#Israeli embassy
i-am-aprl · 7 months
NOW: Palestine solidarity activists hold a vigil outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC where 25 year-old U.S. airman Aaron Bushnell took his own life by self-immolation to call for an end to Israel’s genocide in Gaza
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vyorei · 11 months
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Ohhh ya little bollocks, picked the wrong fucking one
Israel's BIG MAD Ireland isn't fucking bowing to them right now. Thanks to their shit, Paddy Cosgrave and President Michael D Higgins seem to be the biggest villains in Ireland right now.
So one of their 'diplomats' decided to fuck around and got caught. How many inflammatory Tweets filled with accusation and lies have genocide advocates had to delete these last 2 weeks?
From the article:
"Adi Ophir Maoz, the deputy head of mission in Dublin, stated: “#Ireland Wondering who funded those tunnels of terror? A short investigation direction - 1. Find a mirror 2. Direct it to yourself 3. Voilà”"
Source: @IrishTimes on Twitter
Link to the full:
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nando161mando · 7 months
Images from the tribute to Aaron Bushnell outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC. It was destroyed by staff at the Embassy a few hours later.
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#FreePalestine #RIP
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
“We will kill you all, occupiers!" - woman yells as she and a male passenger stalk Jewish attendees leaving the Israeli Embassy's Hanukkah ceremony in Washington, DC.
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proudzionist · 4 months
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Hamas supporters 🤮🤮🤮 set fire to the Israeli embassy because they have no life ,no jobs and nothing better to do then worship terrorists.
Idle hands !
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yo-aloe-vera · 7 months
American cops are fucking worthless.
TW: description of disturbing scene
I just watched footage of the man in DC who immolated himself in protest of the genocide today. As he stands there *on fire,* *engulfed in flames,* screaming, burning alive, the motherfucking cops are standing back, guns drawn, shouting, "get on the ground! Get on the ground! Get on the ground!"
It takes several minutes for someone to yell that they need a fire extinguisher, not a gun. No one does a damn thing to help that man as he burns. They reached that man well before ambulances arrived. They treated a man who was burning alive as if he were going to draw down on them. This is the same kind of cowardice that had cops running away from a school shooter instead of confronting him. These are the people who demand our respect, who never stop shouting and whining about their sacrifice to the public good; terrified and shitting their pants when confronted with a situation that can't be subdued by threats and bullets. This is what they do. When we are literally *on fire,* they stand there with their guns out like little GI Joes screaming at us to comply.
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solacedeer · 7 months
This time a US active serviceman Outside of the Israeli Embassy. Source claims he shouted, “I will no longer be complicit in genocide”
Police initially responded by pointing their guns at him and almost opening fire. He has been hospitalized for life-threatening injuries.
This is the second Protestor to set themselves on fire.
⚠️⚠️TW: Self immolation under cut, Person on fire.
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workersolidarity · 7 months
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🇺🇸🇵🇸🇮🇱 🚨
📸 Photo from the scene where a Pro-Palestine protestor self-immolated in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington DC on Sunday, according to officials with the district's Fire department.
According to reports, a man set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy before being extunguished by members of the uniformed division of the U.S. Secret Services.
The man has since been transported to a local hospital were reports say he faces life-threatening injuries as a result of the self-immolation.
A statement issued by the Israeli entity's Foreign Ministry says the man was not known to the embassy prior to the self-immolation, adding that no staff members were injured in the incident.
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news4dzhozhar · 7 months
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immaculatasknight · 7 months
Unbearable remorse
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i-am-aprl · 7 months
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Rest in power. May his death not be in vain. May his protest be a wake up call… one that actually does work.
Is anyone else wondering why there was a man pointing a gun at him till the very last second?
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vyorei · 11 months
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Protesting in Istanbul
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nando161mando · 25 days
▶️ Jordanians rally near Israel’s embassy in solidarity with Gaza
Raad Btoush reports from Amman.
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
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Swedish police on Friday approved a request to hold a public gathering to burn Judaism's holy book Torah and a Bible in front of the Israeli embassy. 
According to Swedish media, the burning will take place on Saturday outside the embassy in Stockholm. Previous reports said that a man in his 30s is behind the request.
He stated that this act is a response to the Quran burning outside Stockholm's mosque in June and "a symbolic gathering for the sake of freedom of expression."
The burning of the Quran sparked fury in the Muslim world and led, among other things, to large protests and the storming of the Swedish embassy in Iraq's capital, Baghdad.
Israel's ambassador to Sweden Ziv Nevo Kulman said he was shocked and horrified by further requests for holy book burnings.
"This is clearly an act of hatred that must be stopped," he wrote on Twitter in early July.
Israel's President Isaac Herzog also issued a statement on Friday condemning the burning of the books. 
“I unequivocally condemn the permission granted in Sweden to burn holy books. As the President of the State of Israel, I condemned the burning of the Quran, sacred to Muslims world over, and I am now heartbroken that the same fate awaits a Jewish Bible, the eternal book of the Jewish people," the president said. 
“Permitting the defacement of sacred texts is not an exercise in freedom of expression, it is blatant incitement and an act of pure hate. The whole world must join together in clearly condemning this repulsive act.”
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head-post · 17 days
Gunman opened fire outside Israel’s consulate in Munich
A man opened fire on a police post in the centre of Munich, near the Israeli consulate general, according to Bild.
The suspect reportedly approached the Documentation Centre for the History of National Socialism with a long-barreled gun.
Then he opened fire at police officers standing in front of the building and they fired back.
A Munich police spokeswoman said the suspect did have a long-barreled gun but she could not confirm whether he fired at police officers.
“The suspect was injured. We have no information at this time about other wounded.”
Meanwhile, Israeli media reported that staff at the consulate general were not injured.
The gunman was neutralised by German security forces, the incident is under their control.
Officials were forced on Thursday to cancel a memorial ceremony for the victims of the 1972 terrorist attack when gunmen shot 11 Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics.
Read more HERE
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