eretzyisrael · 11 months
Amid an ongoing spat with the Red Cross, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen demanded Wednesday that the group visit the 240 hostages Israeli believes are being held captive by Hamas in the Gaza Strip and harshly criticized the organization’s conduct.
The foreign minister told the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mirjana Spoljaric, that the ICRC must demand to meet and provide medical assistance to all the hostages, Cohen’s office said.
“The Red Cross has no right to exist if it does not succeed in visiting the hostages being held captive by the Hamas terror group,” Cohen told Spoljaric, and noted that “children, women and Holocaust survivors” are being held captive.
“The Red Cross must act decisively and with a clear voice and utilize all leverage it has to push for a visit to the hostages as soon as possible,” Cohen added.
Cohen’s statements came after the Red Cross sent a letter on Tuesday to the Israel Prison Service, cautioning the state about a wartime law passed in the Knesset two weeks ago that allows National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir to worsen the conditions of security prisoners if a “prison emergency” were to be declared.
The foreign minister criticized the ICRC for focusing on Israel, “which is bound by international law and acts in accordance with it,” instead of the enormous humanitarian crisis created by Hamas.
Prison Service commissioner Katy Perry, in a statement Wednesday, said that the Red Cross would not be allowed to visit Palestinian terror prisoners held in Israeli jails until the organization is able to provide assistance to the Israeli hostages in Gaza.
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justsomeunsurefancat · 11 months
The international committe of the red cross is intentionally ignoring dozens of call for help from Gaza.
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workersolidarity · 11 months
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In a news release issued by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the ICRC slams Israel's "military siege" on Gaza, as Gaza's 2.3 million people are "deprived of food, water and medicine.. leaving people without the essentials to survive."
The ICRC also highlighted the need for safe and sustained access to humanitarian aid for Gaza and stressed the dire need for the restoration of critical services like Healthcare, water and electricity, calling them "a lifesaving priority".
"Massive bombardments are gutting civilian infrastructure across Gaza, sowing the seeds of hardship for generations to come," the ICRC railed against Israel's crimes in its news release.
Among the most shocking impact is the agony children have had to bear. Children have been ripped from their families and held hostage. In Gaza, ICRC surgeons treat toddlers whose skin is charred from widespread burns,” ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric is quoted as saying.
“What more must children endure? The images of suffering, dead and wounded children will haunt us all. This is a moral failing.”
The ICRC pointed to both sides' obligations under International Humanitarian Law, saying civilians must be spared from military operations and offered their willingness to assist in the negotiations with Hamas to return hostages being held.
"The hostages must be released immediately. They play no part in this conflict and we reiterate our offer as neutral actor to facilitate any future release operation," President Spoljaric said.
The ICRC news release goes on to slam "Scenes of damaged hospitals and ambulances" as "unacceptable".
The news release continues by pointing to the many humanitarian workers killed in Israeli bombing and highlights how the medical facilities being targeted are sanctuaries fo civilians hiding from Israeli bombs.
"Tragically, medics from both the Palestine Red Crescent and Magen David Adom, alongside UN and other humanitarian workers, have been killed in the last month while working to help others," the news release says.
"Medical facilities are sanctuaries for the sick and wounded, as well as for the thousands of displaced people seeking refuge. They must be protected. The human cost of not doing so is unbearable."
The news release ends by talking about the agony for families waiting for news about loved ones in the Gaza Strip being hammered by Israeli bombing raids.
"One month on, families face an agonizing wait for news of their loved ones, while the conflict has killed, maimed and displaced far too many men, women and children. The sides must deescalate now to prevent yet more suffering."
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vyorei · 10 months
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13 Israeli captives and 7 foreign-nationals have been handed over to the Red Cross, they'll be going through Rafah and Egypt first
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bisexualvalve · 8 months
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cultml · 1 year
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plitnick · 2 years
Brad Sherman models the perfect pro-Israel Democrat
This piece, written late last week, takes on a new importance in light of the Israeli massacre in Jenin and the Palestinian lone shooter attack in Neve Yakov. More to the point, the importance it’s magnified by Antony Blinken’s contemptible tour of Middle East criminals, from Cairo and al-Sisi to Jerusalem and Netanyahu. The article examines the words of Brad Sherman, one of the most zealous…
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relaybeacon · 2 years
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saynaija · 8 months
NAF, ICRC Strengthen Collaboration On Adherence To International Humanitarian Laws
NAF, ICRC Strengthen Collaboration On Adherence To International Humanitarian Laws In efforts aimed at fortifying partnership, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) have both stressed the need to intensify their collaboration in promoting International Humanitarian Laws (IHL). The ICRC, renowned for its impartial and humanitarian missions worldwide,…
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krispyweiss · 10 months
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Yoko Ono and Sean Ono Lennon “Give Peace a Chance” This Holiday Season
- Mother/son team donate 50 acetates to charitable organizations
Yoko Ono and Sean Ono Lennon donated 50 limited-edition acetates of “Give Peace a Chance” and “Remember Love” to 50 charities, nonprofits and care organizations.
“Happy Holidays. To raise the spirit of peace and love this December, here is one of only 50 limited-edition acetates that have been hand-cut at Abbey Road,” Sean Ono Lennon said in a note accompanying each record.
“It’s yours – to sell, auction, raise money to help your charity or to fund your Xmas party – to ‘Give Peace a Chance’ and ‘Remember Love.’”
Amnesty International, British Red Cross, British-Ukrainian Aid, Doctors without Borders, International Committee of the Red Cross, Refugees International, Salvation Army, Save the Children, UNICEF and WhyHunger are among the recipients of the remixed versions of the Plastic Ono Band’s 1969 recordings.
Each acetates is numbered and includes Ono’s machine-generated signature. In 2021, Ono and Lennon donated 50 copies of “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” acetates to U.K. music charities and shops to mark the single’s 50th birthday.
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devjobs · 10 months
International Committee Of The Red Cross Job Vacancy: Humanitarian Affairs Adviser for ASEAN, Jakarta – Indonesia
INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS JOB VACANCIES 2024 The ICRC Regional Delegation for Jakarta and Timor-Leste seeks to fill the following positions: Humanitarian Affairs Adviser for ASEAN (Resident Position, Jakarta-based) ROLE PURPOSES The Humanitarian Affairs Adviser provides support to the delegation in understanding the context and influencing the wider political, humanitarian, and…
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
by Seth Mandel
“We cannot just be a relief organization,” Peter Maurer, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross until 2022, said in a 2015 speech about the organization’s failures during the Holocaust. The Red Cross, Maurer said, was regretful: “It failed as a humanitarian organization because it had lost its moral compass. It failed … by responding to the outrageous with standard procedures, it looked on helplessly and silently.”
It would be more accurate, actually, to say the Red Cross expressed regret. Because it’s clear its officials weren’t all that sorry.
Not only has the ICRC, which receives many millions of dollars in U.S. contributions, failed to advocate meaningfully for the Israeli hostages held by Hamas, and not only has the organization appeared uninterested in gaining access to them or their release, but it now faces legitimate questions about its complicity in Hamas war crimes.
Over the weekend the IDF released footage from al-Shifa hospital showing Hamas fighters bringing hostages to the medical compound on Oct. 7, the day of its bloody incursion into Israel. One hostage, an Israeli soldier, was likely killed there. Fighters dragging the hostages can be seen interacting freely with medical personnel at the hospital, in case anyone still tries to argue that hospital officials have plausible deniability. And as some have pointed out, there was no way for the hostages to get to Shifa without being taken past several other hospitals on the way, so they were not brought in for medical care.
Ridiculous excuses thus dispensed with, we can move on to what ICRC officials knew and when they knew it. The Red Cross was no stranger to Shifa. On November 6 and 7, for example, it boasted of ICRC caravans transporting supplies to Shifa and patients from Shifa. What did ICRC personnel see as they cleared out patients for transfer? More important, what did they pretend not to see? They had communication with and access to the hospital compound and its staff; to what purpose did they use this access? They were aware of the material needs of the hospital and therefore what was being used daily. ICRC doctors and surgeons around Gaza were in contact with colleagues at Shifa.
And we certainly know they are capable of outrage. ICRC Director Robert Mardini, for example, had this outburst on Nov. 11: “We @ICRC are shocked & appalled by the images & reports coming from Al-Shifa hospital in #Gaza. The unbearably desperate situation for patients & staff trapped inside must stop. Now. Hospitals, patients, staff & health care must be protected. Period.”
Mardini was talking about Israel’s supposed lack of respect for medical facilities in wartime, just to be clear. ICRC regional director Fabrizio Carboni was also quite exercised about it: “The information coming from the Al Shifa hospital is distressing. It cannot continue like this. Thousands of wounded, displaced people and medical staff are at risk. They need to be protected in line with the laws of war.”
Meanwhile, the ICRC had no qualms about portraying Israeli troops as a constant threat to medical personnel or would-be butchers, or going on Al Jazeera to remind the IDF of its obligations to the hospitals that Hamas was already misusing.
Indeed, the ICRC’s partnership with Shifa is a point of pride for the organization. In July, as Hamas was planning its Oct. 7 massacre, officials boasted of improvements to the hospital “implemented by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in partnership with the Ministry of Health in Gaza,” i.e. Hamas. “Hospitals stand at the heart of communities, and Al-Shifa Medical Complex Emergency Department is now beating strong and steady for Gaza,” crowed William Schomburg, a top ICRC Gaza official.
Back in that 2015 speech, Maurer faulted his organization for not balancing its private efforts with public pronunciations. But one difference between the Red Cross’s work in World War II and the current Gaza conflict is that in WWII, the ICRC’s record was mixed. Yes, it failed Jewish prisoners repeatedly. But it also facilitated communication to and from those prisoners, provided medical care to some of them, and was involved in prisoner exchanges—all actions for which it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1944. The Nobel committee acknowledges now that the ICRC knew more about Nazi atrocities than it let on at the time, suggesting that the Red Cross’s full wartime record might not be deserving of such an award.
This time, it has let down the hostages in every way imaginable. At the end of its note on the 1944 Nobel Peace Prize, the committee writes: “The Red Cross has since expressed regret for this suppression of the facts.”
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peacemore-springs · 1 year
A Word from International Committee Of The Red Cross
Israel and the Occupied Territories: Targeting civilians leads to further spirals of violence and hatred | ICRC
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workersolidarity · 1 year
🇷🇺 TASS News Agency is reporting the meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) President Mirjana Spoljaric have met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly Meeting.
"The parties discussed issues related to Humanitarian activities in the key areas of the region, including the Ukrainian crises and the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, Sudan, Afghanistan and Syria." The statement reads.
"They also compared their positions on the current aspects of the ICRC's work in Russia" the ministry added.
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vyorei · 10 months
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OK it seems the original number of 7 for foreign-nationals was a misreport, it's 4 Thai nationals and 13 Israelis, they're all popping through Egypt first
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minnesotafollower · 1 year
U.S. Should Release All Guantanamo Prisoners and Close Down
A New York Times editorial starts with the factual assertion that “30 men . . . [are] still imprisoned at the U.S. naval base whose name has become synonymous with American shame.” Although President Biden “said at the outset of his administration that he would seek to have the detention center closed . . . the moral imperative and the ethical case for doing so has only gotten stronger with…
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