#Is that not the definition of divinity?
chaos-bringer-13 · 7 months
Injured and trying to hide after a fight with GIW, Danny has to overshadow the first person he sees. Because of how weak he is at the moment, overshadowing doesn't work as usual, and he's just a voice in the guy's head, no actual control over the body. The person he overshadowed? Billy Batson.
Yes, it's divine twitch chat au. Billy probably doesn't even notice a new voice for some time. Danny is very confused because there are just so many people in there and they're gods and who the hell did he possess???
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plasmapop · 5 months
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28/04/24 • catullus 51 translated via the international code of signals
BC 1 Can you communicate with the aircraft? NE 5 You should proceed with great caution; hostile vessel sighted NH 1 Are you clear of all danger? EA Have you sighted or heard of a vessel in distress?  ZL Your signal has been received but not understood. QF I cannot go ahead MBP Onset was sudden.  PG 2 I am dazzled by your searchlight. Extinguish it or lift it. [IB 4 The extent of the damage is still unknown.]  MHB Tongue is dry. YS I am unable to communicate… DV 1 I am adrift. MBE The whole body is affected. IX Fire is gaining.  FD 1 My position is indicated by rockets or flares. PG I do not see any light. EP I have lost sight of you. MY 2 It is dangerous to proceed on present course. AE 1 I wish to abandon my vessel, but have not the means. GC 2 I have searched area of accident but have found no trace of derelict or survivors
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canisalbus · 3 months
Well, after some several hours i finally finished this. I used the "Kermes" art as a reference. Im doing another, but that im wanting to change thr colors. The sun was something that i wanted to draw because of your arts that has some red background. dunno why, but my first idea was drawing machete with Dante's clothes or Vergil.... i hope you liked it :)
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mollysunder · 2 months
Arcane gives away the plot in incredibly unsubtle ways The most unsubtle hint is that Sevika's name can literally translate to "Servant of God". That's genuinely clever.
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The origin of nations are highly mythologized stories so it works that her role in the story and on a meta level is to assist larger than life characters with cults of personality that can make Zaun's story happen.
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The story isn't subtle about any of this! She worked for Silco, a man draped in anti-christ imagery with a cult clearly brewing in the background of Zaun, because he could make Zaun happen. Then when Silco's ability to put Zaun's independence above all else faltered in the face of his loyalty and love of his daughter he dies.
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In a bit of foreshadowing Sevika already revealed the trump cards she had in her deck in the face of Silco's absence, Jinx and Viktor. Two figures already set up for greater feats of grandeur and idolization than Silco had achieved alive.
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Jinx, whose been baptized and ressurected as often as Silco, is the character for without whom the plot could not exist (or keep going). Jinx's militancy against Piltover forced was the reason Zaun's independence into the Council's room. And throughout the show Jinx imagery has either absorbed or subverted Janna's symbolism.
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Janna is characterized by swirling blue winds, but in Zaun it's the blue of Jinx's cloud smoke that defines the land.
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Instead of Janna's blue bird meant to symbolize hope, Zaun is filled with Jinx's crows that call out Jinx's next act.
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Now Jinx has desecrated Janna's holy site in her own image by adorning the ruins with a shrine to her own life.
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Meanwhile we've seen Viktor in the Sump, shrouded like a prophet to heal those harmed from their long-term shimmer dependence. Viktor is not set to remain in rags though.
Half the time the Machine Herald is referenced it's always coded in power.
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In the first shots of Zaun post-time skip we see a well guarded building called "The Herald's Palace".
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In Sevika's playing cards Viktor's mask is given prongs to evoke the image of a crown. In both instances the Machine Herald's image is laced with Jinx's visual motif. First Jinx's blue swirls Frame The Herald's sign on his building, and her debut tag is centerd on his tarot card.
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It's only in past deeds is Jinx's presence unseen on Viktor's work. For example, the drains of the water treatment system Viktor is hinted at creating are decorated to resemble previous iterations of the Machine Herald's masks and are visually his alone.
It seems we're in for a double act next season!
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sunderwight · 5 months
Thinking about a bingqiu Dreamling AU where Shen Yuan and Shang Qinghua are both bored deities, just sort of taking a brief sojourn through the mortal world to shoot the shit and see some interesting monster or other that Shen Yuan has heard about, when they come across a tea house and decide to take a break and do some people-watching instead.
Shen Yuan is well into something of a shut-in phase, which Shang Qinghua doesn't like, mostly because when Shen Yuan is in those phases he doesn't do particularly well either. Shen Yuan's a social butterfly, for however little he cares to actually acknowledge it about himself, and his critique of Shang Qinghua's literary masterpieces gets so much harsher when he's not getting enough enrichment.
So when they overhear one of the kitchen boys solemnly insisting that he is going to do everything in his power to never die, and Shen Yuan laments that the boy would probably regret such a wish if it came true, Shang Qinghua decides to bestow a rare bit of godly power onto this mortal and grant his wish.
He doesn't make him a god, of course, that wouldn't even be in his ability. At least, not without using up more time and effort than he's prepared to expend on this one random kid. But immortality on its own is not that difficult. The boy will still finish growing up, and will still be able to be harmed, to know hunger and pain and illness. It just won't ever kill him.
Shen Yuan sighs that it's a cruel thing to do to a mortal, especially one with such low odds of ever cultivating other skills to mitigate the potential torment of it all. But Shang Qinghua just shrugs and they place bets, that this boy will ask for the immortality to be revoked in a hundred years, or two hundred, or so on, or else he won't. Shen Qingqiu approaches the kitchen boy and flusters and bewilders him by telling him to meet him back here again in a hundred years time.
A hundred years later, the tea house is larger. The boy has grown to be a striking young man, who looks at Shen Yuan with wariness and something else, something almost like awe, as he asks what manner of creature he's made this bargain with. Shen Yuan assures him that he has no nefarious intentions, and instead asks Luo Binghe how the past century of his life has gone.
Horribly, at least at first. Binghe's mother had already died by the time they met, but afterwards he managed to earn enough money to travel to a nearby sect. Working in the tea house's kitchen was just a minor stopover along the way. Shen Yuan was wrong, it seems, about his odds of becoming a cultivator -- Luo Binghe earned entry as a disciple.
Yet, he had no success. The master who took him on was unaccountably cruel and mercurial, and Luo Binghe's attempts to cultivate failed. Looking back he sees now that there were many times when he should have died but didn't, but when it was all happening he just thought himself lucky. At least until an enemy sect attacked a cultivation conference, and he suffered mortal wounds that absolutely should have killed him (or anyone) but still didn't die. (No demon race or abyss in this AU, but there are still demonic and fantastical creatures.)
His cruel master, upon witnessing this, accused him of heretical practices and tried to kill him as well by flinging him off the edge of a gorge. The fall was terrible. Binghe lay at the bottom in a horrifying state, injured beyond reason and yet, still, he didn't die. Eventually his body recovered enough for him to drag himself out, and once he did the only thing on his mind was getting revenge. For the next several decades he managed to ingratiate himself to all manner of potential allies, forging alliances, accumulating blackmail, and convincing people that he had to be some powerful cultivator through his supernatural resilience, lack of visible aging, and a lot of bluffing. He got revenge on his old teacher, drove his first sect into ruin, and rose to prominence as a feared and respected leader of the cultivation world.
Shen Yuan listens with clear interest, asking plenty of questions and seemingly quite taken up with the story. At the conclusion, Luo Binghe admits that his actual cultivation is still mostly a matter of smoke and mirrors, and wonders if -- now that the hundred years have passed -- Shen Yuan means to strip his immortality from him.
Shen Yuan asks if Luo Binghe wants that. When Luo Binghe says no, he accepts the answer, and tells him to meet him back here again in another hundred years. Luo Binghe calls after him, but before he can ask anything more, Shen Yuan has disappeared again.
A hundred years later, Binghe arrives back at the tea house with an entourage befitting of an emperor. The tea house has also expanded. Luo Binghe orders a lavish feast from them, which everyone hastens to provide. He's spent the past several decades consolidating his power, forging alliances with key political players via several marriages, producing heirs, and crushing his enemies. As he brags about the state of his massive harem to Shen Yuan, the deity's eyes begin to glaze over. He doesn't seem impressed. He also doesn't seem to care much for the food, and eventually his attention is stolen away by a conversation at another table. The diners are discussing the exploits of a promising new poet and novelist. Try as he might, Luo Binghe fails to regain Shen Yuan's attention before the evening is done. Shen Yuan doesn't think it's a big deal -- after all, if Binghe is still riding on top of the world, he's probably not going to want his immortality gift revoked just yet!
Another hundred years go by. The tea house has returned to a more modest situation, the next time Shen Yuan sets foot in it. He waits an unusually long while for his guest to arrive, and when he does, he's almost stopped at the door by the tea house's servers. It's only when Shen Yuan bids them let him through that Luo Binghe is able to come to the table, almost collapsing against it and desperately falling onto the arrangement of snacks with obvious hunger.
Shen Yuan wonders if this, now, will be when the boy (no longer a boy) asks for the immortality to be revoked. Surprisingly, he finds himself resistant to the idea, even though it's also clear that the game has run too long. Maybe hundred year check-ins were too short? He doesn't like the implications of what's gone on, even if he's not really surprised about it either.
Between desperate mouthfuls of food, Luo Binghe explains that without mastering inedia, going hungry but never dying is a deeply unpleasant experience. Shen Yuan orders more food. Once Binghe has finally eaten his fill, he begins, haltingly, to explain his situation. His clothes are ragged, he is painfully thin, and his gaze is haunted.
Apparently, several of his wives conspired to assassinate him, despite his reputation as unkillable. Realizing that most poisons and such didn't kill him, but that he could still be incapacitated, they hatched a scheme to dose his food with a powerful sleeping agent, and then walled him up in a famous ancestral tomb. They went to great length to ensure that it was impossible to escape from. It took Binghe decades to do it anyway, digging away at the floors, and when he got out he found that his power base had collapsed. In-fighting and the incursion of his enemies had led to the deaths of all of his children, and what wives had survived had either fled or remarried. Not that he particularly wanted them back at that point, since the ones actually most loyal to him had also been killed early on after his own "death". His face marked him, to the eyes of his enemy, as a surviving descendant of himself. He was hunted down, chased across the continent and back again, until he managed to fall into enough obscurity that his pursuers abandoned the chase. Except that he has nothing, and any time he tries to regain something, he runs the risk of being hounded again. Those who might see some potential in him still remember the collapse of his recent "dynasty" and slam doors in his face, or else try and turn him over to those now in power in pursuit of a reward. Those who don't know that much see only a dirty beggar, and usually run him off on that basis instead.
Shen Yuan, almost hesitant, asks if Luo Binghe would like to have his immortality revoked.
Luo Binghe declines. How will he be able to take revenge on those who wronged him if he is dead? He has a hit list a mile long by now.
Which is definitely not the most noble of reasons to persist, but Shen Yuan finds himself reluctant to ask twice. Instead he orders more food, and then even reserves one of the traveler's rooms above the tea house for several days. By then the sky is turning grey, and Luo Binghe is losing his apparent battle with exhaustion. Shen Yuan presses the key into his hand, thinking it's probably not enough, but there are limits to how much gods are supposed to interfere and Shang Qinghua already stretched them to the breaking point with this entire scenario.
He leaves, not seeing the hand that reaches after him just before he is out of the door and gone.
Another hundred years pass. This time, Shen Yuan arrives to find Luo Binghe already waiting for him. He isn't surprised to see that Binghe's situation has visibly improved -- maybe he was keeping closer tabs on him, just a little bit, for this past while. If only to be sure he wouldn't have to warn the tea house workers to expect an unorthodox visitor again! But no, Binghe has been doing well enough for himself. No more harems or thrones, though. He dresses more like a well-off merchant now, deliberately posing as his own mortal descendant rather than as a great immortal cultivator. The food at the table looks far more delicious than usual too (Binghe commandeered the tea house's kitchen himself this time). As they chat, Shen Yuan is regaled with the exploits of Luo Binghe's travels and adventures, how even though he initially set out to claim revenge on those who overthrew him, by the time he was in a position to actually do so they had already died of the usual causes (time, illness, their own schemes backfiring, etc). Subsequently, only their children and grandchildren were left with the scraps of power they had obtained, and when one of those children employed Luo Binghe as a bodyguard, his initial plan to assassinate them eventually fell by the wayside. After all, the wrongdoings weren't actually theirs. From that point, Binghe was able to restore himself to a more comfortable life, joining his new employer on their travels until he had set aside enough earnings to take his leave before his youthful good-looks earned him suspicion. He then began investing in travel and trade, specifically cargo ships, because never spending too long in the same place or around the same people helped disguise his immortality. He had found that, at least for now, this served him better than playing the part of a cultivator. It also gave him time to try and actually repair his ruined cultivation base somewhat, and fighting pirates proved very diverting.
Binghe is midway through recounting his adventures with a gigantic sea monster, while Shen Yuan hangs on every word, when they're interrupted by the arrival of a brash young mistress, clearly wealthy and trained in cultivation. The young lady declares that there is a rumor that a fallen god and a demon meet in this tea house once a century, that they wield strange powers, etc etc, and she intends to interrogate them both with the assistance of her hired muscle and her own spiritual weapon, and discover the truth of the matter. Then she whips out, well, a whip!
Before Shen Yuan can deal with the matter, Luo Binghe is already on his feet, disarming the goons and breaking a few arms in the process. Shen Yuan is so distracted that he almost misses the whip aimed right for him, but before Binghe can catch the barbed weapon with his bare hand (wtf, Binghe, no) Shen Yuan deflects it with a wave of his fan, and then efficiently knocks the troublesome young lady unconscious. The hired muscle flees, Shen Yuan arranges for their assailant to be placed in a room upstairs until she regains consciousness, and he and Binghe resume their meal and conversation in relative peace.
Even though it's clear that Luo Binghe has not yet reached the end of his tolerance for life, Shen Yuan nevertheless finds himself strangely reluctant to part ways at the end of the night. Still, he does, because that's what is expected of him, gently denying Luo Binghe's suggestions that they find some other establishment to continue their conversation at. He also has to investigate these "rumors" that the young lady mentioned. It's probably nothing (Shang Qinghua has a loose tongue when he's drunk, and a lot of imaginative storytellers have frequented this tea house over the years) but he doesn't like being caught unawares like that. Heavenly politics are... complicated, it's best not to court unwanted attention in any capacity.
Another hundred years go by. This time, when they meet at the tea house, Luo Binghe asks Shen Yuan why he keeps it up. Why did he pick Binghe? What is he really after? When Shen Yuan fails to give any kind of clear answer, Luo Binghe shoots his shot and makes a (very obvious) move on him.
Shen Yuan, flustered, gets up and flees. Ignoring Luo Binghe's calls after him. It just doesn't make any sense! Why would Binghe do that?! He's a man who once had a harem of wives in the triple digits! Clearly he's not gay, so what was that all about? Was he just messing with him?! How dare he! Etc, etc.
Another century passes. Luo Binghe waits at the tea house, which has fallen onto hard times again. With the construction of some new roadways, travelers no longer pass through as often. Binghe listens, worried, to the proprietor's laments that this old place will probably not be around in another hundred years. He listens because he has no one else to speak to, because Shen Yuan has not shown up. Not that morning, not during the day, not come evening, and not now that it is closing time. Binghe nevertheless charms and bribes the proprietor to let him stay even after the place has shuttered.
It seems damning, of course. He pressed too hard and now his mysterious benefactor wants nothing more to do with him. Except, no, he refuses to accept that. He's still immortal. And he has gleaned enough of Shen Yuan's character by now that he thinks that even if he was rejected, he would be let down more clearly and gently than this. The more he thinks about it, the less willing Luo Binghe is to believe that he has been deliberately stood up (also, since the tenor of his confession was different from Hob Gadling's, he never delivered an ultimatum about what it might imply when they met up again).
Over the centuries, Luo Binghe has built up a few contacts with similarly strange and supernatural stories. Cultivators, sure, but also others, fortune tellers and people of strange ancestry, questionable abilities, those who have interacted with powerful beings of mysterious provenance. He makes his way to a certain gambling den, frequented often by such people, and while he flashes around enough money to draw curiosity, he collects information. Shen Yuan wasn't the only person who started paying more attention to the kinds of rumors surrounding the two of them after their confrontation with the young cultivator a couple centuries ago. And in fact, Luo Binghe has been spending many, many years trying to find out more about his mystery man. Though, too many potential deities and immortals fit his description for him to have ever conclusively figured much out.
This is how Binghe gets wind of a rumor that an eccentric occultist has somehow captured a god in his basement...
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drunkenskunk · 4 months
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This idea popped into my head and wouldn't leave until I made it a reality.
I would say I'm sorry, but...
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littlemissmaples · 5 months
PAC || Have you met the one? + Advice
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Pile 1 = Bear
Pile 2 = Candy
Pile 3 = Flower
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
• Pile 1
Have you met the one?
Of course you have! But I feel like you have only ever seen them in your dreams. It's possible that this is someone that you know of although you haven't met them yet. I dont believe this is a celebrity, so I'm sorry if you were hoping it was (but that may be the fhace doe some of you).
I feel like in order for you to meet the one you need to become more organized, you need to let go of the things that no longer serve you, specially in the long run. This is a divine connection that can happen at any time but you will only end up making this journey far more troubling for yourself (perhaps you're impatient and meeting the wrong people often) if you do not, and I mean this with love, get it together.
I believe in you, hang in there. You know what to do 🌸
• Pile 2
Have you met the one?
I don't know why I wanna make the joke "have you met the two, the three and the four" lmao, you may be black or perhaps african, if not dont worry take what applies, you remind me of a friend. There's an energy here of "fun-ness" for some of you this is your future spouse coming in, he's a funny man. I'm not getting a more fem-presenting energy here. There's a chance he's the one who's black or of african descent (Asian for some of you). I don't believe that any of you have met this person yet but he's really excited to meet you, some of you are likely to meet him very soon, like very very soon, he wants to say that he's "tall, dark & handsome" and that he "writes music", perhaps he plays an acoustic guitar even, haha, he also says he smells good, there's so much he wants to say here. Perhaps I'll do a future spouse reading next after this one. But if you need me to summarize this.
Yes, you have met the one, you have either met them already/recently or you're about to meet them very soon or in a surprising way (I feel like they're right in front of you but you just dont see them, haha, you'll notice each other soon enough. For some of you this will bet at the mall, at work, bank or like a public space where you're busy with something.)
I'm not getting any advice for this Pile. All I'm getting is messages from whoever's fs this is. He says "get ready, sexy." Lmao he is a riot.
• Pile 3
Have you met the one?
No unfortunately you have not, the reason I say "unfortunately" is because I feel like for some of you you have recently gone through a break up. You thought they were the one, but they're not. For some of you I'm getting that this person's friend is the one or perhaps someone who was (or is) friends with you. Some of you have soulmates that are friend but you confuse this for romantic love. I'm also getting for some of you that you pursue romantic love only to find that you're stuck in toxic places. I'm sorry you've had to go through this but you're not alone, and things will look up for you, but you have to give up on this search first, you're more likely to meet the one if you stop seeking shiny things in dark spaces, the entire world shines for you, everything is light by sunlight and I know that makes it harder for you to figure out what's good for you if "he's the one" and all this when everything outside shines so much. But this doesnt mean you gave to go to such cold spaces to find something warm. Maybe you dont have to be warm, maybe the temperature outside is enough. What I'm saying sounds cryptic but this is how I'm getting these messages. Stop seeking love outside of yourself, I promise that you'll find it, but you dont have to go to odd places to bump into it. Sometimes the most precious things are found in the most regular places. Learn to love the mundane things in life, I know the slow-paced-ness of it all fan be kinda frustrating but slowing down is not what you need to do, just let yourself be and what how everything flows to you. Some of you live in New York, idk why I'm seeing the park, but there's a chance you'll be finding yourself in the right place at the right time, meeting this perfect someone, after following a string of events that lead you to this "sunny place." (I kept hearing "sunshine state" I looked it up and I got Florida, someone might be from Florida, some of you might move to Florida or perhaps be meeting the one in Florida or maybe the one IS from florida, haha. Either way there's something here about Florida. ((California & Arizona too for some. Take what applies, my love 💛)) )
Do not be so hard on yourself, you're very strict with how you are. Perhaps you need a routine that's more simple on you, take a walk outside but dont expect anything insane, just take the time to move about at your own pace and see what catches your eye. Follow your instinct. Drink something nice at a nice place. For some of you I'm getting a cafe, maybe you like matcha. Either way, take it easy today. You deserve a break, your mind is too heavy. Some of you might be autistic or perhaps you're in your head often, whatever it is, please let your mind rest, you think too hard, you'll be okay if you take a break for a day. Things dont have to be so complex. (I know this has nothing to do with "the one" but I feel like being kinder to yourself can really help speed that up.)
Take care, y'all 🌤✌
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gravedigg · 5 months
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Bhaalist ritual garb designs for Jean-Baptiste and Virgil in Divine the Blood
Jean-Baptiste is @nullshocked’s
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gumy-shark · 1 month
ritsu and the divine tree
ok so we mock ritsu for his “i need to raise my blood sugar” moment where he got brainwashed. and we’re right it’s really funny. but also im going to zoom in on it a little- especially since i think he was already partially brainwashed before even meeting up with mob and reigen (or, at the very least, would’ve never made it to the tree, blood sugar or not).
first off, look at his reaction to being asked to help them destroy the Tree (well, we don’t see the question itself, but i think we can very safely assume that’s what mob and reigen asked)
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^ on the surface level, ritsu seems Very apprehensive about getting rid of the divine tree because of the magnitude of the task- there’s no way even his brother could lift something that big! and on the surface level, that’s probably what it is- but also, considering what he JUST saw psychic powers do in the s2 finale, and factoring in his otherwise unshakable faith in Mob’s abilities… let’s just mark this one down as a yellow flag.
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^ then we see ritsu distracted by someone handing out divine tree candy across the street. neither mob nor reigen notice that interaction, but it catches ritsu’s attention. even when reigen directly talks to him, ritsu is still looking at the people talking about the divine tree.
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^ he is also noticeably defensive when reigen gets in his face, but considering his past interactions with reigen i’d say this has a chance of being normal. mostly only just putting this bc it’s ritsu once again reacting defensively to someone aiming to destroy the divine tree, and because it’s a funny screenshot.
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^ next, we see ritsu thinking back to his student council meeting, and his confusion at everyone voting for a prayer time. things to note here: the psycho helmet religion is on ritsu’s mind, ritsu asks mob his opinion on the psycho helmet religion (which is how reigen’s brainwashing was revealed/cemented later on), and ritsu was exposed to (and confused by) “the faith of the masses”- one of the vectors of the Divine Tree’s brainwashing. (and looking back, we see this vector affecting him earlier in this scene as well)
AND THEN. reigen thinks about thinks, and concludes that the best course of action is to immediately destroy the divine tree.
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^ it is NO ACCIDENT that ritsu’s headache hits right at that moment. reigen says “let’s harm the divine tree”, and the passive brainwashing that ritsu is already falling into reacts to that idea. there is a struggle here, between Dimple, ritsu’s desire to help his brother (and the little bits of respect he has for reigen), and whatever psychic immune system (<- gumy specific term that i will elaborate on if asked) ritsu has at that point, and it’s all happening in his brain.
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^ this is the bit. ritsu has a headache, decides, “i need to raise my blood sugar,” and eats the divine tree candy.
Blood sugar? really? as far as i remember, ritsu’s blood sugar has never been a thing before. something’s not right here- especially not with the timing of that headache. not when his first response is to think to eat the divine tree candy.
on a meta level, ritsu’s blood sugar is an excuse for him to eat the divine tree candy and get brainwashed. in-universe, it is still exactly that.
(after all, ritsu’s headache is happening because he’s fighting the divine tree, and the second he gives in to that pressure is the second his headache stops.)
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^ after ritsu eats the candy, he immediately seems happier, and hands some to mob and reigen. freaky as hell i love this arc man
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angoryt · 3 months
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Sleepover turned therapygroup
Zahndrekh thought that it would be a great idea to throw a midnight tea party for some people who seem to need an opportunity to relax. Imotekh was not very much interested in the invitation, until he was befuddled by hearing that Orikan had been invited, and accepted? At which point he thought he might as well give it a shot.
And so the Sautekh emotional support club was formed.
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merakiui · 18 days
to fuel your heavy rollo brainrot, i haven’t had the fortune of reading victor hugo’s hunchback of notre-dame :(,,, went to buy it in a bookstore a couple of months but they didn’t have it,, however!!
on tiktok years back, i saw an excerpt of a scene where claude frollo stabs himself in the chest during a jealous rage after seeing esmeralda wrapped up in someone else’s embrace,, he says something like if he watched any longer that he would have driven the dagger into his heart to avoid the pain
imagine that with rollo, him self mutilating himself while seeing MC embracing someone else like say azul or malleus during the event,, so obsessed that physical pain feels less than emotional
RE-L!!!!! Σ(°ロ°) your brain... so magnificent!!! I haven't had the chance to read it either, but it's on my list of literature to read!
👀 self-mutilation with Rollo,,,, oh, that's so good. Rollo who can't bear to see you in the arms of another, so obsessed to the point that death would be a much kinder force than that of a broken heart. I need the white cloth of his uniform to be so bespattered with blood that he just crumples right on the spot. AAAAA OTL omg omg what if,,,, he has his heart locked away in a glass case (perhaps a reliquary) like they often do with saints or the relics of saints......... gifting it to you as his final dying wish because, even if this rotten heart of his is doomed for the grave, let it be incorrupt in your gentle hands.
The Catholic concept of the incorrupt corpse......... wouldn't it be such a kick in the stomach for you if Rollo, a man so fiendish, turned out to be incorrupt like a saint....... of course it's also extremely satisfying to imagine him rotting in his grave or rendered ash in cremation. But the religious symbolism.......... I am pecking at it like a bird does to scattered bread crumbs on the pavement.
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puppetstringed · 11 months
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The Temple of the Divines in Solitude
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succulentsiren · 4 months
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esperanzagalaxy · 2 months
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i'm having a better day than i have in months, but i still have some things to get through before i can feel like myself again and do & share exciting things. this is from 2023 and i made it as a remake of a messy doodle from around 2016, but i'd like to share it today in honor on many grievances. i suppose despite everything he still made it.
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katakaluptastrophy · 3 days
Hear me out: Lucky by Britney Spears in a HTN adaptation.
As the Divine Highness AU ends, the bridge of the song begins to play and Harrow strides along an impossibly JJ Abrams Star Trek lens flare spaceship corridor with Jean and Isaac.
They enter the cafeteria in slow motion, everything bright and sparkly and overexposed. Ortus, mopping the floor in an apron and one of those little paper restaurant hats, looks up in horror as they pass.
An invisible breeze blows Harrow's hair as she gazes, open mouthed, at the counter. There is a close up of Gideon's biceps.
Magnus, in a Cohort uniform and an improbable WWI officer's mustache, drops a tablet in shock as Harrow strides past the table, her chaplain's cape wafting behind her.
A close up of Gideon's grin, accompanied by an actual cartoon flash and ding noise. "Let me guess, you like it black?"
Abigail Pent, in full admiral's uniform, heads decisively towards the counter, reaching out her hand to stop them.
Gideon holds out the coffee, and Harrow stretches her hand out towards it. The air sparkles.
Jean and Isaac turn to stare with exaggerated 'woah' expressions. Behind them, Ortus and Magnus watch from the now otherwise completely empty cafeteria.
Harrow and Gideon's hands meet on the coffee cup and the camera pans up to Gideon's eyes, her hair also fluttering in the nonexistent breeze.
"Absolutely not."
The music abruptly cuts to that mechanical drain noise they use when Neo gets unplugged from the Matrix.
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necrophiliak · 7 months
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