#I'm not hijacking that blog to make this one
keyleth-clay · 2 years
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Venture Maidens Moodboards: Chidi
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frankenfrights · 3 months
so i uhhhh. really want to make a sideblog for an oc who's essentially a "reincarnation" of victor, but like. a teenage girl in the modern era. but then i'm like wait that's too weird why would i do that alfjdgkjkdg
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babyjakes · 10 months
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help me hold onto you.
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | kinkmas 2023
prompt | sex pollen
pairing | steve rogers x avenger!reader
warnings | sex pollen (reader was exposed to some sort of chemical agent that induced a persistent state of hyperarousal.) medical elements (reader is staying in the medbay.) crying (not related to the sexual interactions.) stevie is soooo soft :')). dialogue is soft and sweet, gentle praise and encouragement included. fingering. tummy rubs bc they make me soft. she comes quick! intense, prolonged orgasm. the beginnings of aftercare.
word count | 1,356
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"Hey, hey- okay. I'm here, sweetheart. I'm here. Just tell me what you need."
Steve's brow was raised in gentle concern as he stood over your hospital bed. Dr. Banner had set you up in a secluded room at the end of the medbay, wanting to give you as much privacy as possible given the nature of your condition. It was still all a bit baffling to Steve; Bruce had shared any information he had available on the mysterious chemical you'd been exposed to out on your mission to a foreign bioweaponry facility, but most of it had gone in one of the supersoldier's ears and out the other. "Persistent heightened state of arousal" was the only phrase he was able to cling to, which still didn't feel like much to go off of.
As he stood there at your bedside, though, those words were all of a sudden making a lot more sense. You were a pitiful sight, really- curled up on your side with your knees hugged up to your chest. Your whole body was shaking, something that tore at your teammate's heart as he came to better terms with the severity of the state you were in. Overcome with obvious discomfort, all you could do was lie there and rub your sore knees together uselessly. Your hands reached out for him needily; in an instant, he was lowering himself down to sit beside you, leaning over you attentively as his face filled with concern.
"Oh doll," he hummed, reaching out to brush back your hair with a steady hand. Your forehead was drenched in sweat, your big eyes looking up at him pleadingly. As another wave of unbearable heat rolled over you, tears were building in your eyes. "How can I help, sweet girl?" Steve was pressing, "Is there anything I can do?"
In a moment of total weakness, you reached out for him again. This was completely abnormal behavior for you. Being the youngest and newest to the team, you were always intentional about maintaining an image of responsibility and restraint. But as Steve sat there at your side, his steel blue eyes looking over you so thoughtfully as he gently offered you his hands, your hijacked mind was fixating on him faster than you could realize what was happening.
"P-please," the weakness of your small voice broke Steve's heart. He nodded encouragingly, wanting to do anything he could to ease your suffering.
"What is it, honey? Hmm? What do you need?" he asked soothingly.
More tears built in your eyes as you failed to generate a verbal response. Instead, all you could do was continue to writhe pathetically. Steve's brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of your movements. "Does something hurt?" You whimpered feebly at his question, shaking your head. "No, then what is it, sweetheart? Can you tell me, or- or show me?"
Desperation drove your every move as you shifted slightly onto your back, your knees falling apart as you brought a shaking hand down to motion over your hospital gown toward where the sensations were accumulating. If Steve was surprised or offended by your admission, he didn't let it show. Instead, he simply nodded, speaking with an understanding tone, "It's bothering you there, darlin'? Do you want me to take a look?"
Your wide, pleading eyes were enough to answer his question. Pausing, he took a moment to consider the best way to proceed. After a quick glance back at the door to the hallway, seeing that the coast was seemingly clear, he gently brought his hands over to lift up the thin fabric of the gown, pulling it back to expose the area you had pointed to. Steve couldn't help but gasp softly as he saw the ramifications for the first time; any doubts he could've had about the compound's strength or effects were immediately shot down as he faced the living, breathing evidence.
"Oh honey," he crooned worriedly, leaning his head down a bit to get a better look. Your pussy was so puffy it almost looked painful. Your clit was swollen to about three times its normal size, pulsating visibly in unison with your heavy heartbeat. Bruce had placed a wide gauze pad beneath you, and it wasn't hard to see why; with the constant state of arousal your body was trapped in, you were amassing an impressive amount of self-lubricant. Face drawn in disbelief and honest fascination, Steve struggled to find words to console you. "Sweetie, what can I do? Let me help you," his voice was swelling with concern. Swallowing hard, his gaze returned up to your face. "Can I-... would it help if I-... you know...?" The sweetest hint of pink rose up in his cheeks.
You were unsure of what would happen if he tried, but with the way your stomach was lurching and spasming in excitement at the mere thought, both you and Steve knew it would be senseless to not at least give it a try. Sensing your mild confliction, the supersoldier took a moment to brush back your hair again as his soothing voice filled the air, "It's alright, doll. Let me take care of you. S'just me, just Stevie. I'll be gentle, I promise."
As he spoke, he gently drew his hand down to begin rubbing at your inner thigh. Letting out a squeak of surprise, your heart jumped at the way his touch immediately sent sparks shooting up through your tangled nerves. "Easy," he hummed lowly, pushing on you carefully to encourage you to open up your legs a little further. Once you were nice and spread out for him, he took another deep breath. "Okay darlin'. Just keep breathing for me," he seemed to be trying to calm his own nerves as much as he was yours.
With the lightest amount of pressure he could manage, Steve carefully brought his pointer and middle middle fingers to sink slightly into your pool of arousal. They didn't linger long, as they then slowly dragged up your wetness to smear over your enlarged clit. The moment he came in contact with your poor button, your world was set ablaze. You had never felt such unbearable heat in your life; it was as if every atom within your core was being blasted into smithereens, an incredible amount of energy and pressure building up inside of you as a result.
"Easy, easy- shhhh," Steve was doing his best to talk you through it, watching as your hands scrambled to grip the sheets below you, your hips rocking in shameless desperation.
"Mm.... mmhh... hhh..." you struggled through incoherent whines. The man brought his free hand over to rub your tummy gently, trying to give you any sense of comfort and safety he could as he continued working the pads of his fingers in careful, steady circles.
It only took a few more moments of the simple stimulation to send an orgasm ripping through you with unimaginable force; as Steve saw your climax hit, his eyes widened, but he was intent on carrying you through it. Needy cunt spasming around nothing, your clit jerked and jolted beneath his tender traces. Your eyes were rolling back in your head, your whole body at the mercy of the waves of pleasure crashing over you.
And you kept coming, and coming, and coming- trapped in the grips of your orgasm for what must have been minutes compared to the fleeting moments you were usually granted. "Good, let it out," Steve was murmuring softly, watching as all your pent-up frustration was slowly pulled from your seizing body.
When you were finally winding down, breathless and slumped against the flimsy mattress beneath you, he was careful to pull his hands away with the utmost care to avoid causing you any further discomfort or unwanted stimulation. As he stood momentarily to find something to wipe his hands with, you let out a shaky whimper. "No, no, I'm here," he quickly returned to your side, retaking his place next to you on the cot. "I'm right here, doll. You're okay. Here, let me clean you up a bit, honey."
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mrghostrat · 7 months
i wanna add to this post, but i don't wanna hijack with my personal take in the reblogs because it's so 100% valid on its own and this might derail it
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i think in a grand scale/societal way, this is true, and one of the reasons ace rep is so important. we gotta add more ace content and flesh out the genre and show how fun and diverse it can be.
but i do wanna give a ~disclaimer~ i guess, since someone @'d my blog as an ace space, that yes i'm ace and love advocating for ace love, but i also enjoy the fuck out of smut and allo representations of the ineffables. i prefer to read them allo, honestly, but my personal reasons for it are very intentional and different to the screenshot above
i guess more than anything i wanted to post this as a warning, for anyone wanting to follow my blog for ace content, that here there be sex thtphtptthh
ig i like my fic to be easy to consume. fic is meant to be easy reading, bc we already know the story and the characters already, so we can jump straight to the dopamine. for me, the expressions of yearning hit me right in the chest, give me full body feels, and make me feel a bit like a rat smashing the cheese button over and over and over until i explode.
and when i say yearning, i'm including ace yearning in that. heart-ons as much as hard-ons, moments of near kisses and catching each other's eye across the room just as much as hands on thighs and carnal desire. but for the sake of easy reading, it is much easier to find allo scenes that hit that button, because there is more of it, because the stakes are higher (physically, anatomically), and a so-so written fic will still often manage to hit that dopamine button for me. but those non sexual moments usually have to be written really well -- or, really specifically -- for me to feel the same response from it.
so i'm personally just vibing with supply and demand. i want to reiterate that i think non sexual depictions of intimacy and love are just as interesting and just as exciting as sexual ones, but they can be harder to find, and harder to get right. i love ace ineffables and think that's much more in character honestly, but for the burst of feelings i crave from fic, i like the broader spectrum that sex positive and allo presents.
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oldguardleatherdog · 5 months
I am being smeared as a "predatory transphobe" to hundreds of thousands of people by Rainbow Passage, a so-called "trans rescue" nonprofit that's covering up its safety failures and misconduct by attacking me and placing my family in danger. Deliberately.
There's a headline I'll bet you never thought you'd see on this blog, and you can be sure I never expected to write it, but here we are. I want you to hear about it from me first before the smear campaign against me poisons your feed.
Regular readers know that I've been fighting for LGBTQ+ civil rights for nearly 40 years, with an emphasis on mobilizing against the "trans panic" sweeping America the past two years, the horrific laws already in place, and the stark plans for eradication laid out in Project 2025. The notion that I'm "transphobic" in any way is absurd. But -
Three weeks ago, YouTube streamer trolls went to the Rainbow Passage website - their unsecured, login-free website - looking for dirt that could bring their operations to a halt. They found my picture and bio listed as a director for the organization.
That was all they needed, and in short order I was the star of several full-length videos and livestreams featuring breathless, jeering takes on my kink life, my history, my family, my age, my AIDS, my September 11th survival (suddenly I was "running the organization" and "hosting 9/11 reenactment roleplays!"), my looks, my unsuitability to be involved with a trans rescue organization, and everything you can imagine a middle-school playground would highlight. At this writing, I've been held out for ridicule, harassment, and threats ("it's time for this dogfucker to be euthanized") to a quarter-million people and counting.
Because Rainbow Passage failed to implement even the most basic security on that website, despite my multiple warnings in board meetings that this scenario was likely to happen and that we were prime targets for this kind of abuse.
To be honest, everything that the streamers made fun of me for has been said and done to me a thousand times a year for the past 30 years. Heard it all before, nothing new, just the same old "lookit the AIDS-ridden perv faggot old man pretending to be a dog, hurr durr hurr durr!". All those hours of video and they couldn't come up with anything new? These people need better writers.
Here's the issue: Two of the leaders of this sad and tiresome brigade (one named "Blowcockx" or something equally clever, the other one is discussed below) seized on a recent exchange I had with a group of leftist "Trans For Trump" (yep, you read that right) that was mobbing me on Bluesky for objecting when someone referred to Biden as "Genocide Joe". These people were vile and vicious, saying that my gender was "shit beard" and lobbing remarks and insults at me that would make a MAGA blush.
One of the Bluesky mob (who may or may not have been transgender) said, "Prove you're an activist," to which I countered, "Okay, prove you're trans." (Screenshots of my three additional replies referencing "fake trans" to their accusations of my being a "fake activist" and other vomitous epithets, along with screenshots of the posts to which I was replying, can be found after the jump.)
During the mob attack on me and Rainbow Passage. a disgruntled former member of the Rainbow Passage community - a 20-year-old trans girl who had first warned me about the YouTube hijacking and who leaked my personal identifying information and private chats with her to the Twitter trolls and worse - went to Clearsky and harvested my replies without the posts I was replying to, leaked them to the YouTube streamers and Twitter trolls, along with selected portions of our lengthy private chat from Discord, then threatened Rainbow Passage with another attack if they didn't "denounce" me and my replies to the disgusting attacks on me by the Trans Trumpers of Bluesky.
To prove her point, this young trans woman and her girlfriend started a thread about me on Kiwi Farms, where I was the featured post for about a week, and told Rainbow Passage that the same would happen to them - and worse, including the revocation of their nonprofit status with the IRS and the end of their ability to raise funds - if they didn't publicly condemn me for my Bluesky attack replies.
And what did the oh-so-courageous chairwoman and board members who "cared so much" about me, do in response to those threats?
They caved. They capitulated. They allowed a troubled individual with an axe to grind and her little gang of fake-outraged trans shitposters to dictate their handling of a serious and sensitive matter where a former director of the organization and his family were in active danger and under siege. These people, who claim to have the bravery to "rescue" endangered trans people from Texas and Florida, folded like a cheap tissue-paper prom dress, revealing their utter lack of integrity, ethics, or courage.
The statement Rainbow Passage put out, which at this writing has been seen by at least 60,000 people on Twitter alone, is filled with false accusations about my attitude toward the transgender members of the LGBTQ+ community, outright lies about my character and conduct, weirdly characterizes me as a predatory stalker, and warns the general public that I am a bad, bad person who should be avoided and shunned as unfit for decent people in a civilized society. They provide ZERO evidence to support any of their claims against me, their accusations and assertions about me, or their characterization of me as "transphobic."
From my statement below: "Rainbow Passage knew that issuing this statement would intensify the threats, harassment, and stalking of me and my family. They issued it anyway. This statement is a willful and malicious act of violence.
"Rainbow Passage caused a queer elder with AIDS to be featured on a website known for harassing LGBTQ+ people to death and driving them from their homes, while smearing him to hundreds of thousands of people and inciting attacks on him and his family - but they want you to trust them to keep our most vulnerable members safe from harm."
If Rainbow Passage can't and won't protect their own staff (and volunteers, and clients) from harmful exposure to malicious attackers online and IRL, and shifts blame for their failures and lapses of care onto the staff members while caving to threats from random kids, how can they be trusted to keep the most vulnerable members of this community safe from harm during one of their "rescue" missions? If something goes wrong and that client ends up in jail, will Rainbow Passage blame the client for that outcome the same way they're blaming me for their colossal failure to keep their own people safe?
Rainbow Passage's rank AIDSphobia, their calculated smear of a four-decade veteran LGBTQ+ and HIV/AIDS activist, their capitulation to threats from an under-21 trans Kiwi Farms shitposter with an axe to grind, and their hateful, craven, deliberate act of putting my family and me in physical danger, show them to be not only a collection of unwise and uncaring individuals who have abused me and betrayed my trust: The current chairwoman, board, and staff of Rainbow Passage are manifestly and utterly unfit to run this organization. They are not capable of keeping our most vulnerable members out of harm's way, they should not be regarded as worthy of our trust in any way, personally or professionally, and the organization needs to be stripped of its nonprofit status and must cease operations so that a new LGBTQ+ and trans rescue group can quickly be established and get to work.
[Alt text and screenshots follow after the jump.]
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These allegations are false. Rainbow Passage is deliberately and maliciously spreading lies about me to hundreds of thousands of people on this and other platforms in a calculated smear campaign to cover up their reckless disregard for the safety of their vulnerable clients and their failure to protect them. To date, they have provided no explanation or evidence of "transphobic rhetoric and behavior" on my part. They failed to protect me, a former director of the organization, from sustained and brutal online harassment, threats, doxing, and stalking that began more than three weeks ago and continues unabated with the active encouragement of chair Amy Nicole Check and the members of the board, putting me and my family in danger of being driven from our home and causing major distress and disruption to our lives and health.
On Saturday, April 13th, I received word that the Rainbow Passage website had been targeted by YouTube streamers who had seen a rival say good things about the organization and went to the website to find information that would "expose" Rainbow Passage. The trolls found my name and photograph, then went into my public-facing social media and began streaming about me and my life and work.
In several lengthy videos and livestreams, the YouTube trolls held me and my family up for sustained public ridicule, humiliation, and targeted harassment, spreading to more than a quarter-million people details about my personal life, my sex life, my family, my being a survivor of September 11th, the fact that I have AIDS, and every other aspect of my life and history that they could harvest. Although my social media is largely public by design, the contents were never intended to be stolen and distributed to thousands in a malicious manner designed to damage me.
The only reason I was targeted and humiliated in this way is that I was a director for Rainbow Passage and was discovered when the organization's unsecured, login-free website was targeted - a scenario I had warned them about on multiple occasions. Despite my warnings, no security measures were ever implemented. On Monday, April 15th, I resigned my position due to Check's exploding at me in an unprovoked torrent of verbal abuse during a call that afternoon.
My work as an LGBTQ+ and HIV/AIDS activist over the past 38 years (including ACT/UP, Queer Nation SF, AIDS quarantine initiatives, medical cannabis, marriage equality, and prisoners with AIDS) is well known and has always included advocacy for the transgender community. In fact, I have prioritized trans rights activism in response to the rising tide of hatred toward transgender Americans, and I have received support from people in the transgender community who know me and have seen me in action as an activist and a friend.
After an initial offer of help that wouldn't come for a full week, I said that my family and I were in immediate danger, that this was happening solely because I was part of their organization, and that their security failure was to blame. They then instantly denied any responsibility, blamed me for the situation, and withdrew their offer of help. I have been told that they are aware of the ongoing harassment and cyberbullying being directed at my family and me. They knew that this statement would intensify the threats, harassment, and stalking of me and my family. They issued it anyway. This statement is a willful and malicious act of violence.
Rainbow Passage was threatened by the leaders of these attacks that if they did not "denounce" me they would face the loss of their tax-exempt status and worse. As part of the threat, I was featured on the front page of the notorious Kiwi Farms website, a 4chan-like forum known for driving their LGBTQ+ targets into hiding and to suicide.
Rainbow Passage caused a queer elder with AIDS to be featured on a website known for harassing LGBTQ+ people to death and driving them from their homes, while smearing him to hundreds of thousands of people and inciting attacks on him and his family - but they want you to trust them to keep our most vulnerable members safe from harm.
These liars want you to believe the fiction that a four-decade LGBTQ+ activist is a predatory transphobe. They think you'll fall for the stories they're telling and approve of the damage they're causing. What nerve. Their contempt for me - and for you - has no place in our community or in our lives.
- Animal J. Smith, April 25, 2024
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papers-pamphlet · 6 months
**hey hey I have a masterpost for my amrev OCs now if you wanna learn about them
‼️‼️Hijacking this post to say that if I see any "suspicious accounts" (new looking, no PFP/posts) interacting with me then they are immediately blocked ! ‼️‼️
Intro post !!
The brainrot was getting too strong so I decided to make a whole tumblr blog for this (chose tumblr since I don't think there's anyone in the AmRev fandom on twitter)
Anyways, I'm Paper! 16 years old, she/her, Filipino, autistic, and currently hyperfixated on the American Revolution!
It started off after my friend made me watch Hamilton literally just last month. I got obsessed, played all the songs on repeat, as one does, didn't satisfy me enough so I started looking into Alexander Hamilton more which now leads me to where I am now. (I'm also watching TURN right now too because I'm desperate for more AmRev media)
Thanks to Alexander Hamilton I have
begun studying more because I imagine Alexander's ghost watching over me
started writing in cursive for the first time in five years
had urges to learn french
become significantly more interested in history than before
So yeah. I also love Lams !!
I draw and sometimes write too. This blog will mostly just be for me to gush about Alexander, Laurens, and the such <3
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tiggymalvern · 4 months
Burn Notice Community?
Has anyone applied to start a Burn Notice community? One of us should, but probably only one of us - since we're so small in number, I doubt we need three...
With a tiny fandom like this, it's so hard to find each other - when I became obsessed 18 months ago, I found two or three BN blogs here within the first few months, but it was hard, and there's been a very slow trickle ever since. Whatever communities end up being and however they work, they would at least make a centralised place to connect. There are still more new people like me finding BN a decade late.
I'm going to stick my hand up and say I'm willing to do it if nobody else wants the hassle, but I also don't want to be 'that new fan who came into the old fandom and tried to hijack it'. Especially when there's already a dedicated blog here called @burnnotice. So if you want first dibs, I will be here to join :-)
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lemotmo · 6 days
I'm not sure how you feel about getting these anymore but I thought this was hilarious so wanted to share for you at least to read even if you don't want to post. 😊
Q. I really was trying to hold onto the belief that the show wasn't going to make Eddie gay but it's really hard to see what other storyline is possible given those latest Ryan interviews. I would love to say gay or not the show would just keep Buck and Eddie as platonic best friends but there is zero chance of the show not pairing them together. They really did just use my man as filler until they were ready to tell the Eddie story. That's so gross.
A. Well, anon that's the point of a plot device. Their only reason for being is to move a larger story forward. By definition their filler characters. They have no individual significance or purpose. Their purpose is the story they're being used in. I've been telling you this for months now. Many of us have. He was never going to be anything more than a plot device. The show wasn't subtle about it either. It's been pretty much a connect the dots picture of plot device usage. Go back and watch his scenes in season 7 with this new found realization and I promise it will not be hard to see. And I agree, especially with the context the latest Ryan interviews gave, there's really not any other story it could be. He also confirmed they're not turning him into the new Bobby, and he's not siding with Gerard. So it was nice of him to debunk the latest round of ridiculous takes during the interview. If I could offer you a suggestion though I would encourage you to give the story a chance. If you pay attention to Eddie, and not your fandom people telling you to hate him, you will like him. After all there's a reason you all tried to hijack his entire backstory and history for Tommy. Let yourself enjoy the character those things actually belong too. Let yourself enjoy the actual story.
Oh Nonny! I feel joyous and happy whenever I get another of these posts in my ask box. While I'm asking people to not ask Ali any questions through my blog, I'm still perfectly happy posting her asks here. 😋
Especially since, for most of us, this is the only way to read Ali's posts and we do love her posts very much. So don't hesitate to drop something in my ask box. The only things I don't post about are the direct posts about the BT fandom, but Ali has told me she isn't replying to those posts anymore anyway, so that eliminates that problem.
As for the ask itself...
Yeah, so many of us have been saying this since day one. Tommy was only ever there to help Buck out of that closet. He was never really meant to be anything more than that. Sure, the change of the storyline because of the early renewal, gave Tommy some more time on the show, but that's where it ends.
So yeah, going back to rewatch the previous seasons, knowing what you know now? It will change the way you see Eddie and Eddie and Buck's friendship and maybe you'll find some joy in them. Just let it happen.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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sincerely-sofie · 9 months
Can you make a Christmas comic? It can be about anything you can imagine
I went with the gang from The Present is a Gift for this, and Twig hijacked the intended theme of warm-and-fuzzy holiday feelings and turned it into having hope for the future, even if you miss the past, because you have your loved ones to support you. Hope that's alright; she really wouldn't cooperate during the scripting process until I went with it.
To keep this comic easy to scroll past for the uninterested, I've put the last 9 pages under the cut! I'm trying to be more considerate of those who are going through my blog, haha.
This takes place after the events of The Present is a Gift, where everyone has mostly settled into having Ark in their group.
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
So to hijack thag other anons post since you said you didn’t really know what’s going on…
Basically yesterday one or two fics by anonymous popped up on ao3. They were absolutely disgusting. They were not tagged for any trigger warnings like they should have been. And it involved children (Jee and I think one had Chris) and Tommy. And also murder. They did get tagged as buddie and BT though.
Everyone was naturally horrified and disgusted and enraged by them. Especially since it was happening along the same times as that horrible rage account in here. Well today this all happened
And this now deactivated burner account was talking to some unknown other burner account and said three well known and respected pro buddie blogs were behind it all. But of course they have no evidence. And have also of course deactivated their accounts. Buddie fans think it was BT fans once again trying to make buddie fans look bad. BT fans are accusing buddie fans of being fine letting this kind of stuff happen and yelling how once again they are victims of a horrible act. People on twitter are going at each other because a BT fan found the persons twitter account and then made the accusation that everyone that they followed (stress on the words they followed. Not the other way around. These accounts did not follow this person) was also behind the disgusting fics.
And it’s all so horrible and stupid. Like all of this because of a plot device character. And like I genuinely don’t know if it was a messed up buddie fan or a messed up Bt fan at this point that did all of this. Or even maybe a random third party person who was just bored and decided to fan the flams of a ship war in a horrible way. Now one side does have more of a history of pulling awful “gotchas” like this then the other. And again all three accounts accused are pro buddie and anti Tommy/lou blogs and there is conveniently no proof and no way to talk to the person who made the accusation so 🤷‍♂️
This got long 😅 but I agree with that anon. I hope maybe your spies can provide some insight because the blogs being accused def don’t deserve it.
Hi darling 🩷
I really did not know everything that was going on, some personal stuff made me a bit out of the loop this is wild. I'm seriously just shocked. I'm just gonna pass the information along right now, because damn.
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canmom · 8 months
a big mercy in the world is that it's actually much harder to hijack someone's behaviour with some kinda visual stimulus than capital would like.
so despite the constant semiotic fusillades of advertisers trying to 'shit in your brain' as the ad hacking slogan goes, you still get better at shutting it out. the advertisers have to resort to more and more desperate means to try to get you to buy product. of course they sell this to their clients as subtle behavioral modifications that manifest without the target even realising. but despite the occasional breakout viral success, it's mostly just a zero sum desperate battle to remind you that they exist at all. most ad exposures are wasted on people who either were never going to buy the thing or were already going to buy the thing. advertisers mostly just copy other advertisers and follow fads but present themselves as the key to success like a court alchemist to a king. overall it's a cancer swallowing up more and more of its host.
this does not make it any less annoying.
anyway, ads are only one part of marketing, and since they kind of suck, the modern method to promote your shit is to try to get 'organic' promotion through word of mouth, positive user reviews on a storefront, etc. so of course many companies cultivate 'influencers', post shill reviews, buy fake metrics, and all that. since all these mechanisms then become immediately less trustworthy, an arms race develops of trying to camouflage the fake marketing speech as 'genuine', 'honest', 'unbiased' etc. the result of this on communication is bad, there's chaff everywhere, but once again the effort of the marketer trying to control you bounces off the wall that people hate it and will not go along with it if they can help it.
a more subtle approach is to just try and cultivate people assigning themselves the role of reviewer. this can create something a bit more symbiotic. the reviewer gets to build an identity out of consuming product and being a discerning connoisseur, and the stuff they like gets free marketing written about it. hence sites like goodreads and letterboxd. not only that but when the thing they like does well, the reviewer gets to feel proud that they acted as a kingmaker.
one weird upshot of all this is that a small company will get really worked up about a negative review on a platform from some rando and go out of their way to placate them. i feel like we're going to see more people exploiting this - ig the gacha mra shit in korea is in part a ripple of that, though those cunts went a lot further than just review bombing.
anyway I've participated in this machine. arguably all the writing about fiction i do on this blog is feeding into it. when i think about it, i think it stinks, but I'm not sure what else to do. there are authors i admire, and who are my friends, i want them to be read by people and have bread on the table.
obviously just because there are powerful actors whose primary concern is moving product doesn't reduce all the discussion of art to elaborate games around moving product. in some sense the 'product review' form is an invading force, best disregarded. but i feel like it would be unwise to ignore the ecological mechanisms underlying what gets made and how and what makes its way to my eyeballs... and how my own behaviours belong to that ecosystem. even if it's depressing to think in those terms.
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front-facing-pokemon · 7 months
thank you so much, I use this blog to help me draw pokemon faces all the time
this is something i've heard before that was an unexpected but welcome benefit of the blog! i have to say, i have no clue what i'm going to do once i get past silicobra—now that we're getting into newer generations (the queue is already into gen 8), my typical sources of models are starting to become more and more unreliable and there are some pokémon that i just can't find anywhere on the internet. not sure exactly what i'm gonna do if i can't find them, to be honest, and the current state of the blog has already been getting rougher around the edges behind the scenes anyway. i've been told to just go on indefinite hiatus until some more models are ripped, but i don't really want to do that. comments like these are really why i don't want to, even if the blog isn't exactly conducive to my mental health—y'know. it's been on a consistent schedule for this long, and at least two people are waiting for these every day so. i can't just give up. but i still don't really know what i'm going to do. it's a little scary, looking into the future, but i just hope i can keep providing in the same way y'all have come to expect from me. not many of you are here for me and a good majority are obviously here for what i call Regularly Scheduled Programming, and since asks usually only get around 20 notes max, i doubt a majority of those folks will even see this—and that's fine; they're here for silly front-facing pokémon and i'm doing my best to oblige. but the problem with that is that i know how the tumblr userbase can be, and i'm slightly afraid of what would happen if i did go on a random hiatus. who would even read the post saying why? the dedicated ones, sure; the ones that enjoy my commentary, sure. but i already said i don't want to go on hiatus, so i suppose i'll have to find a way. i don't know what that way may be, and i imagine that way is only going to make this harder on me
there is more that i could say here, but it may get a little too personal for hijacking your ask to talk about it, anon. my apologies! very long story made short, i hope there won't be any turbulence and that the general followerbase (that's you) won't notice anything, but don't be surprised if there is and you do. now take some nose ratings
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lola-andheruniverse · 2 months
Anon who asked me about "sides" in the caryl fandom and which one I place myself on because you believe I "switched sides"/changed my opinions:
I'm not posting your ask because you named people and that's not something I do on my blog or generally agree with. The only instance you'll find me naming or tagging people is in fic recs posts, so that caryl authors who are on Tumblr can read them and be found by readers who'd like to reach out.
If you have a problem with the opinions, feelings and/or behaviors of a particular individual/blog, I ask you to 1) please reach out to them directly so you can express your disagreement or 2) use your block button, so you no longer see content you don't like. I believe that our fandom is big enough to hold every single caryler out there who wants to join in, regardless of their opinions, posts or feelings. People should feel free and safe to post whatever they want, either 'positive' or 'negative'. I have no problem with anyone in the fandom and I respect everyone's opinions, even when I disagree with some stuff I read.
Please, I ask you to not use my ask box to indirectly badmouth, bully or attack any caryler.
That said, the answer to your question is after the cut.
I'm not on either "side" and never have been. I'm just another enthusiastic fan that loves Carol and Daryl. Since joining the Tumblr fandom just before the pandemic (I was a lurker for many years), I've been using my own critical thinking skills and knowledge of AMC's shenanigans to form my own opinions.
I'm confident in TBOC because I believe there are concrete reasons that support how I'm feeling, from Melissa's return, to filming spoilers and rumors, to Tribeca and SDCC. You're free to agree or disagree with my interpretation of these facts, and to feel positive or negative about it.
I also continue to believe that AMC/Gimple hijacked the original caryl spinoff to highlight the richonne spinoff because it follows similar decisions made before to give Rick more screen time at the expense of all the other TWD characters. I believe Melissa had no choice but to opt out of the original spin-off and negotiate new terms to ensure that Carol's (and therefore Caryl's) story was respected and told with integrity. To me, that's why there were things to be sorted out, as she said, and why she lengthily discussed Carol with Zabel and co. even before scripts for the France spinoff were written. She was involved since the beginning, yes, but she only signed on when she got what she wanted. There is no greater supporter of Carol than Melissa and we have known this for years. I'm glad she's back in her own terms. I believe it was a pretty difficult time for her, as she expressed it by basically refusing to promote 11C or the series finale, and by not saying anything about the whole mess on SM, while other cast members/friends such as Laurie Holden and Khary Payton spoke out in her behalf.
I believe AMC tried to make money off just Daryl because he's their original character and it backfired in their faces. They also made a mistake using Norman to save face as he should have been protected from the SM backlash. Norman has never been a reliable narrator and I always take every thing he says with a grain of salt, but I don't think he's intentionally malicious. I appreciate how much he loves Daryl and is considerate of his fans, even when I don't approve of his behavior. I just wish he would keep his frustrating mouth shut. I believe Norman had lots of input in S1 and that he initially thought he could pull it off without Melissa. But there's no Daryl without Carol and no Carol without Daryl. It's crystal clear how much Norman's happy for having Melissa by his side, and how much they love each other and are excited for S2. I'm glad they are reunited, both for them and for us, but I believe everything worked out in the end because Melissa didn't give up on getting what she wanted. I believe she had lots of inputs in S2 and is satisfied and happy with the final result.
So, that's how I believe things have gone these last two years. Again, feel free to agree or disagree with my interpretation of facts. None of us will ever know exactly what happened, but each of us can decide what to believe based on our own judgment of the facts. That's what I do and will continue to do.
In the end, for me, the important thing is that Melissa and Norman are happy and that Carol and Daryl get their hard-earned happy ending. It's everything I ever wanted and I'm going to enjoy it. I hope you enjoy it too.
That's it. Caryl on!
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dianesdiaries · 3 months
Writeblr Intro
Just for a little introduction, I go by dd and my pronouns are she/her. I'm using this blog page as a one shot/continued fanfic account until I can really start generating ideas for my own stories, so requests and questions are very appreciated!
(For a little background) I love cats. To death. FL.
I love playing video games, watching films, and expanding on my writing ideas. One of the main things that gives me ideas on what to write is video editing, TikTok etc. Some of my all-time favourites that will, most likely, get published onto here are The Boys, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, and more!
Also would love to meet new writing mutuals!!
So far I have to WIPs and would love feedback!!
Bewildered- Historical Western Drama/Dark Fantasy
A group of outlaws set high in the plains of north america plan the biggest heist of their life; hijack the north american railway. Ramond has waited for an opportunity like this, as the south prairies winters only grew colder his destined robbery of the railway was destined to meet him halfway. But with the love of his life waiting for him to leave everything behind and start on a clean slate, how will Ramond leave the outlaw-life behind? After all, prosperity comes with the cost of life. 
This was my first WIP that I started back in November, I never really had the chance to finish it and I've been stuck on chapter two since January (God save me). The plot and settings is so interesting but I have no idea of what makes the story itself interesting. Working on it tho!!
(Untitled Draft)
Kumiko has been a rather quiet person since highschool ended, and a year later finds herself living a comfortable life in the heart of Toronto, chasing big dreams of standing judicial someday. But until then, she works at the local gas station, meeting all kinds of new characters during her graveyard shift.  Her nights are filled with endless hours of watching netflix episodes and serving late night regulars, like any other day. But a meteor crossed the night sky in everlasting blue, and a star was born. Kumiko is reunited with a familiar classmate the same night of the meteor shower, Linari Hoshi. The two reconnect and find comfort in living in the same old, run down apartment. But something is off. She’s not as bright as she used to be, and Kumiko never knew her to be someone that stays out at graveyards’ timing. Kumiko’s regular life of invading-like customers shifts its colours, and reveals cynnical truths of the Rockafort apartments that make her blood run cold.
A new story that I might start working on to kill time, loosely holds theme inspiration from Sally Face!!
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
do u have any advice/knowledge on how to slowly break eating disorder habits, or advice on how to break bad habits, ur blog is so inspiring and i love it so much u give great advice!
Thank you so much!!
First of all i'm very proud of you for wanting to work on negative habits in your life.
Think about a habit you've tried to stop. It could be something like biting your nails, eating too much at night, spending too much money, or always looking at your phone. Bad habits are easy to start but hard to get rid of.
This happens because our brains are wired to seek rewards, and bad habits can hijack this system. If you've ever tried to stop a bad habit, you know it's not as simple as just doing it for 21 days (that's a myth). It takes determination, a plan, and knowing how habits work.
Habits are things we do automatically, without thinking. They happen because our brains like shortcuts to save energy. Once a habit forms, it's like our brain goes on autopilot, and we do things without even deciding.
Why can't we just control ourselves and replace bad habits with good ones? The idea of self control has been around for a while, but it turns out our brain's self-control system (like the part that helps us resist temptations) can shut down when we're stressed. So, just deciding to quit a habit isn't that simple. However, since habits come from our brains, we can change them by understanding how to talk to our brains.
Breaking habits isn't about the action itself, it's about how much we enjoy the reward. How good the reward feels determines if we'll do the behavior again. This is why relying on self-control often doesn't work.
You have to be mindful and become aware of the reward that drives the habit. When we are mindful, they can change how they feel about the reward, from positive to more realistic (sometimes negative).
For example when trying to quit smoking, really pay attention while you smoke. Notice how it tastes and feels. This helps you understand how little of a reward it really is. Your brain will start to see it differently once you realize it taste awful and smells awful too.
Our brain has a trigger (like feeling hungry), then we do something (like eating), and we get a reward (feeling satisfied). We like to do things that feel good and avoid things that feel bad or stressful. This cycle happens when we smoke, eat sweets, or even at work when we get sidetracked from important tasks.
Knowing your cues can help you avoid them. If you want to stop smoking, you could get rid of things like ashtrays that remind you of smoking. If you're trying to drink less, you could avoid walking past the bar where you usually go for happy hour.
Big changes in your life can also help you stop a bad habit. Even though it might seem like moving to a new place or getting a new job is not the right time to change, it can actually be a good chance to stop a habit. In new situations, you don't have the same cues that make you do the habit. So, you can start fresh and make new habits instead.
I wrote about this part earlier this week but every habit has three parts – a trigger (what makes you do it), the habit itself, and a reward (what you get from it). Figure out these parts for your habit.
Get away from the things that trigger your habit. If you can't do that, change the trigger itself. For example, if you're on your phone too much before bed, don't turn on your regular light – use your phone's light instead.
Instead of saying you'll stop a habit, focus on what good thing you'll do instead. This is important, do not negative self talk yourself when it comes to your bad habits, its going to make you want to do it more. Our brains like positive goals better.
Instead of just stopping, replace your bad habit with a better one.
Share your goal with a friend. It makes you more likely to stick to it.
You might slip up sometimes. That's okay. you're human. Just keep going – mistakes won't ruin your progress.
Remember, change takes time. Be patient with yourself. I know it's not easy, but your mindset is crucial. You can do this. I'm proud of you <3
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transgenderpolls · 8 months
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genuinely no offense to anon (who said that they personally don't believe in this concept but just want to see the results), i just wanna let you know why you're not gonna see this get posted:
i'm already very vividly imagining the kind of arguments that may flood my notifications, which i wouldn't want to incite even if it didn't affect me that way
on that vein, it's incredibly likely that the poll would get hijacked by transphobic cis people or in general that transmeds would be more motivated to spread the poll than otherwise, thus skewing the data regardless
finally, with this being a trans-centric blog, i don't wanna be the one to explicitly make a bunch of my followers presently aware of just how many fellow trans people don't respect them
honestly, i'd be interested to see the results too just to know exactly how prevalent transmed ideology even still is. but i just think it doesn't belong here. there's probably some blog meant specifically for controversial polls that you could submit to, though. and if there's not, maybe you could make it yourself?
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