#Iconic chaotic kings
threestarsinline · 1 year
Bruno and Kamran: They put on caps to go unnoticed in Ms Marvel’s last episode
Me: Ah, yes, the classical Marvel disguise
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critterofthenight · 1 year
James and Meredith: *passionately kissing at the rehearsal as Edmund and Goneril*
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sakurango · 1 year
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wigglys-dikrats · 1 year
happy three year anniversary to the greatest thing jeff blim has ever said
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101flavoursofweird · 1 year
Heads Up 7 Up
Tagged by @samcybercat to share the last seven sentences from my current WIP. (Thank you!)
I’ll tag: @multiversal-madness, @lutiaskokopelli, @asa-liz, @skullmuffet and anyone else who wants to do this, please go ahead.
I’ve got some prompt requests to work on first (Thank you for them!), but in honour of the PL Ultimate Queer Icon competition, I’m going to write some Melina Whistler propaganda. Poor Janice was knocked out of the running at Round 1 but Melina made it to Round 2, so here’s a snippet from the ‘Jalina Happy Ending AU’ as promised. If the eternal sapphic queen makes it to the next round, I’ll include the wedding:
Maybe it’s a miracle. Maybe the air on the island has worked its magic. Maybe Melina really is descended from the Ambrosian queen— as Doctor Foster theorised—  but Melina won’t share the same fate as her.
Melina takes another breath and her eyes drift open. 
Her father has turned away from the bed. Janice is still sobbing beside her, clutching Melina’s hand. 
Melina squeezes her hand in return. 
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dead-end-street · 5 months
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youremyheaven · 10 months
vedic astrology observations
in my previous post, i had observed how pisces rashi and bharani nakshatra gives a native immense acting ability, here i'll provide more examples!!
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the legendary indian actor, dev anand was revati moon
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ewan mcgregor has UBP sun
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James McAvoy has UBP mercury and venus with mars in revati
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Anya Taylor-Joy has either UBP/Revati moon and most likely UBP/Revati rising she also has mars and ketu in Revati
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Jessica Chastain has UBP sun with mercury and venus in Revati (amatyakaraka and atmakaraka respectively)
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michael fassbender has Revati sun and venus
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daniel day lewis is a bharani stellium (sun, mercury and venus)
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humphrey bogart was a bharani ascendant
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3 time Oscar winner, Frances McDormand is bharani moon and ketu
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8 time nominee and 2 time Oscar winner, Cate Blanchett is bharani ascendant and has venus in Revati
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Joaquin Phoenix, the absolute GOAT has UBP moon
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Cillian Murphy has Jupiter in Bharani atmakaraka and Ketu in Bharani as well (they're conjunct)
2. expanding on my previous observation as to how many Punarvasu & Pushya women play mistresses/home wreckers or are involved in such dynamics in real life, here are a few more examples;
Revati & Rohini are two other nakshatras that crop up often
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Marion Cotillard played Pablo Picasso's mistress in the movie Midnight in Paris. in real life, she was accused of having an affair with Brad Pitt when he was married to Angelina Jolie (this is a speculation). She has Pushya moon conjunct Saturn and Jupiter in Revati as her atmakaraka
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Dorothy Dandridge's best known role is that of a seductress and here, in Tamango she plays the mistress of a naval captain. She was Punarvasu moon and Pushya rising
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Anouk Aimee often played vamps/seductresses and in one of her most iconic roles in La Dolce Vita, she played the mistress. She has Revati mercury conjunct mars (her amatyakaraka) She was also rumoured to have had affairs with manyyy people including JFK
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Carla Bruni (yes, the woman whose face Bella Hadid stole) has a very chaotic romantic life. She was in a relationship with Raphael Enthoven and was formerly his father's mistress 💀She is Punarvasu rising
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Lou Andreas-Salome was a psychoanalyst, essayist and intellectual. She was muse and lover to some of the greatest European minds of her time (and all time) including Freud, Nietzsche and Rainier Maria Rilke; these men were absolutely obsessed with her and she was a major influence on their work. She has Ketu in Punarvasu
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Wallis Simpson, the woman for whom King Edward abdicated his throne, thereby forever changing the course of history was still married to her second husband when she met Edward. She has Mars in Revati as her atmakaraka and Jupiter in Pushya (exalted)
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Meghan Markle, the woman for whom Prince Harry left the royal family is Punarvasu rising. She has mercury conjunct rahu in Pushya
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Eartha Kitt, the complete siren & seductress, who had affairs with Orson Welles, Paul Newman & James Dean and many other businessmen and heirs was a Punarvasu moon. She was a dark skinned mixed race woman who had established herself as a sex kitten in 50s & 60s America after having grown up in abject poverty; she did something that was impossible and then took it to a new extreme and became the nation's obsession
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Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy was muse to Calvin Klein & Ralph Lauren and met her future husband JFK Junior when he was still dating actress Daryl Hannah (unsure if they began dating at this time). Their marriage was short lived as they both tragically passed away in a plane crash in 1999. She is remembered for her timeless style. She was Punarvasu moon.
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Asia Argento played the titular mistress in the movie The Last Mistress, she has Jupiter in Revati atmakaraka and Saturn in Pushya darakaraka
3. I had previously observed how moon ruled/jupiter dominant/cancerian girlies tend to have a large chest 👀
now ill talk about what placements give men a naturally wide, broad, big, buff and bulky frame and body😌😋
men who have prominent Mars/Jupiter/Cancer placements are naturally big, buff and bulky and have wider frames 😌 another important factor is the involvement of a large yoni animal (buffalo yoni, elephant yoni & cow yoni imo)
Hasta & Swati have buffalo yoni
Revati & Bharani have elephant yoni
UBP & Uttaraphalguni have cow yoni
(others have already discussed how our yoni animal influences our appearance so i wont go into that; just know this much, the bigger the yoni animal, the bigger the guy)
i did not mention Mars in my post about voluptuous women because Mars influence gives a big, broad frame and does not really guarantee big breasts or curves (unless affected by other placements) so its very yang in nature
(obviously other placements will also impact a native's appearance and you can look like this and not have these placements as well!!)
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let's start with the legend himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger. he has Pushya sun, Punarvasu stellium (mercury, venus and rising) you can say its the steroids making him look this way (im sure they were involved in his Mr World era) but the man is in his 70s and he's a tall, broad shouldered bulky guy😌so go argue with the wall
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Sylvester Stallone is Punarvasu sun and Saturn in Pushya darakaraka. He has Chitra moon conjunct Jupiter
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Vin Diesel is Punarvasu sun and mars in Chitra. He has Ketu conjunct Swati ascendant
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Dwayne Johnson has Chitra rising with venus & mars in Mrigashira, saturn in Rohini and ketu in Pushya
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Jean Claude Von Damme has Chitra sun & rising, Uttaraphalguni moon, mercury (atmakaraka) and venus in Vishaka
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Steve Howey, Punarvasu sun amatyakaraka, jupiter in Mrigashira atmakaraka, ketu in Revati and mercury in Pushya
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Jason Statham, Pushya sun UBP moon Punarvasu mercury atmakaraka, mars conjunct ketu in Swati, saturn in Revati
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Namjoon aka Father of Kpop has Mars in Punarvasu as his amatyakaraka and tropically most likely has Moon in 1h. Anyone who has seen those tiddies knows there is an undeniable cancer influence at play 😋🤭 He has mercury in Hasta, venus & jupiter in Swati and Ketu in Bharani 😋😋
tumblr only allows 30 images per post so look out for part 2 <333
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doodlebat33 · 8 months
get this what if. The reader was matched his energy. They’re like the most iconic duo on earth but they also contrast perfectly. It’s like a balance. Reader knows when to get serious and knows exactly what to say and do for monkey king(can be like comfort or to hype him up, etc) do you know what I mean? I just thought it would be a cool thing😭
Ooo ok, I think I understand. So this dynamic being that y/n is the calm and collected type and monkey king is very chaotic? If so, I can definitely see that
Monkey King can definitely get in over his head when it comes to certain things and y/n keeps him grounded if things get too out of hand. For example:
Monkey King is going off on some rant about a demon he just took care of and how they were insulting him and the likes. He was getting so over worked, pacing back and fourth that his eyes start turning black
"Who's does that guy think he is?! Did he even know who he was dealing with?!'
Y/n sighs and walks over to him
"Well lucky for him, I let him off easy! If I see him again I'm gonna-!"
He stops mid sentence when he feels y/n gently hold his face and turn it towards them. His eyes shift back to normal as he looks into Y/n's soft and patient gaze. Y/n softly strokes his cheek with their thumbs and Monkey King's eyes flutter close as he leans into their touch. A wobbly love struck smile grows on his face as subtle purr lingers in his throat. He mumbles
"Thanks.... I needed that..."
Monkey king x reader Masterpost
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vsyrworld · 6 months
get to know my favorite driver's ship
this was made by me and for me and i wrote fanfic about them!!!
(fyi; i started watching f1 in 2015 so ofc you guys KNOW what my FIRST and ULTIMATE ship)
(older f1 ships: )
Brocedes :D (childhood friends, teammates, rivals, anything but a lover - crofty 2021)
OH COME ON. I will write an essay about their history. BUT ANYWAY, despite their toxic year in 2015/2016, I still adore how young nico and lewis friendship or whatever they had in Greece back then and I still keep this ship alive until the 2021 season. Their battle on the track was BEYOND TOXIC, yet their battle off the track (media drama) is HILLAARIOUS. How come Lewis accidentally spills out, the name that shouldn't be spoken for Half of DECADE. God both of them are dramas king. NICO PODCAST omg the talk with Alain prost and they compared his vs Senna battle with HIS AND Lewis's battle PLUS when Nico's storytelling his "friendship" history in ITALY at the SPONSOR EVENTS *CRIED* and lewis always mentioned how he loves ice cream and do cheating day in imola and monza BECAUSE IT WAS NICO WHO INTRODUCE THE FOOD THERE. ugh I hate and love them at the same time. (I do include some Seb/NICO too because I like see Lewis getting rilled up)
2. Kimi and Seb (I ADORE THIS A LOT)
my calm and serenity wise iconic ferrari couple. I feel like Kimi was the rock ice and water for Seb to prevent him from burnout because of ferrari. during 2017-2018, Seb pushed hard (same like Charles) and yet the car reliability fuck his championship standing. and kimi (--kimi was the last ferrari champion hiks) kimi just so attentive to seb and I genuinely like both of them being rebels to whole ferrari tradition (like they don't do rollercoaster thingy, they DON'T master Italian, they just become their self and being so comfortable in their own bubble, fuck world). I had noticed also Seb (and Gio) is the only teammate that can make Kimi laugh. I just super super adore them!
ugh should I explain them? THE CHAOTIC GAYEST ENERGY IN WHOLEEE 2016 GRIDS COME ON. I love how Daniel basically took young rookie Max under his arm and just had fun on and off the track with It? The biggest flop was when Max was just so hotheaded and they crashed in Baku. I thought their relationship gonna be stranded but GUESS WHAT? MAXIEL IS STILL ALIVE UNTIL NOW HELLO? and their relationship is so real not only for the camera but also out the camera. The other highlight moment is when Max is already 'too big' daniel really steps down from RBR because he knows, Max will outshine him, and he knows (what he learned from brocedes too) that it's better to go the other way.
4. Dando (COMFORT SHIIP Not romantically also)
I thought daniel was max soulmate but LANDO excuse me? They can share daniel If they want. i just love how lando becomes so silly and blushes like school teenager around Daniel. i love how they INFLUENCE each other. I think because I feel nostalgic with them because they really similar with Maxiel in 2017 era, just one season before Daniel goes to renault, Maxiel was strained on thin paper. Dando other hands, well Daniel mostly, struggled in McLaren (with the papaya fans also still adore Carlos that time and refuse to let go him) plus Lando was shining bright just like Max 2016. Again, daniel he stepped OUT (this time). I guess, that similarity made me miss maxiel too.
5. last one C2 (Charlos) gosh, please!! ultimate!!!
loving and adoring them was expected though. It wasn't because they're both handsome (I already know Carlos was goofy ever since his Renault era so I never consider him as a handsome man) BUT DANG BOY, RED ON CARLOS WAS SOMETHING ELSE? RED ON CARLOS, BLACK ON CARLOS WAS SAKDAJSKDFHLKJSAFHKJAF.
-- okay back to the c2. It was a slow build okay? I realized that they are special during Carlos's first podium, Monaco 2021. Charles WAS LIKE ME. Blushing giggling, shy gazes toward Carlos. they are so endearing. Both of them are the victims of the Ferrari team. But I think they both understand each burden (Charles being the predestinated one, and Carlos had to prove his talent bcs he is a two times world champion son) plus, the way Ferrari screwed Charles in 2019. The team was cracked but with Carlos, I didn't expect this cursed team is heal :"D (Crying) and Charles become more relaxed, more enjoyed, even his coping mechanism is with laughter and Carlos just matches his energy. Idk , they gave me... a relationship through ups and downs.
and I realized there are so many people trying to pit them against each other, their fans are constantly arguing about who is the best and better driver, always dragging one of them down, but guess what is Carlos and Charles's response? it's completely differs from real life. They knew and fucking see it their fans tension. Carlos's anger to the Spanish media has already proven enough he had enough of these things. Charles also said in an interview that "what he saw about him and Carlos is nowhere true". they are the best PR relationship couple out there, but I also can see a genuine, how they know each other so weell. How Charles kept the football game updated just because of Carlos, how Carlos knows his favorite food, how they had their own internal jokes,
they are both soo lowkey on the camera during and outside the race. and I think that Is why people never hype them like carlando or everyone's favorite childhood rival to lovers lesttapen. And I thought they didn't really hang out with each other that much but WHAT WAS THAT SUMMER BREAK? HUH? YOU IN MALORCA AND WENT TO SOUTHERN FRENCH? What were the matching Instagram feeds color and aesthetic at New York? WHAT WAS THE THING ABOUT PASTA CARBONARA UN LUNGA NON PENNE? WHAT WAS THAT THING CHARLES SLEPT ON THE FLOOR just to accompany Carlos watching World Cup? The dolomites? The Sardinia?
there are soo many thing that they keep it so low-profile and under camera, and yet their conversation is so domestic.
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9800sblog · 1 year
Pick A Card tarot reading - which Britney Spears musical era are you? 🤔
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from ...Baby One More Time to Hold Me Closer, which one of the icon's released albums fit best with you at the moment? let's ask tarot and find out, what is the soundtrack of your life?
this was @saturnsbabe69 request! ;)
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pick one tarot card from my very low budget montage (britney pictures simply fillers).
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from left to right, north to south:
Pile 1 strength, Pile 2 hanged man, Pile 3 hermit, Pile 4 king of pentacles, Pile 5 6 of cups, Pile 6 7 of pentacles, Pile 7 judgement, Pile 8 the world, Pile 9 3 of pentacles, Pile 10 6 of wands.
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-> pile 1
...Baby One More Time (1999)
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you're all about soft power! the most important thing in your life is probably your friends, you'd do anything for those you choose to keep in your life and you love going out with them during summer, but you also love getting away from the center of attention to restore your peace, you're quite introspective. right now, you might be living the consequences from your actions, you've accepted it but you're still in suffering - you might have neglected a situation/person in your life or smother it/them out of desperation and now it's gone. you know the pain is temporary and you turn that pain into some beautiful thoughts, your perspective on life might be tinted but it's still somehow bright and beautiful. you might be going through a coming of age experience. you have the spirit of a leader and an ace, you know how to bring everyone together, yet you feel alone, you're looking for someone to be that person for you too, you might have many friends, but you want that special love ^^ your personality is big and people naturally gravitate towards you, you feel loved and loving, you feel you have so much and you just wanna give back to others, you're a really caring, sensitive individual, who uses rational thinking to protect yourself. main character energy.
your theme song:
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-> pile 2
Femme Fatale (2011), S&M (Remix) (2011), B In The Mix, The Remixes Vol 2 (2011)
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you're comfortable in discomfort, you dance while the world ends, you're both the parent friend and the party friend. you're unafraid and experienced and you have no time to waste on things that don't matter, the world is such an oppressive mess and you think there's no reason why you should let that take part in your chill time. you're someone that doesn't care about romance and you wanna have fun as much as you can, for as long as you can, the only time is now, you live in the present. you're the life of the party but when it's time for business, you take it seriously. you might have some anarchist ideologies, you seem to believe the socioeconomic systems of your modern world steals you of your personal power and ability to be a human, you call for a social awakening and you think there's no pretty way to do it - that might just mean "work is hard so I'm gonna party even harder" - you think being selfish (not self-centered) and not thinking about the future is part of self care. this era was the time when the popular belief was the world would end in 2012, people wanted to enjoy their lives as much as possible.
your theme song:
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-> pile 3
Blackout (2007), Britney & Kevin: Chaotic DVD Bonus Audio (2005)
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you're super introspective and private, you don't necessarily hide anything, but youre complicated, one would have to pay close attention and take their time to connect the dots and understand your entire vibe. some may think you put yourself in an unnecessarily unfortunate situation, like you have everything to go anywhere you want, but you just stay stuck; others think you are stuck, but you don't realize it, that you think you're powerful, but you're actually childish and delusional; the truth, however, is that you're in a moment of analysis to come up with the best plan before making bigger decisions, you like to wait for the most favorable time to take action. you might not have many friends, but those few close relationships fulfill you more than anything else ever could, they take over your entire heart. your heart is your biggest treasure and is the basis for all your decisions, you've been hurt and lied to in ways that has changed your entire worldview, so you're extra careful now and you may act in ways that others don't understand, you might feel like you're lying to yourself and others too. but you stay true to yourself no matter what, you might have very strong spiritual beliefs that keep you grounded and looking forward to the future, you know that limbo and pain are temporary and you're sure of your capacity to survive them, no matter that anyone says.
your theme song:
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-> pile 4
Oops!... I Did It Again (2000), My Only Wish (This Year) (2000)
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it's your world and we're just living in it, you feel like your life is a spectacle for people to watch and you have to be on your best behavior at all times. you prefer actions over words, you think people should act on their thoughts and feelings, instead of hiding them, so you worry and ponder a lot about yours. you are great at public speaking because you know how to manipulate reality into your ideals, almost like you have double personality; you've got many people to support you and put you back on the line if you stray from it. you like the feeling of nostalgia, you might think there's no reason to say absolute goodbye to your childhood, that might translate in the way you talk or dress, you're not childish tho, but you like that playful innocence sometimes, it can feel refreshing since you feel like people expect too much from you that you don't even understand. you think other people talk too much about things they don't know and you think it sucks that you still need to find a way to please them somehow, you wish the world was just you and your people.
your theme song:
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-> pile 5
Britney (2001)
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you're a walking contradiction! you're probably such a hipster!! >:) you love music that is older than you, you care so much what others think of you but you pretend it doesn't bother you at all, and you're very spiritual, but you have your yin/yang energies out of balance. you approach life as if you're stuck, but you know it's a temporary and natural situation, you need to go through that to become stronger, but you still mourn the fact that you can't do anything at this time, it's like having to exercise on a beautiful, sunny day. you're a creative soul but you don't use that creativity to deal with emotions, you wanna get things done, you're more comfortable and productive on a yang energy/way of approaching the world, you wanna be seen as a king, but not a queen (roles and responsibilities). you want everything and then some, you might like to use your material abilities to allow yourself to have many options. you probably have a superiority complex, fucking hipsters 🙄...... you remind me of lorelai gilmore! ;)
your theme song:
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-> pile 6
Glory (2020)
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you're the goat. you've worked really hard to reap the fruits of your labor, now you deserve to settle down. you dream of a knight in shiny armor - romantically or not, you want someone to take the time to see you in your most human form, you want to bare your soul, to show your dark and lonely side. you might relate to the saying that "it's lonely at the top", you might have everything you wanted, except for this one thing that is out of reach and that might be community, you seem to lack that sense of intimate and close relationships. you're really satisfied with life, you're happy and fulfilled, you have more than you need, there's just this one thing you think "damn, wish I could tap that".
your theme song:
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-> pile 7
Britney Jean (2013), Ooh La La (2013), Bangerz (2013), Pretty Girls (2015), The Essential Britney Spears (2013)
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you go with the flow and it takes you far. you might have recently ended a very important connection in your life because of sneaky actions and lies. you need no patience anymore, you've done your job, you feel comfortable in yourself, knowing you're not the problem. you think you'd be better if somebody more experienced would show you the way through life, specially if they're a spiritual guide (might be tarot). you wanna be that guide too, you like to share the things you learned with those around you. you think you can't control anything or anyone, except for yourself and you don't try, whatever happens, happens. you might believe in destiny, afterlife, God's plan, free will or karma.
your theme song:
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-> pile 8
Circus (2008), The Singles Collection (2009)
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you're a god of yourself and your own world, you're on a league of your own, there's no one quite like you, a trendsetter, others may try to copy but they could never get to be as iconic as you. you've been through some really difficult, overwhelming, surreal times, the way you deal with your demons is even more surreal, you're a boss, I lack words to describe how amazing you are. you understand the importance of family and friendships, you put those above any material matters, you're very nurturing, dedicated and you expect the same in return. you are protective of yourself and those close to you and you're ready to fight anyone that disrupts your peace. your grandness transpires into the little things you do, your confidence and amazing, outstanding personality traits shows in your everyday life, even when it's not your best work, it's still better than average. you might lack imagination (or creative control in your work), you like to keep low expectations, you're not used to things going well for you. you are an angel tho.
your theme song:
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-> pile 9
In The Zone (2003) + DVD Bonus (2004), Greatest Hits: My Prerogative (2004), B In The Mix, The Remixes (2005)
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you're all about big businesses. you think a lot about the circle of life, you're open to the guidance of those at the top of the hierarchy and you help those who are lower than you, you think people should help people. you don't wanna change anyone, you just wanna do your thing while other people do their thing. you are incredibly magnetic and you might use human instincts to get things done, pretty privilege being an example. there's a feeling of you coming out of the dead, you might have waited a long time for something that you have finally accomplished and you feel like royalty. this is the biggest time of your life (so far), you have that x factor, you're at the top, you wanna enjoy all of life's big and little pleasures and you have the freedom to do so.
your theme song:
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-> pile 10
Hold Me Closer (2021), Toxic Pony (2022), ELVIS (2023)
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you're a community person, it's people that build you up, you're likely an extrovert that loves to dance, party and travel with friends, you see nobody above nobody - if it was up to you, social hierarchies would be gone completely. this might not be the best time of your life, but you're incredibly hopeful because this moment in the present feels so otherworldly amazing. you feel as one with your environment, connected with everything and everyone. you feel safe to follow your heart because you have people to help you build your stability, you feel like there isn't one ruler above all - you might have recently broken up a deal with quite an important figure in your life, but it only broadened your horizons, like they were a lunar eclipse and you, the sun. your heart is strong and beating faster than ever! oh you're a big deal! super humble but hey you can totally brag!
your theme song:
i love britney spears
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lisaas2418 · 5 months
So what does the great 7 think of the overblot's parents? I can wait to see the Queen of Hearts using her iconic quote to Riddle's mom, Ursula and Queen Grimhilde being proud that Azul's and Vil's have great parents, Hades being confused on how his parents are like compare to what he imagine (before their debut, the fandom assume they are neglectful and not caring given they didnt appear in the flashback) that but male sense where the shroud brothers' personality, Jafar scolding Jamil's parents for lowering his potential, Maleficent feeling bad about his dead parent(s?) (Assume if you heard the theory about it), and not sure about Leona unless replace his parents with Farena. Leona doesn't talk much how his parents affected him other than his dad being sick.
Yeah the opinion on the parents are quite different 😅
(If some segments are short, don't come at me there is just not much I can write about)
Riddle's Mum
We havent fully se her sprite ingame, but I think as soon as sje appears everyone will go off on her. Amd I'm not only talking about the fandom. So as the Queen of Hearts heard about Riddles Mum, she went as red as the red roses in her garden. She demended on seeing his mum while loudly screaming "HOW DARE SHE TREATS HIM LIKE THAT?! IT WILL BE OFF WITH HER HEAD". Everyone had to calm her down, while Riddle explained that it would be very chaotic if a historical figure like her would suddendly appear in his home and that he already tries to change his mothers mind (although it doesnt really works).
If his Mum were to ever appear in the House of Mouse though she WILL be going off on her
Leona's Parent's
There is not much info regarding both of them, but I really doubt they are bad parents. They clearly were not the factor on Leonas mental state and werent judging him or telling he should be like his brother. As you said Farena is by Leonas saying sick and thus why his older brother is king. Leona never seemed to express hatred or dislike to his parents, so its easy to assume that he is alright about them. So Scar doesnt have much of a dislike to them, he is just glad that he has atleast somewhat decent parents (who didnt named their son Take which means trash)
Azul's Parent's
As far as we heard of them, his parents seem to be really great. Not only are they NOT the reason why Azul has problems but they are present in his life and being lovely to him. So yeah Ursula likes them a lot
Jamil's Parents
Ok well they are not really terrible but they do made Jamil always stay in the shadow of Kalim (often even though he was clearly better at some things) and it may just be me but I think they even hurted him?? Again not sure if this is correct so feel free to correct me. Jafar doesnt hold them in great regard since for one he himself had to always serve someone who is not really smart amd second they are just stalling his talents which is not a good thing for parents to do.
Yes Jafar is not a good person, but even he knows about it
Vil's father
We didnt saw much of him, but he supports Vil's goal and even said to him that he is fit to play the hero role in any movie. So yeah the evil queen thinks he is a good father
Idia's parents
They are a perfect example of "thinking someones terrible, but they turn out to be good" parents. It was really weird and good finding out that Idias and Orthos parents love both of them and that they are just not always there because of their jobs (which they didnt even asked for). The way they reassured Ortho that despite him beinh a humanoid robot of the "real" Ortho, they love him the same as they did with the other and consider him family. Hades was skeptical at first (as we all were) but he ends finding them great, because yeah he can relate on having a job he didnt even asked for
Malleu's parents
Not much can be said except they really loved him as he was an egg and that his mother was willing to die to protect him, and also Lilias parential love towards him being the reason he hatched is just so sweet. Maleficent feels empathy toward his parents but she also thinks Lilia did a great job at raising him (and Silver)
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chaoshoranghae · 11 months
attractive things that dreamies do that makes me love them
not this being 1.2k words
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Being giggly
his word usage
like him saying dude to fans or like
his jokes???
I laughed at the five guys joke
his quotes????
one of them was literally my senior quote
his reactions also
the undercut
his raps
bf coded
copying fans
yk on the fan calls and stuff, please
his bubbles
his spider verse msg pleaseeee
I really like his nose haha
his relationship with the dreamies???
the dance he does in the dingo video I love it
he's caked up of course
just realized I don't pay attention to his physical features???
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his hair
I absolutely love when he had the Oreo hair I think it looks so good on him
and personally I had that same exact hair style during covid because of narcissa malfoy, I just love that hair
the opposite of that hair too I love it
how soft spoken he can be
when he gets mad or annoyed
his voice
his eye brows???? I strangely like them
his pictures????
totally would draw you all day and then give it to you
the little artist in him
he's funny tooo
his dynamic with all of his members and how it varies
he gets excited and it's so
or when he's over it with the dreamies haha
like when spoilers come up
him hating mtbis
when he wears his hats backward like during the dance practices
okay, I saw the video where he took those bad pictures of Jaemin
but hear me out
I feel like he would totally take the perfect candids of you yk
like have jaemin teach him so he can just be ur little own photographer = love language???
his insta posts??? please I love them
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how reserved he is compared to dreamies???
how different he is when it's one on one
him with jaemin
the weird noises he makes
his back???
his eye smile <3
and his smile <3
that is literally what my mom called him the first couple of months
his oral fixation????
the funny faces he makes ????
he's really funny
how loud he can be?????
him holding grudges?????
me too king me too
being so calm yet chaotic
the care he has for his members
him counting down and then scaring us????
the episode of 7illin' in the dream where he's in the dog house entertaining himself with the light
when he also response to jaemins doggie call
him with dogs in general
him jumping on the bed with chenle and laying completely on top of him
he's so playful
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The way he dances
his mood maker energy
quick thinking
lowkey his style???? I'm not a big fan of tight pants but
his airport style???? I love it
bro got the dogs out but it's so comf
His hair when he's all natural
it looks so fluffy
when he's barefaced and cooking and he has his hands on his hips
I always tell my mom he looks like a middle age mom but I find ur endearing
the way he's bratty???
and cuddly
his weird thumb?? was it?
that he broke and it's different
the way he tells stories, please
his better than gold performance dude please
his fluffy hair with the slight waves
him wearing sunglasses
he's so smart ?????
the way he watches himself as he dances, dude the intense stare oh my god
he is so on point with memorization???
he has such a distinctive voice?? i love it
the way he doesn't let anyone else dip??? but only him???
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He was my first and only bias in dream for a long time so he holds a special place
Nana vs na jaemin
the way he bounces on the beds yk
like how annoying he is in a good way????
Always telling fans to eat
his now cat pictures
How caring he can be
the video where he went cycling with jeno yk that entire video just makes me love him
his obsession with twerking????
i love his part in candy
my mom and I specifically love his part in boom and all the iconic one-liners, when we got to hear it in concert-
his hair!!!! i love it
the blonde? the pink?? i actually liked the blonde with the blue in the middle haha
oh he is also bf coded? but in a different way from mark
bro.... his lats???
his arms????
his shoulders
bro bias wrecked me so hard at the concert
the video of jaemin and jeno cooking.... just jaemin completely in that
he's so funny and weird in a good way
the video where he gave us jaemins foot cam
the way... the way where he sees his fan cams and locks eyes with them and stares at them continuously through the performance ...ugh
his hobbies????
the photography????
him grilling for all of the dreamies first and then eating
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how different he is with other members, like the way he treats mark vs jisung
the way he responds to marriage proposals 😭 the are so funny
how he is with daegal
his thing with basketball???
How he points during his notes??? I never noticed it until a fan pointed out how haechan, renjun and chenle all do their notes and he kinda just points??? like I love that
how excited he was to prank jisung with mark, and then was deciding between pranking mark or jisung the way he was so happy
I also like his nose!!!
his face when he's judging
his side eyes
his grammar??? like how strict he is with it
ik for a fact bro would be correcting me all day long but
when he talks, like bro won't stop
like yes please keep talking I will listen
unbothered king
his laugh please
when he was on the fan call where she had a sign that said if you know me to blow a kiss and she showed him the video and he was laughing so hard
kinda want him to teach me chinese
his laugh
his own type of comedy
how honest he is
the way he uses jaemin as a pillow
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how he's a little confused with the world
him talking to trees
is that just him talking to himself but he just stands in front of trees???
him saying ubb
the fact that he's only older then me by a little bit is crazy
the way he is about dancing
specifically popping
his dance breaks
how he had a bunch of ramen in his closet but still asked jaemin for a baguette
his clumsiness
jisung with the dominos
his reactions
i loved his ridin' hair
being awkward????? just like me fr
the way he gets so embarrassed
especially from his members
him being fascinated with the world
him showing us how to take off a ring and then struggling
his little gestures
everyone being whipped
this was hard fo renjun for me
I just love him
like I don't have a lot of reasons why
I just love him
I tried to do equal amounts for everyone i have yet to convert to jenoism but writing all these things for him and trying to find a picture makes me want to convert
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bunniekittiee · 9 months
TCM headcanons I have that no one asked for:
Pre-Nam Chop Top works at a record store to bring in some money for the family. Absolutely enjoys his job.
Johnny totally loves rock and metal. Chop Top has gifted him many records of his favs since he works at a record store. Definitely something Johnny looks forward to when it’s his birthday or Christmas
Speaking of which, Johnny enjoys music ranging from Metallica, Megadeth, Exodus, Misfits, etc. to Entombed, Death, Bathory, etc.
But who he dearly holds to his heart is Ted Nugent.
Would absolutely slobber all over Ted Nugent’s dick. Like serious super-fan of Ted Nugent.
Chop Top and Nubbins would totally adore The Garden.
What more could you ask for? Two twins who make some good ass music and dress up, Nubbins and Chop Top resonate with that.
Will beg Sissy and Bubba to do their makeup like Wyatt and Fletcher. Doesn’t matter the look, they want it on their face!
They all have fun doing this and they will sing their bad covers of their songs.
Johnny would get sad listening to Superheaven, but he is addicted to them. No bad songs, he loves them.
Drayton has a thing for Jim Morrison. Come on baby, light his fire!
No one needs to know this detail about him, they would never let him live it down.
Sissy sees a sister-like relationship in Bubba more than a brotherly relationship. She will go to him for her problems and complaints that would fall on deaf ears to the rest of her family.
Sissy would love it if Johnny could secure a girlfriend, but he would rather use them and dump them in a ditch.
They have gotten into many fights over this, Sissy just wants another woman in the house besides Nancy’s old ass!
But Bubba will suffice until that day comes.
Speaking of Bubba, he loves to play games!
Gets the family together for Just Dance, but it mostly ends in Johnny opting out and the twins being mean and fighting during Just Dance.
Makes Bubba cry, all he wanted was to spend quality time.
Johnny feels bad and will absolutely bust his ass to Cotton Eye Joe to make Bubba laugh.
Surprisingly a good dancer, it is weird.
Mario Party is CHAOTIC.
Ends in Johnny strangling Chop Top and Nubbins trying to get Johnny off of him.
Chop Top talks too much shit. He is the king of Shit Talking.
Sissy will laugh her ass off while Bubba gets super worried.
Drayton threatens to take their game away if they don't quiet down.
If Johnny was not batshit crazy, he and Leland would totally do the Cotton Eye Joe dance at a party.
Like two Western men.
They would make every heart swoon, on some real shit.
They would be an iconic, powerful duo. Lets be honest here, they would be unstoppable.
Too bad Johnny is too far gone to even be normal lmao.
Chop Top and Sissy smoke weed together and will talk about life. It's their way of escaping.
Drayton has caught them before but he lets them be. They all have their own ways of escaping their minds.
Drayton has totally used the devil's lettuce himself when he was younger, so he knows he can’t condemn them.
Will still act irritated about it.
Cant forget about Nubbins!
Kid is hyper, absolutely fucking haywire that even Chop Top can’t keep up sometimes.
Used to be self conscious of his birth mark when he was more self aware, but as he started to lose his sanity, he stopped caring.
Has tried to cover it up with makeup but none of the foundation will cover it up well enough.
Very impulsive and will forget tasks if he’s in the middle of something.
Let’s just say he was making himself a sandwich and Drayton asks for him to check the traps, he would forget about his sandwich the entire day until Johnny or Drayton complained that he wasted food.
He cant help it! He forgot!
Bubba makes sure that no harm falls upon the barn cats. He loves them! Would cry for months if one of them were to die.
Has tried to keep kittens in the house but Nancy scolded him for it.
However, when it’s really cold in the winter, he will sneak a few inside in the basement.
Him and Sissy will name them too!
Johnny has named a few too, but they were mainly after musicians like Ozzy, Dio, Ted, etc.
His favorite cat would have to be Ozzy. Total cuddle bug and mischievous little bastard.
He sneaks Ozzy in every night and they sleep together. He can’t go to sleep without Ozzy.
Sometimes will invite Dio and Ted but they tend to fight.
Sissy has a pretty, fluffy white cat named Belle. She sneaks her in as well at night to sleep.
If Bubba could, he would collect all the cats and keep them in the house.
Nubbins was extremely confused as to why they were so fond of the cats but he never made any advances to hurt them.
It just confused him.
He didn’t hate animals, he was just used to them being dead.
Johnny adores one of their Jersey cows named Daisy. Spends time with her and plays ball with her in the pasture.
Nubbins has caught Johnny asleep on Daisy and snapped a picture which woke Johnny up.
Cue a lot of screaming and Johnny trying to catch Nubbins to destroy the photo.
But Nubbins was still able to keep it. He thinks it’s a nice photo, Johnny looks at peace.
Alright I think that’s enough for now lol. There will probably be a pt.2 in the future when i have more ideas but that’s it for now
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nights-in-bangkok · 5 months
Alright enough reading other people’s Dndads rants; time to put some skin in the game just to get this word vomit out of my head and into the internet void:
Despite my attitude going into season 2 telling me I needed to see each and every beloved NPC from season 1 come back, I regret to say I was super disappointed with Scam Likely’s comeback.
Now, I am willing to acknowledge I’m biased seeing as Scam’s Girl From Ipanema cover is quite literally my ringtone; HOWEVER, it took all the wind out of my sails to see that this season’s Scam was nothing more than to give Hermie some development. Hermie apparently needed another father to hate and more reasons to be sad, which I don’t even think is true. Hermie is nowhere near Paeden status as far as NPCs goes, but he had a shit ton of potential to be a scene stealer if everyone would remember he existed long enough to give him interesting moments or god forbid give Will the gay romance he’s been deprived of for 2 seasons (@literalgaypersonanthonyburch🪦)
The choice to make Scam and Jodie Hermie’s parents as a random ass pull from Anthony was a delicious stroke of genius fuckery in my personal opinion. It started as a one-off insane reveal and I almost cried laughing when I found out. THIS is the absolute baffoonery that Scam deserved to expand upon if he had to come back for season 2. How the hell did Scam scam the king of hell into a relationship and out of a kid? We’ll never know cause it was for the goofs and gaffs. But wouldn’t the ultimate goof and or gaff be to let Jodie be hung up on Scam AND Morgan and not completely brush off one of the funniest between season lord drops? Or at least give us a time to catch up with BOTH characters outside of being Hermie’s dad? Scam never needed to be a good dad or change his chaotic scamming ways for the sake of plot, but if he’s gonna show up do the icon some jus👏tice👏
Anyways plot twist Grant is my favorite charcater and I have even more overly unfair and nit-picky feelings on his arc too ok that’s my time goodnight🫡
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mrsbsmooth · 11 months
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I'm sorry but this is the single most iconic thing I've ever seen in my life, who is this man, and why was he not an option???!!??!?!
Do you know what I would have done to then PICK HIM AFTER THIS and BRING HIM BACK TO THE VILLA omfg the absolute CHAOS dshfkdsadshbdkhsd hahhahahahahah (Someone write this omfggg)
@hanky-panky-hamish you beautiful chaotic king i love you
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Hii, can I suggest some hcs about the nights at the Saloon? Like the chaotic friday nights, Emily and Shane becoming an iconic duo (maybe iconic trio when the farmer comes along), things like that. Just some scenarios involving the Saloon :)
Chaotic Stardrop Saloon Headcanons
Ooh, I love this! I imagine things would get so chaotic there, especially with the crazy farmer. I hope you like it! <3
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Sebastian and Sam getting into fights over pool. It's nothing serious, more friendly bickering, but it goes on for hours. Sam loses the game and nearly snaps the stick thing while Seb and Abigail lose it in the corner. Sam may or may not have cried a few times.
Emily dancing while delivering orders. She has a little order song that she sings when giving people their dinners. Everyone enjoys it so much; she's just a little ray of sunshine. Also, fun dances from behind the bar.
Shane trauma dumping to Gus. Poor man just sits there as this drunken nearly thirty-year-old man goes on and on about every goddamn issue to ever plague him. Emily listens to and is the only one to provide actual advice. That is except for the rare moments when Harvey gets roped into this, in which he panics and frags the man to his clinic.
The kids forcing everyone to pay attention to them. Jas usually goes after Elliott and Leah, Vincent the ASS trio, and Leo Gus and Emily. Jas is usually showing off her recent art to them (which they adore). Vincent is just being chaotic little Vincent, running around and trying to play pool against Sebastian. Meanwhile Leo is shoveling the food Gus gave him into his mouth and talking about Ginger Island.
Abigail resisting the urge to kick the arcade machine. She's tried beating Prairie King for so long now, if she dies one more time, she just might go crazy. Sam and Sebastian have had to drag her away from it before Gus kicks them out. So much rage.
Willy harassing Clint with fishing knowledge. As a Clint disliker, I think he deserves it, but that's up to you. Old man is going through every fish in the valley one by one and their strengths, weaknesses, when they can be found, and how they should be cooked. Clint's just trying to go goo-goo eyes for Emily, he doesn't want this.
Elliott forcing Leah to read his entire fifty-page draft. He asks for criticism, but every time she gives it, he goes on a rant on how that actually links to a little-known Latin phrase for something even more obscure and how that links to a reference he made ten pages earlier to another book of his that is actually itself a reference to the main character. Also, ten foreign slurs per sentence.
Marnie and Lewis flirting loudly the whole night. They think they're being quiet, but Lewis literally can't hear shit so he's being suggestive as hell and letting everyone know about it. Marnie still can't hear him over all the noise though, so now it's just:
Lewis: *Extremely seggual suggestion* Marnie: *Smiling and pretending to hear*
Harvey just trying to enjoy his wine. He's got so much anxiety whenever he's there. Poor dude listening to the town drunk vent about everything, a trio of screaming kids, a trio of screaming twenty-year-olds, a singing and dancing waitress, a writer speaking like a sailor, an actual sailor sitting in the corner talking about a largemouth bass while smelling like fish, and more. He came here for a break, poor man.
Woo! This was probably the most fun HC ask yet. Thank you so much for suggesting this, anon! I hope you have a lovely week.
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