#I'm trying to make accountants seem cool and interesting
fazcinatingblog · 10 months
Trent’s Version?
My Wattpad story (Trent's version).
Trent watching his best friend, the guy he's been in love with since November 2020, fall in love with his sister, a Bianco but very much a Biancno in Trent's eyes
Trent getting to hang out with Ginni, but having two girls hanging around them as well, one of which is also in love with Ginni.
Trent navigating life on the fringe of the biggest football club in the year that his mother dies and he volunteers to take her role at the accounting firm she worked at, no idea what he was getting himself into.
Trent watching the boy of his dreams propose to someone else during his favourite Ed Sheeran song and now he can never listen to Ed Sheeran again.
I don't know what else happens, why isn't this interesting to anyone but me, I'm so sorry
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ambreiiigns · 10 months
i watched One wrestling (wrestledream. much to say abt it. god willing i keep watching from that episode forward) and then 4 bungo stray dogs w brother (finished s3 fucking finally my god and saw the first from s4. it was really bad) after the most fucked up week i've had in a while
#i saw kota's signed like officially full time... easy way to get a girl ready for catch up (real this time not clickbait)#bsd s3. is so bad. not that everything else's my favorite necessarely but like. it gets really bad my dudes. it was bleak#a while ago brother said he was interested in knowing more abt ranpo and s4 starts w ranpo & president centric flashbacks so i#thot he'd be happy to see that but the last few s3 episodes get So Bad they sucked all the joy out of us both good lird. it was bleak#dazai's in the hospital chuuya's in a book they're trying to pretend atsushi and akutagawa are as cool as them again... girl help.#and what's w the cat. i'm so confident it's never gonna be brought up again and it's driving me insane. i sort of knew abt the cat but#not enough to be prepared. and the timing is so bad#why did we have Three episodes abt chuuya and dazai age 15 (answer is that they're the best part of this show and they know)#then random episode where the main takeaway i got is that gin is revealed to be hot (i knew.) like complete waste of my time imo#then One episode where kyoka has to share backstory reveal w even more atsushi trauma like ?!?!?!?#i can't take much more of atsushi whining. that's all he does. from episode one. and the second kyoka has her moment we cut to#atsushi whining again i don't CARE that the guy from the orphanage is dead shut UP#like who thought this was a good idea.#and then in the last 3 shitty episodes they wanna do all that ???#old men yaoi backstory ???? you need more time for that. hello. cat is god. huh#introduce New Evil Guy w power that seems to be super insane and he's defeated by kid wearing his boyfriend's clothes ????#like it was too much. for nothing. not even counting all the pointless random convenient things that happen that aren't accounted for#at All#like. you're telling me atsushi can enter the cave at the speed of light and the guards can't notice him but then he can't fucking catch the#virus guy 1m away from you in a little cart. i'm going to kill everyone involved w making this anime i'm tired. i need to finish killa killa#And made in abyss. bsd s3 so bad it makes you wanna start jjk as soon as possible#anyway now let's talk abt my traumatic week#oh nay
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gothwineaunts · 6 months
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I tried my best to replicate the post that Tumblr ate earlier.
It’s not as good but you'll get the jist I think. :’)  
Hi again! I wanted to follow up on my post from yesterday. I’ve been mostly offline since then, and I feel much better now, especially after seeing the thoughtful responses y’all left. Where did you all even come from!? I don’t think I’ve ever posted this account anywhere, haha. But thank you so much. I’m horrendous at taking a damn compliment but I read all the replies and reblogs and I’m just incredibly humbled. You all brought up my mood a lot and highkey made me feel sane again. I’ve been so confused at why everyone in the WEBTOON comments seems to be so mad all the time, it kind of does my head in if I’m being honest.
But please don’t worry about me or Flynn. Or about Nevermore! We’d never change the story to fit what we think the commenters want us to do, for a lot of reasons. The most important of which is. If we had to do that, I think we’d rather just stop making it. What they seem to want is a story we’re not really interested in telling.
Wholesome wlw is a wildly important thing to be able to find if you’re looking for it. That really cannot be overstated. Until very recently, queer characters have been subjected by popular media to a disproportionate amount of anguish and violence. So the concept of seeing two women just, living a safe and fulfilling life together? I get why people want to see that so badly. And there’s so much beautifully written aspirational content for queer audiences out there now, and I’m pleased to death over it. But the thing is, it’s just not what we’re making.
Nevermore was always intended to be a dark gothicky romance with horror elements. Like Wuthering Heights, or Phantom of the Opera. Because those were the stories that always inspired us when we were young. Bloodsoaked stories of melodrama, intrigue, grief, and passion. Those stories would captivate me and get me asking all kinds of questions. Why can’t the Phantom be a beautiful woman? Why does Christine have the agency of a desk lamp? Why can’t sapphics have something cool like this?
So we decided to make it. Nevermore is not a wholesome romance. It doesn’t try to be. The point was never to explore sapphics having a healthy and (heavy air quotes here) “normal” relationship, like heterosexual couples get to have in real life. We already have that, together, Flynn and I. We live it, everyday.  In Nevermore, what we wanted most was to explore a sweeping sapphic romance full of danger, like heterosexual couples get to have in fiction. That’s why we love those kinds of stories so much, because of how divorced they are from the mundanity of real life. They’re fantasies.
I know that I'm preaching to the choir, aha.
But my point is: if you go to a hardware store to order a cake, you’re probably going to be disappointed. If what you crave is aspirational wlw content, there are so many bakeries you can go to that will give you exactly what you’re hoping for, and more. I especially recommend Muted by Miranda Mundt. It’s also on Webtoon, it’s completed, and it’s free to read.
And please know that I’m not saying to stop reading Nevermore, just maybe to adjust your expectations a little bit. We don’t sell cakes here, but I am pretty sure I've got a few 12ft tall skeleton lawn ornaments in the back if you're interested.
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lady-raziel · 5 months
and alright, here's my last (let's hope) and boldest take yet. lots of people have been talking about the level of staff (around 25-ish people) at watcher, and whether downsizing that number could have been a potential avenue of reducing costs before just jumping to a subscription model. at first i was like yeah, i'm not sure that there needs to be 18 people involved in making a lets play. i was in the fucking trenches in the unus annus days and i'm still amazed how markiplier and ethan nestor managed to put out pretty well edited videos every day for a whole year with only a handful of editors and a couple people filming. what unus annus was trying to do and what watcher is trying to do are obviously pretty different, but the point is that you really don't need a whole crew of people to make lots of different types of content and do it well.
i still think there probably doesn't need to be a whole production crew involved with the creation of some of the simpler types of content watcher puts out. however, i don't think the size of the staff is the real problem. in fact, i think the staff of watcher probably should have been larger.
let me explain. if i begrudgingly go to one of my most detested websites (linkedin. *bleeegh*) and look up watcher, i can see that pretty much every person on staff is in a creative role of some sort by their own admission. at first glance, its like, oh, that makes sense. they're making creative products, it's natural that they should all be in creative roles. however, once you think about it for a little longer from a business perspective, that fact is really concerning.
after all, by watcher's own definition, this is a production studio. this is a company. So in this sea of creative roles, who's doing corporate planning? Who's managing finance? Who's doing payroll? Or brand outreach? Or human-freaking-resources??? you can hire outside groups for all this. i'm aware. but those services cost a lot of money to contract too. i'm just finding it concerning that there is pretty much no one on full time staff that is there to at least do some of this stuff. if watcher wants to be a big-boy company, that's fine, but that means you have to pay some people to be part of your company to do the not-fun business stuff like accounting. or resource management.
if they want to be a real company, they should actually have a lot more people on staff to deal with all the non-creative parts of running a company. even if they contract out most of it, you want at least a few people that are your people and don't actually work for someone else. that's how you don't get screwed over or end up in a contract you can't get out of.
which leads me to my last train of thought. like, as i go through the staff of watcher and look at what they do, it really seems like one of the ONLY people who's job it was to look at the business side of things WAS steven lim in his role as CEO. and thinking about that, i'm like god, can you imagine?? here's a guy who just wants to create cool stuff too but as one of the few people who has to think about the realities of Brand and the Business, HE has to be the one to burst the bubble. He as CEO has to say no to people and make decisions to make sure the company survives. In a group of creative people who just want to make things they're interested in, no expense spared, he was probably the guy who had to stay at least a little tethered to reality.
I'm not about to say that steven lim isn't to blame here. everyone involved in making the decisions that have led up to this point is part of this. but shit, it absolutely sucks to have to be the person at the end of the brainstorm session when everyone is coming up with their best ideas and to have to say "guys, i don't think any of these things are possible unless we make some big decisions."
is that what happened at watcher HQ? i don't know. at this point, with radio silence from everyone, speculation is all we've got. but if you follow the thread of a bunch of creatives striking out on their own to make their own business after being burned by their former employer, despite not knowing really how to run a business, and then only hiring fellow creative people and not other people who actually run business things... well, all of this starts to make slightly more sense in WHY none of watcher's actions make sense. everybody wants to stick it to the man and be their own boss with their own business, until it actually comes to the hard parts of doing that. at that point people start to realize, "oh, maybe some of the things that existed at my old job were there for a reason, actually."
all this is why lots of creatives striking out and starting their own businesses don't work in the end. they're thinking about in terms of creative products still, when they really need to be focusing more on the "business" part of the "creative business." it's sad. it sucks. it destroys a lot of good ideas and good people, because one person in every company like that has to be the one who thinks practically. could this have been avoided if watcher had been hiring people all along to manage this business and not just adding people to add to the creative output? maybe. even then it might not have been enough to curb other predictable impulses that led us down this path.
i feel bad for watcher, and i feel bad for the fandom. but i can't help but wonder if this was always the kind of situation we were going to end up in, and we just missed some of the warning signs because ALL of us were thinking, "well, that could never happen to us. we're different. not the Ghoul Boys."
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tiamathh · 11 days
What to look for when it comes to your next partner?
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Note: Hi!! Sorry I've been away for so long!! Please Like, Reblog and comment, if you like it/if it resonates. HAVE FUN AND DO NOT REWORD, STEAL, PLAGIARISE, REPOST MY WORK!!
Piles 1 -> 3
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Masterlist • Tip Jar • Paid Readings
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Pile 1
Hi Pile 1! Okay so this may feel a little shallow but here me out, for you a big point is going to be physical and sexual attraction. Your next relationship is supposed to teach you how to be more in touch with your sexual self, and that's why you need to look for someone who ignites that fire within your core. You should also look for someone who's actually in for the commitment because you may have a habit of going for people who are non committal because you may feel like if you keep it casual you'll seem cool to your partner and they may like you more, no, stop it, look for people who value you the way you value them.
Next, you need to look for someone who has a lot of experience with relationships, not a player per day but just someone who knows what they want and when they want it and operate in that way. Even when people know what they want, they can change partners and don't let that deter you from people with a lot of exes, it doesn't mean that they have commitment issues it just means that they may want different things at different times and may have had the guts to cut it off with people.
Lastly you need to look for someone who's not going to be wishy washy with you and will meet you at the same level of headstrong you are, because your stubbornness may not be cute but when paired with your next partners stubbornness it will end up leading to a perfect balance of two headstrong people who can fight all day but actually come to a conclusion or find a middle ground the both of you respect.
Pile 2
Hi Pile 2! This might sound Counterintuitive but you need to find someone for your next relationship who may feel open enough to disagree with you. You may be used to being around people who often share the same opinion with you, which is good, but someone who challenges your views will make for not only a more fun opponent but also someone whose views you can change or vice versa. I'm also getting that one quality that you should look for is that they share the same love for music or dance as you, basically the same love of the performing arts, this includes theatre/acting as well. I'm getting that your next partner may be someone who's very interested in this, especially into cinema.
They could be a film bro (gender neutral) and may love yapping for hours about their favourite film and the compositions, colours, lighting, music etc used in the film and how those aspects enhance the overall viewing experience of the film, they could be very active on letterbox lol. I'm also getting that one aspect you should look for in your next partner is transparency, it may sound like honesty but it is different because transparency signifies that this person will not only be honest but also take accountability if they ever go wrong somewhere and this level of accountability will build up a stronger bond and start healing the trust issues you may have from your past friendships and your relationships with your parents, because someone close to you will finally not only accept they did something wrong but also apologise and accept that.
Lastly! Look for someone who doesn't put you down, like even subtly. You may have had friends or partners in the past who may have been like "omg fr? that's so weird haha" even as a joke when it comes to your interests, but look for someone who will not put you down regardless of differing interests please I Beg.
Pile 3
Hellooo pile 3! Hyperspecific point from the very start, look for someone who knows the value of spirituality and crystals and stones that you may carry or wear on you at all times. If they even try to question your beliefs about spirituality that is not your next partner trust me. Your next partner is going to be someone who will share your interests and be on the same wavelength as you when it comes to spirituality, tarot and more.
One thing you need to look for in your next partner is that they may have a bit of an isolated or loner vibe, like they may not be big on huge gatherings and could be more introverted, they'll really appreciate their alone time and could be someone who does not divulge in PDA a lot, not only because they're shy but also because they'll believe that your business is just your business (in the rs I mean). Regardless of this they'll be someone who's very focused and goal oriented, your next partner is someone who's ready to sacrifice their comfort in the present to focus on their goals and work towards them relentlessly, they'll also be the kind of people who will let go of any comfort just to make you feel more comfortable, the kind to give you the bed and take the floor instead if there's only one bed and you don't wanna sleep together, very gentle and caring.
They'll just have this aura which screams "I welcome you and I understand" and that is exactly the kind of energy you need in your life right now. Lastly, I heard "duniya dedi" which translates to "gives you the world" so all I have to say is y'all better raise your standards and KEEP THEM RAISED!! YOU DESERVE THE BEST AND THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL GET KISSI <33
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All Rights Reserved tiamathh©® DO NOT PLAGIARISE, REWORD, STEAL!
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corvidae-00 · 4 months
Ocean eyes
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A/n: Helloooo!! This is actually the start of a series I have been thinking about doing! ill still be taking requests and doing stuff in between but I used to do long stories and I wanted to see if I was still able! thank you for reading!!!
Summary: You and Marko had grown up together, and him asking you to be a part of this journey was an amazing opportunity, flying over to Sweden with him and making sure your focus was on the competition. little did you know how quickly landing in Sweden with a certain blonde roaming around would change the directory of your plans C/W: Swearing, smoking, alcohol, slight mentions of blood, mentions of angst, fem!Reader Word count: 1,229
Chapter 1
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slowly opening your eyes you wince, the bright sun shining in through the small plane window "Now landing in Malmo Sweden" The pilot announces to the plane, clearly tired and not as energetic as when you and your good friend Marko had gotten onto the plane. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes and stretching you look over at Marko who is still out cold with his head back and snoring slightly "Markooo~" You hum quietly causing the man to only stir and groan not ready in the slightest to wake up "Mark" You poke him in the arm and he whines "Three more minutes" He mumbles and you poke him again in the side causing his body to jolt upright "Hey!" he yelps and snaps his head to look at you in pure shock
"to je bilo vrlo nepristojno!" (That was very rude!) Marko whines but you cant help the small giggle that leaves your lips at the pouty grown man next to you "you weren't gonna wake up" You defend yourself "And look! we are landing!" You add on pointing outside at the quickly approaching ground "wouldnt want you to miss that" You tease a little and Marko quickly spares you a playful glare "Remember you are with me this whole trip- I could make it hell-" He hums wagging his finger at you. scoffing you push his hand away "I just wont dance for you- maybe I'll join Ireland!" you tap your chin and Marko gently swats your arm "Dont even play with me like that žena (Woman)"
Once you two had exited the plane and made sure your belongings were accounted for you had caught a taxi and headed straight for the hotels Eurovision had reserved for the singers and performers, being lucky enough to secure a room right next door to Marko's- not exactly wanting to be separated before the event even starts, Gathering information that the arena would open tomorrow for rehearsal time slots so each performer could sing or dance and grow used to the stage and/or size of the stage "This is pretty cool!" Marko pushes his sunglasses on top of his head and smiles over at you "Are you excited? I'm excited" He looks around and you nod with a laugh "I am pretty excited for the opportunities and the experiences" You hum heading towards the elevators with your friend ready to get settled happy to listen to him tell you about all the plans he has The next day you and Marko had gotten ready and headed straight for the Arena, fully dressed up and still getting used to the outfits. Fixing your top and adjusting your hair piece you hum "These are pretty useful and flexible thank the Lord" You sigh looking over at your male dance partner who seems just as pleased with the uniforms "I do agree! Though I wish we had time for breakfast" Marko rubs his stomach and you sigh "and maybe if it were a bit warmer" You hook onto his complaints....Getting closer to the stage you all can make out some upbeat music and it grabs all three of your attention "Thats catchy-" Your partner says and you nod "Damn it is-" You get closer trying to make out the lyrics "Euro-pa-pa-papapa-" comes through and you raise a brow "interesting" You all quietly entered and finally got a look at the singer clad in a large blue suit and his backup in a large blue bird suit and the other in similar attire to the singer but toned down
"Must be the Netherlands!" Marko whispers to you showing you the schedule on his phone and you smile a little watching the man dance around the stage clearly loving every second of his performance and putting his all into even the rehearsals "impressive" You smile watching the rest of his performance.
With a wave the man on stage thanks the workers and exits towards your group with his tailing him. "Wonderful performance friend!" Marko waves and the male smiles "Thank you! Im Joost" He puts out a hand and Marko shakes it eagerly "Ah! I'm Marko! Or Baby Lasagna" He chuckles and points over at you and your partner who is watching in awe "Those are my dancers!" He waves you two over allowing you to introduce yourselves "What a crew you have!" Joost hums his gaze landing on you and he smiles "the uniforms are awesome!" He compliments and Marko's eyes light up "Yours are too! The band members should be here too soon and they have sorta the same get up" Marko explains and Joost nods before nodding to the side "Well, I'll get going! Good luck!" He gives a small wave and a huge smile before looking you over one more time and making his exit
"He seemed too enjoy your costume" Your partner jokes and you cant help but elbow him in the side "literally just met him-" You remind and your partner shrugs "Doesnt mean you aren't a sight to see" He chuckles following you onto the stage once you had been called on, the rest of the band showing up just in time dressed up and just as hyped up as everyone else....
After a long day of dancing, singing, and repeating- followed up with sight seeing, shopping, and whatever else the group had wanted to do you all finally made it back to the hotel. "Wow, Sweden is so beautiful!" Marko claps his hands together holding a few bags he himself had picked up "a great place to hold an event so large" You chuckle looking around the lobby, your eyes landing on the blonde from this morning- Joost? He has his eyes on you, dressed a lot more relaxed and comfortable "Hey, I'll catch up Marko!" You call to your friend who nods "Bring up some drinks if you can find any pretty please!" Marko says with a quick wave before making his way to the elevator.
"Hello" You walk up to Joost who smiles a little "Hallo" He hums reciting your name with a raised brow and you nod "Joost correct?" You tilt your head and the Dutchman nods "Your guises performance, it was so cool!" Joost pushes himself off the wall and smiles down at you "I loved the choreo too! felt like a story was definitely being told" he hums and you chuckle "Yeah? Marko was set on definitely getting people involved" You shake your head "I loved your performance! so full of emotion and energy!" you shrug "I can tell you are going to be a fan favorite" you wink and Joost gasps a little "You really think so??" he gets all bashful and you nod "Oh 100% we don't have a rehearsal time tomorrow, do you? Maybe I'll pop in and watch the full thing" You offer and Joost nods quickly "10!" He responds and you smile "Ill be there!" You promise and Joost quickly pulls out his phone "Would you like my number? Just so I can keep you updated?" He shakes his phone and little and you pull yours out with a nod "That would be helpful!"
After sharing contact info you two had bid your goodbyes, Joost heading back to his room leaving you in the quiet abandoned lobby- Maybe this will be a good trip after all
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A/N: A little slow- but next chapter will get exciting!! Sorry for the small chapter I'll try to make future ones a little more wordy!! thank you for reading!! Im going to work on requests for a little and once I get those out I'll update this!! Thank you all for the love and support- it literally makes my days seeing how many likes and reposts I get. it means more than all of you know <3 I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
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petriwriting · 4 months
Smithereens - Theodore Nott X Reader
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Summary: Based on the song "smithereens" by Twenty One Pilots.
"For you, I'd go step to a dude much bigger than me.."
A/N: very theo coded. I'm back bitches. This was another request. I've been sorting through my requests box slowly, making sure everyone is accounted for and they are all good reads. enjoy. 
Theodore Nott was an interesting person. you had been in a relationship for a few months, enjoying the new feelings that accompany new relationships and young love. You had come to find he was a lot more than his reputation. At a glance, he was a shallow rich kid like his friends, although you had come to find he was a much more complex person than the rumors you'd always heard. Theodore was a softie, he was romantic at heart. He brought you flowers and passed you notes in class. Contrary to popular belief, He didn't sleep around either, he had a laid back flirty side by nature, but he definitely did not participate in the Toxic Slytherin Culture. He was there because he didn't have any other place to be, perhaps it was just by chance. Nonetheless, the boy loved his friends and was loyal to them. So much so that he'd attend parties with them.
The evening was drawing to a close, you had a few drinks and shared many laughs with some friends. It was the beginning of the school year, so to kick off the quidditch team's luck, Slytherin house held a dungeon party. It was the usual crowd, Draco, Pansy, Blaise... and some others who just wanted something to do that evening. The common room was rather busy, with some unfamiliar faces crowding its space mixing with those who were friends. Music was playing, most student's were mingling.
You sat shoulder to shoulder with Theo on the loveseat, while a somewhat drunk Pansy Parkinson went on and on about something to Draco, you had stopped paying attention. Blaise would inject himself into the conversation every so often.
"I'm going to step outside." Theo told you, after some time enjoying each others company, you'd both been somewhat quiet, not drawing attention to yourselves too much. "Care to join me?" Theo asked.
You didn't really care to listen to Pansy any longer, but you knew Theo was just going to step outside for a smoke, a bad habit of his. "I'm okay, actually. I think I'll stay in and have another drink." you said, Theo squeezed your hand and then headed outside. "I'll come back in in a bit, love."
You could handle yourself alone just fine, however, you didn't appreciate unwanted company... almost ever.
Not long after Theo wandered outside, an exchange student had appeared. His name was Klaus, you remembered. He was new to the quidditch team. He was from Durmstrang in Germany, He towered over you as you had poured yourself a drink, sipping on the bitter alcoholic beverage timidly. "Hello." He said, trying to be sly, but to you it just felt awkward. "Hi." you said, trying to be polite. No wonder he played sports, this guy was huge. 
"I saw you sitting with your friends." He said. "oh yeah," you nodded and looked over at draco who was listening to something pansy was saying with exaggerated expressions. "Yeah, they are pretty cool." you said, unsure of what to say to keep the conversation alive, not wanting to be completely rude.
"You are very pretty." He said. "What's your name?" you scoffed, he didn't seem to get the message even after telling him your name. he smelled like liquor. "We could go somewhere more private to talk.." He suggested. you awkwardly played with your hand covering the drink in your hand. "Um, no thanks." you said softly, not wanting an eruption from him. He was starting to get a bit flustered. "Come on. Just to talk," He begged. "no." You said again very sternly.
Klaus however, didn't hear the word no. "Let's just get out of this messy common room, come on now," he said. You were officially uncomfortable. "I said No." You said a bit louder. 
In that moment, you were thankful not to be alone. Theo appeared and filled the space between the two of you, You quietly sighed in relief. "Is there a problem?" he asked.
Klaus huffed, frustrated now his advances were turned down and there was someone else. Theodore Nott was somewhat tall, but Klaus was taller by a head or two, and he was huge. Part of you wondered if he was part giant. . . he had huge muscles and a bald head that was flushed from the alcohol.
"You are not my problem." Klaus laughed, towering over Theo. For a slytherin, that was a very brave thing to do, considering it seemed like he was about to get his ass beaten to smithereens for you. "Yeah, then back up." Theo snarled. "Is this your girlfriend?" Klaus asked, turning to you and rolling his eyes.
"We're having a conversation. this doesn't concern you." Klaus hiccuped. You were scared it would escalate. "Let's just go, ted." you said, grabbing Theo by the arm. "Please?" you plead. Theo shook his head. "Fine, come on." he ushered you forward to leave.
As you were walking towards the exit, you heard Klaus mumbling, which angered theo.
"Have fun ladies." he laughed. "Pussy.. won't even stay for another drink." Klaus had mumbled under his breath tirelessly.
Theo had rushed back over to Klaus, Punching him in the face as the snide comment was greatly un appreciated, and Klaus stepped back wiping his nose of the blood. He threw a punch at Theo in return, causing the boy to fall to the floor. This caught the party's attention. Although physically disadvantaged, Theo was clever and quickly pulled his wand out, in a swift movement stunning Klaus so he was unable to fight back.
You rushed over to Theo, helping him up. "Ah fuck." He cursed, his lip was now split and his jaw would likely be bruised black and blue in the morning. "Are you okay?" you asked, Theo brushed you off, "Good as new," He chuckled. Blaise and Draco had appeared, not far behind was pansy. "Sweet Merlin, Nott," Blaise mumbled. "Looks like he won't be bothering anyone else anytime soon," Draco laughed, stepping over Klaus' unresponsive body.
"He was trying to get me to go back to his dorm with him." You admitted. "Well he won't be going anywhere anytime soon, lucky for you." Theodore winked at you, comfortable enough to laugh at himself. He wasn't embarassed for being knocked on his ass, but he was upset he wasn't there to stave off the creepy guy.
By now the party was slowly dying down, everyone trickling back to where they needed to be, eventually the music stopped and the room was clear of anyone that wasn't a part of Slytherin house.
"Shall we?" Theo asked, you nodded and grabbed his arm to head back to his dorm- your usual spot. upon arrival, Theo sat on his bed a bit defeated. You sat on the other side of him, resting your head on his shoulder.
"You didn't have to do that, Y'know." you said softly.
"I know." Theo said. "You know i'd get myself beaten up for you." Theo said. Maybe it was the alcohol and smoking, but it was one of those sweet moments you would later appreciate. "well," you began. "That was pretty brave for a slytherin," you smiled softly.
"Hey!- Slytherins can be brave. Its not exclusively for gryffindorks." Theo chuckled. "Maybe you're in the wrong house then." you said, earning one of those sweet smiles out of him.
"I just can't describe it, Y/N..." Theo sighed gently, after some time, running his fingers through his hair as you pulled away from his shoulder to face him. "I don't like someone talking to you like that, and I Love You, So i'm not planning on anyone getting in my way anytime soon."
There was silence, not for a lack of words, but that was the first time he had said those three words to you. your heart fluttered.
". . . You love me?"
Theo caught himself, being so used to his emotions making him weak. he was a bit stuck. He had never had feelings for someone like that. He wasn't sure what to do with his feelings for you, but he knew that he liked feeling that way. He hadn't exactly had parents or anyone to look up to in regards to relationships.
"Well- Yes. I do." he said. "I've never said that out loud, but I do." you smiled.
"I love you too, Teddy." you said, using his nickname, reserved only for you. Had you been anyone else, he would have argued it.
Theo leaned in, placing a soft kiss on your lips, but regretting it instantly as he winced in pain.
"Theo, your lip is still bleeding." you pointed out, grabbing a tissue from his desk to gently wiping the blood off his lip. "yeah, I can tell," he said. "Sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry about. I love kissing you." you said.
"Oh yeah?" Theo pried, gaining his confidence back.
"Yes, actually I love it."
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entername322 · 10 months
Irene (Red Velvet) x Male Reader
Length: 12860 words
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Cool, calm, and collected, that's the three main thing Irene always remind herself to keep.
Navigating through the idol life she has to keep herself from losing hold of her emotions.
Keep a facade, use a mask, make sure nobody sees what she feel or think. These are the main thing she always try to do when it comes to interacting with other people off camera.
She hates men, it's not because they've done something to her. It's just that she find all the men that have tried to flirt or make a move on her has been thoroughly pathetic and frankly, disgusting.
After years of navigating through the idol's life she's been very adept at hiding her feelings.
The nickname ice queen doesn't particularly mind her by any means. However she would also be lying if she said that the nickname doesn't hurt her sometimes.
She does have feelings, she just finds that showing it off would be a bad idea.
That being said, the name has done nothing but skyrocket her popularity, and help her build an image for herself.
Her cold expression and attitude has help her deter some people from coming on to her.
Although that just means the people that do came on to her is the stupidest or the most arrogant of the bunch.
"Unnie come on, Yun is a great guy"  
That didn't stop her own friends and member to try and hook her up with someone though.
"Seung-ah, I'm thankful, I really do, but I'm really not looking for anyone right now"
Her own member, Wendy has tried to hook her up with some people recently. Irene hates this, she despise people who try to do that for her.
Wendy however, is her own member, so her motherly and loving side for her and the hatred for such actions leave Irene in turmoil on how to escapes this situation.
"Come on, one dinner, if things goes bad then I'll swear I'll never pester you about this ever again"
Irene's mind raced quickly, on one hand she's afraid accepting it would enables her other member to do the same. On the other an unpleasant night for a life time, well, a few months or year of peace isn't so bad.
She concluded that if others try to do the same she'll just bring up this incident. After all, if Wendy, one of the best at judging characters and the most sociable of them all, can't find someone who could match her taste, who else would?
Despite the consent she has gave her, on the night of the dinner, she felt a little regret.
This is gonna be a bad dinner
Of course, she tried to keep an open mind. She wouldn't want to ruin her own friends effort with prejudice.
She did her research, looking at the man online. His social media, his occupation, okay maybe it's a little to creepy, but she can't help herself.
On paper, everything is fine, he's an accountant to a big law firm. Late 20s, been in a few relationships. He keeps his exes photo on his Instagram, and seeing his recent post he seems to still hangout with them.
Most of the pictures is group photo so it most probably means that he still hangout with the circle of friends without any issue.
Looks wise, he's average. Irene doesn't have a high standard by any means, she just hangout with some of the most beautiful idols around her work. Compared to them, he's average, which means he's pretty good looking for the general public.
So what's the red flag? Irene doesn't know herself, it's just, she doesn't have any interest in him.
Most of the thing she find about him just leave an 'oh' in her mind. Not bad 'oh' or a good 'oh' just 'oh'.
Nevertheless, she went to the dinner, a reservation at the 2 Michelin star restaurant. She enjoys this kinds of food, not that she's materialistic, she just have a taste for expensive things. Okay she might be a little materialistic, a bit more than what she would admit.
"Hello, I'm David, it's nice to meet you"
The man was waiting for her at the reserved table already.
Quite and secluded place at the corner of the room, away from the windows that the paparazzi could use.
This is a two Michelin star restaurant, even the worst seat is better than the one in most places.
"Hello, Seung talk alot about you"
Give a little smile, shake his hand, sit at your seat. Don't try to be hostile or too friendly. Observe him.
"I must say, I'm a big fan of your work, it's very surprising that Wendy would offer me this opportunity"
A genuine smile, no signs of nervousness. Irene, doesn't have any strong feeling about that confidence, but it does leave some impression for her to note.
"Well, Seung is, very social, she likes introducing her friends to each other"
Perhaps that trait of her have left Irene in some awkward and uncomfortable situation. Of course Irene would never say this out loud.
"So, should we order?"
Chatty, this man is chatty. It does bring a little relive for Irene. She prefers someone who would take over the conversation and alleviate some burden from her.
It also means he might slip up and say more than what he meant, which is perfect for her since she's observing him.
"..... And it was pretty funny actually. How about you? Did Wendy ever brought you to an awkward situation like that?"
He was talking about how Seung once tried to hook him up with a distant cousins of him.
"Not really, although I'm not really good at meeting new people"
"Well, I used to as well, but being dragged into a lot of social gatherings I've been.... Forced to adapt. There's this one time...."
The dinner was fine, things has been going well, Irene was surprised herself that he was pretty charming.
"Sorry if I talk alot, I tend to do it if I was nervous"
"It's fine, sorry if I didn't talk much either"
"Of course, it's my pleasure to, you know, have a chance to sit here with you-"
His phone buzzed.
"Sorry, just a moment"
Picking it up, he opened his newly received text. It was a nude picture of a woman.
Irene saw it and raised her eyebrow, how does she saw it? Well, the little painting behind him gave a little reflection.
Not a noticeable one, but her eyes is one of a hawk, never missing any small detail.
He answered the text, something Irene can't see, before looking back at her.
"Sorry, work stuff"
Hmmm, off putting, but since she doesn't see his response she wouldn't mind putting the benefit of the doubt, slightly.
"It's fine, you were talking about your first year at the law firm you're currently working on?"
The conversation continues smoothly, almost like the little hiccup from before never happened.
In fact, Irene was throughly surprised that things went well.
"So, that was a nice dinner"
"Yes, it was"
"It's been nice talking with you Irene"
"Me too"
The two gather up their thing and ready to leave. As they walk out, David did the sinful and unforgivable act in Irene's book. He put his hand on her shoulder, almost leading her.
"How about we continue our talk at my place, it was fun, and the night is still young"
Confident, so much so he thinks that he could bring me to his place after the first date? On a blind date on top of that?
"Sorry, I have an early schedule"
Irene smiled again, unlike the others one she gave ro him during the dinner, this one is an annoyed smile. Not that he would notice it.
"Oh come on, you're a senior already, just break the rule a little bit"
"I'm, really sorry, it's an important meeting"
"Come on, not even a kiss?"
The next day Irene came to work in a bad mood.
"So, how does it go?"
Wendy said the moment she saw her leader.
"Morning Seung"
"Come on, spill, I told you he's great"
"He was, until he tried to talk me into spending time in his place"
"He did?"
"Things are fine until the end of the dinner"
"Oh shit, sorry unnie, he's not Korean, things are, different in the-"
"Seung, I don't, I don't like the vibe he gave me at the end"
Wendy frowned, from disappointment, although she's not sure it was directed to Irene or David.
"I'll.... Okay, I understand"
"Sorry Seung, he seems like a great guy, but he's too aggressive for me"
"Yeah, I get it"
"Anyway, what's the plan for today?"
"Well, beside the photoshoot at noon me and Seulgi-unnie is going to meet some of the trainee that we have. There's some promising people our produce said"
Checking in on the trainee is something a lot of the idols do in SM. Even Irene has done it a few time before.
"Can I come with you?"
"Sure, come on"
The two of them went to meet up with Seulgi at their designated dressing room.
"Unnie is coming too?"
Irene nodded.
"Well let's go, I'm gonna be the dance instructor for today"
The group of three went to the trainee practice room.
As soon as they got in the rowdy buch of kids got quiet. Entranced by the three women.
"Morning everyone, I'm Seulgi from Red Velvet, today I'll be your dance instructor"
Seulgi's word cause a wave of panic between the trainees face.
"Don't be nervous, I'll try my best to help you all. As you may have know these are my members, Irene and Wendy, they will be watching us today. Don't panic, they are simply watching us"
Irene's eyes scanned the room,watching and observing the expression. None seems to stand out for her, until she saw you.
You, were not by any means an outstanding person. Not the most handsome, not the prettiest or the cutest. You do standout a little due too your absurd height, not that it shown when you sit down.
Was she looking at me? No, come on now man, don't get your hopes up, that's Irene.
But she did in fact, looking at you. Long enough for her to get into a trace, short enough to where nobody's watching pick on it.
Irene was, stunned, she wasn't sure why. Her eyes was just locked in place as she saw you.
Thankfully Wendy nudges her, waking her up from her daze. Wendy pulled her to the side, a nice place so they can watch the trainees.
"Okay, come on, stand up, let's start"
Irene's eyes is locked to you, watching your every movement.
That's the first thing she thinks about the first time she saw you stood up.
Her heart was racing, what are you doing to her? You didn't say anything, you didn't even acknowledge her more than you should.
Yet, somehow, you caught her attention.
She was too entranced to hear the instructions Seulgi is giving.
She did realised it when you started dancing along the others. Your movement was stiff, not unsalvageable. Your expression is one of full focus, something that does nothing but daze her even more.
"That's great, now, let's do individual test"
While others are panicking you were looking straight at Seulgi with contemplative gaze.
You looked away for a second, to gaze on Irene. Just a second, but it's enough to cause Irene's heart to skip a beat.
"Now, let's go, who want to start first?"
One particular trainee seems excited and enthusiastic, he raised his hand.
The others moved back, now facing Irene and Wendy, watching one by one getting called out to do a dance routine.
Wendy was cheering and giving words of encouragement every now and then to each participant. Seulgi gave a polite yet stern comments.
Irene was, well, she's busy watching you.
Enough for you to feel a little uncomfortable.
"What's up blue?"
"I don't know, I'm just nervous, that's Irene bro"
"Fuck I knew, I'm gonna embarrass myself in front of my favourite idol"
"What about me man, I was in the zone before and I still look like a dancing stickman"
"You'll do fine man, just, be confident"
"Yeah, you too bro. Do you, do you feel like Irene is watching at us?"
Your friend took a quick glance to Irene, however she was watching the trainee that's dancing right now.
"Nah man, but I know what you mean, she's definitely watching all of us"
That's, not what you mean at all. You look back at Irene, seemingly busy watching the one being tested right now.
Was it just your imagination?
It wasn't, Irene read your lips, realising you might caught up with her intense stare she looked away to make sure you didn't get suspicious.
She still watch you from the corner of your eyes. Not until you look away did she turned to continue watching her.
Suddenly, this becomes a cat and mouse game where both of you tried to look at each other without being noticed by the other.
You, failing miserably, there's like 6 times in 5 minutes where you were looking at her only to find her gaze at you back before you could look away.
Irene was cool, calm and collected, even in the event of stalking someone. Not a single time you realise that Irene was watching you. Even though she has watch you more than you watch her.
When your time is up, anxiety and fear take over you. Nervously you walked to the front.
"Let's go blue"
Your bro have your back thankfully.
"Don't be nervous"
Seulgi smiled to calm you down, doesn't help.
The music kicks in, and you start your dance.
While you were haphazardly dance, Irene was having a little joy in her heart. She now can watch you throughly without having to avert her gaze every now and then.
Your movement wasn't terrible, just bad. That doesn't seems to bother her the slightest. In fact, she find it cute.
Wait, hold on, cute?
Irene ws confused, how those those words come up at her mind. During her confusion you managed to finish your dance.
"Well, that was a good effort, but I can see you're still a little awkward at dancing. Is it perhaps due too your height that you are less flexible?"
Irene decided to put it at the back of her mind so that she can focus back on you.
"Y-y-yeah, it was, a bit hard for me to do those delicate move"
Your stuttering seems to sent a rush of alien feelings in Irene.
"It's okay, you memorize the dance already and you seems to know when you messed up yet you still have the clear mind to continue on with your moves. Do a little more flexibility training and you will fix it"
Seulgi's word of encouragement put a smile on your face. A smile Irene is not enjoying.
"Yeah, you did good, keep up the hard work"
Having two encouragement from your future possible senior put you in a good mood.
"Thank you for the instructions and the encouragement"
You bowed, again giving smile to Seulgi who returned it beautifully. Irene does not like your smile. You then glanced at Wendy and her. Irene loves that smile.
As you sat back, stunned by the newfound motivation. Irene is stunned, having your smile imprinted in her brain and memory.
"Hell yeah blue"
Your bro gave you a fistbump before getting ready for his turn.
You glanced back to Irene, this time she wasn't hiding her gaze.
Your eyes meet, at that moment, time seems to stop. Both for you and Irene.
Your mind raced at a few million miles an hour, your heart stopped alongside the time. Irene, is looking at you, with a..... Best described as longing look.
Holy fuck she's dangerous, how did I managed to stay focus during the dance? Gosh she's pretty, is she prettier then when you saw her on screen? I should look away now
Why am I not looking away?
Irene was having the similar thoughts. Enthralled by your gaze, your eyes seemingly to be a bottomless abyss that drawns her. Her breathing got heavy, her heart thumping faster than she ever felt before.
What are you doing to me?
Then, just like it never happens, you two both look away.
You stare blankly to the wall, trying to keep your brain from coming up with impossible imagination.
Irene was staring at the floor, trying to keep her heart from going wild and burst.
In your stuppor, your friend managed to finish his dance and got a compliment by Seulgi and sat back with you.
"Fuck I thought I was gonna faint"
Yeah, you too, you stood up and went to the exit. You need to wash your face.
Irene was in a panic as she saw you leave. A weird unknown panic.
She stood up, following you soon after.
While you were washing your face and try to clear your face, Irene was waiting outside the practice room.
Your steps and heavy and loud, it's given due to he fact of how tall you are. Despite your lean stature your body still weights enough to make some loud foot steps.
The moment Irene hears your footsteps she slowly walked to the bathroom. Trying to make it look like she's going to the bathroom as well.
You were stunned again the moment you walk out, seeing Irene walking to the bathroom from a distance away.
Awkwardly you walk back to your room, once you were close enough Irene took away her eyes from her phone and look at you.
With a nervous smile you bowed to her. However as you wanted to continue walking Irene stop, next to you, looking at you.
Subconsciously, you stopped as well, again, meeting your gaze with her.
Irene wasn't sure herself why she stopped. She even put her hand behind her, hiding her phone and her nervous finger that keep jolting around.
"Blue? Is that your name?"
Her mouth moves before her brain can think.
"Ehmmm, y-y-yes, that's what everyone call me"
Your attempt to smile only made you look like a grimacing in pain.
"Don't be so nervous"
Irene however find this cute, your nervousness is amusing to her.
"I'm sorry, it's just that....."
"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that, I was a big fan of you and Red Velvet, so seeing you here feels..... Surreal"
The smile on Irene's face seems to grow even larger.
"Really? A big fan huh? So who's your bias then?"
Is she crazy? How could I say anyone else but her at this moment?
"Ehm, it's you"
Oh god, your nervousness, your shy smile, your blush, your words. It dragged Irene, deep into a dark place that she doesn't know she have in her heart.
Her voice raise a few octaves, not that you realized, you're busy trying not to faint out of embarrassment.
She loves it, she loves your demeanour.
Irene has met countless idols and fans that stammered and stunned the moment they see her. She have grown accustomed to it. Yet you, above thousands of encounters that she has, managed to leave such an impression to her mind, forever.
"That's good to hear, don't be so nervous, I'm not gonna bite"
She wants to, she really, really, really wants to do it, but it's not like she has lose control of herself.... yet.
"Oh sorry, I'm just, not good at handling my nervousness"
You reached to the back your neck. There was, a small, feeling, barely noticeable. A voice saying this nervousness is not just a simple nervousness.
You didn't realise it, it was barely noticeable in the first place. With the ice queen herself standing in front of you there could be a fire happening and you wouldn't even react to it.
Irene, was watching you, as you bring up your hand, the long sleeve of your sweater falls down.
Your exposed forearm made her eyes locked to it. Of course working out a little you have a decent body, but looking at your, somewhat impressive forearm, Irene was enamored.
"I'm sorry, thank you for spending your time to check in on us, it really means a lot"
You smiled again, and for Irene, it broke her heart to a million pieces before it brought itself back together and got inflated so big that it burst.
"It's fine, I'm sorry I didn't put in any comments. I.... Have a lot in my mind"
You, you were in her mind.
Irene tighten her grip on her phone, thankfully her slender and delicate fingers is not strong enough to break it.
"Oh, no, not at all, don't be sorry, it was more than enough to have you, spend some time to watch us. It was an honour for us"
You raised both your hand in front of you waving it to make sure it's okay. This cause Irene to watch both of your forearm. Remember that thing about self control? Yeah, it's slipping away slowly.
"Really? You mean it?"
Irene stepped forward causing you subconsciously stepped back.
Irene felt her heart thumping so loud it might cause her to be deaf.
"Then, do you mind if I watch you again so I can help guide you?"
Just like a black hole you keep pulling Irene to come closer. Unlike a black hole you stepped back again. This time your feet meets the wall.
"O-o-of course, if it w-w-won't bother you"
Not wanting to look like a weirdo you try to stand straight.
"Oh, really? Are you sure?"
Irene coming even closer doesn't help though.
While you were trying to keep your wits, Irene is trying to keep her self control.
Getting closer she smells the slight body odour you gave off from doing those dances. Your body heat seems to radiate to her, giving off warmth that she never felt before.
"Then let's exchange number, so I can give you a time and place for tutoring"
Your brain short circuit for a little. Along with your heart, and your lungs, and your, well, your whole organ.
This is Irene, of course you're having a full organ failure when she ask for your number.
You managed to squeak out.
"Your number, for tutoring"
Irene pulled out her phone from behind her before quickly opening her contact.
She then leaned forward while offering her phone to you.
Despite being a head taller, you felt like a little mouse in front of her.
You glanced at the phone, ready to take it, then something else caught your eyes.
She was wearing a loose sweater today, her little forward lean is enough for her to expose her clevage.
You, might stare longer than you should. It is mind boggling that she didn't say anything.
Irene didn't say anything, becuse she likes it.
That's right, Irene, one of the idol, maybe the number one idol who hate being sexualised, is enjoying your eyes.
He's checking me out? Oh yeah, the sweater is loose. Is he watching my clevage? Don't react Irene, don't let him realise that you realized his gaze.
"Of course"
Quickly you take her phone and put in your number. Double, no, triple, no, quad checking the number you put in is the right one before giving it back to her.
"Thank you"
Irene smiled happily, one for your number, two for your eyes that's showing your lustful desires.
"Y-y-yeah, thanks sunbaenim"
No, that's not quite right, she doesn't like that name you have for her.
"Don't be formal, call me Joohyun-noona"
Call me that, now.
"I, okay, thank you Noona"
Hmmmmm, Irene's heart has stopped yet again.
"Well go on, you should go back"
She doesn't have to tell you twice. You quickly scurry of the the practice door.
Irene watches your back, even from the back she can't help but be enticed by you.
I want you.
You can't believe it, you simply can't believe you just gave Irene your number. In fact, you can barely believe Irene is here watching you.
Take a deep breath. Calm down. Focus on the lesson.
"You seems happy unnie"
Nothing can escape Wendy, as soon as Irene walked back in, the little smile she had on her face has not escape Wendy.
"Oh? It's nothing"
Irene glances back at you, who is busy watching your fellow trainee performance.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I just found something interesting"
"You could say that"
Irene would love to stay here watching you the whole day. Unfortunately she has a schedule that she need to follow.
With a heavy heart, she followed her friends to say goodbye before leaving the place.
She has send you a text so that you would keep her number. She also knows that you can't use your phone until lunch.
That doesn't stop her from checking her phone every few seconds, hoping for you to answer her text.
When lunch come around Irene can't focus on her food. She keeps wondering what you were doing, and why you're not answering her.
Of course the answer is simple, you forgot.
Only until around the sun down when you finished your training for today did you saw she has sent you a message.
With a little hesitation you answered it.
Surprisingly for you, she read it instantly. Of course, Irene has been locked to her phone every since she sent you the text.
Despite all the anger that she have for you, there's still a glimmer of happiness seeing you answer.
She asked you what took you so long to answer.
You panicked, hurriedly saying sorry and told her it's been a long day and you were busy working out.
"Working out? Does he use the companies gym?"
"Companies gym? That's off limit for trainees, if only I can use it, I don't have to spend money for gym membership"
"I want to see him workout, I can give him an allowance to use it"
"She's giving allowance? But why?
"Why? What should I say here? Oh right, I just want to help him build up his flexibility"
"My flexibility? Is it so bad that she has to oversee me herself? Is she overseeing me?"
"Yes, of course I'm overseeing him, who else?"
"Whoa, that's, I don't know what to say"
Stunned by the message you took a minute to digest what she is offering you.
Unfortunately for Irene that minute is one minute too long.
"Why isn't he responding"
"Oh shit, what do I say? Thank you for the offer? I don't deserve it?"
"Why did he say that? Stop saying that, just take the offer and workout with me"
"Oh shit, did I piss her off? Sorry, I'll take it if she insist then"
"Good, I want to see him again, I need to ask his schedule"
"My schedule? I guess I can send her the screenshot for it"
"That's too restricting, ahhhh, I don't think I can just ask them to change it"
"What do you mean it's too restricting? Doesn't she went through this"
"I did, but I don't like it. Can he workout in the morning?"
"Morning? Like 5 AM? She wants to workout that early?"
"5 AM is too late, he starts at 8 AM. Can he starts at 4 AM?
"4 AM? Bruh that's like my unemployment schedule when I can just workout before sun rise and chill for the rest of the day"
"Too early? How do I convince him? Oh right, it's for his stamina"
"Ahhhh, she really want me to start at 4 AM? Fuck it, I don't get any more chances to do this"
"Good, I'll see him tomorrow morning, I wonder what I should wear tomorrow"
While Irene is filled with enthusiasm and struggle to find the best outfit for tomorrow you went to prepare 5 alarm to wake up early tomorrow.
The next day, you went to the company building, the security seems to have been informed for your arrival and send you up to the gym.
In the gym, there's nobody, except for Irene. Sitting there waiting for you.
Her ethereal beauty made you hold your breath, her gaze that's locked on to you made you feel uncomfortable, as if she's dissecting your whole body with her eyes.
Irene was struggling to keep herself from running to you. She held her breath, dug her nails into her palm, doing everything that she can to stop herself.
"Come here, don't be shy"
Too caught up in her beauty, you didn't realise her voice crack.
"Good morning Noona"
Irene love it when you call her that, the name, the tone, the deep raspy voice you have.
As you get close Irene felt the warmth that rejuvenate her yesterday, the warmth she never realised how much she enjoyed your presence.
"Good morning, so, let's start with a little briefing, how do you usually workout?"
You started of with some stuttering, but you did managed to smooth out your words and eloquently tell her the details for your workout.
Irene is happy, you didn't use much weight lifting at your workout, she prefer a lean body type in a person.
"Well, let's go, do a warmup, I'll follow you for now"
Do you feel nervous working out with Irene around? Yes, definitely yes.
"Come on now, go all the way"
It was when you do some stretching, opening your leg out in a split while trying to lower your body to reach forward as far as you can did Irene see an opening.
She went and put her hand on your shoulder. The touch cause a sudden thrill for both of you.
"Relax your back, take a deep breath"
Irene managed to keep her composure as you were panicking. You did managed to calm down and follow her instructions as she pushed you further.
Unfortunately for Irene, the move doesn't last forever and she reluctantly take off her hand off your shoulder. Feeling somewhat contempt for feeling up your back.
"Now, go start your workout routine"
She doesn't like your routine as much as before. That is simply because she doesn't find any more opportunities to touch you.
She craves it, she craves you. It's slowly driving her mad, the sight of you has become a full feast for her desires. The touch that she felt still lingers in her hand. Your warmth, it's comforting, so much so she can't help but get close to you during the whole workout, never letting herself further than one meter away from you.
As the workout progress your body start sweating up, your body odour is something you've been self conscious about. A source of insecurity that forces you to wash yourself multiple time a day.
For Irene, the smell is addicting, it was something she want to turn into a candle and light it up all around her house.
Needless to say she got more and more restless, she wants to touch you.
She wants to run her hand through your sweat stained t-shirt, she wants to dig her face to your neck and inhale your scent so it will imprint itself in her mind.
"That's enough, now we need to work on your flexibility"
She snapped, she can't hold it any longer.
"Go down on the mat"
As you sit down she walked behind you, putting both hand on your shoulder.
You felt, scared, intimidated. You wrote it off as a normal feeling, one of a junior when their senior is watching them very closely. If you were in the right mind you would've notice it was much more than that, it was the feeling when a prey felt when they have been caught in the hand of their predator.
"Now, let's start with the basic"
You have fail the basic, much to your dismay. Feeling the shame and embarassment rise in you, you grit your teeth and look up to her.
Only to find her faint smile while her eyes is filled with imagination and, hunger.
Irene is happy, you're terrible at this, so much so that she can spend alot of time teaching you for it.
"It's okay, we can still improve"
Her words of encouragement felt like pity for you.
"Now, it's my turn to workout, help me for a second"
Once again, anxiety fill you up.
"Come on, hold my leg"
She find a few manuvers where she could force you to held her close.
She felt fulfilled after feeling up all your body from before. Now she wants something else, she wants you to touch her.
Your big rough hand can be felt clearly through her tight thin outfits. She ejoy the gentleness you put on your touch.
She ejoy your meek expression as you held her.
She enjoys your shyness and attempt to look away from her only to fail and check her out every now and then.
Once she's satisfied she ended the training.
"That's was good, it is a productive first day. It's still 7 AM, why don't you get a shower so we can enjoy breakfast together"
Of course, that doesn't mean she's done with you.
You slipped off to the shower, taking a bath and clean up every inch your body.
Irene sneaked into the locker, she heard the shower noises so she ran to your gym bag. Taking out your t-shirt.
It's wet from your sweat, although it's not drenched like before since you had time to cool down as you help her stretch.
As she took out you t-shirt, the smell attacked her nose. Without thinking she stuffed it to her face, taking a deep breath, inhaling the scents.
"Oh god~~"
Moans escaped her lips as her pants is slowly developing wet spots. She doesn't wear panties, hoping that you would be brazen enough to get a feel of her ass.
Of course, you were to scared for your life to do so.
Then the shower stopped, Irene was woken up form her daze, she ran to the exit before escaping to her locker room.
She pull out a plastic bag from her gym bag, carefully putting your t-shirt in it before zipping it close. Your t-shirt will be out to good use for the next week or so.
You waited for her at the gym, she has make it clear that she wants to eat breakfast with you.
Not long Irene walks out, looking fresh and proper. She wore a white shirt along with a black pencil skirt. Awakening the teacher links you have in you.
"Come on, let's go"
Her smile is blinding you.
She took you to her office, seemingly already ordered a breakfast for two from the two take out box on her table.
"So, this was fun"
Irene is never been the one who started a conversation, however, it's been established that you, are different for her.
"Y-y-yeah, thanks for today noona"
You nervously look at her curious gaze.
"Of course, I have a question, why did your friends called you blue?"
"Well, it was during the audition, there was a little written test. Well not a test, there was just a few questions about me and my dreams and they want us to write it on paper. They gave me a pen, but then, it broke, somehow. Spraying blue ink all over myself and my hand. So, I finished the whole audition with a blue staint on my hand, face and shirt. The interviewer doesn't really think much of it, it was an error for their part. I don't mind it much either since they said it won't be a problem. The confidence u show even though I looked silly with the ink made them accept me. Some of the trainee was there as well, they called me blue man. I find it funny and just roll with the nickname"
Irene frowned for a second, noting to get to the bottom of this. Finding the person responsible to humiliate you like that.
"Where do you audition in?"
"Japan, Tokyo, I had a few Korean friends and have been, well somewhat talented in singing. So I just took the audition and got accepted"
Irene's warm smile and friendly demeanour distract you from finding out it was an interview by her.
Needless to say, you pass with flying colours. In her eyes, you went from an object of desires and lust to a perfect icon for her ideal type of men.
"Well, thank you again for today Noona, I'm not sure how to repay you"
You've grown accustomed to her presence, which is something Irene noticed and took joy in.
"It's okay, go work hard today okay? I'll see you tomorrow"
"Tomorrow? We're doing this again?"
"Hehehe, of course, we'll be doing this until you pass my standard"
"O-o-o-okay then, see you tomorrow?"
She smiled and nodded. As you walk out of the room, Irene is staring at your back.
Slowly she cursed you, making her feel this way. She's Irene, the queen of kpop, the one who have rejected many men, all of which is much more accomplished than you.
Yet now, somehow, she's in love with you.
That's right, she can no longer deny it, she loves you, and she wants you. Whatever she wants, she get it.
Irene doesn't hate men, she knows that now, she's helplessly in love with you.
This new routine has drained you slowly.
After the first week you felt like you want to die. You're probably dead actually, you just didn't realise it.
Every morning you will find Irene waiting for you in the gym. You could've sworn she keep picking the most revealing outfits she have.
Everyday, Irene is getting bolder and bolder. She would start to caress your back as you were doing your early stretching.
When she made you stretch your leg on the floor she would openly feel up your chest, disguising it as a way for her to keep her balance.
When you help her with her stretches she will keep suggesting for you to touch her even more, much to your dismay.
You kept your respectful, touch though, much to her dismay.
At day 4 or 5, you realized she's not wearing any panties. Her white tight yoga pants has show her perfect ass to you when she was facing away from you.
This doesn't go unnoticed by Irene, which excite her even more.
Unfortunately for her, you never do anything more than staring when you think she wasn't watching. She's always watching.
You did realised your shirt occasionally went missing, only to find it the next day.
Organized is not what you are, so you just wrote it off as your clumsiness or lack of attention to details, which is ironic.
The things you hate the most, is Irene keep buying you breakfast. Everytime you always insisted for her to let do that.
Everytime she will win the argument, a gentle smile, a little caress on your hand, and then you'll be a blushing mess, to shy to say anything else.
The new routine is perfect for Irene, she loves it, but slowly, she realised it's not enough.
Every night she would suffocate herself using your used gym outfits while masturbating.
The first time she did it was heavenly, the best orgasm she ever had.
Irene is not a pure girl, she has her own sexual needs. She knows how to keep it down though, never realising that her drive, is way too high for normal people.
All those years of controlling herself is out of the window now, because of you.
She have your pictures, she took photo of you time to time during the workout.
She has videos of you, masking it as a way to explain your form to you.
Every time she got the chance she would open this pictures and videos. Revering your body, your movement, all of you, is something she can't get enough for.
She wants more.
She needs more.
She needs you.
"Hey blue, you want to get some ramen"
Your friend invited you for a lunch.
"No bro, I'm poor"
The life of an unemployed, well, technically a college student.
"Come on, I'll pay"
You felt yourself cringe for a second before quickly hiding it.
"No, I can eat at the cafeteria, they have nice chicken"
Nobody like the cafeteria food, they felt, bland. Not that you care, they tasted better than the trash food that you used to eat.
"Ahhh, fine, we'll buy you something nice"
They quickly scurry off leaving you alone in the practice room. For a few moments you were contemplating should you go out and eat or should you continue practicing.
However, the choice was made for you, by a beautiful pale beauty walking in the empty practice room.
"Oh Noona, good afternoon"
You hurriedly stand up and bowed to her.
"I was looking for you, why didn't you go out to eat?"
She managed to hide her aggravation with the tone of curiousity.
"Oh, I was thinking to practicing a bit more. Beside I'm not hungry"
Irene looked at you, with the cold, angry eyes. Silently she started walking to you.
Her aura seems to grow so much so you felt your whole body shivering.
She didn't say anything until she got in front of you.
"You, are, eating, lunch"
She crossed her arm and the coldness in her eyes is gone, leaving nothing but anger.
"I, I'm really fine Noona, I don't nee-"
Your argument is sound and flawless, unfortunately she shut you up by grabbing your shirt and pulling you out.
"Okay, Noona, can you let me go now?"
Seeing no way out of this, you sighed and compromise with the current situation.
She stare at you for a second before letting go of your shirt. You sighed with relief but then she grabbed your hand. Interlocking her fingers with yours before she continue walking.
"Noona? I don't need to be held-"
Yet again, your argument was indisputable, but do you really want to finish it? Especially when Irene turned around, giving you a glare that could pierce your heart and slice it to a perfect 1 cm³ cube.
You shut your mouth, wisely. Irene continue walking in front of you, hiding her bright smile from your gaze.
Without caring she pulled you to the elevator and clicked the basement floor.
You felt nervous, what if someone sees you? Subconsciously your hand start to press on Irene's and your finger start caressing her hands.
Irene loves it, your grip was hard, so much so she felt bone being squeezed together. Your rough fingers also sends tickling sensation to her heart everytime they grind themselves again the back of he palm.
Then suddenly the door opened, and an employee walked in.
Your anxiety went through the roof, in an instant you squeezed Irene's hand even harder. The pain was intoxicating for Irene, she had to bite her inner cheek to remind herself not to squeal right there and then.
The employee looked at your intertwined fingers, then they looked at your nervous face, then to the glaring Irene.
They slowly stepped backward as the elevator door closes again. Much to Irene's joy her little paradise is kept pure.
The basement was empty, Irene immediately dragged you to her car, putting you on the passenger seat.
"Where are we going Noona?"
"Some place nice"
"I, I don't have much money Noona"
"It's okay, I'm paying"
You grimaced feeling uneasiness well up in your body.
"You, really don't have too Noona, you already payed for all our breakfast earlier. I can eat at the cafeteria, I promise I'm gonna eat"
Irene saw your face contorted for a second, something she will throughly research later in the day.
"No, I insist"
She turned on her car and start driving. You swallowed your uneasiness and tried to focus on something else.
Her perfume is nice.
Okay, not that one please.
The car is cool.
You, don't like cars.
Her fingers seems so hot.
Okay this not working at all.
Irene on the other hand, has embraced your presence. She is struggling to drive while her body keep screaming to throw herself on to you.
She wants to hold your hand, she wants to run her fingers through your fluffy hairs, she wants to taste your lips.
The 15 minute drive felt like an hour for both of you.
"Come here"
Irene once again held your hand to lead you to the reserved seat.
"You like French food?"
If I say no I feel like she still wouldn't let me go eat in the cafeteria.
"I never tried it"
"Good, this is the perfect place to start"
Lady, I can barely afford to buy water from this place, don't make my food palate become higher than my own financial capabilities.
"Why do you not like being treated?"
"You mean getting people to feed me out of pity?"
"Is that what you think I'm having? Pity?"
"I mean, no offense, I don't think I have much selling point to make you feel anything otherwise"
"That's not true, I like you"
"I.... thanks Noona, that's very kind of you"
"You don't get it"
"I like you, romantically"
So, remember that little organ called heart? Well it's a very important organ to help your body functions, and keep you alive. Well, you lost it, unfortunate.
You managed to squeak out after god knows how long.
"I like you"
"I want to go out with you"
"This is our first date"
"...... Yes?"
"Good, from now on we're going out"
"Uhmmmm...... Yes?"
Your timidness has grown Irene's interest in you, thankfully you kept quiet after this or else she would pounce you and start kissing you all over.
Everything else felt like a blur for you, things just went pass you, without even thinking you start eating the food.
The confusion you had overpowered the taste the food has given you.
"Be my boyfriend"
You stare at her in a catatonic state.
"Good, we're official from now on"
Do you even speak Korean? That language seems alien for your since you can't understand a single word coming out of Irene's mouth.
Irene left you to your demise, as she was enjoying the sight of a lost bunny right in front of her.
Even as you finished your lunch you didn't say anything. Not when Irene grabbed your hand and wrapped her arm around it. Not when Irene put her head on your shoulder as you got in the car. Not when Irene got to your company building and pulled you to her embrace and start playing with your hair.
"Baby, do you want to stay with me for the whole day?"
Her whispers in your ears woke you up. Her tone is so cute yet also, lustful. Her breath tickling your ear making sure you know how close she is to you right now.
"I-i-i-i need to go"
You stuttered trying to get off her hug.
"Ssssshhhhh, let's leave you a memory, for today's date"
She yanked your collar down, exposing your chest.
As you were frozen she leaned in, giving your peck a kiss, long enough to left her lipstick imprint on your chest.
"Aghhh, Noona don't do that"
Irene pulled herself back, leaving a thin trail of saliva between her lips and your chest.
You glanced down to see the red imprint on your chest was contrasting to your pale white skin.
As you tried to wipe it Irene grabbed your hand while glaring at you.
"Leave it"
"What? Noona, I can't just-"
"Leave it"
Her eyes is stern and firery, her grip is weak, but since her nail is sinking to your flesh you can only winced in pain.
You can only sighed in defeat, Irene nodded happily before pulling your hand. She watch the faint mark of her nails on your hand before gently caressing it.
"You're my boyfriend now, so I have to make sure you don't get preyed upon by others. Just do as I say okay baby? Then I won't hurt you"
Everything suddenly flood back to you, all those feelings in the back of your head all banded back together telling you it's too late.
You can't run.
"Okay Noona"
She smiled again before grabbing your chin.
"I've wanted to do this the moment I met you"
She leaned forward, your head screams to run, but your instincts screamed back that it would only lead to your death.
You leaned forward as well, taking her lips with yours.
The kiss was, pleasant for you, she seems to be more driven by lust making it one of the most aggressive kiss you've been in.
For Irene, the kiss was heavenly, she wants more, she wants your lips, your spit, it all taste like the sweetest nectar made for the gods.
Her whole body tensed up as she tried her best to stop herself from devouring you, yet your godly taste was just too enticing for her.
However, she's not a god, she got reminded of that by her own lungs screaming for air.
"Haaaa, Haaaa, I love you"
Between her panting she gaze into your eyes, her iris is dilated, in a shape of -it's impossible but you swear you see it- a heart.
Her lips is twisted to make the widest smile she has ever had in her life.
Her tongue slitehered out, licking her lips trying to take more of your taste.
She's drunk out of you.
"I, love you too"
If you can hear her organs you will go deaf from the squeak they just let out. Irene can't let go of you, unfortunately for her, she have to.
"I'm picking you up after your practice okay baby?"
Her gaze leave a chill in your spine, yet it also arroused you.
"Okay, babe"
This time, she let out a happy squeal while her hand is shaking.
"I love you"
She leaned in again to give you a peck on your lips.
Just a peck, she still have some self control so she knows if it's any longer than a peck then both of you won't be able to leave this car with your clothes on.
She escort you back to your training room, this time there's other people in the elevator.
You're happy you are off the hook from the hungry wolves that's holding you by the arm right now.
They gave you a weird and surprised look, but Irene doesn't mind, why would she? She have her eyes to one man, and one man only.
She escorted you to the front of your room.
"I want you to call me once you're done, and I want you to wait here until I pick you up"
Is she my mom or my girlfriend? Why the fuck am I asking this question about the Irene of Red Velvet.
"Okay.... Babe?"
She squealed again before kissing your cheek.
"Keep up your hard work"
You can't, how could you? You're having a relationship with Irene. God damnit you just made out with her in her own car 5 minutes ago.
Thankfully for you, nobody notices the red lipstick mark on your chest.
"Blue you're zoning out a lot"
"Oh yeah, sorry, I, don't feel so good"
"Is it the kimchi again? That's it dude, you're not eating in the cafeteria again"
"No, I'm fine, I...... Got a text from an old friend....... He took me out for lunch today"
"Oh? Your friend take you out on a lunch is okay but we're not"
"Come on man, I haven't seen him in so long, and I payed for my lunch"
"That's the thing dude, we don't want you to, we know your situation so just let us help you okay?"
"I, listen I am grateful for your help, but, I don't like owning someone something"
"Just, take it as a debt, you can pay it back once you debuted"
"I, thanks, but, I think I have a way to get lunch from now on"
"Fine then, but if I see you in the cafeteria again I'm dragging you to the McDonalds"
You almost die. By that it means you almost forgot to call your..... Girlfriend....?
Your call didn't get picked up, because you saw Irene waiting for you by the elevator.
Stern pose, angry glare, crossed arm, she's furious.
"Come here"
She pulled you the elevator, her aura is enough to deter any of your fellow trainee to jump in with you.
"I, sorry Noona, I was just about to call you"
"Oh is that so? Do you want to wait until you walk home to call me?"
"No, I was just tired from today's practice. I'm still adjusting to the new sleep schedule remember? I feel tired"
"You can't be tired, we need to do our second date today"
"Yes, do you have a problem with that"
Irene is furious, she is holding herself from jumping you right now and you know it.
"I, just think we should rest for now"
"No, I'm having a second date with my boyfriend right now"
Her roar could probably be heard from outside of the elevator.
"Then, what if, we have a date, in my place"
Immediately you see her whole body relaxed. Her furious expression turned to one of happiness and relief.
"Okay, then, good"
More than good, I can go to his place. I was trying to take it slow and go there tomorrow but he jumped in to offered it for me himself. He really does love me. We are meant to be babe, we will be the greatest couple to ever live.
She can't contain herself and gave you a kiss again.
"I love you"
Her whispers is almost as deafening as her roar from earlier.
"I, love you too Noona"
Irene can't decide if she loves Noona or babe more, but again as long as it's from you she will love it either way.
She dragged you to the car, practically sprinting to it before she drive to your place. How does she know where you live?
"Come on, move"
She even knows your apartment number.
Fear is enveloping you as you slowly unlocked the door to your apartment.
She hops in the moment the door is opened, you walked behind her before locking the door behind you.
Suddenly as you turn Irene slam you to the door, she grabbed your collar and pulled you to make out with her.
His fragrant is so addicting, his taste is heavenly, what's a 3 Michelin star food compared to this. Even his little moan- Haaaa, he's moaning, oh my god, I'm getting wet. He's so perfect, and even more than perfect now, he's my boyfriend.
She practically dry humping your leg that's between hers right now.
You pulled away, making her frown deeply.
"We should, move to the bedroom"
Her eyes lights up again, she dragged you inside, holding you by your collar.
The destination is the bedroom, the pit stop is everywhere.
She pushed you to the wall and made out again.
She pushed you to your couch and dry hump your crotch while sucking on your tongue.
She draged you to the door only to jump up and kiss you again, as you held her by the thighs.
Finally she got to your bedroom, pushing you down before taking off your shirt.
"Noona, you're so.... Hot"
Fuck your mind, how can you say no to Irene. Fuck the logic, fuck the instinct, fuck survival, you want her.
You craved her, as much as she craves you. Within just a few minutes you've fallen with her, deep into the abyss.
She dives to her favourite meal, your mouth. Her hand is practically feeling up every inch of your torso and arms.
You let go of your primal instinct and grabbed her ass.
"Ahhhh, squeeze it babe"
That's your intent, giving some firm squeeze making her let out a moan. Raising your hand, you then drop a slap on her ass cheek.
"Aghhhh, again"
She stopped kissing you and held you by the back of the neck. Her head is digging deep into your neck while bitting it.
"You're. Such. A. Succubus"
With every word you deliver a hard slap to her cheeks.
"Baby, I'm cumming, I'm cumming"
She moans as her teeth is holding on to the skin on your neck.
"A slut"
You slapped both of her ass and grabbed it, hard.
Her screams was loud and the pitch was enough to make a dog deaf. You didn't care, you bite into her neck.
Her body that's squirming is going in to a full on seizure as she reached her climax.
"I love you, my slutty, beautiful Noona"
You whispered in her ears as she was fighting for her life in your embrace.
After what seems like hours she stopped spasming, her breath got heavy as she seems to lose her energy.
"Tired already?"
She sat on your lap before taking off her own outfits.
Her pink bra seems so cute enveloping her breast. Almost like an invitation for you to drown yourself in it.
An invitation, that you take.
Sitting up you used both of your hand to take it off and started bitting her already erect nipple.
Her moans and squeal sounds so defenseless, the polar opposite of the image she always gives off.
She put both hand around your head, hugging it and pushing you to dig deeper to her.
Her leg is locked to your stomach, hugging you like a baby koala hanging for it's life.
"Baby, I'm cumming"
Your hand grabbed her body, pushing her on to you. Your mouth is sucking on to her nipples greedily.
Her hand and leg tightened themselves on you as her climax came again.
This time, it's much shorter, but not less intense than before.
You can't help but to tease her.
She got off your lap before taking off your pants.
Your already erect member was mesmerising to her.
Your tip was leaking precum, using her hand Irene wipe it before licking it.
"You taste so good"
Her body shake before she took your member into her mouth.
Jesus her lips is so attractive. The way it wrap itself around your dick, the red, plump lips was a vacuum to your dick.
She can't take it all in, but that doesn't matter, because even with half inside you still feel her magic is working.
Then she took it our of her mouth before jerking it with both hands. Her mouth then travel down to kiss your balls and suck on it as well.
"Are you coming baby?"
Her high pitched whine push you even harder. She kissed your balls, and the bottom of your cock.
Your cock and balls was ridden with red lipstick smudge all over, something that arouse you even more.
She put your dick back to her mouth, this time, by the power of sheer will she managed to take all your member in her mouth and throat.
As her lips reaches the base she turned it in to leave another fine red imprint on it. She read your mind, she knows how to push you over.
"Noona I'm coming"
Hearing your moans she stopped giving you a deep throat, leaving only your tip in her mouth.
With the help of her saliva she used both of her hands to jerk you off.
Your cum sprayed into her mouth, undoubtedly turning all of it's inside to a white mess.
Her eyes rolled behind her eyes as she took a deep breath with her nose.
Then, as your climax ended she took the tip off her mouth.
She look at you with pride, then she opened her mouth and sticks out her tongue, showing your cum pooling inside her mouth.
Her lips is smudged all over, her mascara is runined with her tears, her mouth is practically over filled by your sperm.
A sight even the gods can only dream off, is right in front of you right now.
She closed her mouth back and then gulp it down. You can hear the sickening yet arrousing swallowing sound from her mouth. She opened her mouth back and sticks out her tongue to show nothing remains in her mouth.
Her eyes is filled with pride and happiness, almost, pure, a pure happiness of her own accomplishment.
You grab her by the thighs before picking her up and put her in the bed.
"Take it off baby, I can't wait for you anymore"
Pulling down her skirt you see her panties is practically drenched and even dripping some of her juices.
You pulled it down as well, giving you sights for the main course.
"Put it in baby, I want to feel you inside, make me yours, fill me up, pleaseeee"
She's whining and begging you like a spolied kid.
Any other time you would slow down and teased this ice queen, but not now, now, there's only one thing you wanted to do.
"OH MY GOD~~~~"
She screamed as her body convulsed yet again as you put the whole length of your member in.
You waited as she was orgasming. Wanting to remember this view for the rest of your life.
As it ended you realise there's a red stain coming out of her vagina.
"You're a virgin Noona?"
She nodded, without any shame.
"I'm waiting for you"
God she's a psycho, I love it. Wait, what?
You started thrusting, slow and hard, making her breat jiggle everytime you sink your dick deeper into her.
Moans and moans keep escaping her lips.
"Baby, I love you, I love you so much, baby faster"
She let out a high pitched whine as you continue thrusting into her.
"Oh god you're breaking me baby"
"Aghhhh, so deep, you're so deep inside me"
"Faster baby, break me apart, tear me into two GODDDDD........"
"I can't hold it anymore, please, faster"
"Baby, I'm cumming"
"You can't cum yet"
"Baby pleaseeee"
Oh god, the sight of Irene whining and begging in front of you is to hard for you to resist.
"I'm coming too"
You grunted and lay forward to be on top of her.
"Inside baby, fill me up, fill me up with your seeds"
She whisper before she kissed you again.
Your thrust is getting faster, her walls is getting tighter. Then, you felt your dick squirmed, she must've felt it too since her leg went to lock you in place.
"I'm cumming"
She screamed into your mouth as her body was sent into another seizure.
You're drained, your breath was heavy and slow. As you finished depositing sperm in her untouched womb you got off her and lay next to her.
"I, love you"
Tears starts to pour down her eyes, a joyful tears.
"I love you too, my ice cold Noona"
You kissed her again, and as you do, there's only one thing in her mind.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
You're fucked mate.
"Baby, hug me"
Irene whined as she envelopes her limbs around you.
"Okay, babe, let's, get in the right position to sleep first okay"
She grunted as you drag her so she can lay on the bed with you. Irene nuzzled up close to you, her nude body is pressing up against you, making you feel every inch of her perfect skin that has become sticky from her sweat.
"I love you, I love you so much baby"
Irene's small whimper is the devil's whisper that keep pulling you deeper and deeper into her.
"Okay, Noona"
Why would you say that?
"Say it back"
She spat as she pinched your neck.
"Awww, I love you to Noona, I told you earlier"
She doesn't seems satisfied.
"I want to hear it from you every moment in my day for the rest of my life"
Fuck, what do I do now? Why the fuck did I succumb to my own dick?
"O-o-o-okay Noona"
She smiled again, letting go of your neck.
"I like it when you stutter like that, you're so cute, my baby boy is so perfect"
She rubbed her face all over your cheek.
"Let's go to sleep Noona"
She squealed.
"I love you, good night baby"
"G-good night, Noona"
It's been a long day, you went through a lot. The moment you closed your eyes you feel your consciousness slowly sleep away.
The next morning you woke up with the heavy weight of someone on top of you.
"Morning babe"
You were still blinking your eyes trying to wake up when you felt Irene's lips pressing up against yours.
You pulled back, making her let out a growl.
"I-i-i-i need to w-w-w-wash my teeth"
Opening your eyes you see Irene is looking at you with dissatisfaction.
"I don't care, I want to kiss you"
She tried to kiss you again but you close your mouth making her face turned to anger.
"Noona please, let me wash my teeth first okay? You can kiss me all you want after"
She frowned but nodded anyway.
You stood up, trying to get out of bed, which is hard when Irene is clinging on to you.
"Noona, I can't move"
She just looked at you with a cute puppy eyes.
"I, love you?"
She smiled and kissed your cheek before letting you go.
"I love you too babe"
You went to your bathroom, with Irene following close behind you.
"Noona, I need, to take a shit"
She frowned yet again.
"Once you're done, I'm making out with you for an hour"
Was it an ultimatum? A promise? You decided to not think about it before you locked the bathroom door.
You went to wash your face.
"What the fuck just happened"
You were hoping that your reflection would answer you, thankfully it didn't.
You do your morning duty before washing your face yet again hoping you would wake up in this weird dream.
When you go out you see Irene is waiting for you in your couch.
Crossed leg, crossed arm, cold eyes, she returned to the old Noona you know. Although, it was only for a moment, she smiled to you, a warm yet sinister smile.
"Come here honey"
You, awkwardly sit next to her.
"I love you"
She grabbed your hand, both of them.
"I love you too Noona"
You tried your best to be earnest.
"I want you to be honest with me"
"Do you have any relationship before me?"
Her eyes turned cold and sinister, you felt her hand pressing up harder against yours.
"I.... Do"
A few bones in your hand might broke off from the sheer force of her ire.
Her growl made your body tremble.
"They're, just in the past"
She grabbed both of your head before pushing you to lay down on the couch.
"I don't care, I've waited so long for you and you can't even do the same? You're even a decade younger than me but you don't have any patience? For me?"
What? What is she talking about? What am I walking into right now?
"Noona, we just met, a week or so ago"
"I don't care, you should've waited for me"
Your face was wet, from her saliva and some tears. That's right, she's crying.
"I-i-i-i'm sorry Noona"
Good news, you felt her hand lower down from your face. Bad news, it's resting on your neck.
"You, fucking, cheater"
It tightened around your neck making let out a choked gasp.
You gurgled out.
"I hate you, I hate you so much"
Is this it? How you gonna die? Was it worth it for a night with Irene?
"Who's the bitch"
She suddenly let go of your neck and grabbed your head again.
She screamed at you as you were coughing hard.
"My ex?"
You managed to squeak out.
"Yes, the bitch who seduced my man"
How do I get out of this? Fuck it, let's flirt our way out.
"Baby, it's nobody important, I already forgot about them"
You slowly wrapped her arm around her.
"They're bitches who almost succeed in getting you from me"
She's still mad, but her body atleast responded to your touch.
"They didn't, and even if I met you while I'm still dating them I would still choose you. We were made for each other right?"
Your forced smile is enough to calm her down a little.
"I don't want you to ever meet them again"
You nodded, obviously.
"And I want you to marry me"
You didn't nod, obviously.
"Say yes"
Fuck how do I get out of this. Uhmmmm, think fast brain, think.
"I, want to be the one who proposed"
She looked at you with discontent.
"Then propose to me"
What now smart guy? You felt your leg started to shake nervously.
"I need to buy a ring"
She snorted.
"I don't need a ring, I need to hear you say it"
Go all out? Fuck it I don't want to die.
"I, want to buy it, for you. I want to make it, romantic"
She frowned, cutely this time.
"You don't need to do that"
She can blush?
"I have to, we only get to, well I only get to propose once right? And we get married once, so I want to put all my effort on it"
Oh my god, Irene is blushing, hard. She looked away from you shyly, a very cute view, if only she didn't try to strangle you to death earlier.
"You're such a flirt"
You were stunned by her words, but recover quickly.
"For you, I have too, because..... I love you, and only you, forever"
She dug her face to your chest before letting out a shy shriek.
She immediately attacked your mouth. Her hands is holding you from behind and work as your head pillow.
You felt your cheeks getting wet, her little moan and squeal also tells you, she's crying.
"I love you, oh god I love you so much it hurts. Hold me tight babe, don't let me go, never let me go"
She pulled away showing her tearful face.
"Okay babe, I love you too"
She took of your shirt.
"I want you, I want you again inside me babe"
She whined as she took of her's as well.
"I, am tired"
She kisses your cheek.
"I know, I'll do all the work this time. Just lay there okay baby?"
She pulled down your pants before ditching her panties and start grinding her already wet pussy on your dick.
"Hold my hand baby"
She reached out to you. You pulled up your hand and she immediately took it, interlocking your fingers with each other.
With the support from your hand she continues her grinding until your dick became hard.
Without waiting any longer she put it inside her.
"Aghhhhh, baby"
Her hands squeezed yours as her leg was quivering.
"You're, so tight Noona"
You can't help but groan feeling her inner walls is squeezing your dick, ready to milk it until it ran dry.
"I'm the best right baby, I'm better than those bitches? I have the best pussy you ever tried?"
Her eyes is filled with madness and a crave for your praises.
"You're the best one Noona, nothing come close to you"
You let go of her hand and reached to grab her ass.
"Yeah baby, my pussy was molded for your cock, it's perfect, we're perfect, I love you, I love you so much"
Losing it's support she drop down to you and start to nibbling on your neck as her hips start to pick up the pace.
"I love you too Noona"
You moaned feeling her teeth is biting on to your collarbone.
"You're so big, I'm breaking baby, do you want to tear me into two?"
Fuck this succubus is insane
Your hand starts to spank her ass making her moan louder and louder.
"Break me baby, fill me up, I want to feel your cum inside again. Come on, fill me up baby, fill up your Noona with your cum"
Your hip started moving, matching her pace. Every thrust you send made her thighs and ass wiggle. Her moans and screams start to shake matching her body's trembles.
"I'm coming baby"
She moaned as she sinked her teeth to your chest.
"No Noona, you don't get to cum"
You have to do it, how can you pass up the opportunity to dominate Irene?
"Baby please"
She raised her head showing her teary eyes and begging expression.
"If you cum, I will hate you"
You see her face was riddled with shock and fear, those two expression was then mixed with arrousal and lust as you start thrusting her faster and faster.
"Baby pleaseeee"
Her tears ran down her cheek. You almost feel sorry, almost.
"You cum when I cum, understand?"
She bite her lower lips, her tears running down her face.
Thankfully her whines help pushed you over the edge.
"Cum with me babe"
Your dick start to twitch, then as she felt your cum tainted her inner walls she let out a deep guttural groan as her body went to another seizure.
You felt, tired, drained, you lay on your couch panting as Irene was having an orgasm.
Finally it passed and she dropped to your chest. You hear her sobbing as her tears wet your chest.
"I'm sorry baby"
You decided to caress her head, she let out her cries as she hugged you.
Do you feel sorry for her? Maybe
Do you regret doing it? Fuck no
Finally she stopped crying and raised her tear stained face and her red eyes is looking at you timidly.
"Oh baby, I'm sorry, I just can't.... Stop myself when you're.... Being so cute"
Her tears falling again as she start to kiss you.
Her hands is hugging your neck, her leg is resting quietly between yours.
The kiss was, actually you're not really sure, probably 30 minutes or more.
"I love you baby, I really do"
Finally she finished and just whimper weakly in your ears.
"Okay babe, fuck it's already 7, I need to go"
She shake her head and just lock you in place.
"You're free for the day baby, cuddle me"
Even though her voice sounds so weak and tired you know resisting her now will only make your suffering greater tomorrow.
"I, need to contact my trainer at least"
She shake her head again.
"I don't want you to talk to other woman"
Fucking hell lady.
She then raised her face, it looked tired, but her eyes have some cold fury in it.
"Did you have her number in your phone"
Oh shit, here we go again.
"Yeah, I nee-"
She slapped my chest, it felt weak, but the emotional damage, well it's also weak since you're not that into her yet.
"Delete it"
You felt nervous, trying to make some excuses in your head.
"Why are you hesitating? You want to cheat on me again?"
You winced as she say that, knowing full well, what's gonna come for you for the rest of this relationship.
"I need her contact in case something happened"
She shake her head again.
"No, I don't care, delete it. If you want to say something then tell your friend to relay your message to her"
"Baby please"
"No, I lose you before I'm not losing you again to some scrawny whore who's going to seduce you. No baby, I'm not losing you again, not when I already have you in my arms"
What now? What will your brilliant mind come up with?
"I need it for my career"
She snorted.
"You only need me, if you want to debut just say it and I'll make you debut"
Sugar mommy is a pretty rare thing to have, especially someone this hot.
"Baby, I, need to earn it"
She growled again.
"You, can let me ask her right? I'm just telling her I'm sick"
Her face contorted as she grabbed your chest.
"Fine, but I want to see your chat history. In fact, I want to see your phone and check every single girl you tried to cheat on me with"
Well this is it, it's your life now.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 6 months
I found your stories a few hours ago and they are perfect, I don't think I ever went through someone's account so fast hahah
If it's fine with you, could you do a sequel to the yandere bully story? Maybe what would happen if reader ended up too scared of his bullying and decided to change school, or had to move away due to personal reasons! What would be yandere's reaction?
Of course, it's just a request, so feel free to not do it if you don't feel like doing it!
Loving your stories, keep it up, I'm rooting for you! ❤
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Yandere!Bully x Fem!Reader part 2
CW: Bullying, breaking and entering
Simon's mind went blank. It was as if the organ didn't want to process what he had just learned, so it decided to power off instead.
"Yeah, apparently she started homeschooling." The sharp nosed boy tried his best to bite back his smile. A year younger than Simon, Nicky looked up to him, aspiring to be just as (much of a bully) cool as he was. So when he overheard the office ladies sympathetically discussing Simon's favorite victim, he made sure to gather as much information as he could in order to try and impress Simon; gain his favor.
The squirrelly brunette had prepared mentally for a number of different reactions Simon could have had to the news: anger, disappointment, mild amusement.. but when he turned his eyes away from his milk box it confused him to see Simon's stare empty.
Thinking that Simon didn't care Nicky doubled down. "My sources say she was too scared to name her bullies, and that she just wanted it to end without a confrontation."
'She left because of me??' Simon squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to shut out the kid yapping beside him. When (Reader) didn't come to school Simon was, of course, worried. He thought that she might have gotten sick, or worse. The worry over not being able to see her beautiful face was eating him up, and he admittedly began lashing out at other people, really making him into the bully (Reader) thought he was. But now he was hearing that she had left the school because of him??
"It's a good thing she didn't snitch, huh?" The prideful child said in a haughty way, pleased with himself (even though Simon didn't know, or care, why).
"Why are you telling me this?" 'Can't you see how fucked up you got me right now??'
"Huh?" Startled and suddenly nervous, Nicky wrung the bottom of his hoodie in an attempt to calm his stutter. "B- I just, I thought, because you- you seemed to hate her, ya know? So I thought- I just thought you'd be interested to know.."
"Great. Now I know." Simon's voice was hard and sharp. He wanted to cry, but he sounded like he was on the verge of attacking the younger kid. "What am I supposed to do with that information?"
Heart in his throat and lip trembling, Nicky handed over his phone with the camera open. "I took a picture of her address.."
Knock knock knock!
(Reader) happily rolled off the couch and made her way to the front door. Neither of her parents were home and she had already finished all of her classwork, so the student had been relaxing while scrolling through her phone. She had only been homeschooled for a week, but was already back to her old self again. (Reader) was so stress free that she wasn't as paranoid about an unexpected visitor as she probably should have been.
She opened the front door without peaking to see who it was, and she didn't have time to process that it was Simon until he had already shoved himself inside and closed the door behind him. All of the fear and anxiety that (Reader) had finally worked through snapped back like a rubber band, physically hurting her chest.
"What- Get out!" Her shaky voice commanded.
"Shut up." Simon had planned on being comforting and sweet, rehearsing the entire trip on how to apologize and finally woo (Reader) correctly. To mend all the damage his foul personality had accidentally done. But then he was there, in her hallway, and she looked so scared of him.. "What were you thinking? Not coming to school. I thought you might've killed yourself." His attempt to show how worried he was for her only sounded like a threat as it left his lips.
(Reader) thought about her phone she left on the couch, and wondered if she could get to it before he could grab her. "Please leave me alone.." If only she could inch backwards as subtly as possible..
"Why? I came here to make sure you were okay." Simon grabbed her wrist and squeezed tightly enough for her to bite the inside of her cheek. "Come back to school."
His grip tightened.
"I- I can't!" (Reader) struggled to break free as the tears began to pool up. "Do you know how difficult it was to get into homeschooling?? More than half way through the year?? I didn't drop out!! I couldn't go back, even if I wanted to!" Her pleas made sense, but Simon was already too heartbroken to hear them.
"Then I guess I'm going to be your new study buddy." His smile was supposed to be kind, suave. He wanted to look caring and dashing. But to (Reader) his half lidded eyes and tight smile looked like a malevolent smirk.
"What? You thought you could run away from me? It's not like your family has enough money to just up and move whenever they want." Simon glanced around at the furniture visible from the entrance to double check that they, in fact, were not rich enough to move whenever. "And now I know where you live."
(Reader) parted her lips to talk back, but Simon quickly closed the gap between them, pulling her into his chest and kissing her painfully. He had imagined their first kiss many many times, and it was never like this. But it didn't matter if it was rushed and he pulled her in too hard and he slammed his lips against her's too forcefully. The young man wanted to beg her to never leave his side again, but instead as he turned around to leave he only left her with another warning.
"Don't even think about calling the cops. I'll be back to check up on you again later.. and if you try to run again, I'll fucking find you."
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mswritergirl02 · 6 months
Pure Paranoia 
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Summary: Y/n smokes for the first time and gets too high
->Reader Advisory: This story involves themes related to marijuana use. Please proceed with caution if you are sensitive to or uncomfortable with such content.
A/N : This is my very first post ! I’m excited to see where this account goes.
Y/n sat on the edge of Riah's couch, her fingers nervously tapping against her thigh as she watched her friends pass around a joint. The sweet scent of marijuana filled the air, swirling around her like a seductive dance, tempting her to join in.
Riah noticed Y/n's hesitation and leaned in with a mischievous grin. "Come on, Y/n, don't be such a goody-two-shoes. Just one hit won't hurt."
 Zela nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. 
"Yeah, you've gotta try it at least once! It's not like you're doing anything wrong."
Y/n bit her lip, her heart racing with uncertainty. She had always been the innocent one of the group, never straying too far from her comfort zone. The thought of smoking weed for the first time sent a thrill of fear and excitement coursing through her veins.
"I don't know, guys. I've never smoked marijuana before," Y/n admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. 
Riah rolled her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief. "You can call it weed, Y/n come on, Live a little! You're always so uptight."
Zela chimed in, her voice gentle but persuasive. "It's not a big deal, Y/n. Just take a puff and see how you feel. You might like it."
With a shaky breath, Y/n reached out and accepted the joint, her fingers trembling slightly as she brought it to her lips. The smoke burned her throat, making her cough and sputter as she tried to inhale.
"Easy there, girl," Riah teased, patting her back as she handed her a soda can.
Five hits later Y/n found herself sipping on that same can, trying to calm her racing heart as the effects of the weed began to take hold.
At first, it was just a pleasant buzz, a feeling of warmth and relaxation washing over her like a gentle wave. But as the minutes ticked by, Y/n's world began to spin out of control. 
The room seemed to warp and distort around her, the colors bleeding together in a dizzying kaleidoscope of light and sound.
“Hey, have I told you about that guy I met last weekend?"
Zela's interest was piqued, and she turned to Riah with a grin. 
"No, spill the tea! What's his deal?"
Riah chuckled, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger. "Well, his name is Alex, and let me tell you, he's got some serious charm. We hit it off right away."
Zela's eyes widened in excitement. "Ooh, sounds promising. What's he like?"
Riah's smile widened, her cheeks flushing with color. "He's funny, for one thing. And he's got this way of looking at you that makes you feel like you're the only person in the room."
Zela nudged Riah playfully, a teasing grin on her face. "Sounds like someone's got a crush."
Riah's cheeks grew even redder, but she couldn't suppress the grin that spread across her face. "Maybe I do. But don't tell anyone, okay? I want to see where this goes first."
Zela winked, her smile knowing. "Your secret's safe with me. Just remember to play it cool, okay? You don't want to scare him off."
Y/n tried hard to focus on the conversation swirling around her, but the words seemed to slip through her fingers like grains of sand. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps as she struggled to keep her composure. She felt as if every part of her body was twitching. 
How does anyone enjoy this?
"Y/n, are you okay?" Riah's voice cut through the fog of Y/n's mind, filled with concern.
Shit speak you haven’t said anything in 10 minutes
Y/n nodded, her mouth dry as cotton as she tried to form words. Taking another sip of her soda she mumbled, "I'm fine, just...just a little lightheaded."
Oh god, I feel nauseous. 
Y/n's heart raced with panic as she sat in the backseat of her friend's car, the effects of the weed controlling her mind. What would she tell Harry? Would he notice? With his friends over, the thought of facing their judgment sent a shiver down her spine.
Of course, he’s going to know your high anyone in their right mind could see you’re tripping fucking balls. 
God, I wish Riah would roll up her window I’m freezing.
As they pulled up to her apartment building, Y/n plastered on a fake smile and told her friends goodbye, trying to hide the turmoil raging inside her. She took a deep breath, preparing herself. 
She dragged her now heavy feet up the stairs and pulled out her keychain trying to unlock the front door to her and Harry’s shared apartment but instead, her tangled keychain slipped from her trembling fingers and fell to the floor.
"Fuck," she cursed under her breath, pushing her now knotted hair from her face bending down to pick them up.
Why the fuck are there so many keys on this thing. I should really take some off... I don't even use half of these keys.
She finally managed to grasp the key and insert it into the lock, but her mind was so clouded with panic that she struggled to turn it.
Inside, Harry and his friends exchanged curious glances as they heard the commotion outside the door. 
Why won’t this fucking door op-
Before Harry could get up to investigate, the door swung open and Y/n stumbled inside, her hair messy and her bloodshot red eyes wide with panic.
As she entered, Harry's gaze met hers, and she saw the flicker of concern in his eyes. His raised eyebrow didn't escape her notice, sending a shiver of unease down her spine.
Act normal. Act fucking normal.
"Hey," she stammered, her voice barely audible as she tried to break the suffocating silence. She couldn’t help but feel as though all of their eyes were staring into her soul.
They know
Harry's expression softened slightly, but she could still see the worry etched into his features. "Welcome home love, you alright?," he questioned gently, his gentle british accent a soothing presence amidst the tension.
Y/n forced a smile, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah, just had a bit of trouble with my keys," she mumbled, avoiding his gaze as she shuffled past him and his friends.
Harry frowned, but before he could press further, his friends' curious stares reminded him of their presence. Clearing his throat, he turned to face them with a forced grin. "Alright, lads, back to business. Who's up for another round of—"
But Y/n's voice cut through his words, her stomach growling loudly as she caught sight of the pizza box sitting on the kitchen table. Her mouth watered at the delicious aroma 
"Pizza?" she blurted out, her eyes widening with hunger as she made a beeline for the box.
Harry's friends exchanged amused glances, their lips quirking up in smirks as they watched Y/n's eager reaction. 
Harry chuckled, "Saved you a slice, pineapple ya favorite ," he said, his voice warm with affection. "Thought you might be hungry."
Y/n's eyes lit up with gratitude as she grabbed a slice, her fingers trembling slightly as she took a bite. The taste exploded on her tongue, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body as she savored every delicious bite.
"Thanks, Harry," she said between bites, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she realized how crazy she must look.
Soon she didn’t care as her taste buds were sent into a frenzy of delight. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before.
Fuck I could die happy right now 
Y/n couldn’t help but let out a soft moan of pleasure as pineapple juice filled her mouth and the second the sound escaped her lips, her eyes widened in horror, realizing she had made that sound out loud. She glanced around the room, and spotted Lucas, Harry's friend, standing in the kitchen, his gaze fixed on her.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with panic as she struggled to come up with an excuse.
Harry's warm laughter filled the air. "Enjoying the pizza, are we?" he teased, his voice filled with affection as he shot her a playful wink.
Lucas's voice cut through the air like a knife. "You look fucking stoned, Y/n," he exclaimed, a smirk playing on his lips.
By now y/n’s entire face was bright red with embarrassment as she averted her gaze, her heart racing with panic. Feeling the weight of Harry's curious gaze boring into her.
She rubbed her now sweaty hands on her jeans, once again struggling to find the right words to defend herself. "I-I'm fine," she insisted, her voice trembling slightly.
Just take a seat Y/n. 
Listening to her thoughts y/n made her way to take a seat, and felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as now all eyes were actually on her.
Matt's eyes widened as she sat down . Her body carrying the heavy skunk like scent everywhere she went. "Dear God, Y/n, you smell like weed," he blurted out, his voice filled with disbelief.
Y/n's heart sank as she looked up, meeting Harry's curious gaze once again. She felt herself sinking deeper into the couch as if her body was not her own and someone else was controlling it.
"Love, you do smell like weed," Harry stated softly, as he placed a hand on her thigh. To be completely honest Harry knew Y/n was high from the moment she walked in. He could tell just by the way her eyes looked back at him. Of course he’d never accuse her of it.
Say something everyone is staring at you
 She was screaming at herself to open her mouth and speak but she simply couldn’t.
Sensing something was wrong with his usually calm girlfriend Harry made an announcement, "It's getting late, I'm a little tired”, his voice breaking the tension in the room.
Oh thank god.
Y/n felt a twinge of relief as Harry and his friends began cleaning up. Not bothering to help Y/n found herself lost in a trance, staring at the video game on the screen. The vibrant colors and lifelike characters captivated her, momentarily distracting her from the chaos swirling inside her mind.
So pretty 
Y/n's thoughts of the video game were interrupted by the sound of Harry closing the door behind his departing friends. 
Just tell him for fucks sake
With a rush of adrenaline, Y/n blurted out the truth she had been trying to conceal.
"I-I'm high," she confessed, her voice wavering as she looked up at Harry, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.
Harry's lips curved into a knowing smirk as he met her gaze. "I'm very aware, love," he said, his voice tinged with amusement. "Look at you, growing up."
Y/n's heart fluttered at his teasing tone, but her panic quickly resurfaced as she struggled to explain the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body.
"I-I don't know what's happening," she admitted, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I feel like... like I'm not in control."
“One minute I’m happy and the next I’m sucked into a deep black hole”
Harry's expression softened with understanding as he moved closer, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace. "It's okay, Y/n," he murmured, his voice soothing to her frazzled nerves. "You're just having a bad trip. I've been there before."
Y/n buried her face in Harry's chest, trying to steady her racing heart. The smell of his cologne filled her nose and she felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that Harry was there to support her through the storm.
Harry lounged back on the couch, placing Y/n’s head in his lap. With a playful gleam in his eyes, he started telling stories of his most embarrassing high moments. Y/n leaning in, eager to hear, soon they were both laughing uncontrollably.
While drawing circles on her back Harry shared one ridiculous story after another, including the one where he thought he saw a UFO, and Y/n couldn't help but snort. Each story made her laugh harder, tears of amusement rolling down her cheeks.
"I can't believe you did that!" Y/n gasped between giggles, wiping away tears as she looked at Harry with admiration. The panic that had gripped her earlier seemed like a distant memory and a sense of peace wash over her. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the shared laughter and connection between them.
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scaredyspooks · 8 days
BG3 Kinktober 2024
Because I'm a perverted conduit that the void speaks through, I'm doing a Baldur's Gate 3 themed kinktober this year on here and AO3. As I publish the fics I'll be updating this list with links to them, and so y'all can gauge your interest here's the list!
Astarion (spawn) - roleplay - what's an innocent magistrate to do when his assistant propositions him when they're staying late at work?
Gale - pegging - growing bored of the wizard's endless accounts of how he and his goddess' bodies once intertwined, you notice there's one pleasure she never showed him.
Shadowheart - sensory depravation - life's greatest pleasures can be found in loss and darkness.
Lae'Zel - leather - peeling the leathers from your lover's body are one of the greatest rewards of battle.
Wyll - chastity - just because he wants to take things slow, doesn't mean you can't torment him a little.
Karlach - temperature play - attempts to cool her down end up having an interesting result.
Minthara - bondage - an interrogation goes south as you try to get to the bottom of the Absolute's cult.
Halsin - olfactophilia - after almost a tenday of not having time to bathe you head to the river, only be blocked off by a large elf.
Mizora - public - shrouded in the cloak of the hells atop a secluded pedestal, only to find it is in fact a stage.
Rolan - electro - someone's ego boost at getting a new tower has him coming out of his shell.
Zevlor - glory hole - the commander and the cleric need a release, things get interesting when the stranger behind the wall ends up being far too familiar.
Ikaron - semi-public - tensions are high in The Hollow, but you think you can help.
Raphael - naked platter - the devil has made a patisserie of you for his guests, though they seem to fade from existence as he grows distracted by the meal he's making of you.
Haarlep - size difference - the succubus is shocked that you want to see their true form, turns out they're a lot bigger than their master.
Rugan - impact play - the Zhentarim seeks to punish you for trying to skip out on your deal, he doesn't get very far.
Gortash - power play - your relationship has always been somewhat of a dance, one that you're determined to lead.
Dammon - edging - the forge's flames illuminate more than the smith realises, but you're happy to "help" once things quieten down.
The Emperor - hypnosis - the ilithid believes he can still get through to you, with one last attempt.
Aradin - hate fuck - your competitor, the thorn in your side, but damn if he doesn't have good stamina.
Abdirak - sado-masochism - two priests of Loviatar aid in each other's prayer.
He Who Was - free use - his ability to travel the shadowcursed lands unhindered has him popping up everywhere, making you pay for his insatiable desires.
Lia - wax play - after the first few drops, it's hard to tell what's blush and what's burn among the giggles in the Elfsong.
Cal - play fighting - a little extra training won't do any harm, though the proximity may prove... challenging.
Gale - findom - what starts as a simple shopping trip to Sorcerous Sundries takes a turn as you drag the wizard to more and more shops.
Astarion (ascended) - biting/marking - your last night as a mortal will be one to remember.
Shadowheart - human furniture - god's favourite princess needs a throne.
Wyll - roleplay - the son of a duke has a duty to mingle at these important events, though it usually shouldn't lead him to a cupboard with a handsome stranger.
Lae'Zel - predator/prey - your heart races, your breathing to quick to catch, and you know the more you sweat the easier it'll be for her to catch you.
Karlach - human ashtray - she's been making fun of you all evening for your drunken confession about her cigars, but once the other's go to bed she's happy to indulge you on the Elfsong's roof garden.
Halsin - breeding - ever the beast of nature, with your perils finally at an end he lets himself run loose with you and you realise it’s going to be a long night until he’s done filling you.
Minthara - body worship - the drow isn't keen onbeing nursed after but with injuries so severe you need to make sure she's alright.
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Hiya! It's me! I've been sending you so many asks that I wouldn't be surprised if you gave me a restraining order!
I made an account so I can actually participate in some of your rp things- if that's okay with you of course.
I sent you the ideas for the succubus, deadpool x wolverine and bimbo!au's, I sent others but I'd need to go through my memory, which would take all night.
Anyway- I have a new au idea for you! I think you'll like this. It's basically a gothic vampire!au.
I'm going to attach screen shots because I've already written it out and for some reason Tumblr doesn't let you copy and paste (it's already 1am where I am and I don't want to have to write this out all again, so I'm really sorry if this'll be annoying for you 😭).
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Adam: it's rude to stare, you know. How did a kid get in here?
Lucifer jumped at his voice: I-I'm not a kid!- I'm 30 years old!
Adam: really dude? What are you? 5"3?... you didn't get the long straw when it came to genes, huh? See what I did there?
Lucifer sighs as the man chuckles to himself.
Lucifer: uh... that's... not important- a-are you the owner?
Adam stares at Lucifer for a few seconds before taking a sip from his glass. Lucifer watches his every move, he feels like prey- are those fangs??
Adam: I guess you can say that.. my names Adam. Even though I think the asshole who broke into my house should introduce themselves first- but I'm in a good mood today!
Adam stands and pulls a chair infront of him.
Adam: Here man, have a seat, might as well make yourself comfortable.
The way Adam smiled and watched his every move made Luicfer shiver. He walked as calmy as he could to the chair infront of Adam. He sits, eyes never leaving Adams deep red ones.
Lucifer: I'm Lucifer- and I apologize for the breaking and entering. It's uh, not the best first impression.
Adam: wait- Lucifer? Like the Devil? That's sick. And I'm not one for first impressions, but you've certainly made an entrance, buddy.
Lucifer: Yeah, like the Devil, blame my father for that one-
Adam: I ain't judging man! I think it's cool, everyone has such boring names these days, it's nice to be surprised, nothing surprises me much anymore.
Adam runs his clawed hand through his hair, eyes never leaving Lucifers face. He notices as his eyes travel down to his chest, where his shirt has opened a bit more. Adam smirks, leaning forward, giving Lucifer a better view.
Adam: I would offer you a drink, but I think you want something else~
That's all I have! I hope this seems interesting to you 😭
Feel free to continue it, I'll try and participate to! It would be my first time doing these rp type things, so I'm sorry if I'm a bit all over the place lol
Okay- bye!
Ahhh!! Thank you for all your amazing ideas friendo! This too is amazing 🤩
And yes of course you can participate in the rp blogs! What account is it?
Lucifer felt a little called out, this man was so good looking he felt like he was trapped in a trance.
Lucifer: I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-
Adam: Pfft it's fine, I get it. I know I'm hot shit and I don't mind you looking. In fact.
Adam leaned in closer until his hot breath ghosted over Lucifer's face.
Adam: I wouldn't mind you doing more than just looking.
He grinned at the way the blonde man's face turned bright red at the implication. Humans were always so easy to work up. And man this one was easy on the eyes as well.
It's been a while since Adam had a visitor. Even longer since he had a rendezvous.
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riririnnnn · 8 months
Warning: Anime Spoilers.
I think about this panel a lot:
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And this one too:
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I don't understand why people think that Sae changed after Spain. I mean, that boy has always been blunt and rude. After calling Rin incredible the day the younger Itoshi barged into his soccer match, Sae never actually praised Rin; that boy literally said, "If it's you, then you can be the best after me." He had always criticised Rin's play/goals and was never really like, "Ooh, my cute patootie lil otouto."
Also, this:
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Imagine coming back home after 4 years, and your little brother accuses you of changing. Further, this was the first time, when Rin talked back to his Nii-chan; we need to get Sae's perspective of this flashback too.
Sae literally had his suitcase with him when he came to that field; that boy's ass landed and the first thing he did is to go to his little brother.
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Of course, Sae would bet like this. Rin himself said, "Nii-chan doesn't like losing." Also, is that just drawing style or those are eyebags/dark circles under Sae's eyes? And Rin literally pointed out, "Have you lost weight?" It's clearly visible that whatever happened in Spain, Sae wasn't in his happiest state.
It also wasn't like Sae jumped onto Rin on sight. The older Itoshi had tried to explain how different is the world stage and lalalalala, it was Rin himself who was acting naïve and immature, and didn't give Sae proper time to explain himself.
But this:
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I agree is really harsh, but if we take in account of the fact that Sae has been a rude person from the start, then what he said isn't really wrong. Rin's inner monologue was literally, "Can I be cool like Nii-chan too?" when he barged into the soccer match.
It isn't/wasn't completely Sae's fault for Rin to idolise him.
Also, I don't blame Sae for hating Japan's soccer/football (whatever you call it) because imagine being treated as a nation's treasure at the age of 13 years old, only to find that you ain't shit in the world (as pointed out by Sendou, Sae is only a reserve in Royale Madrid/Re Al).
To sum everything up, I do think that Sae got a really harsh slap from reality in Spain, and he really didn't want Rin to go through the same. That's why he tried to explain Rin about everything only to realise that Rin's main aim was never to be the best striker in the world, it was just to be with his Nii-chan, and it irked Sae. After whatever happened in Spain, Sae must've made some kind of safe place in Rin that he could see his dream come true through his younger brother, but Rin wasn't heading to that direction especially when he couldn't even defeat Sae and there are, as stated by Sae himself, better player in the whole world than him— must've been a hard hit for Sae to know that his dreams have really ended; maybe that's why he was so interested in Blue Lock? He could finally see someone who could make his dream be true after all; maybe that's why he is so obsessed with passing to the best striker in world (I'm referring to his wish to make the best pass to the best striker in the world if it were to be his last day on Earth) because he is seeing his own dream in that person.
This post might seem jumbled and it is jumbled, but it's my first time trying to make some kind of theory, so please be kind.
Edit: Sae isn't a reserve in Royale Madri/Re Al. He is a second division player. Sorry, I misread some things.
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 months
Friend Marzi, why do we have an inclination to believe that all historical clothing was very heavy? Fabrics varied in lightness and for the very heat of summer for example an all-silk or all-muslin ensemble could be made very light and breathable if necessary, even foregoing implements like boning, etc. Like, there are ways to not be dragging your skirts around.
Working people and people with active hobbies were already wearing fewer layers anyway, so we shouldn't expect them to be encumbered. Why do we anyway?
Friend Tumblr User Chasingtheskyline! Hello!
(This answer will focus primarily on conventionally feminine clothing, since that's my area of expertise. Just to disclaim.)
I think it's because of the layering, really. And the idea that, as you touched on, Only Rich People Wore All That (not so much- the basic makeup of chemise/combinations, maybe drawers post-1820s, corset/stays, at least one petticoat, skirt, bodice for women was pretty consistent across most of the social ladder during the 18th and 19th centuries at least) so of COURSE it's heavy and impractical. And as we all know, rich people didn't have lives or do things! They just lounged around being rich and not moving! </s>
We're used to one layer of our mostly-polyester clothing being extremely warming in summer because. It's polyester. Breathability is not something people think about much nowadays, since we're so used to just exposing as much skin as possible to cool down. Ergo, the idea that it's layers of lightweight fabric doesn't really occur to people, I think.
Another element, I think, may be that some of these people have carried reproduction historical garments but never worn them. Or weighed them in a heap on a scale- yes, really -and never taken into account the weight distribution when they're on a body. I've owned garments that were a bear to carry, but perfectly comfortable to wear.
Also, you know. We've long had a vested interest in making our own garments seem like The Best Most Advanced Garments. You can find articles from as early as the 1920s decrying Victorian "trailing skirts and trailing hair" as unhygienic and uncomfortable Never mind that the ADULTS saying this would have known full well that shorter skirts were commonplace for situations where Excessive Dirt would be present and grown women wore their hair up. (Also, you know. Unless you're licking your hem, your skirts cannot get you sick.)
Either you're getting only the experiences of women who hated what they wore before- which would somehow be the same fashion writers who once declared that the gowns of 1915 were the best, or 1910, or 1905 -or they had a vested interest in selling something to the public: in this case, the hottest, newest clothes (and hairstyles that required more regular trips to the hairdresser than long hair pinned up). Of course you get those writers calling earlier clothing heavy- they're trying to get people to buy rayon flapper dresses!
Now, does that mean that nobody in history found their clothing heavy? Of course not. One of Amelia Bloomer's key complaints about the fashions of the 1840s and early 50s was the many layers of petticoats women often wore to create the fashionable skirt shape- and while I'm often loath to take dress reformers as sole arbiters of women's opinion, the invention of the cage crinoline/hoop skirt was widely hailed as a marvel for enabling big skirts with much less weight.
But you're so right that this perception is extremely exaggerated nowadays. I do my best to fight it- had this conversation with a colleague today, as I was wearing a long-sleeved blouse of cotton voile and a long cotton skirt to work in 80-degree (F) weather -but. Well. It DOES get frustrating at times.
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disaster-racing · 11 months
I don't usually do text posts, but I just have to ask - has anyone else noticed something strange with the Screaming Meals streams recently? James and Clem have been making some weird comments about Marcus, and they sound... a bit worrying? So I went back to their previous streams to check, and here what they said:
Qatar quali stream:
C: "We're trying, you know, to really promote this channel… trying to make it grow, got no idea what we're doing. And Marcus Armstrong doesn't wanna help us." J: "Yeah. To be fair, he doesn't have a say these days in what goes on his Instagram." C: "Does he not? Oh! That's true, I forgot about that. That is true."
C: "So, so, can you… is that the real reason, the fact that you haven't got enough devices, that you're not listening to our stream, or is it sort of censored in the household, per se?" M: "Yeah, the US has actually censored Screaming Meals, umm…" C: "Oh, see, I didn't think it would have been–" J: "Sort of a North Korea situation, is it?" C: (laughs) M: (laughs) "For obvious reasons, mate, for obvious reasons." C: "Yeah, doesn't seem to be the US, but err…"
J: (talking to Marcus) "I don't know about you but the last time I checked my bank account, fuck me, there was some… there's gotta be some numbers missing, but…" C: (closes eyes, laughing)
Qatar sprint stream:
J: "Marcus gets to the UK sometime in November so we'll definitely be filming some stuff in November, as long as he's allowed to. Um, then you can get some more pods."
Qatar race stream:
J: "Marcus says please call a bit later than lap 15, with an x." C: "What a loser! Just always skiving off work." J: "Yeah, why, like… I dunno, he's probably getting screamed at or something, I dunno." C: "Marcus is? Yeah… well, he has been under quite a lot of pressure hasn't he, recently." J: "Yeah… " … C: "No, he hasn't lost control of his downstairs. He has lost control of his credit card, though." J: "He certainly has lost control of his credit card. Anyway!"
C: "Marcus joining us as well for a short trip [in Brasil]. Interesting." J: "Yeah apparently we're not allowed to talk about that." C: "No, we're not. Good times."
J: "Shall we give Marcus another go?" C: "Nah." J: "Fair enough." C: "He was being his usual 'I'm too cool for you guys'…" J: "He was being a bit, wasn't he. He's probably on another sanction from speaking to us." C: "I think so yeah. Must be one of those sanctions."
Mexico race stream:
J: "I'm gonna give Armstrong a buzz." C: "No chance he answers." J: "I believe he's due to fly out 9pm Mexico time." C: "He'll be under heavy control. …has your number not been placed on the 'banned' list?" J: "Ah, no, this is a burner." C: "Oh, mine has. Mine has." […] C: "Quite a lot of restrictions to get in contact with Armstrong these days."
Q&A stream:
(talking about what they would buy if they had to spend £1million on each other) J: "Then for Armstrong… ummm, I'd, I dunno, I'd probably just help him pay off his credit card debts." C: "True! Paying off his credit card debts would be something. Definitely."
C: "Look, we've got Loraine with the hashtag Free Marcus." J: (snorts) "No comment."
And when Marcus was on the sprint race stream last night, he seemed a bit tired and low energy, quite different to how he was on the streams earlier in the year. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but I really hope he's okay and some of the things they've said aren't as concerning as they sound...
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Black Light 6
Warnings: namecalling, violence, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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Hottie wakes you up with a hot chocolate. The scent alone is enough to rouse you. Your mother always said you were a bloodhound.
You put on some cool DIY tutorials you found, explaining to her how you want to convert your old vanity, but first you need a lot of glitter. She seems interested but she's more concerned about the glitter being everywhere. You don't see what's so wrong with that but she suggests sealing it with resin. Well, it's all just plans until you get the materials.
You hear your mom and dad get up and notice how Hottie quiets down. She glances at the door, almost looking guilty. You smile and hop up from the bed.
"All cool, my parents are pretty chill," you say, "I'll just go tell them you're here."
"Is that okay?" She asks.
"Sure, I'll be right back."
You leave the door slightly ajar and go downstairs. You smell and hear the coffee machine brewing as you enter the kitchen. Your mom rubs her eyes as your dad leans on the island.
"Morning," you chirp, "hope you don't mind I brought a friend back last night."
"Oh, is it Kam?" Your mom asks.
"No, my new friend. I told you about her."
"Hmm, well, it's good you're making other friends," your dad hums, "hopefully better ones."
"She's awesome!"
"Are you sticking around, hon? The new couch is being delivered tonight so we have someone coming to get the old one around noon. Your dad and I have some running around to do."
"Oh, sure, is it okay if my friend hangs out til then?"
"As long as you're not up to your usual shenanigans," your dad girds playfully, "shouldn't be a problem."
"Great," you clap your hands.
Your dad growls and your mom groans as she turns to watch the coffee percolate.
"Where did she get the energy?" You father bemoans, "it certainly wasn't from us."
You giggle and leave them, rushing back upstairs to find Hottie with her purse on her shoulder. You nearly run smack into her as you enter your room.
"Hey, are you leaving?"
"I don't wanna intrude--"
"No, it's cool, really. They don't care. And they're going out for the day. We just needa wait here for the couch guys."
"Couch guys?" She echoes.
"Yeah, pleaseeee, stay," you whine, "it'll be so boring without you."
She sighs and gives a soft smile, "alright, I guess I haven't even finished my coffee."
You and Hottie sit out on the back deck, getting some sun as you wait. She fiddles with her phone, scowling as she often does at the small screen, as you cut up old magazines and fill a scrap book full of ideas. You like to put your fantasies together even if you know they won't ever be true. Besides, your mother never does anything with her old issues.
"You should try pinterest," she suggests over the top of her phone as she lays on her stomach, legs bent up behind her.
"Oh, I have an account!" You announce proudly, "I can send you the link!"
"Sure," she accepts with a smile, "so, you in school for something..."
"I wanted to do interior design. Mom said no. She doesn't see a career in that. So I'm taking Psych."
"Psychology? Wow, that's interesting."
"I guess. Oh, I was thinking about this study we read. They did an experiment where they had people with scars interview for jobs. And then they went over with the interviewer and interviewee how they thought it went and it talked all about how the people with scars factored in their appearance a lot more than the interviewer... I don't know, it just popped up in my head."
"Ah," she squints, "no reason for that, I'm sure."
Before you can respond, you hear the doorbell through the screen door. You get up, promising to be right back as Hottie rolls over. You head inside and tramp through the house in your flip flops. The doorbell rings again.
"I'm coming," you sing as you get to the door and pull it open, "hel--lo."
You stare dumbfounded at the man on your porch. August has an equally flabbergasted look on his face, his scar turning white as his eyes flare.
"You again," he growls.
You raise your chin defiantly and muster your inner Hottie.
"Um, excuse me, but... you need to go. I'm the bouncer here and--"
His brows furrow and he crosses his arms, making himself seem even bigger. You bat your lashes and cringe. You're not really convincing.
"I'm here for a couch," he glowers at your meanly.
"Mmm," he growls, "this is 387 Willow, isn't it?"
"Yes, but... don't you work at the club--"
"It's extra money. Now do you want your couch gone or do you wanna keep yammering at me?"
"Sorry, I..." You push the door back and retreat inside, "do you need help?"
"Not yours," he turns back and whistles, "Bodecker, get over here."
You glance past him and see another familiar face. It's the other bouncer, the one with the round belly. He comes up the steps and smirks at you.
"Ah, what are the odds?"
"Yes, what are the odds?" August sneers, "how exactly did you find this pick up?"
"Hey, it's money," the other man says, "so, where's the couch?"
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