#It is a uhhhh nose nuzzle I guess
missterious-figure · 1 month
(Have this scenario!)
Y/N stared at the young crow that stared intently at them. The baby was staring and barely blinking before she chirped and made grabby hands at them.
“Uhhhh…” Y/N was unsure if they should pick the child up, they knew how aggressive parent birds got when someone was near their babies.
Since Y/N was taking too long, the baby crow (Tia) started getting upset and tearing up. Panicking, Y/N picked up the crow child, who calmed down once she was held and chirped happily.
“I am probably not supposed to be holding you but I am not good dealing with crying kids…” Y/N mumbled as Tia booped their nose and nuzzled them, chirping happily. “Awww, you are kinda cute though…”
Now imagine the peacock triplets’ reactions to seeing this, hehe!
(This is just a little "silly" thing. Enjoy!)
Moon had just seen the whole incident go down from his shadowy hiding place. To think something as beautiful as he could manage to hide at all. He smirked to himself. The harpy himself was thinking of only one thing. You. You were so cute. Even more so when you were flustered in a brilliant pink. Like a beautiful tropical sunset on a warm summer evening...
A creeping figure slinked from the it's hiding spot. Moon was on the move. Or, dare say, hunt. The victim was close. Very close. So close he didn't understand how they didn't notice him. Oh, wait, yes he did. He was just that good at stalking his prey. Any predator would be jealous of his skill. If he himself had been a real predator everyone would be done for.
With a sudden shake of his bell, he announced his presence to the unknowing victim. Almost jumping out of your skin, you whip around with a yelp. A very pathetic sound indeed. You are quick to go silent again. You're face to face with Moon. Close enough to feel his cool breath embrace your skin like a winter wind. After a few seconds of this awkward eye contact, he pulls himself to his full height. You can do nothing but continue to stare, Tia still in your arms, squeaking happily at Moon. He chuckles as you behold his glory.
Without warning, he uses his hand to gently cradle the back of your neck and press you close to his body. Kinda like a weird sideways hug. Your heart is going a million miles a second. And that bastard of a bird can feel it. His red eyes go from your rosy face to the baby harpy. He smiled smugly.
"Guess this is our newly adopted baby now, huh, jewel?"
Oh fuck. Your face is a blaze of embarrassment. Something else, too. You try to pull away from Moon's grip, but his golden glove slithers down your spine. It finds it's way to your hip. His other hand soon follows, running down your torso to parallel it's partner. He of course has to bend down to make this possible. He doesn't mind though. His chin nestles into a comfy spot on your shoulder. Humming, Moon whispers,
"So when will we make our own?"
:) Hehe.
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xenia-cenia · 1 year
Restoring What's Been Lost - Ruggie Bucchi x Fem!Reader
Thank you @cursedcola for letting me take inspiration from their post here! Give it a read, it's super good!
Guess who stayed up 5 (count em! 5 WHOLE HOURS!) on just writing this alone just for me to STILL Not be happy with the ending
2,945 words
TWs: hurt to comfort, bullying, loosing something important, reader is Yuu/MC, reader has long enough hair to get on their face, uhm this did not go the way I was expecting sorry, tangled is my favorite disney movie as you can tell, uhhhh this got kinda brutal, unedited, stayed up all night on this, hospital (nurses office but yknow), maybe OOC?
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Your fingers twisted around a small tuft of hair, the smell of his shampoo escaping to the air the more you explored. His head was in your lap, his nose pressed firmly against your stomach, and his thumb slowly caressing the small of your back. Gently, as if he were afraid you'd break if he pushed too hard. You smiled softly, tenderly untangling a knot he'd missed, your tightly woven bracelet hitting the back of his head each time you moved your right wrist. His room was already filled with soft touches of you, your favorite snacks stuffed in drawers, a gift he was planning to give you for your upcoming anniversary, but none of it compared to when you sat with him. The soft dip in the mattress cover, the way you tend to hum to fill the silence.
"Ruggie?" You mumbled, hand drifting to his fluffy ears. He twitched in response, a low hum filling his throat. "I need to get up."
"...why?" His voice was muffled by the fabric of your shirt which he had nuzzled his face even deeper into. "Can't cha' just stay?"
You pushed his head off your lap, his bright blue eyes meeting yours. "Come with me."
He blinked. "With you? Thought you had some sorta Ramshackle thing and it was top-secret."
"What? Who told you that? Was it Grim? Ugh. It totally was. No, you can come. He's just jealous that I've been busy with you."
Ruggie smiled, reaching his hand up to pull on the collar of your shirt, bringing your head down to where he could press a kiss against your lips. His fingers stayed wrapped in the fabric, the warmth of his hands nearly matching the heat quickly rising to your face. He exhaled onto your lips, his freezing breath shocking you back to reality. Slowly, he let go of your shirt, bringing his hand to your face and brushing away a few loose hairs. "I'd be jealous, too." He finally whispered, his eyes scanning each feature on your face. "You... you're addicting."
"Rugs..." You mumbled, the pet name quirking your lips upward, "What is with you today?"
He hesitated, his fingers frozen in the air, "...I dunno."
"We're gonna be late."
"Grim can wait."
You frowned fondly, flicking his cheek lightly, "That's rude."
"Ugh, fine." He got up from under you, steadying himself by pressing his hand on your shoulder, letting it linger longer than it needed to, and forced himself off the mattress. He raised his hands to the ceiling, fingers interlocked and eyes shut, a satisfying stretch to get him back to the real world.
You followed him, quickly moving across the room and grabbing your things as you went, you threw open his closet and stole a hoodie.
"Hey." He spoke, not even having to look at you to know what you'd done.
"Girlfriend tax."
He rolled his eyes, keeping his body turned away so you couldn't see the embarrassing smile on his lips. "You're gonna be the death of me."
"If only you were so lucky." You came up behind him and kissed his shoulder, "You ready?"
"If I say no, can we-"
"Then, yeah. Ready." He stepped towards the door and outstretched his hand for you, head still pointed at the ground. You smiled and closed the distance, weaving your fingers together, giggling at how quickly he marched out the door.
You had been dating for nearly two months now, and he still gets flustered by the proximity. You'd think it were cute, if not for the teasing he gets for it from other Savanaclaw students. You'd say something yourself, if not for the... well, just about everything. It was hard enough to survive as a Magicless student at a Magic school, no need to spice things up by provoking people. Not like you don't know how to defend yourself, of course. (It was one of the first things Ruggie insisted you know.)
Your bracelet sank down your wrist, the faded pink, black, and white yarn tickling his hand. He wrinkled his nose at the feeling, attempting to move the bracelet more toward you with his thumb without you noticing. You laughed at him, unlinking your hands and switching to the other side of him.
"Sorry. Forgot you hate it." You spoke, rubbing your thumb against the back of his hand in apology.
"'S whatever." He mumbled, spare hand playing with his scarf. "Where did you get that anyhow?"
Your grip on his hand loosened a small ingenuine smile on your lips. "It's, ah. Home. I guess."
He shut his mouth, wincing at your sorrowful tone. Dammit. He knew better than to bring up anything related to where you're from. He looked at you out of the corner of his eye, watching how you followed the curve of the pavement with your eyes.
"What're you meeting with Grim for?"
"Tuna budget."
Ruggie snorted, his head tilting up. "Course that cat doesn't listen to what you say."
You squeezed his hand, the faintest hint of a smile starting to grow on your face, " Ruggie Bucchi, are you seriously jealous of Grim?"
"Jealous? Me? Naw. He's just a little freak, that's all."
"You should tell him that. In fact- oh." You were cut off by Ruggie's phone beeping incessantly. Ruggie let go of you and reached for it, shoulders drooping when he saw who was calling him. "Leona?" You asked before he could say anything. He nodded.
"'M sorry, I gotta-"
You stood on your toes and kissed his cheek, "It's okay. I'll see you later. Keep your phone on, though."
He looked between you and his phone before walking back toward the dorm, the phone pressed to his ear.
You sighed, watching as he disappeared inside, and walked towards the Mirror back to Ramshackle.
After leaving the Hall of Mirrors, you were surprised to see a mix of Pomefiore and Diasomnia students standing outside the door. They went silent as you passed, each of their pointed glares locked onto you. You quickened your pace, heart racing when you looked back and realized the group was gone.
You searched through your pockets for your phone as you walked, legs starting to tremble. There was a part of you that was livid, sick of avoiding the student's cruel streaks and hoping Ruggie or Leona would notice in time to help. But the fear outweighed the anger, the reality that there were 3 of them and only one of you.
It started small. Eggs were thrown at Ramshackle, something that could be attributed to a stupid prank. Then the windows on the first floor were shattered, then your things started to go missing. Clothes, homework, just about anything that wasn't bolted down was gone.
You'd wanted to tell Ruggie. You did - it wasn't just a purposeful ignorance of the situation that kept your mouth shut, it was the exhaustion in his eyes. He didn't need another task. Another person to worry about. Another person to protect.
It wasn't like they threatened you directly, anyway. Just your things. You could get new things. Hide them in different places. Sleep in the bathroom with the door locked. Hide a knife in each drawer.
No, you were fine. You had Grim! Well, kind of. He was always doing his own thing, the only thing he noticed being gone was the tuna. But even so, it wasn't that bad. Right? Right.
As you hurried back to Ramshackle, you were acutely aware of how fast the sun was setting and the shuffling sounds of footsteps behind you. Your mind was racing - should you run? Where would you run to? Are you faster than them? Is Ramshackle even safe? Could you pull your phone out and call Ruggie fast enough? Would he be mad?
"Hey." A gruff voice from behind you called out, quiet snickering quickly following it. "Hey!" The voice got louder, accompanied by a hand grabbing onto your shoulder.
You slowly turned to the assailant, a trembling smile on your face. "C... can I help you?"
The student, with sweeping brown hair and pristine skin, smiled at you. He removed his hand from your shoulder, taking a step away from you. Before you could fathom why, the wind was knocked out of your lungs as a fist plunged into your chest. You were knocked to the ground, your arms scratching against the cement.
You looked up to see a pair of Diasomnia students with bright red hair and matching grins, one pulled out his Magical Pen as the other grabbed you by the collar and punched you in the face. You choked on your spit, lips tightly pressed together to stop yourself from giving any sort of reaction. The other student grabbed your hair and pulled it, lighting a mild fire spell against your forehead, and applying increasing amounts of pressure.
Your hands rose to defend yourself, but before you could fight back the other dug his nails into your wrist and twisted it. You felt tears in your eyes as a strangled sound left your throat, but kept twisting. The brown-haired student walked towards your twisted wrist and slid off your bracelet, twirling it between his fingers.
"N-no... ngh!" You tried to protest, but the student twisting your wrist switched to punching your nose.
"Hmm." The brown-haired student smiled, "A bracelet from another world, belonging to NRCs one and only female student. Who knows how much it'll sell for?" He pocketed the bracelet and nodded toward the other two before walking off back to the Hall of Mirrors.
One of the Diasomnia students grunted, letting go of you and following after. The one holding your hair shoved you to the ground, laughing at how your head knocked against the cement and quickly caught up with the other two.
Your vision blurred as you stared at the sky, burning pain shooting through your ribs with each shaky breath. Tears slid down your face, sobs muted by the harsh wind. You raised your left hand, bringing it to your forehead and wincing at the heat that remained. You shut your eyes tightly, unable to withstand the burning, and felt your hand search through your pockets before the world faded away.
Ruggie felt bad enough for leaving you as is, but then to check his phone and see 10 missed calls? He was overcome with guilt and an uncomfortable sensation at the bottom of his stomach - it wasn't pain or nausea, just a sense of unease.
He would've made an excuse for ditching Leona's chores, but seeing as Leona was already passed out, he didn't see the need. He flung a wet towel over his shoulder hoping he could get back to work after checking in with you.
As he walked through the dorm, he kept recalling your number. The first time you didn't answer he was annoyed. By the third he was worried. By the twelfth, he was sprinting to Ramshackle.
It was so dark he almost missed his, but his body knew more than his mind, he knew the smell of your perfume, and he stopped in his tracks. He snapped his head around, searching, until he could finally see a crumpled body lying on the ground.
Ruggie has always considered himself to be calm in an emergency. He'd seen his fair share of them back home, after all, but there was always a layer of separation. Or a knowing that things weren't safe. Or some other intangible difference he couldn't put his finger on, maybe it was just the fact that it was you.
He hadn't remembered what had happened after he realized that it was you on the ground, but the next thing he could remember was shaking his leg outside the nurse's office, crouching against a wall with his fingers steepled above his head. His head felt foggy, like everything before and after you were just a distant memory, some irrelevant event. No, none of it was as important as you. He'd lose everything, anything, just to see you smile again. Or hear you hum, your eyes shut in content as he watched you.
Mesmerizing. You were mesmerizing. He knew this. He's known this. It felt like a trick for you to have any interest in him, and it felt even cheaper for him to love you back just to take you away.
How cruel could someone be to do this to you? You? Stunning, shining you?
He loved you. He's never said it. But he knew it. He's known it. He loves you.
He loves you.
It took 4 hours and 39 minutes for the nurse to come into the hallway and catch his teary gaze, a gloved hand beckoning him inside. He felt his heart would catch in his chest, anxiously following the nurse to your bedside.
When he laid eyes on you, he wanted to collapse. To sink to his knees and start breaking things. He almost wished the only time he'd seen you like this was under the cover of night, where he could pretend your injuries weren't as severe as they were. To never see you covered in bandages, a tube with a healing potion slowly dripping into your mouth, open wounds trailing down your right arm.
"I..." He kept his eyes on you, hand cautiously grabbing yours, "Is she...?"
"She'll be fine."
He exhaled, thumb caressing the back of your hand. A tense breath left his lips as he stared at your wrist. "...her bracelet. Did you take it off?"
"She didn't have a bracelet."
"Don't lie to me. She always wears that."
"Mr Bucchi, I-"
Ruggie stood and left the nurses office, his fingers digging into his palms.
It never takes long to find information, not for him at least. It took even less time to put names on the three students selling the 'otherworldy' bracelet, and to find them alone.
The Diasomnia students, twin brothers with a penchant for violence. They never thought well for themselves, often taking orders or cheating those around them. The only ally they had was a Pomefiore student who vied for Housewarden. He was not above tricking and using those around him, as many of the freshmen can attest to.
The Diasomnia students were the easiest. They ran up and down the steps daily, pushing those in their way all for their workout. It took one use of his signature spell to send them both tumbling down with sprained ankles and broken wrists.
The Pomefiore one was a bit harder. He watched him as you recovered, still unable to open your eyes, and he finally saw his opportunity as he tried to sell your bracelet.
By the time Ruggie was finished with him, the Pomefiore student and his 'client' were rushed to the Nurses office for priority care.
Ruggie palmed your bracelet as he sat by your bedside, always having a Savanaclaw student by you as he enacted his plan, and slowly slipped it onto your wrist.
"...I love you." He mumbled, brushing his thumb against the yarn to clear some dirt, "I love you."
Blinding light, soft mumbling. You knit your eyebrows together and scrunched your nose as your eyes fluttered open. Your throat was dry, there was a pounding in your head, and your hand felt like it was on fire.
"Nurse." A watery voice called out, "Nurse!"
You tried to search for the sound, but all you could see was a vague outline. Calloused hands grabbed yours, and you could just about hear someone saying your name.
The figure was pushed away as a new person leaned over you, asking you rapid-fire questions you couldn't understand.
"Wa-water." You choked out.
The figure rushed off at the hand wave of the person leaning over you. They sat you up on the bed, their eyes slowly coming into focus.
"-bad reaction to the potion. Do you understand? Can you hear me?"
You nodded slowly, searching the brightly lit room. "W...where am I?"
"You're in the nurse's office. There was... there was an incident. How much do you remember?"
"I..." You winced as a burning pain filled your head, your lifted your hands over your face.
"It's okay. Just relax. You've been sleeping for a while now."
"It's been 2 days, (Y/N)."
"Wai... wait. Ruggie...?" Your hands fell to your sides.
"He's here."
"...'s okay?"
"He's fine."
The figure came back into your vision holding a cup of water, the nurse grabbed it from the figure's hands and pressed it to your lips. You drank the water in seconds, the liquid soothing a pain you hadn't realized you had.
"Wh... where's Ruggie?" You looked around the room, "I..."
The figure stepped closer, slightly pushing the nurse out of the way, and you could see bright blue eyes. "I'm here." His hands grabbed yours, and a wave of relaxation fell over you. "H... how are you feeling?"
"...it's bright."
"Ah!" The nurse exclaimed, pushing a light away from your face. You blinked and could finally see small bandaids covering Ruggie's face and tears in his eyes.
"Rugs..." You muttered eyebrows knit together in concern. "You're-"
He cut you off by grabbing your hand and squeezing. "I'm here."
You nodded slowly, "You're here."
Ruggie smiled softly, his lips pursed, "I'll be here. Wherever you are. Whatever you need."
You shakily reached up and grabbed him by the shirt collar, bringing his head down to you, pressing a hesitant kiss on his lips. "I need you to stay."
He smiled, his lips still locked onto yours, a cool breath brushing against your bottom lip, "Of course."
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freakova · 5 years
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I do.
After the success of the Ty Kickstarter, I decided I needed to draw the OTP.
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
just saw ur most recent work so good!! how about the ignoring bc prank with levi? with lots of angst but fluff at the end? ( ⸝•ᴗ•⸝)♡
haha I love these because I just know that Levi wouldn’t be big on social media so he would take these pranks ( any pranks really) to heart and would get butt hurt like the old man that he is. 
Also I kinda took my own spin on it hope that’s alright lol <3
Summary: You accidentally ignore Levi. 
Word Count: 1.1K
You were bored. It had been a dull week, same as any other week. You went to work, where you spent the entire day sitting at a boring desk, you came home to Levi, who was doing work even though he had been off for an hour. You two would make dinner together while you listened to classical music, you’d eat the dinner. Then you would go to bed and do it all over again the next day. It wasn’t that you were unhappy with the domestic lifestyle that you and Levi had adopted, but it was just...hard to get used to. 
You were only 25, compared to Levi’s 38 years of age. Your friends were all out drinking on the weekend, and had been begging you to join them. You and Levi had been dating for a solid year now yet you still felt guilty whenever you left him alone by himself, and he was always opposed to joining in. So you sat anxiously at the counter in Levi’s apartment, wearing a jean skirt and a pair of ripped tights with a loose turtle neck sweater. You had dressed with the idea of going out for a drink with your friends in mind, Mikasa had basically told you that you were going. 
Now all that was left was to tell Levi. The jingle of his keys in the lock made your stomach flip with nerves. It wasn’t that Levi was controlling your life, more like he was just accustomed to his own routine and not willing to stray from it. He came into the kitchen with a deep sigh. He set his keys down on the counter top and leaned into your back, pressing his nose into your nape. 
“Hm why so dressed up?” He inquired as he pulled your curled locks aside to plant a kiss to the side of your neck. 
“I’m going out with the girls tonight, I should be back in an hour or two.” You said as you turned to loop your arms around his neck as he settled between your legs. 
“What time will you be back?” Levi mumbled into your neck and you hummed thoughtfully. 
“Probably around 10?” You said as you ran your fingers through his silky hair. 
“Why so late?” Levi practically whined as he nuzzled deeper into you. 
“It’s not even late, besides you’ll be up when I get back anyway.” You giggled, fingers snagging on a knot in his hair, causing him to grunt in pain. 
“Fair enough. Just...be back soon.” He sighed as he pulled away from you to study your face. You beamed back at him and leaned in to place an affectionate peck on his lips. 
“Of course sweetie.” You assured him as you pulled back and slipped off of the stool, slinging your purse over your shoulder. 
“I’ll text you when I’m on my way back.” you said over your shoulder as you left, Levi frowned after you as you left, sad to see you go. 
“Is he texting you again?” Sasha asked when she caught you looking at your phone for the tenth time in the past two minutes. 
“...uhhhh” Mikasa snatched your phone from your grasp and slid it into her own pocket. 
“Damn shorty, always so clingy.” Mikasa grumbled as she lifted her beer to her lips. 
“You know how he gets.” you said with a sigh as you swirled your drink around in your glass. 
“I sure do, and I’m tired of him always keeping you cooped up in that snotty apartment!” Mikasa was agitated, she and Levi had never really gotten along, even though they were cousins. 
“Okay, well half of the time I enjoy being there.” You snorted as you lifted your glass to your lips. 
“Half of the time.” Sasha pointed out as she shoved another piece of garlic bread into her mouth. 
“No that’s-” 
“Admit it (Y/n), you miss going out and doing stuff people your age do.” Ymir huffed from across the table, an arm lazily slung over Historia’s shoulders. 
“Just don’t text him for the last few hours, enjoy yourself.” Annie suggested, you knew that this must mean a lot to them if even Annie was giving you her two cents. 
“Fine.” You relented and Sasha lifted her arm to order another round of shots.
When you wandered back into Levi’s apartment three hours later the room was dark. You were about an hour later than you had told Levi that you would be back. You tiptoed through the apartment, grabbing a glass of water before wandering back into the bedroom. The lights were off in there as well, even the small lamp that Levi usually left on to provide light for his late night reading. You saw the shape of him laying in the bed, his back to you. You quickly changed into your nightwear before climbing into bed beside him. He shifted away from you with a grunt. You knew that he was wide awake, so you slung an arm over his waist and nuzzled into his nape, much like he had done to you earlier. 
“Sleepy?” You hummed as you placed an open mouthed kiss to his neck. 
“Murgh.” Levi groaned unintelligibly as you continued to kiss along his neck. 
“What’s wrong huh?” You were patient, you knew that he was stubborn and preferred to keep his emotions to himself. 
“Nothing.” Levi snapped as he tried to squirm away from you. You whimpered at the loss of contact and shuffled closer again. This time he rolled over to face you, steel eyes narrowed and mouth turned downwards. You leaned in and stole a quick kiss. 
“You can tell me.” You said as you pressed another kiss to his lips and he sighed against you, wrapping his arm around you. 
“Why are you late?” He asked as you froze halfway up to his lips. 
“Lost track of time I guess.” You shrugged, closing the gap and kissing him again. 
“Mikasa took my phone, sorry about missing your texts.” You apologized as you pressed another kiss to his jaw. 
“Let me make it up to you.” You offered and Levi hummed in approval as he pulled you flush against him, happy to have your attention once more. 
“I’ll let it slide just this once.” He teased as he rolled his head back to let your kiss down his throat. 
“So kind of you.” You said, pausing over his pulse point. 
“Just don’t ignore me again.” Levi’s voice was vulnerable, and you pulled back to meet his eyes sincerely. 
“I won’t.” You spoke softly, you knew when you had entered this relationship that it would be a lot of work, due to Levi’s rocky past. But you also knew that he was worth it and deserved all of the love and softness that he could get. So you took these types of things in stride, hoping to show him that no matter how difficult he was, you would be willing to stay by his side. 
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makoodlesarchive · 4 years
learning curve
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Yes hello we’re back with another installment of dragon dick kiri lmao sorry if ur getting bored of this but i’m obsessed
word count: 5k
warnings: smut, dragon dick kiri, uhhhh lots of cum?
Tip Jar!           ||      dragon dick kiri masterlist
this takes place in between part one and part two!
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Intimacy with Kirishima comes with somewhat of an adjustment period. It shouldn’t be surprising, considering his inexperience with sex in general and your inexperience with sex involving cocks that look as though they’ve been pulled from the pages of an overzealous erotic fantasy novel, but your first time together had gone so well and had been so effortlessly sexy that you had come to the conclusion that every time would be like that.
You were, tragically, wrong.
The second time you two try to have sex (four days after the first time, because you had been walking funny for days afterwards) had been cut short because Kirishima had gotten it into his head that he came too quickly the first time, and he was determined to hold out for as long as possible the second time so he could make you feel good. It was incredibly sweet, in theory, but in practice it resulted in him straining so hard to avoid his oncoming orgasm that he accidentally bit through his lip. The sight of blood had set you panicking, and any sexual action was quickly cut short in favour of scrambling for tissues.
The third time, you had thought that it would be a cute idea to join Kirishima in the shower when he had returned from a long day of work. It had started out innocent enough, but then the inevitable hand-wandering had started and before you knew it Kirishima had hauled you up against the shower wall. What you had expected to be an effortlessly steamy experience turned into the two of you snorting with laughter as you realised that every time you rubbed against each other resulted in the most unsexy squelching noises thanks to your wet skin and the spray of the water. Determined to compromise, you slid to your knees and grinned up at him from your position between his legs. You were probably squinting pretty unattractively so you could see through the shower spray, but Kirishima was so excited that he didn’t seem to notice. 
He was, in fact, too excited -- within moments of you wrapping your lips around the head of his dick he shivered hard and swayed a little on his feet, only to slip on the slick wet ceramic tiles in the shower. Having the entirety of your boyfriends vast, heavily muscled body weight come crashing down on you while you were in such a vulnerable position was terrifying, made even worse by the fact that his enormous dick damn near pistol whipped you across the face. You’re not sure who was shrieking the loudest as you both writhed in the perilously enclosed space of the shower, limbs tangled together and blinded by water, but either way the crash from the fall and subsequent screeching was enough to summon Bakugou, who showed his concern by hammering on the bathroom door and roaring at you to shut the hell up.
In the days following that particular incident, a tender bruise blooms across your cheekbone from where Kirishima’s dick had slapped you. It’s pretty sore to touch, but it’s not the biggest deal ever and honestly you find it kind of funny -- plus, it’s not like it’s Kirishima’s fault that he’s got a cock like a lead pipe.
Kirishima, on the other hand, does not find it funny. Every time he catches sight of the bruise on your face his expression twists up into a guilty little grimace and he can’t quite meet your eyes. It doesn’t help that people keep asking about it, and even though you’re able to wave off any questions that come your way with a grin, you notice Kirishima shrinking a little every time. You try to convince him that it’s no big deal and it didn’t even hurt that much (which was a lie, because at the time you seriously thought that it was gonna take an eye out), but he still frets constantly and his new reluctance to touch you is obvious. You can’t lie, it’s disappointing. But as disheartening as your apparent inability to fuck your boyfriend without incurring bodily harm is, you can only imagine that it’s so much worse for Kirishima considering that the amount of times he’s gone all the way with anyone can be counted on one hand, and the amount of times he’s been successful in that can be counted on one finger.
“It’s seriously no big deal, Eiji,” you insist, trying to sound encouraging and positive but instead just sounding wheedling. You can’t be blamed, really, when you’re lying on your boyfriend’s bed in your underwear and desperately hoping he’ll be willing to try again. “Everyone has sex mishaps!”
“I could have knocked you out!” Kirishima shoots back from where he’s standing in front of his closet with his head stuck in a mountain of clothes as he tries to pretend to be busy sorting laundry. You’re not a total idiot though, you can see the little peeks he keeps throwing you over his shoulders.
“Oh please, you could not have knocked me out with a little slap from your dick.” you scoff. You wonder internally if he could, in fact, have knocked you out, and you reluctantly come to the conclusion that he probably could if he hit you in the temples or something. Then again, his dick was insanely sensitive, and you’re pretty sure that the impact of it slapping your face hurt him just as much as it hurt you.
“I gave you a black eye!”
“It was a bruised cheekbone, stop being dramatic!” You sit up so you can look at him properly, but his back is still stubbornly turned towards you. “Hey. Eijirou, come on. Look at me.”
“I just don’t want to hurt you.” His voice is so quiet that you almost miss it, but he finally puts down the socks he was pretending to be preoccupied with and turns to face you. “The first time- it was so, so good, and I don’t want to disappoint you with how… bad I am at all this-”
“Hey, stop.” you slip off the bed, kneeling down beside him in the mound of laundry. “You’re not bad at sex. I mean,” you amend thoughtfully, “You don’t have much experience. No one expects you to be a sex god right off the bat! You’re being too hard on yourself. Plus, I guess with what you’re packing there’s bound to be a learning curve, right?”
Kirishima snorts, and finally turns to look at you. “A learning curve.” He repeats, a grin beginning to play at the corners of his mouth.
“Yeah.” you say stubbornly, “We’ve learned lots already. I can’t have your dick in my mouth too long or I’ll dislocate my jaw. You really like it when I suck on the swollen part at the bottom of your dick. Your teeth are really sharp and you should avoid biting at all costs. And shower sex is a no go. Oh, and I should avoid getting clocked in the face by your cock, because that shit hurts.”
That pulls a short little laugh out of him, which is exactly what you had been hoping for. You grin, energised by that particular success, and when he leans in to press a kiss to your cheek you happily wind your hands into his hair. “Thanks for being patient with me.” he murmurs, a little bashful and so, so sweet.
You kiss the tip of his nose in return and wonder if your heart will ever get used to seeing him like this, all soft and smiley and blushy. You hope not; you hope you get to keep these fluttery feelings forever. “Of course,” you say quietly, afraid to break the moment, “We’ve had a few little accidents, but even if I could go back and redo them I wouldn’t. Not every time is gonna be perfect, but who cares? I like you, and I enjoy my time with you. That’s all that matters.”
Kirishima’s eyes blow wide and he clutches at his chest dramatically, lower lip trembling. “Baby… that was so romantic.”
“Oh, shut up.” you pull away, rolling your eyes defensively. Being all earnest and emotionally vulnerable is embarrassing; you have no idea how Kirishima can pull it off like it’s nothing.
“I mean it,” Kirishima insists, following after you, “That was really romantic. And I needed to hear it.”
You smile, pleased. “Good. Now stop being so hard on yourself. We’re in this together, and we will figure out how to master sex with your dick.”
He huffs a laugh even as he scratches at the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Need to get on top of that learning curve, huh?”
“The only way to learn is by doing.” you coo at him and then playfully wiggle your hips. You probably look more ridiculous than seductive, but your primary aim is to get Kirishima feeling comfortable.
It works, and a bright smile begins to work its way over Kirishima’s face. When he reaches for you, you press into his touch eagerly. “Wow, you’re really that eager for another sex disaster with my weird dick?”
“Don’t jinx it,” you insist, snaking your hand down the front of his sweatpants until you reach his dick. He’s gone without his usual jockstrap today since it was just the two of you in his room, so you can feel every ridge and bump through the soft jersey fabric. “Besides, I love your weird dick.”
He laughs at that, but presses his crotch into your hand nonetheless. As usual, his dick is filling out pretty rapidly, and there’s a growing wet patch where the head of his cock is beginning to leak precum. “Bed.” he suggests quietly, helping you to your feet and tugging you over to lie down on the sheets with him. When you’re settled comfortably on the bed he pauses, hovering over you and just smiling. 
This is always one of the best parts; the transition from chaste little kisses to heated touches, and the moments in between where Kirishima will look at you with the softest expression of pure reverence. When you reach up and touch his cheek he turns his face into your touch and nuzzles three quick kisses onto your fingers, smiling all the while. You grin back at him, delighted by the relaxed set of his shoulders; you have a good feeling about this. Surely this time will be successful and break the string of bad luck you’ve been having.
Apparently encouraged by your excited smile, Kirishima drops down to give you an open-mouthed kiss. You lean into it, looping your arms around his neck and hiking one of your thighs up over his hip to try and encourage him closer. The soft intimacy of the moment makes your breath catch in your throat just a little; it feels like every square inch of your skin is tingling from the anticipation of waiting for his touch, straining towards him as his fingers skim along your bare thigh so gently that the touch sends goosebumps rippling along your arms. The hand on your thigh adjusts, gripping firmly and pulling your leg further up on his hip so that both of your crotches are pressed together.
The outline of his cock through his sweatpants is hot and heavy, and when he starts up little rocking motions of his hips the hard length of it rubs up against your clit. Even through the fabric of his joggers and your panties the stimulation sends frissons of heat arcing up your spine and leaves you wound up and impatient for more. Luckily, you know you won’t have to wait long -- Kirishima loves winding you up, but his dick is so sensitive that once he gets started he finds it difficult to hold back.
With his free hand, Kirishima reaches up to play with your tits. Rather than waste time trying to unclasp your bra, he just pushes it up so that the bra cups no longer hinder his access to your chest. You try not to laugh as his fingers press into your breasts, because you know that he just likes the feeling of the squish when he squeezes them. He ducks his head and kisses each one, then licks a stripe over your nipple and sucks at it. You’re starting to feel tingly and very sensitive when he pulls back, your tit dropping from his mouth. The air against your wet skin feels too cold in the absence of his mouth, and your nipple is hard and sensitive to the point where it almost feels raw. “Hey,” he says, pulling your attention to his face. His eyes are fever bright, his face practically glowing with anticipation. “I want to eat you out.”
“Yes please.” you say rather stupidly. In all honesty, Kirishima could have asked to do anything at all to you in that moment and you would have been hard-pressed to say no. He looks so cute like this, his expression so open and soft and excited, any lingering unease or nerves being replaced by his desire to please and be pleased. He grins at you as he slides down your body, pressing a kiss to your belly button as he goes. Your panties are removed with one swift tug, but then he pauses just to look at you. “Quit staring!” you complain, clamping your thighs around his head to try and distract him.
“Ow! Hey, I’m just admiring the view!” He laughs, shaking his head free from your legs. “I’m not allowed to admire my beautiful girlfriend?”
“Gawking is not the same as admiring!”
“It’s embarrassing!”
“I’m gonna be inside you in a few minutes, but you’re embarrassed by me looking at you?” Kirishima sounds genuinely confused, but shakes it off with a laugh. “Okay, okay, fine. Want me to close my eyes?”
“No,” you laugh, still grinning down at him as he kisses the crease in your thighs, “Of course not. It’s just embarrassing to be stared at.”
“I like looking at your pussy,” he says with a shrug. His tone is conversational, as if he’s chatting over a cup of coffee rather than gazing up at you with his head between your legs, “It’s nice.”
You fold your arms over your face, fighting hard against the wave of self-consciousness that threatens to overtake you. “Right.” you manage to say, “Well. Okay then.” You hear him chuckle, but you stubbornly keep your eyes covered. Even without seeing, you know he’s taking you all in. Your body grows hot with embarrassment as you fight the urge to close your legs; seriously, you can’t figure out why he’s enjoying the view so much. You know there are better pussies out there. 
When his fingers trace over your outer lips you jerk, the touch catching you by surprise. The sudden movement causes him to make a rumbling sound in his chest, almost like a warning, and you still. You can feel his breath ghosting over the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, and you shiver just a little when he kisses along your outer lips. It's the anticipation that’s getting to you more than anything, every nerve firing as you wait for his next touch. 
You sigh happily when he starts getting into eating you out for real, your hips twitching into his mouth. He’s just so good with his tongue, it makes your breath stutter and rattle in your chest. When he sucks at your clit, you sit up on your elbows so that you can watch him. He meets your gaze and throws you a cheeky wink as he laps at you, and you just know that he felt you physically react to it by the way he laughs a little into your cunt. “Shut up.” you grumble without any heat, grinning helplessly at him.
The smile he shoots back at you is extra shiny thanks to the fact that the lower half of his face is covered in his spit and your own slick, but he looks so dopey and happy that you feel your heart and your pussy clench at the same time. It’s a particularly disquieting sensation, but even through it you recognise the heat of an oncoming orgasm building in your lower belly. When he dives back in face first, he laps and sucks at you so eagerly that you fist your hand in his hair reflexively as you twitch against him. All you can do is hang on for dear life as he devotes everything he has to eating you out. 
Some part of you distantly wonders how his tongue hasn’t cramped up yet, but that thought vanishes when you catch sight of the way his hips are moving as he humps the mattress. He’s gone down on you like this countless times long before you found out exactly what he was packing, but this is the first time you’ve ever seen him actually actively engage in seeking his own pleasure while doing so. It’s hotter than you could have expected, and when he grinds down hard and whimpers into you, you very nearly lose it.
“Eijirou,” you gasp, tugging at his hair. You’re trying to pull him off you before you come, but apparently he really likes having his hair pulled because he moans delightedly against you, “Eijirou! Wait, stop, I’m gonna cum-!”
“Stop?” He parrots, pulling back to stare wide-eyed at you. “You don’t want to cum?”
“I do,” you hurry to assure him, struggling to catch your breath. “But I want you to fuck me first.”
Kirishima’s face goes on a journey of expressions before settling on one that’s distinctly delighted. “Yeah. Yes.” he says, “We can do that.”
You settle back against his pillows eagerly as he reaches over to his bedside table for the lube. You’ve been stretching yourself pretty much every day in the hopes that this exact situation would happen, so when Kirishima brings two fingers to your entrance they slip in with ease. He breathes out sharply and adds a third, using his thumb to rub at your clit as he presses his fingers all the way inside you. You take the opportunity to quickly take your bra off and throw it to the side, and then lie back as Kirishima finger fucks you. He hones in on the spongey area at the front of your inner walls like there’s a homing signal there, and your toes curl as he massages at it and your clit at the same time.
“Eijirou-!” you gasp, growing impatient. His fingers feel so good, but they’re not enough.
“Yeah, I got you, baby.” Kirishima murmurs, then sits back on his ankles. For the first time since he started eating you out you manage to actually get a look at him, and the sight has your thighs clenching together as you swear you nearly cream yourself on the spot. The front of his sweatpants are ruined -- he must have been dribbling copious amounts of precum the whole time he was going down on you and humping the bed, and without his usual cup he’s soaked through the grey cotton.
When he notices you looking he flushes, obviously embarrassed, and opens his mouth, but you speak quickly before he gets the chance to apologise or try to put himself down. “That’s so hot. Shit, you’re so hot. Fuck.”
Your words are simple, but it’s impossible not to notice the subtle straightening of his shoulders as he shucks his pants and shuffles over closer to you. “I, um. I really like eating you out.”
“Yeah.” you breathe with a grin, reaching out to stroke his dick. It’s sticky and messy with his own precum, lying impossibly hot and heavy in your hand. The base of it is already flushed and swollen with cum, and the entire length of it strains up towards his belly in a truly awesome display of gravity-defying physics. “I can see that.”
He shudders and presses into your touch as you rub over the raised bumps and the bulbous head. You kiss his shoulder, sweet and fast, then spread your legs to give him some room as he settles in between them. The tip of his cock skims along your pussy lips and prods at your entrance, but doesn’t go any further despite your squirming. “Ready?” Kirishima asks, as though you’re not writhing against the tip of his dick like a cat in heat.
The chuckle Kirishima gives at that is breathless and excited, and it cuts off as soon as he starts to press into you in favour of a drawn out groan. The stretch and the sheer size of him isn’t as much of a shock as the first time, but you still lose your breath as he pushes inside in increments. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to the overwhelming stretch, the subtle curve, the ribbed bumps and swirls rubbing against every part of you. Even when you feel impossibly full he keeps going, and soon he’s over you and around you and inside you and it seems like your whole world has narrowed down to the points of contact where you’re touching.
His fists clench in the bedsheets by your head and his shoulders hunch over you as he visibly fights the urge to just rock into you all at once. “Fuck.” he grunts, biting his lip as he tries to hold back. Hit with immediate flashbacks from the second time you two had tried to have sex and he had bitten through his lip, you quickly reach up and kiss him in a desperate attempt to avert another disaster. When you pull back, he seems to have collected himself somewhat, despite the slightly glassy look in his eye. “You okay?” he asks, the muscles of his abdomen clenched tight as he holds himself back.
Honestly, with his cock splitting you open like this you feel as though you’re about to crack in half. Every couple of moments his cock twitches and flexes inside of you as it dribbles more precum, and you can feel it inside of you. It’s all just on the border of too much, and you’re desperate for so much more. “Yes,” you say at last, throwing your head back and trying to push further down onto his dick, “But baby, please move.”
Kirishima must have been waiting for that, because as soon as you ask it of him he begins rutting into you with a rough pant of “Oh, yeah.”
Every time his hips drive home the tip of his cock presses into your cervix and the subsequent achey jolt that shoots through you borders on pleasure and pain. It feels good, but you just need to- you need-
You shift under him and tilt your hips up, and the next time he ruts into you has you nearly yelping like a kicked dog. The swollen head of his cock hits against the spongey part inside of you, and the ridges rub deliciously along it every time he pulls out. You think your eyes might actually cross from how good it feels.
Kirishima doesn’t even seem to notice, nearly mindless with need. If you’re being honest with yourself, this is your favourite part; feeling him completely lose his mind just from being buried inside of you, watching his eyes lose focus at the heat and tightness of your pussy as he whines and moans even as he rails you into whatever surface you’re lying on. Kirishima whimpers as his cock jack-hammers inside of you, the soft little sound completely at odds with the strength of his thrusts and the way he’s holding your hips in place with his hands as he fucks into you. His movements are frantic, but he still manages to hold his strength in place, never moving hard enough to hurt. “Oh, oh, I love being inside you so much, baby, oh god, you make me feel so good-”
One of his hands comes to rest on your lower belly, and when he presses down you feel like you’re about to break apart. The subtle pressure of his hand makes every thrust so much more intense, as though you can feel him grinding in your belly. Every time he ruts into you it forces the air from your lungs, but you try to reply anyway, pushing the words out even as they almost catch in your throat, “Feels- feels good-!”
“Yeah?” he pants, kissing eagerly at your neck. His hand wanders down from your belly to your clit, and starts rubbing quick circles into your clit. His coordination is totally off but if anything that makes it so much hotter. You can feel how desperate he is with every clumsy jerk of his hand and every frantic snap of his hips.
The combination of his cock rubbing and grinding against the soft spongey part inside of you and the messy stimulation of your clit has your legs trembling and heat growing rapidly in your belly. It feels like you’re being strung tighter and tighter as your orgasm draws closer, and your breath begins coming in rapid pants. The pressure in your abdomen feels a little different than usual, and you take it as a sign that you’re about to come really hard.
You just manage to get out the words “Oh, yes-!” before the pleasure growing in your belly crests and your back bows as you start to cum. It feels like the most cathartic orgasm ever, like all of the pressure that’s been building up in your body is set free with the sweetest release, made all the sweeter by the fact that Kirishima keeps rocking into you the whole way through, the heavy head of his cock grinding hard against your G-spot the whole time. 
It feels like an oddly wet orgasm though, and you just have time to wonder disappointedly if you had missed Kirishima cum when he looks up at you, bewildered, and yelps “Are you peeing on me?”
“What?” you sit up so fast that you nearly headbutt him, and moving your body so quickly comes with the unintended side-effect of contracting the muscles inside of you. The abrupt squeeze of your internal muscles proves too much for Kirishima, and he starts to cum even as he pulls out of you, his hips humping furiously into the air as thick ropes of cum begin to splatter your skin. 
You’re busy trying to wrap your head around the fact that you apparently just squirted -- it had never happened to you before, and though the surprise of Kirishima’s question had lessened some of the intensity, the aftershocks of the orgasm are still shaking their way through your body -- so it takes a solid moment for your brain to get back with the program. It takes yet another moment to realise that Kirishima is cumming a lot. Like, more than usual, which is saying something.
His face has gone slack and his eyes are unfocused as his cock practically streams cum in jets, the swollen base pulsing as his whole cock twitches. You can’t deny that it’s unbelievably hot seeing him lose himself like this, sweaty and wanton and twitching, but he’s also getting cum everywhere - it spills all over you, all over him, all over the bed.
“Oh, shit” is all you can think to say, trying to catch his cum with your hand in a failed attempt to minimise the mess. It strings stickily down your arms, viscous and thick, and you’re pretty sure that if you hadn’t just had one of the best orgasms ever this would have you creaming yourself. “Holy fuck, babe, stop-!”
Kirishima doesn’t stop. His hips keep jabbing into thin air as his cock flexes with every dribble of cum. You reach out and grab his cock without any real thought, but your touch only seems to drive him wilder because he moans wildly and tries to fuck into your hand. It must be because he had been grinding himself into the bed while he ate you out; you don’t think he’s ever actually worked himself up before, considering how desperate and mindless he gets when he’s about to cum. At a loss for anything else to do, you just try to stroke him through it. Every pull on his cock results in more cum stringing over your wrist, the glide of your hand against the thick length of him wet and slick.
It seems like he cums forever, but at last it tapers off until his cock is twitching fruitlessly and his whole body sags as though he’s gone suddenly boneless. The two of you sit and stare at each other, shell-shocked, covered in various bodily fluids. Even the silence sounds confused.
At last, you blurt the only thing you can think of to say. “I did not pee on you.”
Kirishima’s laugh sounds like it comes from deep within his chest, and then suddenly he’s best over and laughing so hard he goes wheezy. “What-” he gasps in between exhausted and breathless giggles, “the fuck just happened?”
You join in on his laughter, unable to help yourself. The two of you are sticky and damp and sitting in a veritable puddle of cum, but you crawl over the mess and climb into his lap, sighing happily as his arms come to wrap around you. “I’ve never seen so much cum in my life.” you point out stupidly, “You’re gonna have to get new sheets.”
He grins as he flops back limply on the bed, taking you with him. “So, so worth it.” he sighs, raising your knuckles to his face so he can kiss them. His face twists up when he realises that your hand is still covered in cum and that it’s now on his mouth, which makes you erupt into cackles again.
“No injuries, so I’d say that’s a win.” You kiss his chest and stretch out on top of him. You’ll have to move soon, because the cum is starting to dry flakily and feels kind of gross on your skin, but for now you’re happy to ignore it in favour of being close to him.
“Hell yeah,” Kirishima playfully punches the air with one hand as the other strokes your back. “We totally crushed that learning curve, right?”
“Yeah,” you laugh, “Crushed it.”
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sofiatheicequeen · 2 years
Sun and Moon x ReaderChapter Twenty Eight
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Dusk P.O.V
I stare at the mini music men with an intense and powerful glare, as if I were looking right through them.
"I need to confirm this for myself. I should have known something like this would happen, especially after what Sunny did." I say face palming.
"Ugh.. why didn't I keep a better eye on them? I knew something was up from the beginning."
I suddenly felt several hands on me.
"Don't be so hard on yourself we'll help you find him. But once we find him you're on your own." I nod, getting ready to get into the vents. I then jump up and climb in with ease.
"Okay so where was the last place you guys saw him." I ask the minis.
"He went that way towards the daycare." The first mini smiles.
I start heading to the daycare in pursuit of Eclipse. I get out of the vent and jump down looking around trying to see if Eclipse.
Y/n P.O.V
"Ugh.. I have a splitting headache….” I turn to see Moon sitting on the floor next to the bed, facing away from me.
“What are you doing?” I ask him.
“I-I’m doing nothing, just staring at this interesting wall.” He says while nodding.
“Mhm, sure, you do that.” I say
“Do we have the bobbles?” I ask with grabby hands.
“What are the bobbles?” Moon asks me, confused.
“Huh? I said nothing.” I look away.
“Where’s Sunny? Are you guys okay? I heard you guys haven’t been charging.” I say in worry. Moon looks at me concerned.
“What are you talking about? We've been charging all week.”
“No, I just got back from the hospital. The manager said you haven’t been charging.”
“Starlight, I think you have amnesia,” he says gently, caressing my face.
“From what?” I ask.
“You had a fever and you passed out in the shower while I was out getting you things.” he then says under his breath.
“I should have stayed with you instead of leaving. This wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t leave.” I then take his face in my hands.
“Aww… Moonshine, don’t say that. You're trying your best.” I tell him reassuringly.
“I know but you literally don’t remember the past few days.” He looks at me with sad eyes.
“Shhhhhhhh. Moony it’s alright we can work on getting my memory back later everything will be alright.”
“I can’t help it, I just love you so much,” he says as he leans his head on my shoulder gently. I take my hand and stroke his head.
“Hey- hey- Moony, guess what guess what?” I ask, he hums in response.
“I love you SO much!” I say enthusiastically. He smiles as I give him a kiss on the nose. I feel heat start radiating off of him.
“U-m, ummm, huh, uhhhh…..-”
“Moon are you okay?” I giggled to myself.
“The real question is are you okay, you're acting weird” He replies.
“hey- hey Moon. Moony! hey! What do you mean? you know, you should sleep with me.” He blushes at me intensely while I lean onto him.
“Hey, bro. Dude, bro! Get off the floor and sleep with me! I’m tired… like right here, get up and get in.” I watch as Moon hesitates to get into the bed with me. As soon as he sits on the bed I grab him and get as comfy as possible leaning against his cool metal.
“Mmmmm…. you feel nice and cool.” I nuzzled into him deeper.
“Hey Moony, is there anything important that I have forgotten?”
“Yes, there is something very important. You have to go to court in a few days that you need to prepare for.”
“Oh… okay.” I say drifting into sleep.
Eclipse P.O.V
I look at the daycare and explore the area, looking and taking in all of the colors and sights.
“This place is absolutely perfect.” I say, spreading my body across the foam flooring. I turn over onto my belly and pull out an origami paper rose. I start pulling off the petals of the rose, after which I crumple it up and toss it aside. I close my eyes and treasure the feeling of being free with no nagging sounds in my head telling me that I don’t matter and that I’m nothing. I smile at the thought of finally getting to interact with the children and exploring the areas of the pizza plex free of all burdens. This feeling was short lived as I was quickly wrapped up in ropes and pulled quickly into the vents.
“What the fuck is going on?!” I scream with my eyes glowing red from my security mode kicking in. Then I hear a voice, sending shivers down my spine.
“I know what you did.” I heard him say it with malice. I stare at him with fear in my eyes.
“I don’t know what you're talking about, I haven't done anything wrong.” I say, trying to beat around the bush.
“So. what’s up with you and Sun?” He asks sternly.
“Nothing, he’s just taking a break. Like I said earlier.”
“That’s not what a little birdie told me.”
“Like I said, I don’t know what you're talking about, everything is fine between us!” I suddenly hear a loud bang.
“QUIT LYING TO ME!” Dusk screams at me.
“Fine, fine! I put him in time out!”
“What do you mean by “time out”?”
“He was being mean to me again, threatening to seal me away again. So I put him in time out to show him he’s not the only one who can do that!” I feel tears prick at my eyes.
“What do you mean seal you away?” He asks me.
“He was going to make me never s-see daylight again and make me be alone for the rest of my days in complete i-i-iso-so-so-solation!” I hiccup.
“Chill chill, all I want to know is what you're doing with Sunny.” he cuts the rope off.
“I’m just putting him in time out, showing him what it’s like. I know this is probably really wrong of me to do, but if I don’t do this, he may never learn because he needs to be out. He was made for the kids. This is just to teach him that what he’s been doing is wrong.”
“Hmm, I guess that’s fair reasoning.. alright. You have my approval for this punishment.”
“Thank you so much-” I’m cut off.
“But if this goes on any longer than the time you have told me, I won’t be as nice next time. I will hurt you.”
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
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A/N: Thank you for this @tiffdawg​!
And thanks to @loki-098​ who is always helping me out. Also I used my favorite color.
“I dunno shit about flowers, man,” Frankie tells Santiago as they walk through the garden center at Home Depot.
“Ask someone,” Santiago tells him, pointing at one of the people wearing an orange apron.
They walk over and the employee greets them with a bright smile. “How can I help you?”
“He wants to plant a garden for his girlfriend,” Santiago blurts out and Frankie glares at him.
“I…want to plant a garden…for my girlfriend.” He sighs when he realizes he just said the same exact thing.
“Okay, well, what flowers do you have in mind?” the man asks.
“Uhhhh….” Frankie looks at his friend who only shrugs. “Pretty ones?”
“Wait…what’s her favorite color?” Santiago asks and Frankie is grateful for the save.
“Blue! Blue flowers. Got any of those?”
“Of course! There’s hydrangeas, the Himalayan blue poppy, forget me not, desert bluebell, blue dai--"
“That’s…a lot,” Frankie cuts in.
“We have all sorts, sir,” the man says excitedly. “It’s all up to you.”
“I know. That’s the problem. I don’t know the first thing about this.” Frankie feels like he’s back in school getting ready for an exam and this test he definitely wants to pass.
The man explains more things to him and he just nods and picks up whatever the employee happens to point out.
“Excellent choice, sir. Your girlfriend will love them.”
“Thanks for all your help.” Frankie turns to Santiago who has been pushing the cart.
“Think you got enough?” Santiago teases.
“It better be enough.” They walk up to checkout and Frankie cringes at how much he spends but nothing is ever too much for his sweetie.
Santiago helps Frankie unload the truck when he gets home then gets into his own car to head home. Frankie stares at the plot he set aside in the backyard for this then looks at his watch—he has a few hours until you get home.
He couldn’t decide if this was a good idea or not. He clearly knew nothing about flowers or gardening but you like them and that is a good enough reason to get him to do anything. Keeping it a surprise might prove a challenge too, but he picked the backyard for that reason. You hardly went back there—he mows the lawn, rakes the leaves, puts out the sprinklers. Now that it was warmer, he sometimes fires up the grill and that brings you out to the backyard, but other than that, he is safe.
Frankie works until the sun begins to set and he hears your call pull up. He looks down at himself and sees he’s covered in dirt but walks around to greet you anyway.
“Hey guapa,” he says as he wipes the dirty gloves on his jeans.
“Hey…Frankie?” You take in his appearance—looking him up and down. His cap is on backwards and there’s dirt smudged on his cheek and nose. Your laughter makes him smile. “Did you get into a battle with the weeds back there?”
“Something like that. Here lemme help you.” He reaches for your bags.
“Nuh uh. You’re filthy, sweetie.” You give him a kiss on the lips which he deepens, of course, his arms wrapping around you. Some of the dirt from his face is certainly on yours now. “Francisco!”
“Now we’re both filthy.” He shrugs and takes the bags from you. “I thought you liked it dirty anyway,” he teases. You gasp and hit him on the butt, making him laugh loudly.
“Boots off before you go through that door, mister!”
“Yes ma’am.” He easily kicks his boots off then toes them out of the way before pushing the door open.
“And we gotta hurry and get those jeans in the wash,” you point out.
“Hm, why? I got lots of ‘em?”
“Because I happen to really like those on you.”
He puts the bags down and turns to you. “Are you…checking me out?” He feigns shock.
“I’m always checking you out and while you look great in the jeans, I need you to get them in the wash now and you do the same.” You point towards the laundry room.
“You want me to get in the washer?”
“Oh, so we’re being a smart-ass tonight? Guess I won’t be giving you a nice little clean up.” You walk around him and head upstairs and can hear him scrambling behind you, hopping on one foot as he tries to pull his dirty jeans off.
Now in bed, Frankie has curled up and nuzzles you as you hold him close. This was an every night tradition and you love it. It is the only way he can fall asleep.
“Are there more weeds to pull?” you ask, playing with the hair hanging on his forehead. He smells like his soap and your shampoo.
“Yup.” His eyes are closing already and he yawns.
“Should I take tomorrow off so I can help you? I feel bad that you’re doing all this work on your vacation time.”
“Don’t worry about it, babe. I don’t mind.” He opens his eyes long enough to give you a kiss but once he puts his head back down, he’s out for the count.
“Goodnight Frankie,” you whisper, reaching carefully to turn out the light.
Frankie gets up early with you so he has all day to finish up the gardening. Your ‘see you later' kiss gives him all the energy he needs. He works through the morning and afternoon without a break. He doesn’t notice what time it is until he stands, holding his lower back and your voice reaches his ears.
“Frankie, are you still back there?” You are getting closer so he makes his way through the back door quickly to stop you.
“Heyyyy,” he says, standing in front of the backdoor awkwardly.
“Hey, dirty boy,” you greet. “How’s it looking out there?” You crane your neck but he doesn’t move.
“All done. How was work?” He takes off his dirty gloves and grabs your hand to lead you away to the living room.
“Same shit, different day,” you say. “Frankie…your boots.” You look down at the trail of dirt and stand.
“I got it, baby. It’s my mess.”
“God, I love you.” You kiss him then let him go get the broom. “You know, watching you do housework is…kinda hot.”
He freezes and looks up at you. “I’ll put a French maid outfit on next time and really spice things up.”
You snort and double over in laughter. “What an image.” You stop laughing for a moment and really think about it.
“Wait…don’t tell me you’re actually trying to picture it.” He disappears down the hall the leads to the backyard. You hear him kick his boots off.
“Maybe I am.” You shrug just as he walks out.
“You know what? I’d do it for you.”
“I’d hope so. You’ve had me put on some questionable things. I deserve something.” You chuckle at how quickly his face turns pink then red. After a quick kiss, you point upstairs. “Bath time.”
Frankie scurries upstairs as you follow behind, smiling from ear-to-ear.
After two weeks or so, Frankie is finally ready to show you what he’s really been doing. He sets up the grill as soon as you head out. Looking over at the blue flowers that were now in full bloom, he can’t help but feel proud of himself. Maybe he had a bit of a green thumb after all.
This time when you get home, he’s not covered in dirt, but he’s not in the front to greet you either. When you get out the car, your nose tells you why—he’s grilling. You walk inside and kick off your shoes.
“I’m home, handsome!” you call.
“Great. Go get into something comfortable and come get something to eat!” he shouts back.
“What? No kiss?”
“You gotta come get.” You can hear the smile in his voice.
“Fine,” you say quietly, heading upstairs to change. The smell of the food made you move a little quicker than usual. You head back downstairs and to the backdoor. “Did you need me to bring-" Your words escape you as you open the screen door to see Frankie standing off to the side in front of a bed of blue flowers proudly.
“You like it?” he asks.
Your eyes follow the blue all along the fence then go back to him. “Blue…my favorite. It’s beautiful.” You sniffle and walk over to kiss him.
“Just don’t ask me what kinda flowers they are because I can’t remember for the life of me.”
“How did you…how did I not know?”
“That’s kinda why I picked the backyard. You only come out here every once in a while, mostly when I’m grilling so…”
“My boyfriend is a romantic genius.” You look at the flowers again. “I’m gonna come sit out here every day now.” You pull your phone out. “Gotta take pictures.”
“For what? You can just walk out the backdoor to see them.”
“I know but I wanna have memories for when they’re not in bloom anymore…and I also wanna show off at work.”
“Are you happy? Do you really like the flowers?” Frankie asks as he climbs into bed and lays down beside you.
“I’m with you, of course I’m happy. And the flowers...no one has ever done anything like that for me before. I love them more than anything.”
“More than me?” Frankie asks jokingly.
“It is impossible for me to love anything more than I love you…although your cooking is pretty damn good.” You yelp and giggle as he grabs you and rolls you on top of him. “Seriously, babe…thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’d do it a thousand times over.” He kisses you softly.
“In a French maid outfit or…” You laugh.
“I’d do it naked for you.” You both laugh but then you really start to think about it. “There’s that look again. You’re actually trying to imagine it!”
“Can you blame me, hot stuff? You’d have dirt everywhere and I’d have to clean you up.” Frankie sits up, knocking you off him in the process. “What’s wrong?” you ask.
“Nothing. I’m just gonna go roll around in the dirt so you’ll bathe me.”
“You’re so silly,” you laugh. “Come here.”
Frankie gets back in bed and rolls onto his side. He reaches behind him to grab your arm and put it around him before lacing his fingers with yours. You sit up slightly to lean over him and kiss his cheek.
“Goodnight, Frankie. I love you, my little gardener.”
He chuckles quietly. “I love you too.”
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marveloussupernerd · 3 years
Omg! Jumin with 6 and 20 for the Christmas list pleeeeeaseeee? Thx!
Omg YES I’ve been so excited to write this
Jumin Claus - Jumin Han
This is from my Christmas / winter prompts list !
6. Don’t go work. Stay home and cuddle with me instead
20. You want me to dress up as... Santa? For the kids? Me?
Summary: another year, another RFA Charity Fundraiser. You and your husband are determined to make it great, no matter what it takes
It was disgustingly early. You and Jumin had stayed late setting up the stage last night for the fundraiser party. You hadn’t gotten home until midnight, and even then you still had to warm up, shower, get ready for bed... you hadn’t even gotten 5 hours of sleep.
Yet there he was, getting out of bed, stretching, running a hand through his hair. “Jumin,” you whined, pulling the blankets up further on you, “come back.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed, a hand reaching over to stroke your hair. “Merry Christmas.” His voice was deep and groggy.
“Jumin, it’s 5:30.”
He sighed. “I know. I have a few things I want to do at the office before the party.”
“Noooo.” You pulled him closer to you, causing him to fall back into the bed. You laid on top of him, successfully pinning him down. “Don’t go work. Stay home and cuddle with me instead.”
He surrendered to you, wrapping his arms around you to hold you close. “Okay... but I might have to stay late tomorrow.”
“Worth it.” You pressed a kiss to his lips. “I want to spend all of Christmas with you.”
“You’re adorable, my wife.” It made you giddy to hear him call you that. “What time do we have to leave for the fundraiser?”
You yawned. “Not yet. We can leave at 9 or so.”
“Can we go back to sleep then?”
You nuzzled your nose into his neck, inhaling his scent. He smelled like lavender, likely from the bath he ran last night, and drier sheets. It was so comforting. You couldn’t help but shut your eyes. “Mhm,” you murmured. “G’night.”
He kissed the top of your head, getting comfy again. “Good night Love.”
This time you were the first to wake up. Oops. It was 8:40. So much for leaving at 9. You were confident the others would be able to keep the event running smoothly if you were a few minutes late.
Jumin looked so handsome sleeping. His eyelashes were so long, his lips so smooth, his hair was hanging in front of half his face. Most importantly, he was smiling. You couldn’t stop your heart from skipping a beat. You wanted to let him sleep even longer.
But you didn’t want to force more work on Jaehee.
You reached up to press a kiss to his jawline. “Jumin,” you whispered.
His eyebrows furrowed, a crease forming on his forehead. You traced it with your fingertips. You pulled yourself up a little higher, leaning over to whisper in his ear: “We’re gonna be late.”
He laughed, his chest shaking with each chuckle. “Ah well. This is why we pay people.” He shifted his hand on your waist to the back of your neck. “The roles have reversed. Now I’m asking you to stay in bed.”
You sat up from your position, a sly smile on your face. “This time I have to decline, unfortunately.” You bounded off his lap. “You said you got a new Christmas dress for me?”
He sat up in bed, leaning back on his elbows, watching you make your way to the closet. “I did. It’s hanging up.”
It caught your eyes immediately. It was a beautiful, long-sleeved burgundy velvet dress. The sleeves were covered in lace, the skirt fell to the floor. It was beautiful, and felt pretty warm too.
“Jumin!” You bounded over to him, leaping onto the bed to tackle him into a hug. He used the momentum to roll over on top of you, pinning you down on the bed. “I love it.”
“That’s amazing. I’m so glad you like it. You’re going to look so beautiful.” He leaned down to press an open-mouthed kiss to your neck, causing you to shiver at his touch. You pushed him off you playfully, getting back up.
“What do you want for breakfast? I told the chef to take off today so it’s whatever I can make,” you asked, making your way back to the closer to pick out some shoes.
“We can just have toast. We’ll eat more during the event.” You heard rustling. He was finally getting up.
He wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder. “You want tea too?” You asked. He grunted in approval. It made you laugh. You started moving further into the closet, dragging him along behind you. “What color suit are you wearing?”
“Black. Thought I’d keep it simple.” One hand left your waist to pull out the suit, a pinstriped shirt joining, of course.
Jumin liked it when you picked out his ties. Your fingers slowly went through the ties, feeling the textures and looking at the colors, trying to decide which would best fit. Luckily he had a burgundy one to match your dress pretty well. You pulled it out and held it up to him. “Like it?”
“Love it.” He took the tie from your hands. “No denying we’re a couple.”
“Our wedding was trademarked as ‘the wedding of the century.’” You giggled. “There’s no denying we’re a couple to begin with.”
“Well, yknow.” Jumin uttered out, a bright red on his face. “I just like being seen with you.”
You kissed his cheek. “I’m gonna make us food.”
“Please do.”
As you put the toast in, you thought about how you were going to do your hair and makeup. In actuality you didn’t have much time to get ready. Maybe you should have skipped breakfast altogether. It made you nauseous thinking about how quickly you had to get ready. You should’ve hired someone to do your hair.
Still, you tried to push those thoughts out of your mind and focused on not burning the toast and prepping the tea correctly. Once it was all done you called Jumin in.
He was all dressed up already. Everything perfectly In place besides his hair, which still needed gelled slightly to stay in place. “Wow. You look handsome.”
He smiled, taking long calculated strides to you, pulling you in for a longer kiss. “Thank you. I still need to do my hair though.”
“You’re telling me,” you snorted. “Me too.” You rushed off to the bathroom, plugging in your curling iron. You were kind of lousy at doing this, but you could do it if you believed in yourself enough! Maybe.
He must have noticed you were gone. You could hear his footsteps approaching, and then there he was, setting the two plates on the counter in the bathroom. “You know we’re allowed to be late.”
You pulled makeup out of the drawers. “I know. But I feel bad.” You threw some brown eyeshadow in your crease. Jumin held some toast to your mouth. You took a bite. This was how things were going apparently.
You packed a sparkly gold on your eyelid. Jumin grabbed the curling iron, spinning it around in his hands a few times. “May I?”
“I don’t know how well it’ll go but... I guess,” you shrugged, focusing hard on making a smooth line with your eyeliner. You grabbed your phone to call Jaehee, putting it on speaker.
“Hi Jaehee! We’re running a little late because someone didn’t want to get up,” you explained, giggling at the pouty face your husband was giving you.
“That’s okay. Things are slow at the moment so it’s not too-“
“Ow! Jumin!” He had pulled your hair with the iron. He mumbled his apologies, kissing your cheek.
“Are you two okay?”
“I’m doing her hair. It’s going very well,” Jumin explained. As if.
“Something like that. But I’m getting ready as quickly as I can. We’ll be there soon.”
“Please do...” Jaehee trailed off. “I think we have a problem. We may need your help.”
“Oh! Okay! I’ll hurry. See you soon.” You hung up the phone. “We need to hurry.”
“I’ve done one strand.”
“Uhhhh,” you looked at your reflection. “Great. Perfect. We’ll put the rest up.” You reached for a hair tie, situating the hair into a bun on the top of your head, pulling a few strands loose, including the one Jumin had curled. You threw on a dark lipstick matching your dress. Did you have time to do your foundation? Heck no. You powdered your face. That would have to be good enough.
“Will you get the shoes I set out, Honey?” You called, grabbing your dress and all the appropriate undergarments, pulling them on quickly.
“It’d be my honor.” Jumin knelt down, lifting your dress slightly and helping you step into each heel, securing it in place with the strap. He kissed your ankle. “You look magnificent.”
“I’m glad. We need to go.”
Jumin held your hand as you left the penthouse, taking two security guards with you. Fortunately Driver Kim was already waiting for you. You all clambered into the car, you sitting close to your husband so that you could tie his tie. It was a thing. He liked when you did he for him. Once you were satisfied with how it sat, you kissed his cheek, burgundy lipstick staining the side of his face.
“I should have checked to see if it transferred.” You licked your thumb, wiping it off. “Sorry bout that.”
He grinned, grabbing your hand. He looked out the window as you passed by the event to park. “Looks pretty nice.”
“We did a good job. I hope nothing too bad is wrong.” The second you parked, you got out of the car, rushing towards the stage of the event where Jaehee was stationed. Jumin followed behind, but struggled to keep up with your speed walk.
“Jaehee! What can I help with?”
“Same as last time,” she sighed. “Our Santa cancelled last minute. Again.”
“No way! But we’re supposed to have a lot of kids here this time.” You had advertised that this was family friendly, with Santa and reindeer and crafts. So this was kind of a big deal. “Is Seven not coming?”
“No. Still on security.”
You glanced at your husband, catching up to you, sighing completely out of breath. A small smile formed on your face. “I’ll see what I can do,” you told Jaehee.
“Is everything alright Assistant Kang?” Jumin asked, regaining his composure.
You reached over and grabbed his arm, pulling him with you. “Let’s take a walk.” He followed you along.
“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” He asked. The chance of him saying yes would have been zero, but... maybe there was a shot if his wife asked him? You were in a tough spot.
“Our Santa cancelled,” you stated simply.
“For real!? We promised the kids he’d be here.” Jumin ran a hand through his hair frustratedly. He bit his lip anxiously. “Wait...” it seemed he was connecting the dots.
“Will you maybe do it?”
“You want me to dress up as... Santa? For the kids? Me? Are you kidding?” He halted the walk, pausing to stare at you. “I...”
“Please Jumin. You’d do great. And we need someone to do it.” You let go of his hands, clasping yours together. “Don’t make me beg,” you pouted.
He sighed. “What’s in it for me?”
“You’d make your wife happy.”
“Well I thought I already did that.”
You groaned, frustrated. “Fine. I’ll make it up to you.” He raised an eyebrow. “We can discuss the terms later.”
“Fine. But only if you’ll come tell Santa what you want for Christmas,” he winked.
You literally facepalmed. “Okay! But you can’t be inappropriate.”
He kissed your cheek. “Okay. Help me get all Santa’d up?”
You grinned, grabbing his arm and leading him to the back where the Santa costume was. You untied his tie, taking your time undoing each button, folding each layer of clothes as he took them off.
“You are so lucky to have me,” Jumin commented. You could see a bright smile on his face. You pulled out the iconic red coat, helping him put it on. He was unhappy with having to wear a fake beard and hair, but he got over it quickly.
He wasn’t Santa. But he was good enough.
“Do I have to do a voice? What do I do?” He was nervous. You could tell by the way he was wringing his hands.
“Just ask what they want for Christmas. You’re a nice old man. It’s easy.” You tackled him in a hug. “I love you so much. I’m gonna leave first and then you leave a few minutes after so nobody suspects a thing.
The kids seemed to like him. He was shocked when the first one clambered onto his lap, but he got used to it quickly, smiling wide at each child, listening to what they got for Christmas and what they wanted next year, taking note of it, asking more questions. You want a skateboard? What color?
He even answered the ridiculous questions the kids had. How he got to the event. How he covered all the houses in the world. Who was naughty and who was nice. How the reindeer fly. It was adorable.
About halfway through you took him aside for a hot chocolate and cookie break. That didn’t stop kids from coming up and giving him hugs, thanking him for the presents. He got down on his knees to speak with them every time. He stayed in character the entire time, even when you thought you were safe. He was not ruining any magic.
Finally the night was coming to a close, the line slowed down. You made your way to the back of the line, waiting patiently for your turn to see Santa. Finally the time came. You carefully sat on his lap, there was no way to make this look appropriate dear lord, balancing your rear end in the air and only letting your thighs touch his leg. Legs closed tight, hands folded on your lap. Please nobody take a picture of this.
“Now I’ve heard you haven’t gotten your Christmas present yet,” Santa began. “What is it that you want?”
You giggled. “Honestly, with all the commotion I forgot all about presents. Uhm... I don’t know what I want. To spend time with my husband I guess. He’s been hard at work and I haven’t seen him for a while.”
“That’s quite unfortunate. I bet he misses you too. I know I miss Mrs. Claus.” His voice was deep and cheery. It didn’t even sound like Jumin. You burst out laughing.
“What do you want for Christmas, Santa?” You asked, giggles still in your throat.
He stared at you, absolutely blank-faced. “Well... I’m Santa. I don’t get presents. I just give them.”
“Boring. I bet Mrs. Claus will get you something quite nice,” you winked at him.
“I hope you have a nice Christmas with your husband.”
“You too J- uh, Santa.” Your cheeks were red. You climbed off his lap and tried to ignore the fact that that was the strangest encounter of your life.
Finally the event came to a close. People started leaving. You helped Jumin get out of his Santa gear and into his normal clothes. He looked exhausted, but satisfied. You finally left backstage, hand-in-hand, husband and wife once more.
“There you are!” Zen approached the two of you. “Wow... I’ve gotta say, that was a great acting job up there.”
Jumin pulled on his collar, seemingly uncomfortable. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah... what?” You joined in.
Zen’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Oh, I thought... I thought you were... nevermind. I don’t know why I thought you’d agree to something like that.”
The two of you laughed, making your way away from the party to a secluded spot, much like you had last Christmas.
“You were so great,” you complimented, holding his cheeks in your hands. “I appreciate your help more than you could know.”
“I actually had a lot of fun,” he confessed, his cheeks lighting up red. “And I decided what I want for Christmas. Or my birthday or something.”
“What is that?”
“A child of our own. Talking to all of them... I want to raise a child that’s just like you, maybe even like me. Raise them right. Let them be a kid, enjoy their childhood. No stress from the company. They’ll believe in Santa until they’re 12, at the very least.”
“Although I can’t just magically get pregnant, that does sound nice.” You smiled. He pulled you into a hug.
“Really! You really want that?” His voice was one of disbelief.
“Of course I want a family with you Jumin. Not just one kid, maybe two. Or three. I don’t know.”
“I-“ he pulled back to look at you. “I’m so happy.”
“Me too.” You pulled him in for a kiss. “Well... are you ready to go home?”
“I sure am,” he pulled you closer to him, closing all space between the two of you. “I’ve heard you have a few favors to repay me for.”
It was a restless night to say the least, but maybe Jumin’s wish came true as a result.
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queeneclipse1 · 3 years
Walking in Glimwood Tangle...
It was already dark enough in Glimwood Tangle at day, so no one really wanted to know what it was like to be there at night. There were rumors around Ballonlea and Stow-on-side about "those who are foolish enough to waltz in there at midnight never return, for the beast inside swallows them whole" or something like that.
So not a soul dared go in there when the sun set. Absolutely not a soul would dare tread at night.
All but one.
Bede Caster was walking down the old trail. His movements, however, were not the usual. Where he would put one foot in front of the other, and stay on a straight line, he stopped randomly and sometimes drifted to left, right, middle. It was a proper display on how he felt.
The Chairman turned his back on him. Oleana manipulated him into destroying himself. He should've seen it coming, of course. His. Entire. Life. Was filled with heartbreak and betrayal that was inflicted by everyone he ever knew. He should be mad. He should be upset. He should be filled with Hate.
But he wasn't. Instead he was tired. He was just tired of all of this.
He didn't even know where he was going. Nor did he care, he just didn't have it in him. Every single path he took just lead to more pain, maybe.....just maybe there was a path to happiness, but it's invisible, not meant to be taken.
Just pain.
He was well in the thick of the forest by now, not a light within vision range. Somehow, his eyes adjusted a bit to the blinding darkness. Bede was sure no one ever went in this far ever before. He was comforted, even if only by a miniscule amount.
And then he fell. And blacked out.
The first thing Bede saw when he awoke was flowers, an abundance of them in fact. He got up and looked around. He realized fairly quickly that the area was well lit by the sky shielded by the unnaturally tall trees above that were at least a few hundred feet high.
He also noticed that he actually fell a 70 ft. fall and was completely unscathed. He looked to see that he most likely fell of a cliff, and he looked beyond the rather fragrant flowers to see he was in a forest clearing.
"What the...."
He was quickly silenced by the sound of a growl from a distance. This caused him to go on high alert and stiffen up. Before he could take another look he heard something running at him. He immediately turned in time to see very little before it charged at him.
He raised an arm to at LEAST prolong the pain (if only for a bit), and shut his eyes, just waiting for whatever this was to kill him.
But he didn't feel anything. Well, except for being tickled a bit by something.
He opened his eyes to see what was taking so long, only to see...a......wolf?
It seemed to be a sort of....Wolf pokemon. It had shining, Amethyst purple fur, with the tips of the ears, nose, paws, and tail being pure white. Along the pokemon's sides, strange hieroglyphics were in a magenta color. The tail itself was very long, yet still graceful and seemed very comfortable. The pokemon's eyes were a kind of green he'd never seen before. In fact, he'd never seen ANY type of pokemon like THIS before!
And the weirdest part of this? It was sniffing him, acting like it KNEW him in a sense....
He felt the need to say something, so he managed to get out "Uhhhh.......hi there..."
The pokemon immediately jumped on him. Oooooh, it was just trying to find out if he was FOOD. But no, instead the pokemon started licking his face.
"Ack-huh?! Hey! Do you mind?!" He shouted. What was happening?!
The pokemon only just nuzzled him into the flower field. He was bewildered, this was just....unreal. He just laid there, stunned. He had absolutely no clue on WHAT this pokemon even WAS!
But...then why did it feel so familiar?
He tried to push the pokemon off him, and stood up. The pokemon looked at him for a moment, before teleporting to right in front of him and sat down.
"What.....What ARE you?" He asked it. To which the pokemon simply nudged him. It was...comforting.
"Okay, obviously you.....aren't a big talker I can guess..." he said, sorta awkwardly, "okay...how about....what's your name?" He didn't know why, but he faintly recalled something. "I feel like I know this answer...."
To this the pokemon nudged him again. He remembered what he recalled.
The pokemon jumped up excitedly and was about to pounce on him again, 'oh god not again'.
"No, please!" Then Zamella? halted at once....almost like it was....trained to respond?
"Um....ok...well, I might be here a while, so....are you a girl or a guy?" Zamella responded with pawing at the ground, until they could make the female symbol.
"Okay then, Zamella...know a way out of here?" Bede asked.
Zamella was motionless for a second before crouching down. Bede was confused at first, but caught on. "You want me to get on?" Zamella nodded at that. 'Well, I got nothing to lose...'. Bede climbed on Zamella's back.
Once he did, Zamella started to teleport the both of them to a sort of...small tower? When he looked up, he saw something glowing violet at the top.
It's been like a whole month since he first encountered her;his new friend, Zamella. He didn't understand her, but he didn't really care if he did or not. He just enjoyed her company. He felt like he was with an old friend.
A few times he had considered talking to the professor about his new friend, but he instantaneously shot it down. He knew what would happen if he had. Sonya would take his new friend away. So, he kept his friend a secret from everybody, including his own team.
But that would change today. Today he'd tell his team, and Hattie would be first.
He let out his Hatterene, and the first thing she saw upon opening her eyes, was Bede(her best friend forever), and a wolf.
"Hattie, meet Zamella, Zamella, meet Hattie!"
'Bede what the actual f-
Thanks for reading!
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
75 for Indruck!! and either nsfw or sfw is chill
I went with SFW! 75 “I’m an insomniac who calls my best friend at 3am except I misdial on my landline and I tell you all about my nightmare before letting you talk and now I’m mortified but you don’t hang up
CW: mentions of pot and of death
Indrid awakens in a panic, flailing and falling onto the floor. This is why he doesn’t have a bedframe; the routine falling hurts less from a half foot of drop.
“Ouch.” He says to the empty room, the white noise machine doing nothing to soothe his nerves. Maybe if he stays very still, the nightmares can’t find him.
No. That’s not how this works. Maybe he should see if anyone is awake. He just needs another voice, to know someone can hear him if he screams for help.
He grabs the nearest phone, which happens to be the landline that came with his little studio, and dials Barclay’s number.
“Hello, it’s, ah, it’s Indrid, I, I know it’s late, but I need to talk and you said I could call anytime so I am. I, it, it was the dream again. I’ve been staying up as late as can, not sleeping unless my body just sort of forces me too and I dropped off while drawing and it happened again, the one with the bridge this time, not the one with the car, and I, I fell, like I always do, but this time I, I didn’t, didn’t wake up when, when, when it happened. I’m sorry, just, please, can you talk with me awhile so I can remember I’m here?”
“Uhhhh, sure? But, uh, got a feelin’ you mighta mixed somethin up.”
Indrid’s fairly certain Barclay does not have a southern accent. 
“Oh, oh god, I’m sorry, I dialed wrong didn’t I?”
“Guess so? Don’t know any fella named Indrid, and I’m guessin’ you don’t know anyone named Duck, it’s a nickname.”
“No, I don’t” he curls his legs to his chest. “I’m sorry.”
“S’okay. I was still up, been tryin to beat this level.”
“Why didn’t you hang up?”
“‘Cause you sounded real fuckin scared.”
He was. He still is, his heart a deer still running from long-outrun wolves. 
“Are, uh, are you okay now?”
“I will be fine.”
“I mean, I ain’t a therapist or anythin’ like that but, uh, I can try to help somehow.”
“I’m afraid the only thing that may work is continuing to talk with me which, were I in your shoes, I would not want to do. Christ” he shivers, fumbles in the dark for his sweater, “I need a hug.”
“I can do that.”
“We’re on the phone.”
A small laugh, “no kiddin, here I thought we were at a Taco Bell. I was offerin’ to come over or, uh, wait, no, you better come here, think I might still be a little high so I shouldn’t drive.”
“Are you messing with me?”
“Nope. I live at 5547 Williamson, apartment 2B. Ring the buzzer and I’ll let you in.”
This is ridiculous, how does either of them know the other isn’t planning on wearing their skin as pajamas?
“I’ll see you there.” 
The walk gives him time to second guess himself, then second guess that second guess, and so on until he reaches the three story building that clearly used to be one, family home. He rings the bell for 2B. No one will come down, Duck is probably asleep, or has realized how dangerous his suggestion is.
“Who is it?” The same drawl from the phone, now through the door.
“Indrid. From the phone.”
“Howdy, Indrid from the phone.” Duck opens the door, looking better than Indrid dared imagine. They’re about the same age, dark hair with fading streaks of blue falls about a round face, a stocky frame looks singularly nice to lay against.
“C’mon up. Tried callin’ you a little while ago to see if you wanted me to order food or somethin, but since you didn’t answer think we’re gonna have to settle for leftover pizza for now.”
“That’s, ah, that’s fine. And that was a landline I called from, hence the lack of response.”
“Jesus” Duck giggles, “you still got one of those?”
“The previous renter left a lot of things behind, and whoever is paying that telephone bill hasn’t stopped so far. Oh, thanks.” He steps through the door Duck holds open, finds a room much like his own; a messy studio full of the elements a single man needs to get by. A tiny T.V is linked up to an XBOX in the corner, and two hanging planters flourish by the windows. 
“Still want that hug?” Duck opens his arms.
Indrid nods, stepping into them, his own arms locked by his sides in case Duck doesn’t want to be touched. The shorter man is warm, his arms solid and strong, one holding Indrid’s shoulder blades so the other can run up and down his back. 
“You can hug back, I don’t mind.”
Indrid hugs his waist, “This isn’t weird to you?”
“Kinda? I dunno, I give damn good hugs and I don’t like seein’ people scared or hurtin, and you seem to need someone to be a little gentle with you. So, what the fuck, may as well hug you; knew I wasn’t gonna feel right if I hung up without offerin’. Besides, that dream sounded fuckin’ awful.”
“It is, its’ that way every time. So is the other one, and the one after that.” Indrid curls inward, as if he could somehow squeeze his nearly six foot frame to fit snugly under Duck’s chin, “I, they aren’t just dreams, either. I have what you call very bad luck with death. My mother died in a car accident when I was seven, with me in the backseat. My father died in a freak bridge collapse, again with me only barely surviving. Then my best friend drowned when we were swimming.” He shudders, images flooding back, “the dreams make me see it over and over in strange, altered versions, versions where I die, and they say you’re supposed to wake up before you die in a dream but tonight I didn’t, I felt my dream self die and I, I, I woke up so frightened.” he gasps, cringes to find tears slipping from under his glasses. 
“Hey, hey it’s okay man, here” Duck sits them down on the bed, Indrid now clinging to him, “don’t worry, ain’t lettin go, you can keep talkin if you need.”
“I get so scared sometimes, like I’m an omen of doom and anyone who comes near me will die. And I know that’s ridiculous because the majority of people who’ve been close to me are still alive, but nights like this I wake up and watch the door and the windows because it feels like death is following me, waiting to grab me, and I’ll die frightened and alone and not be found for days until someone, one of the few who still cares for me, wonders why they haven’t heard from me and, andandand-” it’s sobs now, awkward and painful each time they push out of his chest. 
“Shhhhh” Duck pats his hair and Indrid wiggles closer, hoping his whine communicates the desperate hope he’ll do that again, touch him like he matters. What it does is knock them over, bed squishy under them.
“Hush, hush now, ain’t nothin like that gonna happen. No more talk of shadows, partly because I only sobered up like ten minutes ago and talkin about seein the grim reaper in the corner don’t play nice with that.”
‘“I, I’m s-sorry-”
“Hey, hey I was teasin’, tryin’ to see if I could make you laugh at me a little” Duck strokes his cheek with his thumb, voice warm as a summer morning and soothing as moonlight, “besides, even if somethin’ scary did show, you got the ‘hero of Kepler’ to protect you.”
“The, the what of what now?”
“Kepler’s the tiny town I grew up in. Both my folks were real respected and shit, dad was former marines, everyone assumed I was gonna grow up and fight the good fight. Instead I disappointed ‘em all by wantin’ to look after trees all day.” He mutters, looks sad, and Indrid can’t bear the sight and so he mimics him, places a hand on his cheek and pets it gently.
“Trees do far more good, and need far more help nowadays.”
“Thanks, ‘Drid. Oop, sorry, just kinda slipped out.”
“Nono, I like it, I’ve never had a nickname before. Or, ah, never had a good one, that is.”
“Well, you do now, because I like you and I say so.” Duck pets his side, making his sweater ride up and exposing a tattoo.
“Oh shit, that’s so fuckin’ cool.”
“Thank you, I did the design myself. That’s, ahd, that’s what I’m doing in town. I’m apprenticing to be a tattoo artist.”
“So. fuckin. Cool.” Duck draws a finger along the moth design, Indrid squirming a little when he does. It feels nice; unfamiliar, but nice. 
“You gotta tell me all about it.”
“Alright” Indrid sniffs and Duck, after flopping to the side of the bed and reaching beneath it, produces a tissue, “as long as you promise to tell me about those” he points to the row of succulents on the far wall.”
“Think I can handle that. Fuck, got cold in here.” He drags a blanket up over them and Indrid purrs at the warmth, snuggling up in his arms as Duck nuzzles his neck, “now, where were we…”
Indrid wakes up with his glasses smushed to his face, a thick blanket wrapped around him, and the smell of coffee tickling his nose. He yawns, sits up and gets his bearings well enough to not be startled when Duck speaks.
“Mornin, sleepyhead.”
“Good morning.”
“Didn’t seem like you had more nightmares last night.” Duck pours two mugs of coffee.
“I didn’t. Your, ah, your presence helped immensely.”
“Maybe my true callin’ is a teddy bear, good for snugglin and keepin monsters away.”
“Perhaps.” He pads over to the little kitchen to join him. Takes the sugar when offered and dumps a large amount into his cup. 
“Hey, uh, this may be way off base, but, uh, I, uh, I feel like we really kinda clicked. Even accountin for the weird circumstances and the heightened emotions and shit. I coulda talked with you for days, and honestly the reason I kept holding you after that firs hug was because I felt so fuckin comfortable with you. Like you fit.”
“I felt the same.” Indrid stirs his coffee, unsure of how to ask for what he wants. 
“If, uh, if you ain’t busy tonight, do you wanna go out? With me?”
“On a date?” 
Duck suppresses a smile as he nods. 
“I’d like that so much.”
“Hell yeah.’ Duck hugs him and this time he hugs back instantly, giggling when the shorter man kisses his cheek and whispers, “and if you feel like it, happy to be your teddy bear tomorrow night, too.”
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gryffindorcls · 5 years
It’s You (Part 1)
This AU is based on a drawing made by the amazing @yunyin that you can find here.
Marinette was not having a good day. It was bad enough that Chloe was in her class again, but now Paris had a supervillain...that she had to fight! At least that’s what the little red bug-mouse had told her. Marinette could barely walk a block without tripping on a rock. How was she supposed to be a superhero?
Even though she was scared and unsure, she still transformed and swung into action. The thought of her fellow classmate being under the control of an evil butterfly man helped her choke back her insecurities...well, for about thirty seconds. While she managed to successfully attach her yo-yo onto one of Notre Dame’s gargoyles, her landing was not very graceful. She quickly found herself hanging upside-down in a tangled mess with what looked like a cat-themed superhero.
“Ugh...what a terrible first impression,” she thought while tugging on her yo-yo.
“I bet you’re the partner my Kwami told me about!” he said with a grin.
“He probably wishes that he was partnered with someone who knew what she was doing.”
“I’m...hmmm...Chat Noir. Yeah, Chat Noir...and you?” he asked, still smiling.
“Be cool...be cool...be cool! Don’t say something stupid. Don’t say…”
“Marinet…uhhh…” She groaned.
“STUPID! Ohmygod...I’m so sorry! I can’t believe I just said that!” She hid her face with her hands.
He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. Consider it forgotten. It never happened. We’ll work on your superhero name later.”
Her heart thumped in her chest as he cast her a sympathetic look. “Thanks. Uhm...I can’t get my yo-yo free. It’s stuck on your baton. Could you help me?”
“Sure, and don’t worry. I’m still learning the ropes, too.”
“Thank you.”
He jumped up and grabbed his baton. Once he got it to retract, the tangled string fell to the ground.
“Hey, you know...with the spots and all...you kind of look like a Ladybug,” he remarked.
“Ladybug...hmmm...yeah! Okay, I’m Ladybug. Nice to meet you, Chat Noir!” she giggled.
He laughed. “Likewise, Ladybug. So, partner...we have a job to do. Shall we?”
She smiled. “We shall.”
The newly named superheroes leaped onto the rooftops together to face their first foe. Upon reaching the stadium and seeing Stoneheart, Ladybug froze while Chat Noir took action.
“Come on, Ladybug, we can do this together!” her partner called out from the field.
Trepidation kept her feet glued in place, but she didn’t want to let down the nice boy who had shown her kindness despite her blunders. Ladybug took a deep breath and attempted to find the courage to fight.
Suddenly, she heard a cry from the far corner of the field. Ladybug’s eyes landed on Alya who had almost been killed by a flying soccer net and Chat Noir who had been captured by Stoneheart.
“What are you waiting for, super red bug?” Alya called, “The world is watching you!”
The fear of failure immediately turned into the desire to save Alya and Chat. After mentally steeling herself, Ladybug found her resolve. She used her yo-yo to swing onto the field, rescue Chat Noir, and get Alya to safety.
While attempting to find a way to break the Akumatized object, Chat prematurely used his Cataclysm.
“Uh, oh! I guess I only get one shot to use my power,” he said with a sheepish grin.
Ladybug sighed as she watched Chat get punted across the field. “And you only have five minutes before you transform back. Didn’t your Kwami explain anything to you?”
He smiled. “I guess I was a little excited about my new life.”
“It’s alright. We’ll figure something else out. I think we’re both allowed mistakes today.”
“Thanks, but what are we going to do?”
“Hmmm...well, I haven’t used my superpower yet.” Ladybug tossed her yo-yo into the sky. “LUCKY CHARM!”
A wave of confusion washed over her as a spotted wetsuit landed in her hands. However, after talking it over with her new partner, the solution came to her easily.
Ladybug’s chest swelled with pride as she broke the Akumatized object and watched the purple butterfly flutter away. She turned to Chat Noir and beamed.
“You were incredible, Ladybug. You did it!” he exclaimed.
“No, we both did it. I couldn’t have done this without you. Even though we made a few mistakes along the way, I think we’re going to be a pretty good team. Pound it?” She held out a fist for him to bump.
He returned the gesture just as his ring started to beep. “Uh, oh.”
“You better get going before you transform back. We don’t want any of your secrets being revealed. I just hope I didn’t mess up too much by accidentally telling you my name.”
“Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it. I don’t get out much, and I only have one friend. I’m hoping to make more soon, but what are the chances of us running into each other in our everyday lives? Paris is a big city. I’m sure you’re fine.”
“Still, you better get going.”
“You’re right. See you around, my lady.”
She giggled and rolled her eyes as he unsheathed his baton and vaulted away. After comforting Ivan and announcing her superhero name, Ladybug followed in suit and returned home to rest after the day’s excitement.
When she detransformed in her room, she breathed a sigh of relief and turned on her computer. “I did it Tikki!”
Her kwami nuzzled her cheek. “You see! You were up to it!”
Later that evening, the television blared while Marinette’s family cleaned the kitchen after dinner. Marinette’s joyful mood vanished when Nadja Chamak interrupted the broadcast with news of Parisians being turned into an army of silent stone beings.
Marinette rushed to her room and called for her Kwami.
“Tikki,” Marinette cried, “What’s going on? I don’t understand.”
“Did you capture the Akuma?” the red Kwami asked.
“What's capturing the Akuma got to do with the other stone beings?”
“An Akuma can multiply, that's why it must be captured. If Ivan's emotions become negative again, then the Akuma will turn him back into Stoneheart! He'll control all the stone beings and bring them to life to serve as his army!”
“Oh, no,” she thought, “I messed up even more than I thought...I don’t know what to do.”
Marinette withered upon finding out that the appearance of Stoneheart’s minions was due to her failure to cleanse the Akuma. She’d been so excited while watching that beautiful purple butterfly disappear into the distance, but it turns out that she’d only created a bigger mess.
“So that means... this is all my fault? I knew it! See, Tikki? I'm not cut out to be a superhero! I'm only gonna keep messing up.”
“Keep calm. It was your first time. You're going to go back and capture Stoneheart's Akuma, and you will do it successfully!”
“I can't! I told you, I'm clumsy! I create disaster all the time! I'll only make things worse for me, for you, and for everyone. Chat Noir will be better off without me. I'm quitting.”
“Don’t say that, Marinette. You are going to be a great Ladybug. It’s only your first day. Besides, Chat can’t do this without you. You’re the only one who can cleanse the Akuma.”
“If Chat Noir can't capture the Akumas, then... just find another Ladybug. I told you, I'm not cut out for this!” Marinette began to take off her earrings. “I'm sorry, Tikki.”
The Kwami held out her paw in an attempt to stop her holder. “No, don't do tha...”
Tikki was silenced before having the chance to finish.
Marinette looked around the room, but the Kwami was nowhere to be found. “Tikki? I'm really sorry, Tikki.”
She then put away the earrings, stored the box in a drawer, and slumped against her dresser. This was turning out to be the worst day of her life.
“Chat needs someone who can do the job right the first time,” Marinette thought, “Alya will make a much better Ladybug.”
“Ladybug’s name is Marinette,” Adrien sighed as he watched Paris’ new heroes on the nightly news.
Plagg shook his head. “Yeah, kid, you’re not really supposed to know that. Let’s just hope that you don’t come across any spunky, pigtailed girls with that name in the near future.”
“Would it really be that bad if I met her in real life?”
“It wouldn’t be the end of the world, but it would make things more...difficult.”
“How so?”
“Usually, we like our holders to have a little bit more time to bond before we even begin to consider an identity reveal. It helps to build trust.”
Adrien flopped onto his side. “I don’t know...we had a connection out there earlier today. I think she and I would be able to overcome anything.”
“Great!” Plagg threw his hands into the air. “I got another lovesick one.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It’s not uncommon for my cats...well, you’re more of a kitten...anyway, they tend to fall in love with their bugs. It’s all part of that annoying yin and yang ‘made for each other’ mumbo jumbo.”
“So...Marinette and I are...like soulmates?”
“Not ‘like soulmates’. You are soulmates.”
Adrien beamed. “Wow...I have a soulmate. I hope I get to meet that girl in person one day.”
“Life always seems to have a way of working itself out,” Plagg assured, “I’ve been around for eons. Trust me, this isn’t my first rodeo.”
“You think so?”
“Yes...now...onto more important things!”
“What could be more important than my soulmate?”
“Uhhhh...my stomach,” Plagg noted while turning his nose away from the various dishes put in front of him. “Eww! What is this!”
Adrien was offended. “Seriously! My personal chef made all of these!”
“If you expect me to get my energy back after a transformation, I need to eat something more... delicate!”
“Okay. What do you want?”
“Hmmm...we’re in France, right?”
“Look, it’s been a while since I’ve been activated, and I recall one of my holders visiting France about three hundred years ago. He came across a particularly lovely cheese called ‘Camembert’. Do you have any of that around?”
“You’re joking right.”
“I would never joke about something like this. You’d know if I was. You’d be laughing.
I’m hilarious.”
“Camembert is the ripest smelling cheese.”
Plagg shrugged. “Fine. I guess you don’t want to be Chat Noir.”
“Ugh,” Adrien groaned, “Okay. I think we might have some in the kitchen. I’ll check. Everyone at school is going to think I’m the weird new kid. I mean, who carries around camembert?”
“You’re not seriously going to school tomorrow, are you?”
“Well, yeah. I am. This time, no one is going to stop me.”
“You’re crazy, kid.”
“And you have a terrible taste in food.”
Plagg smiled. “I’m glad we understand each other. Call me back when the cheese comes.”
Adrien frowned. “Camembert cheese. Fantastic. All he eats is camembert, which means I'm gonna smell like stinky, old cheese.”
He turned his attention towards the television. Adrien leaned forward in his seat while he watched a breaking news report.
Nadja’s voice rang through his room. “These victims transformed into stone beings are still like statues. The police are perplexed as to what will happen to them. Will they come back to life or be frozen in time forever?”
Adrien looked at his Kwami. “Plagg? What's going on? I thought we defeated him.”
Plagg shot him a worried expression. “Did you cleanse the Akuma?”
“What do you mean?”
“If Ladybug doesn’t cleanse the Akuma after it has been released from the Akumatized object, then it will fly away and multiply. That’s what you’re seeing on your moving picture box right now.”
“Can I cleanse the Akuma?”
Adrien sighed. “So, I can't do anything without my partner?”
“Only Ladybug can capture Akumas and repair damage caused by supervillains,” Plagg responded.
“Well, should I transform right now and wait for Ladybug to show up?”
“Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do unless that boy gets Akumatized again, and trust me...it will happen again. Things will sort themselves out...eventually. I just hope that Ladybug’s Kwami is preparing her for what comes next.”
“Well, Marinette is awesome, so I don’t think we have to worry about anything.”
Plagg nodded. “Yeah, kid. Like I said before, things will work out. ANYWAY, I’m tired and hungry. I think it’s time for you to go get that cheese.”
Adrien rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself. He was excited to be a superhero, but he knew that life with Plagg was going to be...interesting. (Nonetheless, he already loved him. It was nice to have someone to talk to for a change.)
He spent the rest of the night strategizing his next attempt to get to the school. He was determined to make it all the way this time. Adrien couldn’t understand why his father was so adamant about keeping him home. What was so bad about making friends anyway?
The next day, ALMOST everything went according to plan. He made it to school, and people seemed friendly...and then Chloe surprised him by trying to put gum on another person’s seat. He knew that Chloe could be a little spoiled sometimes, but he never expected her to be so mean.
“Hey! What are you doing?” an annoyed voice asked behind him.
Adrien jumped back and his green eyes met a familiar blue. “Uhhh…I…”
He cringed while he heard Chloe and Sabrina laugh at his interaction with the enraged girl standing before him.
The girl huffed and shot him a hurt expression. “Okay. I get it. Good job, you three. Very funny.”
Her words made him panic. “No, no, I was just trying to take this off!”
She only seemed to become more annoyed upon hearing his explanation. “Oh, really? You're friends with Chloe, right?”
That was the second time someone had asked him that question today. Adrien hung his head and trudged to his seat. “Why do people keep saying that?”
Chloe snickered. “Now do you see what I mean about respect?”
At that moment, he didn’t know if he wanted to cry, scream, disappear, or all three.
The boy in the seat next to him looked up. “Why didn't you tell them it was Chloe's idea?”
Adrien shrugged. “I've known Chloe since I was a little kid. I know she's not perfect, but I can't throw her under the bus. She's like my only friend.”
The boy smiled, surprising Adrien. “I'm Nino, and it's time for you to make some new friends, dude.”
He shook his Nino’s hand. “Thanks.”
“You seem super chill. Unlike Chloe. How do you two know each other anyway?”
“Our parents are...or maybe were...I don’t know. They were friends. I didn’t get out much when I was little, but they let me play with Chloe.”
“That’s rough, bro.”
“I still can’t believe she was so mean to those girls. I never expected that from her.”
Nino shook his head. “Chloe has always had it out for Marinette. I have no idea why, but they’ve never gotten along.”
Adrien’s brain short-circuited. “I’m sorry. What did you say her name was?”
“Marinette. She’s really cool. I think the new girl she’s sitting with is named Alya.”
Visions of red and black spots flashed through his mind. The ocean-blue eyes he’d seen earlier fused with the striking azure irises he’d seen the day before. He glanced in Marinette’s direction and saw the familiar bob of two raven pigtails.
It was her.
It was her.
It was her.
Adrien couldn’t believe that he’d found his Ladybug. Joy flooded his body but was quickly replaced by icy panic.
“Oh, no. She hates me,” he thought.
“Agreste, Adrien,” called a voice from the front of the room.
Nino nudged him. “You say ‘present’.”
His nerves were already frayed, so the shock of this new experience caused him to leap out of his chair, stand at attention, and raise his hand. “PRESENT!”
The rest of the students giggled while he sheepishly sat down again. The teacher continued roll call until she reached the name of a student who was not in the classroom.
“Bruel, Ivan?” she called.
A large stone being broke through the door. “PRESENT!”
Adrien ducked out of the way as the re-Akumatized Stoneheart grabbed Chloe and another student before crashing through the wall. He knew he needed to transform, but Marinette was still in the room. He paused to look at her.
His mind was reeling. “Why isn’t she leaving? She’s Ladybug.”
There were other people in the room. Adrien couldn’t tell her that he knew who she was, but he didn’t want to transform before he was sure that she was going to fight by his side. He’d just found her, and he wasn’t ready to leave her behind.
He turned to Marinette. “You need to go.”
She looked at him with fury in her eyes. “Excuse me?”
His heart sank. “Ohmygod...she really does hate me.”
Adrien tried to find the right words to say. “I...uhhh...I what I meant...I uhhh...I don’t want you to get hurt, and you should probably find a place to hide.
She scoffed. “Ugh...thanks for the concern, but I can handle myself.”
He watched as Marinette ran to Alya. She attempted to give her friend a messenger bag; however, the phone-wielding girl ran out of the classroom before taking the satchel. Adrien looked up at the dejected-looking Marinette who was still holding the blue bag in her hands.
Adrien knew that look…it was the look of defeat. It was the same look that he had every time his father stopped him from living his life. He didn’t want her to give up. She was amazing, and he knew that he couldn’t stop the Akuma without her.
“Paris needs you,” he noted cryptically before making his way towards the exit, “and I need you, too. Please. I’ll explain everything later.”
Adrien dashed into the locker room and called for his transformation. Within minutes, he was standing in front of a roaring Stoneheart. However, his partner was nowhere to be seen.
“If you can hear me, Ladybug, I could use a little help!” he yelled.
After using his baton to prevent a car from crushing Alya, he was scooped up by one of the stone beings.
In a final attempt to get away, he flailed his legs in protest. “Let go, you rock-head!”
“This is it for me,” he thought, “I just hope Ladybug can help everyone else.”
However, just as he began to lose hope, he heard Ladybug call out to him. Somehow, she managed to return his baton. After freeing himself, the duo raced to standoff against Stoneheart at the Eiffel Tower.
They leaped over the police barricade just as Chloe was flung to the ground by the Akuma. Chat found himself (once again) in awe as Ladybug swooped in and caught Chloe in her arms.
“Even though Chloe was terrible to her, she still saved her. She’s beautiful, brave, and kind. Is there anything she can’t do?” he thought lovingly.
“We’re clear to attack!” screamed Officer Raincomprix.
Ladybug looked at the police officer with pleading eyes. “Wait! No, don’t attack them! You know it will only make it worse!”
The man sneered. “I have a new plan, unlike you! Move aside, and let the pros do their thing. You’ve already failed once!”
The spotted heroine turned towards Chat and hung her head. “He’s right, you know. If I had captured Stoneheart’s Akuma the first time around, none of this would have happened! I knew I wasn’t the right person for the job.”
Chat’s heart broke. “No...doesn’t she realize how incredible she is? Doesn’t she see what I see? How can she keep doubting herself? Say something...help her to believe that she can do this!”
“No,” he began, placing a hand on her shoulder, “He’s wrong. Without you, Chloe would no longer be here. Considering how awful she was to you earlier today, that couldn’t have been easy.”
She knitted her brows. “What? How did…”
Chat quickly cut her off. “Nevermind. I’ll explain everything later. But for right now, just remember...without us no one will make it, and we’ll prove that to them. Trust me on this. Okay?”
Confidence flared in Ladybug’s eyes. “Okay...oh, and I’m holding you to that explanation later.”
“Don’t worry...when this is over, I’m all yours.”
Their heads snapped towards Stoneheart as he roared and released a swarm of cursed butterflies into the sky. Within seconds, the Akumas formed a menacing face.
Chat’s heart seized as the cloud of butterflies began to speak. “People of Paris, listen carefully. I am Hawkmoth. Ladybug and Chat Noir, give me the ladybug earrings and the cat ring now. You've done enough damage to these innocent people!”
There was something eerily familiar in the way Hawkmoth spoke. It made his blood run cold.
Ladybug clapped and sauntered towards the Eiffel Tower. “Nice try, Hawkmoth, but we know who the bad guy is. Let's not reverse the roles here. Without you, none of these innocent victims would be transformed into villains. Hawkmoth, no matter how long it takes, we will find you, and YOU will hand us YOUR Miraculous!”
Chat stared in awe as she used her yo-yo to cleanse the Akuma cloud.
Standing triumphantly atop the monument, Ladybug declared, “Let me make this promise to you. No matter who wants to harm you, Ladybug and Chat Noir will do everything in our power to keep you safe!”
“Wow,” he whispered under his breath, “I’m definitely in love with her.”
“Let’s just hope she doesn’t hate me when she finds out who I am,” he added mentally.
In a matter of minutes, the battle was fought and won. The heroes eventually found their stride and worked in tandem to defeat Stoneheart and purify the Akuma. Once they were safely on the ground, Chat’s Miraculous beeped.
Ladybug looked up at him. “You’re going to transform back soon. You still owe me an explanation.”
Chat smiled. “I know, but not here. There are too many eyes. Just...go back to school, and I will explain everything there.”
“You keep saying things like that. Do we know each other? Did you already meet the civilian me? Oh, no. Hawkmoth could use that against us. It’s one thing to know my name, but it’s another thing to know who I am. This is really bad, Chat!”
“No, it’s not. It’s going to be okay, I promise. Please...just trust me. I would never let anything bad happen to you, my lady.”
“Okay...I trust you. Thanks, kitty.”
“Kitty...hmmm...I think I like the way that sounds.”
“You know...I’m pretty sure school is canceled for the rest of the day. This whole Akuma business really scared everyone.”
“Then I will talk to you tomorrow.”
Her Miraculous beeped. “I need to go.”
He nodded. “Yes, and don’t worry. I will explain everything!”
She smiled and swung away on her yo-yo. After a moment, Chat used his baton to vault towards the Agreste mansion.
Despite the anxiety that boiled in her gut regarding her impending discussion with Chat, Marinette felt a burst of confidence as she reclaimed her seat and told off Chloe. However, her mood quickly soured when Adrien walked in and waved at her.
Anger flared inside of her as she turned away from him. When Miss Bustier called the class to order, Marinette found it hard to concentrate. It took most of the morning for her to calm down.
By the end of the school day, the sun had disappeared behind the clouds. She held out her hand just as rain began to fall from the heavens. She sighed as she prepared herself to get wet on the way home.
“Hey,” a familiar voice said behind her.
“Chat?” she thought, “We do know each other. It’s now or never Marinette.”
Her heart sank when she looked up and saw Adrien trying to wave at her again.
He hung his head and opened his umbrella. “Marinette...I told you that I owe you an explanation. Look, I just wanted you to know that I was only trying to take the chewing gum off your seat...I swear. I've never been to school before. I've never had friends. It's all sort of new to me.”
Adrien turned towards Marinette and held out his umbrella for her to take. When their eyes met, something inside of her brain clicked.
Thoughts raced through her mind as she processed her revelation. “Those eyes...it’s the same look Chat gave me when I messed up. He told me that he owes me an explanation...wait which he? Both of them...they both said that...they both...that’s his voice...his eyes...it’s...it’s him…I can’t believe...”
“It’s you,” she finally managed to whisper.
The softest smile spread across his lips. “Yes, my lady. It’s me, and I swear...I would never intentionally harm you or hurt your feelings. I meant it when I said I would never let anything happen to you. You told me that you trusted me yesterday. Please...I need you to trust me now.”
She did her best to control her breathing. “Oh my God.”
He frowned. “Is that all you can say?”
“I can’t believe this. When you said all that stuff to me yesterday, I had a feeling that you met civilian me. I didn’t want it to be true...one of the first things Tikki told me was ‘don’t tell anyone your identity’, and I blow it on the first mission!”
“My lady, it will be okay. It’s not so bad. Besides, we’re classmates. How long could we have really kept this a secret? Even if you didn’t tell me your name, I feel like I would have recognized you anywhere.”
“I guess you’re right. Wow...what are the chances?”
Adrien’s eyes lit up. “I’d like to believe that this was fate.”
Marinette giggled. “Whatever you say, kitty. And for what it’s worth...I believe you. It’s not beneath Chloe to let her friend take the fall for something she did. Wait...I was so focused on the whole identity thing...did...did you say that you’ve never really had friends before? Yesterday, you mentioned that you only had one friend...were you talking about Chloe?”
He bit his lip and scratched the back of his neck. “Uhh...yeah...Chloe was my only friend until I met Nino.”
“That’s terrible.”
“It’s okay. Now that I’ve convinced my dad to let me go to school, I can start meeting new people. I’m...uhhh…I’m really happy I met you, Marinette. You’re incredible...and not just because you’re Ladybug. You’re amazing because you’re you.”
Adrien once again held out his umbrella. “Here, my lady. I don’t want you to get wet.”
Their fingers briefly touched as Marinette tentatively took the umbrella. It promptly closed, trapping her inside. She heard Adrien laugh as she lifted the fabric and wire away from her face. Seeing his joy made her begin to laugh with him.
He looked at her again and smiled.
All at once, something seized inside of Marinette’s chest. There were no words to describe this new sensation. It had been building for two days, but whatever it was, it took her breath away. It was a feeling she’d never experienced before. Within a millisecond, the whole universe was crashing down on her at once, but at the same time, the whisper of a cool summer breeze gently caressed her face. It immediately became her new obsession. It was filled with sunshine, green pastures, and a laugh that sounded like the sweetest symphony.
She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Adrien smiled and placed his hand on her arm. Fireworks exploded from point of contact and spread throughout her body. It was exhilarating, and she never wanted it to end.
“I need to go now. Goodbye, Marinette. I’ll see you tomorrow.” With a wave of his hand, he turned and began walking away towards his family’s car.
She held up her hand to wave back. “Uh… see you to…mo… tomo… Haha! Whoa, why am I stammering?”
Tikki zipped up to her face and nuzzled her cheek. “Hey! I think I might have an idea!”
Marinette took a deep breath and let the new feeling wash over her a second time. After taking a moment to collect her thoughts, she made her descent down the stairs and onto the sidewalk.
“This must be what it’s like to fall in love,” the thought quietly to herself.
Next --->
Hello, lovely readers!
Thank you for reading Part 1 of the It’s You AU.  My plan is for this to be three parts.  It diverges from canon a lot after this.
Anyway, thank you for reading!
My username on Fanfiction and AO3 is clslovegood47.
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404gendernotfound · 5 years
Living with a Hybrid Part 2 (Hybrid!Taeyong x Reader)
Summary: Your first day with your new companion Taeyong starts not in the best way, you keep feeling guilty and he tries to cheer you up throughout the day. While you’re shopping for clothes for him you get to know things about his past life and his owner. You decide to try and end the suffering for other androids that meet his previous owner.
Contains: angst, fluff
Warnings: mentioning of abuse
Wordcount: 5,2 K
A/N: I was playing around with including some of the other boys in this story and decided to put Johnny and Mark as a couple into it. They are going to play a small role in this as the owners of a pancake shop called “Pancake Paradise” located on the first floor of your apartment complex.
Part 1
I woke up having to go to the bathroom. I carefully shuffled out of Taeyongs grip and went to the bathroom connected with my room. After I was done, I looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand as I returned. It was only 7am but I was already awake and not sleepy anymore. I decided to quickly shower and get dressed to buy something from my favourite bakery downstairs. Before I left, I wrote a note for Taeyong.
“I’ll quickly get some breakfast for us. I’ll be back asap”
I laid the piece of paper next to him on the bed and quietly left the bedroom. I put on my shoes and locked the door before I headed downstairs. On the 1st floor was a little bakery called “Pancake Paradise” who made the best pancakes in the world. I walked in and already greeted the shop owners I was friends with since I came to live in this apartment.
“Good morning, Y/N”, Johnny greeted my while Mark was working on some pancakes a few meters away from him.
“Morning, boys. I’d have some pancakes to go, please”, I said and waved at Mark who now looked at me.
“The usual?”, he asked and already got some more pancake dough from the fridge next to him.
“Make it double”
“Uhhhh. Does someone have a boy over?”, Johnny asked smirking.
“It’s not like that. I found an injured hybrid yesterday on my way home and brought him to my apartment. He was scared and had nowhere to go.”, I explained and Johnnys jaw dropped.
“Damn. These abusive owners these days. We just had a pair here last week. The bunny hybrid with the boy was covered in marks. I wasn’t sure if it where bruises from abuse or something else. It looked frightened that day.”, Mark said looking up at me.
“Have you asked it what happened?”, Johnny asked interested.
“I did. But he began to cry so I decided not to ask until he comes to me by himself. I don’t want to pressure him”
“You said him. What’s his name?”, Mark asked putting some pancakes on a plate.
“You can ask him if he wants to hangout sometime when you’re at work. We could use a third person in the shop.”, Johnny suggested while he packed my pancakes into a bag.
“I will. I’ll take him with me next time I visit, I promise”, I said while I grabbed the bag from Johnny and gave him the money.
“See you”, the boys shouted in unison as I was about to leave the shop.
I walked to the elevator and waited for it to arrive. It didn’t take long until I got back to the 5th floor and walked to my apartment. I unlocked the door and opened it. What I found behind it almost broke my heart again. Taeyong was sitting next to the door with his head on his knees crying almost in the same position I found him yesterday. I closed the door while placing the bag with the pancakes on top of the shoe cabinet. As he heard the door close, he looked up with tears streaming down his face, stood up and jumped into my arms. He hugged me tight before he began to bang his fists against my shoulders.
“I hate you. I hate you. I HATE YOU!”, he cried while he hit me.
“Hey. What’s wrong? What happened?”, I asked and grabbed his wrists to stop him from hitting me.
“You promised you would be there when I wake up. You weren’t there and when I wanted to go and look for you the door was locked.”
“And you though I locked you in and left you here, right?”, I asked and he nodded.
My heart broke right then and there. I pulled him into a hug and softly stroked his hair trying to calm him down.
“I left you a note that I was just quickly downstairs to get some breakfast, but you must have missed it. And I’m sorry for locking the door. I’m just used to locking it after I leave since I’ve always lived alone in this apartment. I’m really sorry that I broke my promise. I wanted to surprise you but I guess I failed”, I explained.
He slowly stopped to cry and let go of me. Taeyong looked at me sad-eyed and one last tear rolled down his cheek. I reached out to wipe it away, but he flinched and moved away from me. I felt really bad for leaving him alone.
“I’m really sorry”
He turned away from me and crossed his arms. I got out of my shoes and grabbed the bag of pancakes and walked into the kitchen. Taeyong followed me without saying a word and sat down at the kitchen table. I took out the pancaked that were still warm and placed them on two plates. I carried them to the table and placed one of them in front of Taeyong. I then returned to the counter and searched for maple syrup, strawberry jam and some vanilla ice cream. As I found everything, I placed them on the table and sat down.
“You can eat now. These are for you. I hope you like them”
Taeyong looked at me and then took the maple syrup to pour some over his pancakes. He then put it back on the table and began to eat. I watched him while he took his first bites and then slowly began to smile a bit. He caught me staring and frowned. I looked away and began to eat mine with a bit of strawberry jam and ice cream.
“Thank you”, he mumbled after some time and after I looked up, I saw that he had already finished his portion.
He looked at my plate and then back at me.
“Would you like to try?”, I asked and he nodded.
He grabbed his fork and stuck it into a piece of pancake, dipping it in the jam and letting me put some ice cream on it. He tried it and hummed happily.
“Would you like the rest?”, I asked and he shook his head.
“It’s yours. I don’t wanna eat your food”, he explained.
“It’s ok. You can have it”, I said and moved the plate to his side.
“Really?”, he asked and his eyes sparkled for a moment.
“Yeah. Go on. Eat up”
Taeyong happily ate the rest and then stood up. I thought he was going to leave the kitchen but instead he came towards me and sat down on my lap. Surprised about his behaviour I carefully wrapped my arms around his waist and looked at him.
“I’m sorry.”, he apologised and nuzzled his head against my neck.
“You’re not mad anymore?”
“You’re sure? It doesn’t sound like that”, I said and began to tickle him a bit.
“Yeah. I’m sure”, he giggled and quickly grabbed my hands to stop me.
“I’ll search for the spare key so you can use it whenever you want”, I announced and earned a confused look from him.
“I can stay here?”, he asked and I already saw tears building in his eyes again.
“Of course. You said you had nowhere to go and it’s quite lonely in this apartment”
“Is that all?”, he asked and looked at me with curiosity in his eyes.
“No. I like you and you’re kinda cute”, I smirked at him and pinched his cheek.
“I like you, too.”, he giggled while his face turned a faint pink.
“Thank you”, he said and nuzzled his nose against mine.
I used this opportunity to quickly press a soft kiss to his nose. He blushed even more and tried to hide his face behind his hands. I then began to tickle him again. Taeyong started to laugh wholeheartedly and tried to wiggle out of my grip.
“Stop”, he laughed and tried to grab my hands.
“Oh. Are you ticklish?”, I asked as if I didn’t know that already and looked at him innocently.
“Yes. Very much”, he giggled and squirmed on top of me.
“What is the magic word?”, I asked smiling and still tickling him.
“Stop, please”, he begged and grabbed my hands as I stopped.
“Good boy”, I said and reached out to pet his head.
My praise made him smile and he pressed his head against my hand. I chuckled and ran my hand through his fluffy hair. He was just the cutest person on this planet. We sat there for quite some time.
“What do you wanna do today? I have a day off so we can do whatever you want to do. And we should definitely go out and buy you a collar”, I said and ran my fingers over his exposed neck.
“A collar sounds good and I need some clothes”, he mumbled and closed his eyes as I continued to run my fingertips over his neck.
He must be really sensitive there because he already got goose bumps all over his arms and neck.
“We’ll get everything you need later. For now, let’s just stay a bit more like this”
“Ok”, he mumbled and wrapped his arms around my neck pulling my head against his chest.
I now was able to listen to his heartbeat. It was fast and I thought the reason was that he was anxious but as I looked up at him, I saw a big smile on his face. He seemed to be really happy right now. I hugged him tight once more before I signalled him to stand up. I then grabbed his hand and walked to the front door.
“Wait here a second.”, I said and walked into the bedroom.
I searched in the desk for the spare key. I thought I had placed it with the others but it was nowhere to be seen. I finally found it under a few documents. I walked back to Taeyong who had sat down on the shoe cabinet.
“Open your hand”
He opened it and I placed the key in it. He stared at it and then back at me.
“Welcome home”, I said and smiled at him.
“Thank you”, he thanked me, stood up and hugged me.
I hugged him back and smiled. Now he had a home he could come back to. Now it was my mission to make him feel as much at home as possible. We parted again and I went to put a pair of shoes on. Taeyong watched my every step and then tilted his head.
“Where are you going?”, he asked.
“You mean ‘where are we going’. You are coming with me. We need to get you some stuff to go out. You can’t walk the streets looking like this”, I said and he looked confused.
“There are two boys that can help us for the time being until we get you some clothes later. Follow me”
He looked down at his feet and then at mine. He was probably wondering if he should follow me in his socks.
“I sadly have no shoes you can wear. That’s where those two boys come into my plan. Just come with me”
I held out my hand and he grabbed it. We walked out the door and I looked at him. He took out his key and locked the door. Taeyong looked so proud when he looked back at me. I pet his head playfully and then walked to the elevator with him. As we reached the first floor he began to smile as he saw where we were walking to. He must have recognised the logo on the paper bag of the pancakes.
“So this is where you went this morning”, he stated and then kept walking towards the door.
“Sorry”, I mumbled still feeling a bit bad for leaving him alone at the house.
The automatic door opened and the little bell above the door rang. Johnny looked up from behind the counter and smiled at me as he saw us. He nudged Marks side who now looked at us too. I felt Taeyong tighten his grip on my hand. I squeezed his hand trying to tell him that this was ok. We walked up to the counter and Johnny smiled at Taeyong.
“Taeyong, right?”, he asked and the slightly scared hybrid next to me nodded.
“I’m Johnny and this is Mark. We own this place and we are good friends with Y/N”, he explained and I noticed Taeyong relax a bit.
“We came here to ask you guys a favour. He needs some fitting clothes for the time being until we got him some. So maybe you can lend us something for a few hours until we’re done with shopping?”, I asked and Mark smiled.
“Of course. Johnny can take on the shop for some time alone. Taeyong, you can come with me”, he said and walked out from behind the counter to our side.
Taeyong looked at me with a confused look. I squeezed his hand once more and leaned to his ear.
“It’s ok. I’ll be waiting here. He is a nice guy. He is safe”, I winked and he let go of my hand nodding.
I saw Taeyong follow Mark out of the shop. I turned to Johnny who had a slightly worried look on his face.
“You ok? You look like a mother letting go of her child”
“I’m ok. I’m more worried about Taeyong. You should have seen him cry this morning. I wasn’t there when he woke up even though I promised and he was so scared that I had left him. I don’t know if he will ever lose his anxiety around other people. He was almost trembling as we walked in here.”, I explained and Johnny listened carefully.
“He will be fine. I can tell by the way he looks at you. You are his saviour right now. That’s why he wants to spend all his time with you. You shouldn’t worry too much about him. Taeyong seems strong and if he manages to warm up to Mark and I we can be there for him too. Then it’s like a small family he gained and he will feel a lot safer. You are not alone with this”, he reassured and smiled at me.
“I knew I could count on you guys”
We talked a bit more about some stuff until the bell on the door rang again. I looked towards it to see that Taeyong was walking next to Mark holding his hand and smiling. I was a bit surprised by the view before me. I didn’t think he would warm up so someone close to me this fast. But I was happy to see him this smiley. He looked really good in the clothes Mark had given him. He was wearing a pair of black jeans, a jean jacket with a striped pullover under it, a black hat and a pair of white sneakers that looked great with the rest of the outfit. Mark whispered something to Taeyong and his eyes lit up. He then let go of his hand and walked towards me. Or should I say he almost ran. He stopped in front of me and smiled at me.
“How do I look?”, he asked and spinned on the spot showing me off his outfit.
“You look great, Taeyongie”, I praised him and pat his shoulder.
“Mark said you would like it”, he said and smiled at the younger boy behind the counter.
“Oh he did?”
I looked at Mark who winked at Taeyong who started to giggle beside me. Looks like they’re already friends. Taeyong stepped closer to me and grabbed my hand. I smiled and look at the handsome boy next to me. What a cutie.
“We’re ready to go, right?”, Taeyong asked and whipped back and forth on his feet.
“I guess. Then see you boys.”
“See you. And have fun”, Mark and Johnny shouted after us in unison as we left the shop.
We walked through the lobby where a few people were passing us. Some of them looked at Taeyong. I noticed his tense next to me. As we left the building, he stopped walking and looked at me.
“Why were they staring at me?”, he asked a hint of confusion and uneasiness in his voice.
“They looked at you because you’re new in this building and probably because you are a very handsome young man”, I explained and squeezed his hand.
“Y-you th-think I’m handsome?”, he stuttered and slightly blushed.
“Of course. You look really good in this outfit and you have a really pretty face”
I winked at him and started walking again. He followed me still clinging to my hand. We had to walk about 10 minutes to reach the bus stop that lead directly to the city centre where all the shops where located. We waited for the bus and then got on it driving for another 10 minutes. Right across the street at out destined bus stop was a shop especially for hybrids clothing.
“Would you like to shop there?”, I asked Taeyong.
“Can we go to other shop too?”, he asked back and I nodded.
“Then let’s start here.”
We crossed the street and walked into the huge shop. A shop assistant greeted us at the entrance. I already noticed the fluffy tail and hanging ears. So hybrids work here, too. The dog hybrid walked over to us.
“Welcome in this shop. I see your hybrid doesn’t have a collar. I guess you’re to buy one”, she said and I nodded.
“Would you follow me please”
Taeyong and I followed her deeper into the shop towards a wall that was filled with different collars. All of them looked prettier than the other. Some had a simple normal design like a dogs collar, others were colourful and had fancy features like sparkly stones or studs on them. Taeyong let go of my hand and walked towards the simpler designed once. He looked back at me as he stood in front of the wall.
“Choose whichever you like”, I said and he nodded.
His gaze wandered over the collars and after some time he just chose a simple black collar with no fancy additions to it. The shop assistant walked over to him and grabbed the collar from his hands. Without hesitation he turned around and let the assistant put his collar on. I didn’t know why but I had the feeling that he had been here already once and was used to this. As the collar was positioned he thanked the assistant and walked back over to me.
“Is this ok?”, he asked.
“Of course. Whatever you like. You can walk around the shop and pick whatever you like. I’ll stay here for some time.”
“Are you sure? These clothes aren’t cheep.”, he explained and looked a bit sad.
“I said it’s ok. There is no price I wouldn’t pay for you, Taeyongie. Now go and pick what you like”
He smiled at me and then walked into the shop. I saw the shop assistant still looking after him. As she noticed me staring at her she came walking over. She signalled me to follow her and I did. We arrived at the counter at the shop entrance.
“Would you like to drink a coffee?”, she asked and I nodded.
“Is it possible that you two know each other?”, I asked as she was focused on the coffee machine.
“Yeah. It’s not the first time he came here. Well, his owner was the one who mostly came here. I only saw him once when he got his collar. I remembered him as soon as I saw you two. I heard about his owner. I don’t know if you know this but his owner is known to treat his ‘pets’ how he calls them not the best way. Some of those hybrids never visited again or were seen around this area. But nobody really seemed to care. I was surprised to see him in this good condition.”, she told me and handed me the mug with warm coffee.
“I wouldn’t call his condition good but there must have been hybrids looking a lot worse than him. I guess there are still those bad people out there that think your kind doesn’t deserve human right and stuff like that. It’s fucked up.”
“There were some hybrids I knew that lost some fingernails or had clipped ears. Some of them had pretty bad injuries like broken limbs or scars all over their bodies. I’m really glad to see him this healthy. I guess you’re taking good care of him.”
“I hope I can be of help to him. I just found him yesterday and I guess I was able to loosen some of his fears.”
“I bet you will be the perfect owner. And that is not the human side of me speaking.”, she said and winked at me.
“Thanks for the compliment and for the coffee. I should look where he is.”
“Alright. Just come back with all the stuff he needs and I’ll give you a discount since it’s your first time shopping here”
I placed the mug back on the counter and walked into the shop. I was walking through the rows with different clothes for hybrids of all kinds. A leopard with his owner walked by me and the leopard stopped to talk to me.
“If you are searching for the handsome cat just go to the fitting rooms down this row and you’ll find him”, he told me and smiled.
“Thank you”
I walked into the direction he just mentioned and turned back once more to look at them. As soon as the leopard had returned to his owner he pet his head praising him and placed a kiss on his forehead. I could feel the love between those two from meters away. I smiled and walked towards the fitting rooms. I arrived there seeing that only one room was being used at the moment.
“Taeyong are you in there?”, I asked.
“I’ll be right out. Just wait a second”, he said.
Just a few seconds after he said that he walked out with a pile of clothes on his arm. I saw a few pants especially made for hybrids with a tail and some underwear and other stuff.
“Are you satisfied with what you chose?”, I asked and he nodded.
“Then let’s go and pay”
Taeyong grabbed my hand with his free one and intertwined our fingers. I chuckled and walked hand in hand towards the entrance. The shop assistant smiled brightly at us and grabbed a cotton bag. We handed her the clothes and she scanned them and packed them into the bag.
“This costs about 150 dollars. Are you paying cash or card?”, she asked and I already handed her my card.
She ran it through the machine and gave it back to me. She gave the bag to Taeyong who smiled at her.
“Thank you. Have a nice day”, he said and already walked towards the door.
“Thank you for coming to the shop. You’re welcome every time”, she said towards me and I smiled at her.
I handed her a paper with my number an.
“Call me whenever you see that bastard of owner again. I’m not gonna let him do anything to any kind of hybrid ever again.”
“I will. Thank you for your dedication”
“No need to thank me. Someone must do something. I’ll see you”
“Bye”, she sad and waved as I left the shop.
Taeyong was obediently waiting in front of the shop. I walked towards him and pet his head.
“What is this for?”, he asked and quietly purred.
“For being such a polite boy. I’m proud of you”, I praised him and kissed his forehead.
He got shy for a moment before he grabbed my hand again.
“Let’s go to the next shop”, he said enthusiastic.
I giggled at his excitement and followed his lead. We visited different shops and bought some stuff here and there. We had stopped at a hot dog stand as we noticed that it was already time for lunch. It was about 5 pm now and Taeyong seemed to get tired of running around the city shopping for clothes. I stopped walking and squeezed his hand.
“I think this is enough for now. We should head back home”
Just after I had mentioned home, he yawned and nodded agreeing. We walked back to the bus stop and drove back home. As we arrived at the apartment complex, we saw Johnny and Mark closing up the shop right as we entered the lobby. Taeyong let go of my hand and walked faster towards the boys.
“Look who’s here”, Mark said to Johnny and he turned to look at us.
“Are you done with shopping?”, he asked Taeyong and he nodded.
“You’ll get your clothes back when I washed them.”, I said towards Mark and he shook his head.
“No need. I told Taeyong he could keep them. They fit him perfectly and the look a lot better on him than on me.”, he winked towards Taeyong who giggled.
“I guess you’re right”, I said and Mark playfully hit me.
“Are you saying that I wouldn’t look good in those clothes?”, he asked playing offended and held a hand over his heart acting hurt by my words.
“No she’s saying you look bad in everything”, Johnny teased and started laughing.
Mark looked between Johnny, Taeyong and I who were laughing at him now.
“You guys are mean”, he said pouting and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Oh honey, don’t be mad”, Johnny said and grabbed his better half by his waist.
“Guys not in front of an innocent hybrid. This is not appropriate. Keep it PG”, I said as Mark softly kissed Johnny.
“I’m not innocent”, Taeyong stated next to me staring at those two boys looking at each other all lovey-dovey.
“Whatever you say. We’ll go upstairs now. See you”, I said and grabbed Taeyong by his hands before his eyes were falling out from gawking at those lovers.
They waved goodbye and we walked into the elevator. Taeyong began to speak as soon as the doors were closed.
“I had a feeling that those two love each other. They look at each other in this special way”, he said and looked at me with his big doe eyes.
“Yeah. Those two are inseparable. They really love each other. I’m happy for them.”, I said smiling thinking about the first time I met those two.
“Do you have someone like that in your life?”, Taeyong asked out of nowhere.
“Me? No. I don’t have someone like that. I have you now. That’s more than enough”, I smiled at him and stepped out of the elevator since it had arrived at our floor.
Taeyong stood there as if he was frozen. I grabbed him by his hands and dragged him towards the door. He took out his key and opened the door still with a proud look on his face. We walked in, took of our clothes and the walked to the bedroom with the bags of clothing. I walked towards my closet and emptied out parts of it so that Taeyong could place his clothes there. As I was finished I turned towards the bed to see that Taeyong had sorted his new belongings by kind of clothing and all of them were folded perfectly.
“You can put your clothes here. This part of the closet is yours. If you need more I can clear out some more stuff.”, I said and he nodded starting to fill the now still empty space.
“Thank you. Today was really fun”, Taeyong said after finishing and walked over to hug me.
“It really was. Exhausting but fun. I hope you didn’t feel uncomfortable at all today”
“No. I was fine. Thanks to you”, he mumbled against my shoulder and hugged me even tighter.
I kissed his head and then pet his head. He started to purr and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. God I already loved this cutie too much. The more time I spend with him the more I wanted him to never leave my side. I must be crazy to fall for him this quickly. Taeyong looked up at me and seemed to notice that I was thinking hard about something.
“Are you ok?”, he asked and nuzzled his nose with mine.
“Yes I am. Just tired.”, I said and walked towards the bed letting myself fall on it.
Taeyong followed me shortly and laid down next to me resting his head on my chest.
“Then let’s sleep for a bit. You’ll feel better.”, he said and snuggled closer to me.
He was worrying over me even though I should be worrying about him. It was too cute. I wrapped my arms around his body and turned so that I was laying on my side facing him. He looked at me and cupped my face with his hands. He pulled my head closer to him and then placed a kiss on my forehead. This time both our cheeks turned a faint pink.
“Good night”, he mumbled and closed his eyes.
“Good night, Taeyongie”
I closed my eyes and just laid there for a bit listening to his breathing. After some time, I noticed him move a bit and felt the blanket being pulled up over our bodies. He snuggled closer to me again.
“I’m glad you don’t have someone by your side. I wanted to fill that space. I hope you’ll let me one day”, he whispered.
My heart stopped for a second and I really had to control myself not to start crying over his confession. He must have been thinking I was already sleeping. It was the cutest think that ever happened to me and touched me deep in my heart. The warmth from his words spread towards my whole body and I hoped this feeling would never go away.
Next Part 
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jungshookz · 5 years
How about Y/N decides to take care of Android Yoongi for a week instead of the other way around since I’m assuming that’s what Yoongi does all day when Y/N is out since that’s what he was made to do? I’m not a writer so I hope that’s enough for a drabble!
Tumblr media
→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ genre: android!yoongi, fluff!, yoongi’s extra cuddly when he’s sick, uhhhh kinda crackheady kinda smutty, tae is a moron and he loves talking about his greatest creation aka yoongi’s penis 
→ wordcount: 2.5k
→ note: i switched your request up a little!! i hope you don’t mind :-)) i loved writing this yoongi is so cute 
(gif isn’t mine!)
logically, technically, physically, and literally speaking
dis shit don’t make sense
yoongi, or Y00NG1 if we’re being realistic here, is a robot
so how is it possible that he, a robot, managed to get sick
he has a cold
the common flu
like a weak human being
“sorry, bud. i guess a little bug managed to sneak its way into your latest update. my bad!” namjoon winces as he takes a look at yoongi’s disheveled state “i probably shouldn’t have programmed your update while being drunk off my ass… we were celebrating hoseok’s birthday, remember??”
he’s lucky he’s face timing yoongi and not actually physically in the bedroom because it looks like yoongi wants to strangle him
and namjoon is well aware that yoongi has the capability to do so
“Yes, I faintly remember you programming one of your newer bots to serve us birthday cake.” the tiny little inferior servant robot ended up flinging cake all over the place and yoongi had to clean it up because all of you were too drunk to do anything  
“i thought your system would be strong enough to override it but apparently i was wrong.”
“Apparently you were.” yoongi scoffs sarcastically and reaches over to grab a tissue
namjoon winces again when yoongi blows his nose obnoxiously  
the poor bot
he has bags under his eyes
there’s the occasional glitch of 1’s and 0’s that appear under his skin
a couple screws are loose inside of him which explains the leakage of fluids from his nose
his voice is all gross and nasaly and sometimes when he coughs he coughs out tiny pieces of metal
“look, i’ll see you later, alright? don’t you worry, i’ll get you back into shape!”
“You better. Otherwise, I won’t hesitate to zap you with my laser eyes.”
“…i told you that’s not going to become a thing.”
“You people can give me a vibrating penis but you can’t give me laser eyes?”
“vibrating-? taehyung!!!!!”  
“it was just for valentine’s day!!!!!!!! it doesn’t vibrate anymore it’s back to normal!!”
“oH my god you freak-“
yoongi promptly hangs up because the bickering is starting to make his head pound
he tosses your phone aside and lets out a huff as he flops his head back against the headboard
“feeling any better?” you pop into the bedroom and shut the door behind you as you approach yoongi
“Not since the last time you checked up on me… which was ten minutes ago.” you plop down on the edge of the bed and yoongi reaches over to yank on your wrist “C’mere.” he pulls you over so that you’re sitting on top of him with your legs on either side of him
“aw, my poor baby.” you coo mockingly as yoongi wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles his face into your chest
“Don’t patronise me.” yoongi murmurs and you can’t help but giggle because you hear the pout in his voice
you stroke the back of his head and yoongi sniffles
“You think if I overcharge myself I’ll end up frying the bug inside of me to death?” he props his chin up on your chest and looks up at you with bloodshot eyes
you scowl
“don’t even try it, you moron.”
“Don’t have enough energy to walk myself over to the pod anyway.” yoongi huffs and smooshes his face into your boobs again “Mm, I feel better already.”
“shut up, you little perv” you snort and plant a kiss on the top of his head
you don’t fckin know how to take care of sick robot
he’s not even supposed to be sick!!!!
he’s a robot for christ’s sakes
usually when you’re sick you just stay in bed all day and mope about how sick you are and yoongi dotes over you like the caring boyfriend-bot he is
he makes soup for you and tricks you into taking your medicine (he shoved your pill into a chunk of brownie and you fell for it like a damn fool)
he snuggles up with you in bed and turns on his internal heater so that you’re nice and warm
you ended up drooling all over his chest which was kinda gross but it was an endearing kinda gross
but you
you don’t have an internal heater
you could make chicken noodle soup for yoongi but u both know that it’s just going to go strAIGht through his system and he’s going to leak soup all over the sheets
yoongi doesn’t have any pills to take because he’s a robot for christ’s sakes so like
you don’t know what to do
namjoon said he’d stop by later with some ‘medicine’ for yoongi (it’s a little chip he’s going to insert into his neck in an attempt to eradicate whatever bug is floating around in his hard drive) but for now it’s up to you to take care of him
which is just odd because usually he’s the one taking care of you
you know what though
there is an upside to yoongi falling sick
you can finally relive your old life
and by that you mean you’ve been eating like a shiT ton of junk food because yoongi’s been unable to connect to your bracelet
ordering an XL pizza and dunking it in italian garlic dip after yoongi charges up for the night has been the absolute highlight of your week
although you will note that there was a little bit of regret the next morning because you were sO bloated you felt like you couldn’t move
“alright, how are we feeling??” namjoon claps his hands together as the others continue wheeling machines and monitors into the bedroom
yoongi sits ups against the headboard and lets out a breath
“Nothing has changed since I called you two hours ago. I have more a migraine now because someone in here is wearing far too much Axe body spray.”
everyone immediately looks towards jungkook
“well i think it smells nice so-”
“let’s get this show on the road, shall we??” namjoon nudges jungkook to the side to get the monitor
“what… exactly are you going to do again?” you peek over his shoulder and all you see are 1s and 0s so you honestly couldn’t even guess what namjoon was going to do
namjoon pulls a case out of his back pocket and waves it in front of your face before unzipping it
he rifles through the case before pulling out a small blue cartridge
“well, i’m inserting this chip into the monitor and then i’m going to hook yoongi up to the machines and his database should successfully download all the brand neW files that should override his old ones.”
seems simple enough
“oh! okay, well i can help hook yoongi up if you need help.” you offer and yoongi wraps his fingers around your wrist and tugs you back a little before he’s intertwining his fingers with yours
you glance down at him and ruffle his hair
“don’t worry about it, i got it! now lemme just- ah hEre it is!” namjoon pulls out a particularly thiCK looking wire and that plug has to be like an inch thick which is vEry thick compared to his usual charging cord
that’s very intimidating looking
suddenly u don’t want yoongi to get better if that thing has to be shoved inside of his neck
“step aside, y/n” you immediately stand in front of yoongi protectively and namjoon gives you a pointed look “oh, cut it out. i’m not going to kill him.”
“and if we do kill him we can always just make you a new one!”
“Hey!” yoongi scowls and jimin shrugs because it’s.,.,., well it’s truE
namjoon nudges you to the side and yoongi lets go of your wrist reluctantly before sitting up a little straighter
“alright, and we just-“ namjoon shoves the plug into yoongi’s charging port and-
yoongi’s head drops and his entire body slouches over
you yelp in surprise and immediately scramble over to him
u know what this is giving you PTSD to the incident and you weren’t worried before but noW you’re worried
“what did you do!!!!!!!!!” you push yoongi up before getting on top of him and giving his shoulders a shake “yoongi??? yoongi!!!!” you cup his face and squish his cheeks together and he’s still unresponsive
“i-i don’t know, maybe i fried a wire?? i probably should’ve performed a trial test before-“
“you didn’t test this?? i thought you were supposed to be smART”
“don’t yELL AT ME” namjoon’s punching a bunch of buttons on the monitor and-
yoongi’s head shoots up and his eyes pop right open
you watch as his pupils constrict and expand and he blinks quickly
“…you okay?”
“I-“ you hear another small bzt and yoongi twitches before his expression shifts
he places his hands on your hips and gives you a squeeze before you’re suddenly aware of sultry gaze he’s giving you
“I’m more than okay, baby.”
a little odd but
well at least he’s back
“that’s good! i was worried for a sec-“ yoongi buries his face into the crook of your neck and starts to plant kisses on your skin “-ond…?”
“Mhm, yeah.” yoongi purrs and a hand slides to your front and he gives the waistband of your sweatpants a little tug
you immediately swat his hand away and turn to look over your shoulder at the boys
“are we sure he’s okay?” you yaNK yoongi’s hand out of your pants and turn to glare at him “cut it out you weirdo”
“everything seems to be running normally…” namjoon keeps an eye on the monitor and scratches the top of his head
taehyung peeks over at the monitor before his eyes flicker over to yoongi (who is currently trying to get you to kiss him but you keep dodging his mouth and scolding him)
“hyung just out of curiosity which chip did u put in”
“the- the one that i use specifically for yoongi-“ namjoon pauses and narrows his eyes at taehyung “…why do you ask?”
taehyung clears his throat before inspecting his cuticles
“weLL the thing is-“ he lets out a sheepish laugh “i uhhhhhhhhhh i was working on a little side project, and uh, i might’ve used one of your chips because yours are so much more fancier than mine and anYWays i might’ve used your chip to-“
oh my god
“what did you do”
“well you know it’s reaLLY not as bad as you might think-“
“and you know if you think about it you should be flattered because i was inspired by you-“
“it’s a seX BOT CHIP OKAY” taehyung winces
“oh my fucking-“
“oW” yoongi bites down on your shoulder before laving his tongue over the sore spot all while his hips are bucking into yours and he went from zero to a hundRED in the span of like 3 seconds
and you know what while this would be nice in private it’s not as nice when there are six other mEN in the rOOM and also yoongi is being very very rough
his fingers dig into the your bum and you let out a squeak because heLLo OW  
“I wanna fuck you I wanna feel you I want you so bad and I-“ his arms are beginning to wrap around your waist like a boa constrictor around its prey and it is noT a pleasant feeling
jungkook and jimin rush over and proceed to pin yoongi’s arm back which doesn’t seem to help because now he’s angry and horny and he looks like he wants to deVOUR you
you’re about to scramble off of yoongi’s lap because this is terrifying but-
“take the WIRE OUT TAKE IT OUT NOW” namjoon is freaKing out because what is HAPPENING TO HIS BABY
you reach over and yank it out of yoongi’s neck before you’re flinging it onto the floor
yoongi immediately slumps over and jungkook and jimin both let out breaths of relief
“i forgot how strong he was” jimin is wiNDED and he’s definitely going to have to lie down for like ten minutes after y’all sort this mess out
“i think there might be a couple glitches in your chip, tae.” you pant and press a hand against your chest
“okay, now let’s put in the actual chip-“ namjoon sends tae a glare and tae smiles sheepishly
he inserts it into the monitor and it lets out a happy chirp before you hear the fans beginning to whir
“you wanna hook him up y/n?”
“y/n has to do it because i don’t want yoongi humping me”
“me neither”
“ya same lol gross”
“very smooth movement in the hips tho”
“wait what”
yoongi shoots straight up and he blinks furiously
once again his pupils are dilating and expanding at an abnormal rate and you start to worry again until he wrinkles his nose which is a very yoongi-like habit
“That was quite an unpleasant experience. I would not like to experience that again.”
it’s good to have yoongi back
he yanks the cord out of his neck and drops it onto the floor and you roll off of him and watch as he reorients himself with everything
you jump in surprise when your bracelet beeps twice and buzzes on your wrist
yoongi freezes before turning to glare at you over his shoulder
“Did you seriously eat an entire XL pizza last night?” You’re going on a green juice cleanse for the next two days to flush out all the toxins in your body. I’ll go make a smoothie for you now.” he pushes past the boys and leaves the room but continues to talk “And why haven’t you done the laundry yet? I- Oh, god, look at the state of the living room!”
you let out a huff and roll your eyes playfully “…is it too late to bring sex bot yoongi back”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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azaraspirit · 5 years
Picking Favorites Tom/reader/Harrison
ITS HERE! i said it was gonna be a multi chapter fic but that was a lie. i got lazy and impatient so it’s just gonna be one fic. i really like how it turned out despite the lack of editing and proof reading. 
warnings: smut (well duh), threesome, a little bit of angst, cursing.
words: 2k+
Clothes littered the floor as you were squeezed in between Tom and Haz, their arms draped over your bare stomach. Their lips kissed your hot skin that was decorated in bruises they both left. 
“Guuuuuuys, I can’t take anymore.” you whined as they each took a breast in their hand. 
“Hear that, Tom?” Haz chuckled, looking up at him. “She can’t take anymore. Maybe we should stop.”
“But what if I don’t want to?” Tom smirked, your eyes meeting. “I love playing with your tits.” Tom leaned down to suck on your hard petal.
“Toooom,” you whined.
Haz smirked, rolling his eyes. “Over achiever.” he muttered.
Tom let go, narrowing his eyes at Haz. “I heard that.”
“You know it’s true. You always have to finish last.” Haz complained.
Tom scoffed. 
“Guys, knock it off. You’re killing the mood.” You sat up to get your clothes. They both pouted in disappointment. “I have plans anyways and need to get ready. Now shoo.”
Tom sighed. “You always kick us out. Why can’t we stay the night?”
“Maybe another night but tonight, I have company.”
“Not another guy is it?” Haz asked.
“No.” You gave an airy chuckle. “Just some friends. No need to be jealous.”
“’M not jealous.” he murmured.
“Guys, I’m serious. They’ll be here soon.”
“Do they know about us? Maybe we should stay and introduce ourselves.” Tom smirked, nudging at Haz with his elbow. Haz swiped his arm away with a dull look. “Can’t you take no for an answer?”
“Guys.” you scolded.
They quieted down after that. You went to take a shower and they were both dressed by the time you were done. “But seriously though. I’m your favorite right?” Tom asked.
“I don’t have a favorite, that’s the point of a threesome you div. Now don’t make me shove you guys out the door.” You kissed them both on the lips goodbye. 
You had the night to yourself which was nice after your over stimulating evening with Tom and Haz and then your friends over the same night. But that changed when you heard a knock on the door. You sighed and went to answer it, not knowing who was there.
“Hey, pretty girl.” 
“W-what are you doing here? Is Haz with you?” 
He shook his head. “Just me and some take out. Thought we could spend some time together-just the two of us.”
You had to fight rolling your eyes. “Tom. This isn’t a relationship. It’s just sex. And I don’t think we should be hanging out without Harrison.”
Tom chuckled, smirking. “But I ordered your favorite.” He lifted up the paper sack in your hand and you could smell the delicious Chinese that waited for you.
You narrowed your eyes. “Get in here before I change my mind.”
Tom smirked as he came inside. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist.”
You rolled your eyes this time. “If your ego could get any bigger, your head would explode.”
“You know you love it.”
“Yeah not really. And just to be clear, we’re not having sex tonight.”
Tom pouted. “Then what am I supposed to do with this?” he asked, holding up a condom from his pocket.
You sighed. “Tom.”
“Okay, okay, sorry, no sex.”
You and Tom were a panting mess in your bed, the room smelling of sex. 
“Well...so much for that.” you chuckled.
Tom grinned at you, resting on his side. “Okay now you have to admit that I’m your favorite.”
You looked over at him, sighing. “Tom, I am not picking sides. I told you.”
Tom pulled you closer to him. ”And you also said we weren’t gonna have sex.” He kissed your neck, making you moan. Damn he was good. 
You managed to gently push him away from you. “This isn’t fair to Harrison. You realize he’s gonna be pissed when he finds out that we had slept together?”
“He’ll get over it.” Tom leaned in again to nip at your ear, your body shuddering. “Tom. I’m serious.”
“So am I.”
“Oh, please,  you don’t have a serious bone in your body.”
Tom chuckled, flashing his white teeth. “He doesn't have to know.” 
“Tom he’s your friend.”
“Yeah and?”
“Don’t you think that’s kind of shitty of you?”
Tom shrugged. “I never said I was a good friend. Now how about round two?”
“Tom…” you scolded. “This was a one time thing.”
Tom leaned down to suck on your neck. “Tom.” you moaned. “Fuck.”
“So you want me to leave?” he asked, kissing your neck.
Your lashes fluttered. “Fuck no.” You pulled him for a kiss as he rolled on top of you.
“Thought so.” he smirked.
A few days later, you ran into Harrison while running errands. You smiled, blushing as he waved at you. 
“Hey, stranger.” he greeted as he approached you. You shared a hug that made your body heat up and smile widen even more. You reluctantly let go. 
“What have you been up to, y/n?”
You bit your lip, debating whether or not to tell him about your night with Tom. Least not here. “Oh you know, the usual. Just getting some groceries.”
“Mind some company? I was just going for a walk to get some coffee.”
“I’d like that.”
You both went to the nearest shop and Haz bought your drink. You weren’t sure if this was a date or not. A casual relationship with two guys was new territory. 
“How’s school going?” Haz asked, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Oh, good. Been studying a lot to pass the time. Nothing too exciting.”
“You’re still getting that PHD though right?” he asked as you two walked down the sidewalk.
“Oh yeah for physiology. It was the only subject that didn’t put me to sleep.”
Haz laughed. “Anything in particular?”
“Not sure yet. Maybe a child psychologist. A lot of bullies ya know?”
Haz nodded. “I like that.”
This is what you liked. Just talking. It was easy being around Harrison. With Tom, it was so much work and you felt exhausted afterwards. Sure the sex was great but that’s all it was. With Harrison, you silently hoped there was something more, a spark.
“How’s Tom, doing?”
“He’s good. Cocky like always.” 
“Mind asking how you even became friends? You seem like total opposite.” you said.
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “We’re not much alike I give you that. But we’ve been friends since we were like five.”
“Wow. And you two both just agreed to sleep with the same girl?” you grinned.
Haz shrugged. “He was up for it so I thought why not? But can I tell you something?”
“I kinda wish it was just us sometimes.” Haz blushed.
You blushed too. “Just us?”
“I mean, it’s fun and all but I don’t know, when it comes down to it, I’d rather have it just be us.”
“Awww,” you cooed, unable to hide it. 
“But I guess that won’t happen,” Haz countered. “Cause of Tom.”
You frowned at his comment. Haz sounded sincere when he admitted about wanting it to be just you and him.
“Haz?” you asked.
“I have something I want to tell you too.”
“What the fuck man?” Haz shouted when he came back to the apartment.
Tom looked up from the couch, pausing the video game he was playing. “Did I miss something?”
“You slept with y/n without me?!” Haz’s nostrils were flaring.
Tom’s eyes darted, unprepared for such an awkward moment. “Uhhhh....yeah...about that…”
Harrison glared at his friend. “We agreed to only sleep with her together.” He clenched his fists.
Tom chuckled nervously. He’s never seen Harrison so agitated before. Before he could speak, Haz continued. “You always do this! Every time we share something we like, you end up taking over!”
Tom stood up, realizing how upset Haz was. “Haz, calm down. I just-”
“No. I’m done with this bullshit. You always get what you want. Did you even think about how I would feel when I found out about you fucking her? No because you’re selfish! Always have been!”
“Harrison…” Tom was lost for words.
He shook his head. “Don’t bother. I should have known this would have ended badly. I’m staying at y/n’s tonight because I stand to be around you right now. And don’t even think about coming over to interrupt.” He stormed off to his room and Tom just stood there, completely dumbfounded. 
Harrison aggressively stuffed his duffle bag with clothes and personal care items, things he would need to sleep over. He hasn’t even told you about him coming over but he knew from earlier that you didn’t have any plans.
“Harrison, please, lemme explain.” Tom tried again when Haz headed for the door.
“No, I know what you’re gonna say and I don’t fucking care. Don’t fucking follow me!”
Harrison cursed under his breath as he got in the elevator. He did his best to level his voice as he dialed. “Y/n?” 
“Yeah, Haz? What’s up?”
“Mind if I stay over tonight? Or two? I can’t be with Tom right now.”
“Haz, what’s wrong?” You immediately sensed there was something wrong in his voice.
“I’ll explain when I get there. You hungry?”
“I’ll grab something on the way.” Haz said.
“Sounds good.”
Unlike Tom, you were happy to see Harrison at your door even though he was upset. You let him in and he sat his bag on the floor. “What happened, Haz?” you asked as you got the plates and silverware ready. 
“I confronted Tom about you two sleeping together.” Haz said with glassy eyes.
You frowned, feeling guilty. “I’m so sorry that happened, Haz, I mean it. I admit I’m not perfect. He just seduced me and I couldn’t say no-”
Haz embraced you with his arms, resting his forehead against yours, eyes closed. “It’s okay, y/n. I know how he is, trust me. I’m not angry with you.”
“You’re not?” You looked up at him with watery eyes.
Harrison shook his head. “Tom started this. He knew what he was doing. That’s why I’m so angry about this whole thing.” He gently cupped your face, brushing your cheeks with his thumbs. “I just want to be with you. Only you.”
“I want that too, Harrison.”
Haz smiled, nuzzling your nose with his. “I’m sorry that this happened. Tom is a dick.”
“Can we just not talk about Tom right now?”
“Shit sorry.”
You smiled up at him, Harrison feeling ten degrees cooler than when he came in. Your eyes locked and you swore you felt your soul leave your body. His blue eyes were dazzling. “Can I kiss you?” he asked.
You giggled. “You may.”
Harrison’s lips gently pressed against yours and it felt like you were on cloud nine. That moment you realized what the difference was between Tom and Haz. 
You both let go to catch your breath, smiling and blushing. “That was amazing.” you said. “You felt that too?” he asked.
You nodded. “I just want to be with you, Harrison. Only you…”
“I want that too.” Haz breathed, feeling like the luckiest guy on earth. He held you close to him, your foreheads together again. “But Tom won’t be happy about it.”
“Fuck that. I don’t care what Tom thinks. If he’s gonna be a sore loser then maybe you need a new best friend.” you said.
Haz grinned. “I still want him to be my friend. But maybe just...not sleep with the same girl with him.” he chuckled.
You laughed. “Yeah I think that would be a good idea.”
You enjoy a moment of silence between you and Harrison, absorbing the warm heat of his body. “You know what?”
“I always liked you more than Tom.” you said, your head resting on his chest.
Haz chuckled. “Really?”
“Yeah.” You looked up at him with a sincere smile. “Your dick is prettier than Tom’s.”
That made Haz laugh. A full, loud laugh. “Oh my god, I can’t believe you just said that.”
“It’s true.”
Haz smiled. “Speaking of…” He nodded towards your bedroom, making you blush.
You both giggled as he picked you up, the food long forgotten. You kissed him hungrily but it wasn’t like how you kissed Tom the other night. This was different. More passion than lust.
The room filled with giggles and laughter and moans. Harrison slipped off his shirt, leaning down to kiss you some more. Your arms were around him, your fingers entangled with his blonde curls. “I like it when it’s just the two of us.” Haz said sweetly, nuzzling your noses again.
“Me too.” You were a blushing mess.
“Let me please you tonight, baby girl.”
“I’m okay with that.” you grinned.
Haz kissed you like it was the last night on earth as you undressed. He treated you like the queen you were. Unlike Tom who only thought about himself, Haz was thinking of you and only you. What you wanted. Your moans, your lips on his.
“Tell me what you want baby,” he cooed in your ear.”
You looked in his eyes, smiling softly. “I want you.”
Haz smiled into your lips, pressing your body to his. 
Harrison groaned, hearing his phone ring. He rose his head up to see who was calling. Tom. He groaned again. He decided to answer it, sitting up. “What is it man? I was asleep.”
“I wanted to apologize.” Tom said on the other end. “I know you’re still mad at me but I put a lot of thought into it and...I realized you were right. I’m a selfish asshole who doesn’t deserve to have you as a friend. It was wrong of me to sleep with her the other night and I’m sorry. If I could take it back, I would.”
Harrison looked over at you as you slept under the covers. 
“Yeah, I’m here. I was just thinking.” He scratched the top of his head.
“So? Are we okay?” Tom asked nervously.
Haz sighed. “I don’t know. But...something’s changed. We won’t be the same. But maybe we can be better?”
Tom smiled. “Yeah. I’d like that. I’ll try to be less of a dick.”
Haz laughed. “I’m still at y/n’s.”
“Oh really?” Tom teased.
“Yeah,” Haz blushed. “If it’s okay with you...we kinda...decided to date. Just us.”
Tom was quiet for a moment then chuckled. “Yeah man that’s cool with me. I knew she liked you more than me anyways.”
“Really? Thought you’d be pissed.” admitted Harrison.
“Yeah well the old me might have been. But the new me is happy for you. Seriously.”
Harrison smiled. “Thanks, man. That really means a lot.”
“So what?”
“How was it?”
“I’m hanging up.”
“Oh come on! You ain’t gonna tell me anything?” Tom questioned.
“No.” Haz said flatly.
“You’re no fun.” Tom pouted.
“Goodbye, Tom. I’ll see you later.”
Haz rolled his eyes, setting his phone down on the nightstand. You stirred in your sleep, and looked over at him with one eye open. “Who was that?” Your voice was groggy and tired.
“Oh, you two okay?”
“Yeah. Go back to sleep baby, I’ll make breakfast in a bit. How does that sound?”
“Hmmm, amazing. I want French toast.”
“Do you have anything we need?”
You thought for a moment. “Hm probably not.”
“That’s okay. I’ll run to the store, you stay here and rest okay?” He leaned over to kiss your lips which led to a few more. “I’ll be back soon okay, y/n? 
“Don’t be too long, Haz.” you pouted.
“I won’t. An hour tops.” 
Haz smiled to himself as he left your apartment. He was gonna get groceries to cook his girlfriend breakfast. Girlfriend. He really liked the sound of that. Not a fuck buddy he shared with his friend occasionally but his girlfriend. 
Guess she did pick a favorite after all. 
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damienthepious · 5 years
:eyes: 7. “Please don’t go out alone.” for rad bouquet??
i am. so sorry. that this took as long as it did. I am just so sorry and i have no excuse. gosh i hope you enjoy it anyway. Uhhhhh happy Lizard Kissin’ Tuesday!!!
Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast
Relationship: Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla, Lord Arum/Rilla
Characters: Lord Arum, Rilla
Additional Tags: Second Citadel, Lizard Kissin’ Tuesday. Prompt Fill, Established Relationship, Protectiveness, Arguing (mild), Play Fighting, (sort of…. i have no idea how to tag this. as usual)
Summary: Rilla may not be a knight, may not be a magician slash architect, may not be a warrior, but she is more than competent in her own particular way, and certain people would do very well to remember that fact.
Notes: So this was uhhhh SUPPOSED to be for a hurt/comfort fic, which this didn’t exactly turn into. I like what it is, but it’s certainly not H/C, so, sorry about that part also???
Arum leaps from the portal with his knives out and swinging, and the three-foot centipede is in multiple wriggling segments on the ground before he even lands, panting and wild-eyed.
Rilla stands from her defensive crouch, dropping the packets of explosive powder back into the pocket of her skirt, loosening her grip on the short knife at her belt. “Oh,” she says, blinking and amused as Arum spins to face her. “Uh. Thanks, I guess?”
“Amaryllis, are you hurt? As soon as the Keep told me, I-”
“I’m fine,” Rilla says, her eyebrows dipping in confusion as Arum scuttles closer and sheathes two knives so he can touch her shoulder, tip her chin up and scan over her face as if looking for very minute cuts, for some obscured injury. “Arum, I’m fine. It didn’t even touch me.”
He exhales, dropping his hands away from her, and then he sheathes the other two knives and presses his lips tight together with a visibly awkward tilt. “Good,” he says, and then he gestures to the portal. “Good, I’m glad to hear it. Now, come back to the Keep and-”
“Uh, hang on a sec,” she says, not moving. “I’m not done out here.”
“What?” He scowls. “Of course you are, you were attacked. Clearly, it is not safe for you out here.”
“Arum.” Rilla feels the frustration bubbling up in her, the indignation, and she takes a deep breath to try to mollify it because- “It’s very sweet of you to worry about me, but I’m not just going to pack up and run off home the second things get a little bit dangerous. Besides,” she shrugs, gesturing to the remains of the bug creature, which has long since stopped wriggling, “it’s dealt with, right?”
“Amaryllis, if there was one such danger, it is impossible to tell what other threats may have slipped through the swamp’s defenses. I cannot guarantee your safety, and so I must ask, Amaryllis-” he grits his teeth, raises a hand towards her, “please don’t come out here alone. It is too dangerous for you.”
The indignation boils back up, and Rilla has to clench her jaw for a moment. “Okay, alright, you do know that I’m not actually some fragile little waif, right?” She raises an eyebrow, cocking her hip out and crossing her arms over her chest. “Just because Damien is the knight doesn’t mean that I’m incapable of taking care of myself.”
Arum shakes his head. “I didn’t say-”
“I need to go out into the jungle around my hut for research and supplies all the time,” Rilla says, “and honestly? At this point I bet that the Swamp of Titan’s Blooms is probably safer for me. At least out here I know that there are some protections, even if they aren’t infallible.”
Arum blinks, frowning. “Well- be that as it may, it is still not advisable for you to simply wander-”
“I wasn’t wandering, Arum, I was looking for samples of your modified water lilies. Like the ones right over there.” She points, but Arum does not look.
“If you were hurt out here in my swamp it would be my fault,” Arum snaps, his tail thrashing behind him like a loose ribbon in a windstorm. “I refuse to be complicit in your harm, even indirectly.”
“I can take care of myself,” Rilla says again, her tone tight and pointed.
“You are being unreasonable,” Arum growls, and then he reaches for her wrist. “Come, I have had enough of-”
Rilla could let him grab her, could take this argument back to the Keep and try to talk this thing through.
A demonstration feels like it will be a more effective way to prove her point, though. More satisfying, too.
Rilla tilts her body, taking a half step back so that when Arum reaches for her he misses, overextending his arm, and she pulls a small packet from her pocket and tears it open, closing her eyes just before the flash of bright light and the bloom of smoke explode out.
That particular sample is a joint project she and Marc have been back-and-forth working on, an explosive that prioritizes brightness over force, effective for blinding and stunning creatures and people, and the new smoke effect is helpful in extending the confusion as the target slowly regains their sight.
She doesn’t give Arum time for that, though.
He stumbles, a look of almost comical confusion on his face as he furiously blinks and rubs his hands over his eyes, and Amaryllis sweeps her leg in a maneuver she learned from Damien, knocking Arum’s own legs out from under him and sending him squawking to the dirt. Before he can deal with that she draws the knife at her belt and drops on top of him, sinking the blade into the ground just beside his head in an extravagantly pointed gesture.
Arum’s vision is still swimming as he hears the thunk of the weapon piercing the ground, as he feels familiar hands on his wrists, and he’s too stunned to fight against the pressure as they’re lifted above his head.
And then she is pinning him.
Amaryllis is pinning him, her hips pressing heavy and inarguable against his own, her forearms deliberately crossing over all four of his wrists, held over his head, and as his vision recovers she is grinning a predator’s grin down at him, her dark eyes full of gleeful fire.
“See?” she murmurs, her body hot, hot above his own. “Exactly like I tried to tell you. I can take care of myself just fine, even against a big, strong, dangerous monster, Arum.”
“I-” he pants out a breath, distracted by the heat of her body and the heat of her tone, shocked beyond coherency. “Amaryllis-”
“I’m not fragile. I’m not defenseless. And while I appreciate that you care about my safety, Arum, it’s not helpful for you to try to corral me away from anything that could possibly be threatening.” She presses his arms into the leaf-strewn dirt, leaning close enough to murmur directly, distractingly into his ear. “If I kept away from anyone dangerous, I would certainly never have any fun in the bedroom, now, would I?”
“Amaryllis,” Arum barks, frill flaring as his hands flex.
“Do you get my point now, Arum?” she asks, some of the fire retreating from her expression, her eyebrow raising in fond amusement.
“I…” he pants out a breath, twisting slightly beneath her, and her weight and the way she’s pressing on his wrists make any further movement difficult. “I believe- I believe you have made yourself clear, Amaryllis,” he hisses, impressed despite himself, embarrassed to be caught so entirely off guard.
She smiles. Her grip loosens immediately, and she leans down to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Arum hisses again, and he drops two hands to grip her sides, the other two tangling in her hair, a small noise of surprised pleasure slipping from him.
“Sorry to knock you down like that,” she says against his lips, though she sounds more amused than apologetic, “but you weren’t really listening to what I was telling you, so.”
He leans up, nuzzling her face with his snout until she kisses him again. “I… I apologize as well. I should know better, I think,” he says with a wry laugh, “than to underestimate you, my fierce little flower.”
“You really should,” she says, sticking her nose in the air with mock smugness. She sits back, pulling him up with her and retrieving her knife to stick back in its sheath.
He watches her, intent, as she stands and readjusts her skirts, still smiling. “I once asked you, Amaryllis, how many hats it was that you wore. The longer I know you…” he stares up at her, tilting his head as he searches for the words. “The longer I know you, the more I understand how intensely correct Damien is, to call you a genius.”
“Oh, quit that,” she says with a laugh, leaning down to help lift Arum to his feet. “Not that I don’t appreciate the flattery-”
Once he is standing he pulls, gathering Amaryllis to his chest and holding her close. “I expect that I will spend the rest of my life trying to discover every nuance of your skill, you brilliant creature,” he purrs into her hair, delighted to feel her laughing against him. “I find that I am quite looking forward to it.”
“Yeah, well,” she says, cheeks flushed and grinning. “I’ll do my best to keep you on your toes.”
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Yes Mummy,
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Warnings: terribly SMUTTY mummy kink! Now for disclosure! I don't quite know how a mummy kink works like I know how daddy kinks work but like the serious like daddy baby girl kinda thing so this is gonna be quiet out there (Case you didn't know what that is? You know how like some girls call there bfs daddy, yeah this is effective the gender swap on that, so here we go!)
"Isaac" I call as I wandered into his room he was still in bed his head buried on his pillow his brown hair a shaggy mess, his body pale and soft in the place it stuck out from his dark blue duvet covers, his glasses sat on his side table under his lamp and next to his phone, his arm hung out the bed from where he obviously checked the time in the night and never actually got completely back in bed I smiled going over and putting a cup of tea on his table beside his glasses and giving his head a kiss making him sturr in his sleep a smile creeping into his lips "Isaac wakey, wakey" I smile lightly shaking his shoulder "Ummm five more minutes" he complains trying to turn over "No, now" I tell him Pulling the duvet away from him exposing his soft skin and his black and blue tight boxers shorts with his morning wood stretching the fabric a lot, he just groaned and buried his face in his pillow so I laughed going over and opening his curtains letting the Bright sunlight flood in "Uhhhhh! Y/n...let me sleep" he complains "No, come on" I laugh sitting on his bed as he sat up rubbing his eyes and putting his glasses on checking his phone and having a sip of tea "Thank you for the tea dearest," he says giving my cheek a kiss "ummm I'm so tired" he complains "You Should have gotten to sleep earlier," I tell him "rather than staying up till half past midnight playing that game," I tell him "I know" he sighs resting his head on my shoulder "How did you sleep?" I ask "Fine, just wish I could have had more of it" be complains "good morning" he smiles kissing down my neck and down between my breasts making out with my chest his head nuzzled between my breasts where they hung from my nightie "Why do you always say hello to them First?" I laugh "They draw my attention, first thing in the morning" he smirked so I pushed him out of my cleavage and went to get dressed in my room, me and Isaac have been roommates since we started uni almost everyone else has moved out now in with partners, me and Isaac are a couple but since we only have single beds we sleep in our own rooms still.
I sighed looking for something to watch on TV "Hey" Isaac smiled dumping himself beside me on our cheap sofa "what are we watching?" He asks "No idea yet" I shrug "why something on you wanted to watch?" I ask "Nope, just wanted a cuddle" he smiles resting his head on me so I laughed petting his soft hair for a while till we found some old movie on so we sat watching for a while a blanket now wrapped up around us as we cuddled I smirked as I felt Isaac press little kisses down my neck and chest and he kept going putting his head in my lap I giggled a little readjusting my hips to make sure I and he where comfy in this new position his head nuzzled into my lap "Comfy?" I ask after a while and he nods sweetly and just in that quiet he spoke "Yes mummy" he blushes and I smiled slyly stroking his soft brown hair a moment letting him nuzzle into my strokes and I chuckled "Does somebody want to play baby boy tonight?" I ask "Yes please mummy" he blushed turning to face me I smiled holding his waist or well where his waist would be if he wasn't so dam skinny he smiled going along with me so he sat on my lap "pretty please mummy? Can we play tonight?" He smiled "Alright" I smile "go on little boy, upstairs to bed mummy will come play in a minute" I tell him he smiled licking his bottom lip excited giving my lips a gentle kiss and going to to his room I waited a little while before heading up to my room changing into my little dress and going over to Isaacs room when I got there he was sat in bed with his PJ's on hugging his teddy bear "awww what a big boy getting into bed all by himself" I smirk sorting his room for him "phone away?" I ask and he nods "good boy" I smile giving his head a kiss "now? What else does my little boy need before he goes to bed?" I ask slyly tapping his nose "Ummmm I need my orgasm mummy" he smirked "Ohh do you? Didn't you have one yesterday?" I ask "No... I didn't" he complains "pretty pretty please, I've been ever so good" he smiles "Well... As you have been a very good boy so far tonight" I smile sitting on his bed and slipping my hand into his pants and grabbing the shaft of his cock "Uhhhh... Ummmmm" he moans holding onto his big teddy bear extra tight grinding himself against my hand "uhhh uhhh uuuhh" he moans loudly "Ah ah ah too nosiy little boy" I warn slowing my hand "Ummm I'll be good mummy" he complains "One moment Isaac darling," I smile kissing his cheek and getting up giving his shaft a squeeze as I did going to my room getting a couple things from my box of toys and returning to his room when I did I noticed he had wrapped his legs around his plushie near and was grinding his bonner on it almost humping the innocent bear as he grew more desperate waiting for me I smiled putting my things down and taking his bear away "ah ah ah Isaac, you can have him back when you behave" I warn him putting the best with the other stuff "naughty boy" I told him tapping his nose "I didn't mean to...you where taking so long, I couldn't wait" he groans "Over know" I tell him as I sat on his bed he blushed and smiled bending over my knee I smirked slapping his arse cheek with my hand I felt him flinch his cock getting harder pressing against my leg as I spanked him "Uhhh uhhhh uuuhh" he moans as I spanked harder getting into a rythum with his harsh breaths and gagged moans "Humm? Naughty naughty boy" I tell him pulling down his pj pants and slapping his bare arse "Uhhhhh! Yes!" He moans "I've been naughty...I've been a bad bay boy" he moans I smirked getting a little toy of ours and spanking him with the harsh wood "UUUHHH uhhhhhhh," he moans "You've been a very bad boy Isaac," I smirk "who's been a bad bad little boy?" I ask "Ummmm I have, I've been a bad baby boy, a bad little boy that needs his mummy... desperately" he begs "Humm well alright" I smile getting some rope and tieing his hands behind his back making him stand infront of me I bit my lip looking at him his fluffy hair a mess, his face in that mess of pleasure and desperation, his eyes closed and his glasses asche, his little pj shirt rolled up to his elbows on the sleves and sticking alittle to his skinny body, his arms tied behind him helplessly, his pj pants on the floor around his ankles, his hard cock standing tall sometimes moving up and down in his pleasure filled state, I smirked looking at him this way I thought he looked adorable so cute and helpless waiting for his mummy to give him the pleasure he was so desperate for "come on out of them, Don't want dirty boys dirtying there nice clean PJ's" I smirk grabbing his arse and pulling him closer he blushed stepping out his pants "good boy" I smirk pushing him down on his bed and getting up starting to strip my dress off "ah ah ah what do you do Isaac?" I ask "Ummm I speed my legs for my mummy" he groans opening them wide for me rolling his head on his pillow already as I lety dress drop and climb on his lap "ummm mummy looks ever so beautiful" he smiles "Isaac, you should know by now, flattery doesn't get you anything" I smirk kissing his soft lips he happily kissed back softly I smiled feeling him grinding on me a little "humm is my little boy getting desperate?" I ask stroking his cheek and he nods "Please, your little boy needs attention" he begs "please mummy, I need it so badly please... your little boy need to be inside you" he moans "I'm begging you," he begs "What's the magic words Isaac?" I ask sweetly kissing down his neck "Ummm..." He moans "pwtty pwtty please baby boy need his mummy" he pleads childishly I smirked grinding back in him gently "ummmmm please! Please  please! I'm desperate, I'll be good I promise" he begs "Good boy" I smirk...
I yawned as I began making coffee letting the kettle boil getting the milk from the fridge "good morning" Isaac smiled making me jump "Ah! Not like you to be up so early" I laugh continuing with the coffee "Humm," he mumbled cuddling me closely and kissing my head "is it weird?" He asks "You being awake in the morning? Yes very" I laugh "Not that" he laughs "The what?" I ask "Playing baby boy?" He asks "No... Everyone has there kinks Isaac, your just happens to involve allot of baby talk and sometimes a pacifier" I shrug having my coffee and starting on Isaac's tea "Do you think it's weird though? Honestly?" He asks "It can be odd I guess, but most people don't batt an eye when a girl calls her boyfriend daddy why should anyone think twice about you calling me mummy, it's no worse then those couples who take the daddy Princess thing to far" I explain "You like playing baby boy Isaac nothings wrong with that" I laugh "besides, I think you always look soo so cute!" I giggled cuddling him tightly "something oddly adorable about you such a sweet baby boy being all tied up and restrained, looking so cute and innocent while asking for the dirtiest of things to be done to him" I smirk "same mix of cute and sexy you get with anime girls" I giggled "did baby boy want his teddy bear back now?" I giggled "No, can't I just grind my morning wood off on my mummy?" He begs "Alright" I giggled "but mummy has work to do" I tell him picking up the little pacifier from the table "so quiet Isaac" I tell him
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