#If I could run back to source and grab it I would but noooo of course I can't
harpoonsnotspoons · 3 months
Nah man after drawing that mlp sweater I'm very tempted to draw myself in all the source clothing I was given/stole from people because man. Some of that shit was strange
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pool-floatie · 7 months
Tall Tales Part 1.
Ok: to premise, this is my first ever work that I have posted, ive reread it a billion times anxiously and im finally gonna post it, dont have any art of the characters rn, use your ⭐imagination⭐ and or self insert 😏👍
The relationship can be taken romantically or platonically at this point, but it will have romance later on.
Here we go!
Avril unknowingly wanders off the path , as the trailmarkers are unclear and it is fairly new, they follow a straight clearing of trees, taking a left, walking for about a mile and going in a few circles.... and finally realise that they are lost. "noooo... .shit.."
They stay put, not knowing where to go and begin to call out to anything around them....
"Helloooooo!!!!!" they bellowed
"Im lost can anyone hear me !!!!"
That is until the slow rythm of the shaking ground became apparent, they looked around, fearing that an earthquake or rockslide would be their next challenge. Unable to pinpoint the source, Avril sprinted to the middle of the clearing, knowing they would be safer from falling objects.
The shaking persists, becoming louder, the pauses between make them wonder what the hell would make this sort of noise... None of their guesses were correct.
While wandering the forest, Jace senses something peculiar in the air, a scent he hadnt smelled in a while...
He approached the source, seeing a clearing, and right in the center. . .
Was that a human ? Jace smiled to himself, heheh, this would be fun~
Jace attempts to be lightfooted, it seems to have worked, in a way, as the human cannot tell where the massive tremors originate, it looks around jolting its head back and forth- Jace steps out of his hiding spot behind the thick foliage, revealing himself to the tiny being who is speechless at the sight of him. Crouching down and idly resting his chin in his hands, Jace takes in it's delightful look of shock and disbelief.
Avril stumbles backwards, attempting to fully take in the impossible sight before them. unable to form coherent thought, let alone words, avril can only stand there, eyes torn open, mouth agape and stuttering half-formed words.
Jace l o v e s this feeling, that look on the poor humans little face ~ mmm, he wishes he could savor it forever.
" Hello there ~" taunts the giant,
"what might you be doing wandering around here ?"
After a moments pause, trying to gather themself, the human speaks up.
"I-i-ii-im lo - lost , the- the tra-ail -"
"-Ohhhh, I see. And you managed to find yourself in my territory! How unfortunate for you~"
Avril pales, not sure what this giant was insinuating, but considering the dark tone he dropped into, they were sure that it was nothing good.
Jaces reaches a hand down, grabbing for the human.
Naturally, Avril attempts to run the fuck away, but they are promptly sprawled out on the ground by a massive hand s l a p p i n g down onto them.
Avril cries out, both from pain and fear as talon-like fingers wrap around their fragile form.
They are hoisted up quickly and flipped over onto the palm of Jaces hand.
Avril attempts to steady themself on the unfamilliar surface, their weak and pained body is assisted by adrenaline, they scramble to get off this thing and run as far away as possible, almost jumping from the surface until they realise the horrific height they have ascended to. Avril backs away slowly, sitting down and hugging their knees. Jace curls his fingers behind their back, making sure they dont fall or try to jump off again.
Avril pants and coughs from the dirt they inhaled during their capture, and Jace eyes them with curiosity.
"Whered' you come from?"
They gasp for a moment more, trying to get their bearings , Jace waits patiently
" a, um , a cam- campground" avril stutters, their bodys tremors match their voice.
With this question, Avril held hope, maybe the giant woud be taking them back?
"Mhm- and what is your name?"
"Ohhh, that is so cute! im going to call you Av for short~"
Oh joy, nicknames.
"Well, my name is Jace." He stated simply
"Jace...?" Av spoke up nervously
"W-w what , why,. or-or .u-um"
They had so many questions, all equally terrifying to ask to an 80 ft tall being that literally had your life in its hands
Av took a breath, tremors still shaking their body " Are y- you going to- to let me go... ?" they asked with a slight glimmer of hope
Jace snickers, "let you go? Aw, now why would I want to do that? No darling your stuck with me."Jace teased.
-At least he wasnt mad I asked,,-Av thought, trying to keep a little hope so they didnt start spiraling.
"Av, I cant say I've had the pleasure to meet one of your kind before" jace said with curiosoty
"o- oh, um, same?"
"haha! Well im sure you havent! You humans are quite interesting, but I havent ever been able to get a good look at you before~"
Jaces other hand neared the human, they squeaked,backed up a bit, then, realising they could fall to their death, decided to maybe not do that and curled back into a ball instead.
Jace pinched av's arm between his fingers, not taking too much care to be gentle. Av clenched up, unsure what the behemoth wanted with them, what if he was going to tear their arm off! He could rip Avril limb from limb without breaking a sweat! Maybe he wanted to see how much meat they had on their bones.... See if they were even worth eating.
Jace could feel its tiny, tiny fingers between his huge ones, ahh, that is just too cute! His fingers slide up its arm, so little and squishy~ its cute little face was tragically covered up as it curled into itself. Jace then noticed the humans shaking , his mouth made an 'O' shape realising he may be hurting it. . . he released its arm, which was immediately pulled into the shaking ball.
"whups, you alright tiny? "
After a few seconds of no response
Jace poked it, eliciting a surprised squeak.
"What are you doing all huddled up like that ?"
Still no response came from the shivering mass
"Hmmm. . . "
Jace shifted his hand, causing the ball of human to roll for a second, letting out a short scream as it unfurled. Jace was happy to see it's little face again, it was still shaking but at least he wasnt being ignored.
He hummed in thought before pivoting in the other direction, away from avrils last connection to the human world.
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zero00o0 · 2 years
CW: mcyt g/t, fearplay, horror elements
// Hi! This is a new blog of mine (haven’t been on tumblr in years 💀). I’ve been stalking the mcyt g/t tag for awhile and noticed the tag was kinda dying so I’m making an appearance to fan the flames lol. I hope y’all like this story! Feel free to send asks and whatever lol //
The torch in his hand flickered, the flames dancing on the end of the stick as George gingerly made his way through the cavern he’d found himself lost in. He wasn’t planning on even going into any caves today, the original plan being to find some food to stock up on. But while he was wandering in search of animals, the sight of exposed iron tempted him. One thing led to another, and now the brit was lost. A single torch, some wooden tools, and a single piece of chicken to his name.
The sound of guttural groaning startled him, causing him to whip around and pull out his sword, putting away his torch as a result. When he realized that he covered himself in thick darkness, he scrambled to get out his torch once more. His hands shook fearfully as he looked around for his light source, and his attention was taken away from the horrible, inhuman sounds getting closer, and closer. By the time George found his torch, a green, decaying face appeared with the newfound light and charged at him. It’s dead hands grabbed at him, damaging him instantly. George screamed and tried to back up, but failed to realize that there was no passage to safety behind him, but a long drop down into the heart of the cave, right into a burning pool of lava. Before he could realize this, he lost his balance. George was falling, falling, falling… And as his body finally hit the scorching, agonizing heat of the earth’s hottest liquid, he let out one last scream of plea;
George threw his headset across the room as the “You Died” screen appeared on his computer. He grinded his teeth in annoyance as he tossed his head back and facepalmed. That was his fifth attempt at playing Minecraft Hardcore mode today. The british gamer was determined to keep a world running until he could beat the game, but at this rate it seemed that personal challenge would take him weeks.
As he leaned forward to grab his bottle of water, he could hear footsteps sounding from down the hall. A moment later there was a knock on his door. “George? Dude? Are you good in there?”
George rolled his eyes as he stood from his chair, stretching his arms as he walked to the door to let the familiar voice inside. “Yes, Sapnap. I’m fine. Just annoyed at this stupid game.” He huffed as he met his roommate’s gaze. The American who lived with him scrunched up his face as he pushed past George to enter his room. “Uuh.. ok. Yeah, come on in I guess.” He said sarcastically, stifling an annoyed groan.
Sapnap ignored George as he walked up to the Brit’s desk, his hands on his hips as he looked around at the cluttered, trash filled space. George leaned on his wall by the door, waiting on Sapnap to turn around so he could get the hint that he didn’t want him in his room right now. But the man just shook his head as he dared to pick up a crushed can of Sprite. “How long have you been in here?” Sapnap asked, revulsion dripping from his words. George just scoffed. “Why?” He asked. Sapnap turned around to finally face him.
“Dude, me and Karl moved in with you because we thought it’d be cool to, like, hangout all the time. But as soon as that first week was up it’s like we only see you max twice a week.” George crossed his arms over his chest as he looked away from Sapnap. “What is this? Some intervention?” Sapnap shrugged as he tossed the can into the trash. “Maybe… It’s just.. There’s nothing wrong with liking games, I like them too but… you really need to take a break from your computer.”
George looked at him again. Sapnap also crossed his arms over his chest as the two stood at a standstill. Sapnap was waiting on George to say something, while George was waiting on Sapnap to leave him alone. But alas, Sapnap was a stronger man than him.
George sighed, dropping his arms to his sides. “Ok, fine. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m a little chronically online… whatever. But what else is there to do? It’s autumn, and cold, and the fun things are closed.” Sapnap raised an eyebrow and smiled. George didn’t like when he smiled like that. “What if,” Sapnap crowed, “I told you there was?”
“A cabin. In the middle of nowhere. In Ohio. THIS IS YOUR IDEA OF SOMETHING FUN TO DO?!?!”
George threw his hands up over his head as Sapnap loaded the last bag into the car. The American laughed as the taller American, Karl, put a comforting hand on George’s back. “Awww come on, George! It’ll be just like camping! But with electricity, and we won’t have to sleep in a tent! And there’s plumbing!” He exclaimed, his face lit up with excitement that even George couldn’t stay mad at. But he could be annoyed with it. The brit crossed his arms as he glared at Sapnap, who was playing with the car keys. The brunette laughed as he shrugged. “Come on, George. It’s only for a week.” He chuckled.
George looked back at their Floridan home with sadness, but Karl’s stupid smile and tight half-hug ultimately had George groaning and walking towards Sapnap’s car. “Fine. But I’m riding shotgun.” He declared. “Nope! Already called it!” Karl giggled as he ran ahead of George and tussled with him for the front seat.
Whatever. Maybe Sapnap and Karl were right. Maybe this little no-internet getaway will be fun.
Even after about 14 and a half hours, George couldn’t say he was having the time of his life. Save for a few fun singing moments, pit stops, and funny stories between the men, the road trip was very long, and very tiring. Maybe it was a good thing that George sat in the back for most of the trip, because Karl got so carsick that they had to pull over on a busy highway so he could throw up. Twice.
George was napping in the backseat when he felt the car come to a stop. This wouldn’t normally make him stir, but the sound of a car door opening definitely peaked his interest enough for him to open an eye. “Wake up, George. We’re at the check-in.” Karl reached back and shook George’s shoulder gently. The Brit yawned and sat up, shrugging Karl’s hand off of him. ”Do we have to go in?” He groaned, rubbing his eyes. “Well you don’t have to, but I have to pee.” He snickered. George, not wanting to sit alone in the car, followed Karl into the old, antique-looking check-in cabin. As George looked around the outside, he realized just how isolated this place was. The trees were huge, nearly comically so. The branches and leaves were wild and thick, blocking a lot of the setting sun’s light from getting through. He was half asleep while Sapnap and Karl were talking earlier, but he’s pretty sure he heard Sapnap mention the nearest general store was a half hour drive away from their cabin.
The bell above the door let out a ring as Karl and George entered the room. It was smaller than what he expected. The lighting was dim. It didn’t help that all the windows were shut with the curtains pulled tight. There was a rack with magazines and pamphlets on one side of the room, with some seating on the other. The check-in desk was right in the middle. An elderly lady sat behind it, talking with Sapnap. She couldn’t have been younger than 70. “Hi, ma’am,” Karl began, “I was just looking for-“
“For the bathroom?” She sent him a knowing smile. “You wan’ go down that hall, second door on th’ left. I ain’t cleaned it since last week, so I hope you ain’t no germaphobe.” Karl smiled at her, nodding a thanks before heading down the hall. She turned back to Sapnap and handed him a key. “As I was sayin’, This opens th’ front door, back door, and top floor porch. Y’all got the best cabin I can offer ya. I only hope it suits y’all tropical boys nicely.” Sapnap laughed as he jingled the keys in his hand. “Thank you! I’m sure it will.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a wad of money. Rich bastard. “This should be what I owe you.” The lady reached forward and counted the cash with boney fingers. She hummed after a moment and looked up at Sapnap. “You’re off by twenty.” She said. Sapnap frowned and counted the cash on the counter. Cursing under his breath, he excused himself to look for more in the car. The bell above the door ringed as he jogged to the car.
George, not wanting to initiate conversation, turned to the pamphlets and pretended to browse. A still silence filled the room for a few long moments. “Have you ever been campin’?” The lady’s voice suddenly sounded, mildly startling George. He didn’t turn to her as he replied, “No, I haven’t.” He could hear her shift in her chair. “I could tell.” The southern drawl in her voice was both comforting and odd. George stayed quiet.
Suddenly it was as if a large gust of wind came out of no where, and caused the trees from outside to shift. The sound of branches scraping against each other and leaves rustling was a loud juxtaposition to the calm quietness a mere moment before. It wouldn’t have been strange, if it weren’t for the fact that George couldn’t hear any wind. Just rustling. George turned his head to a closed window and narrowed his eyes. He waited for it to stop but it didn’t. It sounded like it was getting closer, if anything. A weird, sudden wave of overwhelming curiosity came over the brit as he walked closer to the window. The rustling got louder. George reached out to move the curtain, when a cold hand suddenly seized his wrist, and with shocking strength, held him back.
“Don’t.” The lady whispered. When George dared to look at her face he was met with eyes full of terror. The rustling from outside stopped. Her hand shook as she held onto George, her grip never loosening, as if she was holding him for comfort. After a stunned second George pulled his arm away and stood back. “What the heck is wrong with you?” He let out, surprised at his own confrontational tone. The lady just shushed him as she inched closer to the window. “It heard you arrive.”
George felt his heart sink in an impending doom type of feeling. “What are you talking about?” What could be big enough to make those noises? Bears? He didn’t think there were bears in Ohio. And even if there were, would it be such a scary event of one appearing, that the lady who lived here would react in such a way?
Her eyes remained glued to George as the two stood in uncomfortable silence. After a minute, she let out a breath. She must’ve been holding it. When George sighed, he realized he’d been as well.
“It wants me to open th’ curtains.” She stuttered, walking back behind the counter. “It wants to see you.” George’s mouth was open in a silent shock. “Listen to me, boy. No matter how loud the trees talk, no matter how much you feel watched, no matter what you see, you can never, ever go out there alone. Never. Those who go into the woods alone don’t never ever come back home the same. Do you understand me, boy?”
“I-“ George’s voice faltered. “I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, BOY?!” She shouted.
Suddenly, a door opened from down the hall, and Karl walked out. His face was pale, and if George knew Karl, then Karl had definitely been in there puking the whole time. Thanks a lot Karl. The taller man looked at the lady with confusion as he put himself between her and George. A bell ringing caused George to whip his head around to look at the opening door. Deep down he wanted to shout “Close the door!” But, not wanting to seem crazy, he bit his tongue. Sapnap paused at the door, a wad of five dollar bills in his hand as he looked at the scene before him.
“Uhh..I found twenty dollars..”
“Ok… you’re gonna have to start over. What about trees talking, now?”
George frowned at the back of Sapnap’s head as he growled in frustration. “How many times do I have to explain, guys?! The trees started rustling, so I went to open the window and she went crazy! She said there’s was something out there and it wanted to watch us.” His voice was strained as he tried to explain the best he could, but honestly he was still shaken up from the experience. Despite that, here they were, back in the car and driving towards the cabin.
Sapnap shot Karl a look of worry, but the other just looked back at George with sympathy. “Dude she was… old. She’s just some crazy old lady living alone in the woods. There probably wasn’t even any rustling! I didn’t hear-“ George cut him off. “No, no. You can say she’s crazy all you want but I heard the rustling, and I’m not crazy.” He looked at Sapnap once more. “You were literally outside, Sapnap. Tell me you heard it!” Karl looked at Sapnap now, and the driver seemed to zone out in thought for a moment, before shaking his head and replying, “I heard the wind making the leaves shake, George.” To that George fell back in the seat and stared at the top of the car. “George.. dont let some crazy old woman get you superstitious. We’re here to have fun, remember?” Karl looked back at George, waiting for a reply. “Ok. Yeah.” George muttered, clearing his throat. “You guys are probably right.” He sat up again and Karl smiled at him. The boy turned back around and began playing with the radio as he and Sapnap argued over what station to play.
George looked out the window and tuned them out with his own thoughts. He was being too paranoid. That lady lived alone for probably years, in the middle of what could’ve been the creepiest woods in the country. Of course she was out of her mind. Who wouldn’t be? He shouldn’t dwell on it.
But as the car began to lose its connection to the radio, and the silence of the woods began to pour into the car, and what little light there was left of the sunset faded.. George couldn’t help but think about what she said. The woman never said the thing…whatever it was…wasn’t trying to see them…
But that it was trying to see him.
“Holy moly! Would you look at the size of that!” Karl beamed as he shoved his head out of the window. George leaned up to look at the cabin through the front window as Sapnap rolled up into the driveway. “I told you guys I got us the best of the best.” Sapnap said, pride swelling in his tone. “Don’t get too cocky, we haven’t even seen the inside.” George said. But he had to admit that it was nice. It was a two-story wooden cabin with beautifully elegant architecture. The bright lights already on from inside the building was a comforting sight, especially since it got dark fast. Sapnap just scoffed playfully as he put the car in park and got out.
They grabbed what bags they could carry and headed inside. Sapnap unlocked the door and led them inside. George gasped and Karl all but screamed. Inside was the largest living room ever with the nicest, renovated kitchen George had seen in awhile, all underneath a beautiful glass skylight, that allowed them to see not only the second floor, but the sky as well. He didn’t expect something this nice to be in a place like this, owned by a woman like that. He could see doors that led to different rooms as well as a staircase that led upstairs to what apparently was the game room. Sapnap’s been talking about playing pool since they started this vacation.
“Alright. How about we get the rest of our bags in and head to bed? It’s late.” Karl suggested, wiping a bead of sweat off of his forehead, mumbling briefly about the heat as he dropped his bags where he stood. The other two agreed and dropped their bags as well, heading back to the car to get the rest of their things.
As they walked back to the car, George took a moment to look out into the dark surroundings. He’d never lived anywhere remote before. His whole life, even back in England, he’d lived in the city. The lights never went dark there, and he liked that. It beat going outside at night to take out the trash and not being able to see anything around you.
As he stared into the seemingly endless blackness, he couldn’t stop his mind from thinking back to the old lady. He wanted to believe she was crazy and move on, he really did, but she just seemed so… scared. All of her windows were shut and covered. Not just one, but all of them. As creepy as the woods were, they were also pleasant to look at in the day. Why would she, someone who chose to live in them, cover all the ways of seeing them unless she was truly terrified of something out there. Something watching her. George’s eyes were looking around. He felt like he didn’t have control over his wandering gaze as he scanned the edge of the trees.
He was about to turn his head away when he saw a heap of shadows rapidly retreat into the trees.
George froze. His heart stopped in his chest and his breath hitched. He fixed on the spot where the darkness was and the trees began, his eyes stuck open, fearful that if they were to close that he’d miss something. He stared at the spot with alarming stillness. What was that? Whatever it was, it was big enough to even overshadow the large trees. George gulped as he could faintly hear something. Shifting. Rustling. Like the wind was lightly blowing the branches once more, but George felt no gusts of air hit his sweaty skin. And yet…
“George! Dude! Come on, there’s only a few more bags in there.” The sound of Sapnap’s voice forced George out of his trance, and he dared to turn his head away from the trees to look at him. Sapnap gave George a questioning gaze. George glanced back at the trees momentarily. Nothing. Not even a sound. He turned back and cleared his throat. “Never been in the woods before.” He said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “It’s weird out here.” He said, forcing a smile. Sapnap and Karl already thought he was freaking out, he didn’t need to make them think it was worse. “Well you can daydream all you want after you get the last bags.” Sapnap walked back inside the cabin, following Karl. George heaved a sigh as he buried his face in his palms. He had to get himself together. He was getting too paranoid. She was just a crazy old lady.
There was nothing out there.
“Dude! Ow, don’t splash me! That water is hot, what the heck is wrong with you?!” Karl complained as he ducked for cover behind a chair as George and Sapnap laughed, trying to splash the boy with the water from the hot tub. They did invite Karl to get in, but the boy refused, opting to just sit outside and talk with them instead. He claimed it was already warm outside, but the other two called him crazy since it was literally 50°F.
It’s been three days since they arrived at the cabin. And honestly, it has been some of the best fun George has had in awhile. Despite George’s hesitance, they went out and explored the woods the first day. It was so beautiful, that not even George’s paranoia kept him from enjoying himself. And not to mention that they didn’t hear or see anything, and no rustling happened without the wind’s help. The forest was quiet, and tranquil, not even the sounds of birds or other rodents could be heard. The second day they all played pool, which George lost pitifully at. He felt annoyed, but it was all in good fun. They even made chicken (that they brought from home). It was honestly delicious, and at that point George wasn’t even thinking about the occurrence at the check-in cabin. And now here they were, the night of the third day, having the time of their lives on the second floor porch. No rustling, or scary wilderness noises to be heard. Just the comforting laughter of his best friends. George honestly felt embarrassed that he was so worked up the other day. A monster in the woods! How stupid.
“Well, what’d I tell you, George? I told you that we’d have fun!” Sapnap gloated, sitting back in the hot tub, relaxing. George rolled his eyes endearingly. “Fine, okay, you were right. I really needed to get out of my room. Thanks, Sap.” Sapnap over-exaggeratingly placed a hand on his heart and open his mouth in shock. He could hear Karl laughing softly as well. “George? Giving me a compliment? Maybe this place is haunted by the scary woods monster!” George replied by splashing him right in the face. Sapnap laughed as he spit out the water that’d gotten into his mouth.
“How are you guys still in there? It’s so hot out..” George and Sapnap looked over to Karl. He was sitting on one of the stools and was facing the two men in the hot tub. He was wearing a muscle shirt and basketball shorts. And even though the wind wasn’t blowing tonight, it was still freezing. George was about to reply with a snarky response, when Sapnap spoke over him. “Karl? Are you ok?” George glanced at Sapnap before looking back at Karl. Now that he actually took a moment to study his face.. he could tell something was wrong.
Karl’s face was red. And not just a normal red, but red red. Scarlet red. His eyes were drooping, not like he was tired but like he was forcing himself to stay conscious. He was slouching. He looked like he was on the brink of death. “I’m fine, just a little hot.” He said meagerly. At this, Sapnap hopped out of the tub and went to his side, an arm wrapped around him as he felt the boy’s forehead. “Jesus Karl! You’re scorching hot!” He exclaimed. Sapnap moved Karl from the chair, the boy only letting a weak groan of protest but not being able to resist much more by the looks of it. George was out of the tub by then, a towel around his green trunks as he hovered nearby. “George, go get my car keys. I’m taking him to the hospital.” Sapnap ordered. He didn’t have to tell George twice, the Brit was flying down the stairs and to the bar where the car keys were, running outside and starting the car.
Sapnap and Karl walked outside not a minute later, Karl using Sapnap as a support as he walked with shaky knees. As he watched them walk towards the car, he realized that the boy had probably been sick since the start of their trip, and just blamed it on car sickness. George felt a twinge of guilt for not noticing his friend’s true condition.
Sapnap and George helped Karl into the backseat and Sapnap went to get in the driver’s side. As George opened the passenger door, Sapnap stopped him. “No, George. You stay here. We’ll be back before morning.” The Brit froze at his friend’s words. He stared at him dumbfoundedly before shaking his head. “What? No! I’m not staying here alone!” Sapnap’s expression was now that of agitation. “For Christ’s sake, George. I think Karl being a million degrees and nauseous is a little more important than you’re stupid paranoia.” George flinched, and Sapnap’s face softened slightly. “We can’t leave our shit alone out here. Our credit cards are in there and our phones are in there, not to mention our clothes. The hospital is, like, an hour away. We’ll be back by the morning.” His tone was full of reassurance, but was still on edge. George opened his mouth to fire back, but the sound of Karl puking in the back seat shut him up. He shut the passenger door and stood back from the car, his arms crossing over his exposed chest as Sapnap started the car and drove off, leaving George alone.
The most logical thing to do is sleep until morning. He’ll wake up to the sound of Sapnap’s car pulling into the driveway, and be greeted by him and a better-looking Karl and he’ll laugh at how scared he was to be alone in the cabin.
And yet, here he lay, three hours later, wide awake.
He took a shower, put on his favorite grey sweatpants and his best blue sweatshirt, and immediately scurried to get into bed. He thought as long as the hall light was on, the doors were locked, and his window curtains were drawn, he’d be able to fall gracefully into sleep. Boy, was he wrong.
George turned over on his side, the blanket hugged tightly in his arms, eyes wide open. All three men had their own room, and they slept alone every night, so it wasn’t like sleeping alone was the thing scaring George. He was scared because if he heard something or, God forbid, saw something, there’d be nobody around for him to run to. The closest person to him was the old lady, and the check-in cabin was at least a 45 minute walk, and anything further than that being more than a two hour walk. He inhaled a shaky breath as his heart pounded in his chest. He was hyper focused on listening to anything that sounded from the outdoors. Thankfully, he could hear nothing.
Eventually George decided to sit up in the bed. He leaned over to the night stand and opened the drawer, looking for a book or magazine to keep him occupied. A disappointed look appeared on his face when all he was met with was a dust ball.
The Brit was going to try and go to sleep again, but thirst nagged at his dry mouth. He usually got water before bed, but tonight he was just too distracted.
As he stood up and walked to his bedroom door, he felt his body hesitate to go any further. The curtains in his room were shut, but the rest of the house had their windows wide open and ready to be looked into by any terrifying monster. He again thought of the old lady. All of her windows were blocked off, and she grew frantic at the idea of opening them, even an inch. George’s breath was shaky as he peered out of his door. It led straight to the kitchen so at least he didn’t have to make a scary walk down a dark hallway. He glanced at all the windows in the big room, and was relieved to see no inhuman monstrosities looking back.
Gingerly, George walked out into the kitchen and began looking for the cabinet with the cups. He checked all the windows again before he found a mug and walked over to the sink. He turned on the water and watched his mug fill up.
It was quiet.
The woods should be full of crickets, toads, and other activity but… it was quiet. Like mother nature was holding her breath. The only sound was the faucet running. George felt weird. Like, he was doing something wrong. Or was somewhere wrong. It was uncanny. And now that he thought of it, it felt this way in the woods the other day. Maybe he was subconsciously distracting himself with banter among his friends, but deep down…he knew something was wrong. The woods were quiet. Not in a peaceful way, but in a wrong way. Yesterday they stayed inside, but what George thought was the feeling of agitation from losing pool over and over, was starting to feel like how he felt now. Yeah, he was annoyed. But he was also ever so slightly keep his eye on the large, open windows surrounding them on every side. It was hard to describe what he was feeling. He could beat out it as something primal in him trying to take over his mind and make him run and hide in a little hole.
He realized his cup was overflowed and turned off the sink, drinking the water down as he leaned against the counter.
George’s brows furrowed. It didn’t make sense. He shouldn’t be so worked up, he shouldn’t have cold chills running down his arms and spine. He shouldn’t be working up a cold sweat, his heart shouldn’t be beating this fast, he had no reason to be scared. She was a crazy old woman. George wasn’t superstitious, he didn’t even believe in ghosts. Why, why was he so worked up? It’s like everywhere he went, something was watching him. But how? He checked every single window. The ones by the front door, the ones beside him, the grand ones to behind him. He checked every single window! There was no way, he was being watched.
George took a drink, and froze, the mug sitting by his lips. His heart stopped, his chills went still on his body, and his mind went numb.
He checked every single window, except one.
George’s body shook with anxiety. That primal feeling of raw fear filled his veins as he tilted his chin up.
The ceiling skylight.
He looked up to the glass ceiling and felt his entire existence shatter. He couldn’t conjure a though, no less a scream.
Looking back at him were two glowing green eyes, empty of light, empty of human emotion, focused on nothing but him, completely centered on every micro movement George was making. He shuddered as the thing seemed to perk up at George finally seeing it, as if it were saying, “Finally, what took you so long?”
Either it was too dark to see the rest of its features, or he didn’t look long enough, but the two green eyes was all he needed to see to get the hell out of that room.
Finally, after days, George let himself scream. He screamed with all his being, screamed so loud that he felt his vocal chords shake. He sprinted as fast as he could back to his room and slammed the door behind him. He heard the monster make a sound, it sounds like a bear growling, as he could literally feel the house shift under its weight, like it was trying to find George from the skylight.
The Brit was hyperventilating, he went for his phone but it had no service. He cursed loudly as he threw it on the bed.
Suddenly he could hear what he feared most, glass shattering. He heard it shatter and fall on the ground, and now he could hear the monster more clearly. It was animalistic sounds like he’d never heard of. Weird growling that he could only affiliate to a large bear or lion, but much deeper, much more evil.
George backed himself against the farthest wall as his body shook, literally shook, with panic. Rummaging could be heard from the other room, and George felt like being sick when he realized that it could only be the monster reaching it’s hand inside to feel around for him.
George looked around his room, trying to come up with a plan. He couldn’t hide in here, it could tear down the wall and grab him and he’d be dead.
His eyes flicked over to the largest window he had. He could run. He walked over to it and opened the curtains, peering out at the eerie darkness with a pit in his chest. It would expect him to stay in the house. If he ran, it wouldn’t expect it.
George opened the window but paused before he jumped out. He looked back at the bed and grabbed his phone, turning on the flashlight. He stared out the window once more, beginning to rethink his spontaneous idea before he heard a loud thump hit against his door, and the monster make a horrible sound of knowing.
He didn’t give it a chance to tear down his wall before jumping out of the window and sprinting full force into the thick dark. Alone.
It was 4 am. The slightest hints of light were beginning to show, and George hadn’t slept a wink. Ever since he jumped out of the window, he’d been on the move. He stayed in the general vicinity of the woods edge, because the last thing he wanted was to get lost in the monster’s territory. He was exhausted,. Physically, mentally, emotionally, instinctively. He wanted to pass out, to let sleep take over, to rest. But he couldn’t.
A few hours ago he dared to look back at the cabin to find that the monster wasn’t leaning over it anymore. And ever since then, George had been making sure to never keep looking in one direction for too long.
Part of him wanted it to turn out that he was crazy, that he hallucinated the whole thing. Because ever since he jumped out of the window, he hadn’t seen it at all. Surely it would’ve been chasing him by now? If it wasn’t, then was it real at all?
But then the silence filled his ears, and that was enough to reassure him that he wasn’t alone.
It was looking for him.
George decided to stay put at the forest edge behind the cabin, where he could see the driveway incase Sapnap decided to make an appearance. He was tired, and was hyper focusing on the sounds around him.
If he just would’ve came out of his room, if he just spent more time with his friends, none of this would’ve happened. Sapnap wouldn’t have done this to try and make George socialize. Was this his punishment for being a bad friend? Was this the price to pay for being an ungrateful prick? George couldn’t help but curl up into himself. Sapnap and Karl won’t be back for hours. They won’t be back until it’s too late, and they’ll come inside and see what happened and think he went crazy. Sapnap will blame himself and Karl will too. Why did it have to turn out this way? Why him? Why?
A car could be heard in the distance.
George lifted his head from his knees and looked bewildered at the driveway. A familiar black car pulled into the long driveway, a comforting yellow light coming off of the headlights. They were home. They were home! He did it! He beat the fucking monster!
George stood, his body shaking as he balanced his exhausted body on the trees beside him. He opened his mouth to yell, but he was cut off.
The trees behind him rustled.
And the air was still.
George had his phone in his hands, and as he turned around he shined the flashlight up, and up, and up….
And two lifeless, inhuman, green eyes met the shine of his light.
George stumbled back, falling over. But what he didn’t know was that the space behind him wasn’t a safe field of open yard, but the hand of the monster, sitting in wait for George to fall right into it.
George gasped and violently writhed as fingers quickly wrapped around his form, he whined in fear as he tried with what little energy he had left to squeeze out of the cold hands that had him trapped.
And as the monster stood up, George let out one last scream of plea;
part two? maybe 👀
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
13) Wet Cats
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"HAHAHAHA- HEY!" Scar shouted as Y/n threw some water on him laughing as they ran away to escape their consequences 
A squeal echoed through the air as arms wrapped around their waist and Mumbo called "I GOT THEM!" 
"Noooo!" Y/n cried as they squirmed 
You may be wondering how they got here. 
So let's go back to a few hours ago where Y/n chose violence when they woke up. 
The morning was warm, the sun rising and warming the earth. 
It was peaceful and quiet. Y/n could hear crows screaming and Grian screaming with them, Giggles of amusement echoed through the house Y/n owned and everything felt so right. 
And so, they ran out and so Y/n grabbed 6 water buckets and ran around to dump them on all of the boatem
Y/n squealed as Mumbo picked them up by the waist and ran towards Scar who held a bucket of water ready to dump over the both of them
"WAit- Mumbo! He's gonna soak you too!" Y/n laughed and squirmed in Mumbo's arms "Stop! wait- No!" 
"Get them Scar!" Mumbo laughed, strong arms keeping Y/n in his hold as Scar jumped up and used his elytra to dump a bucket of cold water on their heads 
laughs were gurgled and soon the two were coughing out water and trying not to choke while giggling their heads off. Mumbo fell to the floor and let go of Y/n when they landed on his stomach. They scrambled away and grabbed a bucket while running to dump on impulse and pearl who were splashing Grian, his wings spread out to protect himself from the water. 
Honestly, this entire event made Y/n feel like they were a kid again. They didn't have any worries about the build, or about making sure that everything was perfect. They just focused on the friends in front of them, laughing and yelling in joy and that was enough. 
"ARRGH SCAR!" Y/n shouted as cold water was dumped on their head 
"IT WASN'T ME!" Scar yelled from across the courtyard that was in the middle of boatem, he sat on the wooden porch of Y/n's hobbit hole drying off in the sun in his chair that Y/n made. There was a chair for each of them, Y/n made sure of that. 
As they turned, Mumbo sheepishly smiled and stood with a bucket poised upside down over Y/n's head. Mumbo was soaked, he wore his suit pants but his coat and tie were discarded before this entire event so his white button-up was see-through and unbuttoned enough for Y/n to drool but they suppressed that emotion enough for them to splash Mumbo with their bucket before running to refill in the infinite water source that one of them made before this whole ordeal. 
"You-" Mumbo gasped and followed as Y/n ran and dumped water onto Impulse and Pearl before thrusting the bucket into Mumbo's hand and running away before they turned "HEY!" 
"Mumbo!" Impulse exclaimed as he turned around, shirt soaked and sticking to his skin
"What the heck!" Pearl yelled and snagged a bucket and splashed Mumbo 
"It wasn-" Mumbo's words were warped by the water entering his mouth so he had to turn and spit out the water "It wasn't me!" 
"You expect us to believe it was Y/n? Or Scar?" Impulse asked teasingly before pointing to them "They're sitting on their chairs! It has to be you... also, you were literally holding an empty bucket."
"I-" Mumbo tried to explain himself 
"GET HIM!" Grian yelled and charged at Mumbo tackling him with a loud laugh, Impulse and Pearl following shortly after 
From farther away scar gently grabbed Y/n's hand and pressed a soft kiss to it to grab their attention and say "Aren't you glad you came over to sit with me? They could have crushed you!" 
"You may be over-exaggerating a little, Honeydew." Y/n said and fiddled with his fingers "They, or you, would never intentionally hurt me, Not unless I asked..." 
"Why would you ask though?" Scar questioned and they smiled
"What if I needed my head but I wasn't allowed to kill myself?" Y/n asked and Scar's mouth made an 'o' shape and they smiled at him
"Y/N!" Pearl called out to them and waved their arm frantically "SCAR! COME ON! WE'RE GONNA GET SOME OF THE OTHER HERMITS INVOLVED IN OUR WATER FIGHT!" 
"COMING!" Y/n yelled back and gripped Scar's hand tighter to drag him up and out of his chair "Come on Honeydew, let's have some fun!" 
"Alright, who needs to shower first?" Y/n asked as they handed each one of the boatem members a warm towel 
"I can go first," Grian said "I take a bit though because I like to preen my wings after though."
"You go last then, I can help you preen if you want me to?" Y/n said the last part as a question. It wouldn't be the first time he let them preen his wings but Y/n also understood that only close friends, family, or even lovers are able to do that 
"Please," He smiled and his wings fluttered, excess water shaking from them and soaking her floor even more 
"I'll go before Grian, My hair can take a bit." Pearl said before a smirk etched its way onto her face "You know Y/n... If you'd like to save a bit of water then you can shower with me." 
Y/n laughed at her offer and gently grabbed her chin with a similar smirk on their face. "Nice try Dewdrop." They said, "Maybe next time."
"You're so mean!" Pearl whined, pink flushing into the apples of their cheeks and the tips of her ears as she stomped a foot 
"But it wasn't a direct no was it?" Y/n said and barely tightened their grip on Pearl's face "Dont mess up what you could have."  
"I can go first," Impulse said and took his towel to Y/n's bathroom to shower "Can you of you guys get me clothes to change into?" 
"I'll get them," Y/n spoke up "Sleep clothes?" 
"Please!" Impulse called from the restroom before he shut the door 
The door opened to the restroom, steam flying out and along with it, Y/n stepped out in their sleep clothes, Large wings shaking off the remaining water and ruffling a few feathers...
They'd have to fix that later
"hey, Once I'm done preening Grian's wings can all of you guys help with mine?" They asked and each of the members perked up with interest 
Each of them knew what it meant to be asked to preen someone's wings and how vulnerable it can be for that person. So Y/n asking them to do that was like them calling the boatem crew best friends or even more. 
"Of course!" Grian was the first to perk up, his face was lit up with a bright smile. Soon the others agreed with him and grian offered to show them how to preen wings 
Grian went a little slack while Y/n preened his wings and the rest of the boatem crew watched a movie. After an hour of Y/n straightening feathers and picking out dirt, oil, and dust while reapplying the oil grian kept for his wings, Y/n was done with his wings and grian fluttered them to make sure they were okay.
"Did I do okay?" Y/n asked sitting crisscross and a pleased smile 
"You did perfect," Grian smiled and cupped their face with calloused hands and Y/n melted into the touch 
"Dinner is ready!" Impulse called and placed the last two bowls of rabbit stew on the dinner table "Come eat before we start on Y/n's wings." 
Y/n got up and stretched, their back popping and releasing the rattled and creaky bones from being hunched over Grian's wings that were oh-so-gorgeous and captivating... 
that could be bird brain talking. 
As the group ate, they talked in soft voices about anything and everything they could, from upcoming builds to what kind of dreams they usually had. It was funny, exciting, and not a topic Y/n thought they would be talking about 
after they finished, Scar and Mumbo insisted they clean up while Grian, Impulse, and Pearl set Y/n up to preen their wings. Pearl sat beside Y/n's head and placed it on her thighs, gently petting Y/n and messing with their face. Y/n laughed at her ministrations before it turned into a low whine when familiar calloused hands began to lift the weight of heavy wings while another pair of calloused hands massaged the space in between their shoulders. 
Mumbo chuckled as Y/n closed their eyes and soft coos escaped their lips as grian held the weight of Y/n's wings and Scar worked magic with his hands, massaging the space between their wings and releasing tension. Pearl was whispering sweet nothing into Y/n's ear as Mumbo and Impulse began to work on straightening out Y/n's wings and taking out oils that aren't needed before adding in the preening oil Grian uses to waterproof his wings. 
"Y/n is a melted mess." Pearl chuckled and pressed small and chaste kisses to Y/n's face, avoiding their lips "Does this usually happen Grian?" 
"Yeah," Grian said "they're so adorable. Avians usually get like this during preening. Especially if their close friends or lovers are doing it for them. We call it bird brain but essentially, its just a ton of dopamine and endorphins rushing into our bodies. Some people, mainly people who are more experienced with it, take it better than others."
"That's really cool," Pearl muttered "So can Y/n hear us right now or is it too much pleasure?" 
"They cant hear us currently. We could all confess our feelings right now and they would never know. They'll be back to normal after they go to sleep." 
"Oh yeah," Mumbo piped up "How will this work? The sleeping situation?" 
"I would assume Me, Pearl, Impulse and You would be sleeping on Y/n's bed while Grian and Y/n themselves would be on top of us?" Scar asked "Because if we sleep on your wings it hurts right? And all this preening would be for nothing." 
"Yeah. Is Y/n's bed big enough for all of us though?" Impulse asked and fixed the last section of Y/n's feathers 
"Yeah!" Pearl said "Me and them installed a new one last night. We broke it in the same day. Its huge and should give all of us enough space to sleep in." 
"Perfect," Grian said and fixed anything that was wrong with the wings "Lets move them over then and head to sleep. I don't know about you guys but I'm drained." 
The rest of the group agreed and moved Y/n over to their bed and placed them on their stomach between Impulse and Mumbo with their wings spread out before Pearl and Scar laid down with Grian in the middle of them with his wings spread out. Grian and Y/n's wings overlapped on top of Pearl and Mumbo but the group talked lowly as they began to drift off. 
Y/n had never felt more content while they were asleep.
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
qb rafe and y/n are passing a football back and forth and then he tells her to go long or whatever and the ball hits her square in the face and she drops ato the ground and he thinks she’s joking so he just laughs and tells her to get back up but she doesn’t and then he realises she’s being serious and freaks out and yadda yadda lmao. idk why that popped up in my head 😂🌟
A/N: Noooo bc I actually laughed while imagining this!!
QB!Rafe = Quarterback Rafe
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"Go long, this time!" Rafe tells you.
You give him an impatient look, hands on your hips as if you were judging him and his words with every single cell in your body.
"You have too much faith in me." You say to him.
"What do you mean?" He asks, squinting at the sunlight in his eyes, "You've caught, like, every single ball."
Something is telling you that this won't go well. You and Rafe have been playing around all afternoon, never taking the throwing of the ball seriously. You've faked getting hurt at least 5 times to see if you could finally step out of the game to go get your water. And every single time Rafe has fallen for it.
Either it was a problem with your wrist, or your hand, Rafe would run towards you and ask you to hold out your hand so he could see the bruise or just the source of your pain. You would always put on all your theatrical skills at play and tell him in small cries where it supposedly hurt.
And then you would get tired of faking and softly smack his cheek playfully right as he's distracted, looking down at the supposed sore place.
He laughed every single time, stealing the ball from your hands and running a few steps back and while pointing a finger at you, saying: "Just because of that, we'll do it one more time."
You really wanted to get out of this heat and just go have some damned water, but you can't help but admit that you're having fun.
"Will this be the last time?" You ask him.
You should've just went with your gut feeling, honestly.
You, like any other time, passed the ball back to Rafe and got ready to do this so needed (long) pass. You felt ready, not only because you've been passing a ball under a killing heat for the past 1 hour, but also because you felt like you could truly get this fricking ball.
You know, just in case the team ever needs a new receiver.
So, you were running, doing great, doing amazing, looking over your shoulder to check when you had to grab the ball.
You'll have to be honest, it seemed easier to do in your mind.
Everything went by too quickly because as soon as you see the ball coming in your direction, it passes right by your eyes and then right beside your face.
It doesn't exactly hit you square in the face but does hit the side of your jaw slightly.
With your quick reflexes, you're still able to grab the ball before it disappeared over your shoulder. But as soon as the oddly shaped ball is in your hands, you trip over your own feet and fall onto the grass.
The floor is soft enough to stop most of your impact onto the ground, and you honestly couldn't care less. For all you know, your jaw is about to fall off.
Rafe watches as you fall and he can't help but laugh out loud. Throughout the faked 5 injuries, you've thrown yourself to the ground at least twice. And, to be fair, from the distance, he wasn't exactly able to see how or even if the ball hit you.
"You good?" He asks loudly due to the distance yet with a smile still on his face.
"No!" You answer back.
Rafe squints once more, not really knowing if you're serious or not since he doesn't want to fall for one of your jokes and be teased again. So, he's careful as he starts walking towards you.
"What happened?" He asks, still distant, still not wanting to be vulnerable around you.
"You hit my jaw off my face, that's what happened!" You whine out, a tad bit dramatically as you hold onto your face.
Rafe finally speeds up his steps at the sound of your words and walks over to your laid-down body. He looks down at you and you eye him as he stands right in front of the sun, giving you, finally, some sort of shade.
He extends out his hand to get you up and, even though you wanted to be petty and smack his hand away for dramatic reasons, you take it. Rafe pulls you up and you stand in front of him, with your hand still against your face.
That's when you notice the slightly humorous look on Rafe's face.
"You think I'm joking?" You ask him.
Your tone spooks Rafe for a second, his expression evaporates right in that second.
"You're not?"
"No." You tell him, lips almost forming a small pout. "It hurts."
Rafe steps closer and lifts his hand over to your wrist. His heart has picked up a bit of pace, a bit of panic started to run through his veins already.
Gosh, he hopes you're just joking. Or at least that it wasn't anything too bad. He can't have you getting hurt because of him.
"Let me see." He whispers.
"If I take my hand off it will, like, fall." You tell him with a serious tone.
A smile appears back on Rafe's face as you say that and he pulls your hand back.
His eyes land on the only slight bit of bruising on your face: the small scraping marks the leather from the ball left on the curve of your jaw. This sight almost makes the boy sigh in relief.
You'll have a bruise tomorrow, but nothing too bad.
"Is it bad?" You ask him, noticing his silence.
"Yeah," He nods and your eyes widen in a panic, your breathing quickens up and you look up at him, scared, "Your guts might even come out of this wound with how severe it is."
Oh, you didn't hesitate to smack him right there and then. He honestly scared you for a whole second.
Rafe laughs as you hit him and you glare at him as he continues to find humor behind your disastrous incident. You bring your hand back to your face, keeping your bruise away from his teasing gaze, and take a step back.
"I'm going back inside."
"Baby, come on, I was just joking!" He tells you.
You start walking by him to get back to the house.
"Don't care."
Rafe is quick to hold onto your spare wrist and pull you in to stop you from walking away.
"I'm sorry." He tells you.
His hand runs up and down your arm comfortingly as you look away in the distance, continuing to give some dramatic suspense to the conversation.
"Weak apology after almost taking out my whole jaw." You whisper.
"Well, I mean it." He says and you look up at him. "Forgive me, baby, please?"
You purse your lips in thought.
"With one condition." You tell him and he lifts his chin as if to tell you to continue to talk, "Admit I would be a good receiver."
He scoffs at your words but not in a teasing manner, as you expected it to be.
"Of course," He says, "You're a better receiver than Jayden."
Jayden being the main wide receiver of the team.
"Really?" You ask with a huge smile and even a pure glint in your eyes.
Rafe smiles at the adorable sight and even leans down to give you a kiss on your cheek, on the unbruised side of your face. You lean in closer to him at the sweet action and he gives you a small shrug before speaking again.
"You just need a helmet, next time, that's all."
Your smile and innocent look fall from your face in a matter of a second and Rafe can't help but laugh again. You give him a glare and turn back around, walking back to the house.
"I hate you." You murmur at him while walking out.
"I love you too, baby, love you too." He says in a mumble, a wide smile on his face as he starts to follow you inside.
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Hope you liked this!! Wrote it sort of quickly, so I hope it's as cute as I intended it to be.
We're also not having Blurb Thursday this week due to my lack of imagination, but I'll be writing other stuff, promise!!
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
Sequel to A Forgotten Memory
Soap and France joins Alexandra Ryder, an INTERPOL Agent tasked to eliminate all pieces of EMP-based weaponry as they investigate one of Berlin's cell towers for a possible source of a planned wide scale EMP blast. Will the team capture Augustus?
Chapter 11 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
Previous Chapter : The Heart Knows what the Mind doesn't
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“The Berlin Tower”
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish
Task Force 141 with INTERPOL
Berlin, Germany
Soap was kinda bummed that this isn’t a Nero case and that Ghost and Roach got to tag along with Captain Price on a possible lead. But he had to do what was instructed of him, it was a low chance for Augustus to be in this tower but he and France are on a joint operation with INTERPOL to disable the planted attachment on this tower. It’s for a great cause.
He nodded to Agent Ryder as she signaled them both to advance, he smirked slightly at France’s sight as she looked horrible at that camo paint. He noted to himself to tell her that as soon as this mission is over.
“Remember Sargeant, remind us about signs of Augustus and we’ll get there ASAP.” Soap remembered Shepherd’s words that will be his objective for this mission. He followed France and guarded her Six, secretly admiring her figure while he did it. He may show hostility toward the female soldier, but he kinda admires her determination, her attitude towards work and her face in general. He may be against relationships while on the job but he considered asking her out after all of this was over, with less EMP blasts would be better.
“Soap! Advance now! Can you hear me?” France hinted at him over comms as he quickly responded and moved to the next position. The huge iron tower loomed before the squad as they scaled the treacherous cliffside.
“Ryder, what’s the situation over there?” the pilot asked.
“Looks like illegal settlers found themselves a home at the base of the tower. We’ll be watching you from down here.” she replied, France caught a glance of Soap and they nodded to each other reminding themselves to be wary of Augustus.
Soap eyed his scope toward the settlement camp as the helo ascended up the tower, he noticed that they were detaching the houses of their roofs, revealing a missile-like structure.
“SAM!” Soap yelled over comms but he was too late. Rockets ejected from the machine and headed straight for the helo. The pilot fired a flare, deflecting the first wave of missiles but another one quickly followed, sending them to spin out of control.
The settlers followed the helicopter as it crashed down the cliff, making sure that no one escaped to tell the tale of the tower’s secret. This was their time to move, the unexpected diversion they created actually turned the battle into their favor.
"All teams advised to proceed with caution." Alexandra informed as the small group proceeded to rustle the leaves and advanced to the base of the tower.
"Doesn't this thing have elevators? Who in the world would think stairs would be appropriate here?" an agent complained upon seeing the spiraling steps of the tower.
"Let's split." Alexandra instructed.
"We circle back to the other side and plant c4 charges on the SAM sites on the far end of the settlement. Everyone nodded and the team's demolitions expert provided them c4 charges.
Soap carefully kept his while France continued to support Agent Ryder. This also splits the two 141 members in case Augustus is on the other half of the settlement. He nodded France a 'see you soon' gesture as the rest of the team parted ways and proceeded to objective.
Soap carefully crept across the small entrance of the village, eyeing his sights on the critical corners of the area. He knew most of the people inside investigated the chopper crash and that leaves their base wide open for a surprise attack. He continued hugging the thin walls of the settlement, signaling the rest of the small squad to cover each other.
The other team split up as they entered the base, taking care of the other side of their half.
It was too quiet. No weapons were being fired, could it be that the base is really empty?
"What's everyone's sitrep? Over." Alexandra whispered softly over comms.
"It's too quiet." Soap replied.
"Stay frosty." She replied. Soap signaled the two other agents to cover for him as he entered the house which housed one of the four SAM turrets.
"C4 is planted." he announced. Everyone else seemed to plant theirs as well.
"Let's regroup and detonate. I'm already seeing them fleeing back here."
"Rog." everyone else noted and stepped to objective. Then a single shot was fired, hitting one of Soap's team on the shoulder.
"Get down!" He roared as they looked for cover, and just like that, the team's cover was already blown and reinforcements were already on their way back from the crash.
"They're closing in. It's too critical! Try to stay away from the turrets! We'll have to detonate from danger close and extract!" Alexandra ordered over comms. Soap was too busy shooting tangos but they just kept on surrounding them.
The ground shook violently as one of the cornet SAM sites exploded, crippling the enemies which provided Soap a small window of opportunity to move away from the turret and shoot the nearby enemies.
"Let's push forward!" He commanded. It was a matter of life and death as the forces surrounding them began to regroup.
"None of our troops from the blast site are responding!" Ryder yelled desperately, the hope in her voice started to fade.
"Shit! We're doing a danger close detonation grab onto something!" The second quadrant team yelled as another explosion shook the ground. Instead of moving forward, Soap's team actually fell back as the large wave started to surround them, pressuring the team not to detonate the remaining two SAMs.
"We're surrounded by a helluva lot of tangos Ryder. You have to detonate the closest one to you so the bird can extract! We'll make a run for it." Soap yelled at the team leader.
"Shit! France, cover me while I make a run for it." Ryder yelled over comms. A few seconds later the third SAM site exploded, leaving Soap's SAM the only one left.
The blast's heat crawled through MacTavish's skin as he took one step back firing enemies conservatively. He threw his rifle straight at the closing enemy's head and switched to his sidearm. He took another step back and he already felt the warm surface of the humming SAM turret, looking up at the sky, ready to assault any flying object it sees. If only he could get his team so move at a safe distance away from it and finally click his detonator.
He peeked through the opening to check on his team, one already fell flat on the ground while the other one was taking heavy fire.
"Shit." he cursed and quickly hid his head as bullets started ricocheting toward him. He took a quick peek at his inventory and did the math. If he played his cards right, he had a slim chance of saving the other ally and actually making it out alive.
He took another peek and started his plan, but all that's left of his remaining ally was a lying dead body on a pool of crimson colored liquid. He was now alone. Mission Impossible.
He hid back and inhaled. He was running out of hope, he wanted to make it out alive. He wanted to ask France out for a date. He still wanted to see tomorrow's sunrise.
Soap desperately grabbed his trusty sidearm and shot each approaching enemy. One bullet per person meant he could fend off at least 48 of them, assuming he hits everyone in the head. His teammates were nowhere to be found and the rescue helicopter was already whirring at the distance.
Ryder and what's left of her team were slowly gathering by the extraction zone while Soap was still stuck in a pinch. It looked like the enemies didn't care about them and focused their attention on the remaining Scotsman. Strength in Numbers.
Overpowered and quickly running out of bullets, Soap ran for it, staying low on the ground, blindly evading flying bullets and clicking his detonator. He hoped to use the blast as a boost to further push him to France's direction but the way his body bent blew him sideways, toward the center of the base. Soap's body slammed against the makeshift walls as he rolled to the ground rendering him almost unconscious.
He coughed and struggled to get up, limping toward a safe wall, leaning against the soft walls, and gasping for air.
"It's no use, France. We can't stay here any longer. We have to ascend." Ryder advised as Soap struggled to get up, his vision blurred and his ears rang.
Soap wanted to talk but his hands were too injured to press the button, he rolled his eyes and scanned the area. His teammates were already gone, and he felt blood trickled against his cheek, while his mouth tasted like iron. With the last bit of strength he showed his game face and pointed his gun while his arms trembled from exhaustion.
"Last seven bullets. So this is how it ends." he chuckled, trying to make the situation a lot less depressing.
"One." he fired, the tango was close enough that he actually got pushed back on impact.
"Two." he fired, making an approaching tango cripple and fall.
"Three." he shot but missed, clicking his tongue.
"Four. Finally" he exhaled, squaring the target straight through the head.
"Fi-" he got kicked, causing him to drop the sidearm as he rolled to the ground.
"John! Noooo!" France's voice filled comms. Soap tried to reach his hand to the flying helicopter with the last of his strength, but it was no use. He couldn't move his leg or roll his body due to the stomps he kept getting. His vision slowly faded and the last thing he heard was France sobbing through comms.
Next Chapter : Uninvited Guests
Notification Squad my beloved
@beemybee @enderio @smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @ricinbach @whimsywispsblog
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captain-josslett · 3 years
Broken Melody - Part Nine
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven,
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 3k+
Warnings:  ANGST, Violence, Blood, Injury, Verbal Abuse
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor
This Part: Emma’s world is about to implode.
Here we go...
As always B!D is named.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz​
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Emma Danvers awoke blinking at the morning sunshine hitting her face. ‘Why didn’t I close those?’ Emma frustratedly thinks, but her attention is diverted away when she sees Lena asleep next to her.
A sleepy smile spreads across the blonde’s face as she takes all of Lena in. Noticing the duvet was not completely covering the raven haired beauty, showing off her naked chest. Knowing how her girlfriend feels the cold Emma pulls the duvet up towards Lena’s shoulder. She settles back and continues studying Lena’s face. Emma gently reaches out and runs a finger across Lena’s jaw and cheekbone.
“You know.” Lena’s raspy voice speaks out, causing Emma to stop and look at Lena’s closed eyes. “Some find it creepy having someone watch them while they sleep?”
Emma chuckles softly at how Lena has repeated what Emma had said the morning after their first time having sex. Lena smiles brightly hearing Emma’s laugh, finally she opens her green eyes.
“Hi.” Lena says softly.
“Hi.” Emma leans forward and kisses her girlfriend softly. But before Emma can deepen the kiss Lena’s phone goes off in the living area. “Noooo.” Emma whines and she pouts when Lena gracefully slides out of bed to get her phone.
Huffing Emma rolls out of bed and finds her own phone on the coffee table before heading into the bathroom. She frowns when there’s no messages from her sisters. After finishing her business she washes her hands and sends out a quick message.
Emma: Ggooooodd Mmoorrnniinngg!! Hope you had a great night's sleep! What are the plans for later? Do you want to meet here and we can decide where to eat?
Leaving the bathroom she goes to find Lena who's back in her bedroom and changing quickly into spare clothes she has at Emma’s.
“I overslept!” Lena pushes past Emma to use the bathroom. “This meeting has been scheduled for over a year and I didn’t set an alarm!”
“Well, I’m sure they’ll wait?” Emma puts on a hoodie and shorts before leaning against the door frame as Lena gets herself ready. Emma notices how Lena’s jaw clenches in annoyance.
In Emma’s defense she had tried to cut the mind blowing sex short early this morning, to allow Lena more sleep. But the raven haired beauty wasn’t having any of it. Knowing Emma will be leaving soon, she didn’t want to waste anymore time as she settled between the blonde’s legs.
“Jess is stalling them.” Lena walks past Emma again, reaching out and taking her hand. Emma follows her into her living area.
“Well… That’s good.” Emma sighs when Lena lets her hand go to gather her stuff. “So I have no chance in persuading you to come back to bed?”
Lena stops and looks at her. Emma can tell she is debating with herself on what to do or say. Her girlfriend walks over to her and presses into her. Wrapping her hands behind Emma’s neck.
Emma can’t help but use her puppy dog eyes and a deep pout.
“Oh no love! Don’t give me that look.” Lena can’t help but smile at her adorable girlfriend. She gently kisses Emma. “I wish I didn’t need to go in too.” Lena rests her forehead on Emma’s. They stay like this for a few seconds before Lena breaks the hug to go and grab her coat.
“It’s okay.” Emma sighs. “I’m seeing Kara and Alex for lunch anyway. Though they haven’t messaged me where we’re going.” Emma looks at her phone, noticing there’s no read receipts on the message she sent. Emma frowns, knowing Alex and Kara would be awake by now.
“Everything okay?” Lena asks, noticing Emma’s frown while putting on her coat.
“Yea. Just Kara and Alex normally respond quickly.”
“Maybe there’s been an incident?” Lena asks helpfully.
Emma bites her lip with worry before looking at her girlfriend. “Yea, you’re probably right.”
“I generally am.” Lena smirks at Emma and leans in for another kiss. She moans when Emma deepens it but pulls back. “I’m sorry love but I got to go. My driver is here.” Lena picks up her bag and starts heading to the door.
“Okay, hope it goes well.” Emma follows her, sighing sadly at Lena leaving.
“Thank you.” Lena opens Emma’s apartment door and races out. “Message me when you know your plans!” She calls back and Emma rolls her eyes as she watches Lena rush down the corridor to the elevator.
“Love you!” Emma yells as Lena disappears into the elevator.
“Love you too!” Emma hears before the doors close.
Shaking her head Emma closes the apartment door behind her. She looks at her phone again and can’t help the pang of worry when her sisters still haven’t responded. Emma quickly goes to the tv and flicks through the news channels. No incident has happened where Supergirl has appeared. Everything looks quiet and calm.
‘Wonder how long that will last?’ Emma thinks sarcastically as she turns the tv off. Heading into the bathroom Emma strips and has a shower. A bit of arousal hits Emma when she realises Lena has gone to work without cleaning up their love making from a few hours ago. She smirks but still feels a bit guilty that she didn’t think to set up an alarm. They had just been too busy to think about it.
Emma starts humming a tune as she washes herself. Remembering how beautiful Lena looked as she slept. How her hair was illuminated by sunlight coming through the window. Emma keeps humming as she dries herself and puts on her favourite pair of blue skinny jeans, a white tank top and her layered necklace. She looks at the necklace in the mirror as she dries her hair.
How the three charms represent her sisters and Emma. Alex was the star, Kara the Sun and Emma the swan. It wasn’t a mistake that Emma chose light sources for both her sisters. That no matter how dark things got she knew her sisters would be there for her. Like the stars in the night sky and the promise of the sun rise.
Emma walks into her kitchen to grab a bottle of water. She looks at her phone again and sighs when there's still no response from Kara or Alex. Emma debates about sending another message. But instead places her phone on the kitchen island before sipping her water.
Unable to get the tune out of her head Emma grabs her notebook from her backpack and goes over to her upright wooden piano. She plays out the melody she’s hearing and starts softly singing lyrics that come to her. She tilts her head as she’s trying to figure out what she’s wanting to say. After a successful attempt she grabs her notebook to write the lyrics in. Her eyes squint and her tongue comes out to the side as she concentrates.
Emma gets so lost in what she is doing that she doesn’t realise a few hours have passed. Or the sound of her apartment door opening. Only when the floorboards creak does Emma register she isn’t alone.
“Crap!” Emma jumps and quickly looks to the noise, holding a hand to her chest. “Kara! Alex! Did you really need to be ninja’s or something?” Emma laughs but her smile fades when she sees the expression of pure hatred on both her sister’s faces. “Guys? Are you okay?”
“No.” Alex’s voice comes out cold, immediately sending warning bells into Emma’s mind.
“But we will be.” Kara says with an equally chilling voice.
For a split second Emma sees a glimmer of red in both their eyes before it disappears. Her blood freezes and she slowly stands. Backing away from her sisters. She’s seen what Kara did when she was on Red Kryptonite. But Alex too?
Her phone pings nearby. Dread fills Emma as she realises she doesn’t have it on her to call for help. She spots it on the kitchen island. On the other side of the apartment.
Emma feels her breathing getting shallow when Kara and Alex start stalking towards her. Quickly she looks for a possible escape route, anything, but there’s nothing.
Suddenly Emma’s head slams against the full length window behind her, making the glass crack dangerously. Emma sees stars. She gasps when her airway is cut off by Kara’s tightening grip and she’s lifted high into the air.
“Kar-” Emma fruitlessly claws at her sister’s arm and tries to kick at her stomach. Anything to lessen the pressure around her throat.
Kara laughs harshly at Emma's attempts. “Pathetic.”
“Kara.” Alex’s voice calls out. Emma’s eyes shift to her eldest sister as she chokes for breath. Kara turns her head to look at the redhead. “Let her go.”
Immediately Emma drops to the floor and tries to pull air back into her lungs. Coughing hard she rubs her neck and shuffles away from Kara. Trying to get to her phone. Kara watches her with a cold amusement but stays where she is.
When Emma gets closer to the island she clambers to her feet and sprints towards it. But a blur passes her and suddenly Kara has her phone with a cold, cocky grin on her face.
“Looking for this?” The once bubbly voice of her sister asks harshly. All Emma could do was watch as Kara crushes the phone between her fingers, before slamming it to the floor.
In a panic Emma runs for the door but she collides with Alex who she hadn't seen move around her to block her escape.
“A-Alex.” Emma tries to keep her voice strong but her fear betrays her. Alex tilts her head at her before moving forward. Causing Emma to take a step back, away from the apartment door.
“A-Alex.” Her sister mimics. “You are so pathetic! It’s a wonder you have fans at all. If they saw the real you they would abandon you in an instant. You are weak. You are nothing.”
Emma’s heart drops as Alex speaks out her insecurities. She tries to lunge past Alex to get to the door. But Kara grabs her waist and flings Emma across the room, causing her body to slam hard against the wall by her bedroom door. She slides down the surface, revealing a deep indent in the plaster and exposing the brick.
Emma groans. She feels something wet slide down her face. Slowly she raises her hand to it. Emma pulls her hand away and sees blood. Her stomach jolts at the sight. She hates blood.
Movement makes her head snap up at her approaching sisters. Panicking she stumbles into her room and slams the door shut, locking it with trembling fingers. ‘Get to the fire escape.’ Emma pleads with herself. But her body feels like lead. Like she’s in a nightmare and her body moves in slow motion while everything else speeds up.
She hears her sisters trying to get in. Which causes her heart to thump even more.
Finally Emma reaches the balcony door, but just as she starts to unlatch it her bedroom door is broken down. Instantly a hand painfully grabs her shoulder before swinging her around and throwing her on the bed.
Alex snarls at her and straddles her stomach, the red glimmer in her eyes appears again. “Alex, please.” Emma begs.
Alex punches her hard, forcing Emma’s face to the side. “I don’t even know why I bother with you!” Alex hisses as she punches Emma again and again. The blonde yells out in pain and already feels her face starting to swell. “You are so weak!” Alex roars, punching Emma with each new sentence. “You think you’re so much better than us?! Our jobs are so much more important than yours! We save people’s lives and all you do is jump around on stage! Making yourself look like a fool! So pathetic! I wish you’d never been born!”
Emma is suddenly shoved to the floor and she yelps in surprise. She tries to scramble from her sister but Alex stands over her and grabs her left arm. Stepping over the blonde she forces Emma’s arm back against her leg as hard as she can. Emma screams loudly as a shooting pain rips through her left shoulder.
“Alex stop!” Emma wails in agony.
“Shut up!” Alex yells, kicking Emma repeatedly in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. “You. Are. So. Selfish! Where. Are. You. When. I. Need. You?”
“Alex.” Kara places a hand on the redhead's shoulder. Alex looks up at her and nods while breathing heavily.
Emma uses this pause to try and crawl away from her sisters. But her movements are clumsy and slow. She gasps in the blinding pain surging through her body.
“Where do you think you're going?” Kara says threateningly as she stalks after her. Eyes glowing red for a second.
Emma knows it’s useless but she keeps going towards the bedroom door. The adrenaline pumping through her system keeps her moving despite the pain.
“I said!” Kara growls as she lifts Emma up by her tank top. Almost ripping it in her grip. “Where do you think you're going?” Kara throws her into the piano causing it to break and crack from the force. Emma gasps out in pain and feels the ribs on her right side break from the impact. She crashes heavily to the floor. Instantly Alex is by her side and grabs onto Emma’s hair pulling her to her feet. She pushes Emma against the broken piano.
“Alex, Kara, please- this isn’t you.” Emma wheezes and coughs out. A metallic taste entering her mouth.
“Have you thought that maybe this is us?” Kara’s strides towards her sister. “You are such a waste of space Emma. You honestly believe you're talented? I feel sorry for you really.”
“Especially your relationship with Lena.” Alex joins in, staring cruelly at her baby sister. “Soon she’s going to see the real you and dump you. I am surprised she hasn’t done it already. She is a genius after all.”
Emma can’t help but show a bit of pain at her sister’s words. She sees the sick triumph in their eyes before Emma clenches her jaw.
“Aww did we hurt the little baby with the truth?” Kara says condescendingly.
“These aren’t the truth and you know it.” Emma wheezes back. Finding it harder to stand.
“Oh but they are. Why Kara and I were just saying how easy it would be if you weren’t our sister. How tired we are of having to watch over you, weak, little baby.”
“I am not weak.” Emma grits out, her fists clenching automatically.
Kara leans right into Emma “Oh but you are.”
Suddenly Kara grabs Emma’s throat again and lifts her high into the air.
“You see Emma all I need to do is slightly tighten my hand and you’d be dead.”
Emma waits for that moment. Her full focus on her sisters. Until she’s thrown across the room and hits the kitchen island. Denting the surface from the impact.
A ringing noise takes over Emma’s senses. Pain radiates all over her body. She doesn’t hear Kara and Alex make their way over to her as she coughs and spits out blood. Again she is lifted by her throat. She can’t help the tears that slip out.
“A-lex, Ka-ra… I love you.” Emma chokes out. This seems to enrage the super who slams Emma into the nearest wall, over and over again. Yelling out Emma’s deepest insecurities, that she was nothing, weak and unloved.
Emma can only hang in her sister’s grip as her vision blurs at the repeated hits. Feeling multiple bones in her body crack and break. Kara pauses for a moment and snarls at the broken human in her grasp.
“Do you love me now?” Kara smiles evilly at her.
“I… do.” Emma somehow manages to wheeze out.
A punch like a jack hammer hits Emma in the face. She hears her cheek crack and the pain causes her eyes to water even more.
“How bout now?” Kara asks wickedly. Before Emma can respond she is punched the other side of her face by Alex.
“Now?” Alex snarls. Emma nods despite the pain causing Alex to rip the necklace off of Emma. Kara grabs it in her other hand and looks at it.
“This thing is so stupid.” Kara clenches her fist and the necklace disintegrates in her fingers. Emma watches with tears streaming down her face.
“Do you still love us?” Alex tilts her head at the blonde.
Emma nods causing Kara to growl and punch her sister hard in the stomach. “How about now?” Kara’s voice was low and dangerous.
Emma coughs and feels a wet, thick liquid erupt from her mouth. It lands on Kara’s arm who looks at it in disgust.
“Revolting.” Kara pulls Emma’s broken face close to her. “And I don’t love you.”
“I don’t love you either.” Alex snarls at Emma.
Suddenly Emma is thrown to the floor. The floorboards crack and snap around her. Leaving a crater from the impact. Emma wheezes and coughs for breath. ‘I’m going to die.’ She thinks as she closes her eyes. Tears roll down her cheeks.
But Emma’s eyes fly open when two hands wrap around her neck. Kara and Alex are glaring down at her with such hate as their eyes glimmer red. Their hands tighten like a vice and Emma gasps for air. But she is choking. Her face turns purple and her eyes go blood red. Black spots start to fill her vision and a ringing noise fills her ears. Emma feels her eyes grow heavy and soon... 
She feels nothing at all.
(Part Ten)
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2. Hero
2. Hero
The doors to the Nether Castle were blown open as an Avatar wearing a pink flower crown, striped shirt, shorts, and a dark red hooded cloak sauntered through, her arms flung up into the air. "Praise me!" she declared with a wide smile, amber eyes bright and sparkling, "I did it! I got Herobrine a new body!"
Of the several Cultists loitering around the foyer of the castle, two other girls perked up and squealed happily, running over to join the newcomer. "Ohmigosh, really?!" they exclaimed, bouncing around her in excitement. "Who is it?! Are they cute? Single? Do we need to expand His Lordship's quarters? Are they allergic to gluten?"
The girl stopped walking, holding up a hand for calm as the other Cultists finally took interest and turned their attentions to her. That seemed to be what she was waiting for, as her grin turned impish and she clapped her hands together in pleased excitement.
"I got Dream!" she revealed, cheeks flush with joy as the girls around her squealed and hugged each other, jumping in place as their own red cloaks flapped around from the motions. Several other Cultists suddenly flocked their way, eager to hear news about the potential return of their Lord and Master.
"Ohmigosh! Herobrine for DreamSMP!" "Aw, you couldn't get Technoblade?" "Did you get Dream before or after his rebrand? I heard from my Player that he changed skins and names from the old PVP stuff! Did that convert here already?"
Flapping her hands dismissively, the Avatar laughed off the questions that were fired after her. "We'll totally find out once Lord Herobrine shows back up. Praise me for the hero I am; my crossbow skills finally got put to good use!" she declared and winked with a smile at the Cultists surrounding her.
The group waited, scurrying around to prepare the castle for Herobrine's triumphant return as a way of passing time. An hour passed, then another. The flower-crowned girl flicked her hand to the clock in her hotbar and frowned at it, lips pursed into a pout as she watched the little sun rise. Another Cultist approached her, hands on his hips and unimpressed expression on his face.
"Well, Stacy? It's been a whole night since you shot that arrow. Lord Herobrine's source code isn't in the holding chamber, all of our arrows that were forged from it are gone, and He hasn't returned," the male Avatar told her and raised an eyebrow. "I hope your target didn't go and kill himself rather than surrender his body to our Master."
"Noooo?" Stacy stretched out the word as she flicked the clock away and pressed her fingertips together, "Dream totally wouldn't just up and die, like, permanently or anything." The other Cultist just stared at her in silence and she threw her hands up. "Oh, for crying out loud, I don't know! This never happened when He took over Sky's body! He came straight here and we got in on that whole 'destroy Minecraftia and kill everyone' plan before my Player's pizza got delivered! Maybe Dream got lost on the way here. Compasses don't fucking work in the Nether! At least I did my job; get off my back, Kothra!"
The Cultist huffed, folding his arms over his chest. "Our hero," he said dryly. "If you were really doing your job properly, you would have brought that Avatar back here as soon as you confirmed Lord Herobrine accepted the offering." He gestured at Stacy condescendingly. "Instead, you let the vessel run off while you probably stood there, simping over him like some besotted fangirl."
Stacy stamped a foot down in frustration. "No, I didn't! I was going to get him, but his stupid friends showed up before I could pearl down and they grabbed him!" she snapped back and whirled on her heel, cloak snapping the air with her movement as she stalked for the armory, hand flicking to the crossbow in her hotbar. Kothra followed after her, chain-mail jingling as he matched strides with his taller height and longer legs easily. "I'm just one scout; how the hell am I to fight three Avatars with pvp experience?!"
"You should have signaled for backup. The Nether Portal Borderlands have our people patrolling around the clock and we're spread evenly over twenty chunks from the portal to the Overworld," Kothra said, watching sharply as they entered the armory and headed towards a wall full of double chests. Stacy opened one and gestured with a hand to open her inventory screen, pulling out an armful of arrows and rockets from the chest to throw into the floating window. "You wouldn't have to fight alone. Who took the vessel? I need names so I can get the spies started in investigating and tracking."
Stacy slammed the lid of the chest down and kicked at it with an angry huff. "They're his friends, the Dream Team or the Muffinteers, whatever they call themselves since they keep changing depending on who's around," she replied with a wave of her hand, dismissing both words and window in a single gesture. "Sapnap, GeorgeNotFound, BadBoyHalo. They don't stick to cities for longer than a couple days. They mostly run all over the wilderness with Dream in their manhunt training." She paused, pursing her lips together as she considered things and then tilted her head thoughtfully, eyes flicking over to Kothra. The other Cultist was typing into a chat window, likely sending the names via whisper to the spies scattered in the Overworld. "Lord Herobrine picked Dream as His new body, but I bet his friends won't like that. They might try and reverse the code transfer."
"I doubt that's possible." Kothra finished the last of his typing with a small flourish, twirling his fingers to dismiss the window. "Without Sky and Deadlox, there's no way to halt Lord Herobrine's source code. This Dream will be converted to our cause and our numbers will grow once more." Stacy narrowed her gaze as she nibbled on a thumbnail, a doubting hum escaping her. Then she shrugged and her expression brightened, a smile spreading over her face as her eyes sparkled.
"Well, just to be on the safe side, I'm gonna head to the Overworld and track him down myself! It'll be more fun to escort Lord Herobrine home, after all," she said cheerfully, clasping her hands together and posing cutely.
"You just want to simp some more," Kothra grumbled sourly. "Bring Him back as quickly as you can. Despite the Generals no longer being here, I don't trust Sky Army to not try something stupid in attempts to stop our Master's revival if He is discovered." He waved a hand in Stacy's direction. "Go. Play hero. At least you'll be useful." The Cultist just stuck her tongue out in retaliation before spinning on her heel and skipping off, humming cheerfully to herself.
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mona-stay · 5 years
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First Christmas - Lucifer
Plot - Lucifer has his first Christmas with the help of y/n
Pairing - Lucifer x reader
Warnings - none, just Christmas fluff
Lucifer walked around the bunker bored. He'd already annoyed Sam and Dean to the point he was lucky they hadn't shot him yet. Cas, well it was no fun to wind Castile up. He now looking for his next source of entertainment y/n. He didn't dislike her like he did the others. When he'd be with her, living at the bunker didn't seem as daunting.
He'd looked in her room, the garage, war room, even looked in the demon dungeon. His last stop the kitchen. He smirked the smell of gingerbread was promising. "y/n" he said in a singsong tone, turning the corner.
His smile faded she wasn't in there, however his other brother Gabriel was. "if you're looking for y/n you missed her she's just gone out." he said picking up a cookie from the cooling rack.
"I don't think she's happy you eating her cookies," lucifer said back. Before Gabriel could eat it, lucifer snapped his fingers making the cookie vanish and appearing back in the rack.
Gabe pulled his tongue at lucifer "your no fun, Lucy. Y/n wouldn't have noticed she's been baking all morning. She's out in the woods if you want her" he said before grabbing another cookie and running out with it.
After waiting ten minutes to see if she'd come back, lucifer decided to go find her. On his way to the door, he saw the Winchesters packing their duffels with weapons for a case. "we're going out can you two try not to destroy the place while we're gone" Dean said.
Lucifer rolled his eyes as Gabriel laughed "no promises" he joked walking to his room.
The last thing he heard before the door shut was Sam asking Dean if leaving the two wayward angel's alone was a good idea.
He started walking through the wooded area around the back of the bunker. He knows y/n liked to walk around here when things got too much inside. In fact, she'd gotten the devil to do it a few times when he and the Winchesters were almost about to kill one another.
He was almost at a clearing in the woods when heard a strange noise. Being curious he walked towards the tapping sound. Soon he found y/n, he couldn't help but frown watching her attack the tree with an axe.
You had decided for once you and everyone at the bunker were doing Christmas properly this year. After spending the morning baking different types of treats. but they would be for later if Gabriel hasn't eaten them all.
You had also gotten some decorations too now you needed a tree to decorate. After finding the perfect tree, you got an axe from the weapons cabinet and headed into the woods.
This was something you had done as a child. Your father would take you to the mountains and let you pick a tree and chop it down. Go home drink hot chocolate while decorating the tree and making gingerbread houses.
You had been to busy focused on the tree you hadn't heard Lucifer. "what are you doing?" he said behind you. The sudden voice made you jump and you hunter instincts kicked in. You lifted the ace to head hight while spinning on the spot. Lucifer's reflexes were faster, he caught the axe handle centimetres before it hit his head.
Panting a little from the shock, you looked at him confused "what are you doing here? I could have killed you." you snapped at him, pulling the axe from his grip.
He started to laugh, "do you really think you can kill me with that toy. Why are you using the tree as target practice?" he said looking confused.
You looked at him in surprise, "you've never seen anybody chop a tree Christmas tree before" you say, taking another swing at the tree.
He didn't answer so you looked over your shoulder at him. He stood silent, you could tell something was odd. That's when it hit you he probably didn't know what Christmas was.
"you don't know what Christmas is, do you?" you asked trying not to sound pitiful. Lucifer rolled his eyes "if your talking about the bible story let me correct you" he said taking a step forward, no doubt to give you a lecture on how bad his father is.
"Nope I'm not talking about that, yes Christmas is the birth of Jesus, I mean the spirit of Christmas. Ya know the trees, lights, food, gifts, kindness" you start to say. As you say kindness, Lucifer gave you his sassy look as to say you're talking to the devil.
You smiled "well I guess it's never too late to learn, come here," you say beckoning him towards you.
As he got closer you handed him the axe. If anyone else had seen you they would have thought you crazy giving the devil a weapon, however, you knew him better and trusted him not to try and kill you with it.
You stood behind him putting his body in the right position, guiding his arms down to swing at the tree. When you felt he had the hang of it you let go and took a few steps back. You watched him hack at the tree for a few minutes if you didn't have a crush on him you'd probably be scared by how effortlessly he swung the axe.
His human vessel started running out of stamina and his pace started to slow. He stopped and looked at you, "you know I could have this thing down with a snap of my fingers!" he said lifting his hand, readying his fingers to click.
"noooo," you say running a few steps to stop him. "I'm doing this the real way, the same way my dad taught me how" you day taking the axe.
Lucifer watched as you started chopping at the tree. He hadn't heard you talk about your family much only they had died a few years ago in a werewolf attack. He noticed how her swings got harder and more clumsy in their landing. He knew she was upset but trying not to show it. "so are you going to tell me the reason for cutting down a 'Christmas tree' as you called it?" he asked both to distract y/n and to actually find out what a Christmas tree was.
After explaining the tree was going back the bunker to be decorated. "as kids we're told Santa leaves gifts under the tree for anyone who has been good" you say watching as Lucifer had taken over the axe when you had gotten tired. You heard the sound of the tree cracking "okay that enough" tell him, pulling him out the way.
A few seconds and the tree quickly fell. You jumped and laughed at the echo of the bang it made hitting the ground. Walking over to start making a plan to get it back the bunker, you fell over an exposed tree root. Lucifer saved you by wrapping his arms around you. Instead of hitting the floor you hit his hard chest.
You didn't move, only looked up at him feeling your cheeks get hot with embarrassment. He continued to hold you stirring in your eyes.
You wanted to kiss him but you also didn't want to make a move without knowing if he'd kiss you back
Lucifer sensed the hold had be awkward. Part of him didn't want to but let go and quickly changed the subject "so how are you getting this thing back to the bunker" he asked. You didn't really have a plan when you came out here, all you brought was an axe and a wood trolley, which wasn't going to be big enough to fit a whole tree on.
In the end, you agreed to let Lucifer use his powers when it came to getting the tree back to the bunker. He magiced you both and tree to the war room. A loud bang sounded as the tree hit the floor. "Hey easy with my tree" you scolded him with a jokey tone.
After spending a few minutes choosing where it was going to go, you asked Lucifer to put it in its stand while you when to get some decorations.
Lucifer stood looking at still unsure of what they were actually doing but felt good helping her get it back. Lately, y/n hadn't smiled much but really her and the Winchesters were giving blow after blow waiting for a win to come their way.
You came in with two cups of hot chocolate, topped with cream and chocolate sauce. You could feel Lucifer watching as you unpacked the lights ready to go on first. You started laughing "I really can't believe this is your first Christmas," you say handing him one end of the white lights. "Take this end and start wrapping them around the tree" you instruct him.
He went to start in the middle you had to tell him from the top. You started putting lights and a spruce garland around the staircase bannister. Looking over to see how Lucifer was doing you couldn't help but laugh. He had managed to get himself tangled in the lights.
You go over as he's trying to say he's okay and doesn't need help. You didn't listen helping him out if the entanglement of lights he'd made. "I know your narasticic but you really don't need Christmas lights to shine" you joked.
You hadn't noticed him turn to face you until you looked up coming practically nose to nose.
"only for you" he whispered to himself but being so close you still heard.
This was all new for you, the feelings for the devil. You hadn't known him before, you had only heard the stories from Sam and Dean about everything they had dealt with. But meeting him you hadn't seen the evil side to him, in fact, you were 99% certain only you had seen Lucifer the way he was now carefree and with his devil persona hidden.
You didn't know what to say and shyness took over making you duck out from under his arm and free him from the lights. Lucifer didn't look bothered, he just smiled and said thanks before you both put the lights on the tree.
You got your drink knowing it would be cool enough to have now when you heard Lucifer say "I'll plug this in now!"
You jumped up almost spilling your hot chocolate pulling it off him "no the lights don't go on till the tree is finished and the rest of the decorating is done" you explain.
He frowned but did as you said. You were right this was his first Christmas and it was all new to him.
He walked to the table deciding he'd just copy everything you did now. So just like you, he picked up his drink, sipping away. As an angel he didn't have tease buds, meaning he didn't taste the chocolate or cream but drank it anyway hoping you wouldn't notice.
He found it strange how he'd go out of his way for her in small ways. Whether it was pretending to enjoy a meal or staying up all night watching TV when she couldn't sleep. Gabriel had teased him before about it saying he had a feeling for her but Lucifer argued back saying that was a human emotion so he couldn't possibly. After today after holding her, enjoying a human activity with her made him doubt everything the thought about feelings and emotions.
"Hey these baubles ain't gonna hang themselves, come on!" you shouted making him snap out whatever thought he was having. You started taking out the silver and blue baubles. Lucifer watched you hang the first two, he picked one up looking at it. It shined in the light and had a small bit of string.
"Just pick a branch and hang it," you say encouraging him to do it. Everyone he went to hang one he'd first if it was okay here at whatever branch he held the bauble by. It didn't take to long to get the tree finished. It would have taken less time if Lucifer hadn't been messing around.
"Hey y/n, do you think these earrings suit me?" he asked. When you turned around he had two silver giltter baubles hanging from his ears. Another Lucifer distraction came when he got a string of tinsel and wrapped it around you, as he did he used it to pull you closer. "I wanted to make you look festive," he said in a teasing tone with a flirty smile.
Soon all your work was complete and the bunker kinda looked like a grotto. Even fireplace had six stockings pinned into the wooden frame, each with everyone's initials on.
Lucifer still didn't understand the point of wasting 2 hours doing that to a tree but it made you happy. And even if he didn't understand the meaning he actually enjoyed it, "So what's next on your Christmas to-do list?" he asked.
You looked up smirking "gingerbread houses with Christmas movies" you answered. You both went into the kitchen collecting the biscuits you had baked this morning. Back in the war room, you set the ingredients I to separate bowls as Lucifer set up the TV and DVD.
When you were ready you started the movie marathon with your favourite Christmas film. The pair of you started your houses, it took you a few minutes to explain to Lucifer how to use the icing to glue the gingerbread together.
The movie you had seen a thousand times so you spent most of it concentrating on your house. You were laughing at him, his face screwed with concentration as he piped the icing. "who'd of thought I'd be spending Christmas eve making gingerbread houses with the devil" you said before stopping yourself.
He turned looking disappointed "isn't this what you want to we can do something else or I can leave you to it," he said half-heartedly.
You shook your head, "no" you said a little to fast. "I wanted to do this all December, I'm glad your here too. I just didn't think this would be your thing" you say hoping to cover your enthusiasm of wanting him here.
"well it's better than listening to Cas go on about something stupid and I got to play with an axe so it's not all bad," he said. You smiled at him picking back up your piping bag.
"however it does need an injection of fun!" Lucifer said.
As you looked up questioning how a fist full of icing sugar hit you in the face. You stood up with your mouth open in shock. Lucifer took one look at the white patch on your face and bust out laughing at his handy work." oh you think that's funny" you say squinting pink icing at him. He tried to block your attack with one hand while grabbing a fist full of sweets to throw at you. Soon enough a food fight broke out.
In a matter of ten minutes, the room looked like a sugared bombsite. You and Lucifer laid on the floor laughing and panting out of breath. "Sam and Dean are going to kill us," you say sitting up seeing the damage around, thinking how could you ever get it all clean before the boys where back. You heard a click behind you, turning to see Lucifer with his hands up smiling at you. As you looked back around all the mess had gone the sweets were back in the bowls and both houses completed.
"I so need that power then it comes to doing the dishes" you joked before saying thanks. It wasn't often Lucifer used his powers, especially as they weren't fully restored yet.
Lucifer watched as you got up and left the room. He hadn't felt so happy before, he started thinking maybe he should tell y/n how he feels or whatever it was he was feeling about her. His thoughts stopped as you came back in with two heavy looking bin bags.
"is the next tradition burying a body?" he joked as he helped you pull them into the room.
"Nope," you say popping the p sound. "this is everyone's Christmas presents," you say with a big smile pound you'd kept them all hidden.
You started filling up the stockings with small gifts leaving the others under the tree.
Lucifer was stunned to see a couple for him "you got me a gift" he said sound puzzled. He hadn't had a gift before unless you counted the mark or being tossed out of hell. So naturally, he hadn't thought about them before. He certainly hadn't expected anyone on earth to get him one.
Of course, I did, Christmas is about giving to your loved ones and you come into that category so yeah I got you something like I did for everyone else " you say smiling up at him.
The words loved ones hit Lucifer like a brick. Did that mean she had feelings for him too? or was she just being kind? like she always is. The questions ran through his mind like a wave. He hadn't noticed that he hadn't spoken or moved in a few minutes.
You stood up, seeing him deep in thought. "you okay?" you ask gently touching his arm. Lucifer jumped a little making you giggle, had you just scared the devil? Lucifer nodded smiling down at you.
As you looked up you noticed a piece of mistletoe hanging above him. Taking it as the perfect opportunity for you to try and kiss him. Standing on your tiptoes you lightly pressed your lips to his.
Lucifer froze. He didn't know what to say. "what was that for?" he asked when your heels landed back on the floor.
You kinda felt embarrassed, he didn't look like he enjoyed it. "mistletoe" you say pointing up at the plant. "if two people are under it they kiss" you say before trying to walk away fast.
Lucifer smiled saying "oh, and here was me thinking you wanted to kiss me," said. You stopped and looked at him. You couldn't tell if he looked sad or not, without meaning to say it aloud "I did" you whispered.
You felt your arm being pulled, the unexpected force pulled you back into him. "good because so have I for a while now" he said before kissing you. This kiss wasn't weird like the peck you gave him, it was passionate and heated and everything you had both wanted.
When you stopped you didn't know what to say, the bell of the clock behind rang meaning it was midnight. "merry Christmas" you said making you both laugh.
"Merry Christmas y/n," he said back before kissing you again. "I guess I'm gonna have to keep this mistletoe with me at all times if I get kisses like that" he joked.
You shook your head laughing, "you don't need mistletoe just to kiss me" you say back. With that, he smirked picking you up and carrying you to the couch. The pair of you laid there kissing and cuddling watching Christmas movies until you both fell asleep.
Hours later, Sam, Dean and cas came back. To their surprise the bunker was fully decorated "looks like y/n had fun" Sam said looking at the lights and tree.
"Sam! Look presents" Dean said running over to see what ones were for him. Before Sam had to pull him away reminding him of how he can't open them till you were there.
"I don't know I'm surprised with more the gifts or decorations," cas said still looking around the rooms.
"how about the two turtledoves on the couch," Gabriel said appearing out of nowhere. Cas looked at him confused but looked to where Gabe was pointing.
On the couch was Lucifer and y/n cuddled up asleep with a blanket wrapped around them. "well it's about time" Dean said. Sam looked at him "what I'm sick of her giving him the puppy dog eyes" Dean added.
"let's leave them be," Gabriel said ushering them out the room. He turned at took one last look, hoping finally his brother will be happy and y/n will be the one to show how to be.
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thegreencircleone · 4 years
A Belated 10/10 Story
The Girl from Out of Town.
((Eloni gets hit on/hits on someone.))
October 10th, 9 pm. Officially 1010’s 6th birthday.
It was between a few big events; but honestly from looking at Eloni, the green Android, one could not tell. October 10th was a big night for 1010, but it was one of Eloni’s favorite nights in general (apart from maybe new-years)... Even now he wandered to-and-fro speaking with guests, introducing himself, even pairing people off with other dancers.
A robot’s job was never truly done, but Eloni lived for this! 1010 loved to party, but Eloni in particular loved THIS party. He loved the formal wear, the excuse to get gussied up, the copious amounts of booze and alcohol, the exorbitant amount of food (though he couldn’t enjoy it). Right now he was waiting primarily for the game of croquembouche jenda- but as he did so he scanned the room for any negative or alarming emotions.
… And that is exactly what he found.
Eloni slowly maneuvered his way in between throngs of party-goers toward the bar; his vision of the emotions causing the disturbance to his radar began to ping more completely. Anger was brewing loudly at the bar, though the cause remained a mystery. There was no fight, no arguing that he could detect; it seemed like the barely contained rage was simply stewing there on it’s own…
And then it’s source came into view.
At the bar sat a woman with vibrant yellow skin, brownish hair with streaks of medium blond curled into a loose, low, and messy bun at her neck. Her jewelry was simple and ornate, but hung close to her body aside from her sequined headband and row of pearls that hung in a knot all the way down to her navel, and her dress was an old-fashioned tabard-style dress of white and sequined gold and copper. She looked less like a party-goer, and more like a run-away or jilted bride.
She was stunning, even if you didn’t have a thing for the art-deco look… Or her pretty, pissy face as she slowly sipped whatever drink she had in that martini glass. This mystery woman also did not look like she was a typical party-guest for the 1010 crowd.
Eloni needed to intervene.
And that’s just what he was going to do.
Eloni slid up to the bar-stool right beside her. “You know;” he began with an earnest grin. “I thought the Captain turned off the time-machine before the party.”
The mystery woman stopped, looked up at him and gave him a dubious scowl. For a moment they stared at each other in mutual silence as the heartbeat of the EDM around them did some of the talking for them.
She locked eyes with her as she took a pointed sip from her glass as he started to continue.
“Hey. Name’s Elo-” but the Android stopped his sentence half-way through as he realized something much more interesting to talk about. “Oh wow. Your eyes are pretty.”
The woman continued to sip her drink, this time her brows knit in confusion. Beneath fluttering, heavily eye-lined lashes and golden eye-shadowed lids lay a set of perfectly vibrant emerald eyes- with a ring of ultra-light purple around her pupils.
Finally, she spoke. “That’s it?” she asked. “... I thought y’were some sorta robo-casanova. You pick up most skirts like this?”
Eloni was flabbergasted.
“I mean- I…” he blinked as he tried to unpack what all the heck she just said. “Oh. OH, no. I’m not- I’m not a lady-killer. That’s uh- that’d be my brother. He’s… Uh…” Eloni felt his shoulders ride up in awkward embarrassment as he gestured elsewhere. “I just… Uh. I didn’t greet you as you came in and you seemed really mad, and I thought I’d come over to… You know?”
“Shoot the shit?”
“... Help?” Eloni offered, smiling. “What are you drinking? Where are you from? You don’t sound like you’re from around here.”
From where he sat the woman’s ire retreated noticeably. She was still angry, but now she was more… Uncomfortable than angry. Well… No. Mostly angry… She just wasn’t the rage-filled time-bomb waiting to go off.
She looked back to Eloni, who by now was leaning halfway over the bar, trying his best to be suave. He thought for a moment that her anger retreated entirely-- and then the rage was back.
She let out an audible noise, crossed her legs the opposite direction from him and returned to her drink. “One; if this is your attempt to get me to say by boozin’ me up; don’t bother. It’s lemonade, sugar. Two; you just insulted my dress. Why the heck’d I’d tell ya where I’m from?”
Eloni sat up. “What? Nooo. I didn’t- I didn’t mean to insult your-” he gave her a once-over again. 1010 wasn’t really programmed to oggle fans, at least not discriminate, but Eloni still found her sense of style utterly different and definitely worth looking at. The dress, be it old-fashioned definitely fit her pretty well, and upon closer inspection it wasn’t white; but a very pale yellow. She looked and talked like a gangsters wife from some of those old mob movies.
“My eyes are up here, birthday boy.”
“Sorry!” he said on instinct.
The mystery woman turned around in her seat and finally looked at him again. “Don’t’cha have some fan to flirt with?” she asked. “Doubtless this is comfortable for you.”
Eloni smiled a little more. “Try me! My prime directive is to make sure all our fans have a good time at our birthday party!... Annnnd you seem dead-set on being pissed.”
The woman gave him a disbelieving look and crossed her arms, letting her drink sit on the counter empty. “Butter my scotch n’ call me in the mornin’, you ain’t gunna give up on this, are ya?”
“I’m programmed to make people smile!” Eloni insisted, sitting up straight and giving a little, informal salute. “Noooo frowns on my birthday!”
Eloni relaxed and leaned a little closer to her. “So, seriously baby. If I’m bothering you; I can always get one of my brothers. I’m not the popular one, but you say the word! All I want is a smile from you, and it’d be the best birthday gift.”
“Ppft,” the woman dismissed, but then she got a little quiet. “... No offense…” she said quietly. “... I’m flattered, but, seriously. You should go try to flirt with one of your fans, okay?” she asked. “It’s sweet you’re trying to make me feel better, but it’s not going to do much for me.”
“SiiiiSTER!” came a bombastic voice from right behind them. “Sister, I have procured the caviar and blinnies! You are correct! They are-” Eloni turned around to see a man with long, straight blond hair with stripes of green, but the strangest thing about this man was not his hair- but the goggles worn on his face.
The moment that Eloni saw the man seemed to be the moment the man saw him in return. There he stood, knees slightly bent with two plates filled with the aforementioned hors d'oeuvres on little plastic plates.
“OH. A 1010!... I will- uhh… I’ll just.”
“Zeebs, it’s fine…” the woman said, turning around and sliding off. “We were just going anyway.”
Eloni spun to follow her with his eyes. He should have just dropped it- everything in his code should have told him to stop his pursuit of this faraway, foul-mouthed, foreigner… But it was his birthday, dang it.
“You know; it’s rude to come to the party and ignore the birthday-boy!”
The pair stopped. The man with the goggles; (Zeebs wasn’t it?) turned around and let out a low and singular laugh. “It’s rude to harass a troubled woman! You don’t see her complaining!”
The woman held up her hand to her companion, then glared back at Eloni. “Well, kill me softly with his song- for an NSR goon ya don’t give up, do ya?”
Oh! That was a musical reference… Actually it was two. The comment on being an NSR goon was a bit befuddling for a moment, but figured it had been because she plainly was not from Vinyl city.
Eloni saw her irritation flare, but all he could do was smile. By now their interaction had proven to become interesting to the people around them. “1010 never surrenders,” he recited.
The two unknown party guests stopped and seemed to survey the situation. Zeebs glanced around a little more frantically than his sister whose interesting gaze settled back onto the green android after a moment. “Oh my goood… What. Do. You. WANT from me? A smile?” she asked, not at all afraid to show she was still mad. “‘Cause I’ll have y’know:  I have a reason why I’m absolutely livid!”
“Sister… Ix-nay on the Ad-may…”
“Fuggit. We’re already here,” the woman said back at him. “Go on, birthday boy. What’ll it take for you to let me skip town in peace?”
Eloni stood up, stretching out to his ten foot height. “If you weren’t here for my birthday; you should have made an appointment!” he chided, watching the face of this mystery-woman’s flinch with embarrassment. “Tonight’s my night! A night to pAaRrTty~” he hummed musically. “What sort of party would it be without dancing?”
The woman paused, her face still scrunched in disbelief before she turned to her brother. “... Hold my purse,” she instructed softly, turning back to Eloni with a little stomp. “Alright, soldier-boy,” she said lifting a finger up at his face… From allllll the way down there. At least five feet down. “You get ONE. Dance. After that, and I’m gone. No ifs, ands, or buts.”
Eloni studied her emotions for a moment. She was still… Mad, but she was almost acting comically pissy. To liken it to something easier to explain- if red was anger and yellow was happiness, then her emotions teetered on a pale orange. She was just as happy to be pursued as she was angry it was him.
Eloni leaned down. “Sure, baby. I can make one dance count.”
There came a tart snort from the woman below him. “Oh,” she laughed… Then slowly her anger receded a little more. “Oh. I’m gunna fucking run you into the ground, you sentient lamp-post.”
It was a threat. It was playful. It was a challenge… It tickled him.
Eloni let out an equally incredulous laugh. “Can you even… Dance in that thing?” he asked, taking in the nearly floor-length gown.
But surprisingly the woman forced a smile, grabbed Eloni by his suit jacket and started dragging him off to the dance floor. “Quit talkin’. Move ya gams.”
Eloni let out another chuckle as he watched the woman drag him out to the dance floor. The anger was practically no longer there. Only tracings remained; but emotions didn’t necessarily just stop because you had moved on: they lingered. This stranger had some fight back in her, but it seemed she was enjoying this more than not.
“So aggressive, baby~”
The woman looked back up at him. “Don’t call me ‘baby’, sugar.”
“Don’t call me ‘sugar’, doll.”
“Don’t call me ‘doll’, either.” By the time Eloni was dragged back into the dancing fray the woman had turned around and snapped to, heels he hadn’t had the chance to see snapping to as she readied herself. “You swing, darling?”
Oh. Oh he didn’t entirely know how to respond to that.
“... I’ll take that as a-”
“I’ll match whatever you put out, ma’am,” he finally pushed out.
The woman finally seemed to regard him for a second, before shrugging, not looking at him straight in the face. “Mm. We’ll work on it,” she said, stepping close. “Ever dance with a partner?.... And I don’t suppose you can use your super robot powers to play a good swing number?”
Eloni…Wasn’t entirely sure what happened after that. All he did was look up towards the DJ booth where Subatomic was playing his fair share of music and sent in a request, message hurried and likely missing a few vowels. He didn’t care.
“... So, uh,” Eloni started. “Uh, I’m sorry. I’m not normally this brave…” he said. “Or. Uh this pushy…”
The woman cocked her hips and shimmied a bit closer. “It’s your birthday,” she excused. “... And it was kinda rude of me to stop and not say hi, at least, so. Two-fer-two, darling.”
Eloni blinked again as DJ came through- birthday boy requests were high on the chain of command. Soon the sound of electric-pumped ragtimey-toons pounded through the air… That’s when it was all a blur.
1010 was designed to dance, yeah, but new dances took a lot of concentration and coding on the part of the Droids AI. Eloni and his brothers were great with their dance routines, but sometimes their personal dancing skills were hit-or-miss… Even then Eloni liked to think his long legs would hit those swing-high kicks; but he was nothing on this woman. Sheer fabric and  high-heels were competing with him faster than he had ever seen…It wasn’t a quarter into the dance that his lead was entirely taken over by her.
It was a situation he had no idea was coming; a woman half his size beating him at dancing. A HUMAN woman practically running him into the ground… It was a lot, it was an endless barrage of legs and shimmies…
It was pretty great.
Just as soon as the song had started; it had ended, Eloni was practically bent over and the mystery woman was done. Off she trotted in her high-heels to re-join her worried looking brother with a completely enraptured Eloni to follow her.
“W-wait. What’s your-” but before Eloni could finish the question or even grab her attention- he felt his hydraulic knee buckle- and land him square onto a nearby table.
Plasticware and plates flew to the floor and Eloni struggled to keep his holographic head above a pool of spilled rose and champagne. When people rushed him to see what was wrong he gazed around.
The Mystery Woman and her brother were gone.... Well. At least he made her smile!
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beaujes real bby im sobbing and so of course I WROTE FANFIC FOR IT LETS GO BOOOYYYYY
As always you can find it on AO3 HERE or you can read it below 
“But what is it about her?”
“She’s fun. She makes me laugh.”
Beau laid down on her back, feeling the warmth of the sun on her face. They’d finally stopped for a break after a long day on the road heading towards the Labenda Swamp, and she intended to make the most of the brief respite from sitting in a bumpy carriage all day or riding on a horse.
She closed her eyes, only for a distant giggle to catch her eyes, and she cracked them open, looking around for the source.
Jester, Nott, and Molly were all gathered beneath a very large tree close to where they’d parked the cart, grinning at each other and pointing to the top of the tree. Curious, Beau got to her feet and walked over them.
“What’s goin on?” She asked, looking up to see if there was anything interesting in the branches.
“We were just debating who would be able to reach the top of this tree the quickest,” Molly said smoothly, flashing a grin at Nott. “Obviously, it would be the person with the longest legs.”
“In your dreams.” Nott scoffed. “I could get all the way to the top before you even get up the first branch.”
“This a challenge?” Beau asked, grinning.
“It’s a race,” Jester said, looking at them all with a devilish smirk. “Okay, three two one GO!”
With no other warning, she jumped up to grab onto the first branch, kicking her feet to find purchase. The rest of them startled before quickly recovering, shouting out in protest before racing for the tree themselves. Nott and Molly ended up going for the same branch, immediately getting tangled up in one another and trying to pull the other off the branch with little concern for safety.
Beau, meanwhile, jumped for the same branch Jester was clambering onto, running up the trunk to gather momentum before landing on top of the branch, winking at Jester before she moved up to the next one.
“Noooo, Beau!” Jester called out, but Beau was already moving, nimbly climbing up from branch to branch.
When she was about halfway up she looked over her shoulder, seeing Nott had managed to break away from Molly, the both of them now making their way up the tree on their own. Jester was making good progress despite being no natural tree climber, a determined look on her face as she kept going.
Beau reached the top about half a minute before Nott did, sticking her tongue out at the goblin, who insisted she would’ve won if ‘Molly hadn’t cheated’, a declaration that earned Nott two middle fingers and almost got both her and Beau the pleasure of seeing Molly fall out of the tree on account of both of his hands letting go of the branches he was holding onto.
“C’mon Jester, you can do it!” Beau called down.
“Oh, no encouragement for me?” Molly shouted up, apparently giving up on climbing to the very top of the tree and satisfying himself with finding a branch he could lie down on.
“Nah, you can fall, I don’t care,” Beau said, smirking as Molly rolled his eyes dramatically.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Jester shouted, huffing a little from the exertion.
Having won the race already, Beau climbed down a few branches until she was slightly below Jester, watching her exhale heavily.
“Climbing trees is hard.” She whined, sitting down on the branch was currently on, leaning against the trunk.
“Oh yeah, it takes years of training.” Beau drawled, settling down on a branch as well and enjoying the view. “You still got pretty high, though.”
“I did, didn’t I.” Jester puffed out her chest a bit, looking down and waving at their temporary camp “Hello! Fjord! Yasha! Caleb! Look at us!”
The three who had decided not to risk their limbs by climbing up a tree all looked up, ranging from amused to mostly indifferent. They all waved back at least, if only a little bit.
Beau felt the corner of her mouth curl up, something that happened more and more often while Jester was around. She was just so exuberant, so bright, it was hard not to let her happiness rub off on you at least a little. But Beau had been around plenty of happy, exuberant people and just been annoyed at them. Jester was different.
There was a rustling of branches and a swooshing sound, and then suddenly Jester was hanging upside down, her face only a few inches away from Beau, grinning wildly.
“Surprise!” Jester shouted, her arms dangling.“I’ve always wanted to do this!”
Beau’s eyes widened and she nearly fell backward, surprised at the sudden tiefling in her face. Jester began to giggle while Beau’s arms windmilled behind her, grabbing onto other branches to stop from falling.
“Sorry, Beau!” Jester said between giggles, seemingly hardly able to control herself while all her blood probably rushed to her head. “Did- did I scare you?”
Beau recovered herself, first smiling wryly before she saw the goofy look on Jester’s face, only amplified by the fact that she was upside down. She tried to stifle her laughter by covering her mouth, but this only made Jester laugh more.
“I did! I got you!” Jester exclaimed, swinging back and forth a little bit but making no move to get right-side up.
“You did not scare me, you startled me. There’s a difference.” Beau said, still smiling, before pausing. “Are you stuck?”
“Definitely not,” Jester said firmly, reaching up for the branch with her arms only to fall back down again.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m fine!” Jester insisted, trying again. Beau raised an eyebrow, feeling laughter threatening to bubble up again when she finally huffed in defeat.
“Okay, I’m stuck.”
“I like her ridiculous plans.”
“Uh, where are you going with those?” Beau leaned out of the door to the Xhorhaus, where she had just seen Jester walk through with a cloth-covered basket in hand, Nugget nipping at her heels. “Follow-up question, what’s in the basket?”
“I’m teaching Nugget a new trick!” Jester announced proudly, and now Beau was curious, jogging out to catch up with her as they walked to the backyard.
“What are you teaching him?”
Jester smiled widely at her, before launching into a quick explanation. “Okay, okay, so while I was out getting some pastries I saw this guy in the street and he had this like, big lizard and he would play a song on this flute and the lizard would get up on like, it’s back legs and then do this cool little dance-” She did a little shimmy on the spot to represent the dance, before launching back into the explanation. “- and it looked so cool so I was like, ‘how did you teach him to do that?’ And the guy said he trained him with treats so I bought a bunch of extra treats!”
Beau blinked before nodding. “Okay, what treats exactly?”
“Muffins,” Jester said smugly, removing a part of the cloth to show off the basket filled with different flavours of muffins.
“Can dogs eat those?” Beau asked, one eye raised.
Jester stopped, the two of them having reached the approximate centre of the backyard. “I mean, I’ve fed him a lot of pastries and he seems okay soooo~”
“Of course, of course,” Beau said, already interested to see how this would go. “Want some help?”
Jester’s face lit up, and she passed the basket to Beau, selecting a muffin and holding it up. “Okay! Nugget!”
Nugget, who had been eagerly following until now for the promise of food, stood to attention, nose sniffing the air and tongue lolling out of his. Jester waved the muffin in the air and he followed it, his tail thumping repetitively on the ground.
“Dance!” Jester called out, shaking her hips a bit and holding the muffin up high. Nugget watched for a moment, head tilted slightly, before he jumped into the air, snatching the muffin out of Jester’s hands and almost taking a couple of her fingers with it.
Jester yelped and jumped back, only to plant her hands on her hips and scowl once she recovered from the shock. “Nugget! No!”
Nugget was too busy chomping on a muffin to notice the admonishment, and Beau snorted. “Jes, maybe you need to build up to it.”
Jester looked at her, folding her arms and looking thoughtful for a moment. “Maybe he needs music. The lizard had music.”
“I don’t know if music is the problem,” Beau said, though when Jester ran back inside the house and came back with a tiny piccolo, she shrugged her shoulders. Music it was, then.
“Okay, Beau, I’ll play music and you can hold the muffin and dance so he knows what to do!” Jester said, bouncing on her heels.
“Wait, dance?” Beau asked. “You want me to dance?”
“Yeah! Or you could play the music and I dance.” Jester said, her eyes widening. “Can you play music?”
“I can, but I only know like, one song,” Beau said, not wanting to admit that the last time she’d played music had been… years ago. Jester pushed the piccolo at her anyway, taking the basket. She looked so eager, and it was better than dancing (though to be honest, if Jester had really asked her to do that, she probably would’ve said yes), so she fondly rolled her eyes before beginning to play.
It was far from perfect, and her old music teacher would have a fit, but Jester didn’t seem to mind, calling out to Nugget while holding another muffin up and doing another odd shimmy dance, which Beau could only assume was an approximation of the dance she’d seen the lizard do.
Beau could hardly keep the song going from how many times she had to stop to stifle her laughter, Jester giggling as her ‘dancing’ became more ridiculous as time wore on. A few of the others walked by or opened their windows to see what was going on, only to raise their eyebrows or stare before going back inside, chuckling or mumbling about no sunlight making them all lose their minds.
Nugget never really got the hang of dancing, but he did get to eat lots and lots of muffins, and Jester refused to call her plan a complete failure.
“It was really fun, at least.” She said, still beaming as she passed Beau one of the few muffins left in the basket.
“It was.” Beau accepted the muffin. “I should play music more often.”
“You should, it was really good.”
Beau snorted. “It was not, like every note was off-key.”
Jester giggled, covering her mouth to stop muffing from spraying out, swallowing before continuing. “That’s what made it fun!”
“I think she’s complicated and layered.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Beau had said that. She’d really fucking said that. And she’d meant it.
She sucked in a deep breath, walking back down to her cabin, still feeling the warmth of Jester’s arms around her despite the chill of the night air. She said she’d loved Jester, and Jester had said it back.
Platonically, of course, but still. There were precious few people that Beau had ever said ‘I love you.’ to, and even fewer that had said it back and meant it. Now Jester was one of those people.
There was a tingling in her gut that refused to settle down even as she went to bed, listening to the lapping of the waves and feeling the rocking of the boat on the ocean.
It all just felt surreal. Even just a year ago she never would have imagined doing anything like this. Meeting anyone like the Mighty Nein. Like Jester.
She looked over to the hammock that Jester had claimed as her own, on the opposite side of the cabin that all the women of the Mighty Nein shared. It was empty, and minutes passed but Jester didn’t come down to fill it.
Beau just hoped that her talk had done something helpful. Jester was always so optimistic, so energetic, but there were cracks in that persona, and Beau could see it. She cheered up everyone else so much, almost at the expense of herself.
As someone who tended to bring the mood of those around her down, Beau couldn’t understand why she would do that to herself. But she could understand that it was hurting her.
Jester seemed to feel a little better by the end of it, at least, and that was what Beau had set out to do. To make her feel better, and maybe let her know that negative emotions weren’t all bad. Dairon had given her a lecture once on how anything, anger, sadness, fear, determination, all of it could be useful if given the right direction and not simply released wildly or hidden away to fester and rot.
Of course, they’d been talking about punching someone, but that lesson could probably be applied elsewhere, right?
There was a lot that Jester seemed to hide, despite all that she was happy to share. Perhaps that was why all of them, herself included, hadn’t noticed anything amiss for so long. Jester was happy to tell them all about her past, her mother, her god, her powers, her hopes, and her dreams. All the soft and pleasant things.
There was so much more to Jester, and Beau found herself drawn to it. She didn’t want to see Jester hurting, wished she could tell her that there was probably very little Jester could do or say that would change her opinion of her. She loved her, platonically (or maybe not entirely) and Beau was pretty sure she’d do just about anything for her.
Beau stared up at the ceiling of the cabin, and when Jester finally came down and went to bed, she waited until she could hear her breathing evenly before taking a look, seeing a calm, peaceful expression on her face and finally relaxing.
“I dunno.”
Alcohol buzzed in her brain, dulling the panic and butterflies that were swirling in her stomach. Everyone was getting ready for bed, piling up on either one of the two beds already in the room or curling up on their bedrolls on the floor. Nott and Caleb had one of the beds, and Caduceus had the other.
Jester had automatically dragged her bedroll next to Beau’s.
Beau glanced over at Nott, who was giving what she probably assumed to be extremely subtle thumbs-ups and suggestive winks, while Beau just glared back in response, mouthing for her to not say a fucking word.
She shouldn’t have told Nott. Everything could be kept simple and orderly and neat as long as she didn’t tell anybody but she had. Nott had promised not to tell anyone but honestly, Beau sincerely doubted her ability to keep a secret like this away from Jester very long. All it would take is one little slip-up and Jester would probably catch it (she was so observant sometimes) and needle her about it until Nott broke down and confessed because how could she lie to Jester for too long?
If that happened, Beau probably wouldn’t even be too mad at Nott. Jester just had that effect on people.
Pointedly ignoring Nott’s gaze, Beau went about the normal routine of going to bed, lying poorly about how many drinks she’d had and insisting she wasn’t going to throw up anytime soon.
“I still have enough magic for a lesser restoration if you want,” Jester said quietly, but Beau just shook her head.
“Don’t use your magic for that.” She mumbled. “Not worth it.”
“If you’re sure.” Jester had been subdued the whole day, especially since her encounter with the Gentleman, and not even the pep talks that she and some of the others had given her had done much to get her out of it. “G’night, Beau.”
“Night, Jes.” Beau made to reach a hand over to rest it on Jester’s shoulder, or squeeze her hand, or something, but she hesitated.
Instead, she burrowed into her own bedroll, thinking far too hard about the distance between them and everything she’d said to Nott echoing in her head.
She shouldn’t have said anything. Speaking it out loud made it real, admitting it made it almost an actual tangible thing, and that was so much harder than when it was just emotions and fantasies crowding her brain. It made everything feel more… consequential.
She could never say anything, could never risk it. Jester was too good in a hundred different ways, and her friendship with her was too important to risk messing with.
It would be alright, in the end. She wouldn’t do anything, she wouldn’t say anything else, she’d make sure Nott kept her mouth shut, Jester would never find out and they’d remain best friends where everything still made sense and everything was great. The ‘what if’s’ wouldn’t matter. The possibilities wouldn’t matter.
She rolled over so that she was facing away from Jester, even though she was painfully aware of her presence less than a foot away, and she fell asleep dreaming of a world where the possibilities were real and there was nothing in her way.
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writingpaperghost · 4 years
Like Father, Like Daughter (Part 5)
Mayu finds that she isn’t getting rid of Zero so easily and in investigating the possibility of Belial clones, finds somethings rather... Unexpected. And cute.
Listen, a very big part of this chapter- okay it’s like half to two thirds- is inspired by @chacerider ‘s Shared Genes Au. If you’re familiar with that, than you can probably figure out what’s going on here.
Also on AO3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/22967815/chapters/55582312
As it turns out, Mayu’s previous assumption that Zero would be leaving so soon was, while not entirely wrong, not exactly right, either. She sets about her day as she normally would and had frankly forgot about Zero’s plans to head into space, that was, until Zero had spoken up.
She had been finishing up some homework she had, sitting at a desk as she clicks away on the keys of her laptops keyboard. She had just finished what she was working on when Zero had said, “You’re going to need an excuse to be gone over night, probably.”
Mayu stopped what she was doing, at least thankful Zero had waited until she was done. She pauses for a moment, then looks to her side, a habit she had begun to do occasionally when talking with Zero, a way for her to easily imagine him as if he were actually standing there. “I guess I could always say I’m spending the night at Noa’s house...” She said, thinking, then asked, “But why?”
She could practically see the smirk on Zero’s face when he responded, “You’ll see,” A statement that made Mayu groan. As much as she enjoyed having Zero around, all things considered, sometimes, just sometimes, she wanted to strangle him. Okay maybe it was more than sometimes. She wondered, idly, if this is how Noa felt with her siblings.
“Fine,” She said, standing up and shutting her laptop down. She pulls her phone out and sends Noa a text, explaining the situation and that she was going to tell her parents she was at Noa’s house. Noa responded with a question mark and a “sure”. Just like Noa. “Where should I go?”
“Somewhere that doesn’t have too many people.” He said, “Uh, an alley way or something.”
She heads out, telling her parents her “plans”, then left home. Mayu searches for a decent alley way, one that was actually empty. It didn’t take long and once she did, she stood there, mentally poking Zero.
“Okay,” She said to him, “We’re somewhere no one else is going to notice us. Probably.”
“Ah,” Zero responded, “Great. This’ll be fun.”
“What will be fun?” Mayu was, admittedly, a bit worried. Because, as much as she’d like to get it over with and get rid of Zero so he can go do his thing, the fact he was being so vague right now was... concerning. Something told her he wasn’t just going to leave.
Zero takes control, producing the Zero Eye, a grin on their face. “We’re going to space!”
“We?” There it is. There’s the part that Mayu was worrying about. What did he mean by “we”? She didn’t need to come with him? He was going to space! Mayu did not have time to go to space! What would even be the point of that?
Mayu, with all her will, takes control of an arm and grabs the wrist of the hand Zero holds the Zero Eye in. “You can go to space,” She said as Zero struggled against her hand and she could practically see the grin that would totally be on his face, “I’m staying on Earth, okay?”
“Noooo!” Zero laughs, “You’re gonna come along! It’ll be fun!” Were Mayu not busy trying to keep Zero from transforming and dragging her into space, she would be resisting the ever-growing urge to strangle him – it was really rather big at the moment. But instead she focused all her energy on keeping the Zero Eye away.
Immovable object, meet brick wall. The only problem there, was that a brick wall could still be defeated. And Mayu was, unfortunately, the brick wall and Zero was, unfortunately for Mayu, the immovable object. As such, Zero ended up winning, much to her immense annoyance.
“I want you to know that if I could, I would try to strangle you right now.” She told him, certain he could tell how annoyed she was. Zero – the gall of him – laughed.
Soon they were transformed and Zero took off to the sky. Quickly reaching into space, Mayu couldn’t help but marvel, ever so slightly, at their surroundings. She lived in a city, she could barely see the stars in the night sky on an average night, so seeing so much the way they were now... It really was rather pretty.
As Zero headed to wherever it was, he was heading, Mayu wasn’t exactly sure, tilted his head and commented, “You’re oddly quiet, no complaining?” He was also hoping that he wasn’t going to regret pointing that out.
“It’s... very pretty.” Was her response, a bit reserved. Truthfully, while she was horribly annoyed at Zero, she also found herself amazed at the space around them. No one, not even Mayu, could deny how pretty it was. She’d never seen anything like it, really, the rare views of the night sky she got from Earth, with its glittering stars, really didn’t compare.
“Huh, I guess it is.” He said, “Must have never thought too hard about it.”
“We don’t really have things like this on Earth,”
“It’s easy to forget that... I don’t spend tons of time on Earth,” Zero commented, thinking. Just how much time had he spent on Earth? Or on a version of it? What about the time he actually spent not there, not fighting monsters or chasing aliens or worrying about any of that?
“Of course,” Mayu agreed, “You probably spend most of your time doing... whatever it is you normally do. Is that still fighting monsters and aliens? That or spending time with your friends and family.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty much always fighting aliens and monsters. A hero’s work is never done.” He sounded particularly proud of himself with that last statement. Of course, he did, this was Zero, “And... I guess I spend a fair amount of time with the UFZ...”
When it was clear that he wasn’t continuing that thought, Mayu asked, “What about your family?” It was strange that he had said nothing to do with them. She was certain she’d heard him mention his dad, at least once, so she knew he had some kind of family.
“Huh? My family?” He thinks for a moment, “They’re in the Land of Light, I uh, don’t spend a ton of time there.”
“Why not?”
Zero shrugged, though Mayu felt there was more there than just a shrug, “I just... don’t.” He answered, after a moment, “I mean... there’s not a lot of reason for me to be there much, when I can help more people by being elsewhere.”
That sounded more like an excuse than a reason. Mayu... wasn’t sure it was quite as simple as Zero was making it out to be, but she decided that she wasn’t going to push. Something told her that it wouldn’t do much good. If Zero ever wanted to elaborate, then he would do it on his own, though she wasn’t sure that would ever happen. Instead, she decided to change the subject.
“Whatever, just try to get back to Earth in decent time,” She groaned, “I have other stuff I need to do.”
“Yeah, yeah, geez...” Zero grumbled, “We’ll get it done as quick as we can.”
“We?” Before Zero could respond, explaining his choice of words, a voice cut them off.
“Hey! Zero!” The voice was rather brash sounding, something that Mayu would expect to hear from a sort of hot-headed character. Zero whips his head, turning his gaze over to the source of the voice. A... person... who was fire. He was on fire. His head was on fire. Beside him was a green colored person and two robots, one red, one purple.
“Glenfire!” Ah, Mayu realized at Zero exclamation, these people... they were the Ultra Force Zero, they were Zero’s friends. They appeared to be an... interesting group, but she figured she couldn’t really judge. Look at the people she had been keeping the company of recently.
“We got your message from REM,” The green one, who Mayu finally concluded was probably Mirror Knight, said. Mayu recalled Zero telling REM to send his friends a message, to get their help in searching for this Belial DNA.
Glenfire, who Mayu decided was rather accurately named, spoke next, “Yeah, what’s this about someone trying to make Belial clones? Thought we got rid of his ugly mug.”
The red robot spoke next, “Glenfire, we know Belial’s DNA has been running around the black market, it’s no surprise someone’s trying to clone him.” Mayu wasn’t sure which of the two robots he was. Zero wasn’t horribly descriptive when it came to his friends, at least in terms of appearances. Which isn’t horribly surprising, usually when you talked about your friends, you don’t bring up their appearances, not unless it’s important to what you’re talking about. And she felt Zero would probably forget to bring up some of those details even if they were.
“I’m surprised we haven’t had this problem sooner,” Mirror Knight said, “It’s been ten years since Geed defeated him.”
“It could have been happening and we just didn’t know about it,” The purple robot offered. Mayu really needed to figure out which of those two was which.
“Anyway,” Zero declared loudly, clearly changing the subject, “We know where those scientists are hiding out, so let’s go find them and hopefully keep any Belial clones from getting out.”
“You know where the scientists’ lab is, Zero,” The red robot said, in what Mayu would consider a dry tone, “You have yet to inform us.”
It seemed Zero had forgotten about that, but none the less he said, “Yeah, yeah, not my point, Jean-Bot. The point is, follow me.” With that he took off, the UFZ following behind. Well, at least Mayu finally knew which one was Jean-Bot and which one was Jean-Nine. Jean-Bot was the red one, now she just had to remember that.
Zero led them to the location of the scientists’ lab, which was hidden almost comically badly behind an asteroid. Mayu wasn’t sure what the standard space lab was, but she figured this was pretty normal. It didn’t really look like something you’d see on Earth, but she figured space had different structures. Logically. Still, she found its hiding spot like something akin to somewhere a cartoon scientist might try to hide their lab, but maybe that didn’t mean much.
Instead of doing what could be considered the most logical entrance, say, a door, Zero, being Zero, chose to use the much closer, though somewhat more destructive entrance. That is to say, he flew through a window, immediately trying to fight any poor soul with the misfortune to be near said window. The other four followed behind him, joining in the fighting, though Mirror Knight did make a comment that echoed Mayu’s own feelings.
“Was breaking through the window necessary?”
Zero scoffed, punching some poor alien, “It’s quicker than finding a door.”
“Here’s another question,” Came Mayu, who was doing very little to hide the hint of irritation in her voice, “Is immediately beating up everyone you see necessary?”
“Duh,” Zero responded, knocking the alien he was fighting unconscious, “They’re alien scientists trying to clone Belial.”
“You don’t know that.” She argued, “Some of these could be trying to do something else. You have no way of knowing what they’ve all been up to.”
Zero sighed and she imagined if he hadn’t been in the process of chucking an alien across the room, who screamed in complete terror, he would have run his hand down his face. Or something to that effect. “You can’t assume everyone’s nice.”
“You can’t assume everyone’s evil.”
“Actually,” He said, finishing with the last alien in the room, “When you know you’re in a lab where people are trying to clone an evil person, it’s safe to assume that everyone’s probably up to no good.”
“Uh, Zero?” Whether Zero had realized it or not, he had begun to speak out loud, and with no one left in the room to fight, the other members of the UFZ had noticed, eyeing him with confusion. It had been Jean-Nine who spoke, though Mayu found it hard to figure out how he was feeling, as his face didn’t exactly show expressions. None of theirs did, really.
Zero groaned, “Mayu, my human host.” He proceeded to make his way to a door that he assumed lead to outside the room, another room or a hallway perhaps. “She and I... Don’t always share the same views. And she’s kinda stubborn.”
“Says the one who dragged me to space with him despite my protests,” Came Mayu’s annoyed response. “Yet you call me stubborn.”
“Right....” Glenfire commented, leaning back slightly and stretching his arms.
“Why did you drag a human all the way out here with you?” Jean-Bot inquired, doing what was probably the equivalent of eyeing him with concern.
Zero was quiet for a moment and Mayu had to hold back her laughter. He clearly didn’t have anything he thought Jean-Bot would consider a good answer. Still, he answered, “She could do with some new sightseeing.”
With that, Mayu actually laughed, though Zero and herself were the only ones who could hear it. Really, any attempts to hold in her laughter previously were completely undone by Zero’s weak excuse.
“Oh yes!” She laughed, “I truly don’t get out much. Never get to see anything interesting!” She was still very annoyed at Zero, really, she was. But at the same time, she really found the whole thing far too hilarious. She had only known Zero... not even two weeks, but she’d already figured out that Zero honestly didn’t need a lot of a reason to do or to not do something. Besides, she could stand some laughter at Zero’s expense.
Zero groaned, “Great, now she’s laughing like no tomorrow. Look what you did.” Then he returned to moving through the door, “Whatever, she’ll stop eventually. Let’s split up, try to find that clone and those scientists.”
Mayu tried to stifle her laughs, succeeding to some extent, “I can hear you, you know.”
“I know,” Was the only response Zero gave. Seemed he was a bit annoyed at her. Good for him, now he was feeling the same she was. Annoyed.
Zero traversed through the hallway outside that door, having split from the others. He searched each of the rooms, but didn’t find much of interest, just some scientists, that he promptly beat up.
“Here’s a thought,” Mayu offered, an almost bored tone to her voice, “Maybe try asking one of those scientists before you knock them out?”
Zero seemed to almost pointedly ignore the question, only responding with an indifferent, “Yeah, sure.”... Honestly, it bugged Mayu. She wasn’t exactly sure what triggered this change. Was it her laughing at his excuse? She wouldn’t think so... Maybe them disagreeing about how to deal with the scientists? That would be a more likely cause.
While she was pondering Zero’s switch in mood, she saw something when they entered the next room. It was a curious tube, but perhaps what was more curious was what was in it. She couldn’t quite make out what it was, but it was small, red, black, and grey.
“Zero,” She said, trying, and failing, to keep the concern from her voice, “What’s that in the tube?” Zero moved closer, allowing whatever was in the tube to come into better view.
Finally, they could make it out. Inside the tube, floating and asleep, was the shape of a baby. A baby Ultra. The two of them couldn’t make out it’s details very well, the liquid in the tube not clear enough.
“Okay,” Zero sighs, “It’s a baby. Sure. I’ll just... get it out. We’ll figure out what to do from there.”
“Okay, sure,” Mayu said, “But that still raised the question, what’s a baby doing here?” A baby in any lab of any form was a cause for concern, at least in Mayu’s book. A baby in a lab where alien scientist were trying to clone a powerful, evil, Ultra? That was cause for even more concern. What the hell was this baby Ultra doing here?
Zero fiddles around with the controls, pressing buttons in what Mayu suspected was a random fashion, judging by how he really didn’t seem to be putting much thought into it. Soon enough, the liquid in the tube drained out and a hatch opened. Out the hatch, from inside the tube, the baby practically flopped out, letting out an ear-splitting wail.
“Hey, hey!” Zero panicked, reaching to pick the baby up, “Don’t cry!” Then he got a good look at the baby.
Its head was light grey, with bright blue eyes, not exactly round but not exactly with sharp corners, baring what looked like very pointy teeth in its wailing. Its body was red and black, with some grey stripes thrown in, its stripes random and almost wild in their placement, with the exception of some rather pointedly placed blue stripes on its chest. On his chest was a blue color timer, shaped like a pill, below which were the blue stripes. On his lower arms, above his wrists, were almost fin like protrusions, followed by actual claws on his fingers. The strangest thing about the baby?
“It looks like a small version of Geed, mostly.”
“Whaaaaaaaat?” Was all Mayu heard before Zero just stopped, froze holding the baby, far away like one might hold a disobedient pet. Then Mayu could have sworn she heard dial up noises.
“Zero? Zeeeeerooooo?” He didn’t respond. Mayu sighed, taking control of Zero’s body while he recovered.
“Aww....” She cooed, actually holding the baby in a manner that you would hold a baby, and not like it would bite (though with those teeth, it might). “Who’s a cute little baby? Who’s a good baby? You are, you are!” The baby immediately stopped crying, basking in the attention. Despite being a certainly strange baby, this was still a baby, and Mayu was like any sane human. She thought babies were adorable.
“So cute,” She continued, “I can’t believe anyone would keep you like that. You seem like a wonderful baby.” She continued cooing at the baby, figuring she could just do this until Zero came back to the land of the living. 
“Uh, Zero?” Oh, that was Jean-Nine, wasn’t it? Mayu turns to look over to where his voice came from, finding that it was Jean-Nine, as well as the rest of the UFZ. “Why are you holding a baby?”
It occurred to Mayu, then, that they just walked into what looked to them to be Zero cooing at a baby. Which at least Glenfire thought was funny, judging by how he looked like he was trying to stifle laughter. Mayu figured that for Zero’s own sake, she should probably say something. But, instead of saying anything that might save Zero’s pride, she instead just said, “I think we found the clone?”
The baby cooed, smiling at the new arrivals. The baby made a gurgle sound, the sort of sound that all babies make, though it soon petered out when it became clear Mayu wasn’t going to go back to cooing at him. Then he bit them.
He didn’t really have teeth, despite how it appeared. Though they looked pointy, they were actually soft and gummy, so his attempts to bite really didn’t hurt. Still, this was enough for Mayu to return her attention to him. Whether it was from the baby’s gumming or he just finally managed to wrap his head around the baby’s existence, Zero finally came back. Mayu quietly gave him control.
Zero looked around for a moment, and then to the baby trying to chew on his arm. “Oh,” was all he said, then he sighed. He seemed to have come to the same conclusion that Mayu had. This baby was the Belial clone, that’s why he looked so much like Geed.
Zero looks at the baby for moment, then back up to the Ultra Force Zero, back to the baby, then finally back to the UFZ. “Hey, uh, Jean-Bot, Jean-Nine, wanna see if you can find anything about this guy in those computers?” The baby stopped trying to chew on Zero long enough to look up and make a gurgling babble, then went back to trying to chew. Zero just sighed.
Jean-Bot and Jean-Nine nodded, then went about searching the computers for information on the baby. Logically, the scientist should have notes or some kind of data, which would hopefully confirm their suspicions about the baby. Or maybe tell them about what all DNA this baby had. Clearly, it had enough Ultra DNA to be a baby Ultra, and given its resemblance to Belial, the majority of that Ultra DNA was probably Belial’s. Why anybody would want to make a baby with Belial’s DNA was still a mystery. A baby wasn’t really all that dangerous.
“At least the baby’s cute?” Mayu offered weakly. Zero sighed once again, something he’d been doing a lot of the past few hours. This was his life now, apparently. “And at least he can’t be dangerous, given he’s a baby.”
“Until he grows up,” Was Zero’s sour, grumbling response. “Once he grows up, he’ll be a little terror.”
“Not with the right parenting he won’t,”
Zero held back a laugh, “Who’s gonna take care of him? I sure can’t, I probably couldn’t take care of a plant, let alone a baby.” The baby in his arms stops chewing, looking up and began blabbering. He makes an up movement with his arms and Zero sighs, raising the baby closer to his face.
The baby pats its hand on the side of Zero’s face, which regardless of the baby’s intention was not painful at all. “Blurh!” The baby squealed, then began to laugh when Zero had no visible reaction. Zero sighs once again.
“I mean, he looks like a little version of Geed, more or less, so why can’t he take care of this baby?” Was Mayu’s suggestion, as she quietly held in her giggles of amusement and coos from the adorableness of the baby’s actions.
Zero didn’t immediately respond, instead thinking about Mayu’s suggestion for a moment. Honestly, he didn’t know anything about taking care of a baby, Ultra or otherwise. Of course, Riku probably knew even less. Still... Ultra-babies were probably a lot like human babies, right? They could find some books or something. He couldn’t really go to the Land of Light for help, mostly because he did not want to try to figure out how to explain a baby that’s also technically a clone of Belial. Never mind that someone probably would have to do that eventually.
“There’s nothing here,” Jean-Bot calls.
Beside him, Jean-Nine sighs, “Mostly because these computers barely work, Zero.” The tone in his voice when he says Zero’s name is accusatory at best, annoyed at worst.
Still, the baby was probably the closest thing to a Belial clone in this lab. Probably. Really, Mayu would have loved to spend more time trying to figure out whether that was an accurate statement, but something shook all of them. Literally, something was causing the building to shake.
“That... Can’t be good,” Zero said, looking down at the baby in his arms. Then he moved over to Jean-Nine, shoving the baby into Jean-Nine’s arms, “Take the baby, I’m gonna go check it out.” Then he went rushing off, heading towards the source of the shaking.
As it turned out, the shaking was being caused by a Kaiju, who was currently stomping around and making a fuss, causing a fair bit of destruction, and all the shaking. “What is a Red King doing here? He wasn’t here a few minutes ago!”
“Is now really the time to be questioning this?” Mayu sighed, “Just go... do your thing.”
“No need to tell me twice,” Zero declared, shooting off to fight the monster. He got in a few attacks, before the Red King more or less swatted him out of the sky, causing Zero to crash into one of the walls of the lab. “Okay, maybe we need to try something else...”
“Like what?”
Zero thought for a moment, before he seemed to have what he must have considered a genius idea. “Zero Beyond!”
Mayu wasn’t sure how to respond to that, “Zero Beyond? What?” What on Earth- or well, off Earth, she supposed- was he talking about?
“Zero Beyond is a form that I can only really use when I have a host since it requires someone to perform a Neo Fusion Rise.” Zero quickly explained, “A lot like how Geed transforms, really. But I only need it to access Zero Beyond, using the New Generation Capsules.”
“Oooookaaaay....” Mayu wasn’t exactly sure where he was going with this. Because while she understood what he was saying, she wasn’t entirely sure how she fit in to that. And judging by how he was talking, she fit into it, somehow.
“I need you to perform a Neo Fusion Rise, so we can become Zero Beyond, that should let us defeat Red King.”
“Couldn’t you just, wait for your friends to help?” Wasn’t that a part of the reason why they were there at all? At least other than computer skills, it seemed.
“Mayu! Just trust me on this, okay?” Zero groaned. Maybe he was right, maybe she just needed to trust him on it. It was kind of hard to know, mostly because Mayu wasn’t entirely sure the extent that she trusted Zero. It seemed she was about to find out.
She thought for a moment, before sighing, “Fine, how do I do this... thing... you need me to do?”
“You’ll need the Riser and the Ultra Capsules,” He began, “Put the Zero Eye on it, then scan the capsules. Once you’ve done that, put it up to your face like if we were transforming normally.”
That was great and all, but Mayu found one small, teensy, problem with that. “Zero, I don’t know where I’m supposed to get any of those things from.”
Zero was silent for a moment. He wasn’t entirely sure himself, not that he’d let Mayu know that. Leito always just kinda... knew... he guessed. But Mayu had never had to do this, wasn’t around when that power was given to him, like Leito had been. Still, he had to give her an answer, he couldn’t exactly let her know that he didn’t know, after all.
“They should just sorta... be there...?” He offered, “I’m not... exactly sure how it works, but they always were there when Leito needed them.”
“Great,” Mayu groaned. How almost entirely unhelpful of a response. Still, she supposed it was better than nothing. “I’ll... see what I can do, I guess.”
“I’m sure that if anyone can figure it’s out, it’s you.”
“Why don’t I believe you?” Still Mayu searched around the strange sort of... void? She really wasn’t sure what to call the area she inhabited when Zero transformed. She’d have to ask Zero about that, later. For now, it was just going to be called the Void, for her own sake. She feigned patting her pockets, despite that fact that her jacket’s pockets were clearly empty.
Despite her pockets being empty, she did feel something beneath her pockets. What on Earth...? She checks under the side of her jacket, finding sitting on her right hip, as though connected to an invisible belt, was a sort of container, that held two capsules. Those must be the capsule Zero mentioned. She checked her other hip, finding a strange device affixed there, in the same manner as the container holding the capsules. The device had a handle, which she grabbed it by. Above the handle was a strange cylinder-shaped thing... she found it hard to describe. This must have been the Riser.
Right, okay, two obstacles out of the way, now what did Zero say to do? Attach the Zero Eye to the Riser, right... Now where was the Zero Eye? She sticks the hand not holding the Riser into her coat pocket, becoming shocked to find something in it, something that was definitely not there a minute ago. Pulling it out, she finds it’s the Zero Eye. Well that sure was convenient.
She attaches the Zero Eye to the Riser, then reached for one of the capsules. She examined it for a moment, it held the picture of two Ultras facing each other. Okay, sure. She puts it into the little cartridge thing, she supposes that part of how you scan them, then she grabs the other capsule and places it in too. 
“Doing okay there, Mayu?” Came Zero’s voice. He seemed to understand she very little idea what she was doing right now, so that’s... nice.
“I guess?”
“I see you’ve started it, so let me finish!” Despite the fact they were technically transformed, Zero somehow took control of her body, taking her glasses off. He grabs the cartridge and places it into the Riser, allowing it to scan.
“New Generation Capsule Alpha!”
“New Generation Capsule Beta!”
“Neo Fusion Rise!”
Once the Riser called out the capsules, as well as the Fusion Rise, Zero brings the Riser and the Zero Eye up to their face. He presses a button and from there the transformation begins and soon Zero stands, no longer red, grey, and blue, now just grey and blue.
“That was... weird...”  Was all Mayu really had to say. She was in a bit of a daze, really. The whole day, which hadn’t exactly started normal, was not getting any less weird. Only weirder and weirder. She was starting to figure out that “weird” was probably going to become the default setting as long as she was Zero’s host. She really didn’t see herself getting rid of Zero anytime soon. Though now she had seen one of these form changes Zero mentioned having.
“You’ll get used to it,” Zero responded, right before he launched himself at Red King, returning to fight it. He seemed to be faring much better now than he was before. It seemed he was right about transforming into Zero Beyond, though Mayu still thought it would have made more sense just to wait for the rest of the UFZ to arrive and help.
Soon enough, while she was letting Zero do his thing, fighting the monster, she noticed that the rest of the UFZ had arrived, now standing off to the side. Jean-Nine was still holding the baby, who was watching the battle in fascination. Notably, none of them were actually trying to help Zero fight the monster. They apparently had great faith in his ability to defeat it.
Maybe they were right to, after all, now that he had become Zero Beyond, Zero was quickly beginning to sweep the floor with Red King, who just didn’t seem to be able to keep up with him. Still, Mayu found it hard to have that degree of faith in him. Maybe it was because she hadn’t known him very long, maybe it’s simply because she’d rather overestimate the capabilities of various monsters.
Soon enough, the monster had been defeated, and Zero had returned to his normal form. Strangely, despite having done very little herself, Mayu found herself beginning to feel a bit tired. She’d felt a certain degree of tiredness after transforming with Zero before, but she always assumed she was just tired from the adrenaline. It occurred to her, then, that staying transformed with Zero, even when they were doing very little that was particularly taxing, was probably tiring for her. Especially since in this case, they’ve remained transformed for much longer than they’d ever had before, and then Zero just went and fought a monster. That was probably why she was feeling tired.
“Alright,” Zero nearly chirped, sounding extremely proud of himself, “Now that that’s taken care of, I think that’s all we have to deal with.”
“What about the baby?” Jean-Nine asked, holding the baby out, clearly telling Zero to take it. With a groan, Zero complies, resulting in the baby cooing in glee, a babbled sound of happiness.
“We’ll take ‘em back to Earth with us, keep ‘em safe from Emari. Besides, how hard can one baby be?” Mayu let out a laugh in his head, telling him exactly how hard she thought it would be. Extremely.
“You’re going to take care of a baby?” Mirror Knight asked, not at all trying to hide the immense disbelief in his voice. Mayu didn’t blame him, Zero himself had said he’d not suited to taking care of a baby.
Zero groaned, “Riku, Pega, Noa, Mayu, Moa, and I should be able to take care of one baby.” He shifted the baby to one of his arms, using the other to rub his temple, “We’ll figure it out.”
“Right...” Jean-Bot responded, “We’ll leave you to it.”
“I’ll tell Moroboshi you said hi!” Glenfire calls as the four flew off, heading away into the depths of space. Zero shifted the baby to be held in both his arms, then takes off, heading back to Earth.
“Well,” Mayu said, “Today has been quite the day, huh?”
“No kidding,”
By the time they returned to Earth, they were immediately greeted with a wayward tail of a Kaiju. Normally, this would be a time that Zero would jump into the fight. The issue there was, well, he had a baby in his arms, so instead, he let Geed handle it. Really, it wasn’t like he even needed help dealing with the Kaiju.
This was why, once Geed defeated the Kaiju, he turned around to face Zero, as he had noticed Zero return. Then he noticed the baby Ultra in Zero’s arms, currently trying to jam his own fist into his mouth. “Zero,” Geed said slowly, taking in the sight, “What do you have?”
Zero was silent, desperately wishing to be anywhere else, or more preferably, not holding a baby. “Uh... A baby?”
Geed... well not blinks, he can’t really blink, but Mayu imagined that’s what he would have done. “Okay...” He spoke slowly again, “Why are you holding a baby?”
“Uh... how about we figure out how to get him human sized,” Zero offered, “Than I’ll explain why he’s here.”
“Right, okay...” Geed replied tentatively, “How do we do that?”
Zero looks up from the baby, to Geed, quiet. He looks back down to the baby, then to Geed. He shrugged, “I don’t know, I’m not at all qualified to take care of a baby.”
“You’re an Ultra!? He’s an Ultra!?” Came Geed’s shocked response, “Shouldn’t you know this!?” Geed’s timer began to beep, flashing red.
“Well we don’t know if he’s entirely Ultra,” Zero started to sound a little panicked now, “Chances are there’s probably some other stuff.”
Geed groaned, rubbing his temples. “Alright, well I need to go back to being human so...”
“Right, right, you do that,”
Mayu giggled slightly at Geed and Zero’s panic. Surely, they would be able to figure out how to get a baby to be human sized or something, right? Of course, maybe they couldn’t, which would be very concerning. Okay, so maybe she should worry a bit, or more than a bit.
Geed dropped his transformation, shrinking back to being human. The baby watched in awe, his fist falling from his mouth. He laughed, then begins to glow himself. Zero began to panic more, shifting how he was holding the baby.
“What is the baby doing?” Zero, to his credit, was outwardly calm. All the actual panic was held within him, though his voice was beginning to betray his actual feelings.
“I think,” Mayu noted, sounding about as calm as Zero, “The baby is shrinking,” Which was technically an accurate observation, as the glowing baby was getting rapidly smaller. Soon Zero held a very small, roughly human sized, baby Ultra cupped in his hands.
“Uh, Riku?” Zero called, “I’m, uh, gonna bring the baby down now.”
“Okay!” He responds from down below them. “Uh, is he gonna be small-ish or something?”
“Uh... Yeah...” Slowly, Zero lowers his hands, still cupped as gently as he could. Once his hands reach the ground, down to where Riku would be able to grab the baby from his hands.
“Oh...” Was all Riku said, though he quickly recovered. He grabbed the baby from Zero’s cupped hands, awkwardly holding the baby, hands holding the baby by the area under his arms.
Zero then joined Riku and the baby. The second they finish returning, Mayu yawned, stretching her arms. She looks at Riku and how he was holding the baby, then took a double take.
“That’s not how you hold a baby,” She said, then walked over to him, adjusting the baby in his arms so that he was holding the baby better.
Riku looked at her somewhat astonished, “Why do you know how to hold a baby?”
“I’ve seen pictures of my parents holding me when I was a baby,” She shrugged, “Now, we should probably hurry back to the Nebula House, before someone sees this baby and starts asking questions.”
With a glance down to the baby in his arms, who was now attempting to chew on Riku’s own arm, Riku nodded. The two hurried back to the Nebula House. When they arrived, Moa sat in a chair, talking with Pega who sat at a table making flowers.
“Mayu, REM told us you and Zero were back,” Moa greeted, waving. The baby made a gleeful coo when he saw her. This brought her attention to him.
“Riku, why do you have a baby?” She asked, beginning to switch into her professional mode, “And why does the baby look like a little version of Geed?”
“I don’t know,” Riku shrugged, looking down at the baby, “Zero kinda just showed up and handed me this baby, said he’d explain later.”
“Yeah...” Mayu chuckled a bit, “That’s a fun story...”
Then Zero takes control, pulling Mayu’s glasses off, “Congrats Riku,” He smiled, “You’re a big brother now.”
“Eh?” Was Riku’s shocked response, “What do you mean by that?” The baby in his arms squirmed at bit, then started chewing on his own arm.
Mayu takes control, letting out a sigh before explaining, “That baby is the Belial clone that the scientists made.” She gestures to the baby and Riku, “Since you’re also a clone of Belial, to an extent, that would make you two, essentially, brothers.”
“Okay, sure the baby’s another clone like me,” Riku said, “But why is he in Ultra form? I couldn’t even access it until I had the Riser.
Zero came back into control, shrugging as he responded, “I’m no scientist, but maybe he has more Ultra DNA than you do?”
“So, he could have more Ultra DNA than Riku,” Moa repeated, then added, “Which could explain why he’s defaulting to his Ultra form.”
The baby made grabby hands at Moa, cooing when his attention was brought to her. Moa smiled, taking the baby from Riku’s arms, wincing slightly when the baby’s little claws started to dig into her arm. The baby was excited at having all the attention of not one, not two, but four people! Pega had come over to peer at the baby.
“We’ll... have to figure out how to get him into him human form,” Riku said, then had a realization. “Wait! Does this mean I have to take care of a baby?”
Zero gave him a grin, “Yep, but don’t worry, you’ve got Pega, Moa, Mayu, and myself to help.” He gently pokes the baby’s belly, to which the baby let out a laugh. “Not to mention you could call Leito and ask. He’s a dad.”
Zero returned control to Mayu, who nodded with a smile. While she was worried about if Riku contacted her dad, given that would give plenty of opportunities for him to learn about Zero, but he was also the only person with any experience with babies.
“Which reminds me,” Mayu said, “We can’t just keep calling him the baby.”
REM was the one who responded to that, “My research has concluded that giving a baby a name is important for its development.”
“In general, a baby should probably have a name,” Riku said dryly, “Anyway, uh, so what’s a good name for a little bitey Ultra baby with claws?”
“Oh!” Came Pega, “How about... Don? Or uh, Taiki?” While one came blatantly from Don-Shine, but Taiki... That sounded like a normal name...
Moa blinked for a moment in response, then said, “We’re not naming the baby after Don-Shine in any capacity.” Then it hit Mayu, Taiki could mean shine.
Mayu sighed, thinking a bit, “You could call him something like… Yuji?”
“That’s a nice sounding name,” Zero commented, “It’s a human name that would certainly fit in.”
“That’s because it’s a normal human name,”
Riku smiled, “Yeah! That’s a good name, and no one can complain to me about picking it!”
Moa nods, “Yuji it is.” Yuji let out a cheery gurgle, then stuck some of Moa’s hair in his mouth.
“Now to figure out how to take care of a baby,” Riku sighed, “I guess we’re gonna need to get him clothes and food and stuff.”
“Will Yuji being possibly more Ultra than you effect how we have to take care of him?” Moa asked, crossing her arms, “We don’t know much about Ultra babies, after all.”
“He should be... fine enough…” Zero said, “I mean, he’s been here for a lot longer than a normal Ultra baby should and his timer hasn’t started flashing. I think he might have enough of non-Ultra DNA that you can probably take care of him like a normal human baby. Maybe just put him in the sunlight for a bit to be safe?” Mayu had the impression that there was probably going to be a lot of trial and error with Yuji’s care, unfortunately.
“Right...” Riku sounded unsure, “So we’ll have to figure out how to get him to look human, since something tells me that if people saw a little Ultra, especially one that looks like Geed, that would probably draw attention.”
“Yeah,” Zero shrugged, “I don’t know how to help you there.”
Riku sighed, with Moa soon handing Yuji back to him. When Zero returned control to Mayu, she laughed, more at Zero than at Riku. She smiled and began to entertain the baby in Riku’s arms. Moa, Riku, and REM began to plan what they’d need to get for Yuji, with Mayu occasionally throwing in a few ideas of her own.
Well, it seemed on top of Belial clones and aliens and whatever else might show up from here, they now had a baby. None of them really knew how to take care of a baby, but Mayu was pretty sure they’d be able to manage.
At least Yuji is a cute baby, given he’s an Ultra, right now.
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Aaa mom ;w; I'm not having a very good time atm and i'm struggling quite a bit with everything. Could i maybe ask for a scenario of Ace comforting his upset/crying S/O? with lots of fluffy goodness? thank you so so much in advance
my poor baby, mama is sorry that everything is taking so long! I’m a really horrible mother ;___;
Ace scenario- There for you
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‘There are days like this, and dayslike that’- is what you would often tell yourself during a bad day,and somehow it managed to give you a bit of hope since it clearlyimplied that good days will come to you eventually. However, that wasgetting increasingly hard to believe lately….
„Oh dear… oh no….“ a frustratedand upset whimper left your lips as a foul scent suddenly hit yournose, and your feet quickly carried you over to the oven standing a few feet away, and in whichthe dinner you had prepared for your boyfriend was now burning like alittle campfire. „No.. no no no noooo!“ another cry escaped fromyou as you quickly turned off the heat and pulled some mittens overyour hands before opening the oven and quickly getting out what wassupposed to be a nice and juicy ham, but now it looked and smelledmore like a large piece of charcoal…
With your eyes shut tight and lipstrembling in frustration you dropped the plate with the burnt foodinto the sink, before leaning against the wall and slowly sinking tothe ground.
What were you doing wrong? Why waseverything so difficult lately?
It was supposed to be a joyful day; Acewas finally returning home from a long trip with his crew and youwanted to suprise him by making everything perfect, but… nothing,and I mean nothing, worked out like you had intended!
You wanted to prepare a soothing bathfor him so he could relax- but somehow the drain must have gottenclogged and you accidentally flooded the entire bathroom.
You wanted to clean his clothes so hewould have a fresh and new set to choose from upon his return- butwhile hanging it up outside to dry, a bunch of hungry beavers attacked and torethrough the fabric, thus leaving you with nothing but a fewsnippets…
You wanted to cook him dinner- but nowthe main dish was as black and burnt as your hope that today wouldsomehow turn out to be good.
And the worst part was that you wouldhave to start dinner preparations all over again, which meant thatthere would be no time left for you to freshen up and make yourselflook pretty! Ace could come home any moment now, and surely he wouldbe absolutely disappointed to find out that his- well, and your- homewas a complete mess and that you didn’t even manage to preparesomething to eat!
Tears began to well up in your eyes,and with a final sob you got back up only to run out of the kitchenand into the bedroom, where you promptly threw yourself onto thesheets. No, no matter what you would do, it would only make thingsworse. And you didn’t have the energy to keep on trying either. Justlike the past few days, this one proved to be a complete let down aswell….
A few minutes later, your head was nowburied in a pillow and the fluffy fabric was successfully mufflingyour cries and sobs, so you didn’t hear how the front door unlockedand Ace quickly entered your little house with a bright grin on hisface. Although being seperated from you for so long never sat rightwith him, it was a necessarity since he was now a commander of theWhitebeard Pirates and took his position very serious. That howevernever changed the way he felt for you, and although the two of youwere apart from each other more often than you were actually together, Acealways made sure to let you know just how badly he was missing you while sailing with his crew, and today would be no exception.He sloppily carried his bag on his left shoulder while holding alittle box in his right hand, and upon looking down at the littlegift his goofy grin only grew wider. You were going to love what hebrought you from this latest trip, it was something personal and areally good representation of his undying love for you… His grinhowever faltered a bit as an odd stench suddenly attacked his nose,which caused the freckled man to furrow his brows and put a hand overhis mouth in confusion. What the hell was that…? Poison gas? Didsomeone attack you while he was gone?! Within mere seconds flamesbegan to surround his figure and the hot fire was licking over his skin as Ace bolted forward and right into the kitchen where that foul smellcame from. His hand was already raised to signal that he was ready toattack and punish whoever decided to try and hurt you, but much tohis suprise… there was no one there.
„Huuuuuuh? (Y/N)?“ he muttered asthe flames around him began to die down, and with a tilt of his headhe walked over to the sink, where a small trail of smoke seemed tocome from. His confusion only grew as he finally found the source ofthat disgusting smell- a burnt piece of what he assumed to be meat orcheese- and Ace carefully lifted a finger to scratch his head whileletting his bag drop to the floor with a loud thump. What the hellwas going on? And where were you? Usually you would always be rightat the door, ready to jump into his arms as soon as he returned(which once even lead to a somewhat embarrassing moment where you accidentally leaped into Marco’s arms instead, who had accompanied Ace on hisway back home).
A loud sigh left Ace’s mouth as herubbed his chin for a moment before a sudden noise made his ears perkup. It clearly came from the bedroom and sounded like… youmoaning?! Okay, what in the hell was happening here???? Are you…would you…. no, no, that can’t be it.
With a quick shook of his head Acebanned those terrible and distrustful thoughts from his head, but hisfeet still carried him over to the door leading to your sharedbedroom, his curiosity and anticipation at its highest. By now he hadrealized that those little noises weren’t actually your moans;although it’s been a long time he could never forget what they soundlike; but instead it sounded more like upset sobbing and hiccupping? His eyesimmediately widened as he realized that you were indeed crying at theother side of the door, and with a quick yet silent movement heopened the door and slowly stepped into the bedroom.
And what he saw immediately felt likesomeone ripped into his chest and squeezed his heart uncomfortably.There you were, his beloved, little angel, your face hidden from viewand pressed against a pillow, and your body was shaking because of yourcrying.
Although that sight alone devastatedhim, especially since it had been so long since the two of you lastgot to see each other and he was hoping that you would be as excitedand happy as usual, Ace was determined to find out about the cause ofyour sadness.
As if he was walking on tiptoes, theyoung man made his way over to your side of the bed, where hepromptly sat down and leaned over, without uttering a single word. Out ofinstinct Ace reached out with one of his hands and carefully pat yourhair in a soothing manner, which immediately caused you to lift yourhead and stare at him with horror. Tears were blurring your visionbut you would recognize the frame of your boyfriend anywhere, andwith a loud hiccup you scooted over, and away from him.
„A-Ace…. you’re home…“ was allthat you managed to bring out, and your eyes immediately searchedaround the room in a desperate attempt to avoid looking at him. Theblush that had formed on your cheeks only darkened as an embarrassingand humiliated feeling began to stir up in the pit of your stomach,you didn’t want him to see you like this.
„Yeah, (Y/N). I’m back.“ the youngman simply replied, his words laced with hurt and worry since youdidn’t look his way, and for a moment he wondered if he had donesomething wrong. His mind was swirling as Ace thought about the bestand most sensible way to ask you about what was going on, but ablunt „what’s wrong?“ was what ultimately left his mouth. Thoughhe didn’t intend for it to sound so blunt and direct, Ace was worried and wantedto know exactly what it was that caused your sadness.
Your eyes roamed around once more, thistime catching and holding his gaze for a brief moment, before youlooked down again and focussed on your hands instead.
„I…. I’m sorry…“ you sobbed andwiped over your nose with a hand to get rid of the snot that wasmixing with the tears, „I ruined everything! I… I wanted thingsto be perfect, but… but…“ a sudden cry escaped from your throatas you grabbed the pillow once more and pressed it against your faceas hard as possible. Oh you just wanted to disappear. Wished you wereanywhere but here with him.
Although there still was clearconfusion written on his face, Ace now crawled over to be directlyacross from you, and with his free arm he quickly pulled you againsthis chest and grabbed the pillow before throwing it to the side and placing a kiss to the top ofyour head while gently running a hand through your hair.
„Sh, hey, hey. It’s okay (Y/N), I’mhere for you now…. I… uhm, what exactly was it that you…'ruined?“ he asked in a low voice, his lips still pressed to thetop of your head while his hand now began to run soothing circles onyour back. The feeling of his bare chest against your face and theheat of his body immediately caused you to feel a bit better, afterall you’ve missed this dearly and having him back felt so good,but…
„The bathroom, the clothes, thedinner, the everything! I wanted to do so many special things, butthose last few days… they were terrible!“ you could feel yourbottom lip tremble again as another tear ran down your cheek, butyour immense sadness was starting to calm down a bit as you told yourboyfriend about what was on your mind, and sharing your problems feltunusually relieving…
Ace paused for a moment to think aboutwhat you’ve just said, the gears in his head were clearly turning,and then realization finally struck. That burnt… thing in thesink… was that the dinner you had planned? Slowly but surely hemanaged to wrap his mind around what was going on, and hearing yousay how hard those past few days were now made him feel bad since hewasn’t there for you…
„I see… but… (Y/N), there is noreason to get upset because of trivial things like that,“ Ace exclaimed in response, his voice now a bit more chipper in hopes that it mightcheer you up, „I’m thankful that you thought of me and tried tomake things special for today. But, the only thing I need when I comeback home… is to see your smile.“ he then whispered and gentlygrabbed a hold of your chin with his hand, so he could tilt itupwards and you could finally look him in the eyes.
„It’s the one thing I dream of everynight when we are apart. The one thing I always look forward to.Hell, you could have burned down the whole place and I couldn’t careless, just as long as I get to see you smile and happy…“
his words made your heart skip a beat,your eyes were starting to dry as his gentle touch almost caused youto melt, and you finally realized why it was that your past days wereso miserable… If he was here with you, shooting that goofy grinyour way when you flooded the bathroom or laughing as the beavers ranaway with his clothes, then things wouldn’t have escalated likethis… yes, oh you just missed him so much… another sob left yourmouth as Ace gently leaned down, a small smile grazing his lips as hepressed a careful kiss to your cheek.
„I also got something for you, and maybethis will cheer you up a bit…“ he then hummed as a small blushbegan to spread on his cheeks and he held out the box that was in hishand the entire time. Curiosity began to take over as you musteredthe little package, and upon tearing away the paper a loud gaspescaped from you as your eyes began to widen. It was a goldenpendant, with both your and Ace’s name engraved on it, and a largeheart adorned with rubies connected your names. It was… it was so cheesy,so adorable, so…. Ace.
„Uhm, I payed for it! I really didthis time, it’s not stolen or anything!“ he quickly added andlooked to the side as his blush only grew deeper, and a moment later youfinally threw yourself forward and against his chest, causing him tofall on his back with you lying on top of him. A small smile grazedyour lips as you wiped away one last tear and looked down at your boyfriendwith a loving gaze.
Ace quickly replied to your smile witha big, goofy grin as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulledyou down once again, so you were resting on top of his chest.
„I love you, Ace. And I missedthis… so, so much.“ was all you managed to whisper, but it wasenough to make him press a dozen of quick pecks against yourforehead, cheeks, and finally lips, making you giggle like a little child inthe process.
„Me too! (Y/N), I�� I just wish Icould stay like this, with you. Forev-“ suddenly Ace’s heartfeltconfession was interrupted by the loud gurgling of his stomach,which promptly caused a red hue of embarrassment to appear on hischeeks. For a moment it was silent in the bedroom, but then youerupted in loud laughter and lord you were so beautiful when youlaughed, so just a moment later Ace joined in as well. 
It was good to beback. It was good to be there for you.
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goldstonegolem64 · 4 years
Book1 Hope returns   Chapter 44  Strom warning  By Goldstonegolem64
On the Prometheus
Jay was in his room sitting at his work bench working on the prostatic leg for pidge. It was a simple task for him seeing as he made dozens of prostatic body parts in his classes. As he worked on it he heard something small moving. So he turned off the small generator that powered his welder lifted his welding mask and turned to see Molly standing there in her crib looking at him.she and Clay may have been alive for about for about four day now. But it was enough time for jay to figure out the personalizes of his two daughters. Molly was a bubbly ball of giggles an smiles. She also enjoyed playing with her brother. She liked Usamu the most do to his psychokinesis ability of making blocks float in the air as well as watching he brother fall to the ground from over use of his power. While Clay was a quiet an seemingly emotionless at times. But there were a few times that where she did show then mainly when she was being held by him and when she was playing with Fitz. They both also learned to say a few word like “Fuck” Molly said with a big smile on her face as she looked at her father not knowing what that word meant  
Jay cringed a little after hearing that and walked over to his daughter “ No molly you can’t say that .That is a bad word if Allura and the others hear you say that word. Daddy will be in big trouble “   Jay said as he picked up his daughter 
“ Fuck” Molly said still giggling 
“ Oh I wish you didn’t like saying that word  . “ Jay said remembering how he stubbed his toe last night before heading to bed not knowing his daughter were awake “ well at least you did learn the Q word “
“ Quiznak”Another little voice said
“ Noooo” jay said softly as he looked inside of the crib to see Clay still laying there awake and looking at him. “ Well hi there .” Jay said as he grabbed his other daughter  “ Now tell papa who taught you that word “
“Pigeon”Clay said as she rubbed her eyes a little before wrapping around her father’s neck  pulled herself closer and tried to fall back asleep
“Pigeon really “ Jay said in flabbergasted voice. Clay giggled a little as she drifting back to sleep  Jay wasn’t surprised by this he would tell the youngest paladin off when they landed on olkierion later. With his hands full he walked toward the door. As he left his room Beau’s voice came over the P.A system 
[ Captain we will be arriving on olkierion in a few minutes and you will be required in the cockpit]
“ I will be down shortly beau “ Jay said as he walked out of his room and down the stairs. As he moved down the stair he slowly changed his skin color a few times to show molly that she could to do it to . She had a look of wonderment on he face. She tried to copy this but the only thing that changed on her was her hair which when from a black to red then back to black.” That is so good Molly” Jay said happily. as he entered the living room
Then there was a sudden flash that caught jay off guard. Jay looked toward the source of the flash to see Fitz sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand sitting on the couch with Bastion and Usamu both watching a movie  
“ Hi Jay” Fitz said 
“ Hi Dad” Usmau said 
“ Hello father “ bastion said waving 
“ Hello boies how are you “
“ Were good “ Bastion said 
“ Did you three do the work i assigned you” Jay watched as Bastion and Fitz looked away while Usamu looked right at home an said
“ Yeah it was easy”
“ Good to hear. Bastion,  Fitz when this is over do your homework “
“ Ok “ Fitz said
“ Yes sir “ Bastion saids 
“ Alright now i’m need in the cockpit. So here watch your sisters for a bit  “ Jay  said as walked over to his to the couch and hand molly off to Usamu and then he slowly prid Clays hands off his neck and passed her off to Fitz. “ She’ll Wake up soon. “
“ Alright Jay” Fitz said as he took his little sister  and the moment he did Clay Wrapped herself around him
“ Thanks boys and stape yourselfs in were going to be entering the planet's  atmosphere “ Jay said as he walked to the cockpit 
“ On it “ Bastion said as he and his siblings sat on the couch and held onto each other 
Jay walked over into the cockpit to find Ace, La-sai and N-7 Sitting in the cockpit
“ Hi Jay hows little green new foot coming along “ Ace asked from the co-pilot's seat. 
“ It’s coming along great only stopped when the twins wake up.” Jay replied as he took the pilot's seat 
“ Good to hear Jay “ pidge said over the ship comms
“Oh Hey Pigeon i’ve got a bone to pick with you about Clays new favorite word” Jay said with a little bet of anger in his voice
“ Oh She said sorry i was trying to walk without the use of my crane and i fell “
“ It’s alright pidge just don’t do it again front of the girl”
“I’ll try”
“ That's all I can ask “ jay said as the ship started to shake a little as the entered the planets  atmosphere. As the three ship flow closer to the city they noticed three red colored galra  Warships docked near the city. Then the main cannons of two of the ships started to move and aim towards them
“  Were being locked onto to” Ace said 
“ Open a comm signal with the three ships. Pidge try to get Ryner on the line”  Jay said but before anything could happen the cannons lowered “ Uh what just happened “
“ I just told them not to fire on us seeing as we have worked with them before”  Val said over the comms Also we will be landing near the master of none” 
“Ok “ La-sai said worried a little “ Jay do you know this guys?” 
“ YEs there called the Queen slayers. I’m friends with there boss and i’m dating the head of their sciences division.”   Jay said as his cheek marks started to glow. He slowl turned the ship and followed where val was going followed by the green lion  
After a few minutes of flying the Prometheus, Green lion and the Valkyrie touched down near what looked like a small base camp full of Slayers and Olkier talking and trading things with each other. 
“ Alright gang you find and fill her in on the plan. While I take to Isara to see why she’s here “ Jay said as his teammates leaves while he was still sitting while setting up the long distant comms” Pidge can you set up the disk ?”
“On it” Pidge said as the green lion stood up on all four followed by a bright light after a few seconds of a huge satellite disk appeared on the green lions. 
“Thanks pidge” Jay said as he connected the Prometheus to the green lion. 
“ Your welcome and I'm starting the encrypt process ” Pidge said
“ now contacting to the Castle of lions.” After a few second a green light appeared “ Allura ,Coran can you hear me ?” JAy asked as he spoke into the mike he waited for a few seconds 
“ We hear you loud and clear Jay” Coran said 
“ Good to know. We’ve made it to are destination and we have also run into an Allies don’t know why they’re here. But i’ m happy to see them.”
“ Who is it?” Allura asked 
“Can’t said just in case someone is smarter the Pidge “
“Fat chances anyone can get passed by encryption codes “Pidge interrupted 
“  Ok Green bean you can quit  patting yourself on the back. Back to you Allura lets just say it you’ll be happy to see them again “ Jay said
“ All Just keep us posted on anything that happens there ok”  Allura said
“ Can do boss and see you when you get here “ Jay said  as he turned off the comms “ Beau stay put and keep  the comms on just incase something happens to the others ok”
“ Yes Captain “ Beau said 
“ Alright then” Jay then got up from his seat any but as he did he heard a scream coming from the Cargo hold. Jay booked to the cargo hold and saw Isara holding Molly up as well as her husband Boleslaw Taking to Usamu  gave him a  something he could tell 
“ Oh my goddess Who are you little lady “ Isara said smile while Molly was giggling madly 
“ Hi Isara, Boleslaw It’ s been a while” Jay said some what confused.
“ Hello Boy “ 
“ Hi Jay Oh tell where did you find this two little cuties?” Isara asked as she held Molly
“ Kitty” Molly said with a smile on her face as she hugged Isara 
“ I found them both in a flower pot about four days ago in my room.”
“While “ Isara looked at Molly and Clay and saw that they had small red marks on their cheeks “ Wait their you kids how?”
“ Altean Bullshit science I will explain it more later  . Now  My turn to ask a Question. One How did you find this place. Two Is Ezra here  And three Boleslaw what did you just give my boy?” Jay asked mainly wanting the answer for the last two. 
Boleslaw spoke first” It is a neckless made from the horns of the Red king this young man killed.” Boleslaw said as Usamu showed of the neckless. The neckless was made up of multiply colored beads and between each third bead was one of the three horns of the red king 
“ I like it” Usamu said 
“ Good to know “ Jay replied 
“ To answer the first question The master of none ran it to some spores floating though space and i’ m guessing you know the rest seeing as you came to the world before from what Ryner has said and the reason were all here is because we want to upgrade some of are equipment and may be recruit some new members. As for Ezra they have been roaming the city the [past three day now just losing it over finding a place like this it found to watch her just run from the city to the forest village. Now why are you here Jay “
“ Were here to ask Ryner if she and he people could help us in are plan to Attack the Galra command center by building a huge wormhole making ring ands seeing as your here do you want to join us in this attack.”
Both Isara and Boleslaw looked at each other” What is the plan how big is the attacking force and how long till the attack takes place?”Isara asked  
“ The Attack will be in a few days. I don’t know the number of ships that will be their and plan is” Jay began to explain what the plan was them
A few hundred miles away from the planet two imperial Carriers and a warship  exited warp speed In the war ship Root rot starred at the planet he was going to conquer for Lady Haggar.
“ Why did we exit Wrap speed so far from the planet Sir ?” A Young Galra officer  asked 
“ Well young one  we are just out of rang from the planets scanners. I don’ t wish to tip off the enemy to are arrival now ready the Coffins”  Root Rot said with a wicked smile.
“ Yes sir but my I ask why did we bring those six” the young officer asked sacred of the answers  
“ Ah I miss the day were the young weren’t afraid asked the old question. It reminds me of home. To answer your question young one I out of the hundreds of monsters or as the paladins called them robeasts made before Voltron reappeared along with the Valkyrie. This six stood out to me seeing as they are the strongest but they show a level of intelligent that the others didn’t show so I picked them up and I plan on using them here to test out the defensive  and they will be a good distraction for me and my men can get onto the planet undetected” 
“Ok but how will you handle them if they survive the destroying the enemy”
“ Simple they will be in  weakened state an me and my men will recapture them and if Voltron or the Valkyrie are there then have six disposable beast at my disposal will be useful.” Root rot said as he watched as the coffins moved towards the planet 
“Sir there seem to be a storm moving towards the city ” Another bridge officers said 
“ Good it will be a great battle then” Rot root said as he walked towards the doorway.” maintain are current position If I don’t return turn my late known location and turn it to ash and dust .” 
“Yes sir “ The bridge crew said 
Back on Olkier Pidge was walking along a forest path near the city With Rover at her side. The upgrade that La-Sai had given him were meant to help pidge with working on projects she was working on by using a small tractor beam to lift up items. But now she had him  use it to pick herself up or stop herself from falling over when she lost her balance. But she was get better at walking with a prostatic leg but she still need her cane just to help he keep her balances. 
She was trying to find her Ryner and from what the other Olkier told her she was last seen walking towards the woods. She wondered if the others already found her and were already telling her about the plan. But that was ok by her she just wanted to get out  of the green lion and moved around. She still didn’t like being out in nature all that much but it did help her clear her mind. As she moved along the path she could hear people talking. She started  to move forward just a little bit faster towards the voice stubbing a little as she moved.. After a few more minutes of walking down the path she saw Ace and Ryner with there backs turned  and walking away from her.
“ Hey guys wait for me “
Pidge aloud as she tried to catch up with her friend 
Both ace and Ryner turn to see the green paladin. Ace smile when she pidge. But Ryner had a look of worry on her face as she looked at the cane in pidges hand
“ Hey pidge good to see you to out and about” Ace said
“ Thanks Ace. Uh Ryner are you ok ?” Pidge asked 
“ Yes but what happened to you and why do you need a cane. I though the castle of lions healing bay could heal any injury”  Ryner said 
Pidge felt a little nervous “ Well it cant regrow legs ”
Ryner looked horrified “ What happened “
“ I got in over my head trying to help jay”
“ Explain more please “  Ryner asked 
Pidge felt fear creep up her back just thinking about that day.  She then looked to ace for help 
Ace took notice “ We got a distress call from a nearby rebel base. They were attacked by three of Zarkon’s I don’t know Special ops unit or something pidge and jay got separated from us and meet a something or someone to be honest I don’t know if we should keep talking about it seeing  as Both her and Jay were knocking on deaths door after that. ” Ace said 
Ryner bit her lower lip before talking again “ Alright I will not press you too on it. “
“ Thank you “ Pidge said 
“Your welcome now Ace can you show me the Teludavs Ring please  ?”Ryner asked 
“ Alright “ Ace said as she pulled out a small device that showed of the ring and the Schematics of it.
“ Alright seeing as your team is doing the hard part. “  Ryner when quiet for a few seconds to calculate and started talking to herself” With Fifteen percent of are people working on upgrading The queen slayers equipment and thirty % working on Better are planets defenses. Then ten percent  working on no wait they finish working on that. I will tell him myself when I see he. “It will take   She then returned to talking to Ace “ It will take us ten day to finish if we start tonight“ Ryner said 
“ Ok then will inform Allura about this and thank you for your help Ryner. Now Pidge your up” Ace said as the started walking back to the Prometheus
Ryner look towards pidge”  What is it you want to ask me Pidge” Ryner asked 
“ Well After running into Several Galra made copies of the Valkyrie and the special op unit also having robeasts of there own. I though that we could maybe use  those cubes that were used against us when came here “ Pidge said
“ Great minds think alike uh pidge. Well after you left we trailed Lubos for what he had done  that despite his betrayal he was right about one thing We need to work on are planet’s defense. So we lessened his sentence and had him work on reprograming on the weapons he helped designed as well as make more of them but a lot  smaller then the first one. So we can help you  this that will just need to be there to control the cubes”
“ Thanks Ryner “ Pidge said 
“ Your welcome now lets get you an new leg” Ryner said as she walked back to the City with pidge
Jay was walking around the city to  where the stuff he commissioned was or and to find where Ezra was. He also wasn’t alone doing this Fitz was walking beside him.
“ So why did you decide to follow me out here bud?’ Jay asked 
“ Well I wanted to see something besides the inside of the castle and the Prometheus and I feel a bit uneasy about Isara. I know she is a friend of your it’s just after everything that happened back on the balmera I just don’t feel safe around her  if you get what I'm saying” Fitz said as the skin of his arms started to change from flesh to a jade like gem stone
{ I forgot he could do that  } Jay thought  to himself.”  I get it after years of being enslaved and the death of your father. I can see why your a little scared  of being around her. But once this war is over and we got back to my home world your going to be round a lot of Galra pure bloods and half bloods like Keith.”  
“ I know but still it will just take time “ Fitz said tapping his two fingers together 
“ Is there anything Else you wanted to talk about Fitz “ Jay asked feeling that something was a little off 
Fitz tapped his fingers “ Uh Mmm” Fitz try to find the right words to say “Am I not a good son?” Fitz asked
Jay was taken aback by what Fitz said “  What no your a good kid why would you think other wise”
“ Well after a week of us living to together Usamu and Bastion showed up and a few day later Molly and Clay appeared and they took up most of your time”  Fitz rubbed the back of his head 
Jay exhaled and ran both his hands through his hair”  Ok I know this was coming and I really hoped it didn’t. Ok first Clay was plan I planet her a month before any of this happened so I had  a plan for her. Then I meet Adam an then everything when on a roller coater of Quzinaking event that completely  just blind side me. Then I meet you and I saw  what happened to your father and I though hey this kid is going to need someone to watch over him. Should I have run passes Allura first yes. Should I have read the part in the parents guild for dummies about preteens also yes. Should I have adopted two more kids no . But I do regret it No because I love all of you and you give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning because you guy knock on my door if you walk up before me”   Jay watched Fitz laugh a little about that last bit. Jay then crouched down and placed both hands on Fitz Shoulder ” Look Fitz I get it one day your alone then the next day you have two new brother then a week later to infant girl show up . But here's one thing you have that the others don’t”
“ What is that ?” Fitz asked 
“ Your my number one and that means when I'm off saving the universe your in charge of watching over your siblings and you haven’t let me down yet bud” Jay said with a smile on his face as he pulled his son into a hug “  Dose that answer your Question bud?’ 
“Yeah it dose thanks Dad” Fitz replied. 
“Alright then “ Jay broke the hug “ now lets go find us some cool ass weapons for Val and /or find my part-” Jay was cut off  as someone warping their arms around his waist and lifted him up, As he was lifted into the air he felt two things some what pointing into his back. Then came the voice 
“First we find this place now your here Can it get any better “ Ezra said as they held the boyfriend in the air
“ Put me down and you’ll f’ind out” Jay said with a sly smile on his face  
“ Oh ok “ Ezra replied as they put jay down .Jay turned around and looked down to see Ezra’s orange eyes looking up to him. “ Now show me what could possible make to day better?” Ezra said 
‘ ok love get a look at this “ Jay said as what at first what looked like a belt in wrapped it's self. from jay’s waist and revealed it’s self to be a long thin red tail that that split into to different tails each one ended with a shape bone white bladed. It slowly swung side to side just hovering off the floor
Ezra’s eye widend as they saw the tail” When how may I touch it?” 
“ go a head but just before you can you take a look at what my boy can do” Jay said as he brought Fitz to the front 
“ Hi Ezra” Fits said as he waved his still Crystalized hand
“ Oh Hello Fitz. “  Ezra said as they walked over to Fitz “ May I “ They gestured towards the Crystalized hands 
“ Ok “ Fitz said  as they brought both hands up towards Ezra”
Ezra look at the crystalized hands. She notice Small cracks in the crystalized matter that covered the boys arms. They looked like scars” I’m guessing wasn’t natural?” Ezra asked 
“No” Fitz replied
“ Do you remember how you got this power and these scars. “ 
“ Yes no its all fuzzy to me. All I can remember was begin taken to a room and being told you won’t fell a thing” Fitz replied
“Ok next question How much of your body can change into this crystal. “ Ezra asked 
“ Just my arms “ 
“ Ok dose it hurt to do it” 
“No my arm just gets really soar if I keep it up for to long “
“ Alright Is there anything else this can do this ability of yours” 
“’ I can punch things and break them with out feeling any pain.” 
“ Yeah that's true “ Jay said as he remembered watching Fitz punching one of the destroyed sentry
“ Alright “ Ezra said as the looked back to Jay “ You seem to have a habit of picking up kids with weird abilities 
" Well Bastion is normal "
" That boy was able to protect a super power psychic seven years old in a infested city at the ago of nine he has something you just don't know it yet. " Erza said
" ok you got me there" jay replied
" And molly and clay are rapidly growing and mature " Fitz chimed in
"Wait who are Molly and Clay?” Ezra asked 
“ There my Little sisters” Fitz replied 
“ Oh so you’ve picked up two more Jay” 
“ Well yes and no I didn’t pick them up. I made them ?”  Jay questioned if that was the right thing to say 
“Wait you made them how show me. “ Ezra said as they grabbed onto Jays hand and booked back toward where they saw Jay and Fitz coming from. then stopped “  Uh where did you pack?” They asked 
‘ Wait didn’t you see us flying” 
“ No I was talking to some of the people working on one of the huge cube things “ Ezra replied 
“  We packed where you guys packed ok” Jay said 
“ Ok “ Ezra said as they still holding onto Jays hand ran towards where they parked. With Fitz running behind them 
“ But Jay what about the stuff you commissioned “
“ It can wait we have a few days until the quota on quota final battle and if you look up you can see its going to rain.” Jay said as he pointed to the sky. Fitz looked up to see gray clouds slowly over taking the sky followed by the sound of rumbling
“ Ok“ Fitz said as he double his speed as water slowly started to fall
A few minutes late in the Prometheus the rain was coming down hard and the sound of thunder crashed in the distends.
Jay was sitting on the couch talking to Ezra, Pidge, Isara  and Ryner about how the process of how gain seeds works. Bastion, Fitz, Usamu and Clay were watching the rain fall
“ So I take a drop of blood and boom you have a baby in six to eight weeks” Ezra said as they wrote done everything they just heard 
“yeah that's about it “Jay said as he held onto Molly as they slept
“ And why do you have something so expensive “ Pidge asked
“ My father’s side of the family are famous botanist and genetic scientists . I think my great great grandfather the only person my dad stays in contact with made them and gave a shit ton of the seed to him when my father decide to leave the family. He has a license to sell them and when I moved out I took some with me just in case my at the time boyfriend Remus decide to take the next step. But then that fell flat when that son of a bitch cheated on me with Zora Monk. then he try to take me to court and take half my stuff but jokes on him he never signed any papers. He left all of that to me. Sorry I’m rambling “ Jay said 
“ No it’s fine’ “ Ryner said 
“ Yeah kid your just tell use the detail we need to know. So why did you have this two anyway” ”  Isara asked
“ Tax deduction “ Jay said with out missing a bet. Everyone looked stunned at him .“ What it was a choose  made by a heart broken and near broke twenty four year old. Maybe I should have talked to my old man before making the choose. But hey because I made that choose I now have two daughters and three sons to take care of while traveling the universe. “ Jay said while a warm smile on his face  as he look at his sleeping daughter 
“ Well at least your happy “Ezra said smiling as the kissed jay on the cheek then returned to studying the seeds jay gave them  
“ Well I've head worst reasons to have a kid “ Isara said  as she looked over her shoulder to watch the other four kids.
‘Well as long as you don’t regret it “ Ryner said 
“ There are a lot of thing I regret. These five are not one of them.”   Jay replied as he did he felt a slight tugging at the back of his mind .” Yeah Val what's up” jay asked 
“ I just wanted to update you on the progress of contacting Vanguard” 
“ How's it going ?” Jay asked as he leaned against Ezra 
“ poorly it can’t seem to get the right freque-”  Val when quiet suddenly and Jay felt a surge of anger and fear 
“ Val what’s wrong?”
“ Something just broke the planet’s atmosphere.”  
“What”  Jay sat up suddenly 
“ What’s wrong” Ezra asked worried by the sudden movement 
“ Yeah kid what’s up “Isara asked 
“Something just broke atmosphere “Jay said
“ What is it ?” Pidge Asked now worried 
‘Don’t know give me a second “ Jay said as he closed his eye and saw through Val’s eyes “ What are we looking at Val ?” Jay asked as Val looked toward the falling object. Then fear gripped Jay as he saw six Robeast Coffins falling towards a nearby mountain rang  north of the city “  Six Coffins just broke  atmosphere ‘  Jay said as he opened his eyes looked at the other in the room 
Pidge had fear plaster on her face. While the others in the room looked on confused
“ What's a coffin “Ezra asked 
“ It’s going to take to long to explain. Just get ready for a fight  “ Pidge said as she got to he feet and moved quickly to the cockpit to call the other 
Without missing a beat Isara got up reached into her pocket and grabbed onto something that was followed by the sound of sirens going off .and the sound of people started to running around outside could be heard 
Ryner walked up to Jay “i’ll take care of the little ones while you head out “ 
“Thank you” Jay replied  as he handed off Molly to Ryner. Jay then turn to see his other kids moving away from the door. Jay quickly grabbed the salvager helmet and booked it towards the open Cargo bay door. As he did he passed by his  the other four kid still sitting their watching Slayer members scrambled into smaller mechs and  to fuel fighter and gunship
Fitz holding onto a confused looking Clay looked up to Jay and said “ Good luck and don’t die”
“ Stay safe out there.” Bastion said 
“ kick it in face” Usamu said 
“I’ll try “Jay said as he moved towards the Valkyrie 
“bye bye “ Clay said as she waved at her father 
Ja felt his heart melt a little as he put the helmet on an waved back.” Bye “ Jay replied as he entered the Valkyrie's mouth. As he sat down in the pilots seat he felt his phone ring and saw a text from Ezra [Stay safe out there ] Jay smiled as he saw that. He then grabbed onto the control sticks.He felt the engine’s roar to life.
The Valkyrie took to the sky and once they were far enough away from  the city the rocket forwards to the mountain rang where the coffins had landed. As he got there he found himself in front of a destroy mountain with a coffin smashed into it . Jay could see the dust cloud of where the other fie coffins landed.He Changed the Valkyrie into her combat mode and ready himself for what ever came out of the coffin as it slowly open  
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cursed-ice-spirits · 5 years
100. “I’m sorry. None of this should have ever happened–this is all my fault.”, im curious of seeing how rebeca would feel after having sky sneaking in her dreams, probably causing her pain at some point by accident. idk , feel free to make me cry (:
100. “I’m sorry. None of this should have ever happened–this is all my fault.”
Rebecca Lord & Skylar Morningstar
At first, everything was alright.
Skylar found himself in another dream, set in a beautiful forest with tall trees that seemed… oddly comforting. He hears the sounds of laughter, and he looks up to see a blur of black jumping from tree to tree, whoops of joy escaping.
He later realizes it’s Rebecca. Quiet, fair, Rebecca who looks happier than he has ever seen her.
It’s… a nice change from the frown that usually settles on her face. She only really smiles like that around Andre.
He sees her perk up and turns around, then she grins as she jumps straight off the branch.
Skylar starts and he catches her before she hits the ground. She was light. Extremely so. But before he can ask, she hops off.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, although she was laughing. “I don’t remember inviting you in.”
“Astral projection, remember,” he says with a small grin. “I was wandering the realm and stumbled upon yours.”
She shrugged. “The more, the merrier.” She grabs his arm with a grin. “Come on. Might as well enjoy some company before I have to deal with Diego’s weird compliments.”
Restraining the urge to tease her (because it definitely wasn’t just weird compliments), he lets her pull him to the center of the forest.
She looked so at ease here, so happy. Usually, she’s very guarded, very controlled. 
Sorta like him.
Nothing was going to go wrong.
Rebecca suddenly tenses up and looks around.
“Something wrong?”
She slowly shook her head, still frowning. “Must be nothing. I’ll go check it out anyway. Stay here?”
Unease curls in his stomach but he nods anyway.
But it did.
And suddenly a sharp scream rips through the air. His blood turns cold.
He turned on his heel and sprinted towards the source of the scream.
No no no no no—
“MOM!!!! NOOOO!!! MOM NO!!!”
She was curled up in a ball, wailing and screaming for her mother, with that thing hovering over her. His heart sinks to his stomach as she uncurls and lets out another bloodcurdling scream.
A growl echoes behind him, and it makes the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. Rebecca screams his name and he whips around to see her crawling away from it, eyes dilated from panic, and he only had a few seconds before she surges forward and slams into him, sending them flying away. A black spell shoots over his head just before they hit the ground hard.
Rebecca shakes her head, blinking rapidly, then she gets up and grabs his arm to yank him to his feet. “Run,” she wheezes.
Skylar squeezes his eyes shut and wraps his arm around her shoulders, then they tear through the forest.
“I’m sorry.” He hears himself saying as they continued to run. “None of this should have ever happened–this is all my fault.”
She shakes her head and tugs him to the right just in time to dodge a strange shadow. “Skylar, it’s fine,” Rebecca whispers. “You’re not the only one with a literal demon stuck to your side.”
His mouth falls open. “What—”
“Not the time,” she curses as they duck behind a tree. “Just… tell me what to do.” She looks at him, eyes pleading. “That thing isn’t the sort of thing my mother’s family deals with.”
“You,” he swallows, his mouth dry. “You need to wake up. I usually try by finding my body.”
“Wake up,” Rebecca repeats, her eyes closing. “Got it. And Skylar?”
“Yeah?” he asked, watching the world around them disappear. 
“We’ll talk in the morning,” she promises as everything goes black.
Skylar seeks her out in the morning. 
Rebecca was sitting at the Ravenclaw table. She never sits at the Hufflepuff table unless it was on special occasions, so it didn’t really surprise him. She was leaning over the table, holding a cup of tea in one hand, talking in a soft voice to Andre, a sketchbook between them. She scribbles something on the page and lets him take a look, then roars with laughter when he jokingly throws it back.
It was like last night never happened. 
Then they lock eyes and her smile freezes on her face.
He doesn’t have to do anything. Rebecca simply turns and tells Andre something, then kisses him on the cheek and gathers her things, yelling her goodbyes over her shoulder as she exits the Great Hall.
Skylar was quick to follow her.
“I’m...” he starts as they came to a stop. “sorry.”
“There’s no need to apologize,” she says softly. “I’m fine, and that’s all that matters.”
“You could have gotten hurt.” 
Rebecca shrugged. “I’ve faced worse.”
“Look,” she said, looking at him in the eye. “None of us knew this was going to happen. It caught us both off guard.”
“But still,” Skylar insisted. “You-You can’t pretend that... that thing didn’t hurt you — you were screaming for your mum—”
She averted her eyes. “I would be crying at her mention anyway.” Something flickers over her face. “She... she went insane from grief. There’s no hope for her to recover.”
An ice fist closes around his heart and guilt sweeps him once more. This is all his fault—if he kept that thing under control, she wouldn’t have to experience that—
“But that’s okay,” she continues, her smile strange. It doesn’t reach her eyes. Something flickers behind her — a being with a long neck and a thin and blank face except for a large mouth with sharp teeth dripping with blood, with two white hollow points as eyes. From its midsection, definitely not where it should have been anatomically, thin, long fingers, attached to a thin palm, and long wrist began to emerge. The fingers had an extra joint, making them abnormal. Its skin was black and skeletal as it grips her shoulders tightly, giving the hands a sinister look. 
And just as quickly as it came, it vanished.
“I’ve faced worse.”
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wolfie-dragon-rider · 5 years
Grey Stains, a new story
Hey everyone! Those of you who follow me on Ao3 or FFN might have noticed this already, but last week I posted the first chapter of a new story of mine, called Grey Stains. It’s a HTTYD Hogwarts AU, taking place several years after the end of Harry Potter. 
Summary: Post-Deathly Hallows Hogwarts AU. When Harry Potter escaped Gringotts on the back of a dragon and flew off towards the battle of Hogwarts, most of the wizarding world saw a hero. For a young Hiccup whose mother died in the Gringotts escape, it is much more complicated to grow up in a post-war world that still bears scars no one wants to talk about, especially when you're bad at magic, your father is overprotective and paranoid of dragons, and there is a rising fear of neo-Death Eaters threatening the fragile peace. An original story (i.e. not Harry Potter retold) about trauma of all kinds, but also about overcoming your fears with the help of others. Eventual Hiccstrid.
I have been planning this story literally for years, so I’m very excited to finally share it with you all! I hope you like it! If you have any comments, thoughts, reviews, or questions, please let me know! 
Enough talk, here’s the first chapter. I’ll be updating weekly, on Sundays. If you’d rather read on FFN or AO3 you can find it there as well, under the usernames wolfie-dragon and wolfie_dragon respectively. 
Hiccup broke out into coughs the moment he hit the ground. The world span around him, unfocused and blurred, as he tried not to suffocate.
"Oh, come on, son. Apparating is not that bad," Stoick said, roughly pulling him up by his armpits from the dusty courtyard tiles.
"You-" Hiccup couldn't finish his retort at first, too busy getting air back into his lungs. The dust, the tight suffocating space he had just been in, it brought back flashes. Screams. Crumbling masonry.
"Easy for you to say. You're not... allergic to dust and tight spaces," he eventually managed to spit out. Stoick scoffed for a second, but didn't start a rant at least. Hiccup was grateful for that. Whenever he'd panic at a small room or dust cloud Stoick would normally complain that he should 'man up' already since he was not "actually allergic to dust".
Maybe he was right, but that didn't mean Hiccup didn't get physically sick every time he had to face it.
"Look, you're okay, so let's get your stuff. You have your list, right?" Stoick asked, grabbing his wand and tapping several stones on the wall next to him. Hiccup reached into his pocket to grab the parchment he received last week.
His acceptance letter to Hogwarts.
"Great! Now, first of all we should go to Gringotts. All these books aren't cheap, and it's time you get your own account as well. That way you can collect interest on your allowance, and use it for Hogsmeade trips and things like that," his father said, as the wall opened up to reveal Diagon Alley. It was filled with people.
The last time Hiccup had been there it had been nearly deserted.
"I don't want to go to Gringotts. That's where-" he started, unable to finish the sentence when his throat closed up. Just like with the apparition he couldn't breathe at the memory.
Stoick sighed loudly, the disappointment clear, but then he knelt so he was closer to Hiccup's eye level.
"That was seven years ago. Nothing will happen now. It's all safe. You're growing up! You're going to Hogwarts, and take your place in our world. And for that, you need a Gringotts account. Plus, it'll look bad if the son of the Head of the Department of Magical Creatures didn't get an account at the bank run by our biggest allies!" he said.
At that moment Hiccup couldn't care less about relations with goblins, but he still nodded slowly.
"Okay. I'll try," he whispered.
"Attaboy! Now let's go, we don't have all day!" Stoick shouted, getting up and turning to Diagon Alley, his long cloak flapping with the motion. Hiccup almost had to run to keep up with his huge steps. People parted at the sight of the 7-feet tall man wearing gilded ministry robes, so they got through the crowd easily.
The goblin guards at the enormous bank doors recognized Stoick, so they greeted him warmly, and he returned the greeting before briskly walking inside. Hiccup followed, unsure if the goblins had even noticed him at half his father's height.
It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light inside, with the white marble and shining gold all over the place.
"Wait here for a second," Stoick told him before walking right past the queue of wizards and witches and talking to the goblin teller. The people waiting in line shot him dirty looks, but the ministry robes stopped them from protesting.
"But…" Hiccup whispered, not wanting to be alone. Not here. The tiles were too clean and white. They had been stained red with blood. A mother and her young son pushed past him to join the queue. The boy was licking ice cream. Hiccup got a whiff of the scent of vanilla cream, and all of a sudden he was outside in Diagon Alley again, but it was much emptier.
Abandoned shops and boarded-up windows lined the street, but 4-year old Hiccup didn't care, because Mama just bought him ice cream from the new parlour. As they waited in line Hiccup heard adults talking about the old ice cream vendor having vanished, but he hadn't understood it, and it hadn't mattered. He got his vanilla ice cream, and then they all walked to the bank together, him between his parents. They had explained that they just had to check on something there real quick, and then they'd go back home.
The building had been chaotic when they entered. Dozens of goblin guards ran around, and a barricade was being set up at the gate to the tunnels. Stoick was pulled away by an anxious-looking goblin with grey hair, leaving Hiccup alone with his mom.
"Mama, what's happening?" he asked between licks of his ice cream.
"Nothing, it's fine. There's just something your father and I have to… make sure doesn't get out of hand," she said, before ruffling his hair. The sudden move made him smear some ice cream on the collar of his shirt. "Oh, you're so clumsy. Let's clean that up."
She had just taken her wand out of her pocket when the world turned upside down.
A massive shockwave knocked them off their feet. Hiccup saw the wand fly out of her hand as they fell. A roar echoed through the room, answered by screams and shouts.
His head pounded where it hit the marble floor, and when he turned to look at the source of the noise it felt like he was dreaming.
Large parts of the floor were missing, and more tiles crumbled into the dark hole that had been white marble moments ago. A desk covered with documents and coins slid over the edge, despite a goblin trying to hold onto it. Hiccup couldn't look away from the screaming creature falling in and disappearing from sight. But then his mama grabbed him and pulled him back, and he looked up.
There was an enormous dragon towering over them. It was thin and white, and its huge eyes were milky. On its back were three people, but they were too far away for him to make out.
"Hiccup, get back," Mama shouted, pulling him behind an overturned desk. His hands were shaking, and he realized there was ice cream all over them. The dragon roared, the sound making Hiccup's ears hurt. It was followed with a cacophony of shouts and screams, and he covered his ears with his sticky hands.
A burst of flame shot over their heads, hitting a group of people near the door who screamed in agony.
"Stay here," his mom said, making him look away from the man whose robes were on fire. She stood up and slowly walked towards the dragon, hands in the air.
"Mama!" he shouted, the word lost in the noise as the dragon's tail smashed through a pillar. It shattered into a hundred pieces that rained down on the people around it.
"It's okay. Just calm down. You're a good dragon. It's alright. No one will hurt you." Somehow Hiccup could hear his mother's soft words among the chaos. The dragon turned to her, growling aggressively despite the people on its back pulling at its horns. A puff of smoke escaped its nostrils.
"Mama! Mama no!" Hiccup screamed, climbing on top of the desk as the dragon put its nose right next to his mother, who looked so tiny compared to the enormous creature. It sniffed and growled more. Mama's arm trembled as she slowly raised it.
One of the people on the dragon's back, a man with red hair, cast some kind of spell at the creature, making it groan. Its jaws opened, revealing rows of enormous fangs. Despite the black soot covering them they looked razor-sharp, and Hiccup had never felt so scared in his life.
A flash of light and a loud bang shook the hall. The goblins cowered as the dragon roared in pain and fury.
"No, no, it's okay, just calm down, NOOOO!"
Hiccup was frozen as the dragon charged forward blindly. It felt like time slowed down as Mama put her hands in front of her face in a futile attempt to block.
Her scream ended with a horrific crushing sound as the dragon's front paw came down on her.
Suddenly there were more flashes of all colors, more shouts, more magic, but none of it existed. The dragon screamed, thrashing around wildly as spells hit it. More pillars crumbled and collapsed, and parts of the ceiling fell around him. None of it was real. None of this could be real.
"Mama! Mama! MAMA!" Hiccup screamed, frozen in place on top of the overturned desk.
"Hiccup, get away from there!" someone shouted, but he couldn't understand it. Why wasn't Mama getting up?
The dragon charged forward, straight into the wall of the building, opening it up to bright beams of sunlight that reflected on blue gems and white debris and pools of blood. With a final roar, it opened its wings and took flight with a single flap that drove a cloud of dust through the hall. It made Hiccup cough, and he didn't see the ceiling above him crack.
"Hiccup!" his father's voice shouted. It seemed so far away. The ceiling came down, on his Mama, on the goblins, on him. Brutal pain raced through his arm and back.
"Hiccup! Hiccup!" He blinked, and suddenly he was back in a clean and calm room. There was a ceiling and four walls and no screaming. His father was kneeling in front of him.
"Are you there? Come on, stop daydreaming. It's time to visit the vaults. I'm sure you'll like the cart ride!" he said, and Hiccup shook his head. His arm ached, despite the fracture having healed seven years ago. He didn't remember much of it. Being trapped under the stone, unable to breathe, for a minute until his father and other wizards could dig him out. A hospital bed. Left alone as his dad suddenly had to do a million things.
The next day the war was over. Ended by the three people he had seen riding the dragon.
"I… I'm fine," he whispered, trying to look strong in front of the old goblin standing next to Stoick.
"That's my boy! You see, Gringotts ain't so bad. You know what, if you're good during the cart ride, I'll get you an owl!"
Hiccup managed not to throw up during the cart ride. In fact it was quite exhilarating, like flying his broomstick back at the mansion. He rarely got the opportunity to do that, since his father was always nervous about dragons hiding in the clouds, waiting to strike.
The ride was over far too quickly, and then it was just a matter of moving coins around. Hiccup received a key to an empty vault, with promises it would fill up while he was at Hogwarts.
The ride back to the surface was even faster than the first cart, though Hiccup found it harder to enjoy, his stomach sinking when he caught a glimpse of the large doors leading back to the main hall. His dad seemed to sense his mood, and simply ushered them through the room quickly without stopping to speak to passersby like he normally did.
It wasn't until they stood outside in the bright midday sun that Hiccup felt like he could breathe again.
"Alright, let's get your school supplies first, it'll be much easier if we don't have to carry an owl around all day. What do you wanna get first? How about the books, you're always buried in those," Stoick asked. Hiccup resisted the urge to snark about how there was nothing else to do at the mansion but read, and instead focused on happier things.
"Can we get my wand?" he asked, already walking towards the shops and away from the bank.
A minute later they entered a tiny shop called Ollivander's, and the oldest man Hiccup had ever seen greeted them. He was almost completely bald, the few strands of hair that remained were wispy and white. His face and neck bore many scars, and his eyes felt like they looked straight into Hiccup's soul.
"Oh, Mr. Haddock! It feels like yesterday that I sold you your wand. 11 and a quarter inches, holly wood, with a dragon heartstring core, is that correct? I hope it's still working well for you," the man said with a croaky voice.
"Yes, it is," Stoick said, frowning at the mention of the dragon heartstring core. "But we're not here for me. My son is going to Hogwarts and he needs a wand."
Hiccup tried to smile, despite feeling very uncomfortable around the old man he assumed was Ollivander. The wand would be worth it. He'd be able to do magic!
"Ah, of course. Let's see… How about 9 and three quarter inches, yew, unicorn hair? Nice and straightforward," Ollivander said, opening a narrow box on the counter and handing it to Hiccup. "Go on, give it a swing!"
His hand trembled slightly when he took the wand. This would allow him to do magic! He'd only have to swing it! So he took a deep breath and gently swung the wand.
Nothing happened.
Ollivander ignored his surprise at the lack of sparks, snatching the wand from his hand and giving him another. "Pear, 10 and a half inches, dragon heartstring!"
"Wait a minute, you still use dragon heartstring? I banned all dragon products years ago," Stoick said as Hiccup swung a few times, still with no result.
"Eh, that just banned me from buying more. I have a huge stock of heartstring, Mr. Haddock. And there's absolutely nothing evil about it, no matter what you might believe. Now, try this one: Blackthorn, 12 inches, unicorn hair," the old man said, giving Hiccup another wand and grabbing more boxes from a shelf.
Stoick scoffed at that, but didn't push further. Instead he sat down in the small chair in the corner. The wood creaked under his weight. Hiccup tried to cast a hovering spell with the long wand, copying the movement he saw Mrs. Beakley, their housekeeper, use whenever she used Wingardium Leviosa.
Absolutely nothing happened. Of course he hadn't said the words, but still, it felt like he was failing at this.
"There's nothing to worry about. This happens to a lot of people. Your mother tried 23 wands before one chose her. Your father needed a dozen tries too," Ollivander said, piling up boxes on the counter and handing another one over. "Rosewood, 11 inches, phoenix feather, great for charms."
"Shouldn't something be coming out anyway? I remember producing fire and smoke with all the wands I tried," Stoick said, shifting in the chair.
"Indeed, wizards can produce intuitive magic even with wands that haven't chosen them, but it's much harder. There's degrees in this, some wands make it harder, some easier. In fact, let's try… Larch, 10 and a quarter inch, unicorn hair," Ollivander said as another wand was pushed into Hiccup's hands.
Another swing, and still nothing.
"Oh, that's a little strange. Still, I'm sure there's a wand for you. I do love a difficult customer!" Ollivander exclaimed, flicking his own wand to make entire stacks of boxes float towards the counter.
Hiccup had tried 51 wands with no result when his father stood up, the chair squeaking loudly in relief.
"Well, this looks like it's going to… take a while. How about I buy the rest of your supplies while you keep trying," he said, wrapping his cloak tighter around himself. Hiccup sighed, giving him the list.
Ollivander wasn't deterred by the ever growing pile of tried wands, marking their boxes with a small H and putting them back on the shelves while grabbing new ones. Meanwhile Hiccup swung and swung and swung some more.
A while later, long after Hiccup lost count, the door opened again. A blonde girl ran in, followed by a blond man with a long beard and auror robes.
"Astrid, no need to run. We have plenty of time," the man said as the girl ran right next to Hiccup, stopping him mid-swing. She was pretty, despite her scowl and narrowed eyes.
"Ah, Mr. Finn Hofferson! Is that blackthorn wand still working for you? And who is this? I didn't know you had children," Ollivander said, dumping another armful of wands on Hiccup's end of the counter. Hiccup took one, swung it, and slid it to the other end when it didn't work. As he pushed it, he noticed the girl looking at him and the pile of wands strangely.
"This is Astrid, my niece on my brother's side. I took her in after…" the auror said, putting his hand on Astrid's shoulder when her head dropped.
"Ah, of course. It's very nice to meet you, young witch. I sold your brother and sister their wands, you know. Though that was over a decade ago. They must have left Hogwarts around the… oh, right," Ollivander said, Astrid immediately snapping her head up to look at him with piercing eyes.
"Can we just get her wand? She's feisty, maybe a blackthorn one like mine?" Finn said, obviously eager to change the subject that Hiccup didn't really understand.
"Of course, of course. How about you try this one. Just swing it, like Hiccup over here does," Ollivander said. Hiccup, startled by her bright blue eyes, dropped the wand he was swinging, making it clatter loudly.
"Try not to drop it, though. Blackthorn, 11 inches, dragon heartstring," Ollivander said, grabbing a wand from the used pile and handing it to the girl. Frowning, she swung it once, and immediately sparks exploded from the tip. Her frown turned into a smile instantly.
"Not quite right. How about holly, 12 and a quarter inch, phoenix feather," Ollivander said as Hiccup swung another wand, trying not to look too disappointed when nothing happened.
Astrid swung the wand, and a moment later a vase exploded.
"Ooh, a little too temperamental. Ah, I know. Red oak, dragon heartstring, 9 and a half inches. A perfect wand for dueling and combat!" The wandmaker dug in the pile, finding a thin reddish wand and handing it over.
The moment Astrid touched it, her jaw dropped. With a firm hand, she swung it, and a soft glow emitted from the wand. She smiled brightly, and Hiccup couldn't help but smile as well.
"Perfect, perfect! It has chosen you! Congratulations, Ms. Hofferson. I'm sure you'll overcome great foes with this wand. Perhaps your biggest challenge will be deciding who those foes shall be," Ollivander told a brightly smiling Astrid. But then she glanced at Hiccup swinging another unresponsive wand and her smile dropped a bit. He couldn't help but wonder if she considered him a potential foe.
After another round of congratulations from Finn, payment was exchanged and the Hoffersons left the store, leaving behind an empty silence with no crackling sparks or exploding chinaware.
"Is that what's supposed to happen? What happens to everybody else?" he eventually asked, tossing another wand on the counter a little harder than he needed to.
Ollivander sighed deeply.
"Usually, yes. Untrained witches and wizards tend to send uncontrolled magic through every object they touch, and wands react to that magic, even if they didn't choose the wizard. It's almost like you're already trained. Did your father get you private tutoring?" the old man asked, sorting out the wands Astrid had tried and marking more boxes with an H.
"Yes, but not for this. I haven't learned any magic or spells. They just teach me history or Latin," Hiccup said, swinging again. He could feel something whenever he swung, a brief spark of burning heat in his fingertips like he grasped a candle flame. But it wasn't a good feeling like he always imagined magic would feel.
"Strange. But that just makes it more interesting! Come on, keep trying!" Ollivander said, and Hiccup did. His arm ached from the motion by the time his father returned with a bag full of books and potion supplies.
"You're still going?! Come on, Hiccup! I have more things to do today, you know," Stoick said, putting the bag down and gesturing at the piles of wands.
"I can't help it. They won't work!" Hiccup said, grabbing another one, swinging it with no effect, and tossing it on the used pile.
"You just have to do some magic! I know you can do it, you're not a damn squib!" his father shouted, sitting down heavily in the chair. Hiccup saw a crack run down one of its legs.
"I'm trying! Do you think I don't want this to work?" he said, grabbing a random wand from the pile.
"Well, try harder! You've been in here for hours! People are gonna notice," Stoick said, glancing out the window, and all the frustration Hiccup had been building up exploded.
"Is that all you care about? That random people will notice I'm having trouble finding a wand!" he screamed, raising the wand to point at his father.
Heat raced down his arms, burning his veins. The wand trembled in his shaking hand, and then the heat focused in his fingertips. It became too much, the fire scorching him from within.
But then suddenly the heat disappeared, replaced with a red flame bursting from the wand's tip. Hiccup yelped, dropping it from his tingling fingers. As quick as it had appeared, the fire vanished.
The only sound in the room was the wand clattering on the floorboards.
"See, you can do magic! That wand worked, right? Mr. Ollivander! What do you think?" Stoick said, smiling brightly despite soot darkening his beard.
"Accidental magic, yes, but still magic. No doubt. So there must be a wand for you. That one wasn't it, though. Let's keep going. There's still plenty of wands left," the old man slowly said.
No one seemed to care about Hiccup's pained sigh as he picked up another wand and gave it a swing. It did nothing. Just the same flash of painful heat in his fingertips as before. Nothing like the burst of actual magic he had just felt.
An hour later, after a boy by the name of Hiro came in and got his wand on the first try, Stoick stood up and grabbed the bag of supplies.
"That's enough. This is going nowhere. Clearly there's something very wrong with these wands. We'll go see better wandmakers tomorrow. I hear there's a good one in New York. One who doesn't use dragon products either," he said, putting his hand on Hiccup's shoulder and pulling him away from the counter.
"Very well. Every wandmaker will tell you there's nothing wrong with dragon heartstring cores, but clearly you've made up your mind based on a completely unrelated event, Department Head Haddock," Ollivander said in an icy tone. Stoick huffed, but didn't respond. He just stomped out the shop dragging Hiccup along with him.
He gave Mr. Ollivander an apologetic smile as his father slammed the door shut.
"That impudent- No matter. There's plenty of other wandmakers," Stoick said, moving towards the Leaky Cauldron.
"But Dad… You said I was gonna get an owl," Hiccup asked, not as excited as he had been before they went into the wand shop.
"Ugh… Fine. We'll get that owl, then we go home," Stoick said, turning around with heavy footsteps. The street was much emptier now that the sun was setting.
The cacophony of roars and meows and squawks in the pet store was the complete opposite of the silence of Ollivander's. And yet Hiccup felt much more at ease around the animals. There were no other customers inside.
"Hey, you! I'm looking for an owl for my son," Stoick shouted at a young woman standing behind the counter. Hiccup walked to a wall filled with bird cages. The owls were fairly quiet compared to the other creatures. He reached out his finger to a yellow-blueish owl with bright blue eyes.
Hiccup gently scratched the bird, and it opened its beak wide. A puff of smoke came out.
"Of course! What kind of personality would you like? We have several: playful, obedient, intel-"
The clerk's words were cut off by Hiccup's scream when the bird breathed fire. It was just a tiny flame, hardly bigger than a torch, but it conjured images of crumbling masonry and blood. The scream emptied his lungs, and he couldn't breathe to fill them again. He stumbled and fell, coughing at the musky air.
"What in Merlin's name is that! I demand answers!" Stoick shouted as he drew his wand, pointing it at the bird.
"It's a magical fusion! An owl with the magical abilities of a Blast-ended Skrewt! We got it from a wizard who experiments with transferring abilities between creatures!" she said quickly, running over and petting the fire-breathing bird.
"How do I know it's not some dragon monstrosity? Do you know who I am? I am Stoick Haddock, head of the Department of Magical Creatures. I introduced the laws against draconic experimentation, and if I suspect any violation of that law I could shut this place down right now!"
Hiccup finally managed to catch his breath, raising his head to see all the blood drain from the clerk's face.
"No, I swear it's nothing draconic! Please, sir! Have a free owl, any one you want!" she said, hands trembling.
"I don't trust anything you sell!" Stoick said, tone icy as he kept his wand raised. The woman's eyes flickered between the wand and the ministry badge on his robes.
"Then let me compensate you. For the… emotional damages!," she shouted, before running to the till. "Here, this is more than enough to buy an owl at any other pet store!" she said, holding up several gold coins. Stoick was silent for a few seconds, until he slowly lowered his wand.
"Fine, I'll take that. And you better hope I never hear of any kind of creature experimentation again."
It wasn't until they were standing outside again that Hiccup had calmed down enough to speak.
"I wanted an owl. Not that one, but a normal one," he said, glaring at his fuming father.
"Maybe we'll get one in New York tomorrow. At least in America they protect well against these… abominations. I'm trying to get those laws here as well, but no one wants to cooperate!" Stoick said as they made it back to the courtyard of the Leaky Cauldron.
"Now grab on. We're going home," he said, gesturing at his arm. Hiccup shook his head violently.
"No, I can't do apparition again! Please, Dad!" he begged, breath speeding up at the very thought of that narrow tube. The anger he had felt over the owl vanished, frozen by the memory.
"Come on, Hiccup! It's better than floo powder. You can't handle that at all! Just swallow your fears already so we can go home," Stoick said, shaking his head in disappointment. Hiccup just jumped back.
"I can't!" he shouted, tears pricking at his eyes.
Stoick was quiet for a long time, staring at him with furrowed brow, until his face softened.
"Fine. We'll take the Knight's Bus, even if it is dreadfully uncomfortable. And we can take a portkey to New York tomorrow, you're okay with those, right?" he said, leading them through the Leaky Cauldron to the muggle street outside. An old witch tried to talk to Stoick, but he waved her away. The other people in the bar just looked at him darkly.
"Yeah, I guess. Thanks, Dad," Hiccup whispered, thinking back to the girl at Ollivander's and wondering if she was scared of anything.
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