roman-nineteen · 18 days
Hatsune Miku, but she’s from my country (Myanmar/Burma) 🇲🇲
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This was fun to do but a pain in the ass to color her hair 😅
Anyways : 3 (tags)
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lesbianformadison · 4 months
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meriahlatyar · 23 days
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Burmese Miku but in the style of ancient Burmese frescoes
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theepoetrygod · 6 months
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Free the International Homies till it’s backwards.
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manfredhyllad · 3 months
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My room
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argyrocratie · 2 months
"I remember our first Food not Bombs project. We decided not to drink beers and alcohol for a few days. Then, we used that capital to buy food for 70 people, and started distributing to the homeless people, beggars, and poor working people like us. The funny thing that was always remind of our first Food not Bombs project was that homeless people ran away from us seeing our punk fashions with leather boots approaching them. Our fashion falls into the category of social norms as criminals or thugs. So, they were fear of us, doing bad things to them. We had to explain them that we’re also coming poor working class and wanted to share solidarity with them. Later, they became appreciated of us and started to feel happy seeing us."
-"Interview with Kyaw Kyaw from The Rebel Riot Band"
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butterfly-95 · 10 months
I think people need to realize that it was sheer luck that they have been born in developed countries with decent living conditions, away from the threat of war or civil conflicts. It is by pure coincidence at times that you end up being a citizen of a developed country, rather than one with an impoverished population experiencing man-made (because it is man-made in this day and age) famine, diseases that have been long eradicated or war (be it a civil conflict or due to selfish interests of developed nations who profit from these, at the cost of civilian lives). You could have been born into these conditions.
The point is: NO ONE should ever be made to witness the horrors of war, famine, poverty, disease or any other trauma inducing situation in which they have no free will or say about its outcome.
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cyphyree · 6 months
FREE RICE - Official UN World Food Program free nonprofit game that Feeds those in Need!! https://freerice.com/
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What does it do?
You play simple trivia games in-browser, and for every correct answer you will help raise "rice" (meaning money to go into emergency relief such as rice and other foods) to help feed those most in need.
Freerice officially works with the United Nations World Food Program (see: https://unric.org/en/freerice/ ), which serves, as of writing:
State of Palestine
See more listed here: https://www.wfp.org/emergencies, as linked from Freerice
How does it work?
Private sponsors now match the rice grains earned in the game. Every question you answer correctly earns 10 grains of rice, triggering a financial payment to WFP. The donations generated through Freerice help support WFP's work in emergencies around the world. (source: https://freerice.com/frequently-asked-questions )
100% of all funds generated via Freerice go to the World Food Programme. Freerice does not earn or keep any money it raises.(source: https://freerice.com/about-us)
Important Notes!
If nothing shows up when you hit "PLAY GAME," try enabling cookies to reveal the site shown above
Making an account is OPTIONAL, not having one does not lessen your impact
Can be used towards virtual community service (download a certificate to fill out yourself)
Freerice has no time limit and perfect for using in conjunction with arab.org, a single click website for various good causes
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mahoutoons · 3 months
i'm feeling controversial today so here's another hot take. and before you type away at your keyboards, know that this is all coming from a south asian.
white leftists have got to stop acting like christianity is the only religion that deserves to be criticized and you cannot touch any other religion because that'd be racist and bigoted. because as an indian who's watching my country progress towards hindu nationalism, this attitude doesn't help at all.
white people see hinduism as this exotic brown religion that's so much more progressive but don't know the violence of the caste system, how it others a large portion of the population on the basis of caste, literally branding them as "untouchables". they teach us in school that this problem is a thing of the past but the caste system is still alive and shows itself in violent ways. and that's not even covering how non hindus are treated in the country. muslims especially are being killed, have their houses bulldozed, businesses destroyed, and are being denied housing, our fucking prime minister called them infiltrators and there's this fear among hindu extremists that they'll outnumber the hindus in the country. portraying hinduism as this exotic religion does a disservice to all those oppressed by the hindutva ideology
similarly, white people see buddhism as this hippie religion that's all about peace but have no idea how extremist buddhists in myanmar have been persecuting the rohingya muslims for years and drive them out of the country.
if anything portraying these religions as exotic hippie brown religions is a type of orientalism itself.
and also y'all have got to realize that just because christianity has institutional power in america doesn't mean there aren't parts of the world where they are persecuted on the basis of religion. yes karen from florida who cries christophobia because she sees rainbow sprinkles on a cake is stupid but christian oppression DOES exist in non western countries where they're a minority. pakistani christians get lynched almost on a daily basis over blasphemy accusations. just look up the case of asia bibi, a pakistani christian woman who was sentenced to death on blasphemy charges because of something she said when she was being denied water because it was "forbidden" for a christian and a muslim to drink from the same utensil and she'd made it unclean just by touching it (which is ALSO rooted in casteism and part of pakistani christians' oppression also comes from the fact that a lot of them are dalit but that's a whole other discussion). and that's just one christian group, this isn't even going into what copts, assyrians, armenians etc have faced and continue to face. saying that christians everywhere are privileged because of american christianity actually harms christian minorites in non western countries.
and one last thing because this post is getting too long: someone being anti america doesn't automatically mean they're the good guys. too many times i've been seeing westerners on twitter dot com praise the fucking taliban just because they hate america. yes, the same taliban who banned education for women, thinks women should be imprisomed at home, and consistently oppresses religious and ethnic minorities in afghanistan. yes, america's war on afghanistan was bad and they SHOULD be called out for their war crimes there. no, the taliban are still not the good guys. BOTH of them are bad. you cannot pretend to care about muslims and brown people if you praise the taliban. because guess what? most of their victims are BROWN MUSLIM WOMEN. but of course white libs who praise them don't rub their two braincells together to make that conclusion.
this post has gotten too long and i've just been rambling so the point of this post is: white "leftists" whose politics are primarily america centric should stop acting like criticism of ideologies like hindutva, buddhist extremism, and islamic extremism BY people affected by these ideologies is the same as racism or religious intolerance because that helps literally no one except the extremist bigots. also america is not the centre of the world, just because something isn't happening in america doesn't mean it isn't happening elsewhere
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sharksandjays · 5 months
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For the past two years I have been apart of a volunteer club that visits the United Learning Center (ULC) in Phang Nga, Thailand, a school for Myanmar migrant families. I heard so many stories there that moved me in such a way that I promised them that I would tell the world about it. I was honestly astonished that it didn’t have more coverage already. The world had seemed to forget them. So here I drew some of my interactions with them, my friends.
By sharing this post I hope to raise awareness both about the issue in general and to talk about the FED. I have worked with this organization for the past two years and they are the nicest people you have ever met. Their sole purpose is to help the people around them, the people struggling because of this war. They have changed so many lives and will continue to change more. But any and all help is appreciated, and I urge you to do whatever you can to do so.
For more information, go to FED website: fedgrassroots.org and follow them on Insta: @fedgrassroots
Thank you for reading. And to my Myanmar friends—မင်းကိုချစ်တယ်! ❤️ဘေးကင်းပါစေ။
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whetstonefires · 3 months
Man sometimes I still think about Alfred's Bandit Anecdote in The Dark Knight (2008).
So, the most straightforward reading of this sequence seems to have been the one Nolan intended, because he is not actually a subtle filmmaker, and the further we got into the series the more heavily he committed to making Alfred a mouthpiece. Old man provides words of wisdom that frame the correct understanding of the situation; you can tell it's meant to be correct because subsequent Joker appearances reinforce its thesis statement.
Intended takeaway: some men (like the Joker) don't have rational motivations, they just 'want to watch the world burn,' and you have to account for that when trying to counter them. Chaos agents, basically unstoppable by reasonable means.
But the thing is. This is not a story that stands up to even mild interrogation. The number of assumptions Nolan wants us to swallow without blinking is kind of stunning.
First of all the obvious timeline questions that arise: the Anglo-Burmese Wars and periods between and leading up to them where this kind of white man's burden 'delivering jewels to local elites In The Burmese Jungle to sway them toward British interests, but getting waylaid by bandits' scenario makes any sense all, happened in the 19th century.
The Burmese resistance in the 1930s was centered on university student protests and that sort of thing; it was reasonably successful in moving Myanmar toward independence by increments, though who knows what would have happened without WWII. But it did not provide anyone with reasons to be hand-carrying huge gemstones through forests.
Even if we assume this was somehow a 20th century event, it has to have been before WWII unless we want to postulate a complete alt-history setting, and since The Dark Knight leans heavily into being a modern 21st century story with like, cell phone networking as a major plot point, this still makes Alfred old as balls. Born no later than 1920, and probably earlier.
But that's whatever; comics time. Batman Begins did some fun stuff (possibly in imitation of Batman (1980)) with making it ambiguous what decade it was supposed to be set in, though the sequels dropped that conceit. And anyway, people can be 90 years old.
So that's basically fine, although good god Wayne hire some more servants, this man should be fully retired already.
More problematic is the unfettered colonialism of it all, the confident proclamation that since this guy's motive wasn't profit, since he didn't keep the jewels, he had no motive. Because 'inconveniencing the Raj and weakening their control over the locality' isn't a Real Person Motive that a real person could have had. During or soon after failed wars to resist colonial subjugation.
Like. Come on??
The place where this story utterly shoots itself in the foot, though, is the clever bit at the end, where Bruce asks how Alfred's military unit solved the 'bandit stealing jewels he didn't even want' problem and Alfred's like: 'we burned the forest to the ground.'
Because this is so punchy! In screenwriting technical terms, it's quite well done. It's useless advice that loops the story back to its themes; obviously Batman can't burn Gotham down to get the Joker. Even in a Batman movie that doesn't like Batman very much, this is still obvious.
But at the same time this totally takes the legs out from under Alfred's words of wisdom about human nature. Because if that bandit 'wanted' to 'watch the world burn' then what his unit did wasn't so bad, right; he was basically asking for it. Burning a forest down with all the inevitable collateral damage and economic and ecological cost, all for the sake of horribly killing a group of people in the name of government revenues was totally okay guys!
It transforms the whole thing into a pretty obvious post facto rationalization of colonial violence. Which makes the Insights Into Human Nature bit real questionable!
But the movie gives absolutely no sign of having noticed this.
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folkfashion · 2 months
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Intha woman, Myanmar, by VWPics
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iko66 · 2 months
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Bagan, Myanmar
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transjeffdr · 27 days
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Haven't seen any Indian Miku yet so I'll throw my hat in the ring
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beardeddetectivepaper · 9 months
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