#Introspection [The Film]
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Metallica, 1986.
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colouredyoublu · 1 month
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there it was. there it is … the song of gloom filling the evening air. i can’t seem to figure out this particular feeling of sorrow. is it the motion of moving forward? moving on? i suppose the reality of our memories don’t seem to exist in these 66 seconds of her lullaby. my love for you re-emerges and the feelings of some beginning becomes suspended. here is where i find the love i buried deep within the earth — hidden furthest from you. her words become my own and my heart loses sight of the present moment. here is where i yearn for your companionship, missing the warmth of your presence
or rather the idea i orchestrated of you.
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mod-doodles · 1 year
Carmy is the walk-in - the fridge guy is a therapist - the T is for therapy
(Tony, Tom, Tim, Terry)
Song: ‘Changes’ - Charles Bradley
The fridge is his self preservation and we experience The Bear from Carmy’s perspective and it’s very reminiscent of Bella and Edward; blue af and cool toned like ice, coldness and glaciers like his eyes.
The renovation is the staff removing the toxicity (mouldy walls) and rebuilding.
They are the pots and pans that were ‘barkeeper-ed’ into a second life (science baby).
The one person that didn’t receive the barkeeper’s treatment was Carmy - he was resistant to the change, he starts seeing Claire in a last ditch effort to revel in the past and stops the Al-Anon meetings and so he’s regressing and like the handle of the walk-in he’s still broken.
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The one thing everyone agrees on from the show runners to the actors to Natalie to the fandom is that Carmy desperately needs fixing via individual therapy.
Carmy is the fridge that needs to be fixed and he never calls the fridge guy. . .never goes to therapy
Somehow he’s both the fire and the ice; things necessary in the running of a kitchen. His love for his family and friends is the fire but he’s also cold, hardened, frigid because of the hand he was dealt in life (a more eloquent, poetic writer kindly run with this).
So maybe in the last season of the show they’ll have to get a new walk-in installed or maybe not because having experienced trauma we don’t just get to replace our old selves, no, ultimately we keep working on ourselves; fixing bits and pieces as we march on - by replacing the handle, changing the shelves, installing new lighting etc.
It’ll be funny if Carmy’s actual therapist is named - Tim, Terry, Tom - visual reaction below:
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floridx · 1 year
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el cuerpo como dispositivo de procesos
el agua en sincronía
las promesas devienen en aciertos
me recuesto en las piedras calientes
me arden los ojos de llorar
gracias por las enseñanzas
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wcspoems · 6 months
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lon3lyg1rlsblog · 2 months
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─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
“For still there are so many things I have never seen. In every wood, in every spring there is a different green”
- Tolkien.
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lovingempress · 2 years
It’s only been a few days and not only is “gaslight gatekeep Goncharov” already a recommended tag on Tumblr,
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There are 225 works on AO3, with the first published work there only happening TWO DAYS AGO (Nov 19, 2022)
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Y’all are monsters (affectionate) LOL
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Violent Cop (1989) directed by Takeshi Kitano
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vonlipvig · 2 months
ok but speaking of my writing, my last wip was that fic about stratt from project hail mary being in jail and thinking about her actions and her mistakes, which was fun because the thing i wrote before that was about a great ace attorney character being in jail and thinking about his actions and mistakes.
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ghoul-haunted · 3 months
writing a murder mystery :) outlining another little murder mystery :) taking a quick break to research something and going 'oh no this is terrible. oh what the fuck,' and then taking a break from the break. then going back to plotting out a little murder mystery, but make it. horror? a thriller? unsure. but either way, plotting it out, for morale, because if I don't have background shit in rotation, my brain gets bored of the main project and that would be a disaster.
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pondslime · 1 year
I love this piece of media. time to swing from a ceiling fan and gibber incoherently about it
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Metallica (1985)
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nellasbookplanet · 11 months
In other news, it’s spooky month and I accidentally watched a christian horror movie (yes, that is apparently a thing that exists) and didn’t fully realize until the demon started spouting anti-abortion rethoric, and this has once again made me think about how so many (western) supernatural horror movies are somehow simultaneously very secular and extremely christian to the point that it’s hard to even notice when they start to slide into propaganda because most of them present christianity as this natural and obvious status quo. You use a crucifix against vampires. Call a priest to deal with demons. No one in-narrative ever has any actual conversations about what this means, despite featuring largely secular characters who should by all rights be experiencing existenial crises at the face of all this proof of not just the supernatural but of god almighty himself. Christianity is just the Obvious Tool. Calling a priest is like calling a plumber and requires no reevaluation of one's world view. A crucifix is no different from a bag of garlic.
Despite being mostly an atheist myself, I strangely often find myself prefering stories that lean more into the christian aspect: angels show up, maybe god has a few lines, the devil personally makes an apperance at some point. You know, Supernatural and Good Omens and Constantine and Lucifer type christianity. At this point, it stops feeling like an assumption of One True Religion and starts feeling like any other mythology, not dissimilar to Rick Riordan writing greek gods. It’s just another fantasy element inspired by real beliefs. I really wish more supernatural horror leaned this way, or alternately in the complete opposite way where the monsters and demons are completely removed from christianity. Give me some pre-christian demons, get a bit creative with the concept instead of just copying the exorcist's homework, c'mon you can do it!
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theperplexedpoet · 9 months
I made a promise to myself (to be or not to be)
I made a promise to myself and I sealed it with the pen I thought somehow that it would help so I etched it in my skin it was part of a magic spell this was how I let it in I made a promise to myself and I would make it again I said, “to be or not to be” and I put it on the masks then it was all that I could see the mirror would play it back it would become my legacy and the ink within my well as it was all that I could be storyteller's gotta tell I made a promise to myself and I sealed it with the gun one I made in sickness and health be there wealth, or be there none it was part of a magic spell this was how I had it spun I made a promise to myself and I'm here to see it done I said, “to be or not to be” and I put it on the masks was carving out a destiny but was not up to the task was holding to a fallacy one that I knew all too well I penned it as a fantasy storyteller's gotta tell I made a promise to myself and I sealed it with the pen I thought somehow that it would help so I etched it in my skin it was part of a magic spell this was how I let it in I made a promise to myself and I would make it again I said, “to be or not to be” and I put it on my arm so it was always there to see was there to sound the alarm and this would come to set the fee for the ink within the well and to spell out my destiny storyteller's gotta tell I made a promise to myself and I sealed it with the gun one I made in sickness and health be there wealth, or be there none it was part of a magic spell this was how I had it spun I made a promise to myself and I'm here to see it done I said, “to be or not to be” (12/19/23)
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russelllamon · 1 year
sundays are made for short films.
check out “the crack is fine” on YouTube. It’s Abstract, Queer, and Introspective.
check out my thoughts on the film
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wcspoems · 6 months
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