#Information Flare
gear-project · 5 months
I'm not sure if this is asked before but the part in Strive's story prior to waking Nagoriyuki up, when Happy Chaos snapped his fingers to create that huge explosion. Was that explosion an Information Flare or...just a regular explosion caused by magic? The fact that he can just do it so easily isn't something that anyone can just do in Guilty Gear, at least to me.
If it was a straight-up Information Flare, Zappa's Zappa Scale would've picked it up and detected it. That's how advanced the Zappa Scale system is, more or less.
Nope. Unlike the Universal Will, Happy Chaos wasn't exactly TRYING to destroy humanity all at once.
More than likely Happy Chaos also knew that Axl Low would save everyone in the building as well, since he basically warned Axl Low ahead of time when Axl "sensed him".
It's almost as if Happy Chaos just wanted to blow up a building just for the heck of it (since he could just as well have used Teleport Magic to warp Nagoriyuki out from the seal).
Interestingly enough, Zappa "detected" the very moment when I-No cast her "world affecting Magic" (and became a giant illusion of herself).
It's more than likely that Chaos just wanted the "drama" to entertain himself with.
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reksink · 3 months
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A Little Survivor (With Grand Gourmand Bonus💚)
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toiletphotoshoot · 1 year
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Yay, new art piece featuring the two gremlins. Also sorry if the Japanese is off, I tried my best🥲.
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ef-1 · 8 months
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#i have to fly out to capetown to see mother and im literally debating if i could land in the morning and leave at night on the same day#like. anything longer than that is going to ruin my year.#when she called and did her “katherine. you have to be here on the 10th” i literally sobbed in my bed for the rest of the day 😍😍😍#not dyeing my hair black for a year and its getting lighter and lighter everyday and i look like her again#and my therapist telling me “you need to do things for yourself.” but like can i? sorry that woman traumatised me and i actually cant :)#like everything i do is informed by her#I'm going to go and just like everytime the only way to keep my sanity is to mirror her. talk and sit and speak and read and eat like her#and its such a terrifying experience bc i remember that im capable of emulating her viciousness and maybe i am my mother's daugher 🤢🤢🤢#and im going to come back and its going to take fucking months for me to feel like myself again#“oh you look so beautiful just like your mother” i hope you DIE lol !!! the fact that my conception of beauty was shaped by her#growing up with this cruel beautiful detached woman and realising that at the intersection of beauty and wickness is a lifetime of pain#and still being so desperate for her approval- for any metaphysical proximity to her that i felt elated when#people would tell me i look like her. that it meant i was also beautiful like her and maybe she'll love me a little for it#but now i know for a fact that i do look like her and it makes saliva swell under my tongue - that moment right before you throw up-#when people mention it 😍#last time i was in capetown my optic neuritis flared up (and i know for a fact it was that it was ms-stress related from having to see her)#and i thought i hid it so well even though i had near constant headaches & lethargy until she said “katherine give me the red notebook”#and i knew that she knew all along. it was so acutely humiliating standing there and knowing she knows i cant see which one is the red one#and she tilted her head and said “whats the matter? do you not know what red looks like?”#im never going to have kids. my mother and i read eachother so well it can only mean im never too far removed from becoming her#lol!!!!!!!!!
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reticent-fate · 4 months
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part 3/26ish
a simple little calm before the chaos
from the beginning
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crimeronan · 1 year
getting to the hospital for lung tests but needing to walk uphill to get there and being in actual literal tears by the time i got to the information desk. EMBARRASSING.
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forkpigeon3146 · 1 month
for some reason i started thinking about sin cos tan while i took a nap today and had an entire dream just thinking about sin cos tan, no background just a black screen, and i was thinking "wow that's a funny joke about sin cos tan i need to post that to tumblr dot com" and then i woke up rolled over and went back to sleep where i had an entire dream that i was trying to post said joke to tumblr dot com and kept getting distracted and then forgot the third thing in sin cos tan and opened my calculator app (STILL DREAMING!!) figured it out and right before i typed it out the dream ended and then i woke up and immediately forgot the joke
best/worst thing? i do not like math, i hate it so much that i never got past pre-algebra bc it just doesn't make fucking sense, i have no idea what sin cos tan do. why was i so fascinated by it that it took over my mind for TWO WHOLE HOURS!! while i slept! what the fuck!
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dracolunae · 2 months
I’m gonna flunk that exam tomorrow so hard o(-(
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ok pretty obvious now considering the wormholes but tree’s closed
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zolusbian · 4 months
starting a journey that will hopefully end in me getting diagnosed with lupus
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gear-project · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the theory that Frederick could still have access to Dragon Install because of his connection with the Flame of Corruption? Since it's been a part of his Gear core for centuries and his cells are technically byproducts of the Divine Seed, some believe that he is still linked to it, even with it removed from his body. Do you think that this theory has any credibility?
It's difficult to say for certain…
As far as can be determined, Frederick's entire body was reconstructed in the "aftermath" of his initial "death".
Yes, technically Frederick died from getting shot in the neck.
But, he woke up in a pool of his OWN BLOOD not long after.
The bullet that entered his neck contained a cocktail not only of the Flame of Corruption "divine seed", but also a genetic "remapping code" that basically converted his entire BODY in to GEAR CELLS.
So even if the Flame seed was removed from his neck… his body is still 100% that of a GEAR.
On the outside he definitely LOOKS human, and his hair even got shorter to normal length (though that could also have been a temporary side effect… Ky, Sin, and Dizzy still have issues where their hair regrows at fast rates).
What makes the Flame of Corruption Seed what it is seems to be related to the key functions of the Backyard itself.
As per the analogy, the Flame is "Adam" and the Scales is "Eve"… bodies of information that somehow governed the Backyard's data on a large scale.
Just as the Absolute World is an "overlap" of the physical world and the data that comprises the Backyard… you could argue that such an "overlap" existed within Sol's body.
Just as demons and ghosts exist outside of human Logic, Sol's existence was a supernatural one on a basic level.
If left unchecked, the Dragon Install would have encroached Sol's body… distorting his body's data and creating something far beyond his body's ability to contain (even for Gear Cells, which were designed to contain that power in the first place).
Perhaps, right now, none of that absurd amounts of illogical information exists within Frederick's body at the moment… but it is true that it shaped and influenced that body on a physical level… if not a metaphysical level.
Hypothetically, if Frederick were to try to re-enter the Backyard in his current state… or even get influenced by an Information Flare… something "could" happen to him… but it's hard to predict what could happen.
To clarify though, just as Information Flares are an excess amount of Magic Information in real space… the Dragon Install is just like other complex "spells" that exist in the world… above all else, it tapped in to the energy of the Gear Cell Core and Divine Seed itself.
Just as other everyday spells can influence the physical body (like healing spells or elemental spells), so too can enhancement spells like Dragon Install exist.
Perhaps not on the same level as before, but Frederick's body can still tap in to the energy potential of the Gear Cells that currently comprise it.
Even if the Magic Energy isn't as big as a Galaxy Cluster (like the case of Justice)… it is still Magic Energy, and is capable of a great many things.
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tiny-feisty-gay · 4 months
jobs will say they're disability friendly until you actually need them to be friendly about your disabilities
jobs will say they're mental health friendly until you actually have to miss work for it
jobs will say they support you taking time off until you actually do it
capitalism is a sham and employers do not and will not ever care about you, and if you're chronically ill, sucks to suck
i have an average of 1.5 absences a month and i'm tardy an average of twice a month, and somehow that's still too much.
18 absences in a year if i go at the current rate. 18. out of the 208 days total that i work (4 on, 3 off, with a 3 hour commute each direction.) 18. days. of absences. and that's too many.
and god forbid i be more than 15 minutes late.
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istherewifiinhell · 5 months
Okay also the wrestling with images and meaning. Conceptually. I think ive come to terms with....... that image is like. A pinup. On the sauciness scale. it ISNT really. objectionable in any reasonable way or particularly.... scandalizing. (I think???) but. certain viewers may. may. pick up on the authorial intent. or perhaps. mood or mode in which it was produced.... just a thought.....
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lucalicatteart · 2 years
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 6: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
The winning option of yesterday's poll was that the adventurer should ask the Innkeeper about the suspicious egg he got from the Well Creature….
After finishing his food scraps, he awkwardly creeps back over to the main counter, pulling up a stool and just hoping the Innkeeper will eventually make eye contact with him... She finally looks to the side whilst cleaning a glass, his chance to blurt out whatever he can.
"SO!- uh,, I um... I found something weird, or uh.. I didn't find it actually, I guess, I..... s-someone, or something.. gave it to me, as maybe..? a reward, or.. oh, well i-it doesn't matter why.. but UH, but so, I was just wondering, d-do you think you might know anything about it? about like, uh... stuff? Objects.. perhaps.....?"
She stares with equal parts amusement and concern, crossing her arms and letting out a soft chuckle, "Well, I've seen quite a variety of things while working here, so - Yeah, I could try to help you identify an item, if that's what you're asking."
"G-good. Okay. Well.. It's, uh..... this." He's barely even placed the little wooden egg box up on the counter before she's already slamming the lid shut and reaching over to force it back into his bag. Suddenly serious, her eyes dart around the room, scanning to ensure no-one else happened to notice.
"Don't EVER let anyone see you with that, okay??". Abrupt tone shift making him even more nervous, he just stares blankly, muttering a few gibberish noises whilst nodding at her in confirmation.
"I mean, I'm not absolutely certain," her voice lowers as she speaks, "but to me it looks exactly like a Caiploras egg. Those animals have been nearly extinct for at least a hundred years. Only tiny groups of them still exist here and there, and even those eventually get wiped out as soon as they're discovered. Kings and nobles used to hunt them, especially for the eggs, 'cause of all the theories - unique magical properties, uses in enchanting, shit like that.. I don't really know, I'm not that experienced with magic.... But.."
She pauses for a few seconds to stare him down (this does not soothe his anxiety at all), examining intently, as if to determine whether he's actually trustworthy before continuing..
"...My brother is. He's a mage, and a scholar, and he specializes in stuff like this, all these rare animals and whatnot. He'll hate me just sending a complete stranger over there, but.. I think you should go see him. He'd definitely be able to identify it- hell, he'd probably even pay you for it, if it really is what I think it is. And, he'd know how to take care of it properly, raise it well, not just cut it up for fucking potions or whatever...", she scoffs bitterly.
Grasping at a nearby napkin to fan himself with, he shifts sweatily in his seat, "W-wh... but,.. How would I do that?"
"What do you mean? Do what?"
"F-find, him.. IHhh... I just.. I don't, know the area well.. is all, I uh...."
"I'll give you directions, obviously.. Are you okay? Do you like... need some water? You look-"
"NHnnnou, I'M FINE! I just, haha.. uh... Maybe, am.. not very good at....uh.. this.." He gestures around himself nonspecifically.
With a brief confused glance, she pours a cup of water anyway, then casually plucks a small notebook from her pocket to begin scribbling messily. "Well, look, I'll give you the information, and if you feel up to it, you can go. I really think you should, but, eh... your choice, y'know."
As he fights his shaky hands to maintain control of the water glass, she lays out the paper on the table, pointing at parts of her sketch. "He's over in Fargahel, which should be a few days travel from here. See? The roads kind of go like this, but it's mostly a straight path. Look for the ruins of an abandoned castle. He's holed himself up in there, the underground part, repurposed into some sort of 'sanctuary' for rehabilitating injured birds or whatever the hell he's up to now. He probably won't attack you or anything, but I signed a little note on the back of this so he knows I sent you.. just in case."
Neatly folding up the map, she slides it towards him as she leans closer to intensely meet his eyes. "Just remember, no matter what you do, do NOT let anyone know you have that egg. There are plenty of folks out here still hunting for them. You don't want someone recognizing it and coming after you. Especially with how, uh...", it feels like she might mention he doesn't seem he'd be very good at combat, but she simply lets the sentence trail off, shrugging with a smile and politely patting his hand as he takes the paper.
"Just get some sleep, yeah? Think about it. And talk to me in the morning if you have any more questions."
He slumps over to lean on the counter, resting for a moment after she walks back to the other end of the room, just trying to wrap his head around all the new information.. He only took the egg because it looked pretty! He just wanted it to hatch into a cool chicken or something! Why does it have to actually be some big stinky scary secret rare item?... With a heavy sigh, he resolves to never again trust mysterious creatures that pop out of abandoned wells....
Eventually trudging up to his room for the night, he flops onto the lumpy mattress that seems to just be hay stuffed into dusty old potato sacks. As he rustles around waiting to fall asleep, he considers all of his options... What should he do with the egg?
#paventure posting#polls#choose your own adventure#SORRY I KNOW THE TEXT OF THIS ONE IS LONG I just could not make it short#There's too much information to convey and I feel like it seems unnatural if it's too matter of fact#like if she was just like 'yeah its this. go here. do this. okay thanks'#it would feel too robotic#there has to be SOME meandering and pointless sentences that just lead into other sentences and etc. lol#BUT most of them will not be this long. I'm still majorly trying to keep a 2-3 paragraph limit#the only exceptions will probably be occasions where he actually has convesartions with people because it'd#just sound really rushed and weird to try to fit a whole full detailed conversation into like 2 paragraphs worth of text#unless they're barley saying anything to each other. but etc. etc. you know what I mean#A majority of it will be short interactions in the woods a little choices and etc. Just sometimes when there's like#some explaining a full quest or whatever obviously that needs more context#Also this one is really late because I wanted to give myself a break and not draw every single day#so I already did the writing part so I'd have it ready today but then waited to do the sketch until this mosrning#I still have that chest injury thing that flares up if I use my shoulders and arms too much. which for some reason even if#I'm only doing a quick 30 minute sketch and like an hour or less of typing - it still starts to be achey#I have to have days where I just take a break from the computer lol#ANYWAY... day 6! What to do with the mysterious egg? :0#sorry to the one person who sent an anon ask talking about how they hope he gets to talk to the musician lol#That option did not win. But - depending on how voting of things goes - we could still come across some of#the people who were in the Inn during later parts of the journey. I had kind of a vague idea of like who the hooded#figure is. the musician. the person that would have been in a stables if you tried to steal a horse. etc.#Might still never come across them though but- they do exist in the world so. always a possiblility#wowe so many typos in these tags whoops.. im not going back and retyping them either
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feeling sick constantly in the background all the time is like.. usually negligible-ish.. until multiple various chronic background issues all happen to overlap at once and then it’s like 
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#Like usually I cycle between like. joint pain issues. chest muscle injury stuff. back pain. stomach problems. headaches. etc.#There is never a day that I feel totally normal for the most part. but it's usually just little things here and there on and off#chronic things that seem to flare up sometimes. But then every once in a while it's like the flare ups align and I'll have 6 of the problems#at the same time and then is AaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#For some reason it's okay to deal with one or two of these things at any given time. but if I have to deal with like 3+ at once#or two of the old ones plus one NEW thing I've never had before or etc. etc.#I just can't even do anything. I run around stressed out of my mind unable to focus on any tasks or do anything but feel bad#then I cant even play games or do fun stuff becuause my brain wont let me be distracted from fixating on the fact that I feel bad#It's kind of the same way that it's stressful for me to go into grocery stores because my brain LITERALLY just is not capable of tuning out#all of the noises and lights and sensory information - so it' gets overwhelming quickly. I also just literally cannot tune out sensory infor#mation from my body. so if something feels even a LITTLE weird or a LITTLE painful or is even slightly different than usual#especially if it's overlapping with multiple other 'low level chronic pain' type things then my brain is just like.. being given way too muc#h information that it still cant tune out and then I can't focus and just walk around in a daze for however long until one of the issues#goes away on it's own (like joint pain flare ups usually come and go etc. etc.). or until I see a doctor abut whatever the new thing is#and maybe something they do or say actually helps or etc. etc.#Idk I have SO SO much I want to do the beginning of the year and so many projects to finish and things to post and schedules I have#written out for me to get on (like excercising more consistently and etc.) and it's just furstrating for my brain to just be like#ah.. nope.. we are not doing that. instead we are going to be completely incapacitated by a host of physical issues#which I think most ''normal people'' would just ignore like ''oh yeah I'll just load myself up on ibuprophen and coffee and energy#drinks and advil and sleep supplements and this and that'' or whatever but I can't do that it just makes stuff worse. I have to just sit for#days having a mind battle like 'okay yes we're having these problems.. but we can still like.. do SOMETHING right? we could like.. write#or draw. or things that don't take much energy'' and brain is just like NO!!! WE CANT!!! BECAUSE!! THING IS WEIRD!!!' and it's like okay#but thing is going to be weird. there's nothing we can do about thing being weird right now. so we should just focus on something else#'NO!! CANNOT TUNE OUT THING BEING WEIRD!! lets just fixate on it instead and wander aimlessly from thing to thing never able#to fully focus on any other task. hee hee''. anyway. hhghh.. sometimes I just get tired of having Various Ailments at any given time#especially unexplained ones or weird recurring problems that doctors haven't done much about because then it lends to paranoia like#'what if something is seriously wrong but I just dont know it yet?' which could be the case. I mean hopefully not. but I just hate stuff#being unexplained. because if there's no clear answer then the answer could be anything. even somehting bad. *** :V#ANYWAY gghhb... just bothered at the moment. I was going to come here like 'hey maybe I could post some drafts or pictures or something that#could feel productive!' but.. i dont feel like it. i dont care. too focused on Bad Feeling. just going to complain instead lol
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you ever look a show up because youre like what is this actually about and then find the most 2006 photo youve ever seen? yeah, me too
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#kai rambles#youve got the flared jeans#youve got everyone wearing a shade as close to beige without just wearing beige#youve got everyone with slick straight hair#youve got five white ladies with various shades of artificially tanned skin#youve got the token big cat print this time being leopard print i think#youve got just awful colour adjutment on the photos of the ladies themselves like someone turned contrast up too high#youve got a background straight off microsoft powerpoint#youve got an actual orange#and you even have the fact that its the cover used in the ithnes store#jesus fucking christ#anyway#i was looking up what the real housewives actually is as a show because surprise surprise ive never watched it#apart from the clips when allison dubois was on one of the approximately 947 variant shows and was like being all catfighty but with a twist#because shes apparently a medium so she was just like ''if you dont shut your clack ill tell you the day that you die''#also ignore that i said clack i dont know what vernacular these ladies would use for shut your mouth so i defaulted to mine and kept going#but yeah anyway what i know about this show was very small and more from a meta standpoint so i looked it up and it mostly looks like#misogyny. its just like watch these rich powerful women squabble over nothing and act like theyre just pretty airheads in a cat fight#version of mortal combat#apparently theres a british spinoff set on chesire which sure okay i will continue to do nothing with thia information#theres a lot of surnames in this show where it feels like their surnames are made up? such as:#knickerbocker pippen vanderpump kirkpatrick gay maloof barshop moon#also turns out i was wrong theres two british spinoffs with the second set on jersey and wow i wish edward paisnel isnt my first association#with jersey. im sure its a lovely place that does not deserve to be forever associated with that man but fuck if that mask isnt a permanent#fixture in my brain now#anyhow the real housewives mostly seems to be in the same area as love island for me where i mostly feel like im watching a different#species (cishets. often entirely white for these casts apparently?) in their natural habitat#although i did come across a kenyan show called the real househelps of kawangware that parodies the concept and looks really interesting#it is on my list to check out at some point
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