uroborosymphony · 4 months
   Love of my Life,
   2024, February 14th. Unsent letter to Taiyang Tseng.
Obsession. I'm obsessed with you. With the sound of your voice in my ear, my name rolling on your tongue, your touch down my back and loins, I feel you, deep, carved under my skin. You are my sun. Through years of a past of misery, of struggle and pain, you are my light. And I remember these hopeless nights begging for Gods to see me and they did, they made us find each other.
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But now, she wants you, too. She is the eye watching me from the inside, the voice that gets louder than yours in the night. The things she says to me are so unbearable to the human soul, I cannot allow myself to share them with you. I'm haunted, Taiyang. By this monster of another Me that has been birthed from the deaths of my pasts and untold secrets. She makes me lie to you, every time I lay down by your side, everytime I look at you in the eye, you, the man who I promised my life, my core, my thoughts and my hearts to, she tells me Not to say anything about what we did, she tells me you wouldn't understand, she tells me you will leave us.
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I don't remember exactly what she did. What I did - what we did. I simply know we're responsible of it. My nightmares and many realities are blending, hallucinations of scenes and demonic theaters I cannot write myself out of anymore. I stand on this stage, alone and she, becomes my shadow at first, my puppeteer at last. We watched the building burst into flames as we were laughing Oh we were laughing in ways we never laughed before, her and I, in ways I could feel my inside shaping, morphing, turning into something I couldn't recognize anymore . And then I cried, I cried for not knowing where I was, how I ended up here, not knowing why my hands were covering in all this blood and gasoline. It used to be games, with you by my side, my hair in the wind as the car was running, setting us free in the heart of the city. I am a prisoner now, a prisoner of these voices inside my head who tells me it's my Duty to kill.
I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you.
Sun to my Moon. Joker to my Quinn. Clyde to my Bonnie.
I would kill for you. I would let the blood pour and pour until there is nothing left but you and I. Will she take you away from me? Will she burn everything around me for me to end up as alone as we have always been?
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My mother once told me, You are a malediction, Ara. Jung women do not deserve happiness, Jung women are toxic, Jung women are poison. I see it now, us, Jung women are meant to this suffering she saw her own mother perish of. The white of the walls is hard for me to stand whenever I go to see her. I cannot bear the eyes she lays on me : I am her, her from a past - she wishes she could beat me up until she breaks skin for not fixing her the way she wished I could, when she gave birth to me. I cannot bear the eyes I lay on her either, she is me, a future I cannot escape : damned, locked.
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I am losing my mind. I know I am. And I will spiral and spiral indefinitely, I will let it happen, I will let it take me whole. I used not to be scared, with your arms around me, your soul within mine, I used to be fearless. Am I still? Knowing the clock is ticking, knowing the end is coming.
She must kill them all, my Love, else I will never be free.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Unsent letter to @velvetineblue. From Ara.
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aroacechillzone · 4 months
pros of writing fanfic with aro themes: spreading the aromantic swag agenda, connecting with other aros in the fandom
cons of writing fanfic with aro themes: sometimes allos miss the entire point and comment the weirdest shit ever
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mintytealfox · 4 months
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when you test drive a valentine's joke on the wrong person
needless to say, Norton ends up not sharing the joke with Alice and just gives her a flower instead -WHEEZE- (and still doesn't understand why Orpheus whacked him PFFF)
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absurdumsid · 3 months
yall im sobbing ?? a girl asked me out to prom but i alr asked my crush please what the fuck wha thwyagbdbfnd
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agalnamedlunasea · 1 year
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💌Love Letters💌
Agapanthus symbolize love letters in traditional flower language. I wonder what secrets are in those letters..?
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sirompp · 1 year
im… AROMANTIC!!!!!!! *my telekinesis throws everything around the room*
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maddisandy · 4 months
i think the most sentimental gifts we receive are jewelry. it doesn't have to be fancy, it can be some yarn and even a couple beads tied together to fit our wrist. but it's what's most important. it's a show of pride; this was given to me by someone i love. this is a signifier of who i love. i am wearing them with me at all times. bracelets, earings, necklaces, rings. the stories they can hold, the superstitions and folktales in the symbolism of a bracelet, or a ring. it doesn't have to be diamonds and pearls, just to wear something, to show off to the world, something from someone we care about so much. it's our favorite display of love.
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ghostly-kal · 4 months
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Sharing this here because im super proud of how it's coming out however my bf is mean and doesn't want me to spoil the surprise for him
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sentofight · 3 months
the entire dorm was fragrant with the sweet smells of baked goods ! one could even catch a whiff outside the building even ! a joint venture from the second year girls( yukari, fuuka, & the ever excited for any group activity; minako herself ! ) who had completely bogarted the kitchen completely for the day. the trio deciding it would be far more effective, && cheaper, to simply make all the confections they needed for valentine's day--- though it seemed as if they really just had the boys of the dorm to give any to, the rest no doubt going to themselves. a proper way to rev up galentine's day for sure !
of course, that didn't mean that there wasn't any care into those sweets that were going to their male companions. juggling fixing the various mistakes caused by fuuka, minako had taken a specific venture to make a separate set of cookies for her senpai specifically. remembering a passing comment once before that he wasn't the biggest fan of sweets, aiming to make something quasi on theme with chocolate but not so sugary that it would be a pain & a half for him. so after flipping through quite a bit of various recipes in books at the library & quite a few online on the dorm computer--- she had settled on madeleines ! the lot were more like small cakes anyways but easier to eat.
&& with that in mind she'd made sure to make the madeleines herself, little cookie sized cakes that were shaped not in their traditional shell appearance but that of a heart in honor of the holiday. of course being heart shaped was no doubt expected from the bright fool, after all she loved her senpai ! she loved junpei, she loved yukari & fuuka & everyone at the dorm ! all her friends held her heart so why shouldn't she treat them with cute little heart shaped treats ! valentine's day is about love in all it's forms ! delighted to see the batch come fresh out of the oven almost perfect, the lot was half dipped within some semisweet chocolate. half were left to dry, while half were then sprinkled with some nuts for garnish, stuck neatly( as she very, VERY meticulously made sure the pieces laid juuuuust right ) within the chocolate. the other half were then separated once more & that half got a different garnish of white chocolate lines piped thinly for decor.
once done, the madelines were gathered & wrapped up within a cute handkerchief & tied with a ribbon to be put aside so it didn't get mixed up with the other goods & sweets. everything was to be made ahead of time so that early on february fourteenth the girls rushed downstairs & put out all the various chocolates & baked goods upon the grand table within the dinning area in the lounge for everyone to partake in all day ! specific boxes from each of the girls had been placed with everyone's names upon them, each having small bits of fudge or chocolates with silly messages or drawings.
the little bundle of madelines sat upon the boxes from fuuka & yukari, but minako's gift came with a little note rather than just a name of which said:
for senpai, who is very sweet but doesn't like things that are super sweet. - arisato p.s; you have to get all of us white day gifts now haha !
The kitchen was off-limits--a war zone, none of the boys dared to step outside of the rooms, heck some decided to spend their time outside of the dorm fearing for their lives. For Akihiko, he would hate to be locked in his room for hours, so he opt to go and train. It would be a good use of his time instead of holing himself up in his room.
Akihiko went on his usual jog, met some school mates on his way, and even club mates who share similar training regimen. Hagakure visit is a must, too after a long jog.
Junpei had texted him saying that the girls had finished their culinary crimes and he can get back home. It was not like left because of them so he decided to stick around and pay a visit to Officer Kurosawa.
The golden boy was not dense as to what this day hold in meaning. He just rather feign ignorance which can help him avoid unnecessary situations. The girls in the dorm were probably make gifts--chocolate ones for the people they like? Well, he get that it is not necessarily for people you 'love' since he got some chocolates from his foster mother early this morning. How kind of her ... which is another reason he cannot fail on his mission. He is Sanada's soul now.
Going back to the dorm after bidding goodbye to officer Kurosawa, he hoped at least that someone took care of what Fuuka had ... concocted. Whoever the poor fellow will get her mystery food x, may their soul rest in pieces--peace.
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The smell is enough to knock someone out with diabetes. Geez, what were they doing? "I'm back," he said swinging the door open. Seems like there were no one in the lounge. "Hm... " he walked toward the dining table where boxes of different red gradient color were placed. "Did they make all of these? Cool." eyes quickly lays on the ones marked for him. "Huh? Me?" he raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"I see. They made for all of us, huh. Well, if we all get knocked out, who is going to save us? Sigh..." what a predicament. Declining a girl's gift is like ... opening gates of hell upon yourself. He'd fight shadows day and night than being placed in a situation like this.
Thinking ...
"Doubt anything in here can kill Junpei, so we might as well have a fighting chance." pure logic, ladies and gentlemen.
"Besides, Mitsuru will do something ... I think," unless she rather see them willow in pain .... she wouldn't, would she? Sigh ...
"Argh, dang it. If it does not kill me, at least it might make me stronger," perhaps. He picked the first thing on top which was the bundle. Something was obvious that it was from leader--just the careful details yells it is Arisato. Always looking out for everyone.
"Let's see... madeleines?" His first impression was a cake or chocolate something. This was not a bad choice in all honesty. Creative and different. To be honest, he could use a little bit more sugar today after his workout but hey, these go well for breaks between studying and training in his room. Definitely, a thoughtful gift.
He picked his share and climbed up to his room to try them out. Arisato's madeleines were chef kiss. All that home economics classes seem to have paid off, huh. Hopefully, the same goes for Fuuka's stuff--and Yukari's.
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A smile curled his lips upon seeing the note. Yep, that's their leader. "I do like sweet things, though. Some sweet things." he do indulge in some sweet fries from time to times. They keep the kid in his heart alive. Oh, and pancakes. Pancakes are good.
"White day gifts, huh... Geez, now that's a hard thing to do. I have to think about it from now." he placed the note on his desk to be a reminder for him to not forget about his new obligatory gifts haha. God help him to pick something back for the girls.
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valentine's day | i still accept them if u send them ~ | @foolshoujo
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sunarctus · 1 year
Me looking at the cod mw2 fandom still going strong:
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trans-estinien · 1 year
Not a Valentine's Day lover not a Valentine's Day hater but a secret, third thing (indifferent)
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happy birthday lovecore
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lovecrazedpup · 5 months
valentines ,,,,,
#in 2 weeks !! i need to think of smth#idk#i wish i could buy him flowers or something lol i fucking hate ldr and having to keep us a secret#like even some chocolates ! or a game !! or even like a meal or something that he can pick up idk#i wanna physically give something bc i suck at Non Physical things#im going to cry honestly i just kinda wanna make him happy#idk if he actually loves me . is valentines too serious for us ? will it remind him of her maybe ??#what if they did something ://#i dont wanna fuck anything up hhhhhh#i mean he hasnt told me anything abt her and valentines day so like#maybe ?? its ok ?#idk . what would i even do#this sucks i wish i could go inside his brain and just know what hes thinking#tbh he probably hasnt realised valentines day is coming up so he probably doesnt rlly care lol#i just wanna be cute and sweet and stuff idk#this is all so stressful :/ probably not even worth lmao#i think she genuinely ruined him and his perception of love . i wouldnt be that surprised if he hates that day#ok but what if i can change that ….. and what if hes looking forward to it#is letting him down better than bringing up painful past memories of his ex ?? PROBABLY !!#so nvm i think ill just like . day dream instead maybe#if he like . talks abt it or asks !! yay#if he doesnt - well i know for future he doesnt wanna do any of it#i hate not being his first everything this is so unfair :)#i wish i could experience us both being the same age and being each others firsts#sigh#ill day dream abt it maybe lol#this was meant to be a cute vent thingy but i Guess Not haha#oh well !!!!#jamie.txt
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yamujiburo · 4 months
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ive been leaving my girlfriend pokemon post-its leading up to valentines day heehee. she surprised me with this one the other yesterday
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luna0713hunter · 4 months
Sukuna hates Valentine's day.
The whole idea of this day is idiotic to him;its just like any other day. Why would people bother to go out of their way and make it into something special?
So when you shove a small,pink,box of chocolate in his face,he cant control the surprise noise that escapes him.
"what the-"
"its Valentine's day,Ryo!" You say happily, throwing yourself in his lap. "We should celebrate!!!"
Sukuna examines the small box in his hand;its nothing out of ordinary. Just a simple heart shaped pink box with a crooked red bow on top. He sighs and turns his attention towards you.
"and why would i do that?"
You grin,and bat your lashes at him.
"cause you love me?"
Sukuna sighs again.
"do i?"
And Sukuna wants to curse everyone in the world,when his heart flutters in his chest at your silly little smile.
And gods above,its truly troublesome how much you know him.
Because,yes. For you,Sukuna would pull out his heart and offer it to you on a silver plate.
For you,Sukuna would gladly burn the world.
He sighs.
For you,he can spend a sickly sweet day celebrating "love" with an unnecessary amount of chocolate,roses and balloons.
"let's go."
You give him a confused look when he pulls you to your feet.
He glances at you and clears his throat.
"to get you some flower."
And he fights down his smile,hard,when you let out a victorious squeal.
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