#Iplier wise at least
southerndragontamer · 11 months
Egotober Day 28: Ghost
There was a cabin the middle of the woods around the old manor, the one that was supposedly haunted after a party gone wrong so no one came near it. No one knew that a man with no shadow and a man that walked in and out of reality had taken it as their home and brought in others like a bunch of strays to live in the manor again. What they would do to keep their home safe from prying eyes.
But the cabin, oh everyone knew about it. It was haunted by the owner’s ghost, he’d been a famous writer especially for horror and thriller. Fans wrote to him and told him how much he scared them, how the characters felt so real in his books. The writer would just smile like he knew a secret they didn’t and nod, thank them for their praise.
The writer always did have an ego…perhaps that was what cost him so much Hmm? He crossed the wrong person, wrote something someone more unstable took offense too, got too close to a dangerous muse that took what he wrote too literally….or maybe it was something else?
Maybe he dabbled in powers he didn’t understand and it drove him mad, maybe he took for granted the power at his fingertips and it turned on him and made him the victim, maybe he looked into the future and saw something he shouldn’t have-or maybe…it’s none of those things but something else entirely.
Maybe he grew tired of feeling constrained, chained to his desk by the pen and paper he used to craft reality to his taste, maybe he wanted to have more freedom and power to make things his with just a word, but there was a price. These things always come with a price….
Maybe that’s why the ghost of the writer is said to be without his eyes…wearing a bloody blindfold but with a secretive smile on his lips as he makes reality listen to every word he speaks.
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anxious-ace · 10 months
General EI notes:
No one is ever truly stupid, oftentimes it's either an act or an honest mistake (although some dumb decisions have been made, looking at you P.I.E. and Angus). Sure people have bubbly personalities but it doesn't mean they're dumb, they are just happy and outgoing. This applies to the kids as well as they are oftentimes smarter and more aware than people give them credit for.
Take Spooker for instance: he was the first one to put together the fact that Kashuba and CJ are the same person just by looking at her old photos from high school to her working at the Magnus Institute and then back at her (as she was right in front of him).
Marvin saw everything that Angus had been through when he looked into his soul stone to try and fix it back when it broke that one time. This includes his early childhood (the part where his parents were thinking of having another kid because he did not turn out how they wanted), all the abuse he went through when he and Ellieanna were married, and the whole fading process. (the soul holds on to things the brain can't/refuses to)
Like the seers in Quest!, the Magic Circle is trying to keep their timeline in order. multiple timelines are running at the same time as the one in the series (like all the stuff Seán and Mark are doing is one timeline separate from this one) and each timeline has its own group trying to keep it together.
Jimmy is a chaos demon chosen by the housekeeper/chaos god. Jimmy spreads chaos through murder (duh) and the housekeeper spreads chaos through stealing gold (which is very valuable), causing the Ghost family's whole deal and trying to take over the world. Ana and Tim are still Jimmy's parents (making him and Ghost twins) but after everything that happened (Ghost drowning, Gregory dying, etc.) the housekeeper kinda just gave this child (who was already a demon, to begin with) more demon powers (ie possession) and free range.
Ghost has insomnia, autism, Cotard's delusion, MS, PTSD, anxiety disorders, depression, vitiligo, maybe some co-dependency towards Toast, is an ambi wheelchair user, has a sci-fi monocle (doesn't want to call it that though), numb tongue (from eating too much spicy and sour foods growing up). And yes there is an in-universe reason he wears the gloves (covers scars and vitiligo).
Both Ghost and Angus are partially blind from injuries. Angus in their left eye and Ghost in his right (hence the monocle). I've already explained Angus' injury but I still have to figure out Ghost's.
S3(4N) was made by Cyberlife for police work (duh) while Bing (septiceye) was built by Mack to help around the house I guess. Bing (iplier) and Google on the other hand were built by The Host and Dark to help with the votes when the group needs to make a big decision. That being said, if Mach met them all, he'd feel "out of place" because they were made with an expressed purpose in mind while he was only really made for a high school exhibition.
Ghost was 13 when he figured out he was gay. How? Middle school locker room + Toast just chilling on his bed while playing video games together (with Ghost just silently having his oh moment)
Toast was 15 when he figured out he was bi (or at least that he liked guys as well as girls), it wasn't until college (21) when he finally accepted this about himself (as the Toast family would've had some....opinions about this fact so he'd rather not think about it).
Alan Wake is either 1. Toast's pen name (along with Edgar Kingsley) or 2. Toast from another timeline/dimension
(both of which would be in-universe explanations for why they look damn near identical)
P.I.E's handiness goes as follows (weapons wise everyone is ambidextrous, this is what hand they use for everything else):
Toast- ambidextrous
Ghost- right handed
Spooker- left handed
Colon- right handed
CJ- right handed
Alex- left handed
Zoé- left handed
Suzannah- ambidextrous
Ok, I know I said that I wasn't doing the whole "Ghost is a system" thing but I think I can do this as it doesn't involve Jimmy as he is a murderer. Let me introduce you to Casper: Casper is Ghost's alter who formed when Ghost was 5 (which explains why Casper is only 5) after Gregory's death. Also, he is mute (only talks in the headspace/to Ghost) by choice because of how many people Ghost is constantly around
Toasts lycanthropy: full transformations are caused by the full moon (no fucking duh) while smaller transformations (limbs, eyes, and teeth) are caused by high amounts of emotions
I named some people as well:
Burke/Angus + Henrik's parents: Falko and Tahlia
O'Fallons/Marvin's family: Lonán, Saraid (parents), Isabelle, Rían, Sophie (siblings)
Houghs/Jackie's family: Oisín, Saoirse (parents), Lexi, Willow (sisters)
Flynns/Shawn, Jack, and Grant's family: Cuán, Annie (parents), Hollie, Marcel, Teagan, Casey, Aisling (siblings)
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lostcybertronian · 2 years
#2. "I can't trust you." With The Host please (with anyone, dealer's choice, but it would be funny if it were at himself). I enjoy your writing and hope you're doing well.
This takes place at the beginning of the Host's existence, at the end of his transition from Author to Host.
Tag list (if you want to be added, ask): @darkiplurrr @taikeero-lecoredier
Prompt 2: “I can’t trust you.” 
    Dark’s presence had calmed, somewhat, since the Host had met him; he no longer crackled and snapped like a feral animal, gone wild with rage. Now it hummed beneath his elegant facade, ever-present and maintained. It was rare that he let that animal loose.
    The Host could feel it straining under Dark’s carefully kept expression.
    “I don’t like you fraternizing with that quack doctor,” Dark said from somewhere to the Host’s right, though he paced to his left, hands clasped in a gray-knuckled grip behind his back. His next words would come from his right, though Dark would, in a few steps, pace to his left. “Do you forget who wrenched your pathetic life back from the grave? It wasn’t him.”
    He continued to pace, circling the Host like a predator did its prey. The Host played his part as Dark would want him to and stood statue-still, both his arms wrapped around himself as if he could prevent pieces from crumbling off. Fresh blood blossomed across bandages Dr. Iplier had dressed not an hour prior. 
    “Well?” Dark prompted in two voices, from both the left and the right. 
    “I require a suitable caretaker.” The Host’s voice, raspy from overuse, came out a hoarse whisper. 
    A pause. Then, begrudgingly pleased, “It is wise to be honest with yourself and with me. I can’t trust you otherwise.” Another moment. “You better be truthful, Host.”
    You know the consequences.
    The Host resisted the urge to reach up and touch the blood dripping down his cheeks. “I am telling you the truth. Dark is- you are incapable of medical treatment. The doctor is qualified for at least that.”
    “I think you want a pet.” The animal surfaced; Dark sneered and lashed out, giving the Host a rough shove that lacked true bite but still sent him several steps back. And then as quickly as it happened, Dark was composed once more. He stood close enough to the Host that the Host could smell him; frost and dust beneath carefully curated cologne. “Very well,” he said. “Keep your pet. It might be good for you to have something to play with.”
There were words unsaid there. If I suspect and consequences were but a few. The Host did not stick around to hear them; he slipped out of Dark’s office silently, fleeing from the feral animal Dark kept hidden away. 
He reached up to touch the thick crust of blood seeping through his bandages, traced droplets down his face. It was thick on his tongue. 
He should go see the doctor. But he wouldn’t. Dark’s words rang in his ears as he turned and went the opposite direction.
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b00sh · 2 years
So, in space with mark"lovable fucking idiot who needs a break as damn much as I do"iplier God damn Spoilers for the endings, and generally part 1&2, btw
If I may, HOLLY FUCK that was a ride Now, I have jack shit to say lore wise, my brain is as small as a peanut (which is to say delightful but ultimately a train wreck), but the emotional impact, god, I love it. Let Go was just Fuck that hurt Having everything I went through to get that far, that close, to trust the man I stood by through thick, this, and fixing it from the outside, mean nothing!?! Yeah, no, I'm not letting that happen again. And being the person I am, I allowed myself to experience repeating every little thing to get back there, you know, as the captain canonically has too if they fuck up right at this part. no ands ifs or buts, Captain is going through hell part 2 and I was rollplaying a bit there, I needed the full experience of looking Mark in the eyes and saying. "Shut up, look at me, No." with the most (in my experience) Spiteful, angry, and slightly insane grin, "madman finally wins" sorta vibes. So I get back, and picking "Hold On", I grab Mark and hang on for dear fucking life, throwing the dammed crystal to the wind.. er.. wormhole.
Finally winning felt good. I was nervous, that it was still all for nothing, but regardless, there is a moment. and in that moment, god, it is emotional. (Mark's acting here is just fucking perfect btw.) The realization hits. Mostly for Mark, kinda for me. Despite the clear as day "This is his mistake, go fix it." earlier when we were told to stop him, I was kinda in denial. I don't know about you, but I would die for this head engineer.
And for Mark, god, the realization that you caused a universe restart, millions of deaths, prevented the fixing of your mistake the first time, and ultimately caused the majority of other problems we had, must be a pretty rough realization.
I got kinda teary tbh, I wanted to hug him and tell him that "at the very least I forgive you, and it's all going to be okay."
Then the worst happens. The ship goes Boom. I'm back in my cryo chamber. In my head, I am about to break this stupid fucking no good maddening robotic "emergency wakey wakey protocall" bitch ass door off. I'd probably send it to the other side of the room and hit mark, honestly. But the ship is in perfect condition. That's not right. wait no, it's right, but it's not normal anymore. I open the door, with much less force that originally intended, mind you, and my crew is alive and healthy and calm. Most importantly, my head engineer is Mark himself. I'm handed a No.1 Coffee mug and Mark tells me I look like hell. I'm reassured that's normal, but everyone else looks.. fine. I guess it's the look on my face.
And there's a planet out the window. God dammit there's a planet out the window. It's not quite earth, nothing ever will be, but it's as perfect as they get. It's very difficult to keep it together, no one else is as close to as thrilled as I am that we're here. Happy, sure, but it'd probably freak someone out. I keep quiet. Mark thanks me. He thanks me for not giving up on him. I'm pretty sure I nearly cried. Finally it's all over, finally we have a place to make home, finally, FINALLY. Finally, some good fucking coffee. I needed that. Oh, and I'm keeping the mug.
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mysterytickingegos · 4 years
At Least We Have Us
Pairing(s): Darkiplier x Platonic!reader
Genre: Angsty with a fluffy end.
Word Count: 1,771
Summary: Strange things happened to those who didn’t leave that dreadful manor in time, and you were one of those people. Becoming something not quite human took some time to get used to, but at least you weren’t alone.
Anonymous Request: Platonic Dark with a soft Y/N that's basically very motherly of him despite being much younger? She cares a lot about him and looks up to him. Maybe she's his assistant and also experienced the events of WKM and Dark basically adopted her after that? Post-WKM please! I need Dark being a wise and over protective big brother rn Thank youuuu
Authors Note: I loved working on this one! It was a fun concept, thank you so much for the request!
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[Image Description: A gif of Mark from a vlog video giving a thumbs up to the camera, it has been edited to be gray with Darkipliers afterimages and colors, red and blue.]
Dark...That was such a strange name to call him, at first.
Damien had been a family friend. He was your neighbor, and your best friend’s uncle. When you were a teenager he was a respected member of the local government, a man who hid away in a study and worked far too hard. Eventually with enough pushing from Ophelia, he was your boss, having given you an internship in city hall that Elli really didn’t want. You considered him a friend. Maybe not a close friend, but he was someone you trusted and respected and he would say the same about you.
You jogged up the stairs to the office, dodging past people while muttering quick apologies to anyone who had something to say about it. When you got there, you heard the laughter of your friend through the door and cracked it open. Ophelia was desperately trying to catch her breath between giggles, of course because Damien was telling another story about your completely sophisticated soon-to-be DA. He was surprisingly relaxed, leaning back on his desk and talking with his hands quite a bit.
“But of course, that doesn’t stop them, they run down the street- Oh, Y/n please come in. You’ll want to hear this.” He gestured to the empty chair beside Elli, but when you didn’t move from the doorway, both their faces fell. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” You tilted your head at them, not realizing how you looked, pale and out of breath. “Damien, they’re done counting. You won.”
He was in shock for a few moments, only standing up a bit straighter as he processed your words. “I won? I’m...?”
“You’re going to be the Mayor.” Ophelia finished for him, just before all three of you started laughing and cheering and jumping around.
In many conversations there were moments where you would catch a glimpse of the person you used to know, and in the beginning you would get a heavy heart. You weren’t ready to let him go, to accept that he was somebody else now. Perhaps that’s because it would mean accepting you were somebody else, too.
None of the guests from that damned party left the manor the same.
You heard it so clearly, a stranger’s voice coaxing you up the stairs, quietly whispering your name over and over as you slipped away from the rowdy party. You were practically hypnotized, not thinking about who it could possibly be or their intentions as they lead you to a room that sent chills down your spine the moment you opened the door. It was a room filled with trinkets of the occult, books with terrifying symbols, and scribbles of a mad man on papers scattered all over.
“You’re not supposed to be in here.” You heard a growl from a new voice, just behind you. The person shoved you inside the room and slammed the door as you hit the ground. “In fact, I could’ve sworn this was going to be hidden from all of you.”
You stood up as quickly as you could, turning to see the host of the party scowling at you. “I wasn’t...I was just looking for Elli.” You said quickly, brushing off your clothes.
“The same Elli that told you she was going to lay down for the night a couple of hours ago?” He stepped closer, slowly, ominously.
You thought back to that conversation, spoken quietly, just the two of you on the staircase while everyone else was still playing poker. “How could you even know about that?”
Mark grinned at you, sinister and cold. He gestured around the room, to the books and trinkets. “Things aren’t as they seem here, Y/n. Ever since Celine...left me here, the things in this house had opened my mind to things I never could’ve imagined.” A short laugh bubbled out of him. “I can do anything.”
“You’ve gone mad.” You whispered, backing away. You’d heard bits and pieces of the Iplier drama from Damien, having vented his concerns to you over cups of coffee during work since the day you got your invitations. But you knew now that he had no idea.
“Perhaps they were trying to do the same for you, but I’ve come too far for some kid to screw it all up now.” He turned on his feet and left the room, shutting the door behind him. You rushed over to it, trying to twist the knob before he got a chance to lock it. But it was far too late. You banged on the door and screamed for help until your voice went hoarse, but the room had in fact been hidden away. You were surrounded by taunting spirits in a room that nobody existed, for what felt like weeks. You could feel them gnawing away at bits and pieces of you after that, an itchy feeling under your heart, changing you. Truly, time had been warped, and only one day had passed before you were found by someone who was now immune to the houses secrets and cloaks. And he didn’t say anything, but clearly something had happened to you too.
Funny thing about living forever? (Or at least as long as you have,) It’s not that great, in fact it’s actually very lonely. The world changes around you, and you don’t change that much at all. You often have to leave, not wanting the attention of being the same age after living or working somewhere for 20 or 30 years. Or you get too attached to somebody and you know you will lose them, now or later.
But you weren’t alone. Despite his anger towards Mark, how badly he wanted revenge, Dark kept very close to you. Especially after he learned what happened to his niece, he was going to keep you safe above all else. Mark learned that the hard way when he tried to silence you too, only to find an empty house and a rather cheeky note.
“Catch me if you can.”
Another funny thing, you didn’t even know the power that you had when you first wrote that. As far as you knew you were a normal girl waiting out the storm. But eventually waiting got pretty tiresome.
“How could you be so foolish?” Dark called after you as you both stormed back into the house.
“Oh come on, it wasn’t that big a deal.” You huffed, tossing your jacket away.
His image faltered and glitched at what you said. “Not a big deal? You have the gift of longevity, you are NOT impervious to bullets!”
You flopped down into the armchair, crossing your arms. “We don’t know that yet.”
“You sprained your ankle tripping on air last month, I think it’s safe to say.” For a moment you could’ve sworn he smiled. If it wasn’t at your expense, you might’ve been happy. “You wonder why I hover,”
“Someone had to step in and do something.”
“Why did it have to be you?!”
“Because!” You twisted around in the chair to face him, fighting back tears. “I’m bored! I’m sick of living like a hermit! I’m tired of these stupid towns in the middle of nowhere and never having any friends...it’s been almost a century Dark, I don’t know how much longer I can do this.”
He pierced his lips, having to look away from you before he got emotional himself. “So this is your plan? Play hero until you run out of luck?”
“Or we can stop hiding. We can try and live our lives, instead of just surviving. I mean, what's the point if we’re completely miserable?”
“And what about him?”
“To hell with Mark, what about you?” Your voice was softer now. “I can work, and shop and be neighborly. But you...you’ve been stuck in the shadows, holding onto your hate all this time. Maybe you don’t believe it after everything that’s happened, but you deserve better.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “What then? Where do you want to go?”
“How about we go home?”
‘Home’ was California, LA specifically. Sure, you could’ve gone back to your hometown but you were both part of a rather famous local mystery and you agreed it was for the best to stay away.
The sun had set a little bit ago and the streets were only illuminated by signs and street lights, that was the only way he’d agree to go out into the city with you, in the dark. Fair enough, he didn’t want to attract attention to himself. Luckily, you’d made some good friends in the last few months, friends like Mike.
“Ah, bonjour!” Mike greeted cheerfully as you and Dark approached the window, before ducking into his shop to get you both a bowl of ice cream. “I was wondering if you were going to show up.”
You nudged Dark over to one of the tables and leaned in the window. “I didn’t mean for it to take so long, thanks for keeping the shop open late for us.”
“Don’t mention it. I actually have a cousin with really bad anxiety, so I get it.” He passed you two bowls with a smile.
Dark squinted at you when you came back to the table. ‘Anxiety?”
“I don’t have anxiety.”
“You’re right, I should’ve told him the truth. You and your sister possessed your best friend in the 1920′s to escape a place called the upside down, but sometimes you drag bits and pieces of it into the real world and that would probably scare the locals in broad daylight.” You didn’t miss a beat in your little rant, scooping some ice cream into your mouth as soon as you were done.
He chuckled and shook his head at you. “I’m supposed to be the one lecturing you on being subtle.”
“Hey, I’m the one who’s been covering for us the past 91 years. It’s your turn to follow my lead.” You said matter-of-factly, pointing your spoon at him, before you dove back into your bowl. You missed the ‘fair-enough’ nod he gave you and the pride written all over his face, another glimpse of someone you used to know. “You know, maybe you should bring you-know-who here someday.”
His eyes went wide and he shook your words off just a little too quickly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“So you don’t have a thing for his new friend that you’re watching out for?”
“Stop it. Stop it right now.”
“Fine,” You put your hands up in mock surrender, “But you know I’m right.”
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cozyenigma · 3 years
A little April Fools
Something very short to go along with the very long piece and also inspired by an actual April fools prank I fell for lol 
Pairing- Dr. Iplier/Reader
Word Count- 277
Request?- Nope! 
Summary- It was late on a holiday famous for mischief and you had too much time on your hands. A perfect combination.
Tag List- @cookielover0001010 , @swag-droid , @watchoutforfrostbite
You liked to think you were wise to most of the classic April Fool's pranks. Avoiding glitter bombs, little water guns, and other general nonsense was something you'd had to cultivate though. You've been burned too many times.
This year though, you were going to be the prank master. It took you entirely too long but the results would be worth it. The link was totally innocuous. Just weird enough for someone to give it a lick but not too much to make them suspicious.
Satisfied and with a big, big grin, you proceeded to send it to everyone you could think of. Group chats, social media, nothing was safe from you. It was technically only just barely April Fool's. 12:15 am still counted though.
You sent it off to Edward last, knowing he was still at work. Hopefully it got at least a begrudging eye roll out of him, whatever he was doing. Mission accomplished, you went back to mindlessly scrolling. Not feeling quite tired enough to go to bed but not feeling up to doing much else.
The notification surprised you. Edward had texted back already.
Really? A rick roll? C'mon.
You knew you were entirely too proud of yourself but that didn't stop you from gloating just a little as you responded.
It worked didn't it?
Unfortunately. It's been April Fool's for twenty minutes. Go to bed.
Make me
Eventually you did end up falling asleep. When you woke up your phone was buried in the covers somewhere, battery long since dead, and Edward was right next to you. Considering he'd thrown an arm over you, you guessed he was making you stay in bed after all.
Bonus- what one of my friends sent me on the dot at midnight April 1st that inspired this. still won’t tell me how she did it
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iamvegorott · 4 years
Veggie Ink Month Day 26: Pumpkins
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“Alright, everyone gets one pumpkin. So, choose wisely.” Dark said as all of the Ipliers piled out of the large van. “I’m not having a house filled with rotted pumpkins again this year.” 
“If that’s the problem then we can simply buy styrofoam pumpkins,” Google suggested, turning his head when he felt pressure on his hand, Bing having grabbed it with his own and was bouncing on his feet. 
“Where’s the fun in that Googs? It’s a skill to find the biggest pumpkin in the patch.” Bing said.
“It’s more luck than skill,” Google said. 
“Then, let’s go get lucky.” Bing giggled and pulled Google away from the group. 
“I’m craving a candied apple,” Edward said as he waited for Host to get out of the van, him being the last since he waited for everyone else to get out of his way. 
“Host is surprised Edward wants such a sugary treat.” Host commented.
“There’s nothing wrong with a sugary treat, I only complain when someone’s main diet is sugar.” 
“Host doesn’t need to be psychic to know that Edward is talking about Wilford.” Host chuckled. “But Host does agree that a candied apple sounds nice.” Host wrapped his arm around Edward’s and allowed him to lead, wanting to focus on enjoying the smell and feel of the fall air instead. 
Illinois was using his hand to shield what little sun was peeking through the clouds and the other was pointing out towards the large patch. Yancy was next to him with a cocked head and crossed arms and Bim and Yandere were on the other side, both looking at Illinois with expectations. 
“If we head in that direction, we’ll find the largest pumpkins,” Illinois said.
“Do you really think we can find better pumpkins than literal search engines?” Bim asked. 
“Theys might be able to look up where the bests are at, but theys don’t know how to apply it,” Yancy said. 
“Then let’s get going!” Yandere giggled before taking off, jumping around to avoid hitting the pumpkins as she went.
“Yan! Yan wait up!” Bim fumbled as he tried to go after and catch up to Yandere. “You can’t take off on your own!” 
“I love her spunk.” Illinois chuckled as he and Yancy followed the two. 
“I think we’re going to be here for a while,” Wilford said with his own laugh as Dark watched almost everyone go off to their own devices. 
“Lovely.” Dark rolled his eyes. 
“You can at least pretend you’re going to enjoy yourself.” Wilford teased. “For our little ones.” He added with a nudge and a point towards CJ and RJ, who were waiting patiently and staring out into the patch.
“They’re not our little ones…” Dark muttered but went over to the twins anyway. “Ready?” His question got the two to perk up. 
“We’re going to make a pumpkin documentary,” RJ stated while CJ nodded eagerly. 
“That sounds very interesting, let’s get to it, shall we?” Dark gestured with a hand for them to go first. 
“Yeah!” RJ and CJ squealed and took off.
“Not our little ones.” Wilford blew out a puff of air as he took his place next to Dark.
“Just get a pumpkin, Warfstache,” Dark said.
“A pumpkin for my pumpkin, coming right up,” Wilford added a wink at the end. He took a few quick steps to catch up with CJ and RJ, not seeing that his comment gave Dark a slight flush to his face. 
Tag List: @leasbiansscreaminglocally​​​​ @inkribbon796​​​
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dr. Iplier knew that he was expecting guests. Or rather, had seen them on the camera that lurked just out of sight of the door, it hidden in a dark corner. So that was why, when he saw Dark raise his hand to knock, he was already at the door and gesturing them in. In his hand was a small flashlight that he tucked into the breastpocket of the black doctor's coat he wore. "Come in, come in. Both of you. What has brought you to me today?" His tone was slightly rushed and he looked a tad frantic, like he was on the verge of panic. His fingers drummed across his thigh as he awaited their answer, blue eyes shining a bit brighter than what one would call 'normal'. "Host?" <He's gone a few weeks without a new 'patient' so... he's not the most stable at the moment, but he's stable enough. For now.
Host obediently stepped inside, not one to deny the doctor. Another person Host generally stayed away from unless needed, though most people were like that. At least he was a person Host felt confident in stopping if he dared try something with him -though it's never come to that, so far.
"Doctor Iplier has made a concoction together with Wilford that has cooling effects for Dark, but also causes quick exhaustion and fatigue. Last night, the Host had some of that concoction. So far, he has no side-effects besides some residual tiredness, but he though it wise to come to the doctor anyways.", Host explained easily, pinching his sleeve between his fingers.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
So how did the egos manage to get Yancy to Ego HQ after Heist was done? The boy did not want to leave prison with us... What sort of hell incurred to get him to leave?
He didn’t really have any say in the matter–Dark and Wilford just warped him, Illinois, and Magnum to Ego Inc. It’s typical to introduce the new Ipliers to the rest of the group, and also have them stay for one night just so they can get used to everything.
Least to say…Yancy didn’t take it very well and tried to leave, begging to the point of tears to be sent back “home”. 
But when he was, he was thrown into solitary for a week and a half for helping y/n escape. He was absolutely miserable and when Dark appeared to him, he decided to come back to Ego Inc. Start a new life with a new family.
The transition wasn’t easy, but fortunately the Ipliers’ rooms are all unique to them (aesthetic-wise), so Yancy’s is similar to what his old prison cell looked like--just bc it gives him that comforting feeling of imprisonment he’s always known.
He stays in Ego Inc a majority of the time bc he’s not ready for society, of course. But he’s learning that more freedom isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
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headquarters90 · 5 years
Advise (Warrior of the Source 8)
Pairing: Darkiplier x French Goddess!Reader, Reader x Original Characters (Platonic/Family), Reader x Greek Gods/Goddesses!Characters
Words: 2,222 words
Warnings: Mention of suicidal thoughts
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You heard quiet murmurs before quiet steps surrounded you. A gentle pat on your cheek had you blinking your eyes opened before you came face to face with shockingly familiar green eyes and you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Long time no see, Warrior of Anemone,” the voice belonging to those eyes stated as you sat up, glancing around the area you were in. “Seems like you already forgotten who we are.”
“Surprising, since she is the one that knows the myth so well,” another voice spoke and your eyes shifted towards her, meeting gray eyes. “But then again, she is tired.”
“And a foolish Goddess!” hissed another and you winced at the statement before you were pushing yourself to your feet.
“She is not foolish, Hildr,” scowled the first voice. “She would have fallen tired regardless of having a lover or not. Using an ability twice after years of not using it can cause anyway to fall ill. She is not ill, however.”
“But it is worse when one is a Warrior and doesn’t have a lover, isn’t it?” The third voice, Hildr, challenged and your eyes drifted to the first who raised an eyebrow at her.
“She won’t fall to the darkness. The innocence within her is far greater than that, even with a possible lover within her reach,” the second added and you glanced at her.
“What? Who?” You spoke up and you shifted on your feet as the three looked at you. “You can’t tell, can you?”
“You do remember us.”
“I do,” you nodded, “Warrior of the Oak Tree, Holly Tree, and Chamomile.”
The Warrior of the Oak Tree – Amoxtli – smiled, tilting her head to the side in thought.
“While the cub is a possible lover, there is one closer of age and is training alongside you. Someone you least expect. That is all we can say,” Amoxtli stated and you found yourself furrowing your eyebrows.
There were many training alongside you that you wouldn’t expect would be your lover. You only spoke to two of them, one more willing than the other.
“Darya says they’re beginning to worry,” Terese, the Warrior of Chamomile, stated and Amoxtli nodded.
“It would be wise to start waking, dear girl. Be cautious when training and remember. One is closer than you think,” Amoxtli spoke and you nodded.
You blinked your eyes open to feel a hand upon your forehead and Hades looming over you.
“I’m not ill,” you spoke softly and his eyes flickered to yours. “Just tired. Promise.”
“Y/N, how after do you use those abilities?” Pierre questioned as Hades helped you up.
“I’ve used it one other time,” you spoke and Hades scowled.
“You honestly expect her to have used it at all before today? You’re lucky she didn’t fall ill!”
While everyone seemed to suddenly start talking around you, your eyes danced across those bearing witness and standing around, looking bored. Their names came to your mind naturally.
Your eyes soon land on Dark whose eyes met yours with a glare and, for the first time since meeting him, you found yourself shifting on your feet and directing your eyes elsewhere.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Bellatrix asked gently and you lifted your eyes to hers. “Dear?”
“Just tired, Auntie,” you promised and she nodded. “Can I?”
“Yeah. André, can you take her?”
“Of course, ma’am,” André bowed before leading you out of the room.
“You want to what? Y/N, is that wise?” Bellatrix looked at you and you shifted on your feet.
“I need my library, Auntie, and I’m the only one willing to have them there. It also allows us to keep watch over the cities while we do this. He’ll-”
“-go for the Monstres first, I know,” she sighed, rubbing her face. “And, of course, it’s wise. I just-”
“We’re Warriors, Auntie.”
You watched as your aunt shook her head at the statement before sighing once more.
“You are correct. You always are. I’ll tell the others.”
“I can talk to Dark?” You offered and she raised an eyebrow. “I know sissy told you.”
“Be cautious, Y/N.”
“Always am.”
“I know.”
You watched her shake her head before waving you off and you took your leave. Trusting the same ability as before, you began to travel where Dark was, knocking upon the door once there.
There was a hissed command before the door swung opening, reveling one of the many entities here – Dr. Iplier.
His eyes dropped to yours for a second before he was walking past you, leaving you in the open doorway.
“What do you want, Goddess?”
You glanced back at the retreating doctor before stepping into the room, ignoring the annoyed look that came with it.
“We’re moving locations,” you spoke and Dark scoffed at the statement, walking towards his desk. “You and your people can stay here but you won’t be able to fetch Wilford.”
Unlike yesterday, you met his glare with a look that dared him to challenge you.
“Where is the location?”
“My place. I need my library and it allows the rest of us to make sure our people aren’t affected by what’s going on,” you answered. “If you wish to join us, I’ll be waiting in the meeting room.”
“Just you?”
“Auntie went to tell the others. Some may stay behind to help me but that’s about it. Once at my place, I’ll be the only God that’s around 24/7.”
Another scoff left his lips and you tilted your head as you watched him for a second before letting out a soft hum.
“I’ll be waiting.”
Receiving the expected silent response, you glanced at Dark once more before making your way to the meeting room. A sigh left your lips as you rubbed the back of your neck, your mind drifting back to the words of the Warriors of the Past.
“You alright, Y/N?”
Your eyes lifted to your cousin’s, watching as a slight frown came to her lips before she glanced towards your sister who shrugged in response.
You haven’t been speaking to them like you once would but you couldn’t find the words to do so, especially after yesterday. You heard two things from the Warriors that you couldn’t explain. One had said that you were too innocent to succumb to the darkness while another said that a possible lover was within reach and the one you least expected. You didn’t expect any of them. How would you least expect one of them after that?
“I can’t believe you’re doing this, Y/N,” Jean-Louis spoke up and you looked at him. “I think it’s a bad idea. Wouldn’t they expect you to want your library?”
“Whether they expect it or not, I need it. I can only disappear to Dark’s for so long before it starts affecting me and there are books in mine that I need that Dark doesn’t have.”
“That’s pretty impressive to hear, doll,” Anti’s voice cut into the room and you glanced over your shoulder to see him along with the others. “Four Gods needed to take us to your place?”
“More like a precautious. While mama is beginning to understand what Y/N is saying, Hades isn’t very fond of the idea,” Juliette answered. “Y/N would feel overwhelmed if it was anyone else helping her.”
“Let’s just get this over with,” Dark muttered and you shifted on your feet, glancing at the others who shrugged. “What?”
“In order to take you there, we have to touch you, on the shoulder. While Angel and I are considered major Gods, we no longer have the ability to just snap and teleport everyone,” you explained. “And it’s best for you to hold hands or something like that so that we can take more than two people.”
“You’re kidding,” Dark deadpanned and you shrugged.
You heard him grumble under his breath as he and others followed directions. You glanced at the others once more, watching as they touched the shoulders of a few before you touched Dark’s, teleporting him and whoever he was holding onto to your place.
“What room is this, doll?” Anti questioned as he looked around.
“Many would call this a throne room,” Makaria spoke as she stepped up to stand beside Jean-Louis.
“But Lady Y/N have always considered everyone as her equal. This is her Main Hall.” Your daemon second command, Maxence, bowed and you scrunched your nose. “Lady Bellatrix forewarned me of the plans, Lady Y/N, and I already made sure the rooms were ready.”
“Thank you, Maxence.”
“I’ve also emailed you the norm and made an announcement to the people of Noir about the arrangements but nothing stating why,” he continued and you nodded. “Staff is ready to deal with whatever shall happen with our guests and warning signs have been placed around the River in case they travel down that way.”
“You exceed expectations, Maxence. Take a break,” you spoke and he bowed with a smile playing on his lips.
“Would expect nothing less than that, milady. I shall do as you suggest.”
You watched as he turned to walk out of the Main Hall before a question came to mind.
“Organized and clean it this morning. Your library awaits you.” Maxence shot a grin over his shoulder before walking out of the Hall.
“Seriously need you to interview people for me, Y/N/N. I wish my second command did all that,” Makaria sighed softly.
“It comes with treating everyone equally,” Angel butted in. “Everyone willing does everything she needs done because she treats them equally.”
“Has Auntie said whether or not she wants our army to start training?” You questioned, looking towards your sister who shook her head. “Let me know when she does and I’ll help.”
“I got André and Pierre now, sis. Don’t worry about it,” Angel nodded before her eyes glanced around. “I need to get going. Sins are demanding some training and you have some reading to do. Don’t hesitate to call.”
“Same goes here, cousin,” Jean-Louis added and Juliette agreed before you were waving them off and waving another servant towards you.
“Show them to their rooms, please, and make sure you and the others tend to their needs, please,” you spoke, watching as she nodded before you nodded, glancing at your newfound guests. You found yourself meeting Dark’s glare before turning and heading towards your library.
“Do you ever sleep, doll?”
Your eyes lifted from the book on your table to meet the glitching entity’s before shrugging, turning the page.
“What are you doing?”
“Studying,” you answered, looking at the page before standing from the chair and walking over to one of your bookshelves. “What do you need, Anti?”
“Nothing to do, doll. Thought to come see you,” he answered and you glanced towards him before plucking a book from the shelf. “What are you studying?”
“Battle strategies, the Monstres, and everything else that’s important.” You flipped through the pages, pursing your lips before putting it back. “Where is it?”
“Anti, what are you doing in here?” Dark’s voice drifted into the room and you glanced over your shoulder once more. “What are you looking at?”
“Careful what you say, Dark. My people aren’t afraid to attack you,” you muttered, grabbing another book and moved back to the table. “Did I leave it at Auntie’s?” Your eyes flirted over your bookshelves before a sigh left your lips. “Maybe it’s in my room.”
“Looking for a certain book?” Anti questioned, ignoring Dark’s annoyance. “Maybe I can find something about it.”
“You won’t,” you spoke, shaking your head. “It’s one of a kind and it’s a miracle I have it. It’s somewhere between homes.”
“Only historical books are one of a kind,” Dark deadpanned and you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Luckily, this book is. It was written by Warriors of the Past.”
“Warriors of the Past,” he scoffed. “You’re telling me that there are Warriors of the Past. That’s idiotic.”
“Maybe but it happened,” you hummed, looking down at the opened books. “It was mainly written by the first-ever Warriors. The Source spoke directly to them at the time because they didn’t have anyone to guide them like we do now.”
“What weren’t you the first?” Anti asked curiously and you looked over at him. “Wouldn’t it make sense for Gods to be the first and last?”
“Because some of us weren’t born yet. A majority of us, actually,” you started, “The French Pantheon wasn’t created until about 1000 BC and even then, Isabelle, Jackie, and Emma weren’t born yet.”
“You have things to do, Anti,” Dark demanded and you looked up at the two, watching Anti stare at Dark for a moment before rolling his eyes and disappearing on the spot. “When is the next training?”
“Most likely tomorrow,” you answered, looking at him for a second before looking back down at your books. “Feel free to read anything here. Just put it back where you found it when you’re done and there won’t be any issues.”
“Issues,” Dark deadpanned and you smiled softly.
“Books are the only reason we are still alive today, Dark. If it weren’t for them, I would have given up my life long ago and throw off the balance the Source is desperate to keep. So, please, treat my books nicely. They mean the world to me.”
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inkribbon796 · 5 years
The Heart and Soul of Egoton Ch 2
Summary: Looking for clues, the heroes hold a meeting to trade information and meet a couple friendly faces they haven’t met in a while.
A/N: Continuation of chapter 1.
Chapter 2: Meeting in the Middle
Inside the meeting room everyone was talking, Virgil felt a little nervous. Dr. Iplier helped Virgil get a chair at the edge of the table. Silver and Jackie had been friendly to him but they tended to get more than a bit loud and Virgil was glad he wasn’t seated between even people he knew. Even if Patton was trying to save a seat for him.
Silver walked out to take a call before coming back in. “Okay, so Amy isn’t coming in, she wants to take care of something in town, but told me to take notes for her.”
“That’s fair,” Jack shrugged. “She sure she doesn’t need help.”
“I offered, she said she had enough hands on deck,” Silver reported.
“Well at least we’re all not here letting Egoton tear itself apart,” Abe yelled, he was at a large cork board putting stuff up all over it with Bing and Joan. There were pictures and papers all over the cork board, dozens of colored string connecting them.
“We picked a slow day for a reason,” Silver reminded. “Wil’s out of town and Nate seems to have taken his doppelganger with him. This is the best chance we’ve got to do this.”
“Doesn’t mean I like it,” Abe responded. “I should be out there chasing Warfstache, hell only knows what he’s up to.”
“Fookin’ married folk and killin’ people,” Chase answered. “Exactly the same thin’ he’s always doin’.”
Abe motioned with his hands to Chase and gave Mark one of his wide-eyed expectant stares.
“We’ll make it short and you can start chasing him,” Mark promised.
“I better get out of here ASAP,” Abe decided.
“Hey, wise guy,” Marvin walked in with Robbie who immediately hobbled over excitedly to Henrik who, much like a mother hen, frantically checked to see if he was still all in one piece. The German doctor glared at Marvin when he saw that his ear was in danger of falling off. “We all got shit ta do.”
“Vhat did you do to him?” Henrik barked.
“Calm yer shit, mom,” Marvin rolled his eyes, even if no one could really see it through the mask, it could almost be heard in his voice. “He came to me like that, don’t know what he was up to.”
“I help Marv,” Robbie smiled.
Marvin glared at the zombie, sighing, “When ye say it like that, it’s like I’m the bad guy.”
Henrik was still glaring at him.
“I didn’t do anythin’ to him,” Marv defended, taking a seat that let him put the table in-between the magician and the two doctors. “I wouldn’t.”
“I do good?” Robbie asked as Henrik directed him to sit next to him.
“Ja, ja,” Henrik sighed and started stitching his ear back on. “Sit still vill you?”
“I tried,” Marvin told Henrik. Then he leaned back in his chair to look up and down the table. Even standing up a bit to get another good luck at everyone at the table.
The magician’s eyes couldn’t be seen that well, but Virgil knew a hostile stance when he saw one.
“What’s up Marv?” Chase asked, he and J.J were directly across the table from him. J.J’s pocket watch in his hand, as if braced for something to happen.
“S’nothin’,” Marvin decided, sitting back down, watching J.J intently. “Prolly just my imagination.”
J.J was still turning the pocket watch around. Marvin did pass him a message under the table that read, “Do that again, and I’ll eat all your cheetos, you arse”.
J.J snickered to himself in amusement, pocketing the note so even Chase didn’t have the opportunity to read.”
“What?” Chase asked.
“Nothing,” J.J sighed. “Marvin is funny.”
After about fifteen minutes, Logan came in looking like he’d been running at a full sprint and was frantically trying not to show it. The Host followed at a much slower pace.
“The Host said we would be on time,” the Host smiled.
“Inexcusable,” Logan straightened his tie and glasses. “We are late. I am not a tardy person.”
Marvin leaned back in his chair, Virgil noticed that he looked like he wanted to say something but kept quiet.
“If it eases Logic’s conscious, he can blame the Host, he was distracted and did not keep travel time in mind,” the Host talked as he  walked over to the end of the table where King was. Taking his usual seat directly across from Dr. Iplier. He was muttering narrations as he went. Most of his comments were listing off people who were muttering under their breath or looking at him and Logan.
“Lo, it wasn’t that long, we haven’t even started yet,” Patton tried to calm Logan.
“One minute is tardy, the Host and I are inexcusably late,” Logan corrected. “This meeting should have begun without us.”
“Too bad,” Marvin finally spoke up, his tone firm and a bit hostile.
  Logan gave him a questioning and confused look as he went to sit in-between Host and King.
“Alright, so we’re all here?” Abe finally said. “Good, sooner we get all this done, the better. First order of business is this eyesore.”
The detective stomped over to point at Bing’s picture on the wall. He was close to the center of the mess on the cork board. It looked like a theater head shot. “This little asshole is part of the League, and Dark is covering for him to keep him from being identified.”
“How sure are we that he’s the Dorm 5 Killer?” Jack asked. “Cause the sooner we put that bastard away the better.”
“If it’s not him, it’s Dark and Wilford combined and the D5’s M.O is nowhere close to theirs. They’d just announce themselves and be done with it and we’d know.”
“What do we need to actually put this guy behind bars? Cause the last time we tried to take someone in on what we thought was enough evidence, they got to walk.” Ethan reminded, picking at his lip. “I don’t want that again.”
“As gruesome as it sounds?” Mark intervened. “A body? A murder weapon? We need something other than they just ran away. A case can be made for two of the guys, but we’ve got four people who are just gone that their families and their friends swear up and down that they would never run away. Something happened to them, they have too much to run away from.”
“What exactly do we know about this guy?” Bob asked. “I leave for a couple months and suddenly we’ve got a serial killer on our hands?”
“As far as the news an’ public know he’s been operatin’ fer about five months,” Jackie answered. “But he’s probably been at this fer longer. We don’t know how long.”
“Five bucks said he’s been preying on the homeless and transient people in the city,” King agreed. “Not even I know how many people come and go unnoticed in the city. And I’ve only been at my job for two years. Anyone could be killing or taking advantage of them and people would never know.”
“Ugh, that’s depressin’,” Jack took a steadying breath. All the heroes looking varying mixes of guilty and uncomfortable.
“Is there anyone who would have tabs on this trimmer guy Trimmer?” Wade asked.
“Warfstache,” Abe proposed. “He’s under the same media umbrella as Wil, but he probably wouldn’t be able to tell us anything before stabbing us. Plus, if he is his kid and under Dark’s protection, the last thing we want to do is alert Dark that we’re tailing the kid.”
“That’s still wild,” Ethan rubbed at his face. “I can’t see him with a kid.”
“Damn right,” Abe agreed. “Look, I’ve been chasing Wil’s ass since I joined the force, an’ let me tell you, the man’s not the fatherly type. It amazes me that this kid even survived to adulthood.”
“Probably no credit to that maniac,” Wade scoffed.
King actively bit his tongue and glared at his hands.
“Dark is most likely the reason he’s alive,” Dr. Iplier spoke up. “He’s anal-retentive enough to step on Wilford’s toes if he does something he doesn’t like.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me if this kid isn’t the end of it, Wil’s got other kids and for some reason Dark cares about this one,” Abe leaned over the table. “Probably has some superpower and the others just don’t.”
“They might not know, or something could have happened to them,” Roman answered.
“Could be,” Joan agreed. “Not much we can do about the kid until we can get a hold of him to answer him? Have we been able to get a hold of him?”
“Every time we’ve tried he’s either been on set or absolutely nowhere, cause we can’t find him,” Marvin groaned. “His aura dead ends mid-room. Prolly Dark portin’ him out.”
“Ye know,” Chase began. “We might be able ta get a backdoor if we can catch Wilford with Damien. Still need to find a way to check in on that one. If he’s not drumin’ ta Dark’s beat, we can at least have that off the table.”
“How are we going to prove that?” Mark shouted.
“I could do it,” Ethan offered. “If I’ve got time to brace even Dark can’t see me. So there’s no reason why Wilford should spot me.”
“You sure that’s a good idea?” King asked.
“The Host agrees with King,” Host interjected. “What Crank suggests can only lead to a violent confrontation.”
“Come on, it’s Damien, what have I got to be afraid of?” Ethan scoffed.
“Here, we can come up with some kind of a shield he can break out if he’s caught by one of them,” Marvin spoke up. “I want some loose ends tied off.”
The Host’s mouth became a thin line, his bandages starting to dark with blood. “That . . . might just be enough.”
“Okay, so I’ve got Damien, what are we going to do about Ed?” Ethan asked. “Cause I’m not comfortable with the fact that I used to live by a child trafficking ring. Like, at all.”
“Run us through exactly what Ed said,” Mark looked at Patton.
“To wash the site, and some of his guys didn’t like that,” Patton answered. “Ed ordered them to do it because Dark wanted it taken care of, even if it was an L.O site. Whatever that is.”
“Okay,” Mark seemed to thinking through something in his head. “Was there any clue about what that meant?”
Patton shook his head.
“Mean love?” Robbie inquired, looking at Bing.
“If it does, I’ll eat my entire microprocessor, dude,” Bing answered.
“Hey, hot shot,” Joan looked over at King, their head tilting. “Do you remember anything in the books you used to manage about a L.O?”
“Unless it’s a name, no?” The animal magnet answered. “Cause those are the types of books I worked. I did inventory and reports on people, but I only know them by their initials, not by their faces or actual names. Dark never worked like that. At best, he used code names and hell I never learned what some of those meant, I just had to track what resources they had.”
“How many do you remember?” Ethan drumming his fingers once or twice.
“Probably about five names, but it sounds like you’re looking for an it, not a who.” King looked at the board full of papers and strings. “Maybe it’s a designation. You guys said That Ed was there, maybe it just part of his absolutely awful trafficking ring and less to do with Dark.”
“Then why would Dark order the site destroyed if it was disturbed,” Bob asked. “Dark doesn’t do anything unless it benefits him. I know, I used to get into fights with him and Warfstache. Wil and Anti are impulsive, Dark isn’t.”
“Perhaps there’s some book that could be traced back to him in the building or in an underground basement,” Logan suggested. “If Ed’s network could be traced back to specific areas Dark owns it gives us and the police grounds to have the place searched.”
“As if we don’t already,” Roman refuted. “He launders money and moves illegal firearms through the city and to the rest of the country. What difference does child trafficking make in the face of all the people he’s killed and the children he’s left orphaned. Dark and his cronies are enough of scumbags?”
“Well there must be some reason,” Logan looked back at Roman, the creative Side’s eyes scrutinizing him. “Dark is a creature of habit, he is observed doing and being at places on a daily basis. There must be some greater reason. The influencing needs must be either: emotional, physical, or monetary. We know he is an enemy of the public, so he must have ordered the site’s termination for some reason.”
“Dark’s only known emotions are rage and spite,” Mark scoffed.
“There must be some reason,” Logan seemed to get frustrated with something. “There has to be.”
Then Logan seemed to think on it, “Why would Dark take in a child and cultivate that child to adulthood? Perhaps we are asking the wrong question.”
“Well, I’ve got a crackpot theory that might mean nothing, but I’ll shoot,” Iplier answered. “I’ve been talking with the Detective and he might be doing it to have more control over Wilford and the town.”
“Vhy?” Henrik looked at his colleague. “Doesn’t he have zat zrough nepotism already.”
“If the paper trail’s wrong, nothing changes,” Iplier sighed. “If it’s right, Dark could sweep up even more of Egoton, so long as Trimmer is Wil’s kid, and Wil is a Barnum.”
“Fuck!” Mark swore, cradling his head in his hands. “No! Tell me you’re joking me.”
Iplier looked at Abe. Ethan, Bob, and Wade seemed equally distressed.
“Okay, is this an Egoton thing because that name’s not ringing any bells,” Patton smiled.
“Alright, long story,” Mark warned. “There’s three big rich families that all kinda disappeared about the same time. Barnum, Doomstrum, and Iplier.”
“Iplier?” Logan looked over at Dr. Iplier.
The American doctor shrugged dismissively, “My dad married in. Iplier might as well be a dead name.”
“So, the Doomstrums, the ones who owned the lake, were practicing some really shady stuff,” Mark relayed. “They might have even been the ones to bring Dark to Egoton in the first place. But they took all their wealth, and all the Barnum’s wealth and kinda time capsuled it with blood magic. Don’t know why, maybe because they knew Dark was on his way? But if a Barnum could access it, that combined wealth is a ridiculous amount of money, enough to buy up whatever parts of the city Dark doesn’t already have, and probably parts of the rest of all the other sectors with little resistance.”
Jack paled at that, “I can already think of three gangs who would jump ship at that.”
King looked over at Host, whispering, “Did you know about this?”
“The Author did not,” Host answered. “The Host does.”
“Why the wait?” Logan leaped out of his chair, as if he couldn’t stand being contained by it anymore. “If his aim is more accrued wealth, why not have Warfstache access it decades ago?”
“Don’t know,” Iplier asked. “We just found this out. Maybe the person who unlocks it has to be a Doomstrum too, maybe that’s why Dark kept this kid and not any other and Dark bought the mom off?”
Suddenly, Patton had an idea. He could almost audibly hear the light bulb going off in his head. “It’s Celine.”
Everyone snapped to look at him.
“What?” Jack asked.
“Think about it,” Patton began to ramble. “If Celine’s the mom that explains why she was here a couple months ago instead of when her kid was plastered all over the news. How Damien could be involved without Dark having to pay him off. He’s not being bribed, he’s probably being threatened. Because if, like the Doc said and he needs a Doomstrum too, then he needs the mom close enough to give him the kiddo in the first place, but easy to push out of the way.”
“That’s a lot of ifs,” Mark reminded.
“Celine is working with Dark, I don’t know how to prove it but she is,” Patton began to spiral. “Call it intuition or gut, but I can feel it.”
“Okay, well, feelings aren’t going to arrest someone who is, by all accounts, not in town anymore,” Mark said.
“I could find out,” Logan blurted out.
The room went quiet.
“How?” Marvin hyper focused on the logical Side.
“I’m probably the only one who could figure out,” Logan began to ramble under his breath, as if he didn’t hear the magician. “My position would certainly help me look, even if it is 
A risky venture.”
“Hey, genius, what’s that supposed ta mean?” Marvin demanded.
J.J set his pocket watch on the table, loudly knocking to get everyone attention. Then he started signing where everyone could see. “We need to end the meeting. I don’t want to have this meeting a third time.”
“Third time?” Joan repeated in confusion and concern.
“Come on,” Marvin argued. “Ye can’t be serious.”
J.J stood up and signed something at Logan, Chase needing to translate it when it was clear Logan couldn’t understand it. “Return to work. Be careful.”
Logan stopped his rambling, and signed one of the few things he actually knew in sign language. “Thank you.”
Then he seemed to collect himself, speaking, “Your right, I’m probably just tired.”
Finally Logan left, Patton racing after him. “Lo, wait up.”
Roman stood up, “We have anything else to talk about?”
“We’re probably good enough,” Mark looked over at Abe and scanned the rest of the room. “Inheritance scheme or not, we need to get back to work.”
“Yeah, that bubblegum maniac won’t catch himself,” Abe agreed. “We can leave this up for everyone else.
Slowly the room began to pack up except for the cork board. The tension in the room between Marvin and the Host almost palpable.
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franklyshipping · 5 years
The Gooper Adventures ~ Day 5 ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
WOOOHOOO NEXT INSTALLMENT OF OUR LITTLE GUY'S ADVENTURE! I think he's about to finally meet someone with the same amount of energy as him sooo LET'S DO IT!
Today, was a rather sweet day. Dr Iplier was sat at his desk with his phone in his hands and a goofy smile on his face; he loved when the Host sent him spontaneous, lovey texts. The latest one talked about how the Host couldn't stop thinking about how cute the doctor sounded when he was having his neck nuzzled, and Iplier was pink cheeked at the sweet, flirty tease. He always squeaked at neck nuzzles, but even more so when Host was the one giving them to him. Dr Iplier's blush soon deepened however, when he heard a crooning gurgle from his shoulder.
'Wha-how long h-have you been there? I-It's rude to read other people's texts!'
The doctor was trying to sound reprimanding, but upon discovering that Gooper had been silently resting on his shoulder and looking at the cute texts just made the doctor all embarrassed. Gooper gurgled in a somewhat arrogant manner, which made Iplier's jaw drop.
'Unprofessiona-I'LL decide what is u-unprofessional in m-my office you cheek!'
Gooper tittered before rolling down Iplier's arm and landing on the desk rolling about as he crooned even more, sounding as sassy and as cheeky as a little squish could possibly sound.
'H-He's not distracting me!'
Iplier's face was absolutely burning at this point, he couldn't believe he was just being teasingly lectured by a tiny tickle monster on the point of PROFESSIONALISM! What on earth had his life come to. Iplier did partially admit to himself that he didn't mind being teased....he always liked it when people called him and Host a cute couple, it made him feel all warm and happy inside-....okay....NOW Gooper was going too far.
Iplier squeaked in a high pitched, flustered tone of indignance as he saw Gooper flopping his squishy body over the stapler, pretending to be Iplier fainting at being flirted with by his boyfriend. Gooper merely gurgled with giddy giggles as Iplier pursed his lips and stowed his phone away, he was SO going to get that squish's underbelly later! Iplier sighed with relief however, when a distraction came along in the form of a knock on the door. Iplier gave Gooper a side-eyed smile as he went to answer it.
'You'd better behave!'
Gooper gurgled once more, before the doctor opened the doctor to reveal....a lot of pink. That was very much a lot of pink, at least, that was what Gooper surmised at first. However, when Gooper saw the big pinkness move into the room with a grand gesture, he realised it was just a person with a lot of pink on them!
The doctor repressed a snicker and an eye-roll as Wilford sauntered in the room, and he played along with the dramatic man as he closed the door behind him.
'Oh no Wilford, do tell me what ails you?!'
Wilford lay himself dramatically on Iplier's medical bench, his bottom lip protruding as he extended his arms forth, waving his hands in Iplier's direction. Wilford then let out a cry of such dramatized anguish that I'm pretty sure it would have made Shakespeare himself weep with elation.
Iplier repressed a snorting laugh, dear lord this man was a bundle of a good time. He walked to Wilford and carefully held his hands, bringing them closer so that he could inspect exactly what was wrong with them. Iplier had to fight a smile as he assessed the condition of Wilford's hands and fingers....and concluded that the man was suffering from....about half a dozen paper cuts.
'That....is frankly an impressive amount of paper cuts. What exactly were you doing that led to you getting all these?'
The doctor let Wilford cradle his hands at his chest, and although it was clear Wilford was being overdramatic for effect, he was right to come to the doctor. With hands being used every day with practically everything it was imperative they got treated with proper antiseptic and covered temporarily with band aids if need be. Wilford looked up to the doctor, his eyes glistening as he started going into a sort of reverie.
'Well...it started with a vision. A vision....of an exquisite meal, for the most handsome man on the face of this very planet. But the haven of instructions fought against me, and in my eagerness....I was wounded....'
Wilford trailed off....and Iplier sighed as he finally understood. He smiled at Wilford fondly.
'Sooo you were looking through a recipe book to find something nice to make for Dark aaand you got paper cuts off the book?'
That made Wilford flush a little bashfully, and smile as his dramatics faded away to make way for a slightly embarrassed mumble.
'I just turned the pages too faaast....I got excited....'
This was all just monumentally adorable. The doctor thought so, and Gooper thought so. The little monster was just watching for now, watching as Iplier got out the special cut cream and put it on the places that hurt the pink man. Then Gooper watched the pink man smile as Iplier put bright pink band aids over the hurties. Iplier normally would have let little cuts like these breathe, but since Wilford was going to be cooking after this Iplier figured this was the more sanitary and safer path.
'Well, whatever you end up cooking I am SURE that Dark will absolutely adore it.'
Wilford giggled his happy, warbly giggle as he stroked over the vibrant band aids that were now on his palms and a few of his fingers. Then he grinned up at the doctor as he replied.
'I'm doing it to see if it'll distract him. He told me all about his appointment yesterday, and the lil rascal you let loose on him! Bravo doctor! He was VERY red-faced and handsome, and still is! It's all that's on his mind!'
Iplier chuckled softly, but before he could reply, a little gasp came from Iplier's desk, causing both the doctor and Wilford to look to the source of the noise. It was from Gooper of course, but why did he gasp you ask? Well, he was VERY happy, and a little emotional. Dark had....told people about him. He'd talked about him to other people in a nice way! Gooper didn't know why, but he just felt super flattered and happy that he was being memorable for all these sweet, nice Iplier people. Now of course, Wilford had let out a gasp.
Wilford was straining to whisper, because despite his boiling excitement bubbling up inside him, he was conscious of using his inside voice for fear of startling the little guy. Iplier smiled and placed a hand on Wilford's shoulder.
'Yep, and don't worry, you don't have to worry about whispering around him. Gooper buddy, this is the wonderful Wilford Warfstache!'
Gooper let out a squeal of excitement, because he already liked this very vibrant, wild-seeming man, he was a lot like the wild glitchy septic Anti except less broody. Gooper wobbled in place excitedly as Wilford scrambled to the desk, before getting on his knees so that his face would be level with Gooper. Wilford crooned happily, already absolutely in love with the little guy.
'Well hello there lil gumdrop!'
Upon seeing Wilford bend down to his level, Gooper crooned and immediately shuffled forward to inspect his face; it looked like Wilford had a very nice, soft face....but there was something very peculiar on it. It was pink, looked EXTREMELY soft, and was a funny curvy shape, so Gooper decided to nuzzle it. Wilford was wide eyed as Gooper started nuzzling his moustache, gurgling in delight as he rubbed his little underbelly against it.
'Awww, he loves your moustache Wilford!'
Iplier exclaimed with a bright smile, watching happily as Wilford tenderly picked him up and nuzzled the little creature, giving him the full feeling of that snazzy moustache as he grinned and cooed.
'Well of coooourse you dooo! It's the softest thing aroooound, yes it is yes it iiiis!'
Iplier snickered as Wilford cooed to Gooper for about 20 solid minutes, before managing to revert back to his normal tone of voice, which was slightly smug too as he addressed the doctor.
'I have to say that Dark was NOT exaggerating when he talked about how precious this little guy is! I tell ya, I've never seen Dark so flustered! Dark is the more ticklish one in our relationship ya see, I have much better decorum! It hardly affects me at all!'
Wilford finished off by addressing Gooper, grinning from ear to ear as he absently pet the little creature again. Gooper however, was mighty confused. Dr Iplier had told him that ALL Ipliers were ticklish? Wait....but that meant.....Wilford was being a naughty fibber! He was trying to be all confident to try and convince him that he wasn't ticklish! What an absolutely silly notion! Gooper transitioned from letting out purrs, to letting out low hums. Iplier knew those sounds. The doctor hissed through his teeth and folded his arms, smiling at Wilford fondly though since he was amazed that the man had the actual gall to try and say he WASN'T ticklish.
'Oooohhh Wilford, I don't think it was wise to say something like that in front of Gooper....'
Wilford furrowed his brows, before quite a lot of colour drained from his face as he sloooowly looked down at the creature in his hands. Wilford was frozen as he watched Gooper start quivering. To be quite honest, the one main thing that riled up Gooper was when people lied about their ticklishness; he used to get it lots with Angus and Jackie, but he made them learn that honesty is the best policy! Gooper was excited to make Wilford his next pupil. So, he wasted no more time. Iplier chuckled when Wilford shrieked, and the doctor took out a bag of crisps and settled into his chair to watch the magnificence that was Gooper LITERALLY breaking a few of Wilford's shirt buttons so he could slip through and latch onto his belly.
Wilford practically flailed himself back onto the medical bench, lying down to avoid the embarrassment of falling over if he'd tried to stay standing. Wilford was trembling and pursing his lips tight as he felt the little creature shuffling and nuzzling over his belly. He had to stay strong. The Great Wilford Warfstache was NOT going to let himself be proven wrong! Not this time-uh, not that there were any other times that he'd been proved wrong in this matter....anyway! The doctor decided to chip in, feigning concern.
'You okay there Wilford? Are you in any discomfort-?'
Wilford sent Dr Iplier a glare that made the doctor giggle, and the doctor only grinned wider because he'd heard that oh so tender waver in Wilford's voice. Gooper was gurgling lowly with determination under Wilford's shirt, he WAS going to get ticklish laughs out of this cute Iplier! Gooper tried rubbing his body over Wilford's lower, pudgy stomach; Wilford gripped the edges of the medical bench as the first trickles of strained giggles worked their way out.
'P-Pleaseohogohod m-mahake him s-stop-AAAEEE!'
Iplier's eyebrows shot up at the sound of Wilford's sudden shriek, before smirking as he realised that Gooper had found the hotspot that was Wilford's bellybutton. Iplier leisurely replied to the writhing man with a purr.
'Sorry, no can do, he follows no one's orders but his own.'
Wilford let out a cry of despair as he thrashed, cackling at the invading nuzzles penetrating deep into his ticklish navel. We all know of course that Gooper can manipulate his form, so he merely elongated part of it into a little tip that was now burrowing and tickling Wilford's innie; and it was an extremely cute innie in Gooper's opinion too! Gooper was gurgling in a chuckly manner to himself, feeling very satisfied at how effective his tickles were on the supposedly not ticklish Iplier.
Wilford cried, but Gooper took no heed. He played inside that soft, sensitive innie so he could listen to Wilford's cackles bounce around the room like rocket powered bouncy balls. Gooper then started....prodding at Wilford's bellybutton.
Iplier snorted as he watched Wilford jolt about for a few moments, and the doctor could just about hear Gooper gurgly giggles of delight at how jumpy and cute this pink man was! Gooper soon wanted to explore further though, and so resumed shuffling about over Wilford's lower abdomen; the man started to pant and whine, trying to collect himself.
'Ohoho....nuhuh wh-whehere ihis he g-gohoiiiing....?'
.....of course, at a question such as this, the doctor couldn't help but reply with quite an intelligent, quippy response.
'I don't know, he's under your shirt I can't see him.'
Ohhh if only eyes could say fuck you, because that was very much the phrase being articulated at Iplier via Wilford's narrowed, brown eyes. Iplier would be the one cackling if Wilford had his way, alas though, that was definitely not to be. Now, Gooper had found something else he was interested....a very smooth, inviting hip; the left hipbone to be precise, which he latched onto before proceeded to start vibrating his form. Now, Wilford squealed and descended into the sweetest giggles.
'EEEEEHEHehehee ohoho nononohohoehehee!!'
Wilford went very high pitched very quickly, and let me tell you it was seriously one of the sweetest selections of sounds in the whole world. Wilford's giggles were trill-like and filled with titters and squeals, and Wilford had now taken to hiding his pink cheeks in his hands as he got embarrassed at his own reactions. Iplier of course was quick to comment as he stated snacking on a boiled sweet.
'Awwww Wilford you should join a choir with a trilling voice like that!'
Wilford merely let out an incoherent, embarrassed noise into his hands as the treatment continued, and what made it even worse...was that Gooper decided to split his form in half. One squishy mass per hip, so now Wilford was becoming even more incoherent with his sweet, angelic mirth.
'Nuuhhhehehehahaha dohohohocccyyy ahahaha nahahahaaa...'
Iplier watched on fondly. Honestly, he just loved to watch it all unfold. A huge part of the doctor wanted to join in, maybe hold Wilford's legs down or lift his arms, or just coo incessantly into his ear....but then....Iplier felt that it just wouldn't be right. He would be disturbing a master at work, and Iplier knew that Gooper was having the most fun that he could possibly have whenever he tickled someone, so the doctor was more than happy to watch and occasionally bring in some spicy cheekiness or sarcasm. Speaking of which.
'Yes Wilford, can I be of any medical assistance?'
Wilford whined, his hands falling from his face and weakly reaching for the doctor, and Iplier's heart honest to heck nearly melted when he saw Wilford's desperate, pouty, giggly demeanour.
Wilford gazed at the doctor imploringly, only managing to get those words out since Gooper's segments had had mercy at his hips. With Wilford recovering from the embarrassment inducing tickles though, he didn't quite notice the segments sliding down over his hips, and slipping under his trousers so they could settle on top of his thighs. His ticklish thighs. At Wilford's sweet words meanwhile, part of Iplier wanted to help....but ah, it was a rather small part.
'Ah, my apologies but that isn't really something I can treat....'
Iplier smiled a bold, unsympathetic smile as Wilford whined with wide eyes, and he was honestly about to consider begging for help....when Wilford realised that his hips were free....and his thighs were not.
'C-C'mon p-plehease b-before he s-s-staharts agai-NOOOOHOHOHO AAAHAHAH MEHEHERCYYY!!!'
Wilford threw his head back in vain, and the doctor really started slouching happily in his chair now, watching Wilford hit the padded bench with his mouth spread wide in a wonderfully insane grin. The little devil squish was kneading his thighs....both of them....at once. Gooper liked kneading, he very much liked to squish soft things, ESPECIALLY after Jamie let him help bake bread things! Wilford's thighs were like dough, very squishy, very ticklish, very awesome!
Wilford wailed as he just laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed, and Iplier softly laughed with him because frankly, Wilford's bouncy mirth was joyful and contagious. It had a wonderful, unique wobbly warble to it that Gooper noticed, which was super pretty! It was a unique thing to this pink Iplier, like how Jamie only ever let out gasps and snorts instead of laughs, or how Anti had crackles in his cackles. Gooper cooed happily as he carried on the kneading, and the doctor decided to finally stand and wander over. He could see the beads of sweat on Wilford's face and figured it was time for real mercy.
'Ahalright alright, Gooper buddyyy, I think it's time to come out nooow. Wilford's getting tired bubby bub.'
Iplier crooned in the direction of Wilford's legs, and Wilford practically yelled in relief when he felt the kneading die down to a complete halt; he panted as his mirth died down with it.
'AHAHAHA-a-ahahh...ohoho th-thahank you....hooohohoooo....'
Wilford gasped, his eyes fluttering shut as he caught his breath and wiped his face, which allowed Gooper to seep through his trousers and reconnect his body together so Iplier could scoop him up. Gooper craned his body upwards to the doctor with a questioning mrrrp, and Iplier smiled and whispered to him.
'You did so good buddy, so good.'
Gooper gurgled proudly, and then squeaked happily when Iplier presented him with a green paperclip....which Gooper absorbed into his body, like how a hamster stores food in its cheeks for later; Gooper was saving the little piece of stationary so he could put it in his stash later. Iplier glanced to Wilford, seeing that the man was starting to sit up...and so he gave Gooper something else. Wilford blinked a few times as he finally regained himself, and was fully ready to either tickle attack Iplier, or pet the hell out of Gooper. So, when Wilford saw that Iplier had placed Gooper on the bench, he figured he would do the latter.
'Hehey you....ya really got me good there.'
Gooper crooned as Wilford tenderly picked him up, but Wilford ended up smiling a bashful smile when he saw that Gooper had extended part of his body towards him....and was offering him a lollipop. Bubble-gum flavoured no less. Wilford grinned and stowed the candy in his top shirt pocket, smiling down at the creature whom he now started to pet.
'I'll have it later bud.'
Now of course came the mandatory session of petting Gooper, because honestly if you do not take the time to pet this precious being then you don't even deserve to be in his adorable presence. Wilford of course awed over Gooper's little happy noises and titters at the pets, rubs, and gentle scratches he received. Soon though, Wilford returned him to the doctor, grinning.
'Y'know....I think I'd die for him.'
Iplier grinned broadly, chuckling as he nodded in agreement.
'I think anyone who meets him would.'
Iplier then reached to his desk and picked up the antiseptic cream, along with a box of band aids.
'Now, as long as your cuts are open, apply antiseptic, then leave them to scab over naturally. Take these band aids off in about 2-3 hours, and if any of the cuts are still bad then put new band aids on, but if they're not then leave them exposed to the air so they can heal. Got it?'
Iplier smiled happily when Wilford nodded and barked an affirmative like Iplier was sergeant, before cooing once more at Gooper, then vacating in the most wonderfully flamboyant manner. Iplier sighed, then settled back in his chair and opened his desk drawer. It was where he'd put Schneeple's jumper, aka Gooper's nest, and it was where Gooper kept his little stash. Iplier watched happily as Gooper tottered about amidst all the little gifts...and Iplier wondered if Gooper knew how much of a wonderful gift that he was....to the whole, entire world.
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lostcybertronian · 5 years
57“Stop staring at me.” with The Host and Google owo 🤭 (i'm sorry.. not rlly)
This went waaayyy off the rails from what I’d previously planned.
Tags: @authorsathenaeum @tiny-yan-an @darkstache-iplier @redraspberrycats @holyshitsnakesandspace @cookieface678 @bing-iplier @storm337 @sketchy-scribs-n-doods @pixelenchanter @itsjustkyss @darkiplurrr @demonnightmareangel @moonysmayhem
Prompt 57: “Stop staring at me.”
    More and more, nowadays, his attentions seemed to drift toward the Host.
    He refused to attribute this to his emotional programming, instead lending credit to his logic processing software. The Host was extremely powerful, after all, and it was wise to keep one eye open around him. He was, quite possibly- considering Blue’s calculations, and his assessments of the egos who resided in the facility- more powerful than Dark, or even Wilford Warfstache himself. 
He didn’t look it; the Host was not physically imposing, nor was he large in stature. To the human eye, the Host appeared rather scrawny. Though Blue knew that, beneath his grimy, stained trench-coat, there were muscles toned from years of wielding a baseball bat with deadly proficiency. 
Blue’s eyes darted to the Host, raking over his hunched shoulders and bloodied bandages. He really was quite handsome, by human standards. He had a nice, angular face, and his slicked-back hair- though no doubt unwashed- shone under the overhead lights. But, of course, that didn’t matter to someone like Blue. Or, at least, that’s what he told himself. What he did enjoy watching was the ease with which the Host manipulated his surroundings, all the while blending in seamlessly with the trivial murmurs of the others. They could be bending to his iron will, and they would never know.
A rush of some unfamiliar emotion filled him, but Blue was quick to shut it down, to push it away where it didn’t matter. He admired the Host for his power. Wanted it, and nothing else-
“Blue!” It was Dark who had spoken, and he glared at him with an expression Blue recognized as irritation. “You’re being quite rude.”
In fact, the others were staring at him as well, all with varying levels of confusion and- in Bim’s case, as he’d been trying to pitch one of his brainless television shows- annoyance. 
Blue looked down at the scuffed table, rebooting his thought process. Then he glanced up again. When he did, he saw the Host’s face was tilted directly toward him, instead of slightly down as it usually was. His pale lips were pressed into a hard line.
“Stop staring at me,” he hissed, seeming to shrink into himself that much more.
Blue blinked. “My apologies,” he offered, “I was … thinking.”
The Host cocked his head, considering this. His lips moved- no doubt analyzing Blue’s intentions, his honesty, and who knew what else- before he nodded, placated.
    “Might we continue?” Dark asked, his black eyes flicking between the two of them, and both men nodded.
    The Host followed him after the meeting, catching up with him in the hallway, after the other egos had dispersed. “Why were you staring at me?” He demanded, arms folded across his chest.
    “It seems to me like you would know the answer to that already,” Blue replied smoothly, not breaking his inhumanely fast stride. The Host kept up easily, however, much to his chagrin.
    “I do,” the Host admitted, “but you need to say it.”
    “And what is the logic behind that?”
    The Host’s hand snagged his sleeve, his surprising strength forcing the android to a stop. “You and I would make a capable pair.”
    Blue paused, his core whirring louder, forcing a blue flush to his cheeks as he fought to come up with a reply. “I’m not sure what you think I feel about you,” he said finally, “but you are more of a fool than I’d previously surmised if you have even the vaguest notion that I feel at all.”
    “It’s not about feelings.” The Host let go of his sleeve, his hand coming up to gently- his fingers were heavily calloused, Blue noticed, as he struggled to keep his frame from reacting in a way that might betray him- touch his face, tracing his cheek for a moment before venturing down to his lips, a thumb brushing, feather-light, across them. 
    “You’re lying,” he murmured, and the Host paused.
    “So I am,” he agreed, leaning closer, “but then so are you.”
    He closed the distance between them, then, pressing his lips to Blue’s with startling tenderness, tenderness that turned to ferocity when Blue reciprocated, his emotional programming overwhelming him in an instant, leaving him vulnerable to the touch to his cheek, to the mouth against his.
“More. More. I need more.” His thoughts fell from the Host’s lips, returned to him in whispers. He smiled into Blue’s mouth, broke away briefly before kissing him again. “You and I will truly make a formidable pair.”
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voidendron · 5 years
The Outside: Chapter 65
Series Ask Blog: @asktheoutside
(( BEHOLD! Dialogue and action, my biggest weaknesses! I should have known this chapter would be a difficult one. Sorry for the delay :/ Also. I think EVERYONE was expecting this one hahah. Posting today instead of tomorrow since it’s already late ))
Chapter 65: Mr. Flynn Chapter Warnings:  Swearing, Guns, Gunshot Wounds, Character Injury, Mild Violence, Medical Procedures Characters: Dr. Iplier, Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache, Shawn Flynn POV: Dr. Iplier
May 8, 2031, 6:10 PM Breckenridge, Colorado
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Edward squeezed his eyes shut. He could hear an argument from Mr. Flynn’s office. Wilford was in there.
The doctor was starting to worry that Wilford would either end up fired, or firing at his boss. Neither of those outcomes were to be desired. He could feel his muscles tense, coiled, ready to spring him at the locked door if things went any more south than they already had.
He didn’t know why they were arguing. They’d already been at it when he arrived to walk with Wilford back to the hotel and their voices were muffled on the other side of the door.
After shooting a text to Dark, Edward tucked his phone away again. His eyes drifted to look out the window. No more snow. Just a muddy, muddy mess. That same mud caked the bottom of his jeans. And his shoes. They hadn’t even been outside for training today. It was just indoor testing and he was still covered in the stuff. Ugh.
He startled to a loud thud within the office. Something slamming down on a desk from the sounds of it. The arguing never stopped despite it. That was a…good? sign at least. God, Wilford was so fired. Edward had to wonder what had sparked the argument. Had Flynn pushed too far and made the Iplier snap? Wilford fuck something important up? Both seemed plausible.
…On second thought, Edward wondered if it was a combination of both. It probably was, if he was completely honest. Flynn wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around, and Wilford was…well, Wilford.
All of Flynn’s other employees were gone by now. The shop was closed. Most of the lights off to turn away any would-be customers for the night. Doors into other rooms likely housing paints and other materials locked and with glaring Employees Only signs in the centers. The front door was the only one unlocked because Flynn was the only one with the key. Edward could only be happy the sun wouldn’t be setting for a while yet. Felt like the damn dolls lining the shelves were staring at him. He really wouldn’t want to be in the damn shop after dark. Eugh.
He grimaced at more banging from in the office. Good god, they were pissed.
A sharp sigh, and Edward resigned himself to trying to trying to stay occupied with his phone. What else could he do? Not much.
…And now he was getting pings as Dark sent texts his way. The eldest Iplier wasn’t happy. At all.
The pings turned to ringing, and when Edward answered the call he could hear the irritation in Dark’s voice. He could imagine the older Ego pacing, a fist curled tightly at his side, as he growled through gritted teeth. Even his aura was ringing softly on the other end of the line.
“I don’t know what happened,” the doctor answered. “I got here and they were already going at it.”
“What’s going on now?”
“Shouting.” A whole lot of goddamn shouting. “Trust me, I’d tell you more if I could but their voices are too muffled to make anything out.”
“I’m on my way.”
“Wha—no! Stay with the H…with Arthur. Wilford will get his ass fired and I’ll drag him back to th—”
And…Dark hung up. Great. Just…wonderful. Edward pinched the bridge of his nose. He’d give it three…two…
There he was. Edward had stopped being startled by the damn teleporters showing up out of nowhere years ago. All he could offer was a glower at the demonic Ego as Dark’s aura was reined into his shadow. Luckily the security camera was angled elsewhere in the room. “You’re supposed to be keeping an eye on Arthur when I’m not there.”
“He doesn’t need to be watched in his sleep, Doctor.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” Edward huffed. He grimaced when he heard another muffled thud on the other side of the door and Felt a small pain from Wilford as his finger sprained. Had he banged his bare hand down on the desk? Idiot. “Has Arthur been drinking water today? Eaten?”
“When he’s been awake, yes.”
“And his prescription seems to be helping?” “Prescription” as if Edward hadn’t just poofed it up out of nowhere. And really, he was asking to fill the…soft-of-silence. He could Feel that the Host’s fever had been staying down slightly so he didn’t actually need an answer. It wasn’t helping as much as he would have liked, but at least it was something.
Dark just offered an agitated glare.
Okay. No more talk. Fine.
Edward shook his head and glanced down at his phone. He’d gotten to the shop almost twenty minutes ago. Surely this couldn’t go on too much longer, right?
Both pairs of eyes flicked toward the door when the knob rattled. Finally, Edward thought.
His relief was gone to the sound of a gunshot cracking from within the office. There was a startled shout, then muffled noises, as Dark rammed his shoulder into the door.
The old frame splintered and the door was thrown open.
Wilford’s gun was abandoned near Flynn’s feet. A new stain, a deep red, marred Flynn’s sleeve. He was cradling that arm close to his body.
But where was Wil—
In the dim light of the office, Edward could almost believe the…thing snaking over Wilford’s nose and mouth was a shadow. He could have believed that if it wasn’t so shiny. If it didn’t flow past Wilford’s clawing fingers like water past a stone.
It reminded him of…of Host’s aura. Ink.
Wilford made a sound in his throat. Edward had never seen the older Iplier desperate, but Will couldn’t breathe.
Edward tried to scoop the ink away, but it moved past his hands. Dark’s aura was ringing behind him. He risked a glance over his shoulder just as dark tendril surged forward. They found their home around Flynn’s throat as the business owner gasped.
The ink faltered.
Dark’s teeth were bared as his aura lifted Flynn until only his toes were on the ground.
Like it had never been there to begin with, the ink faded away. Wilford choked on air when he could finally breathe again; Flynn choked when he was denied his own breaths. A strangled noise left him when he was lifted another fraction of an inch—just enough to bring his feet away from the ground. He kicked at open air and tried desperately to pry at Dark’s aura. His fingers only passed through it.
“Dark! You’re going to kill—”
“Figure out where this Ego is from. Now.”
Before Edward could even unlock his phone, Wilford was passing his own to the doctor. A web page was open. A Wiki. All it took him was a quick skim through the short passage.
…Well, that explained the ink.
“He’s using his own name, is from Bendy and the Ink Machine, and—goddammit, Dark, put him down before you kill him!” Flynn groaned when he was dropped to the ground, but wisely chose to stay put. “Thank you. He’s a Septic. Seán provided his voice for the game.”
Three pairs of eyes pinned on the business owner as he hacked and rubbed at his throat. Despite it, he glowered right back. “Never—” his voice was scratchy and he coughed again, “ever fuckin’ bring that man up around me again. I ain’t want nothin’ to do with him or the other damn Septiceyes.”
“You’ve got a lot of room to be making demands,” Edward muttered. His eyes were scanning Flynn’s neck—already red and would probably bruise—and the dark stain in his shirt. The Ego was definitely favoring that arm as he kept it pulled against his chest.
Flynn’s icy stare flicked toward the doctor. “You’re in my goddamn shop. That fuckin’ idiot shot me first. I was defendin’ myself!”
Edward offered Dark a side-eyed glance. The oldest Iplier hadn’t so much as budged from his place. He’d more or less planted himself between Flynn and Wilford and it seemed that would be where he’d stay. “We will inform the other Septics that—”
“Don’t!” Flynn scrambled to stand, but stopped and put his hands up placatingly when Dark bared his teeth. “I don’t want nothin’ to do with those shites. I ain’t gonna saying nothing ‘bout ya if you don’t say nothing ‘bout me, yeah?”
Dark stooped to be eye-to-eye with the grounded Ego. His aura seemed to shroud the entire room in darkness. Flynn scooted back until he hit his desk, effectively cornering himself. Edward could see his throat bob as he tried to swallow. “Who are we, Mr. Flynn? Hmm?”
Flynn’s eyes passed over each of them before returning to Dark. “Ah…Darki—” he cleared his throat. His voice was still soft and scratchy. “Darkiplier. Warfstache. Ah…the uh…Fischbach’s doctor Ego?” Edward rolled his eyes at that. Go figure.
“And who, pray tell, would you inform about us?”
Flynn eyed Dark’s aura as it loomed near him. He swallowed, then, “Angus.” He let out a noise of alarm when the tendrils reached for him—specifically, for the wound in his arm.
“Speak up.”
“Angus, Angus! I told ya!”
Edward shared a look with his companions. “Angus,” the doctor parroted. “And…why wouldn’t you just tell him we’re here to begin with? Save yourself the trouble?”
“’Cause I don’t care?” He winced and clasped a hand over his arm as he shifted farther from Dark, muttering something under his breath before shaking his head. “I don’t be wantin’ anything to do with any of you Populars. You leave me alone, I don’t care what ya do.”
“Then…why hire Wilford if you knew who he was?”
Flynn groaned. “I didn’t know who he was when I interviewed the bastard and didn’t have no reason to fire him when I figured it out. Also, his vest is sure mouthy…” He offered a harsh glare at the Iplier in question; Incorporated’s pocket charms clicked together irritably. “Now I’ve got plenty of reason to fire him.” He paused. Seemed to reconsider as Dark glared down at him. A part of Edward wanted to feel sorry for the guy, but…he didn’t. He’d had it coming. “Gonna tattle to the other fuckin’ Septiceyes ‘bout me now? Huh?”
Dark seemed to be studying Flynn, because of course he was. He may have been the shortest in the room, but his presence took up the most space. Both figuratively and, thanks to his aura, literally, Edward thought with a barely contained huff of amusement.
The Septic seemed to pick up on that as he curled into himself.
“No,” Dark finally answered. Edward blinked. He heard Wilford splutter. “Tell us what you know about Angus and his companions, and we’ll leave you be.”
“For now, ‘til ya need somethin’ else? Gonna hold it over my head?” Flynn guessed, to which Dark only hummed. His eyes shifted between them as he placed a hand over the bullet wound. “…Fine. Deal. If your doctor fuckin’ fixes this. ‘Less ya want me goin’ to the hospital and tryin’ to fabricate a story for why there’s a damn bullet in my arm.”
Edward offered Dark a look; the eldest simply nodded in the go-ahead before turning to Wilford and ordering him to head back to the hotel. To walk, instead of teleport, to avoid a glittery mess in his wake.
Flynn grumbled as Wilford left, then shrugged off his stained dress shirt after fumbling with the buttons. What was revealed underneath was an equally stained tank top that seemed a size too big on him.
At least the tools he’d need were all small, Edward thought. Even his weak magic would suffice to conjure them up. He made Flynn get up to sit at his desk, found a spare stool in the corner he had to knock some junk off of, and went to work with Flynn keeping up his end of the deal.
“How much ya know about him? I’ll work from there.”
“You seem all too happy to talk about him,” Dark mused.
“You think I give a damn about the Hunter? I’ll be left alone if I tell ya, so yeah I’m happy.”
Dark hummed and folded his hands behind his back. His aura finally pulled back. He didn’t completely reign it in, and likely wouldn’t until they were back at their room with Flynn nowhere in sight, but at least it wasn’t surrounding them now. “We know of his alias, workplace, and that he has been seen with Michael and Beau Garring and Jane Wolffe. We are also aware of who Jane really is.”
“That’s it, huh?” He winced as Edward worked on sterilizing the wound. Forgot to tell him it would sting, the doctor thought. Oops. “I’ve only met him a few times. Angus is smart, but too cautious. Don’t trust no one but his little circle of buddies. Ain’t fond of Populars, and he so much as thinks ya could be dangerous and he’s trackin’ you down. Also don’t like when people get too nosy, but I think that just comes down to the trust thing.” Flynn paused and Edward didn’t have to look him in the face to know he was being eyed. Or, more accurately, that his tools were. “What’re ya gonna do with those..?”
Edward rolled his eyes. “I have to probe for the bullet so I actually know where it is. Then I’ll use the forceps to remove it, but I can only do that if I have it located.” Was he imagining it, or did Flynn pale at that? “I don’t know what your pain tolerance is, but you may want to bite down on something.”
While he somehow managed to find an unstained part of his shirt to clamp his teeth over, Edward got to work locating the bullet. Would have been easier without the Septic being conscious, but without Henrik there to be the anesthetic he’d have to mark do with Flynn’s twitching and muffled whining. Had he ever been shot before? Nah, Edward had a hard time believing that. Egos were practically magnets for danger. Partially because they themselves were good at causing it, but that’s not the point. Flynn’s just being a baby, he thought with a huff as the Septic kicked his desk.
It was only when the stitching was finally done and Edward was wiping away the excess blood before bandaging that Flynn spat the shirt out of his mouth and took a shaky breath. “Done..? Thank god.”
“Flynn,” Edward asked, “would you happen to know the identities of the Garrings?”
The Septic scratched at his beard—well, more like messy stubble—thoughtfully. “I…think so? Beau’s an android—a Septiceye, too, I think? Never met the guy. His name’s stupid long, but I bet one of your Septiceye pals might know it. And ahh…Mikey’s an Iplier. Some…musical, Fischbach was in?”
“Five Nights?” the doctor offered. “Mark’s security guard?”
“Ah! Bingo! Night Guard’s what it was.”
Edward offered his companion a glance. They’d all figured that particular Ego had never even formed. He had to have left the Figmental Plane early into his creation if that’s the case.
“What about Jane? Is she still a—”
“Wolf? It’s one of her abilities, Doc; ‘course she can still shift. That form probably changed to look less like the one in her vid, more dog-like. Y’know, I’m bettin’ she’s what started the dire wolf rumors.”
“Dire wolves are extinct in this plane.” Dark had a brow raised.
“Never said they weren’t. That’s why I said ‘rumors,’ eh? She’d look more like a wolf for this plane’s whole blendin’ in thing, but I’d bet it’s still a big wolf. That’s all it takes to start up a damn rumor out here.”
“And Angus,” the eldest pressed. “What is there to worry about, and what does he deem ‘dangerous’?”
“For one, he can See auras.” Flynn nodded toward Edward, who crossed his arms in response. “He ain’t got his visible to us, right? The Hunter’d still be able to See it. You’re an Ego in his sight line, he’s gonna know you’re there.” He rested his chin in his hand and stifled a yawn. “If you’re a Popular, he’ll think you’re dangerous ‘til ya prove otherwise.”
“Dangerous to who?” Edward skirted around the desk to move to Dark’s side. “Angus? His companions?”
Flynn just have him a look. One of those “are you serious? think about it” sort of looks.
“To him? Nah. But he don’t like no one who could pose a threat to humans.”
“…To humans. What does Angus care if a human is harmed?” Dark’s tone told them both he was getting fed up with the Septic again. Why would an Ego care for the humans?
“Enough humans get hurt or killed in unexplainable ways?” Flynn shook his head. “They’ll start stickin’ their noses where they don’t belong. They find out things like us live out here? They’ll want us dead or tested on.” He rolled his chair back and yanked open a drawer in his desk. From it, he pulled a notepad that he slapped down on top and pushed toward them. “There was a murder in LA. Ain’t all that uncommon, but there was an unknown oil source left at the site. Angus knows an android did it. I don’t think he or whoever he’s got on the case knows who it was. But uh…seein’ you three here, I’m bettin’ it was one of yours, an’ I’ve got a few guesses which Popular it could be.”
Edward swallowed and could practically feel Dark tense at his side.
“I don’t give a damn so I’ll keep quiet about it. But the Hunter’s gonna figure it out for himself sooner or later.”
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id-never-letyoudown · 5 years
A Muse List
Wilford Warfstache: reality warping semi-madman. He goes through time and just rolls with the punches. Knows at least a dozen alternate versions of the same person. Makes multiverse ships technically canon. Sometimes he forgets which timeline he's in and acts like a kid who fell asleep in the car and woke up in bed. Kinda OP, but I I'll discuss anything big with the other mun beforehand. For now it's just small stuff. -tagged: pink stache whiplash
Dark: literally watch Damien. Only this Damien had ties to the mafia, which Celine was heavily against. Also Damien and Will had a romantic relationship, highschool sweethearts, promise ring. Then Damien started running for mayor, Wil met Celine, feels were had. (ps: he's got both sets of genitalia, cuz everyone forgets.) -tagged: 3d dream
Fordwil Stachewarf: started as a joke of a bizarro!Wil and now, welp, here he is. He's a manipulative green haired asshole. A creep. He does not "roll with the punches", if one version of you likes him then he will expect all of them to, and he will take. Stuff with him can get hella triggery so I don't use him often. He's a total hardass. -tagged: green jerk
Chase: ha, an average bro. Trickshots. Memes. Bad puns and scraped knees. Anxiety ridden and depressed. Tries to drink away the pain. Also he's a werewolf and used to have hella bad anger issues, they have gotten better, but when it's that time of the month it's easy for him to slip. -tagged: sad awoo
Dr. Iplier: ;A; after losing his V-card to his highschool sweetheart who was moving away, three months later when he tries to break it off, she tells him she's pregnant. So they have a shotgun wedding. Also his family disowned him for this. He had to balance college, a job, and financially caring for his long distance, pregnant, wife. The boy was stressed, and he vented to her. Very next day she says she lost the baby. And ol' doc blamed himself. They've been married since, and whenever he brought up separating she would bring up the baby. He hired a PI who uncovered that there never was a baby to begin with, so now he's just "fuck you, fuuuuck yoooou." Now he's trying to get her to divorce him so she won't take everything. -tagged: doctor love me
Host: ah hah, favorite boi. My Host did used to be the Author, and after getting his ass handed to him, started looking for ways to really amp up his abilities. He found It(not the clown, fck off)and offered a deal "I'll give you a vessel, in exchange for power" and It misinterpreted and took HIS body instead of letting him find someone else. Over the years he's realized his mistakes and has become much more humble. Basically: Host is a host to a being not of this world or even dimension. -tagged: host2
Yan: goes from "not feeling a thing" to "feeling too much" real quick. If you see him being peppy and cheerful, it's an act so ppl don't question him. He wants to feel. So whenever he gets feelings for someone he often takes it too far. Much too far. Also he's a kitsune h e r e -tagged: bloody cute
Winston: fucking pink, pompadour, greaser demon. Him big. Tol. Stronk. Very protective of his partners, especially if they're human. Big teddybear. Loves animals and works as a mechanic. His town? Almost everyone is a demon there, they just wear glamours all the time. -tagged: big pink
Anti: fucking glitchy glitch tech demon. Acts like a computer virus. Very bitter. Up Dark's ass. He has feelios that he refuses to deal with, so he just annoys Dark and insists on being by him most of the time. He likes Dark because he's one of the few who don't take his bullshit and aren't scared of him. -tagged: virus boi
Bing: saaah dude. Super laidback unless he's alone, then he gets to work and is actually semi serious. He's got a few defects, mainly with his eyes, so he wears shades. Default safemode, the dial(yes, dial)is on the back of his neck. Ppl confuse this for volume too often. Notch one: he can cuss. Notch two: he can look up lewds. Notches from then on just increase how raunchy he can be and the frequency of his lewd statements. Very last notch: he can FUCK. also, he has a detachable dick, like, he can still feel it when it's not attached, thanks to bluetooth. Weird man. -tagged: robruh
Virgil/Anxiety: anxious bab with a sarcastic tongue and foul mouth. Total pessimist. Will not go out of his way to interact with people. Loves puns and dad jokes and Disney. Sings. Acts like a damn cat tbh. But surprise! Him a spider. Has giant spider legs coming out of his back that he hides -tagged: smokey eye
Patton/Morality: god, fckin. He's trying so hard. He wants to be the bestest friend/father figure that he can be. Sometimes he holds his own feelings in and bottles them up. -cough-surprise binch, daddy kink and puns. -tagged: pun papa
AD: h e y, I know we all have headcanons n shit, but my Dark would have tried to get their pal DA out of the mirror and into a body, after things settled, somehow. It would have taken him years, but he would have. Course it didn't go quite as planned. By then whatever remained of the DA was far too gone, turns up being stuck in a broken mirror realm can really fuck you up. And eventually turn you into a demon. AD is not the DA anymore, all they remember is that night and that night only.
Any semblance of the DA they once had is now gone. Now they're out for revenge, and when you're able to travel through reflections that can come quite easily. Ofc they look like Mark(more specifically Dark, as he was the one who both put them in and took them out of the broken mirror that was keeping them tied to the manor), only hella scarred and with white streaks all throughout their hair. Their eyes are mirrors, which is just fckin creepy. Personality wise they don't trust easy. A smartass with a sharp tongue. Brutally honest. Redeeming quality? If they see someone/something that's vulnerable they'll protecc. -tagged: spitting image
Kink(Klancy): a kinky mtherfcker. Used to be in a hella abusive relationship with someone who called beating and using him with no regard for his safety at all "bdsm". And it was Klancy's first and only romantic relationship. It wasn't until his bad, horrid excuse of a dom took them to an actual, legit bdsm club that he realized what the dom was doing was abuse. So he dumped him, and Jeremiah and his buddies helped get his stuff. Klancy decided that from now on he'd take his sex life in his own hands. He isn't currently looking for a a relationship, but I'm a shipping hoe so if y'all are up for a slow burn, hit him up -tagged: kink it up
Eric: hoooooo b o y, well, his backstory was awful before. Now it's uh, downright trigger worthy. I won't go into detail, let's just say Pops has a bad touch way of getting Eric to "calm down". He is a quiet, anxious boy. We all know his canon story. He feels guilty that he's the only one of his siblings living now. And Derek doesn't help. He's moved out and with Klancy, because I want them to be friends and you can fite me in the pit. Klancy-aside from Host-is the only one that knows what Derek's been doing since uh, Klancy being Klancy decided he'd try the dad on for size and Derek said some questionable things in the heat of the moment. Klancy has practically adopted Eric, he'll fight Derek.
Eric is a nervous wreck and easy to manipulate. Which makes him perfect for juicy, angsty threads. -tagged: yellow handkercheif
Periwinkle: a defective Google unit made with an experimental sensory system, it made him incredibly sensitive to the point of pain. So he wears clothes from head to toe, along with a helmet, Daft Punk style. He works at a nearby Google place, doing surveys with owners of Google units. He fakes being emotionless when on the clock, as he's been threatened with deactivation due to violent outbursts. -tagged: off limits
Copiplier: his name's Leslie, Officer Morgan. He prefers being called Lee. He abides by the l a w!! No exceptions. Whenever someone makes a noise complaint or some other with the office, he's the one that shows up. Mostly because none of the other officers want to deal with t h a t mountain of paperwork. His hair's on the long side, man bun long. And he buff. When I say he looks good in the uniform I mean "gets mistaken for a stripper" good. Which is fair, because for some time he was a stripper, before police academy(cough, he still is, on the weekends). Strict boi is kinda dense and ever since Yukio gave him some damn pocky he's been addicted to it. Which is great, since he used to be a smoker. -tagged: oh officer
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astronomicalegotism · 6 years
Unlikely Partnership
Revenge Is Best Served Together (Book One)
Part Seventeen
Anti snarled and shoved his hands in his jean pockets, glaring at the suit of armour as he passed it. Okay, so maybe when he'd stormed out of the room with Mad and Blank it hadn't crossed his mind that he didn't actually know where Darkiplier's office was and now he may or may not be lost. Whatever, he'll figure it out.
Who designed this stupid place anyways? It's just hallway after hallway after- Anti back-pedalled.
Didn't I literally just pass that suit of armour?
"Oh for fuCKS-" Anti screamed and threw a knife at the armour, only for it to ricochet off and be sent back towards himself. Oops.
Anti quickly glitched out of he way and cursed. He could practically hear Schneeplestein's scolding tone in his head. Anti shivered at the thought. God help me I'm growing attached.
"Geez, you got something against antiques or what?" Anti tensed and snapped his head around to face the unimpressed looking Iplier Ego holding his knife. Anti didn't recognise them at all (Not that he watches Markiplier's videos or anything) so they were probably from one of the one off video ones or something. Maybe one of the ones Marvin hangs out with but always denies doing? He had Mark's black hair that was slicked to the side professionally, although it was actually a bit longer than what Anti remembered. (Must be a prehair dye obsession Ego) He had smart looking glasses rested on his nose and a taunting smirk on his face that instantly annoyed Anti. He kind of looked like a nerdy off brand Darkiplier if Anti was honest, add some monochrome skin and bad temper and you got yourself a double.
Not that that's saying much considering they all have the same face...
"Why are you wearing a suit?" Anti asked bluntly, looking him up and down. It gave the ego a simulationously professional and yet cheap aura. The suit was either second hand or brought from a coustume shop. He was effortlessly trying too hard, Anti had to give him that.
"Hey you don't see me asking why you look like a 90s Halloween movie reject so what give you the right to question my life choices?" Was the snarky response. Great, just what he needed, he'd run into a sassy idiotic side character. Anti grit his teeth. Don't kill him don't make a scene Mad said to do this carefully murder is not careful Anti-
"Touché." Anti forced out, debating whether or not glitching away would count as suspicious activity. The Iplier Egos Probably thought that he was working with Darkiplier, he couldn't give away any clues that suggested otherwise or he'd be done for. Running-No wait, avoiding the Ego for no good reason would make it seem like he was up to something. Or wait, maybe he wanted to look like he was up to something? Fuck this was confusing.
"What are you, constipated?" The Iplier asked, bringing Anti back to earth. Right, staring at someone in dead silence probably isn't normal. Anti opened his mouth to respond (With what he had no idea) but he was casually cut off. Deep breaths. "Anyways! You're Anti right? Wonderful, Absolutely wonderful! Bit of a strange name though, Antisepticeye? Suppose it can't be helped, What with being a fan creation and not an individual idea and that, Though you'd think that maybe thousands of people would be able to think of a better name wouldn't you?"
"Excuse me-" Anti snarled, now clutching a new knife tightly and taking a step forwards threatening. The Iplier Ego's voice heightened in pitch a little at the movement.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you either way, I'm Bim Trimmer of course, No doubt you've heard about me though?" What is it with this guy and rhetorical questions Jesus Christ- "Actually wait, You're not supposed to be here! Septics aren't allowed here, WIL-" Trimmer's eyes went wide as Anti glitched in front of him, covering his mouth and pressing his knife to his throat.
"Don't. Say. Another. Word." Anti hissed. Trimmer nodded nervously before disappearing, now standing a few feet away from Anti and brushing off imaginary dust from his suit, eyeing him cautiously. Anti gaped for a few seconds before throwing the knife at Trimmer, mainly out of frustration. "Oh come on!!" Anti screamed, Trimmer backing away a little bit more.. Of course he could teleport, because the universe just didn't want to give him a fucking break did it?!
"What are you doing here? What do you want?!" Trimmer asked, obviously trying to get his volume down at least. Questions questions questions GOD THIS GUY WAS GETTING ON HIS NERVES! Anti gripped at his hair tightly, his form glitching violently out of anger and Trimmer let out a little started squeak in response. This was ridiculous, this whole situation was completely fucking ridiculous.
"Darkiplier is going to kill all of us and use our powers to get even stronger and control everyone, and you're asking me what I'm doing?!" Anti let out an involuntary giggle at the ridiculousness of it all, although he could feel rage bubbling up inside him. Trimmer  tensed up a little, but his eyes narrowed dangerously. As if he was a threat to Anti. Yeah right.
"Dark is trying to do what?" Trimmer asked, his eyebrows mocking. He scoffed, "You're not serious. Just because you and Darkiplier have this weird thing going on," He used air quotes, who the fuck uses air quotes, "Doesn't mean that he's trying to kill us all. How do I know you aren't just saying this to incriminate him?" We are talking about the same Darkiplier right? God that prick has everyone wrapped around his little finger doesn't he.
"Aw aren't you Darkiplier's widdle loyal soldier?" Anti coed, stepping closer to the Iplier Ego. "News flash numbskull, Your Little Darkipoo isn't everything you think he is." Trimmer swallowed harshly and Anti grinned.
"God you're even more insane then you look if you honestly think I'll believe you." Trimmer snapped, unnecessarily aggressively in Anti opinion. Someone's a little defensive.
"Whatever, I don't have time for this. Do you know where Darkiplier's office is?" Trimmer laughed darkly in response to his question. Hah, darkly. Dark. Get it?
"Like I'd tell you." Trimmer spat, puffing his chest out and speaking like he was doing the world such a noble service by being complete FUCKING ASSHAT-
Anti's eye flashed green dangerously in warning. Time to see if Trimmer really was an idiot or not.
"Guess I'll just have to get the directions out of you another way then." Anti snarled, shrugging causally, his voice distorted and threatening.  Trimmer flinched at him, but didn't move.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Wilford's been training me as his apprentice you know? I can create pocket dimensions too and trust me, you don't want to mess that. I mightn't be on the same level as you power wise, but in polecat dimensions I can shift reality however I want, I can amplify my powers to match yours!" Anti eyes widened minusculy. Wilford's Pocket dimensions were what Dark was using to steal their energy or whatever with (Or at least that's what he was theorising, he actually honestly had no idea what was going on) and that's where the Creators are trapped. If Trimmer can also influence pocket dimensions too, maybe Anti could put a stop to all this without being violent? Or well, he'd probably still be violent regardless but the thought was nice. Maybe he should take a leap out of Darkiplier's book and try a little slide of manipulation? Okay uh, he needed to find a weakness to exploit. Trimmer's blind faith in the Heart and Soul of Markiplier's channel maybe? He definitely seemed to hero worship the walking corpse and pink psycho, thats for sure. But maybe he should try find something else?
"Oh really? You? You can manipulate pocket dimensions? Don't make me laugh." Anti tested. Bim's face turned a shade of red and he clenched his fists. Boom bada Bingo, Bim Trimmer is an Ego with an ego problem.
"Yes, me! I bet you don't know the first thing about pocket dimensions!" Oh my god this was too easy. He was starting to understand why Darkiplier tended to take this route. Okay, time to get some answers.
"Oh yeah well, I know that in pocket dimensions, the laws of time and space and shit don't apply, so you can do whatever you want to who ever is in there. And, once you create a pocket dimension, you can pass on control of that dimension to someone else for them to use." Anti smirked smugly. He knew that information from experience, it was what was happening right now so there was no possible way-
"Oh ho ho, Is that so?" Anti's eyes snapped back up to the laughing ego, taken back. "Who told you that garbage? You can't pass on the control of a pocket dimension to some one that doesn't have the ability to manipulate them moron." Trimmer rolled the r's dramatically but Anti couldn't even find himself to be irritated because what the Fuck. Okay yeah, screw manipulation.
"But that doesn't make any fucking sense, then how come Natemare and Shit can supposedly manipulate Wilford's pocket dimensions?! That's a major fucking hole in Darkiplier's plan if the whole reason why he's gathered us is for us to use the dimensions and torment the Creators!" Trimmer's had paled significantly at Anti's words but the glitch demon just ignored him. His mind was reeling from confusion, they apparently weren't in control of the pocket dimensions?
"Wh-What?" Trimmer spluttered. "What the hell are you talking about?" Anti held up a finger to him, squeezing his eyes shut.
"No okay wait, Shut up for once." If What Bim said is true, that means that Wilford was still controlling the pocket dimensions, but if that was the case they would know since the dimensions weren't doing what the wanted them to do, which means that Wilford somehow knew exactly what they wanted to do the exact second it happens and the only way that's possible is...
"Wilford is in our heads. When we're in the pocket dimensions, he's reading our minds. Mad knows that I left the room to go stop Darkiplier and if since Wilford can read Mad's mind he-SHIT!!" Wilford knows that he's going to try stop Darkiplier and of course he would of told Darkiplier since he's his right hand man until the end that loyal bastard!! There goes his element of surprise, Darkiplier probably already knows he's coming. He needed to get to Darkiplier's office now.
"I said SHUT UP!!" Bim's mouth slammed shut harshly.  Anti's breathing was short and quick as his nails angrily dig into his palms. "I don't know what the fuck Darkiplier wants, power, an army, but whatever it is it's not good news, and he's going to be using Natemare, MadPat,  me and that weird Blank guy to achieve it. I don't care what sob story Darkiplier is feeding you, he's bad news got it?! So grow a fucking spine and help me, because no matter how loyal you are to him, he is not the same to you! We're all just fucking toys to him, stepping stones for him to get what he wants and I am not letting that edgy bastard win. So are you going to stay one of his little disposable soldiers or are you going to fucking help me?!" He didn't have time he was running out of time Darkiplier was going to kill him he needed to do it first-
"Wait, Blank?" Anti blinked. That's the part he focused on?
"What about him?" Anti asked impatiently, his foot tapping so fast that it was blurring.
"What about-He's My friend!"
"I'm sorry, How is this relevent?" Anti would never admit it but the dirty look the Trimmer just gave him will haunt his nightmares for a good few weeks.
"I...If what you're saying is true, he could be in serious trouble. He's never been the same, ever since Dark offered to train him which was weird since I didn't think Dark liked Blank but uh...if Blank is involved in...whatever the hell this all is I can only imagine it's bad." Now look, Anti wasn't one to count all his chickens before they hatched but...
"So does this mean you'll help me?" Anti asked, fingers crossed on one hand and the other ready to summon a knife. You know, just in case. Trimmer narrowed his eyes.
"I don't trust you, and I want to hear the full story of what's happening first but, I owe Blank my life. I'll help. But the second I smell bullshit, I'm turning you in to Dark and you can be his problem." Bim pointed a threatening finger at Anti but he couldn't care less.
"Yeah Yeah Whatever, so will you tell me where Dark's office is?" Trimmer frowned, considering which was bullshit because didn't he literally just say he'd help?”
"You said Dark probably knows you're out to get him right?" Trimmer asked, smiling slightly. Why the fuck was he smiling?!
"So, you need to do the opposite of what Dark will expect you to do! Obviously Dark would expect the first thing you would do is barge into his office, knives swinging and screaming." Anti's eye twitched, But it's not like he could deny it.
"So, What do you suggest I do?" Oh yeah, that asshole was definitely smirking now, fuck him. Trimmer pushed up his glasses, the light glinting off them making him look like an anime character.
"We did to do something completely unexpected, something Dark would never think you'd do."
"And what the fuck would that be genius?!" Anti hissed.
"Why, something smart of course! Dark would never see it coming!"  Trimmer flashed him a too perfect smile and raised his hands dramatically and it finally clicked to Anti where he was from. Oh my God I'm teamed up with psychopathic game show host Jr. "Its a good thing you bumped into me isn't it? After all, how on earth would you manage to not royally screw everything up without me?"
Yeah it's offical.
Anti fucking hates rhetorical questions
“Come on Then Turtle Boy! Dark's office is a bit of a walk from here, we can talk about a plan while we walk. Or well, I’ll come up with a plan, you can just nod your head in agreement and compliment me, that works too. Hope it’s not too much work for you though!” As Anti glared daggers into Bim's retreating form, he wondered if stopping Darkiplier was really worth all the trouble. Although since apparently he was the only damn person in the entire world that was actually competent enough to save it, he guessed he didn’t have much of a choice. Besides, maybe if he stopped Dark and figured out what he was doing he’d be able to twist everything around in his favour. He definitely wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity like this.
He just hoped that he wouldn’t give in to the urge to slit Trimmer's throat until he got what he wanted.
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