#I'm not tagging ace because this is about forcing romance on children
scrollingfan · 2 years
Uncomfortably remembering how everyone kept pushing me and my pseudo brother to have crushes on each other
Like it was to the point where we both uncomfortably and awkwardly acted out how we thought crushes interacted with each other despite seeing each other as brothers at most, cousins at least
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askanaroace · 2 years
Ask An Aro Ace ASAW Day 3: Navigating Fandom When You're Aromantic
Fandom can be hard when you're aromantic, even when you're romance-favorable. Shipping is a HUUUUUUGE part of fandom. You can't go anywhere without running into it.
Shipping wars dominate fandom conversations.
Reader x Character fics have become super popular.
Someone is always getting paired up.
(And yeah, a part of it comes from amatonormativity being expressed in these shows and plenty of forced pairings, but there's such freedom in fandom and the ability to play with anything, put in any genre, explore any what if...and it still often boils down to shipping.)
Even children's shows aren't immune. Even animated animal shows. People will ship anything, everything, anyone.
Aro-coded characters (since we don't really get aro characters) are either ignored or forced into romantic pairings because people decided that "hard to get" or "love will fix them" is addictive. People either want more of pairings they didn't get enough of in a show or they want pairings that they never got to see in the show. No matter how a character is treated, they're not immune from shipping.
I've even see people arguing with aro fans that their headcanons can't possibly be aro and why they're wrong. Even though it's just a damn headcanon and we can do whatever we want with the characters! But authority forbid we make them aro, tho.
While I have never been into shipping (I might support or enjoy a ship someone else really liked but I never saw two or more characters and just automatically went "oh yeah. they should date" or whatever), I don't think it's unrelated that I fell out of really actively participating in fandoms* once I became aro. *Joining fandom forums, writing fanfic, drawing fanart, participating in fandom discourse, etc.
Everything just feels more closed off to you. Stuff without ships is rare and less desired. People get offended if you have aro headcanons. It's demotivating to participating, which can be really frustrating when you really enjoy something and want to be able to connect with others who enjoy it. But sometimes it can feel like the only thing people enjoy about fandom is the shipping and romance even though there's so much much.
So it can be very lonely to be an aro in fandom, and sometimes you can feel forced to have to act super into shipping just so you can enjoy something you like with other people who like it. And being an aro creator for fandom can mean little to no interaction for your creations. And while you don't do it specifically for the interactions, it's a lot more fun to create when people actually take in your creations than when you share them with the world and they get ignored and overlooked.
I wish I had some good tips for aros trying to get into fandoms, but I still haven't cracked it myself, yet. I guess start with aro communities and try to find other people there who enjoy the things you enjoy. Otherwise the best I've done is random interactions on social media rather than targeted or extended interaction like on fansites (forums and fic hosting), where I can better curate stuff that happens to be stuff I care more about and block tags and even creators that produce content I'm less interested in.
What are you alls tips for interacting with fandoms when you're an aro?
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takuyakistall · 3 years
Chapter 1
Synopsis: Ace Trappola from the Trappola Kingdom, there was no doubt that he was a great man that was destined to achieve glory in a few years' time. But, there was one tiny problem. Being a prince from his own country meant that he needed to marry a lady from a prominent household. With much reluctance, he ended up choosing a princess from a neighbouring country—only to find out that the Prince of the Spade Kingdom has his eyes set on her as well. Is this... Competition?
Tags: Fem!Reader, Royalty AU, mentions of death, kidnapping, anything else you would find in a romance manhwa
Note: This piece is purely self indulgent and I plan on writing more for it! But I decided to share the first chapter here. There's no action yet so this is just some build-up.
Ace Trappola was never one to abide by the silly little rules of etiquette, he always thought that they were too nitpicky and stiff ever since he was a little boy. He thought that it was useless to keep up appearances for the sake of his reputation—until he experienced firsthand how cruel high society could be to a mere child who had made a single mistake. Of course, they would never dare to utter a single word in fear that their tongues would be cut off by his Highness, the king. But he would never ever forget the cold gazes that laid upon him as soon as he turned his back.
Which is why he donned a mask. He wore it all day and night as a child, hoping that it would be indestructible as he grew up but that brought him nothing but more of the empty and hollow feeling he hated. Despite already being so well-mannered, so educated, and so charming—he was nothing more than the second prince of the country who always seemed to be overshadowed by his older brother, the first prince. He was the definition of Ace's "perfect".
"Hey uncle," little Ace referred to his butler as such as he closed the storybook he was reading. A spark of curiosity sparkling in his eyes as he continued, "how do I become as amazing as my big brother?"
A childlike innocence could easily be tainted by those with such intentions—the old butler could easily plant the wrong ideas in his head and nurture the seeds of jealousy he planted within him. He stared at him for a second before letting out a sigh, strengthening his resolve when he saw Ace's eyes full of wonder.
"His Highness does not have to do anything, you are already a wonderful child just like your brother."
"Of course, I wouldn't dare lie to you. If you continue to stay on the right path, I have no doubt that you will be as great as your brother in the future." He patted Ace's head, relieved that the second prince seemed to be satisfied with the answer.
"Yeah... I will!" He declared, staring right back at his butler with an uncontrollably big grin taking over his face.
That was the last time he saw that butler.
The palace staff told him he died because of heart failure during his day off. This devastated poor little Ace Trappola greatly—demanding to be allowed to attend his funeral but was stopped by his father, saying that there was no need for someone like him to attend a servant's funeral. The hand-picked white lilies Ace took that day in hopes of paying his respects, withered inside his room as he cried his heart out.
The next day, they had already found a replacement for his butler. Someone who was far younger than his previous one and was definitely less warm—he went by the name "Rowen" and insisted that the young prince should call him that. At first, Ace put up a fight as he tried to resist everything Rowen tried to do—even if it was just a menial task such as him trying to tie Ace's necktie for him.
But, nonetheless, Ace was still a child and children, more often than not, don't know how to deal with grief. You could easily spot him crying in places he shouldn't be yet no one had the heart to tell him that, even more when Rowen asked the palace staff specifically to not approach the prince if they ever spot him like that and instead, call for him immediately.
Stuck inside the garden, Ace was barely trying to keep his sobs in as he rubbed his eyes with his sleeves.
"I miss uncle…" He cried out, perhaps getting a little bit tired of how colder the palace seemed to be towards him. A pair of footsteps suddenly approached him, Ace quickly stood up and patted away all the dirt from his clothes so it seemed like he didn't cry but his swollen eyes were a dead giveaway.
"Your Highness, I was looking for you."
"Oh, Rowen. It's you…" A dejected look took over his face, was he expecting his old butler to appear? He silently crushed his hopes as he raised a question for his new companion.
"Can I ask you a question…?"
"Of course."
"D-Do you think I can still be as amazing as my big brother?" A few seconds of silence passed by as Rowen crossed his arms.
"Forgive me for my bluntness. However, at this rate, you will never amount to what your brother will be in the future."
"E-Eh? But uncle said that—"
"Your 'uncle' was foolish, perhaps that was why he died." Rowen crouched down, his green irises staring right into Ace's eyes—there was something in his eyes that Ace couldn't put a finger on but one thing is for sure, he thought Rowen was scary during this very moment.
"What you need right now is power," Rowen pressed a finger against his lips. "And that's exactly what I can give you."
"Power? Don't I already have plenty of that, I'm a prince!"
"What you need," he pushed Ace back with his index finger, "is enough power to take the throne."
"But big brother is the only one who can take that!" Ace shouted, trying to overpower the nonsense he was hearing from his new butler.
"Heed my words and I can make it happen." Rowen's lips tugged up into a small smirk before delivering his final words.
"After all, you want to be as great as your brother, the first prince."
Ace felt confused. He clutched his chest as he thought about his words—he did want to be as great as his brother but he couldn't help but be a little wary of what Rowen might ask of him. Ace had to slap himself back to reality, there was no reason for him to think about this so seriously! There was no way he could take the throne for himself and why would he even want to do that…? Isn't he happy the way he is right now?
Ace stepped out from the garden with Rowen following him shortly behind. He stared at the castle building, the maids and butlers working about, and a few noble visitors roaming around.
That was when a little devil's voice started whispering in his ear.
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Deuce Spade had been anything but happy upon growing up inside the Royal Palace. Being the sole crown prince of the Spade Kingdom, his life never consisted of flowers and rainbows contrary to what many think. If you asked young Deuce himself about his position, he would simply give you a blank stare before properly processing your question. Once he does, he’ll give you a half-hearted smile before answering with: “It’s a duty I must fulfill.”
He’d never been too fond of the fact that his life was already planned ahead of him the moment the royal palace discovered his existence in his mother’s womb. He would undergo proper education fitting for the crown prince, he would be assigned with tasks that were meant for the crown prince, and he would soon rise to the throne once his father was no longer able to rule.
Rather than inheriting the throne, he yearned for something else. Being the heir to the throne meant that there was almost nothing he couldn’t obtain but he found himself dumbfounded when his elders aggressively denied him of his desire for the first time.
His desire to become a knight.
Deuce was said to be excellent with the art of the sword, easily surpassing other kids his age. But that was not the reason why Deuce had the desire to become a knight.
One of the first things they taught Deuce was the fact that he was in a dangerous position and that there might be cases wherein other people might make an attempt on his life. He thought that it was ridiculous because, after all, who would dare try to kill the crown prince? It would be treason!
And because of that, he was too lax.
One night, the prince got kidnapped and threw the whole palace in an uproar. Little Deuce could barely open his eyes when he tried assessing his surroundings, his eyes were blurry and he couldn’t move a muscle as no voice came out from his mouth. He was beyond terrified, he thought he was going to die that night. He pleaded inside his head, begging someone to come and find him. But for days, he was yet to be found.
He thought that perhaps the Royal Palace had decided to give up on him as he lost hope himself, his eyes growing dull and duller. He had to endure the harsh treatment given to him during his abduction, the only thing keeping him sane was the single ray of hope that someone was going to rescue him.
Just as he felt as if the thread was about to snap, he saw a cloaked man barge into the place where he was held hostage with a sword in hand. Ruthlessly, he cut down the perpetrators without so much as a blink. Deuce could only stare at the scene unfolding in front of him weakly. ‘Am I… being saved?’
It took him every ounce of his strength to stay conscious. And even more when he forced himself to ask the mysterious cloaked man. He wasn’t wearing anything that could discern his homeland, Deuce couldn’t figure out where he came from. His face was covered by the hood of the cloak, he couldn’t see his features very well. Deuce was afraid that there would be no way of him figuring out his identity before he passes out, so he forced a voice out of his throat.
“Who… are you?” His voice was hoarse. The man stayed silent, sheathing his sword before walking closer to the prince and unlocking the rope binding his hands together. Deuce could slowly feel himself losing consciousness but just before he could pass out, the man finally answered his question.
“...A knight.” He muttered.
The next time Deuce opened his eyes, he was no longer in a dark place but instead, in an unfamiliar yet extravagant room. He could tell that it was not the palace in his kingdom, he felt himself panic once again as he remembered the past events. When he heard a knock on his door, Deuce flinched as he hesitantly told them to come in.
A small girl around Deuce’s age entered the room with a plushie in her arms. He told himself to calm down upon seeing her, reassuring himself that the probability of this girl doing the same thing as the ones who kidnapped him were very low.
“Are you feeling better now, Your Highness?” She asked, concern lacing her voice. Deuce clutched his arm.
“Better than before… at least. But before that, who are you?” It was only normal for Deuce to become extremely wary considering what he just went through. The young girl understood that and merely gave him a small grin.
She introduced herself as the first princess of the kingdom he was residing in. Deuce was shocked, it wasn’t his own kingdom that found him but another! Did that mean that all this time he was in a foreign country? Was that the reason why no one had found him for days? Countless questions were swirling inside his head.
The princess was the only one who was let into his room, seeing as how Deuce was more comfortable seeing someone around his own age rather than adults. She was as clumsy as she was kind, Deuce found himself being comforted by her even if most of their meetings consisted of him being gloomy.
A few days later, an envoy was sent to Deuce’s kingdom to inform them that he was safe in their palace. During that period of time, Deuce was cooped up inside his room—thinking about a lot of stuff and refused to come out for hours. When it was time for him to go, he visited the princess one last time.
“Is it possible for me to visit you in the future?” Gratitude? Attraction? Personal interest? The reason behind his words was blurred.
When he returned home, he almost gave the whole Royal Court a heart attack when he declared that he wanted to become a knight. Nobody could tell what Deuce was thinking after he was abducted, it was as if he turned into an entirely different person. But he was thoroughly denied of his desire to become a knight, in which he was highly disappointed in. But, somehow, he found a way to secretly train without anyone finding out.
Using the princess as the shield, he went in and out of your kingdom to train under the pretense of meeting her. But she was more than happy to assist him as they became partners in crime. Deuce couldn’t forget the mysterious knight that saved him and so he idolized him ever since, saying how he wanted to be someone who protected people.
“Princess!” He called out, waving his hand as he grinned at her. This was the start of their relationship with each other. Only time can tell if this was to end happily ever after or otherwise.
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