cystercarepcos · 11 months
Inositol has a lot of attention these days, but can we actually consume it for PCOS? If yes, how much should we take? Inositol is a natural sugar that is traditionally considered a B vitamin and a predominant supplement that has been extensively researched in terms of its effectiveness against PCOS.
Inositol is produced in your body and is also found in food sources like meat (especially liver and kidney), egg, whole grains, beans, peas, nuts and seeds, dry fruits, cabbage.
There are a number of inositol variants; among them, myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol play positive roles in PCOS. PCOS is the most common cause of infertility, and it is also linked to metabolic syndrome symptoms such as insulin resistance and obesity. Inositol has been proved to reduce the insulin resistance and regulate blood glucose level.
Let us know how Inositol works in the body.
It acts as a messenger here; the food we take breaks down into glucose so that we get energy. So when glucose levels increase, insulin gets released and carries glucose to the receptors on the cells where it binds, leading to the action of secondary messengers, where they will let glucose enter the cells.
In PCOS, these secondary messengers will not function and won’t allow the glucose in; this may lead to diabetes and other metabolic disorders. This is where inositol comes in; they act as secondary messengers and let in glucose into cells.
In addition to their effects on insulin sensitization and response modulation, inositols function in the ovary as gonadotropin second messengers. (Laganà, 2018,pg. 768)
The quarrel of inositols
One of the isomers of inositol is myo-inositol, the increased myo-inositol helps in the follicular development of oocytes.
The consumption of myo inositol with folic acid lowers the testosterone levels by 55% and increases the progesterone levels by 485%. On the other hand, increased levels of D-chiro inositol support increased testosterone levels. As a result, women with severe PCOS symptoms are only given myo-inositol.
– Let’s understand it’s role Myo inositol role is to handle glucose uptake and signalling follicular stimulating hormone (FSH). Whereas, D-chiro inositol’s role is insulin dependent synthesis of androgen and glucose storage.
– Then why are both given to PCOS women?
A 40:1 ratio of myo and D-chiro inositol was discovered to restore endocrinological impairments among the various ratios that have been tested and researched.Despite their distinct roles, it was discovered that a 40:1 ratio of myo and D-chiro inositol was effective in PCOS women (Regidor, Pedro-Antonio; 2018)
For more information, visit
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frogsandfries · 11 months
This is kinda nifty.
The fad vitamin suggested by the internet........... is actually working.
I've been noticing my hair gets greasy faster than it has for years, which is a promising sign, and things that have been inactive are trying to become active, so that's exciting. Too bad I don't have anyone to share the success with........so I have no way of knowing if it's helping my ovaries without getting blood drawn several times a month 🙄
Also, really unfortunate about the having to shower more. I dun waaaannnnnaaaaa I hate showering.
I wonder what would happen if I was also taking ashwaghanda.
Anyway, tell your PCOS friends about chiro-inositol. I wish someone had told me when I was twenty.......
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thaliasandy · 3 months
TW: weightloss/ weight/ diet/ suicidal thoughts
I have been taking inositol supplements for a couple of months bc I kept seeing Videos about it helping with weightloss and it's working really well.
I've been losing weight steadily, every week when I step on the scale it's at least 1 kilo less, I have been eating fairly clean (no fast food, barely any sweets and except for some wine on the easter holidays, no alcohol) and I try to be more active.
One of the not so fun side effects (bc I don't have a partner) is how horny I get during ovulation now, I felt kind of insane this month bc I wasn't used to that. That's what I imagine my cat felt like when she was in heat 😬🙈
A side effect I really like, IF it is in fact caused by the inositol, my PMDD is not as bad. It had been bad for about a year, I was having suicidal thoughts the week before my period every month and I haven't had that since I started taking it.
Of course all of this is just my experience and I can't guaratee it's going to be the same for anyone else.
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healthsupplementindia · 5 months
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fandbtrends · 6 months
Global Inositol Market Research Report - Global Analysis By Sales Price Revenue And Share 2027
The Global Inositol Market was valued at US$ 130.22 Mn in 2022, estimated to reach US$ 205.05 Mn by 2030, with a CAGR of 5.66% from 2023-2030.
Inositol is a compound that belongs to the vitamin B family and is often referred to as vitamin B8. It plays a crucial role in various biological processes, including cell signaling and the metabolism of fats. Inositol is naturally found in certain foods, and it can also be produced synthetically.
Market Drivers
The global market for inositol is being driven by increasing awareness of its role in treating various health issues such as anxiety, depression, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and diabetes. Moreover, the growing demand for nutritional supplements and functional foods that contain inositol has also contributed to the market's growth. Furthermore, inositol's application in the personal care industry as a skin moisturizer, and in the pharmaceutical industry for treating several diseases such as Alzheimer's and cancer, is also expected to boost the demand for inositol in the global market.
Request A Free  Sample : https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Inositol-Market/request-sample
Market Restraints
The global inositol market may be restrained by the high cost associated with the production of inositol. This high cost of production translates into a high price for the end product, which can limit the adoption of inositol by price-sensitive customers. Additionally, the overconsumption of inositol may lead to health complications.
Another restraint is the lack of awareness regarding the benefits of inositol among consumers in some regions. This lack of awareness can limit the demand for inositol and the growth of the market in those regions.
Market Segmentation
The scope of the global inositol market covers segmentation based on source, application, and region.
Based on the source, the market can be segmented into natural and synthetic. Based on application, the market can be segmented into food & beverages, dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals, animal feed, and others. 
Regional Analysis
The global inositol market is segmented into 5 main regions, namely, North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.
North America is dominating the global inositol market, mainly due to the significant growth of the food and beverage industry and the rising demand for dietary supplements in the region.
The region has some of the largest producers and consumers of inositol globally, which contributes significantly to the dominance of the region in the market.
However, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness fast growth in the inositol market, driven by the increasing population, rising disposable income, and growing awareness about the health benefits of inositol in the region. Additionally, the increasing prevalence of diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and other metabolic disorders is expected to boost the demand for inositol-based products in the region. There are several major players emerging in this region.
Key Players
Zhucheng Haotian Pharm
Shandong Runde Biotechnology Co
Charles Bowman & Company
Asiamerica Group Inc
 Phoenix Herb, Biological E Ltd
 T.J Clark & Company
Koninklijke DSM N.V
 Holland & Barrett
Ronas Chemicals
𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫t : https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Global-Inositol-Market
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thejaymo · 6 months
Happy New Year! This is the last post here for a little while. We’re off on our Thailand adventure on Saturday and I’m not back until early February. You can follow me on Instagram if you want to follow along. Another year, another wrap up post! I’ve opened some of them on previous years with words like ‘Terrible’. This year I’ll open with…
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heintzmagic · 7 months
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alexanderrogge · 7 months
Steven Gundry - The Shocking Truth About Diet Soda:
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julianyarac · 7 months
Complementos nutricionales en diabetes gestacional
la suplementación con inositol durante el embarazo parece ser una forma segura para la prevención y adyuvante al manejo de la diabetes gestacional.
La diabetes mellitus, se refiere a un trastorno relacionado con el metabolismo de los azúcares, donde se produce una incapacidad para que la glucosa, principal fuente de energía en las células, entre a ellas. Se produce entonces la paradoja de niveles altos de azúcar en la sangre con niveles bajos de azúcar dentro de las células, lo que lleva a que tengamos ganas de consumir más carbohidratos,…
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writtenonbone · 1 year
Im thinking about taking inositol supplements but idk how itll interact with metformin. Anyone here have taken them together?
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munaeem · 1 year
Inositol for slimming can help. Who will it help for sure?
Inositol is neither a medicine nor a first-choice supplement for weight loss. All because it is a chemical that has not received enough attention in this field. It can undoubtedly benefit some diabetics, individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome, or those suffering from anxiety, which may result in weight loss. Does inositol aid in weight loss? It all depends. Its effects have been studied on…
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melladh · 1 year
Idk what the fuck my brain decided to be on today but I wake up at 6:30, already with a song stuck in my head before I'm conscious, except it's not a song, it's just a questionable repeated chorus of
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997yen · 1 year
Contraceptive pills don't necessarily have side effects to people with policistic ovaries. Don't say things you don't know nothing about
I totally forgot about that post I commented lol
Well...I have PCSO and I commented what contraceptive pills did to me. I didn't say contraception works for everyone in the same way. But in the most cases it does. Side effects are usually gain weight or hair loss. I also felt dizzy, bloated and had those annoying "ringing" in my ears.
If you have good results with pills that awesome. I'm just saying INOSITOL is way better option for psco. No side effects and the results are the same when it comes to menstrual circles. Also inositol have good effects on the other organs in the body. Some people using it to control anxiety or depression.
Also using just pills and not changing your life style is not good options for "curing" your ovaries.
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bonnie645 · 2 years
Truemed 1200 mg of Original Sunflower Lecithin Softgel for Women is intended to: Loosen any current fatty blockages Boost milk flow supplying a fatty acid and choline rich source. Rich nutrient profile : Due to their high concentrations of choline phospholipids and other postnatal vitamins for women, non-GMO sunflower lecithin pills have exceptional benefits for supporting lactation. Brain health supplement : Lecithin, a natural anti-aging substance with beneficial fatty acids for improved brain function, is one of the most undervalued brain supplements for memory and focus. Postpartum essentials : One of the most important breastfeeding necessities for milk production to increase supply and support for clogged milk ducts is our sunflower lecithin 1200 mg phosphatidylserine supplement. Other benefits : Non-GMO Sunflower lecithin is also praised for its benefits for immune support, postnatal support, and digestive health. It also claims to improve liver health and heart integrity.
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🔵 Integratore di Inositolo (vitamina B7): quali sono i benefici della sua assunzione? 👉 Leggi l’articolo: https://medicinaonline.co/2018/01/27/integratore-di-inositolo-benefici-dimagrimento-e-controindicazioni/ ✅ #inositolo #integratore #dimagrimento #EmilioAlessioLoiacono #MedicinaOnLine
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sybilsherbal · 2 years
Lecithin basic constituents: choline & inositol
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