#I'm probably doing a bunch of this short one-shots and then post them on AO3
starxrocket11 · 2 years
Monsters under the bed - Leosagi being cute parents
A monster coming out of under his bed was pretty scary for a little kid. 
Being exactly what was going through the mind of little 5-year-old Jotaro, who was trying his best not to start crying because of that horrible nightmare. 
He sniffled and held his turtle plushie close to his chest. His room was pretty illuminated by the blue bunny night light, courtesy of his Uncle Tello, but for some reason, his closet and the simple thought of looking under his bed were extremely scary. 
He looked at his door being slightly open and he could hear the low volume of the television in the living room. 
Counting in his head, he jumped from his bed and ran so the monster couldn’t get him, making a direct line to the living room where he knew his Dad was, as he knew that sometimes he couldn’t sleep. 
He could see his Dad sitting up from his laying position on the couch, with a worried look directed at him. Jumping to the couch, he immediately was hugged and held close to his Dad’s plastron. 
“Hey, hey, buddy, what’s going on?” His Dad asked while sitting him on his lap and stroking his head. 
“T-there’s a-a monster” He sniffled. 
“A monster?” 
“Y-yeah, under the bed, and-and the closet!” The small bunny felt himself being picked up, which allowed him to put his arms around his Dad’s neck. 
Understanding what was going on, Leo gave him a tight hug and started rubbing his back. 
“Ay nene, It’s ok, you had a nightmare right?” He whispered. 
Jotaro nodded, still hiding in the crook of his neck. 
“Well, I can promise you that there are no monsters here, you know why?” 
It took the small bunny a little bit, but he separated himself from the hug enough to look at his Dad in the eyes. 
“Why?” He tilted his head a little bit. 
It took Leo’s whole mental strength not to coo at the action, that reminded him so much of his husband. 
“Because your Papa and I will have found them and kicked their butt for sure.” He tickled his son’s tummy, smiling softly when he saw him giggle. “They’re super scared of us, so they don’t even come close” 
Jotaro thought about it a little bit, and it made sense. His dad was the best ninja ever and his Papa was a super cool samurai. They kicked bad guy butt all the time! His uncle Mikey told him a ton of stories. 
Nodding, but still not wanting to go to his room, he hugged his Dad again. 
“How about you sleep with us tonight? Tomorrow I’ll make sure to check for any monsters in your room, sounds good?” 
Jotaro nodded again, now leaning his head against his Dad’s shoulder, who gave him his turtle plushie back and he hugged it close. 
Leo turned off the TV and started walking toward his room, where his husband was already sleeping. 
“Mm? Leo?” Usagi asked sleepily while looking up and immediately noticing their son in his arms. “Jotaro? Everything ok?” 
“A small monster problem, but everything’s ok.” Jotaro almost jumped out of Leo’s arms when he got close to the bed. Being immediately hugged by Usagi while the turtle lay down, leaving Jotaro between the both of them. 
“Dad said that monsters don’t get close to the house because they’re super scared of you guys.”  Jotaro couldn’t help but snuggle in his Papa’s chest. Letting out a small yawn. “But I don’t wanna go back until Dad checks, can I stay here?”
“Of course baby” His Papa was rubbing his back softly, which made him more sleepy. “And, your Dad is right about that, monsters are super scared of us”
“Of course, I’m right, as always.” Leo’s smug tone earned him an amused look from Usagi. “Anyways, I think it’s a little bit past your bedtime, nene.”
“Not-” Jotaro was interrupted by his own yawn, “-tired” 
“Mhm, totally” 
The adults noticed that just a couple of seconds later, Jotaro was out like a light. Both looked at him with soft smiles. 
“We have a good kid,” Usagi said, whispering and still rubbing the child’s back. 
“We have the best kid ever” Leo answered, now laying down and thanking the ancestors for the family that he has. 
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bethanydelleman · 6 months
Thanks for the tag @firawren & @glassslippers-n-cowboyboots
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 45
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 208,023. And that's a bit surprising because a bunch of my longer fics are only on AHA or my website.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Jane Austen, all novels, Elizabeth Gaskell (Wives & Daughters), and Anne Bronte (The Tenant of Wildfell Hall). I have also technically written Oscar Wilde and My Happy Marriage, but those were very transformative.
I also have written some fics based on Kdramas, mostly for Alchemy of Souls.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Ride to Netherfield - Jane breaks her leg on the way to Netherfield and must stay for a month. Short one-shot (6k) and the first Pride & Prejudice variation I wrote.
Of Every Elizabeth - short and sweet Pride & Prejudice fluff, Darcy has nicknames for the plethora of Elizabeth's he's met over the course of his life (it was a super common name at the time)
Carry Me! - three vignettes of Jang Uk and Cho Yeong from Alchemy of Souls after they are married
The Fourth Bennet Sister - long fic (30k words), Pride & Prejudice variation where Kitty Bennet becomes aware that she is in a novel. She desperately tries to protect her sisters from harm.
All's Fair in Love and War - short Pride & Prejudice variation. Mrs. Bennet has weaponized compromise, men live in constant fear of being forced to marry.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yep. Every time.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Umm.... I'm not good at writing angst. I don't like characters to suffer for too long.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Yes, because I dared to write Mr. Darcy marrying Anne Elliot. People get more angry about that for some reason than Elizabeth Bennet marrying Captain Wentworth in the same fic. Someone even told me Darcy would rather "throw himself off of Pemberley" rather than marry anyone other than Elizabeth. (Fic is called One Week Late)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have written smut a few times, it's pretty vanilla because I am pretty vanilla. I was reading Victorian erotica when I wrote my longest one, A Little Before Their Marriage (Jane & Bingley fic).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I constantly write crossovers, my first published novel is a massive crossover, Prideful & Persuaded. One of my fun shorts is Fall on the Sword, where every canonically single woman in Austen's novels decides if they want to try for the recently divorced Mr. Rushworth.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, though someone did translate one of my meta posts from Tumblr. That was cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, The Marriage Contest with Branch Cloudsky and two with Amelia Marie Logan, Poor Caroline and Inferior Connections. All Pride & Prejudice fics, all funny. (You need an AO3 account for that one, the other two are on my personal website)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? Catherine Morland & Henry Tilney. They are the only Austen couple I cannot bear to break up.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I am writing a queer retelling of Emma called "Different Ways of Being in Love", where Jane Fairfax and Emma were lovers as teenagers, Jane is bi, Emma is a lesbian, and Mr. Knightley is ace, but I got stuck on the middle part. Someday hopefully!
16. What are your writing strengths? I'm told I write some pretty hilarious farces. I am told I do characterization well, which is my main goal when writing fan fiction. I try to stick as close to canon as possible.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I don't write enough filler or develop things well enough. I like writing action.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I would possibly try my hand at French, but probably never. I also have a lot of trouble reading accented speech (looking at you Wuthering Heights), so I'd probably never write it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I am fairly certain I started writing a fix-it fic for Nineteen Eighty-Four after I read it in high school. Not sure I would be able to locate it but it did exist. The first since I started writing again was a sequel to Pride & Prejudice.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Probably Unfairly Caught (my other published work) or The Fourth Bennet Sister. I NEEDED to write a Mansfield Park fic because I hate the ending, so it fixed my dissatisfied feelings. My goal is to edit The Fourth Bennet Sister and get it published sometime this year.
@wurzelbertzwerg, @kehlana-wolhamonao3 and @bad-at-names-and-faces
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mosylufanfic · 3 months
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Tagged by @rifle-yes, the fool
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
See answer #3 below, but the short version is that I started writing and posting stories at the Derbyshire Writer's Guild, a Jane Austen fanfic site. And it's all been downhill from there.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Oh boy. Hang on. This is a hard one because multiple of my fandoms are like, within a larger fandom? So there's a good amount under the Star Wars umbrella, and a bunch of Jane Austen, and a lot of DCTV. Going back and counting the major fandoms (the ones I remember being really into and doing several fics for, as opposed to just one or two to scratch an itch), I think it's seven. If you do count the one-offs, it's more like 12 or 15. Look, I've been on many fic sites and I'm still trying to get off my ass and archive everything on AO3. It's hard!
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Pretty much since forever? I remember writing Little Mermaid fic in fourth grade, although I didn't really have that word for it at the time. And there was an epic (and epically bad) Star Wars sequel that I worked on for years in my tweens. I started posting fic online at 19 when I realized that was a thing I could do (see #1). So in terms of writing fic that I shared with other fans, 24 years.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Definitely read, although there are times where it's a close run thing.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I think my worldbuilding has improved over the years. I never did it on purpose, but I see a definite uptick in how deeply I think about the worlds I'm writing in and the various implications of that for the characters.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Oh so many things! I freaking love research. I think the most morbid (and mathiest) was trying to estimate how much air a man had available in a 10x10 space buried underground.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
This is like asking what kind of cake is best, but I do love the ones that pick up on something I didn't even realize about the story. I had one recently that pointed out a shift in language that signaled deeper and more focused intimacy in the course of a smut scene. And I was like, ". . . huh. Well, I'll be. That sure did happen."
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I think probably the Space!Paperwork in Lost & Found was the fringiest thing I've ever done.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Oh, man, longfics. I often come up with an idea and I just know from the shape of it that it's going to be a a monster. And then I have to decide if I want to go through all the work of plotting and writing thousands and tens of thousands of words. That's why I have so many one-shots that are basically "pilot episodes" for longfics that will never be written.
10. What is the easiest type?
Modern AUs, especially high school AUs. There's so much there that's already known to the readers that I can just laser-focus on the part that's interesting to me.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I do a lot of my writing on Gdocs. I know they're the devil, but I might be settled down to work on four or five different machines throughout the course of my day, and half that time is on the public floor where I have to look available to help people. So to me, it's better to be able to quickly sign into a website and tap out that quick scene than to try and hide my phone under the desk and write on that horrible little keyboard. (I'll do that too, but only when I have no other option.)
Longfics get ported into Scrivener when they get too unwieldy for Gdocs, but I'm still more likely to write scenes in Gdocs and paste them into the Scrivener file when I'm done.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Probably some of the longfics that are knocking around in my brain, especially the ones that concern areas of the Star Wars canon that I never really got into.
13. What made you choose your username?
It's a nickname my mom used to call me when I was a teenager, and when I was picking my AIM screen name in college, that's what I went with. Actually, I had another one first that was objectively cooler, but I forgot the password to that account and either I was too dumb to reset it or there wasn't functionality for that. So mosylu it was. I also decided at the time that it would be my Internet Identity, and it still is.
Tagging @andorerso, @hedgiwithapen, @incognitajones, @colleybri, and @youareiron-andyouarestrong
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empty-cryptid · 1 year
Hello! I'm Energycat on AO3. (Currently on hiatus)
At the moment I'm mostly writing Encanto fanfiction and planning some One Piece stuff.
What I'm currently working on*:
Tiny Tio, Big world
When Bruno wakes up to discover he's even smaller than usual, he has to figure out how to navigate the world from a rat's point of view. And he doesn't even get the advantages of being a rat! This gives a whole other meaning to the nickname Tiny Tío.
Debut and Renew Series
(Part 1) Tio: Bruno meets his sobrinos for the first time. (Part 2) Still Tio: Bruno meets his sobrinos a second time.
12 Hours Til Sunrise
What if when Bruno, Antonio, and Mirabel climb out of the wall from behind the painting, they don't end up in the right place? Listen for the tolling bell, for after the clock strikes 12, the sun will rise. (Encantober 2023)
a series of little things
Some little stories about the life of the Madrigals. (Slice of life <1000 words) I take requests for these!
*I am not including collabs because I don't want to put any pressure on my co-writers.
My encanto oc:
Margarita Valentine
Short stories involving Señora Valentine while she's the Encanto's librarian (and maybe a little of her mysterious past if she's willing to share her adventures) *Chapters in this one will be posted out of order to keep the timeline in order*
Some completed stories:
Defeating expectation and other extraordinary acts
Bruno knows what he can do. Probably. Everyone else thinks they know what he can do. Mirabel probably has the most accurate opinion of the bunch. Everyone will be surprised. (Bruno is coaxed by the kids to show off some parkour and some of the residents of Encanto aren't happy to have him back among them after ten years.)
Healing Memories
A collection of completed one-shots with the themes of healing and memories.
Made with Love
Bruno's relationship with food after leaving the walls and after he's recovered a year later. We support a healthy pancita around here.
Madremonte's Garden and the Wakos' Cave
The triplets decide to rekindle a tradition they had before Bruno hid in the walls. Taking a hike to a special place for some sibling bonding sounds like a wonderful idea now that Bruno has returned, Casita is reborn, and the family is healing nicely. (This is my EBB story)
Fables by Firelight
Camilo decides to get all the grandkids (plus Bruno and Mariano) to gather around a fire to tell spooky stories in the dark.
And many more...
Profile avatar picrew link
(#writing resources) tag for writing help/advice I reblog
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
So I've recently made a new AO3 account (completely separate from my main one, different email and everything lmao) bc I want to start writing porn, and I was wondering if I could have your permission to use some of your asks as like, prompts or ideas? Especially ones that were my own (this is PP!Tim Anon btw, and I've sent in. A lot of asks without signing them off as that, like I could make an entire list and it would probably hit double digits of which asks you've gotten that were mine lmao)!! I would ofc credit you and your blog! I don't know how to imbed links to the individual asks (I'll still try but I can't promise anything lmao), but I'll at least mention your Tumblr name and AO3 account!
I really wanna try my hand at some random, filthy oneshots without a bunch of world building or context, bc that's something I tend to get hung up on in my writing, and I wanna stick to some short and sweet smut oneshots about Tim being a pregnant, underage nympho slut, or a puppy factory, or a cocksleeve for the rogues of Gotham and their goons, all that good stuff!!
On that thought tho, do you have any pieces of advice for like, consistent writing, or motivation to write? Bc that's my biggest struggle tbh is sitting down to start writing. Usually once I start I can churn out a couple thousand words in one sitting, but I gotta start first, ya know? Any words of wisdom would mean a lot ❤️❤️❤️
answered out of order:
yes of course❤️❤️❤️!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't believe how happy that makes me to hear!!!! so many of the asks i get sent are just so brilliant and well done and it would make me so beyond happy to know people started writing or got inspired to write out their ideas!!! and i'm sure that people who submitted other posts you get inspiration from would love to see others expand further on their asks ❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!
one shots are a really great way to really get back into a sort of groove of writing because it can be shorter, the plot may be not as dense or complex as something from a multichap (though you can also write VERY long one shots that are incredibly detailed too), and it can be mainly composed of "fun" writing in the sense that you don't have to do buildup for bigger things like you would in longer multichaps or those that are heavily plot driven. i totally get struggling to get motivation to write, for me it was always like i had to wait for my brain to be turned "on" or in a working mode for me to get any writing for my fics done which meant it usually only happened when i was studying for exams or doing projects for school. however for me that meant when i was in the 'off season' like breaks from school it meant that even though i had time, i no longer had motivation to write. that's something i'm still working to break myself out of and i think one think that is pretty effective is thinking of a scene or piece of dialogue i'm excited to write and look forward to getting to so it motivates to write to reach it. that works sometimes, other times i think of a reward i'll get myself once i finally finish. something like candy or some snack or food i don't often get or go out of my way to get. and another thing that works for me sometimes is basically planning the fic, for a short one shot the major bullet points of what happen would be a short list and so it would pretty much trick your brain into thinking 'wow a short task list i can do all of these pretty quickly/complete them without too much hassel or procrastination!'.
ultimately i think writing one shots takes a lot of pressure off since as a single chapter there's basically no further commitment needed like it would during a multi chapter fic which can be very relieving for people who get easily stressed or pressured by commitments with no hard deadline.
im very happy to hear you'll be expanding on your tim ideas and look forward to them!!!!!! also if you need any help with embedding on aow the reference collection on ao3 is really helpful and its where i learned to embed links with this tutorial ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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sloanesallow · 2 months
20? for writers
thank you @thetotomoo and @morelikeravenbore for the tag ! 💛✨
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 119 on Ao3, I used to have around 140 but deleted a BUNCH Only my Hogwarts Legacy stories are cross-posted to Wattpad
2)What's your total AO3 word count? 881,916, used to be just over 1 million
3)What fandoms do you write for? Current: Hogwarts Legacy Past: Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Fallout 3 & 4, Skyrim
4)Top five fics by kudos? All of them are from Dragon Age lol
5)Do you respond to comments? Yes! I try to respond to as many as I can, even if it's just to say thank you!
6)What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? All of my main stories are happy endings guaranteed, but I've written quite a few one-shots that are angsty, for fun. Lol
7)What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have happy endings! But most recently I'm satisfied with Magic, Madness, Heaven, Sin
8)Do you get hate on fics? Back in the day on my other tumblr, I would get anon hate but I've never gotten anything on Ao3 or Wattpad (just spam)
9)Do you write smut? Yes. Lots of it.
10)Craziest crossover? I don't think I've ever written a crossover, but I do like AUs, and wrote a Noir style fic for the Fallout 4 fandom a few years ago.
11)Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, but I have seen some of my ideas pop up in other people's fics before. Like specific things related to a character's background or a plot point.
12)Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of
13)Have you ever co-written a fic before? In the past, yes. It didn't work out very well so I avoid doing it now. But I'm open to short-term collaborations.
14)All time favorite ship? It's hard for me to really pick one since I'm a huge fandom lover but I think all roads lead back to Princess Leia and Han Solo
15)What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? *chuckles nervously*
16)What are your writing strengths? I feel really strong about my ability to outline and plan. I love to write with heart, and give my characters emotional strength.
17)Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I try to confirm I'm using it correctly if I use it at all. For the most part I stick to English!
18)First fandom you wrote in? Please don't ask me to remember what I wrote at 13 🤣 Probably some kind of anime, or video game
19)Favorite fic you've written? Personally, the Noir fic for Fallout 4 "Salvation is a Last Minute Business", though I'm very fond of the stuff I've been writing for Hogwarts Legacy, since Sloane is near and dear to my heart.
I love writing! I've had my Ao3 account for 12 years which is a long long long time, and have been writing fanfic for longer than that on various websites. It used to be something to be shamed for but I'm glad it's becoming more "accepted". Writing is writing, and fanfic is sometimes (most of the time) better than published work! I love all the friends I've made in fandom spaces. When people ask "how do you know this person" I'm proud to say we met through writing. 💛
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leofrith · 10 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
I wasn't actually tagged by anyone and I would never usually do this but @ainulindaelynn said anyone could consider themselves tagged and this one looked fun so here I am. 🤪
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Five! Four one-shots and one multi-chapter WIP.
2. What is your AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Assassin's Creed, formerly (but I'm sure I'll be dragged back into it at some point) Star Wars. I also have a bunch of old WIPs for Pacific Rim and (🤢) the MCU but never completed/published any of them.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I only have five fics posted so:
Hideaway - 147
Bright Skies - 136
Press On, Move Along - 92
Out of the Cold - 35
Honor Bound - 22
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I try to respond to every comment I get, even if it's just a short little acknowledgement. Because I would like people to know I see them and appreciate them so they keep commenting. <3
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Press On, Move Along. Everyone died, dude.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet! 🤪
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, as of like... three months ago. I have yet to publish any of it though and it'll probably be a long while before I do, but I also have a little one-shot that may be done long before then if I decide to actually finish it. In terms of "what kind" I think it's pretty vanilla. IDK how else to describe it.🧍🏻‍♀️
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not generally, except for the AC Star Wars AU that has taken over my brain. I'm not even sure I would count that as a crossover so much as a fusion AU because there are absolutely no Star Wars characters in it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm not positive this person was copying my fic, but I distinctly remember not long after I posted Hideaway coming across a fic with the same premise (Din playing hide and seek with the kids on Sorgan), which followed all the exact same plot beats as mine. And I do mean exactly. Obviously the plot itself is not particularly groundbreaking and I think there are plenty of other similar stories out there, but this one was similar enough to set off alarm bells.
I didn't end up doing anything about it because again, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and it could have easily been a coincidence, but obviously if they had fully reposted my fic then that would be a different story.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Actively written a fic with another person? No. Plotted a fic from start to finish in a months-long series of increasingly deranged DMs? So many times. Hi Parker. :)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Girl... I can't answer this. I don't know about "favourite" but if I had to pick a ship that has made me crazy for the most amount of time, it's probably Mako/Raleigh.
15. What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
I still think about my post-Mando s2 fix-it fic every once in a while but I honestly doubt I'll ever finish it. Disney has pretty much killed any care I once had for this show and it fucking sucks. :/
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm not even being modest right now I just actually don't know lmao. Anything that I might qualify as a strength isn't consistent enough for me to feel justified in calling it a strength.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Overthinking my use of commas, editing while I write, feeling directionless when I don't do enough planning ahead of time but feeling suffocated when I do too much planning ahead of time. Also just being sooooo fucking slow, but I think that can be attributed to the overthinking.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I avoid it as much as humanly possible. If someone is speaking another language I'll usually just note it in the text somehow or, as has been the case with Honor Bound a lot of the time, purposefully write from the POV of a character who doesn't speak that language which, in addition to conveniently sidestepping that issue, works well as a narrative device.
I just absolutely hate the thought of putting Google translated dialogue in a fic and having a native speaker cringe their way through grammatically incoherent dialogue lmao.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel >:(
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Honor Bound obviously holds a special place in my heart but Out of the Cold is really good. Like really good IMO.
No-pressure tags: @orphiceonian, @aeide, @findusinaweek, @reiverreturns, @basimibnishaqs, ????? anyone else who wants to <3
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anzynai · 7 months
Hii it's the anon who sent the ask Abt looking other places for fanfic so I found this longfic called Ocean Mist on Wattpad and there's specifically a chapter called "Ticklish", Yuu finds out Azul is ticklish in that one and it's sooo cute(tbh I just loved the whole fic so much flustered Azul <3)
Additionally, on AO3, you may or may not have found these already because they're not tagged but they're tkl fics
Tickle Attack (You notice the octatrio isn't feeling well, cheer-up tickles ensue)
Tsuisorando Shotsu (I'm not sure if I spelled the name right, but there are quite a few tkl fic chapters in there, I think it's best to just select "read entire work" and command-f "tickl" bc that's what I did to avoid anything potentially explicit) But just in case you don't want to come across anything like that, there's the chapter 'Our Lovable Octopus' which might have had one vague explicit implication but I don't think there was anything major and the tickling was wholly sfw
A Fine Line Between - I just liked this fic in general the M isn't for any sexual content, and there's a tkl scene (if you wanna skip to just that part, I'd recommend just clicking read entire work and command-f 'tickl')
Also, I'm not sure if you already know this (probably do, but just in case) there's some fics w/Azul that were made in 2023)
On Wattpad, NGL I just looked up 'twst tickl' and sifted through the stuff I got so sorry that I couldn't rec much stuff, also I saw this one that was a transcript of tkl audios but there was an explicit chapter in there meaning this was probably a kink for them so I clicked out)
Ffn's mostly AO3 cross posting so there isn't anything there you wouldn't find on AO3 (I'm saying this to myself because I was about to check only to realize that everything there's on AO3, sorry)
Tbh I mostly looked for every single fic I could find on AO3 and then ended up also finding sfw tkl scenes in the process (I also command F'd a bunch of longfics) so I can mostly just say specific scenes from certain fics sryyy
Anyways, I hope at least one of these is new to you <3
hello anon! thank you sooo much for these, i already read the first one just now and it was so cute omg and also i thought i was the only one who would search for tickle content by using “tickl” cuz it can be ticklish, tickling, tickle, and litwrally just all that LOL anyways these are very appreciated and if u ever find any more, please dont hesitate to send them my way hehe
im going to link some of the ones from ao3 under the cut
so tickle attack which is by missyliz - which i haven’t read yet! it seems really cute tho!
and uhh i couldnt actyally find the next fic tbh😭😭 i searched high and low but maybe im missing something?? could u possibly provide an author?
a fine line between by kyuubiluver342 - i actually havent reqd this one either but i did skim over it so for others, the scene is near the end of chapter 2 and from what i’ve seen, it’s comfort tickles
and yeah, ffn is something i noticed did have lots of crossposting, but i never really minded because i dont really know how to work the website anyway LOL
also since you shared some, ill share one that i found also!
so the first one is giggles by psycheprincess — this one isnt tickle centric but it does have a small scene
and here’s a SNIPPET of a scene in this azujami one-shot — that is this is me by dizplixity but the wcene is very short so i have a photo below
Tumblr media
and im assuming u have read the fics under the tickling tag, but there’s some really cute ones there too! if not, i don’t mind sharing them:)
again, thanks for these recommendations and i really didnt expect them to be centered around the octatrio so it was a nice surprise hehe <33
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ferusaurelius · 11 months
Get to know your fanfic writer!
I was tagged by @callista-curations and actually got to the end of the week with a bit of energy for once, so... here we go. ;)
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
The first EVER was on ff.net probably around 2000-2004? For a friend, for an obscure show nobody's heard of. My first fic I posted for myself was 2020.
First Character(s) you wrote?
I actually wrote original characters in the Mass Effect fandom. My short thought experiment on machine translation.
Main Character(s) you’re currently writing?
Nihlus Kryik, David Anderson, Commander Rentola
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan to write about soon?
Nyreen Kandros, Ashley Williams. Though they might take a bit since I'm still kinda marinating on what I want to do there.
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing?
Mass Effect! Hyperfixation fandom, go! (I write meta posts for Our Flag Means Death, but do not intend to write fic.)
Platonic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Commander Rentola and Ashley Williams
Romantic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Nihlus Kryik/Saren Arterius, David Anderson/Saren Arterius (yep!).
Your top AO3 tags?
Romantic Comedy (LOL). Good job, barfics!
Current platform you use for posting?
AO3. I've read a bunch of fic for different fandoms over the years and I'm pleased to be able to contribute when I have the energy.
Snippet of the WIP you are currently working on?
So bar!fics are going to have a long!fic sequel. Keep in mind I AM A SLOW WRITER with multiple wips, to the point where the 'easy' one-shots get published first.
I'm not sure about POV or pacing, but it'll be in a different voice and tone than the originals and have actual mission-oriented plot and some developing relationship stuff.
If you don't want spoilers, I've put it below the cut. ;)
This is a Very Rough high-level outline of a fragment of the entire plot, because my 'other' current WIP is maybe gonna be a nano project. I have various wip possibilities dueling it out for my attention and will see you in December. xD
Normally I would tag a few people to play (and if you feel like playing and you are reading this, IT IS YOU WHO IS TAGGED xD), but specifics are beyond my brain tonight.
Outline time~
Saren entertains Nihlus with his own history and experience of the Skyllian Verge, as well as being a sort of guide to the full intelligence picture, as he understands it.
Nihlus (with a snap of intuition) puts together that something bigger and more urgent than Saren thinks is happening or likely to happen, and it makes him restless and want to investigate immediately, because what if his intuition is right?
Saren insists that Nihlus should go as soon as his ankle’s recovered. He has his own authority.
Nihlus declines to ‘rush’ into something and presents an alternative of walking Saren through his process and treats this as a getting-to-know you thought exercise to keep Saren distracted from how fucking miserable the detox process is.
Saren and Nihlus together, working the problem over food and no access to other sources of information beyond what they can recall, come up with a terrible plan.
Nihlus can infiltrate the merc group by having a public falling-out with Saren.
Saren can get sent to hunt down “Rogue Spectre” Nihlus in the Verge.
Nihlus treats this seriously and starts workshopping different options while Saren is getting increasingly agitated about the whole concept of the frame-up.
Saren: I can’t ask you to do this.
Nihlus: Fine, you’re not asking. I’m volunteering.
Saren: I don’t know if I can let you do this.
Nihlus: It’s my decision.
Saren: -can’t dispute this, even if he doesn’t like it-
Saren: -eventually agrees, though he doesn’t like it-
Saren: Alternatives.
They come up with others that have less advantage in discretion, timing, or access.
Saren is forced to admit that Nihlus’s idea about infiltrating a group directly is the best one, since it allows them the most flexibility in cover story and depth of access. Plus, Nihlus is marked.
Saren: I’ve never asked.
Nihlus: -tells him-
Nihlus: What are you going to need for your part to work?
Saren: You, eyes open, and no hesitation. Trust me to manage my end no matter what you hear or what happens.
Nihlus: -kinda loves this about Saren- With my life.
Saren: It may come to that.
Nihlus: We’ll worry about that when it happens.
It will happen.
Saren: A better medical regimen.
Nihlus: I’ve never asked.
Saren: -tells him-
... and that's all you get to see for now. xD Be intrigued! Be very intrigued. If you can guess what canon event this is gonna be AU for, you get bonus points. ;)
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rex101111 · 1 year
I'd love to see some commentary on Swipes of Sword and Fan, I'm curious when it comes to more variety-type fics where the inspiration for different chapters comes from and the like. And here's a ⭐ for anything you'd like to talk about in general about whatever!
Thank you!! Looking back im actually pretty proud of this little collection im slowly building up, though to be honest I didn't give it too much thought when I started.
It started out as a bit of a joke, the first chapter was basically just me posting one of the drabbles I sometimes write when somebody sends me a quick description. I just rolled with the premise while staying as close to those two crazy criminals as I could. I posted it as the first chapter of a "collection" half jokingly as an affectionate jab at a trend in fanfiction that is kinda dead these days but was damn near impossible to avoid just a few years back.
People taking an entire prompts list, anywhere from thirty to a hundred, and using that to make a chronologically loose collection of stories based entirely around one ship or group. A select few went the distance and did the whole bunch, but most of them stopped at around the 15 mark. Which is plenty impressive, sure, but it always struck me as evidence that fanfic writers have an awful little habit of biting off more than they can chew.
A habit I'm sure long time readers of my work will no doubt know that I share. The amount of times I said "IM GONNA MAKE A LONG FIC OUTTA THIS ONE JUST YOU WATCH" to myself only to get distracted later on by scheduling issues or just getting attached to another idea... Ah well.
So, yeah, I posted that first chapter as a bit of a jab at myself "oh yeah sure im going to make a collection out of this, the whole nine yards!...probably gonna make it an even 30, be surprised if it hits 15", and the first few chapters came to me like lightning. Since I established the setting in the summary, I pretty much gave myself the freedom to make any story I wanted so long as it was in that very vaguely defined period of time.
Any story. Any at all. Whatever weird idea came to my head with these two that I could fit on two-three pages. I kinda went nuts. Most chapters were born from a quick idea I had like "hey so what if anji got jealous?" or "how do they deal with bounties anyway?" and others I had to really sit with like "...what were Baiken's parents like?" or "tying shoes must be a pain in the ass" or "oh hey what if Anji actually did feel guilty and afraid of his actions hurting the one person he cared about" and so on.
It's gotten to the point where I'm actually fairly certain I will hit that 30 chapter mark at some point. I'm not putting myself on any time line, I just post whenever I have a suitably dense and short story I wanna add. And boom.
and im gonna use the star as a chance to rant a little about how petty I personally can be about comments. First off, I love getting any kinda comment at all, if its a simple "OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS" or something along those lines, I will gobble it up like its delicious because it is.
But! Personally speaking if you really wanna make me happy as a writer, I really REALLY like those comments that pick a sentence or a segment and go "OH I REALLY LIKE THIS PART HERE'S A QUICK RANT WHY". Been this way since I wrote weird OC shit on DeviantArt back in the day, craving that very specific "you did good" validation.
Seriously tho, if a reader doesn't have it in them to write a Formal Review of my fanfic I'm not gonna hold it against them. I probably won't answer because I'm honestly genuinely awkward like that. But the dopamine shot of "Comment on AO3" lasts longer if the comment is also longer, you know? I've read comments that made me dance in place and pump my fists like I won a marathon. that shit rocks and readers who take the time to indulge my need for overly specific praise are a treasure.
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You wanna know why I choose to be unobvious on other platforms I have? Well, there's a few depending on what I use
Pinterest: I guess I should quickly mention I'm on Pinterest 60% of my life, but I don't post much. My single board (I need to make other boards and sort my shit but I don't feel like it) is full of random ass posts and those are totally okay to check out
DeviantArt: I used to use the shit out of this one, but nowadays I'm barely on it and when I am I'm checking notifications of posts from one certain creator
CapCut: I. Can't. Post. Shit. And I don't want to apply to post either, and its because most of the shit I post are mostly OC's that I created from fanfics or my own two brain cells. All are conntected and I incorporate canon characters from their fandom's, and typically I'd never post those anywhere (and I mean anywhere)
AO3: Yeah this one makes me a little boring doesn't it? I'm privating the fic I started working on, because I'm not finishing it. Short stories on Tumblr I can do just fine, long ass fics on AO3 or Wattpad, not so much. I might start one-shots for some fandom's I use though (and please use my ask tab for stories on Tumblr if you don't have AO3, I'll write them if you want them, just be aware of the fandom's I'm in, all of which are in my bio. I also haven't read any fics on AO3 yet, and its because I haven't read fanfic in a while and I'm too addicted to Tumblr to go read one lol
Wattpad: This might be the one where I'm the most unobvious, part of that's because I use my real name on Wattpad (I actually think my username is the first chunk of my google username) rather than what I use on other platforms. I don't post on Wattpad at all, because I can't and the reason may be that the fucking thing knows I use a cell phone and not a computer. I have a shit ton of saved fics and usually I don't have anything to read because there's nothing of interest or the writers I follow don't post. Also my Wattpad is fucking broken for some reason (is everyone experiencing a 403 error or is it just me?) so that's not helping.
Quotev: I literally just take a bunch of fucking quizzes, I don't post anything, that's a site I use for fun
YouTube: I CAN'T FUCKING POST ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYMORE. I have three different YouTube accounts. My school account, my phone/parental controlled account (also the account I use for all my platforms, mind you I use all of these in a fucking chrome browser), and my backup/main YouTube account (no restricted mode, mostly so I can watch more stuff, and because I can't get Helluva Boss on restricted mode). I can't post fucking anything because school admins block it, or because I'm using a browser (I also use account #3 on a fucking Amazon tablet, I'm not getting YouTube on that lol). I have maybe three shorts from back when I actually had the app (my mom actually blocked the app so I have to use the browser) but they're fucking trash
TikTok: I had it at one point, I may have posted two things, I also have an entirely different username on that one (I dong remember the exact name but it related to Hazbin Hotel, that's as much as I can tell you). I also have the annoyingcat2007 username on a second account, which is mostly because I thought I could sync TikTok sounds to CapCut, only to find out I need the BLOCKED APP to do so (my mother doesn't let me have social media if you couldn't tell, I definitely don't have fucking Reddit or Twitter).
Yeah I'm a hidden figure on other platforms, Tumblr is really the only place I post because its a place I can attract more viewers, and because I feel more comfortable interacting with people on here (seriously people on Tumblr are really fucking nice I love y'all). If I feel comfortable enough maybe I'll lay out my actual name for you and maybe my number (don't count on it at all tho, it probably isn't very smart is it?). My real name for sure though.
0 notes
You wanna know why I choose to be unobvious on other platforms I have? Well, there's a few depending on what I use
Pinterest: I guess I should quickly mention I'm on Pinterest 60% of my life, but I don't post much. My single board (I need to make other boards and sort my shit but I don't feel like it) is full of random ass posts and those are totally okay to check out
DeviantArt: I used to use the shit out of this one, but nowadays I'm barely on it and when I am I'm checking notifications of posts from one certain creator
CapCut: I. Can't. Post. Shit. And I don't want to apply to post either, and its because most of the shit I post are mostly OC's that I created from fanfics or my own two brain cells. All are conntected and I incorporate canon characters from their fandom's, and typically I'd never post those anywhere (and I mean anywhere)
AO3: Yeah this one makes me a little boring doesn't it? I'm privating the fic I started working on, because I'm not finishing it. Short stories on Tumblr I can do just fine, long ass fics on AO3 or Wattpad, not so much. I might start one-shots for some fandom's I use though (and please use my ask tab for stories on Tumblr if you don't have AO3, I'll write them if you want them, just be aware of the fandom's I'm in, all of which are in my bio. I also haven't read any fics on AO3 yet, and its because I haven't read fanfic in a while and I'm too addicted to Tumblr to go read one lol
Wattpad: This might be the one where I'm the most unobvious, part of that's because I use my real name on Wattpad (I actually think my username is the first chunk of my google username) rather than what I use on other platforms. I don't post on Wattpad at all, because I can't and the reason may be that the fucking thing knows I use a cell phone and not a computer. I have a shit ton of saved fics and usually I don't have anything to read because there's nothing of interest or the writers I follow don't post. Also my Wattpad is fucking broken for some reason (is everyone experiencing a 403 error or is it just me?) so that's not helping.
Quotev: I literally just take a bunch of fucking quizzes, I don't post anything, that's a site I use for fun
YouTube: I CAN'T FUCKING POST ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYMORE. I have three different YouTube accounts. My school account, my phone/parental controlled account (also the account I use for all my platforms, mind you I use all of these in a fucking chrome browser), and my backup/main YouTube account (no restricted mode, mostly so I can watch more stuff, and because I can't get Helluva Boss on restricted mode). I can't post fucking anything because school admins block it, or because I'm using a browser (I also use account #3 on a fucking Amazon tablet, I'm not getting YouTube on that lol). I have maybe three shorts from back when I actually had the app (my mom actually blocked the app so I have to use the browser) but they're fucking trash
TikTok: I had it at one point, I may have posted two things, I also have an entirely different username on that one (I dong remember the exact name but it related to Hazbin Hotel, that's as much as I can tell you). I also have the annoyingcat2007 username on a second account, which is mostly because I thought I could sync TikTok sounds to CapCut, only to find out I need the BLOCKED APP to do so (my mother doesn't let me have social media if you couldn't tell, I definitely don't have fucking Reddit or Twitter).
Yeah I'm a hidden figure on other platforms, Tumblr is really the only place I post because its a place I can attract more viewers, and because I feel more comfortable interacting with people on here (seriously people on Tumblr are really fucking nice I love y'all). If I feel comfortable enough maybe I'll lay out my actual name for you and maybe my number (don't count on it at all tho, it probably isn't very smart is it?). My real name for sure though.
0 notes
You wanna know why I choose to be unobvious on other platforms I have? Well, there's a few depending on what I use
Pinterest: I guess I should quickly mention I'm on Pinterest 60% of my life, but I don't post much. My single board (I need to make other boards and sort my shit but I don't feel like it) is full of random ass posts and those are totally okay to check out
DeviantArt: I used to use the shit out of this one, but nowadays I'm barely on it and when I am I'm checking notifications of posts from one certain creator
CapCut: I. Can't. Post. Shit. And I don't want to apply to post either, and its because most of the shit I post are mostly OC's that I created from fanfics or my own two brain cells. All are conntected and I incorporate canon characters from their fandom's, and typically I'd never post those anywhere (and I mean anywhere)
AO3: Yeah this one makes me a little boring doesn't it? I'm privating the fic I started working on, because I'm not finishing it. Short stories on Tumblr I can do just fine, long ass fics on AO3 or Wattpad, not so much. I might start one-shots for some fandom's I use though (and please use my ask tab for stories on Tumblr if you don't have AO3, I'll write them if you want them, just be aware of the fandom's I'm in, all of which are in my bio. I also haven't read any fics on AO3 yet, and its because I haven't read fanfic in a while and I'm too addicted to Tumblr to go read one lol
Wattpad: This might be the one where I'm the most unobvious, part of that's because I use my real name on Wattpad (I actually think my username is the first chunk of my google username) rather than what I use on other platforms. I don't post on Wattpad at all, because I can't and the reason may be that the fucking thing knows I use a cell phone and not a computer. I have a shit ton of saved fics and usually I don't have anything to read because there's nothing of interest or the writers I follow don't post. Also my Wattpad is fucking broken for some reason (is everyone experiencing a 403 error or is it just me?) so that's not helping.
Quotev: I literally just take a bunch of fucking quizzes, I don't post anything, that's a site I use for fun
YouTube: I CAN'T FUCKING POST ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYMORE. I have three different YouTube accounts. My school account, my phone/parental controlled account (also the account I use for all my platforms, mind you I use all of these in a fucking chrome browser), and my backup/main YouTube account (no restricted mode, mostly so I can watch more stuff, and because I can't get Helluva Boss on restricted mode). I can't post fucking anything because school admins block it, or because I'm using a browser (I also use account #3 on a fucking Amazon tablet, I'm not getting YouTube on that lol). I have maybe three shorts from back when I actually had the app (my mom actually blocked the app so I have to use the browser) but they're fucking trash
TikTok: I had it at one point, I may have posted two things, I also have an entirely different username on that one (I dong remember the exact name but it related to Hazbin Hotel, that's as much as I can tell you). I also have the annoyingcat2007 username on a second account, which is mostly because I thought I could sync TikTok sounds to CapCut, only to find out I need the BLOCKED APP to do so (my mother doesn't let me have social media if you couldn't tell, I definitely don't have fucking Reddit or Twitter).
Yeah I'm a hidden figure on other platforms, Tumblr is really the only place I post because its a place I can attract more viewers, and because I feel more comfortable interacting with people on here (seriously people on Tumblr are really fucking nice I love y'all). If I feel comfortable enough maybe I'll lay out my actual name for you and maybe my number (don't count on it at all tho, it probably isn't very smart is it?). My real name for sure though.
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