#Improve your Band Score
just-english-ielts · 2 years
Vocabulary for Therapeutic :
For example: Listening music can be therapeutic/rejuvenating/ reviving as it refreshes our mind .
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helloalycia · 7 months
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one / three / four / masterlist / wattpad
summary: after Jackie humiliates you at a school party, you realise that she'll only ever see you as a kid and nothing more.
warning/s: mentions of cheating and underage drinking.
author's note: here’s part 2! glad you’re all liking it, this one was fun to write haha 🥰
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I was supposed to be getting over Jackie, but it was impossible. Even when I was reminded that she was Jeff's girlfriend, I still couldn't seem to move on.
One time after a Yellowjackets game, Jeff and I were going on the pitch to congratulate her for leading her team to victory, and then she was reminding him to pick her up later for the after party and that was my cue to leave, but she asked me if I wanted to come.
"Oh, erm...," I started to answer, not really sure if I even wanted to go, but the look Jeff was giving me over Jackie's shoulder was answer enough. "It's not really my scene."
Jackie tried not to laugh as she studied me curiously. "You're in a band but you don't like parties?"
I smiled awkwardly. "A paradox, I'm aware."
She chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully, before looking back to Jeff. "Guess it's just us."
"What a shame," he said sarcastically, before pulling her close, and they began to kiss and I tried not to throw up as I left them to it.
Six months of dating and I still wasn't used to it. I prayed and prayed I could be put off, trying to find a new girl to hyper-fixate on, at least long enough for me to get over Jackie, but it never seemed to work.
Another time, I was at home practicing with the band in the garage when I saw Jackie out front, getting out of Jeff's truck with him. I recalled my mum saying she was coming over today, but didn't really remember until now. It didn't matter anyway because I found myself subtly checking her out as she walked across the front pathway with him, listening intently to whatever he was saying. It couldn't have been very interesting – I loved my brother, but he could drone on sometimes – but she was eating it up anyway, smile tugging at her lips as she nodded along.
Today, she was wearing some denim shorts, a strappy top and a jacket, making me forget what anything and everything was as I followed her movement, possibly drooling a little. I couldn't help it! She was everything.
The feeling of something hitting the side of my head pulled me back into reality and I let out a yelp, looking in the direction it came from.
"Wipe your mouth and pay attention," Y/BF/N said with a teasing grin, and I realised she'd hit me with one of her drumsticks.
Aaron and Tommy stifled their laughter as I cleared my throat and embarrassingly picked up the drumstick. We continued to practice some songs we'd learnt, both original and more covers, preparing for a gig Tommy had scored us at some birthday party in the fancy side of town. It was going well for a while, and I almost forgot about the Jackie distraction, until she decided to stop by.
"Hey, Jackie," the others greeted her as she stopped before the open garage door, smiling at us all.
"Hey," she returned, before her eyes fell to me. "Y/N, hey. I could hear you all performing upstairs – you sound awesome!"
We all mumbled our thanks as she chuckled at our bashfulness.
"So, is it cheeky of me to ask if I can watch you practice?" she asked, tilting her head and fluttering her eyelashes convincingly.
It didn't matter whether you had a crush on Jackie Taylor or not, she simply had the power of compulsion, and none of us could deny her request. So, we performed a few songs for Jackie as she complimented each and every one, amazed by our massive improvement since she'd heard us perform that first time at the dance.
As Aaron and Tommy went to get some drinks from the kitchen for us, Jackie approached me with an impressed look.
"Every time I think you can't get cooler, you prove me wrong," she said jokingly. "And you have a pretty voice. You should sing more if you can."
I smiled awkwardly. "It's not that good. I prefer backing vocals. But thanks."
She laughed. "Humble too, love it. Well, you're nailing it on the keyboard and guitar."
"Yep, that's our Y/N for you," Y/BF/N butted in with a cheeky smile, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Super talented this one."
"That she is," Jackie agreed, looking at me knowingly.
"You're talented with your feet, but this one is talented with her fingers," Y/BF/N continued, and I knew what she was trying to say, but god, it came out so wrong.
As I tried to recover from her words, certain my cheeks were hotter than the sun, Jackie suppressed the urge to laugh and Y/BF/N stumbled over her next words.
"Not like that," she said quickly, "like with instruments, y'know? I mean– the keyboard and–"
I had never wanted to die so badly in my life.
"You saw her at soccer tryouts!" Y/BF/N settled with, only doing more to embarrass me as I remembered getting hit in the face. "It's why she didn't make the team."
At this, Jackie finally let out a laugh, covering her mouth to contain it when she saw my reaction.
"It's okay, clearly music was your calling," she assured me, resting a hand on my shoulder. "Like Y/BF/N said. Better with your hands than your feet."
Oh, God.
The two of them laughing had me wanting the earth to swallow me up there and then.
The down side of having a sibling so close in age was being invited to the same parties, which meant seeing him and his girlfriend there when you really didn't want to.
My friends and I were at some house party, word having spread through my grade and Jeff's, and even though we hadn't talked to each other about going, I still bumped into him and Jackie in the kitchen.
"Y/N?" Jackie spoke first, surprised to see me. "I thought parties weren't your thing."
I paused, trying to think up something intelligible. "Just trying something new," I finally spoke.
She smiled with confusion. "Right... take care, yeah? There's seniors here and alcohol and–"
"I'm a year younger than you," I reminded her, a little annoyed she was treating me like a child, especially in front of my friends. "I'll be fine."
She sighed, unconvinced. "Right. Of course."
After exchanging a look with Jeff that meant 'avoid me at all cost', we all went our separate ways. Despite our distance from one another though, I felt like Jackie was keeping an eye out on me most of the evening. It was growing annoying, making me feel like a child whose mum was watching her play. I knew she probably meant it from a place of kindness, but it was frustrating.
Aside from that, the party was fun and I was having a blast with my friends. It was inevitable that we had a little to drink, but nothing that would have us regretting anything in the morning. At one point, I needed some air, feeling a little warm in the house and a bit tipsier than I probably should have been.
"You look hot," a girl said behind me, making me turn around, not recognising her. She must have seen my expression, as she amended with a laugh, "I meant warm, like sweaty. But yeah, you're hot, too."
Her confidence had me taken aback and I blinked, trying to let her words register in my glazed thoughts.
"I'm Eve," she introduced, before sitting one of the deck chairs in the garden.
"Y/N," I felt the need to do the same, sitting beside her. "I don't think I've seen you at school before."
"Same here," she said with a relaxed smile, no doubt as tipsy as I was. "I think I'd remember a pretty face like yours."
Again, I was surprised at how confident she was, and I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol, but I wanted to give it a go myself. "You're pretty cute yourself, Eve."
She laughed. "Smooth."
I smiled with amusement, waving a hand. "I'm usually smoother, but you caught me on a bad day."
She snorted at my joke. "Sure I did."
We stayed chatting for a while, a little more flirtatiously than sober me could have ever managed, and I was very attracted to the dark haired girl who was the only thing on my mind right now. After about ten minutes, we somehow found ourselves leaning in, any chatter going out the window, and just when I thought I was about to get my first kiss off a really hot girl, someone interrupted.
"Don't you have somewhere better to be?"
I jumped apart from Eve with surprise, my eyes narrowing when I saw it was Jackie stood there, hands on her hips and fixing Eve with a glare.
"Jackie Taylor," Eve realised, looking to her with surprise that soon transformed into annoyance.
"Eve Perkins," Jackie said bitterly.
Now I was confused, standing up as Eve did. "Wait. How do you two know each other?"
Still glaring at Eve, Jackie answered, "Eve plays for the Lions soccer team."
I raised my brows with surprise. That explained why I'd never seen her at school before – she went to our rival school. Not that that mattered, but clearly it did to the captain of the Yellowjackets.
"Really? Making moves on sophomores?" Jackie asked Eve accusingly, and all it did was infantilise me and humiliate me.
"Jackie!" I scolded, to which she gave me a disapproving look.
"What? You're a kid, Y/N!" she told me in a manner that she definitely didn't have the right. "You shouldn't be here with her."
Eve, who clearly didn't sign up for any of this, rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She glanced at me before she left, adding, "See you around."
The alcohol was starting to make me nauseous, in addition to the utter humiliation I'd just suffered, and I instantly fixed Jackie with a glare.
"What the fuck, Jackie?!"
Dropping her arms by her side, she said, "What?"
"You had no right to do that!" I shouted at her, jabbing my finger in her shoulder. "You're only one year older than me, not my mum!"
Indifferent, she straightened up and held her stance. "I was just looking out for you, Y/N. You're–"
"No," I snapped, my head starting to hurt. "You're treating me like a fucking child."
Calmly, she said, "You're Jeff's little sister–"
"But not yours," I reminded her before rolling my eyes and storming off.
"Y/N, wait!" she called, but I ignored her as I headed back inside.
My first hangover wasn't one I wanted to remember, especially when I woke up with memories of every horrifying thing that occurred the night before. How the hell could Jackie do that to me in front of another girl? I couldn't believe she'd overstepped like that, treating me like a kid. I hated it. I hated that she only saw me as her boyfriend's little sister. Someone to look out for. Nothing more.
The Saturday after the party was spent with me wallowing in self pity and recuperating, but then the Sunday was even more annoying because Jackie was visiting Jeff. Just the sound of her voice frustrated me and I resorted to hiding in my room just to avoid her. Of course, she couldn't take the hint.
"Go away," I snapped at her when she let herself in my room when I didn't answer to her knocks. "Just because Jeff wants you here doesn't mean I do."
"Y/N, please, I'm so sorry," she said quickly, and I rolled my eyes, looking back to my notebook and pretending she wasn't here. "I was out of line."
Unable to stay quiet, I said, "Funny how you realise that now, huh? After you humiliated me?"
"It wasn't fair," she said guiltily.
I lowered my notebook, glaring at her. "I know it wasn't. But what could I expect from someone who only sees me as a kid?"
She rubbed the crease between her forehead as she sighed regretfully. "I didn't mean that."
I rolled my eyes and looked back to my notebook, ready to ignore her again, but she suddenly took a seat on my bed and took my notebook from my lap. Before I could protest, she gazed at me with her stupidly big convincing apologetic eyes.
"You're more mature than anyone in my grade," she told me truthfully. "It's nothing to do with age, the way I acted. I was just looking out for you because I care."
"Because of obligation," I corrected her bitterly, crossing my arms.
"No," she said with certainty. "Because I care. But... I shouldn't have reacted like that. Even if it was... Eve."
I considered her words, hating that she was already wearing me down. But she seemed sincere, and I never doubted it was from a place of kindness, though it was executed in the worst way possible. And to know she didn't view me as the kid I thought she did... it was reassuring.
"Why are you so bitter about Eve?" I asked, feeling like I'd missed something.
She pushed her hair out of her face as she struggled to find the words. "It's just a feud we've always had. She's captain of the Lions, the Yellowjackets' number one enemy. It's not your problem though."
I didn't know what to say, nor how to react, and she must've taken it the wrong way as she reluctantly glanced at me.
"If you like her, go for it," she said quietly. "I won't get involved again."
She sounded almost... disappointed. And now I felt stupid because it wasn't even about Eve, not really, and it was certainly not worth ruining my friendship – however circumstantial it was – with Jackie over.
"It was just flirting," I admitted, avoiding her eyes. "A kiss. Or almost kiss. I don't like her. I don't even know her. It was just a momentary thing... it's hard having someone be interested in me. Not everybody turns heads like you, Jackie."
Jackie pulled a face. "Are you crazy? Y/N, you're beautiful."
I rolled my eyes, not even sure why I was telling her this. "You're biased."
"No," she disagreed firmly. "You are."
Not in the mood to go back and forth about this, I said, "Look, it doesn't matter. Just... please stop treating me like this. It was humiliating."
"I promise," she said, resting a hand on my lap, palm facing upwards hopefully. "Do you forgive me?"
I glanced at her, seeing the puppy eyes she was giving me, probably without even realising. Yeah, she was always a head turner, and she'd never understand what it was like to be the opposite.
"Sure," I said, placing my hand in hers, eliciting a smile from her.
"Do you wanna join Jeff and I for a movie?" she asked, squeezing my hand before standing up.
"I'd rather gouge my eyes out."
She laughed, bringing a small smile to my lips. "Fair enough. Well... I'll see you later, Y/N."
"See you later."
16 years old.
Jeff and Jackie had been dating for a few years now, on and off and breaking up even more than usual lately, but I didn't doubt it any more than I usually did. That was where my first mistake laid.
He'd been out to a party with Jackie and Shauna, getting a ride with Shauna because his truck was getting a repair, and they'd pulled up outside the house about ten minutes ago. I couldn't care less, but my mum sent me outside to check what was up and also invite Shauna in for dinner, so that was why I headed out in the dark to knock on.
When I reached Shauna's truck, I lifted my hand to knock on the passenger door window, only to widen my eyes when I saw the impossible. Jeff and Shauna were kissing– no, that would be an understatement. They were full blown making out, her straddling him in the passenger's seat with their tongues down each other's throats.
They must have sensed my presence because they pulled apart with confusion before their eyes widened at the sight of me. Shocked, like I was the one who'd been caught, I lowered my hand and spun around to return to the house, but then I heard the door opening behind me and Jeff was calling after me.
"Y/N, just wait!" he shouted, before skidding to a halt before me. "It's not what you think."
I was still reeling from what I'd seen, glancing over my shoulder to see a mortified Shauna avoiding my eyes and driving away. Looking back to my brother, I saw the guilt in his eyes and knew it was exactly what I thought.
"You can't say anything," he pleaded, and that snapped me out of my silence.
"You're cheating," I said aloud, still in disbelief. "You're cheating on Jackie. With her best friend."
"It just happened," he tried to explain, but all I could think about was Jackie and how distraught she'd be if she found out.
"How long?" I asked him, as if it would make a difference.
He avoided my stare. "A few months."
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled, and he quickly covered my mouth to lower my volume, but I shoved him off me. "How could you do this to Jackie?!"
"I didn't mean for it to happen," he said quickly. "You have to believe me, Y/N."
My casually cool, slightly nerdy brother whom I'd looked up to my whole life was here, caught out for cheating on his girlfriend. I couldn't believe it.
"A few months," I repeated slowly. "You've been cheating on her for a few months."
She was gonna be hurt, but she deserved to know. He was my brother, but I couldn't just let her be in the dark. She deserved to know.
"You can't tell her," he said when he practically read my mind. And when I gave him a disgusted look, he grabbed my hands and continued, "No, Y/N, you can't. You–"
"Jeff, what the fuck?!" I shouted, pulling my hands from his. "I have to!"
"Think about her, about Jackie," he tried to make me see reason. "And Shauna. They're best friends. You tell her and you ruin that! Is that what you want?"
"You already did!" I yelled.
Panicking, he swallowed thickly. "Will you tell her?"
"She deserves to know," I muttered harshly. "You should've just ended it with her first. What the hell were you thinking?"
He didn't answer, and I was too ashamed of him to stand looking at him anymore, instead shoving past and heading back inside. I needed to tell Jackie, but he had a point. Her and Shauna were practically sisters – this would destroy her.
I was planning to tell her, I really was. She deserved to know the truth and I certainly wasn't condoning my idiot brother's actions, but wanting to tell her and actually telling her were two very different things.
Every time I thought about it, having the perfect opportunity at school to pull her aside or even when she visited the house during the week after I found out, my words got stuck in my throat and I choked. It wasn't an excuse, and I swore to myself I'd find her after school to tell her in private. But the worst thing happened.
She beat me to it.
It was lunchtime and I was grabbing some things from my locker, the hallway relatively empty as everybody was in the canteen, when I was suddenly pushed back into my locker. Surprised, I turned to see it was Jackie, stood before me with tears streaming down her face, her mascara a mess.
"You knew?!" she got straight to it, eyes searching mine.
Realisation crossed my expression, and before I could even answer, her eyes welled up even more.
"Fuck," she scoffed, hand on her hip as her other pushed her fringe from her eyes. "What a fool I've been. He said you knew and I thought maybe he was trying to upset me, but..."
Fucking Jeff and his big fucking mouth. Why wasn't I surprised he'd thrown me under the bus to make himself look better?
She turned to leave, but I tried to stop her desperately, awfully aware of how I probably looked like Jeff only a week earlier.
"Wait, please, Jackie," I said in a rushed tone, heart breaking when she looked to me with hurt. "I wanted to tell you–"
"Being an asshole must run in the family, huh?" she cut me off, before clenching her jaw. "And here I was thinking I could trust you."
"Jackie, you can, you–"
"You had your brother's back and I shouldn't have expected different," she sneered.
Guilt swallowed me whole as she turned to leave, her sniffling ricocheting off the empty halls and echoing into my ears like bullets. It was somewhat my fault for not going to her sooner, but I wasn't seeing reason as the only thing I could think of was my stupid brother and his big mouth.
I gritted my teeth as I searched the school for him, finding him hanging outside in the parking lot with some friends. As soon as I set my eyes on him, he seemed to notice and the colour drained from his face.
"What the fuck?!" I shouted at him, shoving him into his truck door.
"Woah, Y/N, just chill–"
"Fuck off, Randy!" I silenced his best friend.
"It's okay," Jeff assured his friends, who left us to our good old sibling dispute.
"You told her," I said between a glare. "You finally told her the truth."
"I did," he confirmed.
I shoved him again, making him clench his jaw slightly. "You told her I knew! Why the fuck did you do that?"
Wincing, he said, "I didn't mean to. It slipped out, Y/N. She was upset and talking about who knew and then said your name and I didn't mean to agree but–"
"But you did and now she fucking hates me," I finished for him bitterly. "She thinks I condone your stupid ass actions and that I only cared about protecting my brother."
Defensive, he straightened up. "Well, didn't you?"
I narrowed my eyes at him. "No, you idiot. I just didn't know how to tell her! Fuck."
He rubbed the back of his neck guiltily as I massaged the throbbing point on my forehead. As much as I hated Jeff right now, I knew it was partially my fault. If I'd just gone to her straight away, then she could have found out the truth when she deserved, and in a way less hurtful than she did.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," Jeff said with a sigh.
"Yeah, me too," I mumbled, before leaving him be.
It was up to me to fix this now. 
Jackie really hated me. No matter how hard I tried to get her attention or find a moment to speak with her, she'd completely avoid, glare at me or outright ignore me. I wasn't sure if anyone knew the reality behind her and Jeff's breakup, but her team were certainly suspicious when they saw the unusual distance between her and Shauna.
Only a week had passed, yet it was impossible to speak to her. The one time I believed I might have the opportunity was when I was going to the nurse's office during Music class because I needed to pick up a carpal tunnel wrist brace – turns out all that keyboard and guitar playing was taking its toll. It wasn't anything serious, but I definitely didn't expect to find Jackie in the nurse's office too, sat on the bed and holding some gauze to her forehead.
I had to do a double take when I spotted her, eyes widening immediately as I rushed to her side. "Oh my god, Jackie, what happened?"
She rolled her eyes, traces of tears on her cheeks. "None of your business. Just leave."
I took in the sight of her, noticing she was in her soccer uniform, probably practicing, but it was a little muddier than usual and her face had a little dirt on it. Did she fall?
"Jackie, please–"
"I said leave me alone!" she snapped, before wincing and readjusting so she could look away.
"Is there a problem in here?" the nurse returned to the room, as I was about to try again. She glanced between a teary-eyed Jackie and I, adding, "Can I help you, Miss Sadecki?"
For now, I accepted defeat and reluctantly stepped back from Jackie. "No, I... I mean, yeah. I was told I could get a wrist brace? My wrist has been hurting. Carpal tunnel."
"Over there," the nurse instructed, nodding to the opposite side of the room where some drawers were. "You should find one that fits."
I nodded sadly before going over there to look around. Meanwhile, I heard the nurse helping Jackie with her head, and then they began to talk and I may or may not have been slowing down my actions to listen in.
"Lucky for you, dear, it's just a scratch, but you banged your head pretty well," she was saying to Jackie. "Take these for the headache."
There was some movement as Jackie probably took her painkillers, and I glanced over briefly to see the nurse cleaning her cut and covering it.
"So, what happened to land this?" the nurse made conversation.
"Was playing soccer, just fell," Jackie mumbled uncharacteristically.
"That's unlike you, Miss Taylor," the nurse noticed.
Jackie exhaled deeply. "I've just been distracted lately, I guess."
I frowned to myself, not realising how all of this drama could be affecting Jackie's dynamic with the team, especially Shauna.
"You found what you're looking for yet, Miss Sadecki?" the nurse asked, startling me.
I grabbed the wrist brace and waved it in the air with an awkward smile. "Yes. Got it. Thanks."
She watched me over her glasses as I was forced to leave the room, but not before shooting Jackie an apologetic glance.
A week had passed with Jackie still avoiding me like the plague, and that was when I knew I couldn't let it go on any longer. The only way to get her attention was to show her that I genuinely didn't mean to hide the truth from her, to show her that I didn't condone Jeff's actions. And I had the perfect idea.
Once I was certain everyone at home was asleep one night, I snuck outside and used some permanent markers to graffiti the back of Jeff's truck. It was enough of an inconvenience to teach him a lesson and act as a little revenge for Jackie's sake, but not too much that it would cause world war 3. I was pretty chuffed with my idea to be completely honest, smiling at my handiwork.
The next morning, I knew Jeff would head straight into his truck without looking at the back, not far behind me, so I had no concerns in that area. Instead, I drove to school as usual, eyes scanning the parking lot for Jackie. As soon as I spotted her stood by her teammate Lottie's car, the two of them chatting, I headed straight over to her. Lottie saw me first, conversation ceasing, and then Jackie looked over and rolled her eyes.
"I'm not in the mood, Y/N," she said dismissively.
"I know, but just wait–"
"Take a hint," she said rudely, and Lottie dismissed herself, detecting the tension between us.
"You don't have to talk to me," I said quickly, before she decided to leave too, "but just wait and see. Please."
I turned around, quickly looking at the entrance of the parking lot to see if Jeff was here yet, and just on time, I saw his familiar truck driving in.
"Just look!" I told Jackie, holding her arm to stop her from leaving.
She furrowed her brows, curious and annoyed, and followed my gaze. The honking that followed his entrance was enough to hold her attention, and I held back a smile as everybody began to see what the commotion was. He drove past to find a parking spot quickly, and I caught sight of his red face in the driver's seat. Then the back of his truck was in full view, earning laughter from every student present, and I pursed my lips to hold my own in.
'HONK IF I HAVE A TINY WIENER' was written in thick black ink on the back of his truck, with a somewhat questionable doodle beside it. Some of my best work, I won't lie.
"You did that?" Jackie asked, and I looked at her with an apologetic smile.
"I did. I'm sorry, Jackie. I don't like what he did at all. I just want to talk to you."
Her expression softened, finally free of the hurt she'd harboured for me this past week, and I anticipated her response before Jeff suddenly appeared, worked up and embarrassed.
"Are you o–"
"Did you do this?!" he cut me off hysterically, looking to Jackie.
People were still honking their horns and it was very difficult for me to not burst into laughter.
"I didn't–" Jackie started, surprised, but I interrupted.
"Seriously, Jeff?" I said casually. "How would she have done that? Walk all the way across town to our house and do it in the night?"
He pressed his lips together, flustered, knowing I was right. And saying nothing more, he stormed off, steam practically coming from his ears. Only when he was out of hearing distance did Jackie finally let out a laugh.
"You didn't need to do that," she told me, though her expression said otherwise.
"I did," I said knowingly, holding her gaze.
She sighed, smile fading a little.
"I was going to tell you the truth, I swear," I said, using this as my opportunity to speak, but voice speeding up the more nervous I got. "I only knew for a week. I was planning to tell you as soon as I found out, but then he begged me not to and I was confused and I didn't want to hurt you and you found out and it was out of my control."
Frowning at the memory, she looked down at her shoes, lost in thought. The longer she stayed quiet, the worse I felt.
"Please, Jackie," I pleaded, "I'm so sorry."
"I believe you," she murmured, though still not meeting my gaze.
I wasn't optimistic – what if she wanted to leave it at that and never talk to me again? What if she couldn't hang around with me anymore because I reminded her of Jeff? What if–
She hugged me, silencing my doubts in an instant, and I sighed with relief as I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her tight.
"I'm here for you," I promised her. "I hope you know that."
She nodded in my shoulder, not quite letting go just yet. "I know. Thank you."
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aaliyg · 19 days
In The Back Of My Mind
Word Count: 1.9k+
Pairing: Ayanna Patterson x black!basketballplayer!reader
Prompt: Rivals to Lovers
Warnings: slight angst, reader beating herself up a bit
Dialogue Color Code: Ayanna, Reader
I wanna say a huge thanks to @3xoticyanna for helping me with this one <3
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Ever since you started taking basketball seriously in middle school, you and Ayanna had been rivals on the court. Ayanna was known for holding her own under the net, while you sunk down threes like there was no tomorrow. No one could deny that the both of you were talented in your specialties, but that didn’t stop them from comparing you two. Initially you didn’t pay it any mind, understanding that things like this were pointless in the long run. 
That was until you two started your junior year of highschool. All of a sudden, Ayanna was getting scouted by colleges like Uconn and South Carolina, while you barely got a glance from anyone at all. It stung, sure, but you swept it under the rug in the name of sportsmanship like your coaches taught you to do. You couldn’t help the envy bubbling beneath the surface, though, as the comparisons began to gnaw at you. Practices that used to be a joyful escape and a reset from the routine of school now felt like hell on Earth.
Ayanna didn’t make it any better either. Every time you saw her name in the local sports column or heard about her latest highlight reel, a mix of admiration and frustration would churn inside you. You tried to focus on your own improvement, pushing yourself harder during drills, working on your defense, and fine-tuning your shot. But it felt like no matter how much effort you put in, you couldn't shake the feeling that the spotlight was always just out of reach. It all came to a head one day when you heard your coach congratulating Ayanna on how well she had fine-tuned guarding people. You waited for her to say that you helped her, that you lost sleep to make her game improve, but nothing of the sort came out. You had asked Ayanna about it, and even though she did apologize, you still felt hurt. After that, the two of you playing together had never been the same, causing an even bigger rift between you two.
You shook your head out of those thoughts. That was four years ago, and you had a game to win now. You pulled your LSU jersey over your head and did one last look over before walking out of the locker room. Your team was hosting Uconn tonight, a rare occurrence, but an event that fans would absolutely pack the stands for. The noise from the crowd was already pounding as you walked onto the court with your team, the energy electric in the arena. You spotted Ayanna on the opposing side, her presence commanding as always, and you couldn’t stop the side eye targeted towards her. She side eyed you right back, making the energy amongst both teams shift dramatically. Flau’jae quckly steered you away before anything could happen. She leaned into your ear, reminding you that people came here to watch a game, not a rivalry. You sighed and nodded, even though you could feel Ayanna’s eyes on the back of your head.
At least you could say you were on the starting lineup tonight. You smirked to yourself a bit as the tip-off began.
It had been 30 minutes of each team going band for band, and the score was 57 (LSU) to 60 (Uconn). Both you and Ayanna were put on the floor to start the fourth quarter, and to say the atmosphere was tense would be an understatement. You and Ayanna took your positions, the tension between you palpable. Despite Flau’jae’s advice to keep the focus on the game, the urge to outshine Ayanna was becoming too strong. You had managed to sink a three in halfway through the quarter, tying the score at 60-60. By now there were only five minutes left, and you wanted to widen the gap. You attempted a pump fake on Ayanna, but your ankle had other ideas. 
You felt the world go into slow motion as your weight was shifted to your good foot, causing you to lose balance. Before you could hit the floor though, Ayanna’s arms were wrapped around your middle to keep you up. 
"You okay?" 
You knew Ayanna had a nice voice, but you had never heard it in this low and surprisingly gentle state. There was an undercurrent of concern in her tone that was in stark contrast to the fierce competition you’d shared on the court. You glanced up at her, momentarily taken aback. For a split second, the rivalry and the game seemed to melt away, leaving the two of you in your own little bubble. You felt your face heat up slightly as you straightened yourself in her arms, trying to regain your composure. By now a trainer was helping Ayanna sit you down on the bench to check your ankle, but you were too focused on how right it felt to be in Ayanna’s arms. Those thoughts got shattered as the trainer moved your foot gently, causing you to hiss in pain. By now, the gym had gone dead silent as the crowd awaited the verdict. 
You could hear the whispers in the crowd when Ayanna didn’t move from your side, but your mind was too focused on what the trainer was going to say to care. Eventually, you were asked to stand on the ankle, and everyone knew your night was over when you almost immediately had to shift to your other foot. 
By the grace of God, LSU took the win at 64 to 61 points. You were icing your ankle in the locker room when Ayanna poked her head in, worry written plainly on her face.
“How’s your ankle?” “It’s- it’s definitely seen better days but I should be ok, thanks.”
The atmosphere got extremely awkward, and you could tell Ayanna had something to get off her chest.
“You’re doing the hand thing you know.”
You winced to yourself at how rude that came across, but Ayanna took it in stride.
“The hand thing?”
If you weren’t in pain you would’ve chuckled at how perplexed the taller girl looked.
“When you get nervous you start wringing and rubbing your hands a lot. Just say what you need to say.”
Ayanna hummed in acknowledgement and took a seat next to you, still fiddling with her fingers. You shifted around to look at her properly, ignoring the throbbing in your ankle for a second.
“Are you ok, Ayanna?”
Ayanna took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before she spoke. 
“I just wanted to say that I’ve been thinking a lot about our rivalry and everything that’s happened over the years. It was fun, yes, but I didn’t want it to come to this. I didn’t mean for you to get hurt, and I really respect how you’ve pushed through despite everything.”
You furrowed your brow in confusion at her words. As far as you were concerned, your relationship didn’t count as a rivalry if you would always be second to her. The hurt of never quite measuring up, of constantly being in Ayanna's shadow, was something you carried silently. It wasn’t just the games that hurt—it was the unspoken understanding that, no matter how hard you worked, you’d always be viewed as the underdog. You didn’t realize you had started crying until Ayanna’s thumb swiped against your cheek gently. The unexpected tenderness of the gesture was enough to shatter the dam you’d been holding up for years. The floodgates opened, and you broke down, sobs shaking your frame as a tidal wave of emotions crashed all at once.
Ayanna’s hand moved to your back, rubbing soothing circles as she tried to offer comfort. Her touch was gentle, if a bit hesitant, like she wasn’t sure on how to handle the depth of your emotions but genuinely wanted to help. Eventually your sobs puttered off into silent tears, and you couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. You wiped the last of your tears away and looked down at your lap.
“Sorry about that..”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for. If anything I should be apologizing. I didn’t know how much this whole rivalry was hurting you.”
“I mean it’s a part of it-”
“You hurting and feeling like an underdog should never be a part of it. Never.”
All you could do was shrug, but Ayanna was having none of it. She gently grasped your chin and let out a sad sigh at how defeated you looked. This wasn’t the girl she met in middle school. Seeing you like this twisted her heart in ways she didn’t know was possible. She felt tears prick her eyes as the weight of her contributions -intentional or not- to your predicament pressed down upon her. You sniffled as she cupped your face in her palms, closing your eyes to simply take in the moment. Ayanna took a shaky breath before continuing.
“I’ve been so focused on the competition, on everything I’ve been trying to achieve, but tonight, seeing you like this has made me realize something important. I’ve been so caught up in being the best, I forgot to see what’s right in front of me.”
You slowly opened your eyes, looking at Ayanna through a haze of tears. Her gaze was intense, filled with a mixture of regret and something deeper. You saw the raw honesty in her eyes, something you hadn’t expected.
“Do you remember when we first started playing against each other? I was always so focused on outdoing you, on proving myself. But over the years, I’ve come to care about you in ways I never intended to.”
You were taken aback, the unexpected confession hanging in the air. 
“Care about me?”
Ayanna nodded as she looked up at the ceiling to stall her tears. 
“Yeah. I... I’ve been trying to deny it, but I can’t anymore. I care about you so much. Not just as a competitor or a player, but as someone who’s been a huge part of my life and pushed me to be better.”
She took a deep breath and looked you in the eyes, a concoction of fear, hope, worry, and so much more swirling in those dark brown eyes of hers.
 “I think I’m in love with you.”
You felt your whole world slow to a halt at her admission. You couldn’t tell if the thudding in your body was from your heart or your ankle anymore, but that didn’t matter as you slowly moved closer to her. Before you could overthink it, you leaned in and pressed your lips against hers. The kiss was hesitant, almost shy at first, a gentle exploration that spoke more than any words could of the emotional turbulence you both felt. Ayanna’s lips were soft against yours, and you could feel the tremble in her touch from the vulnerability and relief she was experiencing. 
When you finally pulled away, your breaths were shaky and uneven, and you both looked at each other with a mixture of surprise and newfound tenderness. The silence that followed was heavy, but reflective as the both of you came to grips with what happened.
“Was that too much or-”
“No, no that was alright..”
You fidgeted with your nails and mumbled shyly.
“It felt right, doing that. Like..”
Ayanna flashed her lopsided grin shyly, finding a perfect opening for humor.
“Like it was destiny?”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile that graced your face.
“Not quite, but something along that line. So..”
You looked up at her, hope mixing with a tinge of hesitance.
 “What are we calling this now?”
Ayanna looked thoughtful for a moment. She knew this was new territory for both of them, and she wanted to do this right.
“Wanna just take it slow and see how it goes?”
You nodded slowly, your heart lifting at her response.
“I think I’d like that.”
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blankandhappytales · 11 months
Masterlist of stories and flash fiction..
It's about time I got up off my butt and put together an easy to reference list. I'll improve the tags and descriptions in the future, but for now these are all the ones I could find in my search for all my pieces. 😁
Untilted (I'll get round to it!): You could save your friend from being turned into a drone, but why bother when you know she'll be so much hotter as one?
A Change in Perspective: (Slow corruption, tech control, chipped, masturbation, second tense) - You find yourself implanted with a control chip, but every attempt to get it removed just seems to slide out from between your fingers. All is Fair in Love & Hypnotism: (Slice of life, humour, hypnosis, self-care) - A Domme decides to lightly punish her sub for not taking care of herself.
All that Glitters: (Forced femme, rubber, tech-control) - Finn finds a higher calling beyond corporate sabotage
Bambi Betrayal: (f/f, brainwashing, tech control, betrayal, bambification) - Charity attempts to reason with Lex who is under the control of the Bambi virus.
Family Affair: (f/f, brainwashing, tech control, betrayal, minor incest themes) - Charity introduces the joy of Bambi to the local strip club.
Bambi: Banded: (f/f, brainwashing, tech control, betrayal, forced femme.) - A mind control headband? Why not. All shall be blonde and ditzy!
Betrayal is a Dish Best Served Obediently: (Dollification, tech-control, objectification, betrayal) - Rae discovers what has become of her friend after betraying her to the Dolls.
Bimbo Chip: (Tech-control, chipped, VR, Bimbofication) - Emma surrenders to the chip in the back of her neck.
Broadcast Control: (Tech-control) - The radio station prepares for a very special test broadcast.
Chasing the Score: (Tech-control, subtle indoctrination, gaming. f/f) - Getting the high score can open you up to all sorts of interesting messaging.
Cock goes in: (m/f, conditioning, hypnosis) - Alex has provided a rather more-ish way to empty out her mind.
Cocktails and Broomsticks: (Magic, witchcraft, oral fixation) - Your Mistress decides to have a little fun with you whilst out for drinks.
Cum to the Darkside: (f/f, corruption, betrayal, tech control, twinning) - Do you hope that your best friend would ever betray you to oodles of mind control?
Darkest Desires: (tg, succubus, corruption, enthrallment) - George finds out that being damned has some perks and benefits.
Darkest Desires
Hostile Takeover pt.1
Domestic Bliss: (slice of life, maids, hypnosis, very short, f/f) - A parental visit causes a minor argument between Domme and Sub.
Down Slope Doll: (f/f, headphones, brainwashing, tech-control) - If you go down to the slopes today, be none of your friends have other ideas about having some 'fun' with you.
Droned: (f/f, Hive, Assimilation, tech-control, betrayal) - Mia becomes a little more intimate with the hive than she'd like.
Halfway Down the Stairs: (f/f, headphones, tech-control) - Megan finds just enough of herself to try and sneak out of the brainwashing facility to try and save her friends.
Her Perfect Doll: (Forced femme, hypnosis, Fem Domme) - Finn discovers just how deep his hypnotic conditioning goes.
Factory Reset: (Tech control, robotization, damsel in distress, objectification, female solo.): A nosy reporter find herself on a factory production line after asking too many questions.
Franchised Perfection: (Tech-control, transformation, celebrity, forced fem) - The Kardashian brand finds a fresh, new way to franchise itself to the masses.
Looper: (Tattoo, self-induction): A very special tattoo helps Melissa see the hypnotic side of life.
Mal-Adjusted: (Tech control, hypno-virus, corruption, female solo, betrayal): Cassie finds herself under assault by a powerful computer virus hell bent on spreading it's influence.
Nesting Instincts: (Tentacles, corruption, transformation, breast growth, Hive) A researcher is given a fresh purpose when captured by a tentacle nest.
Perfect Pink Kitty: (rubber, slice of life(ish), kitty ears, tech control) - Jake starts to regret agreeing to playing with Jamie as his insecurities get the better of him, but the cute kitty ears he's wearing have other ideas.
Positive Reinforcement: (f/f, slice of life, hypno-positivity) - Martha has a novel way of helping to convince Aya that her coursework really should get done. Repetition Knows Best: (f/f, slice of life, mind control, hypnosis) - Ella toys with her friends mind, building on all the ground work she's laid so far.
Seductive Reasoning: (f/f, hypnosis, conditioning, cougar seduction) - Melissa finds out she really is into older women.
Sisterhood: (gender neutral, assimilation, transformation, bimbofication) - You've been targeted for Bimbofication. Resistance is futile.
Switching Off: (masturbation, headphones, self-conditioning, very short) - Anna helps herself become even more enamored with her Bimbo conditioning.
Symbosis: (conditoning, bimbotization) - Willow learns to accept a new mindset.
The Human Element: (tech-control, objectification, robotization, dollification) - Sometimes it's the human element of your newly minted doll which proves problematic.
The Bonding: (Tentacles, hentai, kidnapping) - If you go down to the woods today... Remember to close your windows, okay? Okay! Their are things that go squelch in the woods, otherwise.
Workplace Distraction: (m/f, very short, work place fun) - Who doesn't want to get hypno-triggered like a good little corporate drone?
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the-whatcherof-89 · 3 months
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Geminitay Aka Mrs Crystal Sunrise . 
Aasimar (Agathion Blooded) Ranger (Horse Lord)10 Hinterlander 10 XP307,200
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid (Outsider, Aasimar) Perception
BaB+17/12/7 CMB+21 CMD+41
Tay Twinned Piercer+33/28/23 1D8+9 Living steel longspear+24/19/14 1D8+7
Racial traits: Outsider, +2 to Handle animal and Survival, 1/day Summon nature’s ally II CL16, Deer horns, Celestial resistances 5 (acid, cold, electric), Darkvision 60ft.
Traits: Naive, Speech of the wilds(Draconic)
Class abilities: Favored enemies(Undead, Illagers, Orcs), Combat style feats(Mounted archery, Sprinted charge, Mounted skirmisher), Endurance, Favored terrains(Water, Underground), Hunter's bond(Horse), Woodland stride, Swift tracker, Evasion, Favored enemy+4(Aberrations, Monstrous humanoids), Fast movement, Favored terrain(Hinterland)+4, Master archer(Rapid shot, Manyshot, Shot on the run), Hinterland stride, Chosen kin 60ft, Defended earth+4, Imbue arrow, Waymarker travel.
Feats: Weapon focus(longbow), Mounted archery, Craft wondrous items, Brew potions, Vital strike, Improved vital strike, Endurance, Point blank shot, Precise shot, Divine interference.
Skills: Climb+13, Craft(Stone and metal)+26, Escape artist+18, Handle animal+26, Heal+11, Knowledge (Dungeon)+11, (Geography)+26, (Nature)+16, (Religion)+11, Perception+26, Profession(Engineer)+16, Ride+23, Spellcraft+11, Stealth+23, Survival+18, Swim+17.
Languages: Common, Celestial, Sylvan.
SpellcastingCL16 DC13 Spells per day 5/4/4/2
Equipment: Vigilant mithral padded armor+5 of Greater fire energy resistance, Darkwood shield+2, Necklace of natural armor+5, Ring of protection+5, Tay twinned piercer(Composite STR+4 longbow+5 with the Bane property against: Dragons, Constructs, Aberrations and Monstrous humanoids), 50+5 Arrows, Living steel returning long spear+3, Belt of physical perfection+6, Cloak of resistance+5, Bracers of archery(Greater), Headband of mental Prowess(INT WIS Geography), Boots of speed, Shadow falconeer’s glove, Ring of sacred mistletoe, Manual of quickness of action+5(used), Wand of cure critical wounds, Handy haversack, Ranger kit, Potions(2 Cure critical wounds, 2 Invisibility), Leather helmet shaped like Jack o’ Lantern pumpkin(worth 100GP), 20GP.
TAYLOR - Animal Companion - Deathtouched Horse
Initiative+4 Speed 50ft
HP8d8+32(64) AC29(+8Natural+2Dex+10Armor-1Size) Attacks: Hooves 1D6+4 Bite 1D4+4.
Racial: Low-light vision, Darkvision 60ft, Scent.
Class: Improved evasion, Ability score increase (+2Str +2 Dex +1 Wis), Multiattack, Dead sight, +4 vs trip CMD, Negative energy affinity, One foot in the grave.
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 18 Int 2 Wis 12 Cha 6 BaB9 Saves +7/5/3
Feats: Armor proficiency x3 (light, medium, heavy).
Skills: Perception+12, Survival+10, Swim+12
Tricks: Guard, Attack, Defend, Seek, Work, Fetch, Down, Come, Charge.
Equipment: Horsemaster’s saddle, Horseshoes of a zephyr, Greenwood banded mail barding+3 of fire resistance, Steadfast gutstone, Bit and bridle, Military saddle with bags and 10 rations.
Background: GeminiTay also known as Gem is a gentle, kind and nature-loving member of the inhabitants of the far land known for his Hermits. She has a passion for nature, hence her constructions are often green and full of animals. Gem was decorating her house and garden like any other day waiting for an eventual prank of the other Hermits (which she likes); suddenly she heard a voice calling upon her: “Your friends are in danger.” She stopped. “Who? Impulse, is that you?” No one was around, she searched all the surrounding area but no one was found. “Young girl, your friends are in danger, you can save them but to reach them you are going to need my help.” Gem was stunned “In danger?! Impulse! Pearl! Grian! Mumbo! Scar! ……!” She kept yelling their names as she was rushing toward their homes. No one answered. She went to the various farms and structures… No one was there. She was ALONE. “Oh, dear! where are the others?! What have you done?” She shouted. “I did nothing, some were tricked, some accepted a mission, some answered a greater call. I offer the latter. Help me so i can save your friends.” Gem was skeptical but the alternative was being TRULY alone knowing that the others were god knows where. “Ok, but you need to explain…!” She couldn’t finish the sentence as the world changed around her and she was on her trusty skeletal horse equipped with new items close to a village under attack from a group of Illagers. “First, extinguish the flames of conquest. Then come find me. I will wait where the land is truly green.” Gem looked at the village in flames and the vandals hitting the doors with axes. “And they say women thinks too much…!” And she spurred her horse nocking in the first arrow.
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
Double trouble: Hypermobility may increase Long Covid risk - Published Aug 6, 2024
“For a middle-aged woman who hasn’t had any actual injuries, I’ve had a huge amount of physical therapy,” says Liza DiLeo Thomas, a 52-year-old emergency medicine doctor in New Orleans and mom to five kids. “My neck muscles were always weak, my knees were bad. In retrospect, I was actually hypermobile, I just didn’t realize it.”
Hypermobility is a catch-all term for a spectrum of disorders characterized by joints capable of moving beyond the normal range of motion, often due to abnormalities in connective tissue. The most common of these disorders, which range from mild to severe, is known as Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (HEDS).
HEDS seems to be more common in women and also may be connected to some cases of Long Covid. A recent study found that people with the condition were 30% more likely not to have recovered fully from Covid-19 infection, based on symptom surveys.
“I got my first Covid infection in March of 2020,” Thomas told The Sick Times. “After [my] second infection, I never recovered.”
Thomas has not been able to return to work in the ER. Worse still, her kids brought home more Covid-19 infections, and each reinfection over the course of the next three years triggered novel, debilitating symptoms, such as painful skin rashes and mild myelitis, an inflammation of the spinal cord. “I believe I’ve had Covid a total of five times,” she said.
In April 2021, she ended up at the office of Tulane University School of Medicine neurologist Michele Longo, who was helming a new Long Covid clinic. Longo and her colleagues have discovered that vulnerability to Long Covid may sometimes be linked to hypermobility.
Longo referred Thomas to multiple specialists, including Dr. Jacques Courseault, founder of Tulane’s specialty hypermobility clinic, launched in 2022. It is one of the few of its kind in the world. Collaboration between that clinic and Longo’s Long Covid clinic has yielded novel clues to the connection between the two conditions.
“The specialist at the clinic pushed along my iliotibial band and other parts of my leg,” recalled Thomas. “And he said, ‘Your muscle pain is not due to muscle damage. You’re hypermobile.’” Muscles will chronically contract to stabilize weak joints in hypermobile individuals, leading to chronic pain.
That insight gave clues to what might be off balance in Thomas’ body, and pointed the way for treatments that helped improve her function, including antihistamines, low-dose naltrexone, and lots of saltwater to help increase blood volume, as she was later diagnosed with dysautonomia and small fiber neuropathy. With her condition better managed, she now works part-time for the same hospital in an administrative role, mostly from home.
How a connective tissue disorder might increase risk of Long Covid Longo, the Tulane neurologist, is the kind of doctor who listens closely to her patients
“My migraine headaches brought me to neurology as a profession,” she told The Sick Times. “I’ve been living my whole life in that space of having a chronic condition that does not have a biomarker. That lends itself very well to believing my patients and empathizing with them.”
Early in the pandemic, she started seeing chronically ill individuals who were much younger than her typical patient, and who had not recovered from an acute Covid-19 case.
At her Long Covid clinic, she began to notice that some of her patients were hypermobile. She diagnosed them via the traditional Beighton scoring system — a simple in-office test which checks the flexibility of joints such as the fingers, elbows, knees, and spine. Then, she sent them over to the EDS clinic, where Courseault inevitably confirmed her suspicion. “Every patient I sent him was indeed hypermobile,” she said.
This past April, Longo and colleagues published a report on five hypermobile females with Long Covid aged 33 to 51. Once diagnosed and treated at the EDS clinic for common issues associated with hypermobility, they began to see some improvements. Longo and colleagues are now putting together a case series on fifty patients.
Read the rest at either link!
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alexagirlie · 2 months
It's Duncan Idaho and I can be a slut if I want to be
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A/N: I was still learning how to write when I wrote this series, please ignore the horrible grammar.
Song featured in the story is "Hail to the King" by Avenged Sevenfold
(Series Masterlist)
Header and art by me, divider by @cafekitsune
Fandom: Dune
Pairing: Groupie Paul / Musician Duncan
Rating: E
Words: 5,3k
Summary: Paul had spent many hours daydreaming about those muscles, what they would feel like under his hands and mouth. Hours spent touching himself to shirtless photoshoots and imagining all the things he wanted to do to Duncan. To have Duncan do to him.
TWs: band au. Tattoo'd paul. Tattoo'd duncan. M/M sex. Rimming. Anal fingering. Anal sex. Oral sex. Age Difference. Size Difference. Strength kink.
Taglist: @softhecreator @almostg @gatoenlaciudad
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The beat of the bass pulsed so deep and so loud that it felt like a heartbeat in Paul's chest. Lights flashed and changed, red, blue, purple, yellow. Bodies pressed against his back, jostling him into the barrier at his front. Even so Paul couldn't contain the excitement that had built in his bones, built in his blood at finally being able to see one of his favourite bands live in concert.
He had been a fan of the Blades of Gintaz since he first heard them on the radio 5 years ago when he was 16. He had immediately ran out and bought all their albums and spent the following 6 months listening to nothing else. (He also developed a teeny tiny crush on their lead guitarist.)
The first song of their set finished and the opening chords of his favourite song rang out. Paul joined in the cheer that sounded through the crowd, hands in the air and closed his eyes to really feel the rhythm in his bones.
Paul let the lyrics flow through him, mouthing along with the words.
"Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head. Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid. Children roam the streets now orphans of war. Bodies hangin' in the streets to adore"
Something about this song just spoke to Paul, he could never explain it to people. The combination of the lyrics and the layers of instrumental work struck a chord in him.
"Royal flames will carve a path in chaos.
Bringing daylight to the night (night).
Death is riding into town with armor.
They've come to take all your rights."
"Hail to the King
Hail to the one
Kneel to the crown
Stand in the sun
Hail to the King
(Hail, hail, hail)
(The King)"
Following the chorus Paul opens his eyes just in time for all the spotlights to land on the lead guitarist, Duncan Idaho, as he rips into his solo. Paul was close enough he could see the sweat sliding down Duncan's neck, already sticking his shirt to his sculpted pecs and abs. His thick nimble fingers flew across the strings, playing flawlessly.
Paul had spent many hours daydreaming about those muscles, what they would feel like under his hands and mouth. Hours spent touching himself to shirtless photoshoots and imagining all the things he wanted to do to Duncan. To have Duncan do to him.
The first time Paul had fingered himself it was imagining those thick ring covered fingers in place of his own. It was the most intense orgasm of his teenage life. He had quickly improved upon it, getting very good at finding his prostate.
The first time he had used a toy was after a solo photoshoot Duncan had done where he was shirtless and wet in most of the photos. Paul had slid a dildo into his ass and used it to fuck himself to an orgasm so strong his release hit his chin. All without putting a single hand on his cock. (Okay so it may be more than just a crush, but Paul wasn't about to tell anyone that.)
Paul had saved for months to afford the tickets to see Blades of Gintaz and had managed to score himself a VIP pass. The passes gave the carrier early access to the venue so Paul was able to stake out a good spot right on the rails and a meet and greet with the band after the show ended. He had even taken a moment to snap a selfie in front of the stage during sound check. He couldn't wait to post it and about the concert after the show closed.
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Paul gets lost in the music, gets lost in the lights and the feeling in his chest that threatens to explode. He closes his eyes, tilts his head back with a wide carefree grin on his face and just moves. It was euphoric.
Finally, with chants of encore encore encore the band plays their last song of the night. An epic ballad which was the perfect choice to wind the crowd down. At one point Duncan was stationed right at the front of the stage, head bent and fingers flying over the strings. He looks up through his hair and Paul could have sworn his gaze locked onto Paul's. But that would be a crazy fan level of delusion and Paul refused to be that brand of fan boy. (He wasn't crazy, Duncan had noticed the beautiful Twink in the front row and couldn't help making brief eye contact.)
The song ends and the show comes to a close. The front woman thanks the crowd and the venue and the band makes their way off stage. Paul makes his way to the entrance of the VIP area, flashes his pass and is let into the meet and greet area. About a dozen other people filter in behind him. They had been allowed to leave any bags in the room prior to the show starting so Paul headed to where he left his and pulled out two magazines.
One magazine had a group shot of the band on the front cover and was a safe bet to have them all sign. The second was the magazine which contained his favourite photoshoot of Duncan and had fueled many of his late night fantasies. He hoped he could have Duncan sign this one too.
Paul was almost vibrating with a mix of excitement and nerves as the members of the band began filtering into the room. It was an informal meet and greet, pass holders were encouraged to mingle freely and the band members were to make their rounds.
Paul gets autographs from the lead singer, bassit, second guitarist and the drummer all before Duncan makes his appearance. Duncan appeared to be freshly showered, hair damp and hanging loose around his neck and broad shoulders. He was dressed in a pair of tight baby pink pants, a white long sleeve Henley with the sleeves pushed up showing his forearms and his shark teeth tattoo. He had a thin pink scarf hanging around his neck, just a few shades darker than his pants.
Paul felt his jeans tighten as he registered what Duncan was wearing and he wanted to drop to his knees right then and there and beg for Duncan cock down his throat. He had to turn away and give himself a moment to calm down, taking deep breaths and thinking about anything other than blowing the man of his wet dreams. He runs a hand through his messy curls then tries to sublely adjust his hard cock so it wasn't obviously straining the front of his jeans. (He failed.)
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Duncan couldn't get the face of the dark haired twink out of his head after the show closed. He went so far as to wrap a hand around himself in the shower, needing an outlet after the energy of the show and pictured those red lips wrapped around his cock. Got him off in record time.
He hurried to get dried off and dressed and rushed off to the area they had set up for the meet and greet. He shouldn't keep the fans waiting, they had paid good money to meet everyone.
Entering the room he could feel eyes on him, heavy as a caress down his body. Looking around the room he sees that same twink, obviously checking him out before quickly spinning around to put his back to the door and messing with his clothes and hair.
Duncan took the opportunity to give the guy a good once over, now able to see more than just his face from the concert floor. He was wearing skin tight white jeans tucked into black ankle boots and an oversized black knit sweater finished off the look. His hair was a wild mess of curls which he was only making messier by running his fingers through it.
His ass looked amazing and Duncan could only imagine what it would look like spread around his cock. He had a feeling it would be a spectacular view. He saw the twink adjust himself and grinned. He had a feeling if he played his cards right that he was going to have company in his hotel room tonight.
He needed to make his rounds with the other VIP pass holders first then he would make his move.
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Paul turned back to face the room after attempting to make himself presentable to see Duncan making his rounds through the other VIP guests. He seems to be taking several minutes with each person, making sure to have a real conversation with them. It was something that Paul had always admired about Duncan, he seemed to genuinely appreciate his fans.
Paul kills time by helping himself to a complimentary soda and flipping through one of his magazines. He feels the very air shift and looks up and comes face to chest with the pec muscles that wet dreams were made of. He looked up further until he could meet Duncan's beautiful deep brown eyes.
They exchange the standard pleasantries, Paul introducing himself, Duncan asking what he thought of the night's set list. Paul can't help but flirt a little, letting Duncan know how much he enjoys his playing. Complimenting his fashion choices, not all guys can pull off baby pink after all. His eyes kept catching on Duncan's mouth as he was talking or on the light dusting of chest hair Paul can see peeking out the unbuttoned top of his Henley.
Eventually one of venues staff reminds everyone that their time is coming to an end and to finish up. Paul finally hands over the two magazines for Duncan to sign. Duncan is quick with the first magazine but takes special care with the one containing his solo spread. He has it open to a page in the middle and is writing a message Paul cannot see before closing it and handing it back.
"It was nice meeting you Paul"
"It was nice meeting you too"
They said goodnight and Duncan left with the rest of his band mates while the VIP guests were ushered out. Paul gathers up the rest of his belongings, feeling like he is on cloud nine. He had just met Duncan Idaho and it was amazing and mind blowing. He leaves the concert hall and steps out into the warm summer night when he pauses to look over what was written on his magazines. The group cover had the standard, nice to meet you message and signature, the other magazine however had the most peculiar message on it.
Duncan had signed it then right below that it read; 'Turn to page 52'
Paul flipped to the page in question, which was right in the middle of Duncan's photoshoot, to see another message scrawled across what was coincidentally his favourite image. Duncan was sitting on the beach, leaning back while the surf rushed up over his legs and groins. His shorts were clinging to him like a second skin and left little to the imagination. His chest was bare and gleamed in the sun, hair loose and wild around his face and shoulders. His brown eyes staring directly into the camera.
Paul read the message, couldn't believe what was written so had to read it again. Then a third time before it really sank in.
'Your the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time. I would love to see more of you. Come to room 2022 at Hotel Arrakeen. I'll be waiting'.
Paul still couldn't quite believe it, he was being propositioned by Duncan Idaho, by the guy that sparked his bisexual panic and that he jerks off to at least twice a week. It was unreal, there was no way it was actually happening. (It was).
Paul debated with himself, should he go to the hotel, or should he just go home. Chock it up to a dream fueled by the joint he smoked before the show and adrenaline. Does he really want to be that fan, that sleeps with a band member or leave. (Guess which one he picks)
A fifteen minute walk later and Paul finds himself in the lobby of Hotel Arrakeen, hurrying past the luckily empty reception desk and hoping no one catches him. He wasn't sure what he would tell anyone if he was seen sneaking in. He gets into the elevator and presses the button for the 20th floor. As the elevator starts to move Paul is still debating with himself. He couldn't help but wonder to himself if he wasn't being a bit of a whore? It WAS Duncan Idaho, anyone else who was in his place would do the same wouldn't they? With that body, those eyes and the rumor that he was an absolute animal in bed you would be dumb to miss out on the chance. Paul hoped Duncan was a real beast in bed.
Paul's over eager dick ended up deciding for him, it was Duncan fucking Idaho, whom he has spent a quarter of his life jerking off too. He can be a giant slut if he goddamn wants to be. He will never get another opportunity like this.
Decision made Paul exits the elevator and turns down the hallway to room 2022. He knocks on the door, rocking on his heels, trying not to let the butterflies in his stomach get in the way of his horny determination. He can hear soft footsteps coming from within the room and then the door swings open revealing Duncan in all his glory. Duncan who had stripped off his Henley and is now in a low cut white tank top, glorious muscular arms and chest full on display.
Paul freezes for a minute, eyes running down Duncan's form, chest down to bare toes then back up to meet his gaze. He can't help but grin a little bit, licking his lips nervously.
Luckily Duncan is not so intimidated, he grabs a fist full of Paul's sweater and pulls him bodily into the room, kicking the door closed behind them.
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Paul finds himself pressed firmly against the inside of the hotel door. His head bracketed between strong muscled biceps and forearms with Duncan a warm weight against his front. Paul tips his head back against the door with a thunk and meets Duncan gaze with heavy lidded green eyes. His heart was pounding.
Duncan's voice was a low rumble "This okay?" One of his hands moved from the door to rest on the curve of Paul's neck, his thumb pressing firmly against the hinge of his jaw.
Paul felt his cock harden to the point of painfulness in his jeans at the firm touch, at the possessiveness of the hold and at the fact that Duncan was asking for verbal consent. That even though Paul had shown up to his room he did not take it to mean that Paul wanted his touch.
Paul reached out and hooked his fingers in the belt loops of Duncan pants, "Yes Please," he answered, his desire obvious in his voice. He was so hard and his underwear was soaked from the precome leaking from his cock.
He pulled Duncan the last step needed to completely close the distance between their bodies. Pressing them together from chest to groin. Paul moaned at the feeling of Duncan erection pressing up against his own, it felt huge and he couldn't wait to get his mouth on it.
Duncan closes the distance between their mouths and lays a few slow closed mouthed kisses to Paul's lips. His beard scratches pleasantly against Paul's face. His stomach jumps and tightens as Duncan runs his tongue across his bottom lip, nipping at one of his snakebites. The hand on Paul's jaw slides around and cups the back of his neck, angling his head just so. He opens his mouth and the kiss deepens. Tongues sliding together and teeth nipping and panting gasping breaths.
Paul feels Duncan's thigh press up between his legs, making Paul's hips grind down helplessly. Duncan pulled on the hair under his fingers and it all felt so good. Paul couldn't help letting out several moans and high pitched whines.
Duncan breaks away from Paul long enough to pull his tank off, muscles in his arms and shoulders rippling. Paul helped by pushing the material up his stomach and chest. He then steps back into Paul's space to help Paul pull his sweater up over his head, his shirt following shortly after. His hair tousled into wild curls around his face.
Duncan grabs Paul around the waist and they stumble over to the bed, Paul pushing Duncan down to sit on the edge before dropping to his knees between Duncans spread legs and working on his belt. He throws it to the floor beside him then pops the button. He bites lip and pulls the zipper down. Duncan's hard cock springs up against his stomach, Paul's mouth watering as he takes in the bead of precome already forming at the tip and the gleam of metal. Metal barbells, not only is Duncan hung he has his fucking cock pierced.
"Fuck your cock is even better then I imagined" The words slip out of Paul's mouth before he can think better of it. He flushes a little when Duncan lets out a deep rumbling chuckle.
Duncan leaned back on his palms and looked down at Paul in amusement. "Spent much time thinking about my dick have we?" He asks Paul, seeming to be genuinely interested in the answer.
"I'm here aren't I? I think it's implied I've thought about what your dick looks like" was Paul's cheeky response.
Despite how eager he was Paul starts off slowly. He takes Duncan's cock in hand, giving it a single stroke and an almost chaste kiss to the tip drawing a groan out of Duncan's throat. That single kiss turns into a series of open mouthed kisses that Paul lays wetly down the length of Duncan's cock. When he gets to the base he sucks Duncan's balls into his mouth, one after the other, drawing another loud groan out of the man in front of him. The sound made Paul throb in his jeans.
Paul wants to pull more noises out of Duncan so he spends several minutes alternating between each sac before he licks a wet stripe up the underside of Duncan cock. When he gets to the top he wraps his lips around the tip and gives it a lazy suckle. Paul lets out a moan of his own at the taste as a spurt of precome pools on his tongue.
Duncan gets both hands in Paul's wild mess of hair trying not to pull on his curls, just holding, grounding himself. Paul releases Duncan cock with a pop and looks up at him through his lashes, licking his lips.
"You can pull my hair if you want" He suggests to the bigger man "It gets me hot."
Duncan grinned down at the younger man "Oh is that so, like this then?" Duncan tightened his fingers in the curls, pulling hard enough to make Paul's scalp sting and pull a pained gasp out of his mouth.
Paul nods eagerly, relishing in the pull as he does so, then gets his mouth back around Duncan cock. This time sinking down, down until it hits the back of his throat and he gags a little. He takes a slow breath through his nose, relaxing his throat and trying to sink further down, desperately wanting to swallow the whole thing. He can't quite manage but he does his best.
A few minutes go by like this, with the wet sounds of Paul's mouth as it glides over Duncan's cock. One of Paul's hands jacking the parts his mouth cannot reach, the other hand sliding down and palming firmly at Duncan's balls. Paul figures Duncan must be enjoying himself based on the sounds and words escaping his mouth.
"That's good, take it all down."
"Your mouth feels so good baby."
Duncan hips start to move, making shallow aborted thrusts. Paul takes note and pulls back so just the tip of Duncan cock is still in his mouth. He freezes there, very gently sucking and looks up at Duncan through the fringe of his hair, waiting to see if Duncan will take the bait. He places his hands on his thighs, fingers clenched in the material.
Duncan growls out a low fuck and twists hard on the handful he has of Paul's hair before using it as a handle to pull Paul's mouth down to meet his slow upward thrust. "Want me to fuck your mouth baby?"
He waits for Paul's answering nod and moan then starts to thrust, slow and shallow. As Paul relaxes into the rhythm he soon starts to pick up speed and fuck deeper into Paul's throat. Paul's eyes are wet and he is moaning continuously. One of his hands moved from his thighs to press firmly against his hard cock through his jeans. He doesn't even care about the bite of metal as he presses down, just needing to relieve the pressure.
Duncan pulled Paul off his cock, a line of precome and saliva connecting it to Paul's panting mouth. Hands still in his hair he pulls Paul up and claims his mouth in a deep devouring kiss. He uses his hold in black curls to bring them both to their feet then let's go to get his hands under Paul's thighs, lifting him up off the ground. Paul throws his arms around Duncan neck. Wraps his legs around Duncan's waist, completely overwhelmed by how strong Duncan is.
Without breaking the kiss Duncan turns around and crawls onto the bed, Paul still cradled in his arms. He tips them onto the bed and they spend several more minutes kissing heavily. Hips grinding and hands wandering over flesh. Paul can feel the beard burn forming down his neck and chest. Finally Duncan pulls back, staring down at Paul.
"Take off your pants" comes the gruff command, striking just the right authoritative tone to make Paul pliant and obedient. He was quick to obey, hands scrambling at his button and zipper, getting his pants undone and pushed down over his hips. Duncan was there helping him peel them down and off his long legs, dropping his jeans on the floor. He wasn't wearing anything underneath.
"That's a good boy"
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Paul was positive that he had never been so turned on in his life. His cock was an angry red and it was drooling a continuous stream of precome onto his stomach. It gave a twitch at the praise and his face flushed. He watched appreciatively as Duncan made quick work of his own pants and briefs, dropped them to the floor. He gave himself a few strokes and Paul's brain shorts out at the visual.
Duncan crawls back up the bed and between Paul's sprawled legs, his hard cock hanging huge and purple at the tip. His piercing glistening in the low light with Paul's saliva. Duncan runs his hands up the inside of Paul thighs, thumbs digging in wonderfully, spreading them wider and slotting himself better in between.
"What do you want Paul?"
Paul pulled his eyes away from their focus on Duncan's massive cock and met his gaze. "I want your cock inside me, I want you to fuck me so hard I limp for a week"
Duncan grinned at Paul wolfishly "I can do that pretty boy, I can do that". Duncan gets his hands under Paul's knees and pushes them up. When he met no resistance he kept pushing until Paul's knees hit his chest. Leaving Paul's hole spread and exposed to the warm air of the room. Paul can feel Duncan's gaze on him, hungry and appreciative.
"Hold them open for me, that's a good boy"
Paul's flush is spreading down his neck and chest but he hooks his knees over his elbows and holds himself open for Duncan. Who has leaned over the side of the bed and is rifling around in the side table drawer. After a minute he pulls out a tube of lube and a condom. He drops both on the bed before leaning over Paul and running his tongue along his taint causing Paul to moan and squirm. Rimming was one of Paul's favourite activities to have done to his ass.
Duncan spent several minutes eating Paul out before he reached out blindly, grabbing for the tube of lube. Popping the cap he liberally coats his fingers in the slick substance before sliding the first one in beside his tongue. It sinks into the first knuckle easily, Paul having been opened up quite nicely on Duncan's tongue.
Duncan quickly works up to three fingers and Paul is a writhing mess. His cock and stomach are soaking with precome and he is rocking back against Duncan's fingers as much as his position allows. Duncan pulls away briefly, manhandling Paul up over his lap. Lining his fingers back up with Paul's hole he pushes all 3 back in, using his other hand to encourage Paul to rock his hips.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" Paul groaned out as he chases the feeling of Duncan's fingers inside of him. They were pressing against his prostate with each thrust and twist of his fingers, sending sparks of pleasure up his spine and making his toes curl. His orgasm was approaching at a rapid pace.
"Could you go again?" Duncan kept up the quick pace of his fingers but angled them to miss Paul's prostate, to draw out the moment and not let Paul cum.
It took Paul a minute as his mind was fuzzy with pleasure and stalled orgasm. "What?" The word was almost a whine.
"If I let you get off now, could you cum again while I was fucking you?"
"Yes, yes please! Let me cum, please" Paul begged, hips moving, riding Duncan fingers trying to get them deeper inside him, back to where he wanted them most "Please!"
The last please was almost a wail and Duncan listened, adjusting the angle of his fingers inside of Paul. Making sure to nail his prostate each time, drawing the most beautiful sounds out of Paul. He was so close, practically bouncing to meet Duncan's fingers, his hole clenching like a vice.
"Good, I want you to cum, right now"
And Paul did, he tossed his head back, curls flying, and his whole body tensed up as he came so hard he splattered up to his chin with his release. He whined at the over stimulation as Duncan was still moving his fingers slowly, milking his orgasm for as long as possible.
"Good Boy"
Duncan tipped Paul over onto his back then leaned over Paul and licked a line of his release up off his stomach. He licked his lips and grinned up at Paul. "You taste good".
Duncan was relentless, barely letting Paul catch his breath before helping him turn over on his knees and had him grip the bars of the head board. He takes a minute to slip the condom on and lube up before his hands grip Paul's hips, adjusting him so his ass is extended. Duncan laid a line of kisses down his spine, paying special attention to the lines of the tattoo along his spine. Thumbs digging into the skin just below where Paul had his lower back pierced.
Chest pressed to back Duncan lines his cock up with Paul's slick opening. Letting just the tip catch on his rim before withdrawing, the metal barbell surprising cold against his skin. Paul moans desperately, push back against Duncan cock, trying to get him to stop teasing him.
Finally Duncan sank the first couple of inches into Paul and it was everything Paul had fantasized about. Duncan's cock was hot and hard and filled him just right. It burned as he slowly sunk another few inches in and Paul's eyes rolled into the back of his head. His hands were gripping Paul's hips like a vice and Paul hoped he would come away from this night with a few finger shaped bruises.
Duncan bottoms out inside Paul and pauses, breath coming heavy against the back of Paul's neck. He pulls his cock out a few inches before slowing pushing back in, letting Paul adjust and stretch around his girth. The piercing an odd pleasurable sensation sliding against Paul's walls.
As Paul relaxes and starts to push back against each thrust Duncan picks up speed. Soon he is setting a punishing pace, hard and deliberate against Paul's prostate. His grip on Paul's hips pulling him back to meet each thrust. Soon he had Paul begging again, the pleasure being unrelenting and his orgasm just out of reach. All the needed was a touch to out him over.
Duncan slid one hand around to grab Paul's renewed erection stroking him hard and fast. He bites down on Paul's right shoulder and Paul is coming again, screaming his release. Come staining the headboard and the bed below him.
Duncan slows the movement of his hips to a stop, "Think you can do one more?" He asks in Paul's ear. Hand petting over Paul's stomach, rubbing his spend into his skin. He kisses the mark left by his teeth while Paul catches his breath, muscles unclenching one by one.
Paul nods weakly and lets himself be manhandled by Duncan again. They end up with Duncan laying back and Paul over his lap, sinking down on his cock. Paul braces himself on Duncan's knees and lets himself be guided into a slow grind. He is whining high in his throat from the over sensitivity. He probably needed a few more minutes but he wanted desperately to be good for Duncan.
Paul wants to be praised and to be called a good boy again in Duncan's deep voice. As the sensitivity goes away and he gets his wind back Paul begins riding Duncan in earnest. Duncan has his head thrown back, his hair a wild mess across the pillows, eyes closed in concentration. He is chasing his own orgasm now and Paul is just along for the ride. A hole for him to use.
Paul is so focused on getting Duncan to that point that his third orgasm takes him by surprise. Surging up from nowhere and making him seize up, losing his balance and tipping face first into Duncan's chest, completely overwhelmed. He has nothing left in him so only a few drops of cum dribble out and drip onto Duncan's stomach.
His body locks up around Duncan and it takes two, three more thrusts of Duncan's hips before he is emptying himself into Paul, filling the condom. His groan is loud and satisfied. They lay there for several minutes, panting while Paul tried to regain feeling in his limbs.
"That…. was.. something" He pants out, breathing hard against Duncan's neck. He can feel the chuckle in Duncan's chest, rumbling under his check.
"That is was my boy" Duncan agrees, rubbing his hands up and down Paul's back "that it was."
Once they have cooled down and caught their breath Duncan dumps Paul gently onto the bed and gets up to wander into the bathroom. Paul lays there, limbs all askew and watched him, appreciating the play of muscles along his back and ass. Duncan comes back, condom tossed and a wet cloth in hand which he hands over to Paul so he can make an attempt at wiping himself down. He knows he will need a hot shower to get all the cum off his body.
Duncan pulls the corner of the bed spread down and slides in. "Stay?" He asked Paul, holding an arm open in invitation.
Paul smiles, drops the dirty clothes on the floor and wiggles his way under the covers, all loosed limbed from the thorough fucking he had been given. He curls up under Duncan's arm and rests his cheek against his chest. Duncan reaches over and turns the lamp off. Snuggling down they drift off to sleep.
Guess the rumours were true, Duncan really was an animal in bed.
(In the morning they go again in the shower. Duncan brings Paul to his first orgasm of the day with just his mouth, eating him out hungrily. His second orgasm was while Duncan was buried balls deep, fucking him against the shower wall. Paul's brain shorts out every time he thinks about how strong Duncan is. After they have dried off and clothes are back on they exchanged numbers and Duncan calls Paul for booty calls whenever he is in the city. His band mates tease him relentlessly about the mystery fan he pulled. They could hear them through the hotel walls. Then boys catch feelings and secretly start dating for real, then they come out and get married and it's a huge things cause Paul is half Duncan's age but they don't give a fuck.)
Bonus art for anyone interested can be found on AO3
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satoshi-mochida · 1 month
Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival coming to PS5, Xbox Series, and PC on November 7 - Gematsu
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Bandai Namco will release Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam and Microsoft Store on November 7, the company announced. A demo is available now for PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam.
The game will be priced at $49.99 / £39.99 / €49.99 for the standard edition, which includes the downloadable content “Namco Game Music Pack,” and $79.99 / £65.99 / €79.99 for the Setlist Edition, which includes the downloadable contents “Anime Songs Collection,” “Namco Game Music Pack,” “Pops Collection,” and “Vocaloid Songs Collection.” Digital pre-orders are available now.
In Japan, the PlayStation 5 version will also be available physically. It is currently unclear whether a physical release is planned for the west.
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In Japan, accessory manufacturer HORI will release a dedicated controller for the game. It will be available in two SKUs—one compatible with PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC, and the other compatible with Xbox Series and PC.
Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival first launched on September 22, 2022 in Japan and September 23 worldwide. The new release will mark the first Taiko no Tatsujin game to support 120 frames per second on consoles, and will include new collaboration music and mini-characters exclusive to the new platforms, as well as the “Run! Ninja Dojo” mode added to the Switch version via a post-launch update.
Here is an overview of the game, via its store pages:
Welcome to Omiko City, where everyone’s favorite Taiko elements come together in one place! Together with Don-chan, meet your new friend, Kumo-kyun and aim to become a Taiko Master! Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival is a drum-based rhythm game featuring songs from genres such as Anime and VOCALOID, and also a variety of game modes! Have fun playing solo or online!
Taiko Mode
Drum along to the rhythm of your favorite songs and aim to play them from start to finish! Select from four difficulty modes. 76 songs across multiple genres such as Anime, VOCALOID, Game Music, and Pop are available in the game! Songs include “Gurenge,” “My Neighbor Totoro – Ending Theme Song,” “Charles,” “MEGALOVANIA,” “Into The Night,” “Feel Special,” and many more! Have fun playing casually with another player or compete for the highest score! You can also use Improvement Support to help you improve your drumming skills!
Three Types of Party Games for Two to Four Players are Available
Great Drum Toy War – Play along to songs and deploy toys to push back your opponent’s toys and aim for victory!
Don-chan Band – Work as a group of four to perform successful concerts!
Run! Ninja Dojo – Become a ninja and race with up to four other players! Overcome multiple obstacles as you compete for 1st place!
Online Matches
Online Ranked Match – Challenge players from all over the world and aim for the top ranks!
Room Match – Play casually with friends and players from around the world in Taiko Mode and Great Drum Toy War!
Have fun playing Taiko solo, or together with friends!
Taiko Music Pass
Online Ranked Match – Challenge players from all over the world and aim for the top ranks!
Room Match – Play casually with friends and players from around the world in Taiko Mode and Great Drum Toy War!
Watch the announcement trailer below.
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC Announce Trailer
[Twitter Link]
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theladyragnell · 7 months
i have my first ever dnd session next week and i’m. nervous-excited! any tips?
Oh, wonderful! I was about to demur and say I'm not an expert and take everything with a grain of salt, and then remembered I've been playing a game most weeks for most of the past decade and played two 1-20 campaigns and am now DMing another. So I guess maybe I do have some right to give advice?
Engage! Truly, this is the biggest piece of advice I can give you. You and your table are telling a story together, and it's a better story the more engaged people are. Be the kind of character who picks up plot threads the DM leaves dangling and chats with NPCs, be the kind of character who asks their party members about themselves, even if your charisma score isn't high. It doesn't take improv skills unless you're playing at a table that's recording a podcast or something, just a willingness to be curious, and it makes a huge difference.
Communicate. With your DM especially, but with your fellow players too. Let them know you're feeling nervous and might be a little shy but that you want to engage! If someone tries to engage you in roleplay, go for it and don't worry if you feel a little silly doing it. If you aren't having fun with an aspect of your character ("whoops, I should have taken a different rogue subclass") or the game ("heyyy, I didn't realize that killing wolves and elk would bother me so much, is there a plan to fight more magical monsters I'll feel less guilty about in the future?"), chat with your DM before it gets to be a bigger problem. And hopefully your table has chatted about triggers and systems to make sure you're all safe around that, a lot of tables do these days, but don't be shy about your needs.
Try to go with the tone presented! Hopefully your DM has told you what kind of game you're in, but a lot of table frictions can come when one player is playing Smeef Smeekle, jolly halfling weed dealer whose goal is to get into as much trouble as possible, and everyone else is playing A Team Of Heroes. Or, for that matter, when one person is playing Bluhdborne Pahth'ojenn, world's angstiest rogue, and everyone else is a fantasy k(obold)-pop band that fell into a dungeon (though comedy games do love a straight man, so that's mostly not fun for Bluhdborne).
Give kudos! When the DM or another player does something cool or creative, improvs a line that gives you chills, anything like that, let them know it! Either in the moment quickly, or after the session in some way. It can be a bit of an emotionally intense hobby, and it's nice to check in with your fellow players and tell them how awesome they are.
And last, some Common D&D Good Manners Things: in combat, have some idea of what your action is going to be before your turn comes around (some players make flowcharts, which I have never tried but might be your jam). Know your abilities as much as is realistic, and have descriptions of abilities and spells close to hand so your DM can ask you instead of looking them up. Take notes if you're playing longer than a one-shot, even if it's only a few words, both to keep yourself engaged and to give yourself the assist later when you need to remember whether this shopkeeper likes you or hates you.
Okay, that got very wordy! But really, just jump into the story, communicate with your table, and come at it with curiosity and collaboration, and it's hard to go wrong if your table is on the same page as you.
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eternallyblight · 1 year
Highlights from Appetite for Distortion Podcast with Brendon Small
Listen to the podcast here
The tour, movie, and album being released around the same time was a deliberate decision. When Brendon started getting this project together around three years ago, he knew he's be putting together a record, a soundtrack, a movie, and a tour all within the same week.
How Brendon approaches writing the Dethalbum IV and creating Army of the Doomstar:
It's not him working. It's Dethklok literally telling him what to do. He's just a jerk with a guitar doing what Skwisgaar tells him to do. For vocals, he's doing what Nathan's telling him to do. When he's voicing them in the movie, those characters are taking over. He'll do the dialogue but they'll surprise him with improve.
Since Brendon's the scriptwriter and director, he's like an Angry God. He'll be like throwing them into ceiling fans or into a fire to see how they get out.
About Guns n'Roses and Snakes n'Barrels.
Slash has been on the show. Twice. (Birthdayface and Tributeklok) He's one of Brendon's favorite guitar players of all time.
Learning about heavy metal happens at an important age. For Brendon, he was around 13/14. He bought two distinct albums. Def Leppard's Hysteria and Guns N'Roses Appetite for Destruction. He was blown away to the astral plane of the music and aggressive guitar playing. It's still one of his favorite albums to this day. He'll take long walks listening to album front to back, top to bottom.
He thought that Pickles was like Dave Grohl. Like in a band like Guns n'Roses and Aerosmith like rock band before he was in Dethklok. There would be songs where Brendon used a top box to play.
One day, Slash was working on an animation at the same company Brendon worked at. There was a package that came with pedals from MXR Dunlop. Slash was there when that box came and they opened the box together and went through all these pedals. Slash looked at the pedals and pointed to Brendon which was one cool, which one he has and uses. Brendon even shows Slash's wall pedal that he also used on the record.
Now some fan questions.
Will Brendon ever release a studio version of Water Horsey Blues from Snakes n'Barrels I?
Brendon was surprised to hear the question. He's glad that people still listen to it all these years later. He wishes he had the time and resources to make music for these kinds of bands in the Metalocalypse universe. Like a Snakes n'Barrels record, a Dr. Rockzo record, even Toki's whimsical dream songs. But there's no plan as of yet.
Will Brendon ever plan on releasing the songs from Metalocalypse that didn't make it to the Dethklok albums. (please Brendon I'm on my knees.) Same answer. :,) He has no plan as of yet.
About the movie under the cut. Not spoiler heavy and mainly about the music.
Brendon does have a lot on his plate at the moment. He's got not one but two albums: Dethalbum IV and Army of the Doomstar Soundtrack.
To Brendon, the soundtrack album is really such an important storytelling part of the movie. As you watch the movie you'll hear the orchestra and synthesizer. (He got the Budapest Orchestra to play this score).
The movie, the narrative, the characters is one thing.
The Dethalbum IV, that's the brutality and the mystical.
Army of the Doomstar Soundtrack, the score, is the emotional center of the movie.
All three go together. If you plan on getting one, Brendon thinks you should get them all (the movie, ost, and album). They all do something completely different but they all come from the same central DNA.
Brendon is thankful to be able to complete the story. He's basically living the dream as the interviewer puts it.
Brendon's last words: It's fun to be creative on your own and make music for yourself to listen to. But the fact that this [Metalocalypse and Dethklok] came together in the way that it did, is because there's a fanbase out there. Without them, none of this would have happened. Thanks [for] everyone for being so vocal over the years and I'm excited for you to check it out.
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the-clawtake · 4 months
Keptin Donncheadhn Mac a Phearsain was glowering as he climbed out of the simulator pod, radiating fury in the manner that only an angry Celt can.
The training sequence was supposed to be difficult; He had known that going in. The Överstehad called him into his office, and in breach of a dozen regulations, had shown him the intelligence briefings from the Periphery.
It was not just rumours. Someone, or some thing, had been systemically annihilating the pirate bands, and while normally this would be cause for celebration, no nation or mercenary band had claimed credit.
It was an unknown, and unknowns were dangerous.
So. Training had been ramped up. Donncheadhn had had one of his old Resistance buddies, one of their few tech whizzes still kicking about, fiddle with the records. The unit’s excercise scores were low. They had to improve, or demerits all round.
Of course, this new Löjtnanthad seen the adjusted scores before his transfer. And was new to his rank, and full of himself, and saw no reason why he should listen to a foreigner even though that foreigner outranked him.
Donncheadhn was glad it had just been a sim. If it had been a live-fire exercise, someone would be dead.
He stalked over to the Löjtnant’s pod, waited with his arms crossed and his foot tapping as it finished going through the shutdown procedure and that hatch hissed open.
“What in the hell was that, Kavallerist!” he demanded. He didn’t shout. It might have been better if he had.
“You were ignoring an opening. I took it.” The youngster barely looked old enough to shave, to Donncheadhn’s wizened eye.
“You were under orders. You disobeyed them.” Donncheadhn’s voice was cold and hard, but the Löjtnant noticed only the lack of heat.
“Under orders from a glorified mercenary.” he shot back, and Donncheadhn’s eyebrows rose.
“How old are you, Lad?” He asked, tone deceptively soft.
“Twenty-one.” The Löjtnant sounded confused, but remained defiant.
“I. Have been fighting for Rasalhague longer than you’ve been alive, Boy.” Donncheadhn’s voice was increasing in volume.
“I have fought Lyrans for Rasalhague. I have fought the Combine and the Ronin for Rasalhague.” He leaned in close. “I have fought Pirates and Mercenaries and OTHER RASALHAGUERS for the Republic.” He straightened back. His gaze scanned the simulator room. Other Pilots were climbing out of their pods, and officers and cadets were gathered in the briefing room where they had been watching the exercise. Now they were plastered to the big window, watching the commotion below.
“I was three years before I saw a single Krona for the blood I shed for the Republic. So don’t you go calling me a Mercenary, Lad. Or you’ll answer for it.” That last was back to cold and hard, with as little mercy as a polar sea.
Donncheadhn spun a slow circle, taking in his assembled audience.
“You’ve all heard the rumours. Something is picking of Pirates in the periphery, and nobody seems to ken who’s doing it. If they come for us, we need to be ready. And that means training. That means following your orders. And most importantly it means learning from them as have the experience to know what it’s like to fight in a real war.”
He leaned back in close to the luckless Löjtnant,
“And here, that means me, laddie-o”
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mydaroga · 7 months
Fest for Beatles Fans 2024 Write-Up
In case anyone wants to know what goes on at these things, I can at least give you a run-down of what I did at this one, though as always there was far more going down than any one person could see. I tend to favor panels and discussions over bands, so I am sure I missed a lot of great music. Because the bands were great.
It was held this year at the TWA Hotel, which is part of JFK International Airport and has retained a lot of the features of when it used to be a terminal. I posted photos of it last year when I was there on a layover, and I still love it to death. They did NOT let me ride on the baggage thingy though. In addition, I was unable to secure a room at the hotel, though if they hold it here again I will be snagging one because, like I said, the place is bonkers.
I entered my cross-stitch in the art contest, because why not? While there ran into several people whom I had met last August at the Fest in Chicago.
Beatles Biography panel with Vivek Tiwary (The Fifth Beatle graphic novel) and Madeline Bocaro (In Your Mind - The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono). Vivek comes off very passionate and sweet, very respectful of Brian Epstein and cognizant of the importance of telling his story right. Bocaro is also very passionate, but I'm afraid some of us present her personal Ono pendulum has swung too far to admit any human fault in her subject. I later bought the Brian book, but not the Ono.
First Generation Fan Panel was mostly Leslie Healy recounting her adventures, which are legion: she was at the Ed Sullivan dress rehearsal, and at Shea Stadium, and she's *also* the one who got that audio at Paul's house when she visited all four Beatles in 1967. Also, she had a Bearded Collie, which I also had growing up, so that gave me a thrill.
I entered the 60s dress up contest -- second time as Twiggy was the charm, and I won! And then there was a lot of dancing. Gogo boots, ironically, not so much made for such activities.
Chatted with some folks because it was more interesting that listening to the speakers, oops. The guy from the Ranking the Beatles podcast is lovely and we've already been in touch since. Also Terry Crain who wrote a great coffee table book about NEMS Beatles merch, which I bought last year.
Went to the dealer's room and bought silly buttons, like TO HELL WITH THE 'BEATLES' and I ❤️ PAUL. There were butcher covers and all that jazz, and horrid dolls, and all the lovely awful things, none of which I could ever afford. But I can buy buttons!
Lovely friends entered the talent contest and proceeded to the finals, and they kicked so much ass and I am so proud of them.
Academic panel with Ken Womack, Christine Feldmman-Barrett, and Andy Nichols was pretty good, a lot of talk about how subsequent generations get hooked and sort of the state of Beatles fandom/academia today. Which feels fairly positive, in the sense that all present felt there is more respect now than there was--though still room to improve on that score.
As a side note, all of my interactions with Womack convince me he's a great guy, very passionate in his love for the Beatles and very devoted not only to doing this right but in elevating lesser-heard voices. He's a very likable man.
Speaking of, next he interviewed Laurie Kaye, who did the radio interview with John on his last day. Her story was very moving.
Tried to dance again this evening after the talent show but unlike the previous night, everyone thought we were weird and stared forbiddingly at us from their seated positions.
Saw Jude Southerland-Kessler talk about the "birth of the beatles" but sadly it was NOT about the tv film of the same name. So I went to chat with Adrian Sinclair and Allen Kozinn instead, which they later tweeted about.
Beatlemania in the 21st Century panel was about, well, what it says. Next was Women's History of the Beatles which was also interesting and involved various writers, teachers, fans, podcasters, etc. I got to meet Erika from BC the Beatles which was very cool.
Then came the Laurence Juber and Steve Holley panel which I have mentioned elsewhere.
Jenny Boyd talked about fashion and the Apple Boutique, hosted by a lady who wrote a book about Beatles and fashion I would like to read.
Fantastic band with great additional harmonies, which I knew who they were.
I did not win the art contest. I did get a participation ribbon. I'm not even a millennial.
We then found a quiet place to chat, of which which the hotel had many, and then I needed to go to bed so I could be bad in like five hours for my flight.
I've probably forgotten lots of things but that is the general run down. There was also a video room, two stages for bands, more art, authors and guests at tables all weekend, and Mickey Dolenz, whom I did not meet but it's cool he was there.
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girlwithanaverageeq · 3 months
Day Thirteen
Consistency is so hard, oh my goodness. Obviously, I have not updated in a while, my apologies. But right now, I have something I'd like to talk about so here we go!
So, talking to people about what you are feeling or going through is hard. That's one of the great things about having this blog! I can just say this stuff and it's not as scary.
So today the AP scores came out. I did well but two of my close friends did better. Now, I don't want to be jealous, but it's important to understand that us three are all great friends and do lots of stuff together. We are all in band together, model UN, scholars' bowl, were in gifted together, we're all smart, okay? I thought we were supposed to be like this trio of smart girls, but I'm realizing now that people see them two as the super smart ones, and I'm just an outlier.
That is so freaking frustrating. I understand that this probably sounds annoying, you know, like I still did good and whatnot, but, and especially as a teenage girl, this is so difficult to deal with.
My sister said that I did really good still and I tried to explain this to her but got a little nervous and she wasn't getting it, so I gave up. Now here I am explaining it to you guys.
The important thing here though is getting these thoughts and feelings out some way or another. I would encourage talking to somebody more! If you don't have somebody in person you feel comfortable doing this with, there is an app called Sincerely where you can send out anonymous rants or stories and ask for advice, and strangers can help you!
But getting your emotions out effectively is so important and a key part of emotional intelligence! I am probably going to try to deal with my situation the best I can, not getting mad at my friends and being rude to them and instead just improve myself for the future, but just typing this out already makes me feel better!
Anyway, I am starting to feel like I am rambling, so thanks so much for reading. God bless you! ♡
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kevinsreviewcatalogue · 7 months
Review: Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
Rated PG-13 for sci-fi violence, brief sexuality and language
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<Originally posted at https://kevinsreviewcatalogue.blogspot.com/2024/03/review-eight-legged-freaks-2002.html>
Score: 3 out of 5
Eight Legged Freaks is a self-conscious throwback to '50s monster movies that does the job it sets out to do perhaps a little too well. It's the kind of movie you'd imagine American International Pictures themselves (the Blumhouse of the '50s and '60s) would've made back then if they had a big budget and modern CGI technology to spare, a film that gets right up in your face with all manner of icky arachnid goodness that it takes every opportunity it can to throw at the screen, and even though the effects may be dated now, it still works in the context of the lighthearted B-movie that this movie is trying to be. It's a movie where, as gross as it often is, going for an R rating probably would've hurt the campy tone it was going for. Its throwback to old monster movie tropes is a warts-and-all one, admittedly, especially where its paper-thin characters are concerned, such that it starts to wear out its welcome by the end and could've stood to be a bit shorter. That said, it's never not a fun movie, especially if you're not normally into horror, and it's the kind of film that I can easily throw on in the background to improve my mood.
Set in the struggling mining town of Perfection, Arizona, the film opens with an accident involving a truck carrying toxic waste accidentally dumping a barrel of the stuff into a pond that happens to be located right next to the home of a man named Joshua who runs an exotic spider farm. He starts feeding his spiders insects that he sourced from the pond, and before long the spiders start growing to enormous size, eating Joshua and eventually threatening the town, forcing its residents to start banding together for survival. I could go into more detail on the characters, but most of them fall into stock, one-note archetypes and exist mainly to supply the jokes and the yucks, elevated chiefly by the film's surprisingly solid cast. David Arquette's oddly disaffected performance as Chris, the drifter whose father owned the now-shuttered mines and returns to town in order to reopen them, manages to work with the tone the movie is going for, feeling like he doesn't wanna be in this town to begin with and wondering what the hell he got himself into by returning to the dump he grew up in. Kari Wuhrer makes for a compelling action hero as Sam, the hot sheriff who instructs her teenage daughter Ashley (played by a young Scarlett Johansson) how to deal with pervy boys and looks like a badass slaughtering giant spiders throughout the film. Doug E. Doug got some of the funniest moments in the movie as Harlan, a conspiracy radio host who believes that aliens are invading the town. Every one of the actors here knew that they were in a comedy first and a horror movie second, and so they played it broad and had fun with the roles. There are various subplots concerning things like the town's corrupt mayor and his financial schemes, the mayor's douchebag son Bret, and Sam's nerdy son Mike whose interest in spiders winds up saving the day, and they all go in exactly the directions you think, none of them really having much impact on the story but all of them doing their part to make me laugh.
The movie was perhaps a bit too long for its own good, especially in the third act. Normally, this is the part where a movie like this is supposed to "get good" as we have giant monsters running around terrorizing the town, and to the film's credit, the effects still hold up in their own weird way. You can easily tell what's CGI at a glance, but in a movie where the spiders are played as much for a laugh as anything else, especially with the chattering sound they constantly make that makes it sound like they're constantly giggling, it only added to the "live-action cartoon" feel of the movie. The problem is, there are only so many ways you can show people getting merked by giant spiders before they all start to blend together, and the third act is thoroughly devoted to throwing non-stop monster mayhem at the screen even after it started to run out of ideas on that front. There are admittedly a lot of cool spider scenes in this movie, from giant leaping spiders snatching young punks off of dirt bikes to people getting spun up in webs to a tarantula the size of a truck flipping a trailer to a hilarious, Looney Tunes-style fight between a spider and a cat, and the humans themselves also get some good licks in, but towards the end, the film seemed to settle into a routine of just spiders jumping onto people. It was here where the threadbare characters really started to hurt the film. If I had more investment in the people getting killed and fighting to survive, I might have cared more, but eventually, I was just watching a special effects showcase. The poster prominently advertises that this movie is from Dean Devlin, one of the producers and writers of Independence Day and the 1998 American Godzilla adaptation, and while he otherwise had no creative involvement, I did feel that influence in a way that the marketing team probably didn't intend.
The Bottom Line
Eight Legged Freaks is a great movie with which to introduce somebody young or squeamish to horror, especially monster movies. It's shallow and doesn't have much to offer beyond a good cast, a great sense of humor, and a whole lot of CGI spider mayhem without a lot of graphic violence. Overall, it's a fun throwback to old-school monster movies.
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icravemusicx0x0 · 6 months
rating music please don't hurt me #20 | lil boat 3.5 - lil yachty
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every five entries, i will look into a significant (not always a masterpiece) album from the past (totally not a stolen idea). today we're going to talk about lil yachty's album lil boat 3.5.
lil boat 3.5 marks an interesting end to the lil boat trilogy. the two first album, lil boat 1 and 2, were an unexplainable mess during my first glance of listening, but i may not go further talking about this because i haven't got a full experience with the two pieces yet. to be honest, lil boat 3.5 is a little bit underrated, and i mean a little bit because the album is more tolerable than the two first albums, but still in a messy and unpolished fashion.
please note that i'm rating lil boat 3.5, which is the deluxe version of the original album lil boat 3. 8 new songs were added in the deluxe bundle of lil boat 3.5, they are alright, but it doesn't improve the overall quality of the album that much.
the new production style improves the album by a decent amount, and fortunately for me, it just really fits my taste alright. the production was the thing that hooked me up, but it also was the thing i feel gray about, because its kind of repetitive. the production is very energetic and fun to listen, its so crazy it made me dumbfounded, but is a hot mess sometimes.at least they can make the retro-ass synth better? but hey they hooked me up so thats a point.
this is yachty philosophy in lil boat 3.5: guest-list in front and im in the back. every got a great spotlight in the verse, except for oliver tree because how would you even let him in your album, yachty?
overall, the new album is interesting and tasty to bite the least, but that's only in my opinion. in a retrospective view, the album is yet quite messy and tasteless, and goofy, like on crack. its not boring thoguh even so its an career-defining album from the artist and will lie in his legacy, and yes it will be an interesting one.
this album may not be in your favorites, but it will be in my 'wtf is this bullshit i love this' list.
underrated gem(s): lil diamond boy - its a criminal fact that this song is so unpopular, LIKE ITS SO GOOD, t.d - every guest ate and left no crumbs, if there is crumbs it is prob lying on lil yachty deadass, westside - no comment its just not bad and not not good.
tracks that i rec listening: flex up - hello lgbtq community especially the lesbian couples from the ghetto who is a rage rap fan, coffin - i really like this repeating and hard hitting beat into the verse, charmin, just how i'm feelin', in my stussy's, top down - roblox sim game ahh beat idk, split/whole time - i went so insane when the smooth transition happened SKJDKJF, pardon me - this song will always be catchy asf, demon time, can't go, oprah's bank account - love this and drake maybe uhhhhhhhh, range rover sports truck, lemon head - throughout the song is a repetitive sample that plays like you're using that one electronic somewhat midi piano on garage band that plays the sample in tune when played.
worst track: certified - the synths are horrible, there are tracks as rubbish as this but it is explainable to be on top of this monstrosity
overall score 6.3/10 - this is all opinion so pls no hate
listen to the album here:
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bubblesandgutz · 1 year
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Every Record I Own - Day 776: Lungfish Love Is Love
Three years had passed since Lungfish's previous album... the longest gap between records in their career. And out comes Love Is Love in what is arguably a very different musical landscape of the new millennium.
Zine culture had been replaced by music blogs, meaning folks were less likely to see the requisite Dischord print ad featuring all their latest releases. The touring circuit had become even more saturated, with scores of new post-hardcore bands flooding the stages in the wake of the breakthrough popularity of artists like At The Drive In and Refused. Outlets that had been covering nü-metal just a couple of years earlier were now talking about moppy-haired screamo bands. Major labels were creating incubator deals with indie labels to stake their claims on young underground bands.
Frankly, it was all a little gross. But if you were in that world, that was the game you were expected to play, because if you didn't tour constantly and you didn't get on board with social media and you didn't make cool t-shirts, then you wound up like Lungfish, and you put out what was arguably one of your finest records and no one would even notice. Back in 2003, I remember the owners of Jade Tree telling me how Love Is Love was an example of what happened when an artist and their label didn't evolve with the times. Apparently the sales figures for the album were abysmal.
But fast forward twenty years and I'd argue that more people talk about Lungfish now than they did back in their supposed heyday of the '90s. And Love Is Love in particular is lauded by many as their finest work. In 2003, Lungfish knew exactly who they were and they knew exactly what they wanted out of their music and they made an album that leaned into their strengths as craftsmen of hypnotic rudimentary esoteric anthems. They weren't reinventing the wheel because the band itself was the wheel and no improvements were needed to their austere perfection. Their music wasn't fashionable. It wasn't a part of the Zeitgeist. It existed outside of all of that, and consequently it's aged far better than the hordes of commercialized bands that capitalized on the foundation Fugazi built in the previous decade.
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