#Imperium Universe
blutomindpretzel · 2 years
How about guy and honey in the imperium universe? 👀👀
In the Imperium, Quinn is pretty much keeping Honey as a pet- like on a chained leash and shit -it’s humiliating. He takes advantage of Darlin’s death to take his “emotions” out on Honey instead.
BUT GUY- and unempowered human running from department staff, sees this shifter chained to a tree; whimpering and groaning in pain as Quinn and his ‘goons’ plot their next move in the comfort of a warm shack. He stops in his tracks immediately, standing before them and trying to weigh his options.
At this point Honey has lost all hope of escape, but when they see this stranger standing before them- just panting and staring down at them- they growl at him.
All of that anger fades when Honey notices a deciding change in Guy’s eyes as he begins to rip the chains from the tree. Honey almost chokes on the metal from his errors before realizing what Guy was really trying to do. He was trying to set them free.
Guy didn’t have time for this, who knew how far bending him the enforcers were. But he knew this was far more important than any punishment the Department had waiting for him back there.
Thats when Guy just groans in defeat and pulls out this huge ass axe. ‘So that’s how he’s survived out here long enough to find me’
“When I say go, pull yourself as far as you can away from the tree, get me?”
Honey pulls, hard. And they didn’t open their eyes for a little while after his instruction. That’s when they feel it, the cold air of winter against their neck. It’s gone, it’s fucking gone. Honey just stares up at him in disbelief, and he stares right back down at them- looking just as shocked despite the little smile cocking his lips upward.
All of that is broken as the two turn their attention to the sound of booming footsteps finding their way towards them. All of that mutual freedom melted at the boisterous allure of yelling. Honey knew what they had to do.
With any strength that was left- which wasn’t much- Honey shifted and grunted at Guy to get on their back. Guy quickly slung the axe over his back and mounted the wolf, forcing his head forward and away from the danger.
The moment Honey felt Guy settle on their back, these two were flying through the trees, going anywhere but here. Honey forgot about every time Quinn used, beat, and fed on them- and every night spent shivering and crying silent tears in the cold while he resided in the warmth of his base with this friends- sipping blood and making plans.
Honey didn’t taste the blood in their mouth anymore, they were free. And for the first time in months; Honey smiled.
Guy is absolutely terrified as Honey takes him through the woods, and they’re only getting faster as a smile forms on their mouth. He understands now, and even begins to laugh from atop this absolute powerhouse of a shifter.
All these two have is each other now, Honey owes Guy their life. These two feel so safe around each other despite constantly being on the run from something or someone.
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Lionel Heresy - Kharn the Destroyer chapter master of World Eater by Kim chan (paint_newb)
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"oh no. i think i'm catching feelings"
(this is what i do instead of my very important assignments.
Suggestive near the end, but not descriptive
title from 'sex' by eden)
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Freelancer can practically see the steam rushing out of Gavin's ears.
His face is red and his eyes were glaring holes into them. If they didn't know any better, they'd say he was mad at them.
But they saw the way Gavin's lips fought a smile. The corners of them tugging up without his approval, entirely giving away his facade.
They've grown awfully fond of him, and it almost scared them. Almost. No one could really be scared of such beauty, in their humble (and very correct) opinion. And if that didn't convince them, Freelancer would take any and every opportunity explaining how wise, endearing and kind the man in front of them was.
"Are you even listening to me?"
That snapped Freelancer right out of the clouds. They paused for a second, before coming clean.
"Nope. Sorry, handsome."
If Freelancer said Gavin's face managed to get even more red, he would deny it.
"You-" he starts, putting his face in his hands, breathing in and out to calm himself, "I am going to kill you."
If Gavin meant that, he didn't show it. Perhaps one could argue the blushing, smiling and wide eyes filled with adoration were all a ruse to hide his murderous intent. If that was the case, Freelancer had definitely fallen for (him) it.
Unfortunately for Gavin, Freelancer had one last card up their sleeve.
"And what are you going to do, Gavin? Fuck me to death?"
What were they here for again? Magic history tutoring? A movie date? Finishing the leftover pizza and wings they ordered the last time Gavin was over?
It didn't matter anymore, because Gavin was forcing them out of their seat, grabbing their face and kissing them breathless. All while maneuvering the both of them into their bedroom.
When Freelancer took a breath, they were on top of Gavin, legs on either side of his waist, one hand pinning one of his arms down while the other was resting on his chest. They stared at him as they felt his chest falling and rising, his heart beating beneath their touch.
They remembered what that meant, when a demon took the time to form a heart beat with magic. Slowly, they leaned down to kiss his chest, right where a real heart would be if he was human.
They looked up at him, and in their brief eye contact, Freelancer thanked him. For his help with DAMN stuff, for trusting them enough to be this vulnerable with his emotions.
For being in their life.
If Freelancer was asked if they started to cry in that moment, hiding it from Gavin by meeting his lips with their own again, they'd say it was drool.
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galaxyg1204 · 6 days
Please understand that if I find a problematic character attractive I am not excusing their actions. I also would not want to be within 10 ft of their perimeter. And it's most likely because their voice/tone of voice/appearance.
That being said I'm gonna break my silence a little...
Imp!Hux and Alexis in both universes.
That is all.
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maxpaulll · 1 year
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sorry for not postig for a bit </3 there was a death in the family.
But to cheer myself up here's one of my favourite pieces of all time!!! Imp!Freelancer and Vindemiator in their garden vv
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“Gavin and Freelancer fall in love in every universe” “Milo and Sweetheart fall in love in every universe” respectfully hush we need to talk about how technology Frederick and Bright eyes find a way to die together in every universe
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mythallia · 3 months
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danwhobrowses · 3 months
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Okay sure just split the group again I'm sure nothing could go wrong this time dividing them into sub-groups to sting at high levelled and relatively unknown areas with high risk and high threat of boss level enemies in the vicinity and then go on another break to make us stew on that, it's fine IT'S FINE!
#critical role#bell's hells#cr spoilers#c3 e89#critical role spoilers#the volition#ruby vanguard#the imperium#ruidus#unseelie court#universe really gotta hit me with Frieren season finale and CR going on a break AND One Piece going on a break!#it's like you want me to have nothing to do on Friday#honestly how many times in all 3 campaigns has splitting up worked? Not a lot Matt it's just evil PCs have died#my Callowmoore heart of course is relieved that Ashton and Fearne are in the same group this time - they're not gonna lose her again#maybe we can sneak in some combo moves for Bearne and Bashton - play a bit of holies#but still it's difficult to gauge how to deal with Athion plus maybe a dragon indoors plus Ira's willingness to leave people behind#Otohan and Ludinus can be lurking anywhere too#we still have no idea where Ryn is being kept either#the Liliana assassination attempt is doomed to fail and as much as it's a terrible choice I think Imogen needs to let her go#she talks about Ludinus like an abusive lover but acts blind to the cries of the people she says she's protecting#like woman go home! If they need you then removing yourself from the board stops them that's why there's a target on your back#but we all believe in Gaz supremacy at least#and more moon lore always gotta have the moon lore#tag reader's bonus: turtles live in every continent except antarctica#idk usually I have this many tags in ship posts so I drop a headcanon but this is more just panic so you get a nice turtle fact
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breezysuffers · 14 days
Erik might be a world building genius.
Long ass magic racism rant below
No So we all know that the redacted-verse has slurs. Some are obvious (feeder, thrall, leech etc.) in the cannon universe, it seems like people have noticed that it’s like bad to say these things. But the older vamps still say thing like ‘mutt’ and ‘thrall’ and shit like that. Like they were around during a time when it was okay to say those things.
But in imperium everyone is throwing these words around. Baring the obvious demon bigotry but the pack calling Vincent a leech with the same energy of a southern white man saying the hard r. And that kinda shit makes sense, considering the like, big brother, ‘1800’s but modern’ vibe imperium gives off. No move to have everyone be seen as equal when you’re trying to hoard power, or just trying to get by in an incredibly competitive (propaganda filled) world.
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clocktowerechos · 5 months
Factions of the Grand Alliance
"Our enemies are numerous, powerful, insidious, and dangerous beyond reckoning. Tis good we have friends just as formidable. I cannot fathom having to stand alone in such a galaxy." ~ Imperial Diplomat toasts his allies during a feast on Craftworld Ulthwe
The Brightest Night AU is a lot more clear with who it counts on the good end of the moral spectrum and who it doesn't. This doesn't mean people are perfect, but they're at least mostly good by nature and try to be better. The Grand Alliance is what stands of the "civilized" races of the galaxy, an united bulwark against the abyss that threatens to consume them all.
The Interstellar Imperium
The Imperium of Man as we would know it and the successor state to the Greater Human Dominion from before the Dark Age of Technology. Ruled by the God-Emperor Aurelian, they are far less totalitarian and xenophobic than in canon, their faith is far less fanatical and count abhumans and even some xenos as Imperial citizens. As demonstrated by his marriage to Isha. Instead of the glorification of a holy human form in a physical sense, they value the concept of Humanity as people who can work together towards a greater goal. They can be seen as a galaxy spanning Interex and have adopted their method of dealing with Chaos with mixed results. People are generally more aware and can protect themselves better, but those who do fall often fall faster and further than they otherwise would have. As the Horus Heresy never happened, the idea that betrayal can happen at any time from within while still present, it not all-encompassing. However, plenty of planets and forces have been corrupted, just never all at once in an empire-splitting civil war. Faith remains a pervasive aspect of life in the Imperium, especially Emperor still being alive who is able to put some top down power to reign in the worst parts of the Imperium at times.
The Mechanicum
The largest of Survivor States that rose after the fall of the Greater Human Dominion, they are the most heavily intigrated of them. As the Imperium in this AU operates more akin to a federal system instead of an autocracy, the Mechanicum retains enough independence to the point of never having been forced to integrate and become the Adeptus Mechanicus. Still steeped in their techno-mysticism, technological advancement is glacial at best and often just as restrictive in canon. While technology is still stagnant and they hold the lion's share, some technology remains available in M41 such as jet bikes and volkite weaponry (albeit expensive and rare). AI remains completely outlawed in Mechanicum space and they're constantly pushing against the Tau's utilization of it. Their worst tendencies have mellowed out, going from callously apathetic to just iron-plated dicks. Given the Imperium can rely on other Suvivor States, the Tau, and even the Kyn Leagues for some tech, the political influence they wield is strong but not overpowering.
Confederation of Eldar Craftworlds
Less arrogant and self-assured of their own supremacy than in canon. Especially after Eldrad Ulthran brokered a pact between the Craftworlds and the young Imperium to aid one another in the War of the Beast and then an impossible raid on Nurgle's Garden to free Isha. It was this Hail Mary sucess that formed the foundation of the Grand Alliance and the eventual marriage of Isha and Aurelian. In exchange for their aid, the Eldar repaired and upgraded the Astronomicon and shared anti-Chaos technology and measures to the Imperium. With the rescue of Isha, hope has been restored to the Eldar. While they are a long way off from being a "dying race", their population at least grows even at a tectonic pace. Although their corrupted kin, the Shadishari, or "Chaos Eldar", still vastly outnumber them. She is the most potent anti-Chaos weapon the Alliance have, able to use her divine power to cleanse corrupted worlds with her presence but even with the constant movement of the Celestial Court, she can only be in so many places at once.
The "Imperial" Aquilla (the Alliance Aquilla in this timeline) and its twin heads in this AU actually represent the Imperium and the Craftworlds, not the Imperium and the Mechanicum.
The Exodite Enclaves
Also known as "Medari", they continue their low-tech existence on Eldar Maiden Worlds. There is usually a singular, technologically advanced settlement on their worlds, meant as a space port for their Craftworld cousins and the Imperium, but even then the technology is heavily regulated. Exodites are far more prickly and selective when it comes to dealing with outsiders and are granted special rights upon their worlds that not even the Craftworld Eldar can ignore. They exhibit more Wood Elf-tendencies as well, favoring the use of Ghostwood over Wraithbone which they cultivate in Ghostwood Glades. While often relying on treaties of defense with the Craftworlds, they are capable of rousing "forest spirits" in the form of Ghostwood Dyrads, Ents, and Treekin. Not to mention the various dangerous fauna they keep, most famous being the dinosaurs their knights ride into battle.
The Tau Empire
The largest of the allied Xenos races, they were independent for several millennia, resisting the advances of both Humans and Eldar until they finally joined in M39 after a series of devastating catastrophes and a brief civil war that saw the Farsight Enclaves break away. Their caste system and loyalty to the Ethreals is the result of cultural traditions and social engineering; it's possible for a Tau to go against an Ethereal but those who do probably aren't welcomed in the Empire to begin with or often feel deep shame for doing so. They're genuinely well-meaning with their entrance into the alliance being the biggest boons in millennia, but they're coming to grips with the reality and the vastness of the galaxy as well as its dangers. They weren't stupid enough to trust the Dark Eldar with cultural exchanges, but the Drukhari still took their due with successive raids during their "Bloody Teared Years" leading to a huge amount of animosity that is uncharacteristic for an otherwise famously, levelheaded people. Their AI technology is still highly advanced and they do butt heads with the Mechanicum over it. They are technically immune from its anti-AI strictures but a close, covert eye is kept out of fear they might trigger another Men of Iron-like revolt. Most of the time though, the Tau don't really quite believe the scale and scope of the universe they're in, still somewhat sheltered by their relative youth.
The Leagues of Votann
Technically abhumans, they are officially classified as "Xenos Amicis" (aka Friendly or Allied Xenos) in Imperial and Alliance records for what amounts as galactic tax evasion as being counted as an abhuman Survivor State would involve a great deal more integration than what most Leagues are comfortable with. Not to mention the additional burdens Survivor States are expected to provide for one another. However, they're still happy to work with the other members of the Alliance, giving tech, resources, and expertise in exchange for goods and oaths of defense. The true nature of their Votann AI is a closed secret known only to the Emperor with not even the Mechanicum fully let in on it. Some have their speculation, but it is a "don't ask questions to answers you don't want" situation for everyone involved.
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
Who the fuck is Nate Wexler and why did he get a last name drop before Lasko and Asher???
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Go for the Throat by Nikola Matkovic
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Blood Ravens, Litany of Fury by UniversalGibbon
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malimaywrite · 9 months
imperium/cataclysm being over means there's just so much fun to play around with with those characters:
the fact that the meridian is still no closer to being healed in that world
the shift from one overbearing and dangerous power to another after what was essentially a revolution attempt
the canonically colder vega's imperium counterpoint being softer in a crueler world
the devolution/negative character arcs likely for huxley and damien
freelancer and gavin seeking of safety and healing from trauma in a world still falling apart
milo likely losing the ability to shift and the internal reckoning that might come from that
asher's dimmed core after his mate's passing possibly flickering again if he were to fall for baaabe here (& even the guilt that could come from that)
any fics that even make an attempT at an imperium season 3 at all
back to the first point, just how do you even function in a world on its last breath where even when you look to the skies you have a reminder of that
i am going to eat up fanfics WHOLE lmao
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milogreer · 5 months
imperium!gavin with the "until now i've done whatever it took to stay alive. but being alive and living are two different things." callback and imperium!kody stealing vega's "what are you gonna do, incubus? fuck me to death?" line?? oohhh erik when i catch you!!!
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[Random SU x WH40K Idea] What if Primarchs are Gems
Suggestion is welcomed. I want to make their early designs before digitlalized them.
Big E: Gold Diamond
Gem Placement: Upside Down, on his forehead. (Like WD's, but the bottom edge is upon his hair)
Malcador: Golden Pearl (Or Malcador the Sugillite?)
Gem Placement: On his forehead. Maybe resemble to headband or on either side.
Lion El'Jonson (Dark Angels): Obsidian
Gem Placement: Left Eye
Fulgrim (Emperor's Children): Opal
Gem Placement: Underbelly, or Belly Button
Perturabo (Iron Warriors): Malachite
Gem Placement: Left Shoulder
Jaghatai Khan (White Scars): Yellow-White Jade
Gem Placement: Left side of Chest
Leman Russ (Space Wolves): Ivory or Moonstone
Gem Placement: Nose, resemble to wolf's nose somehow.
Rogal Dorn (Imperial Fists): Jasper of Citrine
Gem Placement: Right Elbow
Konrad Curze (Night Lords): Onyx
Gem Placement: Right Eye
Sanguinius (Blood Angels): Bloodstone
Gem Placement: Chest
Ferrus Manus (Iron Hands): Peridot
Gem Placement: Right Shoulder
Angron (World Eaters): Ruby with Inclusion
Gem Placement: Belly Button (Based on Pre-Butcher Nail Angron)
Roboute Guilliman (Ultramarines): Aquamarine
Gem Placement: Hairline
Mortarion (Death Guard): Jade
Gem Placement: Chin
Magnus the Red (Thousand Sons): Sapphire
Gem Placement: One of his eyes, his 3rd eye, or BEING HIS EYE!
Horus Lupercal (Sons of Horus): Corundum, second the diamond
Gem Placement: Diaphragm
Lorgar Aurelian (Word Bearers): Garnet
Gem Placement: Neck
Vulkan (Salamanders): Bismuth
Gem Placement: Right Side of the chest
Corvus Corax (Raven Guard): Dark Blue Cat’s Eyes
Gem Placement: Between his eyes and nose, but not his nose.
Alpharius Omegon (Alpha Legion): Fusion of Two Amethysts
Gems Placement: Both Cheeks
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