#Imma write some Second Law to this
screaminglygay · 8 months
pairing: stalker!amber x fem!reader
summary: you have only one friend, chad, but maybe you have another one, that you don’t even know about.
warnings: dark!amber, light choking, dark themes, swearing, dirty talk, use of a puppy nickname like twice, smut!!!, possibly bad grammar, if anything else, let me know!
word count: 5.3k
an: second day, yay! this one was bit harder to write, so I hope you like it! You know the drill, if there is any typo here, let me know and I’ll fix it!
an2: thank you for all the support! It means a lot!:)
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky time and be safe!
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Buzz buzz.
Your phone buzzed again, you picked it up and notice that it´s your friend, Chad. You and him had few classes together and basically get along just because he was annoying you for such a long time, that you basically couldnt resist any longer. He was the charmer, extroverted football player who act like a big puppy of bernard. And you were the quiet, reserved type of a girl, who needed to charge before any social event.
Imma pick you up in 10!
You always chuckled at his nickname, since he came up with it himself. Chad was so proud of that, that it´s basically the law to leave it like that and don´t change it. I mean how could you, he would whine and maybe even shed a tear if you changed it to something so simple as his name.
It´s was pretty common for you two to walk to school together this early. Chad either had his practise or some football meeting and you liked to go to the library before the first period. Today wasn´t exepction, so after you quickly just brushed your teeth and took your bag, that you suprisingly prepared the night before, you were already waiting for him in front of your dorm. Both of you preffered to walk to school, especially when it was such a pretty weather as it´s today.
"Boo!" Chad jumps from one of the trees that were dacorating the street.
"Asshole!" You yell as your heath skipped a beat. Slapping his arm was truly an instinkt by now, being with Chad was the same as having an older brother. Flinching everytime he came close.
Chad laughs, he look refreshed even at this time. "Works every time! You gotta keep sharp, (Y/N)! You never know where the danger will came from." Chad started to pucnh the air. "Left hook, right hook and pow pow pow! And he´s down!" Chad stated as you two began to walk.
"Who´s he?" You asked looking at Chad.
"I don´t know, (Y/N). That´s for you to decide." he just shrugs and kept walking.
As soon as you came to school, you´ve said your goodbyes and both of you went separate ways. Not like you didn´t talk in school, you did. But you prefered to be alone and enjoy your time in silence. Chad was the other way around, he had a friend group, that he always told you to join, because he would appraciate someone who would shut Mindy, his twin sister, up and since youre into movies too, you would do a great job at it, at least that´s what he always says. But you´re too shy to come over and say hi to people. It gives you instant flashback to the days in middle school where youre trauma was created. That moment you had to say your name and three funfacts about yourself.
Having Chad as the only person you talk to is quite great. No drama, at least not with you two. You often gossip about people in school, but in non judgmental way, of course. He was always kind and you two basically complete eachother. A lot of people might think Chad is just another jock who cant count to three, but it’s the other way around, actaully. Without Chad you would most definetly fail math or chem. You hate these subjects will all of your hearth.
Speaking of math, you were just on your way to the library to borrow another book with mathematical quadrations. So you won´t fail your math exam next week, you wanted to do this on your own, at least try it and then the night before call Chad with panic in your voice that he needs to tutor you asap, or the world will end. As this was normal scenario before every math exam. As always, you put your headphones in and played your "study session" playlist, with soft instrumental music. You turned a corner and as you were in your head you bumped into someone, their books fell down. And you immidielty pull your headphones off, as you took them off you heard a little "shit".
You look up and notice its Amber Freeman. A girl you know from Chad´s storytimes. You quickly look her up and down, which she in fact did notice, but you didnt realized that. She was portrayed by Chad stories as someone who dont give a flying damn about anyone and anything. Her outfit was pretty suiting on her. Black on black, with some cute silver nacklace.
"Oh shoot! Sorry! I didnt notice yo.! Let me just..." you crouched down and picked up all her fallen books. She probably just visited the library herself. You notice one of the books were a mathematical quadrations. You chuckled in your mind, being little happy that you´re not the only person who was having problems with that.
"No worries." Amber smiles.
You made eye contact with her again, she doesn´t seem that unfriendly as Chad said, she look actually pretty welcoming.
"Here." You smiled at her as you give her the books.
"Thank you..." She prolong the word as a gesture of not knowing your name.
"(Y/N)!" You state awkwardly as you though she know your name from Chad stories as well. Maybe you were just wrong.
"(Y/N)? Huh, are you new?" Her question throw you off guard, completly.
"N-no, uh Im actually Chad´s friend." Trying to explain who you are was even more humaliating to you.
"Oh really? My bad. Well pleasure to meet you, I guess I see you later." She winks at you and with her many books, she left.
You stand there for a couple of second, not knowing what just happened.
Did she just wink at me? Did Chad never mention me before? Should i socialize more if people think im new? Math exam!
After you enter the library, you were trying to find another edition of the math book and of course you can´t find it. So you asked the book lady and she said that the last edition was just borrowed by one of the students today.
You can´t go bother Chad again, not when he has practise, so either you´re gonna fail, or you´re just try to socialize. It would be easier to move to Mexico, change your name and just dissapear from the world. You sigh, looking at your phone, you still have some minutes till the first period. So your next task is to find Amber Freeman.
After walking for another ten minutes, you decided to go to second floor. You walk there and thanks to your luck, Amber is there, putting her stuff into her locker. You start to walk little faster and you awkwardly stand next to her. The dark haired girl closed the locker and look at you.
"Well I guess that later is sooner then I expect it." She chuckled.
"Yeah, I need that." Poiting to the book she was currently holding in her hand wasn’t actually the maturest idea. "I mean..." You clearn your throat. "Im really shitty at math and this is the only way i can have at least D."
"Why don´t you ask Chad?" Amber tilts her hand, looking at your face.
"Um he has a football." You shrug. "I don´t-" Before you can finish your sentence, Amber speaks up.
"Wanna bother him." She rolls her eyes. Now you were starting to understand what Chad was saying about Amber. "I bet you’re one of those little cute shy girls, huh?" Amber smirks.
"I... just think I can do this on my own." You say, but it sounded more like a question.
"Can you?" Her brown eyes are watching every single one of your facial expression.
"I don´t-"As you want to answer she cuts you off again.
"I´ll tutor you, tomorrow after school?" Amber doesn´t care she started talking over you again, she doesnt look so welcoming at all anymore. More like this whole converstaion is beyond her and she has to deal with the most annying thing.
"I- uh.. yeah! Sure. Thank you." You nod, being shocked at how fast her behaviour changed.
"Good. Anything else you want?" Amber looks away, now not even looking at you. You feel more and more humiliated around her.
"N-no, no." You shake your head and with that you just leave to your first period.
After you left, Amber smiled to herself. After long nights of thinking about the best plan ever, she´s finally doing it and everything works just how she wanted too. With just the right push you gonna fall in love with her, just how she wants you to. How you want to, but you don´t know it yet.
Of course Amber knew who you were, of course Amber knew that every morning you go to the library before your first class. And of course she knew how much you suck at math. She knows way more than just this, even way more than a normal person should know. But who said she was a normal person?
She had you as her little project over the summer, when you and Chad became close friends. Analyzing your posts on social media, zooming in to see every detail, saving every photo or video of yours, just in case your little overthinking head will decide to delete it someday. Which happened a lot, but she was always a little faster than you. Amber was the first person who liked your photo, viewed your story, see what youve been up to. She gave you subtle signs that you two are meant to be. Of course she had to make sure, not to be so obvious - so she made a couple of fake accounts, for her to actaully work on her little project better. For exaplme account "mathe_F" was made when Chad said you had first problems with math and that he can´t hang out with the group, because he has to tutor you. "emily_didi" was made right after you shared on your story that you´ve just finished a show called "Dickinson" and all of the other account were in the same vibe. Meaningful subtle messages for you and only you.
After a few classes that were nothing else but boring you were at your locker, when one of the professors addresed you. She asked you if you could give this to Amber Freeman since she saw you guys talking, it was just some small books that she was interested in. She handed you two small books and walked away.
"This is just perfect..." You mumbled to yourself as you had mixed feelings about that mysterious girl. You weren´t sure if she was nice or if she was mean. You want to figure it out, but definetly not today, since you´ve been up her ass twice today. Twice.
But it would be better to already have it done, so you walk up to the second floor and hope that Amber will be at her locker again, but she´s not. As you turn away ready to walk away and catch her later, you saw some long dark hair dissepearing into the womans batrhoom. So obviously you made your way there, you opened the door and wait for her next to the sinks.
After few minutes the door opened and you were right, it was Amber. She looked up and it was suprise even for her. She tilt her head and walk to the sinks on the right side. She made eye contact with you through the mirror and because you haven´t said a word, she just smiles
"Are you stalking me or just following me like a lost puppy?" She took few towels and wipe her hands. Then take a few steps closer, sudenly you feel how your back hit the cold wall. "I´ve asked you a question, didnt I?"
"I... I´m not stalking you, I just- Mrs. Darott asked me to bring you this. Your books from her class." You explain, but you were pretty nervous by her comment, that it sounded like a poor excuse you just made on the spot.
Amber smiles and nods, taking the books from your hands. "So if youre not a stalker, then that leads us to our second option and that´s a lost puppy. Cute." she steps closer again. "If i didn´t recognize these books I would truly think that you´ll find any excuse to be at least 2 minutes with me."
You don´t know what to say to that, you simple just stare, completly like a confused puppy. She steps closer, now fully blocking a way out, literally by her body. She press agaisnt you and who would have thought she would be that strong. Her hands are next to your head, her eyes never left yours. You can feel her breathing on you, you can feel her levander parfume, it is like youre intoxicated by her.
"You wanna go?" Amber barerly whisper to you. The truth to be told, you don´t want to go, you just want to stay, because... you don´t even know why, but you want to stay with her. But because you don´t want to look desparate you nod your head.
"Then beg." And there she is again. The harsh Amber you don´t like that much, but your body does.
"W- what?" Confussion is heard from your voice, it can be also read from your face.
"You heard me, if you want to go, you can just beg. It´s not that hard, (Y/N)." Her lips are so close to your ear, meaning her whisper are running right down your body.
You mumble something, that you don´t even understand.
"Speak up, (Y/N). I can´t hear you." she said in mocking way.
"Please, may I go?" Your eyes avoid hers, looking everywhere else than her is the smartest way to survive, whatever this is. But she has something else in her mind. Her left hand comes closer to your face and her fingers softly touch your chin. The sudden feeling on your face is making you look at her. Once again her plan working exactly how she planned. Your gaze met and you can see on her face that she is not happy at how badly you just beg. So intiitively you correct yourself.
"Please Amber, I came her to give you the books. May i go know? Please." Her looks is not satisfied. "Pretty please?" You add with the most puppy dog look, that just breaks even someone as Amber Freeman herself.
She pull away and for some confusing reason, you already miss her being so close to you.
How the hell does she do that?
"Yes, you may." She smiles and like nothing happen she fully pull away.
"T-thanks" Stuttering words were left out of your mouth as you left the restrooms.
The whole day was this feeling in your stomach every single time you thought about Amber. You try to shake it off, you don´t know what happened in the restrooms, you didn´t know if it was a good or bad feeling. Youre first thought was to tell Chad, so he can help you understand this, but it was Amber. His friend. You were alone to figure it out, like you were with the math test.
Who even is Amber Freeman?
On your way from school you took the bus, Chad had his after school practice and you didn´t feel like walking anymore. And you were also pretty interest in finding out who Amber truly is. You looked at her instagram and the number of followers she had shocked you.
Is she that popular?
You scrolled down her feed and you´ve seen some pretty selfies. Some group photos, some nice instastrories about travelling. Oh and some pretty good music and books taste, almost the same as yours. What a coincidence, right?
As you scrolled lower her account, you noticed that she used to be a horse lover. A lots of pictures when she was like 10 on a horse. Looks like she didn´t care if anyone sees this, what a confident and non insecrue person. She owns every signle photo. As you scrolled down you missclicked and you like one of her old photos on a horse, by accident.
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no! Fuck!
You unlike it in a second, but youre not entirely sure if it´s in time.
Fuck! She will think im really a stalker now! Fuck me!
You yell in your head as you panic on the bus. It was few stops till your dorm and you didn´t care at all if Chad has a practice or not. This is an emergency!
Are you okay?
What´s wrong?
And that was a lie. Probably the first lie that you told Chad. After few texts with Chad, he went back to doing whatever football guys do, but he promised he will bombard you with quiestions later. Great.
Amber was just going from school as a notification pooped up, (y/n/n)_ liked your photo.
She doesnt recall posting something very recently, she opens the app and chuckle as she realized what just happened. You had to dive deep, really deep. Amber smiled to herself knowing her plan is working even better, than she imagined.
You wake up with a jolt, your heart pounding in your chest. The sunlight break a way through your curtains, casting a warm glow on your room, but it offers no peace to your restless mind. Last night, sleep avoided you due to a dark haired girl.
The anxiety builds up within you as you remember the countless equations and formulas you struggled with. Your tutor, Amber, is a person you can´t really imagine tutor someone and don´t yell at them. But at the same time, she can be nice, sometimes. But will she be nice when you liked her old picture?
Maybe she didn´t see it. But what if she did?
As you groggily roll out of bed, your stomach is buzzing with nerves. You wonder if she´ll notice your sleep-deprived eyes, your shaky hands, your breathing. With each step towards the kitchen, you try to shake off the uneasy feeling. Maybe today will be different. Maybe you'll have a normal study session and it will be like nothing ever happened. You force yourself to eat a small breakfast, though the knot in your stomach makes it difficult to swallow.
The clock ticks relentlessly, drawing closer to the time you have to get out of your dorm and to face Chad.
Oh my god, Chad.
You´re not ready for his teasing, at least not today.
As you leave, you take a deep breath, trying to quell the nervousness that courses through your veins.
Oh what am I thinking? Today will be hell, but it’s okay, one after school session with Amber can´t hurt me, right?
As you open the door Chad is already waiting there with big smirk on his face.
"Soooo?" He skips to you. "Spill the tea!" Chad giggled like a small boy.
"Spill the tea?" You tilt your head and look at him as you two began to walk to school.
"Mindy says it a lot" Chad answers as he shrugs. "But don´t change the subject, go on and talk, (Y/N)." You have to make something up, quickly.
Shit, shit, shit. It was your friend. And we had this situation in bathroom... what it even was? I don´t know, but it was something!
You thought to yourself as you internaly panic.
"(Y/N)?" Chad nudge your arm.
"It was uh... do you remember the story about the girl at a bar? Well..." You and Chad made eye contact and his mouth falls open.
"The one you made out with?" Chad asks.
You simly just nod. And that was a second lie in less than 24 hours you told your bestfriend.
"No way!" Chad laughs.
"Yes, way." You sigh.
All the way to school Chad had many teasing remarks at you and how funny this whole situation was.
Yes, Chad. It´s absolutely hilarious.
You rush through the crowded hallways, your books in hand. First, it's history lecture. Then, off to sociology and lastly for the day englist literature. As the clock ticks, you barely notice the passing of time.
Suddenly, all your lectures are done for today, which means your tutoring with Amber is here. Your stomach grumbles as the nerves are back kicking in. As you get out from school, you notice Chad, Amber and the rest of the group sitting near the parking lot. You walk up to them, looking only at Chad, not wanting to make eye contact with Amber, at all. Not now yet.
"There she is! The lucky girl!" Chad announces.
"Hm?" You tilt you head not knowing what he meant.
"I was just telling them how you liked the old picture..." He laughs.
"Oh..." This was the moment you shared a look with Amber, she was already looking at you, but you didn´t see any hint of her knowing anything else, besides what Chad just said.
Maybe she really didnt saw it.
"Don´t worry, (Y/N). It happenes to the best of us." Mindy smiles.
"Yeah, (Y/N). She probably didn´t even see the notification." This time it was Amber speaking. But there was this smile again. This cruel smile of hers, which she had in the bathroom as well.
Shit. She knows.
"R-right." You nod.
After a few minutes of just hanging up, all of you went to different ways. Mindy went back into her dorm to her girlfriend. Chad went to his football practice as always, Tara went with him as a "cheer up". So it was just you and Amber. And you already know that it´s gonna be a memorable tutoring.
"So... puppy, are you ready for tutoring?" Amber asks.
"Can you not call me like that, please?" You take your backpack as a sign of ready to leave.
"I thought you like it, guess I must heard something, if im already seeing things." She shrugs and smiles at you.
"I uh- about that-" You look at her.
"About what?" She takes her own purse and the both of you start to walk towards her dorm, you don´t question it, you just follow her. Like a lost puppy.
"About- you know..." You nod towards her phone.
"Oh! Give me your phone." Again, you don´t question her and just passing your phone to Amber sounds like a good idea. You look at her nervously and after a few second, she pass you the phone back. You look at it and notice that she added her number into your phone.
"I- didn´t... thanks." Smiling was the only good idea you had right now.
"So it´ll be less weird if you like my old photo again." Amber winks.
"Shit! I- sorry. It was on accident. I just- was-" You immidietly blush and stutter your words like a kid who just been caught.
"Don´t. It´s cute. And don´t worry, we´re cool." It was again, the nice Amber, the same one as the first time you met her. "We should study, for your own good, (Y/N)." You liked this Amber a lot.
You sit across from Amber in her cozy dorm room, textbooks and notebooks spread out before you. The math problems on the page are challenging, but Amber's suprising patient is really making you at least try. She's been an excellent tutor, who would have thought?
As you both work through the problems, Amber's focus is strictly on you. Her dedication to helping you succeed is evident in her every word and gesture. However, as time passes, you notice a shift in her demeanor. She starts to glance at her phone more frequently, checking messages and notifications, her attention gradually drifting away from the math problems on the table, from you.
You clear your throat, trying to refocus her attention on the task at hand, but Amber's responses become distracted. She apologizes, but you can still feel her attention away from you. It seems that, for now, the math problems will remain unsolved, overshadowed by her phone.
You try to make the conversation back to math, asking questions and showing her the problems you're struggling with, but her attention keeps slipping away. You find yourself making more of an effort to capture her interest, right now you´re trying anything, hoping that she'll put her phone down and pay attention to you, like she did at the beginning of the session.
"Just so you know, I didn´t like like the picture, it was on accident. Horse girls are... scary." You mumble, being annyoed as she doesn´t even look at you.
"What did you say?" She looks up from her phone.
"You heard me, Amber." You shrug.
"Oh so that´s how you gonna be now? I don´t pay attention so you gonna attack me for my posts?" Amber chuckles. "Aren´t you the one who is obssesed with Marvel ladies? Or should I say... fanfiction?"
How the hell does she know?
"I don´t know what you´re talking about." You sit up more straight as to help you come of as confident person. Which doesn´t help at all.
"Natasha Romanoff x reader, smut, bdsm-" Amber is cut off by your hand.
"Shut up." After a second you´ve just realized what did you do. "Sorry." You pull your hand away as your face is now red as a tomato.
"So I was right." Amber has this cheeky smile on her face. The one you´d like to kiss away from her face.
Kiss? Am I attracted to her? No, I´m not. Maybe. I mean she´s hot. God i like her. Maybe? Do I?
"No you´re not. I don´t like these stuff, who even is Natasha Romanoff?" You chuckle.
"God, you´re such a shitty liar. Besides you had an essay on the MCU like a few months ago plus I saw Wattpad AND Tumbrl on your phone." She nods towards your phone.
"So you knew who I was, when we met!" You basically yelled at her. "Who´s lying now, huh? Miss mysterious!" This time it was Amber who lost her words. "Hm? Cat got your tongue?" Your smirking made something in Amber switch.
"Fuck this-" Her hand grab your shirt and pulled you towards her, her lips crashing at yours. The kiss is electrifying, sending shivers down your spine. It's both sweet and intense, like a long-awaited release.
Amber's hand finds its way to the grab your neck, fingers harshly threading through your hair, while yours rest against her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. The world outside melts away, leaving just the two of you, lost in the heat of the moment. Math was long forgotten.
Emotions swirl within you - confusion, longing, and a spark of undeniable passion. It's a kiss that feels like both a beginning and an end, a moment of surrender to something you can't quite define but desperately want to explore. As you finally break apart, breathless and wide-eyed, knowing that this kiss has changed everything between you and Amber. At least for you, for her? Nothing have changed and everything is going by her plan, maybe it´s little fast forward, but how can she wait, where you’re basically on her bed.
Amber looks at you with a hint of exitment in her eyes and admits. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time, you know? I've imagined this scenario so many times."
You feel a mixture of surprise and curiosity as you respond. "Really? I had no idea."
A faint blush colors her cheeks as she continues, "You never do, pretty girl."
You don´t notice the nickname, but only the feeling that it make you feel as she said those words. So you quickly move close to her again, blushing like a crazy as you already miss her lips on yours.
What could these lips do? Oh my god-
"What?" Amber tilts her head, "If you want anything, ask for it. Didn´t they learn this in school?" There she is, the mocking Amber you thought you hate, but your body says otherwise. You have to clench your thigs, to get at least a little friction. Because Amber, she´s looking at you with her dark eyes and you´re are positive if she says few sententes it could make you come right at the spot.
"Nothing." You mumble as you look away.
"Oh, okay. Then I guess, we can go back to studying-" You cut Amber off, pretty harshly, that was suprising to both of you.
"No! I don´t want to study..." You´re still looking down, knowing if you look up, you´d met her gaze.
"No? So what do you want to do?" By her voice, you can tell she has the smirk on her face.
"You know..."
"I don´t, (Y/N)." She knows. "You mean you want to fuck?" She chuckles.
This made you look at her. "Amber!" And that was a mistake. "I- uh"
"Hm? Say it and I´ll give you what you want." Her hand is caressing your cheek, slowly going up and down.
"F-fuck." You mumble out.
"Whole sentence, pretty girl. Come on." Her hand slowly squeezes your neck, which makes it hard for you to think.
"I want to fuck." You say very quietly, but Amber let it be.
"You forgetting something." She whispers in your ear.
When did she get so close?
You clench your thighs together again, now one Amber´s hand slipping into your pants.
"I want to fuck, please." You clear your throat as you can feel her hand pushing your drenched panties to the side. "I want you to fuck me, please. Pretty please, Amber!" You buck your hips towards her. "Fuck, please- I need you."
"You need me?" She looks up at you.
You nod. "Yes! I do! So much- a lot. I need only you, please." Your words were so pathetic, but Amber is loving every one you let out.
"You do need me, only me. That´s right. I´m keeping you safe, sweetheart. I always had." She wispers in your ear as her finger is slowly playing with your sensitive clit.
You don´t pay attention to her words, at all. But her finger is doing the gods work. She´s speeding up, but it´s still not enough.
"M-more..." you whine. "Please, im begging you, Amber. I really need it." You quickly add.
"Do you think you deserve it?"
You stay quiet, only letting few whines out, you don´t really know how to asnwer to that.
"Of course you do, my precious girl. Aw, you want more fingers, two? Oh three? We want three fingers? Okay." Amber nods as she whisper in your ear, you don´t control your hips anymore, it´s just going by itself at this point.
As Amber insert three fingers into you, it´s so easy as your wetness is dripping by your thighs. It takes you less than two minutes and you´re feeling like coming.
"Amber!" Is the only thing you are capable of yelling.
"I know, I know, shhhh" she shushes you. "I got you, I do."
"Please, can I? I- please!" You close your eyes, hoping she would say yes.
"Look at those pretty manners, of course. Go ahead my pretty girl." She smirks knowing this is better than she ever imaginated. Way better.
As you ride your high Amber just hold you close. Not ever letting you go and making sure all the danger in the world is secured by her and only her. It was like this before and it will be like that forever.
Thank you for reading!!!!
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michelleleewise · 2 years
you could write something with angst to fluff or smut i really love angst maybe Loki running back to the reader's reality and trying to find her but for her he died fighting Thanos years ago But feel free to change whatever you want. I love your writing kisses
Hiiiii!!!!! I do love me some angst!!! Imma au this a bit.....Hehehe.....i hope it comes out ok! I really hope you like it!!! And thank you for sending this to me and your lovely comment! It means the world to me!! 🥰💚🥰💚
I Miss You...
Pairing: Avenger Loki x female reader
Warnings: crying, depression, grieving, loss, Thanos, mentions of death
Summary: you lost your husband a year ago when Thanos came to earth......so who is the man standing in front of you.......
**au....ragnarok happened, but IW didn't...Thor and Loki made it to earth, and joined the avengers.
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You opened the door seeing your brother in law standing there smiling, a box firmly grasped in his hands "Hello Thor, how are you?" You asked giving him a small smile "I am well, how are you sister?" He asked, concern in his eyes "im...alive, come in." You said stepping aside. "What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting your visit until next month." You asked closing the door. "I wished to bring this to you sooner then that." He said gently placing the box on the table, seeing it marked with your husband's name. "He..left some things at the tower when he moved in with you and I believe he would want you to have them." He said quietly running his hand along the top of the box.
You felt the lump in your throat as your eyes burned. You cleared your throat looking up at him "d..did you want some tea or anything?" You asked avoiding the box. "That would be lovely, thank you sister." He said giving you a small smile. You sat and visited with Thor for awhile before he said he needed to go. Walking him to the door he turned to look at you "sister, I made a promise to him to always watch out for you. You are my family y/n, and you always will be. If you ever need anything do not hesitate." He said. You reached out wrapping your arms around him "Thank you Thor." You said, feeling his arms wrap around you "take care of yourself." He said smiling down at you at you as you released him. "I'll expect you next month yes?" You asked "as always sister." He said smiling walking out the door.
You turned to the box on the table, circling it like it might attack you. You slowly walked up to it running your fingers along the black letters tracing his name. You remembered the day of the mission like it was yesterday. Everyone was called to the tower to prepare for an imminent invasion. You told him you didn't want him to go, that you had a bad feeling but he gently kissed you, looking into your eyes he promised he would return, that he would hold you again, that every second away from you was torture, but he broke his promise. The day Thor knocked on your door without him was the day your heart shattered. And every day since has taken every bit of stength in you just to get out of bed.
You grabbed the box heading to your room, setting it on the bed you sat down crossing your legs. taking a deep breath you lifting the lid setting it aside you pulled the box to you seeing a book of Shakespeare sonnets, picking it up seeing several pages had been dog eared, setting it down you decided to read those pages later. You reached in grabbing several black hair ties. Wrapping them around your wrist you smiled remembering the way he tied his hair back for missions and training, or when he tended the garden in the backyard.
You reached in grabbing a picture frame, holding it up seeing it was a picture of the two of you at the grand canyon, you smiling at the camera and him standing behind you with his arms around you. You had told him you wanted to take him remembering him scoff "who would want to see a hole in the ground." But he always humored you. Running your fingers across his face a tear escaped your eye falling onto the glass. Quickly wiping it away you set the picture on your nightstand. Reaching in again you picked up a stack of papers, opening them seeing every letter and note you ever wrote him as a small sob escaped "He kept every one." You said to yourself sifting through full pages, sticky notes that simply said "I love you", every single one.
You wiped the tears from your cheeks looking into the box seeing a piece of green fabric, pulling it out seeing it was his cloak. You unfolded it finding an envelope folded into the fabric. You picked it up seeing your name on it you set it aside wrapping the cloak around your shoulders you picked up the letter, carefully opening it as not to rip it.
My dearest y/n,
If you are reading this, then I am no longer of this world. I want you to know every day I spent with you was a blessing my love. Before we met my heart was barren I believed it had all but died, until you walked into my life almost as if I dreamed you Into existence. It was the first time in my long life that I had felt love in its truest form, and it changed my life, you changed my life darling. You have inspired me to be a better man, one that you could be proud of. We will meet again someday, but until then, remember to live to the fullest my love. And never lose that beautiful smile of yours.
Forever yours,
Loki Laufeyson
You couldn't stop the sob that escaped you covering your mouth. You closed your eyes leaning back trying to breath as your lungs constricted. You pulled the cloak tighter around yourself grabbing the letter and book walking over to your dresser, gently placing them next to Loki's horned helm Thor had given you, along with a few of his trinkets. Running your fingers along one of the horns you remembered the time Thor told you he called him a cow making you smile "I miss you love, more then you know." You whispered. Walking back over to the bed you grabbed the box, setting it on the floor you layed down, wrapping yourself in his cloak, staring at the picture on your nightstand as you slowly closed your eyes, hoping for sleep to take you.
You stirred awake in the middle of the night, looking at your clock seeing it was almost four. You rolled onto your back rubbing your eyes when you heard a faint sound near the foot of your bed making you freeze. You slowly slid your hand under your pillow, wrapping your fingers around the dagger Loki had given you. Lowering your arm you tilted your head slightly seeing a dark figure hunched over on your bed. You gathered all your courage lunging at them tumbling off the bed with them, pinning them down holding the dagger to their throat "what do you want!" You yelled digging the dagger further into their throat "you..darling." You heard making you freeze. That voice...it couldn't be...you thought to yourself.
You felt cold fingers gently wrap around your wrist "min kjærlighet vær så snill." He said making you drop the dagger, scrambling off of him to the lamp on the nightstand, flipping it on your eyes met those two emeralds you knew so well. Watching him get to his knees you saw his wedding ring on his finger. "L...loki...y..your...." you stuttered watching him "dead? Apparently not." He said rubbing his hand across his neck "very good attack by the way." He said panting. You sat staring at him, your brain losing all function as you tried to process what was going on. "Let me explain." He said sitting back in his heels "when we landed, we all fought as hard as we could, but I knew i had to end Thanos once and for all, so I made him my target." He said clearing his throat "when I got to him I was met with his children who, were no easy task. But thanks to my brother I was able to get to him." He said.
He looked down wiping his face "when...when I made it to him he...he told me he would take away everything I loved, he...he would find you." He said looking down. You inched closer listening intently "i..I was distracted, the thought of him doing something..." he sobbed shaking his head as you came to kneel in front of him. "I..I lost focus, and he used the space stone to send me across the galaxy." He said "I have spent every moment since making my way back to you" he said looking up, his eyes bloodshot "I didn't know if you were ok, or if that monster..." he growled when you cupped his cheeks making him look at you. "Your..here. it's really you?" You whispered studying his face "yes darling, it's really me." He said giving you a sad smile.
You lunged forward knocking him back wrapping your arms around his neck squeezing feeling his arms wrap around your middle holding you to him. "I'm so sorry love, I should have listened, I...I shouldn't have went." He said shakely burying his face in your hair "I missed you so much." You sobbed digging your fingers into his leather afraid he may disappear. You stayed like that, just holding eachother when you slowly pulled back, staying close to him you ran your fingers through his hair, your fingers slowly tracing the lines of his brow, traveling down his nose to his lips looking into his eyes again. "I thought i would never see you again." You said, your fingers traveling his cheekbones to his jaw. "I will always come for you my queen, I am sorry if took me so long." He said, his eyes watering again. "Well...better late then never." You said shakely. "How long has it been since you've showered and ate?" You asked seeing the grime caked in his hair "I am unsure, too long most likely." He said sitting up a bit.
You stood up holding your hands out helping him up. "You go shower, I'll make you something to eat." You said wiping your face turning towards the door feeling his fingers wrap around your wrist he pulled you into him crashing his lips to yours, devouring you as his tongue dove past your parted lips, kissing you with all the love he had in him. You both pulled back panting, his forehead resting on yours "I love you with my entire being." He said holding you tight. "And I you my love." You breathed closing your eyes. He swayed you back and forth holding you to him. "You need to eat love." You said looking up at him. "All I need is you darling." He said cupping your cheek.
You finally coaxed him into the shower, assuring him you weren't going anywhere as you ran to the kitchen quickly making him several sandwiches and grabbing a bunch of snacks as you ran back to the bedroom, praying you hadn't been dreaming, sighing when you heard the shower running. He came out a few minutes later, a towel hung around his hips as he dried his hair. "I..I kept your clothes. I kept everything." You said quietly seeing him smile. He walked over to the dresser, seeing the shrine you had made for him "Thor let me keep most everything, I think he kept a few things but brought most of it here." You said, seeing him run his fingers over everything "I am glad, and he kept his promise?" He asked looking at you "yes, he visits often to check on me and make sure I'm ok." You said seeing him nod.
He got dressed sitting next to you eating everything you brought in "I think you would give Thor a run for his money." You laughed seeing him smile. "Thank you love." He said smiling setting the plate on the nightstand "what for?" You asked "taking care of me, waiting for me....loving me." He said looking at you. "I will always wait for you. You are my everything Loki, you always will be." You said smiling. "Could you..." you started looking down "what is it love?" He asked watching you "could you maybe just...hold me, please?" You asked looking up at him. "Come here love." He said sliding down pulling you to him.
He grabbed his cape, draping it back over you "I like your blanket love." He said hearing you laugh "thank you, it's my new favorite." You said snuggling closer to him feeling his arm squeezing you "im right here love, I'm not going anywhere, I swear." He said kissing the top of your head. "I love you Loki." You whispered closing your eyes "I love you too y/n." He said turning the light off. You drifted off to sleep, hearing the steady beat of his heart. You thought you may have died and went to heaven, but as long as Loki was with you, everything would be ok......
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @mochie85 @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @xorpsbane @sherlockspeare @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @all-envy-suyu @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @123forgottherest @silverfire475 @bbmommy0902 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @mcufan72 @glitterylokislut @tjellisworld @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @huntress-artemiss @yuu-chan-is-still-a-student12
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König HC part 1/? - Name/Background
Alright! I've fully committed to the cringe! Imma share with y'all my König hcs let's go!
Part 1 - Name/Background
First off!
General info:
Name: Konrad
Nationality: Austrian-German
6'10, almost 6'11 (209 cm)
Former Foster Kid
Has Albinism
König was born to an Austrian mother and German father. His mother was from a very traditional catholic family, and when she got pregnant because of an affair/premarital sex, she wouldn't have an abortion and she felt she couldn't "bring such shame upon her family," so she gave him up for adoption/foster care.* His father never knew his "fling" became pregnant, so he had no idea of König's existence.
*König was born in 1995 in my au, but the laws regarding anonymous births and/or baby-boxes/safe-haven laws in Austria and Germany don't line up with this, with anonymous births and baby hatches becoming legal in Austria in 2001 and 2000 respectively, and in Germany 2013 and 2000* (Not legally, but they did exist), so forgive my historical and legislative inaccuracies. If you can't suspend your disbelief that these laws/measures existed earlier in the cod universe, you could say that when at the hospital, when the doctors asked his mom to write information so that König could access it at 18, in the case of many closed adoptions, his mother just dipped while they were in the bathroom or something...But are you really that hung up on cod headcanon legal inaccuracies? Moving On!
His mother really did love him, and she feels incredibly guilty, but she felt that raising him in an environment that would condemn his existence would not be great. König is my au also has albinism*, which would add another layer to this, with many who would associate his albinism as some sort of curse/retribution for his mother's sin, which is totes uncool y'all. All König knows is that his mom was incredibly religious, and named him accordingly. König has a complicated relationship with religion, with it both being one of the only connections he has to his birth parents, but also as the reason why they rejected him (we'll get more into his beef with god later, I went to catholic school, I live to project my religious trauma on characters I love).
*part 2/3, will expand on this
König's full name is Mathias Gunther Konrad Bauer né Mustermann. Now let's get into the explanations (with edgy commentary from König on each of them). First off, the reason why Konrad is bolded, is because it's his rufname, which is how names work in germany (according to my mediocre research). Basically you commonly have 2+ first names in germany, but your middle/second/third name is the one you actually go by. eg. Amalie Emmy Noether, this is her full name, but she goes by Emmy, and in legal docs, the rufname is underlined, so you can tell which one it is. Konrad's mother decided to follow more german naming conventions because of his german parentage from his father's side, and because her family was also very old-school. Ok! Now onto name meanings, König knows all of the meanings for his names because he has spent very long obsessing over them, because they're one of the few things he knows about his birth parents, and he finds many of meanings very ironic, and kind of sad,( imagine his commentary is from teenage/preteen König who is straight up not having a good time, and is very edgy)
Mathias means "gift of god," ("Wow! If I was such a gift, why did you use the gift receipt, mom")
Gunther means "warrior," ("I'm the epitome of bravery...", said in reference to his severe social anxiety)
Konrad means "Brave counsel," ("Same as the previous one, no comment)
Mustermann is the german equivalent of Doe, as in John/Jane Doe, and because people didn't know his parent's last name, this is what he ended up with. The né is in reference to the fact that it is no longer his last name, which is explained in the next one.
Bauer means "farmer, neighbor, fellow citizen", and is König's last name once he gets adopted at the age of 17 (and a half). We'll get to the Bauers in part 2!
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
Can I please request Rantaro Amami with an S/O who has a restrictive eating disorder?
Rantarou Amami with a S/O who has a restrictive eating disorder
omg i'm on combo in/outpatient nutritional counseling slay this one will be fun to write lmfao
currently playing: to defy the laws of tradition by primus
playlist: kirari momobami
-Mod Souda
Tumblr media
✯ Imma be real but he most likely has experience with something similar because of one of his sisters. Rantarou is extremely responsible and very caring over other people, that is very true, but when it comes to something serious and almost deadly, he will put a lot of effort into not being over-bearing. He doesn't want to push his support so far that you withdraw. He will carefully craft each sentence that surrounds the eating-disorder topic and then even at the slightest body queue of yours that seems to suggest uncomfortable-ness, he's changing the subject. It definitely appears as if he's treating it as something casual. And tbh, this approach can make the disorder easier to manipulate when someone with a seemingly neutral stance tries to infiltrate it.
He spends almost the entire night with his pen to his lips, planning a future adventure in his head, his dinner already eaten and sitting on the table in front of him. He sits at the dinner table even if he is finished, all because you are eating next to him and he is afraid that if he leaves then you will stop. He tries not to watch you. He doesn't want you to be freaked out. Eventually, his focus on 'acting natural' became something he didn't have to think about. He was writing out his trip and paying little attention to your eating habits. He almost didn't expect you to eat much, and he realizes there is nothing he can really do about it. "Hey," his head looks up before his eyes do. "What do you think about, oh-" Your plate is almost completely finished. He stares down at it for a second, tilting his head, taking in the moment. You've never finished your plate when it came down to this meal, and you've certainly never gotten this far. "Wow, amazing work," he says. "That's awesome." You stare at him and he doesn't linger on the topic any longer as he continues on with the question he had initially.
✯ He is definitely not going to do the "omg eat for me", or the "if you starve then I starve bae just eat", type stuff because he knows if he were in your shoes that it wouldn't work on him, either. He is more of an observer.
✯ He is almost very parential about it all, in the sense that he's monitoring what you eat and don't eat more than you'd think (and want). He keeps track in his head.
✯ He makes sure to give you electrolyte water. It's something he read online once.
✯ It's more positive reinforcement. He isn't going to say a thing if you don't finish a meal or a if you put a snack away before you even get halfway through. He is going to give a genuine compliment if you put effort into releasing those restrictiving-tendencies.
✯ He doesn't like it when you exercise in the house, it makes him worry, so he'll always say some "how about we take a break" (the we is always involved) before guiding you to do something else.
✯ He finds that you eat more if he's ranting about something while the two of you are eating. If he goes on and on and tries to get you actively engaged (and if it's something you like talking about) then he'll notice a bit of change in your momentary eating habits.
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fayerieetale · 1 year
Apparently some tag question has been going around, and I thought these have been illegal already. AND nobody tagged me for it, so Imma tag myself cause I'm too lazy to study right now and I'm being a Leo.
1. What would the happiest and best version of yourself look like?
If I'm lying on my side with someone feeding me grapes, and at the flick of my fingers, people do what I please or what's on my mind.
2. What message/advice would you give to your past self?
3. What is your happy place and why?
Church. HAHA, can't even lie to myself.
Last day of exams. I come home. Take a shower. Open the AC. Close the curtains and lights. And take a sleep for hours. Feeling all the exhaustion run out through my body.
4. Have you ever been in a toxic relationship? How did you get out of it? Any advice?
Yup. In all kinds of relationships. The thing is I don't get out, because I like it manipulative and toxic, well, at least, they do.
5. If money didn't matter (if you earned enough money from it) what job would you want to have and why?
Trauma surgeon. Period.
6. Do you have your happiest memory? If you don't mind sharing please tell us about it.
This is rather sad, but my happiest memory was just an expectation. It was supposed to happen last January. But it didn't. And that makes me extremely lonely.
7. Do you have your saddest memory? If you don't mind sharing please tell us about it.
Wow! that escalated rapidly. I think I have more sad memories than happy ones. And the thing is they're of the same level. But I'll choose two since I tagged myself and this is my page.
First: is that when my mother thought I cannot do med school since my sister is having difficulty in law school, which means if she's already having difficult time in doctorate school, what more if I do it.
Second: when someone who mattered to me said, not just on one but multiple occasions: "whenever i see a pretty pretty pretty girl on my social media, i wonder if you were even pretty"; don't get me wrong, these things didn't bother or bother me now, but during those times, I let myself to be vulnerable.
8. What is the movie/book/tv show that made you think a lot or made you change something about yourself?
Nietzsche book just to sound pretentious. Even the spelling is intimidating.
9. If you ever were to write a book what would it be about?
My autobiography. We need to epitomize me.
10. Do you have a strange habit?
Nope. Too perfect.
11. Have you ever met a person that drastically changed your life?
Yeah. We no longer talk.
12. How would you describe yourself in 5 words ?
I will never be enough.
13. What is your idea of a perfect day?
Waking up late in bed with the AC on, and the blanket just keeping me warm. Looking at the back of someone while he quietly makes breakfast for lunch, with sunlight hitting right through the gap of the curtains. Watching movies or reading a book after lunch, sleeping and snuggling, then going out for dinner and walking around Calle Crisologo. I'm easy to please provided that all of his attention, and eyes are on me. And well, if he carries me as I flick my fingers as if on cue.
14. Do you have any embarrassing stories from your life?
I am not romanticizing embarrassment. Just get the book. Refer to #9.
15. What is the strangest thing you've done or seen ?
I plead the 5th.
16. What is your gender identity? Do you think you do a lot of stereotypical things that are assigned to your gender?
I do exaggerated stereotypical things to mock the society. But in general, I couldn't care less.
17. If you could bring one character from a book to life, who would it be and why?
The wolf guy from Twilight. He seems hot. Hopefully he doesn't smell like a dog. (Refer to number 16)
18. Do you have a person in your life that makes you feel special or a person that you feel like you're soulmates with?
You mean personS?
19. What has been the hardest thing you had to deal with? Do you have any advice on how to deal with a similar situation?
Family stuff. Never limit yourself just because they don't believe in you. You do you.
20. What are you currently waiting for?
a. Getting married (refer to number 16)
b. Scholarship allowance
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mayadoesfandomstuff · 2 years
As I'm currently writing a long post right now based on Persona 3, I've decided to take a break and let my brain rot over some old ideas of my cursed "Filo Thieves" AU in which Persona 5 takes place entirely in the Philippines.
It's so stupid of an idea and I cringe at every thought but hey, misery loves company so imma inject these ideas to other people. Here's just random things in word vomiting out in bulleted list format.
The gsme would start at like 2015. Typically this won't matter much, but in the Philippines, there were a lot of major political and academic changes in the Philippines during this time so the year is a bit more important.
The Philippine elections also takes place on May so it would align with the 2016 May elections.
This means that the thieves may be about a year younger than they are in the actual game. This also makes sense since if the were the age they were in the game, most of them would he college-age because of weird school year stuff in the country and the story just won't work as well.
Joker and the other second years would be 10th graders though. This aligns with their canon age anyway.
The thieves are definitely memed on as the "Akyat Bahay Pangmayaman" and has had supporters since the beginning. Like huge supporters.
Because of this, I do think that even if people think they killed Okamura here, they would still have like a shit ton of supporters.
The international community could not give a rat's ass about these people up until the Okamura case. That's what I think would happen in this case. That country is filled with crazy stories anyway and weird criminal groups so why the fuss about them? When a wealthy local CEO got killed, people started paying attention.
With the other cases like Kamoshida and Kaneshiro, it was expected with the climate of the country.
Madarame was a surprise and did cause waves internationally just for a little bit.
The Medjed incident really got people talking but Okumura was the thing that really sensationalized the whole thing internationally.
Side note, of course all of these names would he different in a Filipino AU. Can't figure it out yet.
The PT case is being handled by the DOJ and none other than Prosecutor Nijima, a bright and trailblazer lawyer who graduated from UP Law.
She's not that directly involved in the investigation as she is in-game as Filipino prosecutors don't have the same insane duties as Japanese and Korean prosecutors, but she's pretty involved as she can be. She handles high profile cases but her backlog still has like a shit ton of drug cases and shit.
Joker doesn't get officially arrested but is sent to the DSWD. There's more context to this that I might elaborate on later but just count him lucky that he didn't die.
He gets sent to Manila from the province since his parents wanted to avoid the stigma.
Sojiro is just a close friend of the family who has to take Joker in since they don't have any family in Manila. I'm debating if he runs a karenderya or a private cafe like in-game or just a small private restaurant. Either way, I doubt it would be as atmospheric as it is in-game no matter what it is.
Joker lives not in the attic but some sort of backroom storage thing where typical house employees would have roomed in.
Some of the palaces would definitely look different but some might stay the same.
I definitely think that Kamoshida's palace might retain it's castle status but I'm torn between that and a hacienda but a hacienda might fit Madarame more.
I'm also torn between having Madarame having a hacienda or retaining a museum or maybe something close to the Philippines Culture Center.
Kaneshiro's palace wouldn't be a bank in my opinion but maybe one of those high-end BGC office buildings where millionaires reside in next to lavish shopping malls.
Futaba's palace could be a tomb as well, but if I want to Filo it up I was thinking of making it a deserted island temple or something like that or maybe an elaborate burial cave system kinda like those caves where archeologists keep finding ancient human settlements in the country.
Okumura's whole space thing could definitely be retained but I just gotta add that I find the idea funny that Haru's confidant would be dealing with her trying to keep the company away from the Jollibee Food Corporation.
Sae's palace is just straight up Resorts World Manila. Yep.
Shido's Palace would still be a boat, but I do want to make it that the entirety of Malacañang would be on said boat as sort of a reminder that Malacañang was built near a riverside. The flood that covers the country is polluted like the floods that cover the country regularly.
I have more but that's it for the brainrot for now. See you next time as I vomit up ideas on how Joker's treated as a Filipino palaboy in the big city in his fancy private school!
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Imma be completely honest, I’m literally only here as a Marvel Fan because of MK and WWBN, the writing of everything else is atrocious.
This is my fifth year being an mcu fan so i definitely have not been following it since the beginning but those two definitely are the best of phase 4.
I know this isnt' what u asked for but i'm bored here are my ratings for phase 4:
Moon Knight. I'm not going to write all the reasons i love it bc that would turn into an entire essay lol but this show is phenomenal and has captured my heart and soul
Werewolf by Night. again, just like moon knight, it's creative and cinematic and perfect in every way
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. It's funny, got good action, emotional parts, and i live for shang and katy's relationship. they're so funny and i'm eternally glad they didn't force them into a weird romance
Ms. Marvel. the kids were written like kids and kamala is so dorky and cute. i know a lot of ppl didn't like her for some reason but she also lives in my heart
Hawkeye. This is just bc im one of those comic book nerds and have read every single hawkeye book and have merch and stuff lol I'm a diehard fan and loved pointing out all the little details even if it deviated from the comics
Black Widow. I think people are right that Yelena did steal the show a little bit but i love it anyway. It always makes me cry. every time.
Thor: Love and Thunder. I liked this movie! I saw it in theaters multiple times and enjoyed it. I can see the reasons behind people's critiques and do agree that the first half felt a bit weirdly paced but the second half really saved it for me
WandaVision. I'm just a sucker for Wanda and Vision lol They were my first mcu ship and i'm glad they finally got a spotlight. ppl complain abt the ending but i thought it was pretty good
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I loved seeing all the different dynamics that came up in this show and the real world problems it addressed. It also made me cry. I loved Sam and Bucky but Karli really stole the show for me and I was on her side the whole time lol
What If...? I actually really liked the reimagining of the characters and the odd pair ups. It was fun to see all the new interactions we would never get in canon. I think the watcher was weird and didn't need to fight ultron but the rest of it was good. Also the animation was beautiful. I was on the edge of my seat trying to get a better look at it the whole time lol
Spider-Man: No Way Home. It was a really good movie but I haven't seen all the og spider man movies so i didn't know who a lot of the villains were. and peter could have thought his little stunt at the end through a bit more but oh well. Still funny though
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. It was really exciting to see America (i'm also a fan of her comics) but really I was rooting for wanda the whole time lol Ofc I knew that america would live bc they need her for the young avengers but it was really fun seeing wanda be in her villain era. they did her dirty at the end tho and basically had her learn the lesson she just learned in wandavision... which was also the lesson she learned in civil war. when will they give my girl a new arc? also i'm in denial, I refuse to believe she's dead :) (and also dr strage was in it too ig)
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. This was fun, I had a good time. It was really funny and finally confirmed that peter and mantis were siblings but i don't think i'll watch it any time other than christmas (unlike werewolf by night which is a year round event lol)
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. ok this one got a lot of hate but i don't see why? i didn't think it was bad, i just wasn't gripped by the story. i only watched up to episode three so i can't judge the whole thing but it was a bit too slice of life-y for me to be engaged w the story but as far as i can tell, that's jen's thing. The parts that i did see weren't poorly written and it's not the shows fault the animation was so bad (cough marvelwon'tlettheiranimatorsunionize cough)
Eternals. Same problem as she hulk. it wasn't bad, it just wasn't interesting. I only made it through half the movie before i left but i was really confused by who was who. i kept getting them mixed up
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. The only reason this is so low is because I haven't seen it yet. I've heard nothing but glowing reviews so i'm sure it'll go up to the top of the list but i can't judge it until i see it
Loki. I hate this show, i hate it so much. I am so fucking mad abt this bc it had so much potential! I've also read the loki comics and i think those set my bar too high. yes, the show acknowledges loki is bi but they make him fall in love with another version of himself instead of doing anything w that. yes, they acknowledge he's genderfluid but we never see it, not even in flashbacks. he's trying to redefine who he is and stuff but i was so distracted by the horrible self-cest romance, that i was actively rooting against, to notice character development. If you want a good story about a bisexual, genderfluid loki redefining themself in the most beautiful way, read the Loki: Agent of Asgard comic run
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sumsebien · 3 years
hey could we please get some insecure nikolai?
heavy is the head that wears the crown // nikolai lantsov
pairing: nikolai lantsov x gender neutral! yn
warning: nikolai accidentally starving himself
word count: 600
a/n: yay! one more blurb for the road. imma take a two week writing hiatus after this for a test :)) but i’ll be back!
The meeting should have ended 10 hours ago, at 11 am. It was now 9 pm and Nikolai still hadn’t left his council chambers. After returning from a walk with Tamar around the lake, a rather worried butler came rushing down the steps to inform you that the King hadn’t left the room since this morning. He thought Nikolai might have been dead. You assured him that he was probably fine, if anything, asleep.
When you got to his room, his dinner sat by the door, getting colder and colder by the second. So you picked it up and cracked the door open with your free hand. To no surprise, it revealed a messy room, with paper covering almost every inch of the carpeted floors like a mine field.
“I am not hungry -”
Just like you expected, Nikolai was still very much alive, just busy. He sat behind his desk, a stack of paper shielding his view of the door. At the footstep, he leaned back and poked his head out from behind the papers to see who it was. His hair was ruffled like he had just strolled out of a windstorm. But his wild eyes softened when he realized it was you. He didn’t say anything, just went back to work.
You closed the door with your elbow, carefully placing your steps, trying not to step over any statutes or bills waiting to be signed into law.
“You need to eat,” you said.
He hummed just to assure you that he had heard you but was not willing to listen.
“I have to finish this before dawn,” he mumbled, furiously scribbling his signature on a contract, it looked like.
You placed the platter down on the coffee table - the only place that wasn’t taken up by books and loose papers. And said, “Whatever it is, I am sure it can spare you a few moments for dinner.”
“It can’t,” he sighed, shaking his head at his desk.
You had never seen him so defeated. You knew it was hard running a country that was unwilling to obey. Ravka was the defiant daughter and Nikolai had to be the firm parent one moment, the other putting on ridiculous faces to keep her happy.
You made your way over and placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing the tense muscle gently, “Nikolai, what’s wrong?”
He stayed silent and still, his pen resting between his fingers. After a beat, he turned his head to look up at you. “Do you think I am a good King?”
“Would you still think so if I told you today, because of me, a supply line to an entire town was almost cut off for 4 days?”
“Nikolai, you are a good King,” you said, a little louder.
“What kind of King would let people starve? Children would have died because of me! I am terrible,” he shook his head, beginning to sign the papers again.
“No!” you snatched the pen from him, hiding it behind your back.
Nikolai leaned forward to grab another one but you stopped him before he could, spinning his chair around so it faced you.
“Listen to me, Lantsov. You wouldn’t have let them starve. If you make a mistake, you will fix it. If the supply line was cut, you would have travelled there yourself to bring them food.” He looked down at his feet at your words, swallowing the lump in his throat. “That makes you a good King. You care. So much so that you are going to starve yourself doing it.”
“I don’t like it when you’re right,” he muttered after a stubborn moment.
“I am always right. Now, will you please do us all a favor and eat? Or will I have to feed you?”
He grinned, running his hand up and down your arm. “Is it bad if I go with the second option?”
general tag: @milkbaer @korol-lantsov @jjficz @bicyhot1 @shadowhuntyi @keithseabrook27 @timeknightt @kaqua @aliiiyyaaah @bookfrog242
nikolai tag: @gallysonegoodlung @pansysgirlfriend @subjecta13-thefangirl @star-flecked-soul @yvesjhs
taglist guidelines have a read and tell me what you’d want to be tagged in or removed from 🥰
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (1/4)
Finally Nya's season! Our queen, our water goddess, our amazing girl gets what she deserves! 😍😍😍
What I know about the season beforehand is that Nya's powers apparently are getting problematic for some reasons? Which is a pretty common topic in other shows but it's a first in Ninjago, usually the elemental powers don't have focus and I LOVE that we now get to see stuff like that 💕💕💕
I know there should be Wojira involved, trusting The Island to deliver that little foreshadowing at the end of the episode 🤷‍♀️ Also Maya is back... MAYA IS FINALLY BACK AFTER SEVEN SEASONS YES!!! 😭😭😭
I have nothing else to say, I have no idea what this will bring, hopefully something as good as Master of the Mountain! 🖤
Alright, here we go!
Warning reader, I might be fangirling to an extreme because I love mah girl Nya and I've been wanting Kai and Nya's parents to be back ever since Hands of Time ended. So yeah... screaming alert 😅
At this point I don't doubt that the intro is great, we reached such a level of animation and we got The Fold 😍😍 Love the marine vibe and how it's similar to The Island, because it's a great intro 👌
NOW I like the writing! Maybe they rushed the dialogue's quality for The Island to get here? It's just fun and in character, maybe it's just me but I'm enjoying it a lot for now
How many episodes are in this? Wiki says ten, then I checked again and it's sixteen like with Master of Mountain... eh, it looks good so far so it's fine whatever happens 🤷‍♀️
Oohhh, new villain! One that uses... flames... huh, does she know there's literally a master of fire in the ninja team? Eh whatever she looks cute, give it up for Miss Demeanor!! 👏👏
Whoa, we're finding out where did the order of the vengestone from season 13 come from?? YAS! CONTINUITY!
Yep, there it is, Nya lost control... her attacks look so cool 😍
Lol that kid trying to be a nindroid and Zane being offended 😂😂 Sorry hun, you're that popular
Aaahhh, thank you Ninjago! You gave me back Nya the perfectionist 😂 I was worried her reaction to her powers wasn't going to be in character but it looks fair so far. Brings me back to Possession, my favorite season 💙💙💙
WE GOT BACK THE FACT THAT SHE CAN MAKE IT RAIN!!! YAS!!! I might be easy to please but I love these details 🤩
🤯🤯🤯 Okay they are definitely going somewhere this time and I LOVE IT, because wow. WOW. Are we actually addressing the forever questioned fact that wind and water weren't elements that Chen needed at the Tournament? Are we giving a reason for them to exist outside the main set of elements and the elemental masters?? Duuuude, season 15 don't let me stop you, keep going 😍
Mm, so water and wind are connected to Wojira (now I see the connection with the special). Are we setting the ground for a new master of wind? 😏😏 It's risky going for a Morro replacement but it's a super intriguing idea! Oooor Edgy Boy TM might come back? WHO KNOWS I'M CURIOUS ANYWAY 🤩
Love how it is universal knowledge that Nya is super indipendent 👌
YES YES FINALLY WE'RE TALKING ABOUT MAYA!!! 😍😍😍 Is it too much hoping into a Ray cameo as well?? Pleaaaase? Also addressing Krux after so many seasons, this feels exciting!! 😊
This is what I'm talking about, training, fighting scenes, show me everything that water goddess can do! 🌊🌊🌊
Aaahhh, Nya flexing her mightiness through anger, just to remind us that she is the descendant of a water master as much as of a fire master 😅
RAY IS THERE TOO HECK YES!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I shouldn't get this excited at only the first episode... WHO CARES RAY IS BAAAAACK!!! ❤❤❤
Omg Maya is definitely different from what I expected, turns out Kai's enthusiasm came from her 😂
Oh look at my flame babe 😍
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He's so happy his parents are here, he's a total family man ❤❤❤
Nya is maaaaad... 😅
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WELCOME BACK JILLIAN I MISSED YOU 💚💚💚 Would it be too much having a "Your voice sounds familiar" moment with Maya and Lloyd? 😂
I'm so stoked for this! I want all the interactions I've missed for all of this time, asap!! HECK yes!! 😍😍😍😍
Oh, are we looking over the Miss Demeanor, vengestone situation? Mm... for now at least... WHO CARES FIRE WATER PARENTS!! 🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊
Imma just slow clap for The Fold because this is another amazing intro, one of those things in this show that stays awesome no matter what happens 👍👍
So Maya gave Nya her discipline and perfectionism, but not the passion behind it 😂 I like this, it's not your conventional master of water, although I'd say it's different from the impression she gave me back in HoT. Maybe this is how she is when she's not trapped for fifty years? 😅😅
Is it too much asking for Kai and Ray bonding while the water women get the work done? 😅😅
Is this the sequel of Green Eggs and Ham?
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Green Pancakes and Ham? 😂
Oh it's seaweed nevermind... at breakfast? I'm all for sushi rolls but this is a little 😅 Although since Maya missed their childhood she probably never cooked meals for them... how did I get myself sad 😢
Whoa, Maya is a strict teacher! I got flashbacks from my first and only dance lesson, teachers nitpicking every single pose, uuurrrggg I feel ya waterlily 😡
Again, not a fan of Misako, but coming from her the whole speech about wanting to be there for her child makes a lot of sense
Yes. YES.
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Lol with Kai's new hair they look even more related 🤣
Ray also sounds so happy he gets to have his moment with his son 😢 I feel so blessed in this moment 👍
Also this scene makes a lot of sense. Nya grew up to be indipendent, one that succeed in most of stuff without problems, she built her life without any help and doesn't look for it. Kai grew up more insecure, he got some walls up but loves to take care of others and be taken care of. With a childhood lost he looks forward to a bit of softness ❤❤
Did Maya make real bacon for that sandwich? Do I smell some favoritism? 😅 Or maybe she really wants Nya to get onto the water mind setting idk 🤷‍♀️
Little tiny complain, why isn't Jay doing the fixing? Did he give up mechanics completely? It feels like we haven't seen him do tech stuff in so long, I miss techy boy in action 😞
And no, having to check on the bathroom doesn't count 😅
Aww robot date 💜🤍💜🤍
Oh that was weird, weird magic purple wave thingie?
"Well this is troubling." I love this samurai so freaking much 💜💜💜
Okay Nya admitting that something's wrong looking so apologetic, girl you don't need to do that you already own my heart 😭
Alright, I'm guessing this is Wojira's power or something, and they will have to go down below and find out why... just throwing this in, maybe Maya did something? Because she wanted to finally be with her family and needed an excuse? JUST A THEORY WITH NO BASE I REALLY HOPE I'M WRONG!!!
Okay, two episodes and I'm BEYOND engaged, let's keep it up! 😍
Getting an idea how this episode might end already 😂😂
Look, I love best girl Pixal, but I'm kinda sad that she seems to be the only one tinkering at this point. Like, I saw Nya fix little stuff, while Jay dropped engineering altogether, I miss my engineers team 😭
Aww, the guys didn't want to crush Pixal's dream of an unsinkable boat 💜 But honestly yeah, I agree with Cole, this might end badly 😅😅
Thank goodness
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I was worried they forgot about Jaya ❤💙❤💙 Jay is such a cutie omg
Nya: Mm, going on a potentially dangerous mission with unstable powers in the heart of my element or... mom's tofu pancakes... *yeets herself over the ship*
I'm making too many screenshots of the Smith family... WHO CARES THEY ARE BACK AND THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD!!! 😍😍😍😍
Aww Ray wants to play with his son and his friends so CUTE ❤❤❤ Still can't believe they play Prime Empire after everything that went down 😂😂
Whoa whoa whoa, Kai and Cole are sitting this one out? That's actually interesting, I'm pretty sure I saw Cole's scuba suit in the sets though so I didn't expect it... lol it's actually kinda fair that the two that used to be afraid of water aren't going 😂😂
Bet Kai is happy to stay behind because he gets to spend time with his dad 😭
Also studying the fire elementals?? Uhm, yes please?? TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT MY FLAME BABE!!! 😍😍😍😍
I'm sure this one scene...
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... made so many lavashippers happy ❤🖤❤🖤 Cole you got Ray's blessing
Ninja team acting cool while Jay is being Jay, it's how it always goes, it's the entire show's description and I absolutely love it 😂 That wink though 💙
PIRATE ZANE IS BACK 😂😂😂 Haven't seen him since Possession, and this time he's not even malfunctioning 👌 Pixal is so done with his dorky boyfriend 😝
Of course Jay already has a ghost butler theory going on 😂
To be honest muffins would sold me too 😅 Not sure if she will make them out of tofu again though...
It's actually really interesting that we still haven't met the actual enemies, it does build up excitment! Very curious about these squid guys 👍
Well what do you know, the Unsinkable sank. Who would have thought?
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... yeah same, sorry Pix 😅
Aaaahhh, Nya fixing stuff! That's more like it!! 😍😍
Oww, that one speech, I've been waiting for so long for that! Maya just wants to catch up with her daughter and it's not her fault she was separated from her children, but Nya did everything on her own with Kai. Only fair she isn't seeking for her help right now... still sad 😢
Pff, with this ninja team there's not a moment of privacy 😂😂
Maya cleaning his future son-in-law's laundry what the HECK 😂😂😂 To be fair Jay has a bit of a history of having to change underwears during sea travels 😝
Zane was attached to a battery? When?... are you talking about that one scene in Prime Empire? Cause that's not really a flashback I wanna ha- whoops never mind got the flashback 😱
Maya looks more calm now, I think she's trying to act more reasonable and she's got good points 👍 I know people were a little weirded out by how more cheerful she looks in comparison to Hands of Time, but I think she gets the most serious and rational when time needs. That's actually fascinating of her 🤔
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THIS GIRL IS TOO GORGEOUS MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT 🤩🤩🤩 Like my gosh that smirk, what the heck Pix 💜💜💜
Okay but Jay looking at Nya until the doors are completely closed?? CAN YOU FEEL MY JAYA HEART BEATING?? ❤💙❤💙
Whoa green gas I thought this was Nya's season 😂
I really REALLY like the atmosphere of the entrante of the temple! Super sealike and ancient! 🌊🌊🌊
Maya: off we go, into the spooky old temple! (Why does it feel like something Kai would say? 😂)
Oh gee, someone sleeping in the deep, who could that be? Coff Wojira coff
Whoa the jellyfishes look pretty lifelike!
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WELCOME BACK GILES!!! ONCE AGAIN ON A LEGO SHOW I MISSED YOU SO MUCH YOU AND YOUR GODLIKE VOICE!!! 😍😍😍😍 Gosh he's a villain but he's got Clay's voice, how can I even try to hate him?? 😅
Alright, knocking down my water girls, that is pretty hateful material... BUT CLAAAYYY 💙💙💙
So they need the two amulets to wake up Wojira? Isn't one on the island? Fire dad and son coming to the rescue? WHO KNOWS BUT I'M ENJOYING THIS A LOT SO FAR KEEP GOING SEABOUND 😍😍😍
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vemuabhi · 3 years
One Piece Boys Valentines Special!
Soulmate + One Piece AU where whatever happens to your soulmate will appear on your wrist.
Pairing : One Piece Boys X GN! Reader
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
A/N : I was listening to I need you by BTS (Clickable). It gives the love vibes. Do listen to it if you want to! You wont regret it. the feels are just everyting!
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Note: in this Story it can be with any one piece boy you wish for. It can be Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ussop, Law, Sabo, Ace, Killer, Kidd, anyone you admire. anyone you like. for some charecters it maybe OOc but, I tried to make it as close to them as possible. It will be in his POV
“This is in His POV”
As the sun rays hit my eyes, I slowly open my eyes. I grunt as I rolled to the other side of the bed. I took a deep breath and as the usual morning routine I bring my wrist close to my eyes and see what is going to happen to my soulmate today. It said, “Falls down while taking a walk and takes the attention of the complete crowd”.
Most of the times it is small normal everyday life stuff. Once it was, “Studying for Test all night”, for which I felt Super proud and other time it was “Crying because messed the exam”, on that day I was also sad because they were crying and did hard work. Once it was “being called names” and other time was, “Moving away from that place”. Not gonna lie, I was furious because they had to go through bullying.
Most of my mood depends on how my soulmate is doing that day. If I see that they are happy and cosy, I feel happy. If they are sad because of someone, I get super angry. If they are depressed, I feel sad. But yes… I fell in love with them without even noticing. I know neither their name nor face. But I do know one thing for sure. I got one hell of a person. They are amazing and I’d love them no matter what. I’m pretty sure they also like me. Because sometimes I read that they were depressed and crying because of the injuries and problems I was having. Well they could also read what was happening to me because it’s how the world is. In those times I do feel relieved and happy because they do care about me and my heart fills with that fuzzy feeling.
I let out a chuckle as I read todays happening. I know it’s wrong to laugh when someone falls down but… I couldn’t help it. “So adorable”, I say to myself as I looked at my wrist and kiss the sentence. Then I lazily woke up from the bed and continued my routine for the day.
After lunch my buddy asked me, “Man… you sure are smiling today. Something happened?” I nodded and said, “It’s just that my soulmate will be super embarrassed today, so I can’t help but laugh”. He chuckled and we talk about the upcoming works to do. That night I go to my bed and plop myself on it. I think about how my soulmate is as I smile and sleep.
The next day I see that, “Getting a crush on the new boy next door”…. ‘Wait what? Did I read it correctly?’ I thought to myself as I reread the sentence for at least 10 times. ‘Oh lord… Imma kill that jerk’, I say to myself.
I know that crushes don’t last long and yeah I know that my soulmate loves me but…. what the hell?! I can’t allow that! “IF I SEE THAT JERK IMMA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM”, I scream out loud making the people around me give me the weird look. I am so much pissed today that even the smallest things are pissing me off… ‘Is he that handsome?’, I thought to myself as I run my fingers through my hair. ‘Oh lord this jealousy doesn’t suit me. I hate this feeing’, I thought as I continued being moody for the rest of the day. I couldn’t sleep properly that night so I just stare at the night sky and keep thinking about them as I pout. I look at my wrist and whisper, “I am the only one for you. Get it to your head you idiot”.
I kept looking at my wrist and then I feel a slight sting on my wrist and I continued looking at it. Then I see that a new sentence was being formed. I have seen it many times but every time this happens it makes me so excited like a small baby. It is so magical. I read the new sentence on the wrist and blush hard. ‘Damn it’, I think to myself as I cover my face with my hand. I then again open my eyes and look at my wrist and read the sentence. ‘Continuing to be super happy because Soulmate is jealous’. I chuckle reading that sentence as my cheeks still remained pink. ‘So happy that Im jealous huh.. you little... tsk... still cute though.... Well at least now I know that you are smiling because of me’. I say and plop onto my sheets and close my eyes with a smile still lingering on my face.
After some days of normal peaceful happy days, with me and my soulmate being cheerful, I go to a new island with my buddies. It was a bright beautiful day. We explore the island, eat food and drink alcohol. Just like that the day was close to over and I was alone, walking in a park with the night sky beautifully lit with stars. Then I felt a slight sting on my wrist. I look at it waiting for the words to appear. Then, I see the words that I never expected but was waiting for the most to show up on my skin. I almost forget to breathe when I look at those words. My eyes wide open and heart beating faster than ever.
‘Meeting Soulmate’, was written on it. My eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. I take deep breaths and sit on the bench beside me. I was speechless. I was amazed by this. ‘but.. how am I going to recognise them? how are they going to react when they see me? Would they even like a person like me, who always gets into fights? who has lots of scars.. would they accept me? what if they reject me?’, insecurities build up with in my heart. ‘Or worst… what would happen if we don’t even recognise each other?’, I couldn’t keep my thoughts in control. the only thing Mattered was them. ‘I'll search for you. I'll confess to you. no matter how you look, no matter what your gender or pronouns are, I will try my best to find you’, I say to myself and run around the island. That was a sleepless night. I ran around all the places to find them. Asked many peoples if they were meeting their soulmate that day, but every single time I got the same response.
“No, I’m sorry”, said the person whom I just asked.
‘Where are you?’, I thought and continue to search for them. it was already evening, but I couldn’t find them. The complete day, I didn’t feel like stopping for even a second. But now…. I got to the same park again after running around the island. I had no luck finding them. ‘Where are you?’, I thought as I again sit on the same bench as yesterday… all alone still... ‘Did you see me but didn’t like me? Do you like someone else? If you did I’d know by now… where can I find you? Where are you?’, I placed my hand on my head and my elbow on my knees. ‘Did I not notice you even though we met?’, I thought some of the worst case scenarios as my tears began to fall down my cheek. I couldn’t help but sob silently. I was immersed in my thoughts then I saw a person crouch down before me with a kerchief in their hand. “Sorry to ask this when you are crying but, are you by any chance looking for your soulmate?”, they asked. I.. I was speechless so, I just showed my wrist to them, and they smiled and showed me theirs, it said, ‘Meeting your fated in the park’.
I didn’t know what to say. It was the first time I saw those shiny bright eyes and beautiful face. That was my soulmate. They got up and wiped my tears then, they said, “I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long time.”
That moment, I lost my control. I swiftly got up and pulled them into my arms. I buried my head in the crook of their neck and nodded. I felt their arms wrap around me as they rubbed soothing circles on my back. “I love you”, I confessed as they gasped.
I continued, “I know… I don’t even know your name. But… I love you. I love every single thing about you. Your kindness, your nature, your behaviour. I love how you are passionate about small things. The way you jam to the music everyone thinks is weird. The way you still be strong even after being bullied. I admire them so much. Those little traits of yours are mesmerising.", I stop and snif, then continue, "I never saw the guy who lives next door to you but I hate him with all my heart”. Then for the first time, they let out a very adorable giggle. ‘Oh... music to my ears when you laugh’, I thought.
Then we slowly pull apart. I see that their cheeks are flushed pink which was also too cute. They slowly reach up to my hand and kiss the place where the writing was making me blush. Because.. I do that many times and now, they kisses my wrist. They look into my eyes and said, “I also love you”. this made my heart flutter with happiness.
They sat down on the bench and I too obliged. We talked about all the things that we wanted to talk about and trust me my heart was about to burst when they leaned on my shoulder and continued talking with me. Thank you for being my soulmate, Y/N.
I hope you enjoyed it! Happy Valentines Day! Celebrate your valentine's day with One piece boys!
Did you like the story or the song. Tell me how you feel by giving me a Like, Comment and Reblog. Thanks for Reading!
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ginazmemeoir · 3 years
could i have a list of the animals in hindu mythology? it's for a project of mine. thanks
sorry for answering this so late, i hope i’m not too late.
so imma gonna be writing about their vahanas (vehicles) and also their animal forms. but first, some symbolism
the vahanas of the gods represent their alter egos as well as their own aspects.
Horses and elephants represent royalty and power. Bulls represent virility and individuality, cows represent motherhood and purity, buffaloes represent patience and murkiness. rams represent aggression, antelopes and deers represent swiftness and/or disturbance, donkeys represent ill omens. Dogs, jackals and wolves represent ill omens, rats represent poverty and strife (ironically, fortune too), cats represent protectiveness, lions and tigers represent royalty and courage. hawks and eagles represent royalty and power, parrots and doves represent love and marriage, corvids represent injustice, sorrow (but also the natural order of justice and death), vultures represent decay, swans represent love and royalty, geese and cranes represent clarity and wit and wisdom, peacocks represent beauty and sometimes, masculinity; owls represent misfortune, roosters represent aggression. makaras (half fish half elephant) and yalis (half lions half elephants) represent divinity and fluidity, crocodiles represent force of nature, tortoises represent laziness/slow nature, snakes represent malice, mystery and fertility. mongoose represents luxury, man represents greed and society while ghosts also represent ill omens.
*artistically, makaras and crocodiles are often interchangable, like swans and geese/cranes.
this list is gonna be looooooooooooong.
Indra (lord of the heavens, lord of rain and thunder)
Airavata : King of the elephants, Airavata is a flying, white elephant with six tusks. Someitmes also shown with three heads or seven trunks. He sprays water on the clouds and drives them. He guards the east direction with his consort, Ilavida. He is Indra’s vahana.
Uchhaishravas : King of horses, Ucchaishravas is a ten headed, flying, fire breathing, meat eating horse. He is Indra’s vahana.
Vali : Indra’s son through Arun (charioteer of Surya). Emperor of Monkeys before being murdered by Rama.
Agni (lord of fire, link between humans and gods) : Agni rides a ram.
Surya (lord of the Sun)
Surya rides a chariot drawn by seven white horses.
Sugreeva : Surya’s son through his charioteer, Arun. Brother of Vali and later Emperor of Monkeys.
Chandra/Soma (lord of the Moon) : Chandra rides a chariot drawn by ten antelopes/deer.
Vayu (lord of winds and air) : Vayu rides a lone antelope.
Varuna (lord of the seas and oceans) : Varuna rides a makara/crocodile named Jaladhi, who was born out of Shiva’s earwax. He guards the west along with Varuna.
Ganga (goddess of the river Ganga, goddess of purity) : Ganga rides a makara/crocodile.
Yama (lord of Death, lord of law; son of Surya) : Yama rides a buffalo named Paundraka.
Yami/Yamuna (goddess of the river Yamuna, sister of Yama) : Yamuna rides a tortoise.
Revanta (god of hunting and horses, stepbrother of Yamuna) : Revanta rides a horse.
Shani (lord of the planet Saturn, lord of justice, lord of malice; brother of Revanta) : Shani rides a crow/raven. Crows and ravens also believed to be messengers of our ancestors.
Ashwini Kumara (twin gods of healing and medicine, brother of Yami) : Ashwini Kumaras are either represented as half-horses, or ride horses themselves.
Tapti (goddess of the river Tapi) : Tapti rides a deer.
Saraswati (goddess of the mythical river Saraswati, lady of knowledge, learning, speech, sound, music and the arts) : Rides a goose/crane. Surrounded by peacocks.
Narmada (goddess of the river Narmada) : Narmada rides a crocodile.
Shashthi (goddess of childbirth and babies) : Shashthi rides a cat.
Usha (goddess of dawn) : Rides a chariot drawn by seven red cows.
Bhariava/Rudra/Veerbhadra (fierce form of Shiva) : Rides a dog/wolf. surrounded by jackals.
Brahma (creator of the universe) : Brahma rides a swan. 
Vishnu (protector of the universe)
Matsya : a giant fish, the first Avatar of Vishnu.
Kurma : a giant turtle, the second Avatar of Vishnu.
Varaha : a giant boar, the third Avatar of Vishnu.
Narasimha : half man-half lion, the ferocious fourth Avatar of Vishnu
Garuda : a giant eagle and the King of birds, he’s Vishnu’s vahana.
Gandaberunda : a terrifying two headed bird evolved from Narasimha.
Hayagriva : half man-half horse, avatar of Vishnu. god of knowledge and medicine.
Shiva (the destroyer of the universe)
Nandi : the King of bulls, Nandi is Shiva’s vahana. He was originally a human devotee of Shiva.
Sharabha : the griffin form of Shiva, locked in battle with the Gandaberunda.
Hanuman : the eleventh avatar of Shiva, the divine monkey god.
Durga (goddess of war and victory and kings) : Durga and all her other forms ride a lion. Interchangable with tiger.
Gauri/Parvati (gentle form of Shakti) : Rides a cow.
Kali/Chamundi (fierce form of Shakti) : Rides a ghost.
Kalratri (gentler form of Kali) : Rides a donkey.
Lakshmi (goddess of wealth, fortune, prosperity, luxury and beauty) : Rides an elephant. Sometimes also rides an owl.
Ganesha (the elephant headed god of wisdom and prosperity and auspiciousness, remover of obstacles, god of scribes; son of Parvati) : Rides Mushaka the rat.
Kartikeya (god of war, general of the gods; son of Shiva) : Rides a peacock. His emblem is a rooster.
Kama (god of love and lust; son of Vishnu) : Rides a parrot. His bowstring is mads of honeybees. He also rides a makara sometimes.
Rati (goddess of sex; Kama’s consort) : Rides a dove/mynah.
Shukracharya (lord of the planet Venus, preceptor of the Asuras) : Rides a horse.
Brahaspati (lord of the planet Jupiter, preceptor of the Devas) : Rides an elephant.
Mangala (lord of the planet Mars, god of auspiciousness and agression) : Rides a ram.
Budha (deity of the planet Mercury, deity of sarcasm and wit; illegetimate child of Chandra) : Rides a yali.
Rahu (lord of asteroids and meteors, responsible for ascending lunar node and eclipses, lord of fear) : Rides a lion. Sometimes depicted with body of a snake.
Ketu (lord of comets, responsible for descending lunar node and eclipses, lord of disgrace) : Rides a vulture. Sometimes depicted with the head of a snake.
Sheetala Mata (goddess of smallpox) : Rides a donkey.
Kubera (god of luxury, king of the yakshas) : Rides a jewel spitting mongoose. Sometimes depicted as riding on a man.
Adi-Shesha/Sheshanag/Ananta : The first king of the nagas. Vishnu rests on his coils. Responsible for the flow of time. The earth rests on his thousands hoods.
Takshaka : The second king of the nagas. Indra’s close friend. Killed the last scion of the Pandavas, Pareekshit, after he became king.
Vasuki : The third king of the nagas. Coiled around Shiva’s neck. Used as a rope for the Amrit Manthan. Father of Uloopi (wife of Arjuna).
Manasa : Goddess of Snakes, poisons and malice. Got people to worship her after spreading fear. Shiva’s daughter and Vasuki’s sister.
Surasa : a queen of the nagas. tested Hanuman on his way to Lanka by trying to swallow him.
Simhika : sea monster who snathed the shadows of creatures and ate them. Mother of Rahu-Ketu.
Mahishasura : The shapeshifting bull demon.
Sampati : Son of Aruna and King of Vultures. Burnt his wings and eyes by flying too close to the sun.
Jatayu : Brother of Sampati. Died while trying to rescue Sita from Ravana.
Jambavant : King of bears. Aided Hanuman. Father of Jambavanti, Krishna’s second wife.
Navagunjara : A divine animal made of nine other animals - the head of a rooster, neck of a peacock, hump of a bull, body of a lion, tail of a snake, feet of an elephant, a tiger and a horse and the hand of a human.
phew this was a long list. hope this helps!
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Various aus I continue to write for and yet refuse to actually finish/save as a draft:
The street magician meets English teacher donovalex au
Lots there but the main concept is that very nice but super tired Mr. Donovan gets tasked finding some kind of entertainment for his delinquent class (idk if that's a thing everywhere, but my old school had a class specifically for trouble-making kids)
While still on the phone with his childhood best friend Adam the big-shot lawyer, he gets pick-pocketed and then immediately has his wallet returned by Alex, who does this kind of thing for shits and giggles.
Donovan is strongly tempted to beat this guy up but Alex mostly does the pickpocketing trick to get people's attention, at which point he now switches to his actual magic tricks and street performing.
Donovan, now more impressed and amused than annoyed, offers Alex the school gig.
It works surprisingly well. The delinquent kids like this guy, especially when they find out that he used to be a thief and overall jerk but got his shit together and now makes a living with street magic and sci-fi writing.
Alex slowly gets hired on as a club supervisor/after school monitor/general substitute teacher type human after the kids clamor enough and if Counselor Sawyer and Mr. Donovan just so happen to regularly work the same after-school shifts, well, that's certainly a coincidence.
The 'I have nostalgia for a childhood cartoon movie from the 60s' au
Look, I have a whole post in progress but in short it's donovadam and involves magic, stealing things, a bunch of song and dance numbers, and also a children's lullaby being performed as a rock song, so idk what else anyone would ever want
The speakeasy au
It's the 1920s and the Skulls are desperately contemplating whether it's just worth it to quit being a gang and run their goddamn restaurant seeing as it's too popular to keep being a front.
Kevin and Gary brawl over lead positions. Bodie long ago called dibs on bartender and as long as he's left alone, those two can fight to the death.
Alex sometimes runs in, climbs over the bar to grab a bottle of whisky that he (shockingly) pays for, and then immediately sprints out. Any attempts to ask him why just lead to him muttering something incoherent about the future and nazis and silver eyes.
Anytime the blacksuit police come in all weapons, bloodstains, and questionable items disappear. Absolutely nothing illegal happening at this here speakeasy, no sir.
Susan and Monty have a tenuous relationship with the gangs. They'd get along just find except the Earl Cafe keeps getting its windows smashed in and Susan is saving up for a proper baseball complete with spikes and barbed wire.
About half a dozen various ghost aus
Cross hallucinates Forbes and Brixton au
Zee gets to talk to a dozen ghosts non-stop starting mid-book 3 au
Susan and Ambrose bond over not liking Kevin au
Hey isn't it fucked up how I died before I could tell you I love you so imma just be your guardian angel now au feat donovalex
that one mind-fuck au where Adam possess Alex by accident a few times and does not help Donovan's issues
Donnie and Joan just sit around and welcome up the dead parents
Writer wannabe and guy who doesn't have the budget for a documentary make a horrifying youtube channel au
Alex is an aspiring writer struggling to get published. Zee doesn't have a budget big enough to do even a basic documentary with a camera that doesn't break every 10 seconds.
After a joking video of Alex unraveling various magic tricks and explaining how he's working them into his latest short story, Zee's youtube channel blows up.
They've started a series where every episode is Alex working on world-building or acquiring a character skill and regularly guest-stars someone with relevant expertise (Adam for law, Oli for hair, Pete for being part of a gang, etc)
At one point they have an episode dedicated to figuring out a desert recipe and Zee stops and goes "Before this next step, we'd like to apologize to Monty Earl, our friend who's an actual professional chef and tried to teach us the basics. We know we're doing it wrong. We're not sorry."
Because of the number of times that some of the guys end up on the channel, there's also a separate series LockPickingLawyer style with Alex and Adam where they pick locks together but also talk about various techniques, personal experiences, and still help Alex flesh out his heist scenes.
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Doctor Love | Berlin
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Requested by anon:  So okay okay, I had this idea a few days ago, and since your requests are open I'm gonna slide in real quick :)is it okay if I request a little scenario where like, u know when Berlino does that dumb thing of self sacrificing becuz he's gonna die anyway? What if his girlfriend/reader has been searching for a cure for his illness and before he can get himself killed she goes in the bank and tells him and somehow they manage to escape from the bank? No pressure if the idea doesn't appeal u! Ily!!
Word count: 2.4k
Warning: spoilers of season 2! maybe swearing, mentions of violence, guns, the whole shabang
Note: not my gif! Okay, so I’m in love with this request!! It took me a little longer to write, because I wanted to get it perfect. Let me just say I’m not a doctor, so I have no idea if there is a cure for the illness he has, but Imma try! Hope you like it darling! Thanks for the request and love you too! xx
‘I’m sick. I have an illness called Helmer’s myopathy. It’s a muscle degenerative disease, which means that my muscles get weaker and weaker until my heart muscles can’t keep up anymore. If I’m lucky I have four months left,’ he told you like it was nothing; like it was answer to a question on a pubquiz. He held your hands in his, knowing it would break your heart and dreams of a future with him.
‘Andrés..’ you whispered, ‘why didn’t you tell me sooner?’ He sighed and gently shook his head.
‘It’s uncurable, princess. I have medicine that I have to take every few hours that make it somewhat acceptable, but I wanted you to know.’
You visibly broke down. Even though you were always someone who never wanted to show any emotion besides happiness and anger, but this was different shit. Your hands were shaking, body trembing as you tried to understand that everything you had imagined yourself doing with Andrés would be nothing more than a dream. It simply didn’t make sence. Being together with Andrés for more than six months, you’d hoped he would be more open towards you and share what was going on with him. You felt your throat closing up, eyes filling with tears.
This illness was just the cherry on top for him. The man had done terrible things in his life and could mark off just about any sin in the Bible. Stealing, robbing, charming women. Karma was getting her way back to him and all he could do was accept his fate. It came across as cold to you. All this time you planned this whole life for you two together, but he knew that would never come true.
‘No! This is cruel! You let me believe we would be together for the rest of our lives, hell, you told me you wanted to marry me when you got out! You knew even if you made it out alive, you wouldn’t live longer than summer. You’ve done some terrible things in your life Andrés, but this..’ you exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air. ‘This is just rude.’
The sadness you felt quickly turned into anger as you kept yelling at him, hitting him in the chest. He knew better than to interrupt you and tell you that everything would be okay, because he just now realized it wouldn’t be okay. He would die and leave you behind. Period.
‘I knew you were a self-centred bastard! You always play these mind games and somehow make everyone get on their knees for you! Is that all I am to you, huh?! Some game to find how far you can go? Because let me tell you Andrés, this game is finished. Game. Over,’ you hissed. You threw your hands up in the air and stormed out.
That was more than four weeks ago. In the meantime you had spoken again and this time the anger had disappeared and just cried. That was all you could do. You had accepted that you would most likely be a widdow before summer and that broke your heart, but you also wanted to fight. Andrés told you there was no cure to his illness, but there was hope burning inside you and you did everything in your power to still find that cure. Whether it meant getting no sleep for the next few weeks or not.
Andrés would soon be leaving for the big robbery and you had spent every second of the day being with him and holding him close. The times where you would have rough sex the entire day were over; it was now making love. He was gentle to you, making you breakfast in bed even though he could easily ask one of the maids to do it and even buying you nice dresses in colours that matched your eyes.
Without him knowing, you contacted one of your best friends who worked at the lab of a university and asked him if he could do more research on medicine for muscle-related illnesses. He said he had some information that he wanted to share with you, but that meant you had to visit him.
‘Babe, I’m gonna have to run to Macy really quickly. Think you’ll be okay?’ you asked. Macy was your sister and seven months pregnant, so it often happened that you visited her to help her with something. That way he wouldn’t suspect a thing. You had no idea how he did it, but he always seemed to know what you were up to.
‘Of course, princess. Give her a kiss for me, okay?’ he winked, giving you a kiss on the lips. You lightly slapped his chest.
‘Be back for dinner,’ you told him. Out of the blue, he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you against him. He leaned down and you could feel his breath on your neck. Shivers send down your spine.
‘Your ass looks great in those jeans,’ he whispered, placing a light kiss on your neck and slapping you on the bottom. You giggled and pushed yourself away from him.
‘Bye!’ you called, waving him goodbye and walking out the door. You soon arrived at the university and was met by your friend who was waiting for you outside. You greeted each other with a hug and quickly got to work. He told you about the compositions of the different medications and what effect they had on what part of the muscle.
‘Isn’t there any way we could find a way to make this medicine last longer? This is the medication he uses now to keep it under control for a few hours,’ you gave him a syringe filled with the medicine and he studied it. He took the bottle from you and studied it contents.
‘There are some elements of this medicine that also appear in this,’ he pointed to a beaker filled with a milky white liquid. ‘I should be able to find a connection that makes this last longer.’
‘Is there anything I can do? I feel so hopeless not being able to do anything,’ you mumbled.
‘You did a great job already by giving me this. Is it okay if I keep the syringe? I need something that we know works, even if it isn’t permanent,’ he said. You nodded and waved your hand.
‘Of course. Anything to help find a cure. Thank you for doing this. I can’t even explain how much this means to me. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I hadn’t at least tried,’ you told him. He turned to look at you and gave you a hug. 
‘That’s what I’m here for. If I find anything, I’ll let you know, okay?’
It was the fifth day of the heist. Andrés had been gone for almost three weeks now, being busy with training and all. He obviously knew about the plan already, but being the passionate man he is, wanted to go over every single detail again. He couldn’t afford making any mistakes. The goodbye was hard. You cried loudly as he held you close, whispering little reasuring words in your ear. You were thankful for Sergio. He kept you updated on everything that was going on, but didn’t tell you any details or steps of the plan. You didn’t want to either; it was scary enough without knowing how everything went down in there.
It was now wednesday and you were sitting on the couch. You hadn’t heard from Sergio in two days and it started to worry you. The news wasn’t exactly uplifting too. Andrés’ face was displayed all over every tv channel, name heard on every radio station and seen on every wall in Spain. Your heart fell even lower when the news announced he was sick. The smug inspector worked on you nerves as she spoke about him like he was an animal. Sure, the man had done things that broke the law, but he never killed anyone nor hurt any woman.
‘Fuck,’ you cursed under your breath. Suddenly your phone rang and the called ID showed Alex, your friend at the lab. Your heartbeat increased and you were anxious about what he was about to say. You picked up the phone and heard his loud voice. A tearful smile made it’s way on your face as you heard him say those three words you so desperately longed to hear.
‘I have it! I have the cure!’ he yelled. You jumped up and raced towards the university where he was already waiting on you. The hug you shared was one filled with hapiness.
‘Okay, he needs to inject this like he did with the other medicine. This is enough to last until november. I have some of it still in the lab so I produce more and work more on the duration of it. I can’t promise it will work for the rest of his life, but for now it’ll do,’ he spoke. You said goodbye and rushed to Sergio’s hide-out. The medicine you held in your hands would give him at least eight more months and until then Alex had a better cure. You burst through the doors and Sergio jumped up. You could see the whole that had been dug in the floor. You turned to Sergio and burst into tears of joy.
‘He’s not leaving us, Sergio. He’s staying. With you, with me. He’s staying,’ you rushed. Your heart was beating loudly in your ears and the rush of adrenaline was so high, you thought you’d pass out. Your words seemed to land as he slowly moved towards you. His gaze fell on the little box you were holding and his eyes flickered from the black object to the hole in the floor and tears welled in his eyes.
‘I have to get it to him, Sergio. He needs to know there is something out here for him. You and I both you the man is up to something. Let me go in there, please!’ you pleaded. He quickly snapped out his trance and gave you a red suit and black boots to finish the look.
‘When you get to the indside, wait inside the vault. No one knows you’re getting in and that way you won’t get attacked. Take this with you,’ he pushed a fake gun in your hands and you placed it in the holster on your thigh. ‘Goodluck.’
When you were about to enter, you heard a lot of noise coming from the computer. The police had broken in. He nodded to you and you ran as quickly as you could through the tunnel. When you entered the vault, you were met by two people. A young man with dark hair and a woman with blonde curls. They looked suprised to see you and the man pointed a gun at you.
‘Serg- El Professor send me. I’m Berlin’s girl,’ you quickly said, stumbling over your words. Sure, you were carrying a gun with you, but it was a fake. Having a real gun pointed at you made you nearly shit your pants. When the girl pointed out I was carrying a gun and came through the only way out, he lowered the gun and craweled through the tunnel. It wasn’t hard to find Berlin as he came running in the direction of where you were coming from. You caught the stares of the other people who nodded at you and went on with their duties.
‘Berlin, babe!’ you called, making him freeze.
‘What are you doing here, princess? It’s not safe for you. They’ll come running through those halls any minute now,’ he sternly said, turning around and grabbing you firmly by the arm. ‘Leave, now!’
‘No, I’m not leaving. I came here to tell you I found a cure,’ you breathed and everyone around you froze. ‘You didn’t know, but I’ve been doing research for a medicine and I’ve found it. The first dose should work ‘till November. After that I’ll have a much stronger and longer working dose.’
‘Princess, I told you to leave,’ he said more firmly this time. You didn’t move.
‘Like I said, I’m not leaving. Not without you anyway. You promised me a life that I could only dream of and now we can have it. I love you with all my heart. I can’t loose you. Not now, not ever.’ Tears cascaded down your cheeks as you begged the man you loved so much to trust you and come with you.
‘Leave, now. Helsinki, take her with you,’ he ordered the bulky man behind you, but he didn’t move.
‘Love is a passionate thing, Berlin. I don’t know this woman, but she found a cure for your uncurable disease. That’s literally doing the impossible. You have five seconds to decide to leave with this woman or I’ll take you with me. Don’t look away when you have everything in front of you,’ he spoke. He turned his attention to you and you gave him a grateful smile. He smiled back and nodded.
‘Will you please come with me? If you don’t come with me, I’ll stay with you. I either die with you or leave with you, you decide,’ you stated. He looked at the box you held in your hand and realized how much he loved you. Moving towards you, he passionately smashed his lips to yours. The kiss wasn’t filled with lust, but relief and gratefulness.
‘As soon as we walk out those doors, I’m marrying you. No exceptions,’ he mumbled against your lips. You nodded and held him closer.
‘That was the plan.’
You heard the policemen run behind you and Helsinki was quick to throw a grenade. Berlin pushed you all inside and bowed your head in his chest. Once the grenade had exploded, you all rushed back and blew up the tunnel. You joined Sergio and Helsinki in the back of the truck, leaning against Andrés.
‘There are no words to explain how much I love you, princess. No words.’
The two of you left to Cuba, where you got married soon after you arrived. The wedding was on the beach, your white dress flowing around you while you stared at the man you could finally call your husband. Only a month after the wedding you surprised Andrés by telling you were pregnant.
‘You are my heart, my soul and my everything. Thank you for being my wife and everything I’ve ever wished for.’
.. .. .. .. .. 
Berlin Taglist
@nkjktk​ - @michaellangdonenthusiast​ - @hamiltonsofcrap​
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violetwolfraven · 3 years
Hey! I have a couple requests from the prompt thing but imma send them in separately. 46 for Sprace (the having to tell Jack about their relationship one) in canon era please? I love Jack as everyone's older brother it is literally the best thing ever. Maybe he realizes Race keeps going over to Brooklyn and then is super worried and overthinking what he's doing over there so they end up having to explain? Thank you!
Tentatively trying this cause I’m not sure if my writing senses are back yet so if it comes out shitty I apologize.
I’ve actually done this exact prompt twice already with 2 other angles! So here goes Jack finding out about sprace, take 3.
Tw: anxiety.
Jack wasn’t stupid, and though running a borough and a union wasn’t exactly easy, he wasn’t so busy that he didn’t notice when one of his kids went missing.
There was a reason Jack was never first in line at the distribution center, and it wasn’t (only) so that Weasel and the Delanceys were already good and annoyed, courtesy of his friends, by the time he got up there.
It was mostly because the extra time from being a few back in the line was good for taking a headcount, making sure everyone who’d left the Lodging House was still there before anyone left to go to their selling spots. Making sure the older boys that were assigned Littles to look after had those Littles with them. Checking for limps or coughs that he hadn’t had time to notice on the way out the door.
It was the same when he checked around every night, making sure everyone was in their beds and checking on anyone who’d seemed sad that day. It was taking care of his friends, because Jack was the oldest and God knew nobody else was taking care of them.
Hell, he called them friends, but they were really more like family. The only family he remembered besides a few vague memories of a mother who’d died when he was young and a father who’d never exactly been a good one. And some of them had been around longer than others, but...
The ones who’d been around the longest, who’d showed up around the same time, when Jack was 7 and they were 6 and 5, respectively, were Crutchie and Race. His brothers even more than the others were. His most trusted friends. His seconds who would one day take over Manhattan when he left.
Jack had been watching over them the longest, so of course he still paid special attention to those two, keeping them close and safe. Even if they could take care of themselves and there were others who objectively needed him more, of course Jack still noticed when they had bad days. He did know them better than practically anyone, after all.
So of course he noticed when one of them started acting weird.
Race always sold in Brooklyn. He had since they were like... 11 and 9, ever since he struck up that deal with a girl who let him sell at Sheepshead. And he always made so much that nobody could tell him to come back and sell in Manhattan.
He always came home right after selling hours ended. And even though Brooklyn was a rougher neighborhood, he always came home safe.
Which was why it was so weird how he turned 15 and a few months later he just suddenly stopped coming home right after selling time, barely making it back before dark, some nights.
And yeah, wanting to take some space and time away from home was a normal teenage thing to do, as far as Jack knew—he’d never gotten the option to do that, being in charge of keeping his kids alive since he was 14—but he was starting to worry that something was seriously wrong, with how Race came back flustered and clearly hiding something.
Then the strike happened, and...
Well, if Race came back late before, it was nothing compared to how he started coming home after dark, barely before midnight, or even staying in Brooklyn overnight, a couple times.
Jack was preoccupied with the rest of the borough, with Katherine as they got caught up in the euphoria of the action and then Sarah as he tried to rebound from getting dumped and then Davey as he finally figured out his own heart, but he still wasn’t so distracted that he didn’t notice one of his seconds staying out all night.
Race wouldn’t tell him why, no matter how much he tried to seem reassuring and supportive of whatever it was. It was like he didn’t trust Jack anymore.
And... and that was fair. Jack had let him down during the strike by making him feel abandoned and betrayed—making all his kids feel that way—but it had seemed to blow over with the others after he explained that he didn’t scab for the money, so why not with Race? What was different that would make him not trust Jack when the others did?
The fear kept creeping in that whatever it was was going to make Race switch boroughs. He was spending an awful lot of time in Brooklyn, and he was hiding something from Jack for practically the first time since they’d met.
Davey told him not to worry, told him it wasn’t as serious as that, but Jack knew Race better.
And plus, Crutchie was worried, too. He told Jack that one night on the fire escape, after they watched Race ‘sneak’ into the house late for the 5th time that month. That it was weird he was spending so much time in Brooklyn and wouldn’t tell either of them why.
What was equally weird was how Albert usually wasn’t considered trustworthy as a secret keeper and yet he wouldn’t tell this one of Race’s despite the fact that he clearly knew. That meant that Race really wanted it kept a secret. It was suspicious.
Which was why Jack was doing something he didn’t do that often; doing something after Davey specifically told him it was a bad idea and not to do it.
The thing was, when a kid who was essentially your little brother kept coming home late, acting distant, and wouldn’t tell you why, you had to take steps. Which was why Jack was following Race to Brooklyn today, from enough of a distance that he hadn’t noticed yet.
He was heading to Sheepshead like he always did, and as Jack watched him throughout the day, he was just selling like any other newsie and placing bets like... well, like Race.
It seemed like there was no reason why he would be staying out late, so why was he..?
By a few hours to the end of the day he’d sold most of his papers already, so it wasn’t exactly a surprise that he was heading under the stands for a break, but...
It started to get suspicious after he’d stayed down there for 20 minutes.
Naturally, Jack’s anxieties popped up again, wondering what if he’s hurt and he’s hiding it what if he’s in trouble what if he’s talking to a Brooklyn kid about switching boroughs and he snuck down to where he knew Race usually hung out, staying quiet as he could and feeling stupid but still also feeling the need to go keep following.
Given that he trusted Race despite his insecurities, Jack wasn’t sure what he was expecting to find.
But whatever he was expecting, it definitely was not Race sitting against a stable wall, holding hands and trading lazy, carefree kisses with the King of Brooklyn like they didn’t care about the law or the summer heat or... anything.
It clearly wasn’t the first time and everything made sense now.
Neither of them noticed Jack was standing there, which was partially shocking and partially just... Jack didn’t know what. He had no idea what was going on right now and shock was all he was feeling.
He cleared his throat, “So...”
Race and Spot jumped, and one of them yelped as they shoved apart, getting to their feet.
Race’s voice was an octave higher than usual. Spot had put himself between the two of them, which was... kind of odd to realize he was that protective, but good? Jack was still so confused.
But he knew Race looked scared, and as much as he was trying to hide it, so did Spot. He couldn’t have that.
“Whoa,” Jack put his hands up, “I ain’t tellin’ nobody. Don’t worry.”
“Yeah, cause if ya did, I’d tell everybody ‘bout you and Mouth,” Spot shot back.
“Spot, back off,” Race muttered under his breath, and Jack tried to swallow his panic. He didn’t know how Spot had found out about him and Davey, but it didn’t seem like a good thing that he knew.
Yeah... he really should have listened when Davey told him not to follow Race.
But shockingly, it looked like Spot was backing off. Like he was relaxing under the touch of Race’s hand on his shoulder. That only made Jack feel a little better, but he guessed Spot did have a reason to be defensive. If Jack outed him, it would probably get him killed.
It was dangerous to be queer, period, and it was even more dangerous when you were running the bloodiest borough in New York. And that meant it was dangerous for Race, too, but...
This did explain why he’d been spending so much time over here.
The three of them had already been standing in silence way too long when Race sighed, moving in front of Spot and making eye contact with Jack.
“I’m almost 16, Jack,” he said firmly, “I can do what I want and I don’t care if ya don’t approve. So if you’s got a problem with—“
“No,” Jack said quickly, “No, I... can we head back to Manhattan? Talk on the way?”
Spot tensed up, and the look he and Race exchanged was clearly a question and reassurance. A ‘do you want me to fight for you?’ and ‘no, I can handle this.’
Jack knew those kinds of looks because he’d exchanged similar ones with Davey plenty of times, even before they got together officially.
It was weird to think that if Race had started staying out late because of this, that meant he’d had a fella longer than Jack had, but that was something to have a crisis over another day.
When he turned back to Jack, he nodded, squeezing Spot’s hand before walking over, leading the way back towards home.
They didn’t start talking until they were on the bridge.
“How long?”
Race shrugged, not meeting Jack’s eyes, “A couple months before the strike, we’s had a fight that ended in us makin’ out. So... dependin’ on how ya look at it, since then?”
“What do ya mean, ‘dependin’ on how ya look at it?’”
“Well, at first, it was just physical. Y’know, makin’ out and not talkin’ about it? Then we finally had a real talk right after the strike and got on the same page ‘bout what we wanted and now it’s... more than that.”
As weird as it was to think about, Jack could tell by his tone what he meant by ‘more than that.’
It hurt that Race hadn’t told him, and more that he and Spot were putting themselves in danger just by being together, but...
“You love him, don’t ya?” he asked slowly.
Race tensed up for a second, then stopped walking, leaning against the edge of the bridge and staring out at the water.
“What’d ya say if I did?”
Jack hated the traces of fear the younger boy was trying to hide. He never wanted to make one of his feel that way.
Sure, he didn’t like the idea of Race being in danger, or of anyone being in a position to hurt him, but he and Spot were... well, now that Jack was thinking about it, they made sense in an abstract kind of way. Race could destroy someone in a battle of wits as fast as Spot could in a physical fight. They were both tough and both leaders, though in different ways. Spot hadn’t joined the strike right away out of concern for Brooklyn’s kids. Race had helped start it out of concern for Manhattan’s.
Jack had to admit, even if no one could know about them, they were a hell of a power couple.
“He treats ya right, yeah?” he asked quietly, “And you’s bein’ careful—not gettin’ caught?”
Race nodded, “Yeah, of course. Hotshot knows—Brooklyn’s second—he covers for us if needed. And Spot’d never hurt me. Even when we was just friends, let alone now.”
“Albert knows, too, don’t he?”
“Uh...yeah. And Romeo figured out I was sweet on someone and wouldn’t leave me alone until I told him who it was, so he knows. And Kath walked in on us once.”
Aside from the fact that Jack could not believe Katherine didn’t tell him...
“Maybe you’s shouldn’t make out where people can walk in on ya.”
Race laughed, “That might be smart.”
He got serious again a little too quickly to be as fine as he was pretending be. Jack walking in on them before he was ready to tell had clearly shaken him.
Jack now felt pretty stupid for following him over here. He should‘ve listened to Davey.
“I thought you was thinkin’ about switchin’ boroughs.”
“What? No,” Race said quickly, a little too defensively, “Manhattan’s my home. My family. I wouldn’t just leave. I’m supposed to take over someday—with Crutchie, I mean. I’d never just abandon that.”
“I know,” Jack said, trying to reassure him, “I didn’t think it was you runnin’ from responsibility. I know you’re stronger than me, Racer. I thought... I thought it was cause... cause of me. Cause I let ya down in the strike.”
He seemed to be struggling for words, but every second where he didn’t say anything made Jack feel worse.
“It was scary,” he admitted finally, “Yeah. I was runnin’ Manhattan alone all sudden-like and that was scary. I didn’t even have Crutchie, and Davey was tryin’ to help but he didn’t know what he was doing. It wasn’t like you always told me it’d be like when I ended up in command and I didn’t understand why—you always seemed like the one who’d stand by the rest of us no matter what. You promised you wouldn’t just leave with no warnin’.”
Jack felt terrible for that. He knew, firsthand, how hard it was having to take a command he never asked for with no warning. He’d had to take over the borough when he was 14, after his mentor died.
He’d never wanted that for Race or Crutchie. He’d always told himself that if he ever actually went to Santa Fe, he wouldn’t leave them hanging like that. He’d give them at least a couple weeks to prepare, ideally transition authority gradually so he could be sure they were ready and they’d be able to take care of the others.
Jack took a deep breath, “I’m so sorry, Racer.”
“There was about to be a ‘but.’”
“Oh. Okay. Go ahead.”
“But,” Race said, “Jack, yeah, you scared me, but... ya told me that night. You did it for Davey. Why’d ya think I actually got the others to help?”
“Cause you knew we needed to win the strike quick before we all starved?” Jack asked, “And Kath’s article was the best chance?”
He shook his head, “No. It was cause blood be damned, you’re my big brother. You’s been there protectin’ me and Crutchie and the others since we was Littles. I already wanted to believe ya had a good reason. I didn’t trust you a ton just then, but I wanted to. And once you explained... I got it. I get it. Cause I’d do the same thing for Spot if I had to.”
By implying that what he and Spot had was like what Jack and Davey had...
Race knew how hard it was for Jack to let down his guard. So he knew what a big deal it was that he did with Davey. He knew they had a connection even beyond the connection Jack had with any of the others.
Jack was glad he’d found that. Someone he could understand and connect with. Even if the idea of it kind of made him uncomfortable.
“I know Spot and me don’t always get along,” he admitted, “But I trust your judgement and I know you can take care of yourself, so... I’m happy for ya, Racer.”
Race smiled a little, “Thanks.”
“Plus,” Jack bumped him gently as they started walking again, “I saw the way he looks at ya. Most people would kill to have someone they love look at them like that.”
“You mean like how Davey looks at you?” Race asked cheekily, bumping him back.
Jack smiled, mostly to himself. Davey was going to enjoy saying ‘I told you so’ when Jack told him he was right that he shouldn’t have worried.
...wait. Davey had seemed 100% sure that Race was fine. And he knew how dumb the younger boy could be, so it was unlikely it was because he trusted Race’s judgement.
“Wait, does Davey know?”
“Uh...” Race laughed awkwardly, “He mighta caught me sneakin’ back into the Lodgin’ House a couple weeks ago. And he gave me that look—y’know the one—where he looks all disappointed? He asked where I was and I panicked and said I was with Spot, so... I didn’t exactly tell him, but he probably guessed?”
“Yeah, cause he ain’t a dumbass.”
It was a little surprising that he hadn’t told Jack even if it was just a guess, but...
“I asked him not to tell ya,” Race admitted, “Or Crutchie. Cause I didn’t know how you’d react. That probably... also clued him in.”
“Oh, Crutchie’s gonna wanna scare the shit out of Spottie boy when he finds out.”
Race laughed kind of nervously, the smile fading from his face pretty quick.
“I ain’t gonna tell him if you don’t want me to,” Jack added quickly, “And he’ll be fine with it when he does find out. He knows you’s can take care of yourself, same as me. He’ll still wanna give Spot a shovel talk, though. Matter of fact, so do I.”
“Well, I knows Spot can handle a shovel talk.”
He was still hesitating, and Jack was tempted to ask what he was so afraid to say.
They were almost back to the Lodging House by the time he did.
“You’s really okay with this?” he asked, “Me and Spot? You ain’t gonna freak out?”
Jack threw an arm around his little brother, “Race, long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Falling Back to You
Pairing: Blossick (Blossom x Brick, Reds)
Fandom: The Powerpuff Girls
Soft, sweet reds because I've been feeling angsty lately and needed a breather lol. Sorry to everyone who follows me for other fandoms, I promise Ill write more for FT (you can always leave asks lol)
Tag List: @over-under-through1 @shellielyzabeth (if you want to be on my tag list, you can find the post or dm me)
I hope you enjoy. This has been sitting in my drafts for a few months and decided to just finish it lol. 
“I’m surprised you don’t have your hat on.” A voice came from behind him. But not just any voice. The moment the first word left those lips, the hair on his neck stood up and sent a familiar chill down his back. It was a voice that he knew well, could distinguish in a crowd of a thousand voices, it was the equivalent of his favorite song or the taste of the sweetest thing to melt in your mouth.
“Blossom.” He said under his breath but her super hearing picked it up.
She thought she was prepared to see him, after all its been two years. That’s enough time to heal, right? But she prayed that he didn’t hear the small gasp that escaped her lips as he turned. That crisp dark red suit fit him like a glove and she spotted him from a mile away in that signature color. He looked good in red.
“Hi.” She managed to say smoothly as he took a step towards her. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked with a reluctant tone. It was only the most important night of his life. The one where he would be promoted to the head of the department, the one he busted his ass off from the ground up. Not to mention an award for a case he worked on last year. 
She shrugged and bit her lip. “My boss is here and I have to write a report for him.” Then added. “And I wasn’t going to miss the achievement you have been talking about for literal years.” She said shyly. “I promised after all.” 
And she did. Back when they had dated all those years ago. Blossom was by his side as he worked from being an assistant at the law firm to one of the most promising lawyers, and now the highest ranked lawyer, but she missed the last part. Unfortunately. 
He studied his ass off and she did too, both of them determined to outshine anyone in their paths, maybe that why they chose different companies. They had traded their childhood rivalry for a path of lust and love, a simple competition would not be throwing them down that path. In fact their jobs were the reason they weren’t together.
“You remembered.” He said under his breath. She heard it, of course. 
She tapped her foot and looked around before giving a puzzling look. “Wheres Jasmine?” It pained her to ask. 
Jasmine. Oh yes, his girlfriend who couldn’t be bothered to celebrate to most important time of his career. Or rather, ex girlfriend, As of last night where he found her with another man. 
“Not my girlfriend.” He simply stated as she nodded before taking a sip of her drink. 
It must have been good if she brought it to her lips. Blossom loved a good cocktail but if it was hard liquor, she required top shelf, something he admired. He was like that too and was the reason she only drank the highest quality. 
“What about Tyson?” 
Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Not my boyfriend.” She said bitterly and he didn’t know why he was happy about it. “Cheated on me for a blonde.” Her glass was on the verge of cracking before she smoothed out her dress. “Typical.” 
He hummed in agreement. There was a feeling of anger running through him as he thought about any man hurting Blossom, sure he hurt her too but nothing like that. No their fight was different, it was a fight about whats best for both of them. 
They had just under an hour before the cermony started. He didn’t want to bother being inside socailzing with a bunch of random people and he had a feeling she didn’t either. The wide open hallway was becoming stuffy and he could see a trio of men walking their way and knew Blossom would become the talking point. 
Before Brick could turn them the other way, the men were already there. 
“Brick.” The tall one spat. 
“Landon.” Brick matched his tone. What a dumb name he thought. 
Landon turned and did not bother to hide the fact that he was checking out Blossom. Of course he was. Even in her simple black cocktail dress that screamed sophistication, she was a walking dream. 
“And you are?” He gave her a smirk that could charm anyone, expcet for Blossom of course. 
Brick was pracitcally smiling as Blossom shook his hand. He knew she wouldn’t take his bait. 
“Blossom Utonium. Head of corrupt affairs at Duchess Law.” She started with what Brick likes to call her “Miss Business voice”. 
Landon smirked. “Duchess Law? Someones a smart cookie.” He winked. 
The other men behind him agreed and Blossom held her tounge. She hated being patronized or looked down on. He should be thanking the lucky stars that he’s even in her presence.
Brick could tell she was annoyed and wrapped his arm around her waist before looking at Landon. “She makes more money than all three of you combine and actally can win a case so show some repect.” He spat and he turned them around towards the back doors that led to the garden space. 
The feeling of having his arm around her sent a spark through her body. At first it felt foreign but the memories came rolling in waves as they walked.
“I could handle myself.” She stated and he hid his laugh.
“I know, but you won’t because of your repuation. I for one don’t care about mine that much.”
“Or maybe its because you still care.” She teased as she sat on the stone bench with him. 
He was about to response but his phone began to ring. He wanted to ignore it but Blossom probably would say something about it. 
“Its Butch.” He said before trying to put it back into his pocket. 
“You should anwser it. I’m sure he’s wanting to wish his brother well.”
He huffed and anwsered on the final ring. 
“Hey quick question. Do you think that I would win in a fight against Thanos?” 
Brick only shook his head.
“Its serious cause Buttercup doesn’t think so but I could take him for sure.” 
Blossom was holding a hand to her mouth as the guy kept going on about the stupid question. 
“Oh shit dude, tonights your night!”
“Yes it is now Imma hang up now.”
“Brick be nice.”
“Wait a minute bro. Is that Miss Blossom with you?”
“Yes because shes the only one who bothered to care.”
“Hey you’re the one who said not to come. Anyways tell her I said hi and that you two should totally get back together because you kept going on and on about how you missed her and leaving her was the worst choice you made-” The line cut dead and the phone was shoved in his pocket. 
“Hes stupid.” He mumbled and Blossom drank the rest of her drink. 
“Hes not wrong.”
He turned towards her and gazed silently. She was just as he remembered. Gorgeous and graceful and even without a word spoken, she could command a room. He admired her greatly and she felt the same. 
“Brick, can we just skip all of it?” She asked softly. 
“I’ve kinda been looking forward to my award.”
“No, not this.” She gestured to the building. “But this.” She pointed between them. 
“Skip what?”
“Oh I don’t know, the drama of it all? Because if we don’t confess now we are going to waste so much time running after each other and I-I dont want to waste time.” She looked down at her shoes. A sad sigh leaving her lips. “I just miss you.” 
The confession surprised him. They were both forward people who never beat around the bush but when it came to their feelings between them, they had always been shy. Boomer and Bubbles were easy to confess and even Butch and Buttercup seemed to have it together but for them, it felt impossible sometimes.
No matter where he turned, she was there. They had always crossed paths like star-crossed lovers and it was as if the universe was constantly pulling them together and they had tried. They really did. 
Perhaps the timing wasn’t enough or their pride had stood in the way. they never meant to fall apart the way they did but when the other side of the bed was empty, those walls they held up became transparent and it only took a mere few seconds to see what they had lost. 
But he understood what she meant. They both knew that if anything were to happen between them tonight it would start a snowball effect that everyone was tired of seeing. Over and over they would fall in line and build each other up before something came between them and pulled them apart. 
He wanted to get past all the hurdles of playing cat and mouse until on of them caved and said their feelings. But her saying she missed him wasn’t her caving, she was just tired and so was he.
They had been young when they had fallen in love. The rules of life tossing them into a sea of doubt but now they were adults who knew the game and could easily avoid anything in their paths, except each other. 
His hand slid over hers. “I missed you too.”
She smiled softly before her hand rested on his cheek. “I’m really proud of you Brick, you’ve come along way.” 
“I’m just happy you got to see it.” He whispered before his lips touched hers with a fire they both had missed. 
A swirl of fire and ice that only they knew. No matter how much life decided to pull them apart or change the course, he would always find himself coming back to her. 
The kiss didn’t last as long as he would have liked but seeing the faint blush on her cheeks made it all worth it. 
“What are you doing later?” He asked as he helped her up from the bench. 
“I was going to get take out and sit in my hotel room watching movies.” 
Brick leaned over to fix the bow in her hair, taking the time to have her close. “I don’t suppose you would accept any company?” He winked before kissing the back of her hand and handing her the red purse.
“I think I can make an exception.” She winked and he had never thought she had looked more stunning. 
She took his hand, their palms resting naturally together, before walking back to the ceremony, where he would leave with not only his award but the woman he had loved for years and years. 
was the ending lazy? yes. do I care, only a little bit. Lol. I’ve had a really off day so I hope this is good.
Hope you enjoyed :) 
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zirkkun · 3 years
What are your views on UT!Chara? Are they good, neutral, evil (in your opinion) (No need to answer this ask if you do not want to)
hoo boy let me just. you’ve activated a Secret Essay(tm) of mine anon fbdshabl sorry i’ll try to keep it short LMAO
(under a read more just for a) length b) ut spoilers.. even tho im p sure most of you have beaten the game but who knows lol c) uhh Chara’s story is pretty dark so this has mentions of abuse and whatnot so please be aware of that ^^;;)
Morality alignment wise is like. Idk. I’m bad with assigning that half the time because it’s all subjective in a way right oh no my true neutralness surfaces like for example I wouldn’t do something I think is bad right? But someone else might think it’s bad. (Like my 16 yr old self might consider me today a terrible person just bc I like Undertale lol 16 yr old me is rude don’t listen to them) If I were to put them on a kind of DnD like alignment scale though, I think I would probably put them in a lawful neutral kind of alignment, maybe leaning a bit towards lawful evil.
But here’s the thing. Without Chara having any sort of backstory as to why they hate humans? It’s very hard for me to gauge where their motivation lies for the things that they did. Based off of what Asriel tells you when you talk to him in the Ruins, the genocide route, and the bits of narration we have, we can pretty much assume:
- Chara was pretty abusive, this is undeniably a fact even from just watching the videos in the True Lab; and while Asriel recognizes this, he didn’t want to lose them because they were the only one he felt close to. Which is likely part of the abuse they dealt by making him feel alone without them. - Chara hated humanity for reasons they would not disclose to Asriel, but it’s pretty implied that they attempted to commit suicide by jumping into Mt. Ebott. This could mean that they were abused in their past, which could in turn provide reason for their abusive nature (because, with Chara being a child, it’s very likely that they took in the personalities of those around them to make their own person up. Even though they were hurting, they didn’t exactly know why, and even still, many people with an abusive history that end up abusive themselves might not even recognize that they’re being abusive, which might be the case for Chara as well.) - Chara probably cared for Asriel. There’s a lot of things to indicate that they may have faked it or maybe it seems like they didn’t by their abusive nature towards Asriel, but it’s unlikely that Chara would fake caring about someone. If they jumped off the side of a mountain because they hated the people they were around so much, there’s very little reason for them to pretend they liked someone at the potential expense of their own happiness. More likely than not, Chara desperately wanted to keep Asriel close, but ended up being really controlling in an attempt to keep him close. Additionally, when you hug Asriel at the end of the True Pacifist route, the line “Hah... I don’t want to let go...” is said by the narrator, indicating it may have been Chara who said it. But considering how Sans also has lines that are spoken silently and in the default font, this may not be entirely accurate.  - Imma go off for a second about genocide because i have a pet peeve about when people suddenly decide that Chara is the one that caused it. This doesn’t make any sense -- but at the same time, with little to no games considering the Player and Player-Insert character to be two seperate characters, it’s no surprise to me that people i guess “projected” onto Chara. However, if you seperate the player from Frisk (in the same manner that Kris and the Player are seperate in Deltarune), it becomes easier to understand. Chara had nothing against the monsters. They liked monsterkind. It’s extremely unlikely that they would have the motivation to kill all of the monsters on their own. This wasn’t created until far into the genocide route, where the player has done most of the work for them. Chara is now living on pure Determination, which as we know is void of care and purely puts a person on a path of achieving their last desire, and once they wake up like this, with most of monsterkind already dead... well, what else is there to live for? They already attempted to kill humanity, failed, and now the only people they treasured have fallen like flies. Nothing matters in this world. Might as well delete the whole thing to finish the job. (also Frisk doesn’t have any motivations of their own either... unlike Kris they are shown to have no specific motivations (that i’m aware of?) one way or another and don’t reject the player ever so the idea that a canon frisk would reject the genocide route doesn’t make sense to me either. obvs au’s are exempt because they’re free real estate lmao anyway this is unrelated) - Chara’s a very calculated and observent person as well -- just look at how they died? They weren’t even afraid of death. They poisoned themselves with full faith that Asriel would take their Soul and bring them back to life (which also goes back to my point about how much Chara cared for Asriel, since, if they didn’t trust him, they would not have left him with that huge responsibility) by absorbing their Soul into his own body so they could exist as one. Chara saw their death as a stepping stone in their plan. All this from just seeing Asgore accidentally eat buttercups once and getting sick. A whole plan to get revenge on the people who hurt them from that. They even made a statement about wanting to be placed back on the Surface just to cover Asriel’s ass when he eventually took Chara on his own to the Surface. - okay this is probably just more of a me thing, but I’ve never gotten the whole “Chara hates Sans” concept. But considering I also don’t really think of Chara as the one who attempted the genocide route, I guess it makes sense. Chara probably doesn’t care about Sans one way or another, really, and Sans probably has very little idea who Chara is. I’ve always seen Sans’s statements during his battle said directly towards the Player, more or less using Frisk as the messenger -- like, for example (yes I have this on hand don’t judge me):
“sounds strange, but before this i was secretly hoping we could be friends. i always thought the anomaly was doing this because they were unhappy. and when they got what they wanted, they would stop all this. and maybe all they needed was. i dunno. some good foods, some bad laughs, some nice friends. but that’s ridiculous, right? yeah. you’re the type of person who won’t EVER be happy.”
- (cont) At this point it sort of taps into something I was gonna write for that Sans essay but here we go. I bolded “the anomaly” because this is the point where he directly refers to the player as their own individual in the game. What’s the only thing that’s different between Undertale and any moments of his life previous? The player. Hence, anomaly. Even Chara would have existed before the player showed up, right? Chara fell sometime within the 2010′s according to the opening of the game, and in between that time and when Frisk showed up, 6 other humans fell into the Underground. Clearly none of them had the same powers Frisk did, because otherwise, they would have not died and left their Soul behind for Asgore to use. That leaves one thing different -- player interference. Chara even directly states that the player is the one who woke them up with Determination, meaning they were asleep (or dead) for every year previous to their arrival. Sans probably only knows them as “the first human” like every other monster in the Underground (aside from the Dreemurs, of course).
i could probably go on for a while. but i will save you the time you probably didn’t want to spend reading this already by shutting up fdbshafb
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