#I'm watching Phil's POV this MCC
royalarchivist · 2 years
Snifferish: The range of like, Christmas sweaters to like, skimpy Santa in these skins, I’m -- look at Scar’s skin!
Phil: [silently losing it] That doesn't leave much to the imagination king.
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pythonscrypt · 2 years
my favorite mcc moments i have watched live, from season 2
so, in honour of season 2 of mcc finally coming to an end, i really wanted to make a post highlighting some of my favorite moments i've seen live since i started watching in mcc 17. i love this silly block game tournament, i love tuning into it every month and cheering on my favorite players and teams, i love watching my favorite games, and i'm grateful for all the terrific players who put on such great performances and of course noxcrew for creating this whole event and scott for organizing it. so, without waffling about too much, here's some moments i watched live in mcc season 2 that made me absolutely lose my mind:
(note: split into two parts because otherwise it would be very long)
my first live mcc + first winner's pov: mcc 17 orange ocelots (false, grian, sb, pete)
orange17 was my first full live pov and my proper gateway into mcc and i'll never forget just how incredibly lucky i am for that - it's like if someone's first live mcc was pink22 and seeing the captain win. from start to finish it was just an epic, cinematic experience with all of them hitting homeruns on every single game while being extremely supportive of each other and having a really good time themselves. and this couldn't be better highlighted by how, with bated breath, they encouraged grian during his final 1v3 during dodgebolt. really such a fantastic team with an incredible ending that i think will go down as one of the most memorable teams of season 2. it's also through watching this team that i found out about pete, and he's since become my most watched streamer so i'm always gonna appreciate that. if i had to highlight further specific moments from them, i'd say grian's sky battle and their whole entire buildmart are pretty damn iconic
my second live winner's pov: mcc 26 violet vampires (fruit, oli, shelby, phil)
i haven't watched fruit live in mcc very much, but i decided to this time because i just really loved this team from the start and thought it was super fun. this was a really, really fun team with excellent vibes, that was really funny, and that also played competitively and put up an excellent performance. they just worked so well together - there were so many funny convos they had in the lobbies in between games. and that's not to mention that they, particularly oli, came prepared for the event, with all the optimal strats down. when it came down to it in dodgebolt, they popped all the way off: oli had the most insane anime moment in the final round when he stared down hbomb as he shot, then immediately took him out in one shot. fruit did so well with his shooting and dodging (after doing some dodgebolt practice beforehand with zeuz), and finally WON. after five losses over a course of two years! shelby also finally won again after 2.5 years! it was such a long awaited, well deserved win and i'm so happy i was there to witness it. my favorite moments from them would definitely be their meltdown and sky battle. (linking a fan-uploaded vod here because there isn't one uploaded by any of the creators)
mcc 24 cyan coyotes winning sot (pearl, jojo, hannah, aimsey)
oh cyan24. anyone that has ever been on this blog knows just how much i fucking adore this team. from the excitement of seeing it be announced, with hannah's mcc debut and pearl and jojo getting a round 2 after mcc 23, to all the vod reviewing and practice streams they did, where hannah painstakingly went over every single game and made google docs for ideal strats and where they also just chilled and chatted as they played (jojo and pearl talking about their cats will always be a fav moment), to event day when all their practice and hard work paid OFF. i could make a whole other post about them alone, but suffice it to say that them winning sands of time was such an electrifying moment because it's known to be the most intense and complex mcc game, both revered and feared by the playerbase. and for a team with a newcomer to win it was just so insanely exhilarating, especially since hannah was unsurprisingly the most nervous about it. cyan24's sot run has since become compulsory watching for anyone wishing to vod review to learn more about sands of time, simply because of how clean, efficient and what a masterclass in comms it is. in particular, aimsey's sandkeeping performance here was so strong, it got them labeled as one of the best sandkeepers in the event just off its sheer strength. xe had extremely clear, concise callouts, and on top of that the whole team went in knowing exactly what they were doing, so there was absolutely no time wasted and their run was very optimised. and their reaction upon seeing they came 1st will never not make me smile because they're all just so overjoyed and on cloud 9. highly, highly recommend going back to watch this if you haven't yet - it might not particularly flashy or spectacular, but it's just so well played, with a fantastic comeback story behind it (they were 7th overall before this game and 4th after, and were widely predicted to come 10th place by the reddit. because reddit.) it's also through this team that i got introduced to hannah and aimsey, who are both such incredibly lovely people and fun to watch not just in mcc but in general.
the entire second half of pete's mcc 25
this might just be the most insane individual performance i've ever seen, simply because of how wildly it swings to each extreme of the spectrum. i made another post highlighting this after mcc 25, but the first half of this mcc didn't go too well for pete or his team lime (with captain, antvenom and jimmy). they were in 10th place overall, with pete being 40th individual after survival games. and then, the second half, which consisted entirely of individual based movement games, came in. if you've ever watched or even just heard about pete in mcc, you'd know that he's known for being incredibly strong in all of the movement games, and i don't think there could be a better display of that than his four game run here which lifted him from 40th at the beginning to 8th at the end. just watching him get 1st in ace race was an insane moment, and from there he came 2nd in hole in the wall, 1st in tgttos and 3rd in parkour tag. what made this all the more fun was how casual he was throughout all of this - it's not like he knew he was dead last individually, and was tryharding as a result of that. he was just chilling and playing the games like he normally would anyways. in between games in the lobby he remarked "i think i might be good at the movement games, and bad at the pvp ones. i don't know, might need a few more events to test this out." i definitely recommend watching his ace race if nothing else - his commentary is super funny and his reaction at the end when he wins is just great.
mcc pride 22 yellow yaks buildmart (grian, scott, gem, shelby)
oh buildmart, buildmart, buildmart. i don't think even one post would be enough for me to fully cover and talk about my thoughts on the very tumultuous history this game has had throughout season 2, especially this year. which is why i feel that yellow pride 22, and the mind blowing dominance they showed in this game, is all the more important. it's four people who are extremely strong at buildmart, have incredible comms and coordination skills, and also happen to be damn good at building. they're all just on the same page the whole game, with grian as the manager helping steer them throughout. i'd like to note that shelby is normally known for being strong at buildmart particularly as a builder, but here, she acts as the floater responsible for gathering all the blocks and listening to grian's commands. a team would have to be extremely strong in buildmart to have shelby be their floater, and this one obviously was. if you include non canon events, this team actually holds the record for the highest scoring buildmart performance of the season, which was at one point also held by grian's team orange 17. in an era of mcc where buildmart has only gotten increasingly maligned and controversial, this performance just serves as a great reminder of all the merits of buildmart and of how the game is intended to be played at its finest.
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euthonia · 2 years
stars - episode i
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lilia pov
I woke up from my comfy white covers to the bright sun shining on my face. 
            God, I need to remember to close the damn windows before I go to sleep..
I groan as I get up from my comfy bed. My phone layed on the bedside table, and it starting to vibrate and buzz.
I picked up my phone, and answered the voice call.
     "Clay! What's up?" I asked, rubbing my eyes before setting my phone down back on the marble counter.
      "Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to come over today. Like maybe, around 10:30?" Clay questioned.
     I looked over at the clock hanging on my wall.9:00 am. If I ate a quick breakfast, I can have plenty of time to get ready.
     "Sounds good! I'll see you then." I answered, softly smiling.
"Okay, bye!" 
"Bye." I replied, hanging up. I yawned,
I quickly shoved the cereal down, and cleaned up. I rushed upstairs, and decided to take a shower. After my shower, I got dressed and picked out my shoes.
I decided to wear a white crop top, baggy ripped jeans, and a matching star necklace and earrings set. I did some light makeup, which was just mascara and blush. I also grabbed my Nike socks and air forces.
I opened the hallway closet and picked out a white mini backpack to match my outfit, and placed my phone charger, scrunchies, and lip balm inside. I then started to walk outside of my apartment, and headed my way to Clay's house, or "mansion" as I shouldreally call it.  I also took out my AirPods from my pocket, and played one of my Spotify playlists.  
(the Spotify playlist linked for this story is in the story description!)
something about you - eyedress, dent may
devil town - cavetown
my kind of woman - mac demarco
no wind resistance! - kinneret
Finally, I arrived at Clay's and Nick's shared "mansion". Knocking on the door, I realized I had a spare key on me. I unlocked the door, and entered into the hall. Patches greeted me at the door, purring and rubbing against my right leg.
     "Aw, hello sweetie. I just love you so much!! Yes, I do!" I baby talked, slowly rubbing Patches soft fur.
    "I guess Patches got a new favorite now." Someone said in the distance, chuckling at their own comment. I looked up, to see Nick staring at me, leaning against a wall.
"Oh, hey Nick. Is Clay upstairs?" I questioned.
"Yeah, he might be on a call with some of the SMP members though. I think they were talking about lore or something along the lines of that. Feel free to grab a drink from the fridge if you want it!" Nick answered.
"Okay, thanks Nick!" I replied, picking up Patches and running upstairs with her in my arms.
I walked down the long hallway, seeing framed pictures of Clay and his family, or printed out MCC screenshots along the wall. I giggled at the photos, and I finally reached Clay's recording room. 
    "God Clay, could your house like, stop growing? Maybe donate a room or two more to me." I joked, giggling as I playfully punched his arm. I looked over to his open monitors, to see he was on a call.
And he wasn't on mute.
"WOMAN??" A voice yelled through the speakers.
"Do you have facecam on?" I asked.
"No, I don't. No one is streaming right now either, do you want to say hi? It's Niki, Phil, Wilbur, andRanbooon the call." Clay answered.
"Why did he say Ranboo's name like that...?" I thought to myself as I raised towards eyebrow at him, and walked over closer to his setup. "Uh, hi? I'm Lilia"
A calming, sweet female voice came over. I knew it was Niki right away. "Oh! I know you. You're lilysage on twitch, right? I've seen your streams a couple times."
"Yup, that's me!" I responded, smiling to myself thatTHENiki Nihachu has watched my streams!
"Alright, well, I'm gonna go. Bye guys!" Clay said, hanging up and closing Discord.
I flopped down on his bed, grabbing my phone and scrolling through tiktok.
 "Hey Clay, why did you say Ranboo weirdly?" I questioned, looking over at him.
Clay only gave a smirk as a response.
 I ignored his "response", and kept scrolling. On my FYP, I saw a minecraft building tutorial. It was a small cottage, and had been surronded by cute flowers and vines. I loved it!
   "Clay! I found this cute cottage, can we build it on stream?" I showed him my phone.
"Yeah, sure! Let's stream on your account. Speaking of minecraft, do you want to join the Dream SMP..?"
"Uh, YES! I just need the server details." (Y'ALL I DONT PLAY MINECRAFT SO I DONT KNOW THAT MUCH !!! 💀)
Clay gave me the server details, and I headed into a little room he made me pretty recently. I had my own gaming set up and everything I needed for streaming. I even had my own bed in there!
My setup was mostly a light green theme, with three monitors, my laptop, a matching  green keyboard and mouse with animal crossing stickers, and a simple black mic. I opened up TwitchLabs and Discord and set up my stream. I put on my "Starting Soon! <3" screen before speaking into the mic.
"Hello, my loves! How are we doing today, chat?" 
lisanotfound: good hruu :)
user5656: doing better 
mirawastakenbydream: <3
lilsuperfan: i love ur streams plsssss notice!!!
"Cool, cool! Glad everyone is doing well." I smiled. "Today we're going to just be doing a chill minecraft stream, and building a cottage! I'll be joined by dream today as well! And, I'm now on the Dream SMP! I just have to log in." I said, looking to my webcam.
Dream unmuted. "Hi chat!"
I opened my gameplay screen, and started up minecraft. I entered in the code, and bam! I was finally in the Dream SMP.
I was greeted on my screen by Tubbo and Tommyinnit. I knew about everyone on the server, as I was a pretty active dream smp watcher.
I also joined the Dream SMP member discord server, which Dream had invited me in. We both left our call, and joined VC 3, in which Tommy and Tubbo were talking.
"HELLO WOMAN. HOW OLD ARE YOU?" Tommy yelled in the mic.
I covered my ears. "Jeez. I'm 18." 
"See Tommy! I told you she'll be older. Wait, what's your pronouns?" Tubbo asked, punching tommy.
" I use she/her pronouns. Thanks for asking!" 
"Okay, cool!" Tubbo responded. I could tell he was smiling from the sound of his voice, even though his camera wasn't on.
"Hey boys- wait, who's this? Oh, wait, you're Lilia, right? From the call earlier?" A  voice spoke. Ranboo!
"Yeah, that's me! Feel free to call me Lily by the way. I'm streaming right now if you want to say hi to my chat!" I smiled.
"Oh, hi chat!" Ranboo said.
elisawasnotfound: RANBOO!!!! :D
markjacobs: ranboob?????
aestheticgreenteasea: BOOB MANNNN
I giggled at the funny messages. "My chat's calling you boob man, Ranboo!" 
"Chat. Please, calm yourself." Tommy spoke. ( WHO GOT THE CARROTS??) Dream wheezed at his remarks.
That made Dream wheeze even harder.
"Alright chat, let's build that cottage, shall we?" 
- time skip brought to you by FORD. BUILT DIFFERENT. (about an hour or so later) -
"Thank god it's done! That took forever." Tubbo sighed.
"Yeah! I'm going to end stream here. Bye chat!" I waved, and ended. I leaned back in my gaming chair.
"Alright, I have to go home now... Bye guys!!!" Everyone said bye, and I left the call and walked over to Dream's room.
"I'll see you later?" 
"Yup! Bye Lilia"
I went downstairs, and grabbed my backpack. I gave one last pet to Patches, and headed out the door. 
I guess I'm in the Dream SMP now.
i havent writen in a hot minute so this chapter is gonna be really shitty sorry!!!
i hope you have a good day! make sure to eat and drink some water, and take your meds if you have any! love y'all :)
1334 words! MOOTS!!
@sapphyrebur @jubiilee13
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phantoids · 2 years
I fully agree with your statement about Tommy being 100% a team player. He is not the one to be like Fundy or even Phil, where his score can be separated from how the team did. Oh no, he will go down or up with his team. And he is usually a huge part of why the team is doing good in general, because Tommy is great at distracting people from nerves and just make them have fun.
Tommy is honestly such an interesting player to analyze in MCC. At least for me. I’ve watched his every pov live since MCC14, and he never fails to amaze me (we are not talking about red26).
Tubbo is usually considered an A-tier, but like, low to mid one, and I disagree. Tubbo has great game skills, his downfall really is just self-doubting. So he should be considered at least mid to high A tier.
Also Tubbo and Tommy are very interesting to analyze their performance against each other, because I feel like they are somehow very similar on their strengths and very apart as well. And it all cancels out to them quite often being right next to each other on the leaderboard. Truly a clingy duo.
I am sorry for ranting, I am just so excited, I love MCC so much. If I had three hours to live and it was MCC time, I would watch MCC. And die.
- tangerine
Bestie idk what to say to this but I'm heavily enjoying your rambling about MCC. go off tangerine speak upon the truths of mcc. anyways yea tubbo high A tier player, he literally just needs more confidence in himself.
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itsbebebrainrotting · 9 months
Okay this is gonna be sappy amd all over the place but i dont often make posts like this sooo...
I came to tumblr... a little over a year ago now? And made my main account! I don't go on social media too often (not actively) but i was like hey, tumblr people seem like theyre having a good time so I'll go over there! My first posts and notes on there are sometimes kinda awkward in a way that screams "not comfortably talkative on social media"
I also notably was not into mcyt at the time. I'd not really kept up with any mcyt stuff aside from maybe mcc since towards the end of the dsmp (and even then i got back into dsmp for the first time in ages a bit before wilburs last stream). I'd heard bad things about the dsmp finale and people i used to find funny were less funny and it was all just less fun. I followed the dsmp tags cuz i hadn't quite dropped mcyt yet but i was all but out of it otherwise. (I also had been convinced by the stigma around the dsmp fandom that it wasnt a great community to be active in so had never been involved in it before)
And then, around the time of the flippa trial a random quackity vod with a clickbaitey title got into my yt recommended and i was curious so i checked it out. I'd heard of the qsmp and saw some people talking about it but i didn't think i liked enough people in it enough to watch it. The vod was quackitys pov of slime finding out about the first flippa misclick and trying to kill the eggs and something at some point intrigued me so i watched slimes pov of some other qsmp stuff and i think something about slimariana got me. I was hooked. And then i watched flippas trial and wilbur returning and loved tallulah and wanted to keep up with tallulah so started to watch phil and bad and i was in.
I started keeping up with qsmpblr around the time of flippas trial, i know because i recognise the liveblogs from the time. I didn't make too many posts but i kept an eye on the tag and it was fun. Everyone here is so lovely.
Then, over time, I slowly became more active and confident to the point where at the time of the brazil meetup it was all I'd post and all I'd get notes on and I started to feel bad for my followers on my main that weren't into mcyt. So i made this blog!
So now im here and im active and im not... social necessarily (i want to send more asks and have more conversations im trying to be better at that) but i do things! Hell, I've posted a fanfic I've written thats how comfortable I've gotten here. Everyone on qsmpblr has made me feel so welcome and happy and holy shit u guys r awesome.
Whether ur my mutual (speaking of since im not social on here i have no clue how many of my mutuals know we're mutuals cuz of how tumblr treats sideblogs) or my follower or someone i follow or just someone i see around a lot here you are all so great and this is a community I'm so happy to be a part of.
Hope everyone has a nice holiday :)
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anaalnathrakhs · 3 years
We have like half an hour left until MCC 14, so let me just say. Cyan Creepers supremacy. That’s all.
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rat--noir · 3 years
MCC hmmm yes
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Win or lose, this is my definition of an absolute unit of a team.
I might just be too biased to tommy but ever since Will, Techno, Phil, and Tommy won MCC I've been switching to watching Tommy's POV instead of Techno (plus no more techno in mcc now). More or less because his attitude in MCC is very likable.
He's a great sport. He has a balanced sense of leadership and listening to others when it comes to teamwork. He makes sure everyone got a say in things and would hype everyone up no matter what. We all know he has great teamwork with phil and will, BUT NOW THERE'S RANBOO.
The ranboo who he didn't chase after in the last mcc at survival games because "oh no, but its ranboo's first mcc and he's close to winning, we should leave them alone."
I am pretty sure that Ranboo got MCC under control. His skills are still in the works, but he understands what to do so he's not clueless about it.
As much as I want to see fun friendly banter between them, I'm way more excited to see their brain work together and Tommy hyping him up and vice versa :D
So yeah, win or lose, this team is really great. Good communications, not overly set on winning, also prioritizes that every member is having fun and finishing the games. I'm sure they will work hard to get a win, one of the reasons might be getting Ranboo a win too so he can get that coin.
BONUS, tubbo.
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doodlebloo · 2 years
Hello! Anon about pov's here
I end up watching Philza's, Purple Pandas were so lovely and overall a great team, we even got Meowza and Toxicza, he did so good even if he wasn't in the last 2 MCCs, i still miss my streamer but MCC23 was so cool, i'm so glad it was a good experience for you too <3
Hello again anon! I saw that Phil's team did pretty well! Also saw his cat ears lol. I cheered so loud when he got first in that round of Rocket Spleef Rush, it's what Tubbo would have wanted :')
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smallishbabes · 2 years
OH ALSO! Do you have a recommendation for which POV to watch for the last MCC? I haven't watched it or seen the results, but I'm afraid to look up the teams in case I spoil myself. -cat
Great question! The team I was rooting for was Purple Pandas because it’s with Joel, Phil, Pete, and Gee and I’m a big Joel and Phil stan. So I watched Phil’s POV for the most part.
The other teams I heard that were great to watch were Lime Llamas which consisted of Cub, Scar, Jimmy, and Antfrost and Orange Ocelots which were Martyn, Eret, Quig, and Finnster. I think Martyn’s is good because he’s so funny on his perspective and I think Scar’s is also good because I think this is the best he performed compared to his other MCC’s. Any POV from these teams is a treat though. I won’t tell you who won either don’t worry. These were just the teams I saw people cheer the loudest for in my dash.
Hbomb also watches MCC in this vod and this one even though he didn’t participate.
Happy vodwatching Cat! :D
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businessbois · 3 years
It would be a lie to say that I'm not the tiniest bit salty about what happened this mcc, but I think the people over on twitter raging on it are really overracting. I don't care about the hbomb thing, it was a glitch and he used it to his advantage, good for him. People have done it before. Wlbur glitch anyone? However, I think the thing that is bothering me a bit is Ace race. The fact that everyone was screwed over except Scott's team, who did perfectly fine, is a bit annoying. If it had been any other team that had figured it out and gotten an advantage it would be fine, like good for them for figuring it out. but the fact that Scott's team had such a big advantage over everyone else just going into it feels the slightest bit rigged. Like Scott knew he would have an advantage over everyone, I think it would just of been good sportsmanship to just reset after it went so terribly for everyone but his team. Then again, as of right now I've only seen red rabbits pov so maybe other team's didn't struggle as much, but it seems like everyone participating was at least a little bit annoyed.
I think the big thing that bothers me about it the most is Tommy's team were doing just so incredibly well. Like they were performing so much better then I expected, Tommy literally did amazing and niki?? She popped off! She performed so much better then I thought she would, I was so happy to see her survive for all of survival games (is that what its called?) Tubbo and vikkstar did amazing as well, they worked so well as a team. I really wanted to see them win or at least get topped three, I feel like they deserved it. It hurt to see them get screwed over so much towards the end. Bless Tommy for being such a good sport, you can really tell he's a good kid when you watch him in mcc.
Bt at the end of the day, it's just a block game. It's just a bit disappointing how things turned out win wise. Like, it's hard for me to feel excited for a team that literally got like a huge advantage over everyone else by having a literal developer on their side and pretty stacked players from what I've seen. Not to mention the glitch, but no ones really to blame for that. I think Scott's team could at of least benefitted from a low scoring player in their midst to make up for the fact that Scott was the only one who had experience in the games and could help his teammates with them as well. So yeah, I don't r e a l l y care much at all, that's just something that kind of bothered me a bit.
yeah i couldnt give less of a shit about the hbomb thing, people take advantages of glitches in mcc all the time like the aforementioned wilbur glitch and phil's thing in rocket spleef and tommy in sands of time and a dozen other things, especially in hitw because that game is hella scuffed. doesnt really matter chill.
i agree with what wilbur said on his twitter, i honestly dont really care about the ace race thing because shit like thats happened before to the captain in mcc2 and to fundy in mcc-i-forgot-which-one-maybe-10-but-it-happened. and it happened to a lot of people. But i do wish they would admit that scott Did have an advantage and that they're sorry and will fix that for next time.
like watching wisp's vod, im a little bit miffed that scott seemed aware that that would trip people up saying "when you get to the elytra bit, i would recommend going down" of course that 100% doesn't excuse sending hate to scott or any of the winners, fuck right off with that. it's an mc tournament For Fun. no money or glory really, just a coin. this shit shouldn't overshadow the fact that they all performed very well and it shouldnt take away from any of the players'—especially wisp and jimmy since this was their first—win.
but aqua didn't even score first in points, that went to blue. they got second and then beat them in dodgebolt fair and square.
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mahgck · 3 years
I would love to really get into mcc bc I live stats but sadly my brain is occupied by uni and Technoblade so there is no more space :pensive:
I'm really excites for it anyway bc PHIL AND CONNOR!!!!!
if they don't jinx it by being in one team, I can't wait to see how connor will do. kinda curious if Tommy actually get him to train with them a lot. I don't think green guardians have any real chance of winning but their pov sure as hell is gonna be funny
I'd definitely recommend watching old techno mcc povs, if youre interested! Theyre all in his past livestreams playlist. Personal faves are mcc10, mcc9, and mcc4!
I wouldnt count out green! Its the same structure as pink11, in which there were three potentially top ten players, and one completely new non minecraft player, and pink11 won! Phil, tommy, and fundy are all really good, and if they have a good game order they could definitely make it!
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 years
I loved this MCC too!! Only recently finished watching dream bc I was busy for a while and I adored it, it was so like palpable how long the dream team have known each other and how close they are, and techno cheering for red at the end was so sweet hahaha <3 for once I actually feel committed to watching other POVs, like waaaah the vibes were amazing -shy anon
i feel like everyone that i watched was so positive and my friend was watching orange ocelots and said they were all super positive and chill as well so that's a POV to check out! it really felt similar to mcc pride which might be one of my favorite mccs ever.
i always love watching dream because he's so enthusiastic about everything. <3 <3
if you want to watch other POVs, i'd definitely suggest phil's pov because he's always a lot of fun and that means more techno content as well! at the very least, watch his terra swoop force run! like, he's first and foremost.
i'm going to give a little rundown of my suggest POV for the teams if you want to branch out!
yellow yaks: my go-to is seapeekay! i just really like his vibes and i have a lot of fun watching him.
lime llamas: personally, i'll be watching f1nn5ter. i've watched his POV before and also enjoy anytime he's in one of skeppy's puzzle rooms.
cyan coyotes: punz. end of story. watch punz. <3
green geckos: watch grian! i love grian. techno loves grian. dream loves grian. his POVs are always really fun to watch.
purple pandas: okay, this one is hard to pick just one person but top pick is always, always going to be michael mcchill. he's hilarious and i love him. you can't go wrong with krtzy either!
aqua axolotls: i'll personally be watch eret for this one but honestly they're another team you could pick anyone for.
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
Oh shoot mcc is today-
Alright! Prediction time everyone!!! The team we will be looking at today iiiiiiisss:
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The Cyan Candy Canes!!!!
In abcense of King Technoblade himself (I'm happy he is taking his time and staying away from the stress that would be an Mcc) we will look at Phil’s and Wilbur’s team, because yes :)
So, this is going to be ✨chaotic✨, af, Quackity and Wilbur will be CONSTANTLY throw jokes and bits around, Fundy is also pretty chaotic and will follow suit, same for Phil, that would probably be laughing his ass of the entire time.
The leader here isn't as predictable as it used to be, Wilbur and Phil could take lead no problem, but they both tend to start on the quieter side when playing and prefer to make call outs and such, Fundy can definitely take lead! The boy is underrated, he is very good at block game and can handle pretty much every type of minigame thrown at him, that also why he could be ”captain”.
Quackity is... There mostly for the laugh tbh, I'm not saying that he is bad at Minecraft, but he is the newest of the team in mcc and probably doesn't care about leading, but I'm ready to be impressed.
Seeing this team getting discouraged or depressed is almost impossible, all of them are capable to make cheer-up jokes and to help each other emotionally if needed, the only way this goes wrong is either Quackity’s bits and jokes go too far or Wilbur descends into his mcc depression for not being able to help, but we know Wilbur, it all depends on which side of the bed he wakes up on.
Also I'm very excited to see son, father and grandchildren relationships, I wonder how much of Dream SMP will they reference.
(hopefully Techno will be watching Phil’s pov and use muted tts to talk to chat, we can pray and hope)
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angeloncewas · 3 years
I have to betray my longstanding tradition of watching Phil live every MCC because Cyan Centipedes is just way too good! Ranboo, Wilbur, Sneeg, and The Captain?! Winners POV!!!!
- ghost anon (who is way too excited rn)
YES !! Scott kills it every time I stg.
The betrayal on Phil :o (/j - I don't think I'l be watching Dream live either so same deal)
Cyan is such a good team and they totally deserve the W. I'm excited for you !! I hope you have a lot of fun with it :D
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tittyblade · 3 years
It has never been this hard to pick who to watch for MCC
Except maybe like, two months ago when I was having literally the exact same conundrum
Blueza my beloved.....we've waited so long. And also Sneeg!
Plus this entire season I've been watching Phil's MCC streams live
But also.......
I've been a bit....hyperfixated on Ren's content recently (to say the least)
Renchanting duo (him and Martyn Inthelittlewood in case you are not familiar) are very dear to my heart.......Plus Hbomb, and Cub is great too (I watched his team's pov of Hermitrivals and that was great)
I'm rooting for purple to win regardless so I suppose it doesn't matter if I watch their pov but,,,,
Basically, I'm very conflicted
(I'm not even necessarily asking for help I'm just losing my mind a bit trying to decide since ITS NEXT WEEKEND AHHH)
I FEEL U. i’m gonna watch blue live (i always watch phil but him AND sneeg together? no way i’m missing out on that) but MAN i really wanna see purple (renchant + hbomb and cub) and cyan (tommy dream ponk sapnap) too, the line ups are really so intriguing. the teams are rlly good this mcc!!
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olwolo · 3 years
THEY DID SO WELL! I was slightly worried for like the whole pause period but they also handled that so well, pink parrots winners of my heart pov!! I miss the blade man already but it was really fun, I'm happy they also seemed to have fun besides the 2 points thing lol BUT UR ART !! SO PRETTY, I always get like this boost of energy whenever u post monochromatic art 👉👈 so prettie i lov 👉👈 ur grian remains the cutest thing ever we love it!
now back to the dsmp talk I left u on lol I always tought c!tommy was that kind of guy that considered ppl family but I really thought it stopped at tubbo, wilbur and ranboo. If u think about it, he and c!techno really have a long story (more than techno and wil) so it isn't that weird. Sure is metagaming but I don't mind these coming from the ccs tbh LMAO but c!techno and c!tommy have a interesting chemistry for me,, like, everybody with techno but really!! I like they are lowkey in bad terms but they are still okay with each other being around or whatever. Personality wise (more like ambition/inspiration driven wise idk), I just think they are too much alike to completely hate each other. Idk maybe I just miss 4/4 and I'm the one metagaming now but whatever. I love them, all rights to bedrock duo my beloved. Also, I too prefer the scripted streams bc they seem to have a reeeally good grasp at what to improvise and what should follow the script. Again, I'm not good at recognizing tones when they speak and if it's different or not so maybe that's why but idk, I love it. And winged phil is my favorite thing ever and the fact everybody accepted that is just so good. It makes such an interesting bg besided drawing winged characters IS REALLY NICE. I love ur idea of the big and small wings being related to their age, even though I'm still not one hundred percent sure if wilbur's are smaller than it should be or if just stopped growing after he died. I have so many thoughts about mumza these past few weeks but I'll share then once I think properly about it lol but PLEASE tell me about the possessed theory and Quackity!! I don't think I ever saw it! 🧨
pink parrots my absolute beloveds!!! i hope we will get some variation of this team in the future cause i enjoyed their interactions so much! honestly it might be my favorite mcc that i watched. and god i love using limited colors in my art so thank you!!!
and i agree! c!tommy is definitely the kind of character that considers the people close to him as family and i definitely prefer that approach over him being actually related to other characters. and the current state of bedrock bros is so interesting. like they both ended up hurting each other due to lack of communication multiple times but i feel like there's just this bit of care still there that stops them from absolutely hating each other? idk c!tommy definitely still cares quite a bit but that's just the nature of his character in general. as for the wings! i draw c!wilbur's so small primarily because i saw a picture of a baby crow and was enlightened sgdhjd but then i started thinking more about c!phil being Old and how that longevity could be passed down to his son and then i thought hey wouldn't it be sad if c!wilbur could live for hundreds of years but died before even turning thirty? and then it all got tied up nicely with the headcanon that the wings grow slowly over time because i think c!phil with huge wings is very cool. i like to think it would take like a hundred years to be actually able to start flying. and for wilbur's wings a little hc that i briefly drew out is that the right one got damaged in the final control room so it just stopped growing since then. and aaah the possession theory!! basically after c!quackity ate c!schlatt's heart he suddenly wanted to bring him back to life and in later streams there were some moments that led to theorizing that schlatt was possessing him in some way. it didn't go anywhere since early new l'manburg but i really liked the theory and i keep thinking back to it so might as well fuck around and add a nod to it in my chara design lol
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