#Imma take some creative liberties
askerewhon · 1 year
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ashren · 2 years
hmmmmmmmmmmm redesigning Rylin under the helmet and... i might be a furry :/
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nyxowl16 · 1 month
so about that nesta x rhys's sister(imma call her Nyra) fic, i have some lore on bsf eris and nyra....
since Sarah's timeline of events doesn't rlly line up, ive taken some creative liberties.
Eris and Nyra are the same age, they met each other when they were six, and Nyra got accidentally winnowed with her father to the autumn court. (the high lords were discussing the situations in hybren)
They both don't know who they are, because Nyra takes a tumble into the bushes of a garden in the forest house, and Eris who had been hiding in there since his sparring lesson had ended three hours too soon because his master took a nasty fall.
Eris didn't want his rare unsupervised time to go to waste so he was hiding until his father went inside and he could sneak out.
But then there is this girl in front of him who looks like a poor high fae and he can't exactly leave this poor girl where his father's sentries can find her.
So he takes her with his special little tree house he found abandoned in the woods.
And for three hours, they have a grand old time pretending to be dragon riders on a hunt for the rarest dragon.
Neither has had so much fun ever.
Nyra promises to come back the day after to continue the game after Eris' three hours are up.
And she does, day after day.
They quickly become the best of friends
A year later, Eris twin brothers who are a year younger than him join them.
The twins are now Eris' and Nyra's dragons.
Years later when they are fourteen, Eris and Nyra meet officially as the eldest Prince of Autumn and Princess of Night at the banquet (that would be the beginning of the many meets leading to the war with hybren.)
At the banquet Eris also meets Nyra's older illyrian brothers(the bat boys are in their early twenties)
Nyra notices how Eris seems to redden every time Azriel crosses paths with them.
Nyra rolls her eyes, "Crush on him all you want, just don't wax poetry about his ass- that you are so keen on staring- to me "
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WHAT IF: Transformers Shattered Glass IDW x More than Meets the Eye/The Lost Light/The Scavengers IDW
Okay, since these kind of posts people seem to like, and I like making silly AUs, AND it's confusing to me why yall like them IMMA JUST MAKE ANOTHER ONE! XD Because it is FUNNY. SO!!!
Yall can read, SO YOU MAY BE WONDERING: Why? There's already concepts and shit about this! What's so DIFFERENT about this one? WELL TO ANSWER THAT I WILL SAY: All the other concepts (Which aren't bad by the way) all involved THE SAME CAST of characters. Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, etc. So HERE'S MINE.
(NOTE I will still be taking creative liberties to add and mix around somethings because yes)
The Decepticons have won the war. It was hard, and lots of good bots were killed. But for the most part the Autobots have accepted the loss. The war was finally over after all, of course they were going to accept it. Of course, some Autobots don't want to accept defeat but for the most part peace has been achieved. Megatron uses the Matrix of Leadership to use the ancient wisdom inside to help lead Cybertron alongside Slicer and Slipstream.
Starscream decides to take a ship, the Found Night, to explore the galaxy like he always wanted, to learn about it many planets and bring home various Cybertronians that need help. He assembles a large crew to explore the galaxy with him.
Later, after some adventures, Megatron would ask Starscream to allow Optimus Prime to board the Found Night. During Starscream's adventures, Optimus Prime had been trialed. Even though Optimus had a change of heart nearing the end of the war and stopped Rodimus from rewriting all of reality, many Cybertronians believed he needed an actual sentence. So they held a trial. But Optimus enacted ancient Cybertronian tradition, stating only the Clerics of Cybertron could judge him. Starscream, while suspicious, allowed Optimus to board the ship. From there, even MORE shenanigans took place, among other things.
So here's a list of some of the main crew members! Starscream, Captain Galvatron, Second in Command Optimus Prime, Co-Captain Knockout, Chief Medical Officer Brawl, Security Misfire, Bartender Flamewar, Scout Tarn, more Security Grimlock, the Cyclonus Role (Kinda) Cyclonus, the Cyclonus Role (Kinda again XD) Tailgate, he's uh... still Tailgate, but more WHIRL like Pharma, the next Chief Medical Officer Role Necrobot, the Therapist Role
There's obviously more but here's the "main" enemies!
AJD (Autobot Justice Division): Ultra Magnus (Calls himself Alpha), Hot Spot (Calls himself Omega), Kup (Calls himself Superior), Star Saber (calls himself Supreme), and Air Raid (Greatness) Overlord Role: Fortress Maximus
And finally the SCAVENGERS (I'm not going to concern myself on the roles): Pipes, Tracks, Cosmos, Smokescreen Sixgun, and Nosecone.
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
Official Hero Costumes
Part 1
These are the last hero costumes post Imma make bc I finally know what the hell I'm doing. Most of these apply for both BNHAverse and Giftedverse. Also, if my artist mutuals want to take some creative liberties they can.
Joou Hitsugaya | Splendor
Splendor is a very versatile woman in the sense that she never wears the same hero costume everyday. But one thing they have in common is that they look like designer outfits one could find on the runway.
Joou's most notable costume consists of a white cold shoulder dress with diamonds sewn into it. The dress features slits that allow for easier movement. Her white boots are designer. Her costume also features different pieces of armor such as gauntlets, pauldrons, and more.
Irefumi Hitsugaya | Inkstain
Irefumi's costume sticks to their punk roots and is quite revealing in male hero outfit terms. It consists of a black jean vest with several different pins, spikes, and their hero symbol on the back (they'd go entirely shirtless if it weren't for the restrictions). The vest is always open for easy Quirk use. Furthermore, they also wear red plaid jeans and a pair of black combat boots. They also wear a red domino mask.
Shukara Inoue/Chuso Mejia | Chargeman
Shukara/Chuso has a flair for the dramatic, which is fitting considering he's also a well-known wrestler. His costume is a skintight royal blue catsuit with a deep V neck exposing his chest (boobs out city). The catsuit also features built-in gold shoulder and knee pads as well as fringes of the same color. His boots are the same royal blue color and has jewels in it.
Sorami/Oya Amarai | Stormchaser
Oya/Sorami's costume is simple with a weather reporter motif. Sorami/Oya wears a dark blue bodysuit with shorts, black boots, and clear raincoat. Around her waist is a stylish utility belt that she can also store her umbrella in.
Kagehiko Ankokugai | Hades
Kagehiko's costume is probably one of the most difficult to pinpoint but I'm gonna try my best. His costume consists of a black skintight spandex suit with a white skeletal design, tattered red waist cape with silver chain belts, and black boots. He also wears a dark red cape with skull shaped buttons.
Sakura Ankokugai | Persephone
Sakura's hero costume sticks to her nature theme and is made up of a green bodysuit with short shorts and a pink half skirt attached to it. The skirt is shaped like flower petals. Sakura's bodysuit has floral patterns on it. She wears a pair of brown boots with flowers on them.
Hibana/Donna Maikaru | Superstar
Donna/Hibana's costume definitely encapsulates her 70s theme with a silver 70s style halter top jumpsuit and disco ball patterned roller skates. The jumpsuit is holographic, infused with Superstar's DNA to enhance her Quirk in combat.
Akio/Alan Shingenchi | Demoman
Alan/Akio's costume remains pretty much the same as I had it with just a few minor changes. His costume is fairly simple as it looks like an armored construction worker's uniform. It consists of a sleeveless orange vest with white straps underneath a black shirt, baggy black pants, and orange boots with jackhammer heels on them. He also wears an orange hardhat with a black vizor for eye protection and several pieces of armor of the same color.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @s0ursop @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer @spoilercreati
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
can i ask for all of the 10?
alrighty *cracks knuckles* imma try my best
warning: lots of rambling under the cut
Merlin Interrupted ok so i explained this wip in another ask but the short version is my OC, Nessa, has entered the playing field (Camelot/Albion) and shakes up the show's plot so much that now we got an early magic reveal, more intel on Morgana's descent, and a new antagonist
Things Dr. Geyer Notices as i'm sure you've noted, i've been sort of venting about this fic bc i was originally intending (i swear, truly) for this fic to be a cute one-shot where over the span of season 4-6, David Geyer (Liam's stepdad) would begin to pick up on the crazy supernatural shit going on. HOW-EVER, i am 3 chapters deep (6.5k words) and only halfway through with this story. *sighs* i am enjoying the fic tho. am i taking creative liberties by inventing my own love story/dynamic with David and Jenna? absolutely! and you would too for the sake of giving Liam the best parents ever. tbh i have more of the 2nd half of this fic imagined than the 1st half (which was why i assumed it would be shorter lol who'da thought?). very excited for when i get to the Wild Hunt 😈
The Heirloom ok, uh, this one is my niche little Lockwood & Co x Teen Wolf (sort of but not really) x OC wip. essentially, Lockwood & Co, a ghost hunting agency run by teens (and teens only. it makes sense in universe i promise) are hired by Nick Bennet (an OC i have for #9 and as you'll notice, i tend to recycle him and another OC for other wips) to find the source of his father-in-law's ghost so that the house/flat that belonged to his late wife. it takes place some time in book 3 of Lockwood & Co because I wanted Holly included but also the drama of Lucy Carlyle's Talent issues (sixth sense thing only children and teens gain to see/hear ghosts). AND, i have Theo there who was adopted by Nick (this will make more sense after i explain #10) who shares the same Talent as Lucy (Hearing) and helps out our lovely band of ruffians. however, as the gang continue to explore the house and its history, they find there's more that meets the eye. news articles are inconsistent about the life the late Lucy Bennet once lived and the relationship her had with her father. both Nick and Theo are partial to this necklace that once belonged to her, but they deny it having any connection to the house and its hauntings.
The Witch & the Knight so this one is an og wip! what i've got so far is a alternate historical fantasy taking place in medieval France. premise is there's this celestial war (angels vs demons, a classic) headed by a Grim Reaper with their trusty gang that consists of a knight in shining armor and 2 witch sisters (one eager to fight the fight and the other trying to pull said eager sister away from the fight). this wip is heavy in its themes, historical research, mythological research, worldbuilding....just, a very ambitious story. i am using it for my final project in my english course bc it gives me the excuse to work on it, and flesh out more of my ideas and concepts. (the big one i'm currently fleshing out is the doomed romance subplot) i have no intention of having this story be 1 novel. it's a series. i can feel it. the war itself in story will be 10 years and the slow burn both for platonic and romantic relationships is super fucking slow. i've written a couple snippets for this wip, but mostly, i'm still in the plotting and planning stage.
A Lucky Network tis me batfam wip! it's a epistolary fic and jumps between outsider pov to simple 3rd pov and 2nd pov. it's got mystery, unreliable narrators, and all that jazz. i've got like 80% if this thing finished just the finale part is all i have left. You have the fic's plot focus on 2 people, Nick and Lucy. Nick is our main pov guy (after Dick) who sort of is in the know about something involving Lucy, but we don't know why. Lucy is our center for all of this chaos. she's why Dick began this investigation into her actions. in the fic, she was taken in by Bruce about 3 or so years after Dick, lived through his angsty teen years, lived with baby jason, had to live with his death, and then have her own angsty arc. there is like 1 batfam ship in the fic, so if that's not your cup of tea, totally fine! but i have lowkey forgotten to update it on ao3 consistently lol. i'll be sure to get back on that.
Basically Mob Boss Lucy this is an og wip but taking a similar premise with #5, recycling my main 2 OCs from there (Nick & Lucy bc they're a packaged deal and married), and placing them in a Mob Boss setting. Lucy in this wip is not adopted by a kind and compassionate but is also emotionally constipated man; rather she gets taken in by some douche who saw her on the street and thought "this would get me so much charity points with the media!" anyway, her life in this story is a lot different with #5 (for one, she's a lot colder and harsher when it comes to treating others that aren't in her inner circle and she's much more sadistic) but i love writing this wip bc i'm getting tired of redemption arcs. i wanna see a girl go batshit and fall into her corruption arc.
The Emrys Shrine greatly inspired by this ask here ok, listen: i know the fic i have for this says complete, but i do have a continuation in the works!!! it's in percival's pov and it's basically just him going "hmmmmm Merlin's acting pretty suspicious......"
Witch Boy OK LISTEN: i know this one also complete when you go to Ao3, but that's just because the 3rd part is being fucking slOW, so i said "fuck it ends nice at ch2 anyway," but i do want to add more. but yeah, to summarize: fic was inspired by a Halloween fanart i saw and i just ran with it.
A BBC Merlin Military AU Nobody Asked For so i also already explained this one in another ask but basically it's semi-modern au with bbc merlin cast in the military. which military??? idk it's not important. what's important is that there's pining and hurt/comfort
Lucky's Timeline in Beacon Hills this one....yeah, this is super self indulgent. literally recycling Nick and Lucy (Lucky is their ship name bc i do do that with my OCs and there's is super cute) and throwing them into the Teen Wolf universe, and seeing how they'd fare in that world. what i've got it like 5 different storylines i could take with this wip, but the main consensus is: Lucy adopts Theo, Nick sort of adopts the Puppy Pack bc he decided a coach was the safest job he could apply for and the school didn't ask him a lot of questions (he definitely raised his brows at that) for this wip, Nick and Lucy originally came from my Lucky Network-verse (but like slightly to the left, meaning she wasn't adopted by Bruce in this verse, meaning i get to play with her being a tad more sadistic) and ended up in Beacon Hills bc teleportation magic run to its extreme can teleport you across dimensions!! who'da known!
but yeah, those are my 10! they are my babies, and i love them dearly. if you have anymore questions are just want to hear me ramble more, you (and anyone else interested) are free to shoot me an ask!
thank you babe for allowing me to just gush about them <3
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cvbullshit · 2 months
Here's my first version of the VA part, like I said I had to take a different approach to the scream so I took some creative liberty with it
Imma be uploading another version just in case this one wasn't to your liking
I tried my best but I feel like I dropped the ball with this one gang
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chuuyasdog · 1 year
So, i am in the process of writing a soukoku fanfic where almost everyone is Fae, since theyre one of my special interests, and i need ideas on what kind of faerie everyone is. (i am aware that some of these faeries would normally not be in a court, or be in the other court, however i dont care. Creative liberties.) (also when i say elf i mean the ones that are typical fantasy looking, not germanic ones)
So far i have:
Fukuzawa: Elf
Ranpo: human changeling
Yosano: Banshee
Atsushi: Cat Sith (yes i know theyre supposed to be black with a white spot on the chest but idc, he will still look like a white tiger. also he will be able to change looking human and cat)
Dazai: Pooka? (also known as puck, or robin goodfellow in midsummer night's dream.) honestly not entirely sure, but thats all i can think of for now
Kenji: Dryad? Can you get male dryads? Imma say yes they can be male.
Tanizaki: Changeling, and Naomi is part of the human family he was placed with
Mori: Elf
Elise: Elf
Chuuya: Tuatha dè Danann (basically the predecessors of the fae, kinda sorta maybe gods? Imma take the basics of this mythology and use a lot of creative liberty to mess around and make it my own.)
Kouyou: Leanan Sídhe (the beautiful fae that seduce and inspire artists while draining them of their energy)
Akutagawa: Cu Sith (yay the dog version of cat sith, also will be able to change between looking human and dog)
Gin: Cu Sith (has to be the same as Akutagawa cause theyre siblings, plus it makes sense with them being an assassin)
Idk yet if the doa will be in the fic but ideas for what they are would be good too.
So um, any ideas would be greatly appreciated, im kinda stuck rn.
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naviizeldablog · 3 years
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World building practice and notes
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talkfantasytome · 3 years
If You'll Have Me
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Rowaelin Month Prompt: Fairy Tale AU
A princess, a hunter, and a magical forest that protects those with pure intent and traps those with ill.
Warnings: Very brief mention of parents being killed.
Word Count: 1,685 | Read on AO3
a/n: I took some creative liberties with this prompt, but I think it counts for this. I mean, what's a writer if not someone who takes a prompt and says, "hmmm...Imma do something a bit different, though"? 👀
This is also a bit of a different style of writing for me, a bit more...narrative? I think that's the word. But, by the end, you'll understand the choice. 🙂
Didn't edit much.
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"Once upon a time, in a land long since burned to ash, there lived a princess who loved her kingdom…"
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Princess Aelin Ashryver Galathynius of Terrasen was running for her life.
The Forest of Oakwald had always terrified the guards, and most of the citizens of Terrasen - she figured that fact wouldn't change, even with the new leadership.
Then again, the new queen was an evil, wicked witch the guards might fear more than the woods.
It would be their funeral. As legend said, the forest always chose the side of peace. That any who entered with ill intent would never leave the maze of trees and magic.
Escaping a horrid queen who wished to kill her didn't seem like ill intent to Aelin. Besides, the forest had always been a friend to Aelin. She'd lost count of the number of times she'd ventured into the woods as a child, just playing or lost in imagination, to find herself lost and then inexplicably led out, back home.
She could hear the guards falling further and further behind, as if they'd stalled at the very edge of Oakwald, but it didn't stop Aelin from going as fast as she could, looking behind her every minute or so.
As she checked behind her shoulder one last time, Aelin was stopped in her tracks as she barreled into a solid wall of…something. She thought it was a tree, but when she started to stumble backward strong hands gripped her waist, keeping her steady on her feet.
"Watch where you're going, princess," a low voice growled, snapping Aelin's gaze up to a pair of pine green eyes, sitting fiercely in a strong, handsome face. The man was tall, over half a foot taller than Aelin, with light golden skin, a figure that told her he was all muscle beneath his clothes, and silver hair that seemed to shine like moonlight.
Aelin felt her brows furrow, shaking herself out of his hold as she found her balance. "You could have moved out of my way," she spat back. "Clearly I was a bit distraught."
The man shrugged. "Maybe I didn't want to."
"And why not?"
A wicked grin spread across his face. "I'm hunting."
Turquoise eyes with a golden rim widened in fear, Aelin backing away slowly as the words sunk in. "No, please," she begged, her voice catching in her throat.
"Relax, princess. I'm not going to kill you," he said, stepping toward her. "My job is to bring you to Queen Maeve."
"And what do you think she'll do with me?" Aelin asked, still walking backwards. Maeve had already murdered her parents. It wasn't hard to guess what she'd want with the last official heir to the Terrasen throne.
"Not my problem." The man lunged toward her and Aelin sprung into action, darting back a different way, still trying to get deeper into the forest.
A thud on the dirt and a muffled grunt told her that the man had managed to trip on a root, giving her a chance to escape.
She ran for another twenty minutes, until she found herself in a section of the forest that was more condensed, the air thick. A perfect spot for losing the hunter. With the full trees rustling in the wind, her movement were easier to miss, and she stepped carefully around roots and between trunks, weaving in and out of the labyrinth.
Aelin was certain she'd lost him when strong hands gripped her arms, those emerald eyes narrowed in anger. "Did you really think you could run from me?" he snarled. "I'm a hunter. I could follow your scent in my sleep."
She wriggled in his hold, trying to escape. "Please," she said again. "Just let me go. I won't ever come back to Terrasen, I promise."
The man chuckled darkly, stepping closer to her and leaning down so that his mouth was by his ear. "I can smell lies too, princess. But nice try."
Aelin gasped as he bound her hands and then started pulling her, never once taking one hand off of her wrist.
The two walked in silence for a full day, well past the time it should have taken them to get out of the forest, and Aelin's fear subsided, deciding that, once again, Oakwald was protecting her. It was replaced with annoyance and hatred, and a desperate need to do something.
"Are we ever going to eat?" she asked, attempting to sound bored. "Or drink something? I'll need water if you're meant to bring me to Maeve alive."
"Shut it!" he snapped, his body tense, but she could see the confusion in his eyes.
Aelin couldn't help but laugh. "You don't know, do you?"
"Know what?"
"We're never getting out of here," she sighed, taking a step so that they were now shoulder-to-shoulder. "Anyone who enters the forest with a dark or evil purpose will never find their way out, unless they change their heart."
He rolled his eyes, looking like he was trying hard not to face her. "My heart isn't dark or evil."
"But your purpose is," she countered. "You're here to capture me, an innocent, and bring me to a woman who will have me killed, just as she did to my parents."
The man groaned, sitting down on a nearby boulder. "I don't have a choice," he explained. "She has my cousin. If I don't serve her, she'll kill him."
Aelin joined him on the boulder, sighing softly. "What's your name?"
He looked up at her in shock, clearly not expecting that question. "Rowan."
"Well, Rowan, guess you have a choice to make."
Rowan grunted, standing up, pulling her with him. "I'll find a way out," he muttered, his eyes focused as he looked ahead.
They spent another two days walking through the forest, Rowan letting them stop to drink and rest. He'd even hunted that second night to get them food.
During the day the two would actually talk as Rowan attempted to find his way out. Or, well, Aelin would talk and managed to get him to respond every once in a while. And with each push from her - every question or comeback or suggestive comment - he seemed to loosen. On their third night she even made him laugh.
Aelin tried to pretend she hadn't cherished the sound.
She tried to pretend a great many things. That she didn't like the feel of his calloused hands on her wrists, gentle even when pulling her. That she didn't crave his voice if he went to long without answering her. That she wasn't desperate to get those answers to learn more about him, this mystery man who she could just tell was good, regardless of his current task.
That she didn't hope Oakwald would never let them out, just so she could spend the rest of her life with him.
On the fourth day there was finally a break in the trees, and Aelin was led out into a familiar garden, the clear, crisp air as refreshing as a cold drink of water on a hot day.
"You found a way," she breathed, shock and fear spreading through her. The feelings were so heavy Aelin didn't realize they'd been let out of the forest by her family's small vacation cabin. A house Maeve would never have learned about.
"I changed my heart," he replied, looking down at her, a soft smile on his lips. The first she'd seen from him. "You should be safe here, I think. Considering how the forest seems to be so protective of you."
Looking closely, Aelin recognized the house they were at, and the golden head of hair that was popping out of the door. He had bags under his eyes, a relived smile painting his face as he lifted his hand to clutch his heart.
Aelin nearly sobbed at the sight of her cousin.
"Thank you!" She beamed up at Rowan and then lifted herself onto her toes, kissing him on the cheek.
Rowan nodded, a faint blush tinting the tops of his ears. "Do me a favor, yeah? Take back that throne of yours?"
"That's the plan," Aelin chuckled.
"Good. I'm going to get my cousin out, and once he's free, I'll fight with you," he offered. "If you'll have me."
Aelin's smile widened, her eyes twinkling with tears that were starting to build.
"I most definitely will."
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"Mommy, why are you crying?"
Izzy's soft, young voice cut through the air, interrupting the bedtime story she'd asked for so enthusiastically.
"Mommy isn't," Aelin sighed, attempting to wipe away her traitorous tears quickly.
"Is it because you're the princess and daddy is the prince? But daddy isn't here, and that makes you sad?"
Aelin huffed out a wet laugh. "The princess only has my name, but she isn't me. No, she's different…but, she's the perfect woman for the prince." The type of woman Rowan truly deserved.
"Then the prince must be nothing like me," a familiar voice said from the doorway, shocking Aelin and her daughter.
"Daddy!!" The little girl squealed and scrambled out of her bed, jumping into Rowan's arms.
Aelin wasn't far behind, plowing into him, throwing her arms around his waist. "What are you doing here?" she asked, tilting her face to look at him.
"Tour ended early," he explained with a smile, one arm holding up Izzy, the other wrapped tightly around Aelin's waist, keeping her close. "Thought I'd surprise my girls."
He turned his face back to their daughter, rubbing his nose against hers until she giggled and buried her face in his neck.
"For how long?"
"For good, Fireheart," Rowan whispered, leaning down and brushing a kiss to her lips. "I'm back for good. Going to spend the rest of my days with my family…and my perfect wife."
Aelin couldn't stop the tears that started to pour from her as she lifted a hand to the nape of his neck, pulling him back down and kissing him deeply.
He responded enthusiastically before pulling away and smiling down at her. "And live happily ever after."
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a/n: First line comes directly from Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas.
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fickleminder · 4 years
I don’t know if this went through since tumblr went weird. How about Chime practicing his painting with female mc as his model?
(Sorry for the wait! I have not actually seen that ally chat yet so imma take some liberties here)
“Almost done. Are you okay?”
You nod slightly with an affirmative hum, trying not to fidget and shift around too much. Although Chime has you posing in a relatively comfortable arrangement, your backside’s going numb and your neck is starting to feel the strain. Also, there’s an itch near your shoulder just begging to be scratched. You feel bad disrupting his creative process by asking for a break though, and resolve to hold your position until he’s finished.
In the meantime, you spend the better part of the hour watching Chime at work. Laser sharp eyes, furrowed brows, a calm yet intense look on his face… You know he’s a kabuki actor but you never get tired of seeing all the different expressions he has to give. Your heart beats a little faster whenever he looks up from the paper to gaze at you, flashing you a small, encouraging smile in the process.
Gods above, why is that man so pretty? You think to yourself, sighing dreamily as subtly as you can.
That damn itch is bugging you again. Without moving too obviously to catch Chime’s attention, you wiggle your shoulder against the strap of your new dress, hoping some friction will scratch it for you. A little more, right there, and — !!
The strap falls off and hangs around your upper arm, pulling down the top part of the neckline just low enough to show off the slightest bit of cleavage.
You’re mentally scrambling for a way to fix it when Chime decides to look up, and it’s hard to miss the way his eyes zero in on your bare shoulder. His face immediately turns red; not that yours is any better. You can already feel the hot flush on your cheeks from embarrassment.
“Um,” Chime coughs lightly, quickly averting his gaze. “I, uh, I think I’m done. Why don’t you go and freshen up and then I’ll show you the finished product?”
You laugh nervously and hop up from your seat, promising to be back soon before hurrying to the bathroom. In your haste, you miss the way Chime brings up a hand to hide the smitten look on his face, one he’s not quite ready to show you yet.
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trashballerina · 4 years
Hetalia Fics I Really Like
this  ⭐ will be for fics I really like. I’ll try not to star everything.
I’m starting with my favorite of all time and tbh I think the fandom should see this fic as a OG, like Auf Weiderstein Sweetheart or Gutters, I really do.
Are We Even Humans  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ (Literally all the stars)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5660761/chapters/25048773 (prequel)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7036330/chapters/16007758 (sequel)
The war is over, but putting together everything that fell apart will be a greater challenge than anyone is prepared to handle. Alliances dissolve, and the lines between friends and enemies are blurrier than ever before.
Opinion: Please read it. It is a series with a sequel and a prequel that can be read on its own but it’s so good. Imma go on a quick rant here. This fic is great from the writing, plot, characters, and the nuances of nationhood abilities. I literally rioted during the first chapter because it was so good. One of my absolutely favorite things in the fic and the series as a whole is Prussia. Kingdom of Prussia, German Democratic Republic, Gilbert Beilschmidt. His character progression and seeing him through the series as a whole is astounding. I was literally left shaken at the end of this series and I’ve read it twice. The OC’s are usually the antagonists, but hot damn, they are memorable OC’s who are great (terrible?) villains. And the family dynamics! The family dynamics are enough of a reason to read it by itself and the romances. Omg I love this fic so much. Main takeaways: astounding characterization, amazing plot, will cry, long read, and a reality check on what it means to be a nation.
Would it be too much if I did a separate post on how much I love this series and an in depth analysis? (I feel like such a nerd omg)
Hard Times Passing 
Alfred is homeless during the Great Depression and in his wanderings he's charged with the task of caring for a small orphaned Taiwan. AU-Human names used, Taiwan is a child.
Opinion: So incredibly heart warming. It’s well written and I love the dialogue so much. Also, the little cameos from other characters are an absolute delight. It’s a it short, but so wholesome.
Flowers Don’t Grow on Battlefields  ⭐
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16898919/chapters/39697068 (sequel)
As war tightens its hold on the nations of the world, new alliances are formed. Nobody will escape the war unscathed. Italy only hopes that this time, he will find a way to save those he holds dearest.
Opinion: I realllly like this fic. Maybe I’m a bit bias because I remember reading it from like to third chapter and watching it get updated till the end, but this is really good. Cute gerita, great characterization, good plot, and some lines just really make me melt. And the fluff omg. There’s a sequel that’s linked under too that I may like more than the first. 
Who Knew (One Shot)
“The last time the two of them had any sort of contact was when Gilbert sent the letter to Matthew before the first war started.
That was twenty-six years ago. Twenty-six years Matthew had not seen Gilbert. Twenty-six years of Matthew worrying about if his fiancé was alive or not. Twenty-six years of Matthew thinking about all the horrible things that could be happening to Gilbert. Twenty-six years of Matthew wishing he could just see Gilbert, even if it were just for a second. Twenty-six years of pure hell for Matthew. Twenty-six years of being all alone.”
Matthew Williams, the personification of Canada, never thought that he would fall in love, but he did. He fell in love with Gilbert Beilschmidt, the personification of Prussia, but their romance would have to be cut short with the up coming war that was soon approaching them.
Opinion: My god my heart. Matthew had great characterization. Like amazingly so. 10/10 somber and melodic tones throughout the story. Good tension. And again, my heart. 
An account of the media reactions to the reveal of Nations (anthropomorphic national embodiments) with scholarly commentary.
Heavily inspired by: United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) [fallingvoices, radialarch] with mixed genres.
Opinion: It’s really cool. It’s told through media, like email, twitter, texts, online magazines, subtitles of videos (not actual videos tho). I love the outside view point of the world on nations and how some people really like them and how others absolutely despise their very existence. One of the main things that sticks out the me is the in depth analysis other humans or posters do on the nations and people even interview the nations, chapter eight is like my favorite for that reason, or how some humans just gush about the nations on so media like how half the fandom does lol. It’s really good. Super creative, great insight on how to world sees the nations, and honestly a great read.
Red Winter (One shot and crossover!)
The Winter Soldier's new target: a Russian politician named Ivan Braginsky.
Things don't go as planned.
Opinion: Literally so cool. Like nations are total BS to outsiders, especially assassins. I was loosing it during this fic because from Bucky’s POV nations are something else. The writing is really solid and the author uses italics to highlight an action sound or word and even single-word thoughts. The fight scene is really entertaining but also it flows fantastically. 
In Costa Rica (Oneshot)
“You have this backwards,” McLaughlin said. “Everything. You have it all backwards.” He was a lithe man, looked to be in his mid-thirties. Schnabel leaned back in his chair. Outside, the afternoon rain started, and the frogs momentarily fell silent. “They are dangerous, aren’t they?” Two men discuss the nations and history.
Opinion: No actual nations appear in this fic. It’s just two men talking about the nations and it’s really interesting to see them humor and take seriously the idea of nations. They both discuss what they already know about the nations and theorize. Also hearing an outside perspective and how the nations effect the word around them is golden. I give this fic a big ol’ chef’s kiss. 
Finally, I’ll Just Miss You! (Oneshot)
Countries will be abolished tomorrow. For the first time, they breathe and realize this might be their last breath and they’ll never wake up again. They want to wake up, they want to go to sleep, the land will still be there when they’re gone. But they breathe, it won’t be the same- for once, they feel human.
Opinion: Bro, I swear I’m not crying. This one is short but really bittersweet and my heart really hurts. I like the snippets of insight on the characters. 
Diamond in the Rough  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 
The year is 1952, the last full year of Joseph Stalin's rule over the Soviet Union. After an incident with Latvia, Estonia is determined to find out what Russia did to him. And so unfolds a chain of events that would lead the Baltic States to tears, to forgiveness, to unexpected courage and horrifying discoveries about the mysterious past of Gilbert Beilschmidt. See AN for rating.
Opinion: This just be a legitimate book. I have honestly read this one like three time and every time I read it I am absolutely elated to discover another detail or action I missed. It is a longer read but I think it is absolutely worth it. For one, the characterization is beautiful. Maybe I might be bias because I stan and love the Baltics, but how they are written compared to the many other fics I’ve read on them is phenomenal. While the author does take some creative liberties and deviates from canon a little, like the Baltics actually considering themselves to be brothers, I really enjoy the changes. ALSO, the history and research and on this fic is genuinely impressive. To think fic authors do this shit for fun and pour so much of their passion into a piece of writing. Secondly, while Russia may be an antagonist in this story, I honestly think it is just. His mentality, backstory, and current predicament explain his behavior and make him a justifiable antagonist. I highly recommend this one. 
Adieux (Oneshot)
What happens to nations after they cease to exist? Do they simply disappear or do they get a second chance? It wasn't a subject Francis was particularly keen on finding out about...but at the same time, it wasn't something he could just ignore. One-shot
Opinion: I hate this fic because I love it way too much. I might of cried a little bit and I instantly melt of Francis and Matthew. 
In Our Solemn Hour (incomplete) ⭐
The time was World War II, at the dawn of a global conflict like nothing any of the Nations had ever seen before. Nothing could've prepared them for what lay ahead: a war more total and radical than anything they could ever have imagined. This wasn't just business as usual; it was centuries' worth of pent-up emotions all coming into play at once. This was indeed their darkest hour.
Opinion: Characterization is on point. One part of this fic I remember very well during a fight to the death, Finland mutters a little “Oh dear”. The characters retain some of the qualities that make them silly in Hetalia but because this is another take on it it does get darker. I think Germany’s portrayal is my favorite because he does cruel and unnesscary things and questions it because its not his usal nature. The author notes are super insightful and sometimes funny; it really adds to the rest of the story. I might revisit this post to make a more in depth opinion on it because I don’t remember it all to well when I know I really like this one.
So that was my post lol. I’ll probably make more on other fandoms later tbh or I’ll just make a part two. If you end up reading about any of these posts, please feel free to tell me about them! I love talking about fics and reading in general. Thanks for reading!
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nymsonlinecottage · 4 years
51. Rant or gush about one thing you love or hate about fanfiction. Go!
(woop, imma need to plug my phone in for this one, cus this could take a while-)
Ok,,, I hate how cringe culture has become such a big part of the fanfiction community. Like, we use to just be able to write whatever, and have that self-insert, and share that fic where you are Y/N without judgment, but now that's looked down upon? Since when?? Look, we all want to be a part of this world, don't lie, and don't be mad that someone took their creative liberties to add a place for themselves in the story.
Obviously, sometimes (more often then not, depending on the fandom,) those fics were problematic, but the concept of self-inserts isn't.
And people forget that fanfiction is a form of self-care for some people. Writing self-indulgent fics is honestly one of the best ways to wind down. And this isn't only about self-inserts, it's also for any kind of fic that's looked down upon just because it's thought of as "cringey." Like, when people add it OCs, or when they write cliches, or even some popular AUs are starting to be seen as cringey.
It's so fucking stupid! What do y'all think fanfiction is?? Is it not supposed to be a safe space for people to go and write whatever the hell they want??? Cus apparently I didn't get the memo.
Especially in big fandoms, writing fanfiction is almost exclusive because you aren't going to get any support unless you can top the actual canon writing of the media you're consuming. One of the most liberating feelings for me was just writing my fic. I was a dumb 11 year old and the fic sucked, but it was so fun! I got to express myself and share my ideas with others! But then the fandom I was in started growing and I couldn't keep up. I couldn't continue updating and developing my skills as fast as people were pressuring me to. People were constantly pointing out flaws in my writing. I didn't even notice how bad it was because they always worded it to be constructive criticism. Advice is great, don't get me wrong, but I didn't ask for it and they weren't qualified to give it at all. Every day my fic- my crappy little fluff without a plot fic- was being compared to others who had original plots, 87 chapters, 75k words, heart wrenching dialogue, like, yes, those fics are great, but you can't expect me to write like that as well. At the time, I was only 12 years old, but I was told to write better because my books were "cringey."
And there are so many other things that have kept fanfiction from being the safe space it can be, like racism, homophobia, sexism, incest, pedophilia, and we know these problems exist. They've been pointed out time and time again, but I barely see anyone trying to change anything. This sucks. Fanfiction could be such a great place, but so many times it isn't because of all these issues!
So, basically,
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
hello my beloved morgy!! i'm alive and well! 💌💘💞 awaaaaa,, i missed you a lot darling!! even if its only been a few days, life is way more dull when i can't check in with you here :( i hope you've been doing well during that short absence of mine, and if things aren't going so swell, i'm here to hopefully cheer you up dear!! 😊❤ (1/10)
"i am doing much better now and i'm fully recovered, and thank goodness i didn't wind up hospitalized again!!! apparently my narcolepsy fired up crazily when i started to fall ill, and that ended up confining me to my bed, which was absolutely horrible (especially since i couldn't talk to you 😞💕) we still don't know what the illness was, but luckily i fought it off fast thanks to my family and friend's quick thinking!! i'm much happier now that i'm here again with you 💖 (2/10)
and oh gosh, you finished sbr??? ahhh that makes me so happy and so sad at the same time!! it's actually my favorite part along with vento aureo, and don't worry love, i want gyro back too, so you're not alone on that 😖 oh, and all those picrews?? lovely as always!! i love how much creative liberty you all take,, it astounds me!! and it shocks me that you all remember such miniscule details about me,, like the fact that i love the bahamas, ahhhh i'm so flattered by all of it!! (3/10)
i can never choose a favorite creative piece that any of you send in, i just love them all so much!! once again, thank you for all of your hard work and effort, i adore it each and every day 💕💕💕💕 thank you all for your well wishes and love!! my sister told me that apparently you mentioned something about people freaking out over me,, oh my! that surprised me a lot,, so any of those anons who read this, please don't worry about me!! (5?/10)
i assure you i'm okay, i just have a bad immune system and get sick easily, that's all!! but all of your concern means so much to me, thanks a million 💞 before i got sick, some friends came over since they wanted me to teach them how to ballroom dance for some reason,, it was very sudden but i was happy to do so nonetheless! i haven't danced like that in a long while, so it was quite exciting for me,, i am a dancer after all! (6/10)
i taught them how to do a basic waltz and tango,, they seemed to enjoy it a lot!! i suppose i'm a dance teacher now hehe 💞 oh, and last night, a friend slept over and we spent the night watching different televised comedy shows! stand-up has always held such a special place in my heart,, because when i was very small, i wanted to be a famous comedian for a long period of time,, silly isn't it? (7/10)
i would watch all of these different comedians perform and look up to them as inspirations,, i even wrote a few comedy routines to perform in front of my family when i was 4,, i guess i was really into it! now that i'm older, my aspirations have changed, but i still love to occasionally sit in comedy clubs with a glass of whatever i want, ahhh,, it never gets old ✨ (8/10)
ooh, and my mom and i were finally able to catch the escapee bunny from a while ago!! we brought him back to the garden, and he wouldn't stop following me around! i named him toffee, and he kept trying to jump on me for cuddles,, awaaaa it was so cute!! i can't wait to see him again 🌺 (9/10)
ahhh there's still so much i need to talk about, but its getting late here!! so i'll just continue on tomorrow then hm? goodnight amore, sleep well for me!! sweet dreams! 🌹 - love always, your amorous waifu xoxo 💕💖💘💌💋🌹 ps: you know morgy, like that one anon said, you also live in my brain rent free 💗 also, you are way too nice to me for your own good morgy dear, i swear, i can't stop smiling whenever you pull your sweet one-liners <3 (10/10)"
Im very glad to see ur back and fine darling, i acc forgot to answer all the anons but trust me my inbox was literally b o m b a r d e d w ppl sayin they miss u and wishing that u'd get better soon😳😳😳 if anything i'd say the fact that u didnt end up in the hospital again is very lucky and relieving
I myself cant believe i finally finished sbr yesterday and goddamn dat ending was far from pleasant🤡🤡 imma just say shame on araki for killin off all my homies....no more homies all my homies are D E A D (as a matter of fact my fav is p4 but i think u know that already)
And wow u as a comedian? Ngl i did not see it coming but thats oddly cute?? Like just imagining a tiny waifu creating comedy skits and performing them is really amazing for whatever reason jdhshsn i still see u more on the v o g u e side of things doe👁️👁️
Even if u were hella sicc at least u managed to snatch wigs and teach ppl how to dance (cant relate watch me step on everyone's toes within a 10 mile radius, mine included) a n d summoned ur disney princess powers again in order to get that rabbit😩😩😩 i also love pullin one liners bc really ur reactions are g o l d darling and thats just how it is on this bitch of an earth👀👁️👀👁️
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dogcircle-scans · 5 years
Natsume Yuujinchou: “Village of the Sleeping Vessel (Part 2)” Summary (Chapter 101)
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The person who appears in front of Natsume during a crisis… Is he an enemy, or an ally—…?
The long-awaited continuation to the latest arc! This chapter was so intense I felt like I was doing more translating than summarizing lol. Regardless, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!
This issue comes with a Nyanko-sensei cable tie, so if anyone likes that, feel free to get a copy.
The next chapter will come out on September 24th.
Special thanks to Jessica for proofreading, as always!
- Niji
[Everything under the cut]
Chapter 101: “Village of the Sleeping Vessel”(Part 2)
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Natsume: Ma… Matoba-san!? Why are you here…? Matoba: I came to help. Natsume: Huh———— Nyanko: They are coming.
Just as Nyanko-sensei says, a swirl of wooden dolls head towards them. Matoba, unfazed, looks at them with a smile.
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Paper dolls attack their wooden attackers, just as Natori appears.
Natori: Thank goodness you’re alright. Take this chance and come with me!
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Natsume: Natori-san! Natori: Hey, Natsume.
The five of them take shelter behind some trees.
Natori: ——Hiiragi, good work protecting them until we came. Hiiragi: Master. Natori: For now, let’s look for a place to hide. Seriously, Natsume… Why did you turn up at a place like this? Natsume: Well… Nyanko-sensei mysteriously ran away from home, so I was looking for him…
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Natori: He ran away from home? Nyanko: AS IF I’D DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT! It’s just Natsume with his super-ultra-level misunderstanding! Natsume: …Um, the whole story is pretty complicated… Meanwhile, why are you here at this village as well? Even Matoba-san has come along… Matoba: …I was in the middle of an important lunch meeting as the head of my clan.
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Matoba: All of a sudden that Natori dashed in and dragged me away by the scruff of my neck. Natori: …… Natsume: What? Matoba: When I asked for the details, he said that you were in danger. With the other party being who he is, it seemed he needed my help. Honestly, this is extremely bothersome, but well… I think it’ll be interesting to have you be indebted to me, Natsume-kun. Besides, I was curious as to why Natori’s shiki were in this village. Why were you monitoring that man? Natsume: Monitoring… Do you mean that man with long hair? Natori: …Well, we have our circumstances… ——Hiiragi, what was that man doing here? Hiiragi: ——… That man…
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Hiiragi: ———He was walking around the village as if he was looking for something. He would check abandoned houses or sheds, and eventually he even entered the workshop and warehouse of the only family that remained in this Homura District——
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Hiiragi: There, I saw Natsume and the cat, who had ran away from home. Natsume: No, I came here because——
Sasago and Urihime appear in a puff of smoke, interrupting their conversation. It seems that they've been looking around, and found that a barrier has been erected around the village.
Natori: It’s as I thought… This will be troublesome. Matoba: Well, this does sound like something he would do. Natsume: ——A barrier…?
Natori sends Sasago and Urihime to investigate the nature of the barrier, and they leave.
Natsume: ——Natori-san. Natori: Natsume… I would like to send you back home immediately, but…
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Natori: Ayakashi——— Your Sensei, is currently unable to get out of here. This village has already become his hunting ground. Natsume: Hunting ground…………
Just as they say this, they catch a glimpse of a wooden doll in the sky. They will need to find a new hiding place soon.
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Nyanko: Hey, Natsume. Do you smell something? From beyond those bushes. Natsume: Huh…? I hope it’s not a delicious-smelling udon shop or something, Sensei. Nyanko: NO!! Still, it’s still a strange… scent… Natori: … *sniff* I can’t smell it. Hiiragi: ——No, now that he mentions it… It doesn’t smell bad, but it makes me feel like I shouldn’t get close… Matoba: In that case, we should head towards it. Natsume: Huh? But… Matoba: If that place makes ayakashi feel as though they shouldn’t get close, then those wooden dolls are unlikely to come near it too.
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Natsume & Natori: WOW… (……I would have preferred an udon shop……) Matoba: Isn’t it great that it isn’t an udon shop? Seems like it isn’t really a significant building. Let’s enter. Natori: Wha-! Oi!
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They enter the building and look around, but see that nothing is inside. Natsume finds the building rather strange, and asks if Nyanko-sensei and Hiiragi are feeling okay. They both confirm that they felt alright the moment they entered the building.
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Natsume: ——Why is there something like this here…? Natori: It’s probably because… this place is connected to an exorcists’ neighborhood. In the past, under the guise of a pottery village, Homura specialized in creating porcelain that could be used as effective exorcism tools*. Natsume: Exorcism tools——? Natori: Somehow, Hakka Pottery harbored mysterious powers. All the exorcism tools that were created here, be they masks or pots, were all top class items. Matoba: Many of them were artisans who took their work seriously, so they weren’t keen on dealing with anyone who weren’t interested in their art. Because of that, their work don’t often appear on the market. They truly are phantom tools. However, time passed and the artisans with the power to create such works began dying out.
[A more literal translation of this term is “tools to aid their technique/magic”. I’m exercising some creative liberties here in order to make it digestible in English.]
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Matoba: Now, it’s but a miserable village with only one pottery kiln left. Natsume: ——… (That person’s——) Natori: In any case, this is a place with such a history. Something might have been left behind here. There are also violent people who come to this place. Be they exorcists with strong ambitions, or Collectors with no integrity.
Natsume tells them that the long-haired man was called a collector, and Matoba explains that a “Collector” is a term used in their business to refer to people who collect items related to ayakashi, or exorcism tools that harbor strong powers. Natori says that the man Natsume met was called “Ban”, an infamous practitioner who serves a female Collector.
[Imma just put all subsequent mentions of ‘Collector’ with a capital letter, since it’s now established that they aren’t just normal collectors. Also, “Ban” literally means ‘companion’, ‘attendant’, or ‘follower’, which makes me laugh a little because his whole identity is apparently just acting as someone’s servant. It’s a bit ironic considering the threat he’s supposed to pose in this arc.]
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In the forest, Ban discovers his broken wooden dolls among shreds of paper.
Ban: Where... did these rats come from?
Back in the building, Natori explains that Ban comes from an old line of exorcists and can control dolls made from wooden planks. He is known for surrounding his prey as though he is on a hunt.
Natori: You could joke that he’s like a hunter now that he’s working to collect exorcism tools, but it is nothing to laugh at. Anyway, as long as it’s for his master’s collection, he will show no mercy. Once he has his eye on something, he must attain it. He would even visit various places for unknown items.
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Matoba: ——And then, when he came to this village, Ban happened to encounter an extraordinary exorcism tool. It’s what you are holding. The vessel that your cat is in.
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Ban: (I also want that.) Natsume: ——… …… Thank you, very much……
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Matoba: ——… Huh? Natsume: …You came all this way… Natori-san, Matoba-san, and even Hiiragi and the other shiki… You came to help Sensei and me… Thank you very much……!
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Nyanko: *Chomp!* Natsume: OUCH! Nyanko: You fool! What are you getting all afraid for!? I could easily beat this group of weaklings at their own game— Matoba: *grab!* Shush!
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Natsume: (——He’s walking around the building——…)
Eventually, Ban leaves the area, and disappears into the forest. Matoba, seeing this as a chance, suggests that they head towards the pottery workshop.
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Natori: What!? Moving around is a bad idea— Matoba: Though I was unwillingly brought here, it’s still a rare chance for me to come to Homura. We can make this our hideout, so until I return, you can just hide at that corner over there, Natori. Natori: …… Natsume: If you’re going, can I come along too? The potter stayed behind when I ran away, and I’m concerned about his well-being. Matoba: Hm… I would love to have a talk with the potter as well. Why don’t we invite him over to this hideout of ours? Natsume: …… …Sensei, could you hide here as well? If that person finds you— Nyanko: Are you an idiot? Just what do you see me as?
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Nyanko: The one you should be afraid of isn’t that vulgar huntsman. It is me. You should be doing your best to worry for that man, so that I don’t run out of here and gobble him up.
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Natsume: ——Is that so? Nyanko: It is so.
Sasago and Urihime investigate the barrier, confirming that they cannot escape through the sky. The barrier is shaped like an overturned bowl, a type unique to Ban’s family.
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Urihime: If we want to break it—— I hate to say it, but perhaps we can ask that clan head— Sasago: *shudder!* Urihime: What’s wrong, Sasago? Sasago: —Nothing, it’s just, I saw something pass under us.
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Sasago: ——It’s an eerie village. Urihime: You think so? Do you feel something from this empty land? Sasago: I do, however… When I try to find their presence, somehow… There’s something that makes me feel uneasy———
Back to Natsume’s group, they are all making their way towards the workshop when Matoba decides to split from the group.
Matoba: ——There’s a warehouse in this direction, isn’t there? I’ll part here. Natori: Matoba-san! You can’t just enter them however you want———
Matoba leaves anyway, leaving the rest to continue towards the workshop. Things are strangely quiet around them, as Natsume slowly evaluates the dilapidated state of the village, and how only one person — the potter, “Tomuro” — is living in it now.
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Natsume: …Isn’t he afraid? (Isn’t he lonely——?) Nyanko: ——…
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Nyanko: Hop! Natsume: WHA-...!? Nyanko: Natsume, you head on with the other brats. *dash* Natsume: Oi, Sensei-...
Seeing how the figure of Sensei running away matches with that in his dream, Natsume chases after him. He comes to a house, and sees Tomuro lying unconscious.
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Natsume: (The potter is in a place like this!) Are you alright!?
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Natsume: Ah! Hey, Sensei. What are you doing? We even told you that you’re being targeted… Thank goodness you’re alright… *hug…* Nyanko?: ——…
Natori and Hiiragi catch up to him, and they determine that Tomuro was caught under a sleeping spell. They agree that it might be safest to bring him to their hideout, since it dispels ayakashi.
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Natori: ——By the way, Natsume. Right now, is the Book of Friends… Natsume: ——I brought it with me… Natori: …I see. I’m sorry. Even though it was for an emergency, I ended up bringing a dangerous person along. Since we are going against Ban, I needed Matoba’s advice no matter what…………… ——Natsume, since Matoba and… Ban, are both focused on Sensei, you must make sure that they don’t take notice of that. Natsume: ———… Yes.
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Natsume: Haaaah… Natori: ———What’s wrong? Natsume: Nothing. I just thought it was a good thing I told you about the Book of Friends—— I can’t tell people about it carelessly… And I intend to continue keeping it a secret from here on. But whatever happens…… I thought I should let you know about it, Natori-san—— Natori: ——…
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Natori: Is the Book of Friends… heavy? Natsume: Yes. It’s my treasure.
They begin heading back to their hideout, with Tomuro in tow. Matoba returns right at that moment, with books and scrolls under his arms.
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Natori: Matoba-san! What’s with those items!? Matoba: There were so many interesting books, I couldn’t help myself. Don’t worry, I’ll return them soon. ——Oh my. Natsume-kun, what happened with him? Natsume: Huh?
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Matoba: Who is that cat you have with you?
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Natsume: Huh? What do you mean? It’s Nyanko-sensei… Nyanko: *rustle* I’ve kept you waiting! There were some rare mountain grapes in the back…
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Everyone: WAAAH—————!!? Nyanko: Who in the world is that!? Natsume: !? Why are there two Nyanko-senseis!? Ah!
The fake Nyanko-sensei leaps out of Natsume’s arm, when Natsume spots a missing piece from its back. Nyanko-sensei tells Natsume to chase after his impostor, and they find themselves in a house, where the fake Sensei slips into a room. Natsume and Nyanko-sensei dash in.
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Nyanko: Natsume, above!
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Natsume and Nyanko-sensei scream, scaring all the cats away. When Natori and Hiiragi finally reach them, both of them are in so much shock that they can’t even form coherent words.
Back at their hideout, Tomuro wakes up and sees them sitting around him.
Tomuro: …Are you exorcists? Natori: ———……… Matoba: Yes, it’s amazing you could tell.
Tomuro, in a delirium, explains that only exorcists would visit this village. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the power to create exorcism tools, and that, as they can see, there’s no longer anything left.
Matoba: ——But it seems like you have quite a few cats. Tomuro: ...Cats? Ah… That brings back memories… Indeed, there was a period of time in the past where vessels, used as cursed tools, were made in the shape of fortune cats. However, it turned out to be much too powerful of a tool, so they stopped selling them. I heard that they were sealed in a warehouse on this land. However, a long time ago, a huge fire consumed the contents of that warehouse, and not a single one remained. I have never seen it outside of the catalog, so I’m afraid I can’t sell it to you either.
Natsume realizes that the black Nyanko vessel that Riou was sealed in was probably made here. And, likewise, Nyanko-sensei’s fortune cat form was also made here…
Tomuro continues by saying that the village has nothing but a potter who is only able to make commonplace pottery, and implores them to leave. He immediately falls asleep after finishing his words.
Natori notices Natsume looking thoughtful, and asks if he is alright. Natsume explains that he recalled what Ban had told him back at the workshop… “I also want that, which you have.”
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Matoba: ——I see. It seems like Ban wants every single one of them. All the cats that are hiding in this village———
Urihime and Sasago continue their investigation in the forest.
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Urihime: So this is where you sense that presence to be? It’s no good. We can’t find anything.
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Urihime: Perhaps we should head back to where our master is. Sasago: Indeed. Meanwhile, it’s likely that there’s another… Urihime: ——… Sasago…?
Back at the hideout…
Natori: ——So that means, Ban also noticed the group of cats that Natsume saw… Natsume: Just who…… could those cats be? Are they like Sensei, with something sealed inside each of them…? (If that’s the case, why would they all be at the village…?)
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Matoba: Well, whoever they might be, it wouldn’t matter to Ban. Natsume: Huh? Matoba: We told you, didn’t we? The Collector of exorcism tools that he is working for, couldn’t care less what is inside.
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Something moves behind them, causing Natsume and Natori to flinch. They turn around, only to see that Tomuro has disappeared. Searching for where the sound might’ve come from, they run downstairs, and there—
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[Every single part of this arc is just gonna end on a cliffhanger, isn’t it? God dammit Midorikawa-sensei!]
“Village of the Sleeping Vessel” TO BE CONTINUED
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b-brightlee · 5 years
18, 42 ,44 and 99 Gotta return the favor ✨👌🏿
18. Phobia
imma be real basic and say the dark. I can get over heights and clowns are whatever, but nothing will get my heart more than the walk down the hallway at 3am to pee and the way back. 
42. Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
hahahahhhhah yeah
i “dated” this girl for like 2 days and she used a mutual friend to break up with me because she only said that she “liked me back” was because she felt bad 
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what can yah do 
44. Have you ever made out with a stranger?
nope! I haven’t had my first kiss yet either. 
99. Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
I sat for a while pondering what the hell this question could mean. Then I remembered that I have one.
this is kinda long so buckle up.
keep in mind, i am using a bit of creative liberty, and taking quite a bit of the convo out, but this is basically what happened.
Some backstory,
I used to go with my mom when she would work at a carpet store and do some of my school work in the back. It was a lot quieter than at home and it helped me focus.
So It’s like 5 minutes till closing and this raggedy man comes in. He is wearing a dark button up with a brown vest, a very old baseball cap and looks like the last time he saved he used a dull piece of glass.
My mom does her usual “Is there anything I can help you with?”, and they begin talking.
Next thing I know I am asked out to help my mom leave the conversation, but I get dragged into it too.
He begins by telling me how much I look like my mother and how beautiful I am. Kinda odd, but I smile and he keeps talking.
Next thing outta nowhere, he looks me and my mom dead in the eyes, and says
“I have met the archangel Michael.”
“really?” my mom says. At this point its 15 past closing and she’s given up hope that well make it home on time.
“Yeah! He was a little boy, walkin down the road.” he points behind himself “just over there. He said his name was Paul.”
I am now mildly worried for Paul, but the man keeps talking.
“right when I went to ask him where he was going, I see these wings fly out from his back, his mom comes along and they fly up into the sky.” he looks up and his arm is listed in the air, pointing to the sky.
“Wow” my mom and I say in unison
“Ive see demons too!” a bit of spit flies out of his mouth and lands on my hand. I give myself 2 pumps of hand sanitizer and continue listening. “they’re everywhere!”
“really?” my mom says as she drops her hands on the table.
“Yes! Everywhere! I was at the mall once, and I was goin down to the bottom floor, and there I see a little old lady carrying some bags. I looked around a bit and when I look back at her, she had changed.”
“changed?” I ask
“Yes! Changed! She was a big black crocodile! With bright yellow eyes and sharp teeth!” He opened up his mouth and moves his lips to show his own yellow and brown teeth. “next thing I know, the crocodile is surrounded by mist, and sinks into the floor. Gone.”
these shenanigans carry on for a bit, and when he left he insists on giving me a hug and praying for me. I go for a handshake instead. He continues to hold my hand throughout the prayer, and he squeezes it so hard I think that it might break.
“God bless you beautiful girls!” were his last words has he slipped into the night.
By the time we left it was 45 after, and the new bottle of hand sanitizer was half gone.
we have a joke that he much have been on too much  “crocodile rock”
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