#I'm trying to post like only three-five a day until all my stuff is up to not overwhelm the tags lol
firewasabeast · 3 months
I made a little bucktommy fic based off of this post from yesterday (read here or on ao3)
There had been a big fire, taking out the top eight floors of a high rise. There were multiple stations involved, including the 118 and Harbor, ground and air support, to get the fire under control and everyone out safely.
It took more than a few hours, but eventually the fire was out and everyone was getting their gear in order to head back to their respective stations.
As Buck organized the tools in the truck, a small group of friends, two guys and two girls, in their mid-twenties Buck assumed, gathered around him.
It had started with little comments; a guy asked what the axe was used for, a girl batted her eyelashes as she touched his turnouts because she “always wondered what the material felt like”, another girl asked how much water could be stored in the truck.
Buck liked talking. He liked answering questions and telling people what he did. He leaned against the firetruck as they chatted, until about five minutes in one of the guys sighed and got to the point. “We're honestly just wondering if one of us could get your number? Or all of us. Doesn't really matter.”
Buck paused. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy getting hit on. He enjoyed it quite a bit, actually. It was always nice to know when someone found you attractive.
Getting hit on was fun. Getting people's numbers was fun. But, there was something else that was even funner now. He'd been able to do it for exactly three months, to the day. Not that he wasn't flashing his ring beforehand, but something about being married sounded even better than being engaged.
“Sorry, guys,” Buck said, smiling as he lifted his left hand into view, “Im flattered, but I'm married.”
As some disappointed, and some still interested, looks broke out over the group, a familiar voice sounded behind Buck. “Damn, I was just about to shoot my shot.”
A blush rose on Buck's face as Tommy passed by. He was working ground ops today, and Buck knew he was around, but this was the first he'd seen of him. “Yeah, you wish, Kinard,” he called back, causing Tommy to turn back around to him.
He shrugged, smirking. “A guy can dream, can't he?” he asked with a wink, continuing backwards toward his truck.
It was only once Tommy was out of view that Buck realized the group was still there, staring between Buck and the direction Tommy went with confusion on their faces.
“Oh, uh, that- that's my husband.”
His smile grew as he watched the realization hit the group. They didn't stand a chance.
“Forget it,” one girl mumbled as they all started to disperse.
“They're both so hot, what the hell?” one guy whispered, albeit loudly, to his friend.
“And unbelievably corny,” the friend said back, not even trying to be quiet. “Makes me wanna gag.”
Buck rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he pushed himself up from where he was leaning on the firetruck. He began walking in the direction Tommy had gone, needing to see him before his station left.
“Get any numbers, hot stuff?” Tommy's voice made Buck jump. He was situated between two trucks and, from the looks of it, had just finished pouring a bottle of water over his head to clean himself off.
Buck's shoulders relaxed as he walked over to Tommy. “No, I did not,” he said cheekily. “You wanna know why?”
“Because my husband interrupted. He didn't say it, but I got the feeling he wants to keep me to himself.”
“The nerve of that guy.” Tommy moved closer to Buck, his hands coming up to grip onto the sides of Buck's turnouts. “Can't say I blame him though.” He spoke quietly, staring between Buck's eyes and lips, “He does have a really hot husband.”
Buck put his hand at the nape of Tommy's neck, closing the space between them as he pulled him in for a kiss. He had no concern for the fact he was getting soot right back on Tommy's clean face. Payback.
“Can you bring your turnouts home?” Buck asked, leaning back just enough to speak.
Tommy laughed, his face scrunching up into that deep smile that made Buck melt. “This really does something for you, doesn't it?”
“Every damn time.”
Another kiss, this one slower and softer. A promise of what's to come when they're both off shift in a few hours. “I'll figure out a way.”
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lemoncrushh · 1 month
Cubicle // 11) Start of Something Good
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Word Count: 3103
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Monday // Harry
When I got to work, I already had a stack of stuff on my desk with post-it notes attached from Nina. I rolled my eyes as I shrugged out of my jacket, hanging it on the back of the chair. Then I made my way to the break room.
I was disappointed not to find Roni in there, but I knew it was still early. I'd been so anxious to see her again, I'd hardly slept and by five AM, I'd finally just decided to get the day started. After preparing my tea, I sat at the table, hoping Roni would walk in any minute. I saw both Alice and Travis with whom I'd chatted for a bit, and even Gerard made an appearance. But never the face I wanted to see. I considered just going to her side of the office and strolling to her desk, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to do it. Nerves perhaps? But what was I nervous about? I'd slept with the woman two nights in a row, for fuck's sake.
After twenty minutes, I deduced that she wasn't coming so I walked back to my desk to start on the pile of work. I was halfway through a report, staring at the computer screen when I heard a light tap behind me. I swiveled my chair around to see Roni standing at the edge of my cubicle, a coffee mug in her hand.
"Hi, Harry," she muttered shyly.
"Hi," I grinned.
God, she looked beautiful. She had her hair pulled back from her face, pretty little tendrils falling on either side. She wore a pink and black polka-dotted jumper that fit her like a glove, yet showed no skin, and a black skirt. It was probably the most conservative ensemble I'd seen her wear, though she still looked completely sexy.
"How are you?" she inquired as she stepped closer to me.
"I'm great now," I replied, leaning back in my chair.
She beamed at me, her hands gripping her cup. "Good." Then with a lick of her lips she continued. "I'd hoped to run into you this morning, but I got held up with Greta."
"Oh," I raised my eyebrows. So that's what happened.
"Yeah," she grimaced, leaning against my desk. "As soon as I got out of the car she hounded me about crap that needed done for the sales team. She chatted about it all the way and insisted we get it done first thing. So I only just now got a chance to get my morning coffee."
She brought her cup to her lips, taking a sip. I suddenly felt like a complete prat for not going to her desk earlier.
"I was wondering," I admitted. "I waited for you."
"You did?"
The way she looked at me just then, like she was disappointed that she'd missed me, or worse, made me wait, took all I had in me not to take her into my arms. She looked sweet and vulnerable, and I wanted to hold her and kiss her.
"Yes," I nodded, trying not to give too much away.
"I'm sorry," she said softly.
Alright, here's the thing. This woman does something to me. She exudes this sexiness like no other woman I've met before. I'm constantly finding myself wanting to reach my hands out and touch her, pull her into my lap and fuck her like there's no tomorrow. But another part of me is starting to feel something else. I can't quite put my finger on it, probably because I've never felt these emotions before. It's like...I care about her. I care about what she's doing and how she's feeling. It's driving me crazy, to be honest.
I wasn't lying when I'd texted her last night to tell her I'd thought about her all day. That wasn't some cheap line. I'd thought about her all fucking day. She was all I'd thought about. I'd probably gotten a total of three hours' sleep after I'd gotten home. Even after jerking off, imagining her sweet mouth on my cock, I'd tossed and turned until I finally got up and took a cold shower. She was on my mind whilst I ate breakfast, when I went to the gym, and even when I stood in the queue at the cafe. I'd wanted to call her, and even came close a couple times as I pulled my phone out of my pocket, immediately scrolling to her name. But I didn't press it.
Now, hearing her apologise to me...for what? For not being in the break room as early as I had been? For being busy whilst I sat at the table, resolved to making idle chit chat with co-workers to whom I barely speak otherwise? Waiting for her gorgeous body to walk through the door? It was almost more than I could bear.
"Harry..." Roni spoke again, almost causing me to physically shake the thoughts from my head. She set her mug down on the desk and stepped even closer to me. Her hand met mine resting on the edge of the desk, her fingers grazing over it. "I had a wonderful time with you this weekend."
I looked directly at her then, her beautiful eyes sparkling. Her voice had been just barely above a whisper, but I'd understood every word. I grinned at her, silent for a moment. Although her lips didn't quite smile back, the expression on her face did.
"I did too, Roni," I said.
I turned my hand over so that hers fell into mine. I caressed the back of it with my thumb, not taking my gaze off of her.
"Hey, Harry, have you finished —" I heard a voice begin.
As soon as I looked to my left, I felt Roni's hand leave mine. Nina stood by my cubicle partition, a folder tucked under her arm and her lips pursed. She's not an unattractive woman, but at that moment she might as well have been Satan.
"Yes, Nina?" I asked, my tone underlined with contempt.
"Have you finished the report for Woolery yet?"
"I gave you that one on Friday," I spat.
I didn't mean to be so harsh with her, but this was the third time in the past week that she'd asked me about something that I'd already done. Not to mention the fact that she'd interrupted my time with Roni.
"There's some revisions that need to be made," Nina retorted. "I put it on your desk this morning."
"What?" I sighed, lifting the stack of papers. Underneath two other reports was the one to which she was referring. "Well, why didn't you put it on the top if you needed it done first?"
"I need them all done first," she huffed.
I turned my chair around and glared at her. It wasn't even ten in the morning yet, and she was already getting under my skin. I heard Roni try to stifle a giggle behind me.
"I'll get to it as soon as I can," I told Nina, my jaw set.
"Thank you," she said before turning around and walking away.
"That woman needs to take a chill pill," Roni piped up.
"Tell me about it," I smirked.
"Unfortunately," she added, "I have to get back to work, so I'll let you get to yours."
"See ya, Harry." As Roni turned around I noticed the back of her stockings had a little line with tiny black bows going down. I immediately imagined running my hands up them and under her skirt.
"Oh, by the way," she said when she reached the edge of my cubicle, "I'm free for lunch if you are."
"Absolutely," I grinned. "Noon?"
"Perfect. Bye."
She waved at me with the tips of her fingers before turning away once again. Like always, I watched her go, her ass shifting underneath her skirt. Only this time, I could add more to my mental image.
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He'd waited for me. Oh, I could just die! When Greta chatted my ear off as soon as I got to work this morning, I knew I was in trouble. She's my supervisor, so there's no way I could tell her to put a sock in it. For an hour and a half, I helped her with a project, my head beginning to pound from lack of caffeine. I knew I'd missed my chance to run into Harry, so when Greta was finally satisfied, I quickly grabbed my cup of coffee from the break room and made my way toward Harry's cubicle.
To hear him admit that he'd waited for me, wondering where I was just about crushed my heart, but at the same time lifted me on a cloud much higher than nine. I could tell by his tone that he was a bit relieved to know that I had been busy working and hadn't stood him up, although we hadn't exactly made plans to meet. Neither of us want to reveal too much just yet, but I think we both know there's something between us. The way he turned his hand over to catch mine told me a lot, and if Nina hadn't interrupted when she did...well, let's just say I might have kissed him at his desk.
Office romance is a tricky subject. I know this from experience. My ex, Roland, and I used to work together. It was the reason why I'd asked Harry if he'd ever dated anyone from work before. It was a little bit different situation, however, because it was at a factory. Roland was a maintenance worker, and I was a receptionist. We had already been dating when I started there. I rarely saw him unless he happened to come into the office. Still, in the end it proved to be a sticky situation after our break-up, and I finally started looking for another job.
I'm not going to be presumptuous about Harry and me. We've gone on two dates and had amazing sex. We flirt at work. It's too soon to think we'll turn into anything more than a fling. But even with that, you have to be careful. And I like Harry too much to risk doing something stupid.
When I got back to my desk, Gerard Holcomb was looking around as though he'd lost something.
"Can I help you?" I asked him, not bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice.
"Ah, Miss Graver," he announced, turning around. "Did you happen to print that price list for me yet?"
"You can't print that yourself?" I raised my eyebrows, perturbed.
"I thought you were making edits to it. Remember, we talked about it Friday?"
I sighed and sat down in my chair. "Sorry, Gerard. I got busy."
Gerard eyed me for a moment before speaking again. He made my skin crawl.
"Can I have it before lunch?"
"Sure," I replied.
He tapped the end of his pen against my desk before leaving my cubicle, without so much as a thank you. He really is a knob head.
I worked on Gerard's precious price list for a total of ten minutes. It wasn't hard for me to do what he'd wanted, I just didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing I could get it done so quickly. Just because he's the top salesman doesn't mean I'm going to drop everything to tend to his needs. I have an entire sales team for which I work. And none of them as of yet have asked me to do something that they could easily get done themselves.
After I finished a report for another salesman, printed and binded it, I walked to his desk to hand it to him. With a courteous thank you from him, I stopped by Gerard's desk and handed him his price list.
"Looks good, Miss Graver," he muttered, taking it from me. Still no thank you. I gritted my teeth.
"You know, I have a first name," I told him.
He glared at me as though I'd slapped him.
"Sorry, I tend to refer to most people by their last names. But if you prefer, I'll call you Veronica."
Once hearing my name fall from his lips, I started to have second thoughts. Instead, I nodded. "Thank you."
As I headed back to my desk, I realised it was almost noon. I smiled to myself at the obvious pleasure I took in anticipating my lunch with Harry. I was quite giddy and even had a little hop in my step. I checked a few quick emails before grabbing my handbag. Just as I turned the corner, I almost collided with Gerard.
"Miss...I mean, Veronica," he said. "I wanted to apologise for earlier. I was rude."
"Oh," I waved my hand, "no worries."
"You did a good job on the price list, and I want to thank you."
My eyes widened at his statement. "Oh. Okay. You're welcome."
"Let me take you to lunch," he added.
"Oh..." I mouthed. "Thanks...but I already have plans."
"Oh." Gerard genuinely looked taken aback. I wondered how many times he'd been turned down before.
Just then I saw Harry out of the corner of my eye walking down the hallway towards me. I smiled at him and waved, turning my attention back to Gerard for only a second.
"Maybe next time," I said sweetly.
I didn't wait for his response as I brushed past him to meet Harry.
"Ready?" I asked him.
"You bet," he replied.
We walked together out to the parking lot where he opened the car door for me. When he walked around to his side and got behind the wheel, he faced me.
"He didn't seem too pleased," remarked Harry.
"Holcomb. I know he doesn't care for me, but his eyes were throwing daggers just now."
I chuckled as I leaned back in my seat. "He'd just asked me to lunch."
"You're joking," said Harry. "And you turned him down to be with me?"
"Who else?"
Harry smirked as he put the car in reverse. "Or maybe it's just for the free food."
"You never said you were paying," I quipped.
I watched Harry's dimple dip deeper as his smile grew wider.
"This is true," he agreed. "But I am anyway."
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I almost wished Roni had seen the look on Gerard's face as she'd waved and then walked up to me. It was quite comical. He looked like someone had just told him to solve a horrendous mathematical equation. He looked from her to me, and back to her again as though he couldn't make sense of it. As I let her walk ahead of me, I took one last gander back at him, his eyes narrowed in disgust. Let him be angry. I'm sure he's wanted to get Roni into bed since her first day, too. Lucky for me, she thinks he's scum.
"So did you get all of your reports completed for Nina?" Roni asked me as we shared an organic pizza.
"Almost," I rolled my eyes. "I have one left I think. But it wouldn't surprise me if there are more on my desk when I get back."
"I don't get it," said Roni. "She's the administrative assistant, isn't she? Isn't that her job?"
I shrugged as I wiped my mouth with a napkin. "Yeah. But I'm sort of her assistant. So she drops it on me when things need correcting."
"Ah," Roni nodded. "Like how I'm Greta's assistant."
I watched Roni as she chewed her pizza, looking at the wall behind me. Her face said she was pondering something, and when she took a sip of her water, she finally spoke.
"One day..." she said. "One day I will no longer be anyone's assistant."
Her declaration sounded like a line from a movie, but I didn't laugh. I felt a pang in my chest from her words and the look on her face. She seemed so hopeful. It was the purest and most beautiful thing I'd ever witnessed.
"What?" she grinned shyly when she caught me staring.
I merely shook my head. If I told her what I was thinking she'd probably laugh or think it was corny. She looked so pretty sitting across from me, her lipstick half gone from eating, her cheeks rosy from possibly feeling slightly embarrassed about her statement. I wanted to hold her. I wanted to touch her face and brush my mouth against hers.
After I paid for the lunch, we drove back to the office. I pulled into the parking spot, but didn't turn off the engine. I stared straight ahead, not sure what to say, or if I needed to say anything. My palms were sweaty, and I quickly wiped them on my trousers, wishing to God my heart would stop beating as fast as it was. Finally, Roni broke the silence.
"Can I say something?" she asked.
"Of course," I replied, turning my head to face her. Jesus, yes, please say something!
Roni adjusted herself in her seat, leaning on her side, her sexy smile spread across her face.
"I really enjoy being with you," she confessed.
I couldn't stop myself from grinning so wide my cheeks hurt. "Really?"
"Mmm hmm," she nodded. "I know it hasn't been that long, Harry, but I feel like...well...there's something here...between us."
"Me too," I blinked.
Roni did that fucking lip bite thing that drives me crazy.
"Good," she said, putting her hand on my thigh. I watched as she slid it up my leg dangerously before leaning closer. "So are you gonna kiss me now, or what?"
I gave a low chuckle as I reach over and touched her cheek, just like I'd wanted to at the restaurant. When my lips met hers, the same excitement and surge of electricity bolted through me as they had all the other times I'd kissed her. But there was also something else. A sort of unspoken understanding - a tenderness that I hadn't felt before.
As we walked into the building together, I put my arm around her. I wondered if she would flinch or back away, but she didn't. She greeted Greta and thanked me for lunch as she dropped her bag on her desk. Then she turned to me and grabbed my hands, squeezing them.
"Call me later, okay?" she whispered.
I nodded as I squeezed her hands back, then headed toward my cubicle. It wasn't until I sat in my chair that it hit me. Bloody hell! I'm falling for this girl.
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hchollym · 2 years
Percy Weasley & Sansa Stark Parallels
This post is going to be more for me than anything else, because I doubt many people are interested in this very specific topic, but I couldn't resist.
Percy & Sansa are two of my favorite characters in literature, and the more I started to think about it, the more I realized how much they have in common. I know that sounds strange, and don't get me wrong, there are some key differences (Sansa was definitely more of an innocent victim - the poor girl was only 11 years old), but they do actually have a lot of similarities as well!
I'm going to link some posts/metas about Percy, just in case someone wants to see extra support for my claims, because I feel like Sansa is a little bit more obvious/self-explanatory in canon.
They are both tall redheads (which doesn't mean anything, but it is a fun coincidence). 🙂
They are both unfairly hated by fandom because of the POV trap (Harry & Arya).
They are both feminine (see this post about Percy).
They both love reading, and neither of them are very athletic.
They were both naïve and trusted the wrong people because they didn't know any better. Unfortunately, they were both raised by their fathers to trust in something that wasn't trustworthy (the Ministry of Magic - see this post about Percy - & the idea that most men/knights are honorable).
They are both romantic in nature (Percy writing love letters & Sansa reading love stories). Interestingly enough, both of them are the first siblings in their families to be given a storyline that involves a romantic relationship/betrothal & yet both of their oldest brothers end up getting married first (which is not a bad thing; it's just an observation).
They were both the "perfect" child who had high expectations placed on them from a young age ("Sansa was a lady at three, always so courteous and eager to please."), yet they were also ignored the most because they were "easy" compared to their siblings (see this post on Percy's relationship with his mother).
This is why their acts of "rebellion" (Percy disowning his family & Sansa going to Cersei) were so unexpected. They were always so well-behaved until they finally felt pushed over the edge:
“What do we want to be prefects for?” said George, looking revolted at the very idea. “It’d take all the fun out of life.”  Ginny giggled.  “You want to set a better example for your sister!” snapped Mrs. Weasley.  “Ginny’s got other brothers to set her an example, Mother,” said Percy loftily. 
suddenly changing to:
“He went completely berserk. He said — well, he said loads of terrible stuff... And he packed his bags the same night and left. He’s living here in London now.”
"It was for love," Sansa said in a rush. "Father wouldn't even give me leave to say farewell." She was the good girl, the obedient girl, but she had felt as wicked as Arya that morning, sneaking away from Septa Mordane, defying her lord father..."
They were both usually the odd one out with their siblings, who all had a closer bond with each other than with Percy/Sansa. Their siblings also looked down on their interests because they couldn't relate to them:
“We’re trying to standardize cauldron thickness. Some of these foreign imports are just a shade too thin — leakages have been increasing at a rate of almost three percent a year —” “That’ll change the world, that report will,” said Ron. “Front page of the Daily Prophet, I expect, cauldron leaks.” Percy went slightly pink.
Sansa would have sighed and shed a tear for true love, but Arya just thought it was stupid. 
They were also the target of their siblings' pranks/mischief:
“I shudder to think what the state of my in-tray would be if I was away from work for five days.” “Yeah, someone might slip dragon dung in it again, eh, Perce?” said Fred. “That was a sample of fertilizer from Norway!” said Percy, going very red in the face. “It was nothing personal!” “It was,” Fred whispered to Harry as they got up from the table. “We sent it.”
"Arya started it," Sansa said quickly, anxious to have the first word. "She called me a liar and threw an orange at me and spoiled my dress, the ivory silk, the one Queen Cersei gave me when I was betrothed to Prince Joffrey."
They were both resented by their younger sibling(s), who each happen to be about 2 years younger than them (Fred and George & Arya):
"...we never had trouble like this from Bill or Charlie or Percy —” “Perfect Percy,” muttered Fred.
Sansa had the grace to blush. She blushed prettily. She did everything prettily, Arya thought with dull resentment.
Ironically enough, their parents usually let those siblings get away with a lot more than Percy or Sansa would have been allowed to get away with (see this post on Molly & Arthur's lack of discipline with the twins):
None of which stopped Arya, of course. One day she came back grinning her horsey grin, her hair all tangled and her clothes covered in mud, clutching a raggedy bunch of purple and green flowers for Father. Sansa kept hoping he would tell Arya to behave herself and act like the highborn lady she was supposed to be, but he never did, he only hugged her and thanked her for the flowers. That just made her worse.
Their fathers failed them (though not on purpose) when they needed them most (Arthur yelled at Percy and accused him of spying instead of calmly helping Percy see that he was being used & Ned refused to explain why Sansa's betrothal was being called off). This directly led to their acts of rebellion.
As a result, they were both taken advantage of by people in power (Fudge & Cersei) and separated from their family. Initially, this is what they both thought they wanted (Percy chose to leave & Sansa wanted to remain in King's Landing with Joffrey instead of returning home), but they both ended up regretting it (after losing their innocence and naivety) and wanting their family back.
They were both young, and yet they were judged for not knowing something that even the adults didn't know (Percy didn't notice that his boss, Barty Sr., who he barely knew, was under the Imperious Curse, while Dumbledore failed to notice that his old friend was actually a Death Eater using a Polyjuice potion & Sansa thought that she could trust Cersei while Ned believed that he could trust Cersei enough to warn her to leave town without her retaliating against him).
While they were separated/alone, their mothers were really the only ones doing anything to try and get them back (Molly visited Percy & Catelyn freed Jaime).
They both had to play their part in politics under a corrupt government. They both originally wanted to be a part of that system (eventually becoming the Minister of Magic & eventually becoming the queen). They ended up realizing that the people in charge were not as noble and well-intentioned as they thought.
They learned to be more careful about who they trusted, and they adapted to survive (Percy in a Ministry controlled by Voldemort & Sansa with the threat of Cersei, Jeffrey, and Littlefinger).
They both lost a brother. 😭
He and Ron had both grabbed Hermione and pulled her to the floor, but Percy lay across Fred’s body, shielding it from further harm.
Robb had died at a wedding feast as well. It was Robb she wept for. 
They both reconnected/made amends with the sibling(s) that initially resented them (Sansa and Arya will meet again and work things out in the books - fight me):
“I was a fool!” Percy roared, so loudly that Lupin nearly dropped his photograph. “I was an idiot, I was a pompous prat, I was a— a— ” “Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron.” said Fred. Percy swallowed. “Yes, I was!” “Well, you can’t say fairer that that,” said Fred, holding out his hand to Percy.
In Conclusion
I just found it interesting that two of my favorite characters - who seem very different - have so much in common. I'm sure that says something about me! 🤣😊
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whoishotteranimepolls · 7 months
The state of my inbox, requests, the queue and four-way poll updates
Please quit spamming my inbox. If you would like to add to the discourse regarding anything on the blog. For instance the one piece art style debate or why does Gojo keep losing? Please comment or reblog don't spam my inbox because at the moment there's so much junk in it relating to the discourse that I struggle to find the request for the polls I'm supposed to make. So while I sort through all the junk. I'm not making the polls so that's just going to delay the request opening back up even longer.
Right now I'm kind of debating on whether or not I need to just shut off ask completely because some people are abusing the privilege. Because at the moment there is more stuff in my inbox than when I originally closed the request. Plus most of it isn't even poll request anymore. It's random questions about are certain cartoons going to be allowed and crap about the one piece and Gojo debates
Again, I do this blog for fun. I run this blog by myself and I have a job and a life outside of it. And I want to get through this batch of requests Because I know next time I open up the request box there will be a lot more variety since I have almost triple the follower count. And that means less one piece for all the people that complain because the queue is about 80% one piece and their requests are about 50% one piece. However, I'm not adding new one piece polls to the queue at the moment so that ratio might change
So the person who suggested character cooldowns that just isn't feasible because I got one piece polls that have been in the queue since January. Because I just hit shuffle on the queue a couple times to make sure there isn't going to be too many one piece polls everyday before the polls start posting. Because depending on how many polls post each day you're going to get at least 2 to 4 one piece poll everyday at least for the foreseeable future I am trying to add more variety But with the state of the queue and the request box this is what we're getting until I can open it up again.
On to the topic of four-way polls, I know I've got a bunch of questions about them
For future reference, when it comes to four-way polls, it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission because I don't think this person even bothered to ask. They just sent in the request and I already had all the photos so I was more willing to say yes. But if it's ridiculous and I have to hunt down four photos specifically for one poll because it's super niche characters, I'm probably going to say no. But if I already have all the photos saved because I've done polls for the characters before I'm more likely to say yes. Or maybe you send in the photos. But finding the photos is the hardest part of making the polls. So far there's only been four four-way polls requested so far. Still not done. Going through the request box there could be more.
So if you want to try to get me to do five and six way polls by just sending it in and hoping for the best. Maybe you'll catch me in a good mood but I might say no. As long as everyone understands that anything more than three, no guarantee it will be made you are welcome to try
I hope this made sense. It kind of was a bit of a rant But hopefully this clarifies a lot of the questions and issues that have been brought up the past couple of days
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justxrandomxlivia · 2 years
Southern Horns - Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!Reader
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gif by daniel-bruehl
Summary: You are a southern states First Sergeant working for the UN. For years you chased a criminal mastermind all around the globe, until he finally appeard to be in England, where you have to work with the SAS together. But a certain, very hot Lieutenant makes it hard for you to breath.
Warnings: Mention of criminal stuff. TW! - Blood/wounds. But overall fluff with light smut at the end ;)
Word count: 4549
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AN: (Masterlist) My first time writing Ghost. I wrote the second half about three times new, because i did not like the flow. And somehow the ending happened to be smut :D Forgive me. For the scottish accent and the southern drawl i used two very amazing translators. I'm going to post the links at the end. Anyway, have fun and let me know if you like me to continue the story ^^ - Livana
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“Ma’am, we are landing in 5 mins.” A young U.S. marine was kind to let me know. Working for five months with the Marines was clearly difficult, but I managed to survive. We did some good cleaning with the UN near Africa. Freeing the ocean from drug export and import, human trafficking and arms smuggling. But I’m really happy to return home, where temperatures are not made by devil and trying to kill me day after day.
After getting my promotion to First Sergeant, I signed the contract with UN. Now I’m travelling the globe and have to get along with soldiers from all over the world. It’s not so easy as a female U.S. Army Sergant, but despite all those stereotypical comments, I make the best out of it.
But now I will only focus on my six weeks vacation before I’ll return to Africa. As I look out of the plane I feel how we are slowly descending. Something I never can get used to. “yawl comin' downtown with us?” I look behind me as one of my partners asked the front row the regular question, like everytime when we come home. I smile at him and shake my head. “Naw, i need tuh git sum sleep. Hav fun.“
Usually, I would join them. But not today. As I answered I realized how tired I really was. Born in raised in Georgia, I had big issues in my early years in the army. If I couldn’t speak clean, I was not allowed to speak at all. I practised day and night to ‘speak normal.’ Now I just end up in my accent when I’m too tired or when I want to mess with others.
After we landed, I grabbed my bag and got out of the plane. Now taking a one-way trip home. Straight to bed. Hm, almost straight to bed. First I need to take a shower, put my stuff in the laundry and get something to eat. Maybe I’m watching some Desperate Housewives while eating dinner. Should I just order something.
Completely stuck in my thoughts I didn’t heard someone calling for me, I just realised at the moment this someone was stopping me in my tracks as they grabbed my shoulder. I almost jump out my skin, before I saw who it was. “Captain?” I was shocked and disappointed to see my captain here. He only appears when someone gets a new job aboard. “Sir, how can I help you?” I asked. Hoping he just stopped by to tell me ‘Good job’ or something. But that was more a dream than a possible outcome.
He looked at me as if he was sorry. But same time angry. “Sergant l/n. Do you remember Christoph Johnson?” He asked with a stern face. Immediately a bad feeling grew inside me. I let out a long sigh, “Yes sir. The bastard we lost in Mexico last year. He disappeared since then. Don’t tell me he is back on track?” I took a deep breath, preparing for the answer. My Captain turned around an started walking towards hangar four. Then he spoke: “Yes sergeant. He seems to be back. We tracked him down to England. We connected him with nuclear missile smuggle. SAS will be collaborating with us.” Then he stopped. I could not even ask or say anything as he continued. “You trip starts in 10 minutes. You can sleep on board if the flight is not too bumpy.” With this he pointed to the small transport aircraft in hangar four. Then he started walking away, leaving me alone.
Great. Six weeks vacation yeah. I don’t even bother to ask why me. It is obvious. I worked from the beginning of my time in the army to get a hand on Johnson. I worked with so many different branches in the last 5 years, but he was always a step ahead. Hearing that he smuggles nuclear weapons now, is not a good sign. I guess I will work as assistant for SAS. After those years hunting that bastard, I would say, I know the most about him. Even the FBI offered me a job 2 years ago. But I’d rather fight for people of the whole world.
As I make my way to the aircraft, I can feel how my body get’s heavier. I need to take some rest while we are in the air. A friendly Lieutenant greets me and tells me that they’ll drop me off in England where I’ll get picked up by an SAS Sergeant. Short after I placed myself at a window seat, I hear the engines running. The plane takes off and we made it to cruising altitude. Now it’s time to rest. I closed my eyes and fell right away asleep. After a few hours and bad dreams, I woke up as I felt how we were descending. A few minutes later the plane came to a stop. Taking my bag once more, I said good bye to the Lieutenant and left the plane. Just as I made myself a little bit away from the plane, it turned it’s engines on and took off once more. I was standing now completely alone on a open airfield. There was not even a building in the near, no ground control and only few landing zone lights. Do I have hallucinations, or does it smell like rain. Please don’t- ah. “Great.” I mumbled.
Just as I thought about, it began slowly to rain. “Pick up please? Anywhere?” begging to a higher force, as the rain just got heavier. Approximately 10 minutes passed as I saw a big van coming my way. Most of my clothes were drenched already. “Six weeks vacation. Thanks for nothings.” I mumbled once more. I was mad, so mad that I didn’t even planned to speak properly. They’ll get my full force of the south.
The Van came to a stop in front of me. A man with a mohawk stepped out of the car and smiled at me as if the sun just rose. “Ma’am, Sergeant l/n? Mah names Sergeant MacTavish.” He holds his hand out and I took it. He’s Scottish, I guess? “Sergeant, call may y/n playze.” As I spoke he looked at me a little confused, but then smiled even bigger. “Then ye ca' me Soap.” He replied. Now it was me who looked a little confused. “Call sign?” I asked. He only nodded. Then he turned to the van and told me to hop on. As we drove off the airfield, he apologised. “A'm sorry ye hud tae hauld yer horses in th' smirr. Th' message that th' plane lands earlier didnae reached us richt awa'.”
“Sir, with all due respect, Ah didn't understand uh word.” I told him, hoping he will not be mad. And he wasn’t, the opposite, he laughed loud and was so kind to repeat it in English. “I said, I'm sorry you had to wait in the rain. The message that the plane lands earlier didn't reached us right away. Don’t bother to tell me when you don’t understand anything. I love to mess with people that way. Lt. is my biggest fan.” The last sentence was with sarcasm packed.
I giggled at him. “Thought Ahm thonly wun who luvs tuh piss uh paypul with thur accent.“ I giggled once more as he looked at me as if I spoke Japanese. Then he laughed. “So you thought, you are the only one who loves to piss of people, with your accent? Is this southern?” He asked as we turned towards a military base. I smiled and said plain, “Yes, Ahm frum georgia. Ah can spake english as wayul, but i'm too tired. Gist came back frum africa.“ I didn’t even tried to speak properly. To tired, too mad, too anti everything. I just want Food and rest. He stopped the car and spoke to me once more before leaving the car. “Do nae speak to Lt. lik' that. He'll murder ye.” With this he laughed and left the car. I quickly followed him into a smaller building.
Inside, Soap showed me the kitchen, bathrooms and my bedroom. “If ye'r hungry, we bought some things ye might lik'. Wrote yer name oan it. Git some rest, we'll hae briefing at 8 am.” With this he left me alone in my bedroom. First I’ll take the shower, then grab some food and then, sleep! It’s already 1:00 am. I should hurry.
In less than 30 minutes I got all done and laid in bed. The food was okey, they bought some Texas styled rice with vegetables. I had better, but still better than military bag ratios. Not even five minutes passed, as I entered dreamland.
As my alarm ripped me out of my dream at 7:30 am, I felt how tired my body still was. Slowly rising from the bed, I stretched and got myself ready. Quickly, because I didn’t want to miss breakfast or be to late for the briefing. It supposed to get cold outside, so I threw another jacket on, heading now towards the kitchen. Few people were there. Some were eating, some only chatting and some were drinking something steamy. But it didn’t smell like coffee. I guess nobody here drinks coffee.
“Good mornin' y/n. How was yer rest?” Soap greeted me from a small table near the door. “Oh hey Soap, haven’t seen you there.” I said to him a little bit still tired but I was able to pull myself together. He suddenly looked at me confused. “Na! Where is yer cool accent? We need it to piss off Lt.” he said as he puffed out his cheeks in frustration. I could only laugh. He really wanted to use me against his Lieutenant? I ignored his act of mischief and returned with a question to him. “yawl hav coffee?“ soap was clearly happy about that, he pointed to the place next to him, where was set a cup, a pack of instant coffee, sugar and milk. “This is heaven.” I said and sat next to him, the rest 10 minutes I was having breakfast with soap and a good chat about God knows what.
„We gotta go.“ Soap said, placing the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I did the same and followed him out of the building, across the yard into a bigger building. I followed him into a meeting room, where were a couple of people already waiting. A man with a beard came to me, he held out his hand and said: „Sergeant l/n, it’s good to have you here ma‘am. I’m captain Price.“ I shook his hand and smiled. „Captain, please call me y/n. I’d like to say it’s nice to be here, but looking at the circumstances, it’s not the best reason to meet.“ he laughed a bit. The rest of the team seemed amused itself.
But the atmosphere crashed as I heard a low, light raspy voice speaking behind me. „Wow, you must be are a real fucking hit.“ i turned around and my blood froze when I looked into almost dead glaring eyes, hidden behind a skull mask. Soap tapped me on the shoulder and laughed. „Ey ya, Lt. how was you rest. Did ya sleep well? This is ma freish mukker. Ye'll loue her.“ soap pushed me forward to the creepy man, it felt like he’s using me a human shield. Soap what the hell! I thought. The eyes of the Man grew even more dark. „Speak English MacTavish.“ he growled.
I get it. It is the Lt. Soap talked about. The one he loves to piss of with his Scottish. Then soap, tapped on my shoulder again. „Yo y/n. Don’t want to greet the lt. properly. In your native slang please.“ he giggled like a little devil brat. I frowned as I looked back at soap: „Absolutely not. He looks like he can kill me with only his eyes. I don’t want to die just yet!“ I hissed at Soap. The lieutenant chuckled in amusement. „Smart girl I’d say. You should listen to her Johnny.“ with this he closed the door behind him and leaned against the wall. Soap just huffed and leaned next to the Lt. then he signed me to place myself next to him, as I did, a women entered the room. „I’m sorry for being late.“ she said, while greeting the captain. „No problem, Kate. Can we begin?“ he replied casually. I like them already. The captain and the team seem friendly, soap and I seem to get well along already and the lieutenant is probably not as bad as i think. We will see. As the women named Kate set up different things at the white board, she looked at me. I guess it’s my time to shine. She smiled and walked towards me; I did the same out of respect. “Ma’am, Sergeant l/n. I’m Laswell, keeping everything here together.” I shook her hand and replied. “Ma’am, call me y/n. It’s a pleasure to help out.” She smiled and pointed at the whiteboard. “Would you please let the team know what we need to know. I’m sure not all information has reached me just yet.” With me following her, the meeting began.
After 45 minutes, the briefing was eventually over. The plan was clear. Talk to contacts, find out the locations of the missile, get them covered and find Johnson.
“This time I’ll get that Bastard“ i swore beneath my breath as we packed the trucks. I was just done with my stuff as I looked to the right, there was Soap and the lieutenant, standing and staring. „Is there a problem?“ I asked. The lieutenant shook his head slowly, but soap had a concerned look on his face. „Tell y/n, your thing is personal with Johnson isn’t it?“ he asked calmly but a bit worried. Now it was me who shook the head. „Nah.“ I said briefly. Then I turned to Gaz, „Do we need more refills over there?“ I asked. Hoping he would give me something to do, so I can avoid more question from soap. I don’t want to talk about Johnson. Too much has happened. Too much, what makes the hunt personal. But it’s nothing they should matter about. After I helped Gaz with few more tasks, Price came to us. „Ready to go?“ he asked and Gaz nodded on response. He’s a quite type hm. But seems sympathetic. We got In the truck and I sat next to soap. On the opposite side was the lieutenant sitting. First I thought nothing, but after while, I realised that he was staring at me. The whole time. If he spaced out? I looked at soap and ask with my gesture what’s wrong with LT. Soap started giggling like a little girl. Then he tapped me on the shoulder again. „See, y/n. If you try hard enough, you two might get a hang on telepathy. Let me know when it worked.“ he laughed. But the lieutenant looked away. He’s weird. Maybe he tried to read my mind. After a few more minutes we arrived at an old factory. According to contacts, we would here find a group of crooks who know more about Johnson.
Jumping out of the truck, the lieutenant and I were supposed to get in from the back doors. We made our way around the factory park. Gun aimed, approaching the doors. There were two doors and two seperate hallways. We split up and would meet again after around 100 meters. „Stay on radio.“ the lieutenant said to me before I entered the building. „Yes sir.“ I answered.
As I made my way through the hallway, I could barely see clear through my night vision. After a few more steps I received a radio call from the skull masked man. „What’s your status?“ - „all clear, sir.“ I responded while heading forward. Short after, I heard a clicking and decided to check. ��This is not a horror game“ I whispered to myself. As I approached the clicking, I become more tense. Now kneeling i tried to see if there was anything hiding behind the water tanks. A mouse. It was just a little mouse. I giggled quietly and rose to my feet again. „I found a very dangerous animal behind the water tanks.“ I said over radio. „A mouse?“ the lieutenant asked. „Yes“ I answered giggling. He didn’t respond. What a joy killer.
I checked the rest of the area before heading to the reconnection to meet the lieutenant and receive new orders. So far, I didn’t met any of the possible contacts. Just as I was about to turn the corner I received a radio call: “sight on any targets?” The lieutenant asked. “Nothing sir. Just dust and trash - ah. Oh shit.” Just as I made my last steps to the meeting zone, I felt a sharp pain in my leg. Looking down on it, I saw blood. My pants are already turning red. It must be a deep cut. I leaned against the wall, took some scissors out of my bag pack and started cutting my pants. “Y/n. Come in! What’s the matter?“ Lt. Asked over radio. I must stop the bleeding. Quickly. “Sir, not sure what happened, but I’m bleeding out.” I responded quickly and focused on my wounds. Starting to apply a pressure bandage, I heard footsteps coming closer. “Lt. Is that you?” I whispered. I was not ready for fighting right now. But I didn’t get any response either, so instead of biding the bandage properly around my leg, i just tied it once to apply a little pressure. It won’t last long but with that I was moveable with my knife in one hand as I hid behind a pillar. The footsteps came closer and it got heavier to breath for me. I lost already a lot of blood, If I don’t get medical attention to the wound, I could pass out.
“Y/n? You know I can see you behind the pillar?” The familiar low, light raspy voice spoke behind me. “Did you just call me fat?” I protested as I put my knife away. The lieutenant came to me, he kneeled and took a flashlight out. Then he picked a bandage out of his bag and started applying a pressure bandage. “Sir, I can do that myself. No assistance required.” I spoke quickly, trying to get him back on his feet. It made me feel a little uneasy to see a big guy with a skull mask squatting down in front of me. He didn’t say anything, just applied the bandage, then he stood up again. Looking in my eyes he shook his head slowly. “How’d you do that?” He asked not looking away once. I think he is trying to read my mind again. “I.. uh.. I honestly don’t know. I’ve seen few wire traps already, but I took them all down.” I picked up my bag pack to break the eye contact, but when I looked back at him, he frowned. “Guess not all.” He said. “It’s a clean cut. Wire cut.” He continued. “Can you walk? Back to the truck. Your mission ends here.” His voice changed the tone, sentence by sentence. Now he sounded worried. I shook my head to focus on his question again. “Uh yes sir. I can.” With those words, I started walking to the back doors, but the more steps I took, the bigger grew the pain and more slowly moved time. I think I’m fainting slowly. I had to stop, holding against the wall for support. My head hurts, my body started shaking and my ears began drumming.
The lieutenant stood next to me, I looked at him and said calmly. “No worries. Just a second.” I took another deep breath, but he suddenly pushed me with my back against the wall and kneeled backwards down in front of me. “I don’t think so.” He said as he grabbed my hands and pulled me on his back. As he walked a little bent over, so I don’t fall off, my mind was spinning more and more. "What a waste of time." I mumbled beneath my breath. The lieutenant chuckled light, "Better a waste of time, than a waste of life." he said. "True. Still, I'm sorry sir. I-" he cut me off. “Quit that sir shit. It’s ghost.“ he said harshly. I took a breath to answer something as we left the building but he stopped abruptly. „You know what. Call me Simon.“ his voice was not more than a whisper. Does he mean that for real. Soap told me only a few chosen people are allowed to call him by his last name and even less people are allowed to call him by his first name. I felt honoured and smiled. „Thank you Simon.“ with those words, I felt how my heartbeat fasten my ears were ringing louder. Simon was saying something like. „don’t tell anyone or -„ but I couldn’t hear more. I passed out.
„God, my head.“ I muttered with incredible pain. Slowly sitting up, I realise that I was in my bed at the base. Ah yes. I passed out. I remember. I tried to get up from bed, still a little dizzy I had to sit down once again. Taking a deep breath, I stood up and got dressed properly. Making my way out of my room down the hallway. Nobody is in the kitchen, of course, I looked at the clock and saw It’s 3 am. We were at the factory at 12 pm. I was gone for quite some time. I let out a sigh and checked the fridge. I’m only a little hungry. Hm. There is a chocolate pudding with my name on it. I took it and sat down at a small table. Soaked in my thoughts I ate the pudding. It was so silent, the only thing I heard was the clock ticking and the fridge humming.
„I Hope that’s not my pudding“ jumping out of my skin as I heard the low voice whispering directly in my ear. „Holy shit!“ I Yelled, spinning around to face ghost. „Are you trying to kill me lieutenant!“ I yelled at him. He chuckled. „I will kill you if you eat my pudding.“ he poked me at the forehead. „And I told you, it’s ghost.“ he spoke, then he only mumbled „or Simon.“ looking away from me. I couldn’t help it but giggled. "okey, Simon. Why are you still up anyway?" I asked him, he almost jumped as I said his name, but finally looked back at me. He cleared his throat and said "I just came to check on you." somehow I did not really believe that he wanted to check on me. I mean, it's 3 am. He pointed at the pudding and asked with a serious voice: "So, do you have a death wish?" I laughed and shook my head. "Nope. This is mine. I would not touch your stuff. Simon." As I said his name again, this time slower, he suddenly looked away again. Then he cleared his throat and left the kitchen. "Good night." he said and disappeared. What was that…
Hm. I was still thinking about him as I walked back to my room. My leg still hurts but I can walk normally already. As I got ready for the night, someone knocked at my door. It can only be Ghost, right? I walked to the door and open it. There he was, Ghost – in a tight shirt. God damn, is that man hot. His muscles were showing through the fabric. One arm covered in ink, casually in his pocket, as with the other he was leaning against the door frame. I had no idea what to say. All I wanted, was to touch him. I know I should not think that. But it doesn’t hurt anyone if it’s only in my head.
I’m getting more and more hot, in all regions of my body. That urge to touch him is growing stronger. My words are stuck, my heartbeat and my breathing gets faster. He says nothing. He just stands there, looking at me. How does he looks beneath his mask? I want to know how he looks without any kind of fabric. Anywhere. I took a deep breath, I had to stop and ask what he wants. “Simon?” I asked. It was more a whispering than an actual tone. He just stands there, burning my skin with his piercing eyes. Then he let go of the door frame and moved closer to me. I stood my ground. Not moving, not thinking. Just admiring his beautiful eyes, his strong body, his intense personality.
As his face is just a few millimetres away from mine, I can hear and feel him breathing through the mask. It’s heavy and even more hot than my burning body. Biting my lip in ache of the situation, he chuckled quietly. Then he lifted his hand and took my chin. Raising my head so I can’t look away. His lips are right there, right in front of mine. If he would not have that mask on, I would have lost control already and kiss him. Then he said in a deep aching voice. “Close your eyes. Do not peak.” I didn’t even think about anything, just did as he told me. As everything was dark, all that’s left where my senses of hearing, smelling and feeling. His breath is heavy, he smells so good, and his hand feels so hot holding my chin. Then, his lips met mine. No fabric, just pure soft lips. He kissed me carefully, as I returned the kiss, he kissed me harder. One hand grabbed my waist, and he pulled me closer. One hand of me was holding at his shoulder, the other his neck. He was burning, but so was me.
We kissed more, with his tongue he asked for permission, and I granted it. With our tongues dancing, by body began to get weak and my mind was already completely gone. I was filled with ecstasy. With burning desire, to have more of him. He lifted my shirt lightly and began to stroke my back with his hot hand. As ghost pulled me even more close I knew what I wanted. Slowly I walked backwards, pulling him with me.
Then suddenly he let go of me. As I opened my eyes, he was gone. I looked at left and right and saw him just turning the corner. He was gone.
Still breathing heavy. I closed the door and sit on my bed. Now my mind was completely gone. What the hell. I felt heartbroken, disappointed, and angry. He said nothing. He just left. How rude. I sat on my bed, trying to clear my thoughts. Naw mah friend. Yawl made may mad now. Yawl mess with thuh saowthern girl, yawl’ll git thuh horns. I said to myself. Then I got ready for the night, hopping into bed, I was all back to business again. Ready for being professional, and ‘forgetting’ anything that just happened between us.
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Alright, I hope you enjoyed it ^^ Let me know if you want me to continue the story.
If you need a scottish translator or a southern drawl translator, here you go:
Scottish / Southern
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The Mafia Princess Part V: The Escape
Part five! A little bit late, but I'm trying to get my Online Writing Career up and going while I try to find a job. Y'all, if I could just make $500 a month with my bullshit, damn that would help.
But until that day, have some more tropes!
Mafia Princess Masterpost AO3 Link
Winning Result: Accept the offer, but get overwhelmed and sneak away from the hospital.
TW: Blood and a character going through shock.
Reminder: The poll for the next chapter will be under the read more at the bottom of the post!
Before she even realized it, Elsa was nodding and letting the man tuck the blanket more around her before a hand was on her back and leading her towards the nice black car. “Wait- Hang on, my backpack- I left it behind the dumpster.” 
She was pretty sure she was definitely in shock, at that point, because she heard them all talking, and the man had said something to her after she mentioned her backpack, but it sort of sounded like she was hearing it from underwater. 
She knew she was led to the car and sat down inside it, and she could still hear Desi’s labored breathing, but it was all… kind of a blur. She wasn’t even really sure what direction they were driving in. They had said something about a hospital, right? 
“-ey.” Jumping at the touch to her shoulder, Elsa blinked forcibly a couple of times to try and focus. The man who had led her to the car and talked to her was looking at her like he was trying to get her attention. “You with me?”
“I mean, yeah? I’m in the car with you?” For some reason, she heard one of them laugh at her confusion, which, alright. Rude. 
“Right, silly me.” Yeah. That was the tone of an adult thinking they were talking to a kid. Definitely rude. “Can you tell me your name?”
“I mean. I could. I was also taught about stranger danger and all of that.” Then again, she probably shouldn’t have gotten into the strange car with the men probably carrying guns. Ah, well. Better than trying to get home and coming across whoever had been chasing Desi. They had sounded like the type of people to shoot back talking kids. “Please don’t shoot me.”
The man in front of her said… something. It was in some other language, and not one she knew enough to even guess at what he was saying. Sounded fancy. French? “We’re not going to shoot you. We do need to know if you’re injured, though. Did you get hurt?”
“Oh. Uh, no. Just- Just Desi.” Oh. That was a really confused look. Maybe she got the name wrong? “That’s your boss’ name, isn’t it? I think that was around the time he was passing out from blood loss, so maybe he said it wrong? Or I heard it wrong?” 
“No… no, that’s his name. Just surprised me for a second, is all.” Huh. She guessed it was weird for her to go around calling adults she just met by their first name. Was that rude? Maybe she was being rude. She would apologize for that. Probably. “Do you know what shock is?” 
“Like sticking a fork in a socket?” The man stared at her and oh- Oh! “Oh! You mean like in shows and stuff when something bad happens- Yeah. Yeah, I think- I think I’m in shock. Maybe?” 
“Okay. Well. We’re outside the hospital right now and we’re going to get you inside, alright? Desi already went in and is getting taken care of.” 
“We’re here?” Elsa looked around the car and realized the only one in it besides her and the man in front of her was the driver, who was watching them through the rearview mirror. “Oh.” 
She hadn’t even noticed the car had stopped, and she half-remembered the fact that time feeling weird was a part of shock, which was why she probably had a hard time remembering the walk from the car to the waiting room when she suddenly realized she was sitting down in a chair. Her backpack was right next to her feet, too. That was nice. They had listened and grabbed her bag for her. 
Elsa tucked her blanket more around her and then realized that she was sitting inside a hospital after stopping a man from bleeding to death after getting shot three times. The man who had been wearing a nice suit and had a hidden gun strapped to him and who had been chased down. The man who had been collected by four suited up people in an expensive black car who referred to him as boss. 
…did she just help save a mob boss?
“Nope,” Elsa mumbled to herself before standing up from her seat. She was not doing all that great, but she was not going to stick around after having really realized just what all had happened. Shock wore off, after all, so she would be fine. 
Grabbing her backpack, and struggling to get it on and keep her blanket on her at the same time, she looked around the waiting room. No one seemed to really be looking at her and the man who was obviously from the mob or something didn’t look to be around. She might’ve seen him by the front desk, but she didn’t waste the time to see if she was right. 
Instead she did the smart thing that she should have done from the beginning and booked it out of the hospital and the waiting room. She just barely got outside before she paused with the thought of wondering if she should tell the police everything that happened or not. 
She… probably shouldn’t. The police were often corrupted and worked for the mob and all that, right? Hm. Was it mob or mafia? 
Not important. 
What was important was getting as far away from the hospital as possible and making her way back ‘home’ to try and pretend that that entire afternoon had never happened at all. Helping a bleeding man in an alley? Haha, nope! She had been at the library! All day!
Thankfully luck was on her side, and the hospital she had been taken to was actually pretty close to Linda and Rob’s place.
Even better, she got back way before curfew, which gave her plenty of time to clean up once she noticed she had dried blood all over her hands and half her clothes. Past her actually was nice for once, though, and had put a full bottle of water in her bag. It wasn’t enough to get squeaky clean, but it was enough to pass. As for her clothes… She wrapped the blanket tighter around herself and hoped that it would be good enough to not get noticed.
Opening the door carefully after getting it unlocked, Elsa walked in and tried to make it seem like she wasn’t being suspicious as she headed for her room. 
Before she made it to the door, though, Linda was shouting out, “Hey! Hold it.” Elsa held her tongue to see whether or not she was already in trouble for something, first. “Next time you head to the library, tell me instead of leaving a note, okay? I can’t exactly call you.” Oh. Huh. Okay.
“Sorry,” Elsa said, trying to make it seem like she cared at least a little. “I’ll try to tell you next time. Promise.” At the silence, she looked over her shoulder to see that Linda was staring at her. “Um…?”
“Why are you wearing a blanket? Did you take that with you to the library?” The tone was judgemental as all hell, but Elsa would rather deal with that than her noticing the blood on her clothes. 
“I, um, I was cold.” Oh, that was such a bad lie. But she could work with it. “I couldn’t find my jacket so I threw this in my bag,” Elsa sighed, pushing herself to sound a little more embarrassed. “Didn’t think I’d need it, but then the wind started picking up when I was walking home.” 
“Well, next time try to find your jacket before going out. Last thing we need is people thinking you aren’t being taken care of.” Ah. The worry of all foster parents who weren’t all that great. Being caught out for it. 
“Will do,” Elsa said as sincerely as she could manage. “I’m going to go finish up whatever I didn’t get done at the library, make sure it’s all ready for school tomorrow.” Playing meek and studious was the best way to squirm out of the attention of a guardian, and it didn’t fail her here. 
“Just make sure to come out when dinner is ready,” Linda sighed, walking away and giving Elsa the opening she needed to get into her room and close the door. She didn’t lock it because she didn’t have a death wish, but she immediately dropped the blanket and moved to change clothes before anything else. 
After she finished changing, she would lay down, relax, and take a nap. Hopefully whenever she woke up next everything that happened would have just been a dream and the world would go back to making sense. 
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fischerfrey · 9 months
A Christmas Prince; The Royal Wedding
Chapter 1: Back to Alderly
Summary: It's been a year since Dawn helped Quincey keep his throne. Now the pair's wedding is fast approaching, but unrest is stirring both in Alderly and in the personal lives of our heroes...
A/N: The second installment in the movie trilogy makes even less sense plot-wise than the first but Annie and I wanted to try our hand in this anyway. I expect this one will be a little shorter than the first fic was, because I'm cutting the stupidest parts from the movie script entirely, lol.
Words: 3k
Dawn and Evan Harvelle @potionboy3
Quincey, Olympia, and Isabella Alderly
Tess Brandon
Lainey Bell by @gcldensnitch
Beginning | Next Chapter
Want to read the first fic in the series, A Christmas Prince? Click here!
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Chapter 1: Back to Alderly 
Dawn’s Blog, December 15th 
Post title: Big Event! 
Dear all,   It's been three hundred forty-nine days, eleven hours, twenty-three minutes, and seven seconds since I said “yes” to the love of my life, Quentin Christian Alexander, King of Alderly. But who's counting? Other than me and millions of people around the world. Needless to say, it's been a whirlwind year. There's been a lot of back and forth between Bristol and Alderly. The long-distance engagement hasn't always been easy, but it's always been interesting. Somehow through all this insanity, I'm still me. Even though I'm about to become royalty of a small country.  Thank you for all your love and support this past year. Sharing my writing with all of you means more than you'll ever know. I promise to keep you posted on all my adventures to come, especially our wedding on Christmas day in Alderly. 
“What’s with the sunglasses?” asked Evan Harvelle when he, Dawn, and Dawn’s aunt Teresa exited the airport.  
“We’re in disguise, dad,” Dawn explained. 
“You’d think that they would send someone to escort the future prince consort,” Evan mused quietly. The airport was bustling, as usual. Alderly’s tourism had seen unprecedented growth since Dawn and Quincey’s engagement announcement. Of course, there were also those that firmly opposed the marriage, but Dawn felt like nothing could dampen his spirits. 
“I think they did,” said Tess, pointing towards a line of cars heading towards them. 
“Oh, they’ve sent the royal motorcade,” said Dawn, surprised. 
“Did you think they were going to make you take a taxi?” joked Tess. 
“I mean we took one to the airport back in England so...” 
The motorcade naturally drew people’s attention, and it wasn’t long until someone shouted: “Look, it’s Dawn Harvelle!” Several faces turned to look at them and Dawn and his family surely would have been swarmed, had the royal chauffeurs not managed to get to them and escort them to the car. As Dawn was about to get in, a reporter approached him through the crowd. 
“Mr. Harvelle, any comment on the King’s new initiative? Will it affect the wedding?” she asked, thrusting her recording device towards Dawn. He had been prepared for this. 
“I’m very happy to be back in Alderly,” he said. “And excited for the wedding, and Christmas of course.” 
The reported didn’t look pleased with Dawn’s reply but before she could ask anything more, Dawn was ushered into the car. 
“That was intense,” said Tess. She was already sat in the limo looking a bit hackled. Tess was Dawn’s mother’s sister and only five years older than him. Dawn had asked her to join them, since the two were quite close, especially since the passing of his mum. 
“Are you okay?” asked Evan. 
“What was that initiative that reporter was talking about?” his dad continued. 
“I…” Dawn paused. “Actually, I don't know the details. I’ve been so busy I’ve barely managed to catch up with Quincey in weeks.” 
“I can’t believe you’re going to be living in here,” said Tess, peering out the window. 
“That makes two of us,” said Dawn. 
“Three,” corrected Evan. “When you shipped off all your stuff here, it was one thing, but now…” 
He looked a bit stricken and Dawn had to admit that his own chest felt suddenly tighter, too.
“Dad, I’m going to come visit Bristol all the time,” said Dawn. “And you can come here anytime you want. Remember, they’re making you a count or something.”  
Every time Dawn thought about his father as a count, he felt the urge to giggle. Evan Harvelle was the most normal man in the world. Not to mention it would be infinitely amusing to have both Count Evan and Count Evander. 
The motorcade weaved its way through the city. There was snow everywhere, because of course there was, and when the palace first showed up behind the snow-covered treetops, Tess actually audibly gasped. 
“Not bad, huh?” asked Dawn. 
“You’re so posh now,” she teased. 
They all filed out and headed inside. Dawn was expecting to see a certain face among the welcome committee, but Quincey was conspicuously absent. Instead, he was greeted by Queen Isabella and Olympia, the latter of whom immediately wrapped him into a big hug. 
“Dawn!” she exclaimed. “I’m so happy to see you again!” 
Dawn hugged her back. “Damn right,” he said. “I missed you.” 
Olympia let go of him and smiled. 
“This is my dad, Evan,” said Dawn. 
“Your majesty, your highness,” said Evan, only a little clumsily.  
“And this is Tess, my aunt.” 
Tess echoes his dad’s formalities. 
“It’s nice to meet you both,” said Olympia and Queen Isabella nodded. She didn’t seem openly hostile, but Dawn could tell she wasn’t happy about how everything had turned out. 
“Mr. Harvelle, welcome back to Alderly,” said the queen. “And I’m most pleased to meet you both.” 
“And you,” Tess said with a smile. Isabella regarded her for a moment. Tess was dressed in her usual manner in a flowy, colourful dress and knee-high boots. It was quite the contrast to Isabella’s prim and proper pantsuit and immaculate bun. If Tess noticed the queen rating her outfit quite low on the scale of 0 to 10, she gave no indication. 
Behind the royal family members was Dawn’s old friend, Miss Pince. 
“Pince!” he said when the introductions were out of the way. “How are you? Has it been awfully boring here without me?” 
“It has been quiet, Mr. Harvelle,” Pince replied, and it was quite evident she had vastly preferred it. “And I have been promoted to the head of Palace Office of Press and Protocol.” 
“Oh, sweet,” said Dawn. He wasn’t exactly sure sweet was the right word, though. 
“Come on, I’ll show you to your rooms,” Olympia said cheerily. 
“That is hardly appropriate,” said Pince. 
“Oh, Irma please, let it go,” said Olympia and headed towards the stairs. Pince sighed. Dawn, Evan and Tess followed the princess. 
“See you all at the reception,” the queen called after them. 
Dawn almost choked of laughter when Olympia announced loudly that he was to have the bridal suite until the wedding. He then also understood why Olympia had wanted to take him personally. They’d left his dad and Tess to settle into their own rooms. 
“Pince did this on purpose,” said Dawn, more amused than anything. 
“Oh Dawnie, it’s tradition, it’s protocol,” Olympia laughed. 
“It’s very… frilly,” he noted. “And pink.” 
“Nothing wrong with a little pink,” said Olympia, a known appreciator of pink. 
“I love pink,” said Dawn, who didn’t really have a strong opinion for or against. 
“I had hoped I could simply share a room with my fiancé.” 
“That’s entirely impossible, and worst of all, common.” 
“Where is he, by the way?” Dawn asked. 
“He’s been busy with all kinds of kingly duties,” Olympia explained. “I’ve barely seen him, and I live with him.” 
Dawn couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy with this new information. 
“But I’ll let you settle in now, you must be exhausted,” Olympia said. “We must catch up as soon as possible though, I have so much to tell you.” 
“Of course, thank you O.” 
Once left alone, Dawn looked around the room. It looked straight out of one of those early 2000s animated Barbie movies. On one of the nightstands Dawn noticed a note, written on familiar hand. He took the paper and read:  
“To my love, with all my heart. 
From this day forth, 
we shall not be apart. 
Poetry can be a challenging art. 
If not yet mastered, here's a start.” 
He couldn’t help but laugh at the corny little poem, when a voice from the door behind him said: “It’s a limerick. Of sorts,” said Quincey. 
Bad limericks be damned, Dawn all but ran to hug him.  
“Sorry I wasn’t there to greet you,” said Quincey, hugging him back. “I had to finish my poem.” 
“Next time, maybe you could forgo poetry and come greet me instead?” Dawn suggested. 
“Hey,” Quincey protested. “It wasn’t that bad, was it?” 
“Yes. It most definitely was.” 
Quincey laughed and Dawn kissed his stupid face. 
“I can’t believe this is finally happening,” Quincey said. 
“You’re telling me,” Dawn laughed. “A year ago, I was working a shitty job in Bristol, worrying about writing an article about a ridiculous playboy prince.” 
“Ridiculous, maybe,” Quincey mused. “Definitely not a playboy.” 
“I guess that’s true–,”  
Dawn’s sentence was cut short, when Quincey’s new equerry showed up at the door. 
“Excuse me, Your Majesty,” she said. 
“What is it, Lainey?” asked Quincey.  
“An urgent call from the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Prime Minister,” the equerry said, eyeing the both of them. She seemed to be around the same age as Quincey, with her blonde hair up on a ponytail and a tablet in her hand. 
Quincey sighed. “Can’t it wait?” 
“I’m afraid they insist.” 
Quincey turned back to Dawn. “I must take this. We'll have more time this evening at the reception.” 
He kissed Dawn’s cheek quickly and followed Lainey out the door. Dawn sat on his bed and dug out his phone. He typed in a message to the group chat he had with his friends: just saw my husband-to-be for the first time in months for all of 5 minutes. 
Not long after came a reply from Jimmy: abolish the monarchy. 
Two hours later Dawn had unpacked his meager little bag (most of his other belongings had been handled earlier by palace employees) and gotten ready for the reception. It was to be a party of importance, with government officials and foreign ambassadors. The thought might have spooked Dawn once, but now he was slightly better prepared. He met up with Quincey before the double doors that lead to the banquet hall. 
“Hi,” said Quincey in a low voice. 
“Hi,” Dawn replied. Quincey offered his arm and Dawn took it. 
“Ready for this?” asked Quincey. 
“As I’ll ever be.” 
The doors were opened, and the pair entered, with a herald calling out: “My lords, ladies, and gentlemen; King Quentin and the guest of honour; the future Prince Dawn!” 
As they entered, at least fifty pairs of eyes turned to look, among them the prime minister but most of the faces completely unknown to Dawn. He hadn’t had any official duties as a royal spouse yet, as their circumstances were rather unusual, and Quincey’s advisors felt it was best to move slowly and respect traditions. Dawn didn’t want to cause any more trouble than he already had but he wasn’t sure how much tradition and protocol he was going to be able to handle without complaint. 
“Oh wow, this is–,” he started but suddenly a man in an expensive looking suit and a serious look on his face appeared and whispered something to Quincey. 
“Dawn, find Olympia, I’ll get away as soon as I can,” he said as the man whisked him away and Dawn was left standing alone in the middle of the room, feeling more awkward by the second. He was approached by several people with greetings and congratulations, he recognized the Minister of Internal Affairs, as well as Magister Malinda, but some he only pretended to recognize, as he had been advised to do. 
“Mr. Harvelle, here,” said the queen’s voice to his left and Isabella introduced him to some more dignitaries, such as ambassadors from Penglia and a president of the Council of Women in Alderly.  
“I should go save Quiney…” Dawn mused as he saw him still talking, or rather, arguing with the same man. 
“Best, I think, to leave him to it,” said the queen. 
“What’s going on?” asked Dawn. 
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with,” Isabella simply said. “You should focus on the wedding. Most of it is well in hand but Quentin insisted we leave some breathing room for you, despite the short notice.” 
And the Queen's objection, Dawn thought but only said: “Well, that’s nice."
He had pretty much resigned himself to having no say at all with the wedding. 
“To that end, I have hired a wedding planner to help you.” 
“A wedding designer, Your Majesty, but yes,” a woman said, walking up to them. 
Dawn recognized her. Rosa Yaxley, the girl who had been briefly engaged to Count Evander, Quincey’s throne-stealing cousin. 
“You’re a wedding designer?” Dawn asked. 
“Yes, and now I’m here to help,” she said, though Dawn couldn’t be sure if she was all too happy about this prospect. “I hope there’s no bad blood between us?” 
Dawn looked from Rosa to the Queen and back again and then said with a note of humour in his voice: “Well, if her Majesty found it in her heart to forgive you, then I suppose so can I.” 
Rosa smiled. “Glad to hear it Mr. Harvelle. We’ll get to work tomorrow.” 
Dawn finally found Olympia, chatting with his dad of all people. 
“Well Dawn and I call them meat jelly, they’re pretty gross,” Olympia was saying to Evan, who examined a suspicious looking block of meat that a passing waiter had offered to him. 
“Don’t eat that, dad,” said Dawn.  
“Thanks for the tip, kiddo,” Evan said and deposited the meat jelly on a nearby table. 
“Oh, Dawn, I was just telling your father about how I’m part of organizing a charity event!” 
“You are?” 
“It’s a play,” Olympia continued. “The Tale of Princess Froon, an Alderlian folk tale. I was asked to play the titular role to draw in the high society crowd.” 
“Oh my god,” said Dawn. 
“Hey, it’s a beautiful tale,” said Olympia with a grin. 
“Oh, I’m sure.” 
“Anyway, all the proceeds will go to helping those affected by the current depression.” 
Dawn had read the newspapers, of course, and knew of the rather terrible financial situation in Alderly. “That sounds pretty awesome,” he told Olympia. 
“I’d sure like to see some Alderlian culture in play,” said Evan.  
“You’re most heartily invited, Mr. Harvelle,” said Olympia. 
“Isn’t this the one where Princess Froon gives Santa his magic powers?” asked Dawn. He remembered Quincey talking about it last year. 
“Yes, just the one.” 
“Oh, I can’t wait.” 
A tap on his shoulder made Dawn turn around, ending up face to face with Miss Pince. 
“In my new capacity as the head of Palace Office of Press and Protocol, I’d like to have a word with you.” 
“Of course,” said Dawn. “See you later dad, Olympia.” 
Olympia gave him a thumbs up, as Dawn followed Pince to a less crowded area. 
Once they were safely out of earshot of any visiting dignitaries, Pince said: “It's clear that you've had a very laissez-faire attitude concerning your image over the past year; magazines, television, blogs…” 
“Blogs, that's what I do for a living,” said Dawn. Ever since his successful article about Quincey, he had run a blog focused on his journey into learning all about Alderlian politics, customs, and of course, details about his own personal life all mixed into a neat little package. He was quite proud of it. “I’m a professional write–,” 
Pince interrupted him: “But now that you're a part of the royal family, we must be careful of the image that you project. Consider me your protector.” 
Dawn wasn’t a fan of where this conversation was headed. “Look, Miss Pince, I know that my life is about to change in a major way, but I’m not going to quit my job.” 
“The goal is to see you and the crown in the best possible light.” 
Dawn sighed, and said: “Well, nothing shines quite like the truth, right?” 
“I'm glad we see eye-to-eye. Please wait here and I'll have the King and you pose for the photographs.” 
After their photo-op, Quincey led Dawn out of one of the doors lining up the outer wall into a beautiful little courtyard.  
“Irma didn’t give you too much trouble, did she?” he asked. 
“Just wants me to delete my blog,” said Dawn. 
“Yes, we’ve had words about that before,” Quincey said. “She’s just passionate about protecting the image of the royal family. She feels like it is needed now more than ever, when we’re already breaking about a dozen ancient customs just by being together.” 
“I know,” said Dawn and took Quincey’s hands in his. “It’s important to project an image of continuity even through this massive change.” 
“Has it been difficult?” Dawn asked. 
“Well, not everyone is as on board with a gay monarch as I had hoped but it was to be expected. I can’t change people’s decades held beliefs overnight, but I know I can make a change over time.” 
“You’re doing a great job,” said Dawn. 
Quincey smiled, but it was a tight smile. He was hiding something, but Dawn didn’t feel like pestering him about it tonight. He was exhausted too. 
“You have a new equerry,” Dawn noted. 
“Oh, yes, her name’s Lainey Bell,” Quincey replied. “We met in uni. She’s about the only thing keeping me afloat right now.” 
Dawn gave him a look and Quincey laughed. “Aside from my everlasting love for you, of course.” 
“We should get a Christmas tree up in here,” Dawn just said, observing the tree-less courtyard. 
“Oh, a good idea!” 
“We could go look for one tomorrow?” 
“Tomorrow’s no good, I’m going to town to give a speech.” 
“What kind of speech?” asked Dawn. 
“Well, you know how I’ve been trying to implement the initiative to bring Alderly into the 21st century? Strengthening infrastructure, schools, tech…” 
“It's smart.” 
“That's what I thought but instead of strengthening the economy, the country is bleeding money,” Quincey explained. “And nobody can tell me why.” 
Dawn frowned. “Is there anything I can do to help?” 
“Do you know any genius economists?” 
“I can’t say that I do.” 
“I’m having a meeting on Friday, trying to figure this out. Something’s not right.” 
“Can I come?” 
“I would really appreciate it if you did.”  
Dawn smiled and squeezed his hands. “We will figure this out.” 
“I hope you’re right,” Quincey said. “But I also have a feeling like Irma and Miss Yaxley are going to keep you quite busy with the wedding preparations.” 
“Oh, for cock’s sake…” 
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tag list: @lifeofkaze
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monarch-boo · 1 month
I think the possibility of a whole new Season is pretty much dead, HOWEVER that doesn't preclude content drops anyway. I still believe the chances of at least minor additions here and there is absolutely still not zero. I just doubt we're getting new catalogs or proper *Seasonal Updates* anymore.
As for the catalogs themselves... my assumption is we'll begin seeing 1:1 reruns of entire previous catalogues.
Starting with """Drizzle '24""" (not a proper new Season, but each three months'll probably keep being called Drizzle, Chill, Fresh, Sizzle, so on) having a 1:1 rerun of Drizzle '22's catalogue, then """Chill '24""" having 1:1 Chill '22's catalogue, so on and so forth until all have been repeated, then looping basically forever until... probably when the Switch's entire online services are shut down (which if it's like 3DS and WiiU, will be *years* from now still).
Duplicate items will act the same as getting a duplicate from Shell-Out, repeat gear, etc. Predetermined banners/titles will probably just give you a random banner/title if you already own the predetermined one, I'd assume.
AAAANYWAY prediction time! This will be predictions based on both GrandFest related stuff *and* any potential future minor updates I think *might* happen, or I'm just hoping for and don't think the possibility is zero yet. Contains datamined info, so spoilers ahead.
First off, kind of a small one but I think the gear for the Alterna and Side Order Amiibos will be revealed as soon as tomorrow (as of me posting this). JP Twitter began making posts about GrandFest about four and a half hours ago. The last one of today states that the amiibo box will not be usable during GrandFest-they end the post with "...Amiibo, eh?" which in my head implies they're trying to maybe lead straight into their very next post tomorrow with something important amiibo-related, and I can't see it being anything other than a gear reveal.
...Unless? There's something *else* special we're gonna be able to use the amiibos for...? I'm personally leaning toward it just being a gear reveal, though. But not ruling out the possibility of it being something else, either.
Now, into bigger things... GrandFest is 1000% going to have some sort of cross over with Big Run. Seven rings. BIG Big Run was the seventh Big Run event. BIG Big Run clearly shows that the Salmonids are getting more aggressive. Just before that they were only invading one stage at a time, sending out just one King per Xtra Wave, but then suddenly in this seventh Big Run they launched an attack on all previous attack sites at once, and the Kings are teaming up now. Things are escalating. If I'm not mistaken FinalFests were usually five days? So GrandFest only being three seems... odd. Also by the way, dataminers found that GrandFest (codename SAND)'s code literally has a fucking handler for Big Run music. Why would a Splatfest need a handler for Big Run music, unless...? I think the Salmonids may flat-out invade at least one hub world. The Twitter posts about GrandFest say that you won't be able to travel to the other plazas during GrandFest, meaning in-universe there may be no Inkfish out and about in the plazas...... either the Salmonids will sneak into the empty town(s) while everybody's distracted with GrandFest, OR they could even just come directly to us to crash the party... either way leading to a massive critical emergency in which we'll need to fend them off.
In that case I have to wonder if perhaps BigBalloon and the six Bosses sitting in the files, who as far as I know are *still* present in the files meaning the devs still haven't scrapped them, may come into play here. GrandFest is obviously going to be kind of a huge event, the Big Run crossover that's most certainly happening may do something huge as well.
I just wanna see these bastards finally show up, BigBalloon and three of the six Bosses have been in the files since fucking Horrorboros was first introduced, they just added the other three Bosses into the files in Chill '23 (this just past Chill), they by all means seem to still be being worked on, as if the devs are still planning to or at least *want* to still implement them finally... BigBalloon, Balloon, Ghost, Wheel, Silo, Fish, Stick, where the hell are you all? Please!
Now for other additions probably unrelated to GrandFest:
● Third kits. THIRD KITS. I know a lot of people have lost hope but both previous games had some third kits and they don't need to be in a *major* update to still get added. It would be absolutely fucking bizarre if they had absolutely no third kits in their THIRD GAME, and for the first time in the whole series so far. I still have some semblance of confidence there will be at least Sheldon's Picks at SOME point eventually.
● On the topic of weapons: those two still-unidentified new main weapons found last Season are still in the files right now, I believe. Will we finally get them soon? Eventually? For those who don't know, even though one new main weapon for every class has now been added in updates, the devs seem to be at least toying with the idea of adding two more new main weapons... somewhere. Dataminers found two unnamed new main weapons in Fresh '24- while not much info could be gleaned about them, they know both of them are part of some sort of existing class, the devs aren't surprising us with a new class as far as we know.
● I wonder if they're cooking anything in regards to PvP stages. Lemuria rounds things off to perfectly fill the last page on the recon lists, BUT everyone noticed that last Season they explicitly called Bonerattle the final Salmon stage, while this Season did not call Lemuria the final PvP stage for whatever reason. Could be nothing. They could just assume we would know it's the last, maybe they're just suddenly starting to no longer state when something is the final something. Or.................
● I want more character customization please for the love of god, even just a couple hairstyles or something at this point.
● Literally any, ANY significant addition to Side Order. It's still pretty fun but could benefit from some new floor layouts, new weapons, new Cipher shop items to grind for, anything, even if just one of those things. I've made an entire post in the past about possibilities.
● I want the S2 Special Fest gear obtainable in 3 by some means. Whether it's somehow connected to GrandFest or added to Cipher's shop or what.
● I want a Triumvirate nerf of some sort.
● Maybe a Flyfish nerf of some sort, too...
● And some kind of actual real fix to Reefslider, no more of these random buffs that don't really resolve or counteract the issues people have with it.
● And tweak Ultra Stamp a bit- people are always able to shoot me dead from the front but I can never beat an opponent Stamp from the front (unless using my own Stamp or a Decavitator, the hitboxes for both of those can reach past their Stamp without any sort of interruption), it's like they get some kind of invincibility from the front that I don't. And the enlarged hitbox from a while back is still frustrating to be on the receiving end of. I say either A.) Make everybody consistently invincible from the front and shrink the hitbox some amount for balance sake, or B.) Make everybody consistently NOT invincible from the front and then it's probably fine to keep the hitbox how it is.
I think this is all I have any idea about, any wishes for or confidence in. If I think of anything else before I see more info then I'll put it here. May also edit this to condense it a lil at some point but for right now I'm gonna try and sleep.
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love-fireflysong · 3 months
Got tagged by @queenofbaws like 6 seconds ago to do this thing and because I'm currently trying SUPER hard to stay awake for at least another three hours to get me back on a 'normal' sleep schedule for the next week and a half, we're doing this shit now! ...and also because if I don't do it now then I'll just forget about it and never do it asjdhkjahsdkjs
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
59! Not a bad total all things considered 😤
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
337,514. That's an average of 5,720 words per fic btw akjdshjkahsd
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Until Dawn mostly. Got a decent amount of Tales of Phantasia stuff as well as a lot of ideas for it but cause that fandom is even deader than ud's, I never actually write any of it lmao
4. Top five fics by kudos
Valentine's Day Prompts (crossed out because while it's *technically* my highest I do not count it for the sole reason that like literally not even ten minutes after I uploaded it I got like 50+ guest kudos all at once so those are clearly bots and the correct kudos count is probably somewhere between 20 and 30 lol) What I actually consider my top five fics by kudos are:
The Final Days of Our Youth
More Than Worth It (though considering it was posted only barely a week after the vday prompts the kudos may be a bit suspect here as well 🤔)
Nothing and Nobody But You
The Sound of Silence
Baby It's Cold Outside (so hold me tight in your arms and don't let go)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I did/do. And by that I mean I love to, but the last couple of years I've been letting the few I've gotten pile up due to not being in a good headspace to answer/I've just been really busy at that exact moment. Which is important, cause if I don't have the time to respond then and there, I will just keep forgetting to reply. Which is how I've reached the point where I have almost 2 year old comments that I want to respond to but I feel like shit answering them now 2 years later, and let me tell you the feeling does NOT get any less guilty the longer I wait to respond aksjdhkajsdhjk
(maybe I should use this time to answer them while I try to stay awake lmao)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmm. I mean, technically the one I'm writing now? It's probably between Winter is Death and Not Only Monsters Hide Under the Bed where one fic involves Hannah slowly losing her free will as she spends a year with the Makkapitew taking over her body and the other is about a little girl hiding from the people sent to kill her village but being found and killed just before her brother got home to save her.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...Somehow, this is the harder of the two to answer aksdjkjahsdkjashd uh.... pretty much any chrashley focus fic where the ending involves them actually confessing and getting together I guess? But if I have to chose one, I think The Final Days of Our Youth cause it's chrashley confessing and getting together, but also repairing their friendship that Chris very nearly torpedoed cause he's an avoidant moron.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Surprisingly no! Thankfully anyone who does not like the ships I write for does not read my fics and thus does not leave comments. And if there us people out there who just do not vibe with my writing style (understandable) they've just clicked back and not responded either.
9. Do you write smut?
Once! I did it once and only once because I just really, really wanted to read about an awkward and clumsy first time between Chris and Ashley and that, uh, did not exist. So I (unfortunately for everyone lol) took it upon myself to write it. That being said, because it is smut, it is unsurprisingly the one fic I can always count on getting a new kudos or bookmark on every now and then.
And I will probably never write another one again sorry not sorry lol.
10. Craziest crossover?
I mean the only crossovers I've ever done is my Outlast au stuff but I don't really consider that a 'crazy' crossover lol.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of! Like I'm not even sure that they've been scrapped by AI sites. Not sure why anyone would want to steal my fics in the first place though honestly.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I mean, no one's ever asked so I assume not? If they did though than all the power to them.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Never been asked and never asked anyone lol.
14. All time favourite ship?
I mean, Chris/Ashley easily, though Chris/Josh/Ashley is a *very* close second lol. (Chester/Arche is also a very close third but no one other than me here knows who they even are so askldjaslkdjsa)
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh god, the actual main outlast au fic that really delves into how the initial prank on Hannah snowballed into climbing chrash being thrust into experiencing the events of the Outlast video game. Except that's not a wip I've even started despite all the notes and timelines in my head 😭
16. What are your writing strengths?
I do think dialogue is my strongest strength personally. I think it flows fairly naturally, to the point where I've sometimes gotten stuck on a scene and switching over to some dialogue either earlier on or just throwing a line in randomly will just unstick *something* in the brain and my creativity output stops being a blockage and returns to it's trickle aksjdhaskdhj
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Literally everything else? Descriptions. I just feel like I can't describe things very well and so I'm always worried that my writing tends to read flat because of it.
Also, due to being told that I'm a waste of space, stupid, ugly, blah blah blah by like 99% of my classmates from like grade 1 to grade 9 my self-esteem when it comes to shit like this is unsurprisingly pretty fucking abysmal! So every time I go to post something new I spend way too long hovering over that upload button convinced that this is the fic that will convince everyone that I'm actually a terrible writer and they won't like me anymore lol
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Never had to use it before myself but it's neat when done... not right or well but, like, done to achieve something you've planned out. I'm not sure what ways I would use it myself, I think it would depend on what use I need it to have in the story itself.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Oh Class of the Titans easy. Inuyasha is where I discovered fanfiction, but CotT is what inspired me to try it out for myself (my first attempt was uh, not great aksdjklasjdlkasj)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oh god, there's a tough question lol. Uh, probably between Baby It's Cold Outside (so hold me tight in your arms and don't let go) and Artificial though. Both are my babies, but Baby It's Cold Outside is the fic that finally started me writing again regularly since middle school after a like almost ten year drought. And Artificial is the one where I finally got to really sink my teeth into what makes my outlast au actually outlast and really get to experience a bunch of shit I had never really written before (torture (physical and psychological), whump, body trauma) and it turns out it was a lot of fun sdlkajsldkjaslkdj
Oh god I have to tag people to do this now don't I? Uhhhhh, @chris-hartley, @icequeen-07, @hannahwashington, @eurazba but if there's anyone else who follows me that wants to do this than please by all means go ahead! Share your work with the rest of us 💖
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softietrait · 1 year
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a love island challenge coming to you all soon! for now, here's all of the info for how i'm doing this before i introduce sims to you!
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the villa that'll be used is the Modern Beach Villa by xXSarina_27xX on the gallery. i've done nothing to it whatsoever! so all credits to them.
for rules and what not, i'm using colourfullsims rules with a few tweaks of my own.
MOST of the information is under a read more because it's a LOT! you've been warned lol, i made a small black divider to break things up , hopefully that helps with reading!
if anything makes no sense or you're confused/have questions, send over an ask!! <3 next post will be introducing the round 1 sims.
30 sims in total, 10 sims each round! all sims will be from YOU GUYS but from sims you've uploaded to the gallery and will be chosen at random by me. most likely there'll be a different sim of yours EACH round if you have enough sims & there will be 3 rounds (so three winners either couple or single sim winners)
all sexualities are welcome on love island! and there is no special mechanics for how couplings work out - i will not put a sim who are into the same sex in a heterosexual pairing lol. all sims sexualities will be either what you've put them as in cas OR just randomly rolled. if everyone is straight then that's just how it is lol.
i will be going by a strike system when it comes to things not allowed. we love a lil drama eh? sims won't be disqualified if they get into a fight BUT they will receive a strike. they get TWO strikes before being disqualified. !!!!!!
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-- each sim will have first impressions and all of that done and then based on highest level of friendship & romance bars the sims themselves will "choose who they wanna couple up with" -- then you guys will vote on which two sims you want coupled up as a final say. there will be 5 (FIVE) couples and will be based on the highest number of votes. if an islander is choosing between sims they have no romance level with yet, they must choose the sim with the highest friendship level. -- once a sim is chosen to couple up with, they are no longer an option to be chosen. couplings remain until eliminations and recoupling's. choice of who gets to choose first is by a generator / roller because i don't want to do a girls choose then boys choose, etc. RECOUPLING: -- happens as soon as new sims enter the villa! and they get first choice of who to couple with. also determined by your votes as well of who the newcomer gets paired with.
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ELIMINATIONS: ( i basically just am doing this as colourfullsims has it because it's so much eaasier)
single eliminations are for when there's an odd number of sims in the house. if this is on recoupling, anyone not picking will be at risk for eliminations. these are all determined by your votes
couple eliminations are to be able to get sims out of the villa and for others to re-enter so we can get to the end of the challenge. these are determined by your guys' votes and will happen at re-coupling ceremonies. if a couple have wants of marriage or anything on that level they are the ones to go home without any votes.
bottom eliminations are eliminations of two sims that are the 'least popular' or are not getting any type of friendship OR relationship points with other sims (aka: their meters aren't raising much and they refuse any type of interactions to raise them basically being difficult LOL) OR a couple may be eliminated if they have the lowest relationship scores ( those will be follower voted. so they MAY stay in the game if you want to see them try and get to know each other more)
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challenges are for couples to be able to win solo dates with each other. they're skill based and i will use a generator to choose which one day skill they will need to earn and how many levels they much achieve before the day is over. these are individual, so only one sim in a pair needs to win for their couple to be able to get the solo date!
speed dates are for day one of the challenge and for sims to get their first impressions and what not. this determines the idea of which sims want to pair up with each other and help you in voting on who you think should be coupled!
solo dates are the only times sims get to leave the villa and are based on challenges and also on votes by you guys on who you want to see on a solo date. this is not limited to couples already made - but if you want two sims to be on a solo date but are in different pairs…that can happen. as well is if a sim rolls a want for a date with a sim in another pairing (not sure this makes sense but you get me!) i'll be using jazzytraits date generator for this!
the hideaway is ONLY for coupled up sims and are based on both challenges & follower votes. hideaway dates will only have 3 times a round. it's a suite within the villa that is locked for those other than the winning couple & said couple are allowed to do whatever they wish for 24 sim hours in order to strengthen their relationship.
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you guys will be able to influence what happens at love island! you get to vote for first picks, couplings, re-couplings, solo dates and the hideaway couple each 3 times it comes about. votes also determine who you want to see leave the game or stay in despite any type of relationship score!
votes for who wins happen when there are six (6) sims - aka, three (3) couples!
at this point, there will be a top winner based on relationship score and follower votes. 1st place winner will get 100,000 simoleons. this is for BOTH sims within the couple. one sim in the pairing will get the 100,000 simoleons, the other will not. and the sim with the money can decide to keep the money for themselves or decide to share with their partner and continue a life together outside of love island.
this is determined by me by calculating their mutual relationship score in total as well as their scores regarding each other (if that makes sense lol) and so this will be a surprise to all of you!
the 2nd place couple will get 50,000 simoleons each & the 3rd place couple will get 25,000 simoleons each. it's up to viewers whether or not they split ways with their money or stay together and build a life with the totaled 100,000/50,000 simoleons! you will vote on this!
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wildlyglittering · 5 months
Fanfic Writer Questions (and answers!)
Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
OMG thank you so much @unhealthyfanobsession for tagging me because I'm not particularly active on Tumblr right now so the fact someone remembers me is awesome 😂
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
It all started with reading fanfiction of Roswell High tv series (the original not the reboot). My love for Michael and Maria was too strong to not delve into the murky world online and that's when I discovered 'shipping', fanfiction and ship names.
Candygirl for life.
I've only ever gone hardcore for three ships.
🍇 How many fandoms have you written in?
I never wrote 'official' fanfiction for Roswell High so 2 - The Hunger Games (Everlark), and ACOTAR (Nessian/ Nesta).
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Ugh, don't make me count. So probably... 20. On and off. Mostly stuff for myself until I started finally putting some bits online.
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Read more overall. I take forever to write fanfiction. I have a million ideas though.
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Confidence. Actually putting myself out there and posting has done wonders. It's great to be anonymous and it's wonderful to receive positive comments and kudos but the sheer fact I've created something and distributed it is invaluable.
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
Ideas ran rampant. I am never short of inspiration but do I write the stories??? Do I heck.
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Hmm. Not for fanfiction but I was writing an original story and needed to look up how long it would take a body to decompose and what state it would be.
🍉 What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
Gosh anything. Feed me.
🍐 What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I don't think I do anything 'fringe' - I have yet to finish my Nessian/ Neris fanfiction. Nessian is mainstream but I wouldn't even say Neris is fringe as it's gaining some traction.
🥭 What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
I think if I find something emotionally hard I will write it anyway - creative challenge and all that. If I don't WANT to write about something I just won't. Excessive SA in fics is so far from what I want to read and so it's far from what I want to write.
🍏 What is the easiest type?
Nesta slides into my mind with ease. Cassian not so much. Nesta is a bundle of pain and range and love with no way of expressing it healthily so I love anything from her POV.
🍋 What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I'm trying to finish the fic I'm writing (Silver in Her Eyes). I'm finding that intimidating because it's looking like a 80,000 word piece. A whole novel basically. I feel a bit queasy thinking of it.
I also made good progress with a Nessian body swap before I scrapped it. Somehow I ran out of steam.
🍇 What made you choose your username?
It's connected to my real name in a very loose and creative way. Mwah ha ha ha ha.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
abandoned(?) wip: 'corset fic'
Trying to be as brave as @alulaspeaks and do a few of these. Also kind of hoping that the fics are not abandoned but instead dormant (thanks @watermelonlipstick for that idea) but honestly when the fic hasn't been touched in a year+, what are we doing here. Also none of my wips have titles until five minutes before posting on AO3 so... whatever. Nevertheless:
Big Idea: Wanted to lean further into exploring my #dean as object tag, but also into specifically objectification and, like, literally object-ification, truly truly turning the self into an object and kind of going away from it for a while. Decided that a way to do that would be to connect to the 'it started with the kinks' universe, since Dean finding some kind of safety in submission/objectification is built into that concept -- also the concept of him finding a kind of... permission structure in the idea of if I'm gone then I can have what I want. Here, though, I wanted to push much harder into him doing this as a kind of self-punishment -- in this case as part of Mary leaving them in s12, and if he's gone then he doesn't have to feel that stuff, and also if he's furious at her then maybe it's a kind of v-sign into the universe of oh, you don't want to be our mother? well, how about now, bitch. All of which is of course very very VERY under the surface but part of the thinking. Also I wanted Sam to have a bit of domdrop. :)
Why it was abandoned: First of all, #lazy writer noises. (I see you, @deandoesthingstome.) Second: when I actually started to sit down and write the atmosphere was heavy. Like these mfs are sad. It's only ~2500 words so far but gotdamn it is not a nice place to live. And the specificity of its sadness is such that I think maybe it felt impossible to shift gears into a kind of deliberate scene-play where Dean's ordering a corset online and demanding that Sam pull the strings ever-tighter -- like, rereading it now, it just feels like they're going to drink themselves into a hangover and become characters in a miserable contemporary novel. Yowch. Started off on the wrong shade of foot, perhaps. Although now that I'm thinking about it in that way, I suppose I could ratchet up slowly -- the first week is like that, and then the second week is still grim but less oppressive, and so on. I mean they're functional in American Nightmare -- so the fic would need to be about three steps behind that. Hm hm. Food For Thought.
They were better. Before this. Sam could take Dean's hand and reel him in close and Dean would go red but he'd come, and Sam could brush the top of Dean's ear with his mouth and Dean would shudder but he'd clutch Sam's shirt, and Sam could say, Dean, and Dean would—melt for it. No other word. It wasn't what Sam had ever expected, or even really hoped for, but it was what they had. He'd never been so grateful as he was the day that Dean looked at him with his face burning-red and every line of his body embarrassed and he'd said I'm with you, and Sam had taken it like a gutshot of joy, of something settling. Something right, when everything had been so wrong for so long. Dean wanting him back, wanting him. Wanting them and nothing else. It was good. It was all Sam needed. If nothing had changed, from that day to this— Of course, there wouldn't have been Mom. He nags at it, on the drive from Kansas to Louisiana, the radio held at a reasonable volume and Dean driving at a reasonable speed. Nibbles at that little skin-tag on his thumb and stares out the window as Oklahoma subsides into Texas and he wonders. What was the gift? What was it supposed to mean, to have the past ripped forward into the present? To have the long-buried and dealt-with, right here in their hands—and then torn away, just as quickly?
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lady-z-writes · 1 year
Just going through notes on my phone and found some Commander Lawrence x OC stuff I planned to make into a fic but chose not to.
So here's some little pieces I'm actually not hating. Some spicy, some sad. Very niche post. And one, big trigger warning...
Tw: miscarriage.
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We've both experienced loss, we know this. He's spent countless nights drunk with me, watching in silence as I let the fire dance in front of my face, swallow down tears.
It takes him four days to ask, but I feel enough gratitude toward his kindness, I at least owe him this.
"This is my first post since I had a miscarriage."
His eyes flick toward me, mouth a hard line, but I see a spark of understanding in his expression. The empty bedroom upstairs for his wife, the news Aunt Lydia told me before my post: Eleanor passed three months ago. He's lost, too.
"I see."
Is there...anger I see? Does he think I'm not fit to carry a child; that I can't?
I finish my drink; stare at him until he turns to me.
"Quite a loss, heavy - especially given these circumstances." He swallows a mouthful of his drink. "My assumption is they've assured you you're fit to try again, as they say?"
I nod solemnly, look in my lap. So it's like that, then. Maybe he isn't much different than the other Commanders.
"...do you want to?" There's no urgency in his voice - no demand, no force. Simply a question, as if this loss happened at a time before Gilead.
"Yes," I find myself saying, partly because it's true, partly because it's expected.
He nods then, tries reading my expression, then stands.
I hold my breath, count to five. He's before me now, fingers slipping between my knees for the empty glass I'm holding there. I let it go, exhale.
"You're younger than my last handmaid."
We aren't supposed to talk about her; I know this.
"You buy into all this or are you a rebel too?"
I open my mouth to speak, almost forgetting myself.
He raises his eyebrows at me, returns with my drink, hovers before me.
"The place isn't bugged - you can speak candidly here."
I reach for the glass - something to do with my hands, but he pulls it back, lowers his chin at me.
"I wanted to be a mother...before."
He hands over my glass now, sits beside me, knee-to-knee.
"And now?"
Tears form, tears I've swallowed back for months- aunt Lydia only allowed so long to mourn before she forced me into a doctor's office and made them confirm that I was ripe to try again.
I nod, shakily lift my drink to my mouth and swallow again.
He hangs his head for a moment, sighs. "Even in all this?" His voice isn't judgemental though, curious.
"A girl can dream," I almost laugh, slide the stupid hat from my hair.
This catches his attention and he's almost transfixed by it as I move to unclasp the pins to let it down.
"May i?"
"You never have to ask," He speaks it so softly, I almost think I've imagined it.
My fingers glide through it, tussling it gently so it falls in messy waves over my shoulders.
"And what do you dream about?" he asks in a voice that's almost whispered, almost half-asleep though his wide eyes meet mine.
"Finding a nice Commander. Getting out of this place," I scrunch up my nose, "bringing our child with us."
I shrug, "anywhere but here."
"But I haven't dreamt of those things in quite a while," I wave off, then add, "and then i met you."
He coughs, pulls his hands closer to his body, settles his fingers around his drink so they're not creeping toward my hair.
"Beg pardon?"
I shrug. "I feel safe here, with you. I can rest easily. I can dream," I clarify.
"Ah," he huffs. "I don't dream anymore. Just nightmares."
My hand finds his forearm when he goes to take a final gulp of his glass. He halts, stares. This is the first time we've touched.
My fingers interlock with his and we simply sit, my fingers rubbing over his knuckles.
"Did you come in talking like this at your last placement?"
I laugh loudly. "That's hilarious."
"I thought so, too." He shoots me a soft smile.
"Why aren't you...like the others?"
"Do you want me to be?"
"Good. Because fuck that."
It's still a little jarring, hearing him speak so candidly.
"My...wife...and I..." He pauses. "She wouldn't like me behaving any differently to you girls...and...it would be an insult to her memory."
How did I get so lucky?
That night, I pray for the first time in three months. I pray for the Commander, I pray for his wife, I pray for my lost child, and I pray for myself.
The night is filled with dreams, memories returning of Commander Hillebrand and Mrs. Hillebrand's anger when I lost the baby. Reliving. If I'm not dreaming of a future, I'm reliving.
My eyes shoot open and I launch to sit up in my bed.
"You were screaming," Commander Lawrence's voice hums through the darkness and I suddenly feel the weight of him on the edge of the bed. "So much for those dreams, huh?" A dry laugh.
He's about to stand but the thought of being alone in this room, my memories plaguing me...
"Will you...stay?" It's barely a whisper and I can see the shock even through the darkness.
And, to his credit, he does. Though, I can't sleep. He rests in the armchair beside my bed, dozes a time or two before realizing that I'm not sleeping, but staring at the doorway.
He clears his throat, stretches.
"No one's gonna come in here, you know. It's my house."
"Nothing is ours," I speak grimly. "Not here. Not even for you."
"Sheesh, you wake up so cheery."
"How can they do it?" At my question, he silences. "How can they just believe that a child is theirs, disregard our worth, force us to walk away after the feedings are done?"
It takes a long time but his response comes like a whip, "you're just a vessel to them."
"It was my baby. Mine. She had no right to mourn."
"Did they kick you out after that happened?"
I nod quietly. "As if it were my fault. They assumed it would happen again, didn't want to take a chance."
"They cast you out as infertile." He hums.
"They treated me like a murderer."
It surprises me he wanted me here.
I sip my coffee, hum at the warmth, close my eyes and focus on the taste swirling around on my tongue.
When I open them back up, Lawrence is smirking at me and I shoot him an inquisitive look.
He shakes his head, lifts his own mug, "I just enjoy you enjoying things."
We both know that it's been a long 5 years without. Lawrence lived a pretty cushy existence considering, but as a handmaid I'm not granted such luxuries.
I'm again reminded of how we would look to a passerby in a world before this one - this older man and a 30-something me. But he's comfort to me. Lawrence and I can exchange a glance and understand exactly what the other is thinking. It comes with the territory of being constantly monitored in Gilead.
I can still remember laying in the Commanders bed for the first time; soft sheets, sunbeams trying to come through the closed curtains, the weight of him beside me, the dip of the bed.
When I turned to him, he'd been staring; arm propping his head up, fingers hovering above my shoulder. He looked like he'd been caught, the fear in his eyes was enough to make me almost laugh. How did I get to a point to make a Commander fearful? Wonders never cease.
I lean into his warmth, kiss his open palm, almost permission to touch me.
This is strange territory for the both of us. He, not having taken a lover since his wife, not performing a ceremony with any handmaid other than June because they were forced to. And me, not being given pleasure in 5 years.This bed is not meant for this.
He hardly ever sleeps here, I've noticed. It's either in the study or crashed on the couch.
"We're in some serious trouble," his groggy voice groaned with a soft laugh punctuating the sentence.
"Is this...going to be the last time?" I managed to whisper the question that'd been on my mind all night.
He looked haunted then.
"I'm not sure," he hums then adds, "I hope not." And I'm comforted by this.
After so long of being used sexually, steeling myself, locking this part of myself away, actually being touched because I've wanted it is such an addiction now. Thinking about only having this feeling once fills me with grief.
"You don't think Amara will talk, do you?" He knows her better than I do, but I can tell he needs this reassurance so I shake my head; his Martha shouldn't.
"You picked me," I whisper. "Why?"
He laughs without humor. "You're gonna hate me."
"No, I won't."
He sits up now, stops touching me, breaking that contact, I'm guessing, before he thinks I will eventually.
"You were a counselor. And...I lost my wife..."
I smile softly at that sentiment. "You wanted healing."
There are tears now.
"I wanted forgiveness. I wanted someone to look at me without judgement...what is that called? The term evades me..."
"-unconditional positive regard."
"I guess I was just planning on using you for something else entirely. It's not much better than the other Commanders."
I reach for him then, pull him down against my chest. "I'm grateful for you, Lawrence. It's a blessing to be here."
The tears are dripping down my naked chest, he's gasping and breaking down in sobs.
His facial hair tingles against my skin but I don't pull away, I run my fingers through his hair and give him time.
I'm needy again and he's....loving it. The cocky smirk on his face when I meet him in the study is so overwhelming to me I have to hold onto the doorframe.
"Close it," he instructs. I follow orders.
But now I want to call the shots. I stride over to him, holding my dress up over my knees, padding barefoot to the desk.
"Can I help you?" He speaks evenly. I bite my lip, round the desk, wait for him to invite me to sit. He does. I hoist myself on the desk. He blinks slowly when I place my feet on the armrests of his chair.
I see him looking, though he's trying not to. I'm panty-less, exposed, shivering but not from the cold.
"Is this what you want?" His tongue darts out of his mouth to lick his lower lip.
I nod, rest my hand on his shoulder, pull him toward me and then down.
He gets on his knees and my mind flashes to that red cushion - all the times I've knelt before a ceremony.
His hands are warm on my thighs as he traces up them, grips my knees to guide me closer to the edge. His head dips down and I feel his facial hair harsh against my skin, open-mouthed kisses against me, trailing closer and closer to my cunt.
And then he spreads me, presses a thumb to my clit, dances his tongue around my folds until I'm gripping at his hair.
I don't demand a change of pace - I'm chasing any and all pleasure at this point.
He eagerly slips a finger into me, arching just right and I let out a loud gasp.
He shushes me then, moving slow, reminding me that we could be caught.
I cover my mouth when he starts pumping into me, pressing harder on my clit.
I'm fluttering around his finger in no time and he seems pretty pleased with himself, based on his expression. He looks hungry, looks flustered.
His pants are tented when he stands and I groan inwardly. It'll be too long until it's safe for us to fuck in the bedroom. Unfortunately, I know all too well.
Only he's unzipping quickly, sliding his suspenders down. My mouth goes dry. I glance over my shoulder at the closed door.
"We'll be fine," he reassures, "you just can't be loud, my girl."
It's a haunting feeling - to be content once in a while in this world.
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Ok so what if I made a list of things I started at some point in the past like five years or so and haven't finished but am still pretending I'll get back to them eventually? Maybe that would be interesting to literally no one but me, which is good enough.
The Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games ever. I'm like 90 hours into it, have at least twice that left to go, and I haven't touched it in like three years. Like most of the rest of this first section the main problem is that it's on my computer, and being able to sit comfortably in a way that doesn't injure myself while also being able to see the screen isn't going well these days.
Tales of Berseria is also a lot of fun, but it has the computer problem. I need more Magilou because she's such a gremlin.
Final Fantasy 13-2 is definitely my favorite post-12 FF game and might even be the one I've had the most fun with since 6, 7, and 8. Alas, computer.
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle is a very silly crossover that feels like it shouldn't exist. I keep saying I'll go back and finish the rest of the storylines, but computer and also I just haven't had a strong desire to yet. I did figure out that I can win fights using an old Guitar Hero guitar though, so that was fun.
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk is something I started after finally getting caught up on the manga after years and years, because I tend to like Warriors/Musou games when I'm in the right mood. It's decent but not amazing, which hasn't motivated me to get past the computer issue.
Xenoblade Chronicles X is technically also a computer thing because I was playing it in Cemu. It gets extra bonus points for being hard to see because the text and UI are so small, but also I managed to break my save file like 70 hours in and haven't gotten around to figuring out what's wrong with it yet. Everything seems fine except my character and the camera get loaded in different locations, and I could probably use the memory editor to reset my location and fix it, but it's not worth the trouble until I can see.
Boyfriend Dungeon is great and I already finished the base game right when it came out, and I've been meaning to go back and do the post-launch stuff they added later and still haven't.
Atelier Ryza finally got good like half a dozen hours in after one of the worst-paced intros I've ever seen, and I haven't worked up the fortitude to try playing more past there so far.
A Slug's Dream has some decent puzzles and I was enjoying it enough, but I totally forgot it even existed. Maybe some day.
Xenogears I also keep forgetting because it's in an emulator on my computer and not somewhere I remember to look to see what game I should play. It sort of bypasses the usual computer problem by being ancient and designed for 480i screens so everything is huge. I'll finish it one of these days.
Ok I think that's all the stuff on the computer. There are a couple others that I'm not including because I only made it like an hour into them before getting sidetracked, so I'll just start them over if I ever go back to them.
3DS next? 3DS next.
Fire Emblem Fates is what's currently in there I think. It's taken multiple years, but I've finished Birthright and most of Conquest. Some day I'll finish that one and then maybe do Revelation. Any year now...
Shadows of Valentia might come back around too. I've had enough of a break to at least partly get over how mediocre a lot of the maps are and how annoying certain enemy types are, and I do want to at least try to finish it for the sake of the story, just not while I'm in the middle of pretending to play Fates too.
Shadow Dragon deserves another chance too when I'm in a better frame of mind for it, I just don't know when that'll be.
Radiant Historia is amazing and I really need to get back to it and finish it, and I don't know why my brain keeps not letting me for the past couple years. One of these days it will though, and it'll be great.
Kid Icarus: Uprising is also pretty great, but it's physically painful for me to play. I keep saying I want to try to figure out some way to work around that, but it's been multiple years and I still haven't.
Shovel Knight is one I completely forgot I even have, but it was way better than I expected and I should give it another chance.
Project X Zone is another ridiculous crossover that feels like it shouldn't exist, and it's pretty fun sometimes too, but wow does it really drag sometimes with how long each level is and how many of them there are. I might be able to manage it in smaller chunks though.
Ok Switch gets to be in a separate post or I'm going to run out of tags.
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avocado-frog · 7 months
Happy STS! (Shh, I'm a day behind.) And because of that, today's a free space! Use it to ramble as you please! ♥️
As I say on the sts asks that I sometimes answer a day late, the S in sts stands for Sunday :)
The other day I deleted like five chapters (i had only WRITTEN one, but there were five outlined) because the arc was Too hard to write so I changed my mind. Now my outline + schedule are off so I've been adjusting that. The good news is that I don't have a chapter count of 55 anymore.
This is going to accidentally be the Here's How I Outline ask but that's okay I got a free space + I can do whatever I want
SO my step one is that i have a document for my basic outlines which include the character POV(s), chapter title, word count, and a few sentences, with a few more details. I do this part all in one go. Once I have an idea of how many chapters I'm going to have, I try and make it a number divisible by three (30 in forget me not, 21 in dahlia) (rosemary has five parts because I rolled a negative in Planning Ahead skills and had 11 characters instead of 12) so now that I have the parts divided I attach a character to it. I usually already have a flower in mind to attach to the character as well. I write my fun little flower paragraphs here :)
Step two is when I add all the chapters for part 1 (or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 etc) with the Basic Outline. This is where I make my Real Outline for each chapter. I usually do this part in one go as well, or at least until I get bored. The Real Outline includes specific details, bits of dialogue that I want to remember, and stuff like that. I like to have this at a ratio depending on the word count I already assigned the chapter. If I want the word count to be 5,000, then the Real Outline is 500 words long. I'd explain my Ratio if I was good at explaining math concepts. but I'm not.
Step three is Draft 1. I do this part as if I am making a Guy. Draft one is Skeleton. Part 1 is the aforementioned Make the Outline a Certain Length. Part 2 is when I start writing the chapter, deleting parts of the outline as I write them until I have no outline left
Step four is when I put the recently outlined chapters on my Big Timeline that has everything on it- including character birth dates, dates of chapters, things included in dated flashback scenes, etc. Basically everything that I need to keep consistent/so that I don't have to go through 50 chapters to see how long ago something was. It's very helpful I strongly recommend having a Big TImeline actually. If anyone ever asks what my writing advice is it'd be to have a Big Timeline
Step five is Draft 2!!! This is where things have a tendency to get a little bit messy for me because I'm not bound by the laws of writing chapters in order anymore and the chapters that I like will probably be finished faster. Draft 2 is what I consider the Meat of my guy that I am creating. Draft 2 part 3 is where I add to each chapter to complete the Word Goal (unless I really just do not want to, or if it's close enough/don't have anything to add) (this step is optional) and Draft 2 part 4 is when I consider the chapter mostly done. This is where I just reread it and make sure everything is in order. I tend to skip this one too because I reread chapters when I'm editing anyway
Step six is my editing step. I don't know why I keep my editing checklist on a whole different thing but I Do. I'm actually going to move it right now really quick. Editing: 1st read through: italicize/mark with "/" (i post on ao3 sometimes and it doesn't automatically italicize) 2nd read through: check for spelling errors/maybe add or delete sentences 3rd read through: look for trigger warnings and write them down somewhere 4th read through: inconsistencies (write down the things that need to be consistent) check timeline if needed (3rd and 4th usually end up getting combined) 5th read through: read again
After I've waited a week, I repeat the 2nd and 5th part of the editing, and THEN the chapter is done and I have created a Guy.
Here's how they're differentiated:
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I might've made that more complicated than it needed to be but it makes sense to me lol. Obviously this doesn't work for everyone and etc
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smolcinnamonchipmunk · 8 months
I dunno if my ask went though, tumblr said no links are allowed in the ask. If it didn’t just lmk plz cuz im just sobbing/j
But I’ll rewrite here so if it did you can ignore this haha.
Anyways you fave anon is back, me 🌽 anon /j. So I loved what you did with my ask before and gotta say didn’t expect art but it was also amazing I ate that up. Anygays, I was recently scrolling in your page since I haven’t been here for a lil while and my eyes caught your post with Alister(?) with Abyss with the whole theatrical bit. And that obviously had me hooked since I’m also a lil hyper fixed on hazbin myself but not fully…yet.
So I decided to come back with this one simple ask:
What kind of demon is Abyss and power or abilities do they posses? Also also what are their relations with the hazbin crew, like what are their usual interactions with one another?
Now one may say that one is simply curious….which is half true. One could say that I could be getting more info to cook up something that one might enjoy.
That’s all form me, until we meet again! /ref
Ps: love your art!! I always eat it up and it is simply divine!!! Have a lovely day and always be gay /j
- 🌽 anon
Unfortunately, your original ask never went through, but I'm very glad you doubled down on it. It's one of the reasons why I try to make posts encouraging asks sometimes, in case someone either forgot or realizes that it probably might not have gone through
Now, onto the ask. Lemme just start with: AAAAAAAAAHHHH! I fucking love Hazbin so much! I've loved it since the pilot, it's just one of those things I've silently enjoyed for years, I couldn't help but make an OC! Also, sorry for the rambling in advance, this is going to be long. Like, LONG long, so buckle up buddy bois. Also, also, very brief mentions of suicide, rapists, and murderers, but it’s a Hazbin post, sooooo
Of course, the initial was a more feline demon, as you can see, but then I was talking with an old RP buddy that suggested deer since I wasn't quite sure about their original design. Deer had been on my radar, but I tried the cat first. I love both, but the deer based one is definitely the one I prefer. I actually based the coloration and bioluminescence on this reply from @roseytoesy that I forgot to add in my original post of Abyss (Sorry Rosey!)
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Abyss has two primary ‘abilities’. Abilities in quotations because one is passive: they have a venomous bite and venomous spines. They're laced with a venom so potent that they easily killed their first demon on accident when they were attacked and their assailant stabbed themself with a spine. Since joining Hell, they've also found out that their venom can be a very potent drug if processed/diluted a certain way, so their main source of income is selling their venom concentrate. Their spines, however, will lose both potency and bioluminescence within three days. They'll use these shed spines to hang stuff up in their room sometimes though
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Their second ability is the only reason they weren't exterminated during the angels coming down, and it's the fact that they can shrink. It's mostly involuntary and just sort of a panic button to slip away. They've gotten better at controlling it so that they're not just shrinking everytime they get spooked, but it still happens occasionally. They’ll also use it to shrink slightly to help shrug off people touching them. I’m not sure whether or not to add more abilities, but there's the two for now
As for day to day interactions, I also have to think about how they'd be introduced and general personality
Of course, Abyss is another self-insert, so mostly what my other characters do, they do as well. They’ve got a rather dry sense of humor and sarcasm, though they’re not very good at reading other people’s sarcasm and will tend to take things at face value. They’re a pretty recent fall compared to the others, less than five years in Hell, so they’re more skittish and anxious than cold-hearted or confident in their abilities. They are, however, one to make fast friends given the opportunity and compatibility. They love games, but find Charlie's overly childish games a bit nauseating
They're very… skittish/antsy/defensive when first being introduced to new situations and hate leaving whatever small comfort zone they can make in Hell. So I more or less picture them sneaking around to scout out the place and the inhabitants before they decide whether or not they want to actually be a part of the whole operation. I think they'd last maybe two days before being outed by Alastor
I'm imagining since Alastor just doesn't show up in some episodes that it's not uncommon for him to be missing from the hotel occasionally during the day. But, when he comes downstairs the next day Charlie is like, “Now that everyone's here!” and Alastor just goes “I think you're missing someone”, just YOINKING them from nowhere and plopping them in front of everyone. He probably knew they were in the hotel the entire time but thought it’d be funny to give them a false sense of security before just procuring them from wherever they were hiding
Aside from the obvious surprise at the sudden deer demon, initial impressions would range from skepticism with maybe even the thought of them being a new attempt for the Vees to get information about the hotel. But, thanks to Charlie wanting to see the best in everyone and them barely knowing about the Vees (Only Vox because of the TVs everywhere), everyone would cool off mostly pretty quickly. And, here’s what I think everyone’s relationship would be with them in no particular order
Charlie, of course, would love that there was another demon interested in the hotel, even if she’s a bit appalled and stumped at what she’s working with when she finds out that they committed suicide and mostly didn’t do much wrong in their life (I'm going with the thing I grew up with where Catholic people would tell me that if someone committed suicide they'd instantly go to Hell). Most of their sins would occur after reaching Hell, such as drug use and killing (even if most times is in self-defense). Abyss would have an amicable relationship with Charlie, being suspicious of the good-nature at first. But, once they’re comfortable with Charlie, they have no problems just hanging out and shooting the shit with her. Even though they will find her optimism sometimes a bit overbearing, they’d try to be polite about it (in their own way)
Vaggie would be suspicious of them at first like with Sir Pentious, but would overall not really mind them. Probably wouldn’t like their attitude a bit because if she says “I’ve got my eye on you” or something, they’ll almost definitely reply back with “Well, you’ve only got the one”. I think they would eventually get along with each other. Maybe not super buddy-buddy, but friendly enough. Abyss definitely thinks Vaggie is a bit too suffocating with Charlie sometimes, but it’s between the two girls not them, so as long as Charlie doesn’t mind
Angel Dust is one where I’m not quite sure where their relationship would stand, either at first or over time. He’d probably make a raunchy joke or something to test the waters to see if he can piss them off to get a reaction. I can’t imagine him trying to make a pass at them because they sound more feminine, but if he did they’d probably be caught off guard and either reply bluntly in confusion or give a playful comeback thinking it was a bit. I can imagine them being drinking buddies with both of them at the bar. I feel like he’s the type to maybe find random ramblings amusing? Which is good if he’s drinking with them
Husk is another one I’m not entirely sure about. I feel like it’s a very hit or miss with him. Currently my buddies and I have said that he's the most like one of my friends, so I feel like Abyss and him would get along fairly well. Even if they don't particularly like each other the most, it'd probably be pretty amicable. Also, Abyss would definitely try to be nice because they're still new-ish and also can't imagine that being a bartender in Hell is better than in the human world. Fucker is used affectionately
Nifty would probably be a bit curious and vice versa, but I think both of them would mind their own business overall. I think she’d be a bit appalled by the disarray in Abyss’s room if she ever goes in because they’re a cluttered mess. Not dirty necessarily, but very unorganized and everything is everywhere. Both would definitely cause chaos while drunk
Sir Pentious is one where he definitely wouldn't trust them at first, but he's also a bit of a goofball. Aside from probably passing out if he tried to squeeze them because of their spines, Abyss likes his inability to take certain jokes (like in the Pilot when Angel calls him “daddy” and he confusedly goes “Son?”), and will help explain things when they can. I feel like he doesn't particularly like them until they show an interest in his gadgets or egg bois. Do they understand what he's talking about? Absolutely not, they just want to hold a gun
Now, for who you're probably waiting for, Alastor! He’s a bit more complicated. Not because he’s hit or miss with Abyss, I think he wouldn’t actually dislike them. Hell, he might even like them. More because he’s still a mystery in general and more… conflicting? I know that I already drew a picture of him taunting Abyss to make them shrink, but I can’t help but think of this page from the Hazbin Hotel comic that came out on the official site years ago
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From what we see in the whole comic, he only threatens the butcher when the butcher reaches for his cleaver to potentially strike at Alastor. Even then, when the butcher backs down and starts preparing his meat, Alastor doesn’t go full sicko mode. He’s perfectly chipper and back to being pleasant. It’s only when the butcher just grabs the sheep demon that he goes ballistic and ‘kills’ him. I don’t know if by ‘fairer means’ he just means weaker people/demons or just feminine people/demons (He came from the 1930s, he probably goes off appearance and voice rather than asking people pronouns)
Now, I’m not sure how canon the prequel comic is in general since it’s been years since it’s illustration, but we also see similar instances in the show. Maybe not exactly coming to the aid of someone off beat, but Alastor never really starts shit. He’s just fully prepared to finish it. He didn’t come after Vox, Vox started dissing him and then he retaliated effectively. He wasn’t really bothered by Sir Pentious, even when he blew up a wall, until he either mentioned the Vees or presumably just kept pestering Alastor to fight, where he defeated him soundly. Even with Lucifer, I think the reason he was so pissy on sight is that he was blatantly ignored at first and then immediately presumed to be the bellhop before Lucifer proceeded to insult his work on the decor and bash on the hotel before singing about obviously needing the ‘Big Boss of Hell’s help
Anyways, back to interpersonal relations between Abyss and Alastor.
He’d probably do the classic “I’m sure you’ve heard of me from my radio show” thing, to which Abyss would reply “I haven’t, sorry”. since they weren’t around before he left for seven years. Now, the thing that I think would make this a favorable interaction for Abyss is that they apologized. Regardless of whether it was a quick sorry or a genuinely sheepish look since Alastor always seems to have a massive point of pride on his radio show, they still did it. Angel Dust kind of just got told who he was by Vaggie in the pilot, but Lucifer downright disrespected this man by calling him a has-been because he hasn’t heard of the Radio Demon, even though the same King of Hell doesn’t even have a television either
I feel like Abyss could remain in Alastor’s… well, probably not favor, but good graces is the best phrase I can think of, as long as they are generally chill and polite enough. He’s surrounded by delinquents, murderers, rapists, and so on. I think a coping semi-depressed deer who curses like a sailor but generally doesn’t cause trouble is alright in his book. I think though that, like Lilia from Twisted Wonderland, he does like taunting and spooking them to get amusing reactions from them
I do love the idea of Alastor as a pred, but as of right now I can’t think of how it would escalate to that kind of situation realistically unless they REALLY pissed him off or something. Maybe I’ll think of something after the finale tonight, lmaoooo
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