#I'm not posting it anywhere else...
pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Happy Birthday Yuma! ☔️💜💧
Yuma Month: Day 22: Birthday 🎂
I wasn’t quite sure what to draw for his birthday. I thought of doing something similar to my birthday art for Makoto where I drew 2 different versions of him together.
So here’s the two yumas and the two shinigamis (before and after) I hope this is enough ;w;
Normal pic in case this one is too eye-straining
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5ummit · 9 months
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Bucky Barnes in What If...? Season 2 | Holiday Wordplay Trailer
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zykamiliah · 8 months
since this post is doing the rounds again, i want to take a moment to remind everyone that saving lbh from the bullying disciples, saving lqg's life, almost sacrificing himself to protect the sect during the demon invasion, are things that sqq does without any ulterior motives. if he wanted to capitalize on his good deed, he would have revealed himself after protecting lbh. when he meets lqg in the lingxi caves, it surprises him to see him there, and it's after he's already rescued lqg from a qi deviation that it occurs to him that "hmmm, this is a good ally to have, just in case". and during the demon invasion, after getting poisoned, he was ready to self-detonate so that he could take out sha hualing.
like, yeah, sy!sqq is smart and cares about his own survival-- but he's also a big softie that can't stand seeing people hurt and do nothing
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athousandbyeol · 12 days
tianwang and colours
teaser photos of this week's episodes were released and i couldn't stop staring at jiang tian and sheng wang's clothes.
@respectthepetty shared a brilliant post on the drama's colour theory, especially pertaining to the colours jiang tian and sheng wang are wearing or associated with. [thanks so much op for the insightful and beautifully written post ^^]
so, in this photo, jiang tian and sheng wang (maybe) are having a study date outside of school (and they look so domestic and cute and UGH). however, i do notice that jiang tian wears a darker shade of brown while sheng wang wears something lighter.
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directly quoting from op's post, "One is light, and the other is dark. One is the sun, and one is the moon. One is warm, and one is cool."
we're so used to seeing jiang tian in dark-coloured clothes (black, grey, blue) while sheng wang always wears something light/bright (orange, white, red, yellow). i think it's such a nice detail to be added in this drama and also jiang tian and sheng wang's characters, considering the progress of their relationship.
i guess, it's showing us how sheng wang has brought light into jiang tian's life, and now he's no longer drenched in only darkness. he still wears darker colours than sheng wang, but it doesn't have that usual gloominess. i think sheng wang balances jiang tian's darkness, and it's just so beautiful to witness this in the upcoming episodes.
[jiang tian's fit: darker brown t-shirt with light-coloured jeans and black high-cut converse; sheng wang's fit: light brown t-shirt with dark blue jeans and yellow converse and socks. they're balancing each other with colours/shades opposite of them.]
and don't get me started on the matching bracelets.....
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if my eyesight isn't deceiving me, jiang tian is blue and sheng wang is yellow/brown? again, op uses the motif 'the sun and the moon' to represent jiang tian and sheng wang and i think it's the most accurate representation of their personality.
even though the sun and the moon don't collide, they still belong to the same sky.
i honestly can't wait to see the shift in their relationship. since the walls between them are no longer high, will they finally be united? will there be more than just this feeling of wanting to be closer? what will happen in episode 7 that leads to them wearing these matching bracelets?
so many questions are left unanswered. we just have to wait and see.
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nbabycallie · 3 months
From The Beginner (2010) dir. Ben Coccio, sung by Cal Robertson.
Attempt at a transcript of the lyrics below the cut:
I deal you in
You sit down at the table, table
The king of spades, the jack of hearts
Won't help you win
There's no gold in mountains, mountains
Only your father's bones
The six of clubs, the ace of hearts
Can you find your home?
You sit down at the table, table
I deal you in
The king of spades, the jack of hearts
Won't help you win
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tazmiilly · 1 month
Hey I just wanted to let you know theres a fiddleford and ford edit on tiktok w your art!
You tumblr was credited for it so I just wanted to let you know it’s out there! The person who made it is under the username roe.mmy , if you wanted to check it out or reach out to them!
thank you for letting me know! that's a lot of likes lol... tiktok has such a massive userbase, so I at least appreciate them crediting me.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 4 months
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lovvecherrymotion · 5 months
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applepie0013 · 1 month
I'm always late to these trends 😾
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quick-catton · 7 months
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as another award show approaches i am reminded of the first look and i'm definitely feeling so normal at the thought of 2nd/3rd year oxford students oliver and felix in these outfits at a club with nice black pants, perhaps some tasteful doc martens or dress shoes
also super levelheaded at the thought of their hands on each other's slutty waists under the pretense of friendly closeness, getting progressively more touchy as the night goes on, feeling the warmth of each other's skin through the thin material of their shirts and getting all worked up
nearly grinding against each other on the dance floor in front of all their friends and playing chicken to see who pulls away first when their lips come a little too close to brushing against each other's
definitely ending up in the backseat of felix's car with the windows fogged up, oliver straddling his hips while they desperately make out, jerking them both off in one hand while felix tries not to have a meltdown over the size difference
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stephsageek · 1 month
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aberration-abbey · 1 year
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so uh aberrations and emperors am i right
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kitlick · 1 month
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use 'em or lose 'em, mr duffy
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naffeclipse · 1 year
I decided to put my Ko-Fi up if anyone wants to leave me a tip! It's also in my pinned post. Of course, there is no obligation but if you feel like I'm doing a good job and are able and willing to tip me, I will appreciate it a lot ♥
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genderdenied · 2 months
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pt: platoniattractional :end pt
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★ ⌒⌒ ;; coined by ! me
‿‿⋆﹒⊹ ; for ↓↓
☆⌒⌒ ;; definition
; platoniattractional refers to someone who feels all / almost all of their attractions could be considered platonic in some way, or that they see all their types of attraction as platonic in some way.
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; tagging :: @radiomogai @liom-archive @revenant-coining
; plain text && IDs ↓↓
pt: coined by me, for Reddit user UsernameBecauseIdc ( link ). Definition: platoniattractional refers to someone who feels all / almost all of their attractions could be considered platonic in some way, or that they see all their types of attraction as platonic in some way.
ID: A rectangular flag with 6 equal width strips, with colours going in top-to-bottom order: bright yellow, pink, grey, black, pink, bright yellow. In between the grey and black strips is a larger white one. In the center of the flag is a drawing of two light grey hands holding hands, with a turning symbol surrounding them, the left arrow pointing up being coloured bright yellow, and the right arrow pointing down being coloured pink. :end ID
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fallenwhumpee · 22 days
"An Hour."
• Masterlist •
Warnings: Hospital settings, aftermath of captivity, mentioned death.
Medic, despite what their job would suggest, wasn't a caregiver. They were just a mechanic working on circuits, not who carefully kept the whole mechanism running. They could fix people, but it was that. Someone would have to take over the aftermath.
Much to Medic's relief, Leader was a caregiver. A good one, even.
Too good, they lately noticed. Too good that it was starting to make Medic worried. But just like every other day, Medic knocked the infirmary door in exactly same time, before opening it fully. Youngest was asleep in the hospital bed - Medic had said Leader that it was unnecessary, but Leader  brought one anyway - and at last drops of their IV.
"An hour," Leader muttered. At this point it felt like a ritual. So, without a word, Medic moved and changed Youngest's IV to antibiotics as Leader deserted the room silently. Probably to sleep.
Good, Medic thought. Leader needed it.
Medic made their way to the armchair, only to see Leader's office keys on it. For a moment, they considered giving it back. They respected privacy, but they were also curious. For the last one month and a half, all Leader did was looking for Youngest, caring for Youngest or staying in their office. The first two was understandable, but the third...
Now Medic could learn whatever Leader was doing in their office.
Medic hesitated. They shouldn’t invade Leader’s privacy—Leader had done nothing to earn suspicion, at all. And Leader never broke anyone's boundries, so Medic doing it to them was just wrong. But something had been gnawing at the back of Medic’s mind for weeks now, something beyond the usual worry for Youngest. Leader’s behavior, so single-minded, so intense, felt wrong. So wrong for someone almost obsessed with making the future better. And if there was something in that office that could explain it...
Steeling themselves, Medic turned and walked down the hall to Leader’s office. The key slid into the lock with an ease that almost felt too simple. "Where's Leader?" Medic shouted. Leader's room was wide open and Leader wasn't there.
"Went for a quick walk," Right Hand shouted back.
Medic took a deep breath. "Okay," they muttered. With a simple twist, the door creaked open. Medic slipped inside, shutting it quietly behind them slowly. The room was dim, the only light filtering through the half-drawn blinds, casting long shadows across the walls. At first glance, it looked like any other office—neat, organized, professional. Just like how Leader liked to keep everything. Medic opened the lights.
Notes. Dozens of them, pinned to a board on the wall, scattered across the desk, and even taped to the edges of the bookshelves, almost creating a wallpaper. Most were in Leader’s precise handwriting, detailing locations, names, dates, and other pieces of information that, together, painted a picture out of a detective's office. Medic’s gaze was drawn to a map on the wall, marked with pins and red string connecting various points. They moved closer, recognizing the locations as places where incidents had occurred—break-ins, disappearances, attacks. All related to Youngest.
Their heart pounded as they picked up a file from the desk. It had a picture, the person's face partially obscured, but there was no mistaking who it was. Medic had seen that face around Whumper—one of the underlings of them. The person had been found dead two weeks ago, the cause still under investigation. There were detailed reports about them, autopsies, locations, biographies... informations that Medic doubted Leader had the authority to kno let alone storing.
They set the file down, their hands trembling slightly. Leader had been gathering evidence, but it wasn’t just about finding Youngest. It was about something more.
Another photo on the desk caught their eye. Medic took it, revealing more photos, more notes underneath. Some were crossed out, others highlighted. A list of names—people connected to the kidnapping—each one with a note beside it: confirmed dead, under surveillance, possible lead.
Some of these people were no longer a threat because they were dead. Was it coincidence, or had Leader...?
The sound of footsteps in the hallway snapped Medic out of their thoughts. They hurriedly closed the folder and placed thr picture back on the desk, glancing around to make sure everything was as they’d found it. The door clicked shut just as the office door opened.
Leader stepped inside, looking tired but alert. They froze for a moment, eyes narrowing as they stared in the sight of Medic standing in their office.
“What are you doing here?” Leader’s voice was calm, but there was an edge to it, a warning.
Medic tried to keep their expression neutral, forcing a casual shrug qs if they weren’t digging through the room for the last ten minutes. “You left your keys on the chair. Thought I’d drop them off.”
Leader’s gaze flicked to the keys in Medic’s hand, then back to their face. For a moment, neither of them moved. Then, slowly, Leader crossed the room, taking the keys with a nod.
“Thank you,” they said, their tone polite but distant. “Please wait for my return next time.”
Medic nodded, feeling the tension in the air like a physical weight. They turned to leave, but couldn’t help one last glance at the desk, at the folder now lying innocently on the surface.
Leader didn’t miss the look. “Is there something else?”
“No,” Medic replied quickly, shaking their head. “Just... take care of yourself, okay? You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
Leader’s expression relaxed, a smile so soft and tender taking over. “Don't worry. Byt you should get some rest too.”
How could Medic be suspicious of them when all Leader did was worrying and caring for the team? Shoving the guilt down, they forced a smile and left the office.
Later that day, Medic was in the break room when the news broke. The television mounted on the wall buzzed with static before the anchor’s voice cut in, somber and urgent.
“We interrupt this program with breaking news. Henchman, a key figure in the recent string of criminal activities linked to the late terrorist Whumper, was found dead earlier this evening. Authorities are investigating, but details remain scarce at this time.”
Medic’s blood ran cold. Henchman—another name on Leader’s list. Dead. Just like the others.
They stood frozen, the room spinning around them. The timeline didn’t add up. Leader couldn’t have done it—they had only left the office for ten minutes, not enough time to cross the city and back. But the coincidences were too many, too pointed.
When Medic next saw Leader, they couldn’t help but study their face, searching for anything. But Leader looked even more drained than the last time, still trying to hold it together desperately. When Medic mentioned the news, Leader’s response was calm, almost indifferent.
“Tragic, but not unexpected,” Leader muttered, shrugging slightly. They weren’t even focused— they looked like they could just collapse and take a twenty four hour nap. “Agency was after them. It was only a matter of time.”
Medic nodded slowly, but the uneasy feeling in their gut only grew. There was something, something that was beyond their understanding. But as Leader walked away, Medic knew one thing for certain— Leader was doing something wrong. It was either their sleeping habits or the team had a huge problem.
Soo, have another random one. This is standalone, but I wrote this with "A Score to Settle" in my mind. Not quite part two, but I began writing with that intention.
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