It felt good. In his left paw was the ring, also pressing against him. His tail dropped at his backside and his chipped ears drooped as he sank into the ball he’d formed with his body. Laying on the floor was uncomfortable, especially with the glass pieces, but it was the only thing he felt like he could do.
He felt another round of sobs and tics coming, only this time, he held them back. Pinky bit his lip with his sharp fangs, though it was a tad painful. That wasn’t a concern. His eyelids grew heavy, to the point where he couldn’t keep them open anymore. He began rasping quietly as he felt himself relax, his breath now even. The last thing he saw before closing his eyes was the eerie night sky, mixed with the light from the table lamp. One solemn excess tear trailed down his face, landing on his chest before drying up. Dark Pinky growled once, though it burned as it escaped his throat.
“I’ll find you some day, Brain. You can’t hide from me for long. Narf,” he rasped before feeling the world fade around him, as he sank into the darkness of his subconscious. Brain wouldn’t get away from him so easily.
*end of preview*
Art gallery- Here's some fanart that inspired certain scenes and moments in my fanfiction. I like to do this when writing to get ideas or to construct a tone or mood. All work featured here is from @wimsiecal who I owe a lot of thanks to for establishing the best Dark Pinky universe of all time!! Seriously, if you're reading this, I apologize for you having to sit through my crappy first draft work to see your mention:
This art inspired the vibe I want to give their relationship plus a scene later on.
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This work inspired Dark Pinky's look without the suit.
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This inspired Dark Pinky's robe design (which you can see in the preview above)
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Would you believe me if I told you that this inspired an entire scene in my fanfiction?
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So, yeah, that's all I have. This doesn't give off major spoilers for any surprises I have in store, but I hope it gives you guys a general idea of my writing skills. I was debating on making this since I don't know if people will be interested in this, but it's my first time writing for Dark Pinky and Future Brain, so I decided I wanted some feedback from all of you. If you liked it, that's great! If you didn't, that's fine, too. I'm not a great writer by any means, so I'd like some constructive criticism on what to improve on. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day! Happy Dark Pinky Thursday!!
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
Fic Author Self Rec
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thank you for the tag @annabtg
This was a bit tricky as I don't think I have favourites as such... but here's five fics of mine I'd like people to read or I have feels about. In no particular order:
Snow Globe ~ Jily 7K, Muggle AU.
The dreaded annual work holiday party, complete with cheesy party games, forced fun, too much eggnog, and a bunch of people who would rather be doing anything else. Then of course, there is also the Secret Santa. Plastering on her best fake smile Lily Evans opens the box containing her own Secret Santa Gift. To her amazement, she finds a snow globe that matches the one she had as a child but lost when she moved years ago.
This was the first fic I shared as charmsandtealeaves so it had to be on the list. It's probably poorly written and I dare not go back and read it and find a million mistakes now. 2. Stripped Back To Basics ~ Jily 10K, Crack Fic.
In which Petunia probably regrets telling Lily to "put herself out there." AKA a Naked Attraction AU.
My first ever collab fic with @athenasparrow. This project was so much fun to work on and has been very well received, even if most readers had never heard of the show Naked Attraction. Athena's already got our next collab idea ready to crack on with at a much later date.
3. Rose Tinted Glasses ~ Lily Evans, 190w drabble
For years Lily Evans lived her life behind the lens of rose tinted glasses. They made the world seem like it was okay. Until they came off.
A little angsty Lily Evans drabble about the relationships in her life. Something I wrote years ago and took down when I shifted from my old account and reuploaded earlier this year.
4. Happy Halloween ~ Sirius Raising Harry, 660w
A little fluff/mild angst piece in an AU where Sirius is raising Harry after the Potter's deaths. Takes place on Halloween night.
One of a couple of Dadfoot pieces I've written. I really like this one. It was based on a prompt from a discord server I'm in.
5. Padfoot Impounded ~ General marauders + Lily, 1.6K
The marauders had never accompanied Remus during one of his transformations outside of Hogwarts before. In fact, Remus had very much not wanted to go ahead with the idea, but somehow his friends had managed to convince him. Now they had a problem, during their escapade Padfoot has managed to get himself caught by animal control. The marauders need to bust him out of the pound but there is one slight hiccup they hadn’t anticipated. Lily Evans being the person behind the impound desk.
Now this one is one of my least popular stats wise on AO3. It's had 69 hits (nice 😉) and not a single comment. It was like the second thing I put out as Charms. The stats on it could have been really disheartening and I could have stopped putting content out after that. But I didn't! So even if people didn't like it, it deserves to be celebrated nonetheless.
Tagging: @joyseuphoria, @uncertainwallflower, @merlins-sequined-hotpants, @annasghosts, @kay-elle-cee
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uglypastels · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @eddiemunsons80sbaby 💖💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
My main posting site is tumblr, on which I have 387 titles in my masterlists, (443 individual writing posts if seperating multi-chaptered stories).
Then i've reposted 40 of these titles on AO3 and 10 on Wattpad.*
*Counted since 2018
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
40 fics - 518,511 words total
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've written for MCU (actors) and co, the Irregulars, Stranger Things and One Piece (live action).
4. What are your top 5 fics?
I'm going by individual posts, not accumulated interactions through series.
Following the Herd
"Wearing His T-Shirt" blurb
"Overcoming the Nerves" blurb
Heaven and Hell
The Special
5. Do you respond to comments?
I always try my best to reply as soon as possible wether its an ask, reblog or comment. (Excluding wattpad, as i see that more like people annotating their reading and generally don't want to bother them. But i do always read them and appreciate them, and if something stands out or if someone comments a lot i will respond)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh i once killed reader off dramatically lol ("Car Crash" blurb) but I think the general reader's concensus would be Caught Me Slippin' , which I didn't even intend to make that angsty, but people cried (allegedly). And honestly, while i apologise for the emotional damage, i do take it as the highest compliment to be able to evoke such feelings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my stories are quite happy and i'm not sure how to rate "happiness".
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I am actually surprised how scarce the hate is, and usually in the form of anons, because I always expect people to hate me. But thats on insecurities. Honestly, writing on here has always been amazing.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes. I hate it tho 😫 like, love smut in theory and concept but it's a bitch to write.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I love a lengthy and extended au, often inspired by other works (Not Wholly Evil is basically Stranger Things x Pirates of the Caribbean) but i think the only clear "crossover" i (remember to) have written would be Murder on the Dancefloor ??? which would be a tom holland x Strictly Come Dancing crossover lmao. I do often think about tv show crossovers in concept tho, but doubt i'll write any.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yup. Shit sucks.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, but it was done without my permission and uncredited (which is still stealing!!) so that sucks.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've dabbled in co-writing, haha, several times avtually, but for one reason or another, none of the projects were ever published. Would love to one day actually fully co-write something with someone on here.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Ngl, i'm not sure I have one. Probably why all of my stories are 'x reader'.
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
At this point I think this about every single one of my WIPs and that's writer's block for ya.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm...i'd like to think the expression of emotion, showing how characters feel. And maybe world building- or thats at least my favorite thing in AUs. Maybe also details (either motives, references or foreshadowing)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm horrible at pacing. Always feel like i go too slow with the plot and then suddenly too fast and its all a mess, especially when it comes to series. Also just general knowledge on things; i feel like i don't know enough things to write about when it comez to daily and regular life, or even how to normally interact with people so that makes things hard when trying to be realistic. I also feel like i don't know enough words??? So things get really repetitive.
Oh, and this is also an aspect of writing- i'm horrible at getting feedback in the form of proofreading. It makes me physically sick having someone go through my work like that, and I barely do it myself. Which may result in some horrible typos/mistakes. And i do apologise profusely for that. Believe me, if you caught a mistake in my fic, i still think about it to this day.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in different languages?
Its always better if the writer is familiar with the language. Things you're comfortable with writing translate over better to the reader. It's like in movies/tv, its always better when you have an actor speaking a language they actually know. And if you don't know it, 1) ask yourself why are you writing it then and then 2) better research the hell out of it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first fic, that has since been deleted for a long time, was on wattpad and it was for a youtuber lmao. (peak 2013/15 era, thats all i'm gonna say)
20. Favorite fic(s) you've written?
From my most recent, in no particular order:
Following the Herd (eddie munson)
The Special (Sanji)
Not Wholly Evil (Eddie Munson)
Biggest Fan (Buggy)
Headlights (Eddie Munson)
This was so much fun to do at 4/5 am haha. Thank you for the tag again. Here are some peeps i'll be tagging (no pressure) 💜
@mydearzero @spiderrrling @eddies-house @elvendria @josephfakingquinn
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emsloe · 3 years
1, 11, 13, 27, 33, and 50!!
Thank you!! :D I love getting a chance to talk about these guys! Please don't judge me too hard for the art LOL, I don't spent nearly as much time as I should drawing my OCs 1. Your first OC ever?
I genuinely don't remember which one was my first, but it was either Calamity or Vlad! Both of them went through multiple iterations, but Cal was the main character of the first novel I ever wrote (in middle school! iirc it ended up being 180k words long, holy shit) and Vlad didn't have anything consistent about his design other than "rainbow emo hair and red headphones." Vlad was a little bit of a joke OC that I mostly just drew when I felt like using colors while doodling, and Cal was a blue-haired, blue-eyed alien gal with superpowers
I just spent a million years trying to dig up photos of them for visuals LOL, but here's some art of them by baby emsloe!
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11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Oohhhh man I sat here for ages trying to think of one. Do I have any cheerful sunshiny OCs? I probably do but don't remember???? Everyone I can think of off the top of my head is at least a little angsty, oops
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Tef! Where she comes from, it’s common for people to name their kids after traits they want the kid to have, and her full given name is Instinctive. She exclusively goes by her nickname bc she’s really resentful about her full name - she tends to be super impulsive and it makes her life harder. She’s contrary as heck! But she’s well-intentioned and she tries so hard and her friends mostly accept that she sometimes shows affection by causing problems
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Seth was!! I was on the bus, doodling, and listening to this when I came up with him. He's changed a lot since then, and he definitely doesn't fit this song's vibes anymore, and also I still have NO idea what this song is about, but every time I hear it I still think "Ah, the Seth conception song"
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33. Your shyest OC?
Probably Serendipity, from the same world as Seth! Despite being buff and heavily tattooed and generally scary-looking, she's usually more intimidated by people than they are of her. She's also one of the nicest people in this story and if she were a little more outgoing I'd probably have listed her as the "sunshine" character for question 11
I also don't have any good art of her, but here's a sketch I did while trying to figure out what she looked like. I think I'm going to have her be More Buff than this though because why not:
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50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Thinking about and writing this story (with Seth and Tef and Sera, above) has been honestly so nice! This is the first time I've sat down to write a novel outside of nanowrimo since middle school, and it's so nice to have a self-indulgent project to put thought and effort into, ya know? Lots of found family, and people learning to heal and trust again. I'm just writing the kind of story that I want to read and so far it's been really fun! I've been trying to avoid yelling at people about it because the setting and backstories are a little hard to describe concisely though LOL
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
tips on how to make your y/n ✨ spicy ✨?
(if thats alright to ask, i just love how you write the reader’s personality 😩 i think love’s an understatement tbh)
Lmao thank you for loving them, you're so sweet. I apparently had a lot of thoughts about this one lol—I'm sorry this ended up getting so long and disorganized.
I think it all depends on what you want from an xReader fic! Some people prefer leave the reader truly vague so that all kinds of personalities can step in and fill their shoes. Some people prefer when the reader is more like an OC, with their own name and personality and visual characteristics. It just depends on 1) how much characterization you personally like to read in a reader, and 2) what those traits are.
In terms of amount of characterization, I feel like I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't write their appearance or highly specific backstories, but I like to give the reader a goal or values, and usually an occupation, just because I feel like those things are so central to my own identity and I can't imagine how a person could live without them.
The occupation I get creative with, usually because it ties into the plot, but the core things about the reader, like their goals—"I want to achieve a promotion," "I want to graduate," "I want to survive my final project"—I try to make vague and relatable, and the same with their values—"I think there's beauty in every human face," "I wanna do my best and use my skills to help people out," etc.
In terms of more specific type of characterization, there's one thing universal to all of my reader characters: I try to make them specifically Just Like Other Girls and Fine With It.
One of the reasons I started writing in the first place is because I wasn't always finding the kind of reader who thought about the world or behaved in ways that I would. I was encountering a ton of those uber bad-ass, angsty girl readers (literally no offense if you like reading those, or you write them. I think there's so much feminist value in them, I just don't personally enjoy them!) But I don't relate—I'm rarely angsty, and I talk a big game but I probably couldn't throw a punch to save my life. And these characters were so special, so standout, impressing the love interests with their sheer bad-assery, or how pretty they were, and I was just like...cannot!! relate!!!
So, I write the kind of reader I wanted to read then. They think of themselves as average but they're not salty about it, they're whipped for the love interest but they try their best to mind their own business, and they're just having a good time and doing their best with the small slice of life that they have. They're also super embarrassing and they stick their feet in their mouths when it comes to most situations, instead of looking or feeling cool.
And that's really the core of any specific characterization I do. I think about how an average girl would live her life—thirst tweeting Bakugou's abs but getting flustered with him IRL, wanting to know more about Hawks' wings but accidentally getting sucked into a reddit thread about poultry care, daydreaming about Shouto getting her a valentine but knowing that's deeply unlikely.
And then boom. Their averageness is either the inciting incident for their introduction to their hero, or their entire appeal to their hero overall. And that's what I value in an xReader fic.
Anyway sorry this got so long and ramble-y! I hope at least some of this was helpful, and I hope you have an absolutely lovely day!! 💕
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
(Sorry for the rant. I was just angry at how people, even if they are clearly talented otherwise, tend to mischaracterise Amy and wanted to vent)
The Ask didn't quite relate to my blog, and it seemed like odd advertisement? (Which is apart of my rules that I don't do) but I agree that Americanizing Sonic was a bad idea but without it, we wouldn't have gotten our now childhood animes at all ^///^;
I am more than grateful for the failures of Americanizing Anime attempts because it led to America being exposed to Anime, and half my personality is now just the anime I grew up with XD
I researched Amy as a kid because I wanted to know more about Sonic and the characters, I'm glad I did. She really is misunderstood, but done right, she is a very compelling and inspiring character.
'Amy Rose' is often used in Fanfictions (As far as my personal opinion goes) as an insert 'comfort' chara for 'what we want to see in Sonic' being projected onto Amy.
"We want Amy to be angry"... why?
"Because we think Amy is mistreated"? But she doesn't feel that way.
"Well, she should." No... she is happy in the life she has?
"Well, I want her to be angry." And that's where we get angsty fanfictions lolol (Even I wrote them back in the day when I was first starting out writing!)
We have to remember she's not actually sad? She's lonely, yes, and that's REALLY fun to write emotional stories about xD But she's also content with her decision to follow and stay by Sonic's side, and we should respect that she feels, in her heart, that Sonic will choose her in the end. (As a Japanese Official said through twitter, he probably would if he was allowed to grow up in Canon.)
I would love to be given the chance to write for Sonic, but alas, Amy is the only female chara I feel is so targeted because everyone wants to 'fix' her situation, especially with Sonic.
Doesn't that mean... the American show 'guilt-tripped' us into thinking that way?
In Japan, everyone finds Amy's antics to be endearing... because she was WRITTEN differently, and for that culture.
It's a shame, when you see the American script, she's a joke. And we want to give her a just result for all her efforts.
It's very human.
So next time you see someone using Amy as a way to vent, know that they're being very human. It can come from anger at how 'mistreated' she is, or it can come from a genuine love or confusion about her, and the mind aimlessly trying to make it make sense.
The truth is out there, but only the worthy, with enough time and digging... can find it.
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I wonder... if she would appreciate how many people really want the best for her... would that touch her beyond belief?
We all want to defend our 'comfort charas' that we want a 'happy ending' for. Sonic X never really gave us that feeling... so we write about it.
We feel Amy is flawed enough to project our 'unfairness' in our lives onto her and let her be angry for us... Honestly, that kind of writing can be healing, but it can also be 'too much' for other readers.
For me... I just...
Don't want to forget... who Amy Rose really is.
In the hodgepodge of Sonic Fandom confusion...
And with each of us having--most likely--discovered Sonic between transitioning to teenager and then adulthood... (I believe I was 8 when I first drew my Sonic OC, and was writing pretty much in Middle-College Sonic fanfiction. So that says something about how much Sonic touched me as a kid!)
Amy just speaks to our 'tender protectiveness' of our childhood...
We are protecting her like we would want someone to protect our childhood selves...
So yeah, it can be annoying... but... it's how they're healing... and someone, somewhere, will like that story.
Me and you? Maybe not so much... but that's the power of story, the power of character, the power of being human.
Allow young or old writers to be human beings... and connect and want to give a fictional character they projected a time in their lives on... a happy or healing ending. Even if that is a disturbing result,... it's not exactly our right to say what's right and wrong for that specific writer.
Now for me? I like Amy having a nice, sweet ending.
But I also write what people request of me.
So I mean -shrug- compromise our childhood realities sometimes? Sure.
Amy is definitely a character I long to see a happy ending for... what about you?
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likexporcelain · 5 years
Fanfiction questions: 1, 3, 5, 10, 14, 19, 23, 39, 40, 50 and 51? I know these are many, so feel free to skip any you don't feel like answering. I'm really interested in the answers to 50 and 51 though x3
Haha wow, here we go!
Fandom Questions
1.  What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Oh yikes. That would be bandom. Cringe. Picture me, year 2008, I’m 14 years old and sneaking out of bed at 3am to read panic! at the disco fanfiction on the living room computer before school. I am not proud of myself. But I will say, the p!atd fanfiction game went hard in the late 2000s. That was some real literature right there. 
3.  What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
I’ve never actually had a negative fandom experience. It’s all been relatively great. 
5.  Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
I’ve only written Game of Thrones fanfiction, and that is the story I am sticking to!
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
As soon as I watch something and ship two characters, I’ll hop on Ao3 and see if there’s any fanfiction for it. I’ve read fanfiction for Veep, the Good Doctor, Stranger Things, the Walking Dead, etc. But I haven’t been interested in writing fanfiction for any other fandom except Game of Thrones. 
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
14.  Go on, who are your BroTPs?
DanyxJorah, DanyxYara, DanyxMissandei, DanyxMeera, DanyxArya, DanyxTyrion, DanyxOlenna, DanyxMargaery, DanyxGreyworm (are you sensing a pattern here?? lmao). Also, AryaxMeera, AryaxMissandei, AryaxPodrick. It should have happened.
19.  Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Hmm maybe I wish I shipped Robb and Talisa because they actually loved each other, but I never really felt them, and their relationship will always be tainted in my mind by Robb being a total dumb dumb and getting her killed. Also I ship Robb with Margaery. Sorry Talisa haha. 
Author Questions
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
I’m especially fond of my fic Hurt for Me because it was the easiest writing experience of my life. I literally wrote the whole fic in two days because the story just flowed out of me so naturally. So I have nothing but positive feelings associated with that fic aside from hating the title, but I really suck at titling things.
39.  What is your greatest strength as a writer?
This is tough. I guess I’d say my biggest strength would just be my ability to start writing. I hear from most people that the hardest part is finally putting words to a blank page, but I find beginning stories to be really easy. 
40.  What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
I struggle with losing momentum! I will be on a roll with my writing, busting out 40k in a week only to crash and burn, tell myself it’s a shitty story, and then completely abandon the whole project. I get so distressed when I see how much I’ve written of fics that I will never finish haha. 
Fanfiction Questions
50.  How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
Well I FIRST got into reading fanficiton when a friend forced me to read some when I was in 9th grade haha. Specifically for Game of Thrones, I was honestly just obsessed with Jonerys and bored at work, so I started reading Jonerys one-shots during my down time at work, and then after season 7, I wrote a few short one-shots myself of how I thought some events/conversations might go in season 8. I also started writing a longer Jonerys fic that was totally canon divergent, but I eventually abandoned that and started writing a modern au instead because I had looked in the modern tag and wasn’t seeing a ton of options. And then I just stuck with writing modern because I really enjoyed it, and because I didn’t want a bunch of comments on my fics telling me I was fucking up the canon story world lol.
51.  Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
I loooooove fanfiction just as a general literary medium. I have always loved writing and loved stories, but I absolutely hated reading and that was because the books exposed to me in school didn’t interest me, and I didn’t have access to many resources to independently search for books that would interest me and actually attain them. So I actually learned a lot about writing from reading fanfiction when I was younger. Fanficiton was free and accessible without me even having to walk to the library, spend an hour browsing, and then lug the books back to my house only for my mom to get charged a late fee when I inevitably forget to return them. Sure, it probably exposed me to content I wasn’t mature enough to be reading at the time, but honestly..... that was part of the appeal lol, and I’m glad I was cooping myself at home reading smutty, angsty romance rather than going off and doing dangerous shit like some of the kids I went to school with. The only thing I hate about the world of fanfiction is rude commenters. It’s free content after all. Just enjoy it or walk away! 
Thank you for the ask! This definitely kept me occupied for a while haha <3
Fanfiction Questions
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nighttimepixels · 6 years
What programs did you use for making the Great Noodle Jape and Soul Redacted? Also, if you don't mind me asking-- do you have any tips for making games and a well written story that doesn't seem well... predictable? I'm not confident in my writing and I feel like I'm not exactly qualified or enough
ahhh i should really make a FAQ specifically addressing game questions...
for The Great Noodle Jape, i used Ren’Py!
for [Soul Redacted], i used RPG Maker VX Ace!
and (for those who are curious), for YMHaT, i’m using RPG Maker MV!
as for game making/storytelling that isn’t predictable, that’s... oof, that’s quite the big question, really! but to first and foremost address the feeling you have of not being ‘qualified’ or ‘enough’...
There is no threshold to being a storyteller.
to be human is to tell stories. writers, artists, gamemakers, and so on - these are just people that deliberately aim to bring some form of embodiment to the stories they come up with, the stories they’ve lived. if you do that too - congratulations, love, you too are a storyteller.
regarding developing one with purpose and where to start, how to continue - it all boils down to what story you want to tell. there’s all sorts of advice out there on this topic, but in the end, it boils down to what you want to share. if you start a project with only a single scene in mind, you might be able to wring out some buildup, some interest - but you’ll find yourself running dry. you might burn out or get stuck, or you might fall into blander filler to try and get to the scene or flesh it out.
before you sit down to write a story, games included, outline.
it’s the advice every writing teacher ever gives, and the advice nearly every storyteller will ever hand you as well. your story is your own, what you come up with will be unique to you, even if it’s a delightfully tropey indulgent one - it’s still influenced by your personal take on life, everything that’s made you you, and that’s part of what gives a story life. however, if you want it to be well structured, if you want the world to feel real, the characters to feel like they have depth, you have to put in the time to make that reality.
for fangames, you’ve got part of the steps done, honestly! if you’re considering making a fangame, you probably already think about these characters a lot, have headcanons that influence characterization, and all the more. what’s important here is to not just rely on that cloud of thoughts - write things down! type it up, write down a summary of the main plot. start to expand there - bullet points help me. deliberately point out to yourself who your main characters are, who your side characters are.
if you’re struggling with character depth, try writing down three odd, interesting facts about them - they can be as random or silly as ‘he keeps a journal, and hides it under his bed’. then, for each of these, ask yourself why. why does the character do/think that? here you’ll start to challenge yourself- is this important to them? how does this influence the character, or show a side of them i hadn’t had the chance to get into via other means? maybe you’ll think of a particular formative event/experience that will start to help you think of them as more than a face-value character. continue on like this - whenever a character feels stale, think about the little things. quirks, habits, and so on, and ask why. discover the character yourself before you expect others to discover them for you.
for events, don’t just think about the big plot points - think about the little interconnecting pieces... interactions between characters especially, in my opinion. consider how two personalities would mesh - or clash. again, why- and here, here you’ll start to ask how.
Why and How are your biggest friends when it comes to plotting out a story. the other basics - who/what/when/where - those are bullet points. easy-peasy. why and how, though, those are the ones that take qualitative thought.
‘Why’ and ‘How’ are the questions that will give your storytelling more life.
this applies to both dramatic/angsty stories and comedic ones! i put just as much thought into the how and why for something as more comedically-inclined as The Great Noodle Jape as i do for the darker, emotional portions of [Soul Redacted]. great comedy has as much punch and thought behind it as drama - and both can have a play in the other.
and of course, when you can, when you’ve got enough of a story - share it with someone whose close to you. whether for a second pair of eyes to catch what you’ve become used to or just to get that boost of feedback, it’s a great boon to share your story with at least one person and be open to talking about it!
finally, as for predictability - it’s a word that is a bit of a... troublingly twisted one. the thing is, nowadays, nearly every story is a remix. the human (or sentient, in general) condition is one that has a lot of overarching themes - tales of loss, of triumph, of hapless comedy and of glory, of obscene idiocy as well as cruelty. people who go about crowing that a story is predictable or boring fail to notice this, or just don’t wish to - what matters more than a story being obscenely unique is that a story has heart.
it’s the characters, the interactions that give a story it’s unique edge, it’s take that will stick with you. there doesn’t need to be a moral for it to be enjoyable, either - sometimes, the tropiest, silliest, most indulgent stories bring the greatest smiles or laughs or tears, and end up being something people will think back on for a long time to come with fondness.
so, in the end, my best advice is the same advice i tell myself everyday - get out of your own way and just do it. not every story will be your best, but every story has the potential to mean something to yourself and others.
you’ll never make something great if you never get started. you’ve already got the qualification you need - you’re here, you’re alive, you’ve got that spark of passion.
tell your stories. there’s always an audience for them. and the more stories you share, the better you can share them.
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cryingbilldenbrough · 7 years
Your post about Richie made me think.... why does this fandom love writing Richie with abusive parents?? Weren't they good parents in the book? And I don't remember anything in the new movie saying they weren't? Idk if I'm missing something or if the fandom just collectively decided this, but it's weird when so many people focus on that and not the canon shitty/abusive parents Bev/Eddie/Bill have?
listen anon this is a constant source of Confusion and Stress for me
because 1. yes, richie has arguably the best parents in the book, followed closely behind by the Hanlons. like richie has this scene where he tries to convince his dad to give him money to go to the movies and his dad gives him all this shit and his mom is really fondly long-suffering and it’s actually one of my favorite scenes in the book!!! cause like richie isn’t some loudmouth annoying kid to his family!!! his dad makes him mow the lawn and richie falls dramatically to the floor and richie’s mom is like “god just finish ur breakfast cant i have One Day of Peace”
2. the general consensus is that 2017 richie MUST have abusive/absent parents because Why Else Would A Kid Act Out and like??? im not going to pretend i understand what abused kids act like but man to me richie just seemed like a really smart, really bored kid. and that’s like, canon in the book. richie is a straight A student in the 50s and the 2017 movie takes place in the 80s when a total education system reform was happening!!! richie is a kid with probable ADHD in the 80s when schools are finally making a turn and being pushed to be less apathetic about education but he lives in a small farming town in maine where most kids are probably being shuffled through school just to get their diploma and then work for their parents. the poor kid is probably DYING of boredom!! of course he gonna act out!!! he’s also wildly imaginative! like the kid comes up with all these characters and has specific voices for them (racist, kind of shitty, and admittedly not skillfull, but he tries). richie is a hyperactive kid who likes to have fun and like, that Does Not mean he has shitty parents!!
3. let’s just admit and agree that this fandom cares waaaay more about richie tozier than they ever will about bill denbrough/eddie kaspbrak/bev marsh. everyone is more interested in writing angsty hurt/comfort about him than they are about any other characters. but! there’s no canon basis for richie to has this terrible homelife like the rest of the losers do so people have come up with their own weirdly half-romanticized version of his backstory. and like!! i do not want it to come off like i don’t think it’s okay for people to project and write fics about their favs going through their own personal situations but! when the entire fandom accepts this tragic/shitty home life for richie, it steals away one of the few good parental relationships in the book. it also lowkey erases some of the FUCKED UP shit that happens to eddie and bev and bill just because people like writing about richie more than they do the rest of the losers. 
this got very very long but my basic point is this: there are many many fucked up home lives in It to write about, maybe we should cool it on Richie Tozier’s tragic backstory for a while? also GOD can we all just crawl out of richie tozier’s ass and agree to write about some other characters for a change? they’re all good guys!! i promise!!!
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buscandoelparaiso · 7 years
Don't think H is lying per say. Many artists have acknowledged that the music they are writing is made of projections, or written as if from the perspective of a close friend etc. Harry said this album is personal to him, so perhaps he is using different techniques. He is incredibly incredibly intelligent and I'm sure his songs will be laced with symbolism and double meanings (as he has demonstrated with Carolina and Olivia) while still being about his experiences.
When I say ‘lying” i mean not being honest about certain topics, not lying as in HARRY IS A LIAR!111 OMG SO FAKE IN EVERYTHING HE DOES!1HOW DARE HE!1111111. I meant that IF/WHEN (cause we don’t know the lyrics yet!!!!!!!!!) he sings stuff like ‘i slept with women,i had a one night stands, yeaaaaah sex drug and rock-n-roll bitches111!!11’ we know it’s not true and it might be a song inspired by something else or someone else, a story he heard, a dream he had, something he wanted to tell metaphorically using the image of a woman but if applied to his real life it doesn’t apply. Why? Cause 1.  i believe he doesn’t sleep with women and never has in the past 7 years (let alone in the ‘groupie’ way press wants us to know about) 2. i know that even if harry IS indeed an artist that lives in this rich&famous environment with everything this entails, he is also in a committed relationship which he sings about in songs that are indeed personal and close to his real life, songs he has written and published  for past 5/6 years and wrote for his new solo album as well. So I agree with you, he is clever and i think he explored different kind of genres and topics in his production, he has songs which are clearly about "someone” he is in love with who feels like home, a relationship he still has that had his ups and downs like a normal relationship has, that had struggles that were solved and they love each other more than before and will forever belong to each other etc., but he also might have (cause again, we don’t know what the context of the rest of the album is!!!!!!!!!!!!!) songs about women or angsty lyrics that might ‘hint at breakups’ or whatever houies like to get off on, and it doesn’t mean they are related to his real life (cause clearly they aren’t if we look at the reality presented in the past years and still now!) a life that remains private and not public to the world (cause he is in the closet!!!!!!!!! just like louis!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so it can be explored in songs for the audience only from certain angles. Plus, he has a big audience to appeal and people have to relate to his songs and make them theirs in order to like them and buy them so while he stays authentic in some songs, he also has songs that appeal hets and antis cause they are part of his public and if they like the content, they spend money and help with the sales. (let’s not pretend making an album is ONLY about art and music, it’s not a hobby, it’s his job and he earns money for that -a  lot of money!- just like the rest of the big acts in the industry, it’s music but also business and marketing, especially with ‘commercial products’ like Harry Styles(tm))  With this said, I suggest everyone to CALM DOWN and WAIT for the whole lyrics so we can know for sure what the songs are about instead of eating each other alive about interpretations that come from two lines possibly made up by an anti to mock larries. That’s all I meant with my post. I hope I cleared what I meant when I said this album is not 100% authentic and Harry is ‘lying’, his album will be as real as possible once he’ll be allowed to. Before that, this is the best he can do. Mixing metaphors, stories and real life in a work I am sure it’ll be very interesting, I agree. 
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