#If I'm not over it like five years later then nobody else gets to be either
starchaserwrites · 7 months
@jegulus-microfic / february 18: pet / word count: 572 cw: foul language and violent behavior
James doesn't easily get annoyed, but his biggest pet peeve is people who do not say hello when they arrive at a place, so every time it's his turn to be in charge of the till at the cafe where he works, he struggles to control the twitch in his eye. When the next customer only mutters "venti iced americano, hurry" without even looking up from his phone and throws the money on the counter, he just puts on his best customer service smile and clenches his fists.
Not even five minutes have passed since the order was placed but the man in his early forties is tapping his fingers loudly on the delivery counter and alternating between staring at his watch and at James insistently. Fortunately, there aren't too many customers at this time of day, so Lily and Mary don't take too long to get the man's order ready.
"Is it too fucking hard to make a good fucking drink? I asked you for iced and this is lukewarm!" says the man in a voice loud enough to silence the café that was previously echoing with the soft conversations of customers.
Under normal circumstances James would probably have explained that all that needs to be done to make the drink colder is simply to stir it, but putting on his best smile he offers a "Oh, sorry about that. We'll redo it!" the customer is always right and that shit, right?
So when the drink is handed to him for the second time and the man literally spits the sip he took on Mary, James is ready for a confrontation.
"Are you an idiot or some kind of mentally retarded? This doesn't taste like fucking anything! You bunch of morons were dropped on your heads when you were babies. And you pair of bitches..."
Just as James is about to leap over the counter and punch this asshole, the man is pushed and cornered against the wall in the blink of an eye.
"Can you shut the fuck up?" says Regulus, one of the regulars who comes almost every day after work, shaking the man by the collar of his shirt with his ringed hands. And if James always notices how he sits at the table closest to the counter, and they constantly exchange glances it's nobody's business.
"I don't give a shit, you've been throwing a tantrum this whole time and I won't take it anymore so get the fuck out of here this very second or I'm going to shove what's left of your coffee so deep up your ass to see if you can finally taste it." Regulus continues before pushing him against the wall one last time and letting him go.
The lovely customer starts to walk slowly towards the exit, but halfway there he turns around as if to say something.
"I promise they'll be finding your remains for the next four months if you don't walk out that door now," the silver-eyed man says before the forty-year-old can add anything else. The thing is, he says it so menacingly, like he really means it, that James feels weak in the knees.
Physical or verbal violence isn't supposed to be attractive, but this may have awakened something in James.
So please, no one judge him when a few hours later he ends up tangled in his bed from head to toe with Regulus.
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roosterforme · 1 year
How Could I Forget? | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When Bradley met you in a dive bar in Virginia, he just knew he wasn't going to be able to stop thinking about you. Even a year later, he still remembers your laugh and the way you kissed him.
Warnings: Fluff, drinking and swearing
Length: 2800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
I wrote this for the 'Its not the prompt. It's the creator' challenge from @tgm-all4one. Check out my masterlist for more!
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Bradley flipped through the options in the ancient jukebox while he sipped a cheap beer. This had to be the shittiest bar he'd ever been inside, and that was really saying something, since he was a University of Virginia alumni. 
"Let's see..." he muttered. "Danger Zone? No. Take My Breath Away? Nah. Slow Ride? Absolutely not."
He finally selected Great Balls of Fire and turned to check where his cousins had disappeared off to. But the bar was packed with locals waiting for the fireworks to start over the Chesapeake Bay, and he couldn't spot any of them. 
If they ditched him in this sticky little hellhole on the outskirts of Norfolk, Virginia, he was going to be so pissed. He scanned the bar once more as the song started playing, and his eyes settled on the cutest thing he had seen in a long time. 
You were holding your beer bottle like a microphone and aggressively lip syncing along with Jerry Lee Lewis as his voice blasted from the jukebox. 
Bradley smiled. You were right in the middle of the crowded bar, but nobody else had seemed to notice how you were shimmying along to the song, looking adorable in your own little world. Your eyes were squeezed shut as you mouthed Come on baby, you drive me crazy! Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!
When Bradley laughed, you opened your eyes, and they met his immediately. You pressed your lips together, suddenly looking shy at being caught rocking out. You covered your mouth with your hand in embarrassment as your eyes went wider while Bradley tried to squeeze through the crowd to get to you. 
He was afraid you were going to try to sneak off, but you didn't. You were just nonchalantly drinking your beer when he reached you. 
"That was quite a performance," he said, and you looked up at him, clearly amused. 
"I don't know what you're talking about," you replied, but your smirk said otherwise. 
"That was my song," he said, nodding toward the jukebox.
"What do you mean?" you asked, pressing the bottle to your lips, and drawing Bradley's eyes down to watch the way you took a sip, the bottle lingering on your bottom lip for a beat.
"I selected it. On the jukebox," he grunted, and you laughed at him. 
"No, you didn't. I did."
Bradley scoffed as you squared your shoulders and jutted out your chin in playful defiance. "I chose it like three minutes ago," Bradley insisted. 
"I picked it like five minutes ago!" Your laugh was infectious, and Bradley just wanted to keep it going.
He shook his head solemnly. "It's still my song."
And you shook your head, imitating him. "If anything, it's Jerry Lee Lewis's song."
"Well, I can't argue with that. I did love your cover version though."
"Thanks." God, your smile was adorable. And your lips on that bottle had him thinking some scandalous things about your mouth. 
He cleared his throat. "Are you from Norfolk?"
You sighed deeply. "Unfortunately. You?"
"Virginia Beach."
You crinkled your nose and made a face that had him laughing again. "That might be even worse. You still live there?"
"For now," he replied. "I'm waiting on a new work assignment."
"Can I tell you a secret?" you asked, and when Bradley nodded, you coaxed him closer with your finger. Gorgeous. You were so pretty, Bradley was afraid he wouldn't be able to comprehend your words this close to your eyelashes and your mouth. "I escaped. I live in San Diego now."
"Bravo," he whispered, but he knew you could still hear him over the jukebox as it played Slow Ride. "What's it like to escape Virginia? I've only ever read about it in works of fiction. I've never met anyone who actually managed to do it."
You laughed again, and Bradley had to fight the urge to kiss you. He didn't even know your fucking name, but he was dying to feel your lips on his. 
"It wasn't easy," you promised. "Oh, no, my friend, it was not easy. My whole family still lives here, in Norfolk. My brother is in the damn Navy, if you can believe that. What a waste of a career, right?" you said with a massive eye roll. Bradley opened his mouth to respond, but you added, "Today is his birthday. Born on the Fourth of July, in the military, model citizen. I come home for his birthday every year and end up in this shitty bar every year." 
Bradley couldn't contain his smile. "I'm in the Navy."
Your eyes went wide. "Oh, shit. The Navy is the best!" you said brightly. "Oh boy, do I ever wish I had joined the Navy!"
Bradley tipped his head back and laughed harder. "I like you. You're brutally honest," he said, still laughing as you bit your lip, unable to stop smiling. 
"I'm so sorry," you said, trying not to laugh. "Come here. Let me buy you another beer to make up for the fact that you're in the Navy, you poor thing."
Bradley just shook his head, but then you took his hand in yours and gently led him to the bar. And you kept your hand linked with his while you ordered two drinks. But when you started to reach into your pocket to pay, Bradley took both of your hands in his larger one, and you looked up at him, surprised. 
"I've got it," he told you, pulling some cash out of his own pocket. "It's not every day you meet a celebrity."
"Celebrity?" you asked, and he pulled you closer by both hands. 
"You escaped Virginia! Buying you a drink would have to give me good karma! Who knows, maybe I'll even get stationed somewhere new." 
Bradley released your hands when the beers arrived, but you didn't move away from him. "Where do you want to get stationed?" you asked, and Bradley couldn't look away from the curve of your lips as you took the first sip from the bottle. 
"Somewhere warm," he told you. "But I guess I could learn how to brave some cold weather if I had to."
When the woman behind you bumped into you, Bradley could feel the warmth from your body through his clothes. You were that close. He wanted you closer. And then you were snug up against the front of him. "Well, I think you're brave," you told him with wide, teasing eyes.
"Because I'm in the Navy?" he asked, taking a sip of his beer as you shook your head. 
"No," you told him with a soft laugh. "Because you dare to sport a mustache. Almost nobody can pull that off." Now you were giggling as he ran his fingers along his facial hair. 
"I think you're having a lot of fun at my expense here tonight," he told you. "I think you like me."
You were quiet for a few seconds, and Bradley's heart beat a little faster when you said, "I think you like me, too."
"What's not to like?" he whispered, and your eyes fluttered closed as he ran his fingers along your cheek. "You stole my song. You hate my job. You made fun of my facial hair. And you managed to hijack my escape from this state, because surely the odds of two of us getting out are just too high."
And then you kissed him. Just a soft brush of your lips to his. But it was perfect. And then the fireworks started outside, but you stayed right there with him, your hand coming to rest on his chest. 
Everyone else rushed out to the deck or down along the water to watch the colorful display, even the bartender. But you didn't move an inch, and now Bradley was setting down his beer. This time he kissed you, and you nibbled on his lower lip as your other hand tangled in his hair. Bradley's hands went to your waist, as he tasted you. Beer and something kind of sweet. 
"What's your name?" Bradley asked between kisses, and when you told him, the sound of it echoed through his mind. He whispered it back to you, against your lips as you dragged your fingernails along his scalp. "I'm Bradley."
"Hi, Bradley," you said with a smile between kisses. "I'm sorry I stole your song. And I actually think your mustache is cute."
He was smiling so much against your neck as he kissed you there. "I'm really happy I came to this shitty bar tonight."
"Me too," you gasped as he sucked on you there before returning his lips to yours. These hurried, needy kisses turned more languid as they slowed down. You had pushed Bradley back onto an empty stool, your palms on his splayed thighs as he stroked your neck and face while you kissed. Every little moan and gasp had him coaxing you closer, and then the fireworks ended. The other patrons started trickling back into the bar as your lips nudged his in one final kiss. 
You pulled away from him, smiling and sliding your hands down to his knees. He leaned a little close to your face, ready to beg for one more kiss as he said, "Please, let me have your phone number."
You leaned in and kissed the corner or his lips before you backed away. Bradley was up out of the stool, chasing the warmth of your body, but you shook your head.
"That's not a good idea," you told him, gently pressing your palm to his chest, and it took you a few beats to meet his eyes. "And make you pine for me from afar?" you asked with a soft, teasing smile. "I couldn't live with that."
Bradley whispered your name about a dozen times in a row until your eyes closed. He kissed you softly and said, "I'm pretty sure I'll be doing that anyway. Pining for you."
You looked up at him, gaze darting between his lips and his eyes, almost like you were about to cave. But you shook your head and said, "You'll forget all about me by tomorrow."
Then someone called your name from the other side of the bar and stole your attention from him. And Bradley felt all the perfect flirtation and banter and kisses slipping through his grasp. 
"I need to go," you told him, and you looked so sad. "I hope you escape Virginia."
He nodded slightly, running his thumb across your soft cheek one more time. "I know this sounds weird, but I'm going to miss you."
And then you kissed him again, as if you understood exactly what he meant. And then you were gone. 
Bradley thought about you a lot. Sometimes he let your name grace his tongue with the sweet feel of it. Sometimes he would daydream about your laugh. But the moment he opened his mail in late August and read the line detailing the location of his new station, a slew of obscenities flew out of his mouth. 
San Diego. He was going to be stationed in San Diego. 
And he had no idea how to reach you. He only knew your first name. But he spent his first few months there hopeful that he would run into you somewhere. So he visited different grocery stores. He took different running tails. He went to the mall across town once. And each time he did one of those things, he felt ridiculous. Stupid. Idiotic. Until he remembered your smile and the way you made him feel so good while also poking fun at him. 
As the months wore on, he went on dates and kissed other girls, but he still thought about you sometimes. When he listened to Jerry Lee Lewis, he pictured you singing into your beer bottle. When he drank a cheap beer, he could almost hear your laugh. 
You had told him that you go to that same shitty bar every year on your brother's birthday. But just as Bradley purchased tickets for a roundtrip flight from San Diego to Norfolk, he realized you probably didn't even remember him. What was he going to do? Walk into that bar and tell you he missed you? You'd look at him like he was insane. Or worse, like you had no fucking clue who he was. 
He thought about not going. Just letting the tickets go to waste. But at the very least, he would be able to visit his cousins for the night. At the very least, he might just be able to see you again, just for a minute. 
You sat at the bar, across the room from your brother. You didn't know why you still bothered to come home for the weekend every year, but here you were. In Norfolk. Again. 
As politely as you could, you turned down the red headed guy who tried to buy you a drink. And you did the same thing to the blond, too. Because now you associated this shithole bar with wavy, sandy brown hair and big, brown puppy eyes. And you weren't about to override your memories from one year ago with some random loser who wanted to buy you a can of Miller Lite. 
You hoped Bradley was currently stationed somewhere warm, near a beach. It always made you smile to picture him with his feet in the sand, drinking a beer.
Your head swiveled to the jukebox as soon as you heard the opening piano chords of Great Balls of Fire playing, but there was just an older woman standing there snapping her fingers. 
Your heart sank a bit as you settled back into your stool and sipped your beer. It would have been too good to be true, and you were ridiculous for even entertaining the thought. But then that raspy voice was behind you, saying your name and making goosebumps break out all across your skin.
When you turned and met his warm eyes, your mouth fell open. He was here. And he looked so handsome and nervous. And your heart was hammering too hard, making it difficult to talk. 
"I don't know if you remember me," he said softly, looking at your face like you were the most precious thing he had ever seen. "But-"
"Bradley! How could I forget?" you breathed, and you watched his smile grow. "I was hoping you'd escape Virginia."
He laughed, and you wanted to kiss his mustache again. "I did. And I've been looking for you for ten months."
You leaned in a little closer and grinned. "Well I've been in San Diego."
"Me too," he said, and you tilted your head in question, but he just smiled more. "That's where I've been stationed since September."
"Oh!" you gasped. "You escaped to my city!"
"Mmhmm. And you made me come all the way back to shitty Norfolk, Virginia to find you."
You laughed. "You came back here for me?"
He nodded and stroked his fingers across your cheek just the way you remembered. "Yes. All I could think about was the way you told me you come here every year on this day. So I've been waiting months for the chance to try to see you again."
"That's really romantic," you told him, letting your palm come to rest on his chest. 
He covered it with his as he said, "My full name is Bradley Bradshaw. I live in Coronado, California on Pomona Avenue. And if you're single, I'm not leaving here without your phone number."
You were clamoring off your stool before he even finished talking, and he welcomed you into his arms. And then you kissed him, just like you had a year ago, his body warm and perfect against yours. You told him your full name between kisses, running your fingers through his hair and melting into him. "And yes, you can have my phone number, Bradley Bradshaw." 
He sighed against your cheek. "Even though I've been pining for you from afar?"
You laughed, remembering what you'd told him last year. "Apparently you've been pining for me from nearby. And that just won't do. Because I've thought about you... about the guy with the cute mustache who acted like he owns Jerry Lee Lewis's music catalog. About the only guy I ever kissed in the middle of a dive bar before I even knew his name," you whispered.
And then Bradley was kissing you again before he ended up sitting on the bar stool with you perched on his leg. He gave you his phone so you could save your number for him, and you sat like that until last call, just talking and laughing and occasionally kissing with the promise of more to come. 
When you got back to your parents' house with your brother, your phone illuminated with a new text message. 
Bradley Bradshaw: Meet me in San Diego.
They were both pining from afar! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls for putting up with me.
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Pride Petty Watch (The Untamed) 1/?
I let the crowd pick which two blacklisted shows I would watch from my Petty List, so I flew through the first one knowing I had this 50-episode beast waiting for me. People have warned me that the first two episodes wouldn't make sense, there are a ton of characters to keep track of, I need to watch it at normal speed, and I need to keep the sound on. Therefore, I was already mad before I hit play, yet somehow I started the first episode, blacked out, and emerged five episodes later.
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Which means I like it so far, and here's some quick reasons why:
Before I start, these two better be an item because they are my favorite BTS song aka "🔥" and since I haven't seen them in the present yet, I'm fearing something happened to them in that great battle in the past, and if so, I'M GOING TO BE BE LIVID! I've had them for three whole minutes, and they are everything to me, so I feel this story is going to fuck me over.
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Everyone is chasing after this golden black snitch, yet nobody is catching it, so although there is a lot of death happening, I'm laughing.
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If you squint, My Stand-In and The Untamed are the same. Boys who fell off a cliff come back in another body only to live the same life with the same people and make the same bad decisions. Cool cool cool.
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This current lecturer is stating nobody could find the body but he fell into fire/lava, so what body were they thinking they would find?! Also, don't think I didn't catch homeboy getting in trouble in the past for asking in class what happens when a spirit demands revenge and the instructor got upset because look where we are now! Possession of a body for the sake of revenge. Should've entertained the question, professor, because sixteen years later, it will come back to haunt you, literally.
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And homeboy applied his own theory of making the possessed bodies work for him to fight the other body. He is a smart cookie, and that's why the original Moo Moo person gave his body up to him.
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@dribs-and-drabbles, if this is why you told me I needed the sound on, I'm confident I'm not going to remember this melody. And how is he playing a leaf right now?
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I can't take this seriously. This feels like an 80s music video, and he is about to hit me with the hottest synthesizer intro.
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And the sword has the golden black snitch in it. *Pikachu face*
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I can't play an instrument but for a DIY flute made out of bamboo on the spot, I thought his playing was excellent. For people being saved from being squashed, they are some haters, and I would have stopped playing just so they could suffer.
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I picked up that sister is dead in the future, but her kid is a brat, and I would've been mean to him too.
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And did the brother really kill him in that battle on the hill because when the entire crowd was like "you killed him, right?", he was looking like . . .
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So this is the brat's daddy? It would make sense that a man who shut down an entire hotel for his party would have a son who sets 400 traps so nobody else can catch anything. The privilege is genetic.
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I like him AND I respect him. He has priorities and they are to drink and party because even when he came back in that other body, he snatched the liquor. As the opening showed, he's here for a good time, not a long time.
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I don't like Fuddy Duddy. He can remember 3,500 rules (this place is where fun goes to die), but couldn't remember to tell my party bro that his sister and brother were inside? Everybody just left homeboy without a note saying where they are, and Fuddy Duddy had the information, yet was too busy lecturing about rules. AND committed the ultimate party foul and wasted the liquor. Make that the 3,501th rule! He's lucky he can lay the synthesizer so well.
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This is where the big battle is/was (Nightvale, Nightshade, NightWhatever), and I hope this man died in it because he is doing TOO MUCH! "I don't fear death; I fear boredom" YOU'RE boring! Shut up and go collect the pieces of that dumb rock, Thanos Jr., so we can get this battle going.
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HE BROUGHT A BIRD INTO CLASS! This is the everyday American high school class.
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Why is everyone in the Fire Nation so pissed? Is it because it's hot there? All of y'all are doing too much except for that sister and her brother. I know that brother was the zombie guy from the statue fight, so that means the main homeboy was talking to Fire Nation sister at the graves. That was her family's grave, and she must be a good person, who is probably dead now too.
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So they can all play magical instruments? They're like Josie and the Pussycats, playing gigs between fighting crime.
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The brat's dad is gold, the Cloud Recesses (what is this name about because they should be a lot more fun with a name like that?) are white and blue, and the Fire Nation is red, so it's odd that homeboy had the dark blue robes with red underneath before coming to school, and keeps getting really friendly with the fire people. Plus the cloud people's power is blue, but his comes out in bursts of red. Is his daddy really Fire Nation? Get Maury on the line.
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So his bird buddy gave him porn, which he gave to Fuddy Duddy, who then ripped it up. No wonder why he is so good at school and remembers 3,500 rules. Got nothing but time on his hands since he isn't using his hands doing anything else by being so repressed.
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Fuddy Duddy just said he doesn't touch people, yet in the very beginning he snatched homeboy's hand without hesitation, so he wouldn't fall to his death. Then, he snatched that premium liquor for him. I see you and your heart on your sleeve, my man! Just like this water demon, the feelings are sneaking up on you and snatching you up!
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Should've bought her the comb, bro, because she's going to be dead after that big battle since she was sent to snoop for the Fire Nation. Even though she is trying to help her brother, I feel this will be y'alls Romeo and Juliet moment.
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So the brother was always going to come back from the dead since he already was cursed(?), and my homeboy is once again proving to be a friend to all. I like you, and I will learn your name, hopefully by episode 28.
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Only three marks healed in the present, so whoever is the last mark has to be one of these hoochies, and the more backstory I get, the more I think it's going to hurt when I find out who the last mark is.
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Half these people have already died leading up to that big battle and the other half will die as homeboy sets out on his Kill Bill journey, so like . . .
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"You and I have unfinished business"
*slams on the 'next' button*
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sednas · 2 years
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['CAUSE HE'S A F×CK BOY ─ s. gojo]
꒰ ͜͡➸ sorry what did you say? oh you want a virginkiller!gojo fic? with enemies to lovers vibes? yeah I might have this one in store for you. smut will be in the second part tho! (which will be posted in one week or five months, who knows! :))
pairing: virginkiller!gojo x virgin!fem!reader
tw: college!au, suggestive themes, virginity kink, (dub-con) make out session, gojo is annoying but hey what's new, sexual tension, light fem masturbation at the end
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gojo satoru was the golden boy. the most intelligent student of his class, the most talented sports player of the school, the most popular guy of the campus, maybe even of the whole city. he was excellent at everything. people were too amazed by his talent to notice his arrogance and his condescending smile, too blinded by his bright blue eyes and his snowy white hair.
gojo was the best at everything, and it included fucking. hell, fucking was actually on top of the list. he had a cheerleader waiting for him every night in his room, sometimes he could just wink at a girl and she was already spreading her legs for him in the bathroom a few minutes later. he could have literally everyone, but what he liked best was virgins. he loved them, such good girls who managed to keep their innocence until college. they were always so easy, so pliant.
and the thing he mostly liked to do with them was fucking them so hard that nobody could ever compare after that. he wanted them to think about him every time they would fuck someone else, he wanted them to rub their thighs together while thinking about him years later, this is what he liked to do with them. of course, the thought of ruining them for their first time was also appealing, they were usually so shy and reserved, he liked to take them apart piece by piece, make them drool, and then cry, and then forcing them to look at themselves in the mirror, letting them see how the filthiest version of themselves looked like. and in the end, when they were too fucked to think, he made them say thanks.
and this was exactly what he wanted to do with you.
you were way more difficult than the others, doing your best to ignore his piercing blue eyes, answering by a simple nod of your head every time he was trying to start a conversation, leaving the room every time he was in.
yeah you were difficult, but satoru always got what he wanted.
“all by yourself uh?”
he startled you a bit, and he could see that you were already looking for a way out by the way your eyes were looking at everything but him.
he moved his body to be at the same height as you, looking at you through his glasses, and then he said your name in a sweet voice, smiling when he saw how easily he got you looking back at him, your face obviously flushed.
“finally paying attention to me mh? it's a shame that you don't look at me often, I really like your eyes, they're pretty.”
and he really meant it, you were telling him everything with those eyes, the way you were constantly daydreaming about him, how you were humping your pillow at night, imagining it was his thigh instead. yeah, very pretty eyes.
“I want to get to know ya.” he said with a smile, and he got closer.
he kept himself from laughing when he saw you taking a few steps back and then he stopped, not wanting to make you panic too much.
“here, gimme your phone.”
you obeyed after barely a few seconds, and it only confirmed what he was already thinking; you were wrapped around his finger even though you were trying to hide it.
“mmh cute wallpaper… alright I'm just gonna add my number to your contacts annnnnd… done!” he finally said, his relaxed smile still on his face, handing you over your phone.
he didn't let go of it immediately, making sure your hands brushed against one another, noticing the way your breath got stuck in your throat.
“call me okay?”
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one month passed by and you never called, or even texted. gojo felt frustration for the first time in his life, and because of that he was rougher than usual when he was fucking a cheerleader, his thoughts always coming back to you, and the way you were still ignoring him even though you were fucking yourself with your fingers every night while thinking about him. he was starting to get tired of his own game, but still, he wasn't planning on giving up. and so when he saw you standing in the kitchen during that halloween party, a devilish grin appeared on his pale face...
it's already too late when you spot him across the room, his blue eyes are on you. you can barely think of an escape that he's already in front of you, wearing a black tuxedo, a white collar wrapped around his neck and long white victorian sleeves hugging his arms, and making the rings on his fingers look elegant.
“you didn't call me.“ gojo whispers against your ear, his long arms trapping you between his body and the kitchen counter.
you open your mouth but no sound comes out, your eyes try to escape his teasing gaze as you're sure he can see every little detail on your face by standing so close.
“I thought… I thought you weren't serious when you gave me your number.”
he chuckles, noticing how you're even more embarrassed to look him in the eyes when he hasn't his glasses on.
“I like your costume, it suits your body.”
you feel your skin grows hot, his voice so soft and intimate, his eyes trailing on your body from up and down. it feels like you're alone in the whole house with only him. and your heart is racing with fear and anticipation, as you bring your thighs together. gojo notices it, placing his knee between them before you can fully close them, making you gasp.
“so tell me something baby…” he starts speaking in a honeyed voice, his lips coming closer to your ear.
you blink at the nickname, his body weighting a little more on your own, your back uncomfortably pressed against the kitchen counter as your body slowly bent to accommodate to the awkward position.
“are you scared of me or something?”
a nervous laugh comes out of your mouth, turning your head to escape from his warm gaze.
“I'm not scared of you.”
he can tell you're sincere, but it only makes him want to know more.
“then why are you avoiding me all the time uh?”
he tilts his head to the side, eyes burning with curiosity and his teeth flashing at you when you finally look back at him.
“i'm avoiding you because… you're so annoying, and you fuck everyone you know and you're so arrogant, always thinking you're better than anyone else. I don't like you, at all.”
a few seconds of silence pass by while both of you just look at eachother, until a smirk slowly appears on gojo's face.
“I didn't know you were so mean.” he laughed. “but if you hate me so much why aren't you pushing me away right now?” his sultry voice keeps sliding on you like honey, his mouth so close to your skin, breath fanning over your neck.
he's right, and he knows it, smiling even wider when he sees you looking at the ground in defeat.
“that's what I thought.” he smiles, one of his hand sliding along the side of your jaw, the sudden touch making your heart skips a beat.
his pale hand looks good on your skin, you can feel his fingers squeezing lightly your throat and the atmosphere becomes more tense than before, he still has this grin, like he knows everything about you, especially how much you want him to touch you more.
you're a few seconds away from giving up, your body almost falling on the counter to let gojo fully rest on you. somehow his smirk grows wider when he sees you closing your eyes. you let out a little whine when you feel him pressing all of his body weight against you.
“that was a sweet sound baby, mind if you make some more for me?”
despite shaking your head no, you pressed your body against him, hungry for more, finding a new pleasure in being the center of his attention. his slender fingers find their way to squeeze your chest, drawing another whine out of your mouth.
“more…” he orders, the sound of his voice muffled against your skin.
you try to close your lips, in a poor attempt not to give in so easily, but your legs turn to jelly as soon as he puts his soft lips on your neck. one of your hands flew through his white hair as you gasped at this new sensation.
his hot tongue tracing kisses along your neck, he grabbed your hips, bringing you even closer, letting you feel his boner. you feel dirty, intoxicated, but the heat coming out of his body is addictive. you let out another sound and your fingers are now grabbing his shirt in a needy way, trying to get him even closer to you. you want more. you need more.
you suddenly open your eyes when you feel his warmth vanish from your trembling body. you watch him walk away in disbelief while he's wearing a wicked smile on his face.
“I think my friends are waiting for me… it was fun, you should call me later okay?” he winked at you before exiting the room without letting you have any time to react.
you're left here, breathless, blood pumping into your veins, eyes clouded with desire, a pool of arousal between your legs. your hands clench into fists, of course he did it on purpose.
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your eyes are fixated on your phone as breathless sighs keep coming out of your mouth.
"fuck!" you let out an exasperated groan, throwing your head back into the soft pillows.
your fingers are still trying to reach that spongy spot inside you, you arch your back, lifting your hips in the air, hoping it will allow your fingers to touch deeper parts. but you're left unsatisfied again, your legs twitching in frustration. your head hit your pillow and your eyes go back to your phone.
"he would fuck me right." you mumble to yourself.
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part two
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a lovely reminder that reblogs and comments are highly appreciated ♡
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webslinger-holland · 7 months
Running Bets | Hunter from The Bad Batch
Summary: The Bad Batch likes to make bets during missions, especially when things get really chaotic.
Warning: mentions of death, weapons, and droids being dismembered
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader Jedi
Word Count: 3.5k
Type: Oneshot
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The Bad Batch were currently away on another one of their missions. They found themselves aboard a modified Providence-Class Separatist Dreadnought which served as General Grievous's main command ship. Their mission was quite simple: infiltrate the naval warship, retrieve a piece of valuable intel, and return it back to the jedi council.
A few years prior, the Kaminoans had specifically requested for the Jedi Council to select and send a Jedi to come work with the rebellious group of clones. They had hoped being under the command of a jedi master would beat them into shape and teach them how to properly follow orders.
However, the Kaminoans didn't know what they had gotten themselves into when General L/n was sent to work with The Bad Batch. She was the only jedi who jumped at the opportunity to lead the group of misfits since nobody else wanted to be assigned to them. She came with her own sense of recklessness that only added to the squads over-the-top plans and inability to follow order the 'right way.'
Now, just a few years later, the five members of the Bad Batch stood in front of a closed corridor on the dreadnought. There was a comfortable silence that settled over them which was only interrupted a few times by Crosshair clicking the scope of his sniper rifle, Wrecker cracking his knuckles in preparation for the fight ahead of them, and Tech tapping away at his data pad. They stared at the closed door right in front of them, growing slightly impatient.
"Ugh," Wrecker groaned while rolling his eyes in annoyance. "What's taking so long?"
"I am trying to crack into the ship's security system. It's a complex system, but once I'm in, I'll be able to access all the doors of the dreadnought and open this one for us," Tech explained to them. He was kneeling beside the data panel beside the door, pressing some buttons in the process.
The only problem was that the rest of them had tuned him out after the word 'security.'
"Why can't I just smash through the doors? It'll be a lot quicker than this," Wrecker argued.
"Because that would give away the element of surprise," Hunter interjected. "Nobody knows we're here."
"And I, for one, would like to keep it that way," General L/n added.
"Just hurry up, will you?" Wrecker groaned. "I'm dying to crush some droids."
"I've...almost...got...it," Tech said rather slowly while pressing buttons on the panel quickly.
The screen became illuminated with a shade of green, which shown in the reflection of his goggles adorned on his face. He was now granted access to the entire ship's security system via his data pad. He stood back up to join his brothers. He pressed a few buttons on his data pad to open the large sealed blast door in front of them.
"Eyes up. We don't know what we're up against on the other side of this," Hunter told the rest of the group. They waited for the door to open for them. He drew his own two blasters out of the holsters, keeping them ready for a fight.
The other members of the group seemed to follow his actions by readying their own weapons. The general, who stood in the front and center of the group, decided to pull her own two lightsabers from her belt. Her thumbs lingering over the button in preparation for activation. Her eyes trained on the sealed door in front of her, holding her breath in anticipation.
"Care to wager a bet, boys?" She hoped it would put the rest of them at ease.
"Don't we always?" Crosshair inquired with a slight hint of sarcasm in his tone.
"Loser has to clean the ship including the refresher," Y/n smirked to herself. She glanced over her shoulder to meet Wrecker's gaze.
"That's not that bad of a punishment," Wrecker scoffed while his shoulders slumped in slight disappointment.
"Have you seen the ship recently? Can't even see the floor," Hunter interjected.
"It has gotten pretty bad," Tech agreed. Oddly enough, Tech was easily one of the messiest ones because of all the little projects he left lying around. One could trip over all the cords and wires on the ground.
"Fine," Wrecker groaned more to himself. "Loser cleans the ship."
"Including the refresher," Y/n quickly added, not wanting him to miss out that little detail because she had every intention of making sure he lost today.
"Including the refresher," Wrecker grumbled under his breath.
"Whenever you're ready, Tech." The General was prepared for the fight ahead of them, keeping a firm grip on the two lightsabers in her grasp. She readjusted her stance and lifted her lightsabers up in a defensive manner.
Finally, as if on cue, Tech pressed a single button on his data pad which activated the blast doors in front of them. The doors began opening slowly from the center, retracting back into the walls and revealing the vast hallway corridor in front of them.
What the Bad Batch hadn't expected was to find the corridor completely packed with the traditional B-1 battle droids. There had to have been fifty or sixty of them standing around with blasters in hand. Their long yellow heads seemed to turn towards the source of the noise all simultaneously.
"A jedi?" One of the closer droids exclaimed in slight surprise. He pointed towards the group to signal the others. "Blast them!"
Before the droids even had a chance to start firing, General L/n had activated her two yellow lightsabers and charged straight towards the company of clankers. She dodged each of their shots, moving swiftly from left to right. Once she got close enough to them, she swiftly swung her lightsaber to slice through the base of their blasters, rendering them useless.
Behind her, the rest of them started firing their own shots and taking out droids while making their way down the corridor. Each of them showcasing their own unique style of fighting. While Crosshair usually lingered behind the group to take his precise shots, Wrecker always charged head on and fired wildly at anything in sight. There was Hunter who liked switching between blasters and blades, but often kept to his knifes as a preference. In contrast, Tech always carried two blasters and fired calculated shots.
Despite all their differences, the Bad Batch successfully worked together as a team. The General also had a different strategy. She always rushed head on; though it wasn't because she was eager for the fight, but more so because she wanted to protect the others if she could. Her two lightsabers acted as their only defense in many situations. And they trusted her enough to cover them.
Taking more droids down, Tech quickly maneuvered his way through a clear and open path until he stood in front of the next closed door. His twin joined his side and covered his back so he could have the time to open the next door without getting shot. However, when Tech pressed the button on his data pad, the doors in front of him didn't open and his data pad flashed red.
"Uh oh," Tech said to himself.
"Uh oh?" Hunter repeated. He grabbed the blade of his knife before throwing it across the room, sticking directly into a battle droid's head. "What does 'uh oh' mean, Tech?" Hunter demanded an answer.
"This door isn't opening," Tech explained shortly. He kept pressing buttons on his data pad in hopes that it would open if he tried a different combination.
"I thought --" Y/n grunted as she sliced through another droid. "You said you overroad the ship's security system and that you'd have full access to all doors."
"I did," Tech replied with a strong sense of frustration in his voice.
Pressing one final button, the door opened ever so slightly but then closed again. There had to be someone on the other side, operating the system to keep it closed from them.
"Someone is intentionally trying to keep this door closed and keep us out," Tech announced to the rest of them. His eyes scanned the vast space of the door, thinking about how he could get through.
"Well, get it open." Y/n replied.
Kneeling down beside the door, Tech got to work by prying the metal panel away from the wall. His skillful fingers threaded through the various colorful wires, searching for a cord to connect to his data pad. He called out to the others, saying he was gonna need a minute to break through.
As Tech worked steadily, Crosshair stood right beside him and fired strategically from his sniper's rifle. He took out droids who even turned in their general direction, not wanting them to get remotely close to them.
Just as the group of battle droids was beginning to thin, the doors on the left and right side of them opened to reveal more. The droids marched right into the fight, acting as the reinforcements to protect whatever was locked behind the main door. They fired relentlessly which was starting to put a strain on the group.
At some point, Wrecker had abandoned his rapid firing blaster and decided to just rip droids apart. It wasn't that hard of a task since they were made of a relatively cheap metal. He'd simply grab a droid, tear the limps off, and toss the remaining parts to the side. He threw one of the droid's bodies into the crowd coming into the corridor, which ended up knocking some of them down.
"I've got ten already!" Wrecker announced over the loud blaster fire echoing in the room. He smiled proudly to himself as he tore the arms off another droid.
"I'm on seventeen," Y/n called back. She could have sworn she heard the sergeant chuckled behind his helmet.
"Wha--" Wrecker was at a loss for words. He retrieved his blaster once again, firing rapidly in hopes of taking down more droids than his companion.
As she sliced through two more droids, Y/n turned her head and looked over her shoulder. She wore an amused smile on her face when she announced: "Nineteen!"
"You're falling behind, Wrecker." Crosshair taunted from the sidelines. He went to adjust his scope before pulling the trigger a few more times, watching the droids fall from behind it.
"Yeah? How many are you on?" Wrecker asked snakily.
"Don't worry about it."
In the center of the room, Hunter had pulled his vibroblade out of the sheath on his forearm. He jabbed the knife into the backs of droids, sendings jolts of electricity through them and taking their main computing systems out. He worked through the growing crowd of clankers, moving between them smoothly in a way that managed to dodge their firepower.
Upon turning, Hunter spotted a couple of them pointing their blasters directly at him. He dropped down to the floor just as they began firing, getting out of the way just in the knick of time. He summersaulted towards them, swiping his leg out to take out their legs from underneath them. The three droids fell to the floor. He plunged his knife into their heads before they had a chance to regain composure.
"How's that door coming, Tech?" Hunter inquired.
Now Tech was working steadily at cracking the system's code. He just needed a little bit more time, which he was certain his brothers could grant him. At first, Tech didn't respond to Hunter's question. All of the sudden, a battle droid had come to approach him and stood directly beside him.
"Halt," the droid ordered him.
Without looking up, Tech pulled one of his blasters out of his holster. He raised it quickly and fired a single shot, which managed to lodge itself directly into the droid's head. He pocketed his blaster again as the droid collapsed right beside him and went right back to work on the door.
"Just a few more adjustments," Tech replied to the others. He clicked a few more buttons on his data pad, but nothing that effected their current situation. They were still stuck in the corridor and more droids were filtering in by the second.
"You're taking a long time. Thought you were supposed to be the smart one," Wrecker called out. He grabbed another droid, raising it above his head and sending it hurdling down the corridor to take out another company of them.
"I am the smart one," Tech reassured them with a hint of bluntness in his voice. He did not look the slightest bit amused by Wrecker's comment.
"Heads up," Hunter announced.
He took out an electro magnet pulse grenade, pressed the button on the side to activate it and threw it into a crowd of droids coming into the corridor. The grenade landed at the feet of the droids before random bursts of electricity and energy surged from it. The droids' bodies shook from the electricity, shutting them down.
Despite their efforts, more droids just kept coming after them. It seemed like it was a never ending steady flow of them. When one droid went down, another two would come into the corridor to replace them. The amount of dead droids littering the ground with becoming overwhelming.
At some point, Hunter was firing shots towards droids coming from the left and Y/n was deflecting blasts coming from droids on the right side. They met in the center of the room; their backs pressing together. The two of them moved in a synchronized harmony, trusting that the other was able to cover their backs and silently communicating with their timed movements.
Tapping into the force. Y/n raised her two lightsabers over her head and forced them to form an 'x' shape directly in front of Hunter's helmet. This movement deflected a single blaster shot that was intended to strike the sergeant in the head. If it hadn't been for her senses and his stillness in that movement, Hunter would've taken the shot to the head. But that wasn't gonna happen on her watch.
"Thanks," Hunter peered over his shoulder.
"Don't mention it," Y/n waved it off.
With their backs pressed together, Hunter and Y/n continued to work together to take down the droids coming at them. The two of them moved with ultimate precision that they dominated the field. They'd never danced like this before.
At this point, Wrecker and Crosshair had stopped firing their own shots just to watch the others in action. The immediate threat was gone now as the number of droids firing at them had dwindled drastically.
Spotting the last four droids coming towards them in a line, Y/n took a single step away from her partner. She twisted her body to launch her lightsaber down the hallway, watching the yellow blade circle rapidly towards them. The lightsaber effortlessly sliced through the droids heads and they clattered to the ground. Before the lightsaber made contact with the wall, Y/n summoned it back into her hand and switched it off. She pocketed them both onto her belt.
The four members of the squad met in the center of the room while the other continued working on the connecting wires to his data pad. They briefly glanced at the mass amounts of unmoving droids by their feet, kicking a few limbs out of the way. At last, Wrecker flopped down on a small pile of droids. He looked at each of them with a strong sense of anticipation.
"Final count," Crosshair began. He adjusted the scope on his rifle for long range. He smirked to himself at the mere thought of winning the contest. "Thirty-three."
"Thirty-three," Wrecker repeated calmly. He nodded his head understandingly. "That's not bad for the squad's resident sniper."
Upon hearing this, Crosshair glanced up at him with eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion. He halted his movements, studying the way his brother looked so pleased with himself.
"I, myself am sitting on thirty-four," Wrecker smirked to himself.
Before Wrecker could revel the fact that he outscored his younger brother in a battle, a single blaster bolt struck the droid he was sitting beneath right in between his legs. He glanced down at the sizzling strike.
"Thirty-four," Crosshair smirked to himself. He lowered his rifle once again.
"He was already dead," Wrecker argued.
"I saw him twitching," Crosshair suggested. He shrugged his shoulders at the notion. But Wrecker only became more enraged by this.
"He was twitching because I removed all of his limbs!" Wrecker shouted. Sure enough, the droid was still twitching slightly beneath him since the main operating system located in the head went undamaged in the fight.
"Are you two done yet?" Y/n wondered. She glanced between the two of them. "My final count was forty-eight."
"That's not fair," Wrecker groaned. "You had a head start."
"I always have a head start," Y/n recalled all of their missions together where she went charging head on to defend the others. "This wasn't any different than all the other times."
"Sergeant?" Crosshair questioned with a crocked eyebrow. The sergeant stood with his arms crossed against his chest; an amused look settling over his face.
"Fifty," Hunter announced.
The rest of them only groaned in utter annoyance. This was certainly not the first time the sergeant managed to outperform them and it wasn't going to be the last time. He claimed his victory silently, relishing the looks of disappointment on their faces.
"Looks like Wrecker and Crosshair will be cleaning the ship since they tied," Hunter told them.
"No," Wrecker went to argue. He rose to his feet. "Tech has to do it. He only got like four kills."
"Tech was a little occupied with other things. Like working on the door," Hunter told him. He glanced over his shoulder to find him still tinkering away at the data pad near the door.
"Then it should be Crosshair," Wrecker pointed to him. "That last one shouldn't count."
"Wrecker," Y/n called in a warning tone. "You both lost. Admit it."
"Fine," Wrecker huffed to himself. His shoulders slumping down at his sides. "I'll clean the ship," Wrecker added.
"And the refresher," Hunter recalled. She glanced at him through the corner of her eyes with nothing but admiration behind them.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'll do that too," Wrecker agreed to the terms.
Just then, Tech clicked the last button on his data pad to activate the door in front of him. His data pad glowed green, which meant the system had been overrun thanks to his expertise. The rest of them turned to direct their attention to the opening door, seeing the vast array of data forms in the control center.
Slowly, the Bad Batch came to approach the opening to the control center. Their eyes scanned over the various glowing white tubes attached to one central column in the room. Whatever they had come for, they were sure to find somewhere in there. Now they just needed their resident 'smart one' to locate the intel they'd come for.
"Nice work, Tech." Hunter spoke. "Let's locate the intel and get out of here as quick as we can."
All of the sudden, Y/n was able to feel a slight disturbance in the force. A dark wicked figure had graced their presence directly behind them. The sound of metallic claws for feet ground against the floor in approach. The presence was an all-too familiar one to go unnoticed or unrecognized.
The Jedi General had encountered this imposing figure one other time in her life, which was when he brutally murdered her master in combat. Ever since then, Y/n had grown to fear him and never wanted to face him. But now here he was standing behind them and blocking their only exit.
His cybernetic enhancements gave him exceptional strength, speed and reflexes to outmaneuver force-users. He wielded four lightsabers (one for each mechanical arm) and often overwhelmed the jedi with them. His most intimidating feature was his height alone, standing at nearly seven feet tall and towering over most of his encounters.
"General Y/n," the mysterious voice announced from behind them.
The other members of the squad quickly spun around on the heels of their feet, raising their blasters directly towards the menacing figure on the other end of the hallway. They moved to stand in front of their own general in hopes of protecting her.
"It's been a long time since our last encounter."
Now, coming to the realization that she could no longer run from her past, Y/n found herself turning around to face her demons. Her eyes landed on the familiar figure who had slaughtered her master, feeling her heart drop into the pit of her stomach.
It was almost like he could sense her fear of him despite not being a force sensitive being. He cackled to himself, which was something else that still haunted her too. She could still hear the way he laughed over her master's dead body. She went to retrieve her lightsabers from her belt, feeling the strong sense of anger overtaking her senses.
Because today would be the day she took down General Grievous.
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sindri42 · 2 years
What is capitalism if private ownership and monopolization are out
This is about the insulin thing, right? Let me walk you through the steps.
The current situation is, there are three big corporations making insulin. They make it for super cheap, like $2 a dose or something including packaging and distribution and all that jazz, but they know that people need this stuff in order to not die, so there's no reason to restrain themselves as far as pricing goes. So they sell the stuff for like $500 a vial, earning a tidy 25,000% profit, because what are customers gonna do, not buy it?
In a capitalist system, this is a huge opportunity for anybody with a few thousand in seed money and a smidge of ambition. The process of making insulin is hardly a secret. I might not have the economy of scale going and I need a big up-front investment for equipment, but even if it costs me five times as much per dose to produce the stuff, that's still less than 2% of the current market price. So I start making and distributing the stuff for $10 a vial, and selling it for $400, and all the customers see that they can get the same product for $100 less so they stop buying from those three big companies and start buying from my startup. Then a month later, somebody else comes along with the same idea but undercuts me, and I lose all my customers to sombody willing to sell the stuff for $350, but that's fine I just change all my labels to sell for $300 and they come rushing back, and I'm still making $290 pure profit on every vial. Fast forward a couple years, and the market price of insulin is like, $12 a vial tops, because if you try to get profit margins any bigger than that you're the most expensive option and nobody buys from you. There was never any altruism involved in that process, no magic, no glorious savior who figured out a way to impose their will upon the world in order to save lives, just ordinary greedy humans fighting each other to make more money for themselves, but the end result is that the people who need this stuff to survive get it for a tiny fraction of what they used to be paying.
In the system that we're actually using, the three big corporations go to the government with three big suitcases full of cash, and the government passes a law that says anybody who tries to make insulin who isn't one of the three big corporations goes directly to prison forever. All the competition vanishes, and without the risk of somebody selling the same product for less they're able to keep raising the price as much as they want. I mean, if you get up to the point where the majority of your customers literally can't buy it anymore and they die then you have fewer customers, so going up into the millions per vial would be counterproductive, but as long as the majority of people who need insulin can just barely scrape together enough, you maximize your profits. And all it costs is widespread human suffering and a few surprisingly affordable bribes.
And then here's the really funny part: the corporations that benefit most from government interference in the market? They're the ones that fund all the media that convinces kids that the solution to all their problems is to give the government even more control over every aspect of life. They're the ones who pushed the narrative that 'libertarian' is synonymous with 'pedophile'. They're the ones who bury stories about corrupt politicians so you never question how a congressman can have a salary under $200,000 a year, go into the position with a net worth of a million dollars, and come out eight years later as a billionaire. Almost every "anti-capitalist" movement out there, if you follow the chain of evidence back, is funded directly by the corporations it claims to oppose, because shifting the balance of power further away from the individual and more toward the State means more profit for the people who are in a position to manipulate the state.
Now, this isn't to say that a free market is without problems. If there was zero regulation of the production of insulin, then a particularly unethical person could undercut the legitimate sources by making a loose approximation of the product people need for much cheaper by using dangerous or ineffective methods, and then sell it at prices that legitimate manufacturers can't compete with because the purchase price is lower than the manufacturing price. Which means that when you buy insulin, you would need to do your own research into who's got a reputation for quality, and there would be people who straight up die because they decided to go for the $4-6 "insulin" instead of the $12-15 insulin. But I'm pretty sure that would still be better than the only option being $500.
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rob1ns-liv1n · 9 months
Hi! You’re finally back!! I love your Bridgerton brother reader so much omg! I have so many ideas but one is that reader is really good at singing and playing but nobody in the family really know. And one day they hear him play and sing and are amazed.
Three Times The Bridgertons were Haunted and One Time They Weren't | Brother! Reader!
A/N: that's so sweet, thank you! you actually just made my day. i actually play piano so this was really fun to write. if you see any underlined words, those are links for the songs that the reader is singing/playing. you can play them if you want to have a more immersive experience. anyway sorry this took so long, but here's the request :]
Ever since you could remember Daphne had always been the musical sibling. As soon as she could talk she was given piano lessons every day after her normal schooling schedule. Your mother knew that suitors had more interest in girls with musical talents, so she believed it best to begin Daphne's lessons as early as possible. When Eloise came of age, she was meant to learn the piano as well. Unfortunately for mama, she was more interested in her diaries. Instead of trying to learn, Eloise played terribly on purpose in order to get out of lessons. After a month, mother decided that she wouldn't force any more of her daughters into music lessons for fear of another Eloise situation.
And so Daphne remained the glorified musical sibling. That is, until (Y/N) Bridgerton was tasked with disposing of Daphne's old assignment books at the age of 12 years old. Daphne, who was fourteen at the time, needed space in her sheet music drawer and with you being the good younger brother that you are you offered to get rid of her oldest books. However, you never planned to throw them away. You were going to keep them for yourself.
Later that night, when everyone had gone to bed you tip toed into the sitting room holding the treasured books tightly to your chest. From then on your nightly musical sessions became your most precious secret. It continued to be that way for five years until one fateful night when Daphne and Anthony had gotten up to make themselves warm milk.
Anthony took a slow sip from his milk jug, "We've been bested by a stove."
"Cold milk is much more refreshing anyway." reasoned Daphne.
"I suppose-" Anthony paused abruptly staring towards the door. "Do you hear that?"
Daphne set her jug down and opened the door an inch. Faint piano reverberated through the hall. Anthony, who was now leaning on the door, shot his sister a confused look, "Could it be Hyacinth?"
"No, the piece is sounds much too advanced." whispered Daphne. "Hyacinth has only just started playing, it must be someone else."
Anthony slowly inched towards the kitchen door, intent on sneakily uncovering just who was up a this hour playing piano. Unfortunately for him, the kitchen door did not in fact agree with this plan. As soon as Anthony began to open it, the old wood squealed obnoxiously like a petulant child and the piano came to an abrupt halt.
After watching her brother completely annihilate their chance to properly sleuth, Daphne rushed ahead to the drawing room and hastily opened the door-
-to find the room completely empty.
"Anthony, it's empty."
"It's empty. As in there is no one in the drawing room."
"There must be a reasonable explanation..." Anthony's eyes lit up. "Perhaps they are hiding!"
"Hiding? But-"
A chill swept through the air catching the siblings by surprise. A sense of déjà vu came over her and she gasped in realization.
"It's a ghost!" Daphne continued, undeterred by Anthony's perplexed expression. "I recognize the signs. Ghosts are drawn to music, they cause cold winds and they are known to act only between midnight and dawn. It's a ghost. I'm sure of it!"
"And where exactly did you come across this information?"
"A novel....."
"A novel?!"
A mournful moan echoed through the room. In less than a second the door was slammed closed by Anthony's shaking hands.
"So...this novel....."
. . .
It was nearly a week later when two more of your siblings discovered the elusive "ghost" haunting the Bridgerton Estate. Gregory woke up from a nightmare in distress and with Hyacinth's room being so close to his he managed to wake her up too. His sister was not happy to be woken up, but her beauty sleep came second when an upset Gregory was involved. As she was trying her best to comfort him, the pair heard someone humming. Rain pounded steadily on the roof of the estate making the humming seem hypnotizingly sweet. Gregory looked up at his sister in confusion.
"Who do you think that is?"
Hyacinth tilted her head towards the gentle voice. "I don't know. Maybe it's that ghost Anthony keeps mumbling about."
The soft humming filled the silent room as Gregory slowly calmed down. Eventually his sister grabbed a spare blanket from the end of the bed and the two settled on the mattress together, enjoying the hums of their ghostly performer.
A single lit candle burned pathetically as the taunting sound of silence permeated Benedict's room. He had been trying to sketch for quite some time now, but despite his most focused effort; his pencil would not seem to budge. With a twitch of his eyebrow Benedict rose from his seat and flung his pencil at the wall nearest to him. Which just so happened to be the wall he shared with his dearest brother, Colin. Benedict dragged a hand over his face in exasperation hoping to God, or anyone really, that his oh-so-caring brother would not awaken. But as the sound of shuffling came closer to the artist's bedroom door it became apparent to Benedict that God was not, in fact, a merciful father.
"Yes?" Came Benedict's squeaking reply.
The door opened and the younger Bridgerton stepped through with a glare leveled at his older brother. "What in the world are you doing up this late?"
"Nothing, actually. I couldn't sleep so I tried sketching. But then I couldn't even do that!"
Benedict glared at his discarded sketchbook as he continued, his frustration building.
"Now I've spent over three hours sitting in front of this damned fire losing my mind while I try to sketch at least one single drawing that is decent enough to call art."
Belatedly, Benedict realized that he had been yelling, but before he could apologize Colin stepped forward and grasped his shoulder.
"I know you must be frustrated Benny, but maybe tonight's just not your night. And it doesn't have to be either." Colin pinched the artist's cheeks. "There's always the morning."
As soon as his younger brother's hands left his face, a heavy weight seemed to lift from Benedict's shoulders. "I suppose your right. Till morning then."
"Till morning."
"Until then," began Benedict, a small smile dancing on his face. "You're welcome to stay here by the fire. I know how cranky you get on these kinds of cold nights."
Colin simply rolled his eyes before grabbing what he knew was his elder brother's favorite blanket and settling on the sofa closest to the fire. An indignant squawk left Benedict as he stared dumbly at the criminal who had just stolen from him. "Y-you can't have that blanket."
"Why not? You invited me to your room and I am without a blanket. It's only fair."
"Only fair? But that's my blanket." reasoned Benedict. "Surely, you of all people understand how important it is to me."
Despite the strength of Colin's will, he could not handle seeing his brother look so dejected. If he didn't know better it would almost seem like he had just burned the Bridgerton estate to the ground rather than steal his brother's favorite blanket. With a heavy sigh the young boy fluffed out the blanket and sunk down to the soft rug that sat between the sofa and fireplace. Benedict caught on and settled down next to Colin, pulling the blanket over himself as well.
As the two began to doze off the faint whisper of a piano wafted through the room. Distantly, the two boys wondered why Daphne could possibly be up so late. In the morning, they would realize that Daphne was not home.
. . .
"Alright, I assume we all know why this family meeting was called?"
Anthony in front of his assembled siblings as they sat in the drawing room. You glanced around with a sheepish look of uncertainty, "Why exactly was this meeting called?"
"The ghost problem." Anthony began to pace, pausing only to lock eyes dramatically with each and every one of his siblings. "For the last year, we have all encountered signs of ghost activity. Me and Daphne first discovered the apparition playing the piano just past midnight. Then, Hyacinth and Gregory heard it humming. And Benedict and Colin were put to sleep by its most recent piano performance. Am I missing anything?"
The siblings collectively shook their heads, except for one.
"Good. This all circles back to the reason why I have summoned you all in the first place. Tonight we must partake....in a ghost hunt."
"A ghost hunt?" scoffed Eloise. "Really?"
"Yes, really! It is our duty to protect this house. Even against threats that we cannot see."
"Fine, so long as I get to search with (Y/N)."
"That can be arranged. Now-"
"Actually...I don't think that will be necessary." You clear your throat sheepishly as your confidence withers under the curious looks of your family.
Anthony quirks a brow, "and why is that?"
"Well, see that is....um that...well, because I'm the ghost."
Silence overtakes the drawing room. Your siblings think clearly think you're joking, but there's just one thing that might convince them. You walk over to the piano and pull out the bench before taking a seat. The moment your fingers greet the ivories everything falls away. You play each of the three songs your siblings heard and try not to laugh as you hear their shocked gasps echo in the drawing room. A part of you know that there will be a lot of questions after you finish your "concert," but for now all you have to do is focus on the next note to play. The other stuff is a future (Y/N) problem.
The whole family claps for you as you finish playing. Well almost the whole family, with the exception of the oldest brother.
"While I am impressed by your musical prowess...I wasted money on a book about exorcisms for this!
And there were no refunds..."
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miyuhpapayuh · 5 months
Can I be transparent for a sec? Mmkay.
I lost my job back in January over some racist ass mean girl shit and I haven't been able to find a job since then. It's almost may. By the grace of god, am I still held together but man if a bitch don't cry.
Bills never stop. Life don't stop. The fact that some over aged bully brought problems to her SECOND job and got an innocent black woman fired is crazy to me, I feel like they even blackballed me ya know? Nobody wants my ass.
Soon as I send the application off, it's coming back with a fat red NO on it. And I ain't never not do my job, so to pats that off as the THIRD and final excuse as to why you fired me is crazy.
Almost two years and still had that key in my possession til I brought it back to her ass, after she fired me. There's bitches that didn't even have codes to get in the building! I had that AND a key! Mind y'all, this was my second boss. First one got fired cause she truthfully ain't do her job, but me, always on time and ready to do my job.
We got paid $12 and hour! Who tf ain't finna do this silly shit? All I do and ring bitches up. So you saying I never rung a bitch up? Never opened/closed the store? Never cleaned my area? Never did a return? Never help a vendor? Never turn the fountain on/off? Never turned the lights on/off? Tv, either? Never put anything back? Never took something down for someone? Never carried something out for customers, which i eventually stopped on my own cause I ain't finna be no liability. This is not Lowe's. Never answered the phone? Nothing?! I just came to work and disappeared to narnia, apparently, and have y'all my ass to kiss? Yeah, okay. And how do y'all think that'll stand with no paper trail to back it up.
If I NEVER did anything, why was I still here and never written up a single time? You were my boss for five months and never wrote me up? Didn't confiscate my key? CONTINUED to let me open the store up? Tried to make me your errand girl? Picked a bitch who don't even clock ten hours a week your part time assistant manager but kept running to ME when shit would get weird and if redirect your ass to your OTHER assistant manager, because EYE do not get paid to be a secretary. Remember who you gave that job to, especially after being warned that she wouldn't be able to do the job.
Y'all, what the fuck is a part time assistant manager? Any other assistant manager we ever had clocked the full 40, cause it's a REQUIREMENT. Duh. Now part time and full time employees? Sure, but nothing else. Can't be a part time manager of a fucking establishment, that's so ass backwards.
So who would be asked to open the store a LOT if the other assistant was on vacation or whatever? Me.
If a bitch didn't ever do her job? Why call on me? Rely on me to fix problems with certain customers because you knew I'd handle it. Hell, I was helping this girl sell spaces in the store! If I never did my job? Why constantly ask me how many hours I wanted? Tell me about the other girls and how they're not doing what you want and yadda ya.
When girls started quitting, I took those long eight hour shifts to the chin to help you out. And you thanked me! Y'all she was on the phone talking to my assistant manager and they got me right before I left work to thank me for staying so late and being the only one to step up and be a team player and they appreciate me (mind yal I don't care about team player bs it just felt nice to hear that I was appreciated) and all that, just to turn around a MONTH later and say I never did my job?
I got fired over the phone because she knew how it woulda went down in person, but she also thought I wasn't smart enough to fight. First mistake.
This feels like a book lmao I'm knowing y'all prolly don't care but I just have to write this out somewhere, I just have felt so sad and angry.
Anyway. Painted tree is a boutique where people sale their wares, handmade jewelry, food, clothing items, candles, paintings, etc. you could either buy a kiosk or a booth and you were responsible for that and that alone!
So of course, there's vendors that sell shit outta their house cause they know nobody is paying attention, one of them any things this new manager was being brought in to fix cause it was starting to look like a hot mess, I'm not gonna lie to y'all, but I just worked there so whatever.
Of course me being me, I would also make a point to say something every now and again because you can't have us giving a spiel to the customers about the store, while not making sure that your current vendors are following those rules we're giving the new ones! Like???
Old manager was even telling her assistants to sale the spaces sight unseen and why make me privy to this cause you know ima tell y'all how illegal that is!
So the same part time assistant manager is involved in what ended up getting me fired. We started around the same time as cashiers and she's been trying her hardest to get this promotion at her other job, the full time job, but she's up against some sixty year old lady who's been in the company forever, so she's got seniority. Y'all already know how this ends up going. Shorty ain't get the promotion, right around the same time she gets promoted where we work.
On top of that, her husband should choke on something. I won't get into that but there was a point where she'd cry to us about him leaving her and even pimp herself to customers! I'm talking about"if y'all have any single daddies, older brothers, friends, tell 'em I'm ready to mingle!"
During the same time, Christmas Eve of 2022, to be exact, we get a text from our manager that the power was out and whoever was scheduled wouldn't have to worry about coming in. So I'm like sweet, see y'all Monday, merry new year whatever.
Of course this bitch gon text back and ask about the possibility of the lights coming back on and I'm like oh my god really. So managers like I'll let y'all know if I hear anything and get y'all to come in. Of course.
So what we ain't know was that this girl was camped out in the job parking lot, waiting to see if the lights came on.
Sure enough they did, cause why not?!?!? And she calls manager and tells HER that SHES gonna drop her kid off, change her clothes and come back to work! Told HER manager what the plan for the day was and you know it actually went down?!?? Cause she was a known snitch at head office, they don't like this girl! Our manager told us that they don't like her.
Anyway, so of course we have to come to work for like three hours and it's a waste because there was like 10 customers at most! My co worker and I are giving her shit because why were you in the parking lot waiting for the lights to come on?! You had nothing better to do cause your husband still hasn't come home?! DO NOT MAKE THAT MY FUCKING PROBLEM WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK?!
She's telling the customers that we're making her feel bad and I'm just saying "good, I hope you do feel bad" got our asses at work for nothing, yeah feel bad! I could still be in the bed! Last minute Christmas shopping my ass! I'm mad!
So why does she end saying she wants to leave early?
Not the same person who said we should thanking her for getting us more hours? Not the one who was trying to gain sympathy from the customers? NOT THE ONE WHO CAMPED OUT IN THE PARKING LOT?!!!!
When I say my head swivelllllllled, it almost came off. All my coworker did was stare at her but eyeeee had words for her ass.
No way you just said sumn bout leaving early??? You literally waited for the lights to come back on so you could get us to come to work! We're here and only been here for like 2 hours, maybe her 3, and you wanna leave early?! You ain't going nowhere. If anything ima hitch a ride with coworker and we gon leave you here to lock up. That was funny of you to think you were leaving early.
Shoulda seen her face, like dare you!
I said if our manager goes for it and you leave early, I got words for her too. I bet she ain't get work early.
My manager and I even agreed that she was being ridiculous to even ask that question, being the one who made us come to work!
Yeah she ain't like me ever since that, but she also ain't buck her shit after that either.
So when we get our new manager, she feels like she got someone on her side because let me make note that the old manager was the best friend of the assistant manager that she works alongside now. So the playing field is leveled now.
So my sister and I have a kiosk to share, my art and her baking. We get both of the week and I make it look all pretty with our candy jars and cookies and paintings and jewelry that my mom made and what have you.
I come in a day before my week is up and my stuff isn't there. In fact, that now part time assistant is standing in front of a table, taking down a coffee display.
Do we do this on Saturdays? Absolutely. Do we use the other side to display our coffee so these booths of the week can still be presented? Also, yes.
So why is mine the one you MAKE SURE you take down? Right.
So I clock in and tell my assistant manager that I needed to go to my booth. I go to my booth and our stuff is out back crazy! I call my sister while I'm putting everything back. I mean candy dishes on the edge of the shelves, my paintings on the floor, cookies put behind things. Like she just dropped it off and kept it moving.
So were upset and I call my manager and let her know what's happening and she's telling me head back up front cause conveniently both assistant managers were leaving early so I needed to watch the front so I'm like okay just call her and tell her that I don't appreciate her just throwing my stuff around and she assures that she will.
So that ended up being translated like something to brush off cause when I had to call her back cause I couldn't find one of my stand to my paintings, which I ended up finding in the office on a shelf?! Which also ended up not being a big deal to my manager which I noted was not cool, she just kinda passed off a message like we she didn't know where your things went.
She coulda left my shit where it was sitting and let me know to move it when I got in. Could moved it into the office and let me put it back myself. I got agreement on this from my manager. So I'm just like okay whatever just tell her not to touch my stuff anymore if that how she's gonna do me. That was the end of it for me, cause just let me get my money pls.
So the next day we work together again, and like any other day we do not speak to each other cause she's wishy washy and I don't get paid to speak to you nor do you get paid to speak to me. So I speak to my other coworker cause she's not an asshole to me and I go about my day.
Why does the next day roll around and my manager asks me what do we need to do to solve the tension? I'm like what tension? I'm good. When she wants to start treating me like a human, then maybe she'll get so here with me but EYE am not the problem here?? I didn't do anything to her??
She's like, well she told me that you came in and didn't speak to her but you spoke to everyone else.
I'm sorry, I'm we in high school? Didn't I tell y'all that we are not friends? I know I've told y'all that so what's this about?
I told her that I'm not rolling out a red carpet for this girl and making her feel comfortable cause she's definitely not doing that for me! Like be real! Be serious! If I told you every damn time she ain't speak to me, you woulda been tired of me long time ago! I don't come to work for that! Tell her come talk to me and I get a comment about my attitude and I shrug it off like okay haha cause I'm not confrontational all the time, it didn't cost for that ya know? So the comment was unnecessary.
So a couple days go by and I end up texting my manager to chat when I got to work later that day just letting her know that I needed to get everything off my chest about this while situation cause it was starting to bother me how the whole thing was being handled.
In that conversation, I pretty much reiterated that I just would like to continue doing my job and not worrying about catering to anyone's feelings, cause we do not get paid for that. This girl had been treating me like an outcast for a whirl and it feels racist sometimes and she's quick to defend her cause duh and I tell her that I don't need anyone to tell me what they think about it so pretty much like girl save it, I still think it's racist and she tells me to send part time assistant manager a message to say like here's where we stand and we don't gotta get along but we gotta get back to work and let it be.
So I'm like ok cool, I type it up in my notes and send it to my homegirl like girl read this and lmk what you think cause she privy to everything that's been going on!
She like that's cool but I don't think sending her that will make a difference, cause I agree with you that she should do her job just mediate or something instead of getting you do it! Remember, YOU didn't do anything to her!
So my sister came right around that time cause she was picking me up, also putting labels on her products cause again we own a kiosk, and so I tell her about it and she immediately is like do not send her anything cause they can use it against you.
So part time assistant manager ends up coming in and when I say she beelines straight for the office, she almost hurt herself getting in there.
So my assistant manager ends up telling me that if I wanted to go home early o could cause we were really slow so I was like yeah I'll see y'all tomorrow, byeee
So a couple hours later, I get a text from my manager asking me if she could call me. I already knew what it was but I'm like there's no reason why she would do that.
So she calls me and someone from corporate was on the other line! wtf? So she goes into this spiel about cutting hours and then abruptly says that here's where we part ways.
So I'm like why am I getting fired? She dances around the question and goes on to say something about an attitude, and so I ask her if it's about the situation between we and ptam (got tired of writing that out) and if it is about that situation, is she also getting fired? Cause never did I speak to that girl about any of this, it was my manager and I talking. And she doesn't answer any of what I asks, she just keeps going back to its best that we do it like this and I'm like why? She then goes on on to say she knows I wasn't happy and I'm like how?? Why would I come to work to take your shift, both assistant managers and my own in this mf if I hated my job? Girl shut up! Like not making any sense?
So the lady from corporate takes over and starts talking like an inspirational speaker about how she met me and I can go anywhere and be the best I can be and there's better opportunities and I end up zoning out cause I'm just like how tf am I gonna pay my bills now? I don't have a job lined up. I cannot believe I just got died and she didn't even give me a reason— she thought I hung up and I'm like nah I'm here but I don't wanna hear anything else or continue this conversation, you want your key back? Cool. Do I even have a shift still, tomorrow morning? No, of course not. K, you'll get it back, bye.
Immediately I send a long email to corporate and tell 'em everything that's gone on, even told em how my manager has her boyfriend/fiancé drive an hour back down the road to another location for some damn labels because ours hadn't shipped out yet. This man is NOT employed there so there's no reason why he should be being employed to do her job for her!
I also terminated the contract for my stand cause now I'm no longer there to watch my stuff and if bitch gets away with throwing shit around once, she gon do it again. Told her rip that shit up.
Now my sister was mad at me but not for long cause she knew i was upset but I was NOT talking outta anger, I mean what I said but she wanted to see if she could figure out what's going on cause I'm not the only owner of the kiosk which is fair, so we head up to the job and the assistant manager that I worked closely with was there, looking like a deer caught in headlights. This is her norm but it pissed me off more than usual.
She tried breaking bad on me, telling my sister that I called this person and that person and told em all types of shit, now me being me again, I'm asking wtf I said cause when we first started asking her questions, she wasn't aware of this and that and wasn't even allowed in the email anymore lmao and for an assistant manager, that's a bold face lie to tell cause how the emails get answered? It's just you here, dummy! YOU KNOW WHATA GOIN ON BITCH!
So when I asked her what I said in the email she just said she wasn't allowed in, she gon smirk at me and say "you know what you said"... nah! Since YOU know what's in the emails, you tell ME what I said. After that she sobered tf up and that smirk went bye bye. She even backed away from the counter cause I was getting so agitated, and she's scared of me. We've also had it out before so she knows her limits and me not being her coworker anymore, she knew better than to test me.
So I end up separating from my sister cause the conversation was going nowhere, only for us to find each other again and assistant manager told her that I never did my job. Crazy as hell.
When I say I sent a total of three emails and called corporate and only one person responded to my email— the chief of staff, mind y'all! I'm thinking she finna come with it, right? Wrong. Everybody full of hot ass.
She telling me that there were concerns— none of which were brought me but ok— about my work ethic and there's claims from SIX of my coworkers that support me being away and not ready for work but clocked in, also multiple screenshots that support the idea of me not being fond of my job.
I asked that bitch to send me this concrete ass evidence so EYE can see what EYE said and y'all know I ain't get shit back. Not even crickets. Not even a tumbleweed, bitch.
One thing about me, ima ask to see the evidence. Y'all not finna act like y'all got something on me and not share it with the class?!? Come on, where's the fun in that?!
Couldn't take the time to fabricate some text messages or print out a write up and forge my signature! Nothing!
So when it came time for me to get my unemployment, of course they tried making that difficult too! But ima fight for myself. I've come to far in that, not to.
Got them ppl sending me questionnaires and in ever text box they provided, I went into lengthy detail about this whole situation, I was so tired of telling mfs that I wasn't aware of why I was even fired, it made me literally ill.
It was like I was talking in circles and nobody was listening to me, which is something that makes me physically violent. So something needed to be done asap, cause if I gotta sit my black ass at home, I'm getting my duckets in the meantime!
So I got fired of the 16th of January, right? On the 17th of February, I log into DES and guess who was approved for their well deserved mf money cause them bitches ain't have no evidence to support me never doing my mf job?! Yeah! YEAH!!!! I cackled all morning long bitch, it was so funny and hilarious and delightful!!!
But I've been looking for a job for the last three months and it's about to be May. By the grace of god and my mama do I still have money in the bank, but the unemployment is on its last leg and it don't know what to do. I just feel like a failure a lot of the time, it really sucks to keep getting rejection letters in my email but ima keep trying. Just don't know how much try I have left in me.
So yeah, if y'all made it to the end of my long ass diary entry, I appreciate y'all and hope y'all take care of y'all selves at these jobs cause they give not one fuck about ya, k? K, stay lovely and spicy 😘😘😘😘
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kleenexwoman · 8 months
I'm finally getting out of my fog and writing again!
Naturally, I'm writing about brain chemicals more. This time it's Steve and Eddie, and there might be a surprise mentally ill guest star I will make you feel unexpectedly bad for. (@thorniest-rose you are literally the mortal inspiration for me writing this all tbh)
Sneak preview:
Billy oozes by Eddie’s locker after lunch, and Eddie expects him to say something about Steve, but he doesn’t.
“Need some white heat,” is Billy’s opening line.
“Dude, your dealer in Los Angeles might know what the fuck you mean, but you gotta be a little more specific with us hicks,” Eddie says. “That could be, like, anything.”
“Nose candy, moron.” Billy rolls his eyes.
“Are you fuckin–” Eddie stuffs his books into his locker and lowers his voice. “What are you, a narc? You can’t just buy cocaine off me in the hallway, idiot!”
“I’m so bored, man,” Billy whines. “What, do I gotta come to your special little goblin rock in the woods or whatever for anything halfway decent?”
“Look,” Eddie says. “It’s pizza day. I have oregano, ‘cause the pizza here is basically grilled cheese, and then I have antacids so you can concentrate in class. And I have some aspirin for girls on their periods. If you want anything more interesting than that, you gotta come to my place.”
“I thought you delivered,” Billy says.
“You can walk to my place,” Eddie points out. “I don’t deliver when I can hear you blasting Speedwagon across the park.”
“There’s nothing wrong with Speedwagon,” Billy says.
“Didn’t say there was,” Eddie says. “I’m just saying, you can walk. Or drive, or whatever.”
“Fine,” Billy says, and points at him. “Five-thirty, sharp.”
“Yeah, whatever, man,” Eddie says as Billy walks off.
Whatever. He’ll be at home or he won’t. It’s not like Billy has that much money, not unless Hagan is sending him to get the drugs, which seems like a reversal of dynamic on their part. But the world has changed, who knows what bright new social order blah blah.
It’s a little more of a surprise when Eddie closes his locker ten seconds later and Nancy Wheeler, of all people, is standing there.
“I don’t sell study pills to bitches,” Eddie says.
“Yeah, I’m fine on the… study pills,” Nancy says, wrinkling up her nose like she’s not going to be slamming Mother’s Little Helpers come her frosh year of U of C or wherever the fuck she thinks she’s headed. “It’s about Steve.”
Eddie points at himself, then at Nancy, then raises his eyebrows.
“Please, please don’t sell him anything,” Nancy says.
Eddie angles his whole body towards the retreating Billy, looks back to Nancy, back to Billy, shakes his head, and then turns back to Nancy.
“That’s Billy over there,” Eddie says, “unless I’m very much mistaken.”
“I saw you sitting with him at lunch,” Nancy says.
“Yeah, well, nobody else was,” Eddie says. “Can I go to class now, hall monitor, or do we need to take this to the interrogation chamber?”
“I’m just saying that he’s been through a really hard time,” Nancy says, and raises her hands defensively, “and yes, I know I was part of that–”
“So you understand the unfeasibility, nay, the pure absurdity of your negotiating position here,” Eddie says.
“–but just because we’re broken up doesn’t mean I don’t care about him,” Nancy says. “I mean, six kids? Who has that many children in one lifetime?”
“Mormons?” Eddie blinks slowly. “I’m sorry. Are you coming to me to ask me not to engage in the commerce that is my trade, or are we discussing birth control now?”
“I’m saying that it’s probably unethical for you to target Steve for, like, drug-selling reasons when he’s just been through a really bad weekend,” Nancy says. “So please? Like, please? I don’t want to have to call his parents and explain why their son is in a straitjacket at Central State Hospital.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have called the guy ‘bullshit’ in front of all his friends then,” Eddie chirps. He opens his locker door, shoves his math book inside, and rattles it around for a few seconds just to make a point. “Seems like anything I’m gonna do after that is just gravy.”
“Look,” Nancy says from behind the locker door. “It wasn’t my best moment.”
“It wasn’t,” Eddie agrees. “Neither is this. But I’m willing to do you a favor and forget it.”
“But I’m really serious,” Nancy says. “You have no idea how much harm it could do–”
“Rule One of the Munson Doctrine.” Eddie slams his locker. “Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.”
“What?” Nancy tilts her head forward in that way smart girls do when they’re not sure if they’re hearing you wrong or they just think you’re stupid.
“Ethics,” Eddie says. “You mentioned ethics. I have ethics, and I’m sorry they don’t line up with yours, but that’s a big one. Rule Eight: Do not complain about that which you need not subject yourself.”
“Those are the Satanic Rules of the Earth,” Nancy says slowly. “I saw Anton LaVey on Geraldo too, y’know.”
“Okay, you got me.” Eddie throws up his hands. “Twenty bucks and I won’t sell anything to Steve this week. Are you happy?”
“Fine.” Nancy visibly sets her jaw, like she wasn’t the one just accusing Eddie of preying on the weak-minded for sport and profit, and digs a crumpled twenty out of her purse. “Thank you. I really appreciate this.”
“And I appreciate making a sale without even having to move any product,” Eddie says, stuffing the money into his pocket. “Break up with a few more guys, and I might be able to get into Warhammer.”
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momo-de-avis · 3 months
We've been getting some of the shittiest groups possible. People travelling with their whole families, 7 at a time, all of them disruptive, disregarding of the tour and everyone else. Nobody listens to what I'm saying. People abandon the tour to go grab a starbucks coffee and don't tell me. They wander off to go into a stupid souvenir store and expect to catch up with me later, only to find out that they're lost. They talk over me all the time, while I'm explaining what is the food you're having, only for them to ask me "what is this". I literally just explained it to you. People who ask stupid questions, and I mean "why is that sign saying 'castle' pointing at the river" level of stupid. Nobody is on time. People pay 22€ for a tour, which they acknowledge is nothing, and don't even bother to be on time. They arrive late with their hands full of starbucks coffee and bags with bread and pastries. Keep asking me every five minutes where can they piss like they're a five year old with a flimsy bladder. Scream at me when they got lost by their own account. Treat me like shit if they're having a bad day. They book a three hour tour and just don't understand when the tour doesn't end three hours after on the dot even though there's fourteen people. Book a tour and a museum entrance two hours later even though it says on the voucher that this is a three hour tour and pester me every fucking second like donkey with the "are we there yet" about when exactly us the tour ending. None of these people tip and that's when you should tip, that's financial compensation for the emotional damage I've suffered in the three and a half hours I've been dealing with you. Fuck you all.
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heartsaplenty · 2 months
Why had it taken him this long to reach out again.. The burning question on Ren's mind as he once more held a handwritten note, in the same place they had met before.
Akechi was here again too, sitting in another tree. Ren knew why. It was like a game to him, to see if Makoto could play hide and seek just as well as he had before. There was no doubt in either of their minds, deep down, that he would know exactly. Neither talked about him much until last night, but they both came up with the same words- albeit phrased just a bit differently.
Whoever this guy was, he was powerful. Powerful enough to cause over a week of rain. Stealthy enough to get past him, a master of the art. Who knew what else he was capable of, or what he could do if he set his mind to it.
Even lost in thought, he still heard those footsteps. Satanael pined and reached. It didn't hurt as bad this time, but it still shocked him just as much.
Unlike last time, this meeting was being held earlier in the day, yet as always, nobody would find it. It was a mini sanctuary, and briefly Ren had to wonder if that was a part of Makoto's doing. He knew one thing for sure though, if their meet ups were going to be more of a regular thing, the guy would need a nickname or something. Knowing two Makoto's was going to be a bit of a challenge.
He had to go back over his thoughts. He had never recided the meet ups were going to be regular.. It forced a head shake. Even just being slightly in his presence caused emotions to run wild.
"Is something wrong..?"
The voice came from right next to Ren, and it made him jump noticeably.
"Oh.. I thought I had given enough warning." A sigh followed. "Still so much to work on."
Relaxed again, Ren studied him before even thinking about answering. His heart beat fast, the shard inside pulsed faster. Yet, despite it all, he could see that Makoto looked much better than the first time they had met. He almost seemed.. Content. Things met his eyes. The slight smile connected this time.
"I was waiting for you." Ren found himself answering, the words leaving his mouth before he could even try to stop them.
Had he been waiting? Satanael sure had been, but everything was too muddled for introspection. It was just like last time.
"Sorry.. I was learning. Getting used to this world again. It's been ten years, Joker. I'm still missing a part of myself, but I'll never get that back. Not until we're done."
That sadness was back, and it washed over him as well. Joker tried so hard to fight through it. Make sense of his words.. Or at least remember them for later.
"My own team.. I want to be ready to face them. It's.... Hard. My place isn't here any more. I fulfilled my fate."
"Then... Why are you here?" Ren managed to ask, struggling against everything.
"I don't know. I still can't remember."
It was such a small amount of words, but they held an undeniable power over him. From afar, he heard a strangled gasp, meaning it had hit Akechi too.
Ren placed his hand atop Makoto's again. They were still so cold, and somehow still felt wet to the touch- though it was clear they weren't.
"Don't know.. How to help you. I want to.. I decided. Need to know though.. Where are you supposed to be?"
Makoto almost instantly perked up, looking Ren in the eyes. They were mystifying- even.. Hypnotizing.
"Protecting you. Protecting everyone. Part of me is still there. The part of me that lived."
"Do you.. Have your persona?"
Makoto laughed. Ren's heart soared again. He could swear that Satanael swooned. Seriously. What was wrong with him?
"That's a very hard question to answer, Joker. I.. I think so. The longer I'm here, the more I can feel again. Just the other day, I got my taste back."
He was giddy now. Good. He deserved to be. Ren didn't know how he knew that, it was more a strong feeling.
"What.. Happened to you?"
The question was meant with silence. Five seconds passed.. Then ten. Then a whole minute. Eventually, Ren understand what it meant.
"Sorry.. Sorry. Shouldn't ask, right? Rude of me."
".....It's okay." It was quiet. So quiet.. Ren flinched.
"It's not okay."
"You're right."
He should have known better.
"Me and Yu will meet up with you again soon. Can you do something for me, Joker?"
How could he ever say no?
"One of my friends is in Shibuya right now. I'm not.. Ready yet, but if you could meet him, I will do what I can to help you, too."
"Will you tell me what he looks like?"
"Tall.. Brown messy hair. His name is Ken."
Makoto reached into his pocket, and pulled out a piece of paper that was slipped into Ren's hand.
"You can find him here."
"What do you want me to say?"
"You're Joker. You charmed a whole nation.. You don't need me to tell you that."
Makoto offered one more smile, before he started walking off. Just like that..
Ren reached out from behind him, a 'wait' on the tip of his tongue- but the ever so mysterious man just... Melted into the ground. He could only look on.
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sapphyreopal5 · 10 months
"A Walk on the Dark Side" J2 Interview
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The following are snippets from the "A Walk on the Dark Side" interview from the Supernatural Magazine, Issue 11 (pages 10 to 17).[x]
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"You never know what to expect when you’re on the Supenatural set with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. In some cases you'll find yourself empathetically mouthing “ouch,” while in others you'll be crinkling your nose and reaching for a gas mask. Either way, you’ll soon be laughing.
During the filming of Lucifer Rising, Ackles had to run at full tilt and ram into some church doors that Genevieve Cortese’s Ruby had slammed shut upon seeing him. Over and over again he threw his shoulder into the doors, but he always held his ground. Then, on the last take, he bounced off the doors and the impact knocked him to the floor. Ouch, If that had been an accident, it sure would have been painful - but the grin on Ackles' face belies the truth; it was just one of his premeditated goofs. “Yeah, sometimes I just do it for fun," he admits later in his trailer. “Nobody knew I was gonna do it, but I knew we had it in the take before, so I figured I'd just throw something funny in there.”
“There’s a lot of flatulence, especially in the Impala. Ill look over and Jared's just smiling at me. I'm like, 'What? You didn't!' And then I’ll have to get out of the car…” It's no wonder Ackles has taken up golfing - to get some fresh air! “I’m doing a lot of golfing these days," he says. “I've always kind of played golf, fiddled with it every now and again, but for some reason this year I’m getting more into it. One of the things I love about golf is that you can get out there for four or five hours and not think about anything else. There’s a course up in North Vancouver where you’re sitting on the tee box and you’re looking out over the city from the top of a mountain. There are deer running across the fairways and stuff! It’s just gorgeous. When you’re out there, you’re not thinking about, ‘Oh, what do I have to do tomorrow?’ Or, ’Where am I going this weekend?’ Or anything like that.
You just set up the ball and try to hit your next shot."
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"Some people refer to walking out in nature as being in God’s Country, and golfing might be the closest Ackles gets to being near God on Earth, because he doesn’t expect the Lord to make an appearance on Supernatural anytime soon. “I don’t think so, but that's just my prediction," he said. “I think it’s kind of like God's the president and he’s sent his generals to Earth to take care of the mess. I don’t think he’s going to come over here and be like, 'Hey, what seems to be the problem?’" Maybe Dean will have to talk to a burning bush? “Ah, no, I don’t think so.”
Killing Lilith Jared Padalecki always puts great effort into the heavy emotional scenes on Supernatural, and perhaps his most intense scene yet happened in "Lucifer Rising" when Sam battled Lilith. First he had to choose between listening to his brother (who was trying to stop him), and listening to Ruby, who was pushing him to kill Lilith- Then he had to deal with the implications of Ruby’s deceit, which led to Sam inadvertently freeing Lucifer. “That was such a hard day for me," Padalecki shared. “I felt like I had a hangover for days from going where I had to go emotionally when I found out I'd started the end of the world and brought on the Apocalypse. It's not like you read the script and go, 'Oh, cool! Well, let's chase butterflies! Everything is all happy and good…' You really have to commit, and you have to go deep. That’s also where the excitement of being an actor comes in; it's committing and finding new things, and creating. It's discovering those kind of things that you didn't think would happen, where you go, 'Wow, I didn’t know I'd feel like that.' That's just so cool."
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"The presence of the angels has already shaken up the Supernatural universe pretty thoroughly. “It's really upped the ante," concurs Ackles. “We've gotten into some real big epic storylines, and it’s cool because it introduced some really unique characters, like Castiel and Anna, and obviously it got Ruby and Lilith more involved, which was great. We're dealing with things on a much larger level, and it takes the guys to an interesting spot, because now they're feeling like this is all way bigger than them and they don’t know how to handle it It’s a situation that they’re not used to dealing with. They’re usually killing vampires and taking out ghosts and shapeshifters and stuff like that. To deal with something on a biblical level added a nice twist to the storyline. Hey, go big or go home, right?"
You can't get much bigger than Lucifer! Which begs the question; 'Where do we go now? How soon will the boys come face -to-face with Lucifer? Can they ever even go back to chasing ghosts and Chupacabras when The Prince of Darkness is loose on Earth? That’s a great question, and I have no idea," Padalecki admits. “I don't know what to expect from Eric Kripke and the other writers, so I just roll with the punches. I'm really anxious, as a fan, to see what happens. I'm really excited about season five, and I cant wait to see where the writers take it.”
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Ever since we learned that Sam had demon-given powers, fans have been wondering Just how far the writers will take his journey to the dark side. Not that long ago, many people - including Padaleckl himself - assumed that Sam and Ruby would never hook up. He said he didn't think that storyline would pan out. Of course, the writers did go there. "I thought it was interesting," Padalecki reflects. “Supemalural is not, and never has been - and hopefully never will be - a show about sex and lust and all of that kind of stuff that you expect on teen melodramas.
I think the most important thing about the relationship is that Sam is needy and he’s searching for something, and It’s out of this weakness that he starts going down that path with Ruby. Obviously we know now that he wasn’t hooking up with her just for sex; she was also providing him with demon blood and he's become addicted to her. It shows Sam's strength in keeping on the [hunting) path he set out on years ago.
While it's true that Sam hasn't truly gone dark side (yet), after drinking copious amounts of demon blood, he told Ruby in the season finale that he’s changed for good. Will he continue to change into something less than human? “I hope Sam has changed for good," Padalecki insisted. "I think it'll be more interesting to see him struggle with that than if it's: ‘Oh, well, I haven’t drunk demon blood in a while and I'm okay now!’ That kind of loses where we are in the story, so I hope Sam has turned that corner. It's a much stronger storyline, a much stronger character arc to say, ‘No, it has changed me and now I have to fight that battle.’ It makes it more complicated, and it'll be interesting to see him fight that."
And Sam versus Dean… "I think the fans don't like it when Sam and Dean light,” Padalecki notes, "but it's part of the story. It’s necessary to tell the story of redemption, the story of destiny, and the story of good versus evil, so we really had to flesh it out. You have to hit rock bottom to climb back up to the top. I think Eric has a game plan. Eric is the king of Supernatural, and where he decides the show goes, the show has got to go there."
Of course, the question is; What is rock bottom? Drinking demon blood from your demon lover’s arm? “No,” Padalecki asserts. That’s just a step along the way. “I knew for Sam to change, it had to be something more than just, ‘Hey, hold the demon’s hand and all of a sudden you have demon powers!’ I never wanted it to be a montage of me exorcising demons and doing push-ups and standing on my hands and stuff like that, because that would’ve been a bit cheesy. It was nice that it was something a little more risque, a little bit more sexual and dark and dirty and seedy. There's a whole mythology that goes into drinking blood, and what happens when you drink somebody’s blood is that you take on that person’s attributes. I think it was a nice touch." A nice, dark touch."
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So how far is Sam from hitting rock bottom? How dark is too dark for the fans to accept? “I think he’s getting there," says Ackles. “I think he's going to go to a place where he can't get back from entirely.
I think it's going to change the dynamic of the characters, which is cool. To have a show with characters and a storyline that are ever-evolving is always much more interesting than having the same thing week after week after week. Jared's character is taking a dramatic turn that could change the facade of the whole character, and the way he’s written and the way he thinks and talks and acts and walks, so I'm interested in seeing how far they'll take that in season five. Obviously there’s gotta be that brother connection, though.
It's the true [backbone] of the show. I don't think they're going to take it so far as to sever that connection. I think that there’s gonna be this long journey of re-strengthening that brother bond. Td like to see Sam try to get back to a common ground where they can be brothers again."
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"Did the writers jump the shark by introducing a third Winchester brother? "No," said Padalecki, “because I think when the Fonz Jumped the shark on an otherwise realistic show [Happy Days], it really ruined it, but Supenatural is so wacky anyway, I think throwing in something like that probably didn’t surprise people.”
So what would surprise people? Having the series finale be a final confrontation between the brothers where good Dean has to kill evil Sam? ‘Tb be honest, I don’t know," said Ackles. “They just might take it that far!"
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letitiaslabyrinth · 1 year
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warnings: feels. like a lot of them. talks about mental and emotional abuse. Shuri goes o f f. angst, angst ending in fluff, y'all get a happy ending this time dw pairing: Shuriri word count: 2.5k A/N: LISTENNNNNNNNN I know I'm late with this alright? I knowww but I'm here now so 😭 also my bad for dipping for like a week? maybe more than that but I'm gonna be honest this fic was kicking my ass cause I was going through a lot while tryna write. needless to say there's so much projecting in this it's c r a z y. anyways even tho this took me so long, im still not satisfied with the ending but i digress since i need sumn to give yall ignore any and all mistakes cause this isnt proof read.
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It had been a month since Riri told Shuri she wasn't going to forgive her and it had been the worst month of both of their lives.
Shuri had basically overwhelmed herself with her work in the lab. She never left—she practically slept there most nights. 
It's not that Shuri had things to fix with the suits, hell, she didn't even bother looking at them because they reminded her of Riri, but she needed something to keep her hands and mind busy so she just worked on small projects.
People started to notice, obviously, but nobody said anything. It’s not that they didn’t want to, it’s the fact that they knew Shuri wouldn’t listen. She was in her own world right now—her own safe space and anybody who tried to break her out of it in any way would be yelled at. 
Okoye walks into the lab, rushing to Shuri’s side as she almost falls over. “kumkanikazi wam kufuneka uphumle," (My queen you must rest) she says, helping Shuri sit down.
“I’m fine, Okoye.” Shuri brushes her off and tries to stand, only to nearly collapse for a second time. Okoye sits her down again.
“You have buried yourself in your technology for the past month, Shuri. You are hurting your body.”
Shuri sits there for a second. Her head drops, making her sit up straight. “Alright, maybe, I should take a nap-”
“In your own bed,” Okoye interrupts.
“Yes, in my own bed, Okoye.” Shuri rolls her eyes in fake annoyance before leaving to go to her room.
Once she’s there, she takes a shower first. The water feels so nice against her skin that she doesn't wanna get out. 
Over an hour later, Shuri stepped out of the shower. She wrapped her towel around her body and made her way to her bedroom. She dried herself off and put on a pair of clothes then sat on her bed. It was quiet. She didn’t know how to feel with no foreign noise or voice in the background. Shuri shakes her head and puts her phone on her bedside table. That’s when she sees it. In the crevasse between the bed and the night stand was a photo. Shuri picked it up. It was a picture of her and Imani. It was their first date. Shuri can feel tears starting to form and puts the picture down. She closes her eyes and wraps her arms around her chest, slightly rocking side to side. She hasn't taken any time for herself since her breakup with Imani and now that she was, it… actually, Shuri didn’t know how she felt. At least, not exactly. Yes, she was hurt. Yes, she was upset, but what else? Imani had put Shuri through so much mental and emotional manipulation that even when they broke up Shuri didn’t realize it. Shuri doesn’t know if she should feel relieved now that she knows or not. In all honesty, realizing that she was basically nothing more than a plaything for Imani to control, realizing all the sleepless night and petty arguments would only ever end in Shuri apologizing whether she was in the wrong or not, realizing that her and Imani did have something real before things went south, it hurt.
Over the five years that they’ve known each other, they’ve broken up and gotten back together again a number of times. Shuri knew she shouldn’t have given in to Imani when she told Shuri that she had changed but Shuri missed her. I mean, could you blame her? Imani wasn’t the only person in their relationship and she wasn’t the only one who made the mistakes.
This breakup was different, though. It was final. Shuri and Imani had had an actual conversation, over text, about their relationship. Of course, Shuri had been the one who reached out first but when Imani told her she was tired of going back and forth, that was it. She left her alone.
Memories of how they were before they made anything official ran through Shuri’s mind. The midnight calls that would end up with Shuri falling asleep first because of how safe she felt with Imani. The constant texting and inside jokes they had with each other that no one else understood. The sound of her voice, her sweet, pretty smile that she always flashed at the camera, the future plans they had made with each other. Shuri had felt like she had met her true love, her first love. Ironic, huh? That the first person she ever dated would be the same person she would be with five, ten, twenty years later. Shuri had opened up to Imani about so many things. Things she would deny if somebody had asked her about it. Yes, Imani was Shuri’s first girlfriend but she made Shuri feel like they would never leave each other. Like they would stay together forever.
Shuri’s phone buzzes, the sound freeing her from her own mind. She lets herself go and wipes the tears she didn’t even realize had fallen. 
Ima ❤️
Shuri dropped her phone. She got up, pacing around her room. So many questions started falling into her head all at once. She couldn’t think. She could hear her heartbeat in her-
Incoming call from Ima red heart
Shuri gasps, “Fuck!” 
Tears swelled her eyes. Why was Imani reaching out now? Just when Shuri was trying to start her healing process. Shuri sunk to the floor, head in her lap, hands over her head. She let her ringtone play out but even when it stopped she didn’t make any efforts to move.
She ended up sleeping there
Shuri hears Okoye’s voice when she starts waking up. Okoye’s shaking her and checking her vitals with her kimoyo beads.
“Okoye, I’m fine,” Shuri groans. Her side hurts from the way she slept but she barely even remembers sleeping.
“My queen, you have a visitor downstairs in the common area,” Okoye says.
Shuri prayed to Bast that it was Riri instead of Imani. "Tell them I'll be down in a second."
Okoye nods once before leaving.
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"Imani?" Shuri says, causing her to turn around. She looks… different. A good different. But Shuri won't let herself fall for that trick again. "Why're you here?"
"I came to apologize." Her voice is different, too. It sounds more mature than Shuri remembered. "I was tryna reach out to you last night so that we could actually schedule a day that you weren't busy so I could come by but you didn't answer so I figured an apology in person would be better."
Shuri keeps her guard up while Imani talks, her arms folded over chest. "I don't forgive you."
Imani stays quiet for a few seconds. "What? Shuri, I said I was sorry."
"Yeah, and I do not forgive you. You put me through hell, Imani, and I know you didn't seriously come here thinking that those two words would make you forgive you for everything. And, to be honest, I would tell you how fucked up in the head I am because of you, but knowing you, you'd probably use it against me in the future, if we even talk. So, why don't you just save both of our time and tell me why you're really here."
"Fine." Imani takes a deep breath. "I wanna try this again. I know I hurt you, and I am sorry, Shuri, I was going through a lot at the time we were dating and I projected my emotions onto you, which I shouldn't have. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I can't live without you."
"Then don't," Shuri shrugs.
"Live without me."
Imani smiles. "I knew you'd understand -”
"Oh, no no," Shuri cuts her off, shaking her head. "I'm not saying we can get back together, Ima, I'm telling you to kill yourself. You know, since you can't live without me, just don't bother living at all."
"Shuri, what the fuck? What's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me is that my ex-girlfriend who mentally and emotionally abused me for years came into my house uninvited, gave a half-ass apology where she tried to turn herself into the victim, and then had the balls to ask me to get back together. That's what's wrong with me. You've ruined so many friendships I had and now thanks to you, I can't get them back. You knew I had never dated a girl before and you took advantage of that." Shuri raises her finger as Imani was about to say something. "And before you say it, no, we cannot just move on like we've done in the past. I deserve someone better than you. Someone who doesn't treat me like shit and doesn't ruin relationships I have with people just because they're insecure about themselves. So, do us both a favor and get the hell up outta my house. And if you can't find the exit on your own, Okoye and the other Dora will gladly help you." Just as the words left her mouth, Okoye and a few other Dora Milaje soldiers came from the shadows, spooking Imani.
"This isn't over, Shuri," Imani says while she's being rushed out. "You'll come running back!-”
"Oh, for bast's sake," Okoye says, rolling her eyes and pushing Imani out the house. "Make sure she leaves the city," she tells two of the Dora. "I do not want to see her here or anywhere in Wakanda again."
"Yes, General," They say in unison, escorting Imani off of Shuri's property.
Okoye turns around and sees that Shuri's sitting down on the couch. "Shuri, are you alright?"
Shuri nods. "Uh huh."
Okoye sits next to her. "You're crying," she says softly.
Shuri doesn't make any effort to wipe her tears or even hear what Okoye's saying. She's too busy replaying the "conversation" her and Imani just had. She hadn't expected to go off like that. She knew she was angry but she didn't realize she was that angry. Her words, her voice, her tone. 
"Can you give me a moment alone?" Shuri asks Okoye and Okoye nods once and rubs Shuri's shoulder before leaving the house.
Shuri sat on the couch until the sun went down. She didn't realize she had been staring into space for so long until she felt her eyes getting heavy. She gets up slowly and drags herself to her bed, falling into it once she's close enough. She holds her legs against her chest and continues staring into space.
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Riri paces herself in her head. Stop acting like a pussy and just knock, she says in her head. She takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. It opens slowly.
"Riri?" Shuri opens the door completely. "What're you doing here?" Shuri looks…like hell. Her voice came off so quiet Riri had barely heard her. There's bags under her eyes and they're red and puffy. She's been crying.
Riri rubs her hand on the back of her neck, "I wanted to talk to you."
"I thought you didn't want anything to do with me," Shuri mumbles. Her tone isn't harsh or anything, it's soft again. Despite Shuri's words, she opens the door fully, stepping out the way to let Riri inside.
Riri walks in slowly and sits down on the couch, Shuri sitting next to her.
"I know what I said to you the last time we saw each other was harsh, Shuri," Riri says after a few minutes of silence. "And I wanna apologize for it."
Shuri tilts her head, "Ri, you don't have to apologize for-" 
Riri shakes her head. "No, I do. I'm assuming you and Imani broke up before you came to see me and instead of understanding where you were coming from, I brushed you off. You didn't deserve that and I know it's no excuse but the only reason I did is because I like you. That's why it hurts me so much when you cut me off."
Shuri pauses. I like you. Like. Not liked. Like. 
"You… you like me?" Shuri says slowly. "Like, present tense, Ri? Like, like like?"
"Yes, like like, Shuri," Riri says smiling.
"Even though I hurt you?"
Riri shrugs. "Everybody makes mistakes. Don't worry about it."
Shuri stays quiet for a few seconds. "So, what now? Are you…my girlfriend?"
Riri turns her full body towards Shuri, looking her in her eyes. "Can I be your girlfriend, Shuri?"
"Yes." Shuri's answer is immediate but she means it. She likes Riri. She's always liked Riri. Riri was easy to talk to, Shuri always found herself at Riri's apartment whenever she and Imani ended up fighting.
"Should we watch a movie?" Riri asks.
Shuri nods. "You can pick, I'ma go freshen up a little bit and get some blankets."
It's been four months since Shuri and Riri have started dating. 
Shuri's happier now, way happier. Her mental health since she and Riri have gotten together has slowly improved. It's taken some time but when Shuri finally opened up to Riri about what she went through while dating Imani, Riri almost booked a flight to LA just to find her. Shuri had to beg her not to because she knew how that would end and she didn't need her new girlfriend ending up in jail because of her ex.
"Mama, can you come here for a minute please?"
Shuri pauses the TV and walks over to Riri, who's in the kitchen. "Yes?"
"I want you to try something for me." Riri puts a plate of food in front of Shuri as she sits down on the bar stool next to the counter. Shuri's confused at first, she doesn't know what the dish is, but before she can ask the question, Riri speaks up, "It's ground beef and rice. You told me you'd never actually had it before so I decided to make it for you."
Shuri smiles at the fact that Riri remembers. She takes a small bite at first then a bigger one. "This is good, Ri," she says with her mouth slightly full. "Like, really fucking good." Riri covers her hand over her mouth to hide her smile but Shuri can still see it from the way her cheeks go up.
Shuri finishes her plate in a matter of seconds. Riri had been making meals for Shuri ever since she found out she had barely been eating and despite eating being difficult, Shuri finished her food every. single. time. 
"You like it?" Riri says, still smiling, "Like, you really like it?"
"Yes, Ri. It's so good." While Shuri goes to put her plate in the sink, she kisses Riri on her forehead. "You should definitely open that restaurant you've been talking about."
Riri chuckles and sits on the counter. "I want to, but to open a restaurant, first, I need money. Then, I need a vacant lot, and then I need employees and-"
"Baby, I have money. I have people and friends who can work for you."
Riri shakes her head, "No, no, I wanna make it there on my own, and I'd love your help but I don't want the foundation of my restaurant to be you cause then I'm gonna feel like I owe you for the rest of my life."
"I get it, Ri. I want to help you, I do, but since you wanna make it on your own, I'll let you and when you do make it on your own, I will be there with you."
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l-e-morgan-author · 8 months
Not to exclaim over my own writing so much but it genuinely means so much to me that in Patience, Changing and The Patience of Hope - set about five years apart, though I've not made the difference so sure yet, the timeline is fairly loose at this point - that you can see the difference in how much more comfortable she is in The Patience of Hope.
Like a couple of paragraphs in Patience, Changing:
She wondered if her parents would love the other child more, assuming she was ‘normal’ like Patience was not. If pressed they would exclaim that nobody could love a child more than they loved Patience, but she had long since learned to take that advice lightly. It was not that she felt unloved; just that she was alien. There were ways in which she was utterly unlike everyone she knew. A part of her wanted to blame it on the fact that she was autistic, but somewhere deep inside she feared she was simply broken, a question that had never been allowed to rest. Patience had always been too afraid to ask it of her parents, just in case they confirmed her worst fear and said that yes, she was just broken. If ever it was confirmed she didn’t know how she would bear it.
Later on, she's still struggling with self hatred:
Why could she not let it go? She'd been assured that they loved her despite the way she was, and it wasn't like she disbelieved her parents. No, they were sincere, and yet - And yet! Rhona was so normal, so easy and relaxed. Patience was a ball of anxious energy who sat in the corner and knitted her way out of her many panics. She didn't really want to admit how much she envied and resented Rhona's apparent ease when dealing with others.
She's still worrying about it in The Patience of Hope, but not so much:
Was it my fault? she wanted to ask, tossing a diced potato in the slow cooker. Was I too difficult a child to raise, and caused fractures? Was I just too standoffish, too self reliant, too autistic? But her mother would never answer it honestly. At least - she couldn’t trust it would be honest, because it was too personal, and Mum would not want her to carry the guilt of separating them. She already carried that guilt, in the secret parts of her mind. It didn’t plague her always - just sometimes, when she was trying to get to sleep.
Nathan, though, tries to reassure her:
She laughed, bitterness edging her voice. “I’m autistic, Nathan. What if that’s just - unacceptable?” He sighed. “Autism isn’t a death sentence, nor does it make you broken, Patience. It’s a difference. It means you’re different. If you weren’t autistic you’d be different from the Patience I know and l-like.” He flushed, looking unaccountably guilty.
And she's working on it, she really is:
“For one thing - the thing I try and remind myself, and forget far too often - I’m a child of God, and that’s more important than the fact that I’m autistic, or anything else I am. - Thank you, Chloe.”
Anyway I don't know why I wanted to make this post, I just did.
Seven days to go until I hopefully receive my own autism diagnosis, God willing.... Frankly even though multiple clinicians are absolutely certain that I am autistic I'm scared in case the person assessing me doesn't think so. Or if they do, I don't know what the next step is.
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fullstcp · 7 months
"The Last Five Years" Sentence Starters
"He/she/they is/are over and he/she/they is/are gone."
"He's/she's/they've decided it's time to move on."
"He/she/they has/have new dreams he's/she's/they're building upon."
"I'm still hurting."
"He/she/they arrived at the end of the line."
"He's/she's/they're convinced that the problems are mine."
"He's/she's/they're probably feeling just fine."
"What about lies?"
"What about things that you swore to be true?"
"What about you?"
"He's/she's/they're sure something wonderful died."
"He/she/they decide(s) it's his/her/their right to decide."
"He's/she's/they've got secrets he/she/they do(es)n't confide."
"Go and hide and run away."
"Run away, run and find something better."
"Run away like it's simple. Like it's right."
"Give me a day."
"Bring back the lies. Hang them back on the wall."
"Maybe I'd see how you could be so certain that we had no chance at all."
"He's/she's/they're over and where can I turn?"
"Maybe there's somewhere a lesson to learn."
"But that wouldn't change the fact."
"That wouldn't speed the time."
"I'm breaking my mother's/father's heart."
"If you had a tattoo, that wouldn't matter."
"Now I'm getting somewhere."
"I'm finally breaking through."
"I've been waiting for someone like you."
"The minute I first met you I could barely catch my breath."
"I've been standing for days with the phone in my hand like an idiot, scared to death."
"Well, nobody's perfect."
"It's tragic, but it's true."
"You are the story I should write."
"Just tell me what to do."
"I think that I could be in love with someone like you."
"I guess I can't believe you really came."
"See, I'm smiling. That means I'm happy that you're here."
"See, we're laughing."
"I think we're gonna be okay."
"We'll have to try a little harder."
"Who knows where else we can go?"
"I think you're really gonna like this show."
"I'm pretty sure it doesn't suck."
"I think we both can see what could be better."
"I'll own when I was wrong."
"With all we've had to go through, we'll end up twice as strong."
"We'll start again this weekend."
"I didn't know you had to go so soon."
"I thought we had a little time."
"Look, whatever, if you have to then you have to."
"We'll have tonight."
"You know what makes me crazy?"
"I'm sorry, can I say this?"
"And you are gonna choose somebody else to be with?"
"That's exactly what you're doing."
"You could be here with me or be there with them."
"As usual, guess which you pick."
"You do not have to go to another party with the same twenty jerks you already know."
"You could stay with your wife/husband/spouse on her/his/their fucking birthday!"
"I know in your soul it must drive you crazy that you won't get to play with your little girlfriend/boyfriend."
"You can't spend a single day that's not about you and you and nothing but you."
"I swear to God I'll never understand, how you can stand there straight and tall. And see I'm crying and not do anything at all."
"Did I just hear an alarm start ringing?"
"Did I see sirens go flying past?"
"I don't know what tomorrow's bringing."
"I've got a singular impression that things are moving too fast."
"I just expected it ten years later."
"I'm never worried to walk the wire."
"I won't do anything just half-assed."
"I found a woman/man I love."
"Some people analyze every detail."
"Some people stall when they can't see the trail."
"Some people freeze out of fear that they'll fail."
"Some people can't find success with their art."
"Some people never feel love in their heart."
"Some people can't tell the two things apart."
"Maybe I can't follow through."
"What else am I supposed to do?"
"I'm doing things I never dreamed of before!"
"My heart's been stolen."
"My ego's swollen."
"It's hard not to be sure I'm spinning out of control."
"I'm feeling panicked and rushed and hurried."
"I'm feeling outmaneuvered and outclassed."
"But I'm so happy I can't get worried."
"One day it's just a typical life."
"And then he'll/she'll/they'll smile."
"And I'm a part of that."
"Next day, it's just like it never happened."
"We're making dinner."
"We're making plans."
"And then he/she/they smile(s). His/her/their eyes light up, and I how can I complain?"
"Yes, he's/she's/they're insane. But look what he/she/they can do."
"I tend to follow in his/her/their stride, instead of side by side."
"I take his/her/their cure."
"True, but there's no question, there's no doubt."
"I said I'd stick it out and follow through."
"Then he/she/they smile(s) and where else can I go?"
"I didn't know the rules do not apply."
"And then he/she/they smile(s) and nothing else makes sense."
"If I only had time."
"You'll get to be happy."
"I give you unlimited time."
"Maybe it's just that you're afraid to go out onto a limb."
"Maybe your heart's completely swayed, but your head can't follow through."
"Shouldn't I want the world to see the brilliant girl/boy who inspires me?"
"Don't you think that now's a good time to be the ambitious freak you are?"
"Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you?"
"I could have a mansion on a hill."
"All things considered, I guess you don't have to buy it."
"He/she/they want(s) me, but he/she/they ain't gonna get me."
"I found my guiding light."
"Look at me, look at him/her/them."
"Son of a bitch, I guess I'm doing something right."
"I finally got something right!"
"The torture is just exquisite while I'm waiting for you to visit."
"So hurry up, schmuck, get unstuck and get on the scene."
"Will you share your life with me for the next ten minutes?"
"We can handle that."
"Just holding you might compel me to ask you for more."
"There are so many lives I want to share with you."
"I will never be complete until 'I do'."
"I am not always on time."
"Please don't expect that from me."
"I will be late, but if you can just wait I will make it eventually."
"Not like it's in my control."
"Not like I'm proud of the fact."
"I don't know why people run."
"I don't know why things fall through."
"I don't know how anybody survives in this life without someone like you."
"I could say no and goodbye. But why?"
"I want to be your wife/husband."
"I want to bear your child."
"I want to die knowing I had a long, full life in your arms."
"That I can do."
"Forever, with you."
"'Til the world explodes."
"'Til there's no one left who has ever known us apart."
"There are so many dreams I need to see with you."
"There are so many years I need to be with you."
"Isn't that the museum?"
"Can we go see the dinosaurs?"
"I mean, I'm happy."
"And I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine."
"It's not a problem, just a challenge."
"I'm the center of attention. I'm the grand fromage."
"Which is dumb - I shouldn't care what she/he/they think(s) since I can't fuck her/him/them anyway!"
"You know I love her/him/them."
"When you come home to me I'll wear a sweeter smile and hope that for a while, you'll stay."
"Soon, our love will rise anew."
"It's even greater than the joy I felt just missing you."
"Once again, I'll be so proud to call you mine."
"I swear I'll be there soon."
"Don't give up on me yet."
"I am so proud of you, baby."
"You're doing what you never get to do before."
"Don't lose faith."
"Don't get down."
"Don't despair."
"I'll be there."
"We're gonna make it through."
"And nothing else will matter."
"I'm climbing uphill."
"I'm up every morning at six."
"I am a good person."
"I'm an attractive person."
"I am a talented person."
"Grant me Grace!"
"Why am I working so hard?"
"I will not be the girl who gets asked how it feels to be trotting along at the genius' heels."
"I will not be the girl who requires a man to get by."
"But what's it really about?"
"Can we please for a minute stop blaming and say what you feel?"
"Did you think this would all be much easier than it's turned out to be?"
"If I didn't believe in you, we'd never have gotten this far."
"If I didn't think you could do anything you ever wanted to. If I wasn't certain that you'd come through somehow. The fact of the matter is, I wouldn't be standing here now."
"If I didn't believe in you, we wouldn't be having this fight."
"Don't we get to be happy?"
"Don't we get to relax?"
"And, if I'm cheering on your side, why can't you support mine?"
"Why do I have to feel I've committed some felony doing what I always swore I would do?"
"I don't want you to hurt."
"I don't want you to sink."
"But you know what I think?"
"I think you'll be fine. Just hang on and you'll see."
"But don't make me wait 'til you do to be happy with you."
"No one can give you courage."
"No one can thicken your skin."
"I will not fail so you can be comfortable."
"I will not lose because you can't win."
"If I hadn't believed in you, I wouldn't have loved you at all."
"My best friend had a little situation at the end of their senior year."
"I thought about what I wanted, it wasn't like that at all."
"I gave up my life for the better part of a year."
"I'm starting to feel like this maybe might work."
"Just love me."
"You don't have to change a thing."
"Just stay with me."
"I want you and nothing but you."
"Finally I'll have something worthwhile to think of each morning."
"Nothing but you. No substitution will do."
"Nothing but fresh, undiluted and pure top of the line. And totally mine."
"I don't need any lifetime commitments."
"I don't need to get hitched tonight."
"I don't want you to throw up all your walls and defenses."
"I don't mean to put on any pressure, but I know when a thing is right."
"It feels like my life led right to your side."
"Think about what you wanted."
"Think about what could be."
"Think about how I love you."
"Say you'll move in with me."
"Think of what's great about me and you."
"Think of the bullshit we've both been through."
"Think of what's past because we can do better than that."
"You look like an angel."
"I don't remember when we fell asleep."
"I made a promise and I took a vow."
"I wrote a story and we changed the ending."
"Hold on, facts are facts."
"Nobody needs to know."
"All right, it's over, it's done."
"No one will understand."
"Then I start making conscious, deliberate mistakes."
"All that I ask for is one little corner. One private room at the back of my heart."
"Come back to bed."
"I promise I won't lie to you."
"I won't let you go."
"And since I have to be in love with someone. Since I need to be in love with someone, maybe I could be in love with someone like you."
"Don't kiss me goodbye again."
"Leave this night clean and quiet."
"You want the last word."
"You want me to laugh."
"But leave it for now."
"All you can say, all you can feel, was wrapped up inside that one perfect kiss."
"Goodbye until tomorrow."
"Goodbye until the next time you call."
"I will be waiting."
"Goodbye 'til I recall how to breathe."
"And I have been waiting. I have been waiting for you."
"Goodbye until the rest of my life."
"It's not about another shrink."
"It's not about another compromise."
"I'm not the only one who's hurting here."
"I don't what the hell is left to do."
"I could never rescue you. No matter how I tried."
"All I could do was love you hard, and let you go."
"All I could do was love you. God, I loved you so."
"So we could fight. Or we could wait. Or I could go."
"I didn't see a way we both could win."
"Goodbye until I'm done thanking God."
"Just close the gate. I'll stand and wait."
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
man i'm still thinking about that tattoo post
the whole argument just kinda strikes me as a slightly dressed-up version of the same argument that's been used against everyone with tattoos. "You'll regret it", "it'll cost you jobs", "it'll be on there forever", "what if you get tired of it?" - it's the same argument, just rebranded as "what if you get a fandom tattoo and then the creator turns out to be problematic?"
Look. Any tattoo has inherent risk. There's the physical risk, like infection or allergies or simply getting a poorly-done tattoo. And there's social risk, like the stigmas against extensive tattoos in the workplace or other professional environments. And yes, getting a fandom tattoo does open you up to the risk of being stuck with a design long after you've fallen out of the fandom, or worse that the creators have turned out to be shitheads of one form or another.
But how is that any different than the risk of other tattoos? First it was all tattoos period, that they'd ruin your job and that you'd look ridiculous as your skin aged. Then it was tramp stamps and tribal armbands and tiny fineline tattoos that'll "fade in five years". Ex's names. Matching tattoos. Permanent makeup. Lions and roses and clockwork and quotes and anchors and whatever the fuck else. Now it's fandom tattoos.
And yeah, I feel bad for the people who got stuck with deathly hallows symbols or similar tattoos and now have to either live with them, cover them up, or get expensive laser treatment. It sucks to think that your tattoo could be ruined by something you had no control over, especially when you're already dealing with the grief of severing from that fandom you loved so much.
But I think turning that into a blanket statement about "all fandom tattoos are bad" is just a rebrand of the same argument that's always been used against tattoos. It really comes down to research, and understanding that any ink you get has the potential for regret later on. Any tattoo you get could be something you regret later. But any tattoo you get could also be something you love for the rest of your life. That's not a fandom thing. That's the nature of getting a tattoo. Whether that risk is worth it to you is entirely your own decision, and nobody else's.
Idk. I know nobody asked for this, but as someone with a good amount of ink, plans to get a lot more ink, and some of that ink including fandom tattoos, that post rubbed me the wrong way.
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