#I'm new to this so uhhhhhh hoping it's good
sluttyassaultron · 5 months
heyy 3 and/or 42 for the ask game? :]
never really done one of these before so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :
(from this ask game)
#3: What fictional characters are you most into right now? And/or what fantasies do you have with them? absolutely would have to be KL-E-0 from Fallout 4, been into her for years. she radiates such a flirtatiously dominant aura, which I'd most certainly want her to act on... and what could I do to stop her if she did? (not that I'd want to anyways)
#42: If you do want to have sex, how do you want your first time to go? probably just having a nice conversation first to make sure we both know what we want, I'm much more the type of person to do what the other person wants (within reason) so I would happily oblige. honestly, I want it to be more simple at first before trying out some more interesting things, I want to get a feel for my partner before trying said things out with them.
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the-punforgiven · 2 months
Finally got to spar again, I'm feelin good c:
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dredshirtroberts · 19 days
i'm just a dude and my mind is a NIGHTMARE
#the grieving process is hard - i feel like it's harder when they haven't even left yet#but you know it's coming so you just kinda Pre-Grieve and hope it helps later#I also uhhhhhh don't? grieve the dead very well? so i was already going to do a bad job of it#and now i feel like i'm doing even worse than i normally would because of the circumstances of learning the news#and also i hate my parents and my whole family of origin and the way that they're cycles upon cycles of neglect and abuse#and i hate that i'm caught in the middle of it and unable to process my thoughts feelings or emotions around it because i keep getting#caught up in the unfairness and rage and then shoving it all back out of my mind as hard as i can and hiding from it so i don't have to pok#at the box anymore because it fucking *hurts* dude#it hurts to think about these things and work through my feelings and I don't fucking want to right now#but i'm running out of time on a deadline no one fucking controls and if i miss it there are no second chances ever again#and i hate that. i hate that i have no choice i have no agency in this#i know i'm not supposed to but like i still hate it#this will also be my first grandparent death i'll have experienced and i know i'm late to the party#and i'm lucky to be late except i never even had a relationship with my grandparents#and what little i did have dried up because i *did* pull away from the family#and no one fucking chased after me#which is a DIFFERENT kettle of fish we're not even going to get into here#maybe i'll write more Adrien stuff he's good for getting these feelings out#and i started his story line officially yesterday so maybe... maybe i'll write something from further down the timeline
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oflgtfol · 6 days
MarvelDC anon x5 sorry im back again I just wanted to say I agree 100% with everything you say and don’t rly have anything to add there that isnt just recycling your points. It’s genuinely fucking crazy how the entire point of the superhero in 90% of cases is that they are vigilantes who operate outside of the legal system and yet so many of them are given plot lines about how the cops or the military are Awesome. Or like will show them buddy buddy with cops or the government. LIKE STOP ITTTT. STOP ITTTTT. And most of the time too it’s for characters where them being hyper connected with the government etc makes their overall story Worse. Ill use flash as an example bc You Know that guy but I LOVE flash I love him as a disabled character struggling w addiction issues for personal reasons BUT HIM LOSING HIS LEGS LIKE SHOOTING PEOPLE IN THE SWANA REGION AND THEN BECOMING A GOVERNMENT GUY IS SO FUCKING ASSSSSSS IT MAKES HIM WORSE AS A CHARACTER AND A PERSON IN A WAY THAT ISNT INTERESTING BECAUSE THEY NEVER SAY ANYTHING INTERESTING ABOUT IT!!!!! Like why the fuck did Flash even become disabled in regard to Going To Commit Imperialism For The U. S. A like NYC gets destroyed on the daily!!!! Have him lose his legs by a building falling on top of him!!!! Im spitballing ideas here but why wasn’t Venom Flash uhhhhhh Him Losing his legs in an event like that, in conjunction with him saving someone else, since this is the era of Symby and Eddie's breakup Symby is slithering along + sees this and helps him out, bc you know they can make their own choices and do what they want and maybe they wanna be a hero too even for a moment, then like maybe a few months later or whatever They Meet again and Symby is like hey….. I felt something when we bonded for that brief time. Im going through something rough too right now (The Divorce) so why don’t we try something new together. AND NOW BOOM. you can have Flash as Venom. Now without the stupid venom as addiction metaphor too! Like if you really fucking want you can include stuff about the government trying to manipulate them or whatever but as a whole this would have been so much better of an angle to start venom flash with but NO that we DIDNT GET Because Of The Military Complex meaning We Cant Ever Have Good Things
i know this is so controversial among the venom fans but like i'm really not that attached to flash lmfao i know nothing about him he's just some guy to me i just know he's so much better than mac gargan cuz by god that was a dark time for venom comics.
so now i'm the one nodding along with you and not adding anything lol. i trust you to come up with a better backstory for him because i literally don't know anything about him beyond the vaguest outline. i don't even know what war he fought in that he lost his legs to i dont know Anything. eddie some little absolute freak to me but flash is just some guy
Like if you really fucking want you can include stuff about the government trying to manipulate them or whatever but as a whole this would have been so much better of an angle to start venom flash with but NO that we DIDNT GET Because Of The Military Complex meaning We Cant Ever Have Good Things
i do have to say though that this is totally how i thought venom 2011 was going to go. the first like, four-ish issues got my hopes up so much. i really honestly thought it was going to be drawing parallels between symby and flash how they are ultimately just tools of the government, just weapons that can be discarded in pushing the military's agenda.
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this whole page drove me insane at the time and it still kinda does. the way flash is lying directly to his superior to stay with symby longer despite how much he's been drilled that being with the symbiote too long is a danger. they aren't friends yet this early but there's still this impulse to stick with it. and it's because they're parallels!!! the symbiote is quite literally being treated as a mindless tool by the government - it's deprived of all rights that a sentient, sapient being requires. it's trapped and it's being forced into serving and fighting on behalf of a government that doesn't even care for it. likewise, flash is being given the illusion of choice, and to some extent he still does have a choice, but he's being so manipulated by the government here that really he is also just a mindless tool for them - or at least, they want him to be mindless about it. the final fucking panel at the bottom of the final page is crazy.
it was such a strong start to a run that i was very apprehensive about due to aforementioned lack of knowledge of flash as a character, and my general fed-up-ness with the way the comics had been handling venom and eddie in general during that irl time period. so i was so so hoping that it would be taking a blatant and staunch anti-military stance, or even at the bare minimum if it was even still done in a liberal way, as long as there was still SOME criticism of the military complex i would be jumping for joy. and the idea of flash and symby then also bonding during all that?!! crazy. but then it just kinda. goes off the fucking rails halfway through that run/??? like demons and hell and satan kinda off the rails. absolute bonkers. i need to reread venom 2011 actually i barely remember it it was like a fever dream to me. could have been because i descended into madness shortly after i read it but i digress
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shopwitchvamp · 6 months
sad you dont get quality anon hate anymore? i can give you some uhhhhhhhh um. uhh. erm. uhhhhhhhhhhhhh your skirts are stinky. your joggers are uhhhh. they have an overpowering raw onion smell there we go thats a good one. i hope you uhhhhhh explode. and fall over. from the smell of your skirts and joggers. yeah.
Hmm, I mean it's a good effort but you gotta put more hateful heart into for sure. I'm getting distinct "pure cinnamon roll" vibes here. But! Usually people don't bring other senses into it, so I'll give you that as a fresh (or stinky) new take. The effort is very appreciated thank you for trying, anon. Witch Vamp's Anon Hate Rating: ★★��☆☆ Witch Vamp's Cool Anon Rating: 🥮🥮🥮🥮🥮 (<- pretend they're cinnamon rolls, thx)
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
[HeroIsBack!SWK finds his Macaque clutching a strange stone oval that the hunters targeting FFM are very adamant on stealing...]
Other SWKs opening a portal to see what's taking HeroIsBack!SWK so long, only to see him in a bloody battles aftermath, covered in a lot of blood, missing an arm and holding in the other arm, and staring with big pupils, HeroIsBack!Macaque, who is holding a stone egg and chewing on the missing arm (Flight or Fight makes ya do weird things it seems).
SWKs: ...
LMK!SWK: Umm...you okay, bud?
HeroIsBack!SWK, looking at the others now: I'm dreaming of a solstice wedding now.
I have a whole post I'm working on describing an idea for a HeroIsBack fan sequel, so Imma keep SWK and LEM's meeting short.
Basically once all the kids (minus Silly Girl who was unclaimed by any of the humans strangely) are returned to their parents, Sun Wukong goes home with his new little troop in tow. When he finally touches down though... Flower Fruit Mountain is still in the aftermath of the Burning and is constantly being attacked by human hunters and starving demons. Wukong does the king thing and goes to kill some hunters/save captured subjects.
He gets to the Hunter's camp; only to see the carnage of a one-sided battle, many of the hunters are already dead or gravelly wounded. His subjects are still in cages, but something is busy with the remaining attackers.
Then he gets pounced by a figure lurking in the shadows that mistoke his tall form for that of a man;
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Sun Wukong is immediately in love.
This terrifying feral beauty turns out to be his Six Eared Macaque; currently on one of his many human-focused blood frenzys.
After a quick exchange, they realize that the other is a dear friend they thought lost to the War on Heaven. Things are adorably awkward even as they slaughter the remaining hunters together.
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Accidental hand-holding occurs when they reach for the neck of the leader of the hunters.
Later once the fight has died down and SWK has released the imprisioned monkeys, the two warriors get talking.
SWK, messed up phyically from the fight (maybe looking for a missing limb): "So... the leader of those hunter. I heard you say that he'd Took Something from you?" Macaque, currently has SWK's missing arm: "Yeah. My treasure." SWK, takes arm back: "What kind of treasure?" Macaque, unstraps bundle from back: "This." *Treasure is a Stone Egg* Both Mystic Monkies be like: ╭( ๐_๐)╮ ⬯╭(๐_๐ )╮ SWK: "Well thats... unexpected." Macaque: "Yeah it sorta just smashed near me after that solar eclipse. For some reason the hunters really want it."
Later Macaque sees Wukong interact with Liuer in a very dad-like fashion and decides to ask.
Macaque: "The little monk. He is your cub?" Wukong, (chokes on piece of fruit): *begins realizing the parental-energy of his and Liuer's interactions* "Uh...." Macaque, smiling cheekily: "And he just *happens* to have my title as his name?" Wukong: "UHHHHHH..." Pigsy, butting-in expert wingman-mode: "He is such a good dad! You should see how he tends to the baby!" Macaque, eyes blown wide with excitement: "Baby!? Where?!"
Turns out the bloodthirsty killer Macaque is also a natural caretaker. Known as "Nanai Mihou" to the younger generation of monkeys on the island - much like how SWK himself is "Grandpa Sun".
SWK and Macaque are both having *feelings* about officially becoming parents (parenting Liuer / an actual future baby monkey), and maybe they might ask the other beautifully powerful celestial primate out on a date???
And ofc everybody can see whats blooming between them except the two monkeys themselves - they don't want to get their hopes up. Liuer gets frustrated and decides to pull a Parent Trap on them. Also Silly Girl turns out to be the child of a pair of Important Demons...
I have just realized that this plot set up is like a Hallmark Xmas movie, but with immortal monkeys.
But yeah the sudden shift in plot throws the other SWKs for a loop.
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thegreatyin · 17 days
ffxiv dawntrail job preview thoughts:
-reaper is a job that exists in final fantasy 14: dawntrail
-red mage got a fourth finisher. 10/10 no notes, lol, lmao even. i do hope they'll do something else with the job eventually though, it's kinda been the same its entire lifespan (which is good! rdm has a great rotation! but also i hunger.)
-machinist has MORE guns. i am happy with this. i can live with this.
-the dancer spell effects continue to feel a little too weightless for my liking but the actual gameplay has been fun so far and i have faith that it'll hopefully remain that way. otherwise looks good looks like dancer no strong complaints here. sidenote i do wish they'd make it clearer which stuff is new and which stuff is old. like that looked like a new dance maybe possibly??? but i'm not entirely sure
-MOVING LEYLINES!!!!!!! THE LEYLINES MOVED!!!!!!!! i mean uhhhhhh. yeah the rest of the black mage stuff looks cool too. kinda disappointed they didn't add onto the abomination that is the already-existing clock gauge but yknow i kinda get it. it's already just barely standing behind the line of being overly clustered
-dark knight is a job that exists in final fantasy 14: dawntrail. also is that a new gap closer..?
-the viper gauge looks weird as hell and im kinda here for it. their flashy blue finisher move(????) is baller im very excited to play it
-first of all are those pictomancer job stone colors set in stone because eughhhhhhhh i am not feeling that yellow with that pink. second of all god the vfx on this job are gorgeous. im LOVING the hammer. day one ragdoll is learning to paint mark my words
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firecoloredwater · 8 months
Ask meme: 6, 7, 22, 30
...I had the answers 99% done and then my computer froze and I had to restart and lost all of them. So OKAY, TRYING AGAIN
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Not really! I wish I did. I am apparently very weird in that a fic (or anything I read) needs to be a certain amount of unfamiliar, or my brain won't engage enough for me to enjoy it. If I've reread something too much then my brain will go 'oh I know what's happening, I don't need to pay attention' and wander off and get distracted. Making myself focus deliberately just means being bored and annoyed. I am also really good at remembering stories (and like nothing else) so I can read a fic twice, maybe three times if it's especially long/complex, before I have to put it down for anywhere from some months to a few years to let myself forget enough details to make it new enough to read again. (For related reasons, I basically never read my own fics for enjoyment. I'll reread to refresh my memory before writing more, or while rereading comments, but I know my own fics too well to really ever approach them as a reader. I might get enjoyment from 'oh I actually pulled that alliteration/foreshadowing/etc off well' but not just from reading the story.)
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
Uhhhhh somewhere in the range of infinite. Depends on how you define ideas for fics? If you mean fics I'm actively working on/hoping to write in the near future, that would be... about 6-8, probably? But if you mean fics I'd like to write even if I don't actually expect to have the chance, that gets up into several dozen immediately. If you include ideas that I haven't specifically thought about how I'd write them, then we're probably into the hundreds. I am an endless font of ideas and it does not turn off.
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
Usually vaguely! But it ranges from 'and then everything is good the end' to like, a two-sentence bullet point of the ending scene(s). I don't plan ahead in much detail, because I do a lot of discovering and adding things as I write, and what I throw in that way will affect later scenes. So if I had a lot of detail planned for the end, I'd just have to replan/rewrite anyway when I got there, and probably be annoyed about losing lines I liked. So it works out better for me and the fic if I keep my plans minimal. There is an exception for very short fics. If I'm writing a fic that's basically just one or two scenes, and the entire momentum of the fic is writing toward the end, then I can know exactly what the end is. But that's fairly rare, partly because I also need to be able to write it all in one shot, and I rarely have that much time.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
.......................well I was going to dump a scene from one of the self insert AUs here, but it turns out two years is enough for me to no longer love the writing in that. So uhhhhhh guess I'll just. Write a new thing real quick!
(@executeness and @denialcity, enjoy)
Every clan has their own way of finding soulmates. Some are more reliable than others, and most are closely guarded. That's never mattered to Takami: the Uchiha's tradition is reliable, so any uncertainty that other clans live with isn't his problem.
He is fifteen and it is the first dawn after the winter solstice. The fire in the center of the Uchiha compound has burned all night, built steadily larger until it roars, and the flames dance as high as his chin.
Takami is not the only fifteen year old with a sharingan, but he is the clan heir, so he goes first. The entire clan sings as the first rays of dawn break through the horizon, and Takamii steps forward, sharingan burning as he shapes chakra and breathes a thin, precise stream of his own fire into the core of the flames.
He's thought before about how it would look, whether he would see his soulmate's form made of ashes and embers swirled within the flame, or if the flames themselves would twist into the right shape for only his eyes, or....
It's clearer than he imagined. As if he's looking through a window, tinted gold and shifting in the breeze, but otherwise the overlapping images are perfectly clear, as if he were looking at reality directly. But there are so many people--the fire shows the watcher's soulmate, but also everything around them, and there are so many overlapping forms. Takami prowls around the fire in a circle, watching the shifts within it, tracking which faces stay in focus.
He can hear. The longer he watches, the more sound grows. It's still thin and distant, but seems to come from deep within his own ears, so even the whole clan singing together can't quite drown out what his soulmates hear. A song, of course, and orders....
There is one flaw in the Uchiha method of identifying soulmates, Taka realizes: it's public.
He finishes a last circle of the fire. The song hasn't faltered despite the time he took, and it continues as he stops, and turns to face his father.
His whole family: Father and mother and four younger brothers, even Kunimi, who drank enough tea to keep anyone else awake for a week and is standing in his proper place with his face screwed up in determination. But Tajima is the clan head, so Takami faces him first.
Tajima's voice is pitched to carry over the song. "Have you seen what you are looking for?"
"I have," Takami says, steady as if this were any ordinary year. "There were a lot of faces, I had to move to be sure which one is mine. We should make people dance, next year."
"Then your soulmate is within the clan?"
Takami grins. "Hako's mine," he announces.
Several voices falter then, and people in the crowd shift, and surprise makes it through even Hako's near-perfect composure.
Takami is the heir, but Hako is beloved, the most beautiful and the most perfect and the most wanted. No one in the clan had even bothered to pretend they were more interested in learning Takami's soulmate now than Hako's next year.
They're not wrong, all those people chasing after Hako's every glance: Hako is the best and they should all be honored to have his sight fall on them. But he's Takami's brother first, and now no one can ever try to interfere.
In the firelight, so subtle than only the sharingan could catch it, Hako relaxes. Beside him, Madara sneaks a thumbs up, and his grin distorts his singing for a few lines.
It's not this easy, Takami knows. They're soulmates, so they won't be separated now, or expected to put anyone else first. But they'll still be expected to have friends and get married, and the whole clan and half their allies will chase Hako for both of those. Some of them will remember that some people have multiple soulmates, and keep hoping for another year that Hako will claim them even though Taka hasn't.
At the same time, it is this simple. Takami and Hako belong together, and no one will ever question it again.
Takami steps away from the fire, and goes to stand beside Hako instead of in his proper place. He takes up the song as the others look for their soulmates: one outside the clan, and one within it.
There are more traditions, more celebration, and Takami goes through them gladly with Hako at his side. Even so, Hako can read him like no one else.
It's late morning before they get even a few seconds out of everyone's sight, but the instant it's possible, Hako has Takami out of sight and hearing.
Out of sight like this, Hako isn't perfect either: his forehead is creased and worry bites in at the corners of his eyes. "Nii-sama, tell me you didn't lie."
"I didn't."
Hako frowns, his forehead creasing more, but it's true. They're soulmates. Takami didn't lie.
"Then," Hako says slowly, "why are you bothered?"
"I saw you." The images are still in Takami's eyes, hovering with sharingan clarity. The whole clan singing around the fire, centered on Hako, posed and perfect. And overlapping, a training field, four boys and a man with a voice Takami knows, barking harsh orders. "I also saw a Senju. Butsuma's son. One we haven't seen on the field yet."
"He has enough sons," Hako says harshly, then catches himself. "What did you think?"
Takami didn't think. He just watched, and knew better than to reveal anything like that. And Hako was right there to smooth things over, as always. "It doesn't matter. He'll probably just die anyway."
"You don't need him anyway," Hako says. "You have me."
"Yeah." Takami grins. "Always."
"Always," Hako promises, even though there's no need to, and then he moves on to batting a wrinkle out of Takami's clothes and herding him back out to the celebrations.
The next year, Hako looks into the fire and sees Takami alone.
Six months after that, Senju Kawarama arrives on the battlefield. He's grown, but Takami still knows that face.
He puts a scar on it.
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tsuki-sennin · 3 months
Oh, wait, uhhhhhh there's a Zukyumpire planning to nuke us all. That's not very good, is it?
Spoilers, I guess...
-He's Gotchanko get on on outta here!
-Angecopter Angecopteeeeeer!
-Very ineffective.
-Y'know, good on her Clotho being satisfied with her work, that's all we can really ask out of someone :)
-Oh hello, Yua-san
-That was your name, right?
-Love Nuke!
-World peace, by the benevolent anime incubus boy.
-Classic Chemies for ya.
-The best little guys....
-"No, that can't be~! Haha... Hah..."
-What a jerk.
-Laugh and smile... it's your God given right!
-What a gentleman....
-No malice... just despair.
-Help us, Triceratops-sized spider!
-Clotho with the chains!
-I admit, quite a genius plan.
-"Pay close attention to why I place the High Alchemis Ring on my middle finger. It's for situations such as this."
-Three-Headed Sleeper! MoonCerberus!
-I absolutely approve, what a gorgeous form.
-Hot damn, Rinne! Instant beatdown!
-One of my favorite things about Gotchard so far is that even with all the various "super" forms Hotaro accrues, they're not treated as be-all end-all solutions. They all have clear-cut advantages and disadvantages. The Fire Forms all have the danger of overheating and being dangerously fast, while the Level 10 Chemy forms are more specialized. Nothing's really become "obsolete" thus far, which I can appreciate.
-There's still a chance for you, Zukyumpire :)
-Be freeeeee!
-"My power... is yours to take!"
-Foe Clotho is immobilized by love!
-Oh, he can speak inside the card!
-Damn! Ten thousand Rider Kicks in one second.
-Clotho goes off.
-Go on home, affection.
-"Wanna be pals? :)"
-"Oh, who cares..."
-Oh boy, new Dread form.
-"If you kill the unicorn, I'm going to slowly pull out your fingernails with hedge clippers."
-He spilled his blue sky meth everywhere.
-Hot damn, even Hopper1's under his spell!
-It's okay Renge. ...a lot of us did too.
-Awwwwww, Sabi :)
-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, Yua-san~!
-Oh, you must be the guy.
-That ain't gonna work, dude.
-Yeaaaaaaah! Be free!
-I hope we get a release for Zukyumpire's image song.
-This is that famous Iron Gotchard I've heard so much about.
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lokiforever · 1 year
New teachers at school!!!!
Chapter 7
A/N : Matthew is a new comer in as Y/N's class
Matthew : Would you mind a dance?
Y/N : Uhhhhhh....
(You could sense the flirty vibes from him plus you barely knew him though you can easily defend yourself but still)
Matthew : Please just one dance!
Y/N : Maybe some other day.......
Matthew : Ok.... What about a drink?
Y/N : Fine.
( free drinks - that's why)
While the waiter was bringing your drinks you saw a familiar pair of eyes- Tom. He was looked at you and smiled and you returned the gesture .
Tom's POV
(Today, as he had no other work to complete he decided to go to the club.)
I was sitting on the couch in the club when I saw Y/N. I have to admit that I liked her since the beginning cuz she was a bright student but since she's been my teaching assistant, the things were quite different. I started liking her but more than as a student. And at the annual feast, Lord! She was looking absolutely breathtaking and the dance, it was just amazing.
She'll probably hate me if she knew how much I like her and not as a student but much more than that . Although I have seen the spark in her eyes whenever we talk or meet and the way her cheeks go crimson whenever I compliment her......
When I saw her today, my jaw dropped, she was looking exquisite . But wait a minute. She is with a guy. Matthew Cameron. Jealousy rose inside me which I know wasn't fair as she's just my student and I have no right of stopping her from meeting anyone.
Our eyes met and I smiled and so did she.
By the look in her eyes I could tell that she wasn't really enjoying it being with Matthew. He on the other hand had a 'please be my girlfriend' look in his eyes. One of the reasons why I like her, she had a 'not gonna happen' one in hers.
Waiter : Here's your drink!
Matthew : Thanks.
When you both finished your drinks you stood up.
He kept his hands on your cheeks and leaned in. You pushed him away but he did it again. By the time you could, from the corner of your eyes, see Tom standing up and coming towards your direction. He was fuming. That was when you kicked Matthew in the stomach, grabbed his collar, smacked him on the bar counter, took out your dagger and kept it on his throat.
Y/N : Do. Not. Even. Try.
Matthew :W-what is wrong with you?
Y/N : What has gotten into me, you say?! It's you who is a creep!
You felt a pair of hands on your shoulders. Tom.
Tom : It's enough for today, dear! Just look at the poor thing!
He gently whispered in your ear.
Y/N *to Matthew * : If you dare do anything like that again you'll face brutal consequences.
You let go of his collar and he stands up.
Matthew : P-Professor Hiddleston?!
Tom : Mr Cameron, in my office! Tomorrow. After class.
Matthew : O-okay, p-professor..
Y/N : Matthew, don't you think you're missing something?
Matthew : I-I'm s-sorry....
He said looking down.
Y/N : That's better!!
He immediately ran out of the club.
You let out a long exhale.
Tom : Oh Lord! You got some serious skills, Y/N!
He says chuckling.
Y/N :Thanks! You see, it's important when your classmates are jerks!
You laugh.
Tom : By the way, you are looking ravishing as always, darling!
God, this man!!!! He's probably the only one who can make you blush so easily and the word 'darling' from his tongue is like............soooooooo much more than brilliant!
Y/N *blushing* : Thanks!
Tom : You never told me that you know how to use daggers too.
Y/N : I'm not very good at it....
Tom : Then, my dear, I can teach you!
Y/N : Wait a minute.........you know how to use daggers?
Tom : Mmhmm!
Y/N : Is there something good which you can't do?!
You say jokingly. He laughs.
Y/N :Were you serious when you said that you'll teach me?
Tom : Absolutely!
Y/N : Really?!!!! When do we start?!
Tom : From Monday i.e tomorrow. After school at my place, if you are okay with it.
Y/N : Great! And yes I'm completely fine with it.
Tom : Now, I hope you saved me a dance!
Y/N : Obviously!
Then you guys dance and you could easily feel the difference between the one with Matthew and this one. With Tom it was relaxing, safe and comfortable.
Y/N : Well, I just realized that your dance is a trillion times better than Matthew's.
You both were still dancing when you whispered in his ear, chuckling.
Tom : Ehehehe! I'm honored!
You guys dance for a while and then stopped.
Y/N : I must get going! We have class tomorrow!
Tom : Right! Do you want me to drop you?
Y/N : It's fine I can drive myself home. Thanks though!
Tom : You're welcome!
You guys got out of the club and went to your cars
Tom : Bye Bye, darling!
He said placing a formal kiss at the back of your hand. You blushed.
Y/N : Bye Bye, Tom!
*At your apartment*
Knock Knock
Your best friend opens the door and smiles widely as she sees you.
Y/B/F/N : Heyyyy!
Y/N : Hiii!!!!
Y/B/F/N : Did you meet someone in the club?!
Y/N : I might have...
Y/B/F/N : Come in, quickly and tell me everything!
You chuckled and went inside.
Y/N : Uhhh..... So when I entered the club, I met a guy named Matthew and he asked me for a dance and I disagreed...
Y/B/F/N : Really?! Did anything happen?!
Y/N : Not really..... After the dance rejection he insisted on buying me a drink and between that I saw....
Y/B/F/N : Professor Hiddleston?!
Y/N : Exactly! And after that he tried to kiss me and I pushed him away -
Y/B/F/N : Professor Hiddleston tried to kiss you and you pushed him away?!!!
Y/N : Oh, no, not at all! Professor Hiddleston didn't try to kiss me! Matthew did!
Y/B/F/N : Oh.......okay..
Y/N : Matthew was stubborn enough to try again.
Y/B/F/N : Tut - tut. Poor guy, I can imagine what you did.
Y/N : hehehe, yes I know you can! Then I did you know what. It was when I felt Tom's hands on my shoulders.........
You told her the rest of the story.
Y/B/F/N : Okay............so, from tomorrow you'll be taking defense classes from professor Hiddleston!
Y/N : Not defense classes, exactly.. but,yeah sort of.
Y/B/F/N : That's great!
Y/N : Now it's your turn! Tell all about the movie!
You guys talked for about half an hour and then went to sleep.
*In the morning *
~~~Buzz ~~~
You groaned as your alarm buzzed . "I hate waking up early !" you sleepily mumbled to yourself.
After a few minutes you woke up, took a bath and brushed your teeth.
Y/N : Wake up, y/b/f/n or else you'll get us late!!
Y/B/F/N : Argh! Fine, I'm up!
You wore a simple black denim skirt with a baggy white sweater, tights and black boots. And as it was a bit chilly outside you took your black overcoat.
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Y/N : Let's go!
Y/B/F/N : Just give me a few minutes!
Y/N : Sure, but please be quick, our first class is Maths and I have a reputation to maintain in front of professor Downey!
You chuckle.
Y/B/F/N : Sure, why not?
She laughed and so did you.
*In the school*
You and your best friend got out of your car and rushed towards the corridor.
That was when you bumped into a strong chest. By the cologne itself you could tell it was Tom. Your cheeks went crimson immediately.
Y/N : Morning', professor Hiddleston! I'm so sorry.....
Y/B/F/N : Morning', professor!
Tom : Good morning and it's totally fine, miss Y/L/N. But if I may ask, why are you going that side? The hall is on the opposite side.
You looked at him confused and then to your friend.
Y/N : The hall?! But we are going towards the class.
Tom : The headmaster asked all the students and teachers to gather in the hall.
( Your former headmistress was ill so you had a new headmaster, Mr. Nick Fury)
Y/N : Oh..... I didn't know! Sorry.
Tom : There's no need to say sorry! Now, let's go we are getting late!
You all entered the hall and saw professor Jungkook which made your best friend smile. You both nodded towards him and joined the rest of the students.
Headmaster : Good morning, students! I requested your presence here today to make an important announcement. Professor Downey will be on a leave for a few months and hence, Mrs. Tessa Grace will now be teaching you mathematics, temporarily.
You get a bit emotional when you listen that one of your favorite professors will not be teaching you for a few months. Professor Downey was always nice to you and was proud of you as you were one of the brightest students in his class. You respected him very much and he was always there when you needed a word of advice.
Professor Fury :Please go back to your respective classrooms and you all can wish professor Downey your goodbyes afterwards as he will be here for today.
Y/B/F/N : Y/N?
Y/N : Hmm....
Y/B/F/N : It's okay it's only a matter of few months don't be sad.
Y/N : Yeah, but....
Mostly all of the students were already gone except a few who were saying goodbye to professor Downey and those too were outside the hall so you two were practically the only ones inside.
Tom : Students, please go back to your- Miss Y/L/N?! Miss Carter?
Y/B/F/N : Oh, sorry professor we were just going.
Tom: It's okay but first tell me what happened?!
Y/N : *sniffles* Nothing.....I'm fine.
Tom : There's definitely something.
Y/N : Not really.....
Tom : We will talk about it in my office after your class.
You just nod and go to your classroom. You enter the classroom quietly when you notice that the teacher is already there.
Professor Grace : Thank you, for finally deciding to join us in the classroom.
She says, more like a sarcasm.
Y/N and Y/B/F/N: Sorry, professor.
Professor Grace : What are your names?!
Each of you told her your names.
Professor Grace : Go sit!
You go to your seats and sit beside each other.
The class was moving oh, so slowly. It felt like hours and still half of the class was left.
Y/B/F/N : As far as I could recall, professor Fury said professor Downey would be here for today....
Y/N : He did, but not for teaching for telling this stupid *points towards Tessa Grace* the work and schedule.
Y/B/F/N : Hmm...
After a few more torturing minutes.
Y/N : Umm, excuse me Mrs Grace!
She simply turned toward your direction and hummed in an arrogant way.
Y/N : The answer to that question isn't 25 is should be 32.
Mrs Grace : Oh, really?! Then why don't you come and solve it if you're so smart?
Y/N : Ok.
You go towards the board and solve the question.
Y/N : Done!
She checks the sum from the solution that lazy woman had taken out from Google.
Mrs. Grace : It is.......correct. Nice. Now, go back to your seat.
She says like somebody has kept a knife on her throat to force that out from her.
*After the class *
Y/N : Ok.......so our new maths teacher is a witch with a b.
Y/B/F/N : She is.
It was time for english class which means professor Hiddleston. You both head towards the English classroom.
Class starts.
Tom : Good morning, class! Today will be studying one of Shakespeare's most known play Romeo and Juliet. So, I have decided that I will call a few of you here for a few main roles and all you have to do is narrate the lines of the characters. But I will call those who know about Shakespeare only. I will be reciting Romeo's lines.
All the students agree and a few girls wish that he chooses them for the lines of Juliet.
Tom : Mr. Will you will be doing the lines of Juliet's father and Miss Y/L/N, you the role of Juliet....
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zepskies · 6 months
Uhhhhhh stupid dumblr yet again! I haven’t commented cause I never got notified about smoke eater part 14! 🙈🙈🙈 I just came across a reblog u did and I was like what???? Geez! I’ll definitely read it tonight when I get home from work! Will give me something to look forward too! 😄
Oh my GODDDD!!! Me and this hellsite are about to have a fight. 🙃🙃
I hope you enjoy Part 14 later tonight! But I'm so sorry you weren't notified about your tag! Maybe it doesn't like me scheduling those tag list reblogs to send at a later time. I'm going to try and redo those posts and see if people get notified when I post them right away.
The good news is, I now have a side blog that's just to reblog my stories. It'll give notifications on new stories and new series chapters, like Smoke Eater.
If you want, feel free to subscribe to Zepskies Writer's Room! 😘💕
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pokemedia-text-dump · 8 months
teko's uhhhhhh guide to hammer-swinging idiots i think
so i saw a certain @ConcernedRowlet's guide to pokemon care on chatter and i was immediately like "hey this is super good and all but you know what it needs? more memes and affectionate badmouthing of the pokemon in question" so allow me to enlighten you about how to care for these little hammer shitling goblins through the lens of my personal experiences and a shitload of sleep deprivation in the form of a rotumblr post
[ahem] "fuckin' tinkatink line! how do they work?"
[Image ID: A half-conscious Tinkaton sprawled out on its hammer, covered in grime and food debris. Its tongue is hanging out of its mouth slightly.] yes they truly are the pinnacle of grace, aren't they
these guys are all-female fairy/steel types and they're uhhhh so like you know those inventors in a lot of TV shows the ones who somehow come up with just the thing to save the day and can casually flaunt the rules of science because it's cool for the audience to watch like uhhh professor farnsworth or something ...yeah imagine that, but they're perpetually disheveled and constantly acting like they just did a line of cocaine and pounded back a six-pack of monster immediately after
let's start with tinkatink tiny babey the little rattle thing they hoist around that's supposed to be a hammer due to them not being very strong in this form it's less a "hammer" and more like "heavy-ass monster hunter greatsword" to them their technique with it is less "hit the enemy" and more of a "use the sheer weight and heft of the thing to swing yourself around in the hopes you manage to concuss something" sort of thing it's important to get them accustomed to using it quickly so they're less likely to hurt themselves trying to flail around, especially in battles
they're fiercely protective of their little scrap clump, and for good reason you know how i said they're not very strong well ferrovores (metal eaters like aggron or steelix) often eat their hammer  it's like a little iron-flavored sucker this is bad news for the tinkatink, because having the physical strength of a wet spaghetti noodle doesn't do much for self defense
this is not a wild pokemon exclusive thing, either if you have any ferrovorous pokemon in your squad be sure to establish early on that this thing is friend, not food it's important for the tinkatink too they're perfectionists when it comes to the hammer and will take it pretty hard if it gets eaten what you should do if this happens is assure them it's not their fault, and give them little pieces of scrap metal to help them along
now onto tinkatuff! bigger! stronger! dumber? these guys are sort of like the vigoroth of the line well uh if vigoroth didn't evolve into a fat lazy fuck, at any rate in this form, your buddy gets more of the hyperactive temperament the line is known for
they're also very stupid there i said it i'm sorry but they are dumb as all distortion like, they're not dumb in the sense that there's nothing going on up there like a slowbro or volcarona but they're morons in the same way as a frat boy with ADHD on top of having a ridiculous amount of ideas rattling around in their skulls (most of them poorly thought-out) they think they know everything when they really, really don't and since they have the impulse control of a two year old things can go...badly
[Video ID: A Tinkatuff, gleefully carrying a large fragment of a Copperajah tusk and cackling, while getting chased across the screen by a herd of Cufant. Leading them is a very angry-looking Copperajah with most of its left tusk missing. The trainer holding the Rotom Phone can be heard facepalming, then proceeding to mutter "I told you this was a bad idea, you pink idiot..." He then sends out a Ceruledge and starts running forward in an attempt to protect the Tinkatuff.]
in this form it's imperative for you to put a lot of effort into cleaning them this is because they get...filthy like really filthy here's a fun little experiment: attach a poke doll or other such plush toy to a pokemon's leash and let it drag through the dirt as it runs then briefly dunk it in whatever you're cooking for dinner  congratulations you're now in the ballpark of how dirty they get
in the wild they basically live in huge burrows of scrap metal and food waste they make in their forges they have little to no standards for cleanliness because of this told you they were like frat boys they eventually begrudgingly pick the bare minimum off of their trashpile-mates when their fur becomes super duper matted and stuff it's up to you to keep them from getting to this point by gently scrubbing, cleaning and thoroughly combing their fur on the regular fortunately they don't like, hate baths and stuff: they just really can't be assed to clean themselves in the slightest
ooh right right right the hammer almost forgot about that not long after evolving these guys will seek out any metal they can get their mitts on to beef up their hammer ...the "beefing up" usually consists of just taping on a few pieces of bent metal and lengthening the pole, but still, A for effort
but when i say any metal i mean any metal they can and will get it off of a large appliance, your plumbing, even a steel-type corpse if you leave them to their own devices they can literally smell metal so don't think your plumbing is safe either so as soon as they evolve it's best to get them more materials fortunately many stores in paldea (and a few other places) sell different types of sheet metal for the express purpose of sating their appetite and if not just going to your local hardware place is usually enough to tide them over or if you're really cheap you could just rummage for stuff in local scrapyards take her with you when you do this your partner has a good eye for what they're after, she'll know which kind of metal is right for her the hammer gets juiced up more and more as they get stronger so you're gonna have to provide them with more metal when it finally reaches a certain size and grandiose-ness you can often expect them to evolve not long after
on top of that, being the ADHD-ass little nutjobs that they are, they test their hammer by smashing it against whatever catches their eye they get much physically stronger here, so their swings have a bit of heft to them now unless you want a lot of ventilation in your home take measures to control this immediately fill a punching bag with rocks, let them go nuts with it, and put it back up again whenever they start beefing up their hammer some more this teaches them not to hit random stuff
and finally tinkaton! tinkaton are crafty very crafty they're still not smart by any means but they are crafty so crafty, in fact, that they often use other pokemon as tools
[Video ID: A Tinkaton, holding a Charcadet upside down above a hunk of metal that it's working on. The Charcadet's fire plume is shining brightly as the Tinkaton uses it to weld a handle to its creation like a blowtorch.]
there are close to no limits on what they can find uses for, so if one of your team members finds themselves getting used as a power drill or smth, don't be surprised: this even applies to their battle strategies
they get a lot stronger in this phase and i mean a lot you think some of the stuff fighting types like machamp and conkeldurr can handle are impressive try hurling around a 200lb+ blunt object like it's a long twig and still being able to lift more if they wanted to they could probably swing you around as a hammer too! ....not sure how well that would go, since you'd probably splatter as soon as they hit you against something, but they still could!
their hammer is very large and elaborate now it's almost a miracle that it's still built around the same rattle thing it had as a tinkatink! they don't need beds or blankets or anything because, get this, they just plant the hammer into the ground and pass out i always wonder how their back isn't torn to fucking pieces when they wake up from sleeping on a giant lump of metal if they trust you enough, they'll eventually start lightly bopping you on the head with it as a sign of affection!
in the wild, they live in large clans with other members of their line called "forges" these forges are equal part giant trash and scrap burrows and huge testing grounds for whatever crazy thing they decide to band together and build they also make prosthetics for wounded pokemon out of steel-type carcasses in exchange for scrap metal and berries!
forges typically give roving trainers a wide berth because they know pissing off humans is a bad idea very rarely a stray tinkatuff will ignore this because, again, they're foolhardy dumbasses if they go after you just hit it with a few status moves and it'll typically turn tail and get a stern talking to from the forge's elders or you could just use whirlwind or smth the different forges in paldea are proficient at utilizing different pokemon, and even form sort of partnerships with them for example the asado desert forge teams up with varoom and revavroom to use them as steeds [Image ID: A Tinkaton with a red scrap cloth headband riding a Revavroom, leading a pack of Tinkatuff and Tinkatink riding several Varoom.]
as you'd guess from this they're very social creatures it's important to let them bond with the rest of your team better in this form, as they serve as surrogates for their pack if you want you can also visit your local forge to let your tinkaton screw around with the forge members a bit for funsies
a common misconception is that tinkaton hunt down corviknight by tossing rocks (or sometimes other pokemon, such as falinks troopers) at them in the air with their hammer hence why squawkabilly is used as the flying taxi coach in paldea this is actually a lie and they get hard walled by corviknight (and then they get salty over not being able to do anything useful in the battle) they do it because to them it's funny as shit it's like their equivalent to miltank tipping they don't really do it to other people's corviknight because it's not as funny: they don't get as surprised because they're far closer to the ground
they're also super driven to build stuff what is "stuff?" nobody knows! not even them! sometimes they just get a flash of inspiration and start scribbling out plans for some sort of grandiose scrap metal behemoth and you just have to roll with it if you have a bit of engineering/mechanical know-how, you can feel free to join in the fun!
....unfortunately that's where the burglary sprees start
now i know what you're thinking you little smarty-nipple
"wehhhh but maybe yours is just a bad temperament or you're not raising it right or-"
N O .
i have worked with several of these rattata bastards and i can say with complete certainty that they're all a bunch of kleptomaniacal shitheads seriously if you took one of those Rabbid things from Rayman and gave them a hammer well uh you wouldn't exactly have a tinkaton but you'd be pretty arcdamn close
if they need metal and you don't give it to them they will steal things computer parts refrigerator doors stove hatches engine blocks it does not matter what it is or what it's made of if it ain't nailed down and it's made of metal they're taking that shit this is why it's really, really important to teach them to ask for your aid if they're in the mood to build something
they also need to hunt wild steel-types not often, mind you, kinda like pyroar prides but it's still sometimes tinkaton are hardwired to kill for their materials giving them sheet metal and stuff helps with the urge to build but not the urge to "disassemble" steel types you'll need to get the proper licenses to hunt pokemon and only go after any steel-types that are in season to do this what they're after is metal pokemon with only small bits of metal on their body, or those which have the metal-y bits on the inside, like lucario or togedemaru, are typically off the menu they also need you to help, and possibly your other pokemon remember what i said about them being pack hunters to them, you're the pack's leader, so they look to your guidance for hunting
unfortunately this, along with the stealing part, is why a lot of trainers end up abandoning/releasing them in this phase some people can't bring themselves to be complicit in outright hunting down pokemon, only capturing them, which is understandable being denied part of the enrichment it needs, the tinkaton begins lashing out in other areas to try and vent some of the stress it's built up with no other suitable outlets this can lead to your opponents or even other people getting seriously hurt if you're looking to raise one of these guys, please, look for a suitable alternative unless you're willing to really, really commit that said, give 'em what they need and rein them in here and there and you'll have a loyal (if slightly violent) partner who can come up with some truly amazing things like this [Image ID: A Tinkaton decked out in an imposing suit of armor made from assorted scrap metal and Steel-type hide, posing triumphantly atop its hammer, which is planted into the ground. The armor has a Corviknight's head plating as a helmet, and a segment of a Forretress' shell hanging from the back like a cape.]
finally, a few anecdotes from my own specimen of these dum-dum yokel gremlins
cotton likes eating her food on her hammer as well as sleeping on it, yet she doesn't like it getting cleaned ...she doesn't seem to make the correlation between a dirty hammer and more baths ...nor does she seem to care
she likes listening to "Sweet Release of DEATH - Sugary Spire" before battles because it gets her even more hyper than usual this helps because i like to use her as a support lead/damage dealer hybrid, because, as befitting their crafty nature, they learn a lot of support-oriented moves
anyway yeah that's all i got later nerds
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albatris · 1 year
been thinkin about how much of a dick quinn is early story. like. chapters 1 and 2, I feel (I hope??) the readers like nat, sympathise with him, root for him, etc. but I think people might have trouble getting into the groove of a quinn chapter with quinn acting so. uh. quinn
but idk if they *need* to be pulled in the same way to quinn's pov as they are with nat? at least not initially? like if the question is "does the reader care for quinn", is it fine if the answer early on is "no"?
I need the reader to care about what's happening, but in quinn's chapter there are several things happening that are not me attempting to get the reader to care for quinn -
1. the reader cares for NAT, and the reader is tense because it's clear quinn is zeroing in on nat and is up to no good, the reader wonders why, the reader gets these little tidbits of information about nat's mystery in quinn's chapter - the reader is invested in nat and the vibe of quinn's chapter is very much "hey uhhhhhh I'm Afraid". it's fine for the reader to think this is a villain pov chapter lol
2. there are other people AROUND quinn that the reader is able to care for and sympathise with, like alex (seems reasonable and kind, doesn't want to get involved with this whole mess) and cleo (helped nat out in chapter one, seems friendly, is clearly being manipulated and threatened by quinn)
3. there are a few new questions introduced that the reader can gnaw on, like: Who Is The Knight, Who Are The Ethels, and Hey Are These Guys Vampires? I'm Getting Vampire Vibes Are They Vampires?
4. quinn is a FUN narrator even if they're shady as all fuck. there's drama there's pizzazz
n all of this is HOPEFULLY enough to draw the readers' interest along even if as a narrator quinn is kind of a dick at first
there needs to be enough OOMPH to quinn's chapters that the reader isn't too alienated by how Quinn quinn is, and to draw them along until they ARE invested in quinn and start to care for them
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maximillien · 2 years
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Pairing: Alberu Crossman x reader (they/them)
Type of fic: crack, fluff, angst (for our poor crown prince suffers due to cale)
Warnings: uhhhhhh glass shards (lightly explained, no swallowing, no hurting), a tiny explosion? CALE, crack mention of death
A/n: @hakdog222 here ya go. Hope you like it :). I listened to a murder podcast whilst creating the scenario ( is this relevant? nope. thought it'd be funny to mention. )
The scrawling of a fountain pen could be heard throughout the overly large room of the castle. Noises bouncing off the elegantly painted walls of the royal office, adorned with gold.
Birds chirping outside of the window, ethereal voices making themselves known and enchanting their surroundings, singing messages to other critters in the area, awaiting an answer to their calls.
How peaceful.
Yes, very peaceful.
(Y/n) could not help but enjoy the luxurious surroundings around them, basking in the comforts the palace offered, freshly brewed tea and baked goods ensnaring their senses, making their nose scrunch and mouth water. Comfortably sitting on a thick- silk covered- sofa, filled to the brim with pillows and comforters.
It's lovely that Alberu had the sofa and table installed so I could stay with him whenever he works.
It's perfect.
And it would be even more perfect, save for the body of their lover, lying half-dead on his workspace, slaving over documents, bent uncomfortably over the desk, heaps of paperwork in the uncompleted pile.
I'll bet three quarters of those are problems that Cale caused.
A sigh escaped the crown prince's mouth, body sagging even further into the desk, head hitting the edge for a mere second before he glanced to the unfinished papers, forehead wrinkling up in distaste.
'Darling, shouldn't you take a break? You've been at those blasted things for about-'
(Y/n) spared a quick glance at the clock, situated above the navy blue door, golden carvings engraved around, creating a beautiful pattern.
'-five hours now. It's severely unhealthy to work for so long. A break would help you be more focused towards finishing that...pile.'
It looks more like a tower than a pile.
Alberu lifted his head up, a tired smile painted his features as he straightened his back up onto the chair, dropping his fountain pen and flexing his fingers for a second before picking it up.
'No, I'm quite alright dearest. However much I appreciate the sentiment, I have to finish the messes that my very lovely dongsaeng has somehow put himself in. Again.'
His typical fake smile plastered on his face at the mention of Cale, voice dripping poison and teeth gritting. He turned his attention back to the job- jobs- at hand, sighing in irritation.
(Y/n) felt sweat go down their neck momentarily.
Wow. That bad, huh. I wonder what he did this time. Maybe he overthrew another empire.
Silence filled the room, save for the sound of papers rustling, writing and birds singing.
Boredom filled (Y/n), as they decidedly got up to get a book from the bookcase behind them- courtesy of Alberu.
Their eyes skimmed through each novel available, luxurious hardcovers filling every inch of the small library.
A waft of fresh, crisp, new paper invaded their senses.
Their head lolled to the side slightly, looking at each section.
Politics, Romance, Psychology, Sociology, Art, Philosophy-
Interest peaked, they approached the Philosophy section, feet carrying them to the short distance, they looked at the titles closely.
The Philosophy Book, Critique of Pure Reason, Republic, Beyond Good and Evil, Nicomachean Ethics-
(Y/n) pulled the last book out. Thick manuscript weighing down in their arms, turning the book around to look at it, opening it to the first few pages and reading a few sentences.
Looks interesting enough.
Walking back to the thickly covered sofa and comfortably falling down onto it and into it's soft covers, pleased sigh escaping their lips as their limbs fully relaxed and got ready for an engrossing reading session.
They opened the heavy tome to the aforementioned page, resuming their reading.
Silence engulfed the large room once more, except for the extra turn of pages.
Pages upon pages turning, (Y/n) could not help but put every ounce of their attention onto the book before them, absorbing each sentence into their brain, before looking up to check the time after a short while and- oh my god it's been three hours.
Body frozen in place, they couldn't help but notice the uncomfortable tension in the back of their neck and how their spine had somehow replicated Alberu's own painful position.
Speaking of the man himself, they looked up and-
-he's still working, he's not been working all this time has he? He must've gotten up at least once to have asked for some tea? No way, he definitely has not gotten up he hasn't changed his position since I started reading.
Right, enough is enough, I'm honestly tired for him.
A shadow loomed over Alberu's desk, which he did not notice at first until it coughed and- oh, it's (Y/n).
He forced another tired smile, hoping to appease them for a while longer.
'Hello again, dearest. I only have a couple hours left, then I'll be all yours, would it be okay if-'
His eyebrows shot up in surprise at the firm tone they displayed.
'I said no. You're having a break. Right now.'
He opened his mouth to argue back, that he had far too much work to finish and a break would set him behind, however his lover's hand stopped him.
'You've been working for around 8 hours. Without a break. You haven't even had a cup of tea in hours. I'm not having it. You're going to lie down on the couch and relax, even if it's for a quarter of an hour.'
They circled his long desk, standing right next to him, circling their hand around his arm and tugging it upwards.
Alberu sighed and slowly got up, cringing at the stiffness in his limbs, getting used to standing up after having been sitting for so long.
There's no winning with (Y/n) when their mind is made up.
He let them pull him towards the sofa, lying him down sideways, pulling his head up and sitting down after him, putting his head in their lap.
Their dominant hand started lightly scratching his scalp, whilst the other teased the ends of his hair, both ministrations hoping to send him into a relaxed state.
He sighed- not in irritation this time- but in relief.
His muscles sagged deeper into the comfort of the sofa and cushions, finally noticing the heaviness under his eyes, he closed his eyes, submitting to his lover's tactics.
'Tell me.'
Alberu made a noise for them to explain what they meant.
'Tell me what he's done this time to warrant you this towe- uhm, pile, of documents.'
The prince felt his eyebrow twitch and his annoyance rising.
'He made an enemy of a king from another country, overthrew the empire and appointed his younger sister in place of him as ruler.'
I knew it.
'He's also asking for a few new golden plaques to repair the damage he caused.'
And that is completely unsurprising.
'He's never going to change is he?'
Alberu made a mock noise of affirmation.
Peace came back into the room, the only sound both lovers could hear being their breathing, basking in each other's attention and presence, moments which come few and far in between.
When suddenly, the roof of the room broke, wood flying everywhere, glass windows breaking and sending shards flying through the room.
Alberu and (Y/n) both jumped up from the sofa, the latter forming a barrier over the both of them, protecting them from the now deformed and broken ceiling.
And lo and behold, down flew Cale through the ceiling, Raon making his presence known too, apple pies in hand.
The future queen of the Roan kingdom could not help but swear.
'What the actual fuck Cale?'
At that Cale landed gracefully on his feet and (Y/n) swore they saw stars and lights bursting behind him, almost as if he were a character on stage.
'Your Highnesses.'
Cale bowed his head to his friends.
Alberu spoke up.
'Oh, what now? First you overthrow a kingdom and make me go through hell, cleaning up your messes. Then you break through the ceiling of my workspace, endanger myself and my lover and have the audacity to go about this as if it were a normal occurrence?'
Cale opened his mouth to speak yet Alberu scoffed and interrupted him.
'Actually this probably is a normal occurrence for you. Let me guess, Choi Han will now savagely break my last non-broken window to enter the room instead of going through the door like a normal person would?'
At that moment the shattering of glass could be heard again, and a blur of black appeared in their visions.
(Y/n) woke up in a cold sweat.
What the hell kind of dream was that?
As they woke up fully, they began to get their bearings. They were in a massive bed, and the sunshine had barely peaked through the curtains, indicating an early hour of dawn. The fresh and comforting scent of their lover seemed to be imbued in every layer of pristine fabric in the room.
Alberu was in bed- for once- and had his arms around them, their body comfortably lying on him.
I could get used to this.
They started tracing circles on his abdomen with their index finger, pushing his sleepwear to the side to access the skin, lightly tickling him awake.
A groan could be heard above them, they chuckled and greeted him.
'Hello there. Fancy seeing you here. Why, isn't this a lovely treat?'
He tiredly chuckled back, muscles slightly lifting (Y/n)'s head up and down as they put their ear to his chest, hearing his stuttered breathing from laughing and steady heartbeat thrumming in his ribcage.
'Yes, I finished more than I thought I would- for once. I thought I'd surprise you by staying in a little later than usual. I see you made yourself comfortable. Not that I mind, of course. I love seeing you lovingly looking up at me like that.'
They hummed in approval, tracing their circles from his abdomen to his chest, rising to his throat and chin, feeling the goosebumps rising to his skin, the small shudder he thought would stay hidden making it's presence known. Caressing his lips, cheeks and eyes, and finally scratching his scalp.
He made a noise of approval, keening at the touches, nape of his neck heating up.
(Y/n)'s voice echoed in the room.
'Hm, this reminds me of the dream I just had.'
They could practically feel the smirk on his face as his voice adopted a teasing tilt.
'Oh, all good things I hope?'
He backed up further up the bed, sliding his hands onto (Y/n)'s hips and lifting them up with him, sliding their nightwear to the side to rest his hands there, index finger imitating their own feather light strokes.
'Yes it was lovely, until Cale Henituse broke through the ceiling, and Choi Han ripped through the last unharmed window. Instead of using the door. Oh, and they also overthrew another kingdom.'
Alberu groaned, vibrations making their way through his chest and sending chills up their spine.
'Please don't say that, he haunts me enough in the day, I don't want to suddenly manifest such things.'
(Y/n) chuckled.
'No worries, there's absolutely no way that would happen.'
The man under them made a reluctant grunt of affirmation, both enjoying each other's tender strokes, peace and silence making it's way into the room-
-until a knock came at the door.
'Your Highness?'
Their eyes simultaneously shot open and made eye contact.
The knocking continued.
'...right? There's no way...?'
Alberu's head fell into the crevice of their neck silently whimpering.
'Your Highness, you have an urgent message from Young Master Cale Henituse.'
The prince opened his mouth.
'Traitor. You jinxed it.'
(Y/n) uncomfortably squirmed, muttering an apology.
A smile appeared on Alberu's face, lightly kissing their neck before gently carrying his lover to the side and off his body, pecking their nose lovingly, then rising and fixing his frocks, going to open the door.
'What has he done now?'
'Your Highness, he is asking for more golden plaques.'
Oh my god, am I a soothsayer or something?
The last thing (Y/n) saw before Alberu left was the dirty look he sent their way.
A/n: Yo, it's done. I cackled to myself thinking of that twist. idk i thought it'd be funny. Cale is traumatising (Y/n) too. It's a full time job.
This was my favourite thing to write ever and is know one of my fav self-written fics ;;;
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the-typing-dragon · 1 year
not absurd but whats some videogames youve liked lately
Ah so youve activated my trap card!
Anyways so:
Minecraft is always a fan favorite, good for decompressing and general chilling out
Reinstalled Monster Hunter World for the 4th time so might boot up my old save file for that.
Brawlhalla is making a resurgence for me. Good stress relief while also being intensely aggravating, which is an interesting combo.
My thoughts regarding portal have been made known.
I havent been playing Deep Rock galactic as much as i would like, however I'm hoping to work up the energy to try the new update this weekend!
Uhhhhhh thats about it for now?
Any ask where i get to dump info is a fun ask
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bluiex · 1 year
HELLO i have been largely incoherent for like a month but uhhhhhh have some final limited life angst ________________________
And it's a fist shaken up at the sky.
And it's glaring in the eyes of those who you can't see, but see you.
And it's an armor set still strapped to your chest.
And it's the final breath between the three left.
"Like our forefathers before us," Scott laughed. Right. Honor in death and dying, honor in laying down your weapon and facing your opponent with a faded, yet determined smile, and letting the swing of a fist determine the "winner" from weeks of hell. Impulse was content with it, too.
Martyn could Hear them, Hear how they waited with baited breath for the final round speeches, of good bye and good game, of clarity. Like our forefathers, god. What a joke.
"What Scar and Grian did wasn't fair," Martyn thought. To hold each other in that burning desert, and weep for what could not be avoided, building up the drama until it choked them out, until nothing but bloodied fists and broken bodies remained.
They held onto love until it broke them. Until there was nothing left. And They loved it. They craved more, They would put them into this hell over and over and over again, starving for new ways to prolong the agony. Hungry for new betrayals and new loves, never satisfied.
Those two had sealed the fate of the rest of the players with not a kiss, but with broken teeth and cactus spines.
Martyn would not participate in the drama any longer than he had to. There was only thirty minutes left for them, and he had no interest in dragging things out, leaving it up to chance.
Impulse and Scott were armor-less. The sword in Martyn's fist was heavier somehow, as thought the universe itself was hanging onto the blade, arguing with him. That this would not satisfy Their hunger, that he would be causing a new pain in this betrayal.
What would Ren think?
"Ren's free," Martyn thought. At least, he hoped as much. He hoped that those who had not returned to play once more were on their home worlds, safe and sound and galaxies away from these horrors. He needed that to be true, that they weren't waiting in the void for another round of death, that Ren was safe.
That feeble belief was enough to bring the blood pounding in Martyn's ears back into his hands. It made it easy, then, to reach for the lava bucket at his side, and douse his longest ally this time around in flames, striking Scott down without second thought.
(In a way, Martyn knew Scott didn't want to win again. Double life had shown his as much.)
Impulse was more fiery still, because he had something to life for. Impulse grappled for his own sword, exhaustion betraying his clumsy motions. Maybe it was a kindness, Martyn slaughtering them both so quickly. Maybe it was a kindness to avoid a final dance, and put them to rest all at once.
Martyn was shouting, but the words sounded like nonsense to his own ears. Something about alliances, something about pissing Them off, something about not having enough time. He was screaming, fresh blood clinging to his clothes and drenched along his blade, and there was so much noise.
There was cheering, and crying, and anger, and it made his skull into an echo chamber, endless voices demanding a replay, a new dance, a new game… and those who were delighted all the same. Those who had championed him as their hopeful winner, those who were so pleased that he had come out on top…
Martyn sank to his knees in the sand, panting. His voice was hoarse, and his eyes watered. It would never end. This would never, never end.
Somewhere in the air above him, Martyn could hear someone whisper about ending the game.
"Ren," Martyn thought, his bloodshot eyes drifting shut. "Ren... I'm sorry."
AAAAH welcome back to coherencey for this amazing ficlet
GODS- Martyn just will never be over Ren. He'll never escape the death games hell
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