#refugees international
tearsofrefugees · 3 months
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krispyweiss · 10 months
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Yoko Ono and Sean Ono Lennon “Give Peace a Chance” This Holiday Season
- Mother/son team donate 50 acetates to charitable organizations
Yoko Ono and Sean Ono Lennon donated 50 limited-edition acetates of “Give Peace a Chance” and “Remember Love” to 50 charities, nonprofits and care organizations.
“Happy Holidays. To raise the spirit of peace and love this December, here is one of only 50 limited-edition acetates that have been hand-cut at Abbey Road,” Sean Ono Lennon said in a note accompanying each record.
“It’s yours – to sell, auction, raise money to help your charity or to fund your Xmas party – to ‘Give Peace a Chance’ and ‘Remember Love.’”
Amnesty International, British Red Cross, British-Ukrainian Aid, Doctors without Borders, International Committee of the Red Cross, Refugees International, Salvation Army, Save the Children, UNICEF and WhyHunger are among the recipients of the remixed versions of the Plastic Ono Band’s 1969 recordings.
Each acetates is numbered and includes Ono’s machine-generated signature. In 2021, Ono and Lennon donated 50 copies of “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” acetates to U.K. music charities and shops to mark the single’s 50th birthday.
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politijohn · 11 months
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sharksandjays · 5 months
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For the past two years I have been apart of a volunteer club that visits the United Learning Center (ULC) in Phang Nga, Thailand, a school for Myanmar migrant families. I heard so many stories there that moved me in such a way that I promised them that I would tell the world about it. I was honestly astonished that it didn’t have more coverage already. The world had seemed to forget them. So here I drew some of my interactions with them, my friends.
By sharing this post I hope to raise awareness both about the issue in general and to talk about the FED. I have worked with this organization for the past two years and they are the nicest people you have ever met. Their sole purpose is to help the people around them, the people struggling because of this war. They have changed so many lives and will continue to change more. But any and all help is appreciated, and I urge you to do whatever you can to do so.
For more information, go to FED website: fedgrassroots.org and follow them on Insta: @fedgrassroots
Thank you for reading. And to my Myanmar friends—မင်းကိုချစ်တယ်! ❤️ဘေးကင်းပါစေ။
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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By Brian Melley, AP News
13 January 2024
LONDON (AP) — An unlikely refugee from the war in Ukraine — a rare Asiatic black bear — arrived at his new home in Scotland on Friday and quickly took to a meal of cucumbers and watermelon.
The 12-year-old Yampil was named for a village in the Donetsk region where he was one of the few survivors found by Ukrainian troops in the remains of a bombed-out private zoo.
Yampil, who had previously been called Borya, was discovered by soldiers who recaptured the devastated city of Lyman during the Kharkiv counteroffensive in the fall of 2022, said Yegor Yakovlev of Save Wild, who was among the first of many people who led the bear to a new life.
The bear was found in a menagerie that had long been abandoned by its owners.
Almost all the other animals had died of hunger, thirst or were struck by bullets or shrapnel and some were eaten by Russian troops.
Yampil narrowly missed the same fate, suffering a concussion from a projectile that landed nearby.
“The bear miraculously survived,” said Yakovlev, also director of the White Rock Bear Shelter, where the bear recovered.
“Our fighters did not know what to do with him, so they started looking for rescue.”
What followed was an odyssey that your average bear rarely makes, as he was moved to Kyiv for veterinary care and rehab, then shipped to a zoo in Poland, then to an animal rescue in Belgium, where he spent the past seven months, before landing in the United Kingdom.
Brian Curran, owner of Five Sisters Zoo in West Calder, Scotland, said his heart broke when he learned of the plight of the threatened Asiatic black bear.
“He was in terrible condition; five more days and they wouldn’t have been able to save him,” Curran said. “We were just so amazed he was still alive and well.”
The bear was skinny but not malnourished when he was found, said Frederik Thoelen, a biologist at the Nature Help Center in Belgium.
He now is estimated to weigh a healthy 440 pounds (200 kilograms), Thoelen said.
The nature center in Belgium, which usually treats injured wildlife and returns them to their natural settings, has taken several animals rescued from the war in Ukraine, including a wolf, a caracal cat and four lions, though those animals had not experienced the ordeal Yampil endured.
It was remarkable how calm Yampil was when he arrived in Belgium, Thoelen said.
The bear was trained in the past two weeks to move from his enclosure to the crate that would transport him across Belgium to Calais, France, then across the English Channel on a ferry to Scotland.
Pastries from a local bakery were used for good measure to lure him Thursday into the cage, where he was sedated for the journey.
“We want to use the food that he likes most, and for most bears — and for people also — it’s sweet, unhealthy foods,” Thoelen said.
Thoelen had a sense of the bear’s weight as he drove the crate to the port.
“Every time when we had a red light or a traffic jam, when the bear moved a little bit, you could feel the van moving also,” he said.
“You could feel it was a heavy animal in the back of the car.”
Yampil arrived at the zoo about 15 miles (25 kilometers) west of Edinburgh and immediately made himself at home.
He feasted on cukes — said to be his favorite food — and melon, said Adam Welsh, who works at Five Sisters.
The Asiatic black bear is listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species as vulnerable to extinction in the wild, where it can be found in central and southern Asia, Russia, and Japan.
It’s known for the distinctive white crescent patch on its chest that gives it the nickname moon bear. It can live for up to 30 years in zoos.
It’s not clear if the bear will go into hibernation. The winter has been warmer than usual but colder days are on the horizon.
The zoo has other bears, but Yampil is the only Asian bear and unique in other ways.
“We’ve had circus bears, for example, that have been rescued,” Welsh said.
“We’ve had bears rescued from places like roadside restaurants where they’ve been used as kind of roadside attractions and been kept in subpar conditions. But this is the first time that we’ve worked with an animal that’s been rescued from a war zone.”
Scottish zoo welcomes black bear which survived war in Ukraine
13 January 2024
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nuroful · 2 months
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pretty soon we will have lucy doing videos in catalan alongside aitana 😄
"refugees do not choose their condition, they are victims of it. we all deserve a place where we can feel safe. the barça foundation works with refugees in greece, colombia, uganda, malaysia, turkey and catalunya in areas such as access to health and medical care, quality education and equal opportunities with our own programs and with unhcr. it is necessary to guarantee the rights of refugees. they are people with dreams, illusions and hope. the barça foundation uses sport as a tool for social transformation in its projects with refugees and displaced people. that is why barça is more than just a club. June 20 is international refugee day. beyond sport with the barça foundation."
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workersolidarity · 5 months
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏢💥 🚨
📹 The criminal behavior and war crimes of the Israeli occupation forces, with financial and military aid and backing of the United States, continued with its endless bombing, which has repeatedly targeted the Prisoner Towers, west of the Nuseirat refugee camp, in the central Gaza Strip, completely leveling the residential apartment complex.
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sugarmarbles21 · 4 months
I saw a analysis on the choice of strategy that the Israeli government decided on and basically it was that they could have chosen a less aggressive strategy and chose not to and they didn’t bother with the huge casualties that the attack would cause because they didn’t care. Before anyone says what I know you will say, I think the hostages were just passing through the camp to or from the hospital. They had been receiving medical care while in captivity from the looks of their condition. And let’s not forget the fact that the Israeli government has rescued only 7 hostages through military means while killing 40 of them. Probably more if Hamas was telling the truth that more hostages were killed during the strike.
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tearsofrefugees · 10 days
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historyforfuture · 1 month
What,s the indian flag doing on a tank belongs to the occupation forces ?
Most fascists became arrogant.
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politijohn · 7 months
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orangetubor · 9 months
Urgent news, many lgbtqi residents of kakuma refugee camp are now homeless. Here is a statement from my friend Peter:
As an LGBTQIA+🏳️‍🌈, I bear witness to the horrifying police brutality that unfolded before my very eyes, along with my fellow LGBTQIA+ advocates, freedom fighters, and refugees in Kakuma refugee camp. It was a day we had come together to celebrate our pride, a moment of unity and empowerment during Pride Month. However, what transpired shattered our sense of safety and belonging.In the midst of our joyful pride party, the police forcefully invaded our presence, displaying an alarming disregard for our rights and humanity. Our small tent house, adorned with rainbow flags symbolizing our pride and resilience, was ruthlessly torn down. We, the members of the LGBTQIA+ community, were subjected to brutal beatings by those who are entrusted with the duty to protect us, but who instead exhibited violent, homophobic, and transphobic tendencies.This appalling act served as a stark reminder that within Kakuma refugee camp and Kenya at large, there is no place for us. Even the officials who should be safeguarding our rights have become perpetrators of violence and discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ family. We pose no threat, for we bear no weapons and have not inflicted harm upon anyone. Yet, we are continually targeted by the refugee community, subjected to brutality, torture, persecution, discrimination, and social stigma solely due to our sexual orientation and gender identity.The conditions we endure in the camp are unbearable, pushing us to exist in a state of constant fear, insecurity, and suffering. We are forced to live in a primitive and inhospitable environment, stripped of our dignity and denied basic human rights. This relentless adversity places an immense burden on the LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers and refugees in Kakuma refugee camp, compromising our very survival.Therefore, I implore all those who champion human rights and stand against injustice to join forces and provide us with international support. We call upon activists, organizations dedicated to protecting LGBTQIA+ rights and lives, and the global community at large to unite as one, advocating for our freedom from the confines of Kakuma refugee camp. It is evident that this camp will never be a safe haven for us.We desperately need your unwavering support and solidarity. Ignoring our plight is not an option; it is through your intervention and collective efforts that we can secure our liberation. Together, let us work towards a world where every LGBTQIA+ individual can thrive, free from persecution and discrimination. Our lives and well-being depend on it..wish we find your support and solidarity on the less fortunate, thanks
(he sent this to me over whatsapp, you can also find it on his tumblr, @peterkats )
Please share this, spread international outrage, and get them help
The owner of the compound sold it, and many are now homeless. The nearest refugee camps are in Somalia, Zambia, Sudan and South Africa, which are miles away, they have no food or water, and many are sick or injured.
If you can, send aid through World Remit or Send Wave, to the phone number +254712692466, belonging to Abdul Luyombya, a friend of Peter's.
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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garadinervi · 6 months
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Noura Erakat (نورا عريقات), Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 2019
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Designed: Kevin Barrett Kane Cover Design: Kevin Barrett Kane Cover Art: The Balfour Declaration, 1917
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