#I'm talking about Red Asphalt
jellogram · 10 months
Does everyone have to watch a literal real life gore film/snuff film before their high school lets them drive on campus or was my school just really fucked up
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ddejavvu · 8 months
okay weird request but my mom walked in on me having phone sex with my bf and i was wondering if u could do something like that with spencer and he comes over to pick u up and you just. are feeling mortified.
"Drive." Is all you're able to grit out when Spencer pulls up beside the door to your apartment complex, having found you already waiting on the steps. You haven't even buckled your seatbelt yet, so Spencer reaches over your chest to do it for you, then lightly pressures the pedal so that you ease into the street. He's sure you would have liked for him to tear across the asphalt like he's both fast and furious, but you seem to have forgotten who you're talking to.
There's an awkward silence that lingers in the air around you, and Spencer chews at the inside of his cheek while it haunts the both of you. Then slowly, cautiously, he opens his mouth: "So did she- I mean, she knew what you were doing?"
"Yes, Spencer," You groan, your voice tight, "I had my hand down my pants."
The image that would usually make his own trousers a little bit tighter only makes his mouth turn down in a poorly-concealed grimace. He feels bad, he knows you'll probably only feel worse if he doesn't reassure you, but there's some mortification that no amount of comfort can fix.
"You can stay at my apartment for a little while, if you want to?" He offers, slowing well before he needs to at a red light.
You scoff, "Oh, what, so she can assume we're rawdogging it every night? Yeah, a great way to get my mom off of my back about having sex with my boyfriend would be to let her believe I'm having sex with my boyfriend."
Spencer winces, unable to muster a response.
You sigh, "I'm- I'm sorry, Spence. I just... it's weird. And gross. And- ugh, why'd she have to be so fucking quiet getting home? If I'd known she was there..."
"I know," He hums quietly, "It's okay. And I'm sorry. We'll be more careful from now on." He promises, "Uh- and, I'll buy you a lock for your bedroom door."
You chance a glance over at him, and Spencer relishes the first smile he's seen from you all day. It's slight, barely-there, but it's enough.
"Really?" You ask, taking the hand that he rests invitingly on the center console as you wait at the red light. You toy with his fingers, fitting your own over the back of his hand and tickling his palm with the tips, "You'd buy me a lock for my room?"
"I'll install it too," He nods, smiling sheepishly at you while throwing quick glances at the light to see if its changed, "But I'll probably need to borrow some tools from Derek. All I have is a vise. And- uh, that's for pressing flowers between book pages."
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panchatea · 3 months
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#1 of 3 Colors Series.
TRIGGER WARNING is expected, proceed with caution
Dreamcatcher Fanfiction
6322 WORDS
chacha story commissions
It was cold light blue… 
Really cold and these red mosquitos were everywhere feasting and leaving itchy marks on each arm and leg. It was crippling, it was dark, but at least it was quiet. 
Finally quiet.
It was white.
A sweater or a hoodie would be quite useful right now, but there was no point, right? After all, it all doesn’t matter now, there was nothing to lose or gain anymore. Just take mindless steps… mindless heavy steps with no direction. Grab the gray asphalt underneath. Feel the cold, feel all of it… 
It was dark, yet it was bright.
It was white.
All of these blinding lights were everywhere from store signages and street lights. Countless lost red and yellow souls passing by each other, and not caring about one another. After all, people have their own problems to deal with. 
If only it were that simple, but it wasn't.
It never did.
Wish it was all monochrome but no, everything was bright, too bright to begin with, too colorful, too complicated, and there was no side ledge to stand on top off to. There was no compelling, pulling, and captivating clear dark blue body of water to drown in.
Not that everything wasn’t already drowning and suffocating.
All there was just darkness, this asphalt underneath, and all of these bright street lamps.
Just breathe.
It’s not that hard. It��s not that hard to just breathe.
Hard to breathe.
“You’re green.” That was what she said before grabbing onto your hand, without asking and pulling you away from these heavy mindless steps. She held tightly as every color blurred out, and each step kept getting lighter.
Her hand was soft, but she was gripping tightly and she was shaking as if… you looked at her. She was purple.
It was fast and blurry. All these colors mixed up and there was no clear path and all you could focus on was her. Her color oozed with purples and violets. Her blonde hair. That black sweater and gray skirt. And run to god knows where she would take you.
“What are you thinking about?” She yelled, still running.
“I don’t know…
Like maybe why are we running?
Who are you?
What are we even doing?
Aren’t you running out of breath?”
“Hey calm down, Green. Geez, you have too many questions.” She didn’t answer any of them.
“Are we lost?!” You yelled back.
You could just stop and let go of her hand but you didn’t. Why because for some reason…
“It’s okay, Green.” Once again her answer didn’t answer the question, but her words, felt like they meant something else.
Like it was okay to be lost.
“Why are you calling me Green?”
“Breathe.” She stopped. You both stopped.
“What’s that expression on your face?” She added.
“How about you? What are you so afraid of?”
Once again, she didn’t answer… She just looked at you while she caught her breath.
“You can see it, right?”
“I don't know what you are talking about.”
“The colors. Tell me what color I am?”
“You’re purple or violet… I don’t know, I don’t care. What does it even mean?”
She just laughed, loudly until it was all you could hear, breaking the whites, mixing in the dark.
“Can you just talk to me like a normal person!?” You shouted and she just looked surprised. She pouted but she didn’t say anything.
“Look, I’m sorry for yelling. I just, can’t deal with this right now. I don't have time for this.” You tried to walk away but her next words stopped you.
She was really pushy.
“I'm not normal, Green.” She laughed.
“You’re silly, you know.” She squatted looking at your toes, at your shoeless feet.
“It's just that sometimes or most of the time, I get into these moods. I say what I want. I do what I want. You’re right… I’m purple. You’re funny, you don't know the difference between purples and violets.” She pointed at your feet happily.
“Your toes are dirty, aren’t they cold? Don’t go running without shoes or a flip-flop. I like violet more than purple, so I appreciate that you thought I was a violet.”
She says one different thing after another.
“You’re weird.” You sighed out of frustration as you grew aware of what she pointed out, yes your feet were cold.
“It’s my first time seeing your shade of green,” she muttered.
“Usually, I would see it in restaurants or children who don’t like their veggies. Did you eat something weird? But you’re different, it’s as if you’re disgusted by yourself.” She looked at you intently, studying your expression or rather studying your expression and peeking into your soul.
“That’s none of your business scaredy fox.” You reached inside your pocket and took out the single stick of cigarette left in there and a lighter.
“Hey, don’t smoke, Green.” She jumped up while simultaneously snatching the stick slipped in between your fingers, and threw it away. “It’s bad for you.”
“What’s your problem?!” You shouted at her and she just smiled.
“How about you? What’s your problem?” She retorted sternly as if she really believed that snatching that cigarette was the right thing to do. You just sighed in defeat. 
She had this commanding and carefree aura or in other words she was weird and she just didn’t care.
“Come on, just calm down and enjoy this view,” She tapped your shoulders before turning to look around. What view? All of it was just empty dark streets lit by white street lights, colorful street signage of 24-hour establishments, and the occasional passing of cars, and red and yellow souls.
“You’re weird,” you commented and she just smiled back at you.
“Keep telling me that, Green. It’s better to be weird than be normal, that sucks.”
“Stop calling me, Green. I don’t know what it means and I have a name,” you retorted while you stared at her. Now that you have a chance, you realize how beautiful this girl was… She looked like an idol, and the street lights weren’t blinding for once, they just illuminated this girl enough to show her violet self.
“So go ahead and tell me your name,” She challenged as she turned back and made eye contact.
“I don’t want to.”
She pouted, “Come on, I’ll tell you mine so tell me yours.”
“Why should I, you’ll keep calling me green anyways, Violet.”
“Haha, maybe I should dye my hair violet soon. Sure, that’s fine, let's just talk like this. Do you wanna walk? Or do you wanna sit?”
You laughed as you took a sit on the sidewalk underneath one of those white street lights.
“You made me run and then you’ll make me walk, don’t forget that I’m barefooted, Violet.” She laughed before sitting beside you.
“Here let me even out things,” She said before she removed her shoes and socks, and then threw them away.
“That’s not what I mean,” You said in a tone of frustration, “and that doesn’t even out things since we’re sitting.”
“Come on now, it’s better this way. Now go talk your heart out, Green.” She looked at you. Those eyes of hers, expecting something to come out of your mouth—the story of your shade of green.
She was really pushy(2).
“You go first, then I will go.” You smirked at her and she just pouted before breaking eye contact and looking at the sky.
“How about we play a game, Green? Let’s take turns, I’ll answer your question and then you answer mine. So that it’s fair, right?” She smiled in between her sentences.
“Sure, I’ll go first,” you quickly said and she just side-eyed in response before nodding and looking up again to the sky—that dark empty sky.
“What does Green, Purple, or Violet mean? Colors, what do colors mean?” You asked her. You could always see them everywhere but didn't really know what they meant. What do they mean? How could she even tell you could see them?
She snickered at your question, “You can see them but don’t know what they mean? You’re funny and weird.”
“I’m the one who is asking here, Miss.”
“Yes, yes, I’ll answer,” she said as she gestured as if she was grabbing something in the sky above her, “Green means disgust, and Purple is fear. Violet is still fear, but I guess for me, it is sadness mixed with little bits of anger. You know what’s funny, violet is made with more blue than red, and purple is just more red than blue. They, Purple and Violet are basically the same thing but they mean differently.”
Her explanation had raised questions. What she said wasn't clear honestly, but you just listened intently.
Her words… were just like she was yapping about something but they held meaning. 
“So if red is anger, and blue is sadness. Then Purple, do they root from anger and sadness? Does that mean you’re overwhelmed by anger but were slapped with the reality and blueness of not being able to do anything with that fear? Hence, maybe that’s why you’re afraid. What does Violet even mean then, when you’re too sad but also a little bit angry?” She lowered her fist and looked at it intently before opening it. 
She grabbed nothing out of the vast dark sky but there was something.
“You’re being unfair, you already asked three questions you know,” you smiled unknowingly as you watched her. “Anyways, I think you’re right though. There is nothing to be afraid of if you are happy.”
“Yellow?” She cut.
“Yes, yellow maybe as you said. Hence, fear is rooted in sadness, but sadness is just not enough. Maybe that’s why we need anger to experience fear. Sadness from the helplessness and anger from the hopelessness. Which do you prefer though? Violet or Purple?”
Once again, she looked at you straight in the eyes and something way beyond your eyes.
Perhaps the colors? Or maybe your soul?
“I prefer Violet, I already said that to you earlier. I think I’m violet… I wish I could be Violet, Green. What do you think? What am I?”
“Okay, Violet, I guess you’re too sad then, but I think you’re more purple. But I’ll keep calling you Violet 'cause violets are nice.” You smiled at her.
“Why?” She asked quickly.
“Because violet. Suppose you become more than just a violet. Let’s say super? Ultra?” 
She smiled. 
“Ultra-violet is all the colors at full brightness,” you joked.
“Haha, Ultra-violet? That’s so weird!” She exclaimed as she stood before once again looking up in the sky.
“Look who's talking, calling someone else weird,” you teased back. 
“Just ask your question, don’t forget about it.”
“I don’t know, I’ll ask later, Green. I’ll reserve my question for later.”
“Green? I don’t think green means disgust, but rather disappointment. Yellow is Happiness?  Green is made with blue and yellow, and all I can think about with that combination is disappointment. I don’t think you’re wrong though, Green might as well be disgust.”
“Why?” She asked and stood up beside her.
“Because I hate, myself.
Because I’m disgusted by myself.”
“That’s why you’re green.” She commented almost too quickly. “Why are you disgusted by yourself?”
“Hold your horses, it’s my turn to ask.” She smiled in acknowledgment.
“What are you so afraid of?”
And for the first time tonight, she didn’t look goofy, and she wasn’t smiling without any care in the world. There was violet, there was purple in her eyes. You suddenly remembered her shaking hands earlier, so you instinctively held her hands.
There were shaking. 
She held your hand tightly and said,
“I’m afraid of dying.”
She smiled, “Hold your horses, it’s my turn to ask a question.”
“Touche, Violet.”
You tried to let go of her hand but she intertwined hers with yours instead.
“Answer my why first.”
“I started to believe, that’s all.” 
“I started to loathe, and I started losing love for myself.”
“What was it that made you believe? What do you believe in?” She asked continuously. Now the game was getting more interesting.
You smirked, “My turn to ask a question.”
“Aish, go ahead.”
“Why are you afraid of dying?”
She laughed and smiled again, and for some reason, it looked and sounded forced—there was sorrow behind her smile and laugh.
“That’s simple, because I’ll die,” she stated nonchalantly as if it was the most obvious thing to say. Does she have some kind of illness? A terminally ill patient? She looked rather healthy honestly.
“Come on now, everyone will die sooner or later.”
“Yup, you’re right.”
That was when you saw, something unforgettable that would haunt you forever—may that be in a bad way or a good way. 
It was her smile.
Different from the one she did before, it was the brightest. It wasn’t white or yellow, but rather was violet. It was something beyond beauty. And it wasn’t because of how the sides of her lips or the way her cheeks puffed or the way her eyes smiled along with her lips.
But it was the genuineness of it.
Her smile was filled with sorrow. 
Her smile harbored acceptance for something beyond what you knew about her.
Her smile hinted reds of regret.
Her smile was not just blue.
It was violet.
“I’ll die tomorrow, Green,” she cut as she let go of your hand and took a few steps forward.
You could no longer see her smile, or if she was still smiling even. You stare at her back while trying to process what she just said.
Her die? Tomorrow?
That ridiculous.
“Come on don’t joke around, you’re not terminally ill, are you?” You asked worriedly but she laughed once again...
“Is that a question? You're funny, I'm not sick or ill.”
If not that then…
“Are you gonna kill yourself?” she looked back, her smile wasn't there anymore.
“It’s not your turn to ask a que—”
“Forget about the stupid game! Answer the fucking question! Are you gonna kill yourself or not?” 
“Don’t worry, I won’t kill myself,” She answered rather quickly and surely.
“Don’t ever kill yourself,” you said sternly, and she responded by holding out her pinky finger.
“I won’t kill myself, I promise.” She wiggled her finger, tempting you to take it. You took it, and she locked on it before playfully pressing her thumb onto yours.
“Why do you even care?” She teased as she broke the lock between your pinky fingers and quickly intertwined her hands instead, “You have to answer two questions in a row now, you took two turns earlier. I won’t let go of you until you do.”
You held her hand tightly.
“My best friend killed herself.” You almost choked out of your words. 
“That’s why, so don’t kill yourself, and don’t ever kill yourself. 
I don’t ever want someone I know to kill themselves again,  because I’ll actually start to believe it, and maybe, I might just end up going after them...”
“What exactly is it?”
“That's your second question,” you said as you smiled at her.
“Yes it is, but this time you don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable.” 
She smiled back.
“Because everyone blames me for her death, and today, I visited her grave for the first time. I went away. I wasn't there for her funeral after all so I visited and I couldn't do so for the longest time… because I was afraid. I thought I didn't deserve to visit her until I… I was finally able to make our wish come true but—”
You bit your lip, as you felt all of it, the memories, the emotions, and the trauma weigh down on your shoulders.
“but when I came to her grave… her Mom was there, and she… she said that…
I didn't change.
I was still the same monster who drove her daughter to kill herself.
I… they all said it before. That it was because of me.
And now I'm starting to believe it.
So you're right…
I’m green.
I’m disgusted by who I am.”
Tears started flowing. Words were said. Everything came gushing out. All of those that were heavy were released.
You just wept and cried.
“Hey, it’s not your fault.” 
As the pain registered, it went silent—it went monochrome. 
There were only her eyes and her mouth saying the words. 
“It’s not your fault,” she repeated.
“I —I kn—know,” you struggled.
“It's not your fault,” once again as she caressed the cheek she slapped.
“I know and I tried, but—”
“Whatever it is, whatever you did. It’s not your fault.” she cut.
“But! Sometimes or most of the time, there are voices in my head saying how it's my fault that she had died. That I was the one who,” you bit your lip, “That they are right.”
“And I! Most of the time, I tell myself that they are not wrong for saying that.
So I… yes…  I hate myself. 
I am utterly disgusted by my own being.”
She pulled you into a hug and for one last time she said, “It’s not your fault.”
“So where did you lose your shoes?” she asked jokingly and you just bursted out laughing while tears flew down your cheeks. 
“You are taking advantage of this, are you? That is your third question.”
She giggled.
“Come on, tell me about it.”
“You know,  we probably look weird like this. Hugging in the middle of the streets and crying and laughing.”
“Do you want me to let go?”
Honestly no… 
There was this kind of comfort and discomfort being engulfed by her arms. 
Why would you let a complete stranger hug you like this? 
A complete stranger saying the words you wanted to hear the most? 
“Haha, I forgot about it…  my shoes. I just ran and later realized that I didn't have one.” 
“Here, I’ll give you this instead.” She broke the hug to reach for something from her pockets and took out a violet pen. 
“Always keep this with you and don’t ever lose it.”
“What's this? A kid toy pen? It doesn’t even work.” You tried it on your hand but the pen didn't have any ink. 
“Haha, it's my treasure so take care of it.”
“I will.” You kept it inside your pocket, replacing the cigarette from before.
“So tell me? What do we do now?” You asked her.
She took a few steps, before looking back.
“What else? We keep playing the game, Green.” She said as she held out her hand. 
“Come, walk me home?”
You took it.
“Where are we even? Do you even know from all that running?” She took her steps and you followed her.
“Of course, are you not from around here?”
Once again, upon these empty streets illuminated only by white street lights, you two walked barefooted as if it was the most normal thing ever, grabbing the cold pavement while relishing the strange comfort of each other’s company. 
“No, my best friend's parents decided they were going to bury her here, in their hometown so I came here to visit, but I can just look at my phone—” you patted your pockets to look for your phone only to find out that.
“I don’t have it!” you said surprised upon the realization of this predicament.
“I lost my phone,” you said to her but she just shrugged.
“Can I borrow yours?” 
“I don’t have one,” she replied as she noticed the worried look you had.
“Maybe it's in the graveyard? Do you wanna come and get it?” She asked.
“No way! It's too late and there's no way I’m going to a graveyard this late. Aish, we don't even know what time exactly it is.”
She just laughed and you just sighed in defeat. Of course, you at least knew how you got to the graveyard from your accommodation, and how to get out of town, but you had been wondering without any care for some ample time, the running and now walking with this violet stranger girl seemed to have led you to someplace you had no idea about. Of course, this also means you didn't know how to get to the place you were residing at.  You just know too little about this town and it was harder in the dark.
“Scaredy Cat, it's not that scary.”
She knows where things are, maybe you could ask her. You sighed in defeat. 
“Let's just go, I will walk you home, and just give me directions to my shared house and then I hope I can figure the way.”
The walk by itself was uneventful, after all that happened and the things that you two shared about each other, the silence was a breath of fresh air. Her silence was odd, but everything was honestly odd about her so... 
The girl you call Violet just has too many questions surrounding her. 
She was a mystery.
A single-colored mystery
“What were you even doing out this late at night?” You looked at her hand, the one you were still holding.
“Hmm,” she pointed at her temple, “I was taking a walk?”
She joked and you bumped at her playfully.
“I wanted to feel the air.
I wanted to see the stars. 
I wanted to see those white streetlights, 
those colorful store signage, 
those lost souls colored uniquely on their own. 
I wanted to see the town.
Many more.” She smiled but her tone was filled with blues, yellows, and a new color, you had seen for the first time, orange.
What is orange?
“You’re being weird again, Violet.” you didn’t what to say so you just said the first sorry banter you thought of.
“But hey, I got to meet you, Green.” She looked at you, smiled and it was yellow.
You blushed…
She was strange.
She was weird.
But she had a smile that could not be described by just the words beautiful, pretty, or attractive.
Her smile was colorful.
“I don’t know, I think I was unlucky that I met you,” she punched you and pouted cutely. “Haha, I’m just kidding, I’m glad you found me.”
Yes, the word was found.
She found you.
“I can’t even imagine what could have happened to me if you didn’t do what you did.” You smiled.
“So thank you, Violet.”
Her eyes widened in shock, and her cheeks turned rosy. Is she blushing?
“Oh shush, don’t mention it.” She smacked your shoulders. She’s shy?! This girl…
“You looked green.” That was maybe her own way of saying You look like you needed help.
“We’re here.” You weren’t really paying attention and you just followed her so you didn't notice until you looked around to find out you two stopped in front of a massive gate, and from afar, you could an even more enormous mansion fitting the massive gate.
On the gate, you noticed circular geometric patterns, but you didn’t think much of them.
“This is your house?” you asked her and she just nodded.
“This is my family’s. My sisters and I live here,” she explained and you nodded in response. You also told her the name of your accommodation and asked for directions but she just…  shrugged… 
You couldn't believe it… there was no way.
You would have no choice but to sleep in the streets. 
“You could stay here if you want?” she offered. 
“I don’t th—”
“Lee Gahyeon!” a voice cut came from the other side of the gate before you could finish. From afar, you saw a figure of a woman. She was walking towards the two of you. 
“Lee Gahyeon?”
“That’s my name, Green.”
When the figure was finally in sight it revealed an elegant woman wearing a pure white night 
gown. Red lips, sharp nose, and lazy hazy eyes of a predator. 
“That’s my sister, Kim Minji,” Gahyeon whispered as the said woman opened the massive gate of the mansion.
She was gray.
“Your sister looks really attractive, Vio—” she elbowed you and you just giggled. Kim? They are sisters, right? 
“Where have you been?” she asked her before looking at you up and down. “And who is this gentleman?” 
A strict mom? Wait, she’s her sister. 
“I just took a night stroll, we took a night stroll,” she answered as she hugged your arm. 
“He’s my boyfriend,” she added, which made your eyes widen. 
“I see… A stroll, without shoes. A boyfriend without shoes,” She pointed out. The older sister stared at you as if she was waiting for you to say something. 
“Hi—hi! O—older Sister, I’m,” you stuttered as you introduced yourself. You held out your hand for a handshake but the older woman ignored it and turned around. 
“Come Gahyeon, it's late. We should rest, everyone has already retreated to their rooms.” The older gestured for the younger to come. 
“JiU-unnie wait. ” This halted the older and looked back. “Can he stay? He has nowhere to go right now and it's too late.”
“We don't have any guest rooms ready so just show him to Father’s bedroom. Let him borrow his clothes and… shoes.” Minji continued walking towards the manor while Gahyeon dragged you.
“Violet, is this okay?”
“Yup don’t worry, if she says it's fine then it's fine. JiU is the oldest amongst us 7 and she's the leader so what she says goes, and besides, it's the least she could do.” you sighed in defeat.
“The least she could do?”
“Yes! I mean her youngest sister brought home a man for the first time, the least she could do is to make him feel at home and give him some shoes.” she pointed at your toes before dragging you to go inside the mansion.
What’s with them and toes… and shoes…
The place was quite big so it took a while to even go to the front door of the mansion. It made you wonder, where did the older woman walking a few meters in front of you and Gahyeon. You saw a gazebo near the gate so maybe that was wear Minji was hanging out while she was waiting for Gahyeon? Alone, that late at night?
Along the way, you saw a vast green field lit by post lamps, well-kept plants and flowerbeds, and a few marble angel statues holding some sort of ornament with patterns similar to the ones on the gate. It was creepy looking at them so you tried to ignore them up until you arrived at the front door. Although, it was hard not to notice as even the front door had them engraved.
“Violet, what are those?” you pointed at the door.
“Those are dreamcatchers, you’ll see them everywhere,” Minji explained instead of Gahyeon.  
“They are all valuable so don’t touch them,” Gahyeon added before guiding you inside the mansion. 
The word magnificent wasn't enough to describe it. If only there were a word for something terrifying yet grandiose. It was only the entrance, where you were greeted by a massive grand oval staircase solely lit by a crystal chandelier. Angels on both the left and right ends of the staircase, each holding their own dreamcatcher. 
The light from the chandelier was not enough to illuminate the whole place, but it was enough for you to see the place with the sunroof helping with a little bit of illumination from the moon.
Minji was right, they were everywhere from the patterns of the stair railings, to many of them hanging in the ceiling, railings, and walls. Even the crystals of the chandelier looked like individual dreamcatchers on their own. 
The open space was big enough to be a function hall. At the end of it, there was a hall with what seemed to be full rooms. Similar to the one in the middle, the left and right way had a hall passage leading to parts of the mansion that you haven’t seen yet.
The place had at least three floors but it seemed like the grand staircase connected only the first and second floors but you could see a third floor from the open space above. As you looked up again, there seemed to be a silhouette looking at the three of you.
“Someone is up there,” you pointed out to the two women.
“Probably one of our sisters,” Gahyeon answered.
“Come on, I’ll take you to Father’s bedroom.” Gahyeon took your hand again and you just followed her.
“Are there elevators in this massive place?” You asked them.
“What’s that?” Gahyeon asked back sincerely as if she had never seen an elevator before.
“Really?” You asked back, but she laughed loudly.
“Gahyeon, please not be too loud,” Minji 
“Of course, I know what an elevator is. We just don’t have one. My father is an old-school grandpa so he didn’t like technology so much,” Gahyeon joked.
Come to think of it, she also didn’t have a cellphone.
Soon Minji headed for her room and you two headed for their Father’s bedroom. You assumed that their father was not in the mansion because they were renting his bedroom away, but you didn’t ask about it because it might be a sensitive topic.
The room was just as you had imagined but it didn’t fail to impress you. It was the master bedroom—a king-size bed, a walk-in closet full of unbranded tailored clothes, shoes, and accessories, a bathroom of its own, and other things that screamed wealth. Gahyeon had let you borrow most of it. It was embarrassing being treated so well, but she firmly assured you it was okay.
When you came out of the bathroom after freshening up, you looked at the balcony,  where you found her watching the night sky. For a moment, you stared at her before she noticed you, smiled at you and gestured for you to join her. You thought to yourself as you walked towards her that she finally looked like the color she wanted to become. Violet.
Maybe more than that.
“I’m your boyfriend?” you teased her as you leaned on the balcony railings. You stared at her while she continued watching the stars and the moon. Beautiful. You thought to yourself. It was picturesque, her glowing under the moonlight.
“Why do you not want to? Is this my first rejection?” She giggled.
“Wow, you’re just gonna turn me into a heartbreaker if I say no?”
Any guy would want to be hers. You were sure of it. You were not even sure if she was serious about the boyfriend thing. It was just an excuse to let her older sister let you inside the mansion. She was kind like that.
“I’m serious, be my boyfriend,” She declared as she slowly inched towards you until she was close… too close.
“Do you love me?” You asked, even though you knew what was the answer.
Her violet turned into pink. Weird.
“Hmm, I find you interesting and I think you’re cute. I like you, but I don’t think I love you yet,” She explained as you backed down a few steps away from her.
“How about you, Green? Do you love me?” She threw the question right back at you.
It feel like you two were playing the game again.
“You’re be—beautiful… You’re re—really nice. Kind. Although you’re kinda odd and weird, I think any man would fall in love with you.” She inched forward, once again in an uncomfortable distance. 
Was your eye tricking you?
“I would love to be your boyfriend, but I don’t think it’s the right time to do so,” you blurted out nervously. She pouted. She smiled differently—almost bittersweetly.
Also, how could one truly love someone when one only has hate for themselves?
“Aish, what a heartbreaker.” She flicked your forehead before running inside the room.
Now once again, her usual Violet.
“Hey! What was that for?” You chased after, but she ran circles around you, outmaneuvering you using her speed, by throwing throw pillows at you or putting distance between the two of you using the furniture. You didn’t even know what you were going to do once you caught her but you kept chasing.
Up until she stepped into one of the pillows she threw earlier and slipped. Time slowed down, and in that moment, you tried to break her fall or maybe catch her from an impending disaster. You couldn’t catch her. Thankfully, she didn’t hit her head and instead, she fell onto the bed. You sighed in relief when you saw that she wasn’t hurt in any way. But there was something strange. Her cheeks turned rosy. She had let out a strange noise.
“I’m no longer pure,” she whispered… What did she mean by that? 
That was when you realized, you fell into a position where you could only see in dramas or animations, a girl accidentally falling and the boy trying to catch her only to end up in an awkward position.
Maybe, fate was rather playful at that point as you felt your body press onto her. You could feel her soft body on yours, and her face… she was too close. Gahyeon was so close that it was only an inch keeping you two away from kissing. Luckily, it wasn’t that cringe trope where the guy accidentally grabbed the woman’s breast, but luck couldn’t suppress biology as your body reacted embarrassingly. 
“Green, your thing… is pressing against me,” Gahyeon said shyly to which you quickly responded by jumping out of that position.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it! It’s a natural thing!” You reasoned out, but she just laughed as she fixed herself.
“Pervert,” She whispered into your ear before kissing you on the cheek.
“Haha, you’re blushing, Green!” She teased as she walked to the door.
“That’s what you get for rejecting me,” Gahyeon said before leaving you speechless inside that massive room.
Why did she do that?!
What’s with her?!
You had so many questions, but you just retreated to the bed. So much happened, and meeting Gahyeon somehow made it bearable and for a moment you forget about all those hardships. 
Gahyeon/Violet was really an oddball.
“Ultra-violet,” you muttered to yourself.
Maybe it was worth trying again at this complicated colorful life. 
Somehow, it not being monochrome was great as before it once had her, and now it has Violet.
Tomorrow would be a great day, you thought to yourself before closing your eyes.
What kind of questions should you ask her tomorrow?
The next day came full of anticipation. The questions still lingered. 
Her kiss. 
Her smile.
Her color.
That brightness. 
They all lingered.
You opened the door of the master room only to be greeted by the warmth of the bright yellow sun. The sunroof filled the mansion with natural light. Light creates the ambiance of the place, as well as the expression of the structure. The wealthy took this to heart. What kind of family do they even have to afford this?
This place wasn’t so creepy after all. The marble statues, and the dreamcatchers. Maybe the dark tense vibe of the night made it creepy. The master room/Gahyeon’s father's room was located on the third floor and the fact that the mansion was vast meant it was a trip to even to the second floor.
You hummed as you walked and tried to reflect on what happened yesterday. You remembered Gahyeon’s pen, you remember putting it inside your pockets. You checked if it was still there, and to your surprise, something else was inside your pocket.
A note that said the following:
“Don’t trust anyone. Don’t keep this note. Swallow it.”
Chills went down your spine. What does this even mean? Is this a prank?
“AHH!” a scream came from below. The first floor. 
Does this mean the note is not a prank? 
What’s happening?
Before you could even think straight, you just did as the note said. You crumpled it and swallowed it whole before heading to the first floor. Suddenly, you remembered something from yesterday.
“I’ll die tomorrow, Green.” 
You completely forgot about what she said. Your steps became heavier, but you found yourself running the flight of stairs.
Hearts were booming. Imagination was going wild. Anxiety kicked in.
It only got worse when you arrived at the grand staircase when you saw something hanging off the chandelier. The steps felt endless. You closed your eyes. You could only wish that your eyes were lying to you.
It’s not real, right?
Open your eyes. Look again.
Her smile.
Her color.
You reached the bottom.
That was when the high came crashing down as you looked at a scene that would haunt you forever. It hit hard before, but it hit harder today. Your hope was quite literally hanging in front of your eyes. It didn’t crash down. It floated, and it would never reach the ground.
That was when the colors faded.
There was so much to ask.
But there was no more chance.
A game played by one person would not be fun at all.
It was your turn after all.
Ask the question.
As your tears flew down your cheeks endlessly, they were crawling slowly from behind, hugging you. A weight on your shoulders. A blow of air right beside your ear whispered. It was a feeling you know of too much already.
Her hugs.
The way she held your hand.
The way her lips curved when she smiled.
Her bright color.
“It’s your turn, Green.” That was her sweet kind voice, but how could it be? How could it be her when she was literally hanging in front of your eyes?
“Violet,” you called her name, “who killed you?”
The game continues.
This is for a good friend of mine. Thank you for waiting for this after so many months of hiatus.
Not as good as I was and maybe too many errors but here it is.
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Eddie Munson's royal fuck-up
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 11
Prompt: Royalty AU
Rated: G
CW: none
Tags: Rockstar Eddie Munson; Royal Steve Harrington; Meet cute; Flirting; Secret Identity; Sort of angsty/open ending
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"So, tommorow…" Chrissy says from behind the folder they've been provided. It looks so posh with its dark green binding, the royal sigil embossed on it in gold print. Eddie hates it. It probably thinks it's so much better than the other folders. "When you're introduced to Prince Steven, you're to address him as Your Royal Highness. After that, you call him Sir." 
"What, really? Dude, at least buy me dinner before we start with the kinky shit." 
Chrissy shoves his feet off the desk, which almost makes him topple off his chair. 
"Can you take this seriously? A royal visit is an important matter. We can certainly use the publicity-" 
Eddie's hand crashes down on the desk. "I'm a fucking rockstar, Chris. That ain't enough publicity? This place is my baby, mine. What does that royal asshole know about what it's like to have a rough childhood? He thinks he can come here, give a little speech, smile for the cameras, and suddenly it's all about him?" 
"What, now you care?" 
He whirls on her, but the look she gives him makes him freeze. Chrissy sighs. 
"Eds, you are so busy with the new album and the tour, you haven't even met the new volunteers. I said I'd manage the place, and that's fine. But you must trust me. Just do it for me. Please?" 
The skate park has new graffiti, and he hasn't even seen it yet. Eddie exhales his cigarette smoke and watches how it curls up to the sign spelling Hellfire Youth Center.
Maybe Chrissy is right. Maybe he should be here more. Maybe he's been so caught up in the whole fame and fortune thing, he's losing sight of what's important, like- 
"Watch out!" 
Like guys on skateboards barrelling towards him. 
Eddie throws up his hands. The guy tries to swerve, completely tips his precarious balance, and goes flying off the board and right into him. They land on the asphalt with an undignified oomph. 
"Shit, sorry," babbles the guy and tries to disentangle his limbs from Eddie’s. "Couldn't brake-" 
"S alright," Eddie hears himself say, even though his ass hurts like a bitch from the impact and he can already feel the bruises forming. "You can fall into my arms any time." 
Skateboard guy blinks up at him and - fuuuck, he's cute! In a scrungly, beanie-stuffed-over-chestnut-locks, black-rimmed-nerd-glasses kind of way. 
For a second, nobody says anything. 
"For fuck’s sake," someone swears, and then little Max Mayfield is running towards them, ginger braids jumping with the movement. "I told you to be careful." 
"Sorry," cutie with the glasses says again. Eddie has never seen him around. He must be one of the new volunteers Chrissy mentioned. "Guess I'll need to practice some mo- ow, shit!" 
His hands fly up to cradle his knee. There's a hole and a rapidly spreading bloodstain in the fabric of his jeans. 
"Oh fuck," Eddie says, and whips his bandana from his back pocket to press it to the wound. "Red, why don't you hop inside and get the first aid kit? I'll stay here with …" 
He trails off expectantly. Cutie's eyes go wide. 
"I, erm … Dustin." 
"I'll stay here with Dustin." 
Dustin, it turns out, isn't just cute, but also fun to talk to. He doesn’t gush about what a huge fan he is or ask for an autograph once. Eddie never thought he'd appreciate that one day, but it gets really old really quick. 
Instead, they jump from one topic to the next, sitting on one of the benches and watching Max go on her board. Dustin has a quick, sharp wit and isn't afraid to counter Eddie’s jabs with his own, delightfully bitchy sense of humor. Damn, to think he almost missed this one. He really needs to be around more.
"I love this place, y’know? You created something great for these kids." 
Eddie jerks to attention. The sun has started to dip, casting Dustin’s smile and the hair poking from his beanie in a soft golden light. 
"Thanks man," Eddie murmurs, and feels the bitterness boil back up. "Some people seem to think it needs better publicity, though." 
Dustin shuffles awkwardly, winces when the movement pulls on the Care Bears bandaids Max has plastered all over his knee. 
"You mean the royal visit?"
Eddie huffs. 
"Yeah, man. I mean, what are they expecting me to do, bow and grovel while his Royal Doucheness prances all over the place with his perfect hair and fancy suit and thank him for it? It's not like he cares about these kids, it's all just a gig to him."
Dustin draws his bottom lip between his teeth.
"You can't know that. Maybe he does care. Maybe he's-" 
Eddie barks a laugh. "Oh, give me a break. All the royals are good at is looking important and spending our tax money. I can fucking do without-" 
"Steve? We gotta leave, c'mon." 
They both whip around. A fancy black limousine with tinted windows has pulled up in the parking lot behind them. A gruff looking man is holding the back door open and looking at them expectantly. 
Dustin sighs and stands. 
"Coming, Hop." 
"Wait, wait, what?" Eddie babbles as he walks towards the car, shoulders in a sad little hunch. "What's going on? Who's that guy? Why's he calling you-" 
And then it clicks. 
"Oh fuck," Eddie says. 
Dustin … no, Steve … no, Steven - Crown Prince Steven fucking Harrington - gives him a tight smile while the man ushers him into the backseat. 
"Thank you for your time, Mr Munson, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll try not to be too much of a douchebag, I promise." 
The door clicks shut. 
The car glides away. 
Eddie buries his face in his palms. 
"Jesus fucking Christ. He's the fucking Prince."
Beside him, wheels grate on asphalt as Max brakes.
"Wow," she deadpans. "You're in some deep shit." 
Eddie groans. 
Tomorrow is gonna be a long-ass fucking day. 
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Part 2
All my holiday drabbles
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spooky-wisp · 1 month
"If I'm being honest, no I'm not holding up okay."
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Repost from other account
1.9k words
CW: Past Stancy mention, current Jancy, past feelings mention, and past/current unrequited love (both)
Prom Night, 1985
Prom night, supposedly one of the greatest nights of teenagers' lives. That's a sentiment Steve definitely wouldn't agree with, hanging out outside his own senior prom. He didn't even know why he bothered coming, knowing full well he'd see them together. Hand in hand, arm in arm, dancing to every cheesy slow song the DJ put on. As much as Steve tried to be supportive or ignore it...
He just wasn't over his ex-girlfriend yet.
But that didn't stop him from trying to be the bigger man in the situation. That's what Steve grew into being, the bigger person. No more being a total asshole for the sake of his own feelings. That's something Junior year Steve would do.
"Well, don't you just look so lively tonight." His trance breaks as he's approached by you, coming from the double doors of the Gym hallway not too far away.
"I'm not in the mood tonight."
Steve sounded both fed up and disgusted with your antics already. Even if this was just the first thing you said anything to him all day.
You lean against the cold brick gym wall. Feeling the rough bumps of the hard surface on your back and through your dress.
"Rough night, champ?" Steve sighs, rubbing his eyes, raw from a few minutes of being emotional.
"You don't know the half of it." Glancing over, he sees you for the first time. Admiring the floor length red dress, you always looked good in red. You looked good in everything, at least in his mind.
"Look at you, all dressed up and presentable for once." You smirk at his joke, making him chuckle and smile.
"I always look presentable thank you prick." Smirking to yourself before looking back at him.
"You look good in a tuxedo... Y'know, for you."
"Thanks for the backhanded compliment. Anything good from you is a rarity." You laugh, making him smile even wider. His eyes shift around the parking lot, watching cars pull in, and other kids come to join the party going on inside.
"What're you even doing out here by yourself? I thought you'd be in there with like 9 different girls trying to dance with you at once." He scoffs, fighting the urge to roll his eyes.
"You know, too many options beating down my door. Couldn't disappoint them all."
"Came stag too, huh?" He just nods in response, not saying anything as you both look up into the inky night sky. The only sound to fill the cold April night air was the crickets chirping and distant chatting of other students.
"Are you holding up okay? I saw them dancing inside and... I know the breakup was hard for you, so I just thought I'd check up on you..."
Steve let out a rough sigh, feeling like a complete idiot pining for his ex-girlfriend still. Being broken up for almost 5 months now. He couldn't let her go in his head, they were each other's first loves. At least she was to him.
All of that came crashing to a halt after everything back in November.
"If I'm being honest, no I'm not holding up okay."
"I know I'm not a therapist or anything..." You shrug, glancing back at him as you nervously chew on your thumbnail.
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Not really. I've been talking to Dustin for months about it and no matter how much I try I can't get past it. Like Nancy's cast some kind of spell to stick with me or something." He sighs, looking at the asphalt as he swallows harshly.
"Now we can hardly make eye contact for more than 3 seconds before she turns away... God, she must hate me."
"Steve, she doesn't hate you. She's probably just feeling awkward about everything and trying to respect her new relationship by not hanging around her ex-boyfriend. They're just trying to find their footing as a couple." You reassure him, leaning over to give him a squeeze on his shoulder. Thinking about what he said, you shake your head, grinning at the thought of Dustin.
"And really Steve? Dustin. He's like 14 and barely knows how to handle having a crush yet. He's never even had a girlfriend yet. I know he's smart for his age, but c'mon."
"I know! He's just a great listener. He knows a lot for his age, it's actually kinda scary." You roll your eyes looking at the ground, starting to laugh to yourself.
"What?" His full attention is on you now, a small smile pulling at his lips as he watches you start to laugh harder.
"Nothing I just..." You cover your mouth, snickering again.
"I just never pictured myself giving you of all people a pep talk... You're you for crying out loud. Steven "The Hair" Harrington." You grin, bumping his arm with your elbow.
"King Steve... You're literally the most popular guy in the entire school, and I'm... Me." He shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest.
"That's the fun thing. We're so different, so we can see our point of view while still seeing each other's... Plus, it's nice not having someone around trying to kiss my ass constantly."
"Yeah, I'll just kick your ass instead." You smirk, pressing off the wall, your heels click as you step in front of him.
"Look, I know it hurts now, but it'll pass eventually... And if I can be honest with you... You could do so much better than Nancy frickin' Wheeler."
Steve could feel his eyebrows shooting up in amusement as you got in front of him. For some odd reason, just standing there in your presence felt somewhat calming suddenly.
"Oh yeah? Who'd you have in mind then?"
"I don't know," you think for a second and shrug, "Farrah Fawcett? I think she'd think you were cute. Celebrity or not?"
"Farrah Fawcett? You think Farrah Fawcett, one of the most famous women alive, would want me?"
"Yeah! You're a hot guy, why wouldn't she?!" It's his turn to laugh now, shaking his head as he bites his lip.
"Where the hell would I even meet her?"
"I don't know! I thought we were talking hypothetically." Steve nodded, his face turning serious again.
"It's just... It's hard looking past Nancy, y'know. She was the first girl I ever loved."
"I'm aware, Steve. It's just not always the best thing to dwell on. I'm talking from experience." You bite the inside of your cheek and sigh. Nervous to be this honest, but if it helps get the point across, then so be it.
"Can I be honest with you about something?"
Steve looks at you, seeing how nervous you look to talk. His lips part slightly as he nods.
"Of course."
"I used to have a massive crush on Jonathan ages ago and when he started showing an interest in Nancy it killed me... But he's my friend, so I encouraged him. It killed me but I got over it."
You turn your head, looking up at the sky again, taking in the shining stars above the two of you. Feeling embarrassed about laying everything out there for someone you've barely gotten to know again.
"Took a while but time heals most wounds. So, just know I'm here for you because I know what it feels like... Kind of."
Steve felt your pain as you talked about how you couldn't be with Jonathan, and how that's basically how he felt about Nancy in all honesty.
Silence fell over the two of you as you both looked out to the sky, admiring the stars again. Steve looks over at you, feeling somewhat peaceful. Yet still wanting to ask so many questions.
"How'd you do it? Stay strong like that. I can barely be in a room with her right now."
"I talked to my family. That helped a lot... But I know you aren't the closest to your parents, so that's why I asked if you wanted to talk about it with me." You smile softly, lips turning up as you half shrugged at his question.
"I know we weren't always on the best of terms, but you're my friend and... I care about you."
"We're friends again?" His eyes seemed to light up almost, just like he was a little kid again. Over the past year he's felt like you two were bonding. But never wanted to ask out of fear.
Tension fills the air between you two. It's been this way since you two started becoming friends again. Going through hell together alongside the couple, Steve was trying to avoid like the plague.
"Well you know, when you nearly die fighting inner dimensional monsters together you tend to start caring about their well-being again... So, in a way, I guess we have to thank them for something at least."
Steve smirks before shaking his head.
"Part of me likes to think we'd be friends again someday."
"Who knows." You add, silence falling between you again. It's not long before Steve shifts, pushing himself off the wall and looking at you.
"So let’s say, hypothetically, that I was stuck at this stupid prom without a date and I had no one else to ask but you...”
"Mmm. Mmhm, hypothetically." You nod along, fighting back the urge to smirk.
"Go on."
Steve looked away for a second, collecting his thoughts. He takes a deep breath, turning back to you.
"And, hypothetically, I might need to spend our senior prom dancing, like my life depends on it, because it's possibly the last fun night before the rest of our lives."
"I'm starting to think you don't know what the word hypothetically means."
"Shush," he cuts you off, making you giggle before he continues, "now, hypothetically, would you be interested in dancing with me?"
You nod, looking like you were really thinking about it. As if you didn't know your answer already.
"Well, hypothetically," you play along, making sure to hold eye contact, "I might be inclined to say yes... If it wasn't a hypothetical, of course."
You rub your hand over your mouth, smirking behind it. He holds eye contact, faking a scoff as he stares.
"You're gonna make me ask?" You nod, tongue going to his cheek as he also nods.
"You're impossible, you know that?"
"I wouldn't be saying that to a girl you're about to ask to prom Steve." He chuckles, nodding. You got him there.
His expression shifts to a goofy grin as he sighs with a slight relief.
"You think you can survive the night without making fun of me?" He smirks, holding his hand out for you to grab, you smile back at him taking it gently. Giving him a reassuring squeeze.
"I don't know about the whole night, but I can sure try my best." Rolling his eyes, he pulls you into his side, lacing his arm around your waist.
You look up at him, your gaze meeting again. Taking in his deep brown eyes and soft smile brings... Old feelings from years ago bubble back up.
Your mouth opens to say something, anything at all. But the words won't come out as your heartbeat picks up speed.
That old crush you had on your old friend never really went away over all these years.
Or at least that's what you think at the moment.
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lacontroller1991 · 2 months
Come Back To You (Danny Walker x F!Reader)
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Link to AO3
Summary: Danny lives, but now he has to make some choices.
Warnings: 18+ Near Character Death, Language, Period Accurate Diction, Semi-Graphic description of injuries, Evelyn isn't pregnant but still has her heart set on Rafe and Danny and Danny has his heart set on her and reader
Author's Note: I had to guys, I just had to and I'm honestly thinking about doing a whole ass multi chapter story revolving around the movie. It's an itch in my brain and it's not getting out. Again... Darn you Josh Hartnett
Word Count: 1.9k
The sun is bright in the blue sky by the time the plane lands on the asphalt and comes to a stop. You feel your breath hitch in your throat as your heart pounds. It’s been months since you’ve seen Danny and you feel like you haven’t been able to breathe normally since. Evelyn moves from beside you, nails shortened by her nervous biting. What’s going to happen now that Rafe and Danny are back? If they are back? Did Danny change his mind after he’s been away and wants Evelyn or is he still keeping his word and coming back to you? 
“I feel like I’m going to faint,” her words are hushed as she tries to poke her head through the crowd of people and you try not to make a snarky comment. You and her were best friends, practically sisters, but she had broken your trust in a way you never thought she would. Since then, your relationship with the nurse has never been the same. 
“Don’t be dramatic.” Despite your harsh words and harsh exterior, inside you are panicking. What if he died? Then what? What if he chooses her? 
“I love him, you know? I love both of them so much.” If there was one thing you loved about Evelyn it’s that she’s a romantic like you, but not as much when she’s talking about the person who you’ve dreamt about for months on end. 
“I love him too. More than you can know.” You grab her hand and lead her through the group of people toward the front as the door to the plane drops open. Doolittle comes out first and you watch as his wife rushes towards him, gripping onto him as others slowly start to trickle out. Most you’ve met before, Gooz, Red, Earl, Rafe. Rafe. At the sight of him, Evelyn bolts forward, running straight into his arms and your heart beats a little faster. Maybe it’s the sun beating down on you or maybe it’s the fact that you have yet to see his face, but you feel sick to your stomach. 
Slowly walking towards the plane, you wait in high hopes as the remaining men come out, but still no Danny. Your heart sinks. Oh Danny, you stupid boy. Tears begin to swell in your eyes as your brain jumps to the worst possible situation. Evelyn takes note too, her hand reaching up to her mouth to hold back sobs, gaining Rafe’s attention. Noticing that Danny is nowhere to be seen, Rafe gently removes Evelyn from his arms and makes his way back to the plane. “Danny get your ass out here.”
“Boy s-s-sure knows how to make an entrance,” Red mutters, walking towards the group of people with a solemn look on his face, wishing Betty was amongst the crowd. 
A boot steps onto the stairs from the shadow and into the light, causing your heart to drop for the second time. “Danny,” you whisper softly, wiping the tears from your eyes as you rush past the group and up the stairs of the plane, grabbing onto him and pushing him back into the shadow causing him to let out a groan of pain. “I thought I lost you.”
Danny lets out a choked sob as he wraps one arm around you and buries his face in your hair, inhaling your scent. God he’s missed you. You’re the only thing he could think about for those months. The way your skin lights up in the sun. The way your eyes twinkle from the lights. The way the wind moves your hair. Everything about you is what kept him going, even when he crashed. “You can’t get rid of me that easily,” he chuckles as you pull away, looking over him as realization crashes over you. 
“Oh my God, what happened? We need to get you to a hospital,” you wince as you look over the extent of his injuries. His arm is in a sling, his leg has a long metal brace on it, and he has a big bandage over his neck.
“Wasn’t one of my better landings. The Chinese took good care of me and got me to this point,” he takes a step forward, pulling you back into him as he bumps his nose against yours. “They got me back to you.” He places a feather soft kiss to your lips before pulling back. “You’re as beautiful as the day I left you.” 
“Don’t ever leave me again,” you comment, taking his good side and hoisting his arm over your shoulders, helping him down the stairs as people cheer.
“I don’t plan on it.”
“Danny!” Evelyn rushes to his other side, being careful to avoid hurting him further and a lump forms in your throat. The moment you and him just shared was intimate, loving. There should be no confusion about who he chose, but still, there’s always that probability. 
“Evelyn. It’s good to see you,” he wears a smile on his face but he knows that the only woman he’ll ever love is the one on his good side.
“Yeah,” she pushes a piece of hair behind her ear, “you too.”
“Alright, let’s get Danny some proper treatment. Those Chinese nurses did a temp job, but he needs some actual medical care.” Rafe steps in, aware of your thankful gaze before the four of you walk off and get some medical help.
The hospital room is warm with a slight breeze coming in from the window as Danny lays on the bed, arm and leg in a proper cast. The tension in the room is visibly thick with you and Evelyn sitting on either side of Rafe, no one dares talking as the doctor and nurses work to make Danny comfortable. 
Turning to the three of you, the doctor gestures for all to step out of the room before eyeing you and Evelyn in confusion. “Which one of you is the wife?” 
“Neither of them are, sir. Whatever you need to say, you can say to all three of us,” Rafe comments as the doctor shrugs his shoulders in response.
“Captain Walker’s injuries were very severe. The doctors overseas did a good job of stitching his neck, but with the extent of his injuries to his arm and leg, he will have to be under watch for several months with several more months of physical training. We speculate that he will never be medically cleared to fly again.” Rafe’s head hangs in pity for Danny, but you see the look of relief that comes across Evelyn’s features and you feel the same way. “It was an act of God that he survived how he did. He should feel very blessed, but the pain is going to be tough. We will monitor it and give pain medicine as needed, but there is only so much we can do.”
“We understand,” you chime in, fingers picking at your cuticles. “Thank you Doctor.” He nods before walking away, leaving the three of you in the hall. “Now what?”
“We gotta be there for him. He’s not going to take this news well.” Evelyn nods along with Rafe’s words as a nurse steps out of the room and faces them.
“Is one of you Evelyn?” Evelyn’s eyes widen as she nods her head, stepping forward.
“Yes, that’s me.”
“He’s asked to speak with you.” The nurse holds open the door for Evelyn to go inside and sit down at his side, taking his hand. You can’t deny the feeling of hurt that encompasses you and Rafe notices. Taking your hand in his, he gives you a series of light squeezes 
“He loves you. Don’t worry.”
“How do you know he won’t choose her?” The question is genuine and Rafe looks to you with exasperation. 
“All he talked about was coming back home to you. Even in the thick of it, when we were surrounded by Japs, he kept praying to whoever to let him come home to you. I don’t think he once mentioned her.” Rafe gestures to where Danny lays and Evelyn sits, crying into her hands. “Believe me, he fucked up big time kissing my girl when he was going steady with you, but you’re the one he wants. The one he’s always wanted.” You let out a sigh of relief, giving his hand a reaffirming squeeze before letting go and letting your heart slowly mend. It’s true that Danny did kiss Evelyn while the two of you were seeing each other, but he had assured you that it was a one time deal and it would never happen again as long as he lives. She, on the other hand, made him her everything. 
Evelyn storms out of the room and faces you, tears rolling down her face. “If you ever hurt him…” It’s an empty threat and you know it. Evelyn couldn’t harm a fly, much less one of her former closest friends. Seeking solace in Rafe, she buries her head into his chest as he wraps his arms around her, still not sure what to make of the entire situation. Taking that as a cue, you walk into the room, closing the door behind you and making your way to his bedside. 
“Hey there,” his voice is raspy and you instinctively reach for the cup of water, bringing the straw to his lips for him to drink.
“Hey to you too. The doctor said you’ll be here for some months. Said your injuries were more severe than you let on.” He nods his head, pushing away the water and laying his brown eyes on yours. 
“Did they say if I can fly again?” Hanging your head, you reach for his hand and grasp it into yours. 
“I’m sorry honey, but probably not. The army won’t clear you after something like this. They said it’s a miracle you’re even alive.” Danny smirks and internally feels relief. Yes, he wants to continue and work for the war effort, but he also just wants to leave the world behind and move to a small house with you to live out a domesticated life. 
“You’re the only thing that kept me going. When I was out there,” he pauses, looking away and trying to bat the tears away. He does not want to look weak, not when he’s already looking weak as is. “When I was out there, I thought I was going to die. I was bleeding profusely, losing consciousness by the second and the only thing I could think of was you. You’re my world, (Y/N), and I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving you the way I thought Rafe left me. And I’m sorry that I kissed Evelyn. We were both mourning and needing comfort and she was the only one that could understand, not that it doesn’t excuse it. But I love you and I will make it up to you for the rest of my life if I have to.”
Your heart is hammering in your chest and butterflies erupt in your stomach. He chose me. It’s me who he wants. “Danny, what are you trying to say?” 
Mustering the strength, Danny brings your hand up to his lips, kissing your soft knuckles. “What I'm trying to say is, will you marry me?” 
“Oh Danny!” You surge forward, pressing your lips against his as tears roll down your cheeks. Breaking away from the kiss, you rest your forehead against his, his breath and your breath mingling together. “Yes, a thousand times, yes!” 
“Yes!” Your lips connect with his again and for the first time in a while, you feel that everything is just right. 
people who had an interest: @phoenixhalliwell @waywardtigersandwich
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Dom!Lucifer, AFAB!gender neutral, racially ambiguous, fingering, gloves, dirty talk, love his grey hairs, loving!Lucifer, 18+ only, SMUT, pussy job, sensitive!reader, slight overstim, angst then fluffy smut
Despite his rough edges that grazed over you like gravel over your soft skin, he had a softness to him that lay below the asphalt he had cooled around him. Lucifer's need for perfection made him a difficult demon to befriend and your sensitive nature only pushed you further way from him.
It actually pained Lucifer to see you so friendly with everyone but him. Even Satan had managed to woo your friendly affections despite his bursts of anger. Although, Lucifer would rather spit on Diavolo's shoes than admit it, he couldn't suppress the warm sensation that ran through his chest whenever he saw you. Maybe it was your innocence that the eldest had found so attractive. How gentle and trusting you were with his brothers made his heart swell. Lucifer, however, couldn't stop himself from getting frustrated over your sensitive nature. How easily you cried made him want to rip his hair out but also coddle you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. It was difficult for Lucifer to try to speak with you without you expecting the worse to come from his mouth. I mean, he had threatened you multiple times and nagged on you about your school work. Still, Belphegor had murdered you and yet you eventually came around to him.
Though, Lucifer could see the way you stiffen and jump in the presence of the youngest brother on occasions. It was like living with a small animal, Lucifer thought. Some sort of chinchilla or rabbit that had yet to get used to its much larger owner's presence. Lucifer doubted you'd bite him out of fear, but rather you seemed to be uncomfortable and anxious around him.
It drove Lucifer mad seeing you so soft and pliant while you laid on the couch with Asmodous but never seemed able to make eye contact with him. His frightened pet too upset to even look at him. Truly, the thought of meeting your eyes filled with warmth and love made Lucifer's spine tingle like a schoolboy with his first crush.
You were so close here in the House of Lamentation but still so far. Your soft form was out of reach from Lucifer's grasp. Cool leather gloves that wish to reach around your soft hips and squeeze the fat there as his cock rubs so gently over your-
What was he thinking about again?
Lucifer ran his hands over his face as he gazed back down at the paperwork on his desk; bills, assignments, and details of Diavolo's next banquet. His glasses laid next to his pen as it sticks out of its wooden holder. It would probably be better for his eyes to put them on but he still wouldn't be able to concentrate with images of you squirming through his mind like a snake wrapping its lustful tail around every firing neuron in his brain.
Although it was so late into the night, he heard the patting of your slippers against the cool tile floor of the house. What Lucifer didn't expect next was for his study door to be pushed open and your sweet face to poke through the crack in the doorway. Your eyes were wide and your lips hung slightly open when your eyes made contact with his red ones.
"MC," Lucifer said sitting up straighter to give the illusion that he was more awake and aware than he actually was. "What are you doing up so late?" you asked with your voice barely above a whisper. The tenderness of your tone echoed through Lucifer's chest. "I could ask you the same," he replied with a smug grin. "Don't you have class tomorrow?" You froze up when Lucifer said that. Crap, where you going to get in trouble? Immediately Lucifer felt annoyed with himself making you look so fearful once again. He huffed and rested his forehead into the palm of his hand. "I'm sorry," you responded in a hushed voice, preparing to close the door and let Lucifer be.
"No," Lucifer reached out his other hand to stop you, "please, come and sit down." The annoyed and exhausted tone in Lucifer's voice rattled you but you did as you were told as to keep from making any punishment he was about to dish out worse.
"MC," your name never sounded so sinister on anyone's tongue except his, "are you happy here?" The question took you by surprise. Was this a trap? Was he trying to trap you into saying you weren't so he could punish you? Your eyes narrowed in thought and suspicion as you took a seat in the plush seat farthest from his desk. "I-I am," you hesitated.
"If you are then why do you act like this?" Lucifer rubbed the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb. Crap, you messed up. Was there anyway you could reload your save in real life? Crap. "I don't know what you mean," you tried to make your response sound as even in tone as possible.
"MC," Lucifer said in a stern voice, rising from his seat. You shrunk in the red chair you were sat in as you held your hands firm against the cushion and as close to your body as you could. "What did I do to make you scared of me?"
You knitted your eyebrows together trying to come up with a reason that would make sense. "I-uhm," you felt your body heat up when you made eye contact with Lucifer. "MC, I promise you this is a safe space," Lucifer reached a hand out in your direction, "anything you say won't be held against you. I just want to make this household a better environment for you." You glanced at his hand then at his face a couple times but made no move to take it. "Because of Diavolo's exchange program? You don't want to fail him, right?" Lucifer tensed up when you said that. "While it is my duty to make sure our exchange student is safe while staying with us," Lucifer paused before returning his outstretched hand to his lap in defeat, "the truth is that I deeply care about you, MC, and I want to see you thrive."
It felt like an arrow was shot through your chest at his words. The creeping blush on Lucifer's face made you clench your thighs together and curl your arms into your chest.
"You-You care about me?"
"Deeply and truly."
You could feel your heart hammering out of your chest. "I thought you hated me," you mumbled trying to look anywhere but at Lucifer. He jolted up holding onto the armrests of the chair he was in, "nonsense! MC, if you only knew how much I want to make you happy. How much I want to see you smile."
You could feel the tears coming to your eyes at his words. "I just wanted to make you proud of me," you mumbled through your tears, "I thought you hated me and I just wanted to impress you."
Lucifer sprung out of his seat to kneel beside you with a gloved hand pressed against your warm cheek. "MC," he cooed trying to soothe your tears, "I am proud of you. You are so strong and intelligent. I am in awe every time I see you." Lucifer felt his throat go dry when your hand wrapped around his wrist and pushed his palm firmer against your face. "Lucifer," you sniffled finally making eye contact. Lucifer took his eyes off of your hand and stared directly into yours. He could feel his heart drop through his body when you spoke again.
"I love you."
Lucifer was awestruck at the confession. Was it a confession or did you love him as a friend? As a family member? "What do you mean, MC?" You cringed when you saw the confusion in his face. Had you misjudged what he meant? Did Lucifer not feel the same about you? You tried to pull away but Lucifer held you in place with both of his hands on your cheeks, his thumbs rubbing gentle circles against your skin. "MC, do you truly love me?"
You'd never seen Lucifer look so desperate before. The demon was clinging onto every word that passed your lips. "I do love you," you bashfully admitted. The breath was stolen from your chest as Lucifer struck fast like a cobra against your lips. His own where chapped with nervousness against your soft mouth but despite the feeling you leaned back into him. You held the back of his gloved hands against your face as he swallowed the soft whimpers you made every time his lips moved against yours.
You were the first to pull away in order to catch your breath. The sight before you was unlike any you had ever seen before. Lucifer's face was flushed red and his eyes were half lidded with his eyebrows furrowed. You wanted to imprint this image of Lucifer into your mind so that every time you closed your eyes you could experience this moment once again.
"You're so beautiful, Lucifer," you hummed rubbing his gloved right hand and pushing your face against it. Lucifer stood up while keeping his gently grasp on your face. Your eyes followed his movements as he laid a peck on your forehead. "MC," Lucifer started and gods did your name sound heavenly coming from his tongue, "how far are you willing to go tonight?" The question made you squish your thighs together trying to soothe the new throbbing in your core.
"I want to please you, Lucifer," you said looking up at him through your eyelashes. A chill went down Lucifer's spine at your expression. "Oh, MC," he brushed his fingers through your hair, "please let me be the one to bring you to the highest peaks of pleasure tonight." You held back a whine that bubbled in the back of your throat at how gentle Lucifer was being. "Come," Lucifer said sitting back down on the lounge chair, "sit on my lap."
You rushed over to where Lucifer was sitting and quickly straddled his hips wither your knees on either side of him. A soft chuckle came from his chest at your eagerness but he didn't tease you for it. His had rested on your lower back and ran soothing circles over top your sleep shirt. "Here," Lucifer said adjusting you so easily so that your back was pressed to his chest, "that way you can better feel how much I want you." You rubbed your crotch against the growing tent in his slacks earning a low groan of your name to pass his lips. His arm reached around your hips and held you firmly against him while his hand cupped your core through your pajama short. You reached your arm back to wrap around Lucifer's neck as he ran his fingers along your clothed lips.
"My love," Lucifer hummed into your ear making you shiver, "wouldn't you agree that these are in the way?" He ran his thumb along the waistband of your shorts and underwear before playfully snapping the elastic against your skin. You yelp and jolted your hips against his growing erection making him buck up against your clothed core. You nodded feverishly and lifted your hips for Lucifer to easily slide your underwear and shorts down past your thighs and off your legs to be discarded onto the floor somewhere. Lucifer used his knees to spread your legs further and to pin them against the armrests of the chair. You grabbed onto Lucifer's forearm as his gloved fingers ran down your lower stomach and across your mound. His fingers traced through the hair that was growing there before sliding further down across your lips and finally through your wet core. You let out a soft moan at the feeling of finally having Lucifer's fingers tracing through your dripping labia and run across your throbbing clit.
"Look at his, my love," Lucifer cooed into your ear, "you're already so wet." Goosebumps rose on your skin when you felt him leave a trail of kisses up your neck to the shell of your ear. "I bet I could just slip in right now." Lucifer ran the pad of his ring and middle finger across your clit in circles. The cool leather of his gloves making your hips squirm at the new and strange texture. "Does it feel good? Tell me, let me hear your voice."
You shivered feeling his breath against your ear. "It feels so good, Luci," you gasped keeping your eyes trained on where his fingers were spreading your pussy lips apart to toy with your clit. "Good MC," Lucifer purred kissing the shell of your ear, "you're doing so good. Do you see how hard I am for you?" How could you not? Lucifer was practically bursting through his pants with his large and proud erection that strained against the zipper of his slacks.
"Luci?" you asked holding the back of Lucifer's head to keep him as close to you as possible. "Yes, darling?" he couldn't help the sly smirk that came to his face when he saw how your hips rolled against his fingers with every flick and rub to your clit, "what is it?"
"Can I-" you swallowed the excited saliva that pooled in your mouth, "can I touch your cock?" You could have sworn the sound of Lucifer moaning out a swear word was actually a choir of angels. "Yes, MC," his fingers left your clit to make quick work of the button and zipper of his pants. His cock sprung forth as he pulled the waistband of his boxers down below his throbbing manhood. You stared in awe at how his foreskin pulled back over his leaking tip. You shakily grabbed his shaft on your hand and rubbed your hand up to trace your fingers over the slit of his head. Lucifer sucked and kissed up your neck to try and hold back his moans as you ran your finger along the head of his shaft.
You gasped when he swiftly grabbed both of your hands and pulled them away from his cock. You looked back at Lucifer to see what was wrong but you were cut off by the moan you let out when his cock head bumped against your puffy clit.
"As I said before," Lucifer whispered into your ear, "let me take care of you tonight." Your eyes returned to staying trained on where Lucifer's girthy cock rubbed its way through your pussy lips collecting your juices along his shaft as it worked its way back to presses against your needy clit.
"Such a good little human," Lucifer moaned into your ear, "your cunt feels so warm against my cock. I can't wait to feel you cum." You whined throwing your head back against Lucifer's shoulder. The soft fabric of his shirt felt cool against your heated skin. You turned your head to press your nose against Lucifer's neck and breathed in his musky cologne. A shiver ran through your body causing your hips to jerk involuntarily against your lover's needy erection. Lucifer chuckled at your reaction and brought the back of your right hand to his lips to kiss up to your fingertips. "My beautiful, MC," Lucifer purred thrusting his hips against your sopping core at a slower pace making you whine in frustration. "Shh, now," Lucifer cooed dropping your left hand to return his fingers to your cunt. His leather clad fingers slithered through your lips before circling around your needy hole. You gripped onto the armrest of the chair as Lucifer pushed his ring and middle finger into your welcoming pussy. You humped your hips against his fingers as they rubbed the spongy wall at the top of your pelvis. The tip of Lucifer's cock would catch against your clit further tightening the band that began to form in your lower stomach.
"You're so beautiful like this," Lucifer moaned kissing up the column of your throat as your chest puffed out with every gasping breath you took. "I wish I could have had you like this sooner. To make up for lost time, I'm going to have you like this every night." Your eyebrows furrowed feeling the band finally snap at his words. Your hands moved to grab any part of him that you could as your pussy made obscene squelching sounds at the release of juices from your orgasm. You held your lips tight together as a whine rang through your throat. You heard Lucifer chuckle as his fingers slowed down their teasing in your dripping hole.
"Look at that, MC," Lucifer guided your head up so you could look at his fingers as they exited your body. A strand of your arousal followed them before finally splitting as he brought his gloved hand up to your eye level. You could see the shine on his middle and index finger that your natural lubricants left behind. "Do you want to clean up your mess, my love?" With half lidded eyes you opened your mouth accepting as his fingers found their resting place on your tongue. You winced at the sour taste of your juices on his leather glove but continued to suck his fingers clean. Lucifer swore he had ascended back to heaven at the way you so obediently licked at his fingers on his lap.
Lucifer finally pulled his fingers from your mouth before cupped your jaw and turning your head so he could devour your lips once more in a heated kiss. You could feel your legs turning to jelly from your orgasm and the excitement of having Lucifer pay such special attention to you. His lips passed over yours with such feverish lust you could hardly keep up. When Lucifer finally pulled away he could only bask in how you looked in the after glow of your orgasm. "My sweet MC," Lucifer rubbed circles against your jaw, "are you okay to continue? I've been dreaming of having my cock buried inside of you for so long." Lucifer finished his sentence in an almost pleading way making your chest fill with warmth. You wanted this man to use your pussy however he saw fit. The idea of having such a thick cock inside of you caused new arousal to bloom in your core.
"Please, Luci," you moaned, "fuck me. Fuck me however you want." Lucifer shivered at your words. His arms snaked around your waist to hold you tightly in an embrace. "You're so good to me, MC," Lucifer moaned sucking blooming bruises along your collar line, "I'm going to make you cum over and over again on my cock."
Lucifer guided you back to your original position with you straddling his thighs and your dripping core hovering over the head of his cock. You had to tilt your hips up or else the the tip of his throbbing erection would kiss at the entrance of your pussy. You held a firm grip on his shoulders as his hands guided your hips down. Lucifer's eyes never left your face as he watched very expression you made when you sank down onto his shaft. Your gummy walls pulsed and throbbed at the new intrusion, welcoming him with warm wetness.
You pressed your face against Lucifer's neck sobbing at the feeling of having him so deep inside of you. Your hips buckled and jerked on their own causing Lucifer to tighten his grip on you.
"Shh, Mc," Lucifer cooed rubbing his hands up and down your sides, "it's okay, I got you. Let me know when you're ready." You nodded trying to catch your breath that was stolen by the girthy intrusion. "I-I'm ready," you said shakily trying to keep your hips still. Lucifer pulled you from his neck and held your chin in one of his hands. Your eyes stared right into his red ones with nothing but lust for the man before you. Lucifer's eyebrows were knit together in a look of pleasure as he bucked his hips up into your squelching pussy. You gasped at the feeling of his cock separating your walls so deliciously. "You look so beautiful like this, MC," Lucifer said finding a steady rhythm to thrust into you with. You could only nod along as you traced your eyes over his beautiful features. "I promise to take care of you, my love," Lucifer moaned as he pressed his forehead to yours, "you will be needy for nothing as long as you have me." You felt the tears pool in your eyes as warmth exploded in your chest. Your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him into a loving embrace. His other hand moved from your hip to your lower back, pressing your body firm against his as he angled his hips up to thrust into your welcoming cunt faster.
The sound of clapping skin filled the room along with your moans and Lucifer's promises of unending affection. Your pussy left a wet imprint along his clothes every time your hips met. The feeling was all too much. You felt like your heart was about to explode with his tenderly Lucifer held you but how thoroughly he fucked you. "Luci!" you called out, "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" Lucifer cussed under his breath at your fucked out expression. "That's it, MC, look at me as you cum. I want to see your face as you cum with my cock in you," Lucifer held your chin in a steady grasp as your eyes squeezed shut while the waves of pleasure rolled through your body. You could feel yourself leaking more of your juices onto Lucifer's lap but for some reason you couldn't find a way to stop your hips from moving against his wonderful cock.
"MC," Lucifer gasped, "where-where do you want me to cum?" You shook your head somewhere between pain and pleasure, "I don't know! Cum in me! Cum in me!" Lucifer hissed at the feeling of how tightly your walls held him. There was no way Lucifer was lasting long enough to properly pull out of you. Instead he buried himself to the hilt with your ass pressed firmly against his lap as spurts of cum shot into your fucked out cunt.
You whimpered dropping your head to Lucifer's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you in a soft embrace. His fingers traced along your spine as you both caught your breath. "MC, you're so wonderful," Lucifer mused kissing the top of your head, "I love you so much, my dear." You tightened your grip around Lucifer not wanting to leave his hold. "Look at you," Lucifer's voice rumbled through his chest. His hands dropped to rub the cheeks of your ass as one hand dropped to spread your cunt lips apart. A mixture of both of your cum dribbled out of your spent hole despite Lucifer's cock still firmly in place. You whimpered in overstimulation but couldn't help the way your hips jolted at the feeling.
"Is my sweet MC still horny?" Lucifer purred grabbing handfuls of your ass, "I sure hope so because I'm not quite done with you yet."
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farfromstrange · 10 months
Helloooo, 💕💕💕💕
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I had an idea for a fratt and reader fluff piece. They are stuck in the car on a road trip, Frank is driving (because is his truck), Matt is in the copilot seat and Reader is in the middle seat in the back.
She falls asleep and Matt asks Frank to stop the car. Frank asks him "Why?" and Matt says "Because I want to cuddle with her".
When Matt is in the back, Frank asks him "Ever wonder why she always falls asleep in the car?"
That's it, I leave the rest up to you 😘😘😘
Also I wanted to thank you again for doing my request about the teddy bear, it was the cutest like these two gentlemen 😍😍😍😍
I am so sorry for the wait, darling! I had a lot going on. I've honestly never written for Fratt or Frank before in my life, so this is my first. I tried my best, and I hope I did your request justice <3 I’m so happy the teddy bear request was to your liking, so I hope that it’s the same with this one. Sending you all the hugs and kisses, especially for these gifs!!
Ours | Matt Murdock x Frank Castle x Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Frank Castle x F!Reader
Summary: You fall asleep in the car and the boys wonder why that always happens.
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: 2.6k
A/n: I have no idea if this is good enough or not, but...I tried? Let me know if you liked it and maybe I'll write more for Frank in the future. I don't know. Also, I have decided not to tag for this because I'm not sure how everyone on my tag list stands with Frank. Since this is a poly ship and not everyone is into that :) Just so you know that I didn’t forget you, I just know not everyone ships Fratt. This is the first fic in that direction I’ve ever written, and I’m a bit shy, but oh well…
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The purr of the engine resonates through the cab of Frank's weathered truck as it speeds down the open highway, the asphalt stretching out before them like an endless ribbon. The moon stands high in the sky, the clock showing an even number of 4:00 am. The car is dark except for the light of the controls and the headlights reflecting off the puddles in the road.
At first, the radio had been playing a random 80s rock tune, but as soon as Matt slipped into the driver’s seat, he sneered at Frank, “Turn that off.”
In response, Frank turned up the volume even more. You told him before that it’s your favorite song, and you wanted to hear it.
“Fuck that!” he’d said. “Our girl wants to hear this. You wanna say no to our girl, Red?”
You smiled so innocently from the backseat, Matt could only sigh and cup his ears to try and keep the volume out. With his heightened senses, something as easy as that won’t even remotely work, but he tried.
Frank laughed out loud. “Told ya!” And then he sang along with you to whatever song came after that one, and Matt had to suffer through it.
The first ten minutes of this drive were torture, to say the least.
Matt accepted it for a while, but eventually decided he had enough and turned the radio off entirely, leaving the car in an eerie silence.
Now, you’re driving without music.
The gentle hum of the tires beneath you eventually lulls you into a peaceful daze. One second, you are lecturing Frank on why opening the car door and throwing Matt out of it while he was driving eighty miles per hour wasn’t such a good idea, the next you slowly start dozing off.
It doesn’t take long before the rhythmic vibrations of the car have you drifting off into a quiet slumber. The soft sounds of Matt and Frank's conversation turn into a distant murmur as your head nestles against the backrest. The gentle sway of the vehicle matches the cadence of your breaths, and soon you are lost in dreams.
Frank lifts his eyes off the road for a moment, looking at you through the rearview mirror. You don’t talk much, but every time the three of you come from a mission, the adrenaline runs high in your bloodstream and you become chatty. Ever since you went quiet, Frank has wondered whether or not you’ve fallen asleep, and he gets his proof when he looks at your sleeping form in the back.
Matt notices him shifting and he tilts his head slightly in your direction. The gentle rhythm of your heartbeat resonates in his ear, your breathing even, and your shirt brushes against your chest ever so slightly whenever it lifts to let some more oxygen into your lungs.
“She’s asleep,” he states.
“Yeah,” says Frank. He reaches back and cups your knee. You don’t move. “Dead fucking asleep, I’d say.”
Matt only shoots him a glare, his unfocused eyes landing on the point closest to where his voice is coming from. “Would you mind keeping both your hands on the steering wheel?”
Rolling his eyes, Frank straightens up. He wants to say something smart, but Matt has said more annoying things in the past. And when he looks at him, he can’t be mad because he looks so soft in the moonlight. It hits his dark curls just right, meeting the brown of his eyes and turning them slightly green, maybe even a little golden.
Matt Murdock is golden, Frank does not doubt that. More golden than you? No, but he is golden nonetheless. A golden retriever, you once called him, and you were onto something then.
Frank doesn’t like a lot of people, and while Matt can annoy the shit out of him, there’s something too good about him that makes it impossible for him to hate the man that’s sitting next to him, his red suit hugging his curves just right, the gloves that usually hug his thick fingers placed in his lap as he fidgets.
He’s aware that the relationship between you three is unconventional, but he couldn’t care less.
Matt frowns. “What?” he asks him.
Frank blinks. “Nothing.”
“Do I have something on my face?”
“Not yet,” he retorts.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what I fucking said, Red. Exactly that.”
Once again, Matt only rolls his eyes. He leans back in his seat, head tilting even further to listen to you sleep. You sound so peaceful, your body slack with relaxation. You always sit in the middle so you can talk better to them, or hold his hand in the passenger seat. Whenever you’re alone with Frank, you are the passenger princess, but that changes as soon as Matt is involved. They sit in the front to protect you, that much is true, but Matt also gets sick easily in the back, so he always sits in the front. That doesn’t mean you don’t want to hold his hand every once in a while, so you recline in the backseat, always.
Matt reaches behind himself to cup your other thigh. You shift slightly, bucking into his touch as if seeking his comfort. Your heart skips a beat. With the moonlight hitting your face the same way it does him, Matt is sure you must look ethereal.
“She does,” Frank murmurs beside him.
He shoots him a confused glance, but Frank chuckles and adds, “You tend to think out loud when you’re turning into a needy mess. Ain’t my fault.”
A blush forms on Matt’s cheeks, and he instantly turns his head away. He forgets that Frank sees him better than anyone, probably. Not just in the literal sense but in a very deep, emotional way as well. They are so alike yet so different, and you only seem to tighten the bond they already shared from the beginning. With you, life is easier.
Matt slips his hand from your thigh back into his lap, and a mischievous smile spreads across his face. He leans over to Frank, his voice a low murmur. "Hey, could you do me a favor and pull over?" he asks, his hand already fidgeting with the seatbelt.
Frank's brows come together in confusion, so close they almost touch, and the slightest hint of frustration flickers in his eyes. "Why?" he asks back, his gaze fixed on the road ahead.
Matt's smile remains. "Because I want to cuddle with her," he confesses.
Frank's lips twitch into a half-smile as he glances at Matt. “You're such a fucking softie, you know that? It’s disgusting.”
Matt shrugs. "Well, she's asleep, and I don't want her to wake up all stiff and uncomfortable."
With a huff, Frank slows down and finds a spot on the side of the road where he can pull over. “You’re lucky your tits make great pillows,” he says as he pulls into the small lot.
He opens his mouth to protest, but one look at his armor makes him shut up. Frank isn’t entirely wrong.
The truck rumbles to a stop on the shoulder of the road, and Matt swiftly unfastens his seatbelt and moves to the backseat. He methodically makes his way forward by using his bare hands to find the door handle and then climbs back into the familiar interior.
Frank watches him through the rearview mirror, admiring how gracefully he moves, all just so he won’t disturb you. “You good back there?” he asks.
Matt nods. “Yeah, I’m fine. You can drive.”
Carefully, he slides in next to you, grabbing the blanket from the seat next to you. You must have been so tired, you forgot to make yourself comfortable. He wraps it around your form, tucking you in. The truck starts moving again, but he won’t let Frank’s driving distract him from taking care of what’s his.
Matt wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his side, and you snuggle against his chest. The steady beat of his heart creates a soothing melody that harmonizes with the gentle hum of the car's engine.
As Frank resumes driving, his eyes occasionally flickering to the rearview mirror, he can’t help but smile at the sight. He had seen many things in his life, but the simple tenderness of this moment was a reminder of the unexpected bond you have formed over the past few months, and it continues to fasten every single day. Whether it’s sharing a bed, sharing dinner, or taking down a bunch of gang members in an abandoned warehouse far away from your familiar Hell’s Kitchen, you always find a way to come out better together.
After a while, as the sun dips lower in the sky, casting long shadows over the road, Frank's curiosity gets the better of him. He glances over at Matt, who is running his fingers through the messy strands of your hair, and his voice is gruff but tinged with intrigue when he speaks. “Hey, Red,” Frank says, catching his attention. “Ever wonder why she always falls asleep in the car?”
Matt pouts. "I don’t know,” he answers honestly. “Maybe it's the steady rhythm, the feeling of movement. Makes her feel safe like she's being taken care of."
Frank nods thoughtfully, his grip firm on the steering wheel. "Yeah, maybe."
“Or maybe it’s us. She has this thing…” Matt shifts you slightly, and you curl even closer to him in your sleep. He chuckles. “She has this thing where her heartbeat skips whenever one of us is near, and then it slows when one of us touches her.”
“Slow down?” Frank cuts him off, a smirk on his lips. “Man, you sure about that?”
Matt kicks him. “Oh, shut up, Frank!” he says. “I didn’t mean it like that and you know it.”
“C’mon, you can’t blame me. I may not have your super senses, but I know her body inside-out. I know that her heartbeat doesn’t slow down when we touch her.”
“You don’t really know her heartbeat then,” his voice is barely above a whisper. He lowers his lips to your forehead. Your heart jumps again as if you know what he’s doing. “Whenever we’re being affectionate with her–not in a sexual way, mind you–she calms down. She’s always so on edge, but when we’re together like this, when we’re talking and driving and everything is a little less heavy, that’s when she sleeps best. I can’t describe it, but it’s…it shows me that she feels safe with us. With you.”
In an instant, Frank shuts his mouth. Matt’s words make sense, but they still hit him hard. He has a hard time believing that anyone would feel safe in his presence, that anyone would love him, but whenever he looks at you, he knows he’s often just overthinking because you do.
You love him, you love Matt, and you love what the three of you have. You feel safe. You come to him when you’re sad, and he can come to you when he feels the same. You open up to him and Matt, no one else. You let your guard down for him. He never thought he would feel this way again, and it’s often overwhelming to even exist with all the pain he’s carrying, but he’s not alone anymore.
“Can’t say I blame her,” Matt adds.
Damn him, Frank thinks. He doesn’t even have to say what he’s thinking; Matt always knows. He hears his heartbeat, he hears his breathing change, and he feels something switch in the atmosphere, and he instantly knows something isn’t right. Frank thinks too much, even though it doesn’t seem that way, and Matt is very susceptible to people thinking too much. And he’s attentive.
Frank huffs, his fists clenching around the steering wheel. “Fifteen minutes, Red,” he says. “I’ll drop you off at your place. Both of you. I think she’ll be more than happy to stay with your annoying ass tonight.”
“We’re all staying at my place,” he sounds so calm back there.
“Can’t. I’m busy.”
“Yes, you can, and no, you’re not. You don’t have a life outside of me and her, and your guns. We both know that.”
Yes, he can. And no, he’s not busy.
Frank shakes his head, but he doesn’t say anything else. Matt continues to stroke your hair, his attention both on you and the man in the driver’s seat. A small smile plays on his lips. He’s home right here. With you, with Frank, even if it’s an open road–He’s home wherever you are because that’s where his heart is.
The journey continues through the night, the road unwinding beneath the truck's wheels. The moon remains their silent companion.
Even in your sleep, you seem to sense the harmony of the moment, a soft sigh escaping your lips as you nuzzle closer into Matt's chest.
Frank's eyes flicker to the rearview mirror once more, catching sight of your peaceful face. He can't deny that there is a certain comfort in seeing you this way, your guard down and your worries temporarily silenced by tranquility. It's a rare sight, one that fills him with a sense of contentment he didn't anticipate.
Matt's focus remains on you, his fingers lightly brushing against your hair. He marvels at the vulnerability you exhibit in your sleep.
He tilts his head slightly. "Does she look as peaceful as she sounds?" he asks softly.
Frank grunts in agreement. "Yeah, she does," he says.
Matt smiles. "Good." The miles slip away. The open road ahead holds a unique kind of therapy, and the world outside seems to fade into insignificance, leaving only the here and now.
Matt's fingers trace patterns on your arm as he speaks again, his voice low and steady. "You know, I think that when we're in the car, it's like a sanctuary for her," he says, adding to his previous answer. "The movement, the sounds, they offer a sense of security she rarely finds anywhere else. She said her life wasn't pretty before we came along, and we can argue that it still is far from pretty all we want, but she loves us. That counts for something, Frank."
Frank contemplates, his lips pursing. "Security?" he questions. Of course, he would pick the part he didn’t emphasize.
“Yeah.” Matt sighs, then he nods. “She feels safe with us. It's more than just the physical presence—it's the emotional support we provide. We're her safe haven,” he says.
Frank's eyes flicker to Matt's profile, his lips twitching into a shit-eating grin. “You've thought this through, huh?” He chuckles. “That’s a new one.”
Gone is the doubtful Frank, leaving behind the teasing asshole he likes to be. And Matt eats it up every single time.
He rolls his eyes, something he should get paid for at this point, but the hint of a smile plays at the corners of his lips. "I've had a lot of time to think," says Matt. "I always think, especially about her. And you."
A small chuckle escapes Frank's throat, the sound almost incredulous. He's trying to play off the blush that is threatening to break out. Whenever Matt is being sweet, he does it with such precision, Frank wants to break out into hives. But in a good way.
“I'll be damned, Red,” he says, his voice edging on a mock. “Who knew you could be such a fucking philosopher and shit-eating romantic at the same time?”
Matt's lips turn into a full-fledged grin. "Well, we all have our talents," he says.
"Yeah, I guess we do," Frank agrees, his voice softer than usual, even bordering on a whisper.
As the road stretches ahead, the miles disappearing beneath the truck's wheels, Matt's fingers continue their gentle dance along your skin. His touch is a silent promise that he's always going to be there for you, no matter what, and the sense of safety makes you melt. His touch holds a magic power, and you're too weak to fight it.
Frank's eyes flicker to the road again. He's not one to openly express emotions, but he knows that this connection—the one forged between you, Matt, and himself—is something he wouldn't trade for anything in the world. He finally has a reason to live again, and he'd be damned to let it go. To let you go.
"You think she knows?" His question hangs in the air. He doesn't even have to say what he means for Matt to understand.
Matt's expression softens as he takes in the sight of your peaceful form. "I think she feels it," he answers. "She knows she's cared for. She’s knows we’re here for her. That we love her. Both of us."
It's a simple truth that Frank has come to realize over time—that you've found a home within their unconventional dynamic, and that the sanctuary of the car is just one representation of the security they offer you. You spend most of your time there, anyway.
And so, the miles roll on. With the open road stretching before you, and the soft embrace of sleep enveloping you, you continue your trek, each moment etching your story deeper into the tapestry of your lives.
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 6 months
Some Adjustment Necessary
Pairing: Platonic! Peter Parker & Reader; Reader x Bucky (but that's not really plot relevant)
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: uh none really just mentioning the tragedies MCU Peter has endured again lmao oh and he gets hit by a car but it's not as serious as it sounds I swear
Genre: it's still pretty fluffy- there's minor angst
Summary: You happen to be the only person who still remembers Peter Parker exists and you are not about to hang him out to dry. So what happens when you take Peter in and basically become his guardian? Well- nothing is simple where super-teens are involved, but you and Peter can certainly handle whatever comes your way. Right?
You and Peter adjusted pretty quickly to living together if you do say so yourself. And you actually really enjoy having him around. Not that you didn't before but suddenly becoming the full time guardian to an 18-year-old boy isn't something you ever saw in your future til it happened, so you're happy things are going well so far in the first couple of months. 
"Hey y/n I'm headed out for tonight." Peter announces barely stopping in the kitchen to talk.
"Alright, call if you need anything. I'll leave dinner on the counter." You shoot over your shoulder just before your front door shuts. Honestly, you were worried the Spiderman thing would be a bigger inconvenience than it is. So far the only thing you've had to discuss with him is not climbing in and out of his window because he has keys to your place and you already know his secret. It appears old habits die hard but now he just goes out the front door and hollers that he's leaving which is much simpler. Plus it eases your concern to know when he's leaving and how long he's out. He may be a superhero with crazy strength and whatnot but he is still pretty young and has been dealing with the most insane shit since he was still going through puberty.
With Peter out on his patrols and Bucky out of town visiting Sam and his family, you have the apartment to yourself and plan to take full advantage of the quiet with a movie marathon and some pasta you're just finishing up. Two helpings of pasta and three movies later- four if you count the one you're currently half asleep through, the sound of a thump against the door alerts you. You listen carefully to the jingle keys and the click of the door unlocking, your body relaxing when Peter comes stumbling through the entrance hall. Your reprieve is shortlived however as you take in Peter's state. He's covered in cuts and bruises and his clothes are tattered and dirty.
"Oh my god Peter what happened to you?!" You gasp jumping up from the couch and rushing to his side. He sags against you immediately and you have to half drag him to the couch to set him down. "Hang on I'll go get the first aid kit." You say leaving him "What did I say to you before you left? Call if you need anything. I even programmed an emergency call system into your suit. How did this happen?!" You look over him frantically trying to assess what needs immediate attention.
"I wasn't patrolling." He groans. You take a warm washcloth first, wiping the blood and grime off of his face.
"You weren't patrolling?" You frown.
"No. I was in Manhattan hanging with some guys and I-"
"What did you do? Piss off a gang?" You suck your teeth.
"No, no, I made some friends who go to NYU, you know because we talked about me going to college and stuff, and after we hung out I was on the way home and got hit by a car."
"You got hit by a car?!? How the hell did that happen?" You blink at him.
"It came speeding around a corner and hit me. Some guy in red pulled me off the asphalt and left me in the hands of random bystanders and then ran after the car." Peter hisses.
"Daredevil." You say.
"The guy in red. Hell's Kitchen has its own vigilante, they call him Daredevil. I'm guessing it was him." You explain.
"Oh. Does he always chase cars?" Peter's voice is strained but still, you laugh a little at the question.
"I- wouldn't know kiddo. I can't believe you got hit by a car. If he left you with some random 'bystanders' who I'm sure thought you needed a hospital, how did you get here?" You ask.
"I hobbled down a couple of alleys until I lost them, put on the suit, and swung home." He explains.
"You swung home?" Your eyes widen.
"Yeah, which- I don't recommend. That sucked."
"I'm sure walking here would've sucked too. Does anything feel broken?" You gently press against his ribs.
"No- just bruised, maybe a couple of cracks nothing that won't be better in a day or two." He says.
"Oh Peter." You say. "I made pasta. Did you eat with your friends? Do you want some food?"
"I'd love some pasta." He sighs.
"Okay I'll heat some up for you. If I helped you to the bathroom do you think you could manage a shower?" You ask.
"I think I got it." Peter slowly forces himself off of the couch and you watch him carefully hobble towards the bathroom. Only once he's out of sight do you go to the kitchen to prepare him some of the food you made earlier. You wait for Peter to make it out of the bathroom and bring his plate to him in his room. You set him up with extra pillows and blankets and you're admittedly fussing over him but it's hard not to when he comes limping into your home.
"Do you need anything else? Water? Bandages?" You ask.
"Y/n you're doting."
"Of course, I am you got hit by a car." You scoff.
"And in 24 hours I'll be fine!"
"Sure sure, actually just so we're clear you will not be patrolling tomorrow night."
"Oh come on-" Peter groans.
"Don't start. You didn't patrol tonight, which you should've told me but, New York will survive one more evening without Spiderman. Actually, perhaps tomorrow we can discuss this NYU thing. I thought your heart was set on MIT."
"I- can't leave New York." He shrugs, avoiding your gaze as he eats his food.
"Yes, you can. And if MIT is where you want to go you absolutely have to leave New York." You frown. "New York has been around long before you became Spiderman and there are several heroes in and around New York we will be fine in your absence. Not to mention that suit of yours could get you here in like 20 minutes if we needed you so desperately." You say.
"MJ and Ned go there." He mutters quietly.
"To MIT. They originally didn't get in and it was my fault so I tried to fix it and then my whole world fell apart but not knowing me means they got in. They go to MIT, and I can't ruin that for them." Peter shakes his head.
"Ruin it for them?"
"Well yeah- what if somehow we end up talking to each other in college and the cycle begins again and I ruin their lives in a big way like I almost did with their college opportunities?" He frowns at his bowl and you sigh.
"I think you three are destined to know each other. They'll find you again one day- even if you're trying to hide from them." You say running a hand through his hair.
"I can't lie to her, not again."
"Then don't. At least not forever. You could absolutely tell her the truth in time if it came down to it."
"She'd never believe me." He says.
"She did the first time."
"Yeah but 'I'm Spiderman' and 'we've known each other for years and were in a relationship, and you don't remember because I made the entire world forget who I am' are not even close to the same. She'd probably assume I was a crazy stalker if I told her the truth." He scoffs.
"You'd start with Spiderman, I imagine she'd be much more open to the other things once you prove you're Spiderman. There's much she doesn't know about the world." You say.
"It's just too complicated." Peter shakes his head.
"Peter, I don't want you to think that because you are Spiderman you have to stop being Peter Parker. You were Peter Parker first and you can't lose yourself because of that suit." You say softly.
"I dunno, I tried and- well it didn't end up too great before you showed up." He says.
"We'll continue this conversation later, but Peter. You have to at least apply to MIT. Don't spoil your chances because you're afraid of some possibilities. You gotta do things anyway." You tell him.
"I'll think about it." He mutters.
"That's a start. Enjoy your pasta, rest up. Yell if you need anything." You say gently patting his shoulder and leaving his room.
"Hey, y/n I'm headed- oh- hi Mr. Barnes. I didn't realize you'd be here." Peter comes careening down the hall.
"Kid you can call me Bucky." Bucky says and you chuckle.
"You're headed where Peter?" You ask.
"Just- out." Peter glances at Bucky.
"With friends this time or-"
"No, not this time. Just out on my own." Peter waves his hand and you almost miss the way his two middle fingers curl briefly the way he does for webs.
"Alright well be safe and if you need anything call. And I mean it. Another incident like two weeks ago and I'll have to start watching you with a witch's glass." You warn.
"Yeah yeah I'll call if I need to, see ya later! Bye Mr. Bucky." Peter says before rushing out the door. You catch the way Bucky's face twists in confusion at Peter's goodbye and giggle.
"That kid is so strange." Bucky shakes his head.
"Most teenagers are." You nod.
"What happened two weeks ago?" He asks.
"You said a repeat of two weeks ago would have you watching him through a witch's glass. What are we hoping not to repeat from two weeks ago?" Bucky asks.
"Oh- Peter ended up hurt and instead of calling me he hobbled his broken ass back home from Hell's Kitchen." You roll your eyes.
"Was this while I was away? You didn't mention it."
"Well yeah, why would I? He was better before you got back. I just don't want it happening again." You shrug.
"You know you can't possibly monitor everything he does, right?"
"Oh I have no interest in doing that but the kid has had a hyper independence problem since he was like 14 and I need him to understand how to use a support system. We are undoing trauma."
"You- also have a-"
"Ah ah this isn't about me it's about Peter. I want better for him than he's had." You cut Bucky off knowing exactly what he's about to say.
"You really care about this kid."
"Of course I do. I'm his guardian now and it's my job to do the best I can for him. Kids don't ask to be here and it's not fair how often they suffer the consequences of someone else's actions."
"I didn't realize you felt so strongly about the subject."
"We've never really talked about kids." You shrug.
"Do you want them?" His question sounds hesitant, as if he's not sure he wants the answer.
"I dunno. I think it'd be nice. To have a family. But it's- not a number one priority. I guess it depends. Have you given it any thought?" You ask.
"I don't think I'd be good at it." He shakes his head.
"I disagree. I think you're kind and patient and you may not see those traits in yourself but I see them every day in the way you interact with strangers, with me, your tales with Steve from the 30s, even the way you are with Peter-"
"I don't even talk to Peter." Bucky scoffs.
"No, but you pay attention when he speaks, you know his idiosyncracies, you've helped me with things that are for him, you even accommodate that he's staying here when you make plans for us. That's a lot of consideration that many people wouldn't offer. I think you'd make a wonderful father, if that's ever something you'd like." You shrug.
"I dunno, I'd have to give it some thought." He frowns.
"Like I said, it's not a top priority right now. You can decide that whenever you're ready. And no matter what you decide we'll be good. But if you're interested in testing the waters you could always try actually connecting with Peter."
"Oh no, I told you when he first got here that you couldn't make me talk to him." Bucky shakes his head.
"I'm not making you do anything baby it's just a suggestion because I think you'd both benefit from it." You say and you mean it. Peter has always looked up to Bucky, though you can't tell Bucky that, and you think Peter would love a chance to do more than admire from afar.
"And how would he benefit from it? He's terrified of me." Bucky says.
"No, he isn't."
"He just called me Mr. Bucky after I told him he didn't have to use my last name." Bucky points out and you chuckle a little.
"Believe it or not, he's called me Miss Y/n for years. Even up until he moved in. It doesn't mean he's scared of you, he's just being respectful." You say.
"I- will consider talking to him. But I make no promises."
"You don't need to. I just want the two guys in my life to be able to do more than awkwardly sidestep each other in my kitchen." You laugh.
"I'll keep that in mind sweetness." Bucky chuckles. You don't know what's going to come of your light encouragement but there's very little Bucky wouldn't do for you, so you imagine this will only result in something good.
Tagged Users: @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @buchi91
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azsazz · 1 year
Dead by Dawn (Part 11)
Azriel x Cassian x Reader
Summary: Zombie!AU: It’s been a while since the end of the world.
Warnings: Blood, gore, injury, graphic depictions of violence, eventual poly!relationship, slow burn, undead, death, mentions of cannibalism.
Word Count: 5,446
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10)
Notes: Thank you for being so patient! I'm excited 💙
Day 193
“This absolutely fucking sucks,” Azriel pants. He’s pushing a rotted car from behind, Feyre next to him and Cassian in the front seat, steering. Rust flakes off onto his hands and the copper against the pink flesh reminds him of the burns when they had been fresh. He rips his gaze away, focusing instead on the sweat pouring down his face, the blaring sun beating down on his back. “Who’s idea was this anyway, and why the fuck is Cassian steering?”
Feyre cuts him a glare, and for the first time she chooses not to reply with the snippy retort pressing at the back of her teeth. She can’t anyway, her mouth is too dry.
After getting back on the road at first light, you and your group had run into a small traffic jam of abandoned cars blocking the highway. There was no way to get around the mass of piled up cars, the shoulder of the asphalt too narrow for the van. 
There had been debate about turning around, trying to find another way through the city, but the van was low on gas and you all had decided that you could search for gas to siphon from the cars as you were moving them out of the van's path. 
Cassian swings around in the front seat, ducking his head out of the driver’s door where the window is smashed in, a glower on his face. Sweat beads across his forehead and his hair is damp, pulled back into a fraying knot at the back of his head. “Well, someone has to steer, and my leg still hurts,” he complains, and a part of Azriel wonders just how long he’ll be milking this injury. The other part of him knows that Cassian isn’t lying, because when he’d tried to slip a hand up his thigh while they were on watch together it drew a pained hiss from the other man.
“Hello there,” you call, dragging their attention from where they’re all glaring at each other. It’s hot and everyone is tired, hungry, and dehydrated, so tempers are running hot. With the addition of backbreaking labor and lack of gas, it will be any moment before someone snaps.
You sit comfortably in the front seat of a red convertible, grinning widely at the three, as if seeing your happy attitude could break the tension. Feyre’s lips tighten and you nearly shrink away from her harsh gaze, but you had been helping move the cars out of the way at one point, unlike Cassian.
The sleek vehicle looks as if it might have been in mint condition when the world had all gone to shit, but the leather now peels from the seats, worn from the elements.
Azriel stops pushing the car to wipe a drop of sweat from his brow. If Feyre isn’t going to help him then he’s not doing it alone, especially with someone as big as Cassian in the front seat. He crosses his arms over his chest, panting slightly from the effort and leans his hip against the trunk of the vehicle, trying his best to blink away the exertion he feels. His chest tightens at your grin and the sunglasses perched on your sun-kissed nose.
“Are those mine?”
You shove the glasses up, baring your eyes to him, twinkling and squinting from the sun. His heart kicks in his chest at the sight of the beaming grin on your face. It seems like your talk last night had helped, for you’re acting a little more like yourself today. 
Azriel bites back the twitch of his lips.
“These old things? Hang on, let me check,” you respond coolly, pulling down the visor to check yourself in the mirror. “Oh, yeah. Yup. These are definitely not mine.” You send a sly grin to the golden eyed man before flipping the mirror back into its place. As you do so, the corner of it catches your eye as it snaps back into place and you flinch hard, squawking as you cover the sting with your hand.
The irritated look slides off of Feyre’s face as she bursts into laughter at your clumsiness. “Oh my gods,” she wheezes your name like it’s such a struggle to get out, “That was too perfect!”
Your cheeks blaze as the group chuckles, and thankfully you can blame it on the sun. Looks like your terrible luck streak has followed you across state lines. After taking a look around at the group, the air much happier than it had been when Rhys had pushed you up to them, you find yourself joining in on the laughter as well. You’ve all needed this, a good laugh after a tough time, and the tightness in everyone’s shoulders ebbs away slowly.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m a joke,” you roll your eyes playfully, “Let’s go Rhys.”
“Ugh, I don’t want to do this anymore,” Feyre complains, slumping against the back of the trunk next to Azriel.
“You think you don’t want to do this,” Rhys remarks, “At least you’ve got Az helping you, I have to push (Y/N)’s ass around all by myself!”
“Hey,” you whine, twisting further around in your seat, “You think my ass is big, though?”
Cassian and Feyre roll into another fit of laughter while Rhys shakes his head and looks up at the sky as if asking ‘why me?’
“Cassian’s is the biggest,” he plays along finally, grinning with his best friend who has climbed out of the stuffy front seat to hear the conversation better.
“No doubt,” he chuckles, “But Az’s is the tightest.” 
The three of them cackle, and to you and Feyre it should seem like an inside joke. But the twinge in your chest tells you that there’s something loaded in Cassian’s words, and the nervous flicker of Azriel’s gaze towards you only confirms it.
“Alright, alright,” Azriel says, face trained into that harshly stoic one he’s so fond of wearing. “Back to work, we’re almost done. We’ve been sitting ducks out here for far too long.”
His words sober the rest of your group up and you all seem to check your surroundings, realizing just how off guard you’d all been while you were joking around. The highway seems quiet, but that can all change in the span of a heartbeat.
Rhys braces his hands on the trunk of the convertible, his muscles straining against the fabric of his graphic t-shirt, sticking to his skin with sweat. 
You swear you catch Feyre drooling.
After a few more cars have been moved out of the way, you and Cassian watching with amusement and pretending to be doing an imperative job like steering, you’ve all sufficiently cleared a path for the van to fit through. The line of cars you’ve moved is uneven and Cassian may have crashed some into each other, but overall, you think that you all did a fantastic job.
“Now, to find gas,” Rhys announces, wiping his brow with the bottom of his shirt. The motion shows off some impressive abs. You whistle while Feyre cat calls him playfully in unison. The unpronounced leader of your group rolls his eyes in response, smirking as he flexes a little before letting the fabric drop back down.
“We should split up, it’ll be quicker to check the cars,” Feyre adds. She looks drained from the energy spent pushing the vehicles but her gray gaze is hungry, eating up Rhys as she looks him up and down, unblinking.
Azriel shrugs, still panting a little from the effort of shoving the last big truck out of the way. It was easily almost three times the size of any of the other cars, with its lifted suspension and meaty wheels, complete with a gaudy silver hitch that’s shaped like a ballsack. He had needed both Cassian and Rhys’ help to move the monstrous thing. “Works for me.”
“Cassian, (Y/N), you stay closer to the van,” Rhys tells you, and when you and Cass are on the verge of protesting, Feyre glares at you, shutting the both of you up quickly.
“I’ll take that end,” Azriel points to the far end of the line, where he’d just had help moving the last car. He begins trudging his way up the line, shoving his hands deep into his pockets.
Rhys and Feyre walk with him until they reach a third of the way, where the former drops off to begin his own search for gasoline to siphon. Feyre stays beside Azriel until they hit the second third of the cars, where she begins to look.
The line of cars isn’t that long, maybe twenty vehicles or so, but right now it feels like he has to walk four miles to reach the end. He’s tired beyond belief, even though you’ve had a - for the most part - easy past few days, with the exception of you being taken. Exerting his energy and lack of nutrients, mixing with the bright sun beating down on him, Azriel feels like he could fall asleep right there on the pavement.
The faster you find the gas, the faster you can take a nap.
He begins his search, skipping past the big truck and kicking at its tire on the way. There’s no way that thing even takes the same kind of fuel as the van, and he’s holding a grudge against the thing for being so fucking heavy, moving on to the sedan next to it.
Its gas tank is barren, and so is the one on the next car. He looks down the line at the group as he makes his way, and he wonders if he can climb up on the front of one of these rusted vehicles and sit for a bit while everyone else looks for gas.
While Azriel is thinking of slacking off a bit, he doesn’t notice the nearly disintegrated hand reaching from underneath the car until it latches onto his leg, tripping him. He yelps and goes down hard, twisting around frantically to get a look at the ugly thing dragging itself closer to him.
“Shit,” he hisses, kicking at the zombies face. His foot connects with a sickening crunch, its brittle jaw cracking off and clattering onto the asphalt. It makes his stomach roil but the undead being doesn’t falter, it’s fraying nails biting into the fabric of his pants.
He scrambles for the knife at his belt. He shoves a booted foot at the zombie again, and now he hears someone yelling after him. It’s Feyre, he thinks.
“Azriel, watch out!”
But the warning is too late. Another zombie lunges at him, appearing as if from nowhere. How had he not heard these stupid, clumsy creatures? 
It knocks the knife from his grip and if Azriel didn’t know how braindead these things were he would feel as though it was a well thought out attack.
He’s panicking now, heart facing in his chest. Sweat is getting in his eyes, stinging them and making it hard to see as he struggles against the two zombies, the hot asphalt burning through his clothing. He’s defenseless, up against two undead that are just as hungry as he is, and he doesn’t know if there are more on the way.
Azriel bucks his legs again, ripping them free from the zombies feeble grip. It’s jawless, so it wouldn’t be able to fully bite down on his flesh, but it still poses a massive threat, and the thing is fucking disgusting, he wants it nowhere near him. 
He tries to hold off the other that’s groaning and reaching for his face. His fingers are curled around the zombie's throat and the skin splits, black blood thick and dripping between his fingers. His aching muscles scream in pain from all of the work he’s just done and he doesn’t know how long he can keep it up.
His golden eyes squeeze shut just as Feyre’s scythe plunges through the head of the zom he’s holding up. The thing goes slack in his arms immediately and something drips onto his face, but Azriel seems unconcerned as he shoves the limp body off of him. 
When he opens his eyes he’s met with the sight of Feyre taking the other one down, pulling a few clumps of hair on its head before she cuts cleanly into the spot that severs its head from its neck.
“Are you okay?” she asks through her pants, scanning the area for more.
“Y-yeah,” he lies. His heart is racing and he checks himself over mindlessly, feeling for any signs of bites or scratches that may have occurred. When it’s his third time feeling over himself a hand enters his line of vision and his trembling fingers falter. He looks up, eyes wide.
Feyre is holding a hand out to him.
Feyre saved him.
Feyre hates him.
Or does she?
Azriel takes her hand in his and lets her help pull him to his feet just as Rhys reaches them, Cassian and you close behind, worried looks painted across all of your faces.
You shove the sunglasses up into your hair, eyes flooded with concern for the golden eyed boy. “Oh my gods, Az! Are you okay?”
The gaze that has settled on Cassian’s, eyebrows relaxing with relief, turn to you.
Azriel offers you a forced smile that no one believes. “Yeah, I’m all good.”
“You have to be more careful, Az,” Rhys says, sending him a stern look from where he’s looking over Feyre, wiping her bloody hands on his shirt.
“I know,” Azriel groans, scrubbing at his face. He’s exhausted and just wants to lie down, presumably with Cassian at his side and you on the other, or in his lap like when he’d carried you injured through the woods. “Please tell me one of you found gas.”
Cassian kicks a rock, everyone shaking their heads sadly.
“None of the cars had any gas?” He figured that at least one out of the many that you’d all moved would have a little bit of fuel.
“Shit,” Azriel sighs, “Now what?”
You all stand in a circle, thinking. None of you really want to abandon the van, the only place you’ve felt safe since you’d shacked up with the three men, but no one has thought of a better idea.
Your attention is stolen by the low groan of a zombie. It’s shuffling out of the trees a few yards away, and where there’s one, there are sure to be more. And now that Feyre and Azriel had killed two, you knew it would only be a matter of minutes before more appeared. Everyone stiffens at the flocking undead.
“We should go.” 
No one protests as you all begin to head back to the van. You unsheath your knife and find Cassian doing the same. Feyre’s scythe twitches in her fingers, like she’s itching to go again. Rhys has pulled a pistol from his waistband, and Azriel assesses the path back to the vehicle, twisting his blade in his still shaky hand.
Cassian presses the keys into your hand and you light up at the sight. He’s one pace in front of you, a wall of protection that makes your heart warm at the sentiment. He won’t let you be taken again. 
“Fuck, yes. It’s about time!”
Azriel’s mouth curls in the corner at your amusement, even more so when Feyre mutters under her breath when she sees the way that you’re spinning the keyring around your finger. 
“Oh gods.”
You huff, clutching the keys tightly in your fist as if she’s going to reach out and grab them from you.
“I’m not that bad at driving,” you promise, trying to reassure the men who are all giving you suspicious looks.
“I’m not the one that crashed my driver’s education car,” Feyre makes a face.
“I told you that in confidence,” you hiss and she snorts. “Well, at least I can stay inside of the lines on the road.”
Your companion rolls her eyes and you’re thankful that the three men with you continue watching the undead creatures trailing you because all you’re focused on right now is clearing your name. 
“Yeah, because staying in the lines is so important right now. I’ll surely be more careful, with all of this traffic and all.”
As fun as witnessing you and Feyre go at it is, Azriel climbs into the back of the van, collapsing on the seat after bunching the dirty blanket under his head. He shuts his eyes and breathes out a long sigh, leaving Rhys and Cassian to take care of you and Feyre’s bickering, too exhausted to put in the energy.
“Easy, ladies,” Cassian grins, trying to ease the tension. His hands come down on your shoulders with a squeeze as he guides you away from Feyre to the driver’s side. “There will be all the time in the world for bickering about who’s the best driver when we find a safehouse.”
Feyre responds but you don’t hear it over the rumble of the engine turning over. Cassian slides into the passenger seat and Rhys sits nearest the front, letting you know that everyone’s ready to go, a weary look on his face.
“We might be able to make it to the next town,” you say hopefully, looking at the fuel gauge. There’s just under an eighth of a tank and your stomach turns uneasily. What if there’s nothing else out there and the van goes completely empty? 
“If we see any cars we can jump out and check the tanks for fuel. Hopefully we will find something,” Rhys suggests, before adding, “Let’s get moving before the horde catches up. (Y/N), the gas pedal is the one on the right.”
You scowl, shoving the shifter into drive.
“Should I be holding onto this handle?” Cassian jokes as the car jerks forward.
You cut him a look but the playful smile on his face eases your sour mood. His eyes dart to the back of the van, noticing Azriel’s sleeping form and the way that Rhys and Feyre are tucked in tight, presumably making a plan for where to head to next. Cassian snakes a hand across the leather seats to settle it on your thigh.
You startle at the feeling but he gives you a gentle squeeze and you relax into the seat a little, keeping your eyes straight on the road.
Neither of you mention it.
You don’t find any gas. In fact, you don’t see a single car on the fifteen mile journey into the next town. 
“We’re doomed,” Feyre groans, eyeing the fuel gauge over your shoulder. The orange line is dipping dangerously low to empty.
“All good things must come to an end eventually,” Cassian says sadly, like he’s about to give the van a proper eulogy. His gaze slides around the interior of the van, taking in all of the scattered belongings, and then each person in turn. His hazel eyes linger on Azriel’s before he straightens in his seat.
The air is thick. Leaving the van behind means leaving safety, a quick getaway, and your home.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Azriel says, a little stern. He refuses to believe that this is the end for the van. “We can check out this town, stay the night in the van, and in the morning we will take it as far as we can. If we still don’t find anything, we reassess or continue on foot.”
Feyre shrugs, “Works for me. I need to start checking towns anyway, look for signs my sisters might’ve left if they’ve had to move.” Her shoulders are tight with the thought of her sisters being in trouble and possibly having to be on the move.
You knew that this was a very real possibility, that you’d run out of gas someday or that something would happen to the gaudy baby pink van. The one piece of solace you could actually find yourself relaxing in, might no longer be an option.
“Maybe we’ll find a nice abandoned house with a tall fence and solar panels,” you sigh, shutting off the engine. 
You can only hope.
Feyre indulges you, nudging you with her elbow, a soft grin on her face. “Oh, and the pantry will be fully stocked. It’ll be filled with ho-hos and twinkies and cereal of all kinds!”
Everyone’s smiling now, taking the chance for one last laugh before things get serious.
“And a soccer net in the backyard!”
“And a pool,” Cassian adds, and you can picture the man laying on a floatie underneath the burning sun.
Your cheeks twinge pink.
“And a movie theater room!”
Everyone’s shouting out suggestions now, giggling and giddy. Azriel smiles, admiring each and every one of his friends in turn. Cassian, with his wide smile and the crinkles by his eyes, making his heart falter in his chest. Feyre, who, up until she’d saved him, had not been his biggest fan. Rhys, whose nose is scrunched with his smile, the long lines of his smile curled up, the dimple in his cheek visible. And finally, you, whose eyes are sparkling. Your laughter is melodic, complimenting Cassian’s lower chortle, the sound reverberating through his bones.
Feyre sighs, relaxing back into her seat, the remnants of her grin still gracing her features. “Oh, man, that would really be something.”
“What are the odds we build it ourselves?” Cassian asks, and everyone turns to look at him. He only shrugs, continuing, “Think about it. Say we find a house with a fence, that’s already at least a little protection. If the house has a pool, that’s even better. Some are probably still in decent shape, and it would be easy to tell if they aren’t.”
As he continues, his plan actually starts to sound feasible.
“We can barricade it for even more protection, bring the van and maybe we’ll find some gas eventually. We scour the neighborhood, and finally, we won’t have to be on the run every single day. And I have all of my seeds,” he says, puffing his chest proudly, “If we have somewhere safe we’d have a steady food supply.”
“And if anything should happen – and I pray that it doesn’t, but I have a little medical experience,” you tack on.
Feyre rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest, pouting. “I chose a really bad time to major in art,” she mumbles.
Everyone turns to Az and Rhys, seeing what they think. They share a glance and Azriel shrugs in response. They can see clearly how tired everyone is, see it in the way your walks become longer, your sleep schedules become later, lethargic and endlessly exhausted. With you and Cassian not back at 100% yet, having a place for everyone to spread out and not be so on top of each other does sound quite nice.
“Alright,” Rhys agrees, and the van erupts into another round of cheers. “But, we have to make a plan, a fool proof one. How are we going to find your sisters, Fey? What is the guard schedule going to be like and who will be leading scouts through towns. I’m talking about exit strategy, rendezvous, how long we wait for each other if something goes wrong. We go over everything, and we don’t let our guard down.”
Everyone nods, agreeing. Az’s shoulders relax a little knowing that everyone will continue to stay conscious.
“Alright,” Rhys says, looking each and every person in the eyes. “That’s what we’re going to do. Gear up, we’ve got some house hunting to do.”
“What about that one?”
“No,” Feyre makes a face.
“Why not?”
“I don’t like the shutters.”
Rhys sighs, shaking his head a little. “You’ve vetoed every house we’ve suggested.”
Cassian complains at the exact same time, “Shutters could help keep the zoms away. Extra protection.”
“Well, it’s not my fault all of these houses are ugly,” she defends, clearly grumpy.
You nudge Azriel’s elbow and roll your eyes dramatically at your friend. The corner of his mouth twitches and amusement sparkles his golden eyes. It makes your heart stutter in your chest.
He is truly so beautiful.
“Well, you have your pick of the block, Fey,” you answer, “Which one do you like?”
Everyone watches her look around, turning slowly as she assesses the block. Her gray eyes are sharp, examining every house in her line of vision. Eventually, she sighs, hands on her hips and exclaims, “None of these are screaming ‘best safe house in the world’ to me.”
The entire group seems to groan collectively and Feyre gasps, clutching a hand to her chest. “Excuse me, but I thought we all had a collective dream of what we wanted in a safehouse! Maybe you all should’ve lowered your standards a bit and we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
“C’mon, Fey,” you drape yourself across her back, hooking your chin over her shoulder. “We have to find something so that we can prepare it before nightfall. Please, pick something.”
“Alright,” she sighs, “Let’s go.”
Azriel’s brows furrow as you begin walking again, the slight limp in your step has him silently moving closer, flanking your other side so he can protect you if something happens. You notice his presence and beam up at him. He doesn’t have a chance to respond because you’re already looking at Feyre, who’s asking you something.
It’s another hour before Feyre finally decides on a house. You swear you’ve been up and down this block six times before but you don’t mention it, best not to when everyone is sweating and hungry.
The house is gated, but the lock is broken and the gate swings open easily, letting you all in. 
With Rhys’ help, he and Azriel wrap the fence with the chain you’d stuffed into your bag from the night you’d met them, when you and Feyre were taking cover in the clothing shop. 
“Looks good so far, Feyre,” Azriel compliments, and you think it might be the first time you’ve ever heard them interact quite like this. Since she’s saved him from the two zombies coming after him, he’s been a lot nicer to your companion.
The property is large, and Azriel scans it for any signs of movement. He’s already formulating a schedule in his head, who will take shifts with who and when, walking the property in the morning and maybe a few times throughout the day, at least until they’ve barricaded it better, and then a duo on watch while the rest sleep.
You trek up the small hill that the house is perched on. “Better to be at a high vantage point,” Feyre had said when she’d pointed it out.
“(Y/N), Cass, Fey, do you think you can stand watch out here while Rhys and I take a look inside?” Azriel asks as you all make your way up the stone steps to the large home.
“Sure, I’ll find the house and keep watch,” Feyre mutters in response. “Better not steal the room I want, Shadow.”
And there she is.
“By all means,” Azriel gestures to the door, rolling his eyes at the stupid nickname that seems to be haunting him. “If you want to check the house with Rhys, I’ll stay out here.”
“We’re not helpless, you know,” you say, face scrunched in a pout. Your arms are folded across your chest and you’re leaning heavily on your good foot. You almost look convincing, until Cassian bops you on the nose and you break out into a smile, shoving at him playfully.
“Look alive,” Rhys nods towards the gate where a lone zombie is dragging itself down the street. It hasn’t spotted you yet, and if everyone’s quiet, it won’t. Rhys and Feyre nod at each other and with their weapons poised and ready, Rhys heads for the door.
It’s locked.
“Didn’t see that one coming,” he comments, staring at the door like it should be open for them. Like someone hadn’t been hiding out in this house as the chaos around them took over.
“Let’s try the back,” Feyre suggests. 
It’s golden hour now, and the sun will be dipping down soon. You need to find a way inside without making too much noise because there’s no way you’re making it back to the car by nightfall.
You all move around the house only to see more stairs.
You make a face at your throbbing ankle. “Come open the front door for me. I’m not walking down all those stairs.”
“Yeah, I think I’ll stay here too,” Cassian agrees, winking at you. His leg has been feeling a lot better, but it’s not quite healed up as much as he’d like and all of the walking today has irritated the stitches, leg itching underneath the sweat-soaked bandages.
He’ll need you to change them soon.
Azriel turns to Rhys and Feyre, who both look at each other and shrug. 
“Be back in a minute, then,” Rhys says, taking the lead.
Azriel follows behind you and Cassian, and your chest tightens uncomfortably. You still don't know what is going on between the two of them and you can feel it all bubbling up inside of you now that it’s the three of you alone. Has Cassian just been using you? But he seemed just as eager to kiss you as you were to kiss him. 
It is the end of the world…maybe the two of them aren’t a thing? Not official? Maybe they’re just friends who like to lose themselves in another friend? The thoughts swirling around your head make you dizzy, and you nearly collapse next to Cassian on the stone fence enclosing the front porch. You lift your leg up onto Casisan’s lap, who laughs heartily as you nearly demand for him to rub your aching leg.
“Spoiled,” he murmurs, but his warm hands knead at your tender muscles.
The grip Azriel has around his knife tightens unconsciously at the sight of you both and he turns away so they don’t catch the pinched reaction on his face. 
He’s jealous. Of you, being massaged by Cassian, so effortlessly taking what you want. Of Cassian, because he gets to touch you and receive smiles instead of flinches in return.
It’s like torture, the thirty minutes or so that you’re sitting out front, waiting for Feyre and Rhys to clear the house. You wonder if they were using up this time to finally fuck, the tension between the two of them thicker than that you’re creating between you, Cassain, and Azriel.
You and Cassian seem off in your own world, the large man talking lowly into your ear, and he watches you giggle in response. Or the sneaky poke to your side that made you squirm and squeal. Azriel watches Cassian’s fingers travel further and further up the leg of your pants, and he shifts as the back of his neck grows hot.
Finally, the front door clicks open, revealing Rhys who lets everyone know that the home is clear.
“Anything?” Azriel asks as he passes his friend.
“Nah. Seems like it was abandoned a while ago. No food, but there’s beds,” he explains, and all of a sudden it hits him, just how tired he actually is.
“Yeah?” Azriel knows he sounds hopeful. He must look like it too because Rhys’ gaze on him softens and he places a comforting hand on his shoulder with a nod. He can’t remember the last time he’s actually slept in a bed, it’s been in the back of his van for what seems like forever. The vehicle wasn’t the worst place he’s had to sleep. No, that would be the one time he and his friends slept in a dumpster. He shudders at the memory. This, he thinks, is better than winning the lottery.
“Yeah,” Rhys confirms, violet eyes sparkling. He opens his mouth to say something else but is cut off by your shriek of glee as Feyre hugs you so tightly you both topple to the floor.
“This feels really good, Az. I think we might be able to stay awhile.”
Azriel chews his lip. He hates being the one who always has to think about safety and how badly things might turn out, but if anyone is going to do it, it’s him. He wishes that this is something you can all pull off, staying here, but he doesn’t have that sure feeling in his stomach. 
He doesn’t voice his concern though, everyone is too happy right now.
Instead, he agrees gently. “Yeah, maybe.”
DBD Taglist: @writingsbychlo @kemillyfreitas @5moremin @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @waggel36 @bionic-donut @que-serasera @applepie02 @azrielsbabyg @arcadianmoonlight @pradaxstyles @illyrian-dreamer @secret-ly-here @reiincarnatiion @fuckthatfeeling @shadowsingersmate24 @harrystylesfan2686 @poppyalice2001
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thehufflepuffavenger1 · 4 months
What are we? The Grid Angel 4/?
(filler chapter next chapter is in the works!)
The next race weekend arrived with an electric energy in the air, a charged atmosphere that mirrored the dynamics within the Formula 1 paddock. As cars roared on the track during practice sessions, the off-track drama continued to unfold like a captivating subplot to the main event.In the aftermath of Max's confrontation with Charles, a palpable tension hung in the air. The pit crew, always attuned to the nuances of the team dynamics, exchanged uncertain glances. The Grand Prix season, once solely about the pursuit of victory on the circuit, had transformed into a complex tapestry of emotions and relationships.
You, caught in the crossfire of the brewing rivalry, navigated the paddock with a sense of trepidation. The post-race dinner gatherings had taken on a new level of intensity, with the unspoken tension between Max and Charles palpable to everyone around.
As the sun set over the paddock, casting long shadows on the asphalt, you found yourself approached by Charles. The awkwardness of the situation lingered, but Charles, ever the diplomat, attempted to address the elephant in the room."Y/N, about the other night, I hope it didn't complicate things for you," he began, a sincere look in his eyes.
You sighed, appreciating Charles' attempt to clear the air. "It's been a rollercoaster, Charles. The paddock has its own set of rules, and I'm just trying to navigate them."
Charles nodded understandingly. "I value our friendship, Y/N. And I want you to know that I didn't mean to create any tension. If it makes things easier, we can just be friends."
The sincerity in Charles' words reassured you, and you smiled gratefully. "I appreciate that, Charles. Let's keep things simple. Friends it is."
As the weekend unfolded, the dynamic within the paddock shifted once again. The post-race dinner gatherings became more subdued, with Max keeping a watchful eye on any interaction between you and Charles. The pit crew, ever observant, couldn't help but feel the weight of the unspoken tension.
During a team meeting, Max's frustration reached its boiling point. "I don't want any distractions during the race. Keep your focus on the strategy, not on unnecessary drama," he barked at the pit crew, the underlying message clear.
The tension in the air escalated as the race day approached. The drivers, including Max and Charles, prepared for the battle on the circuit, their minds occupied not only by the quest for victory but by the off-track drama that had become an integral part of the season narrative.
As the lights went out and the cars thundered down the straight, the intensity on the track mirrored the charged atmosphere within the paddock. Max, fueled by a mix of determination and frustration, pushed the Red Bull to its limits. The pit crew executed flawless strategies, but the unspoken tension added an extra layer of complexity to the race.
As the checkered flag waved, and the roar of engines subsided, Max climbed out of the car with a clenched jaw. The race had been challenging, but the unresolved tension off the track weighed heavily on his mind.In the quiet moments that followed, Max sought you out in the garage, his frustration evident. "We need to talk," he said, his tone cutting through the post-race chaos.You followed Max to a quieter corner of the garage, away from prying eyes and curious ears. The pit crew, sensing the gravity of the situation, exchanged concerned glances.
"What's going on, Max?" you asked, trying to read the emotions etched on his face.
"I don't get it, Y/N. We had something special, and now it feels like everything's falling apart," Max confessed, his frustration giving way to vulnerability.
You sighed, recognizing the complexity of the situation. "Max, we're in the fast-paced world of Formula 1. Things are bound to get complicated. But I value our connection, and I don't want anything to jeopardize that."
Max, still caught in the whirlwind of emotions, shot back, "I saw you with Charles. I thought... I thought there was something between us."
The realization hit you, and you gently explained, "Charles and I decided we're better as friends. Nothing more. I didn't want any distractions either, Max."
The weight of the unspoken tensions finally came to the surface. Max, torn between his desire for victory and the fear of losing something precious, admitted, "I don't want you to fall for him. I don't want to lose you."
The vulnerability in Max's words hung in the air, a poignant moment in the midst of the chaotic paddock. The pit crew, witnessing the emotional exchange, realized that the Grand Prix season had become a journey not just of speed and competition but of the heart.
As the paddock settled into a momentary lull, the off-track saga continued to unfold, a complex narrative that intertwined the pursuit of victory with the pursuit of connection. The Grand Prix season, with its highs and lows, promised a conclusion that would resonate far beyond the checkered flag.
@urfavnoirette , @itsjustkhaos
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knowbuddys · 1 month
Reader x brothers best friend leon
( wrote this while waiting for the pole, I just couldent help myself. )
Y/n's Mom paced the kitchen anxiously, chewing at her flawed red nails. "Seriously, if he doesn't come back soon, we'll be late!" She stated the obvious.
"Dad'll be here soon," Y/n's brother, Damien, tried to reassure their mother. "He probably just... forgot to buy the fishing bait," Leon quipped. A car could be heard pulling into the driveway. The loud engine roaring. Y/n hopped down from the bar stool she sat on and walked up beside her mother, patting her back reassuringly. "Yeah, he's gonna be here any minute now, don't worry-"
Y/n was interrupted by the front door slamming open and her dad clinging to the wooden doorframe, panting. "I'm here!" He huffed with a tomato-red face. "Dad!" Both Y/n and Damien yelled. "Michael," Y/n's mother said sternly, marching up to the poor guy. "1:30, you said you'd be back by 1:30," Y/n's mother spoke as if she was scolding a child and not her husband.
"Yeah, but-" Y/n's father tried to reason. "No buts. Just hurry, get your things and load them into the trunk, we have to go" she said with a huff. Then swiftly turned around to walk up to her room.
Y/n followed suit, climbing up the stairs and into her room to grab her concerningly large backpack bags. She gave her comfy bed one last goodbye before thudding down the stairs once again with her bags. When she made it out the front door and into the asphalt driveway, she squeezed her bags into the stuffed trunk.
"Geez, sis, what the fuck do you have in those bags?" Damien snickered from The side of the car where he and Leon stood. "Better question, what doesn't she have in her bag?" Leon added, giving Damien a jab in the ribs with his elbow.
"Haha, very funny, you guys. I'm dying of laughter right now," Y/n sneered dryly. "Language! Boys," Y/n's mom yelled from indside the house bringning her bags with her "No, but seriously! Did you pack your entire vanity?" Damien chuckled at his own joke. Y/n only rolled her eyes at the older boys' lame jokes, slamming the trunk shut with a loud thump.
They'd been driving for a while now, three hours? Four? Or maybe it had been one? Y/n wasn't quite sure, but one thing she was definitely sure of was that she hated this trip. Being squashed between Leon and Damien and having to listen to their obnoxiousness. And Her spotify crashing for no reason whatsoever didn't help either. So now she was forced to listen to two 17-year-old boys talk about girls and parties. Because apparently that's all they did.
Y/n's mom and dad had been bickering for almost an hour now over something about cars. Which was stupid, so that's what Y/n said. Which she, in return, got a 'tsk tsk' from her mother with no other reply then that.
The destination was a large plot of land for parents and their (almost adult) teenage kids to camp out. A large lake and lots of things to do. Sounded like a kid's dream. And it was, until Y/n turned nine and no longer found pleasure in camping with kids with lice. Especially when she was now 16 and especially when her not much older, older Brother and his friend were also there. They all stumbled out of the car, stretching their limbs and yawning as it was now sundown. Y/n dragged her bags out of the trunk along with Leon, Damien following their parents to help set his dads tent up. Y/n huffed before finding a good spot between all the other tents to set hers up.
"How do I set up a tent?" Leon asked, staring confused at all the different parts splayed out on the ground. "Are you serious?" Y/n almost burst out laughing. "Hey! It's my first time camping. How was I supposed to know?" Leon stuffed his hands into his pants pocket. "If you don't know how to set up a tent, then why are you here?" Y/n asked, beginning to set her small tent up.
"I had nothing else to do the first week of summer, and when Damien asked if I wanted to come, I thought, sure,"Leon shrugged. "Don't you have a job or something?" Y/n asked, struggling a bit with her tent. "Nope, no job," Leon said smoothly. "Great, so you're unemployed," Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, testing the zipper of her tent before crawling in and dragging her bags with her into the one-man tent.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Leon's eyebrows furrowed, taking great offense to her words. "Nothing," Y/n said shortly, before zipping her tent up, giggling a "goodnighttt."
Leon huffed a laugh before trying to find Damien. After he wandered around the large camping grounds for a while, he spotted Damien. "Damien!" he yelled, calling his friend over. "Shhhhh! Dude, people are trying to sleep," Damien hushed Leon With a finger, "Trust me, you don't want to wake them up,'" Damien shivered at the thought. "Right, sorry. Can you help me set up my tent? And before you get on my case about it, your sister already did." Leon and Damien started heading to the teenagers' camping spots since the grounds were split up into age groups.
Y/n snored into the night, tired from a long day of being stuck in a humidly hot car for several hours until she stirred with a groan. She sat up in her cramped tent, stretching before realizing that it was pitch black outside. "Ughh..." she groaned, rubbing her eyes when she heard a sound. Her eyes widened. Was she really going to die now? On a camp with snotty kids and Karen moms? By the hands of probably some psycho killer? No, fuck no. Y/n gathered her courage and also a dagger because she'd been slacking a bit on her Pilates workout and quietly sneaked out of her tent. The warm breeze hit Y/n's pajama-clad body as she sneaked around the other tents. No masked killer in sight, she let out a sigh and began walking backward in the direction of her tent, almost dying of a heart attack when she bumped into someone.
"Ahhh!" "Ahhh!" They both screamed, arms flailing as she dropped her rusty dagger. "Y/n?" Y/n turned to face the blond. "Leon?" She stared up at him through the dark of the night, the moonlight highlighting his features. "Oh Jesus fucking Christ... you scared the shit out of me," Y/n gripped her chest. "You too," Leon said embarrassed. "Yeah, I could tell." Y/n snorted. Leon's cheeks flushed even warmer as he tried to act nonchalant. "Tsk, whatever," he said, running a hand through his hair. "Why are you out here so late anyway?" Leon scanned Y/n's outfit. black sweatpants and a slightly oversized t-shirt. This time it was Y/n's turn to cower. "I just... thought I heard something," she replied, scratching the back of her neck. Leon's gaze fell upon the dagger on the ground. "And that's why you had a knife on you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah," Y/n replied meekly. In response, Leon burst out laughing. Y/n stared at him, unamused. "Alright, it wasn't that funny," she scoffed. Leon wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. "Oh, yes it was!"
After Leon calmed down, they both agreed that there was no way they were going to fall asleep after that scare. So they walked down to the dark, sparkling lake and sat on a damp bench. Talking and laughing. "So, why were you awake?" Y/n asked softly, a stark contrast to her usual sarcastic personality.
"Had to pee," Leon shrugged, leaning back a bit. "Reasonable," Y/n shrugged "Who helped you set up your tent? I'm assuming you didn't do it by yourself," she asked, staring up at the pale moon "Damien. I asked him after you fell asleep."
"Yeah, and speaking of sleep, we've been out here for a while now. We should go to sleep," Y/n said, turning to face Leon. He was staring right at her, his sparkling blue eyes resembling the lake. "Wait... Y/n," Leon said, placing a calloused hand on her thigh. "Yes?" she asked, furrowing her brows, trying to read his expression
"What is it, Le-?" Her words were cut off by his soft, warm lips meeting hers. Leon sighed into the kiss, moving one hand to cup her jaw and the other barely resting on her waist. At first, Y/n's brows furrowed further, but then she closed her eyes and leaned in, cupping his jaw with both of her hands. The kiss was careful and slow. Leon let out a low sound, and that seemed to pull him out of the trance as he pulled back from the kiss. Wide-eyed and warm-cheeked.
"Oh God."
Oh my gawd a cliff hanger?!?! I wrote this for fun and for practice since im pretty rusty at writing. Kinda corny, I will admit but it was a fun concept
Anywaysss, eat drink sleep and thanks for reading❤
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tranquil-ivy · 4 months
Hatred | '24 Alphabet Challenge
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Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: Prom night is supposed to be the greatest night of your teenage life... Right?
Words: 1.9k
Content Warning: Stancy mention, Jancy mention, past feelings mention, childhood friends, and unrequited love (Steve)
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Prom night, supposedly one of the greatest nights of teenagers' lives. That's a sentiment Steve definitely wouldn't agree with, hanging out outside his own senior prom. He didn't even know why he bothered coming, knowing full well he'd see them together. Hand in hand, arm in arm, dancing to every cheesy slow song the DJ put on. As much as Steve tried to be supportive or ignore it...
He just wasn't over his ex-girlfriend yet.
But that didn't stop him from trying to be the bigger man in the situation. That's what Steve grew into being, the bigger person. No more being a total asshole for the sake of his own feelings. That's something Junior year Steve would do.
"Well, don't you just look so lively tonight." His trance breaks as he's approached by you, coming from the double doors of the Gym hallway not too far away.
"I'm not in the mood tonight."
Steve sounded both fed up and disgusted with your antics already. Even if this was just the first thing you said anything to him all day.
You lean against the cold brick gym wall. Feeling the rough bumps of the hard surface on your back and through your dress.
"Rough night, champ?" Steve sighs, rubbing his eyes, raw from a few minutes of being emotional.
"You don't know the half of it." Glancing over, he sees you for the first time. Admiring the floor length red dress, you always looked good in red. You looked good in everything, at least in his mind.
"Look at you, all dressed up and presentable for once." You smirk at his joke, making him chuckle and smile.
"I always look presentable thank you prick." Smirking to yourself before looking back at him.
"You look good in a tuxedo... Y'know, for you."
"Thanks for the backhanded compliment. Anything good from you is a rarity." You laugh, making him smile even wider. His eyes shift around the parking lot, watching cars pull in, and other kids come to join the party going on inside.
"What're you even doing out here by yourself? I thought you'd be in there with like 9 different girls trying to dance with you at once." He scoffs, fighting the urge to roll his eyes.
"You know, too many options beating down my door. Couldn't disappoint them all."
"Came stag too, huh?" He just nods in response, not saying anything as you both look up into the inky night sky. The only sound to fill the cold April night air was the crickets chirping and distant chatting of other students.
"Are you holding up okay? I saw them dancing inside and... I know the breakup was hard for you, so I just thought I'd check up on you..."
Steve let out a rough sigh, feeling like a complete idiot pining for his ex-girlfriend still. Being broken up for almost 5 months now. He couldn't let her go in his head, they were each other's first loves. At least she was to him.
All of that came crashing to a halt after everything back in November.
"If I'm being honest, no I'm not holding up okay."
"I know I'm not a therapist or anything..." You shrug, glancing back at him as you nervously chew on your thumbnail.
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Not really. I've been talking to Dustin for months about it and no matter how much I try I can't get past it. Like Nancy's cast some kind of spell to stick with me or something." He sighs, looking at the asphalt as he swallows harshly.
"Now we can hardly make eye contact for more than 3 seconds before she turns away... God, she must hate me."
"Steve, she doesn't hate you. She's probably just feeling awkward about everything and trying to respect her new relationship by not hanging around her ex-boyfriend. They're just trying to find their footing as a couple." You reassure him, leaning over to give him a squeeze on his shoulder. Thinking about what he said, you shake your head, grinning at the thought of Dustin.
"And really Steve? Dustin. He's like 14 and barely knows how to handle having a crush yet. He's never even had a girlfriend yet. I know he's smart for his age, but c'mon."
"I know! He's just a great listener. He knows a lot for his age, it's actually kinda scary." You roll your eyes looking at the ground, starting to laugh to yourself.
"What?" His full attention is on you now, a small smile pulling at his lips as he watches you start to laugh harder.
"Nothing I just..." You cover your mouth, snickering again.
"I just never pictured myself giving you of all people a pep talk... You're you for crying out loud. Steven "The Hair" Harrington." You grin, bumping his arm with your elbow.
"King Steve... You're literally the most popular guy in the entire school, and I'm... Me." He shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest.
"That's the fun thing. We're so different, so we can see our point of view while still seeing each other's... Plus, it's nice not having someone around trying to kiss my ass constantly."
"Yeah, I'll just kick your ass instead." You smirk, pressing off the wall, your heels click as you step in front of him.
"Look, I know it hurts now, but it'll pass eventually... And if I can be honest with you... You could do so much better than Nancy frickin' Wheeler."
Steve could feel his eyebrows shooting up in amusement as you got in front of him. For some odd reason, just standing there in your presence felt somewhat calming suddenly.
"Oh yeah? Who'd you have in mind then?"
"I don't know," you think for a second and shrug, "Farrah Fawcett? I think she'd think you were cute. Celebrity or not?"
"Farrah Fawcett? You think Farrah Fawcett, one of the most famous women alive, would want me?"
"Yeah! You're a hot guy, why wouldn't she?!" It's his turn to laugh now, shaking his head as he bites his lip.
"Where the hell would I even meet her?"
"I don't know! I thought we were talking hypothetically." Steve nodded, his face turning serious again.
"It's just... It's hard looking past Nancy, y'know. She was the first girl I ever loved."
"I'm aware, Steve. It's just not always the best thing to dwell on. I'm talking from experience." You bite the inside of your cheek and sigh. Nervous to be this honest, but if it helps get the point across, then so be it.
"Can I be honest with you about something?"
Steve looks at you, seeing how nervous you look to talk. His lips part slightly as he nods.
"Of course."
"I used to have a massive crush on Jonathan ages ago and when he started showing an interest in Nancy it killed me... But he's my friend, so I encouraged him. It killed me but I got over it."
You turn your head, looking up at the sky again, taking in the shining stars above the two of you. Feeling embarrassed about laying everything out there for someone you've barely gotten to know again.
"Took a while but time heals most wounds. So, just know I'm here for you because I know what it feels like... Kind of."
Steve felt your pain as you talked about how you couldn't be with Jonathan, and how that's basically how he felt about Nancy in all honesty.
Silence fell over the two of you as you both looked out to the sky, admiring the stars again. Steve looks over at you, feeling somewhat peaceful. Yet still wanting to ask so many questions.
"How'd you do it? Stay strong like that. I can barely be in a room with her right now."
"I talked to my family. That helped a lot... But I know you aren't the closest to your parents, so that's why I asked if you wanted to talk about it with me." You smile softly, lips turning up as you half shrugged at his question.
"I know we weren't always on the best of terms, but you're my friend and... I care about you."
"We're friends again?" His eyes seemed to light up almost, just like he was a little kid again. Over the past year he's felt like you two were bonding. But never wanted to ask out of fear.
Tension fills the air between you two. It's been this way since you two started becoming friends again. Going through hell together alongside the couple, Steve was trying to avoid like the plague.
"Well you know, when you nearly die fighting inner dimensional monsters together you tend to start caring about their well-being again... So, in a way, I guess we have to thank them for something at least."
Steve smirks before shaking his head.
"Part of me likes to think we'd be friends again someday."
"Who knows." You add, silence falling between you again. It's not long before Steve shifts, pushing himself off the wall and looking at you.
"So let’s say, hypothetically, that I was stuck at this stupid prom without a date and I had no one else to ask but you...”
"Mmm. Mmhm, hypothetically." You nod along, fighting back the urge to smirk.
"Go on."
Steve looked away for a second, collecting his thoughts. He takes a deep breath, turning back to you.
"And, hypothetically, I might need to spend our senior prom dancing, like my life depends on it, because it's possibly the last fun night before the rest of our lives."
"I'm starting to think you don't know what the word hypothetically means."
"Shush," he cuts you off, making you giggle before he continues, "now, hypothetically, would you be interested in dancing with me?"
You nod, looking like you were really thinking about it. As if you didn't know your answer already.
"Well, hypothetically," you play along, making sure to hold eye contact, "I might be inclined to say yes... If it wasn't a hypothetical, of course."
You rub your hand over your mouth, smirking behind it. He holds eye contact, faking a scoff as he stares.
"You're gonna make me ask?" You nod, tongue going to his cheek as he also nods.
"You're impossible, you know that?"
"I wouldn't be saying that to a girl you're about to ask to prom Steve." He chuckles, nodding. You got him there.
His expression shifts to a goofy grin as he sighs with a slight relief.
"You think you can survive the night without making fun of me?" He smirks, holding his hand out for you to grab, you smile back at him taking it gently. Giving him a reassuring squeeze.
"I don't know about the whole night, but I can sure try my best." Rolling his eyes, he pulls you into his side, lacing his arm around your waist.
You look up at him, your gaze meeting again. Taking in his deep brown eyes and soft smile brings... Old feelings from years ago bubble back up.
Your mouth opens to say something, anything at all. But the words won't come out as your heartbeat picks up speed.
That old crush you had on your old friend never really went away over all these years.
Or at least that's what you think at the moment.
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wonsheep · 11 months
Got My Number
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genre: fluff, friends-to-something-more
pairing: Jake x gender-neutral!reader
warnings: reader being referred to as beautiful, mentions of an unhealthy relationship, but only briefly, lmk if there's anything else!
word count: 1.2K
sheep's note: hello, everyone, it's been a long while since i posted actual content here, and i truly missed it, this is my first longer work on here, so please enjoy. i had fun imagining this, slughtly inspired by monsta x's got my number, but maybe i'll write something based more on the song in the future eheheeh in the meanwhile, this is my comeback and i'll try to be more sctive and practice writing in english more :DD
permanent taglist: @soobin-chois
thank you and enjoy reading!
Jake had been wondering why you haven't texted him yet. He thought your last date (actually, it was a friendly hangout, but a guy can dream) went well, and awaited your message inviting him to do something fun together.
But nothing new came up on his screen when he opened your chat for the nth time that week, only the last goodbyes you exchanged.
Y/N: had fun <3 talk to you later
The bright, white letters seemed to be mocking him as he wondered what time interval 'later' was equal to.
He was about to try and distract himself from you and your 'later'.
Less than three. Three what? Days? Weeks? Months? No, that would be just cruel. He wanted to see you again way sooner than months.
Suddenly, three little dots appeared on the bottom of his screen, indicating that you were typing something.
It was a little stupid how Jake's heart sped up from looking at the animated circles, but he blamed it on being easily excitable.
He knew he shouldn't explore too much on his feelings for you, because it would end up awkward on your side and in a week of moping around on his.
The thing is, you already had a boyfriend. Even though you have told Jake before that nowadays, the relationship wasn't as fun as it used to be at the start, you stayed very committed.
"I'm just not really satisfied anymore, I guess…" you breathed out in a sigh, dangling your legs from the asphalt block you and Jake were perched on, next to a grassy portion of the park. "It's starting to feel like I'm more of a burden to him than a partner."
Pretty far into the night, it was quiet, only the rustling of birds settling into their places on trees and a few faraway laughs could be heard from your spot. The nearby streetlamp illuminated your features when the caress of a breeze passed by, blowing some hair into your face.
Jake moved involuntarily to remove the strands covering your eyes.
He couldn't have possibly helped being attracted to you, it would have been a nearly impossible task to not be drawn to your enticing persona.
For one, Jake thought you were effortlessly beautiful. You sometimes made him burst out laughing, without caring who could hear him, and there never was a dull moment while being with you.
You made him forget everyday struggles and made things seem better when discussing hardships you both went through as days passed by.
Jake's stomach dropped a little when you first mentioned your boyfriend, and he felt a little embarrassed, because he was in deep. Too deep already. 
So deep, in fact, that his ears went red in excitement from seeing you were about to contact him. Jake was met with disappointment yet again, when the little dots were gone, replaced by no new texts, just a blank screen.
He couldn't hold it any longer, jumping up from his bed he was previously spread out on to grab his jacket and leave the apartment immediately.
While he was locking the door, his phone vibrated with a new notification. Guessing it was probably Sunghoon telling him to wash the fucking dishes already or Riki sending one of his weird memes, he thought it wasn't urgent.
Jake pocketed his keys and started walking in the direction of your flat, not too far away, luckily, and decided to check his notification now.
His jaw dropped as he almost stopped in his tracks.
Y/N: my bed's empty without you
Yes, he had been to your room before, yes, he had laid in your bed too, but the wording… It seemed suggestive, nothing like pillow fights after a movie marathon or wishing goodnights and you asking him to stay a little longer. He brushed off the feeling though, setting his priorities and making a mental note to ask you about your wording.
Jake started putting one foot after another way quicker, and took a few deep breaths. Deciding that he had plenty of time to reply in real life, he shoved his phone into the backpocket of his light washed jeans.
There he was, faced with your door, alternating between raising his fist to rasp his knuckles against it and having a stare-off with the little stepping mat that was spread on the ground.
Taking a final calming breath, a desperate attempt at calming his racing heart, he knocked.
One, two, and then three seconds passed.
As expected, you were the one who opened the door. Looking nothing short of breathtaking in Jake's humble opinion with hair tucked away from your face, no makeup, a dark tank top and shorts.
Your lips stretched into an all-too-familiar half-smile as you recognised your visitor.
"If I knew you would appear on my doorstep after  that text, I would have sent it way sooner."
"Well, why didn't you?" Jake surprised himself with being able to put a coherent sentence together after being stunned by your beauty yet again.
Instead of answering immediately, you averted your gaze and stepped further from the entrance, inviting your friend in.
You lead Jake to the couch in front of the TV, grabbing both you and him a glass of water from the kitchen nearby.
"We broke up." You thought it would be better to be straight-forward about it, since it wasn't like being freed from this relationship was a sensitive topic for you. Obviously, you weren't nonchalant about it, but you felt better.
"Oh," Jake's mouth parted, hesitating on whether to console you or simply just accept this important fact you have thrown at him. "I'm sorry."
He wasn't sorry at all, maybe only for the fact that you might be disheartened after these events, even though you seemed fine.
The living room was bathing in warm tones thanks to the standing lamps you insisted on keeping around in the area, instead of hanging lights from the ceiling.
Your nose cast a shadow on one of your cheeks, and Jake suddenly had the urge to touch the presumably soft skin, as if he would be able to feel the dark outline of your nose.
"Don't be," you shrugged.
Jake gulped and took a sip of much needed water when you pulled up the strap of the tank top that slipped down on your shoulder.
"I'm pretty sure I will have to end things with him a second time, since he left with saying I can't break up with him, because he doesn't agree, but I'm completely done with his shit at this point." Your eyes wandered around the room while elaborating, the scene of your ex-boyfriend slamming the door to your house replaying in your head.
Catching up in the comfort of your living room and the soft pillows decorating your couch, you explained to Jake that you didn't want to risk dragging him into the ongoing fight between you and your ex, and since he would have jumped at even an innocent text from your friend, you decided on radio-silence while dealing with the problem.
Jake was only a little upset, since he found your actions reasonable, but it still bothered him that he wasn't able to help you.
After the sun dipped behind the clouds of the evening, Jake slowly got up from his seat, smiling warmly.
"See you soon?" you asked, your eyes shining.
"Yeah. Text me."
Jake lifted an arm to wrap around your waist and pull you against his chest. He moved his face so that his soft, plump lips were aligned with your ears and whispered, leaving a feather-light kiss on the side of your face.
"You've got my number."
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queerdiazs · 9 months
snippet sunday 🫧
hi friends, it's been a long, long day but oh boy i had a great dinner and changed my ao3 username to add a little bit of spice to my life???
anyway, i was tagged by @exhuastedpigeon, @hippolotamus, @thewolvesof1998, @try-set-me-on-fire, @honestlydarkprincess, @alyxmastershipper, @wildlife4life, @wikiangela, @disasterbuckdiaz, and @giddyupbuck to share
this is from the heart attack fic, where jonah gets hold of eddie and buck quite literally goes wild 🫶🏼
(i'm half sure i've shared this before but pretend it's your first time seeing it)
“Eddie?” He taps his fingertips against Eddie’s temples, laughing brokenly when Eddie’s big brown eyes flutter open. “Open your eyes, Eddie.”  Eddie blinks once, twice, three times before he has enough strength to keep his eyes open. “Buck?” he says, dry and slurred and too soft, too quiet. His head lolls to the side, loose and limp, and Buck holds him steady. “Is that—” “It’s me,” Buck interrupts, nodding, and lists forward so Eddie can see him better. His eyes are open but empty, rimmed with red and unseeing, and terror makes Buck’s frame quake. It’s like the goddamn shooting all over again. “I’m here.”  Eddie blinks again and then, abrupt and horrified, his eyes fill with tears that roll down his cheeks in fat rivers, scalding Buck’s wrists where they land. “I didn’t wanna go,” he whispers, a garbled sentence that settles like gravel in Buck’s tummy. “I didn’t wanna go, Buck. I didn’t want—”  The monitor makes a shrill, grotesque wail and Eddie’s eyes roll in the back of his head. Buck looks over his shoulder at Jonah, who’s picking himself up off the asphalt and digging tiny rocks out of the palms of his hands with no a care in the world.  “What’d you do to him, Jonah?”  Jonah smirks, a gnarled thing, and shrugs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Buckley.” 
i'm gonna take a risk since it's so late in the day and tag @shitouttabuck, @loserdiaz, @jeeyuns, @eowon, @eddiediaztho, @callmenewbie, and whoever else wants to share pls consider yourself tagged <3
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mythicandco · 1 year
A Dark And Stormy Night
tw for minor body horror
it's a dark and stormy night.
to be entirely honest, it's cliche. it knows it's cliche, but it's all it can think, looking out the window. raindrops patter against its face and it winces, closing its eyes a little.
the already black sky is completely logged with clouds, lightning illuminating the darkness in spite of stars. it feels something uncomfortable shift in its ribs and grimaces, altering its position in the passenger seat to make up for it.
he glances over at it, looks away again. it doesn't blame him, imagines how it must look now. it notes quietly he doesn't have a rearview mirror or any on either side of the car- that's stupid, and dangerous, but it would also be stupid and dangerous to have them.
he doesn't tell it to roll the window up, but it does after a moment anyways. guilt drags heavy on its bones and skin, and the last thing it wants is to get the inside of his car wet.
it opens its mouth, finds its tongue and teeth aren't in the right positions, and closes it again. if it talks, it'll come out wrong. it doesn't want to make him any more uneasy than it already has.
"you alright over there, kid?" he doesn't take his eyes off the road when he finally breaks the sound of tires on wet asphalt, rain on the metal roof of the vehicle. "I mean, as alright as the circumstances can allow, obviously."
the engine hums in both their bones. bones that click into place. tendons that quietly shift under skin. minds that slowly meld into one. the catalyst was the spark. it's only a matter of time now before it all goes up in a burning inferno of hell.
why did you help me.
it puts a hand over its mouth, but that doesn't stop the sound, if you could even call it that. it isn't... physical, like vibrations from vocal chords. it's something tinged with static, something that curls around the edges of his already-curdling psyche. he winces, and it feels more guilty.
"I don't know," Thatcher admits at length, tapping out an uneasy rhythm on the steering wheel. "you're a kid. you deserve better than that."
it swallows thickly, bleach still burning the nerves behind its eyes. he'd expected it to kill him, but instead it just ate away at all the soft tissue until there was nothing human left but the murky red puddle at its feet. that's why it's an it, not a he.
I'm a monster.
Thatcher lets out a weak chuckle that gives way to a wet-sounding cough. "aren't we all?"
you have no idea how true that is about to be. it hisses and bangs a fist on the center console, startled into speaking out loud. the words are distorted and feel wrong and don't sound like a voice so much as a machine trying to replicate one, but at least they're real. "sh-shit. I didn't mean to-"
"I get it. I get it, it's okay." he doesn't understand what it just said, but he also does, in a way. he can feel it burrowing into the back of his mind, too. he's had MAD for a long time now. "listen. I've been living with that kind of shit for years now. you're not trying to hurt anyone, and as long as you aren't, nothing you say will affect me. alright?"
it nods weakly, feeling sick. half-melted vocal chords strain to get words out. "I'm sorry."
"don't be. it's not your fault."
but it is. I'm the catalyst. everyone is fucked over and it is very much my fault.
Thatcher glares over at it, and it flinches back. he immediately pulls back, mutters an apology of his own. "don't say things like that. if anyone's to blame, it's me. there are at least four people dead because of things I didn't do to protect them. you never asked for any of this, it was all laid out for you before you were even- born, or whatever. but I had it coming."
it closes its eyes again. I want my mommy.
he pauses, processing that. after a minute, he gives up. there's not much to say.
"we'll be back at my place soon. just gotta hold on until then, okay?"
it turns its eyes back outside. it's a dark and stormy night.
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