#It would most likely be a wings of fire charcter
I really gotta start actually drawing more, NAHHHH-
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
Hey, just a thought I've had about Fleur and Veela in general that's been floating in my head, and I thought you might appreciate it; I don't think Veela have hybrid offspring. Unless they reproduce asexually, there are male Veela, or two female Veela can produce an offspring, than all Veela have a non-Veela parent. The books don't really give Veela much attention, so all of that is certainly possible, but I like to consider other possibilities. We never see Fleur describe herself as quarter-Veela, correct me if I'm wrong, but it was only ever other charcters saying she was rumored to be quarter-Veela. This may be a rumor spread by Fleur's family: non-wizards aren't allowed to carry wands, at least in Britain, treating her like a witch with Veela ancestory would improve how she was treated immensely. I mean, like how parents with black hair and blonde hair wouldn't really have a child with both their hair colors. It's be whichever one is dominant. I consider Veela to be the dominant trait. Maybe all daughters are Veela, and sons non-Veela. Essentially, there is no thing as a pure Veela, or maybe, all Veela give birth to pure Veelas, and claiming a partial inheritance gives them better rights in the wizarding world. Just my headcanon I guess.
I'm not sure about that... Like, my knee-jerk reaction is that there is a difference between part-Veela and ful-Veela.
Like, the main reason I say that is that Harry has a different reaction to full-Veelas than to Fleur (and even her mother who should be a hlaf-Veela):
Looking careworn, she [Fleur] left the room. Ron still seemed slightly punch-drunk; he was shaking his head experimentally like a dog trying to rid its ears of water. “Don’t you get used to her if she’s staying in the same house?” Harry asked. “Well, you do,” said Ron, “but if she jumps out at you unexpectedly, like then . . .”
(HBP, 93)
Harry has no reaction to Fleur's Veela magic. None. Even though others do react to them. Same with Fleur's mother who Harry notes is beautiful, but he isn't reacting to the magic:
Mr. Weasley, who appeared at the gate moments later, laden with luggage and leading a beautiful blonde woman in long, leaf-green robes, who could only be Fleur’s mother.
(DH, 107)
I think that is because he's gay (or at least not interested in women). But even he still reacts to the magic of full-Veela:
But a hundred veela were now gliding out onto the field, and Harry’s question was answered for him. Veela were women . . . the most beautiful women Harry had ever seen . . . except that they weren’t — they couldn’t be — human. This puzzled Harry for a moment while he tried to guess what exactly they could be; what could make their skin shine moon-bright like that, or their white-gold hair fan out behind them without wind . . . but then the music started, and Harry stopped worrying about them not being human — in fact, he stopped worrying about anything at all. [...] And as the veela danced faster and faster, wild, half-formed thoughts started chasing through Harry’s dazed mind. He wanted to do something very impressive, right now. Jumping from the box into the stadium seemed a good idea . . . but would it be good enough? “Harry, what are you doing?” said Hermione’s voice from a long way off. The music stopped. Harry blinked. He was standing up, and one of his legs was resting on the wall of the box. Next to him, Ron was frozen in an attitude that looked as though he were about to dive from a springboard.
(GoF, 103)
Similarly, the full-Veela in the Quidditch World Cup have abilities Fleur doesn't seem to have:
At this, the veela lost control. Instead of dancing, they launched themselves across the field and began throwing what seemed to be handfuls of fire at the leprechauns. Watching through his Omnioculars, Harry saw that they didn’t look remotely beautiful now. On the contrary, their faces were elongating into sharp, cruel-beaked bird heads, and long, scaly wings were bursting from their shoulders —
(GoF, 111)
Additionally, the fact that Veela can get pregnant and reproduce with humans kind of erases the option of asexual reproduction. Yeah, I know they're magic, but if they didn't need to get pregnant the regular human way for the continuation of their species, they wouldn't be capable of it (especially as the Harry Potter version of Veela aren't immortal like their folklore variants). So, that brings us to the lack of male Veela.
You are right that male Veela are pretty necessary to have a difference between full-Veelas and part-Veelas. While the Harry Potter books don't really give an answer regarding Veela reproduction, I went to the mythology JKR based on them.
"Veela" is an Anglicized form of the name "Vila" which is a fairy-like spirit from Slavic folklore portrayed as a nature spirit like nymphs in Greek Mythology. Both nymphs and Vila are portrayed as only women, but they are also portrayed as minor deities, as immortal and eternal like the nature they represent with abilities the Harry Potter Veela do not have. Veela very in mythology quite a bit but they tend to be shapeshifters often living in a water source. Regardless, they are only female in myth as well and I couldn't find anything about their births. I found one source that claimed a child of a Veela and a human man would be a half-Veela but it didn't discuss how full Veela came into being. Since the mythology Veela are immortal spirits of nature they are born out of trees and rivers, representing nature itself. So, unless this is the case in Harry Potter (I don't think it fits the worldbuilding much) this front didn't give us answers.
So, I went to Bill and Fleur's wedding to see if I could spot a potential male Veela or male part Veela. And the answer is I couldn't. It also seems like all part-Veela share the same hair, eyes, skin color, and general appearance regardless of who the father is, so you are right about the Veela gens being the more dominant ones (Fleur and Gabrielle are both described with silvery blond Veela hair like their mother, even though their father has black hair and is described as plump).
So, yeah, speaking of the info we have in canon it's actually possible part-Veela don't really exist and that Veela can just choose to activate their charming magic in a more active way (that affects Harry, like in the Quidditch World Cup) or not and remain with just their passive charm (that doesn't affect Harry). But this doesn't really give an answer to the extra abilities full-Veela seem to have that part-Veela don't.
Another issue I have with this theory is that if Veela were indeed born this way for centuries, there is no way anyone would believe Fleur is a quarter-Veela. I mean, wizards are dense often enough, but I don't think they are that stupid. They would know how Veela reproduce and then not believe said rumors.
I think JKR just didn't think through all the implications of how she portrayed Veela...
Point is, your headcanon is possible, and you can headcanon it but I personally prefer to think of Fleur as a quarter-Veela and believe male Veela do exist. Because they do sorta exist in myth.
There are Näcken from German and Scandinavian folklore that are shapeshifting water spirits that are portrayed as handsome men, they occasionally lure people to their deaths and occasionally fall in love with human women and go live with them. The Näcken in Scandinavian folklore are always portrayed as male. In German mythology Nixie or Nixe can be either male or female from what I read. So, male Veela could exist and just potentially be known by a different name with slightly different abilities.
I mean, the Veela in Harry Potter attract people with dancing and music, the Näcken plays the violin to lure people to drown. Both are shapeshifters that are spirits of nature (Veela in various locations: forests, air, and water while the Näcken are only associated with water). Both are sometimes malevolent and sometimes helpful to humans. There are a lot of similarities so I like to headcanon them as sorta of the same species but with different typical appearance and name, hence the confusion.
So in a sense, there are no full-Veela males, but the other similar creatures, Näcken. Now, I'm not sure if half-Veela and half-Näcken would be the same or different, but that's a whole other discussion and goes more heavily into my headcanons.
I can't speak to what JKR intended, but your headcanon is possible. I just prefer to imagine "male Veela" and "male part-Veela" are out there somewhere (the quotation marks because they use a name that isn't Veela, the full ones at least).
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lunadrawingonthemoon · 5 months
Echidna and/or Minerva
I will go with both, I like challenge ! (sorry for the wait ADHD was digging holes into my brain today ^^')
(Also yay more ladies I love <3 Thank you for requesting them)
Honestly, it work very well. The design really looks like she got everything she could use as a piece of armor. And it’s made sense as a member and chief of the resistance. It’s not a coordinated group it’s a bunch of people who bring with what they have.
So the fact her outfit is just some green and orange (which are not colors who look harmonious together most of the time) cloths put togethers work very well for her characterisation. It’s also making her stand out when we are more used to classical medieval armies with silver armors coordinated outfits... She’s messier but she doesn’t care about some fashion, she’s here to fight for her cause.
Also, the crocked bandana is just perfect with that.
The only things I would change is maybe having her whole arms covered by the bandages she has on her wrist, like she was hiding some scars.
Also in her original design, I found the armors on her shoulders is a bit wacky, but it was pretty much corrected with heroes (btw if she was just a bit more muscular, this art would be perfect).
Her design is very fitting for both a princess and a wyvern fighter. As an exemple, just the fact that the white tissue combined with the armor look like wyvern wings is just so cool.
With the full red armor with gold decorations it looks very majestic like a bird of fire flying and ready to attack you.
I also like how when her brother’s outfit mostly black and her sister’s is completely white, her is very colorfull, with a very vibrant scarlet red, the color which we associate with Macedon the most.
Love how fitting it is with her role in the game.
But sadly, she’s a victim of being the first one of a whole fire emblem archetype: the fiercefull wyvern woman knight, which made her a bit less recognizable inside the whole roost of playable charcters because we’ve got other red wyvern knight (especially Melady who have the same haircut as well).
Even if her armor is more decorated with gold and she has a green bandana she needs now more recognizable features.
I felt like maybe with accentuation of the gold color or maybe add another warm color (maybe with little purple parts, a bit like what her resplandissant did) could make a good job at it. I felt like it would give her even more majesty and also made her stand up more.
Honestly, they’re both great, what I did was really me being nitpicky about it. They both great characters with great designs. And I love them a lot. Cool ladies for the win!
I wrote a bit less than with Nailah because they’re all very strong ladies so they’re quite similar on some points (I don’t want to bother you all too much by repeating myself too often) but also I don’t have the best knowledge about Archanea’s games, I know about Elibe’s more but it’s not the best, and for Echidna especially because I prefer Elffin’s path (Why I can’t play them together?! TwT) while I can write page about Tellius lore.
I will not spoil you too much… but the next one will be salty…. Like sooo salty. 👀
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow: day 1
Day 01/25 Days of Christmas: Charcter A ad Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas party,, percabeth
Annabeth doesn’t bother hiding the sneer that forms across her face at the sound of their voice. As Percy slides in front of her, his face is all too bright and cheerful. Her eyes linger on his torso, covered in a green Christmas sweater with plastic ruffles hanging off of it that makes her want to throw up.
“Why the face?” Percy asks. He leans over onto the desk she’s standing behind, carelessly shoving aside her blueprints. She nearly smacks him as she watches the papers go flying. Annabeth’s pretty sure he has a degree in marine biology, so what he’s doing working for an architecture firm, she will never know.
“It’s because I have to look the devil reincarnate in the eyes,” she deadpans.
“Oh, that’s not nice.” Percy grins wider. “I prefer to be called the Grinch. Christmas festivities, and all that.”
“I have a few words I could call you,” she agrees. “The Grinch is generous.”
“So grumpy.” Percy’s fingers wander around her desk, plucking an ornament off of the company’s mini tree. “So I need to talk to you.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“I’ll have you fired,” he threatens, but he doesn’t seem the slightest bit upset. Annabeth will never understand how he is able to keep such a calm façade when he’s around her. From the moment he walked into that office, she has hated the arrogance with which he walked, and she had no trouble making it known. There hadn’t been a specific starting point to their rivalry, but it was there, and it burned brighter than the North star.
“What do you want?”
“You see, I was talking to Chiron,” he starts, and the twinkle in his eye has her terrified, rightfully so. “And he mentioned that he’s not prepared for the company Christmas party. I was all oh yeah, I can help out, and he was like you should totally do it, and I was like oh, sure thing, but then, get this—”
Annabeth has an inkling as to where this is going.
“He says you have to help me.”
“Would you like be murdered so close to Christmas? Never get to see your poor mother again?”
“I would not like that, no, but I hardly think you’re capable of homicide.”
“You’d be surprised what I’m capable of,” she says. “Something about Christmas transforms me into Rudolph with rabies. It’s bad.”
“You’re too cute,” he coos.
She is tempted to bite him, and she has to retrain herself from doing just that when he pokes her on the nose.
“Anyways, you don’t have a choice. He said you have to.”
“Why me? Why not literally any other employee here.”
“I have no idea,” he says. “I tried talking him out of it.”
Her eye twitches. “Why do I get the feeling that you didn’t?”
“You always get the feeling that I didn’t, or I did, or whatever the wrong choice is. You just have it out for me.”
She doesn’t think that’s necessarily true. She only points him out when he does something wrong, which is all the time. And sure, maybe she spends extra time pointedly looking for anything she can call him out for, but she likes to call that keeping him on edge. Someone had to keep this kid in check if he wasn’t going to himself.
“So once your shift is over, don’t leave. Meet me in the conference room on the third floor, West wing.” “I will not be meeting you there.”
“Yes, you will because Chiron says you have to.” He suddenly sets the ornament back onto the tree, ever so gently, and leans in close. She is too stubborn to move away so he ends up whispering in her ear, his warm breath tickling her. “You may not listen to me, but we all know that you’ll do whatever he says. So. Five o’clock. See you there.”
Annabeth promises herself throughout the rest of the day that she won’t go. She doesn’t always have to listen to her boss, and it’s not like he’d fire her or anything if she didn’t show — she worked too hard to get where she is, and he is well aware of the rivalry going on between them.
Still, as she walks down the hall to the conference room, she can’t say she’s surprised. Chiron has done so much for her, and if she has to succumb to a few hours of torture to make up for it, then that’s exactly what she’ll do.
As she enters the room, she is met with the sight of Percy in the middle of the room, surrounded by the largest assortment of rainbow lights and garland that she has ever seen in her entire life. For a moment, she forgets about the fact that she is forced to be here. Instead, she focuses on the sparkle and joy she can just feel in the room, and the smile of pure excitement that is on his face.
“Where did you get all of this?” she asks, stepping inside. She has to make her way over a few glass decorations splattered about, but she makes it without completely dying.
“I went shopping,” he says, gleeful. He picks a string of lights up, inspecting it closely before dropping it back down onto his lap. Annabeth sits near him, but still far away that he can’t ‘accidentally’ choke her with Christmas lights.
“You paid for all of this?”
“Stole the company card. Where do you think I’ve been all day?”
And it dawns on her that he really hasn’t been there for most of the day. It’s no wonder it had been so quiet; he hadn’t been pestering her every two seconds.
She hums. “So what am I supposed to do?”
“Desperate to leave?”
“With you here? Of course.”
Percy frowns but doesn’t say anything about it. “Just make this place look pretty.”
She tries her best, but it’s admittedly not very good. It kind of looks like Santa Claus and his elves threw a very messy tantrum. She stands next to Percy to inspect the final product. She can feel her ears tinging red.
“I don’t understand what happened here,” he says, baffled.
“I think my decorating skills were corrupted by your severe incompetence.” Percy smirks but turns to face her. “My severe incompetence?”
“May I ask what I did this time?”
“You’re always insulting me. Why?”
“Because—” She gestures vaguely. “You’re you.”
“I’m me?”
Her mind blanks. “Uh… ugly.”
Percy guffaws, but he doesn’t seem offended. “All this time I thought you hated me, but it’s actually because I’m ugly?” He whistles. “I don’t know whether to feel relieved or depressed.”
“Bit of both, perhaps.” Annabeth knows for a fact that her face is redder than the mistletoe along the edges of the room. Everything she could complain about and has complained about, and she says that he’s ugly? The one thing that he’s actually not? She may not like him, but even she can appreciate his sharp jawline and striking eyes.
“So if I were less ugly, you would stop calling me incompetent?”
“Ah.” Percy elbows her, and she squirms. “And here I was, thinking we were mortal enemies.”
“Oh, we are. I can’t be associated with ugly monsters.”
“Damn, Annabeth. Way to put salt in the wound.”
“You could always just insult me back.”
“Why would I do that?”
“You always do.”
At that, Percy faces her again, alarmed. “I do not.”
“Yes, you do!”
“I’m careful with my words. I may tease you, but I have never called you names.”
She tries to prove him wrong, but she suddenly can’t think of a single instance where he’s actually said something blatantly rude. It turns out she’s just a raging asshole.
“Call me ugly.”
Percy blinks. “What?”
“Now you made me feel bad, so say something mean. Make me cry. You have full permission.”
“I wouldn’t want to lie to you.”
It takes a second before she gathers what he’s saying, and she’s suddenly blushing from something entirely different than embarrassment. “You think I’m pretty?”
“I thought that was obvious.”
“I— no?”
Percy stares at her for what feels like an eternity. “I’ve been flirting with you since forever.”
She snorts. “I like to poke you on the nose and play with your hair. I wink at you, like, every day!”
“I thought you were just bullying me.”
“I’m sorry, but that does not qualify as bullying.”
“You made Chiron demand I decorate for a Christmas party.”
“Yeah, he never said that. He actually has no idea you’re here right now.”
“You did this!?”
“I wanted to spend time with you?” he tries in excuse.
“But we don’t like each other!”
“I thought we were always messing around. I didn’t know you actually despised me.”
She doesn’t know that she despises him. Strongly dislikes, maybe, but she doesn’t think she actually hates him. Now that she’s here, staring him in his green eyes, feeling like a kicked puppy is staring straight at her, she doesn’t know if she actually even disliked him, or was just too stuck to her pride to acknowledge that he wasn’t a terrible person.
“I don’t hate you.”
He sniffs. “Well now I don’t believe you.”
“Oh, you toddler.”
And somehow, Percy still smiles. She’ll never know how he keeps with the cheer. “So what I’m hearing is that we’re friends.”
Percy is too good for her. She insults him to his face and he just smiles through it. He doesn’t hesitate to reassure her, and now that she thinks of it, he never has. When she’s struggling to walk through the halls, Percy is always the first to help her carry her things, even when she hurls her nasty words his way. And the one time she was sick, he was the one to sit her down and drive her home. He’s always been so generous even when she doesn’t deserve it, and she doesn’t understand why she’s never seen it before.
It’s like something inside of her has shifted, like these few hours spent alone with him have suddenly erased everything she thought in the past. It makes sense, now that she realizes that the past was nothing more than an image she was too stubborn to replace.
“No?” Percy smiles. “I get it. You want to be my girlfriend.” She holds up a hand. “Wait a second—”  
“Even better! My wife!”
She chokes, laughing. She thinks this might be the first time she let herself genuinely smile at something he’s said. It’s a nice feeling. “Let’s start with friends.”
Percy steps forwards, towering over her. “Oh, I’m so going to make you my girlfriend.”
Annabeth wants to protest, but with the look that he’s giving her now, making her legs go weak, she thinks that it just might be possible in this Christmas magic.
“Guess what,” he whispers, now directly beside her.
She trembles, a foreign chill shooting down her back. “What?”
She looks up, expecting to find the small plant being held above her head, but instead she is met with the sound of Percy laughing. “Made you look.”
She laughs along with him, shoving his chest playfully. “This is why I hate you.”
“Except you don’t hate me,” he says, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her in for a side hug. “You love me.”
“Sure,” she says.
“So you should kiss me then. If you love me, and all.”
If it had been two hours earlier, she would’ve said not a chance, but something’s changed. She isn’t sure what it is or when exactly it had happened between then and now, but something seemed to click. It has her reaching onto her toes to press a sweet kiss to his cheek, right on the dimple that appears as his face morphs into the kindest, gentlest smile.
“There,” she says softly. “A kiss.”
Percy bites his lower lip and shakes his head. There is a look on his face — adoration, she thinks. A voice whispers love. “I’m going to make you fall in love with me, Annabeth Chase.”
It doesn’t take long at all.
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ttawoabw · 8 years
For today’s blog post I’m going to do something a little different.  Instead of sharing a review, haul or wrap up I’m just gonna chat with you about books.  I decided to do this partially because I’ve been in a reading funk and in turn a blogging funk but also because I thought it might help me get back into my groove by doing what I started this blog to do.  Talk books.  I thought I had pulled out of my funk when I picked up Frostblood by Elly Blake but it’s one of those books that separated into two parts and I have no idea why by the second I started reading Part Two I lost interest.  So that’s been disappointing, don’t get my wrong I’m loving the story and writing but funk.  I’m still hoping to finish that one by the beginning of February – though I’ll probably come back and re-read it at  later date to really get a better feel for it since I’ve been stopping and starting and have basically lost my flow.  Obviously having a reading funk is really unfortunate at this point in the year when there are so many amazing releases coming out.  Though I’m not planning on reading many of the most anticipated books simply because a lot of them are sequels to books I have yet to read the first book of.  One of my most notable anticipated releases is RoseBlood by A.G. Howard – it’s a retelling of the Phantom of the Opera and honestly it sounds so amazing.  I love The Phantom of the Opera, it was the first real theatre production I saw as a younger girl (I was probably 11?) and I fell in love with the music.  As I’ve grown older I’ve developed a better understanding of the dark tale about obsession and possession and despite its dark nature I still love it.  I haven’t read the original book but since this is a YA Paranormal retelling that isn’t really staying true to the original story I don’t think that will be too much of an issue to me.  I know some people who have never encountered The Phantom of the Opera were sent ARC’s of this books and didn’t really get it or understand so I’m hoping with my background understanding I’ll enjoy it much more.  I was going to pre-order it but I had a feeling a book subscription company would include it in a January box and I wasn’t (or won’t be..) disappointed, OwlCrate one of my favorite subscription services has indeed included it in their January box so I’m looking forward to receiving that.  I’m hoping it’ll pull me out of my book funk completely.  For those of you that don’t know RoseBlood is fantasy YA romance modern-day retelling of The Phantom of the Opera.  The original tale is about unrequited love that turned to madness (and eventually murder and a bunch of psychotic actions that you don’t really care about at first because the music is so enchanting).  RoseBlood follows a seventeen-year-old opera singer, Rune Germain, who has a mysterious affliction linked to her singing. Her mother sends her to a French Art Conservatory (which is rumoured to have ties to The Phantom of the Opera) for her senior year hoping some creative direction will help.  There Rune secretly befriends an elusive masked violinist who not only guides her musical transformation through dreams but also know who she is behind her own masks.  As they discover an otherworldly connection and a soul-deep romance blossoms, Thorn’s dark agenda comes to light and he’s forced to make a deadly choice: lead Rune to her destruction, or face the wrath of the phantom who has haunted the opera house for a century, and is the only father he’s ever known. Now isn’t that just sound absolutely thrilling?  I can’t wait and I hope to be able to write a review on it (I struggle to write reviews because A) I read so fast and usually read back-to-back and then forget key points and B) I’m an emotional reader more than a critical reader.  I think this stems from my ADHD and lack of attention span but I’m working on it.).  Another release that I’m really antipating is Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller – something I’ve been loving right now is pirates, and something YA severly lacks is pirates.  So this books release is perfect timing for me I really won’t say much about this one exept it features a kick-ass Pirate Princess who llows herself to be captured by enemy pirates and ends up in a thrilling YA advnture with – from what I understand- just a touch of romance.  I truly can’t wait for this and just as I did with RoseBlood I’m holding off ordering this box until I know for sure no book subscription boxes will be picking it up- because I’m certain this is one of the bigger debut authors of the year and that Daughter of the Pirate King is as highly anticipated by others as it is by me.  On the note of other anticipated releases I’ll just quickly share a few of mine for the first half of 2017; Caraval by Stephanie Graber, By Your Side by Kasie West, Letter’s to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer (which is kind of giving me a PS: I Like You vibes with the whole letter writing thing), The Trials of Apollo: The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan, Royal Bastards by Andrew Shvarts, The Wish Granter by C.J Redwine, Catching Carly by Emma Hart and A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas.  Now let me jst say a little something-something about A Court of Wings and Ruin, the cover was just announced the other day and it looks SPECTACULAR but somehting notable about it is that the dress Feyre wears on the cover was inspired BY FANART.  That’s right, an incredible artist called Charlie Bowater has been making digital art prints of both the ACOTAR and ToG series both by Sarah J. Maas and a dress she has Feyre wearing in one particluar piece ended up being used as the inspiration/base concept of this cover HOW INCREIDBLE IS THAT?  But that’s not all, Charlie also collaborated to help create the art for the upcoming colouring book for ACOTAR series, which I am super excited about.
The original art by Charlie Bowater
The official US cover for ACOWAR.
Speaking of fanart-author collaborations, to all those demi-god fans of Uncle Rick’s you’ll know the offical charcter art for all our beloved demi-gods and company were… quite honesly horendeous.  Most people have just ignored it and looked at the incredible fanart created.  Well turns our Uncle Rick knew of this and has done something AWESOME, he commissioned Viria (Viktoria Ridzel) to create the new character art for the offical website for the Percy Jackson series and Heroes of Olympus.  How cool is that?  Check out the difference below:
Old Artwork: Percy Jackson
Old Artwork: Annabeth Chase
Old Artwork: Grover Underwood
New Artwork: Percy Jackson
New Artwork: Annabeth Chase
New Artwork: Grover Underwood
See, doesn’t the new artwork just look so much nicer?  I’ve always loved Viria’s fanart and I’m so happy that Riordan commissioned her to be the artist!  You can see all of her character art in use HERE, and I really recommend checking it out because it’s awesome (plus if you play around there are HEAPS of bonus goodies and facts on the website for you to download and read!) .
  Now to kind of conclude this awfully chatty post I’m going to just share three book recommendations since two of them are just stuck in my mind (they were both SO SO good) and the third is a perfect fun romantic comedy for you to pick up for Valentines Day.
First up we have To Catch a Pirate by Jade Parker.  As I mentioned in the beginning I’ve been in a bit of a Pirate phase and there really isn’t much in terms of YA’s (and particularly YA Romance) in this sub-genre feild so after a little bit of digging I found this gem and decided to give it a go and see if its what I wanted.  It was.  It was exactly what I wanted.  So I highly recommend it, it’s a YA Romance and super sweet.
Buy on Kindle HERE.
The we have A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet.  This was just an awesome high fantasy with so much adventure and awesome powers and it was a thrill to read.  I actually want to re-read it again and I only just read it about a week ago! I can’t wait to read the sequel which I’ll hopefully get to in Feburary.  I can’t wait to see how the charcaters progress and what else will be revealed!  Also I just love the interactions between all the charatcers!
Buy on Kindle HERE.
Now to conclude some recommendations I’d like to give you a straight up romance (not a YA) in preperation for Valentine’s Day.  If you’ve been following my blog for a while you’d know that I am obsessed with a series called the Holly Woods Files by Emma Hart.  This series was my first introdction to this author and I just fell in love with the personality the places within her characters and her writing style so when she released a laugh out loud comedy romance about a ‘hot mess’ of a character I couldn’t wait.  It’s called Being Brooke  and it’s a best friends to lovers romance and it made my stomach hurt from laughing so much.  I loved Brooke so much and Hart is releasing another similar novel called Catching Carly later in the year so I can’t wait to pick that one up either.
Buy on Kindle HERE.
  Okay well I have no idea how coherant this post actally is, but if you liked this sort of post and have some more ideas for blog posts please feel free to comment them below I love to hear YOUR suggestions and thoughts.
Also side note, I’m thinking of chaning my social media handles to actually fit with being a book blog; should I do it?
  My Links:
Goodreads : Becca Winter
Instagram : becca_theory
Twitter : @Becca_Theory
Facebook : The Troubles And Woes Of A Bookworm
Book Talk: Reading Funks, Anticipated Releases 2017, Book Recommendations For today's blog post I'm going to do something a little different.  Instead of sharing a review, haul or wrap up I'm just gonna chat with you about books.  
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