#I'm setting up my next shots in case that wasn't clear
charmfamily · 1 year
There is nothing I simultaneously love and hate more than setting up a scene in a dining room.
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DPXDC prompt: Valentine's day spirit. Superbat edition.
When Phantom sets foot on the Justice League base many years later, he expects anything but not Flash pointing finger at him and screaming about "legendary child who made Superbat canon".
Being in Metropolis because of a ghost hunt right in the middle of a battle between Lex Luthor and Superman was not the best outcome, especially considering that Jack had his three-year-old son with him. But without such a combination of circumstances, they would never have found out that "Ghost!" "Daddy, no!" Ectoblast that Jack shot at the target of their hunt touches Superman and..really hurts him.
There were two sides to Danny-the ghostbuster's son and the astronerd. It is clear which half of him did not have a chance to win.
Danny threw his space rocket toy aside and grabbed father's arm. In the next second, boy had already sunk his teeth into Jack's fingers, forcing him to drop weapon. Youngling quickly jumped off and picked up ectoblast and then ran towards Superman. "Fly away! I'll hold him!" Danny stood up to try to cover up ghost (or alien?) in case Dad took not one but a whole bunch of shooting things with him again.
Jack: Get away from my son, ghost. Superman: Sir, I'm sure this is some kind of misunderstanding, I'm not a ghost. Jack: Danny, come to me, he's trying to hide his identity and manipulate us. Danny: No. If the heroes are being attacked, then someone must protect them too. Jack: But he's a ghost.. Danny: Alien or ghost is not so important, Daddy. He's in pain, and he's protecting this city, not haunting it. It's wrong to try to catch him for experiments. I forbid you to do that. Jack: Danny, champ, you're wrong.
Lex: Hah, what an interesting substance. Despite the other aggregate state, or rather its absence, it is so similar to kryptonite. Superman: Lex, is this a portable lab? Now is not the time, in case you haven't noticed. Lex: There is always time for science. I think my colleague will agree, right? "Similar to kryptonite?" Jack muttered to himself.
Jack: So Superman wasn't my target. And we are not colleagues. There is only one insanely rich man with questionable moral values with whom I am ready to do work, and your surname is clearly not Masters. Lex: It's a pity, but still, if you want to carry out the delivery of your wonderful weapons or exchange experiences, then call this number. Luther quickly shoves a business card into Fenton's hand. Jack*throws it away*: Come on, son, let's go back to the hotel, you've skinned your knees.
~~~The Evening. The Roof of the mentioned hotel~~~
"My friend Sam is also very frightening. And she also likes dark.“ The boy paused for a minute of thinking. “You want to kiss your goth friend?" "W-What makes you think that, kid. We’re colleagues, I respect him very much and.." "So you want to. It’s okay, I’d like to kiss Sam too but I’m afraid she’s gonna hit me. You have the same problem?" "It’s a little more complicated for adults." Kal begins to explain but stumbles upon Danny’s completely unimpressed look. Yeah, this boy apparently has heard 'kids would understand when they grow up' lectures at least thousand times. "But you’re basically right."
When Batman himself comes to their hotel the next day as a representative of the Justice League to make sure that Mr. Fenton has no desire to harm Superman in the future and to tell that Superman is not going to press charges because of the ectoblast that injured him, Danny refuses to leave the room.
Jack: Oh, Danny, I thought you dropped your space rocket yesterday, it's a good that Alicia's Christmas present isn't lost. Danny: Well, dad, I left it on the roof of a bad bad man, yeah, but Uncle Kal returned it last night and we talked for a while. Jack: About what? Space, my little star? *Father immediately assumes that Danny would like to ask about everything real alien*. Boy*blushes and shakes his head negatively*: No, not about it.
Jack: Then what it was about? Danny: Secret superhero things. I can't tell you. I agreed to withhold that information as part of a pinky swear. Batman: And what about me, young man? You can tell me, right? Batman couldn't resist talking with such a cute kid. The boy thinks only for a second before hurriedly trying to push his father out of the room. Danny: Dad, come out for a minute and don't eavesdrop. I'll tell you when you can come in. The big man laughingly obeys. Lil child checks the reliability of the closed door and runs up to Batman. Danny: And so, Mr. Batman, first promise not to laugh or hit Uncle Kal. Batman: I promise? Danny: Good. This is very important information. Batman: I'm listening.
Danny: He thinks you're terrifying and wants to kiss you. And since he is afraid that you will hit him for this, I recommended him to appease you with a pie cooked according to his mother's recipe. Well, you know, since you love sweets and his parents' farm has the most wonderful apples in all states. He rarely cooks himself, but he will try for you, so even if he doesn't succeed, pretend that you liked it, please. Batman:...
Batman: Would you like to work in intelligence for the Justice League when you grow up? Danny: Actually, I want to be an astronaut. Batman: Our base is located in space. Danny:
Danny: Hmm, then I'll think about your offer.
Batman: Great. It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Fenton. You can count on a job recommendation from me. Do you want anything as compensation for your consultation? Danny: Actually, yes. Mr. Batman, tell me honestly, are you a bat on a frugivorous diet like Giant golden-crowned flying fox or you are a Vampire Bat? Sam says that such a big bat can only be a vegetarian and uncle Kal said your son was more than happy to steal strawberries from his garden with Superboy but..
Batman tries to behave naturally for a week. However, the sweet tooth inside him still makes him clamp Superman in the corner and question him. "Where the hell are the pies you promised to cook for me, Clark?"
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hoe4hotchner · 23 days
Hii I just started criminal minds this month and ofc I HAD to run to tumblr when I saw Aaron Hotchner and I came across your blog and I really really love your writing !!
So I wanted to ask a one shot with him about an anemic reader (fem if possible) who forgot to take her med or to eat on a case and she gets dizzy but brush it off and continue working but hotch notice 🙏🏽
(Ignore if you’re not comfortable writing it ofc)
Watchful Eyes
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Light use of Y/N, dizziness, forgetting to take meds.
Requests can be send here
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The sun was high, casting sharp shadows on the ground as the team spread out through the small town, gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses. It was the third day of their investigation, and everyone was feeling the strain, especially you. You'd been running on fumes, forgetting to eat properly, and skipping your medication a few times in the rush of trying to catch the unsub in time before his next victim was brutally murdered.
Pushing aside the foggy feeling in your head, you focused on the task at hand, sifting through piles of case files at the local police station, where the team had set up their field office. Your vision blurred for a moment as you tried to focus on the words in front of you. Shaking your head slightly, you tried to clear it away.
"You okay?" JJ asked, glancing over at you from a desk nearby.
"Yeah, just a bit tired," you replied with a forced smile. "I'll be fine."
But as you stood up to grab another file, the room seemed to rock. You reached out, gripping the edge of the desk in an attempt to steady yourself, but quickly brushed it off trying to power through it. There was no time to be weak. The team needed every set of hands, and you couldn't afford to slow down, not now.
Hotch appeared in the doorway from the chief of police's office, his presence commanding as always. "(Y/N), can you come with me to the crime scene? I could use an extra pair of eyes?"
You hesitated for a moment, the dizziness still lingering at the edges of your consciousness, but nodded not wanting him to notice. "Of course, Hotch. Just let me grab my things."
He watched you closely, noticing the slight hesitation and the way you braced yourself against the table. He was the chief after all. Hotch didn’t say anything, simply waiting for you to collect your belongings before leading the way out. As you stepped into the sunlight, the cool air hit you, and you did your best to shake off the unease, determined to keep up with your boss the best you could.
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Hotch stood outside the suspected unsub's house, a deep furrow in his brow as he spoke into his earpiece. "Reid, I need you and Morgan to double-check the timelines with the victims' families. Prentiss, head back to the station and go over the CCTV footage again with the local officers. We might have missed something." He directed the team, trying to make sense of the case so far.
"Got it, Hotch," came the chorus of replies.
Hotch glanced down at his watch. Time was slipping away, and you needed a breakthrough soon. As he disconnected the call, he spotted you across the street, your figure slightly hunched over as you scribbled notes from a witness. Something about your posture made him frown. You looked pale, almost ghostly under the harsh sunlight, and there was a slight tremor in your hands as you took the notes.
His eyes narrowed. He knew the signs, he had seen them before. The stress, the exhaustion, the faint sheen of sweat on your brow despite the cool breeze. His instincts told him something was wrong.
Making his way over, he approached just as you swayed on your feet, your hand reaching out to the wall for support.
"(Y/N)," he said, his voice low but firm, drawing your attention. "Are you alright?"
You blinked up at him, trying to muster a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Hotch. Just a little light-headed. It's nothing."
Hotch wasn't convinced. He stepped closer, his eyes scanning your face for any sign of serious distress. "When was the last time you ate?" He asked, aware of your condition from your personnel file.
"I… I don't know, this morning, maybe?" You admitted, your voice wavering. You knew it was of no use lying to him. He was far too good at his job for that to work.
"And your medication?"
You bit your lip, suddenly feeling small under his intense gaze. "I might have forgotten…"
Hotch let out a quiet sigh, concern etched in his features. "You know you can't skip those. You're not doing anyone any favors by pushing yourself like this."
Before you could protest, Hotch’s hand reached out, gently but firmly taking the files from your hands. The gesture was commanding yet tender, leaving no room for resistance. He looked down at you with a mixture of concern and resolve, his dark eyes searching yours for any sign of defiance. When he spoke, his voice was calm but laced with an authority that you knew better than to challenge.
"That's it," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "You're grounded to the field office until you’re feeling better. No more pushing through or pretending you're fine."
He held your gaze, making sure his words sank in as if daring you to argue and make your "punishment" even worse, potentially pulling completely off the case. You felt a wave of frustration rise in your chest, you didn’t want to be sidelined, not when the team needed you. But beneath the frustration, there was also a sense of relief. Hotch wasn’t just issuing orders; he was looking out for you, protecting you from yourself when you couldn’t see past the immediate demands of the job.
"Hotch, I—"
"No arguments," he interrupted, his tone leaving no room for debate. "I'm not risking your health. Not on my watch." He continued, softer now, almost gentle. "I can’t have you out there in this condition. Not when it’s clear you’re struggling. The case can wait; your health can’t."
As you stood there, the weight of his words settled over you, and you realized there was no point in fighting it. Hotch wasn’t just your superior; he was someone who cared enough to make sure you took care of yourself, even when you wouldn't. You opened your mouth to argue, but the world tilted for the second time today, and you found yourself grateful for his firm grip on your arm, steadying you.
"Come on," he said softly, leading you back to the car to drive you back to the field office. "You're sitting down when we get back, drinking some water, and taking your meds. We'll figure out the case, but we need you healthy to do that."
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Once you were back at the field office, the busy atmosphere felt distant as Hotch guided you to a chair in a quieter spot. He kept a steady hand on your back, making sure you were okay as you sat down, feeling more tired than you'd wanted to admit.
Hotch quickly grabbed a bottle of water from the nearby cooler. Without saying a word, he opened it and handed it to you, his eyes never leaving you. The way he watched you, so carefully, as if worried you might collapse, it made you feel both comforted and a bit embarrassed. You knew he was just being responsible, but his concern was clear.
As you took a sip of water, it helped ease the dryness in your throat, but it didn’t stop the awkwardness you felt under his watchful gaze. You looked down at the bottle, trying to avoid his eyes.
"I'm fine, really," you mumbled, your voice quiet as you tried to reassure him, though you weren't entirely sure yourself.
Hotch knelt beside you, so you were at the same level, his expression soft and understanding. "I know you are," he said gently, but with a firmness that showed he wasn’t going to let this go. "But you need to take care of yourself, (Y/N). We all need you at your best."
His words were simple, but they carried a lot of meaning. It wasn’t just about the work, they needed you to be okay. And he wasn’t going to let you ignore your health again. His concern made you realize how much he and the team cared, not just about the job, but about you as a person. You nodded, a small smile finally breaking through, feeling a bit better knowing you weren't facing this alone.
You nodded, the dizziness starting to fade now that you were sitting. "Thanks, Hotch."
He gave you a small, rare smile. "Just doing my job."
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jerzwriter · 4 months
Sunday Six Sneak Peek
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Hey all, this is a sneak peek at the Tobias/Casey polyamory AU I'm working on. I expect to have the first part up very soon!
Background: I initially planned on making this a series with a distinct beginning, middle, and end to wrap up in about six chapters. But, the more I developed it, the more I realized there was enough material to make this an ongoing alternate universe that I'm really excited to share with you. It's completely separate from my Tobias/Casey or Ethan/Kaycee headcanons, and I hope you'll enjoy it!
Premise: What happens when something that was supposed to be just for fun turns into the real thing? When love enters the equation between two people who view the concept in completely different ways, can it work? In this universe, we'll follow Casey and Tobias (and some others along the way) on their journey, where a happy ending is what both desire, but nothing is guaranteed.
The series will include characters from canon, as well as original characters. I'll provide more background when the first chapter is posted.
Chapter 1
The cantankerous doctor approached the nurses' station, intent on disregarding the animated conversation he heard from clear down the hall. Completing his chart, placing it in the folder, and finding refuge in his office was all Ethan hoped to do. But, as was often the case when Dr. MacTavish was involved, his best-laid plans unraveled seamlessly, and he found himself helpless to regain control. I know I'll regret this, he muttered to himself just before he threw his hat into the ring.
“Who is getting engaged?”
All eyes turned to him, but Jackie was first to respond. With arms crossed and a shit-eating grin on her lips, she replied. “Casey... and Carrick. You mean you haven't heard?"
She might have caught the gobsmacked look on Ethan's face if not for Casey punching her shoulder in a not-so-friendly way. But one thing was sure, if Ethan had been ambivalent before, they had his full attention now.
“I’m sorry, what?” he gasped.
“I’m not getting engaged!” Casey shot-back. “Jackie’s just being an ass.”
She hoped her answer would assuage her one-time boss and former lover, but she knew the man she now considered a dear friend too well. One of the most astute diagnosticians of his generation, there was no way he would let this go. As his mentee, Casey was pretty good at picking up on cues herself, and it only took a glance in his direction for her to know her inquisition was only beginning.  
He plastered her with tender kisses as she nestled into place in his arms. It wasn't the first time she had marveled over how perfectly their bodies melded together, but the feeling had never been this strong. They were two mismatched puzzle pieces discarded from their original sets that somehow fused together perfectly, resulting in an image more beautiful than their creators could have ever dared to dream.
He was no less overwhelmed. Coming down from the peak of unbridled ecstasy, a passion previously unknown, the realization was blinding. That was all he had ever desired; primal gratification had always nurtured him to his core. But now, as she lay in his arms, basking in the afterglow as her ragged breathing returned to its normal state, he found the answer to a question he never posed.
Casey wrapped her curvaceous leg around him as she reached up to place a single kiss on his chin. His answer was there. True ecstasy hadn't ended moments before; this was where it happened, right here, right now. It was found in the perfect world they created each time they came together - it was divine, it was theirs, and he never desired anything more.
Casey's eyes fluttered as she began to drift off to sleep. Smiling, she imagined the next sound she'd hear would be his graveled voice saying Good Morning, waking her like he had many times before. But sleep was not yet to be had, and she couldn't have been more unprepared for what happened next.
Tagging others separately.
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aldbooks · 2 years
TW:SA Gwynriel
This topic gets brought up every few months and while I don't expect it to stop anytime soon, even after the next book is released, I want to talk about it for a minute, specifically in relation to the most recent post that's circulating.
If you haven't seen it, the poster claims to be a 'licensed professional' and is giving their 'professional' opinion on SA trauma recovery in regards to ACOTAR ships. This person makes it very clear they are an e/riel, and as evidenced by their own comments on the post, found Gwyn to be 'sus' even after reading ACOSF multiple times....
For a moment, let's set aside a few points:
The fact that labeling an SA survivor (real or not) as evil or manipulative is very harmful to readers that are actual SA survivors
The fact that this never seems to get brought up in regards to Rhys, Lucien, or Nesta who were all canonically SA'd - only Gwyn
The fact that a 'professional' opinion given by a clearly biased party isn't very reliable
I find it galling that a supposed professional who claims to work 'extensively' with trauma survivors, couldn't comprehend why Gwyn would feel responsible for her sister's death, as if survivor's guilt is not a majorly common response to that sort of event
Let's focus on the main point, which is that this person seems to be insinuating that trauma responses and recovery are universal, even after specifically stating they don't think this is the case...
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No one asked, or is owed it, but I'm going to talk about my own experience a little here, for context. You don't need the details, other than I'm a walking statistic. SA'd twice before the age of 25. The experiences were not particularly violent. One involved heavy doses of alcohol. Once was by a stranger, the other by someone I knew.
Now, I know the common belief is that people who experience sexual trauma usually develop an aversion to touch, specifically sexual touch, and by specific genders. This may be true for a lot of people, I certainly know women (and men) who this is true for. Some people, however, like me, are the opposite. I dissociated heavily from my experiences and had no aversion to touch or sex (one reason I related to Nesta so much).
I'm not saying this is a healthy coping mechanism- it absolutely is not. I was so desperate to prove I wasn't a victim, I actively harmed myself by putting myself in dangerous situations in seeking out intimacy because I (mistakenly) thought I was in control. It wasn't until I finally began seeing a therapist that I realized how harmful this was.
Even still, I never developed an aversion to touch or sex, I just became more mindful of my choices. Like many SA survivors, I turned to BDSM. When done properly (I'm looking at you 50 shades... 🙄) with people who actually know what they're doing, it can be very therapeutic for survivors of SA because it puts the control in your hands.
Again, I will spare you the details because you don't need them. That's not the point of sharing this. It's to point out- once again- that not everyone handles trauma the same.
The truth of the matter is, we don't actually know how Gwyn feels about any of this. Other than the little bit she tells Nesta and Emerie during the Blood Rite- which mostly amounted to 'my choice was taken from me in a violent way and I'm angry about it- she never speaks about her thoughts or feelings regarding that night, or men/sex in general, and we have not seen her POV.
The only men we know she's interacted with since that night are the bat boys. Other than her initial encounter with the Illyrians during the Blood Rite, she mostly keeps her distance from them and actually remains mostly level headed throughout the whole ordeal, even trying to sacrifice herself (knowing what will likely happen to her) to allow Nesta and Emerie to get away after she's shot at the bridge.
She's never really uncomfortable around Cassian or Azriel, maybe a little wary at first, but she warms to both in no time and is in fact a big reason why other priestesses eventual join. By the end she is quite comfortable with them both. Even with Rhys she just blushes (I know I've seen people try to use this as a 'gotcha' like she can't be into Az when she's attracted to his brother *groan* Rhys is hot, we know this, and personally, I think it's more celebrity shock like 'holy shit that's the High Lord of the Night Court' than a crush lol) And she wasn't all that bothered by having the men watch them while they did the Blood Rite qualifier, even after being warned. She literally shrugs it off.
She shows no discomfort when Emerie and Nesta discuss sex and even participates in the conversation which doesn't exactly scream to me that she'd uninterested in sex.
They like to point out that Gwyn went back to the library at the end of the book. This was her home for the last two years after her's had been desecrated (remember it wasn't just about what happened to her. Her sister and many of the people she knew in the temple were killed in front of her. There are several bad memories associated with it now, beyond her SA), and it's where she's been healing. It's perfectly reasonable she'd be wary about leaving, it's all she knows and she has no other home currently. Not to mention that she's said herself she doesn't want to stay in the library her whole life and she's already left it once. Granted, immediately after she left, she was thrown into yet another traumatic event so again, it's perfectly reasonable she'd be wary. It's unreasonable to think she'll never leave or that it will take a very long time before she's ready, she's already close to it, just needs a little more time to process what literally just happened to her.
Gwyn has also shown an interest in sex so it's not unreasonable to think she might try again in the near future. This is the sort of narrative we should be encouraging, that SA survivors are capable, and deserve to be able to move on and have normal, healthy lives. Not every SA survivor may want that but the vast majority do.
To say, as a professional, that an trauma survivor should be on any sort of timeline in terms of their recovery is irresponsible. It puts undue pressure on the survivor. They may take longer and feel something it wrong with them, or they may not feel they need as long and again, feel something is wrong with them.
It is irresponsible, as a professional to insinuate that trauma survivors should display specific traits or symptoms (such as anxiety or touch aversion) when everyone responds to trauma differently. Some develop severe disorders like anxiety and some function mostly normal aside from maybe the occasional episode. They may dissociate completely like I did.
Trying to put all survivors into the same box is a disservice to them all. Period. And we should not be using these sorts of opinions as basis for proving or disproving ships... let's be serious please and remember we're talking to real people about fictional people...
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invisibleraven · 1 year
"Not sure if the banner was already obvious enough, but I would like to ask you to be my date." for Willie/anyone, because chaos
Willie could credit himself at being pretty good when it came to reading people. Case in point, when the end of the school year grew closer and closer, and Alex started getting grumpy and fidgety, Willie knew something was up.
More than this is exam jitters-because Alex's school related anxieties just had him pop an extra Ativan by now. Not a worry about the future, as the band was signed for a three album deal, and were set to do a mini California tour come the summer before they did their first album.
No, his mood took a definite change when the posters for the prom started popping up.
Willie had no real wish to go to prom. Sure, he liked dances just as much as the next gay guy, and with Alex as his boyfriend, they could cut a rug with the best of them. But it was such a stupid, heteronormative tradition, and Willie was definitely counter culture. Sure, the school was 100% okay with queer couples going-heck they were even letting Julie bring both her boyfriends as her dates, which made Reggie beam with giddy joy, and even though Luke rolled his eyes, Willie knew he was super excited as well.
But he wasn't sure how Alex felt. So he poked at Reggie for some insight.
"Dude, what do you mean?" Reggie asked. "Alex has been dreaming about dancing at his prom with his boyfriend since he first saw Pretty In Pink. And The Prom. And the third High School Musical movie, even though he bitched about them making the choreographer character straight."
"That was super stupid," Willie admitted. "So you think he want me to ask him?" Reggie shot him a look at that. "Okay, stupid question. You don't think he wants some big promposal right?"
"Have you met Alex?" Reggie asked. "No, he'd die. But maybe... make an effort and do something special, just for you."
That Willie could do. Sure, prom was stupid, dumb, and lame. But Willie could do a night of stupid, dumb, and lame for Alex. Especially to fulfill a dream he thought he'd never get. His parents had crushed so many of Alex's hopes, so the last Willie could do was give him a magical night he had been told over and over again he never would.
But how to ask?
Well, amongst Willie's numerous talents, he was pretty decent at art. So grabbing a ton of paper, his beloved spray cans, and an unoccupied Molina family garage (thanks to Julie clearing it out once she heard his plan) he got to work.
It was a couple hours later that Alex showed up. "Okay, I'm here, Reggie said I had to come out here because you needed me. Even though we both agreed to no make outs in the studio after last time."
Willie snickered as he greeted Alex at the door. "I know hot dog. Just-look."
Alex looked up and saw a bright pink banner there, covered in glitter and in Willie's messy cursive and blocks of rainbow colour, was one word; Prom?
Alex turned to Willie who gave him a mega-watt smile. "Not sure if the banner was already obvious enough, but I would like to ask you to be my date."
"But you hate stuff like prom!" Alex said.
Willie shrugged. "But you love it, and Reggie told me you've been dreaming of prom since you saw Pretty in Pink."
"Fucking Reginald," Alex grumbled.
Willie guided Alex's face to his. "Hey, no. He was being a good bro, and wanted to make sure your dream came true. So what do you say? You wanna go to prom with me?"
"No?" Willie asked, confused and a little heartbroken.
"No," Alex repeated, shaking his head. "You'd be miserable the whole time, and then I wouldn't have fun. So I'd rather stay in, watch movies. We can put on some music and dance around the living room at your house, have our own prom."
"But your dreams..."
"You're more important," Alex replied with a shrug.
"That's why I asked you!" Willie said, laughing. "Because you getting this one thing you never thought you'd get was more important to me than me hating this shit!"
They both started laughing at that, collapsing onto the couch, holding one another. Finally, wiping their eyes, Willie looked at Alex. "I kind of want to go now, just to prove you wrong, that I'd have fun."
"Really?" Alex asked.
"Just for like, a few dances, sure," Willie relented. "Unless you'd rather stay in."
"Uh uh, you said we're going, no backsies," Alex replied, kissing his nose.
"Figures," Willie said, but he was smiling. Sure, prom was never going to rank high on his list of activities he was looking forward to-but Alex's smile made it all worth it.
Plus, Willie admitted on prom night, as they swayed across the floor, Alex looked damn good in his pink tux.
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thatgirlstrawberry · 2 years
💛Sunshine💛 - The Visit pt. 2/The Son
In which you all read about Spencer’s family life
Overall warnings: mentions of sex, children, violence, regular cm stuff y’know
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After everyone was calm, they all sat around the living room eating soup and grilled cheese.
It was oddly quiet. The sound of spoons clanking against the edges of the bowl was awkward.
"Spence?" Audrey cleared her throat.
The man looked up at her. Her eyes were a little wide and her lip was caught between her teeth. She set her bowl on the end table next to the couch.
"Can you tell us about the case? When we can get out of here and go home?" Audrey asked, eyes full of hope.
Sadie nodded from her spot at her little plastic chair. "Yeah, daddy. I wanna go home."
Charlie's eyes just shot back and forth between his mother and father waiting for a response. Joey was fidgeting with his spoon.
"Uhm-" Spencer's voice cracked nervously and he cleared his throat, eyes tearing away from his wife's. "Well, we haven't Uh... the unsub hasn't been active. So... so we... we don't know, Aud. We're at a loss."
The woman's face fell for just a moment. Her smile lit right back up and she glanced at her children. "Will you guys start cleaning the kitchen, please?"
Charlie scoffed. "That's not fair!" Both of his parents looked at him. "Dad just got here and you're making us clean?"
Audrey looked between her husband and Charlie hoping that he would say something to calm him down a bit. When he didn't Audrey smiled. "Dad will come help in just a minute, okay?"
Charlie rolled his eyes and spun around walking into the kitchen with loud footsteps. Sadie and Joey followed him quietly.
When the kids were out of earshot, Audrey looked at Spencer. "Honey, it's been 5 months." She shook her head. "Don't you think of the unsub isn't active... we can go home? I mean, c'mon, the kids hate it here."
Spencer tilted his head and moved closer to his wife. "I want more than anything to get you home but we haven't even found—" He stopped and looked at Charlie to make sure he wasn't listening. "We haven't even found Emmy yet." He whispered.
Audrey sighed. "How are my parents? And Marcus?"
Spencer smiled a bit. "Your parents are doing good. They miss you and the kids, they're safe." He nodded. "I haven't heard from Marcus in a few weeks. I think he's still sad about Chloe."
The woman sighed and placed her hand on her belly. "She's started kicking." A soft smile graced her lips.
Spencer got on his knees on the floor, reaching to touch her stomach. He smiled as he felt the baby's kicks. "I hate that I can't be with you everyday." He whispered. "I hate that I can't see your beautiful face and our beautiful kids and feel our beautiful baby."
"How much longer do you have left?" Audrey asked.
Spencer looked at his watch. "Thirty minutes."
Audrey sighed and bit her lip. "Go help the kids. Catch up with them." She smiled, nodding her head in their direction.
Sadie stood up on the step stool putting dishes away, Joey wiped down the counters and Charlie pretended to clean off the stove.
Spencer chuckled softly and pulled his wife in for a kiss. They stayed like that for a while until she sighed and pulled away.
Spencer got up from the ground and walked into the kitchen, tickling Sadie. She squealed and Joey laughed as he pretended to body slam her into the counter.
Audrey smiled, her lips quivering as she look away from them, tears filling her eyes.
30 minutes later Spencer sighed and walked over to the door slowly. Joey and Charlie followed behind him and he carried Sadie in his arms.
Audrey was waiting for him with her hands on her belly. She had a smile on her face but Spencer could tell it was fake.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." He spoke, kissing Sadie's head. Tears were running down her cheeks but she said nothing as he sat her down.
He turned to his boys and tugged them both into him, wrapping his arms around them.
"Dad, please don't go." Joey cried.
Spencer sighed and rubbed his son's back. "I'm sorry. I will work my hardest to solve this case and you guys can come back home. I swear."
He pulled away from them and turned to Audrey. "I love you." He said. "And I'm sorry. I will figure this all out."
She nodded and smiled still. "I love you too."
He turned to the children. "I love you all."
He left shortly after they repeated it, walking sadly towards the SUV where Hotch sat waiting.
Spencer climbed into the car and exhaled heavily when he shut the door. Hotch saw the quiver of his lips and sighed.
Suddenly, a tear rolled down his cheek and clicked on his seat belt. "I don't want to talk about it." He told Hotch. "We just need to get this case done and take down this piece of shit so I can take my family home."
.•.•.•.•.•.3 weeks later.•.•.•.•.•.
Audrey was humming and rocking in the chair in the living room. She had her eyes closed and she was rubbing her belly.
It was about 10 pm. The kids were asleep and she was thinking about how much longer she and the kids had to be cooped up in the house.
"So, when your father and I got married, we didn't have rings." She whispered. When no one was around, she liked to talk to Peach. Especially about Spencer because she didn't want the baby to not know who he was. "That night, in the middle of us— Um wrestling, he remembered that we didn't have rings so he put some pants on and drive to a jewelry store." She giggled. "He came back with five rings and a band and told me to pick my favorite one."
"And when I picked, he put the rest in his drawer and said he was saving them for his children." Audrey opened her eyes and shook her head. "So that means, you'll get yours one day when you decide who you want to marry. And-"
There was a knock at the door.
Audrey's heart dropped when she realized that the knock wasn't the BAU's code.
She got up quickly, making sure that she wasn't able to be seen from the blinds. She rushed into the kitchen and opened the utensil drawer where the burner phone was supposed to be.
Her hands searched through the drawer but the phone was nowhere to be found.
"Shit." She cursed, her heartbeat picking up. She opened the other drawers in search but still couldn't find it.
She stopped dead in her tracks. She recognized the voice immediately. "Marcus?" She whispered, placing her hand on her stomach and walking towards the door.
She stood on her toes and looked through the little hole in the door.
Audrey bit her lip and dropped back down onto her feet and furrowed her brows, hesitating. She sighed heavily and unlocked the door. She opened it slowly, peering out at him.
"Marcus?" She spoke quietly. "Marcus, what the hell are you doing here?" She asked.
Marcus looked sad. "I think I know who Chloe's killer is!" He whisper shouted. Audrey raised her eyebrows and stepped back a little, letting Marcus step inside.
She quickly shut the door and locked it again. She spun around to see Marcus pacing. "W- Marc, I don't understand, how did you find us?"
Marcus glanced at her, his boots heavy on the ground. "Spencer's team. They told me." He nodded. Audrey furrowed her eyebrows.
They wouldn't do that.
She walked back towards the covered window and used her fingers to separate the blinds.
The watch car was across the street but the officer inside didn't look like he was awake.
Something is wrong.
Audrey breathed and turned back around. "You think you found the killer?" She asked. "How?"
He stopped pacing. She felt that something was wrong. "I-"
"I think I hear Sadie, give me a second." Audrey stopped him with a soft smile.
Something is wrong. Keep your composure.
"If you ever feel uncomfortable, threatened..." Spencer sat himself down in front of Audrey who was playing with a baby Charlie. "Audrey, are you listening?"
The woman looked up with a smile. "I'm sorry! He's just so cute." She shook her head and gently touched her baby's nose with her pinky.
Spencer chuckled. "I know, we make pretty cute babies, we should make more, but Audrey I need you to listen to me."
Her smile faltered a little bit and she nodded. He tilted his head. "My- My job is dangerous and I come face to face with some pretty dangerous people." He told her. "And I put... a lot of people away."
Audrey nodded, trying to keep Charlie from crawling out of her arms.
"And to get back at me, they might go for you o-or one of our kids." He said. He leaned forward, placing his hand on Audrey's knee. "So if you ever feel like something's wrong when you're around someone, you get yourself out. You give an excuse and you go. If the kids are with you, you get them and leave. Okay, Aud?"
She tilted her head to the side. "Okay. But, what if whoever is making me uncomfortable doesn't let me go?"
Spencer sighed and made sure that his eyes were locked on hers.
"Then you fight like hell."
Audrey glanced at him as she began to walk towards the kid's room and made sure to unclench her fists. She didn't know exactly why or what was happening but her brother was giving her a really bad feeling.
Marcus cleared his throat. "I don't hear anything." 
Audrey slowed her feet down a little. "Yeah, but I should go check on her. It must just be my mom brain." She laughed.
He stepped in front of her.
"Audrey, I don't hear anything." He said. The woman lifted her eyes from his chest to his face.
"Marcus?" She whispered.
Her eyes flickered down to his shirt once again. "Who's blood is that?" Her voice was low.
Marcus' breath hitched. "I'm sorry, Aud." He shook his head and planted his face in his palms. "Peter, from the car outside, he wouldn't let me come see you."
Audrey shook her head as tears filled her eyes. "Marcus, what did you do?" She asked, her voice breaking.
"I did what I had to, Audrey."
"Marcus, I really need to go check on the ki-"
He pushed her back. "Shut the fuck up!" He screamed, and Audrey flinched and stepped back.
She glanced to her left at the key table by the door. She took note of the metal lamp that sat there and looked back up at her brother. "Marcus, did you kill Chloe?" She asked, a tear slipping down her cheek. "And Lucas?"
Marcus shook his head with a smile. "Oh, I killed a whole lotta people." He laughed lazily.
"And you sent those pictures to Charlie?" She said. He nodded and she thought back to the night it all started.
The minute he left the room after "finding out"about Chloe, Charlie got the text.
"And you gave the folder to Sadie?" He nodded again. "But how? She knows who you are."
Marcus rolled his eyes. "There's this thing called a mask, Audrey."
"Marcus, w-why are you doing this?" She asked, stepping forward so her hand was right next to the lamp.
He shook his head and laughed again. "Remember uncle Lou?" He asked. "From Vegas, the one I was staying with on vacation all those years ago?"
Audrey nodded. "The week I met Spencer."
"See, Uncle Lou told me all about everything. He's the one who got me into this. He showed me exactly how to do it. How to kill people." He nodded, pointing his finger at his head. "But I came up with my own way when I got old enough. I didn't want them to trace it back to uncle Lou."
Audrey shook her head. "But why Marcus? Why are you doing this to us?" She cried. "Your family?"
Marcus bit his lip. "Audrey, the perfect daughter." He said, his eyes widening. It's like he was crazy.
"Wh- Marcus, mom treated me like shit. I don't understand." She told him, stepping forward a bit.
"She might have treated you like shit, but they treated me worse." He said, stepping up to her. "She treated me like nothing."
Audrey tilted her head to the side. "Oh, Marcus..." She grabbed his face and tried to get him to look at her. "I'm so sorry."
He shook his head and shut his eyes. "They forgot my birthday four years in a row while you were away at college." He cried. "I didn't even go to college, I'm their little disappointment."
"Marcus, our parents love you." Audrey told him.
He open his eyes. "Loved." Audrey's entire body tensed. Her heart dropped— hell it might have stopped.
"Marky, you..." She shook her head. "You didn't." Her voice was quiet.
The man scoffed as she removed her hands from his face. She didn't back up, she was too afraid to move.
"Do you know what she said to me right before I stabbed her in her throat?" He asked. Audrey could throw up, she grimaced at his words.
"'Audrey wouldn't have done this.'" He mimicked their mother's voice.
Audrey gasped in pain as she felt something sharp in her back. She looked up at him and her breath hitched as he felt her brother pull a blade out of her.
He unwrapped his arm from around his sister (that she never felt) and shook his head.
He waved the bloody blade in front of her face as she stumbled back. Her turned around and began walking towards the kid's room.
She felt more tears fall as she reached back to the key table. Her hand gripped the cool lamp and she stalked forward.
Her pain was unbearable but she kept her lip between her teeth trying to keep in a scream.
She caught up to him somehow and raised the lamp over her head quickly. She brought it down and it made contact with her brother's head and hard. He collapsed and hit the ground, groaning in pain. She dropped the lamp and grunted in pain as she felt the stab wound in her back rip open even more.
Her chest heaved as she stumbled over him. "Charlie, Joey, Sadie, wake up!" She screamed.
She opened the door to the kids room and they were stirring in their beds.
She grunted as she tripped over a toy and landed on her belly. Her mouth fell open and she shouted in pain.
She felt hands on her arms as she tried to get up and the light was flicked on. "Mommy?"
She looked up at Charlie and he immediately saw the tears in her eyes. "Mom, what's wrong?"
"B-basement— basement now!" She screamed as he pulled her up.
Sadie screamed at the loud voice.
"Mom, you're bleeding!" Joey noticed.
Audrey nodded. "I know baby, I know, I'm okay. We have to get to the basement now." She said, her voice coming out broken.
Charlie held his mom under his arm as she cradled her stomach. "Who's out there, mommy!?" Sadie cried as Joey picked her up.
"Don't worry about it, bunny, come on." She cried, her back stinging.
She started to walk towards the door and she peeked out of the room quickly, pushing Charlie back a bit.
There was no sign of Marcus but there was a pool of blood where he landed.
"Okay, come on guys." She whispered.
Charlie wrapped an arm around his mother once again, helping her walk through the hallway.
Luckily the basement door wasn't far from the children's room. She stopped in front of the key pad and squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the baby kick hard. "Oh, God."
Her shaking hand punched in the three-digit key quickly and the door opened.
"Hey, kids."
Her head plummeted again as she looked back, Marcus standing there with a bloody hand against his head.
"Uncle Marcus?" Joey spoke.
Audrey looked up at Charlie. "Hey, you gotta let me go, okay?" She told him, her voice wavering. Charlie shook his head but Audrey softened her eyes and nodded. "Yeah baby, you gotta let me go."
She stepped forward, squeezing her eyes shut again and she looked back at her kids. "You guys go down there, okay? Do not come back up, do you understand?"
Sadie sobbed/screamed as Charlie nodded, a tear slipping down his cheeks. Joey stood there glancing between his mom and uncle.
Audrey turned back to face her brother. "You stay the hell away from my kids." She glared as she heard Sadie's screams descend down the stairs.
Marcus laughed. "What will you do about it?"
He asked. "Once I kill you, I'll go downstairs and gut them just like I did our mother."
Audrey flinched. "I swear to God, you even put a scratch on one of my kids, Spencer will kill you with his bare hands."
Marcus stalled towards her and she stood there, one hand holding the wound on her back and one holding her aching stomach.
"Shit, you messed me up, Marky." She shook her head. She lowered her head and heard his footsteps getting closer to her.
When she saw his shoes on the ground beneath her, she quickly looked up and clicked him in the face.
Marcus stumbled back a bit and clenched his jaw. "You pack a punch, big sister." He seethed as he looked at her.
He leaped forward and punched her back. She fell backwards and landed on the ground, groaning and coughing.
"Mommy, no!" She heard Sadie scream.
No, Sadie go downstairs!
Audrey gasped as Marcus got on his knees next to her and flipped her onto her back.
His hands wrapped around her throat and she looked up at him with wide, teary eyes. "N-no, Ma-Marky-"
Marcus laughed at her and tightened his hands.
"Get the hell off of her!"
Suddenly, Marcus flew to the side as someone, Charlie, tackled him. "Charlie!" She coughed, rolling over.
She looked at Joey and Sadie who stood by the open door to the basement. She got to her knees and crawled over to them. "Go! Go downstairs now!"
She hated screaming at her kids but she needed them to go downstairs. She couldn't let them witness her get brutally murdered.
They flinched at her serious, almost angry, tone and tan down the stairs, Sadie still screaming.
She pushed the heavy metal door shut with a grunt and spun back around. They couldn't get out unless they knew the code and eventually Joey would find some way to communicate with the team.
Or someone would come across the mangled man in the front seat of his car that Marcus killed.
Marcus stood there with Charlie up against his chest and his knife on his neck. "Marcus, no." She shook her head and stepped forward. She glanced at Charlie who had his eyes closed, his chest heaving. His nose was bloody and she could tell that Marcus did that to him.
"I was going to kill you here but now I have a better idea." Marcus spoke slowly.
"Please, Marky. Let him go. Let him go and-" She coughed. "I'll let you kill me."
Marcus acted like he was thinking about it. "Mm..." He rocked his head from side to side. She glanced from him to her shaking son. "No." He chuckled. "You two are coming with me." He nodded and glanced at Charlie before looking back up at his sister. "And if you try to run, I will cut this kid from the neck down."
"Do anything to buy more time." She heard Spencer's voice in her head. "More time means a better plan."
Charlie opened his eyes and locked eyes with his mother. "Mo-"
"Shut the hell up!" He said, pushing the knife further against Charlie's neck.
"No! Marcus, okay! We'll go, just stop!" She held her hands out in front of her.
Marcus smiled and shook his head.
"Remember, Audrey. You run, he dies."
Anyways! Sorry I haven’t updated this story in a while but it’s starting to get rrrrreeeeeaaaaallll
Let me know your predictions!!
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Midoriya-sensei AU
Part 11: Your Power
Thank you for your patience and kind words! 💖
Also, I dunno why tumblr created random double spaces when I pasted it, but oh well
Part 10 | Ao3 | Part 12
If Izuku could go back in time and tell his younger self that he'd one day be standing in the number two hero's bedroom, his younger self would initially be horrified and demand to know exactly why he was in Endeavour’s room. However, once Izuku then explained that the current number two hero—whilst also being a Todoroki—was actually the kindest, handsomest man he knew and that they were friends, Izuku's younger self would then laugh humourlessly and ask for the punchline.
He wasn't going to go back in time and do that, but the thought did briefly entertain him, as he waited for Shoto to grab his laptop from the desk.
'Are you sure it's okay for me to stay?' He felt compelled to ask. 'I already got the letters.'
'I wouldn't have invited you if I wasn't okay with it.' Shoto assured easily, tone the same as usual; not conveying any hint of annoyance. 'Regardless of the letters, I wanted to hang out with my friend.'
His heart fluttered.
'Yeah, but at your house? Alone?'
Izuku certainly wasn't complaining, just hesitant. While he was glad no one was around to tease him—Fuyumi, specifically—it felt strange, almost forbidden, to merely be here; he felt like he was in a teen drama, being asked to come over to his crush's house because their parents weren't home.
He supposed the current situation wasn't too far off.
'Why not?' Shoto frowned. 'It saves trying to avoid the media… and I can wear my pyjamas.'
He certainly could: faded blue pyjama bottoms with cartoon All Might faces spread out across the legs, along with a black tank top that left nothing to the imagination.
'That's true. You look-' Izuku swallowed thickly. 'Comfy. I like… the trousers.'
'I thought you would.' He then seemed to realise something. 'Sorry. I should've asked if you wanted to bring yours.'
The thought of his crush seeing Izuku in his Shoto-themed pyjamas was enough to make him choke.
'It's-' He cleared his throat. 'It's alright. I'm fine in my jumper and joggers.'
'Okay.' Shoto looked around for a moment. 'I can set up my futon in the living room as well if that's more comfortable.'
Izuku's cheeks burnt.
'Whatever's easier. I don't want you making more work for yourself!'
'I would need to unroll it before going to bed anyway, so I'll just sleep there tonight.' Shoto spoke matter-of-factly, handing the laptop to Izuku, before grabbing the futon and leading the way to the main room. 'I'll be honest with you, I fall asleep during most movies, so I'd rather lie down just in case.'
'Aren't you just increasing the likelihood of falling asleep by providing the optimal conditions?’ Izuku found himself smiling with amusement as he followed.
‘You may be right, but I am also being proactive so that, in the event that I do fall asleep, I won’t hurt my back.’ Shoto replied, just serious enough for Izuku to question whether he was joking or not. Once they arrived, he set the futon down and began setting it up. ‘It’s okay, I don’t snore.’
He snorted at that.
'How would you know? You're asleep.'
Shoto opened his mouth, then closed it again.
'I've never had complaints… and I used to nap a lot whilst in the UA dorms.' He explained slowly. 'But you're right. I don't actually know for sure that I don't snore. I apologise. I am a liar.'
He lowered his head, ashamed; Izuku found it endearing, even if—once again—he couldn't tell whether he was being serious or not.
'Well, if you do fall asleep, I promise to let you know whether you snore or not.' He assured, smiling when Shoto shot him a grateful look.
'Thanks.' He smiled, then took his laptop back, before settling down on the futon and patting the empty space next to him. 'Come sit.'
Izuku nodded frantically, then made his way over. He tried to ignore the multiple scenarios that instantly formed in his head as a result of them sitting on the same bed—mostly based on romance novels and movies that were grossly unattainable—and hesitantly took his place next to Shoto. He felt very aware of his movements, like he’d somehow forgotten how to work his limbs and was relearning from scratch again. He also deliberately left a good few inches of space between them, just in case—an inordinately difficult task considering their sizes, but he made it work by awkwardly tightening every muscle in his body.
 That’ll do…
Shoto, luckily, didn't seem to notice how tense Izuku was, and set up the laptop in front of them, connecting the HDMI cable to the tv.
‘What do you want to watch?’
He shuffled, switching his crossed legs as he thought.
‘Well, I’d suggest an All Might movie, but I know that’s a sore spot for you.’ He tried joking, relieved when Shoto huffed, amused. ‘So how about a Ghibli instead? Can’t go wrong with a Ghibli.’
‘Sure.’ Shoto nodded, typing out the studio into the search bar. ‘I haven’t seen them all, but we watched a few as a class when the dorms were first set up at UA.’
‘Really? In that case, do you wanna watch one you’ve already seen or a new one?’
‘Depends.’ Shoto regarded him for a moment. ‘What’s your favourite?’
Izuku’s pulse thudded against his temples. Shoto was asking him what his favourite was? The rational part of him argued that it was a perfectly normal question to ask, but he easily ignored it. After all, Shoto looked earnest, like he actually cared about the answer.
Izuku then considered his options. He'd never really settled on a favourite—having gone through phases of being obsessed over most of them—but he could definitely narrow down a few.
‘Growing up, Kiki was my favourite.' He answered slowly, thumb pressed against his chin in thought. 'But right now, I do like Howl’s a lot, so maybe that.’
He chuckled nervously. Definitely not the hopeless romantic answer.
‘Howl’s Moving Castle?’ Shoto tilted his head to the side. 'I've read the book, but I haven't seen the film.'
'Oh, the book is amazing!' Izuku spoke animatedly. 'The film is very different… but they're both good in their own ways, and while the book explains things in a lot more detail and develops the characters in a more complex way, Miyazaki really captures the magic and romanticism—not to mention the art is as gorgeous as ever; the music too.'
He paused, gingerly covering his mouth with his fingers. 'Ah…’
Almost started muttering there.
Shoto frowned.
'You know I don't mind the talking.'
'Yeah, I know.' He awkwardly tapped his index fingers together. He still wasn't used to someone actively enjoying his muttering, but as much as Shoto liked it, Izuku still couldn't afford to be encouraged. There were plenty of people who found it irritating and wouldn't be afraid to show it. 'Just… I guess I was finished anyway.'
Shoto blinked as he observed Izuku carefully, but ultimately didn't press, which he was thankful for.
'Okay, well I don't mind watching Howl's, if that's okay with you?'
'Yeah, yeah. I've seen them all before anyway—I love rewatching stuff!' Izuku assured quickly, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. ‘When I was younger, I used to watch All Might’s debut video constantly… shocking, I know.’
‘Bet you didn’t watch my debut video that religiously.’ Shoto quipped good-naturedly, as he brought up the movie on the screen. ‘Although I will admit, my debut video wasn’t nearly as impressive.’
Briefly, Izuku wondered which debut video he was referring to. If it was the staticky footage of his fight with his brother at only sixteen years old, then the raw power was impressive… it just wasn’t really the kind of video someone rewatched for fun. A child soldier forced to combat his brother, only to watch him destroy himself with his own flames in his revenge? Even if Shoto could use his own fire in combat, it would’ve been a difficult battle.
No, Izuku wasn't particularly fond of watching Shoto fail to save Todoroki Touya.
However, if it was Serenity Hero: Shoto’s debut video, then he most certainly had watched it religiously. He’d been fresh out of UA—fully trained and more mature—as a sidekick at Gang Orca’s agency. Izuku still remembered when it aired for the first time: Shoto had single-handedly prevented a building from collapsing—saving over seventy lives—whilst also taking down a villain capable of growing and shrinking their own body at will.
He also remembered how, after the fight was over, Shoto had brushed off the press to stay with the victims, refusing to leave until everyone had a place to go.
Izuku knew then he was a goner for that man.
‘I really loved your debut video.’ He spoke, passion in his voice. 'I knew from the first time I watched it that you were gonna be one of my favourites, and I was right. You're a true hero, Shoto-kun.'
His friend pointedly looked away then, albeit the way his hair was tied up in a messy bun meant that he couldn't hide his reddening ears. While Izuku internally jumped for joy at being the reason why Shoto was so flustered, he also couldn't help but ponder how someone so attuned to compliments could react in such a way to his comment.
'Thanks, Midoriya.' He seemingly took a moment to gather himself, then cleared his throat. 'Shall I press play now?'
Izuku smiled, his tension gradually subsiding.
The screen started moving—preceding the gentle, introductory melody of merry-go-round of life—and Izuku quickly allowed himself to be swept away by the music and visuals. He always got a feeling of nostalgia from Ghibli movies; a rare exception when it came to reflecting on his past.
At his side, Shoto’s face was impassive, but his eyes were glued to the screen in clear interest. It made Izuku smile, as he relaxed back against the sofa pillows that Shoto had propped up for them. For once, his mind had calmed down to a quiet buzz, despite the overwhelming presence lounging next to him. Often, Izuku found himself wanting to fill silences—not for attention, he just found it preferable to an awkward alternative where no one really knew what to say—but he found that, with Shoto, that need just wasn’t there… and it wasn’t because there was a movie playing.
Maybe it was because his friend didn’t talk much in general, but he had this aura about him; it was like no silence could ever be awkward, because he only ever spoke if there was anything meaningful to say. Izuku could understand that—sometimes it was nice to simply bask in someone else’s presence.
He was comfortable.
So much so that he hadn’t even noticed that he’d started rocking back and forth where he was sitting—cross-legged and hands gripping his ankles—nor did he know how long he’d been doing it. It wasn’t until Shoto turned to look at him inquisitively that realisation set in, and Izuku stilled, eyes widening.
‘I am… so sorry... It’s weird, isn’t it? I didn’t mean to distract you.’ He couldn't keep the slight panic from his voice. ‘I didn't even realise, it just kinda, er, happens.’
His friend tilted his head to the side.
He didn’t appear to be annoyed, asking more out of genuine curiosity. Izuku should've expected as much.
‘Oh, well…’ He felt his cheeks colour. ‘I do it when I’m excited… or just happy and relaxed, I guess.’
Shoto regarded him further, absorbing his words thoroughly, before nodding once.
‘In that case, don’t be sorry.’ His eyes were soft. ‘I’m happy that you’re comfortable with me. I… it's good.’
Izuku’s heart thudded against his chest with newfound ferocity, while he pressed his lips together. Just when he thought he’d gotten control over these feelings, Shoto had to go and say something else that would make his soul transcend his body.
Despite the internal reaction, however, he didn't release any high-pitched squeaks, nor did he cover his face with his hands—which were still gripping his ankles—or begin muttering. It was quite the accomplishment, Izuku thought, as he flashed a grateful smile and allowed his body to continue rocking.
‘I’m glad. I’m always happy around you.’
He wanted to throttle himself for saying something so sappy, but then Shoto's ears turned pink again, and Izuku quickly decided that the small slip-up was worth it.
‘I… me too.’ His friend cleared his throat, turning back to the screen. ‘I might rewind this a bit—I wasn't paying attention.’
'No problem!' Izuku laughed nervously. 'Neither was I.'
He then watched as Shoto dragged the cursor back to the part where Sophie and the Witch of the Waste were climbing the palace stairs. 'Oh, this is a fun bit.'
He didn't get a reply straight away.
'I've never seen someone sweat so much.' Shoto's lips pursed slightly with distaste. 'And I did hero training with Bakugou.'
Despite himself, Izuku snorted out a laugh, then slapped a hand over his mouth to quell the volume. His shoulders still shook though, betraying his amusement.
‘You think that was bad, imagine what it must’ve been like when he first started going through puberty.’ He grinned. ‘It was awful. No one had the nerve to say anything to his face, but yeah... The only redeeming factor was the smell.’
‘I have to disagree. I'm not fond of caramel.’ Shoto scrunched his face up. ‘I told him as much and gifted him a bottle of deodorant.’
‘Pfft!’ Izuku was glad he didn’t have anything in his mouth, else he’d have spat it out. ‘What’d he have to say to that?’
‘The usual: called me a “Half n Half icyhot bastard”, threatened to kill me, started making explosions… He refused to use any antiperspirant after that as well.’
‘Classic Kacchan.’ He sighed with exasperation.
‘He's fun to annoy though.’ Shoto half-smirked. 'I once got dared to ask him whether his profuse sweating led to difficulties when it came to more… intimate activities. I thought his head was gonna explode, it went so red.'
Izuku blinked once, stunned.
'You didn't!'
When Shoto sent him a smug look, he gasped, slack-jawed. 'Wh- Bu- I… and and and you survived?!'
He was met with a shrug.
'He's not as powerful as he thinks he is. There's a reason he's the number five hero and I'm number two.’
As his friend turned back to the screen, Izuku found that his gaze lingered slightly longer than necessary. Part of him briefly entertained an alternate universe where Shoto could've been with him at Aldera; would it have been much different? Would Kacchan still have picked on him as much as he had?
He shook himself—no use contemplating what ifs—and they continued watching in silence.
After a while, bombs were falling on the hat shop, while Howl resolved to keep fighting. This scene had so many iconic visuals that Izuku started rocking slightly faster.
 'I finally have something I want to protect… it's you.'
'That's rude.' Shoto huffed. 'Markyl's right there.'
'Right?' Izuku sniggered. 'Poor guy!'
His friend grumbled a little bit, much to his amusement.
Izuku really did enjoy this movie… but for some reason, this time, every romantic interaction between Howl and Sophie felt more profound. With every word and gentle touch, Izuku's eyes subconsciously watched for Shoto's reaction.
To his disappointment—not that he knew what he was looking for—his friend's face remained carefully blank. At least he wasn’t falling asleep, like he seemed so certain he would. In fact, by the time they reached the end scene, Shoto’s eyes weren’t even heavy. Izuku chuckled to himself at the small victory.
 'Sophie, your hair looks just like starlight!'
His gaze focused on the shining grey hair of the heroine—only a few shades darker than Shoto’s right side—and immediately stored that line away for one of his future corny daydreams where he'd have the courage to tell Shoto how he really felt about him.
Izuku kept his lips sealed—a precaution for his muttering—and imagined how Shoto would react: maybe not as overtly excitable, but perhaps his ears would turn pink, or maybe little icicles would coat his skin, like Fuyumi sometimes did when she was happy. Izuku hummed along with The Promise of the World, as his mind conjured the mental image.
‘I didn’t fall asleep.’
He sniggered at how shocked Shoto sounded.
‘You didn’t. I’m so proud of you.’
‘Don’t get ahead of yourself. The night isn’t over yet.’
Izuku tried to hide his surprise—did that imply that he wasn’t going to be going home soon then? If so, that certainly wasn’t a problem; if Shoto wasn’t intending on kicking him out straight after the movie finished, then Izuku wasn’t about to push the subject.
'We’ll see then.’ He smiled. ‘So, what did you think? Not falling asleep is a good sign, right?'
Shoto nodded.
'It was good.’ He agreed. ‘But Nausicaä is still my favourite, both film and manga.'
‘You've read the manga?’ Izuku asked, intrigued. ‘I never would’ve expected that from you. Not that it’s a bad thing, it’s nice! How come that’s your favourite?’
‘It’s difficult to describe.’ Shoto scratched his scar out of habit. ‘Just everything… I think part of it is that Nausicaä is kind, but not naïve… in fact, she sort of reminds me of you.’
'Me?' Izuku pointed to himself eloquently. 'You think so?'
Shoto nodded, but chose not to expand further—much to the chagrin of Izuku's curiosity—and the credits continued rolling, filling the silence.
'I think what puts me off Howl's is that they fall in love so easily.' His friend then mused, frowning slightly. 'I prefer the way it develops in the book… probably more realistic too.'
Izuku could understand that.
'I suppose it is a little fast, especially for the L w-w-word, particularly when it feels like not a lot of time has passed, but it's also harder to have that gradual build-up with movies like this.' He pinched his chin. 'I guess if someone feels that strongly though, anything can happen, regardless of time.'
There was a pause.
'You say that, but I could never imagine falling in love so quickly.' Shoto admitted quietly. 'Maybe it's my upbringing, but romantic love is, for me anyway, to trust someone completely. That's not something that can be achieved easily.'
Izuku tilted his head to the side.
'As a hero, I thought you'd trust your co-workers completely.'
'I trust them with my life.' Shoto nodded once. 'But that isn't the same as absolute trust… I wouldn't trust Tsukuyomi or Pinky or Lemillion to help me through a low point, and it's not because I don't think they'd be competent. It's difficult to explain.'
'No, I think I understand.' Izuku bit his lip, considering his next words. 'Have you ever… felt that way about anybody?'
His heart pounded against his chest as he awaited a response.
Izuku swallowed heavily.
 Do you think maybe you could, one day?
'I wouldn't want to subject anyone to that.' Shoto then added, and Izuku's mind immediately switched gears.
'What do you mean?' He frowned. 'You're literally perfect!'
His friend flinched.
'Don't lie to me.' He looked away, voice suddenly cold. 'I don't appreciate it.'
'What?!' Izuku's heart stung from the comment, even more when Shoto didn't respond. Perhaps he should back down and change the subject—it was obviously a soft spot—but Izuku was a meddler, and at that moment, his friend looked trapped in his own head. 'I would never lie to you. I'd be lying if I agreed with you!'
Shoto clearly hadn't been expecting him to fight the issue.
'Then I was wrong. You are naïve, or just blind.'
'Explain it to me then.' Izuku stared at two-toned hair, voice quivering slightly as his body shook. 'Make me understand.'
Shoto's head whipped around, eyes wide with frustration and lips pulled taut.
'You really want to know? Fine. This quirk that you think is so great? It's a curse.' He spat; sounding nothing like the Shoto that Izuku had gotten to know over the past few weeks. 'There's a reason I only use my left side to counter my ice's negative effects. I will never let my flames consume me like it did with Touya-nii; I refuse. Endeavour's power is the brand of a monster… and I'll always be at least half of one.'
Shoto stared at his left hand, before bringing it to cover the scar adorning his eye. 'She says I'm blameless for this, that I shouldn't ask for forgiveness, but it doesn't change facts. I've always hurt the people I love, despite how hard I try.’
Izuku sighed through his nose, biting the inside of his cheek. There was so much public knowledge about this family—so much history and abuse and tragedy—yet this was a side of Shoto that no one got to see. Those emotions were stored deep down—an ice prison—and repressed until now.
He really had hit a soft spot.
For some reason though, the main emotion coursing through Izuku in that moment was anger. He couldn't stand the way his friend spoke about himself; his attitude towards his power. Shoto wasn't looking for sympathy, but confirmation, and Izuku wasn't about to give him either.
‘It seems we’ve both made assumptions about each other.’ He said, strangely calm. ‘You’re not the hero I thought you were.’
That got Shoto’s attention. The clear hurt on that usually unimpressionable face almost had Izuku bursting into tears. Almost.
He persevered. ‘Every day, heroes give it their all to save people, yet here you are only using half of your quirk. I thought there was a physical reason you rarely produce fire, but no. Turns out you’re holding yourself back deliberately because of some grudge or superstition. You expect to reach your full potential using half your strength? Stop screwing around.'
‘Who the hell do you think you are, sounding like my old man?’ Shoto hissed, getting to his feet. ‘I thought you were my friend.’
Izuku quickly followed suit. Shoto stood almost half a foot taller—glaring down at him like he was a villain—but he didn't submit to the intimidation, whether intentional or not. Instead, he met those angry, sad eyes.
'I am your friend.' He took a breath. 'That's why I'm going to challenge your irrationality.'
'Irrational- Get out.'
Shoto pointed in the direction of the exit, but Izuku stood his ground.
'No. Not until you understand.' His throat began to swell and his eyes prickled. 'I would give anything to have a quirk. I spent my entire life being shat on for being "less evolved", told I'd never amount to anything and that I should hope for a quirk in the next life. If someone told me they could give me a quirk, I'm ashamed to admit that I probably wouldn't hesitate, yet here you are with not one, but two-'
'You want the old man's quirk so badly?' Shoto clenched his fists as a layer of frost coated his skin. 'You want his power to make you mean something?'
'Stop saying that!' He wanted to scream. 'Stop saying it's "his" power! Stop acting like Endeavour owns half of you! He doesn't! You're not two halves of one whole and you're not a slave to the Todoroki flames. It's not his power that makes you who you are and it never will. You know why?'
A beat passed and Izuku took advantage of Shoto's silence by taking a step forward. 'Because it's all you. It's your power. You become the hero that you want to be, not what you think you should be.'
He could hear his heart pounding against his chest; pulse thudding against his temples. He wasn't sure what to expect. He knew Shoto wouldn't lash out physically—he wouldn't—yet adrenaline buzzed through his body and bile crawled up his throat. He was probably visibly shaking too, but dared not look down to check.
Shoto was still staring at him, but his expression became unreadable, setting Izuku even more on edge. However, he stood his ground, determined and staunch. He’d said what he needed to say, now it was up to his friend.
Shoto brought his hands up to cover his face, before slowly crouching down. He stayed like that for several moments, whilst Izuku wordlessly worried if he was okay.
All of a sudden, little wisps of fire ignited from his hair, gradually growing larger, then Shoto slowly removed his hands and looked up at Izuku, who baulked when he saw tears sliding down his right cheek, contrasting the flames that sprouted from the creases of his scar. The bobble holding up his bun caught alight, causing his hair to fall in front of his face.
What caught his eye the most, however, was the smile Shoto wore; it was almost liberating.
And despite Izuku’s best efforts—to tell his mind that this was not the time—he couldn’t help but marvel at just how beautiful he looked in that moment.
Before his friend could finish though, the fire crept onto the sofa, where the material immediately started blackening. Izuku let out an embarrassing squawk in response, alerting Shoto, who swore as he slapped his right hand over the material and encased the entire thing in ice.
The two of them stared at the now frozen sofa—the fire fully extinguished—and Izuku burst out laughing. It wasn’t even that funny in retrospect, but he couldn’t help it, especially when he saw how shocked Shoto looked. Maybe it was the residual adrenaline or maybe it was just to fill the comical silence; the reason didn’t really matter.
‘Are you okay?’ Shoto raised an eyebrow.
‘Yeah, sorry. Give me a minute.’ He took a deep breath, holding in any remaining giggles, and shook his head. Once he’d sobered up, he exhaled and cleared his throat. ‘Okay, I'm fine.’
Shoto nodded with relief, then surveyed the scene once more.
'Fuyumi is going to kill me.'
'Not if you outrun her.' Izuku shrugged. He then considered his friend, and replaced his smile with a slight frown. ‘Hey, erm… I’m sorry for shouting before… I’m not sorry for what I said, but I’m sorry for upsetting you. I can still leave if you want to.’
Shoto blinked up at him, still crouched on the floor, before sitting down fully and leaning back on his arms.
‘No, I’m sorry for how I acted. I…’ He swallowed thickly. ‘You’ve given me a lot to think about… And you don’t have to leave unless you want to.’
Izuku bit his lip. On the one hand, he should really leave Shoto to his thoughts, but on the other, he didn’t want to leave things as they were; the wounds from their argument were still fresh. If Izuku was in Shoto’s position, he wasn’t entirely sure he’d want to be alone right now.
‘Do you want space or a distraction or… third option?’ He swayed side to side as he awaited a response.
‘I was thinking…’ Shoto tucked his hair behind his ear. ‘Maybe we could put on an All Might movie?’
Izuku brightened.
‘Sure!’ He sat back down next to his friend with a smile. He suspected there were a few reasons behind the decision, but didn’t comment. He was content going along with whatever Shoto chose and thought was best. ‘Oh, this is one of my favourites!’
‘Same. When I was a kid, I used to watch this with my mother… before everything.’ Shoto explained, then faltered, mouse over the play button. He looked like he had something else to say, but didn't quite know how to vocalise it.
Eventually, he turned to face Izuku, visibly concerned. 'I haven't ruined things, have I?'
'What?' He exclaimed. 'Of course not! I'm the one who should be asking you that!'
'I...' Shoto sighed. 'I still want to be friends.'
'Oh, me too.' Izuku exhaled loudly, unsure of how long he'd been holding his breath.
'I'm glad.' But he wasn't finished. 'I'm also sorry for what I implied before.'
'Wait, what?
At Izuku's clear confusion, Shoto seemed to hesitate.
'You don't need a quirk to mean something… you know that right?'
The nausea returned.
Sure, he did know that—it had taken years, a lot of resources and plenty of tears, but it was the truth—yet he struggled to respond straight away. His life had meaning—he had meaning—but was it enough?
He shook himself.
 Don't think about it.
'Yeah.' He said instead. 'Thanks, Shoto-kun.'
His friend flashed him a small smile then—which had Izuku feeling a little guilty—and focused back on the screen to press play.
All Might flew through the sky—his silhouette passing the film studio's logo—while his theme music blasted from the tv speakers, and a sense of ease seemed to wash over Izuku. It was like coming home, after a long day of work; or finally getting in the bath after an arduous workout; or seeing a loved one for the first time in a while.
It was the power of All Might.
Next to him, Shoto leant back against the cushions.
'Hey, Midoriya?'
Izuku tilted his head to the side.
His friend was still smiling as he wrapped himself in a blanket and straightened his legs out in front of him.
'Thank you.'
  [Friday 29th September]
Me [2347]: Hey, you fell asleep, so I let myself out. Thank you for inviting me over, I had a great time.
 Me [2349]: Oh, I made a sacred promise!
 Me [2349]: You don't snore, but at one point you made a snot bubble covered in frost. It was quite entertaining XD
  [Saturday 30th September]
Shoto-kun 🙏 [0502]: Good morning, Midoriya. That is mortifying news and I'll never sleep again… now excuse me while I have a nap
 Shoto-kun 🙏 [0723]: And I'm back. I'm glad you had a good time, it was nice to have your company but I should've set up another futon so you didn't have to walk home :(
 Shoto-kun 🙏 [0724]: Fuyumi will strangle me if she finds out
 Me [0808]: "im having a nap" he says at 5am XD
 Me [0808]: Asdfghjkl it's okay, I'll work my magic with her. I left while you were unconscious it's not your fault
 Shoto-kun 🙏 [0814]: My hero
 Shoto-kun 🙏 [0829]: Midoriya?
 Me [0831]: I'm good!
 Me [0831]: Happy Saturday!
 Shoto-kun 🙏 [0833]: Happy Saturday :)
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Ice Cold
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Media Love Actually Age Up
Character Sam
Couple Sam X Reader
Rating Sweet + Sad
Concept Second thoughts
I grabbed my case from the taxi jumping out onto the street, I paid and thanked him before I hurried myself inside the tall hotel, I passed the desk without a word and went to the lift pressing the button for the required floor. Once it stopped I got out and headed down the corridor until I found the door I'd been looking for knocking a good few times. I waited a little while before knocking again and on the second round the door opened.
He was leaning on the door, eyes barely open, hair a mess, wearing a old band tee and his blue shorts. 
"Y/n!" He smiled excitedly pulling me into the tightest hug and dragging me inside the hotel room "ummmm my second favorite girl in the whole wide world" 
"My god Sam how hungover are you?" 
"I'm not hungover" he says heading into the room and I was taken back by the utter madness of the once cute hotel room now a messy upturned hell hole "if anything… I'm kinda, still drunk" he says taking a beer from the table 
"Have housekeeping been by?"
"Oh thank god. I don't want to even imagine the meltdown if Joanna got the bill for all this"
"It's my wedding to you know" he pouts collapsing on the sofa 
"Okay," I smiled setting my things down going over and wrapping my arms around his neck and shoulders "come on, what's going on in that blonde noggin?" 
"Im getting married tomorrow"
"Yes you are. It's perfectly natural to get cold feet Sam. Especially given your kinda drunk" 
"Just…it's nothing"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, come on we have stuff to do" 
"Alright" I went and grabbed my case and began working, I had been best friends with Sam for forever really, since we were tiny little kids mostly thought the school band where of course he plaid drums and I plaid piano so we often were stuck up the back next to each other on the large unmovable bits of equipment we became very fast friends and had been close forever, I even had a crush on him at one point but he had always been head over heels for Joanna for as long as I could remember and after reconnecting a few months ago they were getting married. It had all been a bit rushed but it was still really sweet. Even if Joanna had been a bit controlling of things, kinda bridezilla is not gonna lie. But the wedding was on a tight budget so to minimize costs the girls were doing there own hair and make up all of them being very skilled in such things and as I did a lot of hair and make up stuff for my photography job she asked if I could be incharge of making the boys look presentable which of course I agreed. So I was here today to prep the room and do a base sort of Sam ready to do him and his groomsmen tomorrow morning. 
"You excited?" I asked as I sat working in his nails 
"Course. Just… nervy is all"
"It's your wedding Sam it's fine to be nervous" I laughed "I take it the bachelor party was fun?" I asked glancing are the hotel room
"Ah. No. you know the rules. No penis no info. Bachelor party for boys only"
"Sam, I'm basically a boy."
"You don't have a penis"
"I have one in my bag then can I qualify?" 
"What Joanna ask you to check up on me?"
"No, I'm just curious"
"It was fun. I had a good time"
"That's good, that's the whole point"
"There weren't strippers."
"She'll ask you. I know she will. She was very clear about it"
"Okay, no strippers" I laughed "but…?"
"No. There wasn't. We most just got really really drunk and plaid video games"
"Awww sounds lovely. So long as you had fun" 
"Oww" he complained
"Ohh don't be a baby Sammy. If you took care of your hands and nails I wouldn't have to put so much work in"
"I don't think I need all this honestly. Just like a brush through my hair tomorrow seems like enough" he says 
"It's your wedding Sam she wants you to look nice for all your pictures and things,"
"What wedding photo is gonna show my nails?"
"I don't know… shot of the wedding rings?"
"Good point"
"plus I wouldn't wanna be holding hands with these callus meat claws for an hour in this state, you need lotion. And to clean all the dirt out" 
"That's fair. Plus it makes her happy to think I did it all"
"Exactly. Anything to make her less angry right now"
"Tell me about it" he sighed "still. It's nice just getting the time to hang with you"
"Yeah it's nice to just be with you too Sam" I smiled we continued in doing various things all to prep him for the wedding tomorrow I made sure his suit was all together and steamed, his hands sorted, his shoes shined, his hang over slowly being cured ready for a six am start tomorrow. he currently sat on his third hangover cure smoothie being misted by the little Steam machine in the middle of the skincare treatment I had done for him to clean his skin up for tomorrow 
"Why is this on such a budget?"
"Joanna doesn't like spending alot of money"
"I guess. Maybe stuff wouldn't be so pricey if you waited a little longer"
"I know but she wants it all over with so we can get on with life you know"
"No other reason?" I asked 
"...no. at least she hasn't told me if there is" he explained finishing up his face and we got sat down watching TV with a drink and some pizza
"Am I a bad person."
"For what?' 
"For second guessing? The night before my wedding? Shouldn't I be giddy and happy and barely able to contain my excitement and yet… I'm not. Is that bad?"
"No sam, it's fine everyone gets nervous, has second thoughts it's a big thing. It's okay your not a bad person for having doubts" 
"I don't know, everyone says cold feet is normal but… this is like ice cold."
"Do you love Joanna?"
"Do you wanna be her?"
"Do you wanna grow old and have bouncy little babies with her?"
"Then you're fine." 
"Thanks y/n. I'm happy I'm here with you. Out of everyone"
"Of course you're my best friend." He says "I worry I won't really get to see you much after this"
"We'll still see each other"
"Joanna doesn't like you."
"... I mean. I kinda assumed that"
"Like really really doesn't like you. I had to fight to have you asked to do this for me. She didn't even want you to be invited"
"Seriously. She really doesn't like you" 
"I mean I thought she kinda wasn't a fan. Kinda sounds like she hates me"
"I did have to tell her a little white lie"
"She didn't want you to stay here tonight. So she thinks you got another room."
"Ooooh your gonna be in trouble"
"I wasn't exactly planning on telling her. She already doesn't like you. She's stressed just… not tell her"
"Alright, our little secret."
"Our little secret" he smiled as we finished up our food "can I tell you a secret?"
"Go for it Sam" 
"I used to have a crush on you" 
I choked on my drink a little"what?"
"I did. When Joanna left again. I couldn't help thinking how much I liked you and I thought about asking you out, alot. All the way till I met up with Joanna again "
"That's really sweet Sam. You wanna know a secret?"
"I had a crush on you too"
"You did?"
"Yeah I kinda just assumed you were always just to love sick over Joanna to pay me any attention" 
"So all that time you and I could have?"
"We could. Another life I suppose"
"Yeah… another life"
"Come on let's get to bed early start tomorrow"
"Yeah you okay on the single?"
"I'll be fine. Sleep tight Sam"
"You too y/n" 
I woke to my alarm and immediate got to work setting up a station at the vanity Sam took a little while longer but eventually forced himself up "good morning Mr groom"
"Oh my god. I am… so hung over."
"Hang over smoothie?" 
"God yes. I'm gonna… go and sit in the shower a while"
"Sit in the shower?" I laughed pouring him another hangover smoothie as I had already made a batch ready for this morning
"Yeah in just gonna sit in the bottom and just kinda… exist." He says taking the drink
"Alright, don't be too long the boys will be here soon" I told him as he headed to the bathroom for his shower, soon enough one by one groomsmen arrived all of whom I knew of course, I did hair and some minimal photo ready makeup all while the guys laughed and joked getting themselves ready for the wedding. I was getting a little worried Sam had been in the bathroom all morning and it had gotten to the point now we had to get him out or we'd be late. 
"Sam? You okay?" I asked tapping on the door 
"Yeah, sorry I'm just I'm kinda struggling"
"Sam it's okay to be nervous, just come on out okay and we'll get you sorted" 
The door opened a tiny bit and he grabbed my arm pulling me in the bathroom
"Whoa! What the heck Sam" I complained as he relocked the door 
"Im sorry I'm sorry I just -"
"Sam. Tell me. What is going on?" I asked as I really looked at him dressed into clean PJ's from his shower his hair still wet tears staining his face
"I… I don't know if I can do this"
"I know everyone's worked so hard. And we've put so much money and time but I just… I don't know if I can do it."
"Why not?"
"... because. Look I've been up all night, I couldn't sleep after last night. I feel awful I should be happy and excited I should have been too excited to sleep thinking about my wedding but - all I thought about all night. Was you. I spend all night tossing and turning thinking about what might have been." He says 
"Sam, that's sweet but it's your wedding today"
"I know I know. But I can't help it. I'm so sorry I don't mean to put you in a situation like this I just… I didn't realize that my feelings never really went away"
"Aww Sam. I don't think mine did either. But you're engaged to Joanna and you're marrying her today. We just have to move on and try not to think about the other life"
"The life we could have had. Together."
"Exactly. Come on or we'll be late" I told him going to unlock the door but he stopped me 
"Y/n wait" he says pulling my arm close and before I could say a word he leant down and kissed me I blushed hard and even teared up as I felt this firework of passion inside me I'd never had a kiss like that before when we pulled away I never wanted to leave his arms and I know he didn't want me too either "fuck."
"I really hoped that would make me feel better. I think I just made it so much worse."
"Come on let's just uhhh get you ready" quickly I left the bathroom and took a moment to compose myself he followed suit greeting his groomsmen and taking his seat I struggled a little not to tear up as I for him ready finally giving his jacket a brush and his hair a fix as the boys left to get the car "how are you feeling?"
"It'll be okay you just, have to wait. I'm sure the moment you see her in her wedding dress everything will become clear"
"Okay," he nods trying to lean in for another kiss but I stopped him
"I don't think that's the best idea."
"Do you want to kiss me?"
"...I do"
"Then it's a good idea" he smiled giving my lips a final kiss softly and sweetly stroking my cheek as we kissed "I wish I'd done that years ago" 
"You should go Sam"
"Yeah. I need to go" he nods forcing himself away
I pushed my feelings down and just got on with things as usual taking my seat to watch the wedding I wanted to check up on him but I didn't want to put anymore doubt in his mind, the wedding began quickly and I noticed Sam looking at me I did my best not to look back at him when Joanna arrived she did look beautiful and Sam looked so happy to see her, I felt relieved but disappointed at the same time. It all went on as any wedding would 
"do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I don't."
Silence ran across the whole wedding as everyone sat in a moment of shock 
"Excuse me?" 
"I don't. I do not"
"Joanna? What are you talking about?" Sam asked 
"I'm sorry Sam. I didn't want to do it this way but - I can't marry you. It's not that I don't care for you, I care so much for you but we were childhood sweethearts and were not children anymore you're not the boy I fell in love with and I'm not the girl you loved either we've changed, we've grown and now… all that connects us is being childhood sweethearts. I thought it would all come back, that it would come back and be just like it was but I was being stupid. I can't marry you. You'll always be my first love, my first kiss but you can't be my husband. And… I've been seeing like for the last few months romantically" she explained oh my god I knew something was up about that, nowone goes to the gym together that much 
"You- you were cheating in me? All this time…"
"Yes, I'm sorry Sam"
"Uhhhh okay. If uhhh if you think that's best." He nods "what uhh what do we do then?"
"Well we've paid for everything might as well just have a party?"
"Yeah uhh okay. Sounds good" he nods clearly completely broken but what else do you say to that. And just like that it was over the wedding cleared out into the reception space everyone drinking and eating given everything was already there and had been booked and paid for eventually I found Sam drinking on the patio steps 
"You okay?" I asked sitting beside him
"Fine. Just got stood up at my own wedding" he says drinking some more "makes sense why she wanted a quick And cheap wedding. She wanted it over with hopes it would kick start our relationship again. When she didn't feel fireworks walking down the aisle she called it off."
"I mean, is it really a bad thing? I know it hurts but you were so conflicted about it second guessing for days. I know it hurts now but maybe it's for the best" 
"Maybe you're right. Maybe I was just being stupid. Who really marries first girl they get a crush on and expect them to actually have a healthy marriage" he says "I knew something was up with her and luke I just didn't wanna be a dick. Maybe I'd I had this whole mess could have been avoided"
"It's okay, none of us knew"
"sorry I'm just -"
"It's okay, perfectly normal to be emotional" I told him "come here" I cooed pulling him to lean on my shoulder
"Thanks y/n"
"Your welcome." I smiled kissing his head letting him whine and cry as much as he needed too "hey it's okay, come on. You wanna dance?" He shook his head "you wanna go get another drink?" He shook his head "you wanna go get some pizza and drop red wine down Joanna's white dress?" He nods "okay let's go get some pizza and drop a big glass of red wine down her dress" I smiled helping him up
"Thanks y/n"
"Your welcome,"
"Yes Sam?"
He simply pulled me close and gently kissed me I smiled and kissed him back when he pulled away I saw him smile again "do you wanna come over and watch a movie together tomorrow?"
"What like a date?"
"Very much a date"
"I'd love too" I smiled giving him a kiss "come on before all the pizzas gone" 
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fourseasonsfigs · 9 months
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Coda - Beautiful Fight Scene in the Middle of the Lake
What's this? Yet another post on this fig set? Yes indeed! This is a follow up to Building Block Figs - Beautiful Fight Scene in the Middle of the Lake (Part One and Two). It won't make a lot of sense if you haven't read those first, so if you have time, check those out!
For those of you who have read those posts, you may recall that I wasn't really happy with the original design of the lake raft being blue and green, and that you could see the cream colored base:
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So, my plan was that when I finished the rest of my building block figs, I'd see what I could do with the leftover bricks. That time has come!
I pulled this fig set back out and took off the figs. I dismantled the base down to the very beginnings, and counted the bricks for the raft. I compared them to my remaining brown bricks, and it seemed like I would just have barely enough, if I was thoughtful about how I used the sizes.
I seemed to have enough blue bricks to use for the base, so I went ahead and made that, expanding the water to cover all sides.
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Part of the base is not blue but brown, so I went ahead and started using what I could. You see that this is all the bricks that are left! I wanted to use black in the raft as well for a little more detail, but I didn't have nearly enough black bricks. I also didn't have enough grey bricks to use for further contrast either.
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You can also see I have a few transparent bricks for water splashing. The original design used about 2/3 of them, but I liked the look, and figured the more the merrier! I decided to use all of them. There's not a lot of them anyway - those there you can see are all there are.
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As you may recall, the original raft used green for the raft and dark blue for the contrast. Maybe to show the water through the bamboo? I'm not sure. I followed the instructions as carefully as I could, substituting the colors, and then trying to add on more clear bricks towards the elevated top to show the froth of the water as the raft came up out of the water.
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I meant to take more progress shots, but I have never been a good multi-tasker. It took all my brain power to figure this out! I had to adjust a little bit for the extended base, translate the colors (which was harder in my brain than it should have been) and I had to conserve brown bricks more than I thought I would have to. It was a little more difficult than I expected, but I'm really happy with it! As you can see, I did in fact, go to town with the transparent bricks. I added on some water drips that were most definitely not in the original design.
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Here's another view. I really had liked the horizontal lines going through the raft in the original, but I didn't have enough grey bricks in the right shapes to add them. I'm hoping when the next sets arrive that I'll have enough to add them in. In the meantime, I still like this better.
I'll let you be the judge!
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I did pull off one of the two cream colored bases (I was like, why did I have two stacked up on each other?), but I realize now it's to elevate the back of the raft up a bit more off the ground. I'm going to put it back.
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You can really see where I went to down on the water droplets here. Too much? Maybe! I still kind of like it.
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Yeah, having another base underneath won't be visible but will give the elevation back for sure.
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The raft is fairly stable - in one area I only had small brown bricks, so it's a little weaker in that area. I tried to reinforce it as much as possible, but rough treatment would probably make one of those back brown pieces fall off. However, this is going right into my fig case, so that's not a concern.
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Oops, looks like I need to push down that right side there a bit in the water.
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This is really such a cute set. I continue to be charmed by their flying hair!
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Ahh, a little more of the water effect! I'm really very pleased with it. Hmm, I also see I'll be pressing down a little bit on that upraised blue brick there in the middle.
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You're definitely getting a little more fig detail in these second round of shots!
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The transparent bits don't look too overdone from this angle, I think.
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Hobo-Xu's goatee here continues to make me giggle. It's so funny!
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Oh, I really like the transparent bricks.
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Here's the revised underside. Luckily I had a bunch of those long dark blue bricks left.
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As you can see, the raft is a little plain now. Which I think is ok, since it puts the attention on the figs themselves. Still, I think it'll be nicer when I finally do revise it a bit with the lateral grey pieces.
Alright, I think 3 posts for one fig set is enough! Thank you for hanging in there with me on this building brick adventure. I'm really looking forward to the next set I get. Unfortunately, it'll just be one...the other two I had ordered off Xianyu both fell through. I'll keep looking though - eventually someone will sell them.
No updated fig counts on this, since this is just a do-over, but if anyone wants to see non-brick figs, the master index is here.
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aberrant-webnovel · 11 months
Chapter 8 - Back to HQ
Chapter 8 - Back to HQ
My alarm started blaring early in the morning. 7AM. I slapped the bar on top and silenced it before lumbering out of bed. I needed a few seconds more to clear the fog from sleeping.
After switching the snooze off from the alarm and disabling it, I set it back down.
"Time to get ready."
I spent a bit collecting an outfit together for the day. Green tank. Sand colored cargo pants. Combat boots.
"Maybe not."
I thought for a bit about it and changed out the shirt. I didn't want to wear exactly what I saw that woman from yesterday wearing. A black tank would be better.
After getting clean underwear and socks, I found a clean towel.
"Let's get ready then."
I left my room with my outfit and towel. I slept in sweats and no shirt so I just stayed like that.
There was a bathroom with a shower upstairs and downstairs, but I could hear the shower upstairs in use. Mom sometimes got up at this time, too. That might be her. I'll go use the downstairs shower.
I took the stairs down and meandered passed the dining room and kitchen to the bathroom.
I knocked just in case. No answer.
Safe to open, then. So I pushed open the door and entered.
My clothes were best left on a nearby shelf and I hung my towel on a hook next to the standing shower. It's a big glass box with opaque walls. Can't really see inside very well even if there isn't steam. Once the shower was hot, it was totally impossible to see into.
I stripped and left my pants on the shelf with my new outfit. I didn't have anything else on.
The door squeaked when I opened it. Wasn't too loud. Shouldn't bother Silva's sleep.
The tile flooring inside was cold. We can change that by running the hot water though. Better turn it on right away.
I turned the water on and waited outside the box for minute while it heated. Then once the steam was coming through, I entered.
I was still half asleep, but this should wake me up pretty quick.
Ten minutes later, I was out of the shower and toweling off.
Curious about my healing, I looked myself over in a mirror over the sink.
I lifted my arms and looked at my torso. There was no damage to be seen. No bruises. There was no pain either. But one major change did occur.
My muscles were insanely toned compared to the day before. My abs were cut into a clear six sections. My pecs had clear definition around them now. Both of these features were pretty lean just yesterday.
I looked my arm definition. My shoulders were wider, biceps and triceps clearly defined. My forearms weren't bulging, but had a significant amount improvement.
My thighs and calves showed very similar growth. Not too many changes in my face other than my skin growing a bit clearer. My hair didn't change, either. Still kinda short, but wavy and a bit of an orange-blonde.
Of everything I just observed, I felt only one major concern.
"I couldn't have grown any taller though?"
Despite everything, I really did wonder why I didn't grow any taller. I was the same height as always when I looked into this mirror. 5 feet 8 inches.
"I gotta show Silva. But first, pants."
I made sure I was totally dried off and then slipped on my undies and pants. The rest can wait. I'll just leave it here and get dressed later.
I shot out of the bathroom and through the house towards the stairs. Carefully, I ran up the stairs. Then I moved to the guest room and opened the door. I didn't bother knocking.
Silva was frozen in shock in the middle of the room. Looks like she just got up and was about to get ready. Luckily, she was in a very modest night gown.
"Sorry, shoulda knocked."
"I'm still asleep."
Silva blinked a few times and just stared at me without moving or changing expression.
"A very muscly man who looks a lot like Ymir came into my room without knocking. I must still be dreaming. It's all too weird."
"If you're dreaming, then I'm dreaming too. But I'm pretty sure this is real."
"No way."
"Yes way."
A few more seconds of awkward staring.
"I'm awake and this is real?"
"Yes! Just stop looping!"
"Did the stim do this?"
"I don't know. Maybe. I'm going to see Dr. Eugene today."
"What the…?"
We stood in silence for a short bit until Silva got a hold of herself.
"If you're heading to HQ today, then I'll come with. Wait up for me?"
"Sure. I'll get breakfast ready."
"Get dressed first. The muscles are creeping me out."
I went back downstairs. Made way to the bathroom and collected my clothes. I changed into my outfit there, but left my sweats from last night on the shelf. I'll collect them for laundry at some point later. Gotta make breakfast first.
I get to the kitchen and check the fridge and cupboards. Not too many options. I have uncooked rice and a few fresh veggies. Six eggs. There's still some leftovers from last night, too.
Omelet with veggies. I'll steam the rice. What we don't eat, I'll just have extra to cook with later.
Gonna have to leave mom with just leftovers until I can bring back some groceries. I planned on picking up some yesterday after the testing, but things went a little bit crazier than I had anticipated. Either way, I'll do that after I see the doctor. I'll be sure to buy extra since Silva is going to be staying with us.
I get to cooking. I'm comfortable in the kitchen. Feels good to move around and make food.
While I'm cooking, every action feels just extra easy. The pans are lighter. I'm moving quicker. I feel more aware of everything I'm doing.
I spent about fifteen washing the rice until the water was perfectly clear. We had a rice cooker that I pulled out and got the rice in there with enough water. About right as I was turning it on, I saw my mom start walking toward me.
[Is there enough there for everyone to eat?]
"There is, yeah. Need to shop later though. Gotta stock up with Silva here for a few days.
[You look different. What is it?]
"Oh, well it's a few things."
I walked away from the kitchen. The stove wasn't on yet and the rice would take a bit. It was fine to ignore breakfast a few more minutes and just talk to mom.
I got near and flexed my arms to show the growth and grinned a big smile.
"Woke up with some changes. Abs and legs are all toned up, too."
Mom had kind of a weird look on her face. Disgust and confusion.
"Silva said that too. I doesn't look that bad, right?"
[You don't look bad? But it's a big change. Happened too fast.]
"I'm gonna see a doctor at HQ today. Might know something."
[Definitely find out.]
"Now go relax and wait for breakfast. I'll get Silva when I finish up."
[Yes, sir!]
Mom signed that with a goofy smile and gave me a sloppy salute. Then she went into the living room. I could hear our display turn on and a newscast start. Didn't know what was being said, but mom did like to stay on top of what was going on around us.
The rest of breakfast wasn't hard to get ready. I've made omelets plenty of times. So once those were finished, I paddled out some steamed white rice.
"Okay, mom! Food is ready! I'm going to go get Silva."
I walked to the stairs and passed mom on the way. She gave me a quick peck kiss on the side of the head before I went upstairs.
"Yo, Silva. Food is ready."
I knocked a few times on her door, but got no response. After a few seconds, I could hear the shower running. She did want to come with me today. Makes sense that she would want to shower.
I knocked on the bathroom door and cracked it just enough to yell inside.
"Food is ready! Finish up and come eat!"
"Huh? Oh sure. I was getting out in a minute. I'll be right there."
I could hear her squeak the handle and turn off the water. I closed the door before even hearing the shower door open, then went downstairs.
Mom had collected all our plates and set them on the dining table with utensils for us. I sat down at the table with mom to my right at the head seat. Silva had a spot set for her on my left.
Rather than starting to eat right away, my mom and I just started a casual conversation. Mostly just figuring out what today would include for us both.
A couple minutes later, Silva had made her way downstairs. She was fully dressed for the day, but still had some wet hair. Might have to let her blow dry it before we leave.
Silva had a very modest and cute style if I had to say so. Blue was her favorite color so she made it a big part of her look. Her shirt was a white button up with frilly blue trim on it. She wore a short tie that was also blue. Blue skirt that goes down to her knees. Thigh high white socks. Blue flats to walk in. Right now her long hair was tied back with a white ribbon.
The whole family was assembled now! Time to eat!
"Thank you for cooking, Ymir."
"Of course!"
Mom tapped me on the shoulder while I responded to Silva.
[As always, thank you. It looks good.]
I saw her sign that to me when I turned back to look at her.
"I'll cook something even better for dinner tonight. Silva can come shopping with me so I can bring home even more"
"Sounds fun. Haven't had to go shopping in a while. Mom usually does it."
We continued to enjoy our time together. Once everyone started eating, conversation slowed down quite a bit.
Hard to speak or sign while trying to eat. Thank you, everyone. For loving my food.
My mom waited for both Silva and I to finish and then collected the dishes. She usually washed the dishes after every meal.
[If you cook for me, I want to clean up for you.]
That's how she put it back when I started cooking. It just kinda stuck as our routine.
"I've got a couple things to pick up around here before I'm good to go. You gonna be ready to leave soon?"
"Yeah, just need to fully dry my hair. It doesn't look great when it's wet."
"I'm going to collect sheets and stuff for the wash. You mind if I grab the sheet from your room?"
"Go for it. I'll be upstairs in the bathroom."
We parted ways at the table. Silva went upstairs right away. I stopped by the bathroom downstairs and collected my pants. After that, I went upstairs to get the sheets from my bed and Silva's. It was easy to collect mine, but Silva somehow gets everything tangled in a huge mess so I had to fight it a bit.
Laundry obtained! The washing units were in the upstairs bathroom so I just left a basket over by the door. A hair dryer could be heard inside so I thought it'd be best to just let her finish up being going in there.
I just went back to my room. A few of the notes on my desk were placed haphazardly. Might as well tidy up until I can do laundry. I just picked up and organized for a few minutes.
Two knocks.
"Come in."
Silva opened the door. He hair was perfectly fluffy and dry now.
"I saw the laundry outside the door so I started it for you. I'm ready to go now if you are."
"If you already started the laundry, then I'm fine to leave. Let's get going.
Silva and I hurried downstairs. Mom was in the living room watching newscasts. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her in a hug. I kissed the side of her head and then let go.
"I love you, mom. I won't let them keep me too late today."
[Wait up, Ymir. I have something for you.]
Mom got up from the couch and grabbed a small wooden case that was in front of her on the coffee table. She handed that to me.
[Open it.]
I saw her sign that and opened it right away. Inside are metal tags on a steel chain. I picked them up and read them aloud.
"Captain Magni Sorenson. B-Rank. Runner Corps."
Second tag.
"Fighting for my wife Delilah and my son Ymir."
The tears were about to break the dam! Close the flow! Stop it! Now!
"Mom, these are dad's tags."
I looked up at my mother. She was sobbing and smiling at me. Her hands were a bit shaky, but she still got the words out.
[Please carry your father's love with you. Let him protect you.]
At this point, the tears didn't stop. I hugged my mom again. Much tighter. I kissed her cheek. After pulling away, I took the tags out of the box, closed it, and put the box on the table. The chain was easy to unlink and then clasp back together around my neck.
The steel hung down and I could feel the chill against my skin. The tags were just over my tank top, but the chain was cold.
"Dad's coming with me everywhere from now on, Mom."
[I'm glad.]
"It's time for us to get going."
I hugged her again and started to head towards the door.
[Take care! I love you both!]
Silva saw that sign and called out to her.
"Thank you for letting me stay here again, Auntie Del. I love you, too!"
Everyone shared smiles and waves before it was time to head back to HQ. Silva and I departed from my home and were on our way.
The walk to the tram station wasn't too far. We did, however, make sure to bring the wheelchair along. I just pushed it in front of me as I walked with Silva at my side.
Once on the tram, we walked back towards the same spot were rode yesterday. However, our unfriendly acquaintance had already seemed to board the tram and was on the same space she was last time. With the time of day, though, this tram was full of people. I just hope she doesn't recognize me and start something here.
The ride wasn't the most comfy because of the lack of free space. Nobody was allowed to stand while the tram was moving, so we squeezed together on the seats when it got busy.
Silva leaned in and pretty much just laid on my shoulder for the ride. Better than letting her get squished between me and some other stranger.
The tram reached its destination after not too long and we would depart from there. HQ wasn't far.
We hurried along so as to avoid the lime-haired woman from yesterday.
After about five minutes, I turned around to just check behind us while we walked. She was there.
Just walking behind us and matching our pace. When our eyes met, she kept walking towards us.
"Silva, take the chair and head back to the HQ, alright?"
"Don't do anything stupid, okay? No fighting."
Silva grabbed the chair and kept going.
"Tell Dr. Eugene that I'm on my way."
Silva left.
The lime-haired woman stood to face me now. She was tall. I didn't take too much notice before. She stands at over 6 feet tall. 6 feet 3 inches maybe? I had to look up at her. But I got a real good look at her face this time. She had light skin, but it was still a bit tanned like most who live anywhere in the Desert Sector. The same color of lime was in her eyeshadow, but her lips were a pastel lilac. She had plenty of jet black piercings in her ears, brows, bottom lip, and nose.
She also had the exact same outfit as I had on. Black tank, desert camo cargo pants, combat boots. I hate having the same clothing sense as such a mean person.
"You get juiced up or something overnight?"
"Trying to figure that out."
"It's creepy."
"That what I've been told."
"You're not fooling anyone with the muscles. It's obvious you aren't augmented."
"No tricks. But I am still a C-Ranker."
"Fuck off with that."
"I won't."
"Then just fuck off."
"Then I'll just see you at HQ sometime. What's your name anyway?"
"I don't tell that to civvies."
"Whatever. See you around."
I turned away from her. She wasn't cooperative at all. Why the fuck did she have such a problem with me? I know it's not the most believable event, but the hostility is just too much.
I didn't hear a response. I didn't even bother turning around. I wonder if she was going to follow me while I caught up with Silva.
Five minutes of walking brought me to the front of HQ. I found Silva waiting there for me. I guess she didn't want to go in without me.
I called out to my cousin and approached her.
"You didn't go in?"
"You don't have an access card yet. I don't have my own either. Just have one that dad slipped to me to use if I need it. Figured you'd be stuck out here if we don't go together."
"Oh shit! You're right! We should stop by an admin desk to get our cards today. Yesterday was too hectic and I forgot."
"Then let's get going. We can stop by the front desk on the way to the Medic corps offices."
And so that's what we did. Silva got us inside and then we moved into the lobby area. There was a lot going on in here so nobody took notice of us right away. Almost everyone was dressed in uniform, however, and we were in civilian clothes. Even if we weren't being gawked at, I feel like we were still noticeable.
We just made it over to the front desk and explained we forgot to get keycards yesterday after testing. Silva made something up about Dr. Eugene letting us inside so we could get our cards before our meeting with him. The clerk fell for it, it seemed.
Even if she caught the fib, she located our information in the system and started to process new keycards for us. After reviewing the information, she gave me a concerned look before handing over my card.
"Don't lose your card again. It looks bad for C-Rankers to be forgetful."
"It's my first card actually. I'm starting soon."
She started to go through my file with a shocked face.
"What's the Chief thinking…? I guess, welcome to the Vault Breakers. Both of you. Ymir Sorenson and Silva Dirge."
With our names being said aloud, a few glances came our direction and locked onto us.
The clerk girl seemed really thrown off by everything. Maybe I'm just not taking my rank as seriously as I should be.
"Thanks. I'll see you around. What's your name?"
"Huh? Me? Umm… Camille."
"Then til next time, Camille."
Silva and I left the desk and the stares slowly broke off from us. Silva checked behind us as we left.
"She's blushing."
"Hah! No she isn't."
"Beet red."
I didn't have any appeal to anyone before. No way that I had an effect on someone so suddenly.
Silva and I just made our way at a steady pace over to Eugene's office. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.
"Come in."
Good. He's in the office.
We entered together. Silva moved the wheelchair off to the side of the room and stood next to me.
"We came back just like you asked, doc."
"And with some serious changes, I see. This is… creepy."
"Would everyone stop calling me creepy?"
"It's creepy though. Especially since I saw you yesterday."
Eugene stood up and just walked around me in a circle. Silva moved out of the way stood off to the side by the wheelchair we brought back.
"Are you okay with receiving a basic physical? I might need to take a blood sample too.
"I'm willing to do what's needed to get to the bottom of this."
"I won't get results right away. It's just a place to start. I'll coordinate further testing with you. Probably going to need to get R&D involved once I have enough data to share with them."
"Like I said. I just want to figure things out."
"Sure, sure. Silva, I'm gonna ask you to leave the office for the examinations. I think I saw Varun in the labs. He's up and active. You have plenty of clearance to pay him a visit."
Eugene said that and I could see Silva smiling in response. I knew she missed her dad.
"Yeah, I'll go see him. Come find me later. Okay, Ymir?"
"Sure. Tell Uncle Varun hello for me."
With that, she left the room and I began the exams with Dr. Eugene.
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simpingwriter · 1 year
Cal Kestis x Kyra Yarmot
'In the Name of Love' Pt.4 (1/2)
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A/N: guess this one got too long oops-
I'm writing this all on Google Docs and unfortunately they got a word limit for Spellcheck. And I got carried away with this chapter, so for the sake of at least some grammatical editing, I had to split this one up to two parts. Maybe even 3ish, depending on how easily I can end the 2nd part of Chapter 4 because a bomb is getting dropped in that part...
I will post the 2nd part either still tonight, if I got enough fuel left, or tomorrow afternoon.
Enjoy (pls and thx :) )
Word Count: approx. 3000
When you first set foot, or feet, onto the Bardottian Market – well, one of many, to be honest – you felt a totally different atmosphere to the one from yesterday.
Calmer, more civilized…less dirt.
And much less people, or the path was just bigger, letting it appear less packed than the other one.
"Wow, I can't hear a street fight around the next corner of these stalls. The other one…well", in the other one, you wouldn't have just heard the fights happening, chances were high you felt the blood of the one losing splatter onto your face when you choose to be stupid and pass directly by it.
And it was not exactly rare to end up in one yourself either, from totally not personal experience.
You nod in agreement while getting busy with scanning the stalls selling their farms' produce. The meat choices looked like their prices would put a miniature black hole in your wallet. But they also made your mouth water, knowing you couldn't afford them was like plain torture.
"Wait…over there. A Blue Milk Stand." Cal calls out excited – drawing some critiquing looks onto yourselves in turn, all quickly deterred with you snarling at them –, pointing like an overjoyed toddler towards said colorful stand, pulling you after him, giving you not much choice but to stumble after him, him to 100% oblivious to your suddenly heated up face.
The direct hand contact didn't make you blush yesterday…so why now??
"For a minute, I was worried about even finding Blue Milk all the way on Bardotta, since Banthas aren't part of the natural fauna. But I guess they just…shipped…them here??" That would probably be the case…
You weren't really sure either, shrugging once he let go of your now almost clammy hand again, still none the wiser to your very sudden reaction. Why should he, you dragged him through the streets hand in hand yesterday as well and didn't bat an eye at that moment of close contact.
Hell, you almost karking straddled him when you met and didn't react like this on the inside! Probably because of your peaking adrenaline fogging up your thoughts at that time, but who knows.
Holy karking bantha shit, you totally did straddle him...oh makers...
The blush that was on its verge of disappearing again, shot back into your face as your tried to shake the pictures from your head, at least for now.
"Okay, got the milk…can cross that one off at lea-... Kyra, you...okay there?" Instead of waving his hand in front of you – remembering the almost accident today – he simply poked your shoulder, barely getting any resistance back at first. But it did the trick. "Y-yeah? Oh, you already bought the blue milk?" "While you were occupied with daydreaming, yes. Are you really sure you're alright? If you don't feel well, I can finish the list myself, there shouldn't be that many any…ways…oh...oh no..."
He stopped himself as he looked down at the list written on a sheet of paper. You, curious, also took a glance.
It wasn't exactly what you would call small – not in your vocabulary at least –, the list.
Baffled, he clears his throat after a few moments of taking in the small list, "I stand by my words though, if you're not fe-" "I was just preoccupied with my thoughts for a moment, Cal. I'm fine, honestly." You assured him as you slipped the list from his hands to take a better look at it while he carefully put the milk bottles inside the backpack you decided to carry when you went out.
You became more than used to having to carrying heavy gear since you used to carry your entire life of clothes and resources on your back – before Cal found you of course – so this wasn't going to break your back just yet. Dragon People once were supposed to be "working animals", your whole evolutionary line filled with traits to do and carry a lot of work, be it holding out extreme lengths of bloody wars or just farm work.
Sometimes though, you had to question if you have really gotten all these traits. Sure, you could carry a lot of stuff for a long period of time…but you had your limitations on that and they looked awfully human and fragile for your heritage, if you looked at the apparent feats they had accomplished centuries ago...
"Is Cere sure we can find all these things here?" You scan the list over and over, some standing out to be bound to certain planets and their cultures. Mentally, you skipped over those after making sure you wouldn't find them here. It shrunk the list not by a lot though.
"We all wrote stuff on it freely, we never know when and where we get to restock…so I don't think so. We just have to try our luck with most of them."
You now mentally list the things needed on them:
Pack of paper
New Tool harness (Cal)
Chewstim (Cal and Merrin)
1 pack of vacuumized Stimcaf (Cal)
3 packs of vacuumized Coffee
2 packs of Chocolate Cookies (Greez)
Huge amounts of various cooking ingredients (Greez)
Synthmilk (no name)
Gatalentan Tea (Merrin)
Gesha Tea (Cere)
Karlini Tea (Greez)
10 bottles of Water
Pack of Toilet Paper
"By the makers, I think we need to go twice, alone because of the water bottles, the backpack isn't even big enough for that…" Cal mutters irritated at the list, shaking his head, some more unkept locks of red falling into his face, "Why didn't they all come with us?" He said quietly to himself, but you caught it just all too well, keeping quiet anyways. If someone whispers, they probably didn't plan for it to be heard. So you play none the wiser…again.
"That's fine with me…but the more important question…who the hell put Synthmilk on there?!?"
Tried it once, puked once. That stuff was the karking worst you had put into your mouth at that point. Sure, later you would have to take that back, finding out what a bowl of Gruel that went bad from standing in the way too humid air of Gelgelar for probably…hours...tasted like. Hadn't gotten out of the refresher for actual hours either.
"Don't know, but I guess we'll just get it? If we even find it. Never had it myself, so you might need to help me with finding it." "It's absolutely not worth the credits…but yeah, let's just buy it. And even if just to find the nasty ass culprit." Walking away from the Blue Milk Stand, Cal laughs at your pure and unfiltered hatred for Synthmilk before taking the list back from your claws, saying it must be oh so very heavy for you. What a jokester.
Jokesters get pushed. The pusher gets pushed back. In the end, you're both dizzy, laughing like idiots as you stumble down the market paths.
You're both just childish, but you could very well look past that for such good company as Cal.
While he had to hide his lightsaber higher up under his Poncho, you were still left without yours, it being another thought doing extra and extra rounds in your head at night. You needed it back. But you didn't even know where that Karker went with it, if he even still had it or if he long sold it. And where the possible seller went or what they did with it.
With your great – absolute bantha shit – luck, it's been taken apart, its pieces and your kyber crystal out on the black market for the highest, most certainly dubious bidder…
"You're missing your lightsaber…" How did he- "You have been staring at mine all morning…I just didn't find the right time to mention it." Oh, yeah…that does make sense.
"Sorry for that… It's just…it was taken from me in a moment of weakness, Cal. Not just that I lost it bothers me…", it kept reminding you of the fact that you lost in that encounter with an enemy. It ate at you, like a damned parasite, you couldn't even keep your lightsaber safe, not even THAT.
How were you supposed to keep those apparent Force Sensitive Children safe if you ever found them? There weren't many adult Jedi left that could teach them the right way…
And just for the sake of…of whatever was left of the old Jedi Order, you should not be one of the people to continue the teachings. You never used to like following these stupid rules too much yourself.
Not to forget, the dead Council would twist in their not-too-nice graves if you would teach them. You were taught partial Dark Side Arts by your late Master, if anything, you would've been a traitor to them if they had ever found out what happened right under their noses.
Squinting at yourself for slowly losing total track of your busy train of thoughts, you sigh out, shaking your head dismissively, "I can't keep hanging myself up on it, I know that myself, you don't need to think that for me…because i know you are.".
You just wished for at least a sliver of a clue to its current location, or even its last…
"I will do anything in my power to help you find it, Kyra..." He promised to you, an almost pained but a certainly strong expression on his freckled face, "Since I'm guessing yours also belonged to someone you once knew." Of course it did, you…you weren't trusted with your own yet at that time, left with a stupid training lightsaber when the attack happened, unable to hurt even a bug with the weak blade the Kathracite in it would create, unlike the actual Kyber Crystals.
Or Bondar Crystals, oh boy. For the, ehem, "shock value" as your master used to joke.
They really weren't fun to get hit with but indeed a shocking experience, to not get sliced to dragon meat dices on immediate impact....
"It belonged to my master…" even more why you needed it back.
Its the last thing you had left of him. The last physical thing. His unusual teachings would never leave your head, his stories of his adventures of crossing the Galaxy before becoming a teacher for Younglings and Padawans like you and his own, very special ways of explaining his points of view always kept close to your heart.
"So just like mine?" The whole time while you went to talk about your lightsabers, you had to remember to tone it down a lot more than usual, your eyes constantly busy making sure nobody in the crowd stood out for being with the Empire. Or even a local was enough right now, this being Bardotta.
During that, you chipped a good portion of the list off, the backpack growing heavier and heavier by each stall you passed. Until Cal unfortunately interrupts your well flowing conversation, seconds after you told an absolutely horrible joke you heard from an old companion of yours, Cal choking at the punchline to a point you had to help him cough his water back up, "Wait- Wait…I think we really should get some of the stuff back to the ship now…" He looked at you and the backpack with an amount of worry you hadn't felt being laid upon you for too long.
It weirdly enough felt really nice, knowing that for once, not everyone thought of you like some unbeatable and inexhaustible creature - even if it was just him. Well okay, with the way he liked to shamelessly admire your nonhuman parts, you couldn't be 100% sure he didn't think you're a creature at least to a certain degree.
"Sure. But no big talky talky breaks with Merrin and the rest, it's going to get dark sooner or later. Bardotta gets cold at night…" you turn on your heels, having kept the way back to the ship somewhat memorized, holding back a laugh as Cal took a moment to realize you actually agreed to his plan instead of arguing, stuck in place, brain buffering like a terrible HoloNet connection, yelling for you to wait for him as he jogs back up to walk next to you. "Well, not that cold though…I'm sure this place looks really nice at night, i mean, look at all the lights around the stalls!"
He was right, there are alot of fairy lights strewn about…
"I don't know…it does sound nice. But, well…" you rub your arm in embarrassment, remembering the undoubtedly incredibly childish teasing back in your not-too-long-ago childhood. Even though you should've grown out of that memory by now. "I get cold real easily…i wouldn't want to ruin this for you with my constant shivering…I'm sure Merrin wouldn't say no to it though! She would be thrilled to see them as well!"
The two of you had nearly left the market as you unexpectedly got stopped by Cal, eyebrows uncharacteristically knitted together as he looked down to you, just a head taller than you, thinking about what to actually say for a minute.
"She definitely would, sure. I definitely could, sure. But I want to get to know you a bit better. Without Greez panicking every two seconds about you devouring him head to toe in his sleep and Merrin interrupting me." He let go of your shoulders, hands falling back down to his sides, something you didn't even register as you were busy staring up into his eyes. The eyes you, without any filter whatsoever, called pretty yesterday before heading to bed.
And you would never take it back. They were pretty, especially in addition to his overall handsome face…wait no!
"Also, please don't worry about feeling cold, if you really got such a bad problem with it. I meant it when I said you could get some of my Ponchos as well, I guarantee you, on BD, there is a warm and cozy one under them!" Immediately BD seemed to almost glare at Cal in disbelief and you didn't know how you discerned that from his usual "expression" but you're sure he was, a small and muted beep that translated to 'Rude' was the only thing he had to say.
As you continued walking, him telling you with passion about all his favorite Ponchos, the one he wanted to show and gift to you specifically, you felt a weird tug at your heart. All the time, you had been so so lonely, the loneliness eating at your live conscious at some nights, you nearly forgot what it was like to have someone actually caring for one and their personal opinions, for their wellbeing even. After a certain event after the purge, you never had spent long enough with people to get to know them, for them to get to know you, neither did it ever matter, all having been short acquaintances solely to get you from Planet A to Planet B. Or C. Or D.
None of them even bothered to ask about you…and with the kind of people you had to travel sometimes, you were very glad about that.
Why was it feeling differently with Cal then?
Because you knew you would stay with them for a while? Because you wanted to stay for a while?
Cal stops at the front of the raised door of the ship, using his comm link to tell Cere that you were back with the first things on the list for now. The door opened quickly, letting both of you back onto the Mantis. After waving a quick 'hey' to Merrin – while also informing her of having found her requested Tea – who was reading a book in the living room, you left the backpack leaning against the couch, hoping at least someone felt inclined to unpack it.
Cal didn't give you lot of time, keeping you to your own words a few minutes ago and already went to usher you back to the quarters in the engine room you shared, teasing you about the fact that you told him to not waste time with talking to the others for too long.
BD, who was until a few minutes ago, surprisingly quiet during the whole trip, hopped off his shoulder to stretch his small legs, a chuckle quick to follow from you, "Since when do Droids need to stretch?"
'Ever since I only get taken to boring missions!' He beeps back irritated before quickly resuming his place back up higher. This time it was your upper back and shoulders as he beeps quickly, 'Quick, take me on an actual adventure, oh pretty pretty Kyra!'
Rummaging through his drawer, Cal scoffs playfully at BD's theatrical request, "You say it like we don't get nearly shot dead on sight on every second planet we decide to set foot on! I would call that pretty adventurous..." He mumbles the last part with fake hurt in his voice.
'Those aren't adventures. Those are eventual death traps…'
From his mention to their danger, your thoughts went to the eventual first real mission for you on the Mantis. Well, would've, weren't it for Cal's thought-puncturing shout, "HA! Found it! This one should be perfect for your little dilemma!"
In his hands he held a nearly white poncho, some grey scale specks over it. The inside looked not just insulated, you were sure you saw some warm fur coating poking out at the folded edges. A cold climate poncho. Clearly not perfect for actual subzero regions…since it was a karking Poncho for crying out loud, but it would be great for cold nights on normal planets.
You wondered where he got it from, your hands naturally going out to grab it from his. A short, yet unexpected brush of his own hands, slightly roughed up and a bit dry from training, sent immediate shivers down your spine and your first "most logical" reaction was to let go of the Poncho in shock, hearing it drop to the ground with a muted thud. For a moment he was about to say something before just smiling at you. "Sorry, thought you had it already, slippery fingers I guess!"
Was the redhead aware of the sudden skin contact and your increasingly stupid behavior today and he just... played it off…or did he really not notice when you pulled your hands off of his like he physically burned you? Which wasn't possible by the way. Dragon People were almost all "fireproof".
You wouldn't make matters worse, nodding at his comment, "Happens sometimes if you got fingers like mine." Wasn't even a total lie, claws were sometimes difficult to do certain things with. And you couldn't even shorten them by a lot, blood vessels starting to run through them at some point. "I think they look…" He stops himself to think, looking at them intently while he crouches down to pick the thick Poncho back up, "I think they look not just cool. They look good on you, they suit you...a dragon without claws would look odd though, wouldn't they?" They definitely would, it was one of your main defense or offense tactics after all.
For your comfort's sake, he seemed to notice that for some reason, he left the conversation subject at that for now, walking back to the main living area with you once more. The backpack was luckily actually empty again, so without much of a break, only to quickly take a sip from the water bottle you took for yourself during breakfast today, like you warned him and he teased you, you once more left the Mantis to go and buy the rest of the list.
And just like you predicted, night came in quickly. Very quickly. Only three hours later, the sun had nearly fully set, only a few of its rays left scattered across the ground as it disappeared behind a distant snowed in mountain.
Now the streets were only illuminated by the Bardottan Moon and street lights. But also by one third important thing, the sole reason you stayed out this long anyways.
Before you even had the chance to start shivering, also like you predicted, Cal took the liberty to take the Poncho from the backpack's strap from its current place on the ground where you put the once again heavy object for a short break. You weren't able to get your question about 'what he was doing exactly' out when he was already carefully placing the poncho over your head, taking note of your wings and horns – trying his absolute hardest to not accidentally brush against the later after your very obvious reaction about them yesterday.
A small sheepish wave when your head popped back out on the other end of the opening woke you from your trance, staring in surprised awe at him, "Hello there, welcome to comfy town." He sang, a bright undoubtedly happy smile on his face, using your moment of needing to mentally hard reboot yourself to reach for the backpack himself this time, a huff leaving his lips.
Back to reality, you're about to protest about him carrying it, when he stops you with his single-gloved hand, telling you it was alright if he carried it now. He was strong as well after all, not like you, but he wouldn't break and fall apart like the plastic brick toys you both apparently got to know after a heated discussion about them this morning. You vaguely remember the name Jego, initial envy playing a big part in those memories. Envy you had to swallow as a Padawan back then. Until you got a set on one of your sparsely celerated birthdays, a gift from the commander of the Clone Troop that served under your Master.
"Come, stop daydreaming for once. I wanna see the lights…we won't get this much time everyday for a while now, so we should enjoy it while it lasts. Or while the rest don't actively collect us to leave again of course." Once again, as if automatic, his bigger hands found yours. It also – once more – sent more shivers down your scaley spine, feeling your wings subtly react to said shiver as well. But you left your hand right in his anyways, the warmth radiating alone from just his hands feeling incredible.
Getting to the nicely decorated stalls was even easier now, the shopping crowd gone now that the actual market was closed for the night. That only left you, other visitors and general off world tourists, all those that weren't already used to the bright lights basically lighting up the night on their own. Fairy lights were a weird thing, so small and yet they managed to bring so much simple joy to a whole mass of people.
All by just doing their job. By doing only as they were supposed to do.
"Look, those even change their color, Cal!" You point out to one in particular, the colors ranging from pink all the way to orange, the most vivid variations of the colors in between being showcased. It transfixed both of you almost immediately as you both had the same baffled expression on your faces, mouths hanging slightly open. "I…I never saw such things on the other planets…not the colorful ones at least."
And especially not at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant…
(To part 2 of chapter 4)
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mi4012mariaperera · 25 days
Set Design (pt. 7)
Hi everyone! I'm back again with another set-related post. So, the thing is, we got good feedback from Dinendri for our nighttime shots. However, the daytime shots weren't that impressive. The background looked cartoony. So, we decided to make some changes to our background and give the daytime shots another try!
Unfortunately, when we came back to uni after our break, we discovered that our set was broken. Someone had messed around with it and dropped it TOT. But that wasn't going to demotivate us from taking those daytime shots. We have to get it done one way or another!
Luckily for our group, I'm glad that Ayodya, Shiza, and I had the motivation to work towards taking our broken set and bringing it back to life!
Here are some work-in-progress photos of us fixing the set on Thursday! (29/08/2024) :-
We headed over to Print-mart to get some printouts of a clear sky and some rural-style buildings to fit the Khandwa setting. We also had to get some mounting tape to stick on the pillars firmly onto the background and also for the building stand.
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And just in case someone tried to mess with our set again.... we decided to leave a little note ;)
(We couldn't write it in Tamil :( )
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Final work in progress (30/08/2024) :-
Even though we didn't have lectures yesterday, we decided to come to uni to assemble the set and take the photos for our story boards!
(Also happy to report that our note was effective :D)
Here's a picture of Ayodya, Shiza, and me assembling the set: -
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The assembled set ready for lighting and pictures:-
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Here's our work in progress photos for takings pictures of the set:-
For lighting, we actually used a 'warm light' (From the storage room) and a 'white light' (an emergency lantern I brought). Nishitha helped us set up the yellow light. We used the White light to add some additional lighting to important areas that were being shadowed.
Shiza was our official photographer for all the set pictures: including our storyboard pictures.
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Before I conclude this post, I would like to give a huge shoutout to Indusara (Gangubai group) for helping us carry the lights from the 6th floor all the way up to the 9th.
A special shout out to Thameena (Se7en group) for helping us with carrying lights, setting up the lights for certain shots and also for holding the background boards.
And of course, the loudest shoutout to my amazing teammates Ayodya and Shiza for having the same dedication and motivation as I had to pick up the broken pieces of our set and make it into a much better daytime setting.
At first, the 3 of us felt demotivated and upset after looking at the broken set. But we didn't let our optimism meter run out. We planned everything out well and overall, I believe we did a good job. I'm glad they had the determination to fix the set because I know I wouldn't have been able to do it on my own.
Thank you, guys! <3
That's all for this post! I will post some of the best pictures from our set shoot in my next post. Stay tuned for further updates :D
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8bitscarlet · 3 years
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Summary: You've found yourself falling deeper into a certain witch's spell. But no matter how strong the magic is, it seems that the two of you just keep missing each other.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Angst/Fluff (minor cussing)
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: This is a fic for @marvelxreaderfanfictionfest writing exchange. This one is for @mrsromanoff and the prompt: "I can't keep kissing strangers and thinking they're you." Hope you like it!
*please do not repost or translate my material or claim as yours.*
You never thought your three month assignment with the Avengers would've extended as long as it has. Missions went by with minimal injuries and maximum wins. You found yourself settling well into the chaos of the compound; the echoing boasts of Thor, the competitive edge of Danvers and the snark between Romanoff and Stark. When your three months were up, it wasn't a surprise to anyone that you immediately signed the contract from Stark, an official placement on the team.
Despite all of the alien blasters, Hydra experiments and Tony's benefit parties, nothing could've prepared you for a single person to rock your world. It started innocently enough; stolen glances at meals and ensuring you two were on the same mission team. As time continued, things turned less innocent; sneaking off during charity balls to suck face in the broom closet, you could recall a few times you were nearly caught in the back of the Quinjet. There was something about this woman. The way her fingers slithered through your hair, how those green eyes made your heart say yes, she stripped you bare.
You had convinced yourself it was witchcraft. It had to be.
Sitting with your cheek pressed against your fist, you find yourself doodling as Steve drones on in the background. Someone nudges you and as you turn, Wanda raises her brows when your eyes connect. With a groan, you raise the pen in your hand. Steve notices, stopping his spiel to look at you with a clenched jaw.
"With all due respect, Cap, we all got in at four this morning. Do we need a recap of the mission right now?"
Steve sighs, glancing at everyone and seeing them agreeing with you. You all had barely had time to unpack, let alone write your after action reports.
"Alright, Y/N. We'll go over how your pants tore mid-fight on Monday."
You point your pen at him, warning him as you watch his stupid smile fill his face. Bucky slaps your shoulders in gratitude, picking up Alpine onto his shoulders as he strides out to find Sam. Wanda's fingers gently brush yours as you walk side by side, sending an electric charge through your body.
"You know, when someone says 'with all due respect,' they really mean, 'kiss my ass'." Wanda glances at you with a sly smile.
Walking backwards towards the couch, you outstretch your arms with a grin, "Because that's what I meant, darling."
Chuckling, you roll over the back of the couch and plop down onto the cushions, your head landing perfectly on a pillow. Wanda lets out a scoff, knowing how many times it's taken you to actually land on the cushion and not the floor.
Flipping through the pages of her book, you watch her through half-closed eyes. A year ago you'd be asking what she was reading. A year ago, she'd curl up with you and explain it all. A year ago, you didn't have guilt eating at you.
Things a year ago were more than good between you. There might have even been a chance beyond friends with benefits. You knew you wanted that. Every time you looked at her, you couldn't stop your pounding heart or the warmth that grew in your stomach.
But you were stupid.
Chickening out every chance you had to ask her on an actual date rather than sneaking around to make her moan. You both had set ground rules, no strings attached. If it got too messy, you both had to call it quits. So, you convinced yourself it was better to quietly love her and keep her, than to tell the truth and lose her.
That was before the year long mission with Carol and Bucky. Before you realized how big of a mistake it was two months in. Before every day texts and video chats diminished to every other week, then every other month. Before you got back to the compound and saw her kissing up on some random benefactor at the Welcome Home Party. It was definitely before she started dating that walking toaster, Vision.
Luckily, he hadn't been around much the past month so watching them kiss and stare into each other's eyes was doable, mostly because you turned whenever you saw that stupid spark plug.
Four months since coming home, you've tried to fill the void the witch had created in your body, your soul. You went out with Carol and Bucky, prowling the town and the bar. Matching shot for shot some nights, waking up in random apartments other nights. Eventually Bucky did what you never did.
He asked Sam on a date and that left you and Carol. Until she started hooking up with Maria and dragged her along so you wouldn't be hitting the bars alone. You had made yourself a pity case.
"Do you need something?" Wanda cocks a brow at you, making a face at your prolonged staring.
You clear your throat, feeling the heat rush through your face, "You look a little sunburnt."
With a shrug and a chuckle, Wanda bookmarks her page as she places it down on the coffee table. Standing, she sits down on the couch, your body automatically scooting over to accommodate her. Holding out her red and glowing hand, you watch her pull off her rings, displaying the radiating tan lines running up and down her fingers. A laugh escapes you as you feel her hand slap against your chest.
"I didn't have anyone to put sunscreen on me!" She groans, "It burns!"
You guide your finger gently down her exposed arm, pressing in slightly to her warm skin. As you lift, you see the true color of her skin before it's bombarded with the glowing red of her burn. Glancing up, her green eyes watch you carefully, both of you not acknowledging the weight of her hand still on your chest.
"An aloe vera massage would do wonders," You whisper, "And I'm all out."
With a roll of her eyes, she leans back into your legs, "You really are a pain in my ass, y'know? When I tell people about you, that's the first thing I say."
Watching her float the remote to her awaiting hand, you grin, "Oho, so you're telling people about me, huh?"
"Please, check the ego there."
For the next moment, the two of you sit peacefully in each other's silence. Wanda was one who clung to those she trusted. When you came back, it was like she had superglued herself to you any time you walked into the room. It didn't help that you were still madly in love and she was taken.
Right now though, you watch her delicate fingers play with yours. Her eyes squinting with laughter as she watches her sitcoms, glancing to see if you're laughing as well.
A commercial echoes through the living room and Wanda lets out a sigh for attention, patting your thigh as she drops your hand. You don't move it as it lands atop her thigh, only gently stroke your thumb against the silky skin you wish could press against yours. Letting out a noise that you're both awake and paying attention to her, she glances over at you.
"Since you got Captain America to actually give us a free weekend, what's your plan tonight, casanova?"
You shrug, "I have early training with Bucky and-."
Wanda moves her whole body to face you, your hand slipping from her thigh as confusion spreads across her face. She lets out an unbelieving scoff,
"You're joking. You used to show up half drunk to training and still kick ass."
She's watching you carefully and you try to keep a neutral look on your face, she knows all of your quirks. Glancing up at her with a small grin, you pull your legs into you. Shifting yourself, you sit properly on the couch and run your hands through your hair.
"Just don't want to go out tonight. It's boring." You chuckle, trying to swallow the lump in your throat.
Wanda rolls her eyes, "Why, no one catches your eye anymore?"
Another playful nudge and you sigh. All this playful teasing, these light touches. She has to know what she's doing.
Trying to keep a steady and nonchalant shrug, you shake your head,
"No one out there."
And you might've gotten away with it. Instead, you fell into the magnetic pull of those green eyes that cause you so much trouble. As your eyes land on hers, you can see the dilation within her pupils. Then the realization across her face. Her playful grin falls as she stares at you, blinking slowly.
"Y/N," She says slowly, "If you're doing what I think-."
You stand up quickly, your feet taking you to the other end of the coffee table. In two days you'll be gone and you'll be back in the place you hate being in right now. Placing your hands on your waist, you look up from your tapping foot.
"Wanda, I can't keep kissing strangers and thinking they're you."
Silence meets your face. You watch her as she slowly nods at you, "That's exactly what you're doing."
Groaning, she slides her fingers through her hair, pinning it from her face. Wanda lets out a careful breath before looking up at you, "What happened to no strings?"
Slapping your hands against your thighs in frustration, you let out a scornful chuckle, "Come on, Wanda. You know those rules were bullshit! No strings means not going on exclusive trips to museums and restaurants!" You watch her eyes flicker around the room, trying to find a way to disprove what you're saying. "It means not staying up all night when the other is sick!"
Wanda stands up quickly and you can see the look on her face, she knows what you're getting to. Waving her hand to get you to shut up, she tries to get to the stairs but your words blurt from your mouth,
"It means not falling in love!"
Her feet stop carrying her towards the stairs, her body frozen in the middle of the compound. Carefully, you step towards her, leaning ever so slightly to try and catch her eyes. They're glazed over from your confession, trying to understand the implications.
"I left. I..." You suck in a shaky breath, "I thought it would be easier if I wasn't here. You were so adamant about no strings, Wands. I broke the only rule, why would I stay?"
Her head jerks back at your words, her brows furrowing deeply down her face. Without another second to keep talking, Wanda's feet pivot as she shoots a finger into your face. You jerk away from her advance, seeing the growing mist within her eyes as she shouts,
"That's why you left?"
The crack in her voice sends one through your heart.
She turns quickly, her hands violently wiping at the tears that have broken free. You clench your brows. She's angry at you? You're the one who's had to watch her prance around with Vision, you just a memory of romance. Just before she can grab her bag and leave, you call out,
"Well, you seem to have fared better than me!"
As the words leave your lips, you bite down hard and shut your eyes. A surprised choke exits Wanda's throat as she throws her purse back onto the side table, knocking over the decorative bowl of rocks. They scatter across the ground but she doesn't notice, all of her rage is pointing at you. Her fingers run violently through her auburn hair, looking like she wants to rip it out.
"You are infuriating!" She jabs a fingers at you, "Why think that?! Because I'm dating Vision? He's filling a void, dumbass!"
Her words stab into you as her stomps draw nearer, you can feel the heat of her anger. She's not done, she's not letting you off easy.
"Every time he touches me, every time he kisses me. God, Y/N! All I can see is your dumb face."
Wanda's heavy breath washes over you as she finally stops her assault, so close you can see the blue in her green eyes. Her body radiates out to you and you have to force your hands into your pocket to not grab her and kiss her. Your eyes dip to her lips but you see sadness that has quickly replaced the facade of anger. Making a small fist, she slams it into your chest as her head bows. Her arm slides down your body, hanging limply at her side as she looks to you.
"Why didn't you talk to me?"
Wanda's fingers twitch forward, wanting to grab onto you. You sigh, taking your hands from your pockets and resting them on your waist. Your confession was supposed to be more romantic than this. Instead, you brought up issues you both were trying to ignore. You were angry now at yourself, taking it all out on the person you loved. You'd spent too long with all of this pent up emotion though, and it was all pouring out in waves.
"I have to finish my requisition forms. Get my gear ready."
You don't have to look up to know what face Wanda is making at you. It's the same face she had when you left the first time. The way her brows clenched together in disbelief, the pain behind her reddened eyes that threatened to spill more tears, how her chin trembled as she tried to breathe.
Her voice barely passes a whisper but standing so close, you hear every broken syllable, "You're leaving again."
You sigh, rubbing your throbbing temples as you feel your nose stuff up.
"You drop all of that on me and you're just going to turn around and leave?"
Shaking your head, you want this conversation to end. It's obvious where she is and it's not next to you.
"Don't you have a date or something?" You ask.
Wanda's been around you too long to not see exactly what you're doing. She lets out a chuckle, a lethal look in her eyes.
"No, you're right. And that date seems a hell of a lot better than this." Without another word, she snatches her purse from the table and starts to climb the stairs, leaving your feet frozen. Just as she reaches the middle of the staircase, she stops. You can feel her stare burning into you and as you look her way, you wish you hadn't.
"You're a coward."
Those words burn into your brain, rising through your ears and torture you for the rest of the day. The only thing you could think to do was slam your fists into the closest thing. The punching bags. People came and went, eyeing you try and punch away your frustrations to no avail. When the sun finally had sunk below the horizon, one Avenger had enough of your pity party.
"You know she's right." A voice comes from behind you.
You don't respond to them, just dodge the swaying bag. They walk into the room, stopping just inside of your peripheral.
"You're an idiot, you know."
With a chuckle, you sidestep the bag, "You need to be a little more specific."
"You're losing her again."
Another punch, "Uh huh."
Carol sighs next to you, "And you sent her away on her date."
She steps in front of the bag, stopping its movement and stares at you with determination in her eyes, "And you're not going after her?"
Avoiding her stare, you start to unwrap your hands, wiping at the sweat that pours down your face. Stopping, you can feel the cramp in your side and the throbbing of your knuckles. Chucking the wrap, you let out a shrug,
"Is there a point?"
Carol shoves the bag into you, grabbing your attention, "I am not going on another mission with you while you sulk. Do you know you talk in your sleep? Yeah. Guess what name I heard that whole year?"
You shake you head, licking your chapped lips as you search for water, "She didn't say it back."
You hear an exasperated chuckle from Carol, "Y'know Y/N, I'm going to go on a limb and say she wasn't expecting all of that to be thrown in her face."
Shooting her a glare, she keeps talking, "I'm saying this once. If you think this is going to be some cheesy Rom-Com where she bursts through those doors and confesses her love, you're more of an idiot than I thought." A finger jabs hard into your chest as you grimace, "You need to fix this."
Carol leaves you there with your head filled with more thoughts than before. Wanda was happy with Vision wasn't she? She hadn't talked about him much but you knew she had to be. Who were you to go and screw that up?
Night turned into morning and after staring up at your ceiling, you knew you weren't getting any sleep.
Sneaking down the stairs, you see everyone is still asleep. You take the opportunity to sit in more silence and wait for the coffee machine to finish steaming. The sun was just beginning to shine its red hues into the kitchen as you stood at the counter, twirling your empty mug. Lost in thought, you failed to hear the padding of feet coming down the stairs.
"I thought you had early training."
With a quiet chuckle, you lean into the counter, "You caught me."
In silence, you watch the witch pour in her coffee. The same amount of creamer and sugar every time, the same motions every morning since you've noticed her. Turning, she sees your mindless fingers twisting and turning your empty mug. Wanda raises her brows and holds out her hand,
You hand over the mug and watch her work her magic on the black liquid, turning it into the caramel drink you love. Breathing in deeply, you watch the bubbles swirl around the liquid. You furrow your brows,
"I can never make mine taste-."
"We broke up."
Her words slam into you, your breath catching inside of your throat. Looking up, Wanda stands there in the middle of the kitchen, unsure if she had truly spoken or not. She looks up at you, her mouth closing as she realizes she doesn't know what she's doing.
"What? Wands, are you okay?" You start to stand to go and comfort her, you know they had a date yesterday. Did the son of a microwave hurt her?
Wanda's hand rises, stopping you in your tracks before she takes a quiet breath, "We broke up almost a month ago, Y/N."
Nodding at your obliviousness, you knock your knuckles against the counter as you press your lips into a thin line, "We're both liars then."
"Tell me you lied about the mission," She whispers, leaning into the counter. Her fingers laying gently across yours.
Your chest constricts as you sigh, "I didn't."
You watch her sullen nod, curling hair falling out of her messy bun as you gently graze your thumb across her knuckles. She quietly chuckles,
"We just missed each other."
Stopping your thumb, you clench your jaw. This isn't going to happen again.
"Wanda," You whisper, listening to the sad hum she gives you as she glances up with bloodshot eyes, "I'm sorry. I was scared and... I was an idiot."
Wanda pats your hand with a loud sniff, "I appreciate it, but-."
She doesn't continue. She doesn't want to believe that you're leaving. The love you feel wouldn't be strong enough to survive that time apart again. There's broken support beams and one thing will send it falling down. A far away mission isn't the nurturing this budding feeling needs.
Wanda tries her best to flash you a grin, "Let me teach you how to make coffee."
Before she can turn, you grab her hand quickly, "I'd prefer if you made it."
As you walk around the counter, you gently rest a hand on her waist, watching her carefully. Her handgrips your arm tightly, words stuttering from her lips as she tries to remind you that she's not going. You're leaving her again.
Without hesitation, you press your lips against hers, feeling her breath wash over you in a sigh. You pull her in tighter, leaning your head back to speak,
"Sam's going stir crazy. He can have it."
A smile tugs at your lips as you see her furrowed brows on her face, you place a kiss at the center of the wrinkles, pulling back to see the scrunching of her nose. A scrunch just for you.
"Wanda Maximoff. I love you. And I'm not losing you twice."
Without warning, her lips smash against your as she wraps her arms around your shoulders as you hoist her up. Wanda's legs wrap around you as both of you are smiling so wide that you can't kiss properly. Feeling her cold hands press gently against your face, you look into those green eyes that complete you life.
"I love you." Wanda whispers as her witchcraft wraps around you once more.
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fruitoftheweek · 3 years
Little Cherry Book:
Chapter 4:Showered in Sin
Chapter 1 Here / Chapter 2 Here / Chapter 3 Here
Hey guys! I'm sorry that it has taken so long for me to update this. I had an idea of what I was going to write but I had a super hectic week so I wasn't able to write this till now. In order to make up for it, I have given you a treat. A 6,502 word chapter. It kinda beat my ass but I had so much fun writing it. It's sweet, it's spicy, it's all the goodness you guys deserve. I was listening to Duvet by Boa while writing this and I think you should too for two reasons. One, it helps set the mood, but also oh my fucking god it's such a good song. Also, Boa is just a fucking great band. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and message me if you would like to be added to the tag list! Love you guys
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Pairing: Spencer Reid X reader
Chapter Plot: After a game of drunk never have I ever after a long case, Morgan locks Spencer out of their shared room. Shenanigans ensue and you and Spencer share a couple of firsts.
Series TW: 18+, smut, degradation, piercing, choking, knife play, mommy/daddy kinks, spanking, exhibitionism, Will update as time goes on
Chapter TW: smut, slight mommy kink, having body piercings, choking, slight blood kink (not really, it's just hard to explain), Shared masturbation (male and female receiving), pleading, multiple orgasms, cumming in pants, shower sexiness, aftercare
Word Count: 6,502
Your deep cherry lipstick painted the white seal of the wine bottle you held in your hand as you laughed at something Elle said. Spencer couldn't help but let a small smile pass his lips as he took in your form, hot from the day's work, small strands of your hair sticking to your forehead, a dewy glow illuminating your rosy cheeks.
After a long week, they had found Carl Arnold before he had been able to kill the Dunken family and even coerced a confession out of him. With spirits running high, Elle had suggested some much-needed relaxation before taking off the next day. Since you were rooming alone, you volunteered to host in your room. Morgan had arrived at your hotel room with two bottles of some sort of liquor, one clear and one amber, JJ trailing in toe with your bottle of red wine you had asked for. You pulled out your little corkscrew with the face of an old man on it, knowing she hated his weird little face. You brought it with you on trips, just in case the occasion arose.
And it did arise as Elle suggested a drinking game. Hotch had retired early after calling Hailey to get an update on his very pregnant wife, while Gideon preferred the solitude of a good book late at night. The rest of you sat on the floor surrounded by drinks and snacks. With the supervision gone, it almost felt like a high school party with no parents. You all had all settled on a classic, never have I ever. "We haven't played this in a long time because we already know so much about each other, but it's fun when we have a newbie around," Morgan said giving you a cheeky smile and bumping your shoulder. Already pliable after the couple of drinks you had while Elle explained the game, you nodded before tipping your lips to the cusp of Spencer's ear. "I'll try not to make it too hard for you, pretty boy," you said. The small puffs of air that left your mouth made Spencer's hair stand on end and his feet curl.
He knew you were teasing him that night and he loved it. He decided to keep his knees tucked to his chest for the rest of the night as to not expose the predicament in his pants. He watched the way you lightly sucked on the wine bottle as you tipped it back, a thin river of cabernet leaking from the corner of your lips and trailing down your neck. Spencer wanted nothing more than to lean over and lap it off of you just to see how you would react, but he knew it was the drinks talking. Despite your earlier comment, it was quite obvious that you were targeting him as his head started to spin gently.
"Never have I ever had sex with someone much older than me," Garcia said through her video feed with a cheeky smirk. Derek had insisted on including her even though she wasn't physically present. She sat bundled up in a comfy blanket in her office with a mug of some sort of alcoholic beverage. "HEY! No targeting! Plus, I told you that in confidence at ladies night. How much is much older?" You said, swaying your bottle towards the computer set up on the floor."You know how much older I mean sweetheart." Garcia said with a giggle as you groaned and took a sip."How much older is much older?" Morgan said with a cocked eyebrow, somewhere between impressed and surprised." I was a college student, experimenting with my professor. Not like an old man, but he was 20 years older than me. Definitely not my style anymore though." You said with a grimace remembering him.
Spencer had learned a lot about your sex life during that game, but some part inside of him smirked, knowing that the rest of the team would never know you as he knew you, not unless they too had read your journal. It was the only thing keeping his head clear of the idea of you with anyone else. Not that you were with him in any capacity, but the idea still made him feel something in his stomach. Not the sweet butterflies that came with your smile, but something more like idiotic hornets dangerously bumping against the walls of his stomach.
Spencer hadn't even noticed the uproar of everyone else around the circle at your comment and the second revelation that Morgan had drunk too. He was too busy watching how you had shyly tucked your hair behind your ear, finally letting it down out of your clips for once. You were wearing your pajamas, just a tank top, slouchy sweater, and flannel pajama pants, but somehow you looked more radiant than ever. He had come back down to earth after hearing someone call his name."Y-Yes?" He sputtered out, realizing you had been trying to get his attention."It's Morgan's turn, pay attention." You said, gently smacking your hand down on his thigh.
If he was riled up before, he was unbelievably undone at the slight sting from where your palm had just been. Light enough that it wasn't noticeable, but hard enough that it erupted a Shockwave through his body, centered on the location of the contact. He bit back the whimper threatening to escape his lips as he turned towards Morgan, trying desperately to not watch you from the corner of his eye.
"Never have I been a virgin at 24," Morgan said, beaming in his direction. Spencer took a big gulp from his glass of whiskey."You always do that one, I don't know why you think it's so funny, you're just trying to get me to drink" he said abashedly. He looked over at you, nervous for your reaction, but you seemed unfazed. "Hey, that's a wonderful gift to have, there's something so special about virgins. Maybe it's the idea that everything is new, but I like it. I love virgins." You said, taking a sip from your bottle, gently swaying. You had given up on never have I ever and just decided to drink whenever you felt like it. Maybe it was because you were tipsy, maybe it was the warm flush that decorated Spencer's cheeks, maybe it was the way he was looking at you with sultry, half-lidded eyes. You couldn't tell, but something made you want to find an excuse for you two to be alone.
"Geese, we seemed to have caught a succubus tonight." Morgan quipped."A suck-you-what now?" You said, cocking an eyebrow at him. " A succubus, it's a demon or supernatural entity in folklore, in female form, that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. According to religious traditions, repeated sexual activity with a succubus can cause poor physical or mental health, even death. In modern representations, a succubus is often depicted as a beautiful seductress or enchantress, rather than as demonic or frightening." Spencer shot out. "Wow, even when you're drunk, your big brain keeps chuggin' along," you said, sloppily ruffling his hair "A beautiful seductress or enchantress, huh?" That time it came out low, inaudible to the others, but it pierced Spencer like a knife."Do you think that's accurate bout me?" you asked, staring up into his eyes, closer than you have been before. Spencer let a cartoonish gulping noise escape his lips as he held back his urge to lean into your touch.
"Ah, it's my turn," you said, leaning back into your spot in the circle and sadly, away from Spencer." Never have I ever done something naughty at our work," you said, looking straight at Spencer "I'll know if you're lying, I can sniff out a liar from a mile away," your cocky smirk leaking out of your mouth. Everyone except you and JJ took a shot."Wow, really you guys? Even you Spence? " JJ said in disbelief, looking around the circle."Never have I ever, my ass" Spencer mumbled under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear, looking over at you, thinking about your pantieless escapades.
"Look at that, Doctor Reid, you need another drink, let me go fix you one," You said as you grabbed his glass in one hand, leaning and gripping hard into his shoulder with the other. It wasn't seen by the others, but between that and the fiery look in your eyes, it sent an obvious message,' keep your mouth shut or I'll shut it for you.' You used him as leverage to get up, nearly pushing him over as you gracefully stumbled to the hotel fridge. He knew what you meant, but he didn't care, your grip on him went straight into his imagination as he envisioned what that grip would feel like in other places. He kind of wanted to push his luck, just so he could see what he had in store.
And push it he did as you handed him the glass, reminding him that it was indeed his turn to play never have I ever. "Never have I ever slept with my professor," He said, obviously targeting you with a glint of mischief in his eyes."Oh yeah, well never have I ever been a virgin at 24." You said, swaying as you sat down."Morgan already said that, dummy. Never have I ever worn stupid dark red lipstick" He retorted, equally as drunk as you. At this point everyone else had zoned you two out and were focused on other things, refreshing their drinks, counting the ceiling tiles, humming a sloppy rendition of My My Miss American Pie, or in Penelope's case, all three."Yeah, well never have I ever been a complete and utter mommas boy!" You continued, the statement turning Spencer beet red. You watched him clench and unclench his hands, you had obviously struck a nerve. Just as you were about to apologize, he cut you off. "Never have I ever had nipple piercings!" He shouted, pointing at your chest, now drawing attention to the obvious balls framing your nipples that you had once been covered by your long-forgotten sweater.
As he said it, it felt like the world went in slow motion. You could see the instant regret on his face as you dropped your bottle in surprise. It had landed on Spencers discarded whiskey glass and both shattered, wine and whiskey mixing with glass to create a slurry on the ground between them. "Fuck! You Guys!" Morgan said, "You got it all over my clothes." "Me too," Echoed Elle as they both stood up in their soaked clothes. "I think that calls it a night." JJ said, closing the laptop on the image of an already sleeping Garcia." Bye you guys, sleep well," you called after them as you and Spencer rushed around looking for towels to clean up the alcohol with.
"Ow! Son of a bitch!" Spencer cried as you dropped the last of the glass in the garbage can. As you rounded the corner, you saw Spencer pulling a rather large shard of glass that you must have missed out of his thumb, blood pooling at the tip. Without thinking, you crouched down and sucked his thumb into your mouth." A-ah! What... What are you doing!?" Spencer asked breathlessly, looking down at you with a deep hunger in his eyes. You pop off his thumb and squeeze it at the base, slowing the blood flow."Shut up," You said," This helps slow the bleeding. The sucking applies pressure. My mom used to do this for me... And no, do not psychoanalyze that." You said, wrapping your mouth around his finger, sucking to provide some pressure to slow the blood flow. You could taste the iron in your mouth, but you didn't mind, knowing you were helping your friend.
You were helping alright, helping in more ways than you would ever understand. "Yeah, like I'm the only one here with mommy issues," he said distractedly, too busy surveying your lips wrapped around him. You slapped your hand down on his thigh once more, eliciting a small whimper from him. He couldn't help it, you were a sight of beauty, you always were, but looking down on you right then, Spencer wanted to bottle that moment forever. The tops of your breasts peeking out from the top of your tank top, your eyes filled with a hazy glow, looking up at him to make sure he was ok, and your cheeks hollowing out around his thumb as you delicately sucked on his wound. It was as close as Spencer had ever gotten to anything sexual. He could feel your tongue swirling around the cut, lapping up the last couple drops of blood. He couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if it was another appendage and not his thumb. You sucked on his thumb one last time, harder than you had previously, and before he even knew what he was doing, his hips bucked up, rubbing his hard cock against his pajama pants, finally relieving his mounting orgasm.
You let go of his finger with a pop as your tongue trailed off of the underside of his thumb. Spencer looked anywhere but you, as a wet patch formed through his thin underwear and pajama pants. He hurried to cover it with his sweater, shooting up from his seated position."Um, Um, I'm g-gonna go shower and go to bed." He said, hurriedly scurrying over to where he had left his room key." Sorry partner, I saw Morgan accidentally grab both of your keys on the way out. He's probably asleep by now." You said languidly, leaning back to take in the sight of the soft boy in front of you. Totally flushed with heat, small beads of sweat peppering his forehead, his hands twiddling suspiciously into his sweater in an attempt to conceal crotch, trying and failing miserably to hide his rapidly cooling cum.
He whined a little, lighting a fire in you. He looked so thoroughly fucked out, and all you had done was suck his finger. You knew that you just had to play with him some more. "You know, you can use my shower, doctor." You said, and he let out a small sigh of relief, heading towards the bathroom. "There is one condition, though," You smirked coyly as he halted his motions, his body facing away from you. It was almost as if he was ready to run away at any moment. You walked over to him, slowly, taking your time to tease him. The silence hung heavy in the air as you looked up into his eyes questioningly, waiting for him to ask. "Wh-what is the condition." He said, unable to return your gaze, hands fisted in the hem of his sweater, pulling it down even further. You smirked, dipping your hands up and under his sweater, nearly brushing his spent cock before gently placing them on his bare stomach, just above his waistband. He sucked in a tight breath as you gently swirled your fingers in the short hair that lead from his belly button down to happier places." Before I ask, do you know about the color scale?" you said, fingers smoothing out over his little stomach." Um, k-kinda?" He said, heat flushing his cheeks."Green means good keep going, yellow means slow down, and red means stop right now, ok?" You said, looking up at him as he nods."Come on pretty boy, I need verbal confirmation. I need to know that you understand, got it." You said with a little pinch to his tummy. "Y-Yes, I understand!" He blurted out, standing stiff as a board." Good boy. Now, for my condition. You can shower if you show me what you're hiding." You said, leaning close enough that if Spencer breathed, your chests would meet each other. "What color, Spencer?" you said, languidly drawing lines up and down his torso with your nails."G-Green, Very green." He sputtered out, finally meeting your eyes."That's what I like to hear, sweet boy." You said before your fingers danced below his waistline, now somewhat crusty from his cum."W-wait!" He says, just as you were about to take him in your hand. You instantly stopped and looked up at him gently."We can stop here baby, it's not a problem." You said, beginning to remove your hand from his pants. He grabbed your hand through his pants, stopping your movement."It-It's not that. I don't want to stop, I just want... well..." He said and looked down shyly. "What do you want baby, anything," You smiled up at him. "Um, I haven't had my first kiss yet and I kinda... Well... I kinda..." He said, shuffling his feet, face beet red. Your eyebrows shot up quickly in surprise before letting out a gentle smile."Do you want a kiss, pretty boy?" You said, gently brushing the hair out of his face. He nodded, and you grabbed his chin, bringing him close. "Use your words, pretty boy. What do you want?" You whispered, breath gently ghosting Spencer's lips as he took you in up close. He could see every little pore and dimple of your skin and every color hidden in the depth of your eyes and he knew he needed to have you.
He shakily leaned forward, lips gently meeting yours, so light that if you hadn't seen his actions, you wouldn't have even known if you had touched. You moved your hand down to his throat, giving a light squeeze."Come on genius, use your words," you said as he whimpered. "Please, can I kiss you, please, please?" He begged, leaning into your touch, pleading for you to squeeze again. His efforts shoot straight to your heart. You indulged him in a kiss, not as spicy as the situation would permit, more of a sweet heat. He came in too hot and heavy at first, but you kissed him languidly, gently stroking his cheek to get him in the rhythm. His arms were straight out at his sides, hands clenched as if he was willing every muscle in his body to not touch you.
You let out a small laugh as you melted into his kiss, soft, puffy lips dancing across yours. "You know you can touch me," You said, pulling back, smiling at the smear of your lipstick, now staining his lips, and the endearing puppy dog eyes he was giving you. "Where can I touch you?" He whispered out as if he were telling a secret. "Wherever you want, baby. Wherever your heart desires." You replied, bringing your arms up to wrap loosely around his neck, pulling your bodies closer. He was as stiff as a board as his hands flitted around trying to find a good place to land. He finally settled on weaving his arms around your waist and up to cradle your neck, gently carding his fingers through the hair that fell at the nape of your neck. There was something so sweet in the way he cradled your body with feather-light touches as if you would disappear like smoke if he lingered too long. You reveled in the feeling of you two pressed together, slightly uncomfortable at the stiff material of his pajama pants on your stomach.
"Hey sweetheart," You said, pulling away as he chased after your lips, "I'm feeling kinda sweaty from the day, would you like to join me in the shower? What color?" "G-green, yes please." He said, tentatively pressing a kiss to your collarbone, exposed as the strap of your tank top had fallen down. You unwound from him, taking his hand delicately in your own, instantly missing the warmth his body provided.
You lead him into the bathroom, carefully stepping over the wine-soaked towels discarded on the floor before shutting the door and turning to face him. "I don't want to take this too fast for you because I know it's all very new so always tell me how you are feeling and if everything is ok. I want this to be good for you baby, ok?" You said, squeezing his hand that was still intertwined with yours. "Ok, th-thank you," He said shyly.
"Now, what do you want to do first? You're probably pretty uncomfortable in those pants, do you want me to take them off you?" You said, hooking one of your fingers into his waistband, pulling on in slightly creating a much-needed separation between his sticky cock and his uncomfortable pants."Y-Yes please" He said as you turned on the shower, allowing it to warm up in preparation for cleaning him off before turning back to him. You gently grabbed the hem of his sweater and pulled it over his head, leaving him shirtless in front of you.
Lean muscles were hidden under a layer of peachy soft skin highlighting the gentle trail of dark curly hair leading from his belly button down past his pants. His arms curled around himself as he watched your eyes carefully, ready for some sort of judgment. "I know I'm not really that s-strong or anything but I can work on it-" You cut him off with a gentle kiss right above his belly button, startling him. You looked up sweetly into his eyes and gave him a soft smile, saying "You are so beautiful, Spencer. Morgan calls you pretty boy, but he truly has no idea. I would have you no other way than you are right now."
You gently peppered his chest with feather-light kisses, making him blush. He finally understood why people liked hickeys because as you trailed down his chest, the little wine red lipstick you had left on your lips left marks trailing down his chest. Some part of him wished they were permanent, showing off to all that could see, and they would know exactly who he belonged to. You dipped your hand into his waistband, asking, "What color?" "Green, very green," he choked out as your breath ghosted across his abdomen. You looked so beautiful, kneeled on the floor in front of him, taking care of him so gently and treating him so sweetly that he could feel his cock begin to harden again.
You looked up into his eyes as you pulled his pants down. He let out a soft sigh of relief as he was uncaged from his unfortunate trouser situation. His cock flipped down out of his pants, nearly smacking you in the forehead as you looked up at it in awe. Even though it was only semi-hard, it was bigger than any you had ever seen before. Spencer looked down at you shyly "it's not that much, I-I know but I've been researching techniques to make up for it in order to give sufficient pleasure for you- I mean for whatever partners I may have, not that I am saying that I won't please you, I dream of pleasuring you! ... I'm digging myself a hole aren't I."He rambled, rubbing the back of his neck worriedly. "Spencer, you are huge. Way more than I have ever had before. See?" You said, standing up, gently lifting his cock in your hand, measuring it against your stomach.
Maybe Spencer hadn't noticed because it was proportionate to his body and his big hands, but being held in your petite hands and measured against your stomach, he finally did see how much he would fill you up. The tip of his dick just barely reached past the gems that decorated your belly button piercing. "W-Woah." He said growing harder at the thought of pushing so deep into you. He looked up to your face, which was preoccupied with looking down at how far he would reach up in you.
Tearing your eyes away from him and up to his own, you flushed, knowing that he had caught you staring. "What would you like me to do next?" You spoke softly. Despite being the only two in the room, you two both talked in hushed tones, worrying that anything more than that would burst the delicate bubble you two had created. "Can we match?" He said, and you instantly understood him, despite the odd vernacular. You began to slip off your shirt, but he stopped you with an arm on your shoulder. "C-Can I do it?" He said shyly. "Of course, pretty baby," you barely get out before he drifted his hands under your tank.
He slowly lifted your top over your head as he took in the soft smooth feeling of your skin against his, goosebumps pricking up wherever his fingers trailed. You stood in front of him, shirtless as he took in your form. He had imagined what your breasts would look like. Nipples always hard due to your piercings, what your jewelry would look like, but nothing could prepare him for the glimmering moonstone gems that adorned your nipples and navel. Everything matched exactly, including the delicate necklace you wore around your neck.
The only thing he liked more than the perfection of your body was the features that made you, you. Some might call them imperfections, but to Spencer, all he could see in you was beauty. The gentle bruises on your skin from tangles with unsubs, the soft stretch marks that adorned your hips like little valleys and winding rivers, the slight blemishes, and hairs. He loved it because you were the embodiment of the confidence he wished for in himself. While he was always nervous about his body and how others perceived him, you loved yourself for exactly who you were, and you loved him for exactly who he was.
He pulled down your pants, gently following the twist and turn of the stretch marks as they winded down your hips, making sure to kneel down to pull them all the way off of you as you delicately stepped out, gently grabbing onto his hair to keep your balance as you swayed. He moaned softly at the gentle tug of your fingers while he stared up at you in awe. You took his hand in yours, coaxing him to stand.
You both stood there, taking in each other's forms for a moment, hands still connected as if by a thread at the pinky before you spoke. "We shouldn't waste water. Let me clean you off, sweetheart." He nodded before following after you into the gentle spray of the shower, steam now filling the room. He marveled at the way that the water droplets cascaded down your body, gently running down your curves. "Come here," you said, pulling him into a gentle embrace under the hot water.
Your two bodies pressed gently together, and Spencer couldn't help but think that you were molded for each other. Not in the way that a sculptor may stick two unmatched pieces of clay together with slip, more like one rock that had been split by the earth finally returning together. Something about your touch felt like home as you gently cradled him under the water.
He was so enthralled in your being that he didn't notice you gently scrubbing him with a washcloth until the scent of your body wash permeated the air. You gently scrubbed his back, washing off the sweat of the day and replacing it with you. He melted into you as your hands reached up, lathering his hair with shampoo. He wasn't sure if it was because he realized you should probably be getting washed too or because he desperately wanted to ride his hands along the planes of your body, but he decided to lather up his hands and wash you as well. "You are such a good boy. Thank you for cleaning me up" You said, resting your head gently on his chest, softly swirling the soap around his back, now finished scrubbing all you could from that angle, waiting to turn him around.
He moved carefully, avoiding your butt, still too nervous to touch. "Make sure you get everything, sweet boy. I like to be clean when I go to bed." You said, gently grabbing his hand and pulling it down to cup your butt. He inhales a sharp breath as he indulged in a gentle squeeze, continuing to wash you. He washed your back but his hands would occasionally drift down to your ass, growing more confident as he unknowingly rocked into you slightly with every squeeze, letting out soft keening noises.
You peeled yourself off of him as he rutted into the air, whining at the loss of friction. "Slow down, naughty boy. Bad boys don't get to touch. Are you a bad boy?" you asked as you placed a finger on the tip of his cock, swirling it in the precum pooling there despite the water's efforts to wash it off. "No, no! I'm a good boy! You're just so pretty, and you feel so good, and you smell so nice, and I wanna touch you, and I want you to touch me, please." He blurted out, looking at you with hungry eyes, begging for more friction. "Where do you want to touch me baby?" you asked as his eyes raked over your body, taking in all of his options. "I want to touch your boobies and your- your-" "My what? You can say it, naughty boy." You cut him off in his stammering. "Your pussy, I want to touch your pussy." He said, the hot water spreading the blush from his cheeks down his chest, tingeing his cock with a pretty pink hue. "What naughty words from such a pretty boy. You can touch-" he cut you off, lunging towards your body before you grabbed him by the throat, squeezing experimentally. Not too hard, not too soft. He moaned, and you felt the vibrations traveling up your hands."Let me finish what I was saying. Naughty boys don't get to touch. They get spanked." You said as he mewled." What I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted was that you can touch, AFTER I wash you and after you finish washing me. Only after, you got it?" you said, squeezing a little tighter. "Y-yes." he croaked out. "Good boy," you replied.
You washed out the shampoo in his hair, replacing it with conditioner as he did the same for you. You squirted more soap onto your washcloth, preparing to test him. You took the washcloth in your hand, slowly working over his legs, arms, and chest, teasingly brushing over his overspent cock before returning to cleaning him. He washed you thoroughly, taking care to wash your legs before making sure your stomach and belly button piercing were thoroughly cleaned. Finally, he reached up to wash the leftover makeup off of your face. He touched you like a porcelain doll, worried that you would crack under even the slightest pressure, making you giggle. He flinched, thinking he hurt you, but you grabbed his face in your hands, delivering him a kiss that covered his face in soap.
You both stood there, laughing for a second, relishing the moment before you let out a shy smile. "You can touch my chest now, but make sure you clean my piercings carefully." He looked down at your chest, and now that he'd been given permission, he didn't really know what to do. You could see the puzzled look on his face so you grabbed one of his soapy hands in yours and brought it to your breast. He squeezed experimentally, and you let out a gentle moan. You had been keeping in your arousal to draw out his teasing, but you couldn't hold yourself back as you felt his large hands grasp around your chest and roll your nipple in his fingers.
There was a sweet dichotomy in the harshness of his grasp on your boob, coupled with the gentle twist of your nipple. It was as if he was worried to hurt your piercings, so he made up for it in his grasp. You brought the washcloth down to his cock, hard against his stomach, and began to work him. He whined at the harsh material. "I need to clean you up, baby. You still have a cummy cock. If you beg hard enough when I'm done, I will touch you." You said into his ear as he rested his head on your shoulder.
He was overstimulated, and you could tell, so you decided you wouldn't take as long as you wanted to tease him. But you would still draw it out for your own pleasure. He was bucking and mewling into you as you roughly got him off. It shot you straight to your core, the heat from the shower mixed with his grasp on you, physically and visually, had you closer than you wanted, and deep down you just wanted him to touch you.
When you deemed him clean enough you let the rag drop to the floor. "Beg" you moaned out. "Please, please touch me, I want your hand on me, that's all I want." He whined, bucking into the air. You took pity on him, grasping him with your soap-covered hand. He hissed as your soft touch replaced the rough rag and you could tell he was close. "Touch me, Spencer." You said and his hand shot to your core. His tentative moves giving way to a natural confidence. As he slipped a hand between your folds he could feel you dripping with desire. "O-Oh my god," was all he could stammer out before sinking two of his fingers into your depths, thumb circling your clit. You knew his fingers were long, and you had even fantasized about this exact moment, but nothing could prepare you for his actual length. He had said he did research but that was proven by how quickly he found your g spot and clit. You doubled over in pleasure as his fingers thoroughly fucked you out.
"Spencer, I'm so close, baby. Be a good boy and make me cum." You said, slumping against his shoulder, rubbing yourself against his hand. "Mommy, I'm cumming." He said, looking into your eyes as his body shuttered. His words ricochetted around in your brain, sending you over the edge as you cum all down his hand. You bit into his shoulder to muffle your scream, just as he matched you, cumming down your hand.
You came down from your high as Spencer nearly collapsed onto you. You took extra care in making sure he was all clean before helping him out of the shower and into a towel. He leaned against you the whole time as you got him ready for bed. You forced him to brush his teeth before dragging him to bed.
He sat at the edge, eyes bleary with sleep, taking in the events of the day. You sat behind him, gently toweling off his hair before brushing it and putting lotion on his body. He leaned into your touch, appreciating being cared for, feeling as if everything had been a dream. "C-Can I sleep here? I mean Morgan locked me out and I don't have pants and-" You cut him off with a gentle kiss."Of course, sweetheart, do you want to cuddle? It's ok if you don't or if you want this to be a one-time thing, it's all up to you, baby." You said, gently sweeping his hair out of his face as he looked up with eyes the size of dinner plates. "We can do this more than once? You'll let me? For real?" He asked. "Only if you want to sweetheart. This is all about you." You said, giving him a small smile tinged with a slight sadness. "That's not very fair, I want it to be about you too. What do you want?"
The question knocked you off guard. You're not used to people asking what you want. Usually, people just take and give none in return. The fact that Spencer Reid, your adorable virgin coworker was asking you what you wanted with such a sincere look, caused tears to prick into your eyes. "No one has asked me that in a long time," you smiled, "I would love to do this, and more again with you Spencer. Whenever you want." He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down so you were lying next to each other on the bed. "Whenever we want" He corrected, cuddling into you.
You surveyed the bite make you left on his shoulder, running your hand over it. "Sorry for marking you up, I didn't mean to hurt you." You said softly as he blushed. "I-I was actually wondering... well... could you maybe give me a hickey? I like that you marked me." He said. You obliged him, giving him long kisses and sucks, gradually working up your force until a large purple bruise had formed on his collar bone. He was gently moaning the whole time, but you didn't want to work him up again as he had already cum twice that night and you didn't think he could handle more. He looked down at it as you pulled away, and you could see a question lingering on his mind.
"What's up?" you asked, smoothing his hair with your hand. "You said you hadn't been asked what you want in a long time, and I was wondering, well... who gave you your piercings?" he asked tentatively and you laughed." You have been reading my book too much, how many chapters have you read?" You said and he looked up at you surprised."You knew? and... well... only 3 chapters. I didn't want to pry into your private life." He said. "You just pried enough to know I want to get pierced by someone?" You asked raising an eyebrow. Before he could get an excuse out, you cut him off. "Well for a genius, you obviously didn't read it that carefully. I said I WOULD like to be pierced during sex, meaning I have not before. These are just standard piercings from a piercing shop, not a big deal, I just like the way they look." You said and he let out a sigh of relief. "Why? d'you get jealous?" you questioned him. He looked down and nodded shyly.
"I can be a lot of firsts for you but if you play your cards right, you can be a lot of firsts for me too. You already gave me a first tonight. You called me mommy. No one's done that before but it was really hot. I liked it a lot." You said matter of factly. "But that is a conversation for another day. It is 2 am and we need to be on a flight at 7:30, so let's get some sleep." You said, turning off the lights and cuddling up close to him. In a matter of seconds, you both were asleep, tangled into each other's arms, both of you feeling, for once, safe and sound.
Chapter 1 Here / Chapter 2 Here / Chapter 3 Here
Well wasn't that a doozy. I had so much fun writing that and I think it paid off for sure. Shoot me a message if you want to be added to my beloved tag list, speaking of which.
@spencer-reids-slut @ya-triedit @reidstoychest @flipperpenguins @thatsonezesty13 @jbbarnes-loki @big-galaxy-chaos
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moonbeam-dragon · 2 years
Positive Charge Part 1
Moonrise! I had an idea and I had to. I'm starting school so updates will be rocky but I had to. Tw: Megavolt's language.
It wasn't often the police asked him for help. Darkwing knew that to be true. So when the police called him from his patrol to check something out, he was surprised. He was glad, of course. It was about time they started recognizing his competence.
So he parked the Ratcatcher a few blocks from the Italian restaurant downtown. Sure, the police said they were concerned about loitering. Clearly, they expected worse, and trusted only Darkwing Duck with the case!
Sneaking up on the building, he hid behind the brick wall, peering around. Then he heard a voice. "All you need to do is talk to him. Make him laugh, blush, all that corny shit. We'll handle the rest." Darkwing knew that nasally voice anywhere. It had been bugging him for the last ten years.
"Thanks again for doing this, Sparky!" another voice said. "I owe ya one!"
"Quit calling me that and we'll call it even," Megavolt said.
Darkwing pulled out his gas gun, getting ready to attack. He heard a splashing noise nearby and spun around to look for the source. He heard a bubbly voice. "Coming to you from-"
"Don't do that!" Megavolt said, the sounds of zapping accompanying it. "I almost electrocuted you!"
Darkwing turned back to the wall, peering over. He saw the patio of outdoor tables that the restaurant used. One of the tables had a purple table cloth over it, patches with leaves and petals sewn on. Megavolt was around the corner, messing with the power box. Quackerjack was next to him, pulling the ends of his hat and twisting them around his fingers. Liquidator was on the other wall, grinning sheepishly.
"I apologize for any inconvenience," Liquidator said, sliding a bit closer. "I'm here to inform you that our plan is underway."
Megavolt huffed and zapped something. The stringed lights came on all around, giving the night air a more gorgeous look. "Good. We'd better get out of here before he gets here."
"Too bad," Darkwing muttered. "I'm already here." He shot off his gas gun and blue smoke puffed in front of him. "I am the terror that flaps in the night!" He said, jumping into it.
"Oh no, not now!" Quackerjack whined, stomping his foot. Megavolt snarled, one hand sparking in his irriration.
"I am the pineapple on your pizza. I am-"
"What do you have against pineapple on pizza?" Megavolt asked suddenly, just as Darkwing's smoke cleared.
The hero had had his cape held to dramatically flip, but dropped it. "I- You didn't- That's not the point!" Darkwing shouted. He held his gas gun up at the group. "Suck gas evil-" he was suddenly knocked backwards pretty roughly, seeing Quackerjack on top of him.
"No, no, no! You'll ruin my whole night!" the jester pouted, shaking Darkwing's shoulders. "Why do you have to be such a spoilsport!?"
Megavolt ran over, pulling the two apart. "Not happening, Dorkwing!" He grabbed the hero by the front of his costume and threw him over the wall.
"Megs!" Quackerjack said, going over. "I can-"
"No, not happening! I spent too much time helping you set this crap up for you to waste your time on this guy!" Megavolt insisted. "You stay here. I'll handle it."
As Darkwing got up, he saw Megavolt climb over the wall and was shoved down again. "Hey, what are you-"
"Shut the hell up!" Megavolt said running away from the restaurant and into the street. He held up the gas gun victoriously.
"You can't fight me while I'm unarmed!" Darkwing pouted.
Megavolt flipped the weapon in his hand, cackling. "Why don't you come get it, then?"
Darkwing growled, getting up and running after the rat. Honestly, he'd thought Megavolt was better than this! But without his gun, he couldn't very well take on the rest of the Fearsome Five.
When they were about a block away, Megavolt turned and threw the gun back. "You've got really bad timing, you know that?" he said.
Darkwing caught his gun and looked up at the other in confusion. "I have a great concept of time and how to use it, thank you very much!"
Megavolt rolled his eyes. "Whatever helps you sleep at night. A minute later and you would have fucked up everything!"
"On the contrary, Megavolt, I still have the chance to do something about it," the hero explained, shooting a canister of gas at the other.
Megavolt jumped out of the way and zapped it so it went off in mid-air. "Not if I have anything to say about it." He sent a bolt at the duck, forcing the other to roll away. The pair shared several minutes of back-and-forth squabbling.. Megavolt got annoyed with the lack of banter and decoded to pick it back up.. "You know, it costs you zero dollars to stay out of our personal business!"
"If it's a crime, it's my personal business, too," Darkwing told him, shooting a canister of water at the villain.
Megavolt leaped to the side, the liquid splattering nearby and getting his foot. "Ouch! This isn't a crime!" Megavolt told him.
"You're loitering and disturbing the peace!" Dakrwing said, pointing a finger at him.
"No peace was being disturbed until you got involved," Megavolt said. "But nosy-no-good-do-gooder Darkwing Duck had to come in. Do you know how long we've spent setting up this date?!"
Darkwing stopped where he was, staring at the other. "Date??"
Megavolt slammed a gloved hand over his mouth. "Shit. Forget I said-"
"I gotta see this!" Darkwing said, running back down the street to the restaurant. He got back to the wall and peeked over. What he saw surprised him. At the table that had been decorated, at the center of all the lights, were Quackerjack and Bushroot, having dinner. His jaw dropped. They were trespassing on private property and screwing with the security system for a date? Megavolt came up behind him suddenly, hushing him. "Since when did this happen?" Darkwing whisper-yelled, hands motioning wildly at the pair.
"Hell if I know. A while, probably?" Megavolt whispered, scratching his head. "I think Quacky said this was the first real date they've been on. So don't try and mess it up!"
Darkwing shook his head half-heartedly. "No way. So what else? Are you and Liquidator a thing, too?"
Megavolt felt a few sparks fly at his agitation. "What? No. Not my type in more ways than one," he explained.
"Oh, are you straight?" Darkwing asked, honestly curious at this point. He had gotten so wrapped up in fighting these guys, he often forgot that they also had lives behind the scenes.
Megavolt snorted, shaking his head. "Not at all! It's the electricity and water thing. And he's just too sane for my tastes."
"Did you hear something?" Bushroot's voice suddenly asked. "Behind the wall?"
"What? Come on, Reggie," Quackerjack said with a nervous laugh. "I'm supposed to be the one who hears voices."
"That he is, Liz!" Banana Brain added.
Megavolt covered his mouth and made a hand notion for Darkwing to go somewhere. Making the deduction that the group wasn't up to anything sinister and that he was close enough to interfere should they decide to try it, Darkwing followed his nemesis to the street and just walk around.
"What were we talking about?" Megavolt asked.
"So Quackerjack and Bushroot, huh? Never would have expected that," Darkwing said, trying to pick back up what they were saying before.
"Oh, yeah. Neither did I. Liqqy and I had a running bet. He won," Megavolt told him with a grimace.
"So do you have a secret relationship?" Darkwing asked, amused at the idea.
"Ha! Bold of you to assume I could be in one," Megavolt joked. Then he put a hand over his chin in thought. "Although remember something like that back in my school days." Darkwing thought back. Old Elmo Sputterspark back in high school. How would he have gotten a date? It seemed more likely now than back then. "I honestly don't know if we dated or I just liked him. I don't even remember much about him." Darkwing raised an eyebrow, staring up at the other. "I remember his name, I think. Dave- No, Drew- No, Drake! His last name was probably something like Malcolm- Mallard! Yeah, Drake Mallard, that was his name!"
Darkwing's eyes widened. He wasn't hearing this correctly. He had to have the wrong name. But, maybe some careful interrogation could help. "Do you remember what he was like?"
"A fuckin' dweeb," Megavolt said without missing a beat. He snickered. "There was nothing cool about him. He was nerdy, annoying, and short. And he got bullied as much as me." Megavolt sighed. "Maybe I'm forgetting something. But something about him was special."
Darkwing sighed. Yeah, he had the right guy. And he hated to admit it. So Megavolt had been in love with him. So what? That was a decade ago! And he didn't even remember who Darkwing was.
He's excused himself and left the date alone. He had a lot more to think about. His arch nemesis was in love with him once. He couldn't get him off his mind. So here he sat, in the middle of the night, on the couch, leaning over his senior yearbook. He stared at the photo of Elmo, with the faint goggles and hat Gosalyn had drawn on. It had been a huge shock finding out who his long adversary truly was. It was almost as huge to find out that there could have been something between them before he went mad.
Maybe he wouldn't have gone mad if he'd been shown empathy. Maybe he would have put his powers to good if he'd been supported more. Maybe he wouldn't be a villain if he'd been shown some love. Maybe if they'd gotten closer, they could have become heroes together.
Drake sat up sharply, suddenly wide awake. That gave him an idea...
Uh-oh. Darkwing has an idea. How will this pan out? Farwell, best of luck, avoid roasted cabbage, don’t eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life! Moonset!
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