#I've noticed that I'm not the only one who has trouble seeing the art of people I follow because they reblog a lot.
canisalbus · 11 months
just a quick ask to tell u it makes me super happy seeing the detail u go into when pointing out stuff u like about other people's art of ur ocs :3 it's so rare to see but it's so so motivating!! <3
Thank you! I don't take any interest for my art for granted, and if someone goes through the trouble of drawing my characters for me, I feel like trying to write a proper response is the least I can do. For a visually oriented person, receiving gift/fan art is a huge deal, it means someone considered my goobers worth their time and effort, they've probably been thinking about them more than a little and found them inspiring in a way or another, and I find that terribly flattering. It's extremely fun and interesting to see other people's takes on them. And I've drawn stuff for people as well, I know how nice and rewarding it feels to receive a response that is longer than a word or two. Positive comments like that can linger in people's minds for a long time, at least for me they do.
#this comes with a big serious disadvantage though#it often takes me a long time to write that response#my social batteries are extremely small and a lot of the time by the time I go online I feel too worn out to engage with people properly#I'm autistic anxious and severely depressed my spoons are in short supply at the best of times#I've always had really hard time putting my thoughts into words in a way that I find satisfactory#so I keep putting off reblogging gift art#because most of the time my brain is too smushed to formulate that meaningful comment I want to give#maybe that sounds dumb and fake#but this is something I've struggled with for years and I feel extremely guilty for keeping people waiting like that#often weeks sometimes months even#and potentially making them feel underappreciated and unnoticed#I'm also genuinely very scatterbrained and unorganized and I miss and forget things I'm supposed to do all the time#not to mention that I tend to have trouble keeping track of my mentions and dms and asks I'm only one person#so if you've ever drawn something for me and I didn't/haven't responded yet#please know it's not personal it's entirely my fault I'm kind of a mess#and chances are I'm still very much attempting to get back to you#feel free to remind me if you feel like I might have not noticed your post I really don't mind at all it often helps me a lot#and please if you can don't delete the post even if it seems like I didn't see it#because again sometimes it takes me a long time to respond#thank you to everyone who has stayed endlessly patient with me though I appreciate it#sorry this spiraled into a list of apologies and excuses this is actually something that bothers me a lot#because it's largely a mental health thing but easily comes off as ungratefulness#I'm trying to work on that#answered#anonymous
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susartwork · 8 months
Tip time
If you own any kind of art blog but also reblog heavily / roleplay / reply to tons of random asks on the same blog, consider making custom hashtags! (Ex: #insertblogname reblog)
This way other people can use Tumblr hashtags blockers (like Tumblr Savior) to hide those posts that may not be relevant to your blog, so they can easily see only your art in their dashboard.
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
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@octonauts16 (Post in question) TLDR at the bottom!😅
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Yeah, that was Wally <XD I doodled that on the screen while kind'a forgetting all the stuff I've talked about Welcome Home recently. How I don't wanna join the fandom and such..
But to be honest I've been kind'a torn on Welcome home over the past few days. I recently developed 3 big main reasons why I don't want to join the fandom and draw the characters. But those reasons are quickly starting to dissolve-
Reason #1. Now I don't know if I just saw the wrong side of the fandom, but it felt like everywhere I went there was shipping content. Cannon or not, it was everywhere. And of course I'm known for not liking ships or really drawing any lovey dovey content.. I was worried enough about people tagging all of my Welcome Home art as shipping, that I figured I'd save myself the trouble and just.. not post any art of it all together.
But then I thought about it.. I mean, Undertale was a huge shipping fandom too. And I was able to weasel my way around all of that and come out unscathed. Surly the Welcome Home shipping fandom wouldn't be much harder to navigate.. right?
Reason #2. I wasn't really sure.. what to draw exactly. Everyone seems to have their own interpretation for the story of Welcome Home. Wally's the Bad guy, no House is the bad guy and he's controlling Wally, no no Wally and House are both the bad guys together. Their world is real- no actually its all make believe and Wally is the only one who knows its fake- aaaa so many stories!
I felt like it would take a lot of work and research to make my own version/interpretation of the story and the characters. So I just dropped it and didn't want to bother. I'm still so busy...
...But then its like 4 AM and I have ideas for redesigns of every character, a story is being constructed, angsty situations are being plotted, lore is growing- I hardly know much about Welcome Home truly, yet I already have a whole world built that I wanna start drawing-
But! Its reason #3 that's kept me from drawing anything. Clown, the series creator.
Looking around the fandom.. It seems that Clown is like me. They have certain boundaries when it comes to their characters and what they do and do not approve of others drawing about it. I know about the copywrite issues they're dealing with.. people selling merch of their characters and profiting.. its really sad. But there's more to it.
I saw some artwork for Welcome home and went to the comments. Everyone was like "I'm so glad to finally find an artist that respects Clowns boundaries!" And I'm like uh oh- are people drawing things that make Clown uncomfortable? Has Clown been dealing with that? What are those boundaries? Is anything I would like to draw something that would cross said boundaries?
So out of laziness to not dig deeper to find these boundaries, but also wanting to RESPECT said boundaries.. I just cut off any artwork from being made all together.
But my interest in this series is definitely getting stronger. And maybe sometime after these projects are finally off my chest, I'll look into Clown and see if any of my artwork would cross a line..
For now I'm too lazy, and too busy to make any artwork for Welcome Home <XDDD Maybe someday though!
TLDR; The #1 reason why I haven't drawn Welcome Home fanart is because I think Clown has certain boundaries when it comes to fanart. And I don't know what they are, I am also too lazy to look into it. So I just decided to not draw anything at all until further notice <XDD
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shyywriter · 11 months
Playdate Trouble
Fandom - Five Nights at Freddy's (Security Breach)
Summary: Moon notices that Sun isn't quite himself. So, he decides to take matters into his own hands and tries to cheer him up.
Note: This is my first ever tickle fic, (so forgive me if it's not that great), and I've decided to write it about two of my favorite characters, ever. Sundrop and Moondrop from Security Breach. I've read a bunch of fics, of these two, and they've all been adorable. So, here's my attempt at it.
It was after hours, in the Pizzaplex, which meant that all of the animatronics were off, doing their own thing. They were all pretty grateful for this allowed free time, especially the Glamrocks, since performing for their guests, all day, could be pretty tiring. The only one who really wished that the day could last forever was Sunnydrop. The Daytime Daycare Attendant is quite boisterous and full of energy, so it was always sad, for him, to see the children go, and the daycare close. After hours was, probably, Sun's least favorite time of day, especially when everyone else was busy, and he had no one to play with. Moon, usually, likes to wander off, on his own. And, Eclipse takes this time to tidy things up, in their secret little room, behind the castle balcony. Not to mention, the Glamrocks would also be busy with their own things.
Right now, Sun was simply sitting on a bean bag, with his head in his hands, and a grumpy expression, on his faceplate. He was bored, and couldn't think of anything fun to do. He could go for a dive in the ball pit, or make some new puppets in Arts and Crafts. But, Sun has already done these things, a zillion times, and he wasn't quite in the mood for any of them. Just when Sun was starting to consider just heading over to his charge station, to power down for the night, he heard a deep, raspy chuckle, echo through the daycare. He looked up to see his twin, Moondrop, swimming through the air, on his wire. Sun sighed, sadly, as he watched his brother fly around, high up in the air. It looked like a lot of fun, and he always wanted to try it. But, the staff would never allow it since Sun was clumsy, and could often get, a little, carried away. They didn't want to risk him falling off, and getting hurt or damaged, badly.
Meanwhile, Moon had noticed Sun, sitting there, and decided to go and greet him. He lowered down and, once Moon reached the ground, his wire disconnected from his back loop and retracted back into the ceiling, leaving Moondrop free to walk around, on his own. Moon tiptoes over to Sun, with his wide grin, as he waves to him. "Hello, Sunny. Oh. Why so blue?", he said as he took notice of the Sun's grumpy look. Sun continues to sit there, hunched over with his head in his hands, as he looked down at the floor. "Oh, it's nothing." Moondrop tilted his head as he stared at Sun, his grin never faltering. It was clear to him that Sun wasn't feeling like, usually, cheery self, right now. It was, actually, quite odd to see him acting like this. Moon then steps in front of Sun, crouching down to look him, face to face. "Are you upset with me?" Sun's eyes go wide at the question, and he sits up, shaking his head, while looking at Moon, now. "No, of course not! I'm not upset at anybody. I'm just so...bored!"
Moon blinked as he stared at Sun. "Bored?" Sun sighs as he leans back in the beanbag chair, resting his cheek on his fist, as he looked off to the side. "Yeah, bored. There's never anything to do, when all the little sunshines go home. No one to play with." Moondrop looked down, in thought. Does this happen, often? Does Sun always get this way, when the Pizzaplex closes. Now, Moon was starting to feel, a bit, guilty. He would always go off on his own, not actually spending that much time with his brother. He never knew that Sun was this lonely. Moon then sat down next to Sun, looking over at him, with a sad grin. "Well. I could play with you. If that's what you want." Sun turned to look at Moon, with a surprised expression. But then, he frowned before looking back away. "No, no. That's okay, Moony. I know that you'd rather do something else." Sun didn't want his brother to feel obligated to do this, if he really didn't want to. After all, Moon didn't always like doing the same things that Sun did. And, who was he to force his brother out of his comfort zone. Moondrop frowned, as well, as he put his hand on Sundrop's shoulder. "But, I DO want to play with you." Sun didn't even respond as he continued to sit there, looking down, sadly. Moon started to look worried as he stared at Sun. He didn't like seeing Sun, this way. He had to think of something to put a smile back on Sun's face.
Moon thought to himself, trying to come up with something fun that they could do, together. "We could play hide and seek", he said, turning to Sun with a hopeful look. Sun, however, didn't seem excited by that idea, at all. "I don't really feel like playing hide and seek, right now." Moon frowned, trying to think of something else. "We could...visit Gator Golf. Monty loves to teach golf." Sun still showed no signs of excitement. "I'm not in the mood for golf, either. Besides, Monty's busy polishing is golf clubs." Moon huffed to himself, determined to find something that would spark Sun's interest. He looked down, on the floor, when he suddenly spotted something, out of the corner of his eye. It was a pink, fluffy, feather, simply just sitting there on the floor. It must have come from Arts and Crafts. Moon picked up the feather, eyeing it, with a raised eyebrow. He looked, back and forth, between the Sun and the feather, before an idea pops into his head, causing him to perk up. Moon then smiled, deviously, as he glanced over at Sun, speaking in a sing-song voice. "Oh, Sunny~" Sun hadn't even noticed the feather that Moon was holding, yet, since he was still faced the other way. "Hm?" Moon took this to his advantage as he, sneakily, scooted closer to Sun, still grinning, mischievously. "I know something we can do. Something very fun~"
Sun, still not bothering to look over at Moon, continues to sit there, sadly, not sounding too enthusiastic. "Oh, yeah? What's that?" Moondrop's evil grin widens as he approaches Sun, getting closer. "It's called..." Then, once the opportunity was there, Moon grabbed Sun, causing him to let out a startled yelp, before he uses one hand to raise Sun's arms above his head. "The Tickle Sunny Game." Then, before Sun could process what was happening, he jumps and squeals, upon feeling Moon start to tickle under his arm, with the feather. Sun, immediately, bursts into laughter and giggles, as he kicks and squirms around, trying to free his arms. "AAH! AAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WAIT, WAHAHAHAIT! MOHOHOHOHOONY!" Moondrop chuckles, deviously, as he wiggles the feather around in Sun's underarm, making sure to get at all of those sensitive wires. "Oh, look at that. You're smiling, again." Sundrop continues to buck and writhe around, squealing and laughing from the feather's soft touch. "EEK! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHO, STOHOHOHOOP! THAT-THAHAHAT TIHICKEHEHEHEHELS!"
Moon smirks as he watches Sun wiggle and giggle underneath the feather. He feels a sense of pride wash over him, finally getting Sunny out of his funk of being bored and sad. "It does? Really?", Moon teases, as he trails the feather down to Sun's side. He then starts to wiggle the feather on that spot, hoping to get a similar reaction. "What about here? Does it tickle, here, too?" Sun lets out another squeal as his laughter goes up, a pitch. It tickled even worse, actually. But, there was nothing he could do about it, with his brother holding his arms up.
Sun, honestly, couldn't believe how ticklish he was. He knew that he was programed with advanced emotions and sensitivity, as a means of being able to connect with the children. But, he didn't know that meant he would also be unbearably ticklish. Moon giggles along with Sun, enjoying the sound of his laughter. He doesn't let up, one bit, and continues his ticklish onslaught, not stopping until he's gotten Sunnydrop back to his bright and happy self. "Hehehe! What's the matter, Sunny? Aren't you having fun, yet? Tickle, tickle, tickle~"
The teasing only makes Sun laugh harder, as he tries to squirm out of the feather's reach, while still tugging at his arms. However, it was no use, as Moon was constantly following Sun's movements, with the feather. "OHOHOHO! PLEHEHEHEHEASE, STOHOHOHOP! THIS ISN'T FUHUHUHUHUN! THIS IS TOHOHORTUHUHURE!" Moon lets out an amused chuckle. It was obvious that Sun was fibbing. It was clear, as day, that Sun was enjoying himself. "Torture? Don't be silly. You're loving this." Moon then decides to tease Sun, a bit, slowly dragging the feather towards his belly. Sunny let's out more, high-pitched, giggles, unable to help the giddiness welling up, inside him. He watches, with a nervous grin, as the feather travels, closer and closer, to his tummy. Moondrop grins, evilly, as he continues to drag the feather, at a, painfully, slow pace. He then pauses right at Sun's belly, building up the anticipation...before he, suddenly, drops the feather and instead uses his fingers to tickle Sun's belly, relentlessly. Sun, practically, shrieks before he bursts into a fit of uncontrollable cackles. He definitely wasn't expecting that, and was not, at all, prepared for it.
"AAAAHHAHAAAHAHAHAHAA! NOHOHOHOHO! YOHOU BIHIHIHIG BUHUHUHULLY!" Moondrop chuckles, mischievously, as he skitters his fingers all over Sundrop's tummy, making it twitch and squirm. "Oh, I'm a bully, am I? Well, maybe, I shouldn't stop, then. Kitchy, Kitchy, Koo~" Sun continues to squeal and cackle, his heart out, as Moondrop continues to torment his poor, ticklish, belly. Moon then pokes at Sun's tummy dent, trying to find out what spots will get the best reactions. Sun yelps, in response, as he let's out a roar of funny laughter.
Moon pauses at the noise he just heard. Did Sunny just? Moon smirks at Sun, with a raised eyebrow, before he pokes at his tummy dent, again. "What was that? Are you a piggy, now? Well, no wonder you like to squeal."
Sun continues to cackle and snort, absolutely hysterical. He can feel his systems heating up, as Moondrop continues to torment his tummy and dent. As much as he was having fun, he couldn't take much more. So, he decided to call it quits.
Moondrop grins, victoriously, as he giggles at Sun's attempt to surrender. "Hmmm. Oh, alright." After giving his belly one last tickle, for good measure, Moon, finally, lets Sun go. Sun slumps over, on the beanbag chair, going limp, as he let's out a sigh of relief. He pants and wheezes, trying to catch his breath, still giggling, a bit. Moondrop grins down at his exhausted brother, as he watches him catch his breath. Now, THIS was the Sunny he knew and loved. Smiling and giggling, without a care in the world. Moon smiles as he pats Sun, on the head. "There. Now, wasn't that fun?" Sun, barely, managed to sit back up, still trying to recover from that tickle attack. His smile never left, as he turned to look at Moon. He felt a lot better, now. In fact, he couldn't even remember what he was sad about. "Oho, my goodness. I think my systems are crashing." After he, finally, managed to recover, Sun smiles, warmly, at Moon. He seems grateful for that "bonding time" they had just gotten to spend, with each other. "Thanks, Moony. That really was a fun game!" Moondrop grins, softly, at his brother. He then, suddenly, yawns, feeling himself start to feel drowsy. "You're welcome." Sundrop yawns, as well, also feeling pretty drained. The two animatronics then lay down, with each other, on the beanbags. They smile as they let themselves relax, feeling peaceful. Though, before they let themselves rest, Sun looks over at Moon, with a sheepish grin on his face. "Hey, Moony?" Moon, who's starting to go into rest mode, shifts his head towards Sun's. "Yes, Sunny?" Sun smiles, shyly, as he continues to look over at Moon. "Do you think we could...play that game, more often?" Moondrop chuckles and smiles, sleepily, as he rests his head against Sundrop's. "We can play, whenever you want." Sundrop smiles as he rests his head, as well. The two of them, both, close their eyes, as they go into rest mode, feeling happy and contented. Long story short, after discovering his new, favorite game, after hours had, actually, became Sunnydrop's favorite time of day. And, Moondrop's, too.
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satureja13 · 6 days
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Ji Ho was devastated after he tried to kill Vlad. All these overwhelming feelings are hitting Ji Ho hard anyway, and now this on top of it. Jack told him again and again that nothing was his fault and now, that they finally threw this spell back to sender, nothing stands between Vlad and Ji Ho's future full of love and affection anymore... But Ji Ho felt as if two fists were gripping him. One around his throat, slowly pressing shut. And the other one trying to mash his heart. Jack didn't know what else to do and dragged him to the pool to help him calm down. Distraction is Jack's solution for everything ^^'
Meanwhile, Sai and Vlad put Jeb and Kiyoshi to bed. They are still feeling dazed after their protection spells were dodged by Ji Ho's grandfather. Gladly, Jeb and Kiyoshi are not the only members of their group with healing powers. And even though it was a magical damage, which cannot be cured that easily, Vlad tried his best and he's really hopes they are going to wake up again soon. He has no idea what to do with Sai should anything had happened to Jeb ö.ö Sai is near his next breakdown anyway... It's all too much for him.
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Ji Ho really calmed down a bit. They sat at the pool. Ji Ho still can't let go: "I can't believe my grandfather was able to make me try to kill Vlad. How are we supposed to move on from this? And after all the other things that had happened between us? How?" Jack: "Don't underestimate Vlad and his love. I've seen how he still looks at you. And don't underestimate your Bond. It's still there - and it's still strong. Don't forget you two bonded after that spell. Just trust it, hm?"
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*then he laughed*: "And Vlad had time getting used to your attacks..." Jack snapped his mouth shut. Uh-oh. He shouldn't have said that. Ji Ho doesn't know about the other attack - when Vlad was hidden in that mannequin! Jack just hopes Ji Ho didn't notice ö.ö He and his damn unstoppable snout! But Ji Ho did notice: "Attacks? When else did I attack..." And then Ji Ho remembered that there was something odd with that mannequin in the Dark Arts Classroom. And how it trembled after the attack. And how Vlad wasn't with them for almost a day... And then the fists smashed his heart and crushed his throat.
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Ji Ho started to cry and none of Jack's distraction puppy strategy attempts succeeded this time. So he called Sai and Vlad for help. Sai: "Is this your fault?" There's no way to deny it... Jack can't stand seeing Ji Ho cry: "Eh yes. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset him. Can you please tell him that everything will be fine and that we've all been through hard times and found back together again? Please stop crying, Ji Ho! Look, Kiyoshi and me! Do you remember when I tried to kill him because I thought he tortured Sai and me at the lab? And now we're best mates! Nothing can get in between us! Not even the fact we accidently woohooed!" And Jack kept on talking himself deeper and deeper into trouble. Jack: "And it didn't even stop Vlad from loving you that he died when he tried to save you! And Sai and Jeb are together again even after Sai had a relationship with Kiyoshi and Jeb refuses to woohoo Sai because he thinks he'll hurt him!"
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Well, this did distract Ji Ho from his downward spiral into utter desolation. Ji Ho looked at Sai and Vlad who were about to burst from anger: "Eh, Jack. Better run."
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They can't run far from the Villa. Some members of the Council might still be around and they surely won't leave Ji Ho, Jeb and Kiyoshi unprotected. No matter how much they want Jack dead. So they just ran rounds and rounds around the estate... And if Super Soldier Jack weren't that fast, this time, Sai would have really hit him!
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An hour or two later, after they checked on Jeb and Kiyoshi upstairs, they sat at the pool again. Sai's anger faded into his weighty responsibilty as their leader: "We need to inform the Resistance about what happened *he sighed* and to ask for a loan to pay off our tuiton at Verdantis. After Kiyoshi and Jeb wake up, we are going to head over to Hummelshain Castle and look if Ms Coombes or one of the others currently resides there." Vlad laughed: "Sai, we're back in the Mundane World. These little devices, who help you talk to people that are far away, are a thing here. They are called phones ;)" Sai: "Omg, I'm so through! Phones!" To his defense: they've been in the Otherworld and beyond the Veil without phone reception for around ten months ^^'
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So Sai dug out his phone from the dephts of his inventory and called Ms Coombes. After Sai gave her a rough overview on the happenings and carefully touched the money problem, she told him she'll call over athena, who is the treasurer of the Resistance, and that they'll meet at the Castle tomorrow afternoon to discuss everything. Ms Coombes (over the line): "Make yourself a nice time until then. You've been through a lot. And don't worry to go out. Principal Prescott and the others left in a hurry a few hours ago :3 "
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'I cannot say it. I want you, a bit little more. Really, do you think so? I’d like to touch you, but the more I get near to you, the more I do not recognize you. Really, does it happen to you, too?
Shall I give you a phone call or not? Shall I give you a phone call or not? I won’t surrender for first Why won’t you call me? Why won’t you call me? Who knows who’s gonna win!'
'Io non riesco a dirlo. È che ti vorrei soltanto un po' di più. Anche tu? Io vorrei toccarti ma più mi avvicino e più non so chi sei. Anche tu? Ti telefono o no, ti telefono o no? Io non cedo per prima. Mi telefoni o no, mi telefoni o no? Chissà chi vincerà?'
Gianna Nannini - Fotoromanza
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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spiralingnoodle · 8 months
Since we're on the train of not clogging the TMA tags with posts about The Magnus Protocol, let's also please stop tagging posts from your RP blogs with the character tags.
Reblog so this reaches more people in the fandom and those who may need to see it can see it.
If you do this, I don't hate you. But please let's be mindful.
I know you want your blogs to be noticed and to get interaction, but tagging every rp post with a main character/fandom tag only clogs said tags with RP posts. Not only that, but many use heavily edited fonts and that, I've been shown, breaks text-to-speech horribly. It makes disabled people's browsing of the tags very difficult because (as said by disabled friend) "every five post, I get a scrambled nonsense audio that takes like 3 minutes to read on the text-to-speech, let alone try to read it by myself with my poor eyesight to figure out if it's and actual fandom post, RP or what".
I hate making these posts because I feel like a bit of an asshole, like, I know most of you aren't doing that to cause trouble or to intentionally clog the tags, but it's difficult to browse non-RP posts when the tag is half-flooded with RP posts. Please stop doing this and remove the main tags from your previous posts (there are ways to mass delete a tag, I think it's ab X-kit thing!).
I've spoken to other people who are also noticing this issue and as a former roleplayer I felt I should speak up.
(Also, please if you know someone who does this, do not send hate to them. This is not a post to incite that. This is just me sharing tumblr RP etiquette from back in the day when I used to RP here in several fandoms. Do tell them, politely, but do not harass or be disrespectful)
Tumblr has no algorithm, and yet half of the posts from character tags I follow are from RP blogs even though I don't follow any nor have liked/reblogged their posts. How? Because these blogs tag their asks, their starters, their IC posts WITH THE MAIN CHARACTER TAGS AND THE MAIN FANDOM TAGS.
As a former tumblr RPer, I'm asking you not to do this. Instead I bring you a suggestion. What can you do instead of tagging your RP posts?
Make a promo post.
Yes! A promotional post of your blog with all the info, you can even add an edit (but please ask for permission if you use someone's art and credit them). Kind of an intro to your blog so people know "ah, I might like following this person's RP" or "cool! I'd like to RP with them!". I did this a lot and it helped enormously! And yes, you may tag these with the main character/fandom tag, but they're ONE post. They won't clog the tags like tagging every single one of your RP/asks.
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girl-in-a-bubbl3 · 2 months
Glamrock Bonnie(FNAF) x Reader Part 2
Not enough sassy Bonnie fanfic so here we go...I'll try to upload at least once a week.
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AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Bonnie is terrible but he likes you
5 greenrooms on RSR (we include Monty)
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Moon has a lil touch of the virus
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
You smiled nervously up at the abnormally tall blue bunny and quietly introduced yourself. "Hi. I'm Y/n L/n! I'm the new mechan-"
"I know who you are," Bonnie sneered back at you, "that wasn't my question."
Did all of the animatronics have this terrible attitude? And if so, then why? Weren't they supposed to be programed to be happy and helpful and kind? You cleared your throat and stood a little taller. The bite in his voice stirred something inside you.
"If you know who I am, then you know I'm here to check your programming or do any needed repairs."
Bonnie's ear twitched which led your eye to a few stray wires that had come loose between his steel joints.
"And from here, it's obvious that you need at least one of those thing."
Maybe both if that attitude happens to be a bug or something...
Bonnie stared you down for a moment. It was like you could see the gears turning in his head. You silently laughed to yourself over the robotic pun you made. Bonnie's quiet chuckle snapped you back to reality. His magenta eyes shining behind his star shaped glasses.
"Not interested."
And there went the door again.
You blinked once. Twice. Three times. He did not just slam that door in my face. Tell me he did not. You asked no one but yourself. You stood there contemplating your next move. Use your keycard and storm in or just suck it up and move on to the next room?
Deciding that it may not be smart to trigger an oversized, robotic bunny just in case his AI is bugged, you stomped off to the next room. The light above the door glowed a warm orange. This was Freddy's room, someone you hoped was considerably kinder than the first Glamrock you happened to meet.
You knocked twice and waited for Freddy to come to his door. You had a keycard that unlocked all of the greenroom doors but you preferred to knock and wait for them instead. Just barging in felt...strange, no matter if they were robot or human.
The door opened and before you stood Freddy Fazbear himself.
"Hi Freddy! I'm y/n! I figured I'd dive right in to seeing how everyone was doing tonight. Everything okay with you? Any repairs?"
You were rambling but Freddy's blue irises just twinkled. "Why hello, Superstar! It's so nice to meet you! Please come in. I don't think there's anything to report with me tonight but there's never any harm in a second opinion!"
You cheerily followed Freddy into his room, slowing to admire the colors and the detail to the Freddy theme. The walls were a warm, rose color with beautifully bright orange neon signs around the room. There were posters of Freddy with plenty of fan art surrounding them as well. It was inviting and cozy, just like Freddy.
"Thank you for being so inviting Freddy. I've only had one other experience besides you and it...didn't go so well."
You hooked up your tablet to Freddy's programming port and started your scan. He looked over at you, troubled. "Oh I am so sorry, Superstar. May I ask who gave you trouble?"
"It was Bonnie, actually. He really does need repairs but he won't let me do them. He shut the door in my face."
You noticed Freddy nervously fiddling with his fingers. "I apologize again. Bonnie hasn't had the best experience with other mechanics in the past. He's so talented and so great with the children but the adults..." Freddy looked at you and then at the floor, "he's not as good."
You chuckled. No kidding.
"Don't give up on him, Superstar. He'll come around. Bonnie can be difficult at first, but he is a stellar friend."
Freddy's smile and optimism were both contagious. You chatted a bit more about the job and your plans for the night before you cleared Freddy and proceeded to do checks with all of the other Glamrocks. Chica and Roxy needed a few things. Chica had to have some wires cleaned after a night rummaging through trash and Roxy had a kink in the wire running through her neck joints. Both easily fixable. Monty wasn't in his greenroom. You figured you'd go by Gator Golf later and see if you could find him there. According to the notes on your task list, he was in a foul mood tonight so he was probably off skulking somewhere.
A few hours later you had crossed off a few more things from your task list: checking some sound equipment (which you were not at all qualified for), tweaking a few things with the atrium stage, etc. etc. After everything else was done, you only had one task left: repair Bonnie.
You sighed and headed towards Bonnie Bowl. You didn't think he'd be in there, but you did love bowling so if he wasn't in there, it was an excuse you could give yourself to play a few games. You weren't quite ready to face him again anyway. You had to prepare your witty comebacks.
You cautiously walked into Bonnie Bowl and started looking around. "Hey Bonnie?"
You called out his name a few more times but no response. You sighed in relief. You had the bowling alley all to yourself.
It wasn't hard to bypass the staff bot and start a game for yourself. You loved the design of Bonnie Bowl. The bright, neon stars on the ceiling were mesmerizing and the floors were perfectly waxed to reflect them. Every time you stopped and actually looked at something in the Plex, your inner child was dazzled every time. It truly was amazing.
After the first few rounds you quickly realized that your bowling skills were pretty rusty. When the 10th, and final, round came, you were determined to get a strike. You knew you could do it. You did a little better each round so you had faith in yourself.
You grabbed a pink and blue ball off the wrack with Chica's face on it. It was one of the prettier designs. You lined yourself up with the lane and narrowed your eyes. Focus focus focus. Doing a few strokes with your arm you reared back and released the ball, letting it glide across the lane towards the pins. It was like time had slowed. You watched the ball roll down the center, reflecting the dazzling neons that flashed around the room. As it neared the pins, you thought you saw it start to veer towards the left. Your excitement waned but it was quickly brought back with full force as the ball corrected itself and slammed into the front pin, sending all 9 other pins flying as well.
It was a strike. You had got a strike.
You hooped and hollered in victory, doing a little dance and punching the air. You laughed to yourself and as you went to do another little spin, you stopped dead in your tracks once you saw who was sitting in the seat directly behind you.
Of course, it was Bonnie.
He had the biggest smirk on his face as he used one clawed finger to push his star shaped glasses further up.
"If your mechanical skills are as good as your bowling, then I'm better off in a scrapyard."
You rolled your eyes and didn't give him a response, you just started walking towards the empty ice cream parlor that was attached to Bonnie Bowl. You felt like you earned a treat.
"Hey I was talkin' to you!" Bonnie called out as he started following behind you.
"Yeah, well, I was talking to you earlier and you shut the door in my face."
"You startled me. I was leaving my room to go get some fresh air and I was surprised by your sudden chattiness. Very overwhelming."
His voice dripped with sarcasm and he chuckled as you shot him a look over your shoulder.
"You're going to be surprised by your room catching on fire because of that exposed wire in your ear."
Bonnie rolled his eyes. "Dramatic much?"
You hopped the counter and shrugged, turning back to look at his shocked expression from what you just did. "It could happen. Also, don't look at me like that. I really want some ice cream."
You grabbed all of the necessary things to make yourself a cup of ice cream. You surveyed all of your options. You giggled at the last ice cream flavor. Chunky Bonnie. What a flavor name. Because of the ridiculous name, of course that's the flavor you picked.
While getting and preparing your ice cream, you abruptly noticed how quiet it had become. You were wondering if Bonnie was still stuck in that same spot. You had a brief panic that it was the made up bug you kept telling yourself he might have.
You quickly spun around to check when you almost ran right into a tall, blue metal wall.
But it wasn't a wall at all.
Your eyes drifted upwards and saw the face of an amused robotic bunny. His bright magenta eyes staring down at you with that signature smirk on his face. Your breath caught in your throat. How did he do that? You never heard anything at all. How could he be so quiet?
"What about me, peeps? Do I get ice cream too?"
To be continued...
Authors notes:
Ahhh it's warming uppp. Feel free to give me feedback or leave comments! They encourage me ;-; And feel free to drop suggestions on other fics for me to write!! Can be FNAF related or not. Much love! <3
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mercurytrinemoon · 4 months
Neurodivergence in the birth chart and the issue of "aspects that indicate xyz"
I, once again, have rolled my eyes at an astro tiktok video. It was a few days ago so my level of annoyance has already (mostly) dropped and I'm now realizing that at least I have something to talk about.
How many times have you seen an article that said "aspects that indicate fame/talent/wealth or whatever"? I bet many, I've seen them too. But the problem is, astrology is a complex thing and there's no "one size fits all" solution. Fame in the birth chart? Have you looked at charts of more than 20 celebrities? All of their charts are different and will have barely anything in common. Singing talent in the birth chart? Yea singers have diverse charts as well. And so on...
Of course, sometimes there are some patterns and they work on some percentage of people, for example, Sun-Jupiter people are extremely lucky. But also notice that it is a generalization and in reality, some are lucky only in one sphere of their life, some are lucky alllll the way, for some that luck shows in travelling the world, for others they have high position at work. Or they survive a plane crash and that is their "lucky" moment (true story btw).
I like to say that the easiest delineations are often the most accurate. Let's say someone has Mars in the 6th house. Mars is sharp objects, 6th house is accidents - and that shows as an injury with a knife or whatever. Or let's say Venus in the 9th house. Venus is art, 9th house is higher education - the person studies art history at uni.
But these are the most basic keywords for these things. And sometimes they work on that basic level and sometimes they're more subtle or complex.
Now let's go back to the tiktok video I've mentioned. The person was talking about "aspects that indicate that you're neurodivergent". The first thing they said was Saturn in Aquarius in the 4th house or Aquarius placements in general. I frowned. First of all, you're telling me that every Scorpio rising with Saturn in the 4th is neurodivergent? Second of all, so only those born every 30 years are neurodivergent? And third of all, the 4th house??? This is a mess.
But let's start from the top.
There is no keyword in astrology for neurodivergence and its specific types. So the closest we can get to it are hints of different ways of thinking, troubles with communication, unique ways of assesing things and maybe some mental dysfunctions. So what we can look for, just from the top of my head, is: afflicted 3rd house (learning) or its ruler, afflicted Mercury (communication/learning/thinking), afflicted Gemini or Virgo placements (both mercurial signs), afflictions of the 1st house (the self) or its ruler, 12th house placements (subconscious, mental issues), maybe even 6th house placements (illness) and generally really any harsh aspects or even overloaded/prominent Mercury. Keeping that in mind, this is still a very generalized list and it probably won't apply to everyone who falls on the spectrum.
After this quick thought and listing these aspects in my head, I googled celebrities who are neurodivergent: some of them have Asperger's, some Tourette's or OCD. Let's have a look:
Anthony Hopkins has retrograde Mercury in the 1st house as well as both Mars and Saturn in the 3rd house. Elon Musk has stationing Mercury on the ascendant which is squared by Chiron, Saturn in Gemini as well as 3rd house Virgo Moon in squares. Billie Eilish has 3rd house retrograde Saturn in Gemini, Mercury conjunct Chiron and ascendant ruler in the 12th.
Greta Thunberg (untimed chart) has Mercury in retrograde and Saturn retrograde in Gemini. David Beckham has Mercury on the ascendant, 3rd house Saturn in detriment. His Moon is also on the apex of a Neptune-Chiron t-square. Deryl Hannah has Mars in fall in the 3rd house and the 3rd house ruler in Gemini.
I'd say there's a theme going on here, as I expected. Although, to be fair, in a few examples that I checked, I didn't see any afflictions in the chart (granted, some of them were untimed).
But here's the problem
The person in said tiktok video said that they were first diagnosed with autism by an astrologer before they had an official diagnosis. And now this is where I see the biggest issue. As I've mentioned, you can make generalized assumptions but to pin point a specific thing? I'd say either you have to have an amazing intuition or just make a lucky guess. Because the spectrum is big, the person could as well have ADHD or dyslexia so why autism exactly?
Just to compare, it's the same with other things. Years ago I made Halsey's chart analysis and I said it's very clear that she has mental health issues (physical as well), especially ones that are of the nature of identity crisis. But in no way I could guess that it's specifically bipolar disorder.
Just to give a different example from my own chart. Someone would look at it and mayyybeee say I have some sort of thinking/communication/motor skill issues: 3rd house Moon afflicted by Saturn and Chiron, Mercury in detriment and, most importantly 3rd house ruler Mars in retrograde in Gemini. But who would guess that I have cross eye dominance and used to have a heavy lisp as a kid? Probably no one. (some say I still talk funny lol).
So, if you have any of the aspects that I've listed in the beginning, you may be somewhere on the spectrum... or not. You can also stutter or have a lisp or never learn to drive. Or be held back at school... not because you have dyslexia, dyscalculia or ADHD or whatever, but because you're just a lazy ass. Or... it can manifest in a completely different way that won't be your standard cookbook definition.
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chimchiri · 7 months
Hii WB anon here and I'm back again!! Saw your posts about spitdash and oh my god, I love the way you actually acknowledge the unfortunate power dynamic and found a way to make it work!! I think it's very romantic how Spitfire chose to step down in order to date rainbows dash, it's adorable!! As always your art and headcanons are great. Speaking of headcanons!! Since you've mentioned soarin and spitfire dynamics a few times, can we have more about them/soarin as a whole? I do not remember if I've mentioned it in the last ask but soarin is my personal favorite, I have a closer bond to him since he's the reason I got into the wonderbolts in the first place. So I'd love to see if you have any headcanons about him (fyi I will probably go back into your ask box to ask about the others but for now we're focusing on soarin he needs his moment to shine)
You hold a special place in my heart for asking about the WB, Soarin and Spitty... Oof long text incoming about them!
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One recurring hc I have is that they're childhood friends - even platonic soulmates.
I hc Spitfire to have had a lot of trouble making friends as a kid. Mainly because she had way too much energy, an insane competitive drive and quite the anger issues. She didn't have anything against other kids per se, she wasn't just mean. But her natural talent for flying and quick frustration when others wouldn't do as she wanted (like a partner not giving it their all during a race or a slower runner making it hard for her to pass them during a run/race) were a toxic combination and made her explode regularly. Hearing her shout and stomp in frustration wasn't uncommon. Naturally, kids used to avoid and/or gossip about her, even if she tried to find some friends and help others get to her level so they could do some friendly racing or sparring. Some kids may have provoked her, which would usually result in a brawl or some form of violence depending on the other kid's attitude, as soon as she felt her pride was harmed. Ultimately she didn't want to harm other per se. She was just hyper-focused on running, flying, anything adrenaline, and had a lot of trouble managing her emotions.
Insert Soarin: I mentioned that he definitely loves a good race and winning as much as the other Wonderbolts - a quality anyone has naturally in that position. But outside of a race, I hc him as the softest, most relaxed, and also most tired guy there is. He really just encapsulates this meme for me (just imagine there are also dark circles)
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He's docile, friendly and (as a kid) very agreeable - which unfortunately, resulted in him having trouble finding true friends as well and getting bullied. While he got to tag along, he was often the butt of a joke due to his soft nature. Being used as a water boy or personal butler also was daily routine, which he accepted with a heavy heart. I hc Soarin to have a strong sense of justice and having very developed empathy even as a kid. He's a thinker, a strategist. He observes, notices and concludes. He's not stupid. He knows and can tell the other kids don't really like him and treat him badly, but he just wants to have some friends. Plus, he's not very courageous (as a kid) and doesn't want to face arguing and fighting. He just wants to be included.
His "friend" group doesn't like Spitfire and definitely called her a crazy devil. Soarin initially only heard bad and frankly, quite intimidating things about her. But after meeting her he quickly concludes that she's not a real threat and just has some trouble with her anger. But she's trying to be helpful and outside of any competition is actually rather calm and nice.
There's no specific hc how they met but it was definitely Soarin who tried to initiate contact and a friendship. And Spitfire who was probably wary about him due to his friend group. I love to think they connected very quickly and balanced each other out well. Soarin was the first kid who would race her no matter how often he'd lose and not get annoyed or angry at her. Which was because he immediately noticed that she doesn't like to put others down - she just loves to race, win and get better. After a while he also realized, that she loves any kind of improvement, really. Not just her own. She'd give him tips, train with him and would also get just as excited when he got better. She just loved adrenaline, training and most importantly - seeing improvement and success. For her or others. It's something Sptifire never noticed herself and it was Soarin who, years later, would mention it and ultimately be the reason why she would end up as captain of the Wonderbolts.
Kid Spitfire would be good for Soarin too: not only standing up to anyone who treated him badly, but also getting him to speak out for himself and say out his thoughts out loud.
Honestly, I just love them getting each other. Even when they're completely different in character. They look at each other and they just know. They know when the other is unwell or when there is something off. There is almost no secret they can keep from the other. They know what the other needs, wants, desires. And by adulthood, they'd trust each other with their life. UGH I really really love them as platonic soulmates.
They walk side by side in each others lives. They're a perfect match and in the Wonderbolts, as captain and deputy, they're an almost unstoppable team. Not only because they trust and care about each other like no one else, but also because they both can separate work from their personal feelings. They're both able to make decisions that may be unpleasant for their friendship but greatly benefit the Wonderbolts.
A characteristic also great in arguments btw: Just because they understand and get each other doesn't mean they always agree with each other. I imagine they definitely get into loud arguments. Soarin can be just as stubborn as Spitfire in some aspects, especially when he thinks he has the correct facts and logic on his side. (It's the stubborn, analytical science side of his.) Though for them, it's easy to not take arguing personal. They may get frustrated but they can clearly differentiate that the topic at hand is the problem and each other. So it's not uncommon for them to be arguing and shouting at each other and having casual, friendly lunch 15 min later. Something that the other Wonderbolts definitely have a hard time understanding.
Some last points: Soarin has never had any jealousy towards Spitfire, neither as a kid, nor as her deputy. And maybe it's exactly because of this why she's made him deputy and then captain after her departure. I imagine her stepping down (for romance of all things, which he later learns) is the first thing he truly, never ever saw coming. He's usually great at reading and anticipating her. But this? It takes him by COMPLETE surprise and he definitely has a very hard time accepting it. It's like a surreal fever dream. He may even have a small crisis, thinking that she'll be gone for good after - just leaving him behind. This fear probably takes a LOT of reassurance from Spitfire to calm him down again.
I've written way too much already, so I'll just end it with two short hcs:
1) He's got trouble with sleep and insomnia since teenage years. It's often a joke with friends or later on in the WBs. Jokes he usually goes along with or even initiates. Spitfire is one of the few people who know that it's more than just jokes, and that some days it really takes a hard toll on him. They used to share beds - which helped Soarin sleep - and still sometimes do in the WBs. Which also leads into:
2) In some AUs, I hc they did have some flings and physical/sexual experience with each other. But the details are too much and complex to write out and too nsfw to include into this post.
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liskantope · 4 months
A few raw and completely disorganized semi-stream-of-consciousness thoughts on Pride events as Pride Month kicks off.
I've never identified as LGBTQAetc. although with each passing year I feel that the umbrella widens enough and the definitions loosen enough that I could quite arguably (by someone's criterion maybe) be considered to be one or more of the things making up the acronym. It's only over the past year or two that I've become properly conscious of the distinction between queer culture and, say, gay culture. I feel like queer culture would be much more welcoming of me in particular (and is more welcoming in general) than exclusively gay groups (for lack of a better contrasting term; I'm tired) would be (in fact I've gotten along great with people in the queer social circles I've crossed paths with), while at the same time, I somehow feel less comfortable with today's queer culture and feel more of an attraction to, say, my impression of '80's-'90's gay culture.
There is a certain type of infectious joy and excitement at the Pride events I've been exposed to. Even in the city I'm currently living in, which contains more open queerness than anywhere else I've lived, and is safer than most places for anyone to walk around in public openly "being who they are", I feel a sort of second-hand exhilaration at seeing them feel free to crank that up to a ten while they're all together in the same place. There's a part of me that feels envious and wants to be able to somehow join it, but another part of me that can't imagine that I could ever belong, even if the umbrella of definition of queer culture were to expand to include almost everyone.
I notice I have a hard time striking up a conversation with a stranger at a Pride event unless they, like me, are presenting in a way that's not visibly queer. I don't have trouble approaching queer-presenting people in a general context, but somehow in this context, I feel self-conscious, like by my more traditional presentation I'm already exposing myself as a possibly intrusive outsider. Or maybe it's more like I feel like the guy who shows up under-dressed or dressed inappropriately at a particular party and who for that reason doesn't want to call attention to himself.
There is something uniquely exciting and inspiring to me about watching a solo drag performer (which I've only seen in my small experience at Pride events or in gay clubs), relative to my experience with other types of performing arts. I think it has something to do with the fact that even without the drag aspect, I would be completely terrified of, and have absolutely no instinct for, getting on stage alone and singing or dancing in that particular kind of self-confident way. To me, it's like seeing a daunting musical performance or an unbelievable feat of acrobatics, that same kind of wow factor, even if drag performers make their jobs look easier.
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enden-agolor · 5 months
Hey enden! I just wanted to reach out as I know these are hard times for you. I’ve been wanting to say something and give you some support, but I have never known what to say, so I’m just gonna wing it.
First off, I would like to preface by saying you are an incredibly humble artist and writer. You carry great talent, yet you seem to almost expect people to not notice that. Never forget your talent, and that even something you spill out at 2am will most definitely be praised. You inspire me to create, I have been in a art and writing slump for so long. I got caught up in life and lost the love for it. You’ve lit that spark in me once more and want to get me creating, and most definitely writing, in honor of you!! That’s amazing man. You have some real special talent, and the mcsm fandom alongside others are seriously so so lucky to have you.
Second, I send nothing but love and support to you and your boyfriend. I know everything will work out just as you guys need it to. If she doesn’t get her karma legally, she most definitely will another way. I know you guys are so strong and will pull through with flying colors!! Death of a loved one is never ever easy, and the worst always happens to the best people. Know that none of what happened is your fault, don’t let guilt consume you, and both of you take care of and love yourselves. You guys seriously deserve it.
Lastly, on a less dreary note, I would like to ask if you had any fan fiction prompts for Jesskas? I want to write so bad, but I cannot come up with a proper idea that is really interesting and solid, yanno? I want to write something long, that I can really pour my heart out into. So if you had any tips or story prompts, it would seriously be appreciated, and you of course would get a huge shoutout, as you would with or without helping me since you are such a huge inspiration to me.
Best of wishes Enden!!
This may be a long response, so here-
First off, I suppose you are right when you say I don't really expect people to enjoy the content I create. It's not an easy concept for me to grasp. I have a lot of trouble seeing how people can like my stuff so much, or god even say I'm their favorite mcsm artist when there's so many others out there that carry so much more skill with colors and backgrounds and such. I know I'm not supposed to compare myself to others, but it is an incredibly hard habit to end. It's why I'm so shocked when I see actual fanart of my aus, or god even my writing. I cannot go back and read me own works for the life of me because I just cringe so bad at it, so when people say it's good I really just have to trust them and believe it.
All I could ever dream to do is inspire people to create and grow with their own imagination, so hearing that my stuff has done that sort of thing for you (and others who have told me the same) it brings me so much joy, but it truly is entirely hard to believe that it's me and not someone else being the one to do that. I don't know, but I am very honored to hear this from you. It only inspires me to push myself further and I don't know. Maybe some day I can push my imposter syndrome aside and really get a firm grasp on my full potential and be proud of it.
And thank you for the love and support towards our situation... As the days go by I fear more and more that that woman will get to keep her dog and nothing will come out of this other than we just have to move past it. So I hope you're right when you say she'll get her karma some other way. I've never in my life wished something bad to happen to someone. Not like this... So if karma does catch her, let it be as devastating to her as it was to us.
Now, real life shenanigans aside, we can get to the jesskas stuff 😏
For fanfic prompts, I always suggest exploring canon before getting into anything truly ambitious. If there's a certain scene in the game you'd like to further explore and add on to- do it! Like I've always wanted to write a fic that gets into a deep emotional moment between Jesse and Lukas after Jesse rescues Lukas and Petra from the Nether during episode 8 and they all enter the player dorms for the night. Just those off screen moments where you can take the characters and add more to the story is easy and fun in itself. I always like to look deep into the emotional aspect of it all, and really dive into how the characters might be feeling after a situation and how that gentle moment alone together could bring them closer. What I already mentioned being a good example because it's directly after PAMA, Jesse having to watch Lukas and Petra(or Ivor) die, and so on. There's a LOT of feelings to explore there. If that's something you'd want to try and tackle, go for it!! But if there's another scene from the game that really sticks out to you that you feel could be so much more, go for that too. It's good to start small and practice how you want to write the characters. Only reason I started a huge fic like Recovery straight away was because I'd been rping jesskas for like a year and a half already and was confident I knew how to write the characters and I wanted to do more for the little community by writing a nice big fic.
And again, it's Minecraft. There's a whole world to explore and put these two right in the middle of it. Think up certain scenarios you like and add on to it! Like if there's a certain scene you really want to do, build to it. Give the characters a goal and put obstacles in the way so you can really flesh them out on the way to that goal. What made them want to go there? How do they get there? What do they do when they get there? How do they communicate with others that might also be there? And how differently do they treat eachother compared to how they treat the others? Those are all things you really want to know ahead of time. Also pay attention to the scenery. Really look into the visuals your mind creates and do your best to get into the details about it all. There's a lot to get into with writing, and the best part about it is you're in complete control, so go crazy with your imagination, especially since it's Minecraft. It could be entirely self indulgent, or even something out of your comfort zone. No matter what it is, it's still growth and it's still progress to being a better writer. Just make sure you're having fun.
Also, thanks for taking the time to send this ask. I appreciate you 🩷
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ryuichirou · 5 months
A couple of replies today! Kuroshitsuji and Twst.
Anonymous asked:
are you ever gonna make some Kuroshitsuji 2 art featuring my favorite blonde psycho?
We love Alois and I did draw him a couple of times! We posted some of the stuff here, but everything that wasn’t posted on tumblr can be found in this kuroshitsuji log on pixiv.
I’m not planning on drawing him in the nearest future, but since he is very special to us, it might randomly happen at some point…
If you have any troubles with pixiv, let me know and I’ll post Alois art from there here.
Anonymous asked:
The thought just crossed my mind... Do you ship Sebastian with any other characters aside from Ciel? Do you have any thoughts about those ships, if you do? Do you see Grell as a top or a bottom, too?! (I can't pick a side w/ them personally)
We talked about our Kuroshitsuji ships some time ago, here is the post if you’re interested! But in short, we kind of ship him with William because their interactions in the Circus Arc were hilarious and William was 100% playing hard to get. I don’t think I’ve even drawn them at all, but I should do it at least once… I should draw all of our Kuroshitsuji ships at least once, to be fair :(
Ironically, we don’t have any ships or even thoughts about Grell, sorry for disappointing! Maybe it’s due to the fact that while we were hating on Kuroshitsuji all those years (dark times lol), Grell was pretty much the only character I would draw anyway because of the cool design… But not really, to be honest; it’s actually more likely due to the fact that none of the Grell ships really clicked with us :( As for the position, it’s easy to see Grell as a bottom, but it doesn’t really help in this case.
Anonymous asked:
I've noticed I think y'all ship idia the same way I ship silver LOL just 24/7 running a list of characters through my head like "would it be hot if they dicked down Silver? It would be a little hot, wouldn't it? Lets just add them to the list anyway 😌" [he and said character has spoken a total of 2 times]
YES This is the treatment Silver deserves, his father would be so proud lol a little jealous, but still!
It is fun though... I always say it, but twst cast is very interesting, so a lot of characters who seem to be just a random pick could have such nice chemistry that it’s easy to start shipping them after just one interaction or a voice line. I love it so much lol
Anonymous asked:
i can not stop thinking about how Ortho has 24/7 access to any and all porn ever uploaded to the internet. and with a little modification he can bring even some of the most fantastical ones into reality.
He is just way too powerful, isn’t he? And the worst thing is, no one can even stop him anymore, now that Idia can’t access his system anymore…
If you think about it, Ortho is the perviest and the most knowledgeable person in NRC, even if he isn’t actively aware of all the kinks in the world. To think that only 5 minutes of buffering time separates him from being completely unaware and him having seen the entire collection of sex machine porn videos… And knowing Ortho, he’ll definitely want to try some of the things irl lol
Anonymous asked:
Hello! I'd like to know your thoughts on one of the side characters: Fellow Honest.
Sorry if you've already talked about him and I missed it.....
I'm just curious, because you seem to like Rollo and Che'nya, side characters that have made a few appearances in your art.
Do you have any interest in Fellow? Any headcannons? Or are you waiting until next Halloween, when Playful Land is available in English, to talk about/possibly draw him?
Hi, Anon! Sorry for the late reply.
I haven’t talked about it, and unfortunately I still can’t really talk about him. We are very intrigued by both Fellow and Gidel, but we haven’t seen their event yet. So I can’t make proper judgments and come up with any headcanons :(
We don’t really care about the EN release because we watch fan translations on youtube, but we just don’t have time to watch anything these days unfortunately. But when we do watch it, you’ll definitely notice, because there is no way I won’t draw Fellow at least a couple of times. His design and his sleazy faces are just too much fun lol
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mereelskirata · 4 months
tell me your tup and dogma headcanons? *chinhands*
*squishes cheeks* I don't have many headcanons for these two (or anyone else tbh) but I shall share with you what I have.
Dogma is older than Tup and they're not batch mates.
I absolutely adore fics/art where the two were decanted around the same time and were best friends during their cadet years (I mean I've drawn and written about it myself). Lately though, with a certain post about paint on armor, I've come to the start thinking that - while they may have been friends or have worked together now and again on Kamino - Dogma has been alive and a part of the 501st longer.
Dogma received praise from his trainer(s) once and now often seeks it.
This one came to me yesterday while thinking about this ask and again today while rewatching clips from the Umbara arc. This could just be attributed to what the clones are programmed/trained to do or just plain loyalty but Dogma is the only one that I've noticed (and remember) doing so.
The first time we see him, he's exhausted and out of breath and told to go rest by Anakin. Straight away he refuses and continues to stand there as if he's trying to show that he's the best trooper and willing to press on despite the exhaustion. I'm willing to think he's expecting Anakin to recognise this and praise him for being an excellent example of a trooper.
After that he's constantly wanting to seek approval from Krell. Again, this could just be down to pure loyalty to the Jedi, but it's always Dogma (and to some extent and persuasion, Tup). He wants to rat out Jesse, Hardcase and Fives about their unsubordination. He's the one that takes charge of their execution, not a ranking officer like say Appo or Rex as though he had offered up then and there to take charge of the firing squad, just to show loyalty and perhaps sieze praise from Krell.
In a more lighthearted tone though, I do think this need to be praised has gotten him in more trouble than he can count outside of the battlefield and Tup and Torrent have used this against him a couple of times to go to 79s with them or try something silly and reckless.
Also he has a praise kink.
Dogma has trouble recognising his limits and needs a helping hand to stop.
This could broil down to the praise thing or he's just stubborn, but I honestly think Dogma would push himself to the point of him passing out from hunger and exhaustion or even death if given half the chance if no one tells him to stop.
Rex has to order him to go rest after he refuses Anakin and later on in the arc, despite being surrounded and outnumbered by angry troopers who want to take down Krell, and Rex who's giving this whole speech wanting him to step aside and do the right thing, it's Tup who convinces him to stop.
Tup has a low pain threshold/tolerance.
This headcanon only exists because of the chip arc. No reason why or a moment in a scene I can pin point that made me go "AHA. New headcanon!". It just happened. I will say this kinda leans into the next one:
Tup got his tattoo from his batchmates.
So I had seen once a post that had mentioned that the tattoo was something someone got from jail and questioned what Tup would've done to have gotten it, but I liked the idea that he had actually gotten it from his batch mates as a dare.
Maybe he was a crybaby as a cadet and they'd often tease him for crying often over the minor of things like his hair getting roughly tugged or he'd sprain his ankle while training. They would only stop if he "proved" that he wasn't a crybaby by daring him to do something. Sometimes nothing consequential like sneaking into a trainer's room and taking something or standing in the middle of a shooting range at night and letting one of the boys shoot something off his head.
One of those dares would be letting them stick-and-poke him with whatever they wanted and wherever they wanted on his body. Long story short, he'd be wailing in pain, pass out and wake up later sore and a tear permanently under his eye.
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wraenata · 1 year
You seem to put a lot of energy into being considerate of others. I'm thankful for it but like, how? I hope you're taking care of yourself.
Hi anon! Thank you very much, I really appreciate this.
I really like being considerate of others, in fact it makes me happy. When I see someone having a down day, I just want them to know that someone saw, and wants things to get better for them. Because that's how I really feel. I love all of you in my phone and I want you to be ok. And I like leaving nice tags for people on their art, because I know how much joy that can bring.
But, ugh, yeah. I'm not going to lie, it takes a lot of energy.
I think I'll put the rest under the cut...
Ever since the months started getting warmer this year I've been having more trouble keeping up with my dash (I'm someone who needs to scroll through the whole thing). Before the wedding I was in and covid about a month ago, I was able to just barely keep up with my dash and also scrolling the rise tag. Because I didn't want to miss anything! I also was able to scroll through ao3 to see what new fics were posted and bookmark ones I wanted to read! I...haven't been able to do that anymore...and I hate it.
I'm so far behind on reading fanfics that I absolutely enjoy because I just don't have the energy for reading anything longer than 1k at a time right now. And I can't start any new ones until I catch up on the old ones. There are so many writing posts I came across on my dash that are stuck in draft jail until I have time and energy to read them. And quite a few art posts that I came across when I just didn't have time.
I try hard to keep up with my dash at work but I only have so much (extremely generous) time to do that. I'm often speed running tags when I don't have a lot of time or energy. And sometimes I can't express just how much I love your art because of that low time or energy. And I hate putting posts in drafts cause it piles up and gives me anxiety. And when I come home its just, dash, all night.
I am eternally grateful for @/teainthesnow, she keeps all the tmnt tagged posts coming onto my dash so I can still see them (if you see this tea I am so appreciative of all the work you do for the fandom, you are an amazing person and I love you/platonic).
I've already unfollowed a few blogs, and I agonized over it, for like weeks, before doing it. But it hasn't been enough. If you noticed I unfollowed you in the past 2 months, please know that it was nothing personal and I hated that I had to do it. I miss seeing your posts and how your day is going. We are mutuals in my heart forever.
In fact I wish I could follow so many more blogs but I have had to stop myself for a while now. And it really fucking sucks. I've tried filtering a bunch of tags to make it easier too but it's not enough.
The fact of the matter is, I need to unfollow more blogs. And I hate to do it. I know I need to do it. I've known for a while now. I don't have the energy to keep up with it anymore, not after getting covid. I'm just so tired. All the time.
If you see that I unfollow you at some point, again, I love you and we are mutuals in my heart forever. All of my followers are my mutuals. My askbox and messages are always open. You can always tag me in posts (and oh my I'm just remembering all the of tag games I haven't had time to do) I just can't keep up with this anymore. I want to get back to reading fanfic and making the mountains of fanart I want to do for people.
I just, I love you all. But I'm so so tired. I really hope if anything comes out of this long ramble, its that I love you all. The rise fandom has given me so much and I want to return that love.
I'm sorry for the late response anon, and I'm sorry for turning your lovely ask into a bit of a vent. I've tried to put this off for as long as I could, but I just can't do it anymore.
I love you all though <3
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lady-wallace · 6 months
Abbacchio Week Day 5: The Story in Your Eyes
For today's @abbacchioweek2024 fic I'm playing with my 1930s AU which up to this point has mostly been headcanons and some various art I've done. I think this might be the first time I've written first person for a character that was not an OC but tried to replicate a noir style narration for Abbacchio here. This AU is set in New York City
New York, 1932
It was a quiet night. A bit surprising, honestly, what with all the growing tensions between various gangs—one of which I had, perhaps foolishly, gotten myself embroiled with.
I lit up a cigarette as I stepped out of the restaurant I had come to frequent as of late. The back room had become a little too familiar to me, filled with smoke and discussion, broken up only by the asinine arguments of the young rips my new ‘business partner’ seemed intent on surrounding himself with.
I’d asked him once why he took in a bunch of kids who were more likely to shoot themselves in the foot than enforce protection in his territory and he’d told me firmly that they were good kids. Good kids. Heh. None of us were very good, but that was just what Bucciarati was like, seeing the best in people. He’d tried to do the same to me and I had promptly told him that he was being an idiot. Not that it stopped him, but he’s stubborn like that.
Still, I guess he wasn’t wrong. They weren’t bad kids, they’d just been dealt bad hands—much like the rest of us. Except that new Giovanna prick. I’d thought Fugo was a smug little shit when I first met him but he doesn’t hold a candle to the new blond-haired bastard Bucciarati had picked up. I wasn’t usually in the habit of questioning his judgement, but I was coming close with this one.
I exhaled a cloud of smoke into the night air before tucking my hand into my pocket. I wished for a moment that I hadn’t started attempting to replace my nightcap with a smoke to varying effect. I could really use one tonight.
Bucciarati had a good heart despite his chosen profession, and I knew he wanted change as much as the rest of us did. But I just got the feeling in my soul that Giovanna and his grand ideas were going to cause trouble one of these days—with the certainty that I would somehow be dragged along with it.
I wasn’t entirely wrong, if not slightly mistaken in my original judgement. If anything, Giorno Giovanna was a harbinger with an angel’s countenance, heralding the devil close on our heels. Because it was that night, about a week after Giovanna joined Bucciarati’s team that she showed up.
She was waiting in my office when I got back after the meeting. I never locked the door in case a client needed to get inside—all my important paperwork was hidden in the back of my closet in my apartment and I had been grateful for my constant paranoia on more than one occassion.
She was young, that was the first thing I noticed, couldn’t be older than sixteen and her clothing was expensive and well put together; a gold and emerald necklace around her neck that I could tell even in the dim lighting wasn’t paste.
But it was her eyes that struck me most of all. As emerald as the stone around her neck holding a look of desperation and fear that would have caught the attention of Bucciarati a mile away. She was in some kind of trouble—the bad kind. She wasn’t one of my usual clients who came to me about stolen possessions or a cheating lover. She was terrified, running from something, and I thought for a moment that I should send her out the door before she could tell me what it was.
But she spoke up, voice firm, with a tremor that only one as trained in human mannerisms as I am could detect. “Are you…Mr. Abbacchio?”
“I am,” I replied, in a little bit of defeat. “What can I do for you, sweetheart?”
She shifted, uncomfortable, worrying her gloved hands in her lap. “Mr. Abbacchio, I hope I can trust you to be discreet?”
I pulled my overcoat off and sat down in my chair across the desk from her, tucking a new cigarette between my lips as I reached for my lighter. “I have no one to tell, miss. Not even a secretary to pry into your business.”
Her shoulders relaxed slightly but her hands still twisted in her lap. “Mr. Abbacchio…I believe that my father… is trying to kill me.”
I pause briefly in my movements, before I collect myself again and flick my lighter into life, inhaling deeply as the cigarette tip glows red. “That’s quite the accusation. Do you have any proof of that?”
“I have no physical proof but I…I heard him over the phone today, telling someone that…that he wanted me…taken care of.”
She was shaking. I got up slowly to pull the bottle of brandy out of my file cabinet. I poured some into a glass and headed around the desk to press it into her hands. “Are you sure that was the intent?”
She nodded firmly. “I’m positive. I believe the man on the other end of the line asked the same thing and my father said, ‘no, I want her dead. I want… to be sure.’” She was shaking so hard now she could barely hold the glass as she brought it to her lips, taking a bracing drink.
I leaned back on the desk, arms folded over my chest. “Who is your father?”
She looked down, still shaking. “You’re just a private detective, right?” she asked. “You’re not…affiliated with anyone?”
“I work for myself,” Abbacchio said, wondering if he could count Bucciarati as an ‘affiliation’ and decided that explanation would complicate things. At the end of the day Bucciarati and his gang were my clients, not my co-workers. “If I may ask, why exactly are you concerned about that?”
“Because,” she whispered. “My father…is a very powerful man.”
I nodded. “I gathered as much from your appearance.”
She looked down, hugging her coat closer to her. She had probably put on her least fancy dress to come here thinking she could hide. I felt another wave of pity for her, she was just a kid, after all. A terrified kid.
“What’s his name, sweetheart?”
She shook her head. “His name means nothing. You wouldn’t know him by that. No one does.”
I felt unease run through me as I bent to meet her eyes. “Who is he?”
She let out a half sob. “He—he’s the head of the mafia branch—Passione. The Boss. Don Diavolo. He named himself after the devil, Mr. Abbacchio. That’s the kind of man he is.”
I was still processing the information when her eyes finally snapped up to me with a new look of desperation. “His men are looking for me and they want to kill me. I don’t have anywhere to go, please, Mr. Abbacchio, please help me!”
The tears in her eyes had me pulling out a handkerchief, handing it over.
“I can’t,” I told her simply. I knew I was sealing my fate, whatever that may be, as she looked up at me in shock and hopelessness and I continued. “But…I know someone who can.”
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superfluouskeys · 7 months
wip whenever ♥
Thank you so much to @myreia for the tag!
It is once again time to bother you with original thing! Up til now I've been posting pretty much sequential pieces but I'm skipping ahead a lil bit this time bc I'm way too excited about the Lore TM.
part 1 || part 2 || part 3
It's been awhile since I bothered ppl so let's see I shall tag @eemamminy-art @delirious-comfort @quinnthebard @thepapernautilus @yourlocaldisneyvillain and anyone else who feels like sharing a wip!
At first glance, the town of Nodig does not appear so very different from Godsplace.  It has the same small, crowded feeling and a similar sort of age-old architecture.  But as they make their way into the little town, Tamsin quickly decides that two places could not be more different.  There are streetlamps and shops, all of them well-lit and welcoming, and the streets are bustling with people even at this late hour.  The people are happy, smiling and laughing and greeting one another as they pass, not huddled together with eyes downcast, afraid to be seen or heard.
The tavern, too, bears almost no resemblance to the one Tamsin knows.  That place is well-known as the dominion of lechers and drunkards, not a place anyone who cares a whit for his reputation would like to be seen.  This tavern is clean and well-tended, and there are a mix of men and women, most sat at tables and ensconced in their own private conversations.  They barely take any notice when Althea and Tamsin enter.  Nodig is used to travelers from all over the world.
The only person who takes any note of their arrival is the man standing behind the bar.  He is grey-haired and nondescript, and he greets Althea with a curt nod of his head.
“I’ve brought an unexpected guest,” says Althea.  “I hope it won’t be any trouble.”
“Of course not, Miss,” says the man with another nod.  Then he disappears into the back room.
As the bartender leaves, a man sat at the far end of the bar turns on his stool to take a look at them.  He speaks up in a clear, piercing voice.
“Unexpected guest?” he wonders.  “Not a soon-to-be initiate?”
Although he is sitting down, he appears to be a slight man, and his sweater hangs loosely upon his shoulders.  He has dark hair cut in a simple, clean style and wears thick, dark-rimmed glasses.  He doesn’t look particularly young or old, but he lacks Althea’s gravitas.
Althea, for her part, seems markedly unimpressed.  “Tamsin,” she says, her gaze fixed upon the wall somewhere behind the bar, “this is Vivius Moonbright.”
Tamsin looks from Althea back to the man, matching the name to the face.
“A pleasure, I’m sure,” says Vivius, extending his hand in greeting.
Tamsin takes his hand.  “Moonbright?” she repeats curiously.  “Forgive me, but I’ve never heard a name like that.”
Vivius laughs good-naturedly.  “Yes, it does sound rather frivolous around these parts,” he says.  “And in most parts of the world, if I’m being honest.  But in my homeland of Almyst such names are quite common, I assure you.  Moonbright, Silvermist, Windsong, and so forth.”
Tamsin smiles.  “They sound like names out of a heroic tale.  What is it like there, in Almyst?  Do you miss it?”
Vivius hums.  His thoughtfulness strikes Tamsin as markedly different from Althea’s.  It is bright and animated, like the overture to an old, favorite song.  “It is beautiful there,” he begins.  He gestures that Tamsin should sit, and retakes his own barstool next to her.  “And the people are largely…how shall I say this?  Good-hearted, to be certain, but decidedly serious.  The nation has a difficult past, and its people reflect that, in some ways.”  With a wink, he adds, “And let me tell you, they would not take kindly to any comments on their peculiar naming conventions.”
“Oh,” Tamsin flusters.  “Forgive me, I meant no offense.”
“None taken, I assure you,” says Vivius, waving a hand dismissively.  “And you, Tamsin?  Where did our Keeper Althea find you?”
Tamsin glances nervously over her shoulder toward Althea, hoping for some guidance, but Althea is still pointedly ignoring them both.  After all she has been through in recent memory, Tamsin is not inclined to trust in someone Althea doesn’t seem to like very much, even if he seems perfectly friendly.  But Althea does not acknowledge her, and so Tamsin is forced to make up her own mind.  She reasons that whence she hails is no great secret.
“Godsplace,” says Tamsin at last.  “Have you heard of it?”
“Heard of it, yes,” says Vivius.  Even when he speaks severely, there is a certain lightness to his voice.  “Not for the best reasons, though.  I’m sure it possesses many charms that go unreported.”
“Maybe,” says Tamsin charitably, but she labors to think of any at the moment.
“Not too sad to be taking your leave, I see?” Vivius observes.
“No,” Tamsin agrees with a self-effacing smile.  But it feels wrong to speak ill of her homeland without some further explanation, and so she amends, “There’s…not really much left for me in Godsplace.”
“Ah,” says Vivius knowingly.  “And so very much to be found for you at the Academy.”
Again Tamsin glances uncomfortably in Althea’s direction.  “You know much about it?” she presses hesitantly.  “The Academy?”
Perhaps it is her imagination, but Tamsin is sure she hears Althea let out a quiet, derisive scoff.
“Actually,” says Vivius, with the air of barely-contained excitement, “I am nearly as new to the Academy as you.”
Tamsin whirls around to face him fully.  “I beg your pardon?”
Vivius ducks his head and shrugs sheepishly, the kind of affected modesty borne of one who is in truth quite proud of his achievements.  But before he can say anything else, Althea cuts in coldly.  “Don’t bother demonstrating.  She can’t see.”
Both Vivius and Tamsin look up, surprised by her sudden interjection.  Althea is still looking away from them.
Tamsin’s mind is slow to catch up.  New to the Academy, demonstrating, can’t see—  “You have the Gift?” she turns back to Vivius.
Her tone is perhaps more openly incredulous than she had intended, but the idea is something of an absurdity.  She’s never heard of a man with magic.  Why, the people of Godsplace would be in an uproar.  She tries to imagine one of those gruesome scenes in the Town Square with the roles reversed, nonmagical women in official uniform dragging unwitting young men up onto the stage to put them to the flame.  It would never happen.
Again Vivius shrugs good-naturedly.  Tamsin begins to feel acutely embarrassed by her inexperience.  “I’m sorry,” she says quickly.  “I don’t mean to be rude, really, it’s just that…”  It’s just that where Tamsin comes from, women are put to the flame for witchcraft, a fate even the most dreadful man, someone a thousand times worse than Teddy Page, need never fear.
“It’s all right, Tamsin, I’m quite accustomed to the shock,” says Vivius, holding up his hands in a show of surrender.  “Men who possess the Gift are exceedingly rare, but we do exist.  As I would gladly demonstrate, but the Keeper informs me such a show would be lost on you for the moment.”
“Yes, what a shame,” says Althea icily.  “One wonders why you ever left the Academy at all, Vivius, if you’re so fond of impressing wide-eyed idiots with parlor tricks.”
Tamsin winces at Althea’s cruelty, but Vivius seems remarkably unfazed.  “Don’t mind the Keeper,” he says to Tamsin.  “She’ll be a different person once she gets her meal.”
“I wouldn’t count on it,” says Althea.
As if on cue, the bartender emerges from the back room balancing three large plates on his arm, all filled to overflowing with foods that are unrecognizable to Tamsin.  She’s been so preoccupied, she barely even noticed her own hunger, but now her mouth waters, and her stomach aches.
The food is rich and heavy, not at all what Tamsin is used to.  She cannot identify a single thing on her plate—even the type of grain is unknown to her.  The meat is cooked in a way Tamsin could never have imagined—it seems to her to be covered in some sort of bread crumbs and cooked in a heavy oil.  When she wonders aloud at this ingenuity, she draws both Vivius and the bartender into conversation with her, and they happily explain the origin and preparation of each of the unfamiliar foods, and many others besides.
Althea continues to ignore them.  She eats her food at the other end of the bar in self-contained silence.
In spite of Althea’s coldness, Tamsin finds herself warming to Vivius.  He is friendly and forthcoming, and he doesn’t answer her questions with long, weighty pauses or meandering riddles that aren’t really answers at all.
“Keeper Althea mentioned that there aren’t very many new students at the moment,” Tamsin prompts him, attempting to sound casual.  To her left, she would swear she can almost feel Althea bristling, but Althea doesn’t say anything.
“Yes, well, it’s to be expected,” says Vivius.
“Why is that?”
“Well, because of the prophecy,” says Vivius, as though this should be obvious.  He takes a bite, evidently unaware that this warrants any further explanation.
“Prophecy?” Tamsin echoes.
Vivius looks up mid-bite, his eyes rendered somewhat comically wide by the thick lenses of his glasses.  He finishes his food and sputters, “Oh, goodness, forgive me, I really thought even the nonmagical knew about that.”
“Not me,” says Tamsin simply.
“Oh, well, uh—“ Vivius glances somewhat nervously toward Althea.  “I don’t know if I’m the best person to explain it.”
When Althea remains steadfastly silent, Vivius amends, “But I’ll do my best.”
He puts down his fork and steeples his fingers while he thinks.  “So, how to put this?  I think I ought to start by saying that the average person cannot actually confirm whether the prophecy really exists.”
“It does,” says Althea quietly.
“Right,” Vivius falters, “as I’ve said, the average person.  It’s important because interpretations vary widely the world over.  And of course, like all prophecies, the actual contents are extremely vague and open to interpretation.”
“What are the actual contents?” Tamsin asks.
Again Vivius glances hopefully toward Althea, but she keeps her counsel.
“The story goes,” Vivius continues cautiously, “that a child born at the crossroads of time will set the darkness free of its shackles.”
A moment’s silence follows.  “That’s it?” asks Tamsin.
Vivius nods.  “That’s it.”
In spite of her stony silence, Tamsin glances back toward Althea.  “But that’s hardly anything!  That doesn’t answer my question at all!”
Vivius chuckles.  “Yes, it is infuriating, isn’t it?”
“Why does that amount to no new students at the Academy?” Tamsin presses, not a little exasperated.
“Well, let’s break it down, shall we?” says Vivius, in the manner of a kindly schoolteacher.  “What do you suppose qualifies as a ‘crossroads of time?’”
Tamsin balks at him for a long moment before she even deigns to consider what he has said.  Nameless nobodies do not get much education in Godsplace, and it has been a long while since she was a student of anything.
“All right,” she sighs at last.  “I don’t know.  The start of a new year?  The changing of an Era?”
Vivius nods.  “Excellent guesses.  Also the most common interpretation.  Most people believe that this fabled child was born at the changing of the Era, perhaps even at the very turning of the year, right as the clock struck midnight.  If so, how old would that child be now?”
“Sixteen,” Tamsin answers easily.  The child would have been born in the same year as she.  “But then how—“
“And what sort of person do you imagine could manage a feat like breaking the darkness free from its shackles?  Someone ordinary?”
Tamsin falters.  “Well, no, I suppose not.”
“Almost certainly one of the Gifted, yes?” Vivius nods.
“Sure,” says Tamsin.  “But what does that even mean?  Setting the darkness free and all that?”
“Now that explanation I shall leave to your teachers at the Academy,” Vivius laughs.  “Suffice to say, there is darkness in this world, in a very literal sense.  It is a kind of magic not so very different from your own Gift.  Very powerful.  But dangerous.  Unpredictable.  It is said that once the darkness finds you, you can never truly be free of it, even if you manage to resist its whispers all the days of your life.”
Tamsin shivers involuntarily.
“No one knows exactly what it means, setting the darkness free of its shackles.  How could we?  Scholars may theorize, but they are going off of next to nothing, little more than stories almost as old as time itself.  But a world plunged into darkness does not sound very appealing on its face, now, does it?”
“Well, no,” says Tamsin uncertainly.
“As I’ve said, interpretations abound the world over, most of them probably wildly inaccurate.  But nearly everyone agrees on one thing: the prophecy cannot come to pass.  It would destroy the world as we know it.”
Such heady concepts are, for the moment, wholly beyond Tamsin’s comprehension.  She is more focused on one simple matter.  “You still haven’t answered my question,” she points out.
Vivius laughs, abashed.  “No, I suppose I haven’t.  There may be many reasons that so few young ladies of your age have made their way to the Academy.  Many have likely been hunted down and killed, as, I’m given to understand, is the practice in Godsplace.  Many, I expect, are in hiding, hesitant to submit themselves to the Academy’s scrutiny.”
Tamsin considers this, her mind reeling.  “Because, what?  What would happen?  To this…person the prophecy speaks of?”
“Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it?” says Vivius with a shrug.  “How can they know?  Public opinion on the matter is not generous, to say the least.”
“Should I be worried, then?” Tamsin wonders.  The idea had not occurred to her.
“Well, I don’t know,” says Vivius.  “You were born at the changing of the Era, but when?”
Tamsin shrugs.  “Sometime in the summer.  I’m not sure exactly.”
Vivius nods, as if that is the end of it.  “Well, then, it’s unlikely you’ll run into any problems at all.  The prophecy is open to interpretation, of course, but these things tend toward the dramatic.  To that end, perhaps we’ll start seeing more new students sooner than later, now that the timing is off.”
They fall into silence after that, Tamsin consumed by her thoughts, and the others concerned with their food.  When they have all cleaned their plates, the bartender comes to collect them, and he tells Althea that he has prepared another room for Tamsin.
‘Wonderful,” says Althea, offering the bartender a smile and a nod as she accepts her keys.  “Thank you.”  For the first time since they arrived, she looks at Tamsin.  “I’ll be turning in now.  Shall I show you to your room?”
“All right,” says Tamsin, trying very hard not to scramble to her feet.  “Good night, Vivius,” she says.  “Will I see you again soon?”
“It’s been a pleasure, Tamsin,” says Vivius with a wave.  “I’ll be heading out before dawn, but come and find me when you make your way to the Academy, won’t you?”
Tamsin nods, and she feels distinctly relieved to have at least one friend to look forward to at the mysterious Academy.  She turns around to find that Althea has just barely waited for her, and quickly scrambles to follow Althea through a small doorway and up a narrow staircase.  Outside, the moon is uncommonly bright, and it casts strange shadows through the open window.  The stairs shift and creak ominously beneath her feet, and the banister feels ready to work itself loose.
When they reach the second floor, Tamsin dares to speak up.  “May I ask you something?”
“You may,” says Althea.
“You don’t seem to like Vivius much,” says Tamsin.
Althea glances over her shoulder.  “Is that a question?”
Tamsin averts her gaze, embarrassed.  “Well, am I wrong?” she wonders self-consciously.  “Why don’t you like him?”
Perhaps Tamsin could have anticipated the way Althea weighs her question with a heavy sigh.  She stops in front of a door in the middle of the hallway and produces a key.  She ushers Tamsin inside and closes the door behind them before she even begins to answer.
“It’s not exactly that I don’t like Vivius,” says Althea at last.  “But have you ever in your life heard of a man with the Gift?  Even in stories?”
“Well, no,” Tamsin admits.  “It is strange to think of, but…”
“Strange, yes.  Almost unheard of,” says Althea.  “The thing that troubles me is that no one seems to know how it happens.  I mentioned to you earlier that the Gift is hereditary?  Not so with men, at least as far as anyone can tell.  Which is not very far at all, since there are maybe a handful total, in all of history.”
“Even still,” says Tamsin hesitantly, “you make it sound like it’s his fault.”
“As I’ve said, I’ve nothing against Vivius specifically,” says Althea curtly.  “But I do not trust his magic, nor do I support allowing a man into the Academy, no matter his talents.  He could just as easily go across the water, where he would be welcomed.”
Tamsin considers this.  “Do…others feel as you do?” she wonders.  “Other Keepers, I mean?”
To her surprise, Althea chuckles.  “You think my views are unusual?”
Tamsin averts her gaze.  “Well, I wouldn’t know.”
“But you disagree.”
“Well.”  Tamsin doesn’t know enough to agree or disagree.  She likes Vivius, but she trusts Althea.  She fiddles with the strap of her traveling bag.
“Opinions on the matter are mixed at the Academy,” Althea elaborates at last, with surprising good humor.  “Which, as it happens, is another reason for my objection.  Vivius’s mere presence at the Academy is the subject of endless debate, all of it a colossal waste of time.   There are far more important matters.”
“Like the prophecy?” Tamsin wonders, before she has fully decided to speak.
Althea sighs.  Again, she looks a little amused.  “It’s not as though I’m keeping things from you on purpose, Tamsin,” she says.  “There’s a lot to take in.  And frankly, the prophecy is not the sort of thing a new initiate should be most worried about.”
Still, Tamsin cannot help but ask, “You said earlier that…that you know it’s real.  You know it exists.”
“Yes, well,” Althea averts her gaze.  “I am among the lucky few.”  The light from the full moon catches in her eyes, and Tamsin is reminded of the way they glowed when she used her Gift.
Tamsin considers this.  “Is that why you came to Godsplace?” she wonders.
Althea quirks a brow at her.  “After a fashion,” she says.
“Is that why the burnings happen?” Tamsin presses.  “Because of the prophecy?”
“Not exactly,” says Althea.  “Godsplace has a long history of archaic practices.  But I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the reason you’ve noticed them happening more frequently.”
“Then…”  Again Tamsin fidgets uncomfortably with the strap of her bag.  “Then there are people in Godsplace who know about it?”  Could Bryce have known?  Would he keep something like that from her?
“Perhaps.  But this is all pure speculation, you understand.  I came to Godsplace because I heard about the burnings and I had a feeling I should go and try to intervene.  As it turned out, my feeling was about you.”
“Me?” Tamsin echoes, stunned.
“Well, yes,” says Althea, as though it were obvious.  “Following my intuition led me right to you in your hour of need, after all.  And I’d have allowed you to stay and say a proper farewell if I felt we had the time.”
“But…” Tamsin stammers.  “But I thought you said you came to Godsplace because of the prophecy.”
“I did,” says Althea.  “I’ve been traveling trying to find anyone who fits the description.”
“But I don’t fit the description,” says Tamsin.
Althea hums.  “No, not exactly.  Nevertheless, you are a Gifted who would likely have been put to the flame without my intervention.  An equally worthy cause, I should think.”
Tamsin shivers.  “But then…why are you looking for the prophecy?” she wonders.  “What will you do?”
Althea considers this.  “It’s more about what I will not do, if I’m being honest.  Many would see the prophesied child dead, as if something so banal would put an end to all the world’s problems.  If I can find her, I would spare her from that fate, and see that she is properly trained.”
“Why?” Tamsin asks.  “Would it be better?  Would that avert the prophecy?”
“I cannot know for certain,” says Althea.  “In many ways I am as much in the dark as anyone else.  But is it not better to try to avert such a prophecy with the power of reason?  With information and preparation?  Rather than expecting brute force to unmake the delicate weave of fate?”
Tamsin doesn’t know what to say to that.
“I would not see what is sure to be a talented young lady put to the flame before she can even realize her potential,” says Althea with a small smile.  “And I mean that as much for you as I do for the prophesied child, whoever she may be.  What happens after that is another matter, best left for when the time comes.”
Tamsin nods slowly.  Perhaps Althea is right, after all, and she has asked for more knowledge than she is ready to handle.  It is a lot to take in.
Althea pats her shoulder.  “Get some rest, Tamsin.“
It is perhaps a mercy that Tamsin is so unfathomably tired.  Her head is spinning, and on any other night, the brightness of the moon might have kept her awake thinking until her time for sleep had passed.  But almost as soon as she lays down, she feels herself drifting off.  In her dreams, she is being led into the Town Square all tied up with heavy rope, but she is not afraid.  She knows the flame cannot touch her anymore.
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