List of Prompts Here
*note of explanation: the animals came with our building when sold in the early 1980s. I do not promote big game hunting.
Bankotsu x Jakotsu (Band of Seven). After years together as friends, Bankotsu and Jakotsu came to a silent understanding that their love is more than brotherly. However, Renkotsu, being a homophobic twat, finds out and from that moment, plots to overthrow their fearless leader. Against all odds, their love lives longer than Renkotsu’s traitorous ass.
Ginta x Hakakku (Koga’s Crew).  It's a time-honored queer tradition to yearn for one’s most intimate friends. Thankfully, this time the feeling is mutual, but the pair are too socially inept to actually get things moving and too insecure to recognize that they both want the same thing. Upon realizing what’s happening, Koga intervenes because this is getting too awkward. Just kiss already. We’ve got people to kill.
Miroku x Sango (Asexual). After a lifetime to hiding through overcompensation, Miroku is exposed as an ace when a magic spell renders everyone “normal” horny as hell while he’s too paralyzed by the new feelings of lust to react. It is then and only then that Miroku realizes he thinks of sex differently than everyone else but he does romantically love Sango so he’ll be damned before she gets hurt.
Kikyo x Inuyasha (Aromance or Demiromance). Kikyo had never been interested in pursuing a romantic relationship. In fact, she was a little repulsed by the idea. In essence, she loved Inuyasha the same way someone loves their best friend. You don't need to be attracted to someone to have feelings for them.
PLOT BUNNIES - ANY SHIP DAY - Inuyasha x Kikyo
After returning early, Kikyo accidentally spies a rather sweet moment between Inuyasha & Kaede and thanks the stars that she found such a man.
The problem being out of touch with humanity is that there are a marked lack of social skills others take for granted. After a humorous misunderstanding, the two agree that they need to be more direct with one another. Neither are good at picking up on unspoken cues.
It's colder than a witch's tit out there but duty calls. Much to Inuyasha's surprise and delight, Kikyo asks him to go with her on a multi-day exorcism.
PLOT BUNNIES - ANY SHIP DAY - Inuyasha x Kagome
When Sota interrupts what should have been their first ever normal kiss, Inuyasha is beyond annoyed. And a little insecure truth be told. Maybe he misread the situation. Kagome corrects that line of thinking later.
Inuyasha tries to defend his actions when Kagome gets upset over leaving their daughter essentially orphaned. One of them should have stayed but Inuyasha doesn't feel like he had a choice. #neveragain
Small prank war gets out of hand.
Heart melting, Kagome listens as Inuyasha discusses all the things he'd going to do when he becomes a father.
Inuyasha worries that he isn’t being a good husband so he decides he needs to be sweet and affectionate. He knows not how.
After Inuyasha leaves with Kikyo, Kagome discovers the well has closed off with the completion of their quest. Locked away from her family and the only one of her friends without a path forward, Kagome begins to look forward to Koga's visits.
During a heated battle, Kagome and Koga get separated from the rest of the InuTaichi (in a way that prevents them from being found easily) and/or trapped away somehow. Unexpected feelings develop.
True love's kiss is needed to break the spell. Inuyasha tries. Miroku tries. Hell, even Shippo and Sango try. But when Koga tries...
The new Lord of Takeda castle told Sango that if things ever go wrong with Miroku, he'll still be waiting and willing to do anything he can to help her. Miroku steams over this but walks a little taller knowing Sango did, in fact, pick him. That Takeda bastard is going to have to wait a long ass time until Miroku is dead and gone. The nerve.
Sango realizes that Miroku's seemingly endless flirtations are just a coping mechanism. He's known since he was young that he was going to die young and horribly at that. So, up until now, Miroku’s approach has been to live fast and loose. Sango changes her tactics and starts talking like their future is guaranteed in order to make him feel more confident & secure.
Miroku has trouble looking Inuyasha in the eye after drunk Sango made it clear Inuyasha was her backup option. Despite this, there is an almost constant stream of awkward glances. Sango is very confused by Miroku's standoffish and insecure behavior. Kagome remembers vaguely what happened and keeps glancing daggers. Inuyasha wants people to stop staring at him.
Romance is a little hard to manage when you've got newborn twins but, by god, Miroku is going to try whether his wife wants it or not. Spoiler alert, she does not want. At least, not right now.
Feeling rather brotherly, Inuyasha tries to set up Kaede with a nice old merchant riding out the winter in their village. Tries being the operative word.
Omg they were roommates.
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gothampubliclibrary · 4 months
Plot Bunny Adoption Corner #6
(fusion AU with Inuyasha)
In this fusion AU, the role of Kagome is replaced with Tim Drake. In this universe, he is the reincarnation of the priestess Kikyo, who had died in the distant past in Japan and attempted to take the mystical cursed Shikon no Tama with her to the afterlife to keep it out of the hands of men and yokai alike.
She didn't account for reincarnation tho.
Tim had no idea of his past life or the Shikon Jewel hiding inside his body. Not until he was midway through BruceQuest and got ambushed in the desert by the Widower. When the Council of Spiders assassin stabbed Tim with his blade, instead of rupturing his spleen, he inadvertently freed a strange glowing marble of a jewel that had been hidden in Tim's abdomen. As he was bleeding out, Tim could only stare in horror and wonder at the gem, confused as to what the hell that was and why was it inside him? Widower immediately saw the jewel and was drawn to it. Over Tim's protests, the assassin picked it up and seemed to get a rush of power from it. He claimed it for himself as he left his victims bleeding out in the sand.
Things progress as they do in canon, until the Spider's attack on The Cradle. A much faster and stronger Widower is there. While the rest of his team didn't know about the gem, Tim could mysteriously still "see" where Widower was hiding it. He managed to just barely cut through the pocket the Widower had stashed it in.
When the gem fell and bounced to the floor, all eyes, especially those of the metahumans there, turned to it. It was like the gem was calling to it. Tim also noticed that the gem's color was darker than before?
Before Tim could get a hold of the gem, the Spiders scrambled for it, even fighting amongst themselves. The metahuman Wanderer got a hold of it and the Shikon Jewel flared to life and gave her even greater power. Right before their eyes, it transformed her into a demonic version of herself, changing the color of her skin, giving her multiple arms and eyes, and granting her the power to shoot out webs that could drain the life from people as an extension of her original meta powers.
Everyone is shocked and horrified to see the change in her, none more than Tim though, as he watches the woman go mad with her newfound power and start turning it against everyone, even her own allies!
Desperate times called for desperate measures. Calling on all his mentors' teachings, Tim uses his weapons and skills to force Wanderer to drop the gem. He quickly snatched it up, grabs Tam Fox, and initiates the self destruct sequence he programmed into the LOA computer systems.
After escaping from the Cradle, both Tim and Tam stare at the gem with confusion and suspicion. For some reason, it now seemed "docile" in Tim's hands.
Meanwhile, Ra's al Ghul had watched everything from video feed from his own secret base, eyes lit up with delight and hunger. He recognized the Shikon no Tama, and he would do anything to possess it himself!
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a-writers-blurbs · 8 months
Too Many PLOT Bunnies 🐰
I think I have a problem when it comes to coming up with story ideas. 🙃
So I've come up with... you guessed it... another story idea. This one's a bit different & I was inspired by ch 29 of the book Sixty Days by snmwordbender
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I'm thinking something along the lines of Sesshomaru & Inuyasha in competition for Kagome. But with a funny undertone vs serious.
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I reaaaaaally have too many ideas in my head 😅😅
Maybe I should just write a book of story prompts...
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inuyashamybeloved · 6 months
A new plot bunny was born…
It’s a twist to the Shikon Jewel granting wishes in a “Bedazzled” way (if you haven’t watched the movie, the wishes always go awry in a hilarious, harmless way). In case this needs to be said (lol) it’s an Inukag fic.
Here’s the introductory paragraphs 😁
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Inuyasha stared in awe and giddiness at the pink bauble in his hands. Finally, finally, he had gotten his hands on the Shikon Jewel. Its legends told that it could grant three wishes to the bearer, all you had to do was rub the thing, and a genie—or a demon, the lore wasn’t very fucking clear about that—would pop up. The legends also were pretty contradictory regarding the truth behind its wish-granting capabilities.
Whatever, he was definitely going to test it.
The thing had been kept hidden by his great-aunt Kaede—on his mother's side—for years and had recently seen the light of day after she passed away. After the typical bullshit regarding the distribution of her various belongings, Inuyasha had managed to claim the damn thing for himself and was more than eager to spend those wishes. Though he didn’t know exactly what to wish for on all three chances, he already had one in mind.
He wanted a girlfriend.
Inuyasha wasn’t exactly the most social person and his gruff behavior usually drove women away. Not to mention his demonic features for being a half-demon weren’t exactly appealing to most of those women. They could handle the golden eyes and they could handle the silver hair, but they drew the line at the dog ears. Now, the easy thing would be to change himself with one of the wishes but he knew his parents would scream bloody fucking murder if he did so.
Besides, his mom loved his ears and would never fucking dare to take them away from her.
Sitting on his couch, he rubbed the thing between his hands and focused on calling forth the genie.
“Come on, you ass, get out of there and grant me my fucking wishes!”
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Happy New Year and happy update day! I've been really enjoying writing over the holiday whenever I got a chance and I'm thrilled to let you know, this story is two and a half chapters from being completely written.
This year I have quite a few plot bunnies on the go, but I want to finish up Erythema Kiss before starting to flesh any of them out. I did post a little side-quest story, 'Hack' today, it's my pallet-cleanser-just-for-fun-fic, just something fun for me to fiddle with while I write the last few intense chapters of the ongoing romance/drama. Anyway, I hope to take more time to have fun and relax this year and writing is a big part of that; so I look forward to sharing more stories and reading as much fic and taking in as much art as possible this year!
Wishing you all the best start to 2024 <3
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neutronstarchild · 2 years
Advice from a Writing Veteran
I’ve been writing Inuyasha fic for over 2 years now. It started as a really wonderful escape from the pandemic and has served as my creative outlet, and I’m still going strong!
So I wanted to offer a couple of nuggets of wisdom gleaned from a writer with over a hundred stories and 20 ships that I hope will offer some small amount of reassurance to everyone who puts words into a doc then shares them with the world.
1 - Replying to comments begets more comments Let’s say you want to write a story, and want to post it to AO3. It feels wonderful getting comments from people who enjoyed this thing you made for them all. I always love seeing that Inbox (1) on my dashboard for AO3.
This might not be able to start the flow of comments, but it will keep it going, and that is... reply to the comments. Especially if you can reply to them in a way that is heartfelt that is conversational. It makes that person who was maybe apprehensive think “oh! this person liked my comment! i will write more!” And that new commenter may now write comments on more of your fics and chapters going forward!
2 - Ships Reign Supreme I’m going to go out on a limb and say that my writing style and quality don’t change a whole bunch from ship to ship, so things like kudos on stories I’ve written have been able to tell me a lot about writing for fandoms.
If you write a rarepair, even if it is the most profound and exciting thing you’ve ever written, it will probably get a lot less engagement than the popular ships. So never beat yourself up if you created a thing that people didn’t vibe with. It’s part of writing.
Additionally, the people who follow you often have followed you because you write a specific ship they like. It means that, at least at first, jumping ship to a different popular ship is not going to have the engagement necessarily follow. That’s okay and keep at it!
3 - There absolutely is a zeitgeist, but chasing it can be futile I honestly never know which one of my stories is going to resonate with people. Some I adored and really thought would touch people fell sort of flat, and that’s okay! There is absolutely a measure of “what people want to read” that goes into which stories get popular, but from experience you really can never predict what it’s going to be. Yes, a popular ship that is smutty (especially in Inuyasha) has a pretty high chance of being better received than a dark MCD fic, but honestly, it’s hard to tell.
4 - People really do like completed fics. Yeah.... I have a backyard full of an unnatural number of plot bunnies I want to round up. It’s what’s fun about writing, letting your mind fold around something new and exciting and live in the scenario of your making. But there are a lot of people who won’t start reading your work until it’s got that ✅ down on the lower right on AO3. Never feel ashamed if you don’t get there, because writing should be about you, but it’s important to be 💯 and say that writing incompletes will somewhat lessen your audience.
5 - Write what sparks joy No one on earth can perfectly predict the zeitgeist, write impossibly perfect stories over and over and over inside of the audience’s preferred ship. So chasing after it is just going to dishearten you. Instead, it always feels better to write for yourself. Which plot bunny is the fluffiest and cutest plot bunny in your backyard? That’s the one you write. You know why? Because people can tell when you had fun writing a thing. It somehow manifests in your writing. And writing that is fun. Even a MCD ultra rarepair with a hated character written because you love writing that will bring people who find it and read it with the same joy it brought you writing it.
I’m not saying "only write for yourself,” because that’s dishonest. It feels wonderful for someone to love what you poured a piece of yourself into, and it’s okay to want that. But... it feels a whole lot better getting that when the thing you made was made because you loved it.
6 - Try to ignore the trolls I don’t know what is happening or why, but the number of mean-spirited comments that people are getting has been going up. The internet is a cesspool and all that. The people who leave comments like that on your stories are not people deserving of your attention. They’re people who can’t do it themselves so they tear others down because they can’t click a Back button.
7 - Build a support crew This is the last piece of advice. Find friends who will read your stuff and give you what you need. Are you someone who does this to smile and needs someone to cheerlead and encourage you on? Heck yesss!!! There are absolutely people who would love to do that for you. Are you someone who wants to improve your craft and needs honest advice on how to get better? Those people exist too. Find them. It might take some looking, and you may want to think about what you will do in return, but finding your people means... having a crew who will read your MCD rarepair and encourage you on. They will lament the zeitgeist getting really really into sex pollen (which you totally don’t get), they will help you find the ending to that incomplete fic you want to complete, and they will help you remember that writing is fun... (oh and probably help you put the comments by the trolls into perspective and reassurance.) Heck, maybe one of those precious wonderful commenters (who you are now replying to!) is an excellent place to start!
Writing is so much fun, and it’s made more fun to get to live in these universes with our friends. I hope you all do wonderful things with your writing, whether that’s writing the next big popular fic in your fandom, whether that’s a crackfic drabble, whether that’s a single scene that you just want to write until you get there. All of these things will find someone that they touch. Thank you for writing and putting these great things out into the world.
From, Neutron
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clearwillow · 2 years
To the anon that sent me the Tangled art prompt months ago, you out there? I...I may have misread your prompt 😭 I’d been working on this one for the last week, and I was all excited to share it and even thought of a plot bunny for what I’d drawn...and then I came back to your ask and saw you wanted Kagome as Flynn, not Inuyasha...
I can still post the one I made, if you’d like? I still want to do the version you asked for, though I don’t know if I’ll get it done this month like I’d hoped 😔 I’m going to hang onto your ask so I can post the correct one to it. I’m so sorry, nonnie. I feel like such a bonehead. I read Tangled and InuKag and the idea came on so quickly I didn’t stop and reread it closer.
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somekndofnature · 1 year
Got tagged by @alondradina to post the last 7 lines of my most recent WIP, and I’m happy to oblige. I’m a little nervous about this one because I worry that it’s cliche or over done but... who cares! Right? 
My most recent Inu/Kag plot bunny focuses on Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango being a rock band and Kagome was their manager, but due to Inuyasha’s shenanigans, had to leave them to protect her fragile heart. After three years apart, he’s trying to convince her to come back to them, albeit poorly. 
The long black hair, that normally fell well past Kagome’s shoulders, was bundled into a messy knot on top of her head. Several dark strands had worked their way free and wisped around her face and neck, looking impossibly soft. He almost reached out his hand to wrap those delicate tendrils around his fingers.
Miroku coughed. “Inuyasha?”
 He shook himself back to the matter at hand and shifted uncomfortably. How did he ask this?  Was there a way to do it gently? He couldn’t think of a better way than to just blurt it out. “We want you to manage us again.”
Tagging: @torrefaction-of-silver, @fandomobsessions016, @elkonigin, @dreaminghour, @shikonstar, join at your own leisure or desire of course. ❤️ you beautiful people. 
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phoenixwrites · 1 year
Ok so you were talking about doing an inuyasha hellcheer au and 1) plzzzz plz do, it would be so perfect (I’ve been thinking abt doing one myself (as though I need to add to my pile of unfinished unpublished hellcheer aus/fics 😵‍💫) and, you know, two cakes!!) 2) pls can Vixie show up as a fox demon (I am a Vixie stan (I comment on fics from a different account than my writing account (secondhandmoon))). Also, I’ve been thinking about this one panel from the thunder brothers arc but with Eddie and Vecna for MONTHS. I’ve been wanting to draw it but it’s been a while since I’ve drawn anything so I just haven’t got to it (the ADHD doesn’t help lmao)(sorry for the rambling, just jazzed at someone else being into both inuyasha and hellcheer)
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I love that you're a Vixie stan.
I hadn't thought about including her in the Inuyasha AU, but you know what? You've sold it to me. She WILL be Shippo! And just FYI, I would ADORE to read another Hellcheer/Inuyasha AU.
I know this blog has been currently focused on my Hellcheer hyperfocus, but I have an eternal obsession with Inuyasha and you are so fucking welcome to come into my inbox and ramble about either whenever you like!
I can't wait to read yours! (I'm with you on the eternal pile of WIPs and plot bunnies...)
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miraculousfanworks · 1 year
Writer Spotlight: JuliaFC!
This month, we are shining the writer spotlight on…JuliaFC!
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JuliaFC has written many Miraculous fanfictions and participated in many fandom events and zines. Her stories are available on AO3, FFN, and Wattpad. We've interviewed her about hier writing, history, advice, and thoughts about the show! Her responses are located below the cut!
Graphics by Kimo
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1-How long have you been creating in general?
Oh, I have been creating on and off almost all my life. I’m a mature writer, so that means many, many years. I think I wrote my first “novel” when I was 15! That was sometime in the past century ^^; so yes, many years of experience here. I started writing fanfictions when I first discovered InuYasha and Harry Potter in the early 2000s. Then I moved to the UK in 2004 and had a few years of hiatus trying to get back on my feet; I had a family and kids and got back to it when the lockdown hit in 2020.
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2-How long have you been creating for the fandom, and what’s your favorite part of the process?
I started creating for the Miraculous fandom in March 2020, when the lockdown first hit. I love the thrill of a new idea when something in the show makes you think, “What if this and this would happen? How would the characters react?” | call it the “Plot Bunny” because it feels as if it pops out of your head like a bunny and then starts hopping around, causing havoc until you begin writing it. I also love discussing my ideas with my selected group of 6 friends I met through Miraculous. We call ourselves the “Evil Bunnies Landmark” because we bounce ideas at each other and discuss them and get them in the best shape. We exchange Christmas and birthday presents and support each other even for real-life problems.
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3-Has there been anything in particular that influences your style?
Read a lot, especially when I was younger.
Authors like J.M. Auel, Orson Scott Card, Stephen King, and Marion Zimmer Bradley have influenced my writing massively: I’ve read plenty of manuals about creative writing and have taken a degree in English Language With Creative Writing module, so there have been plenty of factors to influence me. I just love writing too much ^_^
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4-Do you have any advice you’d like to give to other creators?
Read read read, write, write, write. Read some more; write some more. Keep going. Find a beta reader to bounce ideas off and correct your writing before it gets published.
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5-How do you think the identity reveal is going to go? Feel free to write something quick if you want to! 
I've written so many identities reveal fics! But in canon…? To be honest, although I hope it will happen this season, I don’t think it will. Because Gabriel Agreste being HawkMoth is the main reason why each time they had revealed, they’d had to forget. I want them to remember the next time they reveal, and the only way to do that is after Gabriel’s dealt with it. Emilie will be much more respectful of Adrien’s privacy and she won’t be HawkMoth! <3
Interested in reading some stories written by JuliaFC? Her works can be found on AO3, FFN, and Wattpad.
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Existing Plot Bunnies | ONE | TWO | THREE
Also, I have a phone mount.
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inukag-on-ao3 · 4 months
by Wenjohn
Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M
Fandoms: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale
Relationships: Higurashi Kagome/InuYasha, Rin/Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), Miroku/Sango (InuYasha)
Characters: InuYasha (InuYasha), Higurashi Kagome, Sango (InuYasha), Higurashi Kagome's Mother, Higurashi Souta, plus 2 more
Additional Tags: None listed
Summary: A series of moments in Inuyasha and Kagome's journey. Primarily of Inuyasha discovering, accepting and then embracing his feelings for Kagome. Will be a mix of long and short chapters, as well as a mix of sweet moments, hurtful moments and smoking hot moments. Also probably not in any order, these are just a lot of little plot bunnies that I really want to get out and this is my favorite ship of al...
Words: 10,133 | Chapters: 3/? | Language: English | Private: No
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floragaleflower · 1 year
Flora's Collection of Body-Swap Plot Bunnies - Chapter 3: Caught by Mother
I'm currently working on the continuation of this little drabble 'fic chapter. I'm going to try to get it posted soon, in the next week if possible. It'll be the fifth chapter of my Body-Swap Plot Bunny Collection.
I also have a few other little plot bunnies that I'm trying to get written down, but so far, no dice. I'll be posting them when I finish writing them out.
Caught by Mother
Beginning Author's Note: A New Year and a new chapter!
I've been wanting to write this scene down ever since November, but I just never got around to it. Life and my grandmother's funeral and my new job got in my way. Well, that and my tendency to just stare at a word document for hours and not actually start writing before I get distracted by something. Then, after a while and a few weeks or months have passed, you start to feel like you have to make some masterpiece to make up for not updating and letting all your readers down. I have another scene stuck in my head, but it may be a little while before I finally get around to actually writing it down. Oh well, that's pretty normal for me. At least I got this written down.
I hope you all like it!
Chapter Summary: Kagome in Inuyasha's body encounters her mother.
Kagome had been sleeping on her bed when she was awoken by the sound of her mother opening the door to her room and entering. Ignoring the noise, she rolled over onto her back in order to go back to sleep.
She heard her mother ask, “Inuyasha?”
Confused, Kagome opened her eyes, looked down at her mother and groggily said, “Mom? Wha… Where’s?” Her mother had this look of confusion on her face that quickly changed to an understanding smile. Kagome wondered why her mother had mentioned Inuyasha, and why she was looking at her like that.
Kagome’s mother walked over towards where she was lying and said, “It’s ok, we all need some quiet and a safe place to relax sometimes. You don’t need to feel bad for falling asleep on her bed.”
Now really confused, Kagome sat up and looked around for Inuyasha. Oh. She suddenly remembered what had happened that afternoon. Her mother was talking to her, thinking that she was Inuyasha.
Kagome sighed. She really didn’t want to deal with this right now. All she wanted to do was rest and de-stress after such a crazy day.
Her mother asked her, “Inuyasha, how’s Kagome doing? She isn’t hurt, is she?”
Internally wincing at the half-truth, Kagome said, “No, she’s fine. She’s on the other side of the well at Kaede’s, probably sleeping.” Her body was at Kaede’s but it was Inuyasha inhabiting it, not her.
Exactly why had she thought that running to her room to sleep on her bed as Inuyasha was a good idea, again?
Whatever, she needed to get out of this conversation and fast. She didn’t think she could keep this ruse going for too much longer. Kagome decided to make a break for the window, knowing that in Inuyasha’s body she could make the jump safely. After all, she’d entered her bedroom that way earlier.
Kagome got up and walked over to the window and began to open it.
Her mother walked closer to her and said, “Inuyasha, you know that you’re always welcome here, right? I won’t turn you away for just being you.”
Kagome paused for a moment, before climbing onto the windowsill and leaping out onto the ground below. Kagome wished that Inuyasha had been the one to hear that. He deserved to hear it, especially considering he really didn’t have that many people willing to see past the demonic exterior to the person underneath.  
Oh well, maybe she could tell him what her mother had said. Hopefully he would believe her. After all, she was in his body, so the way people reacted to her was how they reacted to him.
Ending Author's Note: I hope you all enjoyed what I wrote! I would love to hear what you thought of it!
As I said in the first note, it's been a fully-fledged blot bunny scene that I've had bouncing around in my head for months, so... yeah... Also, a strong theme in this particular scene is acceptance. I feel like Kagome's mother is very accepting of both Kagome and her adventures and Inuyasha and all his idiosyncrasies. Acceptance like that is hard to come by, and should be cherished for the relief and comfort it can bring those who need it. Especially for those who have been hurt for who and what they are, for things that they didn't choose but were born with.
I may end up writing a part two with Inuyasha in it, but that will come at a later date. I'm already trying to work on the FanFic that Chapter 1 - 'Truth of Love Shown Through Time' became.
Here's the link to the Fanfic I first posted this in on AO3!
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raith-way · 2 years
Yesss ask games
For the writing ask game - 4, 7, 37, and 76!
thank you for the ask, hun!! i’m sorry it took me so long and i hope you enjoy these rambling answers!!
4: what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
a plot bunny that i have but that i have never attempted to write? doesn’t exist. if i have thought it, something about it has been written. a plot bunny that i have written but have never thought about posting? that does exist. it’s an anime fic, a crossover of three separate animes actually, with my own world and a plethora of original characters as a starting point. according to my laptop, it was first written in september 2013 and is in serious need of a rewrite. i haven’t touched it and avoid thinking about it because it’s a serious undertaking and i’m sure wouldn’t be read by anyone, but it does occasionally taunt me because i did put in a lot of work for seemingly nothing. the existential dread is real.
7: tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
this is just cruel. do you want the plot of a fanfic created by an 11 year old? too bad, because i can’t remember the plot. just that it was an inuyasha fic, because i was that kid. i know it was a sister fic and had a wolf demon oc. the first fanfic i ever posted? i think it was a super angsty avenged sevenfold fic, back when bandom fics were cool. there’s no answer that i can give that isn’t cringe so thank you for the trip down memory lane.
37: when creating characters, what comes first: appearance, backstory, motivation, personality, something else?
this one is easy and doesn’t hurt my soul!! motivation first, always. once i know what the character is moving towards, i can start to figure everything else out. so motivation first, backstory and personality are created simultaneously, and the appearance is usually shaped by all of the above. there are exceptions, of course, but this is the order i prefer.
76: what is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
despite loving villains, i suck at writing them. seriously. my first somewhat acceptable posted fic had a horrible villain because i focused more on other things. in the years since, i think i’ve realized that the most essential thing to remember is that a villain exists and why that villain exists. just like when creating a character, the motivation is the main thing. without motivation or a goal, a villain is an empty character. i hope that makes sense. because now when i figure out my opposing forces, i build them up the same way i do my main characters. motivation first, and the rest follows.
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neutronstarchild · 1 year
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!) 📡why is writing and sharing your writing important for fandom? 💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Anonfriend thanks for the ask!!!
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
Yeahhhhhhh, I... don't really? Sometimes I message my friends and say WHEE FINISHEDDDD!!! But outside of that, it's usually a quiet affair. I smile and get excited, sometimes even re-read the whole of the thing, but once it's done my brain begs me to go onto the next thing!
📡why is writing and sharing your writing important for fandom?
HM. I think I will go big picture and philosophical for this one. It's because it's how most literature works. We see a thing we like and we riff off of it and make something else, something new. It's why there are so very many Pantheon myths out there, sometimes directly contradicting one another. It's what makes it fun to write. And yes, the information travels faster and the internet makes stories instantaneous, but every author's take on characters we love has the potential to enrich our lives. Be that an AU with a specific kink that is hard to come by or someone taking a deep dive into a side character we never even thought about until that ONE FIC TOUCHED US. It enriches the relationship we have with the original, and has the potential to grow into a whole new and wonderful thing all on its own!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
At this point I swear that I could be asked this question a LOT and still have answers. The plot bunnies have bred in my backyard, and I am still trying to herd them.
For YOI, another, which is from a fic that I'm writing in honor of (and as a belated bday gift for) @bullsfish
“Welcome!” Yuuri was so entranced by the place that he entirely forgot to… pay attention to the people in the place.
Which he really should have.
The sound that came out of Yuuri’s mouth when he met eyes with the person behind the counter, the one who greeted him, was truly embarrassing.Was it the silver hair, with the slightest hint of curl, draping over his eye that did it? Or maybe it was the crystalline blue of eyes the color of tropical waters. His skin looked silk to the touch, with rose-pink lips and cheeks and a button nose dusted with a blush. Yuuri tried (failed) to hold the man’s gaze, because he had the sleeves of his button-down shirt rolled up, revealing muscled arms honed from (probably) kneading dough. God, his chest was broad too, and his neck slender, elegant, as if he was sculpted by the gods themselves. People who looked like this should be illegal.
For Inuyasha (unfortunately I vowed to myself that I would not start another long multichapter fic until I finished my two WIPs)... soooo... The Mahogany Inu.
“Are you certain you know the way?” Kagome asked the wooden Inu in her pocket.
“I am not!” Kikyō’s answer was certainly not the one Kagome had hoped for, but she continued on all the same. “I simply have faith that this is the right way.”
It was not the most reassuring of answers, but so too was this a journey of faith. And thus far, Kagome’s faith in Kikyō had not been misplaced.
The forest grew thicker as they walked, the canopy choking out more and more of the morning light, until an eerie twilight settled in. The deepest forest was another world, in which day and night no longer held.
Thanks again for the ((REAL)) Ask my anonymous friend!
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misteria247 · 3 years
So the other day I'd mentioned that I'd been thinking about different ways I could rewrite Yashahime season one and I'd decided to share some of my plot bunnies with y'all! Feel free to comment if you can think of other things that might work or just ignore this post lol.
Okay so different ways I'd rewrite Yashahime would be these:
I think the first thing I'd work with is the characters, mainly Towa considering how she's got a great start for her character yet she's also just pretty plain compared to the other characters. I'd expand on her personality a bit, make her a little bit more in depth with her pacifism and maybe give her a reason as to why she's so against fighting other than she'd made a promise to Sota. Perhaps an incident that occurred in her childhood, like her accidentally hurting one of the normal people and realizing that she's stronger than the other children. That would be a good start as to why she's so against fighting. Then I'd give her character growth because it's needed for all good characters.
Second the Demon King of the East and his sister and the owl demon as well as Root Head. I'd make them more imitating, a bigger threat if you will. The whole reason that Inuyasha's villain worked so well was because Naraku was terrifying. He was ruthless and cunning and with every single tragedy he'd bring would only fuel the group even more to defeat him.
Third I'd give Hisui and his sisters bigger roles. They're the children of Miroku and Sango and have every right to have bigger roles just as much as Moroha and the twins.
Fourth I'd give Moroha more screentime. Her parents are the reason Yashahime is even a thing she deserves some amount of respect if that makes any sense.
Now onwards to plot.
Fifth I'd make sure that things that are hinted at would actually lead somewhere instead of getting everyone's hopes up. Such as the callbacks to Naraku and Kagura. They'd mean something instead of being little Easter eggs.
Sixth this might make people upset but I'd change the twin's mother only given the fact that Sesshomaru and Rin are seen as a father/daughter relationship in my eyes and given the timeline it'd make more sense if Rin was like an older sister to Towa and Setsuna instead of being a mom to them if that makes sense.
To start off with this know that this is just my personal thoughts and what I'd come up with while thinking and daydreaming so be warned y'all.
Imagine this-
Our story opens up the same way as before, only when Towa goes to the modern era, she somewhat buries her memories of Setsuna and the fire. Since she's only four years old and had just experienced a somewhat traumatic experience it'd make sense that she'd want to forget about it and not want to remember it especially since she gets a family with Sota and his wife and daughter. So Towa grows up, not really remembering the incident yet subconsciously she does. She goes about her life, feeling like something is missing yet not really questioning it too much. Until the moment when the Tree of Ages acts up, bringing Setsuna and Moroha into the modern era.
After their arrival Towa begins to question things like her past and in her confusion she goes to Sota who then tells her what had happened when she was but a toddler. He tells her about the tree and how she'd gotten there, how Sota found her all alone and scared and confused and decided to take her in. While it's no secret that Towa isn't related to Sota the way on how she came to him was. So in an effort to find out who she is and rediscover her past memories she goes with Setsuna and Moroha who much like Towa are also questioning their pasts. As for Setsuna and Moroha how they met would be the same only with them being a little bit more aggressive towards one another given that Setsuna and Hisui are trying to kill her and such. But after fighting side by side with one another they come to a truce of sorts. Once they're back in the feudal era the trio start to go around Japan and doing odd jobs like bounty hunting and demon slaying while they search for answers.
It's during one of these missions that they come across the owl demon and learn about the Rainbow Pearls and the power they possess within them. They also learn that the pearls are connected to their pasts thus giving them a single goal to fight towards and starting their journey. Along the way they're joined by Hisui and his sisters and the little raccoon demon with Kirra. Kohaku and Lady Kaede are the watchful eyes who help them whenever they need it. As the group continue on their journey they begin to uncover things. Such as the Demon King of the East and his sister, Riku and a few other things. The group also begin to realize that something isn't right, some of their memories along with many others appear......altered. Almost as if someone had erased entire parts of them. This just makes the group even more determined to figure out what's going on and as they do this they find out about their parents and several other things that they'd forgotten.
That's about as far as I got while thinking about this. It's kinda vague and I apologize for this given the fact that it's easier to say it via in real life or in my thoughts. But yeah if a bit cleaned up it might just work but then again it might not, I'm not good with this stuff. Anyways hope y'all enjoyed a few of these plot bunnies! Thanks for reading!
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