minarachelle · 2 years
For the Dutch people or other persons who would like to put the effort in for watching it with subtitles. This is a real nice conversation about your inner freedom. About forgiving, not for the other person, but for your own inner freedom. What to do with the ego? How does it control you? Are you ready to be free? Wees vrij!
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spiritualsoul1969 · 17 days
The Illusion of Maya
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Sant Paltu’s teachings on Maya (illusion) open a profound window into the complex relationship between the soul and the material world. According to him, Maya is not simply a deception of the senses; it is an all-encompassing force that binds the soul to the transient and the finite, obscuring the truth of divine reality. In the spiritual journey, understanding Maya becomes essential, as it is the veil that separates the individual soul from its true nature.
Maya operates by creating attachments to worldly desires—wealth, power, recognition, and even relationships. These attachments, in turn, generate the illusion that these pursuits offer lasting fulfillment. But, as Sant Paltu taught, this fulfillment is fleeting because it is grounded in impermanence. The joy derived from material success, the satisfaction from social status, or even the comfort of personal relationships, while real in the moment, are temporary. As the waves of time move forward, these transient attachments dissolve, leaving the soul in a state of disillusionment.
In this light, Sant Paltu described Maya as a binding force, one that traps the soul in a cycle of desires, disappointments, and distractions. It is as if the soul is caught in a web, constantly pulled toward the outer world, forgetting its true nature. The deeper the attachment to this world, the more enmeshed the soul becomes in its illusions.
However, Sant Paltu did not see Maya as an enemy but as a challenge—a necessary force that must be transcended for spiritual liberation. Maya, while powerful, is also a teacher, one that shows the soul the limitations of the material world. Through its illusions, it drives the seeker toward a deeper search for truth, a yearning for something beyond the fleeting pleasures of this world.
At the heart of Sant Paltu’s teachings is the understanding that only by recognizing the illusory nature of Maya can one begin to move beyond it. The first step in overcoming Maya is awareness—realizing that the world we experience is not the ultimate reality. Behind the shifting forms of Maya lies an unchanging truth: the divine. To reach this truth, the soul must turn inward, breaking free from the outer world’s grip and reconnecting with its divine source.
What makes Sant Paltu’s perspective on Maya unique is his assertion that liberation does not require complete withdrawal from the world. While some spiritual traditions advocate renunciation, Sant Paltu suggests that one can live within the world, participate in its affairs, and still transcend Maya. The key lies in detachment—engaging with life’s responsibilities and relationships without becoming bound by them. In other words, it is possible to live in the world without being of the world.
Sant Paltu’s teachings challenge us to look beyond the surface of our experiences and question the very nature of reality. They invite us to ask: What is real? What is permanent? And how do we find our way to that which is eternal? For Sant Paltu, the answer lies in devotion to the divine and the recognition that the soul’s true home is not in the material world but in the infinite.
Practical Toolkit for Overcoming Maya
Daily Self-Inquiry: Set aside time each day to reflect on your attachments. Ask yourself what desires are driving your actions and whether they align with your higher spiritual goals. This practice helps increase awareness of Maya’s influence.
Mindful Detachment: Practice engaging with your responsibilities—work, relationships, and material needs—while maintaining a sense of detachment. Remind yourself that these are temporary aspects of life and not the source of lasting happiness.
Meditation on the Eternal: Incorporate a meditation practice focused on the infinite nature of the soul and the divine. Visualize the transient nature of the world fading away, revealing the eternal truth that lies beyond.
Gratitude Practice: Start a daily gratitude practice where you acknowledge the gifts of the material world without becoming attached to them. Recognize the beauty in life’s impermanence while keeping your focus on the divine.
Simplicity in Living: Simplify your lifestyle by reducing distractions. Focus on what truly matters—your spiritual growth, love, and connection to the divine. By living simply, you reduce Maya’s grip on your life.
Service to Others: Engage in acts of selfless service (seva) as a way to transcend ego-driven desires. By serving others without expectation of reward, you weaken the ego’s attachment to worldly outcomes.
Spiritual Study: Spend time studying the teachings of spiritual masters like Sant Paltu. Reading and contemplating spiritual texts helps reinforce the understanding that the material world is an illusion, guiding you back to the divine.
Cultivate Awareness of Maya: Throughout your day, practice becoming aware of Maya’s presence. Whenever you feel a pull toward material desires or emotional attachments, pause and reflect on the temporary nature of these experiences.
By integrating these tools into your daily life, you can begin to recognize and overcome the illusions of Maya, as taught by Sant Paltu Sahib. This journey leads to a deeper connection with the divine, where the soul is freed from the bindings of the material world and experiences true spiritual liberation.
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floatlif3 · 4 months
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🌟 Embracing Reality: Unindu-ne pentru Vindecare și Libertate 🌟
Într-o lume agitată, toți avem nevoie de un loc unde să ne simțim în siguranță, protejați și liberi să ne redescoperim. Alăturați-vă nouă în această călătorie transformatoare!
🤝 De ce să ni te alături?
Construim un Refugiu de Vindecare: O oază unde meditația, arta, sportul și natura se îmbină pentru a oferi echilibru și armonie. O Comunitate Unită: Fiecare mână întinsă și fiecare contribuție contează. Împreună, putem crea un loc de liniște și creștere personală. Descoperă Libertatea Interioară: Un spațiu sigur unde fiecare poate explora și redescoperi pasiunea de a trăi cu adevărat. Mulțumim din inimă pentru sprijinul vostru! 💚 Distribuie: Ajută-ne să răspândim mesajul și să ajungem la cât mai mulți oameni. 🔗https://www.float-camp.com/
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harmonyhealinghub · 7 months
I Am Delivered: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation Shaina Tranquilino March 8, 2024
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Each individual is on a unique journey of self-discovery and personal growth. "I Am Delivered" encapsulates the essence of a profound transformation that takes place within oneself, marking the culmination of challenges, triumphs, and a deep exploration of one's identity. This blog post aims to delve into the concept of being delivered – not in the conventional sense, but rather in the realm of personal evolution.
The Journey Begins:
The journey of self-discovery often begins with an awareness of dissatisfaction or a longing for something more. It could be triggered by life-changing events, personal crises, or a simple realization that there is untapped potential waiting to be explored. "I Am Delivered" signifies the initiation of a transformative journey, a commitment to explore the uncharted territories within oneself.
Facing Challenges Head-On:
Transformation is not a linear path; it's a series of peaks and valleys, challenges and victories. "I Am Delivered" encapsulates the courage to confront these challenges head-on, embracing discomfort as a catalyst for growth. Whether it's breaking free from limiting beliefs, overcoming past traumas, or navigating through the complexities of life, the phrase echoes a determination to rise above adversity.
The Power of Reflection:
The process of being delivered involves introspection and self-reflection. Taking the time to understand one's values, passions, and purpose allows for a deeper connection with oneself. Through introspection, individuals can identify the areas of their lives that require change and set a course towards personal fulfillment. "I Am Delivered" becomes a mantra for those who actively seek self-awareness and continuous improvement.
Letting Go of Baggage:
As the journey unfolds, there comes a pivotal moment of releasing the baggage that hinders personal growth. This can involve letting go of toxic relationships, shedding self-limiting beliefs, or forgiving oneself for past mistakes. The phrase "I Am Delivered" encapsulates the liberation that comes with unburdening oneself from the weight of the past, creating space for new beginnings and opportunities.
Embracing Authenticity:
True deliverance lies in the embrace of authenticity. This involves accepting oneself fully, flaws and all, and living in alignment with one's true nature. "I Am Delivered" signifies the freedom to be authentic, to express oneself genuinely, and to cultivate a life that resonates with inner values. The journey towards authenticity is an ongoing process, marked by continuous self-discovery and refinement.
Celebrating Victories, Big and Small:
The "I Am Delivered" journey is punctuated by victories, both big and small. Celebrating these achievements, no matter how minor, is crucial for reinforcing positive change. It could be mastering a new skill, overcoming a fear, or simply finding joy in the present moment. The phrase becomes a reminder to acknowledge and appreciate the progress made along the way.
"I Am Delivered" encapsulates the transformative journey of self-discovery, growth, and authenticity. It is a declaration of inner freedom, resilience, and the unwavering commitment to becoming the best version of oneself. Embracing this mantra invites individuals to embark on a continuous exploration of their potential, fostering a life of fulfillment, purpose, and genuine self-expression.
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wingstothought · 1 year
Treasure Liberty: The j0urney of self-forgiveness
Forgiveness is often associated with forgiving others’ mistakes, but what about self-forgiveness? The art of self-forgiveness is a profound journey that requires introspection, compassion, and a willingness to let go of past mistakes. We all make mistakes, but guilt and shame can weigh on us, hindering our personal growth and self-esteem. In this article, we’ll dive into the transformative…
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julia-kalman · 1 year
Freedom is...
Daily writing promptWhat does freedom mean to you?View all responses Freedom is a powerful concept that can mean different things to different people. For some, freedom is about having the ability to live their dreams, to be autonomous and independent. For others, it’s about feeling liberated, sovereign and privileged. But regardless of what freedom means to you, there’s always inner freedom…
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sanjaycr · 2 years
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Jan explained that she had always struggled with expressing herself and had a fear of public speaking. She had tried various methods to overcome her fear, including traditional therapy and self-help books, but nothing seemed to work. It wasn't until she discovered voice release that she finally found a technique that helped her break through her fears and express herself more confidently.
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shreemwellbeing · 2 years
No longer a caterpillar 🐛 … not yet a butterfly 🦋 Allow for the natural unfolding of your own healing journey. 💜
“It’s only when caterpillarness is done that one becomes a butterfly. That again is part of this paradox. You cannot rip away caterpillarness. The whole trip occurs in an unfolding process of which we have no control.” – Ram Dass
#shreemwellbeing #meditation #mindfulness #reiki #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #energyhealing #holistichealing #somatichealing #emotionalhealing
#traumahealing #innerchildhealing
#banstead #epsom #sutton #ashtead #emotionalhealth #surreyuk
#healing #healingjourney #authenticself #innerfreedom #innertransformation #selfhealing #selftransformation
#caterpillartobutterfly #vibranthealthreflexology #reflexology
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wordswhitchocolate · 1 year
#positivevibes #innerfreedom #careeryourself #daylightsavings
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jrich103 · 3 years
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Beneath every excuse lies a fear. Practice being fearless. – Robin Sharma
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letthatriverflow · 4 years
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“Viņa klusumā auga,klusumā nobrieda. Skarbiem vējiem, akmens sprostam, ceļa jūtīm viņa sveika izgāja cauri, jo viņas sirdī bija pavasaris. Tāds rēns, lēns pavasaris, kāds te pie mums ziemeļos, Latvijā, mēdz būt, kas sāpīgi nāk un lēni nāk, bet tomēr nāk un uzvar.” •
/Zenta Mauriņa/
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everythinkaloud · 5 years
Stop searching outside of you, the answers are on the inside
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hypnoticwitch · 5 years
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What does freedom feel like for you? ⠀
For me lately, the desire to feel free is a priority. I want to feel free to be myself, to enjoy my time, to release the old habits of concern for the drama that doesn’t serve me. ⠀
Being able to set boundaries and not let other people’s stuff knock me off course is freedom.⠀
Creating a daily routine that helps me manage my time and take care of my self and my business is bringing me freedom.⠀
Being present with my loved ones and honoring my needs and feelings is freedom. ⠀
Pursuing passions and hobbies that I’d put aside for years is freedom. ⠀
Knowing that no matter what occurs in my life, I can return to center, that space within myself that is ever present, that is freedom.⠀
What makes you feel free? What right now is making you not feel free? What can you do right now to bring a feeling of freedom into your experience? ⠀
Thank you to the fabulously talented Carlene at @carleneimagery for this incredible picture that makes me feel free. ⠀

#freedom #selfcare #photography #model #innerfreedom #tuesdayvibes #selfhealing #mindfulquestions #selfgrowth🌱 #thehillsarealive #howtobehappy #wellnesscoach 
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ask-ug-krishnamurti · 5 years
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Follow @ask_ug_krishnamurti for more U.G. quotes. . 👉 All the quotes are taken from the tagged books, link in the bio! ☝️ . #askugkrishnamurti #ugkrishnamurti #enlightenment #wisdomquotes #mindisamyth #nonduality #spiritualawakening #spiritualquote #spiritualawareness #naturalstate #innerfreedom #bookexcerpt #frustration #selfrealization #consciousnessshift #inneryoga #spiritualpath #spiritualawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/B5zk4r2ilSt/?igshid=1hlr748vg2tpx
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May our greatest characteristic be humility and May we do for others without being found out. 🌈 make us a channel of Thy Peace ✌️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #soulmate #enlightenment #spirituality #spiritualgrowth #lifeactivation #innerfreedom #meditation #loveislove #cleanandsober #recovery #selflove #availablenow #spiritualgrowth #beherenow #yogainstructor #healer #lightworker #pilot #pilotlife #grainfree #healthylifestyle #inspiration #service #lifeactivation #joy #spirituality #spiritualawakening #spiritualgrowth (at Olympic National Park - Sol Duc Hot Springs Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf-6kqku3Je/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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6/28 Ardra NEW MOON (7:52 pm PT) A powerful flash of insight ignites in Ardra, the star of the storm god Rudra. Armed with lightning bolts that cut through darkness and ignorance, Rudra is a fierce form of Lord Shiva who holds the power to dissolve fear and doubt in a single flash of awareness. Channel this new moon into heart-felt conversations, energy clearing, and letting go of the past. What are you ready to integrate, clear, and get free of now? Learn more on the new moon blog/Youtube forecast: link in bio @anandashree_vedic_astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #newmoonritual #newmoonintentions #energyupdate #energyclearing #energycleansing #detoxyourbody #ayurveda #fiercecommunity #spiritualawakening #vedicastrologyreadings #astrologyreadings #ardra #nakshatra #stormgod #innerfreedom #energyclearing #energyupdate #energyworkersofinstagram #newmooningemini #newmoonincancer #newmoonintentions #newmoonmanifesting #lordshiva🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfXnEIApRVQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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