#I'm obsessed with the Dots right now too
Went to Target during a trip to the next state over with Mom so we could have a fun day out, and I found DC Comics Manga, and this Joker one is so tempting to grab an ebook of
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This sounds like a typical fanfiction plot idea and I'm all for it
Also, found some cute Lego polybags, which is a nice bit to add to my Lego collection I'm rebuilding, as I'm mostly grabbing small bags and bricks from thrifting
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A cute farmer with a scarecrow and a bunny, and a "birthday train" micro build.
Also, I decided to finally try a minifigure blind box, since my Lego are gonna need some people for them, and golly, they've changed since I was a kid
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I got an Olympic runner guy with running blades prosthetics and a Harpy with articulated wings! I found out that they're making minifigs now that includes some wild fantasy elements and disability representation. I really want to find the dog groomer one with the Afghan hound and has a cochlear implant, the dog is cute and since hard-of-hearing runs in my family, that has a bit of a personal sentimental concept there...
Anyway, my Valentine's day was pretty cool. Nothing but good luck, people were very polite and friendly, and absolutely nothing went wrong this year. 🥹
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luvfy0dor · 6 months
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“You Know That I'm Obsessed With Your Body ♡⁠˖” BSD Men x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Chuuya Nakahara, Osamu Dazai, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Sigma, H.P. Lovecraft
Warnings; Suggestive, kisses, hickeys, bite marks, allusions to self harm (Dazai), sh scars (Dazai), prolly a little ooc
Description; BSD men and their physical attributes
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A/n; CAS lyric title!!! But I cannot bring myself to write reqs RN so............but guys i actually talked to a guy OMG never thought I'd have big enough balls but I got his ig ^w^
⑅Chuuya Nakahara⑅
Chuuyas arms are beautiful to you, they're not insanely buff and they're not thin, but at a perfect equilibrium. They're decorated with intricate tattoos and beautiful colors, and sometimes small dotted lines left by your teeth or maroon spots formed by your love and passion for each other. You loved feeling them wrap around your torso or waist with him leaning his head against your back, letting all the thoughts in his mind flow from his mouth like a waterfall. Other times, he'd hang his arms over your shoulders, letting you feel his biceps against the nape of your neck, ghosting over the baby hairs on your skin. His arms can carry you too, no matter your weight. If it'd make you feel better, he'd use his ability to help and reassure you that he won't drop you or let you get hurt.
“There we go, darlin', see, I told you I wouldn't let you get hurt. Literally not even the strongest gust of wind could knock me over with you right now, so quit worrying.”
⑅Osamu Dazai⑅
Dazai has such a gorgeous torso, bandaged or not. His skin is soft on contrast to the rough and volatile life he's always lead. The only patches of skin that aren't smooth are the ones that are littered with past scars, whether self inflicted or from other people. When Dazai trusts you enough, he'll ask you to help him take off his bandages before bed, letting your fingers brush over the rigid bumps and sharply inhaling while adjusting to your sweet touch in a new, naked place. He lets you kiss the scars and it helps him feel a little relaxed receiving your acceptance through soft kisses and affection instead of being pitied or shamed for his past. It's not like you encourage it, but you don't waste your breath on lecturing him on why he shouldn't have. It's in the past, so instead you'll offer your support for him now rather than dwelling on what you can't change.
“Mmnn...your lips are so soft on my back, baby...keep going, sweetheart, you know how much I love feeling your kisses on my skin...”
⑅Nikolai Gogol⑅
Nikolais thighs could resurrect a dead man, and you couldn't help but feel the same way every time you had your head between or against them. Occasionally your hands would hold them apart and squeeze or grope at them, feeling the firmness beneath the palm of your hand. The pressure from your fingertips leaves temporary pale spots with every pinch and your teeth and tongue leave red ones in your wake as you kiss, suck, and bite all over his thigh, and he loves it. Nikolai loves the harsh feeling of your teeth clamping around his skin, making him gasp and giggle in excitement with a hand on your neck encouraging you to continue. He's got a higher pain tolerance, so if you like to give lovebites, especially on thighs, he's your guy.
“Ah-! Oh, don't worry dove, it doesn't hurt. You know I have a good pain tolerance! You can keep going, hehe, I don't mind it.”
⑅Fyodor Dostoevsky⑅
Fyodors hands are thin and pale aside from some select spots with higher blood concentration. His nails are bitten down to the quick almost always and his fingers are bony and thin. They rest gently on your hips when you sit on his lap while he types or just relaxes with you, his thumbs rubbing circles into the fabric of either your top or bottoms. Sometimes they'll travel upwards, resting against your midsection and making you shiver from their low temperature. He'd laugh under his breath at your reaction and slide them further up, loving the idea that he has you squirming in his grasp. Otherwise, he'd keep a hand on your thigh, rubbing it out of habit modestly. In public he keeps his hands to himself, but in private his hands have a mind of their own.
“Are they that cold, Moya Lyubov? You'll get used to it eventually, unless you'd like to find your own way to warm my hands up?”
Sigmas jawline is so defined and Everytime you look at it, an overwhelming urge to kiss along it bubbles up inside of you. Sigma doesn't dislike it, but he'll act like he does, always squirming and playfully grimacing. Eventually he'll give in though, holding your hand while you pepper soft pecks along his skin. He'll return them all over your cheeks and nose, tickling your skin and making you giggle. You can't help but watch Sigmas fingers trace over his jawline while he's deep in thought about this that and the other, admiring how perfect it looks on him.
“H-hey, knock it off, I'm in the middle of fillin' out papers! I said quit it- huff...fine, just a few though! You're really distracting, you know that?”
Bonus; ⑅ H.P. Lovecraft⑅
His hair is so long and luscious- how could you not want to run your fingers through it while your sleepy boyfriend lays his head in your lap? The upper half is smooth and straight while it changes into silky curls towards the bottom, though they're not the tightest and allow for your fingers to brush through them with minimal effort. He loves the feeling of your hands against his scalp, giving soft hums and groans of a relaxed pleasure. His face has his usual neutrality regardless of how nice it feels to get his head massaged by his lover. He frequently lets you pull it into a ponytail or put it into braids or whatever style you please. He lets you brush it, too, as long as you start at the bottom instead of ripping the brush through his hair.
“Mnn...that feels nice, dear...don't mind if I fall asleep on top of you, I can't help it.”
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A/n; I feel so bad for not getting to requests, something like this was the easiest thing to do this week though because I had mock trial comp right after school so i couldn't write anything from 8am-7;30 pm some nights and it was the end of the quarter so i had to focus more on school work.
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itsclydebitches · 4 months
Still thinking about "Dot and Bubble."
Specifically, I'm thinking about how the racists of FineTime aren't just written to be cruel and entitled, but downright childish too. Lindy - in a move that dovetails nicely into the episode's commentary on social media - has the attention span of a toddler, going on and on about how boring work is even though, from what we're shown, she doesn't have to do anything other than sit there and socialize, which is presumably what she'd be doing if she didn't have to work, right? But since this is something she has to do per orders of the gross old people, she complains. "You're no fun!" she yells at Gothic Paul, the only one in her group taking a mature stance on this issue (and, notably, the only one with a very small number of subscribers).
Lindy lacks the maturity and critical thinking skills we would expect from someone her age. Again, this is definitely a layer of the social media side of the episode's thesis, but she nevertheless demonstrates a kind of emotional dysregulation that's usually only seen in younger, developing children. Lindy does not think for herself and cannot adapt to changes in routine/the way things are "supposed" to be. When told a fact - the police are unavailable - Lindy repeats, "but I really need the police" over and over as if her need is going to magic up a change in reality. She parrots rules and rejects them in equal measure, driven solely by her current desires: "We don't do that [lower the bubble]."/"I can do whatever I want!" She moves from disgusted to infatuated to angry in the blink of an eye, with her anger characterized by childish outbursts and language: "Now shut up I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" When faced with something life-threatening, Lindy's response is to a) distract herself (by watching Ricky) and b) find a hiding place. Even taking her terror into account, she responds to these situations like someone far younger would. If I cover my eyes the bad thing disappears. If I hide under the bed, I'm safe.
And of course, Lindy's body is monitored in the way you would a child's. She's constantly watched by others, both her peers and, presumably, by the Homeworld. She's told when she needs to use the restroom which for me was VERY evocative of a parent speaking to their potty training child, trying to get them to articulate when they need to go by informing them of when it's most likely. Hell, Lindy literally can't walk without the assistance of this AI parent.
Yes, there are plenty of moments that evoke the very stereotypical, entitled teenager - talk of "partying," bragging about clothes, being obsessed with the guy online - but even more, I think, evoke the child. When Lindy plays the recording of "Mummy," smiling shyly at the praise before throwing out the kind of insults you'd expect to hear on an elementary school playground - "You're stupid" - she reads like she's a kid. Which is a hell of a commentary on her racism. The episode doesn't say that Lindy is literally a child (she's not, she even snaps as much). The episode also doesn't try to claim that being childlike equals harmless (quite the opposite). But equating racism with a childish, dangerously inept, can't-even-walk-or-use-the-bathroom-by-herself white woman... damn if that's not a statement.
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catnipaddictt · 3 months
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clone wars!anakin x gn!reader
synopsis: a sunny picnic day with Anakin!
wc: 0.9k
cw: none, this is just fluff, kisses
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The soft fabric of the checkered picnic blanket lay under your thighs as you sat, staring at the view in front of you. Rays of light reflected off the surface of the crystal water, making it shimmer in the early afternoon sun. Wildflowers in shades of violet and red dotted the grass, making the scene even more picturesque. 
Next to you lay Anakin, eyes closed and basking in the sunlight. He had forgotten his Jedi robes, opting for a pair of swim-shorts and no shirt. The heat of summer had been beating down upon the two of you since the morning, and you had decided that a lunch time picnic was just the thing you, plus your secret lover, needed. 
It had taken considerably less convincing than you thought for Anakin to leave his post and spend the rest of the day with you. He had basically jumped at the opportunity to pack a lunch of fresh fruit and pastries, and met you down at the water's edge. Anakin had less and less spare time on his hands as the clone wars waged on in the outer rim, but he had been given a few days of light duties on Naboo. A task that wasn't really needed but a nice break from the hectic battlefields of distance planets. 
Feeling full from the delicacies you had eaten, you lay back next to Anakin, taking a leaf out of his book and letting the sun flick at your skin. You would have thought Anakin to be asleep, if it wasn't for the winding of his pinky around yours. He had always been obsessed with having at least a little bit of skin on skin contact with you. 
After half an hour your thoughts drifted to the clear water of the lake and the refreshing temperature of the water. Tugging on Anakin's hand you stir him. “Swim please?” You request as his blue eyes blink open, adjusting to the bright light. He nods in agreement, getting to his feet and pulling you up with him.
Hand in hand you make your way to the shore of the expanse of water. Wadding in up to your knees you turn to look at Anakin and the look on his face. He lets go of your hand before pushing out further, until he has to kick his legs to keep afloat. You watch as he moves around, lying on his back, droplets of water rolling off his toned chest.
You steadily make your way out to him, calling out to make sure he doesn't swim off. Eventually reaching him, he takes hold of your waist with one hand, smiling at you. “This was a good idea” he says “I've missed this, spending time with you I mean.” 
“I've missed you too Ani, the Jedi work you too hard” you reply, a hint of sadness in your voice. “hey, don't think about that right now, okay? It's just us right now, none of the council problems exist here.” Anakin speaks in a soft tone, letting you hold onto his shoulder as he talks. He is right, you shouldn't be worrying about his responsibilities as a Jedi knight right now, instead you just need to focus on the moment. “Your right” you return before he gives you an amused grin; “I'm always right”
You playfully splash some water in his face, to which he does the same to you, leading to the two of you pushing water pulling apart to push water at the other. Anakin doesn't play fair as per usual, and uses the force to splash you from all sides. When the splashing comes to an end you both laugh and declare that there will be a rematch next time you visit the glistening waters of the lake. 
Anakin swims the few feet that divide you too,pulling you close to him and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead then your lips. You return his affections before you both decide to dry off back at the picnic blanket. 
Once out of the water, Anakin throws you one of the towels you had packed and you use it to wipe off the water that runs down your frame. He does the same before you both resume your lying down on the blanket. This time your head on his chest, while his fingers wrap around your smaller ones. 
As the afternoon wears on, you can feel tiredness from the day's activities wash over you, Anakin feeling the same way prompting you to pack up your belongings and make the trek back to the city of Naboo. You both sneak into the town, mindful to avoid prying eyes that could rat you and Anakin's relationship out. You let out a sigh of relief once you reach the palace, weaving through the many corridors adorned with beautiful wallpaper. Before you part your respective ways, Anakin pulls you in for a tight embrace, placing even more kisses over your face.
“I'll come see you tonight, okay?” He confirms, looking into your eyes. Nodding in reply, you give his hand one last squeeze before you pull away, and make your way to your room, slipping inside the door. 
You can't wipe the smile off your face as you return your bits and bobs to their rightful places. Anakin always makes you feel lighter, and his promise of his return to you tonight makes you grin harder. If there is one thing you are certain of, it is that you would be spending many more afternoons entangled with Anakin along the sunny shores of Naboo's brightest lake.
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I straight up haven't written in like 3 weeks as I've been super busy but hopefully I will get back into the swing of things soon! If you want to be added to the taglist lmk!
taglist: @qvnthesia @ysrjune @anisscarletstarlet @inneedsoffanfics @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist @anakinstwinklebunny
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blorbocedes · 4 months
let me take you guys on a journey. one that will help you understand how annoyingly obsessive and hung up my brain can get......
so here is where our wild goose chase starts. I was going through a 2012 f1 blog's nico tag. it's actually pretty rare for early 2010s blogs to have comprehensive tagging systems so whenever I find one I try to go thru it all. and I come across this v cute nico image (cropped for posterity. payoff will be worth it promise)
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here we have a picture, from 2012, and in classic 2012 fashion there is meme text on it. OP of the original pic deactivated. so I want to find the version without the meme text. pretty easy, just reverse google search right?
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google reverse search is functionally dead and defunct and absolutely dogshit.
ok back to square one. I'm trying to sus out from whatever information I have.
the other meme watermark of f1humour.tumblr.com? deactivated.
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okay 37 notes. maybe I can do something with this.
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tumblr kind of breaks (?) with very old posts. so even if someone tagged it, I can't see it. ok but 14 people liked it!
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of the 14 accounts only 7 actually show, including mine. so what I do is I go through 6 of those blogs, and their public archives because those accounts are all inactive for several YEARS now. and I check their blogs for April 2012.
no luck.
back to the drawing board.
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the meme has a MOTORSPORT.COM watermark.
here's all the information I have: this was posted on April 24th, 2012, which means that's my upper limit on the date this could be taken. Nico got in Mercedes in 2010. So from anywhere between 2010-2012 motorsport images couldve taken this pic.
so, because I was born with excessive intelligence, I think hmmm... let me search the archives of Motorsport Images dot com. surely that is where Motorsport dot com would keep their Images.
two years of a racing driver's pictures means thousands of pictures. okay. let's start from April 2012. unfortch for keen eyed listening, April 2012 was also the Chinese Grand Prix aka Nico's first f1 win.
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why is that relevant? because it means every photographer and their MOTHER took a picture of nico for his first win. over 900+ images.
while I am exhibiting extremely unemployed levels of behavior here, I don't actually have the time and brain capacity to sift through 900 images.
I go back to the original tumblr post. this time I go to the empty reblogs. there's lots!
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but because there's no tags it can't help me. still I go through every one of them because you can see the blog I found the pic from @the-fastest-waffle is listed in the other reblogs even though they clearly had tags!
and I find my silver lining. from @fuckyeahf1drivers's tags
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just this simple. #bahrain #lol
if this picture is from bahrain 2012 it changes everything, as in it narrows my search a shit tonne.
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375 images. This means 1-15 pages and I know the exact picture I'm looking for. I feel like I'm SO close. I can't give up now. gambler mentality 💎
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so I guess what. I go through all 15 goddamn pages. and I DONT FIND IT!!!!!!!!! SCREEEEEECH
now I've lost hope. if it's not from bahrain 2012 then it can be from anywhere from 2010-2012 taken by motorsport.com which is just too big a search. there isn't anything I can narrow it down with. my search is futile.
but I have one tiny little thought bugging my mind. how come motorsport images don't have the motorsport.com watermark... so I consult a fellow archivist @vegasgrandprix on the matter.
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finally. finally
I go on motorsport.com
which is actually kind of not super user friendly interface finding their pics if you have excessive intelligence like I do. I go into this knowing if the bahrain 2012 long shot is actually NOT when that picture is from, I'm fucked.
I filter and say a prayer.
and lo and behold.
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one person's singular tag of 'bahrain 2012 lol' led me down this spiral, where if it wasn't for that bit of information this would be lost forever because finding the version of the pic without the meme text is otherwise near impossible. google reverse search is no help, and f1 drivers simply get photographed way too much. reblogs + tags with context literally are a holy grail. this is what I imagine archaeologists feel like. so if you ever want someone 12 years after you've posted something to go down finding out, tag your posts accordingly (assuming tumblr survives the next decade)
so why did I do it? why did I spend hours of my life on this? cause it's fun. it's like a mystery and it itches at my skin. many times I'm not successful which is why the times I am feels so rewarding because it feels almost like detective work, finding and refinding something, overturning evidence. and I have a brain that just functions Like This.
and now for the fruit of my labour, if you guys still want to see. the picture I spent hours to find the original version of. sitting proudly at the time of posting at 9 notes 😌😌 here's what goes behind actually finding and archiving 2010s retired f1 drivers online. click below!
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twistedinthreads · 7 months
Lost In The Labyrinth
Part 1.
You came to Oxford to get away from America; from your mother's fame and the ghosts of your past. You get more than you bargained for when you meet Felix.
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: sexual content (not explicit but it's there so 18+ MINORS DNI), I used some descriptors for reader such as scars, birthmarks, imperfections, but I made her as inclusive as possible, reader is American, she's also a nepo baby but isn't using her nepotism in any real way. Bi!reader and Felix. fic title inspired by the taylor swift song, of course (and I am terrible at titles!)
Playlist (a work in progress!)
A/N: I am so insecure about this reading back over it omgggg but I'm posting it anyway! Hi friends. I've been working on this for so long, and I'm recovering from my surgery so I figured there's no time like the present. Here we are. I am obsessed with this movie and this man! I promise this fic is gonna get more interesting, but we've got this for now. Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist, and feel free to send me asks if you want to talk about reader and her lore, because she is very special to me and I adore her already!!!
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Your eyes droop as you hum along to the nameless blonde that stands in front of you, her sparkly pink cocktail dress catching the light and making her glow. She’s going on and on about how Everlasting Eve is her favorite movie of all time, and how your mother is “the greatest actress of our time!” You want to vomit. It’s not like this doesn’t happen, it’s practically a daily occurrence at this point, but you’d much prefer it if people stopped giving so much of a shit. If they did, you wouldn’t be stood with a bottle blonde from Bristol talking your ear off. You’d just stepped out to get some air, for Christ’s sake. 
“You’re from the States, right?” You nod, sipping at your cocktail and bouncing from one foot to the other to conserve some warmth in your legs. She asks it as if she hasn’t been talking your ear off and didn’t notice your accent, not as thick as it used to be when you’d lived in New York full time, but still foreign here. The music is less obnoxious out here, bass easing on your chest. It’s cooler, too, the fall night air brushing against your neck like a lover. “That’s brilliant! I went with my parents once, when I was a kid. We went to Disney World.” 
You smile and nod, muttering out a “cool” as you sip at your drink, cringing at its strength. 
“Is that far from where you live?” She asks, and you wonder how she got into this fucking school. Probably a legacy, with more money than she knows what to do with.
“Uh,” you suppress a laugh. “Yeah. Yeah, like… incredibly South of New York.” 
“I’ve always wanted to go to New York,” she continues to babble. “My parents go on business trips there, but they’ve never taken me. I want to see where Little Angels was filmed! Uh, Lincoln Square Park?”
“Washington Square Park,” you correct her. 
“Yeah!” She snaps her fingers and points. “That’s it! When your mom’s character is waiting there for Hugh Grant’s character, and then they walk off into the sunset together? Absolutely the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen!”
You stare off into the distance vacantly, the night sky painted with different navy hues and dotted with the brushstrokes of stars. 
Suddenly, you feel a warm arm around your waist, hot breath on your cheek. “There you are!” You’d know that voice anywhere. The figure kisses you on the cheek and it takes everything in you not to start grinning from ear to ear. You turn, meeting his lips, and he plays along like it’s the most normal thing in the world. “I’m gonna head home, wanna come with?”
You nod, thanking him with your eyes. He winks gently at you and grabs your hand. “Nice talking to you…” you’ve already forgotten her name. Her tone has completely shifted, body stiff as her eyes mull over you and the man that holds your hand with a vice grip. 
“Sandra.” It’s cold, but you keep your own voice chipper. 
“Sandra! Nice to meet you,” she’s in your college, so you’ll have to be cordial. “See you around?”
She just nods and lights a cigarette. 
As you walk away, one of Felix’s hands around your waist and the other holding your own, you look up at him. “Thank you so much. Holy shit. I was about to lose it.”
He lets out a low, intoxicated chuckle. “It’s what I’m here for, darling.” Uses his fingers on your chin, tugging lightly to kiss you hard on the mouth. He pulls away and you chase his lips, planting one more kiss on his mouth, this time softer. 
“Your room or mine?” You ask, to be met with a smirk as he grabs your hand and leads you across campus. It’s a path you could walk with your eyes closed, the muscle memory of so many nights embedded into your body by now. 
His room is all red carpet and wood paneling, empty takeout containers and beer cans and ashtrays strewn about. His bed is unmade and his textbooks are all over his floor, but it hardly matters when he’s kissing you like you’re the only person in the fucking universe. 
Within minutes, you settle back into a familiar routine. Clothes shed, completely bare to one another as you grind and writhe on top of him, hands on his toned chest. He’s gorgeous with his mouth open in ecstasy, labored breaths escaping it, eyes closed and clenched, hands rested on your waist as you move above him, a renaissance painting. You’re moaning too, tempering your whines so that the sounds don’t travel. The moon paints the room in subtle, cool light and the pleasure makes sweat bead on your brows.
“Missed you,” he manages between moans, voice heavy and breathy. “Missed this.” 
“It’s been like, two days,” you let out a chuckle, and it fades into a moan as you grind your hips again, trying not to scratch his chest with your manicured nails, though you doubt he'd mind too much.
“And that’s too long,” he replies, and you lean down and kiss him, open mouthed and messy and euphoric. 
When it’s all said and done, you lay naked beside him while he smokes a cigarette, arm laced around your bare shoulder, your head rested on his. It’s bliss, something you’ve begun to ache for all the time. “Really, thank you. That girl was driving me fucking insane.”
“That scene where your mom’s character and Hugh Grant ride off into the sunset together? Immaculate.” He mocks the girl, a surprisingly good impersonation, and you both belly laugh. You wipe away bits of red lipstick from his mouth and grin delicately at him. You know you’re not the only girl he’s seeing, not even the only girl he’s fucking, and it wedges something vile and dangerous in your heart. The words linger on your tongue. You want to ask, want to know, and if you sound desperate? Well, so be it. 
“What is this?” You wrench the words out quickly, looking at your hands. 
“What do you mean?” He takes a long drag of the cigarette, letting the smell perforate the air in the room, turning it cloudy in its wake. 
“Us,” you murmur, and he runs a hand through your hair. “Like… I know you’re fucking other people, Felix. And that’s fine but… I just want to be clear on what this.” 
He looks at you perplexed, smashing the cigarette in the ash tray and turning on his side toward you. You mirror his motions, so the two of you are laying in bed, you practically on top of him due to its size, your hands under your cheek. “I’m fucking other girls? News to me.” 
“I see the way you look at them,” you murmur. “India. Annabel. That guy you study with sometimes… Ryan?”
“I’m not fucking anyone else,” he mutters, seeming almost offended at the notion. He scoffs before his next words. “I practically haven’t even looked at anyone else.”
“Fe-“ he cuts you off, a hand brushing over your cheek, holding it delicately. 
“No,” he starts. “I know I have a reputation or whatever,” he waves his free hand around. “But I genuinely haven’t been seeing anyone else since we started… this.” He gestures between the two of you, and you can sense that he's lying, but it hardly matters. 
You’re almost self-conscious as his eyes rake over your body; so self aware of every little imperfection, every feature. The birthmark on your hip. The way one tit is just a bit bigger than the other. Your crooked finger from when you broke it playing volleyball in ninth grade. The gray hairs you’d been noticing popping up recently. 
“You’re the prettiest fucking girl at this college,” he says your name before kissing you sweetly. “Don’t want to look at anyone else.” You know it’s a lie, considering the fact that he does look at other girls, and often. It’s almost like you can’t bother to care, though. Your head is all floaty and tears are burning your eyes. 
He climbs on top of you, kisses down your chest, down your stomach, makes sure to take his time kissing that same birthmark you were so insecure about minutes before, your inner thighs, before finally landing where it matters most. 
“So fuckin’ beautiful, yeah?” He looks up at you with those gorgeous eyes, the earnestness in them making your heart swell up. In this moment, it’s not the same Felix that made you cry last week because he told you you needed to get your own friends (you have plenty), or the Felix that ignored you at the pub to talk to Annabel, causing you to storm out and ignore him for three days until he realized. 
Sometimes, he doesn’t care if you come, and he doesn’t clean up after himself, and sometimes his words bite, and last week he made that insensitive comment about your friend with depression. But you think you might love him, and it feels like enough. 
After, he asks you to stay with him. You laugh languidly, tears brimming at your eyes from how hard. He kisses you, soft and slow, the moonlight seeping into the window and painting the carpet with light; it looks like a lone puddle of blood in a sea of blackness. 
When you wake, it’s nearly noon. The sun beams through the curtains and you shield your eyes, trying to move underneath Felix’s strong grip. He’s got a hand wrapped around your thigh. Your leg wrapped around his waist while your arms are, slightly pained from the uncomfortable angle, folded around his neck. You regret moving your face from its spot in his chest, wanting nothing more than to occupy his space for as long as possible. 
You can’t bear to wake him, his eyelashes fluttering ever-so-slightly against his face. You smile, tuck yourself back into him, and feel his breaths come out relaxed and steady. The tranquility doesn’t last long, though, and you watch as his eyes flicker open. “Good morning,” his voice is raspy, his saccharine accent accentuating every word with posh sweetness. He kisses your cheek and gets up, your eyes meeting his bare ass. “I should go shower, you cool to stay here?” He asks as he gathers his things. 
“I need to go,” you also get up, searching around for your undergarments and your uncomfortable cocktail dress, pulling the blue, beaded garment on without much care. “Sundays are study days with June.”
You slip your uncomfortable heels on, wincing at the blister you’d developed last night but didn’t notice until now, and kiss him on the cheek as you leave his dorm. 
The trek across campus has you nearly limping in pain, as you kick your shoes off the second you make it into your room. You gather your shower gear, thankful for your own bathroom and the warmth of a long, hot shower. It’s almost painful to wash his scent off of you, but you know you’ll be seeing him again soon, and let your floral body wash cleanse you and your sore form. 
Before you get dressed, you grab antibiotic cream and bandaids from a drawer and tend to your blisters, throwing on a pair of slip-ons to avoid even more pain. 
And as you go to study with June, your mind is far from Shakespeare; it rests only on Felix, Felix, Felix. 
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 8 months
Yandere Frat Bro x Shy! Fem! Reader pt.2
TW: Spanking, masturbation, humping
When you wake up in Ben's bed, you are terrified, especially since you are naked. 
"You awake, darling?" Ben asks, turning over to face you.
"Shit! I'm so sorry if we had a one-night stand. I probably drank too much, and now I'm in bed with you," You apologize, scrambling out of the bed.
"Oh, it's ok, darling. A girl like you couldn't have handled my drink anyway. Besides, we can always have sex sober whenever we want now that we're dating," Ben replies, grabbing your body and kissing your neck. "You're all mine, baby. Come on. Let's get dressed and get you that plan b unless you want a baby with me."
"No, no, I definitely don't want a baby. Ugh! My pelvis hurts!" You groan, holding your stomach for comfort.
"It's ok. I'll get you that pill and some breakfast. Stay here, and don't move a muscle," Ben says, kissing your forehead and pulling the covers over your body.
Ben gets dressed and leaves his room. You look around his room and see the posters of athletes and several pop culture movies. His pillows smell like cologne and sweat, and you relax as you start to fall asleep again. That was until another fraternity member opened Ben's door and found you there.
"Oh, look. It's the girl Ben is obsessed with. Did you two have a good time?" Some white boy with black hair asks, sitting on your side of the bed.
"I'm sorry, Ben is obsessed with me?" You ask, sitting up. 
"You bet he is. He was so obsessed with you that it became bothersome. That's why he had the party last night, that's why we gave Ben those special pills, that's why we got your friend Cassidy to bring you. It was so Ben could finally have time with you, and he would stop rambling about you 24/7," The boy explains, making adrenaline pump through your veins.
"I'm sorry, but I have to leave," You say, ignoring the pain from sex and running out of the frat house with only the sheets. 
You run to your dorm and lock yourself in your room. You change into some polka dot pajamas and hide underneath the covers. Your phone buzzes to life, and Ben is blowing up your text messages.
Baby, where are you?
Why are my sheets missing?
I brought breakfast and plan b for you.
Where are you?
Y/N, please answer me. 
You throw your phone to the floor and put your head on your pillow, ignoring the world. You close your eyes and hope everything that happened was a dream.
"Hi, Ben..." Cassidy says, unlocking the door.
You wake up and turn your body so your back faces the door.
"I'm pretty sure she's in there," Cassidy replies, closing the door and going back to her room.
Knock knock knock
You groan and put the pillow over your head, hoping it helps you ignore the noise.
"Y/N, I brought food for you. Y/N, I know you're in there. Don't you want your medicine?" Ben asks, making you get out of bed.
He is right. You do need that plan b unless you want to be connected to Ben forever. You open your door, looking at Ben with tired eyes.
"Just give me the plan b and get out," You say, making Ben's heart twitch in pain.
Your words hurt him, but he won't be affected by it.
"Y/N, you're not spending the day by yourself. I know you're in pain and need some relaxation and aftercare," Ben argues, barging into your room and locking the door. "Here's your food and your pill. Eat the food before you take the pill."
Ben hands you a Chick-fil-A bag, and you pull out your favorite breakfast items. He lifts you onto your bed and sits near you as he takes out his food. The two of you eat in silence for a while, until Ben asks for a pillow to put under your feet.
"Here. By the way, thanks for the food and pill," You say, handing Ben a pillow. "I'm still mad at you for making a campus-wide plot to drug me."
"In my defense, I didn't come up with the drugging part. That was my fraternity. I just wanted to kidnap you and take you on a date," Ben replies, rubbing and massaging your feet. "But I mean, you did enjoy the sex we had, right?"
"I won't be answering that question. I refuse to answer that question."
"Aww, please! I need to know if I satisfied you!"
"Nope. You won't be getting that secret out of me until my deathbed."
Ben groans and puts both of your trash into the empty bag. Then, he crawls next to you and kisses your cheek. He takes out a Tylenol pill and slips it in your mouth. You swallow and take a deep breath.
"I have the whole day planned out for us. Lunch is tacos, and dinner is Chili's. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Ben asks, slipping an arm around your waist. 
You feel strangely relaxed in his arms and turn to face Ben.
"Yeah, that's fine with me. Wait, you didn't drug me again, did you?" You ask, sitting up a bit.
"Nope. I just used my charm and kindness. Now, do you want a back massage or not?" Ben responds, his hands roaming your back. "Just so you know, I'll always give you an aftercare day after we have sex."
That was it for you. A day of food, relaxation, and massages was enough for you to overlook his yandereness. After all, you are a foodie at heart.
"Sure," You moan, turning over on your stomach and letting Ben massage your back.
Ben's hands feel up your boobs, and you look at him.
"Sorry, I can't help it. Your boobs are too cute not to grope," Ben says, lining his crotch up with your ass. "You don't mind if I hump you a little?"
"You're one bothersome horny dog," You answer, teasing Ben by rubbing your ass on Ben. "Just finish the massage, and we can sleep."
"In...a...minute!" Ben moans, humping your pajama bottoms faster. "Ggh!"
Ben cums in his underwear while groping your boobs hard. He takes off his pants and crawls into bed with you. Ben makes you the little spoon, kissing the crook of your neck. Suddenly, he flips you over and holds your head against his chest.
"Did you really think I wouldn't punish you for running away?" Ben whispers, his hands roaming your ass.
Ben spanks your ass, making you hide your face in his chest out of shame. It's not your fault he knows all of your kinks. 
"Look at me, baby. This is for your own good," Ben says, grabbing your face and making you look him in the eyes.
"Please, spank me more," You plead, blushing from embarrassment.
Ben smirks and takes the belt off of his pants. He swats it at your butt, and you moan. Your hands pull down your pants and twitch as his belt hits your bare ass.
"Oh yes, punish me like the bad girl I am!" You moan, practically melting in his arms. "Fuck, I'm gonna-"
You cum onto Ben's thighs, making both of you sigh. Ben kisses you and rubs your ass.
"I love you," Ben says, rubbing your head.
"I love you, too," You say, kissing his neck.
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teecupangel · 4 months
Hi teecup, I hope ur having a great day/noon/night!
Forgive me if the things i'm about to say don't make much sense. It's been a vey, very, very, difficult time for me and my countrymen here, and my ability to make coherent sentences have declined drastically. So, yeah... BUT! That doesn't matter haha.
Anyways, I had a thought. And i'm not even sure how or why i got it but.... hear me out now...
Our boy, Desmond, gets thrown back in time as usual, same old same old, right? Exept, this time he doesn't end up in the Big Three™'s time-line. He ends up in Al-Mualim's time. *insert mind-blown emoji here cuz i can't find it rn*
And ik that i'm not a certified AC Expert like u and many others, and i haven't really finished any of the AC games yet (i've only seen bits of AC III and have only started AC 2, I also haven't finished AC 1)
But I do know that he wasn't really that creepy and evil in his youth/ b4 he became The Old Man of the Moutain, so i was thinking maybe Desmond ends up in that era of Al Mualim or is it Rashid al-Din Sinan? I know that he's based on a real historical figure but i'm not so sure if he's called that in-game?
And knowing Desmond, he'd probably get the urge to kill Rashid (i hope i'm using the name correctly) the time he figures shit out and connect that dots. But he would end up not doing that, cuz u know, it might fuck up the time-line and Altaïr might end up not being born, creating a domino-effect.
I want Desmond to meet Rashid before he starts to becom the Al Mualim we know today, so that Desmond can see how he was b4 the evants of AC 1.
Maybe Rashid's an arrogant ass, or a nerdy loser, or a popular assassin- who knows! The possibilites are endless!! (or maybe he's an obsessive bastard who gets obsessed with Desmond cuz he's just full of mysteries and wonders :Dc )
And blah blah blah, plot here, plot there, Isu-bullshit this, time shenanigans that, and BOOM they meet.
And romance ensues? :3 (romace wil absolutely ensue :}}} )
NOW, BEFORE- BEFORE YOU TIE ME TO A STAKE AND BURN ME ALIVE FOR THIS- i think it'd be a cute idea, and who knows? maybe Rashid was hot in his prime *insert lenny face cuz even after all these years i still don't know how to type it and is too lazy to cop paste it* and maybe he liked to solve mysteries and had a thing for the unexplainable. And Desmond is the most unexplainable, most bizarre thing to have graced the earth :33333.
Now that i've got this idea out of my system i'm gonna go pray for the down fall of my coutry's shit for brain, good for nothing military government/hj.
bye! *evaporates*
I hope you’re doing alright and I’m sorry that it took two months before I could answer your ask TTATT
As far as I know, he was only called Al Mualim because of legal reasons but Rashid ad-Din Sinan was the leader of the Assassins in Masyaf during 1191 so it’s safe to assume Al Mualim is AC’s version of Rashid (historically he died in 1193, not 1191.
Okay. We can make this work.
We put Desmond at around the same time he’s the recruit and we make it hard for him to realize he’s Al Mualim until it’s too late by doing one simple thing:
Desmond doesn’t know Al Mualim’s real name.
He always knew it as Al Mualim. As far as he knew, Al Mualim was his actual name.
Then he remembered that Al Mualim can mean mentor and bangs his head on the nearest flat surface.
His mission has been clear from the start.
Become an Assassin, take out Al Mualim before he does shit, find Umar and adopt him then play matchmaker so Altaïr would be born.
And no.
Desmond wasn’t going to think about the whole “can you truly be sure that the person who will be born will be Altaïr if you change the circumstances of his conception?”
His head hurts just thinking about it so he won’t.
For now, he’ll focus on his training while keeping a look out for anyone who gives of Al Mualim vibes.
What’s the Al Mualim vibes?
Manipulative old man vibes.
The problem is…
Rashid is one of the recruits in the same batch as Desmond and he becomes Desmond’s closest friend.
And there was no way Desmond would ever be friends with a future power hungry asshole like Al Mualim.
No way.
The way their relationship becomes romantic really depends on the kind of personality young Rashid would have.
A nerdy loser who starts making a name for himself because of his intelligence and tactical mind would start off as the kid Desmond sorta looks after. When he starts to show that his strength lies in making plans and quick judgments, he becomes the man whispering on Desmond’s ear. Providing plans and suggestions while giving Desmond a heads up on the less savory words people say about him. Desmond would never think this Rashid is Al Mualim because he’s nice and truly do want to help Desmond. This is also how Rashid would show his love for Desmond and, really, Desmond would think they’re bros and when he realizes that Rashid actually loves him, he’d think “oh, I am Ezio’s descendant”
An arrogant ass Rashid would butt heads with Desmond but Desmond would find himself fond of the man because he reminds him of AC1 Altaïr. This is the Rashid who would definitely be counted as a tsundere and their relationship would start when Rashid just flatout tells Desmond that he wants to do unspeakable things to him while they’re arguing. Desmond is offended because “tugging on my pigtails doesn’t work in real life, dumbass!” and Rashid is just “???” because what the fuck are pigtails??? Lots of awkwardness until Desmond realize that butting heads with Rashid is really how they flirt.
Now. Popular Assassin Rashid is more on the side of polite but is absolutely Desmond’s rival. Whatever it is, the two of them are always competing. Unlike the arrogant ass version, this Rashid is always nice to Desmond. The whole “no hard feelings” and pure competitiveness are what drives their relationship. This is the one where the two of them spar privately one time and things happen. They would try to distant themselves from one another for a bit until they finally talk it out. Rashid honestly didn’t think he loved Desmond until the whole ‘after-sparring’ thing.
Whichever you pick as Rashid’s background, he will become obsessed with Desmond but it’s more on the side of “I will do everything to make Desmond happy” which is good for Desmond but not really good for anyone against him.
Desmond is the one who adopts Umar in this one and Umar imprints on him like a baby duckling to a mama duckling. Everyone actually assumed Umar is his bastard son. Desmond ignores it even though he’s only like… a decade and a half older than Umar.
Rashid definitely treats him like Desmond’s son. He’s Umar’s favorite of all of Desmond’s friends.
And really, Desmond should have seen that as a hint of Rashid’s ‘future’.
Speaking of the future.
He’s been looking for Al Mualim this entire time and he has his suspects (Rashid, however, is not on the list) but honestly?
He’s just waiting for the person who would be picked as the one to lead the expansion to Masyaf since that would be Al Mualim.
Desmond has, unfortunately, fucked up the timeline so badly that the person chosen to lead the expansion?
It was Desmond.
Sidebar: Faheem would be that cute younger brother who turns grumpy when he grows up. Desmond will forever grieve the lost of little cute Faheem. Faheem is always embarrassed when Desmond talked about his ‘past’.
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headcanonenthusiast · 9 months
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Kyle Garrick NSFW headcanons
This was so difficult to write for some reason and idk why 😭😭 I think I just had a lot of trouble writing for Gaz, because as much as I like him as a character, I'm not much of a Gaz girl. (Or, I wasn't before writing this. I think I changed my own mind with these headcanons 🤭)
(I completely understand that this type of content is not everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok! But, please scroll and ignore if this type of content isn't your thing as opposed to leaving any sort of negative comments.)
Nsfw under the cut.
-His biggest mission during sex is to make you scream.
-If you haven't screamed his name so loudly that it gets you a volume warning on a smart watch, he isn't done.
-Will beg you to be even louder if he isn't satisfied with your volume.
-"C'mon, louder. Louder, baby, you can be louder than that."
-Lowkey doesn't mind fucking you near an open window. Def leans down to whisper in your ear to encourage you to be louder.
-"Don't go covering your mouth now, love. Let the neighbors hear how good I'm making you feel."
-3 inches soft, 5 inches hard.
-Calls you pretty girl/boy all the time.
-Especially if you're wearing something of his, whether it be a shirt or necklace or his dog tags.
-Honestly, whenever he sees you in his clothing, especially his dog tags, he goes crazy.
-"Look at you, pretty boy/girl. Keeping my shirt nice and warm for me."
-OBSESSED with taking you while you're on your stomach.
-He'll lean down to kiss your shoulders and back, fingers switching between your hip to your side.
-Isn't opposed to you being on top, as long as you're both enjoying yourselves.
-Like I said, he loves taking you from behind. As such, he sees any sort of marks or dots that you normally don't even see. And he'll run his fingers along any birthmarks/scars with his face buried in the crook of your neck.
-Feel like he'd like recording/taking pictures of it, too. (With consent ofc)
-And he definitely won't share those photos with anyone. They are only for his eyes and your own.
-"God, baby. I ruined you last night. Look at how messy your hair got."
-I feel like he sends the most gorgeous nudes.
-He basically poses for you like a model in front of the mirror. Mf knows he's hot.
-I feel like the main way he asks for sex is sending you a nude or spicy message. Normally doesn't ask for it outright, kinda let's it go over text or come into the night randomly.
-He sees eating you out/sucking you off as a great way to calm you down.
-If somethings got you upset, he'll get a small frown on his face and look more concerned. You don't have to tell him anything if you don't want to, though. Just let him gently eat your pussy/suck your dick and I can guarantee that you'll forget about whatever was upsetting you.
-If you feel more overstimulated or just have the tendency to cry from the sensations of sex, he's stopping and pulling out with a hand on your shoulder.
-"Oh shit, did I hurt you? I'm sorry, babe."
-And even if he didn't hurt you at all, it just felt super good, he never pressures you into continuing. If you want to keep going, he'll return to a similar pace but with more awareness of your facial expressions and noises.
-I feel like he'd want to try cockwarming you, but he's honestly so bad at keeping still. It's not his fault you feel too good to not move inside of.
-"Come on, baby. You feel so good, you're so fucking tight. It'd be sinful of me not to move."
-Please put your hands on his shoulders if you're on your back. Nothing will get him harder than you touching his shoulders.
-And if you cry out his name? His confidence shoots through the roof and he nearly cums right then and there.
-Prefers cumming on your stomach, back or thighs so he can take pictures afterwards.
-Aftercare includes him handing you some water before grabbing two game controllers, asking if you'd like to play a game before bed. And if you agree, y'all's moans won't be the only thing the neighbors complain about. Your laughter will probably be as loud as the moans, too.
-And maybe whoever loses the game has to bottom for the next round, idk 🤭
My hands hurt from typing so much 😭 but thanks to everyone who voted! It was challenging to write for Gaz, bc like I said, until an hour ago when I started writing this I wasn't super attracted to him, but I need to learn to write for characters I don't often think about more. Hope y'all enjoyed! Alejandro is up next 😏
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seneon · 4 months
hii! <3 may i request a hc about mashle characters if they found out they had a little sister in the middle of their school year and how they would act to her, also if possible, can you add a small part where they first interacted?
i have a sister..? ──── mashle various.
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featuring. mash squad + ames brothers.
notes. this is an interesting req! all platonic fluff.
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sweet, poor, mash would be so confused. she has the same honey eyes as him. even more miraculously, the same bangs and the same smooth silky hair that's in a specificly round shape. a one liner with pretty average magic. she does not like cream puffs. she likes tarts. obsessively. so when she's in the dormitory kitchen making berry tarts for herself and mash came in to make cream puffs, they stared at each other and she immediately screamed "you just look like me!!" and mash tilts his head. "i didn't know i had a twin." and she replied, head also tilting, "we're twins..?" both of them are equally dumb cuz why not.. mash's sis is based on this art.
little female version of them with black and yellow/blonde hair definitely stands out. so it was made into a commotion then rayne being a d.v. came to the commotion where one day it just exploded. his sister didn't even hesitate to call him brother at first sight. he froze at the sight of her and suddenly all the memories came flushing in of her being taken away. (oo mysterious) "tell me your name. now." he demands and she tells him and he covers his mouth at her voice. his sister who was taken away from him so long ago is now here, standing right in front of him. rayne caught sight of finn standing afar, also frozen. then finn runs to catch his long lost sister in a hug. omg so emotional
new victim to siscon about. im kidding. he doesn't know he has a wayyyy elder sister that's like d.v. level. she left the crown family long ago before lance was born so he know not of her existence. she came to visit the school one day as a special guest to demonstrate magic to the students. accidentally introduced as a crown before saying she has no surname cuz if fam issues. uses gravitiy magic, but hers is more intense and solid. lance knew they were related of some sort but he is unsure. confronts her after the demo as she's leaving the school. honestly, his sister would be shocked that there are two of her little successors. would tell lance to keep doing what's he's doing and she's very motivating! lance knows she wants nothing to do w the fam anymore and he respects her for it, wishing her luck in life.
in denial. there's a big difference in their appearance. she'd probably won't have such striking red hair as he does but more to a softer colour. i'm betting on her having a calm personality. but her ability tho. it's the same exact magical ability, hereditary, in fact. so when she appeared in school right in front of him, they were staring at each other in silence before dot started freaking out and started accusing her of looking similar to him. they also have the same line marking!! she's just there like "...?" then she'll ask, "are you dot barrett?" he nods. "oh wow! i'm a barrett too! although i was absent pretty much your whole life. lemme introduce myself, i am your sister bla bla bla" super respectful.
lemon having a sister??? younger or older, it doesn't matter. she's just really happy to find out she has a sister kept secret from her for the longest time. probably has super long hair. very confident and charismatic. she's under the wing of another family as that family wanted lemon's sister to be a bride of their son. they first met when she came to visit the irvine house and lemon immediately recognised her as she's that one cool girl in school. they immediately clicked and become close to each other after lemon's parents told lemon abt her secret sister. vv wholesome and sweet. the next day at school they're already besties doing whatever sisterish things they've always wanted to do if they hv a sister.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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luveline · 2 years
hi I am obsessed with your writing! can I request do you want to dance and candy apples with rockstar!eddie, maybe where reader is super quiet and doesn’t seem like the type to date a musician but he is super soft with her offstage even though he’s a total badass on stage?! okay bye love you
join luveline's halloween party ♡
tysm for ur request baby ily! rockstar!eddie x shy!fem!reader
The VIP section in most venues is the same. A balcony backfitted by a bigger room with a bar. Eddie has you sequestered on the balcony, the two of you looking down over crew both roadies and the venue's making preparations for tonight's show.
"Teddy," you begin quizzically, watching his eyes trace the shape of the stage. "Why'd you bring me up here?"
You'll have had to sit up here yourself in a few hours to watch the show.
You can tell he wants to be down there having a little bit of a say in things, though most of the time crew staff ignore him anyways. (Or rather, pretend to indulge his suggestions and do what it is they've been told to do by their boss, instead, as they should.)
He lifts his head from his observing and smiles at you. "Guy can't want some along time with his girl?"
"Up here?"
"Most private place I could think of." He grins, hair falling into his eyes as he straightens his back and extends a pale hand. "We never get any alone time anymore, sweetheart. Miss you."
You thread your fingers together and let him curl you into his chest, a smooth plane that you splay your fingers over lovingly. Before he can try anything you lean into his neck, and before he can complain you dot a little kiss against his throat. You really want a hug right now, and that's what you get.
He leans against the railing. You have no clue how he can do it without having a heart attack but you're too distracted by his nice touching to tell him otherwise, hands seeking the hem of his shirt to rub his back as he rubs yours.
You spend long, private minutes like that. His arms are a sanctuary, as dramatic as it sounds, where you can be as quiet as you want to be without feeling like you're doing something wrong. It's in stark contrast to your boyfriend's turbulent, brash personality. Yet somehow, you always fit. Maybe because he knows when to indulge your solitude, and you know when to cheer him on.
He kisses the top of your head.
"See? I missed this," he says.
You nod hurriedly in agreement. This is nice. This is bliss. His arms and his voice and nothing else, only the echoing hustle of the staff at the bottom of the atrium to reach you.
"It's been loud, these last few days. Are you okay?"
"You asked me that last night," you murmur, brows pinching together in confusion.
"I know, but it was busy last night. Thought maybe you wouldn't feel like you could tell me."
"I'm perfect," you say, startled by his question. "I promise." You lean back against his arms to look him in the face, his chin titling down to indulge you. "Are you okay, Teddy? How's your earache?"
"Fine, it's fine. Just gotta remember to wear the new earplugs tonight. The other ones seep too much." He smiles softly, brings a hand to your cheek. "I'm perfect, too."
You kiss him and hope that it says what you're trying to say. Yeah, you are.
His kiss quickly turns nipping and hard. You buckle underneath it, exhaling hard into his open mouth.
"Teddy," you say, though it's muffled into incomprehnsibility by his insistent kissing.
His thumb presses into the column of your throat as he leans down. You lean back with him, eyes closed and listless at the ardency in his touch.
"Teddy," you say again, giggling. "Stop."
He pulls away, frowning gently. "You okay?"
"Can't kiss me like that up here."
"Why? You don't like it?"
"You know I do..." You let your forehead rest against his chin, hiding from his bright eyes. "Too much."
"C'mon, sweet thing, nobody's up here."
You wrap one of your arms around the back of his neck to try and prevent him from convincing you. You both know how much you liked to be kissed by him, especially his rougher ones that make you dizzy, but you're not willing to be found up here. Not in the state he'll put you in.
"I'll make it worth your while," he tempts, a dulcet murmur.
You breath hard against his frame and grumble.
"What?" he asks.
"I hate you," you lie.
Eddie kisses all the way down your cheek. "I'll believe it when I see it," he says into the corner of your mouth. "Want me to do that thing you like?"
You sigh heavily. "Yeah, please."
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lov3m3darling · 1 year
Apple of my Eye (Obsessed!Wally Darling x Short!Reader) Pt. 2
Heyyy 😊 So I'm really glad a lot of you seem to like what I'm doing here. You're all very kind ❤️
I woke up feeling pretty good today so I figured I'd be at least a little productive and write another part ✨️ How long should this be?? I'm totally down to make this a long fic if ya'll would like that. I would still write oneshots and headcannons in between chapters of course 🤗
Idk, lemme know
!!!(TW: obsessive behaviors, eye imagery, slight blood/injury, mention of a kn*fe)!!!
Wally spent that evening thinking of nothing but you.
Your smile, your eyes, your laugh...
It was like his world finally had color again. He imagined the date vividly...bringing you flowers when he arrived at your door, showing you around town while you held his arm, picking a nice grassy spot in the shade for your picnic.
Would you dress up just for him? Would he hear your charming laugh when he made jokes? Could he...kiss you?
Wally covered his blushing face at the idea, and Home rolled their eyes, creaking mockingly.
Wally sat up from where he was laying across his chair.
"You don't understand, Home! (Y/n) is...they're so..."
He tried to describe you, but could only manage a happy, dreamy sigh. Suddenly, he heard a record player start up.
A love song.
"HOME!!" Wally exclaimed, his face now entirely red. Home knocked quietly, almost like a sly snicker. Wally sighed again.
"Oh, but...I could just imagine asking them to dance with me to a song like this. Wouldn't they look divine? ...Home, what on earth is wrong with me?"
The music stopped, and Home creaked.
"Lovesick? What are you talking about? I'm not sick, I feel fit as a fritter!"
Home's eyes rolled yet again, and the front door swung open with a squeak.
"You're right. Frank can explain it to me, I'm sure. He's very smart!"
With that, Wally set out towards Frank's house.
Meanwhile, you were in your own house, fussing over your clothing options. Clothes were strewn across your otherwise tidy bedroom as you dug through your closet and rejected nearly every article of clothing you owned.
But then, hanging at the very back, you spotted the miracle you were hoping for!
(Option 1: a multicolored striped blazer and pants combo with a white dress shirt underneath and some red sneakers to keep it from being TOO dressy!)
(Option 2: a white, knee-length dress with multicolored polka-dots and a pair of red ballet flats. and for a cute little accessory, some red apple earrings!)
(...orrrrr any combo of the two! Up to you! Doesn't really matter, I just wanted to give some visuals here. Reminder: ya dress like a cartoon character because ya ARE one!)
Oh, it was perfect! You'd been saving this outfit for a special occasion, and if a date wasn't the perfect situation, you didn't know what was!
You carefully hung it up for tomorrow, then made your way to the kitchen to pack the picnic basket.
As you sliced up an apple, you couldn't help but think about Wally. You'd only just met him that morning, and yet you already had a massive crush on the guy.
But who could blame you? There was just something so charming about him. And strangely suave, too. He seemed like the type of guy to bring you flowers and kiss your hand...a gentleman.
"Ow! Oh dear.."
Maybe cutting an apple wasn't the best time to be daydreaming...
You sighed, setting the knife down to go grab a bandage for the small cut on your finger.
But suddenly, there was a panicked knock on your door.
"Who in the world..?"
You settled for wrapping your finger in a tissue, and went to answer the door.
Wally stood, wide-eyed, on your stoop. He seemed worried.
"(Y-Y/n) I was walking by and heard you yelp!"
Your face felt a little hot. You didn't realize you'd been so loud...
"Oh, I'm sorry to worry you but I'm alright. I was slicing an apple for our picnic and...well...I suppose my mind was somewhere else. And silly me, I cut my finger a little..."
Wally's eyes shifted past you and looked at the knife on the counter, and his pupils grew and shrank again in a matter of just a second. You barely noticed.
"Thank goodness, I thought something terrible had happened. I don't know what I'd do if-...ah, would you like me to help you? I have bandages at Home.."
You were about to decline, when you realized something. You didn't have any of that stuff! You'd only just moved, after all.
So, you had to agree and let Wally lead you to his house.
Home's eyes fixed on you when they spotted you approaching with Wally. The door opened, but the squeak it made sounded like a question.
"(Y/n) is coming in for a moment so I can tend to the cut on their finger, if that's alright"
Home said nothing else, but the door remained open, so Wally nodded and brought you inside.
He had you sit on the couch while he retrieved a box of bandages and a cotton ball soaked in something that smelled like a hospital.
Carefully, he removed and threw away the tissue you'd wrapped around it, and looked it over. A tiny drop of blood trickled out and you winced, feeling like a little kid with a scraped knee again.
But Wally just smiled and brought your hand to his lips, gently licking away the drop as he gazed up at you lovingly. His pupils grew just a little, and you felt as if you would combust at any moment.
Wally chuckled and cleaned the cut with the cotton ball before wrapping a blue bandage around your finger and giving it a kiss.
"You've turned red, (y/n). Feeling alright~?"
"I-I don't...w-why did you...?"
He laughed.
"You're so silly, (y/n). It had to be wiped away, what was I supposed to do?"
You couldn't answer him. Your face was entirely too flushed and any nervous jumble of words your brain could think up just wouldn't come out no matter how hard you tried.
"Hey, I know! I'll sign your bandage. People do that with casts, I think! Barnaby says it helps the person feel better faster"
Suddenly, he was back to normal. Acting just as he did when you first met him.
Wally left the room for a moment and returned with a red crayon. He took your hand and gently wrote his name and a smiley face on the bandage before helping you up from the couch. He smiled at you.
"How's that? Does it feel better?"
"M-Much better. Thank you, Wally.."
You excused yourself so you could continue to get ready for tomorrow, and left, waving to Home as you went.
You shut the door to your own house and slid down it, finally being able to breathe and think.
What WAS that?! He licked your cut! Why?!
After a few deep breaths, you collected yourself and stood up, returning to the kitchen. You went to pick the knife back up, only to realize the blade had snapped off of the handle and was in several pieces...
"How did that happen..?" you wondered aloud. For some reason, looking at it gave you a nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach and you hastily threw it away.
As you did, you glanced at the bandage on your finger again. You weren't sure where the thought came from, but his name written on it almost felt like a claim over you more than a nice gesture.
And...why were you strangely okay with that...?
Too much? 😅 That was a little intense, I know. But I promised yandere, and I keep my promises. Of course it's never gonna be a downright lemon 🍋 🚫 but who says it cant be just a liiiiiittle spicy? Just a dash of pepper, am I right?
Anyways, hope this was good 😊 more to come!
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Things in The Neighbor's Under the Bed that drive me insane
Mark said "They beat us 7-nil", implying that Abigail was also a Raccoon. So. Both of them are retired Raccoon City players but Mark cares about football and getting back at Johnny and Janae's father. Abigail loves the guy enough to let him do his plans, occasionally helping him (like with the tunnel thing) but she doesn't obsess over football like he does
"A nipple a day keeps the Rangers at bay!" "That's what we've got on our house crest" I know all of these things are supposed to be for comedic purposes but that implies that Abigail's been doing the nipple thing since the Raccoons lost to the Rangers (hell, she could have also been doing it before they lost to the Rangers but I don't think she'd have the need to do that unless conspiring with Mark to get back at the Rangers)
"We love you too, Dad!" Janae, that is your mother--
"Don't hit your brother anymore, that's not very nice okay?" "I try to but the night terrors" This is Janae responding. I can't tell if this is because Janae has nightmares and is hitting Johnny in their sleep or if Janae hits Johnny to wake him up from a really nasty future dream
Johnny coming out of nowhere while Martha was already telling the boys goodnight and her not knowing that he wasn't in the room shows how neglectful of a mother she is. Sure, she comforts him but also tells him to "shut up" and to "stop being weird".
"I did say that he was my older brother. But he's emotionally less mature" This is definitely to clarify to the audience but I'm taking this as Janae knowing that their mother can't differentiate them sometimes.
"I'll try but I do have to finish the Oxford curriculum" Implies they're in school and then Tom throws the next line "Because, you know I'm lecturing in the morning" which throws my previous idea out the window. JANAE LECTURES AT OXFORD?? JANAE FUCKING GRADUATED AND TEACHES AT OXFORD??
"I dreamed a man came out from under my bed :(" I mean, sure, it's technically correct but not exactly correct?? Which implies that Johnny either has 80% accurate future dreams or his dreams come from another perspective sometimes??
"But sometimes they come true, mommy!" SOMETIMES?? SO THEY DON'T ALWAYS COME TRUE?? I MEAN. OKAY
"It's okay, I'm familiar with the carnal act" what has this eight-year-old seen....
"My seis-- my seismogram" Tom was blanking on what it was called but yes, a seismogram exists (I saw it on my exam. But now I'm starting to think that an 8 year old just recently invented it)
"If it was true, it would be called a seismoGRAPH" BOTH OF THEM SHUT JANAE DOWN. WHAT?? GUYS. HEAR 'EM OUT. COME ON
The nod to Luke before patting the chair. Again, not related to lore but I love this moment
AJ going to drink in the background until Luke spoke. Took a moment to pause because that was definitely not what Johnny sounded like previously (not related. again)
"We had a different daddy. Our daddy was not our daddy it was the neighbaah :(" Okay so going back to Johnny's future dreams, they aren't 100% accurate to what actually happens but rather a caricature of it?? Dreams don't always make sense in real life, so Johnny's future dreams being a bit exaggerated makes sense kind of??
"I was going to suggest a fire but okay!" JANAE IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT THAT A FIRE WAS THE BEST WAY TO SOLVE THIS. THEY MAY BE BOOK SMART BUT THEY'RE A LITTLE BIT FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD. JOHNNY, THE ONE WHO GOES MORE ON EMOTION RATHER THAN GENUINELY THINKING, WAS THE ONE WHO HAD A RATIONAL IDEA. CALLING THEIR DAD WAS DEFINITELY THE BETTER IDEA. AND THEN HE JUST AGREES WHEN JANAE SUGGESTED A FIRE. YEAH, NO, NEVERMIND THEY'RE BOTH A BIT FUCKED UP (then again, younger children have wild imaginations. Janae might be intelligent but that doesn't mean they're not a kid. Hell, their boosted iq may or may not have aided with the fucked up ideas they might have)
Janae just being a news anchor/football announcer in a normal speed while Jack and Mark are in slow mo. Why is that? To make it a bit more dramatic? Because it's a slow mo playback? Huh??
"I'll be seeking forced adoption for myself and my older brother" GOOD BECAUSE BOTH OF THEIR PARENTS ARE NEGLECTFUL. THEY DESERVE TO LIVE IN A BETTER HOME, GODDAMN IT
Tl;dr: This play is insane and these two kids need a family that actually care about their interests and don't shut them down/force them to play football
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justagalwhowrites · 2 months
Sorry I've been posting a lot today, I promise I'll STFU after this until The Savage and the Sanctuary is ready, but it's just been a weird time and I'm feeling weird and I think there's a lot of that going around?
I haven't ever spent much time thinking about whether or not I should be in fandom. I've always loved things deeply and intensely to the point of obsession, from books I read until they fell apart to the VHS copies of Star Wars I wore out in childhood, I've kind of always been this way. I didn't think I'd ever grow out of it. Maybe I was supposed to and I missed that boat, I don't know.
Whatever the reason, here I am, obsessing yet again, this time over Joel Miller and Din Djarin and Francisco Morales and Oberyn Martell and so many other characters brought to life by an incredibly talented artist. But I wanted to take a moment and thank you lovely people for obsessing alongside me. Fandom, as it happens, is way more fun when there are people in it with you willingly instead of dragged along. I feel very blessed to share this space with so many kind, thoughtful and creative fellow fans and I'm so thankful that you've let me spend time here with you.
I know things are odd right now. But I know we can take care of each other through it, too. Please take a moment to be kind today - be it to yourself, to a stranger on the street, to someone here on good ol' Tumblr dot com - and try to spread a little love if you feel up for it. I think it would make our favorite actor smile if you did.
In the meantime, I'm trying to navigate my own stuff. But I applied for graduate school and bought myself flowers today at work so there will at least be something in bloom around here for a little while, anyway.
Thank you for being here, thank you for being you, and take care of yourselves out there.
Love you!
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helpfandom · 1 year
Yandere Platonic Two-Face {TAS} x Reader HCs
Ngl, I'm thinking about doing an analysis on the TAS villains. ALL of the TAS villains with the same kind of reader.
It's just that realistically, this is the type of reader that would be the most likely with how Gotham is.
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Honestly, I have no idea on why he would initially be interested in a kid, if it wasn't for a bad reason. Not saying that yandere isn't bad, but more so that, I can't see him stalking a kid or anything for any morally good reason.
But, in the interest of fanfiction, we shall say that this reader is of the 'uncaring' variety, much like my Riddler (also TAS) reader.
So perhaps, Reader initially met him in a dark alley, so of course, without realizing, he pulls out a gun and threatens you. He was shocked with himself that he would do that to a kid, but on the other side, no loose ends.
So, he flips the coin. But reader tells him that it's not a 50/50 chance like he has always believed. {It truly is not, by the by, it is ever so slightly tilted to the heavier side, making it a 51/49 chance.} This catches him off guard and he fumbles, losing the coin.
The two-toned man rumbles to you. "Go ahead. Leave. Take your chance and live." You stand up from your spot, having fallen from the spook of running into one of Gotham's infamous villains. "Cool. Thanks man." You walk off, feeling his stares, but letting it slide off your back.
Why would you walk from someone who is a villain? A scary person who could kill you, simply for existing in the same area as him?
And with that, you sealed your fate. He couldn't get your words out of his head. Was everything he believed in a lie? Was everything he's doing for naught? With that simple sentence, you broke his entire world in half. He needs something new to focus on. Too bad it had to be you.
Without even needing the coin to decide, he knows that he has to see you again. You've haunting him, it's so stupid that you've been doing this to him. WHY! Why are you haunting, why are you stuck in his every waking thought?!
Needless to say, he's a very quick yandere. I mean, he already has an obsession, it just moved to you.
I wouldn't say he's quick to kidnap. To me, he seems like more of a stalking type at first, but then, when he goes to flip his coin again to see what to do tonight, he thinks of you. He thinks of how you interacted with him and your words get stuck in his head all the time.
Would he be prepared for you? No. Not really. I mean, it's not like he sees himself as a dad either, it's more of just... He needs you there. You need to be there for him. His obsession with the coin flipped over to you, and now you're the one reason he's still here, able to articulate his words, be alive, and live his life.
Batman and Robin wouldn't be able to help you out either, for he wouldn't let any sign of you actually affecting him show, unless...
Set the scene: Two Face is robbing a bank, he flips the coin and right as it lands in his open palm, you walk by, unflinching at the alarms going off or anything. you. You. YOU. He drops the coin, everyone who knows him even a little bit is shocked at that. Why would he ever let it drop? Everyone knows that he's obsessed with it.
That would be the only sense in which Batman and Robin would ever find out of an obsession with you. The way he pauses when someone says something that sound like your name, the way that he purposefully selects the spots away from your home so you're less likely to be caught in the crossfire...
I can see Batman connecting the dots, but at that point, its too late.
He's already kidnapped you.
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littlesislovesyou · 18 days
Please do sit on my face and if I DIE I DIE lmaooo but I'll worship your pussy in every way while you ride my face and get my face or mask covered in your juices...and even more so when you cum all over me like a good fucking girl 💕
You seem to have a passion too... for reigniting the horny fucked up thoughts of Christmas past and tempting everyone to fuck your brains out. God if you begged me with tears in your eyes, needy and cute to stop hurting you or to stop raping you when I sneak into your room with my mask on I'd throb so much in your soaking wet pussy, fuckkk don't you dare you temptress~ You wouldn't dare... 😳
I'm bad and you're worse and we go extremely well together surprisingly enough...and I agree it is the most primal feeling ever I can't describe it in any other way.🤤
Mmm no I don't think I will. You can keep crying for me to stop though that's hot and it's making me harder for you...🤭🔪 And aww I guess I'll keep kissing and worshipping your pussy though if it falls in love I hope it's not alone. I dont wanna marry just your pussy after all. I'll already own it by that point~ Would love the person whose legs its in between though? 👀
I hope I do because half of me is being silly and making dumb jokes and the other half is depraved, disgusting and beyond saving... <3 knowing what to say is hard.
Only the prettiest collar for my pretty fuckdoll, the prettiest and most sexy~ 💓 And of course both our names are going on the collar. Maybe a phone number too call incase my fuckpet gets lost...might install a tracking chip too and go full stalker on your ass forevermore 🖤
And I'm not sure yet...so many choices indeed. Maybe we'll review the options on where in private one day hehe.
You'll always be my pretty little fuckdoll in my heart and I could never forget you sweet girl. 🫂
And I will then...I love being on your mind. Like you are in mine!
Ugh another thing I absolutely love is you can go to worshipping my body to just full on using me and degrading me💕💕💕🫣 ahhhh man 🥺 when you say it that way I just wanna be the best girl for you💕💕
I think that is my superpower at this point;’) 💕 but really I’ve only been using it on you lately<33
I apologize for being slow and not responding to everything 🥺💕 I’m definitely just exhausted, but I wanted to talk to you anyway, I am pretty much fighting it right now haha 💕
And yeah you’d be throbbing inside of me while I cry and beg you to stop? You’re so messed up for that~ my tears turning you on and just making you so hard, making you fuck me faster huh? Maybe you’d stark mocking me 🫣🫶 or just saying fucked up things into my ear like “oh come on sis it doesn’t hurt that bad, be a good little sister” ;’) 🖤🖤 I’m just as messed up because I know it just makes me wetter even if I’m sobbing and staring up at you all teary eyed<333
I’m glad I can make you hard;’) I almost feel bad for doing it to you when you’re out in public~ keyword almost though☺️💕 I am curious if you ever have cum to my blog before?🫶👀 or maybe just what started your obsession, I’m really just curious<3
Ahhh I don’t think my pussy will be alone in that fact honestly, are you kidding heh 🥺🖤
AHHHH don’t even joke about that right now<33333 you’d have my location at all times, you’d probably find yourself just absentmindedly watching my dot move around on the screen<3 always checking in on your fuck pet if you’re not with me 🥺💕
Ahh you’re gonna make me blush seriously! 💕🥺 it is killing me inside that I don’t have a clue who you are<3 I am curious to know if you’re a mutual or not 👀💕
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