#I'm reading
If you're not reading multiple books and watching multiple TV shows at once are you even having a summer?
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fallowhearth · 10 months
Kyr is an absolutely perfect protagonist because she is such a petty bitch about everything and is spiritually a hall monitor. Sure she's a true-believer fascist raised on propaganda but she's also stupid and a horrible dweeb. She's like what if a jock was unpopular and a teacher's pet. I want her to get beaten up by sexy androgynous aliens in a homoerotic way.
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h0ney8ee · 7 months
just finished gone girl. i was upset amy decided to come back but thinking about it more......... i do love when two toxic people bring out the worst in each other
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not-rude-ginger · 11 months
Listening to Jurassic Park on Audiobook. Here are thoughts as I go through the story:
Spoilers galore on a 33 year old book with one of the biggest films ever, I guess. Also some gore mentions.
Jesus wept Crichton, that's certainly one way to open a story. They ate the baby's face!!
When I tell you the fear that settled in my soul when Tina picked up the tiny dino - I know this series!!! I was expecting so much worse, but it was still bad. Merci for the gore discretion scene POV change there Crichton.
What's the craic with the dino spit? What have you done Wu??
I kinda like that the secrecy of 'dinos be back baby!' is more by human apathy and shrugging off things than Hammond's magical will which is the only explanation we get in the film.
Yes Crichton, we can see you like science stuff and explaining how things work, we see it.
The film did the moment they see the dinos better. I almost missed it while making lunch in the book. Spielberg Win there - but tbf that's hard to beat on paper compared to a film with scale and swelling music.
I swear the narrator is picking up the film actors inflections when he does dialogue. Especially Nedry, I can hear Wayne Knight in his voice even though he isn't really doing distinct voices. Same with Sam Neil in Alan.
I am so glad they made Lex the older kid in the film - she's a classic annoying little sibling in the worst way in the book. She is bored of dinosaurs after a couple of hours! I can't decide if that's the most unrealistic or the most accurate thing in the book -- kids get used to wild things very quick.
I gotta be honest, I'd probably work in a Dino Nursery too.
I adore Richard Attenborough's Hammond, but the book version helps explain far better why things go so wrong. He's just a Bezos or Musk.
The debate with Wu about Version 4.4 is very interesting. Hammond thinks having the original wolf is what people want but Wu is probably right that what people really want is closer to a dog, even if they say they want the wolf. Anyone who actually wants the wolf is looking for a Darwin award.
When Crichton made sure to include an explanation of what a CD player was I cracked up laughing, because it may have been new enough in 1990 to need a quick explanation, but it will most definitely need it for the future given how CDs are being made obsolete. 😕
Interesting how Arnold (Sam Jackson) describes the dinos as 'precious and delicate'. It makes sense, but it wasn't carried over to the film where it's more ... wonder and awe and 'how could something so magical go wrong?' But the book does talk about how many dinos have died in the project from all sorts of things, so they must seem so fragile when you're buried into it.
Also interesting that even though they made sure all the dinos were girls (great work there Wu, no notes!) they admit they still call the 2 T-Rex (yes there are 2!! A juvenile and an adult!) 'him'.
To be continued when I listen to more - we're about to reach Rexy's Enclosure for the first time.
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threads-and-pages · 20 days
about halfway through reading the second book of the Vampire Kisses series, and until further notice I'm convinced Jagger is Alexander's angry ex.
Also very impressed with how reasonable Raven can be in the face of danger. You go girl! Give us caution!
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ninsiana0 · 2 years
Read THE DAUGHTER OF DOCTOR MOREAU by Silvia Moreno-Garcia if you like feminist reimaginings, historical conflicts, medical fuckery, beasts, the unbearable pain of longing, the unbearable pain of existing. transformations, broken hearts, found family, isolated locations, class dynamics, and endless cups of tea.
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blackberryjambaby · 1 year
yeah i annotate my books (drew a sad face in the margins)
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februerik · 4 months
reading a book and being able to so vividly "see" the live action adaptation in your head and not actually have it in real life is torture
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ofallplaceswhythis · 7 months
tcoptp thoughts (pt 1)
Chapter 2:
Remus acting a posh when he isnt? Him hating his dad? Why is all this happening?
what happened to hope??
Chapter 3:
Remus already annoying a driver 💀.
Obsession with chocolate !!!
ugh snape. should've known
and he's already annoying
queen lily i bow down to you.
Lily's in Ravenclaw?? what??
at least she's still a prefect.
Chapter 4:
Shit Remus thinking that Lily doesn't actually want to be with him hits right in the guts.
love how Remus got flustered by Lily when she reached over him and then proceeded to call James 'handsome' as his first impression of him
Love how it took an entire paragraph with 8 lines to describe Sirius.
Ok im kinda worried that Sirius won't like Remus in the first Chapters but its ok ig.
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im-secretly-a-frog · 8 months
Debating making a third cup of tea...
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crystalizedirongoblin · 10 months
I've succumbed to peer pressure
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h0ney8ee · 7 months
20% through gone girl and so far my only thought is that amy is insufferable. i don't even care that she's missing. plots done book over
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So that April Fools Sonic game
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tyrilstarfury · 2 years
OK so I know I said I was whipped by Lancelot... But Arthur tho... 👀
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ariadnaltos · 2 years
So @aleskael lent me Coraline after we watched the film. I'm reading the book and I'm astonished at how well written it is. x_x I know that Neil Gaiman is a master but still it's just so so so good. <3
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unsung-idiot · 8 days
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don't show him modern technology; it won't end well
bonus under the cut:
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