#I'm pretending I'm 13 again ignore me
emocheol · 6 months
seventeen when you call them by their name
instead of a pet name
a/n: i forgot how long writing 13 different scenarios takes T-T
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after a long day of practice cheol entered your shared apartment late at night.
even though he was trying to be quiet you still heard the click of the front door and his fumbling around in the entryway. so you decided to get up and greet him.
“seungcheol?” you asked sleepily, rubbing your eyes as you walked out of your bedroom.
he was so taken aback by his name that he didn't even reply for a good 30 seconds.
“i'm sorry for being home late,” he frowned, “don't be mad.” he whined softly, thinking you were upset with him. why else would you use his full name?
you looked at him quizzically and slotted yourself in his arms, he seemed to relax significantly at your touch.
“i'm not mad, what makes you think that?” you questioned, looking at him with raised eyebrows.
“you called me seungcheol,” he pouted, “what happened to baby?” his pout intensified, his lip jutting out further.
you couldn’t help but chuckle at his antics, “i’m sorry, baby,” you teased, emphasizing the pet name, “i didn't know you liked it that much,” you cooed, putting your hands on his cheeks and smushing his face.
“don't tease me,” he grumbled, pretending to be upset, which just elicited another laugh from your end.
“fine, fine,” you said with your hands raised, mocking a surrender, “let's go to bed, baby, you've had a long day,” you suggested, pecking his lips and taking his hand to lead him to the bedroom.
you had been basking in jeonghan's company all day. it was a rare off-day for the idol and you spent every second possible with your boyfriend.
you were currently in one of your lulls of conversation, just sitting in comfortable silence on two different ends the couch while you both scrolled on your phones.
you saw a funny video while scrolling and knew your boyfriend would love it so you looked over at him and called his name.
“hey, jeonghan? look at this video,” you giggled, holding your phone screen in his direction.
but your boyfriend didn't pay you any mind. thinking he didn't hear you, you called for him a little louder.
“jeonghan? hello?” you scooted closer to him on the couch when you went unanswered again.
you poked his cheek and turned his head to make him look at you when he still didn’t answer.
“hello?” you questioned, noticing his nonchalant expression.
“oh? were you talking to me?”he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“yes? i said your name twice!” you whined, knowing he heard you but he was clearly ignoring you.
“no, you said ‘jeonghan,’” he said, making air quotes with his fingers, "and that's not my name," he pouted finally, showing a side of him that you didn't often see.
you realized what he was talking about and tried to hide a grin at his demeanor, “aww, i'm sorry, let me try again,” you cooed, going back to your previous side of the couch to reset.
“hannie... my angel, my sweetheart, my precious?” you tried, “come look at this video,” you laughed, his attention already on you as you listed your names for him.
“of course, my love,” he smiled, getting up from his spot and cuddling up to your side, “look at how easy that was,” he whispered, plucking your phone from your hands and watching the video that you had pulled up.
he pulled you into his arms and nuzzled his cheek against your head, scrolling and looking at more videos with you. “you're crazy,” you said with a laugh, pressing a kiss against his cheek, but you wouldn't want it any other way.
“joshua?” you called out from the kitchen while you were making dinner. he had been playing video games in the living room ever since his practice was over.
hearing his full name from you made his ears perk up and he quickly shut off his game, rushing to the kitchen.
“love?” he asked softly, putting his hand on your shoulder, already thinking he had upset you he didn't want to anger you further. “is everything okay?” he asked tentatively, testing the waters.
“huh? yeah, joshua, everything's fine can you just-”you said as you stirred the pot on the stove, not looking up at him while you were focused on perfecting the food.
but, when he heard his full name again and the classic 'everything's fine' line he quickly jumped to conclusions and deduced that everything was not fine.
he cut you off before you could finish talking and immediately went into apologizing.
“i’m sorry, love, i don't know what i did to make you upset but i'll fix it, okay?” he said with a weary smile, still with his hand on your shoulder, “was i on the game for too long? did you want me to help you cook? was i too loud?” he rambled, facepalming as he thought he had messed something up and made you mad.
as he rambled you slowly started to look over at him, his words confusing you to no end.
“why would i be upset?” you asked, looking at him as if he was crazy, which he was.
“what?” he questioned back, “you called me joshua and you haven't looked at me and you said everything was ‘fine’, that's like textbook upset partner.” he said, as if it was totally obvious.
you blinked at him a few times before you burst out laughing, “god, babe, you're hilarious!” you exclaimed, slapping his shoulder as you laughed. now it was joshua's turn to be confused since he was positive that you were upset.
“you’re not upset?” he questioned, you shook your head as your answer while you were still doubled over laughing, “why did you call me over then?” he asked.
you pointed to the glass jar on the counter next to you after you had composed yourself, “i was going to ask you to open that jar, dummy,” you teased.
joshua blew out a breath and quickly opened the jar with ease, “that's... it?” he questioned.
“yeah, that's it, you can go play your game some more,” you smiled, pressing a kiss against his cheek.
“but you called me joshua...” he grumbled, you never called him joshua!
“which is your name, if i’m not mistaken,” you pointed out, pinching his cheek. he swatted at your hand and groaned.
he opened his mouth to start complaining more before you quickly stopped him. “okay, okay, i’m sorry babe, you can go play your game again.”
joshua gave you a firm nod, as if he was finally satisfied with your name for him. “okay. let me know if you need anything.” he grinned, kissing your head and then strolling back to the living room.
“you’re a child,” you whispered to yourself, continuing dinner with a smile on your face.
“but you love me!” he called back, somehow hearing you. well, he’s not wrong.
‘thanks, junhui!’
that was the text that you had sent your boyfriend after he told you he bought you a book from the town he was currently in on tour.
he loved gift giving and he knew you loved books so he scoured every bookshop in the town to find the perfect book for you. he excitedly sent you a picture of the book he bought and that was your reply to it.
it made his head spin with reasons of why you could be mad at him.
calling him ‘jun’ was already a rarity in your relationship, but ‘junhui’? he wasn’t sure you’d ever called him that.
‘are you mad at me?’ he texted back, getting straight to the point.
you took nearly 10 minutes to reply, 10 agonizing minutes for jun.
‘not at all, i’ll see you when you get home’ was your response.
now this reply made him absolutely spiral, good thing he was returning home today. but because of your replies to him he made a few extra stops before hopping on the plane.
when you finally arrived back home from work you opened the door and was met with your sheepish looking boyfriend and what looked like a mountain of books behind him.
“babe! what are you doing here? and what is with all the books?” you exclaimed, jumping into his arms and hugging him tight.
jun was taken aback by your reaction, his mind stuck on the thought that you were mad at him. “i thought you were upset with the book i got you… so i kind of bought as many as i could fit in my luggage to make up for it,” he said, his cheeks slowly turning red when he realized you really weren’t mad at him.
you pulled your head back and gave him a look, “what made you think i was mad?” you asked, pulling away and starting to pick up the different books that were piling up on your coffee table.
“you called me junhui…” he whispered, saying it out loud made him feel stupid, it was just a name, his name in fact.
“are you saying that you bought me a hundred books because i called you by your first name?” you questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.
he nodded his head sheepishly.
“you are too cute!” you exclaimed, giving him another tight hug, “for the record, i’d tell you if i was mad at you,” you made sure to clarify.
“okay…” he said softly, looking at the absurd amount of books, “should i return all of these now, or-” he began to speak before you cut him off.
“absolutely not,” you said quickly, snatching a book and sitting on the couch beginning to read.
jun slowly made his way next to you and laid his head in your lap, getting comfy while you read aloud to him.
“honey?” you called out in your apartment, waiting for hoshi to reply to you. you needed help folding the laundry and hoshi was always eager to help you do whatever you needed.
you heard a distant, “give me a minute!” come from your shared bedroom where your boyfriend was no doubt playing video games again.
you rolled your eyes at his response and started folding the laundry on your own, giving him a few minutes before calling for him again. “honey? i need your help out here,” you called again, waiting to hear his footsteps.
but instead you got another, “just a sec!” which made you pull out the big guns. hoshi hated you calling him by his name, he said he sounded like you were scolding him. but desperate times call for desperate measures.
“kwon soonyoung! i said i need your help!” you called out even louder than before, knowing that would get him.
once his name left your mouth you heard fumbling coming from the room and the door opening quickly, his feet slapped against the floor as he ran over to you.
he already had the expression of a kicked puppy, “i told you not to call me that!” he pouted, standing in front of you.
you gave him a look and pointed at the spot on the couch next to you, “sit,” you said simply. of course, he followed with no question.
“‘m sorry!” he whined when you wouldn’t talk to him, “i was doing really well! you know how hard that game is, and we were winning!” he tried to explain, sloppily folding clothes next to you as he rambled.
“soonyoung?” you said, cutting him off with his name again.
“what,” he said with a frown.
“just fold the damn laundry,” you said with a sigh, grabbing the clothes that he had folded and redoing it properly.
“you’re scary when you’re mad…” he whispered, starting to fold every item of clothing meticulously so you didn’t have anything to be upset with.
he spent the rest of the day giving you his undivided attention and trying to make up for making you upset.
when you finally called him ‘honey’ at the end of the night his face lit up and you forgot why you were even mad with him in the first place.
you were out shopping with wonwoo when something caught your eye from the window of a store. you tugged on your boyfriends coat sleeve.
“wonwoo-” you started, but you were quickly cut off.
“try again.” he said simply, making you furrow your eyebrows.
“wonwoo?” you questioned, tugging his arm again and making him stop walking.
“try again.” he repeated, pulling his phone out of his pocket and pretending to scroll on it.
“wonwoo, what are you-” he cut you off once again with a look.
“one more time, sweetheart,” he said, pointing you in the right direction. this made it click in your head and you just scoffed.
“babe?” you tried, finally his attention turned towards you and he showed off his award winning smile.
“yes, sweetheart? what do you need?” he asked, his voice sweet as honey.
“you're impossible,” you laughed, “i want to go into that store,” you pointed at the clothing store next to where you were stopped.
“then let's go,” he grinned, pulling your hand and leading you into the store, “you know if you call me by my name people might not think we're together,” he said as if it was an obvious fact.
“we're literally holding hands and wearing matching outfits,” you pointed out, which just earned a shrug from your boyfriend as he started grabbing different pieces of clothing that he thought would look good on you.
sure, he was a subtle guy, but he wanted everyone to know that you were his.
“jihoon, i'm home,” you called out into the apartment. you had a meeting that lasted much longer than usual and it was already dark out when you returned.
your boyfriend had been home all day and by the smell of fresh food you could tell that he had been cooking.
you slipped off your shoes in the entry way and tossed your bag on the couch before slipping into the kitchen and coming up behind your boyfriend. you wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your chin on his shoulder while he stirred the pot in front of him.
“jihoon?” he questioned, scrunching up his face at the mention of his full name. he didn't hate when you said his name, you just never did. “what're you calling me that for?” he asked directly, not assuming anything.
“i realized i don't call you by name, do you not like it?”you asked, lifting your head up and looking over at him, your arms still around him.
“i don't mind, i'm just used to baby,” he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “or babe,” another kiss, “love, sweetheart, honey, my one and only,” he listed, pressing a kiss to your face in between each pet name.
you couldn't help but smile at the affection you were receiving from your boyfriend, you pressed a few kisses to his cheek in return and let him resume his cooking while you watched from a seat at the island.
“but you're okay with jihoon?” you asked, wanting to make sure.
“i’m okay with you calling me jihoon,” he said, turning over his shoulder to look at you, “but don't use it too much.” he said, giving you a pointed look.
he wouldn't say it out loud but he loved the sweet pet names you gave him, even the ridiculous ones.
“what did i do?” was the first words your boyfriend uttered when he walked into your shared home.
you looked up from your spot on the couch and tilted your head at him. “what do you mean?” you questioned, not understanding him.
“i mean, i can tell you're mad so i give you permission to yell at me, just tell me what i did first.” minghao said, bracing himself for whatever you would say to him. by no means did you fight often but whenever you got angry at him he would take it.
“i’m not mad at you,” you said, opening your arms, waiting for your boyfriend to join you on the couch. when he didn't come over you deadpanned, “well now i'm mad that you're not cuddling me.” you joked, waiting for him to come over.
he slowly walked over to you and pulled you against his chest, giving you a cautious look.
“then what was up with that text?” he questioned, pulling out his phone, “you said, and i quote, just wait until you get home, minghao,” he recited, “when have you ever called me by my first name?” he said like it was obvious.
“oh! i made your favorite dessert!” you said with a happy smile, pointing to the kitchen where his treat was freshly made and waiting on the counter.
his face went soft at your happy mood and he gave you a short kiss, “thanks, love,“ he said softly, “but your text did not make it sound like that.” he chuckled.
“oh right, i didn't want to give anything away so i called you minghao, was that too mean?” you asked, hoping you didn't make him worry.
he sighed with a smile and shook his head, “just a bit,” he said honestly, “you never call me minghao,” he pouted, half jokingly but also half seriously.
“i’m sorry, love,” you said, kissing his cheek, “i won't scare you like that again,” you teased, jumping up from the couch and pulling him up with you.
“come eat! i made it all for you,” you said with a smile, leading him to the kitchen and plating his dessert with a smile.
mingyu had a cold. and when mingyu got sick he got dramatic. he was currently cuddled up in bed while you took care of him.
you would take his temperature, give him medicine, cook him some soup, and keep him as comfortable as possible while you worked from home.
“mingyu, do you want some soup?” you asked softly, pushing his hair off of his forehead and feeling for a temperature.
his eyes shot open and his lip jutted out. “mingyu?” he questioned softly, “why are you calling me mingyu?” his voice wobbled a bit. but can you blame him? he’s a sensitive man.
“because that’s your name, baby, you don’t like it?” you asked, holding his hand, your voice softened at your boyfriend.
he shook his head at your question, he was always ‘baby’ or ‘sweetheart’ or ‘gyu’.
“sorry, baby,” you cooed, “but do you want any soup?” you asked again, hoping it would fix his mood.
“don’t want soup, i want a kiss,” he said with a little mischievous smile, then puckering his lips.
you rolled your eyes, he knew you couldn’t say no to him, especially since he was sick and was on the verge of tears after you called him his first name. “you’re such a baby,” you groaned, “if i get sick it’s your fault,” you reminded him.
“then it’ll be my turn to take care of you,” he said as if it was obvious, leaning up a bit and catching your lips with his.
sure, mingyu was a big baby. but he was your big baby.
dk had been stuck in practice all day while you had a free day. so, being the loving and doting partner that you were you decided to make your boyfriend some dinner. which also included making dinner for his 12 bandmates, but you didn’t mind. you were like a big family.
you were let into the building and made your way to their practice room, hands full of bags carrying multiple different containers full of food.
the boys were all sitting around the room during a break and you popped your head inside, leaving the bags in the hallway.
a few people looked over at you when you opened the door, but every head snapped your way when you opened your mouth.
“seokmin?” you asked, which caused some murmurs among the group.
dk couldn’t remember the last time he was called that name.
‘you better fix whatever you did wrong’ ‘why is she mad at you?’ ‘what did you do?’ different members began to ask all at once to your boyfriend, sending him into even deeper of a panic.
he jumped to his feet and made his way over to you. you didn’t look mad at him, but now he was worried. he grabbed your hand and gently pulled you into the hallway and closed the door to the practice room behind you.
“is everything okay? did i leave something on at home? did i forget to take out the trash?” he asked seriously, thinking of what he could’ve possibly done to elicit you calling him his first name.
you gave him a look in response, furrowing your eyebrows at his rambling. “no… i made you guys food,” you explained, pointing to all the bags on the floor by the two of you, “was just asking you to help me bring it in.”
“huh?” your boyfriend questioned, looking at the bags and then back up to you. “why’d you call me seokmin, then? i haven’t heard that name in ages!” he whined, tugging at your hand.
“oh? i texted jeonghan and told him i was coming over, he told me to call you seokmin,” you laughed, not thinking that he was going to take it that much to heart.
dk sighed and grabbed the bags, pecking your cheek, “thank you for dinner,” he said softly, opening the door to go back into the practice room with you trailing behind him.
his members all looked over and started laughing, apparently they were in on it too.
“you guys suck!” he groaned, “i’m keeping all this food to myself now,” he said childishly, hoarding all the bags by the two of you and trying to keep everyone else away.
eventually he caved and you all ate together, everyone thanking you and still poking fun at your boyfriend.
“seungkwan,” you tried to get your boyfriends attention, standing across the kitchen island from him.
his eyes left his phone and found yours, narrowing in the process. he didn’t say anything so you frowned.
“seungkwan?” he continued to stare at you and you grew slightly agitated since he was seemingly ignoring you.
“can you reply?” you asked with an attitude, crossing your arms.
“i’m just waiting for you to get it right,” he said, mirroring your body language and the amount of sass.
his words only confused you more. “get what right? you’re crazy,” you mumbled, basically having a staring contest with him.
seungkwan just scoffed and rolled his eyes, “my name! i’m waiting for you to get my name right,” he said as if it was obvious. “i am not ‘seungkwan’ to you.” he explained, putting his name in quotations with his fingers.
“are you waiting for me to call you sweetie?” you asked finally, a smile slowly starting to spread on your face. your boyfriend may be a little sassy but he was truly a sweetheart.
“maybe,” he replied simply, his arms still crossed as he waited.
you hummed at his response and then made your way around the island to hug him. “alright, sweetie, i was just going to ask where you wanted to eat tonight,” you grinned, pressing a few sweet kisses on his cheek.
his attitude instantly melted away at the pet name and he pulled you closer to him, “wherever you want, angel,” he replied simply.
it was that easy.
vernon isn't phased by much. but he does get a little salty when you use his first name on him. he says it sounds too much like a mother scolding him. so, of course, you tease him with it sometimes.
“hansol! can you come to the living room?” you called out in your home, not sure which room he was in.
soon you heard his footsteps and he walked into the room with a scrunched up face.
“yes, darling?” he exaggerated his pet name for you, hoping you'd get the hint.
you spun around in a circle and posed, showing off your new outfit to your boyfriend.
“what do you think? you like my new outfit?” you asked with a blinding smile, posing in a few different ways as your boyfriend watched.
“i think it looks lovely, babe,” he exaggerated again.
“thank you, hansol,” you replied with a sweet smile.
“you look gorgeous, sweetheart,” he tried again.
“thank you, hansol,” you repeated, trying to keep your laugh at bay.
“positively perfect, my love.”
“i appreciate it, hansol.”
“absolutely stunning, angel.”
“you’re too kind, hansol.”
“that’s it, i’m ignoring you for the rest of the day.” he finally said after surveying you for a few minutes. he turned on his heel and walked back to your shared bedroom.
“no!” you called after him, “i’m just joking,” you said in between laughs as you walked fast behind him to catch up.
he shrugged his shoulders and sat back down at his desk, continuing his previous task before you had called him to the living room.
“don’t be sulky now, i was teasing,” you pouted, putting your hands on his shoulders and turning his chair to face you.
“it’s fine, y/n,” he said with a grin, now using your own name back as revenge.
“hey! you can’t call me that!” you whined in response.
“watch me.” he smirked, flicking your forehead gently.
oh how the tables have turned.
this man rarely hears his name from anyone. it’s always ‘dino’ from his friends and ‘honey’ from you.
so when you started calling for ‘chan’ while you were asleep it made his heart break.
‘who is chan?’ he thought to himself, you couldn’t be cheating on him with another guy. right? you wouldn’t do that, he knows you.
but still, once the thought got placed into his head (by no one but himself) he couldn’t help but shake it.
the next morning he was nervous, he didn’t know how to confront you, or what he would do if his suspicions were correct. so while you were making breakfast for the two of you he mustered up the courage to go into the kitchen and talk to you.
“good morning, honey,” you said with a cheery smile, noticing him right away as he made his way next to you. you caught his lips with a quick peck but noticed that he seemed a little tense. “something wrong?” you asked, concern lacing your voice.
dino just wrung his hands together and frowned. “do you have something to tell me?” he asked softly, already feeling on the verge of tears as he looked down at his feet, not making eye contact with you.
“no? what’s this about?” you asked, turning the heat down on the stove so you could give him more of your attention.
“i just,” he started, “well um…” he tried again, “i heard you talking in your sleep and you were calling out for some guy named ‘chan’ and i know wouldn’t cheat on me or anything but who is chan?” his words spilled out of him and he was talking a mile a minute while you looked at him, your eyes widening.
he was bracing himself for the answer to his question, ready for the worst.
“honey…” you said gently, taking both of his hands in yours and making him look at you, “you are chan.” you explained, trying to hide your smile since he was clearly so distraught.
“huh?” he asked, not understanding what you were getting at.
“honey, your name is lee chan,” you reminded him.
you could see the gears shifting in his head before his cheeks immediately heated up. he snatched his hands from yours and slapped his face. he was chan. and he couldn’t feel any stupider.
he was so used to being honey that he forgot his literal name.
“forget this happened…” he mumbled, walking away as you stifled your laughs.
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5K notes · View notes
reysdriver · 8 months
Hi! This is the first time that I ask for a request so I’m sorry if I’m doing it wrong!
Can you please write a [Eddie Munson+”You’re drunk, you don’t mean that” (Angst prompt 13)+ Your dating him! And your at a party with him and he gets SUPER drunk, you try and tell him that he has had enough alcohol and that is time to go home. He ignores you but you keep telling him that over and over again. At one point he tells you to stop, he tells you really hurtful things. Like he tells you that he hates you and that your always so clingy. The ending is up to you]
I hope you can write it! Thank you!!
(I just read your prompt list and this is definitely not going to be my last request, HAHAHAHAHA sorry in advance)
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You and Eddie get into a fight after you convince him to skip a date and go to your friend Steve's party instead — eddie x fem!reader angst
warnings: angst, verbal fighting, fighting in public, alcohol (but no drunk driving here), underage drinking
words: 1.7k
a/n: I'm sorry this took me so long to get to, and that I changed the fight a little bit but I still hope you like it and want to send more requests in the future because I do like this a lot!
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Hawkins’ own King Steve Harrington knew how to throw a party; Christmas, Halloween, New Year’s Eve, or even just a random night when his parents weren’t home like today. 
You and Eddie were actually supposed to see a movie and then just spend the night just lounging about in his trailer, but you had convinced him that the two of you should ditch the movie and spend some time visiting Steve and checking out his little get together. 
As reluctant as he was, he would never reject an opportunity for free alcohol and time with you, so he agreed that you would both go for a little bit. 
Eddie picked you up, the two of you had fast food in his van, and then he drove you down to Steve’s neighbourhood. He insisted on parking about a block down—as if there was any space available on Steve’s street—as his van is a common target for vandalism by a lot of the jocks at school who commonly frequent the parties held at the Harrington household. 
As always, he got out of the car before you and told you to stay seated so he could open your door for you with an exaggerated bow like you were a princess arriving at the ball in your carriage. 
Once he ushered you out of the carriage, you began walking towards Steve’s house, following the trail of cars parked by teenagers who haven’t yet mastered parallel parking. 
“Alright, just a drink or two, we’ll say hi to all your friends, and then we leave, right?” Eddie asked, confirming the plan you had loosely made before. 
“Yeah.” You said. “But, I mean, if we feel like we’re having fun, there’s no harm in skipping out on our other plans and staying here instead.”
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “No one really has fun at these things. Everyone’s just pretending so they can fit in with the crowd of people who are also pretending. It’s fucked.”
“Whatever you say, babe.” As you approached the Harrington house doors, you gave Eddie a last-minute reminder. “But, just for the night, it might be nice to pretend you’re having a good time too.”
The two of you walked through the door and into the crowd of fellow teenagers, and you knew Eddie would have said something snarky if it weren’t for Steve spotting you immediately and calling your name loudly and happily. 
“I didn’t think you were coming! Do you want a drink?”
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” You nodded, then turned to your boyfriend. “Eds, you want one too?” 
“Absolutely. There’s no way I’m getting through this thing sober.”
Before you could say anything in response to that, Steve laughed loudly—clearly already buzzed—and announced that he would bring you and Eddie a cup each. 
You were about to take your boyfriend’s hand and follow Steve to get the drinks he was currently pouring, but one of your friends squealed your name from across the room, catching your attention. 
“Go, you came here to have fun with friends.” Eddie told you. “I’ll get the drinks and find you soon.” 
You smiled at him and pressed a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks, Eds. You’re too sweet.” Then, you squeezed his hand quickly before trying to find your friend again in this crowd of drunken high schoolers. 
Time flies when you’re having fun. You hadn’t even noticed the time passing while you were chatting and dancing with your friends, or how you hadn’t even had a single drink because you haven’t seen Eddie since you parted ways with him all night. 
As soon as you really noticed, you excused yourself away from your friends and started looking around the room for Eddie. You couldn’t find him in the living room where you were, but when you saw his dark curls in the backyard by the window, you wormed your way out of the crowd and started walking towards him. 
“Eddie!” You called, but he didn’t turn around even though you were definitely within earshot. 
He just kept walking, trudging towards the beer keg where Steve was currently keeping up with his keg stand record. You finally caught up with your boyfriend and you tapped his shoulder to get his attention. 
“Hey, stranger, where have you been all night?” You asked him, your cheeriness masking the involuntary scrunch of your face at his potent stench of cheap beer and fruit punch spiked with expensive vodka. 
He turned around, but you were shocked at how he was missing the smile he had on last time you saw him, and how it was instead replaced with a tired frown you can’t recall him ever using on you. 
“Are you okay, Eds?”
He brushed off your concern. “I’m fine.” 
He was clearly lying to you, but you were choosing to think it was just because he was drunk or because you were in a very public space. 
“You don’t seem fine.” You told him. “Come on, we can find somewhere private to talk if—”
“I don’t wanna talk. I’m having fun here; isn’t that what you wanted?”
You were taken aback. He had never kept such a biting tone with you, and you weren’t sure where it was coming from. 
“Eddie, maybe we should go home now.” 
“Eddie, you’ve had a bit too much to drink.” Your voice was as firm as you could get it despite wanting to cry in front of all these people. “It’s time to go home.” 
“You’re impossible!” He was starting to raise his voice, and suddenly you felt like there were a million sets of eyes on you. “You drag me here, leave with your friends, and then when I actually find a way to have fun, you want to drag me away! I can’t stand you, and I definitely don’t want to go hone with you right now! So either get me another drink or get the hell away from me.”
Your heart sank like the anchor of a cruise ship. It hurt to even look at your boyfriend, so you looked around you for something to fix your gaze onto while you tried to gather your feelings. There were fewer people than you had imagined looking at you—most were one drink away from blackout drunk and couldn’t care less about this altercation—but there were still far too many for your liking. 
You just wanted to get out of here more than anything. You wanted to leave when you noticed how drunk Eddie was, and your want increased tenfold since then. 
“You’re drunk. You don’t mean that, but I’ll still give you what you want and leave.” Your voice was shaking, and it was somewhat shocking that you weren’t straight-up sobbing as you spoke. “I’ll ask Steve to let you stay here overnight so you don’t drive home like this, and I can find my own ride. Goodnight, Eddie.”
And with that, you left. You went looking with Steve, who had since left his position at the beer keg. Eddie didn’t seem to care at all. 
The quest to find Steve didn’t take too long as he was just in the kitchen, but in that short amount of time, the tears that were just welling up a few seconds ago had now made their way down your face. You tried to wipe them away before you talked to your friend, but he noticed you walking towards him before you could swipe your hands across your cheeks. 
“Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Steve asked you, placing his hands on your upper arms. His speech was slurred but he still kept his kindness in this drunken state. 
“Eddie and I just got in a fight outside, but it’s fine. I’m just going to go home, but he’s off his face drunk, so can you let him crash here so he doesn’t drive?”
“Yeah, no problem.” He said honestly. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay here too?” 
You shook your head. “No, but thank you. The party was really fun, but I just have to leave.” 
A friend of yours was nearby and you told her you needed a ride home, and it just so happened she was ready to leave too, so it was about as perfect as it could be given the circumstances. Steve offered to walk you both down the street to your friend’s car, and you wouldn’t refuse that. 
The three of you started to walk across the house to the front door, but Eddie had apparently moved as you walked past him in the living room. And he must have had some sort of change of heart as he tried to get your attention by grabbing your hand. 
“Baby, don’t go yet.” 
You pulled his large hand off of your wrist. 
“We can talk later, when you’ve sobered up.” You told him, then turned away and kept walking away. 
He followed you, desperate to fix what happened, but Steve stopped him before he could leave the house. He stood in the middle of the doorway and held his hands on either side of the doorframe. 
“Come on, big boy, let me talk to her.” Eddie pleaded angrily. 
“After you inevitably pass out on the couch and then sober up, yeah.”
Eddie looked over Steve’s shoulder and saw you getting into the passenger seat of your friend’s car. He kept trying to bargain with Steve and push him out of the way until he saw the car you were in start driving and take off down the street. 
He cursed himself and Steve finally moved away. Eddie was about to run to his car but stopped when he took about seven steps and his head was already spinning so hard he couldn’t see anything in front of him. 
He definitely couldn’t do it tonight, but he would make it up to you as soon as he stopped seeing stars.
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larluce · 4 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha , @curiously-lazy , @ harriettesthings , @andrealux16 , @wacko-weirdo , @greatdonutenemy This is going to get WILD!
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 , PART 17 , PART 18 , PART 19 (You're here) , PART 20
More of "The Gates of Avalon"
Arthur and Merlin encounter Sophia and his father while hunting, and, althought Arthur already knows is a trap he goes to their rescue cause this Merlin doesn't know that (as far as he knows) and it would be weird if he didn't come to a damisel's rescue.
Merlin: (tries to kill the sidhes with magic subtly)
Sophia and Aulfric: (block Merlin's magic with their staff just as subtly)
Merlin: (thinking, frustrated) Damn, their magic is blocking mine! (makes a branch fall on one of the bandits)
Arthur: (noticing the branch fall while still fighting other bandit, thinking) I should have known.🙄 (finishes to kill the bandit off and turns to the sidhes, thinking) Could it be that I can slay them and pretend it was an accident?
Sophia: (Turns her eyes red as soon as Arthur's eyes find hers)
Arthur: (Thinking) What the- (his thoughts turn off)
Merlin: (concerned) Arthur?
Echanted Arthur: (ignores him and goes to Sophia) Are you alright? They didn't hurt you?
Sophia: (takes of her hood seductivily) No, thanks to you. I'm Sophia, This is my father.
Echanted Arthur: Arthur Pendragon (he smiles chivalry) at your service. (kisses her hand)
Merlin: (thinking) Oh, fuck.
Time skip. Merlin and Arthur in Arthur's chambers.
Echanted Arthur: Make sure to put her in a decent room.
Merlin: There's an empty room in the other side of the castle, sire. I think it's perfect.
Echanted Arthur: Aren't the chambers next to mine empty?
Merlin: Those are mine, sire.
Arthur: (coming back to his senses) Oh... that... that's true... Why... why did I...?
Merlin: (seeing his chance, holds Arthur by the shoulders) Arthur, listen to me. Sophia is echanting you!
Arthur: (thinking) Shit! (says) I... I have to tell my father... I... (trails off)
Merlin: Arthur?
Echanted Arthur: Of course I'm echanted, Merlin. Sophia is a beauty.
Merlin: (sighs, forcing a smile, and lets go of him) She certainly is.
Echanted Arthur: (frowns) What is it?
Merlin: Hmm?
Echanted Arthur: That smile was not genuine.
Merlin: I just... don't have a good feeling about her. It's all.
Echanted Arthur: (snorts) You and your funny feelings, Merlin. (thinks for a moment) But if it makes you feel more at easy, put her in the room you suggested.
Merlin: (relieved) Of course, sire. (bows and leaves)
Echanted Arthur: (shouts as Merlin leaves) Just so you know, my intentions towards Sophia are completely honorable! (mutters to himself) Such a paranoid.
Time skip. Arthur talking to Merlin while he makes his bed.
Echanted Arthur: So, I need you to cover for me-
Merlin: (dryly) No.
Echanted Arthur: Excuse me?
Merlin: I won't lie to the king just so you can get laid.
Echanted Arthur: (offended) I'm just taking Sophia out for a ride, I would never-
Merlin: Sophia this, Sophia that, would you shut up! 😡
Echanted Arthur: (confused) What's wrong with you?
Merlin: (sighs, calming down) Nothing, but I won't do it.
Echanted Arthur: Oh, Come on! I promised Sophia I'd take her out and if I don't turn up, it'll blow up my chances.
Merlin: Good.
Echanted Arthur: (frowns) I thought we were friends.
Merlin: (angry again, almost shouting) Don't you dare use that on me! I don't care that you're enchanted! Friends don't make each other lie to the King risking they would end up in the stocks or flogged! Friends don't dismiss the other's advice. I told you I don't have a good feeling about her and you still don't care, so fine! Go, but I won't cover for you and if you decide I'm not your friend for that, then we're not friends! (his voice breaks at the end and his eyes water a little)
Echanted Arthur: (very shocked)...
Merlin: (composes himself and continues to make the bed, turning his back at Arthur)
Echanted Arthur: (frowns, feeling bad for upsetting Merlin though he doesn't know why) We ARE friends, Merlin. (taps his back) You're right, I shouldn't have asked that of you. I'm sorry. I'll tell Sophia I'll take her out another time, maybe later today when I'm actually free.
Merlin: (still not looking at him, finishes to make the bed with hard movements) Of course you will.
Echanted Arthur: And maybe you can come with us.
Merlin: (finally turns, surprised) What?
Echanted Arthur: This way you'll see what I see.
Merlin: (confused) I'll see what?
Echanted Arthur: That there is nothing not to like about her! 😍
Merlin: (sighs) Right...😒
Time skip. Arthur goes to his date with Sophia with Merlin.
Sophia: (her smiles fades as he sees Merlin arriving with Arthur) What is he doing here?
Merlin: Trust me, I don't like this more than you do. 😒
Echanted Arthur: Ha, ha, he's joking 😄 (shoves Merlin playfully, then scolds him in a whisper) Be nice.(to Sophia) Merlin is my personal manservant, I thought it wouldn't hurt to bring him to carry our things and serve us in whatever we need.
Merlin: (thinking) I just came so you wouldn't get yourself killed, you little sh- (forces a polite smile at Sophia) It would be my pleasure to serve you, Lady Sophia. (bows)
Echanted Arthur: He could carry your staff for y- (about to take her staff)
Sophia: (puts the staff away from Arthur) Don't touch that! 😡 (composes herself and smiles sweetly) Sorry, it's a family heirloom.😊
Echanted Arthur: It's beautiful, just like you (cradles her face tenderly with one hand)
Sophia: (about to kiss him)
Merlin: (yells, pointing somewhere) Bandits!
Echanted Arthur: (pulls away from Sophia and looks around) Where?!
An arrow flies towards Sophia but she deflects the arrow subtly with her staff.
Merlin: (thinking) Damn, it was so close.
Echanted Arthur: (runs to Sophia) My love! Are you alright? (holds her hands)
Sophia: (nods, trembling) I was so scared.🥺
Echanted Arthur: (turning to the bandid, who is hidind behind a tree in the distance, furious) YOU! 😡
Lancelot: (disguised as a bandid, bow in hand, cause Merlin asked him to) Fuck (runs away).
Echanted Arthur: Come back here! (runs after him)
Merlin: (turns to Sophia as soon as Arthur is out of sight, serious) You're nothing without your staff, aren't you?
Sophia: What?
Merlin: Don't play dumb with me.
Sophia: (smiles sweetly) Why would I? You're playing dumb enough for the both of us.
Merlin: I know what you are.
Sophia: I also know what you are, Emrys.
Merlin: (surprised).. How... How did you..?
Sophia: If I can recognise The Once and The Future King, don't you think I can recognise his protector? We've been watching you, we saw the kind of relationship you have, so I knew I had to use a stronger spell.
Merlin: Then you know you shouldn't mess with me. (aproaches her threatenly) Stay away from my Arthur.
Sophia: Jealousy doesn't look good on you, darling. I don't blame you though. He's such a gentleman... and a good kisser too.
Merlin: (raises his hand furious, eyes glowing)
Sophia: (raises her staff) Careful.
Echanted Arthur: (comes back) The bastard escaped, such a-What's going on? (looks at Merlin and Sophia's postures, confused)
Merlin: Ah... we are... killing mosquitoes!😅 (claps the hand that is raised with the other) They are everywhere! (keeps claping around)
Sophia: Yeah! (moves her staff around as if fighting said imaginary mosquitoes)
Echanted Arthur: (laughs fondly) You shouldn't worry about that, my love. Let Merlin handle it. (smiles brightly at the both of them) I'm glad you're getting along now.
Merlin: (forcing a smile) Oh, you have no idea. (slaps Arthur in the face)
Echanted Arthur: Ow!
Merlin: I killed it! 😊
Time skip. When Arthur requested an audience with the king.
Echanted Arthur: I have requested this audience, Father, to discuss a matter of great importance. It cannot have escaped your attention that I and Lady Sophia Tirmawr have growned very close.
Uther: Is that so?
Echanted Arthur: We're in love, which is why I have come before you today to ask your permission to marry.
Uther: (cracks out laughing)
Echanted Arthur: (serious face)
Morgana: (looking, worried)
Merlin: (scheming how to stop Arthur and Sophia from running away together)
Uther: (stops laughing when he sees Arthur's seriousness, surprised) Oh, you're serious.
Echanted Arthur: That's right, father. We are getting married.
Uther: This… this is great! 😃
Merlin: What? 😨
Morgana: What? 😱
Sophia: (her smile fades) What? 😧
Echanted Arthur: (just as surprised, but very happy) Really? 😃
Uther: Of course! I'm delighted you've made such an excellent match, Arthur.
Merlin: (thinking in distraught, his heart squeezing) No... No! This can't be! They can't get married! Arthur can't... This didn't happen in my other life! What the hell is Uther thinking!
Morgana: (to Uther, concerned) My lord, don't you think it's very hasty that they want to get married after knowing each other for only two days?
Uther: When love calls that's how it is. And how could he not fall in love with her? She is beautiful, charming, very cultured and from a good family.
Morgana: And from a kingdom that was invaded by raiders!
Uther: Exactly, She's been through a lot and yet she remains strong. I admire that in a woman. And she's still a lady from nobel blood. If Lord Aelfric agrees, of course, I don't see why they couldn't get married.
Aulfric: (very confused at the turn of events too) Uh... I guess, I don't have a problem either, Your Majesty.
Echanted Arthur: (holding Sophia's hands, ecstatic with love) Oh, you see, dear? They accept our love! 🥰
Sophia: (barely hiding her dismay) Oh, how explendid! 😅
Merlin: (realises, thinking) Wait... She can't run away with Arthur now! (smiles to himself triumphantly, though he's still sad) Oh, well. At least I still have time. She won't be able to kill Arthur if they can't leave. That's... that's good.
Morgana: (realises that too) My lord, I'm very worried about the bandits that attacked Lord Aulfric and Lady Sophia. They attacked twice, it seems pretty personal. What if they attack during the engagement party or the wedding itself?
Uther: That can be arranged. I'll reinforce the security so no stranger enters.
Morgana: (turns to lady Sophia with a smile) And it will be in your best interest to not go outside the castle at all, Lady Sophia. For your own safety, of course.
Sophia: (glares at Morgana)
Echanted Arthur: (with passion) I won't let anything happen to her! I'll protect her with my life!
Merlin: (rolls his eyes)
Uther: (very pleased) All is settled then. You'll be married by the end of the week.
Time skip. Morgana encounters Merlin in a hallway.
Morgana: So, what's the plan?
Merlin: (confused) What?
Morgana: To stop the wedding! What's the plan?
Merlin: I'm no going to stop the wedding.
Morgana: WHAT?!
Merlin: I mean, if I can expose Sophia and her father before the wedding, sure. But I highly doubt I can. For now, the only thing I can do is make sure they don't leave the castle.
Morgana: (fiercely) WE, Merlin, WE are together in this and WE are going to stop them.
Merlin: Right, we. (smiles, thinking) It's good to have an ally for once. (laughs a little and says) Only Arthur would be stupid enough to marry his potential murderer, honestly. (gets sad again)
Morgana: (comforting) Merlin, you must know Arthur feelings towards Sophia are fake, right? I don't know what she's doing to him, but it's not love. He only has eyes for-
Merlin: (explodes) I don't care if Arthur is in love or not! I don't care if he gets married or not! He could marry a troll for all I care. I just don't want him to die!
Morgana: Alright, alright! I get it. You don't care.
Merlin: (sighs) Sorry, I'm a bit stressed out it's all.
Morgana: How are you planning to expose them then?
Merlin: I think the staffs they always carry with them are magical. If we can get a hold of one of them-
Morgana: We can bring it to the king and prove they are impostors! 😃
Merlin: Yes, that's exactly what I was going to say. (thinking) And not that we can kill them with their own weapon as soon as they are defenssless. Sometimes I forget you're too nice now to think something like that.
Morgana: And since they'll be acussed of sorcery, Uther will kill them himself for messing with Arthur's mind! 😡
Merlin: (thinking) Or maybe not...
Time skip. The engagement party.
Merlin: (thinking, while watching from afar Arthur and Sophia eating at the table, smiling and laughing together) It's fake, it's fake. For gods' sake, Merlin! You've seen him getting married once! At least this time it's fake, you shouldn't be so upset.
Morgana: (whispers to him as Merlin serves her drink) Did you notice? (points at Arthur's and Sophia's direction subtly)
Merlin: (whispers back) Ahm... They seem... happy?
Morgana: No! The staff, Merlin. She's not carring her staff!
Merlin: (looks at Sophia again) You're right! She must have left it in her chambers.
Morgana: I'll go get the staff! (starts standing up)
Merlin: (stops her) No, it would be weird if the King's ward leave in the middle of this important event.
Morgana: Can you do it?
Merlin: (shakes his head) She already suspects me, if she sees me leave she'll know something it's up. (thinking) And I can't leave Arthur alone with her.
Gwen: I'll do it.
Morgana: ...
Merlin: ...
Morgana: Gwen, how long have you been there?
Gwen: Long enough. So, the staff?
Morgana: (points Aulfric, who is carring his staff) It's identical to that one. You have to enter her chambers, get it and bring it to Gaius to analyse it.
Gwen: Got it. (leaves)
Merlin: (thinking) How odd. Why did Aulfric bring his staff, but Sophia didn't? (gets closer to Sophia and Arthur carefully) I can't do anything while her father is close. I need to get her alone... Oh, I know! (drops the drink he's carring on her 'by accident')
Echanted Arthur: (calls him out, standing up) Merlin!
Sophia: (Furious, stands up) You gigantic fool! 😡
Merlin: I'm so sorry my lady, let me fix it. (tries to clean her dress)
Sophia: Don't you dare touch me! You did this on purpose!
Echanted Arthur: Excuse my poor excuse of a servant, my love. He's too clumsy for his own good, but I'm sure he didn't mean for this to happen.
Sophia: You're going to defend him? I'm your fiancee!
Echanted Arthur: I'm not defending him, I'm just-
Uther: (aproaches, almost shouting) What is happening here?!
Sophia: (Pointing at Merlin) He dropped the drink on me on purpose!
Echanted Arthur: I'm sure it was and accident. (holds Sophia's hands) My love, you look beautiful either way.
Uther: I apologise for this impertinence, lady Sophia. You may go change.
Sophia: Thank you, Your Majesty. (bows and leaves)
Uther: (turns to Merlin in anger) And you will not come back to this party, understood?
Merlin: (knowing perfectly this will happen, lowers his head in a shame he doesn't feel) Yes, sire. (bows and leaves)
Echanted Arthur: (looking silently where his fiancee and his servant left, feeling uneasy but not knowing for which of them)
Time skip. Sophia walking to her chambers enraged while Merlin follows her from behind.
Merlin: Please, my lady. I really didn't mean to-
Sophia: (turns to Merlin) Stop following me! 😡
Gwen: (gets outside the room with the staff)
Merlin: (grabs Sophia's hand so she doesn't turn and kneels, begging) I'll give you half my salary! No, all of it! But please forgive my mistake!
Sophia: (very confused and irritated) You don't have to keep pretending with me. What on earth are you doing?
Gwen: (leaves as quietly as she can)
Merlin: (drops the act as soon as Gwen is out of sight and turns serious) There's no guards at your door rooms.
Sophia: What?
Merlin: (lets go of her and stands up) You left your staff unprotected in your room and went to the party completely defenseless... or that's what you wanted me to believe so I would let my guard down. (sighs) Where is it?
Sophia: What?
Merlin: The real staff, where is it?
Sophia: (smiles and takes out a necklace she had hided in her dress neckline) Nothing gets pass you, right, Emrys?
Merlin: (recognises the gem in the necklace) Oh, so you can wear it as necklace too. How practical. Are you going to kill me now that there's nobody around?
Sophia: I don't need to kill you. You hold no power here. You're nothing but a servant.
Merlin: I hold more power than you can think of.
Sophia: And yet you can't use it. Not if you don't want to be discover. (pouts) Poor little thing. It must suck to be you.
Merlin: (laughs) You are trying to provoke me and it won't work. I've been called all the insults you can imagine my entire life and nobody has ever broke me. Besides, you're the one who's losing here. Your plan failed. You're the prince's fiancee now. You can't leave the castle and you can't do magic cause everyone's eyes are on you too, how sad. (looks her up and down) You definitely need to change, that stain is starting to look disgusting. (bows mockingly) My lady. (turns around and starts leaving)
Sophia: (raises her voice as he leaves) Oh, I'm not in a hurry, once married to Arthur and as a princess, I'll have aaall the liberty I need.
Merlin: (ignores her and it's about to turn a corner)
Sophia: (raises her voice more) And who says I can have my fun meanwhile? Especially at my honeymoon!
Merlin: (stops and turns around, a hard expression on his face) What?
Sophia: (aproaches with a fake sweet smile on her face) Oh, you know, I've always been interested in exploring the pleasures of the flesh and now I have the perfect toy for it.
Merlin: (furious) A toy?! Arthur is not your experiment to have fun with!
Sophia: I have every right to it. I'm going to be his wife after all. Something you'll never be.
Merlin: (threatens) If you dare to touch him- 😡
Sophia: You're going to do what?! 😡
Meanwhile, at the engagement party.
Echanted Arthur: (to Morgana) Something's wrong. Sophia should be here by now.
Morgana: We women take our time getting dress. I'm sure it's nothing.
Gwen: (to Morgana, whispers) Morgana, Gaius couldn't find anything weird in the staff.
Morgana: (whispers back) What? But that's impossible. Merlin- (she crosses eyes with Aulfric, who is smirking at her) Oh, no...
Gwen: What?
Morgana: I think they set us a trap.
Echanted Arthur: What are you talking about?
Suddenly two guards enter.
Guard 1: (to Uther) Sire! There are intruders attacking Lady Sophia in her room.
Uther and Echanted Arthur: What?!
Guard 2: The doors are blocked, other guards are trying to break them as we speak.
Echanted Arthur: (worried) Sophia! (leaves running)
Uther: (to the guards) You two, put everyone to safety. (leaves too)
Morgana: (tries to follow them)
Guard 1: (stops her) My lady, you can't go. We have to put you to safety.
Morgana: Try to stop me. (passes him and leaves)
Arthur, Uther, Aulfric and Morgana arrive at Sophia's doors. There are noises of struggling, things crashing and colliding and screaming, while the guards try to break in.
Echanted Arthur: Sophia! (draws her sword)
Uther: (draws his sword too and orders the guards) Now!
Guards: (open the doors)
Everything in the room is a mess, like a tornado passed there.
Uther: (in shocking disbelief) What the-
Echanted Arthur: (utterly baffled) Merlin?
Merlin and Sophia: (fighting like cats rolling on the floor)
Sophia: (puts herself on top of Merlin, screaming) I'll steal Arthur from you! (Slaps Merlin in the face)
Merlin: (puts himself on top of Sophia, screaming) Arthur is not something to steal! (Slaps her too)
Sophia: (spits him in the face and sits) Freak bastard! (punches him)
Merlin: Nasty whore! (Pulls her hair and she cries)
Echanted Arthur:...
Morgana: ...
Aulfric: ...
The Guards: ...
Uther: What are you waiting for? Seize him!
The Guards: Yes, sire. (pull Merlin apart from Sophia and restrain him)
Merlin: (his nose bleeding, nail scratches across his face and neck, neckerchief about to fall, but still struggling hard against the guards holding him, furious beyond reason) Let go of me! I'll kill her, I swear I'll kill her!
Sophia: (Her hair a mess, a split bleeding lip, dress all teared up, throws herself at Merlin still wanting to fight, beyond furious too) You insolent poor excuse of a man!
Morgana: (quickly holds her from behind and pulls her apart from Merlin) Stop you two!
Sophia: Let go of me! (To Merlin, yelling) How dare you hit a Lady, you street trash! 😡
Merlin: (yelling too) I see no Lady, liar snake!😡
Sophia: (tries to free herself, moving forward) Cheap slut!
Merlin: (tries to free himself, moving forward too) Fake bitch!
Uther: (shouts) ENOUGH! 😤 What on earth is the meaning of this?!
Sophia: Your Majesty, (points at Merlin) this scumbag humiliated me in the worst way possible just because I wanted to reclaim what it's mine.
Merlin: Stop talking about him like he's property! 😡
Uther: Silence! 😡
Sophia: For my honor, I demand this servant to be punished inmediatly!
Uther: (turns to Arthur) You heard, Arthur?
Echanted Arthur: (confused) Yes, I'm here, listening.
Uther: So? What are you going to do?
Echanted Arthur: Me?
Uther: It's your servant after all. What punishment are you going to give him?
Echanted Arthur: Oh, right. (Goes to Merlin) Merlin, you will apologise to Lady Sophia-
Merlin: I rather die.
Echanted Arthur: (more sternly) You WILL apologise and you will be put in the stocks for an entire day, so you'll learn the consecuences of your actions! Do you understand?
Uther: ...
Uther: That's it? He humiliated your fiancee! And by extention he insulted the crown! And you're only going to put him in the stocks for a day?
Echanted Arthur: Right, this deserves a more severe punishment. Merlin, 3 days in the stocks... and no salary for you for three months!
Uther: (in disbelief) No salary?! Are you still planning to keep him as your servant after what he's done?
Sophia: (with tears in her eyes, to Arthur) So this is how our marrige is going to be? Always second to a servant?
Echanted Arthur: No, my love, that’s not-
Sophia: No! I won't tolerate one more humilation! (Finally frees herself from Morgana) This wedding is OVER (leaves enraged)
Echanted Arthur: Sophia! Wait! (Makes a gesture to go after her, but stops and turns to Merlin, a conflicted expresssion on his face) Merlin...
Merlin: (urges him, whispering) Don't go after her.
Echanted Arthur: (frowns, still conflicted) You...
Uther: Arthur, your fiancee is leaving!
Echanted Arthur: (snaps out of his conflict, turning to the door) Sophia! My love! Come back! (Runs after her)
Uther: (turns to Merlin, furious) And you! I'll decide what to do with you later. (To guards) Arrest him.
Guards: Yes, sire (start leaving with Merlin)
Merlin: Wait! Sire! You don't understand! They want to kill Arthur! Sire! Sire! (Struggles but the guards take him away)
Aulfric: (To Uther) I'll try to talk to my daughter. Make her reconsider, but after this... I don't promsise anything, your Majesty.
Uther: (sighs) I completely understand, Lord Aulfric. Whatever she decides, I'll make sure to compensate you both for this outrage.
Aulfric: (bows and leaves)
Uther: (To Morgana, tired) I'll announce to the guests the threat has been handle. (Leaves)
Gwen: (arrives running with Lancelot and they stop infront of Morgana, out of breath) I brought help!
Lancelot: My lady, (bows) I've heard there were intruders in the castle.
Morgana: ...
Lancelot: My lady?
Gwen: Uh... Did we miss something?
Morgana: Oh, you have no idea.
Merlin and Sophia:
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Someone would think since they are from the future they would handle things better xD. Oh, well...
Episodes where Arthur got enchanted ✅️ (Well kind of, part 2 of this is still missing and there's another one when he got echanted too)
How our favourite warlock got out of this situation? Find out in the next episode of "Merlin: the Prince's favourite"
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watermelonlovershigh · 2 months
Not So Patient After All {part. 13} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
"You've been a real, bad, boy." {part. 12} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
AN: i know, i know. full subrry will appear in the next chapter, i promise. after chapter 12 i thought this part would have him in it but then i came up with this idea and instead of making it too long, decided to make it 2 separate chapters. i hope you still enjoy!!!
This story contains: female masturbation w/ toy, sending nudes, sex, mild dirty talk, ass slapping, use of butt plugs, more sex
{ housemate!harry - boyfriendrry - soft!harry - teacher!harry - subrry }
word count- 2,628
You get impatient after your sex toys arrive and one day while Harry's at work, decide to use one and send him a naughty photo in the process. This leads him to pretend he's mad at you and two rounds of sex, one of which only happens because he gets hard again after you request that he wears one of his new butt plugs.
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"Harry, Harry, Harry!" you call out your boyfriends name repeatedly as you move through the house carrying multiple packages. The toys you purchased a week ago have finally been delivered, and you are beaming with excitement. Bursting into your bedroom, you find Harry still asleep under your covers. Unable to contain your joy, you leap onto the bed, causing the boxes to tumble across the mattress, and playfully pounce on his sleeping body.
Harry's quick to pull the blankets over his head and groans in a raspy voice. "Mhm, what? What'd you want? M' sleepin'."
Rolling off his body, you explain, "Our toys came, Harry."
He reluctantly pulls the covers off his head and does a morning stretch, before fully waking up and becoming alert. Harry opens his eyes and glances around the bed, noticing you sitting beside him, with several small boxes scattered at the foot of the bed. "That's nice, but could you come give me a cuddle, please?"
You rush down and slip under the blankets on your bed, snuggling against Harry's warm body. Quietly, you ask, "Aren't you looking forward to our new toys?" Now you feel a little self-conscious about how happy you were when you discovered your deliveries had arrived.
"Baby, m'very happy. S'just, it's a Wednesday. I have work today. We can't use them until we have more time."
"Oh," you say disappointedly, not having thought of that.
Harry senses your disappointment and suggests a plan. He offers, "Tell you what, when Friday rolls around, I'll let you try out some of the toys on me. I know I'm due for my punishment, baby. You can wreck me and then Saturday I'll have time to stay home and recover since I don't work weekends"
Agreeing, you nod. "Okay, sounds like a plan. Sorry I got so excited. Just can't wait to use my new strap-on on you."
"No apologizing, m'love. It's okay you got excited. M' excited too, but we have to be patient."
After cuddling for a few more minutes, you sit up and proceed to open each box to simply glance inside and see what each item looks like. The excitement of seeing your new toys increases your happiness, but you must keep in mind that you need to be patient, or as patient as possible.
Then realizing the time, Harry scrambles out of bed to get ready for work before he's late.
Your patience persisted from Wednesday all the way through Thursday morning. Yet, as noon approached on Thursday, you were suddenly consumed by a powerful feeling of horniness. With Harry still at work and unable to offer any assistance, you tried hard to ignore the throbbing sensation between your legs. However, you became so wet that you had no choice but to change your panties, as they had become drenched from your heightened state of arousal.
When your second pair of panties get damp, you'd had enough and get up to go try your new rose vibrator. You feel guilty since Harry isn't here but technically there was never a rule that you couldn't masturbate when he wasn't home. Even if there was, you'd still secretly do it if you needed to bad enough.
After laying a towel on the bed, you undress and settle into a comfortable position. Taking hold of your new rose vibrator, you direct it towards your clit. While the rose was new to you, you were no stranger to suction toys. The moment you switch on the rose toy and place it in the right spot, you nearly jump off the bed due to your sensitivity.
Unlike the rest of your suction vibrators, this one provides a sensation similar to when a human sucks on the clit. While laying on the bed, you hold the rose vibrator against your clitoris, feeling your breath quicken and your wetness increase. In less than two minutes, you're already on the verge of orgasm. But before reaching that peak, you decide to turn off the toy for a second and engage in a bit of teasing with Harry.
You grab your phone and open the camera. In one hand you place your rose back on your clit and your other hand holds your phone. You snap a few photos and quickly send the best looking one to Harry before laying your phone down and getting back to business. Right as you're about to actually come, your phone dings beside you.
Opening your messages, you read Harry's reply and smile evilly.
Harry- Y/n, I'm working!!! You can't be sending me photos like that when I'm at work. Do you know how weird it'd be if I got hard in front of 10 and 11 year olds??? They'd be trying to send me to JAIL!!!
You- oops 🤪
After sending off your response, you complete your task at hand. With all the edging you've done in the past hour, you quickly climax upon switching the vibrator back on. A wave of relief washes over you as the pent-up sexual energy is released. Now feeling tired, you quickly clean yourself up and crawl under your blankets naked, drifting off for a short nap.
Harry comes home to a quiet house. He knows you're home because your car is out front. So he does some searching and finds you asleep in your bed. At first glance you look normal, but shortly after making his way over to you, he realises you're naked under your duvet. Probably from not having the energy to get dressed after masturbating earlier.
He wants to be mad that you touched yourself without him being here, but can't. The one thing he's never cared about is his partners pleasuring themselves while he's gone. As long as they think about him while doing it, he's all for self pleasure. But, to be cheeky and mess with you a bit, he'll pretend like he's mad at your actions.
You feel a tap on your shoulder and slowly open your eyes, seeing Harry standing over you. You do a big stretch, your breasts popping out of the covers, and relax back into the mattress. Making grabby hands, you whine, "Come cuddle with meeee."
He shakes his head in disagreeance. "Nope, you decided to touch yourself while I was at work, meanin' you obviously don't need me, so.... m' gonna go shower, along. You've been a very bad girl, Y/n."
You observe Harry leaving your room without looking back, and suddenly feel a wave of sadness. His intentions are unclear to you. So in order to avoid possibly upsetting him further, you opt to remain in bed for a few more minutes until your stomach rumbles, prompting you to rise and head to the kitchen where you'll begin preparing dinner. However, you make sure to put some clothes on first.
As Harry was taking a shower, he had a feeling that you might come and try to join him. He was actually hoping that you would defy his request and still shower with him. But, when you didn't show up, he realizes that you must have taken his words seriously.
After he's finished showering, he follows the aroma of food being prepared in the kitchen and discovers you chopping vegetables on the kitchen island. You gaze up at Harry with a deep frown as he enters the kitchen and whisper, "Are you genuinely bothered that I touched myself? You've never mentioned having that rule. Just so you know though, I was thinking of you while doing it. And I didn't watch any porn."
Harry walks over to you from behind and wraps his arms around you, letting you catch a whiff of his fruity shampoo and vanilla body wash. "Baby, I was just kiddin'. M' not really mad that you masturbated. I don't care if you touched yourself, we all do it from time to time. As long as I know you were thinkin' of me and I wasn't around, m' fine with it. Now, if I was around and you purposefully didn't ask me to help, I'd be a little hurt, but...".
Breathing a sigh of relief, you reply, "Oh, thank God. Because even if you had that rule, I'd still touch myself if you weren't home and I was horny enough."
"Hey," Harry shouts playfully, unwrapping his arms from around you, "now I might make it a rule, just because you said that."
Later that night after everything else is done, you both end up in Harry's bed having sex. It's neither aggressive nor extremely gentle, just your standard, basic sex. Nonetheless, it is satisfying. It starts out with you on top, riding Harry, but then you express fatigue and he carefully lays you down and takes charge.
"Poor baby, too tired to ride m'cock." he mocks while thrusting into you at a constant speed.
You playfully slap his ass and Harry nearly topples over you, moaning super loud. You didn't realise a barely hard slap would have such effects on him. "Oh you liked that, didn't you, hm?"
He nods his head where it rests against your collarbone and answers, "Yes, do it again, please." You rear back your hand and slap his ass cheek harder this time, loving to watch his white flesh jiggle and turn red. "Oh fuck, m' gonna come." Before he allows himself to come though, he slips his hand between your bodies and starts aggressively rubbing your clit against his fingers.
"Ahh, Harry!!!" you cry out, your back arching as you come all over his cock and fingers. He continues his stimulation until you literally start crying from overstimulation. Harry removes his fingers from your sensitive clit but continues thrusting as he finally allows himself to let go and orgasm. His thrusts become weak and uncoordinated as he ejaculates deep inside you.
Once his orgasm diminishes, Harry's heavy body plops down on top of you, almost knocking the wind from your lungs. You both lay there in post-orgasm bliss until you have an idea. When buying your toys on Amazon a few days ago, Harry mentioned how he can sleep with the black silicone butt plug due to its flexibility. And tomorrow you will be fucking his ass. So what if he sleeps with it tonight to make sure he's nice and stretched for you tomorrow. You'd hate to hurt him in anyway.
"Harry?" you say, breaking the rooms silence.
Still breathing rather heavy with his head resting on your chest, he answers, "Yeah, baby?"
"Do you think you could sleep with that silicone butt plug in tonight? You know, because of what's gonna happen tomorrow, I want you to be well stretched so I don't hurt you. And..... I've never seen anyone wear one so I'm kinda curious as to what they look like inside someone."
Your question causes Harry to sit upright. Despite his belief that he doesn't need any actual stretching beforehand, it has been quite some time since he last had anything up his ass, and he would prefer to take precautions. Additionally, the fact that you've never observed someone using and wearing a butt plug serves as extra motivation for him to demonstrate the process.
"Of course, but um, let me just, you know, go to the bathroom and ensure that m' finished using it for the night and that m' completely clean down there. Then I'll come back and you can either assist with the insertion or observe me doin' it."
You nod eagerly as Harry gets up from the bed naked and goes to the bathroom. He remembers a previous incident involving a butt plug and a need to use the toilet, so he makes sure he doesn't have to go to the bathroom in order to prevent a recurrence. After checking his hygiene, he goes back to the bedroom where you have the butt plug and lube set out.
As Harry walks up to the bed, soft cock slightly swinging between his legs, you ask, "Can you do it and I just watch. I'm kinda nervous."
"Sure baby, but nothin' to be nervous about. It's just me, and I'd tell you if you were hurtin' me in anyway. But I can do it and you watch." He climbs onto the bed, still naked from your previous activities, and tries to decide what position he'd prefer to be in, on his knees or layed back with his legs up. He ultimately decides to lay on his back.
Harry settles into position, arranging pillows behind his back against the headboard and spreads his legs. Anxiously, you pass him the lube and butt plug, watching intently as he begins. Despite your initial desire for him to wear it and the upcoming anal sex, you find yourself feeling nervous. Excited, yet nervous. You've never gave anal to anyone before. Mostly because all the men you've been with in the past were too straight and thought negatively on the act.
With the bottle of lube in hand, Harry applies a liberal amount to the bulbous tip of the butt plug using his fingers, followed by wiping any excess off around his tight hole. You adjust your position to sit facing him, allowing you to witness the entire process. You observed how he delicately moves his flaccid cock out of the way and how he carefully goes to insert the lubricated plug into his slick opening. Just before Harry pushes it in, he looks up at you with a soft yet mischievous grin.
He has always harbored a hidden desire for either observing someone engage in self-touch or being observed while engaging in self-touch. Although not solely for pleasure, the act remains deeply intimate, and your observation right now nearly reignites his arousal.
With a deep breath, he relaxes his muscles and slowly starts to insert the butt plug into his ass. The lubricant prevents any pain during the process, despite the stretching sensation. You watch as his anus takes in the butt plug effortlessly, except for the heart-shaped diamond on the end, which sets nicely against his hole. Looking up at Harry's face, you see a slight scrunch, not from pain, but from relief.
"Mhm, fuck, that felt good." Harry annonces, his muscles turning to mush on the bed now that he's finished inserting the butt plug. You smile at him widely, about to speak when he suddenly grunts in what sounds like frustration. "No," he whines, "m' hard again. Too sensitive to be hard again."
Glancing down, you see his flaccid cock no longer flaccid, but half hard. The process of inserting the butt plug in his ass combine with you watching him, it turned him on again.
You let out a giggle and propose, "We could have sex again? Just slower this time. Get all comfy under the covers, turn the lights out, and when we finish, fall asleep naked. Hm?"
Though Harry knows it'll be slightly painful at first from how sensitive his dick is from his previous orgasm, he agrees with a nod. You climb out of bed to turn the lights off, then crawl back under the covers so your plan can unravel.
Thirty very sweaty minutes later, you're both knocked out cold in each others arms. Two rounds of sex was almost too much for one night. Not to mention that last round of sex was extremely pleasurable for Harry since he had a butt plug in. Wearing a butt plug during sex always felt super good in his opinion. It stimulated his prostate while giving him that full feeling he longed for sometimes.
Now you just wait until tomorrow night where the pleasure will be upped ten-folds when you fuck him with your new pretty pink strap-on.
(if you want to be apart of my new tag list, let me know right here !! )
tag list: @swiftmendeshoran // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @hsonlyangelxo
My Masterlist Masterpost
Long Awaited Punishment {part. 14}
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
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SUMMARY: You never really liked Mason Mount, even before he came to your club. Turns out, he's a very persuasive man, who will do everything he can to change your mind.
PAIRING: mason mount x ten hag!reader
WARNINGS: mason is a lovesick fool, use of ten hag as a plot device i'm so sorry
AUTHOR'S NOTE: it's been agesssss since i've posted something, so here's this! (something's that's been sitting in my drafts and i didn't dare finish for almost a month!). would reallyyyy love some feedback!
Your eyes go wide at the sight of him, resting calmly over the cap of his car, hands hiding inside his pockets. Mason looks straight out of a movie; one where the protagonist is waiting for his lover outside of their home. You try to not think about that, or about the warm feeling in your chest, as you angrily make your way towards him.
Once you reach him, you're ready to voice your concerns about his presence in your parents' home. "What are you doing here?".
The urgency in your voice only made the Englishman grin harder, if that was even possible.
He shrugs, clearly not preoccupied about the matter. "Came to see a friend, offer her a ride to work". You roll your eyes, annoyed, because obviously, this is Mason. This is the same insufferable guy you've got to know for months now, ever since he signed for Manchester United.
By looking at the watch on your wrist, and knowing your dad's entire routine, you know you two are running out of time.  "C'mon, Mount, you need to leave!", you urge, and he tilts his head in confusion. "What? Why?," as if his entire life, at least, sport related, wasn't threatened by the man about to walk out the door.
"Did you hit yourself on the way here? Did you happen to forget who I live with?".
He shrugs, again, claiming "I don't mind". A second after, "he actually likes me. More than you do, at least". It's not the first snarky remark he throws your way, but it's still too early for you to pretend he hasn't got a special capacity for getting under your skin.
"I'd like to see if he continues to like you when he sees you talking to his daughter in his front yard".
You're right about that.
Yeah, Mason is your dad's new shiny toy, awarding him with being a constant feature in the starting eleven in every United game, but you doubt he'd be alright with whatever he's trying to do. After all, he never liked any of your past boyfriends, or friends who he -somehow- recognized as undeserving of his little girl, his only daughter. "I think he will," Mason says confidently, "I'm actually a great son-in-law, you know?".
You swear it is too early in the morning to have rolled your eyes the number of times you have in his presence, during the past three minutes. You ask, hopeful that the sly remark works to get him off your back. "Has being this cocky actually helped you, in some way?".
When his smile falters, you grin. It's probably the first time he doesn't have something, anything, to hit back, and you consider it a win for your side. "It did," he answers truthfully a beat after, and now his smile is bigger than ever. "Look, you're smiling at me".
You try, hard, to stop your cheeks from going red, but the way you can't really hold his stare any longer is a win for him. He basks in this feeling, knowing himself to be able to make you nervous must be a good sign, right?
At least, he hopes so.
"Okay, stop fucking around or you'll be late," you warn, coming close enough to him to push him off the hood of his car, and towards the driver's door. You try to ignore the way your fingers burn after touching him, deciding not to acknowledge the warning signs that something had changed in the past few weeks. You don’t despise him nearly as much, but you’re not keen on the idea of him knowing about it. Yet.
Mason opens the door of his car, and gets in. You nervously watch back, to the entrance door, after seeing what time it is. 9:13 AM. Your father will be out the door, any second now.
You hope that, the next time you look to the street, the car will be gone, and any trace of the Englishman vanished, like a dream. But instead, when you turn again, the tinted window of his car is down, and he's looking mischievously at you. "Already caring for me? that's new, Ten Hag".
"Go away, Mount".
Hearing the door open, just a few seconds after seeing Mason's car disappear from your street, makes your blood turn cold. The piercing question from your father doesn't make things better. "What are you doing over there?". There’s nothing you could possibly say that will convince your father, and saying the truth isn’t a possibility right now; so, instead, you defuse the question. "Nothing, nothing. Are you ready to leave now?".
The way to Trafford Training Centre is quiet. Your father isn't one to talk much normally, but the silence squishes you until you feel like you're holding your breath. He knows, you're sure, and you’re gonna make Mason pay for it. 
That’s it, if you reach the training ground alive.
"You know, I think Mason is a good kid".
The affirmation is nowhere what you had expected your father to say, so you can’t hide the furrowed brows and defensive tone that comes along with it. "We're in first name base already? Wow, that's new".
The car stops in the red light, and your dad takes the time to turn his head in your direction. He sees your fixed gaze ahead, brows still furrowed, and his head tilts in confusion. "And he's trying really hard to get in your good graces".
"That's not true".
A beat.
"I saw him this morning".
After that, you're left waiting; either, for the disapproving voice in his tone, the yelling, or the pointing out reasons why you shouldn’t be this close to a player, much less someone like him. But instead, he’s silent. And somehow, the silence is scarier.
The air feels thick, and it’s scarily similar to how it feels when a storm is brewing. Hot, too heavy, and like the entire sky is about to fall apart. And a few minutes after, with the car finally parked, and the training center standing tall just a few meters ahead, Erik begins to talk.
“I don’t have a problem with it. Whatever it is”. In other circumstances, you’d laugh at the way he signaled with his hand when saying it, almost like dismissing the entire ordeal, as if he still, so many years after introducing other boyfriends in the past few years -not one that’s worth mentioning, though-, refused to acknowledge that his little girl is not so little anymore.
“I know I always said it’s not a good idea. And I still don’t think it is,” he remarks, but holds a finger up before you can’t argue against what he’s saying, “but, as I said, he’s a good kid. And, most importantly, he’s aware that if he breaks your heart, he won’t play anymore, so-”.
The horror in your eyes must be evident, because he starts laughing before you can tell him off because of his antics. “Dad!”.
“So, you can go out with him. Just don't break his heart, yeah?” You can’t even respond because he gets off the car then, taking his things with him before closing the car door. Yes, you come in together, but since you insist on keeping family business out of the club, Erik begins making his way in alone.  “Could really use my star player having a great season".
In the distance, you can see Mason; he’s smiling widely, with a coffee cup in his hand, and standing just by the door. He opens it, to let your dad in, and you shake your head in feign disapproval.  “Right, Mount?,” Erik calls, alluding to his previous statement; the one he can’t possibly have heard, given how far he was when he said the words. Between the three of you, you’re not the only one that knows that it’s a test, so Mason answers accordingly.
“Yes, sir, of course”.
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itsvelyria · 9 months
"as sad taylor swift songs"
vvv vague references to depression for danny
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(not really a representation of the songs as a whole but rather how i interpret each phrase i cherry picked)
Charles Leclerc
and say the one thing, i've been wanting, but no~ 🩵
your phone lights up the dark of your room, you should be asleep at this time of the night. there hadn't been any new messages since Tuesday but here you sat, scrolling aimlessly on social media, waiting by the chat like you were 13 again with your first crush. the squeal of glee and the uncontrollable smile on your face when they would text back — that's how he made you feel. and though the little voice in your head is telling you that everything was wrong, there was no way you would debase your feelings to refute the way your brain was wired to think of him at all times. but as you were flicking through gossip sites, the back of a head that haunted your dreams and nightmares was staring right back at, pressed up against a shorter brunette one — maybe it was time to listen to your brain and not your heart.
Carlos Sainz
tryna find a part of me that you didn't touch~ 🩷
every inch of your skin was on fire, like it was rejecting the touch of the man above you. if you squinted enough, blocked out the light from the living room behind his broad shoulders, you could have mistaken him for a certain Spaniard. except the Spaniard wouldn't have chosen to lay his focus on your neck like this guy you picked up at the club. you couldn't, for the life of your alcohol-riddled brain, recall his name. but you could remember the ghost of a touch down between the valleys of your breasts and that was enough to pry a spine-shivering moan out your throat. maybe if you pretended enough and swallowed the hot tears back, you could pretend he was the person you wanted instead.
Danny Ricciardo
she would have made such a lovely bride, what a shame she's fucked in the head~ 🧡
he knew it when your frame had started curled in on itself under the covers. how you brushed past the stereo you loved to fiddle with on Saturday mornings. how you told him that you'd rather stay home on days you had plans. he felt this clawing in his insides whenever you barely spared him a glance, like he was the extra on a film set who was just waiting around for something to happen. so he did what he did best. he'd called up your mom to ask for her recipes to cook for nights you were too tired to move and offered to dry your hair whenever you wandered around wet hair. when you were fast asleep, cuddled up in his arms, he hoped you could hear when he told you how much he loved you and how he'd always be here.
George Russell
will you still want me, when i'm nothing new~ ❤️
even with your eyes closed on the red-eye flight, you could picture your colour-coded and meticulously organised calendar in your head. that and the thousands of messages from your mother, disappointment reeking from them at your missing of your nephew's baby shower. he was 1, he'd get over it. amongst the messages was two calls to your boyfriend, both left unanswered. the silence feeling like a prelude to something inevitable. images of him laughing with a colleague, your calls ignored, flashed in your mind. the little seed of self-doubt had planted itself a long time ago and bloomed into a voice in your head, relentlessly questioning your every move, every word. you hated it, but when the fire you started grows uncontrollably and you can't stop it, what could you do but let it consume you whole?
Lando Norris
no one could touch the way we laughed in the dark~ 💛
it was like a bad smell you couldn't ignore, the second you stepped onto the hiking path. you refused to come but was convinced otherwise by your group of friends. and with each crunch of the wet leaves under your boot or the distant sound of rushing water, you saw faint wisps of smoke in the shape of someone drawn from your ancient memories, holding your hand and leading you up the slope. hallucinations of a familiar laugh clouded your mind with the hike passing like a daze. the waterfall was still as beautiful as you remembered with the tree where he had secretly carved both your initials just a few steps away. your boyfriend pulled you closer, breaking your trance. his grin radiating at you, you felt the old memories slip away back into the shadows, cupping the chin of your new love.
Lewis Hamilton
you gave me all your love and all i gave you was goodbye~ 💜
sometimes when he glanced at old pictures, the indifference in his chest made him feel like he had moved on. and it should. with every second that slipped out of his grasp, the pain in his heart had dulled and he was busy enough without having to schedule mourning into his calendar. but the glare of his phone burned the picture into his retinas while he was waiting for his next race to begin, he missed the pang in his chest when you first ended the relationship. it was almost like he was losing every shred of you and the ugly feeling in his head raged on. and the next moment, he would turn the phone off, throwing it across his room to bury his head in his palms, the anger redirecting on the pathetic little boy inside him. he should have moved on by now, he knows he should have, but as he glanced at all the faces in the stands, part of him wishes one of them was you.
Max Verstappen
then you won't have to cry, or hide in the closet~ 🩶
you can see it in the darkening of his eyes when he answered his calls. or how his lips pulled taunt after a bad race. he had mentioned some things in passing: details of his childhood glossed over like it was nothing more than a dusty spine of a long-forgotten book. coupled with stories from his family, you had pieced together enough of the puzzle he kept his past. and that tugging in your heart wasn't pity; you could never pity him. but you weren't sure what it was either. and so you kept it quiet, tucking it away in a box, focused on the one thing that did matter — his present. maybe one day, you'll take the box out and rifle through its contents with your lover, but for now, just seeing him hold that trophy was more than enough.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
spencer x reader where they met at the library in college and kind of became study buddies (+ lots of mutual pining), then flashforward to like s4/5 spencer and reader joins the bau :')
i'm gonna pretend spence was normal college age and not 13 <3
You spot the familiar stringy mop of brown hair before he spots you, his head downturned in a book that it doesn't look like he should be reading on government time.
"Agents," Agent Hotchner stands in front of you, a step to the left, "We have a new recruit. Agent L/N," Spencer's head shoots out of his book and around to face you at your name, his gooey brown eyes widening, "Is fresh out of her time at the academy, I've seen her reports and I'm confident she'll be an asset to this team."
Before anyone can get a polite greeting in, a kind smile or a nice to meet you, Spencer's springing out of his seat, rushing you and nearly pushing Agent Hotchner over in his overzealous attempt at a hug.
Someone cries, 'Reid!' and you're wondering if this is common occurrence, if he often bowls people over like a puppy excited to see his owner. But as he laughs wetly into your neck, tears in his eyes while he squeezes you, you're pretty sure this is special treatment.
"Spencer," You gush, grinning hard over his shoulder, "It's good to see you again!"
"You too!" He rocks you back and forth, lanky legs nearly tipping you over, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
"Because it was a nice surprise," You only back away when you see the other agents staring bewilderedly at you, because no matter how kind their smiles are, you don't want to ignore them for much longer in case you come off as rude. Spencer's less willing to let go, but he settles for keeping your arm locked in his grip.
"So, you know Spencer?" A blonde woman asks, slim and pretty. She has an amused smirk on her face, and you nod sheepishly.
"We met in college," You flex your arm, squeezing him closer, "We were study buddies for a while, then he graduated early and left me."
You send a silly glare his way, but he knocks his nose into your cheek as a reply, knowing you're not really vengeful about it.
"That sounds about right," An older man nods, beard greying as he runs a hand over it, "Agent L/N, is it? I remember hearing your name a while back. You've been destined for us, I think."
"That's me," You glance briefly around at the rest of your new team, finding similarly sweet expressions on their faces, "And- and you are?"
"David Rossi," He holds out a hand that you shake with a grin.
"Derek Morgan," A tall man to the left of Agent Hotchner steps up next, followed by the blonde from earlier, "Jennifer Jareau, but most people just call me JJ."
"I'm Emily, uh- Prentiss." A dark haired woman stands beside another blonde, a sleek black pantsuit beside a rainbow-themed dress.
"Penelope Garcia," The latter grins, holding out a hand that has several bracelets tucked around her wrist, "It's nice to meet you! I didn't know Reid had friends in college."
"Or ever," Morgan chuckles, and you squeeze Spencer's hand where he's still holding yours in reassurance.
"We were quite close," You recall lazy mornings in the library, then afternoons sprawled out over the lawn munching on pretzels and fruit, "Neither of us were very social, I think we found solace in that."
"Yeah," Spencer nods, hair flying around his face. You tuck a stray strand behind his ear with a smile as he rambles, "She never asked me to go drinking every friday night."
"Then I think you both need to join us this time," Emily grins, watching fondly as Spencer groans, face-planting into your shoulder, "You can both find out what you've been missing."
You're sure she means expensive booze and scantily-clad patrons, but Spencer's face still rests on your shoulder, and you know what you've really both been missing runs deeper: each other.
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(Sorry for not just answering this in the comments, I had a feeling I was gonna go over the word limit (I was correct haha) and figured maybe I should just make a post about it).
Spoilers for Chapter Two Episode 13!
I'll be honest...I am very scared for Ace right now. A lot of his trial behavior is kinda suspicious if you squint, but then again, he's Ace, so he's always going to be hastily throwing around suspicion and be generally incompetent when it comes to solving the murder. And after watching all of chapter two...I just can't accept that it's him.
Now, it's fair to say that's just favoritism on my part. After all, I'm willingly to make a lot of stretches to keep on believing in my Eden's The Culprit agenda. And...Yeah, true, you are kinda right. Even if I was in a scenario where I couldn't find a single objective reason for him not to be the culprit, I still wouldn't be able to accept it was him until he was executed.
But I can't help but think I do have at least a little evidence to prove Ace isn't the culprit.
I actually made a post a while back about the Ace culprit theory, and how I don't think it works. And I'm going to reiterate a point I made there, since I'm not sure if I conveyed what I meant all that clearly.
This is about the tape.
Yes, yes, I know. Everything's about the tape these days, but I still think it's important!! After all, the grippy tape was used in the murder mechanism, and disappeared while only Ace, Eden, and Teruko were in the room. Meaning one of them has to be the one connected to the murder, (meaning they are at the very least an accomplice).
Teruko and Eden both technically could've taken it, Eden much more so than Teruko, but this isn't about them, so I'll skip that. I'm sure you've heard stuff about that before somewhere, anyhow.
Let's get to the main point:
Could Ace have taken the tape?
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Okay, okay, fine, real answer time. In my opinion? It doesn't make much sense to me. After all, if Ace took the tape, we have two options:
Ace was planning to murder someone and already had a plan in mind when he took the tape, knowing he'd need it for a mechanism.
Ace didn't have a plan in mind and wanted to murder Nico when he took the tape.
Now, let's take those one at a time so I can tell you why I don't buy them.
Let's start with option one.
Ace knew he was going to murder someone with the tape down the line and took it.
Now, let's put this into perspective for a moment. Ace is actively being murdered. Even if we assume that Nico is not the true person behind Ace's almost-death, we can assume that someone was cutting Ace's neck open before this. And if Ace was conscious, he wouldn't wait for them or anyone else who can take advantage of his weakened state to come back. So Ace must be unconscious at least until Teruko and Eden make Nico run away.
That means the only time Ace can be having even sort of coherent thoughts is in the minute or so Teruko is investigating his body. He is actively bleeding out, someone just tried to murder him, and everything has gone to shit. On top of it all, he's a character who's usually rather impulsive.
And in order for him to have known he'd need the tape for his new murder plan, he'd need to have thought of a whole murder mechanism scheme while under those conditions. Seems a little iffy, but let's assume, for the sake of this post, he's secretly a murder-plan-making genius! So of course he easily thought of that entire extremely complex murder plan that far in advance!
That means Ace has a plan when he manages to get the strength to stand up. He knows he needs the tape, so he grabs it, while knocking Eden over and shouting in hopes it will distract them enough to not notice he took it (Let's also ignore that Teruko is watching him this whole time and probably would've noticed him taking it). He then pretends he's going to go kill Nico immediately, while secretly plotting to kill them or someone else in the future.
But if Ace isn't planning to murder Nico immediately like he says, then why is he so insistent on it? Non-culprit!Ace readings make this easily understandable; Ace's emotions are running high from the murder attempt and he's running off to find Nico because he's angry and thinks they tried to kill him. However, if Ace doesn't actually want to kill Nico, why does he bother putting on such a big act pretending he does?
If this is an act, color me impressed. Ace has, in the past, shown himself to be a pretty terrible liar who is also not very good at keeping secrets. So him being able to pull this off while bleeding out...Yeah, he definitely deserves an Oscar, haha. Because he really sells it. He's banging on Nico's door, yelling in a very aggressive and convincing manner, and tells Levi he is going to murder Nico almost nonchalantly. If this scene was later revealed to all be an elaborate 4D-chess move by Ace, I would be super surprised.
And none of it is even that necessary if it is an act. Ace could've stomped out of the room without telling them he was going to kill Nico if he wanted to, it's not like it was necessary for his plan. After all, if he was planning a murder, why would he purposely prove that he would be willingly to commit one? It's way better to play into his scaredy-cat tendencies here, instead, if he's trying not to gain suspicion. Like, imagine:
Eden: O-oh my god! Ace, are you alright?!? Y-you're bleeding a lot, let's go to the infirma--
Ace: Get the fuck away from me! I'm not trusting any of you fuckers to get anywhere near me! I was totally right to not trust any of you in the first place, you're all gonna try some shit like this eventually! You probably think that now's the perfect time to strangle me while pretending to help, huh?! Well, too bad! I can do it myself.
(Cue Ace getting the fuck out of there before they can realize he took the tape).
I mean, why would he possibly think that pretending he's going to murder Nico while secretly planning another murder is a good idea?! Even if people don't connect the tape to him, they're going to think that he's completely capable of an act like that if he's desperate enough. If he hadn't done this, his classmates might've kept on thinking he was too much of a scaredy-cat to seriously consider hurting anyone, which would help his chances of winning the trial.
You could say he did it to disguise the fact that he had a plan to murder someone later. No one would suspect that he was planning to murder someone later if he pretended to try to murder someone now. But no one was accusing him of plotting anything in the first place? So I really don't see how it's necessary. Better to play it safe than to risk actually running into Nico when he doesn't actually plan to harm them. His little charade can only go so far. The only way this even sort of benefits him is if in the trial, people say maybe he was plotting something, and he can refute with his reckless behavior here. But, uh...Would it really be realistic to say Ace, of all people, thought that far ahead and meticulously planned out every detail in the mere moments he woke up from the turpentine? I don't know, seems like a little bit of a stretch to me.
Let's remind ourselves that, in this scenario, Ace is most likely scared for his life. He is scared someone else is going to murder him now that Nico tried, and that is why he is planning a murder now. In that case, I think the most important thing is that Ace's primary emotion is that moment is fear. Which he doesn't have a very good track record of hiding. When Ace is scared, you will know. So if Ace was scared and planning a murder in result during that moment, I don't think he'd have masked it as well as he did. Ace doesn't seem scared, just angry. Because he hates that, in his eyes, Nico was able to make him vulnerable like this.
I just...Don't think the dialog of Ace in the hallway scene after his almost-death would work as well if he was secretly not trying to murder Nico and only refusing help from the others because he was planning a different murder, and not because of his own character flaws. None of his lines seem disingenuous in the slightest to me. Which is weird, considering all the other times Ace has lied, it's pretty easy to tell.
In short, I simply don't understand why Ace would do the things he did if he was just secretly planning to murder someone. To me, his behavior makes much more sense if he's actually blinded by rage instead of secretly planning something super smart and complex.
...Alright, let's move on to scenario two.
Ace was actually planning to murder Nico when he took the tape, but plans change, and he uses the tape for murdering Arei instead.
Unsurprisingly, I don't buy this either.
If Ace really did plan to murder Nico in this moment and was admitting it full-heartedly, with no qualms about getting caught, why would he hide that he took the tape? He tells Levi he's going to murder Nico upfront, so obviously he doesn't care that they know what he's doing.
In that case, he wouldn't have stealthily picked up the tape while Teruko wasn't looking and put it in his pocket immediately (Both of Ace's hands are seen in his sprites, so it's not like he was just holding it in his hand, if he did take the tape he took it as quickly and unnoticeably as possible, hid it somewhere on his person, then didn't mention it).
If he's planning to murder Nico and hasn't thought about what happens afterwards, or knows he will be executed and still doesn't care, then it's not like he has anything he's going to do with the tape after he murders Nico. Meaning the only reason he would take it, is if it had something to do with murdering Nico.
And in that case, Ace doesn't care about how much the others know when it comes to how he does the murder. So he wouldn't be shy about admitting he was going to use the tape to uh...Idk, strangle Nico? Or restrain them? I don't even really know how he would use only grippy tape to murder them anyways. It's not like he'd use it to put over their mouth to keep them quiet, he's shouting threats to them in the middle of the hallway for everyone to hear. He could not give less of a fuck about who knows Nico is in danger.
Ace has literally no reason to be secretive about taking the tape in this scenario. The only way it would work is if Teruko and Eden just so happened to not notice even though Ace wasn't bothering to be subtle, which is...Kinda weird, since Teruko's usually pretty damn observant.
Plus, Ace has a lot of blood on his hands during the gym waking-up scene, but maybe he managed to get the tape in his pocket before any blood could get on it? Since there wasn't as much on his hands before he woke up? Idk, possibly still notable.
To summarize this whole section a bit, if Ace was planning to murder Nico when he took the tape, he'd have little reason to take it and no reason to take it sneakily. If he was secretly planning another murder, it's hard to justify why he pretends he wants to murder Nico in the first place, or how he even thought up his murder plan so quickly and under such intense circumstances. And since Teruko was presumably looking at Ace the whole time, Ace would have a hard time even picking up the tape in the first place without Teruko noticing.
(I've also seen people say that if Teruko and Ace can't 100% confirm each other's witness testimony about the other not taking it while Eden was on the ground, you can't really prove who took it in the trial).
...So that's it with the tape, I think. All in all, I don't think Ace taking it makes much sense, or at least not as much sense as Eden does.
That's my main reason for being doubtful of Ace being the culprit, but I guess there's maybe some other things I could mention...
Ace is supposed to be the Mondo of the Chihiro-Mondo = Nico-Ace murder situation.
This can be seen by how the almost-murder takes place in the gym, and how Ace is the one who wants to be strong despite feeling deep down that he is weak. He's also the one who is afraid of getting hit by cars, and the one who's friend mysteriously died...
Yeah, I'm willing to bet Ace's friend being dead and Ace weirdly mentioning being afraid of cars hitting him in chapter 1 probably means his friend met a similar fate to Mondo's brother. Except without all the biker gang stuff, haha.
Which, uh, isn't good if we're trying to make Ace not the culprit, since that secret was one of the major reasons Mondo killed and all that. And I was worried about that...Until Ace just sorta brought Taylor up unprompted in the middle of trial. Like, if that was a big, personal, secret reason for why he murdered Arei, not sure why he would just randomly bring it up now when the DRDTdev could just--Have him talk about it later, when he's the culprit. And if we assume Ace thought that Taylor dying was his secret and killed so that secret wouldn't get out, then that wouldn't make sense, since Ace brings it up in conversation without hesitating. Even Ace wouldn't kill for a secret and then blab about it only a day later. So I doubt Taylor's death is going to play any sort of role in Ace's motive to murder.
(Unlike Eden, who's secret does include someone she was close to and probably regrets not being honest with when it came to her feelings and--okay okay fine I'll shut up now sorry--).
Plus, Ace having Mondo parallels doesn't mean he has to be the culprit. Nico wasn't the victim just because they had Chihiro parallels, so the same can be true for Ace. It does make him a little more suspicious, though, sadly.
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I wonder how this would pay off if Ace died? I immediately assumed that oh, Levi will die, and Ace will realize that this statement was not true. But it could go in way more directions than that.
This line has to be pretty damn important if it got the bold yellow letter treatment. That statement is going to affect Ace or Levi (or both) in a very major way.
If Ace dies, then...I guess I'm not sure if that statement would affect Levi as much without Ace being there. Levi has already said that he would not care if Ace died. It would simply be as if he never knew him, like he was a stranger. And I guess, in my mind, it makes a lot more sense if Ace is a living embodiment of what he said to Levi than him just being gone.
I mean, imagine if Levi threatened Ace and then Ace was the culprit in chapter 1. Levi would not care nearly as much about what he said, because everyone thinks Ace did a bad thing by framing Teruko and not admitting to the class that he murdered Xander, even if it was with good intentions.
Now imagine that Ace is the culprit of chapter two. He murdered Arei with not-good intentions, framed Eden, and never admitted he did it until the bitter end. No one liked Ace before, and they certainly don't like him now. He took advantage of Arei's trust in Eden and for that no one will forgive him. Ace was not a good person, and most of Levi's classmates will reinforce this. So if Ace wanted Levi to die, it doesn't matter, right? Levi tried his best to help him, and he failed, but he tried his best, like Eden said.
What I'm trying to say is that if Ace dies here, I'm not sure how one would make it so that this line really resonates with Levi enough to make a significant enough impact on him that it's highlighted. If Ace is gone and made out to be a no-good murderer by the killing game system they're trapped in, and no one thought Ace was a good person as is, Levi wouldn't put stock in Ace's opinion nearly as much as he would, say, Eden's. Ace was a bully and a murderer, so his opinion doesn't matter, right? I doubt anyone else in the killing game will disagree, so I'm guessing none of them will be ecstatic to defend Ace's honor if Levi asks anyone about it in chapter three.
Long story short, this line makes a lot more sense to me if both Levi and Ace survive trial two (Or I guess if Levi gets executed because of that 'all murderers must pay for their crimes' rule but still).
Other than that, a few other points that make Ace being the culprit less likely are that we have no evidence of Ace knowing about where to find Hu and Teruko's old clothes and that sort of thing. Then there's the spelling mistake I don't think Ace would make given how he acts in the investigation and trial, as I said in another post (Would they really make a point to have Ace of all people correct Teruko's language twice only to have a sticking point be that a word was misspelled in a letter he wrote?).
Plus there's the fact that, allegedly, the culprit made the time ambiguous so that no one would know they did the murder at AM not PM, and Ace didn't have an alibi for either time slot. It'd be weird to do that and then not get yourself an alibi for the fake PM murder time. If the culprit didn't do that on purpose, then I guess they just got really, really lucky when no one found the small piece saying pm or am. Like, that's a smaller piece, so it's not surprising no one found it, but it being such a small piece of the note makes it look like it was ripped out purposefully.
Honestly, the only thing I'd sort of like about Ace culprit theory is that it would confirm Ace writes all fancy and nice, haha. Which would be a really funny subversion of expectations, but not funny enough for me to not be sad he's the culprit and is going to die.
Another thing I've seen floating around is that if the culprit really did copy/reuse the Nico-Ace murder contraption, they would need to know how it works. And if Ace was in the gym that night, that would mean he knows how it works and would be able to replicate it!
But this entire time, we've gone under the assumption that Nico (or whoever almost-murdered Ace) knocked Ace out with the turpentine, and that's why they stole it. Ace is pretty strong physically, so someone needing to knock him out to overpower him isn't too unbelievable. And in that case, Ace wouldn't have gotten much of a chance to look at the crime scene, since he was unconscious for the whole murder attempt. The only time we saw him awake was in the time he woke up bleeding out. And seeing as Ace isn't exactly the brightest, I doubt he could've just looked around while actively dying and immediately have known exactly what was up and how he almost got murdered. And on top of all that, if he was secretly planning a murder, he'd have been focusing on his whole pretending-to-want-to-kill-Nico thing, too, further dividing his attention. Whoever set up the mechanism or saw it for a longer period of time without bleeding out, probably would've had a better shot at knowing how the mechanism worked.
Oh, and before I go: I've mentioned this before, but "All That Glitters" and "A Good Person" aren't really themes that I think would suit Ace as a culprit. After all, they mean 'not as good as it seems' and 'being a good person'. Unlike some other characters, Ace hasn't had any involvement in the Good Person dilemma except telling Levi he's not one. And I don't think anyone thought Ace was 'good' in the first place, let alone not as good as he seems.
I could probably go more in-depth...But I'm tired so short, straightforward theme explanation it is, haha.
I...Think that's all? Honestly, I might be able to think of more reasons in the future...But for now, I think I'm done. I refuse to accept the culprit is Ace, so I'm just trying to point out any evidence I can that it's not him. My heart wouldn't be able to take it...
Still, I don't judge anyone who does buy the ace culprit theory, I just don't buy it personally. So there's the answer you were probably looking for, in way less words, haha.
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theoi-crow · 1 year
In honor of the new Barbie movie I decided to heal my inner child and get a barbie I can pose and dress!
I put her on Aphrodite's altar for Aphrodite to bless her since she's the one, along with my spouse, that gave me the idea to get her (because I'm a part of the trans community, I put her in the flag colors!):
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When I was a kid I wasn't allowed to play with Barbie dolls despite being AFAB because my mother HATED Barbie and would force me to play with those baby dolls that make kids pretend to be mothers even though I never wanted to have kids and couldn't see myself ever being a mother because my mom was trying to "train me" to be a good house wife for a future husband™️.
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For Christmas because of my very poor economic status, I was given a barbie doll by the local fire fighters toy donation drive. She was my first barbie doll, and she meant the world to me. While I know there are a lot of people who have problems with Barbie for various reasons, to me she was very accepting and incredibly kind. To me she represented potential and because barbie herself was never a mother, to someone like me who was constantly being trained to be a mother and used for free baby sitting labor (I've taken care of over 80 kids from almost every stage of life from toddler to 13 year olds) she represented freedom! The freedom to be who I wanted to be and not what my mother expected.
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I only had her for three months before my mother threw her away. I was devastated and after that I never got another doll again but I started doodling Barbie and would make my own cut outs of her so I could dress her with outfit cutouts. I read barbie books and would watch her movies because I still kept her in my heart.
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I tried to ignore my feelings regarding the first Barbie trailer but after the latest one and watching Barbie cry I broke down and cried for my childhood and missing my doll and getting good at drawing because I drew her so often. Sky and Aphrodite convinced me to get a Barbie doll to heal my inner child and I finally did and it feels like I'm finally healing. So I'm really happy to look at her and say:
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 months
After watching Episode 13 of the anime, I begun to wish we'd seen Marcille waking up and her reaction to the decision to go back to the surface. So I wrote it.
Empty Arms
Marcille could feel Falin's warmth against her, her flushed skin, her heartbeat, her whispery breath tickling Marcille's face. She ran her fingers through Falin's fluffy hair, soft as downy feathers. She could always feel Falin's magic when she did that, mysterious and as infinite as the sky. She already smelled like Falin again, the sharp scent of new soil and fresh fruit. There was no trace of the bubblng blood and dragon viscera Marcille had dragged onto her bones. Falin was whole, Falin was safe. Marcille sank into sleep, feeling complete at last.
And then she woke up to find there was nothing but cold air. Her arms were empty. She looked frantically for Falin, but all she could see was him, his terrible violet eyes. Mine, he said.
Marcille's eyes snapped open. She tasted the rancid medicine in her mouth, and she saw Laios sitting solemnly by her side, and she knew it hadn't been a dream. It was all real. She coughed out some gunk, and tried to sit up. The edges of her vision blurred and the world tilted. Ah, right. No mana.
"Hey," Laios held her shoulders to steady her. "Are you okay?"
Of course she wasn't okay, but she nodded curtly.
"We're going back to the surface, so you'll be able to recharge your mana soon."
That was the last thing she'd expected him to say. "What? No. we're not. We have to go after Falin right now."
"In your condition?"
"We'll find another spirit to eat. I'll be fine." Marcille forced herself up on shaky legs, shrugging off Laios' hands. Senshi and Chilchuck were here too, watching her warily.
"Marcile, no. I wanted to as well, I get it, but Chilchuck convinced me, We need to get supplies, we need to tell people that's going on and get help, that's the only way we'll have a chance of saving Falin."
"Chilchuck," Marcille snorted. Of course Mr. Paid Up Front wanted them to run and leave Falin behind
"What was that?" Chilchuck snapped.
Marcille ignored him."We can't go back. It'll be too late. What he was doing to her, it was magic I'd never seen before, I won't waste another second, you don't know what he's capable of, but I felt it, I felt his magic, I felt his hold on her!" She was babbling, she knew, but she didn't care. She took a shaky step forward, the world spinning. "If you won't go, I'll go by myself."
"Marcille!" Laios' eyes widened in shock. He was used to her following his lead in the end, trusting his call. Even with resurrecting Falin, she'd included him, asked him if it was okay. But that was because she'd known he'd say yes. She'd known that just like her, he'd do anything for Falin, break any law, take any risk. At least that's what she'd thought. If he'd said no back then, she would have done it anyway, and since he was saying no now, she'd do what she had to.
Marcille fell to her knees, legs too weak to continue on. Propping herself up on her elbows, she began to crawled toward the door, dirty stone staining her sleeves.
"See! I told you! I told you!" Chilchuck said to Senshi, but the dwarf was watching her with sorrowful eyes. "Lass, you're only hurting yourself."
Laios crouched down and grabbed Marcille's arm. "We will save Falin, but we can't do that if we die. We need to take care of each other too. You didn't see it, but Chilchuck was crying, Marcille! He was crying and begging us not to die!"
Chilchuck swore at Laios in his own language. "Listen, you--"
"He was not," Marcille muttered. Chilchuck had probably never cried in his life.
"I was not!" Chilchuck agreed. "That doesn't count as crying!"
"He was! He bared his soul because he cares abut us!" Laios continued doggedly.
"He cares about you and Senshi, maybe. I'm just a dark elf who does evil magic and causes trouble," Marcille snapped.
"For the love of-- are trying to make me apologize to you by pretending to go insane again?" Chilchuck pointed at her accusingly. "Well, it's not working this time!"
Marcille shook her head and jerked her arm out of Laios's grip. She inched forward again.
"He said he's taking care of three people, so that obviously includes you! Chilchuck, she really doesn't believe it. You need to cry for her too. Dig up those emotions again." Laios was waving his arms around frantically.
"No way!"
"Then at least tell her you care about her and don't want her to die!"
Marcille was at the door. She reached for the handle and pulled herself up with a groan.
"Ugh, fine! Marcille, I care about you and don't want you to die!"
The sincere distress in his voice stopped her. She'd never heard him talk like that before. She hesitated, her lip trembling. "None of you understand. It was my fault. I should have known something was wrong. Her magic felt different, like there was heat to it, like it was reaching out in all directions..."
Marcille remembered Falin holding her hand in the bath, the strange, brief surge of excitement that raced through her , and then feeling her magic so intense, so wrong, so overwhelming...but she'd just ignored it.
Her fingers slipped off the doorknob and she fell. Laios grabbed her. Even Chilchuck and Senshi rushed forward. "It wasn't your fault. We were all there, and we all couldn't stop it. From what I hear, you're the only reason we even survived to fight another day." Laios said. Chilchuck and Senshi nodded.
Tears bubbled out of her eyes. "I held her. She was right there and I held her. She was finally with us again! It's not fair."
"I know," Laios said, leading her back to her mat. "And we're going to find her and hold her again. I'm never letting go. And I know you won't either."
"We're here to help ya, whatever comes," Senshi said.
Marcille curled in her mat, tears nearly blinding her "Okay, okay."
A few seconds passed and then..."That was pretty dramatic."
The orc woman, who seemed to have been waiting at the window, came through the door. Marcille covered her mouth defensively.
The orc sneered at her. "You look so pathetic." But her expression softened. "Your loyalty is surprising, though. I've never seen an elf care so much about anyone besides themself, much less someone of another race. Didn't think it was possible. You should listen to your friends, you're too weak to do much right now."
She turned to Laios. "You'll be leaving soon then?"
"Yes, thanks for everything."
Since Marcille couldn't walk, Laios had to carry her piggyback. Completely humiliating, especially in front of the orcs, as they said their goodbyes. A few.chuckled at her, but the leader simply looked at her and said, "I hope you find your wife, long-ears."
"My-my what?" Marcille sputtered,
"Mate? Lover? I don't know what terms you elves use. Hope you find her."
"Let's go!" Chilchuck groaned.
She did not want to interrogate the rush of joy she felt at the orc calling Falin her lover. All that mattered was that she get better, and bring Falin back.She tightened her fingers against Laios' shoulders. She would do that as many times as it took. No matter who she had defeat or what taboo she had to destroy.
But...she thought, as Laios steadily carried her, as Senshi and Chilchuck walked beside them...at least she wouldn't have to do it alone.
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zillobeastbait · 10 months
Prompt List
13 - "You fucked up, and now you have to fix it. I'm not just going to pretend you didn't hurt me."
Daryl Dixon x Daughter!Reader
Words: 1789
Warnings/Notes: same as show
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Not my image
Daryl found you when you were little. Back when they first found the prison. He raised you like you were his own. You argued a lot, most of it is harmless. It wasn’t even arguing, just bickering. That’s just the way you two got along. You both loved each other and you both knew that. He introduced you as his daughter whenever it came up, and so did everyone else. Most of the time you agree on things. Sometimes things would come up and you would get mad at each other, like when you first started going on runs. Or when you started helping in battles. Or smaller things like overworking yourself or something. You two would have your argument, end it out of anger, not speak to each other for a little while, and then make up and come to an agreement. Daryl usually ends up giving in, just because he wants you happy. However, there are times that he’ll do whatever he thinks is right and won’t let you get a word in. That’s when you get really pissed, you ignore him for a little while, and usually, he lets you have your space. You always end up going back and apologizing anyway. 
After a little while of living in Alexandria, you get more and more comfortable living with everyone. Carl tries to get you to hang out with him and the other kids but you try to keep your distance. You convince yourself that you won't like hanging out with them anyway. You learn of different ways to sneak out of the walls. You learn when to sneak into the armory and when not to. You get good at listening to people around you and sneaking around them. The only thing you can’t do is sneak around Daryl. You’re a teenager of course you’re going to be rebellious, but you also want to go outside. You don’t want to get weak. You had talked to Carl in the beginning about training together, but he just follows his dad around all the time.
Eventually, you learn your father’s schedule as well. You learn when he’s home and when he’s not. When he’s outside the walls and when he’s not. You learn when to sneak out and when not to. You learn when Olivia records what's in the armory. Not to brag but you’ve gotten really good at sneaking around.
One day you decide to go out. Daryl is supposed to be out working around Alexandria for a while and Olivia is out helping as well. You sneak out of your and Daryl’s house and head towards the armory. You're careful to check your surroundings, making sure no one sees you, and if they do you act as casual as you can. You make it over to the armory and sneak in through the back door. Thankfully there are no surprise visits today. You grab your pistol and some ammo before sneaking back out the door. You put the extra ammo into the backpack you packed full of snacks and extra stuff. You’re careful when going through the courtyard, making sure to make it look like you're just going for a walk whenever someone sees you. You get to the spot you always use to climb over, the beam positioned so you can easily climb back up it. You do one last check before climbing up and over the wall.
After spending a while outside you realize that your dad will probably be getting home soon. You turn around and start to make your way back. You’re about halfway when you hear rustling to your side. You freeze in place and look around for a second. You don’t hear the growling of walkers or any other kinds of movements for that matter. 
“Hello?” you call out. You get no response so after a couple of seconds you decide it was probably nothing. You glance around one last time before continuing on your walk. It’s only after a few minutes that you hear the rustling again. 
“Ok, whoever is following me I know you're there.” you stop again and turn to where the rustling was. Suddenly you hear a whining in your ear and look to the tree you're standing next to to see an arrow a little too close to your head. You whip your head in the direction it was shot from and see Daryl stepping out from behind a tree.
“What the hell?” you stare him down as he walks closer to you.
“Don’t “what the hell” me! What the hell are you doin’?” He rips his arrow out from the tree.
“I just wanted to go outside for a little while. It's fine.” you snap at him. He of all people should understand not wanting to get weak.
“It’s fine!? Don’t tell me it’s fine. You could’ve died and non’ us woulda known.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t. I’m out here all the time and come back without a scratch.” you realize what you just said all too quickly, and as it hits your face, your father realizes it too.
“You what?” He stops pacing around and looks you dead in the eye.
“I come out here while you're gone at work sometimes. It’s no big deal.” you suddenly feel very defensive. “ I come back every time don’t I?”
“You could’ve gotten killed. What the hell?! You think you can just do fuckin’ whatever!? I’m here to take care of you. I can’t do that if you're trying to get yourself killed every goddamn day!” He points at you with the arrow still in his hand.
“I’m trying to make sure I don’t get weak. You can sit inside those walls and pretend there aren't walkers out here but you’re gonna get weak and when that happens I’m gonna be the one who fucking makes it. I’m gonna be the one protecting everyone else.” you can feel yourself getting more and more angry.
“Goddamn it! I’m not getting weak kid I’m trying to get us somewhere safe!” he starts his pacing again.
“And that’s fine! But I’m older now, you can’t expect me to just sit around. And I can do what I want! It’s not like you’re my real father anyway.” you realize what you said immediately and cover your mouth with your hands. “I’m sorry.” you whisper. 
Daryl just stares at you, you can see the hurt and betrayal on his face.
“Dad I’m sorry.” You feel the tears welling up and you can see the hurt in his eyes.
He stands and stares for a moment longer before he turns and starts walking back toward Alexandria. 
“Please, I didn’t mean it. I wasn’t thinking. Please listen to me!” you feel tears rolling down your face and you start sniffling. 
He just keeps walking so you trail behind him. You two walk in silence the whole way. Not a sound from each besides your occasional sniffle.
When you get back you both enter the house without a word and he goes straight to his room. Usually, you two will sit and eat and talk before going to bed. Yet you stand alone in the kitchen. You eat an apple in silence before heading up to your room and lying in bed. You expect to fall asleep with no problem, however, that’s not the case. You lay in bed for hours. The day’s events running over and over in your head. Eventually, you fall asleep, but you wake up again two hours later. The night goes on and on like that. Sleep for a couple of hours, awake for a couple.
Eventually, you wake up and head downstairs. Usually Daryl would either be there or would leave a note. Yet, no Daryl, and no note. You go through the whole day just sitting around worrying. You decide to go for a walk later but you end up just walking in circles around the neighborhood. 
At night when Daryl gets home you have dinner already ready. Set out on the counter and everything. Your waiting behind the counter when he walks in. You look up and smile as he shuts the door. You watch as he takes off his boots. As he hangs up his jacket and sets down his tools. And as he completely ignores you and walks up the stairs to his room. 
It goes on for multiple days like that. No talking, be barley even looks at you. After about a week your sick of it, so you decide to confront him.
“Dad, why won’t you talk to me? I apologized.” You ask him when he walks in one day.
“You never apologized kid.” He doesn’t even look up at you to say it, just continues to take off his boots.
“But I did. I apologized over and over. Right after it happened to. I didn't mean it, you know that.”
“No.” He just stays where he's sitting, both of his boots resting on the floor next to him. “No kid, I don't know that. I care for you. I know we don't say i much but I do. And when you said that it hit. Hard. You fucked up, and now you have to fix it. I'm not just going to pretend you didn't hurt me”
“But I'm trying, I said I was sorry, I tried to  make you dinner. I've waited for you every day thinking and worrying about what I said. I haven't even left the house since!”
“And how the fuck do you tink I can trust you right now!” He stands up surprisingly quick, making you take a step back. “You can’t be trusted right now. How do I know your not sneaking out every day still?”
“Because I can almost guarantee that you have someone watching the house at all times if not yourself.” you pause for a moment and can feel the tears welling up in your eyes. “I, have tried to make it up to you. I have thought on what I said every second since I said it. I never meant it. I will never mean it. Daryl, you have been my father for years now. Not whatever dude I barely remember anymore, you. You're my dad and I really, really mean it.” 
You have tears streaming down your cheeks and you can see the water in his eyes. Not that he would ever let you see him cry. He slowly steps toward you and reaches his hands out to you. you let him pull you in, he wraps one arm around the top of your shoulders and his other hand rests on the back of your head.
“‘s ok kid, we'll be ok.”
I hope you enjoyed it!!
Thanks for reading, as always like, comment, and re-blog to support your writers and other artists.
Thanks again and see you soon.
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differenteagletragedy · 9 months
Our Life Swap AU, my dearest love. Takes place on MC's 21st birthday. Featuring a Cove appearance!
Baxter watched you as you danced with Terri -- well, it was more laughing with the occasional movement rather than dancing at this point, but he understood dancing was what the two of you were going for. The smile that hadn't left his face all night widened as you excitedly threw an arm around Miranda when she approached your little group, looking at her like you hadn't seen her for years even though all she'd done was make a quick trip to the bathroom.
It was your 21st birthday, and you were drunk for the first time. And it was adorable.
To celebrate, he'd made plans for you and your friends to meet up at the little hole-in-the-wall bar on the shopping street. Normally his party planning skewed a little grander, but this venue had been decided on years ago -- when you were kids but old enough to understand the concept of a 21st birthday, you'd made a pact that you'd both celebrate yours there so you'd be home, together, and close to the ice cream stand.
You'd taken him for his birthday in May, and the same company met you then, too. He'd opted not to drink much then, just ordering a couple of cocktails to feel fancy, but you went a different route.
"I still don't understand why you're not dating yet."
Baxter was pulled out of his thoughts by Cove's comment -- one he'd made countless times over the years.
"I don't know what you mean," he said with a smirk, knowing exactly what Cove meant.
Besides you, Cove was Baxter's best friend. They'd met that summer when you were 13, when the elder Mr. Ward decided to take an investment opportunity by going into business with the elder Mr. Holden's already successful but somewhat small shop. They were incredibly different, but they each had things they admired about the other and a bond was formed then.
Cove was the only person Baxter had ever told about his feelings for you.
"Well, maybe calm down with the longing stares if you want to keep pretending you're not in love," Cove suggested.
Baxter wasn't sure how to look at you without longing for you, so instead he just turned his attention to the man next to him. But, as always, it wasn't long until you were pulled back to him.
"BAXTER," you said as you, Terri and Miranda approached the bar where he and Cove were standing. You threw your arms around his waist and snuggled yourself against him, pressing your face against his chest, and he felt you breathe deeply. He brought his arms around you to hold you against him, placing a quick kiss on your head.
Ignoring Terri and Miranda's groans at the display of affection, he asked, "Having fun?"
"Yeah, but I'd have more fun if you danced with me too."'
"This isn't exactly my style of dancing, darling," he laughed. "I'm actually not sure that what you were doing could be called dancing at all."
"Hey," Terri protested. "If you think you can do any better, I'd like to see you try!"
"Terri, he's won dancing competitions and you were literally just bouncing up and down," Miranda pointed out.
Terri argued against this and Miranda started joking around with her. If Baxter had been paying more attention, he would have noted that this was more of the blatant flirting they'd been doing for years now. He would have shot a glance at Cove to communicate something like, "You're going to talk about my feelings being obvious when these two are acting like this?"
But you hadn't moved away from him, and he was becoming more aware of the warmth of your body pressed against his and less aware of everything else in the world.
He'd had one drink when you'd arrived at your request, but then stopped so he could properly attend to you that night. He wouldn't take advantage of you, not ever, but he did appreciate the closeness, and he began idly stroking your back. Against his chest again he felt your soft hum of approval.
He then felt more hums, and it took him a few seconds to realize you were trying to talk.
"You probably need a little more air for that," he laughed, gently turning your chin so that your cheek was pressed against him instead of your entire face.
"I still wanna dance," you said.
Without waiting for his reply, you started moving backwards, still latched onto him. Ever the graceful one, he didn't stumble, instead shuffling along with you as you backed towards the place where you'd just been dancing with Miranda and Terri.
"Clingy, are we?" he asked, not making a move to change that.
"Shut up," you told him, and somehow you managed to nuzzle yourself even closer to him. He smiled, then you started swaying.
You stood there together like that, holding each other tightly enough that maybe it would have hurt a little if you both didn't secretly want it so much, and danced. It wasn't his style of dancing, that was true. There was no fancy footwork, no footwork at all, really.
It was the kind of clumsy dancing you'd done when you were little kids after he'd shown you one of his old black and white movies and you'd wanted to pretend to be in one of your own. The kind that you'd done at your fifth grade Valentine's Day dance, not sure what to do in the dimmed down lights in your school's decorated gym but knowing that you wanted to do it together.
Memories flooded his mind of all those little dances you'd done over the years, the sloppy ones like this and the more elaborate ones after he'd started ballroom dancing and convinced you to be his partner for practice, despite the fact that you didn't know anything about it.
He treasured every one.
After a while, you said, "I wanna go get ice cream now."
Your group of five closed out your tab at the bar, and only when it became necessary -- or actually a little bit after -- did you untangle yourself from Baxter. He held a hand on your back to steady you as he paid, and when it was time to leave and make your way down the street he linked your arm through his.
After you'd all acquired your treats from the ice cream stand, you started walking back to the old neighborhood. You and Baxter were both staying with your parents for the summer -- his parents had moved out of town after he'd graduated high school and he much preferred spending his college holidays with you than with them. Cove had parked his car there and had given rides to Terri and Miranda.
"Did you have a good birthday?" Cove asked, nudging the arm that wasn't in Baxter's grasp.
"Yeah," you answered, nudging him back. "It's not over yet though."
"What's the plan after this?" Miranda said, pointing out that it was getting late and they still had the drive back to the city.
"Baxter has to keep entertaining me," you said, giving his arm a squeeze.
"Have I not done enough?" he asked, pretending to be indignant but always thrilled to be spending more time with you.
Instead of answering, you held your ice cream up to his mouth so he could take a bite. It wasn't a big deal, you always shared, but when he offered you his ice cream sandwich and, instead off taking a bite, you licked up the side of it, gathering the melting bits on your tongue and smiling triumphantly at him, he actually shuddered.
Cove snorted.
When you got back to your parents' house, you stood out front for a minute, saying your goodbyes and making plans to make plans to hang out again. Cove got Terri and Miranda safely seated in his car, then with another smile at you and Baxter, he left.
"So," Baxter said. "What now?"
Looking at you now, he saw that you were starting to get tired. You gave him a sleepy smile, a bit of ice cream on the corner of your mouth. Without thinking, he wiped it off with his thumb and then put his thumb in his own mouth, licking it clean.
You made a noise then, and while he couldn't be positive about what it meant he knew that he'd very much like to hear it again.
"I believe it may be time for sleep," he said, pushing the thought out of his head. "Do you agree?"
"Tuck me in and tell me a story."
He unlocked the door as quietly as possible, noting the house lights were off. Once you'd been ushered in, he locked the door behind him, then took your hand and walked you up the stairs. After he flicked on the light of your bedroom, you promptly went and threw yourself on your bed.
With a chuckle, he closed the door and quickly took your shoes off for you. He pulled up a chair, prepared to tell you a story, but you grunted in protest.
"Use your words," he suggested, but instead, you rolled over, making more space on the bed, and patted the spot next to you.
This gave him pause. It would hardly be the first time you shared a bed over the years, but as you'd gotten older it had gotten harder to be that close to you while still trying to hide his feelings. It wasn't that he wanted to share them, and he certainly wouldn't tonight, but it was almost painful, how much he wanted you. Seeing you laid out before him, brushing up against him in the night as his best friend and nothing more was too difficult.
"It's my birthday," you whined, patting the spot again.
How could he argue with that?
Slipping off his shoes, he climbed in the bed next to you. When you whined again and started squirming, he understood the wordless request and pulled the blankets out from under you both then covered you up.
Much like you had earlier at the bar, you wrapped yourself up in him then. He smiled as he let you get situated -- you put one arm around his waist and then gripped his hip, pulling him closer. Your other hand you tucked by your own chest, but he felt you splay your fingers across his ribs there. You brought one leg closer to lay flat against him, and you threw the other around his own leg. When you were done, he moved his own limbs to comfortably fit around you.
He couldn't help but notice that it was like you wanted every possible part of your bodies to be touching. Which was fine by him -- it was definitely a sentiment he shared.
"Story," you said, and he felt your breath hot against his neck.
Making up silly outlandish stories for you was something he'd done so many times before that he really didn't have to think about it, so he didn't. Weaving some nonsensical tale was almost as easy as breathing at this point, so instead of focusing on his words he focused on how you felt next to him.
In your arms, whether it was a hug or a dance or the occasional cuddle, was where he felt best. He felt warm and cozy and safe and seen and appreciated. He felt loved, and he felt love. He was well traveled, and he'd seen so many beautiful places, but by far, this was his favorite place to be.
When he felt your breathing get steadier and your touch soften, he paused his story, and when you didn't complain, he knew you were asleep. He let out a shaky breath and let himself sink further into you.
Baxter had always had trouble sleeping, and for as long as he could remember, the only way he could coax himself into sleep was by daydreaming. He'd picture himself somewhere nice, in some beautiful situation, and most nights he'd be able to drift off this way. But almost every night, you were front and center in those daydreams.
Now that you were here with him, he took the chance to look at you as best he could. He saw the top of your pretty head, your shoulders bare in your birthday outfit. He saw your back slightly curved by the way you'd attached yourself to him, and your hips under the blankets. He started fantasizing.
Not about anything lewd -- he did allow his thoughts to drift there on rare occasions, but not tonight. Tonight he thought about what it would be like to be with you like this always. He imagined his only bed being one he shared with you, a place where he could hold you like this as much as he wanted, and that he was confident enough to tell you how deeply he was in love with you, and you loved him back just as intensely.
As he thought about all of this, he felt sleep start to take him. Before it could, he willed himself to remember this exact moment and the sheer perfection of it.
He knew that the next morning, he'd be left without your warmth. He wanted to hold onto it for as long as he could.
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flurrys-creativity · 4 months
Falling hard or falling slow
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Pairing: Song Mingi (Ateez) x GN!Reader; Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff; Rating: sfw, PG-13; Warnings: Mingi being a nervous wreck and face planting himself on the floor; Wordcount: 416
Summary: He fell for you first and he fell hard. You only followed falling for him after he did it quite literally.
A/N: I simply love this gentle giant. And this prompt by @pirateeznet feels so fitting for him!
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Mingi worked at a small café and most of his shifts went by peacefully. The only times something went downhill, were the times he had to serve you - a regular patron of the café.
You sat at a table in the corner of the room, nose deep in a book while absentmindedly stirring your hot cocoa. You always chose to visit the café when you felt like socialising without wanting to actually meet friends or people in general - you simply needed the background noise of chatter and laughter.
Mingi stood behind the counter, wiping the same spot over and over again as he silently admired you from afar. He nearly jumped out of his skin when his coworker elbowed him, followed by a nod of their head and a knowing smirk.
Mingi swallowed harshly, eyes darting to you again. How could he possibly approach you, how could he possibly talk to you, how could he possibly ask you for your number or even ask you out?
You looked up from your book when someone cleared their throat in front of you. You had to lean back quite a bit so as not to strain your neck until you finally met his eyes. He looked like a deer caught in headlights, stammering inaudible. "Yes?"
"Uhm, so, yeah, uhm, can I bring you anything else?" Mingi sputtered, nodding down to your table before looking back up.
"Oh", you smiled gently, "I'm fine, thanks. But I'll call out if I need another cocoa."
Mingi nodded quickly and turned around on his heels, wanting to flee the scene as fast as possible. But right as he took the first step, his foot got caught somehow and he stumbled forward - unable to catch himself, Mingi crashed down on the floor.
You jumped up in surprise. Your eyes were wide and your book long forgotten as you looked down at the grown ass man, who momentarily didn't move at all. "Are you alright? Can you get up?"
Mingi only shook his head. "Please ignore me, pretend you don't see me." He wished the floor would consume him so he could hide from his own embarrassment.
To his surprise though you crouched down next to him and placed a hand on his upper arm. "How could I possibly pretend not to see someone so handsome?" You giggled lightly as he looked up at you with hopeful eyes. "How about you get yourself a drink and join me at my table when you can?"
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Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​ @songsoomin​ 
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bilbao-song · 3 months
ulterior motives: an unnecessarily elaborate guide & review
okay literally no one asked for this but here is my full synopsis of the ulterior motives album. i wish more secret time capsule-ish albums from past decades would be released so i can start doing this type of thing more often
🐬 disclaimer: i think only like two? three? people who follow me are (currently.....) interested in this as far as i'm aware. therefore it's going to be sooooo self indulgent and tbh partially just for my own satisfaction <3 but hopefully someone will find it useful/enjoyable/etc.!! also it's super long but like...idk it's a Review. also if ur interested but otherwise have no clue what this is about, i'm putting some useful links at the veeeery bottom :-)
🐠 relevant introductory notes: im not rlly a lostwave person actually. like as a concept i think it's very cool, but this is litcherally the only one i've come across that appeals to me thus far. i was somehow exposed to it like a year ago and went bananas bc i enjoy funky little 80s songs and i desperately wanted that song in particular. i think some people have kind of dismissed this as like, a ~tiktok thing~ and well <3 i don't care. tiktok didnt exist in the 80s but this music sure did. anyway i would urge you to ignore that entirely at this point and just enjoy the funky 80s bops no matter how they got here (actually that's like part of why i'm even making this post. consider this like...a guide. forget tiktok exists and learn to love this album full of 80s music w me)
🐬 preliminary assessment of vibes: half cute 80s synthpop and half things that make me want to pretend to be really elegant on a cruise ship somewhere between like 1987-1992, a period of time in which i was not alive but enjoy pretending i have some kind of experience with anyway. sometimes it kind of feels like music that someone would put over an old video of people walking around a mall, which is probably really appealing to a lot of people tbh. that seems to be a well-liked vibe recently. *not* an album to listen to if ur looking for something deep/poetically meaningful/super serious, 10000000% an album to listen to if u want something catchy/fun/zesty/poppy/very 80s!! it is very muchly unpretentious music for a good time
also may i just say that throughout this album there are like, random elements that remind me of like 68769376386896 different other artists who are varying degrees of wildly unrelated to this album. i mean like, there are brief moments that give me michael jackson vibes (tangentially related!), and every once in awhile something reminds me of frankie valli (??????????). that's only the tip of the iceberg tbh but if i made an exhaustive list i feel like it would just look like me listing off every third thing i have ever heard of. also a lot of people have made comparisons to wham! and i can definitely see why, soooo if that’s your type of thing!! ur in luck
🐠 a track by track analysis & review:
to preface this: if ur skeptical...the sweet spot for me is like, tracks 8-11, and if you like those, try 4 as well. i like the album start to finish tbh, but if you just want a little sampling for now, i suggest starting with those. beyond that, upon putting this together i have noticed that you can kind of break this album into categories vibe-wise. tracks 1-4 seem like they wanted to be long lost singles, 5-7 = Vibing Music. smooth and pleasant sounds to have on in the background. not the sort of thing you’d probably sing along to but the vibes are immaculate. a calm moment before things get zesty again, 8-11 = back to back hits. cream of the crop. exquisite cuisine. all pretty upbeat and poppy and i genuinely cannot imagine not enjoying this at least a little. 12-13 = very nice closing tracks to put a neat bow on it <3
pink titles = my top recommendations (i'm trying to be selective here)
here is the full album on youtube and here it is on spotify. individual youtube links next to each song title :-)
#1 - chemistry - [x] - excellent choice as a first track bc the quality is very Crisp and it kind of encompasses both the whole 80s synthpop vibe and the smooth, kind of classy thing that a lot of these songs have going on. this one is very popular among those of us who have been eagerly waiting for this album to be released and it’s super nice to have a full version available now!! we had like a minute long sample of it there for awhile and i kept listening to a three minute looped version on youtube bc i was desperate. anyway!! there’s a LOT going on here. it flows well, is super catchy, and i really like it. would probably be fun to dance to if ur into that sort of thing
#2 - your guy - [x] - smooth and snazzy!! makes u want to light some candles. spoken portions in songs are always kind of funny to me for some reason but i can lean into the overall vibe and embrace it. very cute. one of my favorite things about it are the moments where the backing vocals are like, drastically deeper than the lead vocals (around 1:42ish). love that
#3 - ulterior motives - [x] - this one needs no introduction i guess lmao. tbh i feel like i still kind of need more time to absorb this version as compared to the old version — being entirely honest, if i pay very close attention, i CAN pinpoint a few little odd things going on with it quality-wise. idk what that's about (definitely doesn’t seem to be a skill issue lmao these guys know their shit) but it also doesn't ruin it for me or anything. i feel like a major part of the issue is just down to being sooo used to hearing one particular version. any difference good or bad is going to stand out. whatever, it’s still a delicious song (and there are pleeeeeenty of different cleaned up versions ripped from the movie to be found on youtube if anyone is just fully unsatisfied w this one)
#4 - man needs love - [x] - THIS is one of the best ones hands down. once again we are monologuing in the middle of a song but imo it works pretty well here. it feels veeeery of the era and i definitely feel like this could've been tremendously popular if not for the whole Never Got Released thing. it is super fun and catchy. if u came for the wham! comparisons this should be ur starting point
#5 - so in love - [x] - the beginning to this one is soooooooooo exquisite to me. my overall take on this one is that it's kind of...well. Vibing Music. like i would never choose or recommend this for karaoke night but it is excellent for having on in the background while you do basically anything else. smooth and snazzy yet again. definitely creates some kind of vibe. also i really like a lot of the vocals on this one
#6 - you turn me on - [x] - when i first saw the title i did not expect to enjoy this one quite so much, BUT it's actually pretty great.......visceral subject matter notwithstanding (that's just rlly not my thing usually but i think i'm the odd one out here so disregard this lmao). very chill vibes; kind of in a similar category to the previous track re: Vibing Music status. lots of interesting sounds and things, very very VERY of the era. importantly, it contains that instrument that i can only ever think of as "lizard noise thing" (apparently that's a vibraslap), and that appeals to me immensely.
#7 - rock me to sleep - [x] - more Vibing Music. initially i wasn’t sure how to feel about the whole whispering thing but i’ve concluded that they pull it off well. it reminds me of something but i really can’t place what it is — some kind of particularly funky and vibey 80s background music type of thing. late 80s/early 90s fashion show music!! for sure
#8 - think i'm gonna cry - [x] - back to the more upbeat vibes. another one of my favorites!! possibly THE favorite for me. seems a little underrated among fans thus far imo so allow me to champion it here. kind of similar vibe-wise to man needs love, so if u liked that one then you'll probably feel positively about this one too. definitely another one that should appeal to anyone for whom the wham! comparison sparks interest. i honestly think this is like...one of the best tracks. if i didn't know any better you could have easily convinced me that this was popular in its era bc the overall quality is there and it reeeeaaaaally has a poppy vibe that feels almost universally appealing. it feels like a fun song for summer. also pretty short in length, so v approachable to anyone feeling impatient <3
#9 - potion of emotion - [x] - another one that i thought i wouldn't be a huge fan of when i saw the title lmao but i was wrong!! i love the deeper vocals here and just ?? well. basically everything about it. not to bust out a technical term but i do just absolutely love the synthiness. there's something kind of satisfying about the lyrics...i mean they're not like, deep elaborate poetry lmao it just sounds neat from like, an auditory perspective. anyway, it’s smooth yet fun. i want to be hearing this on a cruise ship
#10 - one last look - [x] - deliciousss. i feel like this one is almost a sssslightly different flavor of 80s vibe but i have no idea how describe it. maybe ummm idk more pop-rock than just straight pop. feels pretty summer-y. very 80s classic rock-sounding guitar parts (delicious). if i had heard this on the radio at some point i would've wholly accepted it as just like. idk a normal popular 80s song i just never happened upon before (this applies to a Lot of these tbh)
#11 - nothing lasts forever - [x] - another solid favorite for me!!! suuuuuper catchy, has been stuck in my head for like three days!!!!!! i love it!!!!! fun horns!!!!!! idk what else to say but it's fun, upbeat, and ummmmmm. one of the best songs here imo
#12 - language of love - [x] - actually probably my least favorite, but it's still fine. from what i've seen it seems pretty popular though so who knows!! i feel like putting it second to last was a good idea because it does kind of seem like…idk, calming down after four very zesty ones in a row.
#13 - lie school - [x] - if u feel dissatisfied with the new ulterior motives, this is like...the next best thing. very similar vibes both in terms of theme and sound, but not in like, a repetitive way. i actually rlly like that it's the last track bc it kind of feels like sort of a callback to ulterior motives, and i looooooove when albums do that kind of thing. anyway i definitely feel that it’s a little……hmmm. idk the whole school thing is just such a highly specific theme and they really stick with it. but i like it >:-)
🐬 closing thoughts:
i just really really like it tbh. i hope i have converted at least a few people not only bc it's a worthy cause but also bc i spent literal hours spread across two days writing this. shoutout to christopher and philip booth, thank you for this whole entire album and also for inexplicably moving to my town in the midwestern usa despite being from the uk. idk why you did that but i think it's very cool and learning that information after a year of hoping somebody would find ulterior motives made me feel like i was living in some kind of weird dream. also. vinyl release when?? <3
additional links:
rolling stone article that pretty thoroughly explains what this is about
my tag where i've been putting relevant posts thus far
album on youtube
album on spotify
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horanghater · 9 months
hi bambi this is zeta <3
is it okay to write smth about wonwoo taking care of his gf bcs their holiday plans were thrown out of the window due to her catching a cold? just overall fluff and comfort :((
okay that's all bye ilysm💖
▸ Pairing: Wonwoo x F!reader
▸ Rating / Genre / AU: 13+ / fluff / established relationship
If you are a minor AND/OR if your account has no age in the bio, you will be blocked upon interacting (liking/reblogging) with this post.
▸ Warnings: none
▸ Word Count: 605
▸ A/N: Zeta darling I'm SO sorry I couldn't get this done before the end of the year. You were sick and then so was I 😭 Just pretend this was published like 2 weeks ago pls. @shuadotcom - beta for life, etc etc ♥️
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Wonwoo stops in your bedroom doorway, bowl in hand, to survey you. Or rather, to survey the lump in the center of the bed that’s covered by your duvet. “Sweetheart, lunch.” He sighs when the only response is the quiet noise of the television. “Come on, you have to eat something.”
Something between a muffled groan and growl fills the room and then the lump moves. The top of your head slowly peeks out from under the duvet and rests on the pillow at the top of the bed. Wonwoo smiles to himself as he watches your exposed eyebrows furrow before you drag the fabric back up to envelop yourself once more. 
You hear Wonwoo sigh, then the gentle clink of earthenware being set on your nightstand before long fingers reach into your comforter and peel it back to reveal your face. Your hair is disheveled and you’re a bit pale, but the pout that’s settled onto your features as you return his bemused stare makes his heart flip.
“Wonwoo,” you finally rasp after being exposed, “I’m dying.”
He sits gingerly on the bed next to you, planting a kiss on your forehead before replying. “You’re not dying, sweetheart. But you will if you don’t eat.”
The press of his warm lips on your forehead is soothing, but does little to assuage your disappointment about all the plans you’ve had to cancel this week. “What’s the point in eating if I can’t have the seasonal stuff I’ve been waiting all year for?” 
“What do you mean? Chicken noodle soup is seasonal.” 
“Is not,” you whine, ignoring the way he smirks down at you playfully. A little teasing and faux ignorance have always been his way of making you giggle even when you don’t want to. And now you actually do want to, but the pang of missed opportunity is still at the forefront of your mind. “We were supposed to go look at Christmas lights and go caroling and ice skating and make gingerbread houses and just… There’s so much stuff I wanted to do, but I’m stuck here.”
Wonwoo pushes his glasses up his nose and sniffles, hurt. “‘Stuck’? You hate being with me that much?”
You sigh, sitting up to look at him better. Behind the warmth in his eyes is a hint of worry. Even though you know Wonwoo’s joking, you feel a pang of guilt for making him concerned in the first place. Suddenly not-seasonal soup is more appealing. “You know that’s not it, babe. There’s just…so much that we’re missing, you know? There’s so much that I wanted to do.”
Wonwoo doesn’t miss the way you tilt your head toward the nightstand, attempting to take more whiffs of the lunch he’s prepared for you through your stuffy nose. He moves to fluff the pillows behind your back before taking the spoon in his hand to feed you. Raised eyebrows above his lenses is all it takes for your weak glower to transform into an open, waiting mouth. Even on your worst days, he’s always there to comfort you. When you accept a few spoonfuls, Wonwoo is satisfied enough to answer. “We can do plenty of stuff here, you know. Movies, hot chocolate…some more soup, maybe.”
“That’s nice in theory, but you’ll get sick too.”
“Well–” he says thoughtfully, stirring your lunch again before taking some for himself, “– now it’s guaranteed. We can be sick together. So, how about that movie date?”
For the first time in days, your smile reaches your eyes as you return the warmth that Wonwoo continues to show you again and again. “It’s a date, then.”
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theoihalioistuff · 3 months
Hi, I've finished the Illiad and Odyssey not so long ago, and I'm a little bit confused.
In those texts, characters or narrator sometimes refer to Zeus as "the oldest of gods." I've read these on my native language, so I decided there was some translation problem, but then I've came across couple of English posts also talking about Zeus as the oldest and yes, I understand that posts people write aren't the best source of information but along with what I've read in the poems it made me doubting.
So, are there some versions of the myths where Zeus is the oldest? Or is it simply a translation or interpretation problem, like "the oldest" in the meaning "the strongest/wisest/greatest/etc"?
I will be very thankful for the explanation because somehow, this made me so confused.
No problem! Although Zeus is almost always presented as the youngest son from Hesiod onwards, he is in fact described as the oldest in the Iliad. For example, when he sends Iris with a message to Poseidon:
"I came here bearing a message for you, dark-haired holder of the earth, from Zeus who wields the aegis. He commands you to desist from war and battle and to go among the tribe of gods, or into the bright salt sea. And if you do not obey his words, but ignore them, he threatens that he too will come here to do battle, face-to-face; and he bids you avoid his hands, since he says he is more powerful by far than you in strength and in birth is elder." (Il. 15. 174-182)
One could suspect Zeus is bending the truth or being metaphorical in claiming primogeniture (considering the other more popular tradition) but the Iliad states it as a literal fact, as evidenced by Iris' response to Poseidon when he says that Zeus can snorkel his dongle:
"Is it in this way then, dark-haired holder of the earth, I should bear this harsh and powerful word to Zeus, or will you change your mind at all? The minds of the great are yielding. And you know the Furies always attend the elder born." (Il. 15. 201-204)
Meaning if conflict were to arise the Furies would side with Zeus because he the is older sibling. Hera is likewise here the eldest of the goddesses, and there's no reason to suppose it's not meant literally.
Curiously, quite the opposite interaction occurs in the Odyssey. If in the Iliad Poseidon has to give way to Zeus' bullying because Zeus is the eldest, in the Odyssey it is Zeus who, though still supreme king, gives way to Poseidon because here Poseidon is the eldest:
"Then in turn Zeus who gathers the clouds made answer: ‘What a thing to have said, Earthshaker of the wide strength. The gods do not hold you in dishonor. It would be a hard thing if we were to put any slight on the eldest and best among us. But if there is any man who, giving way to the violence and force in him, slights you, it will be yours to punish him. Now and always. Do as you will and as it pleases you.’" (Od. 13. 139-145)
Ancient authors were not unaware of the contradiction, and there seem to have been attempts to reconcile both traditions, like in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, where it's said of Hestia:
"She was the first-born child of wily Kronos and youngest too, by the will of Zeus who holds the aegis." (Hom. Hymn. 5. 22-23)
No further explanation is given, but it's widely assumed that this is a reference to Kronos disgorging his children in the reverse order in which he swallowed them, ie. rock first and Hestia last (Hes. Th. 500 and Apollod. 1.2.1). The imagery of Kronos "rebirthing" his kids from his throat is... explicitly, used by Nonnos in the Dionysiaca when describing the scene:
"How he [Kronos] opened a gaping throat to receive a stony son, when he made a meal of the counterfeit body of a pretended Zeus; how the stone played midwife to the brood of imprisoned children, and shot out the burden of the parturient gullet" (Book 12. 43)
[Describing a shield that depicts Kronos swallowing the stone] "There he was again in heavy labour, with the stone inside him, bringing up all those children squeezed together and disgorging the burden from his pregnant throat." (Book 25. 553)
"And these dwelt in the city of Beroe, that primordial seat which Kronos himself built, at that time when, invited by clever Rhea, he set that jagged supper before his voracious throat, and having the heavy weight of that stone within him to play the deliverer's part, he shot out the whole generation of his tormented children. Gaping wide, he sucked up the storming flood of a whole river, and swallowed it in his bubbling chest to ease his pangs, then threw of the burden of his belly; so one after another his pregnant throat pushed up and disgorged his twiceborn sons through the delivering channel of his gullet." (Book 41. 65)
Hope I could be of help! And that Nonnos hasn't traumatised anyone too much.
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