#It wouldn't be the first time I made something to make it seem like Rascal is an actual 1983 arcade game...
stardestroyer81 · 11 months
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I thought it would be fun to make small character cards styled after old arcade flyers from Japan for each character in Rascal's candied cast, starting with everyone's favorite bunny boy Rascal! 🧡💙🧡
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hell-drabbles · 7 months
Satan 1
Summary: Despite being in a contract with him, you have less than positive feelings towards Satan. As such, Ppyong was really a breath of fresh air to you. You couldn't help but slam your elbow into the red lump demon when he offered to be your stress toy. It's fun, spoiling Ppyong while angering the childish Satan.
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They're idiots.
Solomon should've told you something you don't know. Unfortunately, this idiocy spreads over to strange and rather extreme social customs. Sometimes it's interesting to watch, but they made the rather dangerous assumption that somehow you will easily follow along with their line of thinking.
This kind of idiocy was made most apparent to you with your first meeting with Satan, when your shirt was ripped open and you were reeling at the sight of Minhyeok's death and the demon suddenly decided that touching you was the perfect time. Never have you punched a person so hard you busted your knuckles open. And that open reaction of pure unadulterated lust at your hit?
It disgusted you.
Satan saved Minhyeok, you won't deny him that, but by no means is he suddenly your friend or anyone that you remotely liked. That goes to Minhyeok and, recently, Ppyong.
A seemingly harmless little red lump demon with a bazooka almost too big for body. He's an idiot like the rest of the demons you've met, but he had enough sense in that brain of his to not suddenly touch you when you don't want to. He gives you space, which the rest of the demons seem to forget you value highly.
You get it, it's a high sex society with absolutely no reasons for them to hold back in any manner, and despite your status as a child of Solomon, your human origins makes them all infuriatingly arrogant towards you. Like they think they know your kinks inside and out, and move forward with that horrifically wrong knowledge. Nobody gets to just touch you. They have to earn that right.
Don't be too hard on them. They'll see things your way eventually.
Will they now, Solomon?
... Well, if nothing else, at least they'll keep you entertained.
You thought Satan was going just be the outlier in his kingdom, but no. He's essentially everything irritating condensed in this small body of his.
Its why when Satan sat next to you at the bar, arm ready to sling over your shoulders that you clicked your tongue and choose to stand up.
"Ah, that's weird," and as always, there is not an intelligent thought behind those weird eyes of his as he took a sniff of his sleeve, "I'm pretty sure I scrubbed myself from head to toe. Are you sure you're not shy?"
And you didn't say shit. You didn't want to speak because you knew your anger would spill into your words. Already just by grinding your jaw, there's a rush of blood flowing into his cheeks. He wants to make you angry and you really don't want to engage with him.
"Aye! It seems the Child of Solomon is building up so much anger," Ppyong flew over and plopped his butt on the seat you were just in, clearly enjoying the warmth left behind, little rascal, "But, I heard humans can get sick if they bottle all that up. Why not use this body of mine as a punching back?"
If it weren't for the expression of open bliss on Ppyong's face, you probably would've said no. You knew what he clearly wanted and, quite frankly, you really wanted to hit something that wouldn't possibly crack your bones. And you liked Ppyong so you may as well spoil him a little.
"You sure?" You asked with a tilt to your head. You heard an audible crack of teeth being ground and you almost let a smile peek through.
"Aye! I can take anything!" He puffed up his belly, proud of his shape.
You slammed your elbow right down where his ribs should be. The seat creaked and the floor board below it even cracked. Ppyong spat and gagged but the tears spilling from his beady eyes told you of the paradise you just helped him reach. You couldn't help but laugh.
"You enjoyed that a lot, huh little buddy?"
"A little too much if you asked me." And Satan, without much prompt from anyone, grabbed Ppyong by the tail before whipping right to the farthest wall. "Well? Aren't you gonna do me next?"
You left him hanging by going right back to Ppyong. He shuddered up.
"Thank you for releasing your anger on me," he said.
"You're welcome." And thank you for keeping me sane in this place, you funky red lump.
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chipstertool · 13 days
The Curious Case of Amy Rose the Rascal
Hello, this is Chipster here! Lately I've been seeing the discourse surrounding a particular character within the Sonic franchise which is a fellow pink hedgehog named Amy Rose.
From what I could gather, Amy is one of the characters that seems to get themselves into controversy by her characterization and I wanna look into her from her debut to her current "form" while also giving my own insight.
So let's start from her debut! To the 90s we go!
[Below are game spoilers]
In her debut game, Sonic CD (1993), she appears on Little Planet as a somewhat genderbend version of Sonic. It seems like a love at first sight thing and follows him through Collision Chaos until she gets kidnapped by Metal Sonic. The game itself has no dialogue while the game manual [PC/US version] has some with the former naming her Sally to possibly tie in to SatAM. After she is saved by Sonic in Stardust Speedway and out of Little Planet, all we get is a short scene where Sonic adjusts her and making a break for it.
Again, these games have no dialogue so you'll have to come up with something at that time.
By the time the Dreamcast was finally out and about came Sonic Adventure (1998) where we could play Amy's campaign story and also use her Piko Piko Hammer which first appeared in Sonic the Fighters (1996). This is also the period where she has a full redesign of the one we all know today. In her story, she reminisces her time during Sonic CD (possibly) and wishes there was that thrill and excitement of adventure until she encounters Birdy.
By her opening cutscene, we can interpret or explicitly state that she loves adventure just as Sonic.
After the opening, Amy approaches Sonic in hopes he'll take care of Birdy which is differs between EN and JP: in EN, Sonic says "No way! Uh uh." while in JP, Sonic says "I guess I have no choice." Fast-forward, Amy meets E-102 where he develops a change of heart where Amy considers him as friend the next time they meet. This kindness is also displayed where she goes out of her way to defend E-102 as she believes that he's a good person and telling Sonic that he helped them escape.
With this, this can be interpreted as Amy being a good-hearted person who believes the good in others, doing her best in her own abilities, and having Sonic respect her (or make him turn around depending on the EN or JP) from her ending.
Amy also appears in Sonic Adventure 2 (2001) as a minor character but has a small role towards both Sonic and Shadow. In Sonic's case, he gets rescued by her where she displays a seemly playful nature where she asks him to marry him then proceeds to let him out afterwards. In Shadow's case, Amy tells him to give the people on Earth a chance which brought back the real memories of Maria's wish, in which, pushes his drive to save everyone.
Now, this is where the franchise would've ended due to the Dreamcast being discontinued the same year SA2 came out (I wouldn't blame people that think that way as they might've believed at the time being the end of Sonic as the time) although Sega made a shift into being a third-party developer. So, in a way, this marks the end of Amy Rose within mainline Sega consoles.
This is where I like to call, the shift from First-Party Amy to Third-Party Amy.
Now, with Sega doing third-party stuff, the Amy seems to be in good hands with being playable in Sonic Advance and whatnot until Sonic Heroes (2003) where it slowly cracks to what shaped the "stalker fangirl yandere type" Amy received as the most notable moment was her trying to get Sonic into marriage which are there in both EN and JP. It doesn't help that Sonic Battle (2003) presents her (aside from a slight hint of her hardworking nature) in a way that's perceived as obsessive towards Sonic which fuels the fandom's dislike and/or hatred towards Amy.
Through, the whole marrying thing could be interpreted by some as being playful, calling back to SA2, most however differ. There is no video of Sonic Battle's JP version since this script is in the EN version.
With Shadow the Hedgehog (2005), she seems mellowed out a bit as she assists Shadow throughout the hero path. On the other hand, Sonic Rush (2005) has her proclaims to be Sonic's girlfriend in Blaze's campaign when she first meets her and a aggressive manner in Sonic's campaign where he asks about Blaze where she interpreted the 'girl' part until she realizes it was Blaze as she met her earlier beforehand.
Although, this may be from a surface-level perspective since she does have that side that shows off her usual self just like in SA1 and 2. Later in Blaze's story, she does tell her that it's okay to ask for help and does calm down to mention where she was in Sonic's story.
In Sonic Riders (2006), she's a bit less obsessive and seems to slowly mellow out from Sonic Battle as she a bit flirty & does get angry at him for creating tornado while she was with Eggman as it slightly implies she has some limits with Sonic, though it may be me. This also seems to be the case in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) where she's looking for Sonic but tags along with Silver on finding their respective person until she stops from hurting Sonic while also forming a bond with Elise. This also continues in Sonic Unleashed (2008) where she apologizes to were-Sonic where Sonic, to my surprise, is distraught by this while also curious about what happened to him. I should add that the date was mentioned in Sonic Unleashed where it plays at the end of Sonic and the Black Knight (2009) where Sonic was unable to via teleportation and to Amy, she saw this as him forgetting about the date.
With these set of games after Sonic Battle, it seems that Amy is in her resting period as she seems to slowly retrace back to her "First-Party" self during the mid to late 2000s with some slight hiccups that people like to put a huge emphasis on, causing the flanderization to continue.
Now we head into the 2010s where she varied to say the least as some people may say she was at her worse or her best during that decade since she's there most of them doing other stuff. Make what you will about 2010s Amy as we go on to the recent decade of the 2020s as we have this pink rascal in Sonic Frontiers (2022) where it divides outsiders and fans on how she's viewed.
People claim she's better now due to the notion of 2000s Amy, especially within stuff like Sonic X and Heroes, and that she isn't a one-note Sonic-crazed fangirl anymore. On the other hand, people claim that Amy is now the 'basic main girl' of the group which is often associated with being either the level-headed one, mature one, or 'group mom' and that all her flaws (plus quirks) have been removed to make people like her to which points to the first point of view above.
There are possibly two outcomes that may come from Frontiers afterwards: Amy slowly comes back to her first-party self from 1998 and show people what made Amy, Amy to begin with or that she becomes someone people will eat up just because of her controversial characterizations in specific games.
So why does Amy get all the attention while other characters like Blaze, Rogue, and even Wave are often praised. To me, it may come down to how they're handled on their characterization along with their interaction on others, especially with male characters.
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rantofdespair · 1 year
My dog died two weeks ago on a Friday at 12:02 in the morning.
We knew it was coming soon. She was fourteen years old as of February ninth. I baked her dog friendly cookies and got us both matching hats. She was a pitbull/lab mix named Darla, as her entire litter had been named after the Little Rascals.
Darla has been around since I was a bit over a year old. The first dog I remember having. She was my dad's dog, but towards the end Dad had to admit she would save me before him.
Darla used to sleep on my bed before her legs got so bad she couldn't walk on the tile. When I had nightmares, she would lick my leg or hand until I woke up. She always stole my fluffiest blanket, and I let her have it. I typically ended up with just a corner of bed and blanket by the time she was comfy. I let her take it. She mattered more to me than I did myself.
She loved playing fetch. Especially with tennis balls. She wouldn't chase them unless they bounced and she could jump super high to catch it in the air. And when we were tired, she would bounce them herself and play catch with herself.
Oh, and she was stubborn. She almost always got her way. Butternut squash on the counter? Not for long. Grandma's thanksgiving roast? I looked away for ONE SECOND.
But we loved her. I loved her. More than anything in the entire world.
It was at 9 o'clock that dreadful night when I noticed how dangerously bloated she was. I brought it up to my mom. "She gets bloated a lot. Just let her sleep it off." It was true. If she got into something, she would get all big.
But this was different. God help me, I KNEW it was different. She was waddling. She didn't lift up her head. She practically collapsed on her dog bed in my parent's room in the corner by their own bed. Dad was working overnights, so he wasn't there. Mom let me make myself a bed beside my dog so I could make sure she got better since everyone else was going to sleep. I put my fluffy blanket she loved so much on top of her so she wasn't cold.
For four hours, I laid there. Quiet as can be. Petting her. Making sure she knew I was there. Her eyes...I'll never forget how milky they looked. How they kept darting around the room, terrified and sad, until they landed on me, only a silhouette, and she calmed down for a few seconds before it started again.
Then she started panting. Fast. Shallow. Her head on her paws and her eyes milky and scared. Around 11-11:30, she insisted on standing up, because she was just so stubborn she would lay back down. She walked to my dad's side of the bed, sniffed his clothes on the floor, and walked back. The second time this happened, her back legs gave out on the way back. I carried her back to her bed. I put the blanket on her. I cried and pet her and told her she was okay.
My fries woke up my mom. "It'll be okay." She told me. "It's probably just a seizure. It'll be okay. Let her sleep."
I believed her. But I knew it wasn't just a seizure.
And I laid there beside my dog. She seemed thirsty, but I didn't get her any water. I didn't want to leave her side for a moment. I should've gotten her water. I could've at least made her a bit more comfy. Maybe she would've been okay.
I laid there. And then I leaned against her and started watching a show on my computer, I guess for her to focus on.
Five minutes and 49 seconds into the show, at 12:02 in the morning of a Friday, my dog stopped breathing.
I cried for three, maybe four hours after that. I begged her to wake up. "You're supposed to wake up. Wake up, Dee. C'mon, Darla Roo, you're supposed to wake up and lick my face cuz it's all a joke it's all a joke wake up wake up wake up please please please"
We buried her the next morning with her bed, and planted a dogwood tree over her head. I've never seen my dad so upset he fell to the ground sobbing like that.
I put the first scoop of dirt on her.
It's been two, almost three weeks. I still cry every day. I don't think there are words to describe the physical pain losing your best friend gives you.
I'll be turning fifteen in five days. It'll be a pretty sucky birthday, because I don't have my best friend there to celebrate with me.
I still can't bring myself to take off marching sweaters for me and her on my birthday list. I haven't touched our matching hats. I can't say her name. I can hardly talk about her. I lied to my dad and told her she was sleeping and that she knew he wanted to be there. She was awake. She was scared. And I wasn't hugging her, I was watching a show. But I know that'll break him, so I lied. And I had to wash my fluffy blanket. I can't use it anymore because it doesn't smell like her.
And she wasn't just a dog.
"just a dog" doesn't wake you from nightmares
She doesn't block you from leaving the house just because she wants one more pat
She doesn't put her head on your shoulder when you give her a hug
She doesn't lick your tears away or jump over six foot tall fences just to play catch with you and your dad.
Darla wasn't just a dog. She was family.
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sakura-ame-no-ai · 3 years
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"bring a jacket next time."
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pairings: tetsurou kuroo x reader
genre: fluff
notes: in japan, their way of checking the time is much different than america. they use 24-hour clocks. so if it was 1 in the afternoon, it would be counted as 13:00 for them.
a/n: it felt like some special holiday for me today and i don't know why... but seriously, how is my last kenma fanfic getting so much love istg- anyways, enjoy this fanfiction! i couldn't think of a good title for this on... :sob:
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you sneeze suddenly when a gust of wind blows against your legs. it is indeed cold outside, but the shriveled leaves scraping their way down the street makes it seem much colder.
"why does it have to be so cold on a beautiful night like this..," you mutter to yourself, wrapping yourself with your arms.
too bad you didn't contemplate on bringing a jacket with you before bursting through the door with kuroo calling behind you.
well, now you feel a little guilty remembering that you lied to kuroo that you were going to buy some snacks at a nearby konbini. in reality, you just want to spend most of the night searching for some shooting stars.
you make a brief trip to the park, to which you find everything abandoned. that one big red slide that you always see children fighting to have their turn on is now empty and lonely. the swings seem motionless, too. however, they still rock back and forth every now and then when a chilly breeze rushes by. the seesaw is tilted down at an angle, making one side touch the ground full of woodchips.
you search for that favorite brown bench that has legs made out of an elegant black metal of some sort. soon, you discover it sitting under a big maple tree silently. it faces a metal fence that is as high as your waist, which a beautiful view of a huge lake stretches out on the other side of that fence. you don't hesitate to plop down and make yourself comfy on the bench, admiring the wavy reflection of the glittering stars and moon on the water's surface.
you could stare at such a view all day...
well, you would if you had brought a jacket though.
the cold night air wraps around you, trying to embrace you in a friendly way, but all it does is make you shiver and lift your feet onto the bench. you hug your knees and bury your mouth and nose inside your arms and knees, cursing to yourself about why you were stupid enough to not bring some warm clothing before setting out.
"just like i thought," a voice that sounds very familiar booms out from behind you, making you flinch.
you turn your head around to see a bedhair walk up to you with a cheeky grin.
"tetsu?!" you squeal, a little shocked that he actually know exactly where you were. "how did you know i'm here?"
kuroo is bundled up in a scarf and his nekoma jacket. he also has a thick piece of folded cloth draped over his right arm, making you assume that it's probably a blanket.
"i've never seen you that eager to do some shopping at the konbini, kitten," he replies, taking a seat next to you.
"you've always been a fan of sceneries outside, so that gave me an idea."
you give him a look of amazement, awed by the fact that he knows you very well like you're his child or something. however, it isn't long before kuroo bonks you on the head.
"you little rascal~ why didn't you bring a coat? it's like below 25 degrees celsius, and here you are, hanging out at the park, short-sleeved, and without a jacket or coat."
you whimper at his remarks.
"well, you know i was excited, tetsu..," you pout, puffing your cheeks out.
he chuckles, "nobody was blaming you, ok?"
kuroo takes a moment to peel off his nekoma jacket and place it over your shoulders. you gratefully hug it over your shoulders. other than the fact that it smells strongly of that lavender body soap you gave him, the jacket felt warm from kuroo's body heat, making you feel safe.
an unintentional smile slips onto your lips and you readjust your gaze to the sky.
"say... do you think there will be any shooting stars tonight?"
kuroo lifts a brow before fixing his gaze at the sky as well.
"oya? hunting for shooting stars?"
you nod eagerly, continuing to look up attentively.
"mhm! you told me that it's shooting star season!"
the branches of the maple tree above you sway gently, swishing its leaves together to create gentle rustling sounds.
kuroo smiles and points towards one of the stars.
"do you know how stars are formed, n/n?" he asks you, his finger directing your gaze towards the appointed star.
you squint to make a more intricate observation of the star while racking your brain, trying to remember your astrology lessons at school.
"well... don't stars form from accumulated gas and dust in space?" you finally conclude, remembering one fact your teacher has emphasized back then.
kuroo nods happily.
"yep. stars form when the gravity of the dust and air collapse together, which makes them heat up out of pressure."
he continues to ramble on about how stars mostly contain hydrogen and helium, the lightest elements to exist in the universe, and how stars are, in reality, exploding balls of gas.
you listen patiently as he explains. you are always interested in his nerdy science talk, as well as the way he is invested in his own world when a discussion related to a scientific topic arises.
it takes him a little bit to finish his explanation with a sneeze.
of course, he's not wearing his jacket. that's why.
you take off the jacket you were wearing and hand it to him.
"you're gonna catch a cold, so take your jacket back."
however, he pushes it back into your chest.
"no, kitten. you have it. i'm worried about you more."
you begin to pout, angry that he's always caring for your health instead of his own.
"no, kuroo," you say with an upset look. "this is not my jacket."
you two begin fighting about who should wear kuroo's jacket, exaggerating the possibilities of not wearing one and lecturing one another.
"that's it," kuroo sighs, looking troubled.
at first, you are confused by his words.
"what do you m-"
it was at this moment that kuroo covers the blanket that you forgot he had brought onto his back and then trapping you inside his arms, wrapping your body inside the blanket.
"there, now we're both warm," he smirks.
you take a while to understand the situation you're currently in before blushing madly. you look up at him, only to see that usual proud smirk on his face. he obviously did this on purpose.
"tetsu?! what the actual hell?!" you scream.
"oya? anything wrong?" he asks a little too 'innocently', pissing you off.
you growl back, "of course, you dumbass! people might see us and take this to like a million different wrong directions!"
"kitten, it's almost half-past 23:00. it's really unlikely that we'll be seen since most people are asleep."
you can't counter back, because that sly cat is right. most people are asleep at this time, so it's highly unlikely that you'd get caught like this with kuroo.
you have no idea how to react, so you decide to lean your back against kuroo, resting your head on his chest. at least, you realize that you feel much warmer than wearing his jacket. in the end, you start to relax, paying closer attention to the steady rise and fall of his chest while he breathes.
"do you ever see stars as memories when you look at them?" you ask kuroo, tilting your head upwards to meet his gaze.
"sometimes," he smiles, looks at one of the stars.
"like that one near that giant cloud reminds me of when i stole your meat from your lunchbox."
you cough.
"do you think this is a great time to bring this up??"
he only smirks at you. "you asked if i get reminded of anything when i look at a star."
you pout a little and fix your eyes to another star and point your finger towards it.
"well, this one reminds me of when yaku beat your ass for stealing meat from my lunchbox."
you two begin talking back and forth, saying which star represented which memory, laughing about the old days, and fighting about various things, like who should've gotten to eat that scrumptious piece of steak.
as you come back to argue about the lunchbox situation again, a white streak catches your eyes, snapping your attention back to the sky.
"look, tetsu! shooting stars!" you exclaim.
what kuroo turns his head to look at the sky with you.
sure enough, more streaks of white rain down like a slight drizzle.
"hurry up! make a wish!" you tell him before clasping your hands together before your face and close your eyes.
kuroo looks at you, then back at the sky. after a while, he closes his eyes and makes his wish.
i want to stay by y/n's side, even after i graduate.
however, he doesn't say it out loud. instead, he wraps his arms around your chest after you have finished making your wish.
for the first time in forever, kuroo gives you the most genuine smile that you've ever seen, which surprises you since you're so used to his cheeky smirks. it reminds you of honey and its sweet flavor.
"you know, kitty, we could do this next time," he coos in the sweetest voice you've ever heard him use.
"did you think i'd stop you?"
you look side-ways towards the tree beside you before give him your honest response.
"weeeeell, i thought you'd tell me it'd be too late into the night to do something like this and that i wouldn't be able to wake up if i stay up star-hunting."
kuroo chuckles, petting your head lightly with that big hand of his
"things like this are exceptions."
your eyes light up to his words. he has officially announced the permit to stay up searching for shooting stars that you adore a lot. it makes you very happy that you smile back warmly.
"thank you, tetsurou," you sigh, leaning into his chest comfortably.
"it's nothing, y/n."
he continues to stroke your hair in a soothing way as he maintains that genuine smile on his lips.
"just bring a jacket next time, or star-hunting will be off-limits."
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ravenwitch45 · 3 years
Theory: Belos Wants All The Magic And Power
I noticed an odd constant detail about Belos and his actions, What do we first know Belos did?
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Establish the Coven System. But what this does essentially is ensure no other witch has their full powers. As Eda says she never joined a coven meaning no mark and this is why she is the most powerful witch on the Isles. But that leaves the Emperor's Coven Witches like Lilith and Kikimora unaffected, so how about them?
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Well since being in the Coven is considered such a grand 'honor' it means the likelihood they would betray is extremely low. So most of the population has a fraction of your power and the ones who could be on your level you have under your thumb. Mmm after all you can't lose if your uncontested and I think that is why he wanted Eda gone so badly, not just for the portal but because she could have actually posed a threat to him with her full powers.
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And it isn't just magic Belos wants to restrict. He bought all of the Abomitons with Hunter stating it was because Belos didn't like people "Making their own personal Armies". That's another thing Belos has over every other witch, an army behind him, and if the Blights could mass produce soldiers for anyone, then it threatens him so he made them another asset for him even if it cost him a pretty penny doing so.
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I want to draw a connection between Hunter, Vee and the Basilisks, and The Day of Unity.
Hunter is a powerless Witch, which he says is common in his family (If that family is real is up for debate but hey) Hunter cannot do magic without a staff, either his artificial one or Lil Rascal. Note it seems Palismans can give powerless Witches the ability to do magic again, we'll come back to that.
If Hunter is part human is important too so put a pin in it
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Vee says Belos resurrected the Basilisks because he wanted to know how they steal magic. Now if Magic is truly a gift from the Titan and Belos wants to keep it used properly than why resurrect creatures that can steal it? No surprise his stupid facade is easy to see through but we all knew that.
What if Belos wants to utilize the Basilisks to steal magic of his enemies, Literally turning them into living weapons? We know it would be effective, if we're going by the basilisk attack on hex side from season 1. That would explain why he would do something so against his image. And why he is still chasing them. He needs them for the Day of Unity which...
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We know involves the Human Realm, which is filled with Humans who cannot do magic except in a way that Hunter says is "Restricted Knowledge from the Savage Ages" IE the time before Belos, Glyphs are unaffected by the person using them for the most part so Belos would be unable to control it, except for limiting the Knowledge of it's very existence. And sadly Staves aren't a much easier avenue
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Palismans are a dying race because of both their poor treatment and Belos constantly consuming them. The Palistrum trees are so rare that Hexside which is a high end school couldn't even secure enough wood for ONE class of students! The Bat Queen might be the only source of them but her supply isn't infinite or even guaranteed if Belos finds her
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And Belos himself seems to have essentially invented the Artificial Staves he and Hunter Use. So that's not an option. So he restricted one Blie Sackless Method of magic, is destroying another, and has monoply on the third. This is not looking good
And if he uses the Basilisks then most witch's Bile sacks would be useless anyway. So he would quickly become the only one with magic if he full on reveals just how evil he is and turns on his own coven.
And sadly that might be true with the children, With Humans and Witches co existing then crossbreeding is only a matter of time. And If Hunter is part human that might mean magic less children. Which literlally would cause...
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Glyphs to become the only magic type to even be usable to people aside from Belos. Geez Luz would have a lot more people to teach wouldn't she?
I'm sorry this is a very wild theory But I just wanted to put this out there. And honestly whatever Belos has planned for the day of unity...
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It's probably going to leave us all speechless.
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
GENRE: Fluff
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Flowing water, molded into ballerinas, swaying to the slow, dreamy rhythm of a harp, by a skilled magician, surrounded me as I stood in the middle of a vast, colorful oasis. It took me a while before I realized that I was in Asra's gate. How did I end up being there?
The plants sprung to life, engulfing me, filling my vision with a dancing of warm colors that reminded me of him as I closed my eyes. I could feel the phantom of warmth embrace me, and when I opened my eyes, I was greeted with those deep and sincere purple eyes of his.
The world seemed to have slowed down, every action taking some time as if it was to savor the moment. I found myself loosely wrapping my arms around his neck as he caressed my other cheek, and I leaned to the feeling.
I could see Asra's magnificent aura combining with mine, making a beacon of blinding light that went up to the sky.
His tender touch never fails to send me flying over to the moon, both our magic combined as if speaking to one another, my heart reacting to his own.
He pressed his forehead against mine, a blush creeping up his face.
"I love you."
With that, I had unfortunately awoken. I yawned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, soon realizing that Asra was not beside me anymore. The smell of my favorite soup wafted out from the kitchen to the bedroom, causing me to blearily walk towards it. The sleepiness soon ebbed my system once the smell got stronger. Asra wasn't aware that I already woke up, so I sneakily went on to hug him from behind, earning an adorable gasp from him and making me chuckle.
"[MC]? You're awake. Did you have a good sleep?"
I nuzzled his fluffy hair. "Mhm I suppose. I had a really good dream."
"Oh? Why don't you tell me about it."
"We were in your gate. But it didn't look like before.. it was more magical that time. Well, just us doing some romantic things.. Involving magic too!"
Asra let out a chuckle, "Why don't we make it real then?" He turned around, giving me that playful look of his. I grinned. "Ooh, I love the sound of that."
Soon, I found myself being fed by him as we ate our breakfast. Faust kept on squeezing us alternatively. She seemed excited about something.
"[MC], what do you say we go out for a trip today?" Asra asked, wiping off some remaining soup droplets on my chin which I hadn't noticed.
"Where will we go?"
"I thought about bringing you to the magical realms, but then I thought of something better." He casted a wistful look on me. "Let's forget about the realms for the mean time. Let's just explore the city. What do you think?"
"You know I'm up for it! But you'll have to let me take a bath first!" I chuckled.
"Take your time. I won't mind." He playfully winked at me as I headed towards the bathroom.
Some time later, we arrived at the city market. Vesuvians were partially rowdy and quiet. Though some even came stumbling near the two of us, but it was alright. Asra held my hand tightly as I saw him grinning at something— or someone. The market seemed a bit more playful today. Maybe that's why he decided to take me here? The fun in the atmosphere was tangible, especially when I heard the strumming of guitars— and the next moment, all I knew was that Asra and I were dancing in the middle of the street, accompanied by some other couples until the beat had stopped.
It was fun while it lasted. It's as if my body had a mind of its own when I let myself dance to the rhythm. I didn't care about anything else other than the joyous music. I knew what felt right, and it felt right to let myself sway to the rhythm with Asra. Abstract magic bubbled around the two of us. How I love feeling that way.
However, right after the dancing session, the world suddenly dissipated into nothingmess. I was left all alone in a dark, fathomless land where no one seemed to hear me. No Asra... no Faust. I tried to connect to them using my magic, but something was intercepting it. No no, I didn't feel something ominous despite the situation. So what, exactly, was stopping me? I called out to my magic once more, and there I felt a recognizable aura somewhere. Asra's. He was nearby, I could tell, but it's as if he was hiding behind a veil which I didn't know where to find. I was in distress, but then something dawned me.
Asra must've been playing tricks with me. I should've known from the beginning. Ugh, I am so going to get that rascal! I let my magic surround me, and then I was back at the market— but I was alone. If he was pulling a prank on me, I'd give him credits for the effort of making  the crowd disappear too. I clicked my tongue but later on grinned. What kind of prank was it? I got a little excited to know what to see at the end of the tunnel.
I called out for the nth time. I was aimlessly walking that I didn't realize I already bumped to a hulking figure. The smell of Myrrh...
"Muriel! Have you seen my sneaky magician?" 
He looked away as soon as I met his eyes. He didn't reply. He just walked away. I followed him with my eyes but then he stopped his tracks, reluctantly beckoning me to join him. And I did. And I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. Asra really did execute a massive prank for me because the whole Vesuvia seemed empty of people. I was beginning to get confused when I still didn't see anyone, but when we turned to a corner, leading to which I presume is the docks, an enthralling scenery surprised me.
My fellow Vesuvians were scattered on the side. The middle was empty and I supposed I would be walking there, and I was right. I let out a confused noise when they suddenly started singing all together. Their voices were harmonious that it somehow made my heart feel lighter than it already was. I could spot a few familiar faces.
Selasi, our favorite baker, then came up to me, handing me something. I was surprised that it wasn't bread but a bouquet of my favorite flowers. I thanked him, but before I could ask furthermore, he hastily ran back to the crowd.
"Muriel, what's going on?"
What did I expect? He didn't even turn around. I guessed I wouldn't be having any answers until I see the mastermind behind all of this.
I spotted Aisha and Salim in the crowd. They gave me a meaningful smile, a sly look on their faces. I smiled back and proceeded to walk down the center even if I had no idea what was happening. Their attentions were all on me. It made me feel overwhelmed, as if I was the star of Vesuvia. And jeez, was the Countess and all the other courtiers somewhere in the crowd?
Speaking of, I soon found Nadia standing in a corner. Her elegant figure stood out the most. I was taken aback when she walked to me, and I received a bouquet of flowers once again. She gave me a playful look and then weaved herself through the crowd. I soon spotted Portia, and she did the same thing to me, winking afterwards. 
And by the time I had reached Julian standing in the middle of the docks, my arms were already full of bouquets, but he gave a blind eye to that and proceeded to put another bouquet on top of the rest that I could barely see what's in front of me. And as I expected, the strain in my arms made the bouquets fall to the ground. I regretfully looked at them. But just as I was about to pick them up, Julian intercepted, swaying his long, lanky arms that almost hit my face.
"Whoops! No no no no. We can't have our main star doing the work here, can we?"
He flashed a shameless grin and started picking up the bouquets. I didn't argue and instead chuckled. Then as I lifted my gaze, I finally saw Asra, standing at the edge and giving me a look as if to tell "I'm expecting you."
He smiled at me as I ran into him, completely forgetting the fact that he's at the edge. One slight move and he would fall into the water. But something unusual happened. 'Asra' bursted into fizzy bubbles and tiny butterflies that soon engulfed me, making me giggle. And once they gave way, I was greeted by a bunch of tiny ballerinas which emerged from the water. They were careful not to get too close and drench my clothes. My smile grew even wider as I recalled my dream. There were also dancing ballerinas surrounding me, but bigger. Asra must had taken note of that to pull the trick off.
I pivoted, seeing 'Asra' give me another bouquet of flowers. But they were much larger than the ones my friends had given to me. The other half was drenched though since it was given to me by the water in which Asra shaped himself to.
"[MC]." I heard a boisterous call, making me turn around for the nth time, and that time I finally saw the real Asra. Solid and radiating an immense aura of magic. Joyous but somehow perplexed. I threw myself at him, and we bursted into giggles.
"My, my.. You really know how to pull a trick off your sleeves. Is this really the real you, or are you just another one of his illusions?"
"I'm the real one you know," His airy voice tickled my ears. There was a playful tone in his voice. "Want me to prove it?"
"N-Not in front of everyone!" I flushed but eventually cleared my throat. "Uhm, mind explaining yourself? Please tell me what's gotten into your mind to do this."
He only gave me a smug look, but later on evaded my gaze as a blush crept on his face. The crowd had already stopped singing. They were silent and watching us as if expecting something huge to happen. I looked at my friends, who were only giving me playful looks. I frowned, but then it hit me. 
Or I might just be assuming things. It was just a massive prank, right? Asra didn't do it because of...
"I.. You know how much I care for you.. Right?"
I heard someone in the crowd squeal.
"Yes. You told me about it when.. when we were at the fountain... during the most recent masquerade." I blushed as I reminisced the scene. It made my heart flutter when he told me that he loves me. It filled me with joy. We've been through a lot...
"We've been through a lot of adventures ever since we defeated the Devil. And I treasure the memories that we keep on making... I find it better to go on adventures with you by my side rather than going alone," He looked at me and smiled. It was my turn to look away due to our faces' proximity. "You showed me a different perspective of the world, [MC], and I can't imagine living a life without you anymore. I feel like as long as we're together, we'll be able to overcome anything." 
My heart erratically beated as he said those words. A mixture of Aww's and other complements came from the crowd, but Asra didn't seem to mind. He was staring at me. And only at me.
"I love you, [MC]. And I'll keep on loving you.." He widened the distance between us a little, kneeling down and as if searching for something in his pocket. I didn't know how red my face was at the time. I felt like exploding.
He really was doing it.
He was proposing to me.
Asra stopped his search and shyly looked around, but he was somehow distressed. 
"Now where did I put it...." He looked down, facepalming. "Faust, where are you? I told you not to play with it."
At the mention of her name, Faust slithered towards him, something shiny in her mouth. Asra chuckled and scolded her as she took refuge in his sleeve. Then, he averted his gaze back to me, his eyes gleaming with hope and love.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, [MC]. And I hope you do too... Will you marry me?"
He showed me the ring that flashed the colors of the rainbow before my very eyes. Milliseconds after he said that the crowd started cheering and squealing, and I didn't even utter my answer yet, and I couldn't due to all the noise. Portia took care of it though.
"HEY! Did we actually hear what [MC] said? QUIET!" And the noise dissipated. 
The more I looked at Asra, the more I realized how nervous he actually was. Even with a brave facade, I could still see through him. We were blushing so bad as he waited for my answer. But I felt like I couldn't speak at the time. I was overwhelmed with euphoria that I couldn't bring myself to utter a single word or even move. It took me a few seconds to calm myself, responding to his question with a smile.
"D-Do you even have to ask?"
"Is that a yes?"
"Of course it is! Yes! I'll marry you!"
Asra stood up with a wide, genuine smile as he put the ring on my finger. It was filled with an intricate design, the pattern carved meticulously. I was so amazed at how detailed it was. I looked at it with awe. I couldn't believe what was hapenning. I might've swooned.
"Good. I was beginning to think you wouldn't.."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know." Asra laughed, pulling me into a kiss. His magic surged into me and when he pulled away, he immediately took me in his embrace. The crowd started cheering once again that I could barely hear myself over it.
"Did you make the ring?"
"Yes. Did you like it?"
"Like it? I love it!" I flushed against his chest.
"The ring only?"
"Psh, of course you too! I love you, Asra!"
He chuckled and intertwined our fingers. I blushed even more. If I could explode, I already would've.
"I love you too. I loved you ever since."
"Asra! Stop making me blush.."
"But I was just stating facts! Right Faust?"
He really couldn't fail to make me blush, to create butterflies and grow flowers inside me, and to make my heart feel light and filled with pure bliss.
We were engaged, and I couldn't wait to see what the future stores for us.
The future that includes him and I, completely contented with each other's presence.
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haibalevluvbot · 4 years
Team Mom
Ukai Keishin x Reader
Soft, no warnings!
This is my first time posting
on Tumblr so :)
first one shot for my fav coach aha
ahaha!! anyway this is entirely in
they/them other than the fact that
you're referred to as the 'mom', but
so is Suga so :)
Dating Keishin had its perks. You were absolutely adored, got into volleyball games for free, had thirteen adopted children, traveled to different schools, and was able to be a solid rock of support in the stands.
Oh, yeah, about the thirteen adopted children.
You and Keishin had officially taken over the Team Mom and Team Dad (thank you, Daichi and Suga for letting them take over) mantle once you started coming to practices more often. The volleyball team trusted you and loved you as their own and would protect you with their life.
It probably had to do with the snacks you always brought. This brings you to what you were doing now, texting Keishin in the middle of the supermarket for the team's favorite foods.
Hinata ripped the net running into it.
Why is he like this? Where did we
go wrong :(
you're the one that coached him!!
it's not my fault. I take no responsibility
where are you??
supermarket! what should I get for
our boys?
"our boys"
any kind of meat and I know
Yamaguchi wants the pocky again.
you got that boy hooked
he has taste! I'll be there by the
end of practice. love you💞
Love you
You smiled down happily to your phone before locking it and putting it in your pocket. A slight pang radiated throughout your chest, though. The two of you had been dating for nearly a year and yet you both haven't had the courage to complete the sentence.
'Love you' is so far away from 'I love you'.
You shook your head of these thoughts and continued browsing the store and paying for the food and drinks. It didn't take long, soon you were headed down the steep slope to Karasuno High where your entire world was training to go to Nationals.
As soon as you got to the gym, you quickly slid the door open catching it with your foot.
"Nice receive, Noya!" Suga called from the left side of the court. Nishinoya grunted a reply as he went for another one of Tanaka's spikes.
You watched with a small smile on your face, the screeching of tennis shoes on the waxed floor filling your ears. This is where you felt at home. Especially since you hung out in this gym being a manager for Ukai's old team in highschool.
"Do you need help, (Y/n)-Senpai?" Yachi called happily when she caught your eye.
You blushed but nodded, the honorific still made you awkward. Not very many people used Senpai to describe you seeing as you were still only in your twenties.
Suga immediately broke from his concentration to look at you. The two of you got along the best, your way of showing love being similar. You liked to describe it as 'Aggressive Friendship'.
"(Y/N)" he called out happily, violently waving at you.
"Watch for the—!" You called as you divided the food between Yachi and Kiyoko who gladly helped set it out on the benches. A sharp slap and a loud 'ow' came from the position Suga was in.
"—ball..." you cringed slightly before giving him a warm smile, "Walk it off Suga!"
You turned your back to help set out food. Another loud slap and another ow rang out, this time from the left side. Seems like Suga and Asahi teamed up for revenge. Good for them.
The volleyball game ended fairly quickly after that. Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Ennoshita, Hinata, and Yamaguchi were on the winning side meaning they got their food first.
"Thanks, (y/n)! You're the best!" Hinata nearly squealed as you unveiled the protein-packed meal after practice. The rest of the team said their thanks as well, nearly drooling at the smell.
Keishin came behind you and snaked his arms around your waist. Leaning into his embrace, you looked to the kids spread out in groups eating and talking together.
"You know, they really do like you," Kei mumbled into your ear.
"They like the snacks," you replied smiling.
"You're a snack so by that logic they really like you."
You lightly bumped into him, "You're the snack of this relationship, Kei."
Both of you laughed and watched over your boys. Hinata and Kageyama were bickering again, not suprisingly. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were talking about some podcast Tsukishima had recommended Yamaguchi. Asahi and Nishinoya were talking together as Tanaka nearly cried over Kiyoko again. Poor Kiyoko.
You took in a deep breath before speaking up what was on your mind.
"I'm going to say something and I don't want you to feel pressured to say it back, okay?" You asked Keishin firmly, but quietly enough that the boys wouldn't hear. You could feel his grip loosen slightly and his face contort into one of confusion, but he nodded anyway.
"I—" You started, "I love you. And I know we've been saying 'love you' for a while, but 'I love you' is something different and special. At least to me it is. It's like you actually mean it instead of just adding it onto the end of a conversation. The 'I' makes it personal and more intimate..."
He was quiet. Too quiet. You turned red, embarrassed you had said so much.
Then you felt Keishin breathe out like he had been holding it in for hours. It was your turn to be confused when he let go of you to spin you around into a regular hug. He held you tight against him, his face buried in your neck. This was completely out of the ordinary for him. Neither of you were very fond of gigantic performances of public affection. His voice was low and muffled when he spoke again.
"I love you too, (y/n)," He mumbled into your neck.
Both of you stayed in the hug. You smiled into the crook of his neck, the same way as you could feel he was doing.
"If you weren't such an ass, Kageyama, that could be us," Hinata's voice said rather smugly before a yelp and the sound of someone getting chased filled the gym.
Both you and Keishin sighed, let go, and looked at each other before you turned and zeroed in the rascals.
"Kageyama Tobio!"
"Hinata Shoyo!"
Both of you yelled at the same time.
Kageyama and Hinata turned to look at you sheepishly as the both of you continued.
"Don't hit the child," you said looking Kageyama in the eyes.
"Don't start it," Keishin finished staring down Hinata.
The rest of the volleyball team looked on worried. Except for Suga and Daichi, obviously, they were taking notes for when you weren't allowed on the court during tournaments.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Fluff and angst in one place my dear coomurates! Enjoy it!
That was a really long one I hope you guys do t get bored with it 😔🤧
Hari Kurono never wanted to be a father.
It was obvious and logical this. The man just thought he wasn't made for the job and that was it. Well... until his childhood friend had a son.
It wasn't easy to get both Chisaki and Kurono attention, but the moment you put Kaito on this world, simply it changed things for both of them even at some point that Hari asked if HE could be Kaito's god parent.
"Of course Kurono! How nice of you!" You say it smiling while your husband gave him a glare.
Kaito was know by you three, that since the moment he was born, that he was a little angel but half demon... And Kurono often laughed at this, even if the toddler had only 6 months old, the kid manage to piss off Overhaul on purpose just to expend more time with you.
Although, there was this little accident that happened...
One day you and Kai was just talking and chilling; a rarity since Kaito was borned; until you both saw how Kurono seemed so out of character lately. Always nervous, anxious even, and not responding directly questions like he is used to...
You approached gently while Chisaki demanded to know what had happened and then the bomb dropped.
Hari had gotten a woman pregnant.
The worst of all is that, it was only a hook up and the woman knew about his affiliations with the yakusa, and thought she could take some money from him by getting pregnant with his child.... Chrono wasn't dumb, but this was just like a bullet had hitted on his chest.
You notice that in some part in your husband's eyes manifested pure disgust and dissapointment at his friend but also a bit of sympathy, since he hadn't said a word until now.
Somehow, you manage to calm down the man and thought on a solution while Kai thought on how he was going to do to not involve the Shie Hassaikai on this problem that Chrono caused...
Nine months passed and Chrono had the privilege to met his daughter; which he named Haru...
He wasn't astonished but he wasn't displeased either... Actually, he was even surprised and relieved when she wasn't similiar with the mother at all, and even cooed happily when he approached her to his chest.
He told that story to you both and you simply smiled while Kai scoffed and went to see what in hell Kaito was doing up at that hour of the night.
Spying on adults conversations, who hasn't done that at least once?
It didn't take too long for Haru to visit the yakusa house.
You were simply in love! That little girl with two years old was so cute and such a little female version of Hari himself! She was pretty shy at first, and even scared at seing Chisaki glaring her down; what child wouldn't right?; but slowly she got out of her shell and greeted you with a small but endearing smile, shortly after looking at her father for approval.
Kaito was pretty reluctant about the new girl, but when you asked if he could play with her for a little the boy couldn't just say no... It didn't take longer for these two to establish a friendship and you often jokes about the families being even more close to Chisaki and Kurono.
Both rolled their eyes in annoyance by the way... They always do.
Although, when the girl reached the age of three you notice that she was much more present in the house and surely more close to her father... Apparently even at the point of crying, claiming desperately she didn't want it to leave her father.
You wanted to ask if something was wrong but Chisaki's hand stopped you as he sayed it.
"It's not our bussines angel, so let's not get involved either." You nodded reluctantly.
Which leads the curtently days. Kaito had 6 years while Haru had 4 and a half.
Chrono was assigned; along with Rappa, Tengai and Rikiya; to solve some bussines in the center of the city by Chisaki. And as usual, now he had to leave his daughter, but thankfully you and Chisaki were staying in home, so you offered to watch over her as she played with your son. Making Kai widen his eyes and looked at you with hinted desperation and clearly disaproval of your decision.
"I guess, if it wasn't going to be a problem... I can't leave her with anyone else so..." he looked down at his daughter who only silently pleaded at him for let her play with Kaito.
"Actually there is-" "Not a problem at all!" Chisaki glared at you as you kneeled in front of Haru.
Tonight was supposed to be betwen you two while the brat went to bed... Not one where the number of kids duplicated...
"Go on the living room Haru-chan! Im sure Kaito will love the idea of a sleep over." You smiled when she widened her dark eyes before looking up at her father, who only sighed and nodded, watching the girl excuse herself and run to the room.
"Have on your mind that you ruined an intimate night between me and my wife Chrono." Chisaki growled as Kurono apologized and left the house along with the precepts, again, thanking you both.
"What's even the matter Kai? Haru never bother us." You asked as Chisaki sighed and pulled you to his chest.
"Its not exactly the girl the problem here, its more about-"
Two loud yelps were hearded making both of you jump while shortly after a lair of giggles filled the house as Kaito screamed 'I WON'
"The brat..." groaned Chisaki as you giggled while bringing him closer.
"Mind looking at them for a while as I make some snacks for us? I think it will be a little fun." He arched one of his eyebrows at you.
"You're sick for thinking thhat two children screaming is fun."
"If I was sick you wouldn't even touch me, less alone have a perfect little boy with me, my handsome yakusa boss." You made your way to the kitchen as Chisaki sighed.
"'Perfect', yeah right." Mumbled sarcastically Chisaki while he chuckled at your attempt to send him a glare.
Kai depared with both children laying on the ground on their stomachs, playing a board game that he used to play as a child.
"Brat, where did you find this?" Asked the man as he sitted down on the couch pointing at the board.
Haru yelped at the sudden appearance of Chisaki but shortly after calmed down while Kaito smirked at his father, still with both dices on his closed hands.
"Mommy and I were cleaning one room and found this!" He throws the dice and cheered at seing the numbers while Hari mumbled a "beginner's luck". Chisaki stared at the board and mentally facepalmed.
"Kaito. You need to get a lair of five's. Not six... You need to get back." He deadpanned as Kaito glared at him before picking the manual and read the instructions quickly while Haru contained her giggles.
"No daddy, it says right here that 'if you got a pair of six you are allowed to choose the destiny of your adversary and to continue your path.'" He pointed at the rule as he showed to his father. Chisaki looked and was surprised to see that the toddler was correct.
"What the hell? I remember that it was five when I played this for the last time." He mumbled picking the old manual with his gloved hands.
"The age are kicking on you daddy?" Asked innocently the boy but with the lresence of his famous devilsh little smirk while the giggles of Haru filled the room.
"I beg you pardon little rascal?" Growled Chisaki as he glared at his smirking son.
Oh no he didn't.
Chisaki picked an cushion up and agressively threw at the floor before sitting on it.
"Both of you restart this game now. I will show what the age does to a man you damn brat." Kaito gleamed happily at noticing that his dad was going to play while Haru scotted over a little more to have better vision on the board.
You carefully bringed the snacks on a tray, and as you got near the room, the more you heard tiny giggles and Chisaki complains. You picked curiously before entering, and you swear your heart just melted.
Chisaki, with his typical bored expression, was sitting down at a pillow as the two kids giggled at seing the adult explain the rules like he was explaining an strategy of war.
"You three good?" You asked as you placed the goodies on the coofe table. Kaito and Haru gaved you two thumbs up while your husband looked at dead in the eyes, extremely serious, holding in his gloved hand a pair of dices.
"I'm going to crash our son and his friend." He simply stated as the two children stared at him with wide eyes.
"Uh... why?" You asked smilling but still a bit of nervousness and confusion on your voice.
"You don't simply insult an yakusa boss my dear (y/n)." He threw the dices, which landing perfectly on a pair of six "Our son should know that by now." The two children gasped and started to beg to Kai to teach him his secret and your husband immediately refused and ordered them to start to play.
"Mommy wanna join us?" Kaito looked up at you as you offered an tiny sandwich to him with a napkin.
You shocked your head smiling at your son, who pouted, as you did the same thing with Haru.
"Are you sure miss (Y/N)? This way we could make teams like 'girls vs boys!'"
You were going to answer if it wasn't for your two boys saying in union a 'no' before Kaito bitted on his sandwich and Kai bringed you gently to the floor besides him, already with a comfy pillow on the ground for you to sit.
You and Haru exchanged looks before giggling.
It came a hour that both childs were with puffy eyes, their tiny bodies begging to sleep.
But your stubborn husband wanted to keep playing for rub in his son's face later his victory.
"Each cause leads to a consequence, that's his, my angel." He said before throwing the dices and landing again on a lair of six.
You looked at him for a second before he smirked and hitted slightly with his gloved finger his son's forehead.
"I won."
"No fair!" Whined the boy sleepily as Haru was already almost passed out on his shoulder.
"Okay you two. Time to rest." You said as you gently lifted Kaito and Haru from the ground and start to lead them to the bedroom.
"I want revenge tommorow." Kaito said before hugging his father quickly on his neck "Good night daddy." Chisaki hummed in response as he scratched at little his neck.
"Have a goodnight mister Overhaul sir." Sleepily mumbled Hari which Kai also nodded as he pick it up the board and organized back on their box.
You came back as soon as you out the toddlers to sleep and encounter Kai looking at the door and calling silently for you to come sit with him.
"Had fun?" You teased as he glared at you while enveloping your figurine in his strong arm.
"That is not for fun, its a form of to develop your strategies and also the neurons of the brain."
"Love. Is a board game." You giggled as he scoffed.
"A very serious one if I do say myself." He chuckled when you laughed, gently laying your head on the crook of his neck as he inhaled your scent deeply.
"You could've participated. I wouldn't mind having you as a partner in crime." Growls on your ear as you smirked up at him.
"And betray my own son? Such a devilish action don't you think?" You asked wrapping your arms around his neck, while his went to your waist.
"You married one angel." He nipped in your neck slightly "It's definitely not a surprise."
You both just went to take things further until Kaito barged in the room making you yelped at the noise as Chisaki pulled you in a protective embrace before getting irritaded at seing his son on the door, breathing heavily.
"Goddammit Kaito ever heard of knocking?! Its a polite thing to do." Groaned Chisaki.
This brat always ruined his fun...
"Sorry! Really sorry! But Haru woke up screaming and now she's crying! Mommy, Daddy please help, I don't know what to do!" The boy pleaded.
Chisaki and you changed looks before both of you got uo and made your way to the room, while Kai picked his cellphone and saw that Kurono was coming back earlier with the gang.
Thank the heavens.
You arrived at the room and your heart break at seing the usual calm and sweet girl crying desperately as she covered her face.
"Haru-chan?" You cooed, slowly getting closer, the girl flinched at the mivement but immediately relaxed a little at seing it was only you.
"Haru-chan what happened? A nightmare?" She nodded before bursting into tears again while Kaito sitted at her side and patted gently her head.
"I-I saw mother b-bursting into the door and-! A-and-! A-and she slapped me and w-wouldn't stop! O-Only when daddy came in she stopped and t-treated me well!" She manage to say between sobs and she suddenly latched herself onto you pleading for her father.
"It's okay Haru-Chan it's okay. Your dad is already coming." You looked behind you and saw your husband talking on the phone.
"Haru-chan! You don't need to fear your stupid old hag." Says Kaito as he approached her and placed his hand on her shoulder catching her attention.
"You don't need to fear because you're the daughter of uncle Chrono, one of the most powerful members of the yakusa excluding my daddy... And if she ever tries to get closer to you he will beat her up!" The girl smiled as she let go of you and wiped her eyes with her sleeve.
"Also." Said Kaito "You're my friend. So I will make sure she never gets even an inch closer to you ever again." The girl widened her eyes.
"You promise?" Kaito finally smiled brightly as he linked her pinky with his and gave a squeeze.
"Yeah. Promise!"
It didn't take long to Hari come and pick his already sleeping daughter; which by the way was a struggle to get off of your son tiny arms; apologizing for the probably uncomfortable moment, but you and Chisaki just waved off.
Hari explained the whole story, saying that Haru's mother was a greddy and totally sick in the head woman, who had started to drink it and constantly beat it up the little girl, and when he went to visit she always hidded Haru, if she had evident bruises? On the closer claiming that she had left her with her parents... It took a while for him to discover but just three months ago he got the custody of his daughter and put the woman on the jail.
When Chrono left, you look at Chisaki, who only sighed and bringed you close.
"I knew it thete was something wrong..." you mumbled on his shirt, feeling his gloved hands caressing your scalp gently as he hummed.
"He didn't finish his job. He told me that the moment she got oit of that place he would make her oay the double of what his daughter had suffered..."
"You're going to help?" You asked worriedly but he only shake his head.
"He wants to do that alone. Personal business." He guided you to your shared room as you hummed in understatement.
"Is good that Hari soften because of her." You commented as Chisaki scoffed.
"If you say so, but he can't let his guard down that easy."
"Oh please you soften a little bit because of Kaito as well!" You smiled gently at him receiving a death glare of his.
"Sure. I even crushed him on that board earlier. Definitely softened." He said sarcastically.
He has but like hell he would admit it.
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 14
Warning: cussing, slight mention of the death of an asshole ex
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The sisters all went to get some rest after the long night, but Beetlejuice had other plans. He had so much built up energy that he terrorized the neighborhood 'till the late morning, then teleported back to the house, still wiping his happy-teary eyes.
He appeared in a green puff of smoke right behind Rei, who was clearly cooking something in the kitchen. Even though she dressed up properly in highwaisted denim shorts and a kawaii pastelpink tank top, and did her makeup, her baggy eyes showed that she haven't slept a minute. He peaked over her shoulder.
- HI THERE! - he shouted, which made Rei drop the ladle she was holding, spilling batter all over the counter.
- JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST!!! - she widened her eyes, held her chest and breathed out. - Crap dude, you scared the living shit outta me. - Beej flashed a wide smile at Rei while doing a little fist pump and hopped on the counter's clean part.
- What can I say, I'm a demon, get used to being jumpscared, doll. - he said with a theatrical shrug. Rei rolled her eyes, grabbed a dish towel and wiped off the counter. Beetlejuice watched excitedly as she opened up the waffle maker, slided the cooked waffles out onto a plate, then after yawning, loaded it back up. Beej tilted his head sideways. - I wouldn't mind if you'd throw one of those yummylooking thingies in my way, sugar.
Rei fixed her glasses and raised an eyebrow at BJ.
- Aren't ya... You know... Kind of undead? - the demon pulled one side of his upper lip up.
- Yeah, so?
- So you wouldn't have to eat? - Beej threw his head back and groaned.
- I don't HAVE to, but I LOVE to. - he looked back at Rei and shrugged with his hands held up. - I dunno, it makes me feel... - he sighed with a smile. - ...alive.
For a couple of minutes, Beetlejuice just watched as Rei made breakfast. He was pulled out of daydreaming by the sound of hissing. Sofía came into the kitchen, holding Minerva in her arms. The cat hissed and groaned at Beej, who, as a response, just put his stripey snakelike tongue out. He looked at Sofía who still seemed to be furious. He started to dangle his feet and flashed the cutest smile he could.
- Sofía, sugarpuffs, may I say you look absolutely stunning on this fine morning of...
- Cut it, demon. - she said with dead eyes. The smile on BJ's face froze off. - You'll achieve nothing with flattery. - she set the cat down on the floor, then got back up and pointed at the demon. - Plus. I don't like you. - Beej put his hands on his hips.
- Well then go and fuck yourself!
Sofía rolled her eyes and went to the refrigerator. Minerva sat down before Beetlejuice on the floor, watching him with hauntingly thin pupils and perked up ears. But at least she didn't hiss anymore. Rei looked at her sister's way.
- Hey I'm pretty thirsty, would ya, Miss Grumpy, check if we have any orange juice left? - Sof reached into the fridge, got the bottle out, shaked it, removed the cap, and drank every last drop of orange juice. After this, she put the bottle down and flashed a meaningful look at Rei.
- No, we’re all out.
- I have a lot of questions, first of all, how dare you? - Sofía didn't answer, just grabbed a yogurt out of the fridge and exited the kitchen. Beej looked after her with puckered up lips, then looked at Rei questionably.
- Is she always this abominable? - Rei shrugged.
- She's just pissed at the three of us now so no, not always... But a lot of times. You're gonna get used to it though.
Beetlejuice laid back, put his hands under his head and floated next to Rei.
- I'm getting bored, so be a doll and tell me, where's my favourite little baby rook? I wanna tell her how my daily hauntings went, she's gonna LOVE it. - Rei pointed to the back door without looking up from the waffles.
- Outside, in the conservatory. Since we couldn't sleep, we fixed the glass panel Matthias broke. Now she's talking with her mom on the phone. - Beetlejuice started to float towards the door but Rei grabbed his jacket. - Stopstopstop, bring her this. And make sure she eats it. - and handed him a plate full of waffles, and a bottle of Nutella.
- What, why? - Rei sighed, put down the Nutella on the middle counter and pulled her hair back.
- Look, Beetlejuice, that's your name, right? - the demon nodded with enthusiasm. It was SO NICE hearing his name from a breather's mouth, not his own. - Okay so, Beetlejuice, just so you know, Ari has a very bad habit. When she's feeling down, she just won't eat. And that makes her hangry. And that makes her insufferable. And you don't want that. - she shook her head. - You NEVER want that. But comfort food always makes her want to eat, so... - she raised her arms and shrugged. - Here I am! Being a best sister/bestie, making her fuckin comfort food for breakfast. - Beetlejuice put his legs on the ground and grabbed the plate out of Rei's hand.
- Okay, I'll bring it to her... - he snickered and reached for the Nutella. - ...you slavemaster you. - he headed out but in the archway, he turned back and looked at Rei with a light smile. His green hair turned glowy a bit and his tips got a shy white shade. - Hey Rei? - the girl stepped back from the waffle maker and looked at him. Beej pulled his shoulders up and bit his lower lip. - Thanks for letting me stay.
Rei smiled widely and looked at the ground, blushing.
- Well, am I a hero? Really can't say, but... yes. - BJ laughed then blew raspberries. Rei gestured with her hand in the winter garden's direction. - Besides, Ari doesn't make friends easily, and it was nice to see that there's someone who gets her and genuinely laughs with her... Even though they're not a human. - BJ was still smiling, biting down on his lower lips. And were those slight pinkish streaks? - So I didn't have a choice, really. But yeah, you're welcome. - she went back to making waffles but quickly stepped back to face the demon. - By the way, she will totally act like she's alright but, let's face it, she's a mess. - A hot mess, thought Beetlejuice. - So be a nice emotional support demon boy please. - BJ's smile turned into a frown.
- What? Most of the time I even suck at being a proper demon... and now you want me to be a nice demon? - Rei snapped with her tongue.
- Did I stutter? Be brave enough to suck at something new. - she made a shooing gesture. - Now shoo before the waffles get cold.
When Beej arrived at the conservatory, happily floating while munching on a bug he catched earlier, Ari was sitting on the stairs, facing the inside of the garden with a sleeping Sirius in her lap. She had a red dropped-shouldered top on, which had the image of a running cherry bomb on it. She also wore comfy black knee-high trousers and fluffy red slippers with devilhorns on it. She was having a call.
- Ay no me digas! - she exclaimed with a huge hand gesture. She sounded so enthusiastic. - Is that true? Ahhh I can't wait to see mis primos favoritos! I miss those little rascals so much already! - Beetlejuice stepped behind Ari, leaned closer to her ear and whispered in the raspiest voice he could produce:
- BOO. - Ari turned around with a smile to face the demon, and scruffed his hair. Beetlejuice's hair's tips turned into a light pink shade. Ari pulled it a bit towards herself to see it better but Beetlejuice snapped his teeth towards her hand. She let out a tiny laugh.
- Sorry Mom, I gotta go now. A friend came over. - she stopped for a second, listening to the answer while smiling. Beetlejuice crouched down to her level. Sirius stood up, sniffed around the demon and wrinkled up his nose. Beej petted his head. The dog lifted his head up, licked his hand, then turned around and headed towards his dogbed to sleep a bit more. Ari wrapped a lock of her hair on her index finger. - Yeah. - she all of a sudden shook her head. - No mamá! NO?! - she faceplamed herself, then made the impression of peeling her face off. Beetlejuice let out a loud laugh. - Yepp he's weird like me. - she laughed and held her phone away from her face. She gazed at the demon with a sarcastic look on her face. - My mom asks if you're handsome or not. - she held the phone closer to Beej and did the hand gesture of talking.
- I'm devilishly handsome, Miss Rodríguez. - Ari gasped. She mouthed "Did ya remember my family name?" to which Beej nodded happily. Ari put the phone back to her ear. Her mom said something that made her roll her eyes. Hard.
- Okay that's WAY too much Mamá I'M HANGING UUUUPPP. - she sighed. - Sí, sí, sí. Give abuelita mi besos y bendiciones, okay? I love ya. - she sent kisses. - Bye, bye, BYYYEEE. - she put her phone away. Then with glistening eyes, looked at her demon buddy. - How was your dawn of haunting? - she cupped his face in her hands which made him kind of melt. At least his eyes looked like that. - TELL. ME. EVERYTHING.
- The. BEST. - he took a deep breath (even though he didn't need to) as Ari released his cheeks and planted the biggest smile on his face. - You know the house down the road? With the pretty pond and shit? - Ari nodded as her eyes started to wander around BJ's figure. - Well, a couple lives there with their kids and...
- OH MY GOD MILLENNIUM FALCON WAFFLES!!! - interrupted Ari and snatched the plate out of the demon's hand. Beetlejuice blinked fast with annoyance in his golden eyes.
- I thought interrupting was my thing. - the girl rived the Nutella from Beetlejuice's hand. He gasped and held his chest in a theatrical way. - Wow. Ya rude.
- Shut up Beej and tell me what you did to those poor kids. - the demon lifted one of his eyebrows with a cheeky halfsmile. Ari gasped and held his mouth. - Shit can I call ya that? - she definitely started to panic based on the stuttering. - I'm sorry it just came out, it's okay if you don't like it, I mean if you don't like nicknames I understand just...
Beej interrupted her with a gurgling laugh which made his head fall back. His vertebrae were cracking like an old door. He held Ari's shoulder with one hand and squeezed her cheeks together with the other. He locked his gaze in the girl's.
- If I don't like something, I'll ring a bell. - he pulled the girl closer to him by her cheeks. He lowered his voice, tilted his head a bit, pulled a smirk and some hooded eye action. His face was only a few centimeters away from Ari's. - But I'd like the best if you'd call me... Daddy. - Did... Did she just stare at my lips?
- You wish. - she said in a cooky tone. BJ laughed and let her go.
During the next hour or so, Beetlejuice and Ari talked and laughed their asses off while the demon was floating around. Beej showed Ari what he did last night, for example how he took off his head and rolled it under one of the kids' bed. Or how he hid in the wardrobe of the other child, then when he was falling asleep, he pulled his lower jaw down and let his tongue wander out of the closet, making him scream out in a half-asleep delirium. Ari tried so hard not to think about the kinky uses of a tongue like that... But she failed so miserably. She turned red as a tomato. She stood up and went to one of her cupboards of herbs to distract Beej from her face. He quickly stood up as well and stepped behind her. He was still talking while Ari was looking around in the cupboard, searching for her herb-book. Gods he sounded so happy. Ari glanced sideways with a smile. The demon's golden eyes were full of life, of freed up energy and...
- WAIT, you wear eyeliner?! - asked Ari, interrupting BJ in discussing whether he should scare the old couple living down the road just a little, or whether he should scare them to death. He crossed his arms before his chest and his smile quickly turned sour.
- Well, I like it. - he sounded defensive all of a sudden. Like he got bullied because of this before, thought Ari. - I know it's a bit wobbly but I LIKE IT and that's...
- Bug, eyeliner makes every guy hot AF. - stated Ari, making BJ surprised. He shook his head in disbelief, which made Ari giggle. - Yeah it's wobbly a bit but it looks awesome anyways! - she put the herbs down and stepped closer to Beej. He almost stepped back but Ari held him by his suspenders and pulled him closer. Her eyes twinkled as she took stock of BJ's makeup. - I think slightly metallic purple or dark green would suit your face. - Beej had the biggest, horniest smile spread out on his face.
- So basically what you're saying is that you think I'm sexy? - Ari let go of the demon's suspenders go and shaked her blushing off with a laugh. Beetlejuice blew raspberries at her since he didn't get an answer.
Ari got back to dealing with her herbs. She took a big cleaver and a chopping board out of the cupboard. Beej stepped behind her and put his head on her shoulder.
- Whatchya doin'? - Ari shrugged.
- Boring mortal stuff. - BJ clicked his tongue and rolled his golden eyes.
- Come on now, I'm not usually interested in boring mortal stuff, but this involves a cleaver so it can't be THAT boring. - Ari looked sideways, spotting BJ's puppy eyes. She snorted. Beej pouted his lower lip. - Pleeeeeaaase.
Ari smiled lightly. Nearly nobody was interested in her home remedies, not counting her family from her mother's side and her sisters, of course. So hearing someone new genuinely being interested in what she was working on, made her feel warm and appreciated. She lifted up the big, leather covered black book, which had pretty golden cornflowers painted on the cover. It had a ton of bookmarks and notes sticking out of it; some were stained, time made some yellow, some were colorful and bright and fairly new.
- I haven't slept, only 2 hours since yesterday and my body can't function with that much. But, you see, my mind is still hectic, which keeps me up, but I NEED to sleep to work properly. - Beej nodded. - So I'm making myself a nice pot of sedative, nightmare-repelling tea. - the demon nodded again. Ari's eyes wandered around his hair: now it had a fairly light green shade, with light pink and yellow tips. What do these colors mean?!
- And what do you need that for? - he pointed at the book Ari was still holding. She opened it up and started to turn the pages over.
- It's my family's herb book. It's easier to work from a recipe, I don't mess up anything like this. - she flipped a page and touched the next one. It had an extruded purple flower glued to the page. - Only a couple pages survived from the original book, but I can proudly say that some of our recipes date back to the 17th century, some are even older. - she sighed. - What I'd give to own the original copy... - she lifted the book up and hugged it. - It's nice to use the knowledge of my ancestors, it's like holding their hands. - her face turned foggy for a bit. - Even after what happened to them.
- What happened? - asked Beetlejuice while looking at the book.
- The Inquisition. Back in the 1600's in Cataluña, many of my family members were burnt at the stakes. They were thought to be witches, bringer of sickness and bad harvest. - she snorted. Loathing was audible while she talked. Beej pinched her cheek and flashed a toothy grin.
- So, you follow their path! - Ari let out a weird laugh, turned around, still holding the book, and leaned against the cupboard, smiling at the demon's slight remark. She flipped through some pages then pointed at a coffee-stained recipe.
- THAT'S IT! That's what I was looking for. - she pulled her hair back and smiled nostalgically. - Anise hyssop for defeating fear, bergamot for a good night's sleep, buckwheat because of high vitamin and mineral content, californian poppy for my anxiety, sage for basically everything, granadilla flower for calming nervousness and against bad dreams, chamomile and lavender for flavour and chillsies. - she hugged the book once again and breathed in heavily, with a smile on her face. - It's gonna be so good with honey. - Beej leaned against the cupboard as well and scratched his stubble.
- Just... Leave the sage out. - Ari raised an eyebrow.
- Why?
Beetlejuice let out a loud, aversive sigh and looked sideways at Ari while pushing his hair back.
- I bet ya know they say it repels demons. - Ari nodded slowly, disbelief in her eyes. - Yeah, shit works.
Beej made a face so disgusted it made Ari burst out with laughter. He put his palm on the top of her head and pushed her away. She elbowed his side in return.
- Okay, okay, then sage stays out of the mixture. - she said, still smiling like an idiot, and pointed at the other cupboard. - Wanna help me find my dried herbs? - Beej shrugged with a sarcastic face.
- Yeah, sure, ask the dyslexic demon to look for labeled magic herbs.
While Beej was searching through Ari's a hundred and twenty frickin tiny glass vials, for a slight second Ari checked her demon buddy out from the corner of her eye. She flashed an evil smile as a devilish thought planted itself into her mind.
- Hey, Beej, can I ask ya something? - Beetlejuice looked out from behind the other cabinet.
- Sure. - Ari's smile turned even more maleficent. Beetlejuice exactly knew what that naughty smile meant. Shit, he made that face at least a thousand times a day.
- Aren't you a little short to be a demon? - Beej gasped, held his chest, then when Ari started laughing at him sticking his stripey tongue out like a snake, he said in the most angelic tone he could produce:
- Says the oversized toddler! - Ari opened up her arms, mimicking something huge.
- But aren't you supposed to be a big, flaming entity? - Beej stepped before Ari with a similar smile on his face then lifted her up by her armpits... which she seemingly hated, based on the angry pre-schooler impression on her face. Although, the thought of "shit, he's strong... WAIT, NO, THAT'S NOT HOT, FUCK, BRAIN, NO... Okay act angry that should solve ya problem... You hoe." passed her mind.
- Aren't you supposed to be with your parents, my sweet, tiny, chubby cheeky child? - while talking, Beej summoned 2 more arms, pinched the girl's cheeks with them and did smooching sounds.
- Imma so punch you in the throat. - said Ari with the maddest tone she could. Beej raised an eyebrow and changed to a crooked, husky, even kind of horny tone.
- You had your chance when I kissed ya, but ya didn't. - Ari smirked.
- You call that a kiss?
Beetlejuice dropped Ari. He turned around, all 4 hands in the air, looking so irritated that even the tips of his hair turned into a slight reddish shade.
- EXCUSE ME?! - he pointed at Ari, who was still sitting on the ground, stroking her hurt bottom. - NO, EXCUSE YOU! HOW DARE YOU?!?!? - he popped his tongue, then went to the plate of waffles smothered in Nutella. - You know what? - he pointed at the girl again with one hand, put 2 on his hips, and grabbed a waffle with the fourth. - No more waffles for you. - he said as he bit into the Millennium Falcon. As he swallowed the bite, his eyes got wide and his additional 2 hands disappeared. An expression of wander and astonishment found its way to his face. - OHMYGOD THIS IS HEAVENLY!!! - he said in an amazed tone, then quickly changed back to his normal. I'm a badass demon, I shouldn't show emotions. - Ironically. - he stack his index finger into the bottle full of chocolatey nougaty hazelnut cream. - What is this shit?
Ari looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a weird little smile, not understanding her buddy's fuss about the delicacy. She shrugged.
- Nutella... Never heard of it? - Beej rolled his eyes and grunted.
- Babe, this house was uninhabited for at least 25 years. And the last people who lived here were between 90 and coffin-break years old. And that was in the late 80's. - he licked the paste off his finger and changed to a more seductive tone. - Lower your expectations about me. I might look young and devilishly handsome but I'm so new to these modern shits. - Ari rolled her eyes and stood up. Horny bastard.
- Okay, grandpa. - Beej stack his tongue out but Ari just pushed him in a childish way. - Gimme a bite too, I'm still starving. - she said as she reached for the plate Beej was now holding.
She took a bite out of a waffle, then put it back and started chopping up her dried herbs. She was almost done with the chopping and the piece of Millennium Falcon when she noticed that BJ was literally staring at her face with a cheeky halfsmile. His eyes were wandering around her lips.
- What are ya lookin' at? - she asked abruptly. Beej shrugged a bit and pointed at her canines as she took a last bite from the waffle.
- I like the teeth. - Ari smiled widely. She put down the cleaver and tapped her teeth with her long, black, spiderwebbed nail on her pointing finger.
- Thanks, they're fake porcelain caps. - she pointed at Beej's smile. - I like your double canines too! They look so badass. - Beej's hair turned into a weird mixture of light pink, shy white and bright green. He started to play with his fingers and looked down at his shoes. He bit his lower lip with a flattered smile. Ari leaned closer. - Am I crazy, or just like your hair and your eyes, those can change too? - Beej lifted his head up and pulled his hair back. He scratched his scrag as his teeth changed into a bear trap-esque, sharklike weirdness. Ari jumped back and screamed while covering her mouth in excitement. - OHMYGOD THAT'S SO HARDCORE! - she stepped back to Beej and tapped his teeth. - WOOOOOWZAH! - she grabbed the demon's shoulders and shaked him a bit. - You are the most awesome person I've ever seen. - she stepped back and crossed her heart with her nail. - Swear on my black gooey heart.
Beej changed his teeth back into "normal", but he was still scratching his scruff and was looking down. He was obviously taken aback. It looked liked he had never been genuinely complimented before.
- Well... Thanks... - he stuttered as he turned more pink. Ari looked at the ground too, blushing and smiling shyly as she said the next words:
- You know, I'm glad we winded up at your haunted house. If you wouldn't have been here, all three of us would be dead by now. Nobody else would have been able to stop my crazy ex. So... Yeah. - she sighed and bent down to peak at Beej's eyes. They found each other easily. They both smiled with bitten lips. - Thanks for killing him. - Beej cleared his throat to quickly regain his composure. He put his hands in his pockets.
- Ey, I got you. You know I do. That's what undead best friends are for.
After a couple minutes of awkward silence, Ari grabbed her chopped up herbs and pointed at the kitchen with her other hand.
- I'll boil these up quickly. Wanna watch The Nightmare Before Christmas in my room while I dose off to sleep? - Beetlejuice's eyes lit up as he nodded.
- Sure... Let me grab my snack. - he snapped and with that, the Nutella appeared in his hand. His devilish smile didn't tell nothing good about his intentions. Ari laughed lightly and reached for the bottle.
- Hey, come on, that's my Nutella! Give it back! - as soon as she almost reached the bottle, Beetlejuice started to float with a laugh, just out of Ari's reach. - HEY COME ON, THAT'S CHEATING!!! - she jumped up but Beej floated higher. - GIVE MY STUFF BACK!!! - Beej layed on his back while floating out of the winter garden, eating the paste with his fingers.
- If you don't pay your bio-exorcist, you will get repossessed! - Ari jumped after him one more time, then stomped angrily.
- This fuckin' demon, I swear to Ra... - she looked at her puppy, who was looking after the floating demon. - Hey, Sirius! - he peaked his ears up. - CATCH!
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thetaylorfan · 4 years
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it’s december 13th, 2019 which means it is taylor’s 30th birthday!!! it is absolutely insane to me how long is has been since my dad and i were on our way to target and stay beautiful was on radio disney. i had never heard of that song or the name, “taylor swift” before. i fell in love with it and made my dad stay in the car until it was over. i remember the day i was at after school care and my dad picked me up early; i was so confused as to why. turns out, i was going to rascal flatts bob that head tour, where taylor was opening in nashville. that was my first time seeing her live. i remember being at my grandparents house scrolling through music videos and coming across you belong with me. i watched it, then broke the replay button. that was the moment i knew that this woman was going to be in my life for a long ass time. i honestly do not remember a time when you were not in my life taylor. you have gotten me through so much and i can't thank you enough for that. i feel like i have grown up with you and it has been the most amazing thing ever. ever since 2007, we have been growing up together and i wouldn't want it any other way. i am so lucky to look up to someone like you. we’ve got each others back. taylor, watching you grow has been amazing and i can't express enough how proud i am of you and everything you have accomplished. the relationship you have with us, the fans is something so special and i just want to thank you for that. you inspire me in ways i can't even explain and you have helped me through literally everything. your music and just you as a person overall make me so happy, and i am forever thankful that you are a part of my life. you are one of the most genuine celebrities out there and you continue to stand up for what you believe in and fight for what's right. you are such a caring person to everyone, and being with you all these years has taught me a lot. you are a beautiful, strong, amazing, inspiring, and powerful woman and i am so fucking proud of you. thank you for being you. thank you for your music, thank you for caring about me when no one else seemed to; thank you for absolutely everything. you have had a tremendous impact on not just me, but the world. i promise to always have your back and i can’t wait to see what the future holds. congrats on absolutely everything. i love you with my entire heart taylor and i hope your 30th birthday is amazing. 
love, natalie
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fly-pow-bye · 6 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Sugar, Spice, and Super Lice”
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Jaydeep Hasrajani, Leticia Abreu Silva
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
That’s what this reboot is made of! Hee hee hee hee!
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This episode starts with a slideshow montage of Buttercup doing random activities, growing out her hair. No weird science here, Buttercup decides on a whim to have long hair, and the plot allows it. Eventually, it grows long enough to become a floor-length mullet with length only seen in fairy tales and DeviantART.
One would think this hair would impede on her crimefighting. One can assume this has been a strangely crime-free however-long-this-took for Townsville. Such a missed opportunity to not have Buttercup to put her super-mullet to good or bad use while doing what should be her usual job of crime-fighting. Not to say there won't be any hair whipping...
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...it just only manages to hit Blossom, Bubbles, and a lamp. That poor lamp. That's as close as we get to a real fight scene in this episode, by the way. The girl whose hair can be styled into a racetrack with hair-pin turns decides to call her out on this. Either she took a really long time for her to call her out, or that hair growth scene really did only take a day. The power of plot!
Blossom: Do something about your long filthy hair! It looks like a rat's nest! Do something about your mullet! Get out the hair clippers, jerk! CUUUT THE MULLET! CUUUT THE MULLET! CUUUT THE MULLET! CUUUT THE MULLET!
I will admit, that is a slight paraphrase. Because she is a rascally little green princess, Buttercup is not budging. She loves the biz-ness in the front, and the month-long par-tay in the back. Her description, not mine. I really hope I did not need to say that.
Speaking of princess, why did Buttercup decide to grow out her hair, anyway? One episode even had her expressing disgust over someone else’s Rapunzel-length locks. A character that deserved disgust, but not for her hair. There is a reason for this, and one I did not expect.
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Buttercup was inspired by Thrash, the punk rock idol from Electric Buttercup. In the 80's, she also rocked a floor length mullet, as it was the craze at the time. It is nice to know that episodes do not just exist in their own universe, even if this is only in this one scene as an explanation.
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Buttercup, of course, is irresponsible with her new mane, and it really is at least a bird's nest. Clumps of her hair keeps falling around the house, and her hair is filled with garbage. We even get a cutaway gag where Bubbles is attacked by one of Buttercup's not-so-luxurious hair clumps while she is cleaning the bathtub.
Buttercup just drops down to the ground, unconscious. The Reboot Puffs are so weak, they just go straight to "Girls Down".
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It turns out there is more to it than that, as the Professor decides to act as a doctor. He gives his diagnosis: lice. Specifically, super lice, so we don't have to worry that our ultra-powerful superheroines were beaten by head lice. He has not seen a case like this since the aforementioned 80's mullet craze.
Professor Utonium: Damn it, Utonium! (punches wall)
The closed captions say "darn", but I am going to pretend that's a lie. It saves the one smirk I got out of this.
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For once, we now get to have Blossom and Bubbles save the boyish one instead of the other way around, and the Professor has a specific plan for this: put them in a flying car that can shrink with a bug bomb strapped to it, and completely eradicate them by throwing it on the cowlick. It makes sense; there's no blood on the "month-long par-tay" for them to suck. Was it even necessary for Buttercup to even grow out her hair in the first place?
The car goes out of control, the girls screaming for their lives. The Professor is just in awe of how cute the girls look when they are tiny, the only hint of the "wacky sitcom Dad" character in this episode. Well, that, and giving the keys to six year olds.
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They crash into a place near the cowlick, not managing to explode the bug bomb in the process, only to find that Buttercup's hair has a city in it. The Super Lice show up, and they're all cutesy bugs who congratulate them on crushing the evil queen. There's even a mayor, who happens to look like the Mayor.
Because, ding dong, the queen is dead, the Powerpuff Girls are now worshipped as their saviors. Blossom and Bubbles decides to go along with it.
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There's no big B plot in this episode, unlike a lot of reboot episodes, but we do get occasional cut backs to the Professor reading Buttercup a bedtime story about electrons and neutrons.
Professor Utonium: There once was an electron who thought he could, but he wasn't positive.
I am surprised. For one, I was expecting to hear a comedy drumfill after that, something that they will unfortunately prove that they have much later in the episode. Also, it is something fatherly and something to do with science all rolled into one. I can see the Professor from the original doing this, and that is a huge improvement over the "King Cool of Daddy-O Street" from the last episode. Not an accomplishment, but still.
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Blossom and Bubbles are very much impressed that the parasites have made Buttercup's hair into a hair-a-dise, a pun they surprsingly did not use in this episode. They get massages, and they even get a bunch of candy! It may be a huge lapse in judgement to eat "candy" from the Lice-Pop Guild, but no problem seems to come of that.
While Bubbles is talking about how the lice gave her phone this reminder app, which leads to a running gag that includes that above image, Blossom reminds Bubbles that they have a mission to do. What could possibly get Blossom to totally forget about her plan to eradicate these lice that put Buttercup into a coma?
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One of the super lice happens to take a liking to Blossom, even wearing a bow just like her idol. It essentially turns into the in-universe version of the "which Powerpuff Girl are you" they tried to do with the marketing a year ago. Does that mean they see us as insects? Would explain a lot.
Ribbon Lice: They call me a Blossom because I love science!
Blossom: Aww, that’s so cool!
Ribbon Lice: And my best friend is totally a Bubbles!
Either her friend is an airhead, or she's an unlikeable brat. Either way, that is an insult. Because she's so impressed, Blossom decides that they should think about it after the big festival the lice are planning. Bubbles puts it as a reminder, but, surprise, it never really helps them out in any way. It's not a "running gag that doesn't go anywhere", but it is close.
Professor Utonium: Oh, Buttercup, I'm sure nothing will distract your sisters from saving you.
Seems like an oddly emotional moment to use as a joke on how Blossom and Bubbles totally got distracted from saving Buttercup. Maybe they felt the Airplane reference would have been too obvious.
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The next morning, as Buttercup continues to be in her coma, the super-lice's festival begins. They even have a play based on the Powerpuff Girls. Blossom says it is an interesting interpretation of them. They do not go any further than that; I was wondering if they were going to bash the critics with this scene. A missed opportunity, but a opportunity they rightfully missed this time.
Ribbon Lice: And now, I will drink the blood of the queen, in hopes to gain her power and use it for good! Huh, ha, ha!
I can not help but agree with Blossom; I would like to see a Powerpuff Girls where the girls talk about the blood of their enemies.
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After the play, the Mayor decides to make a speech for their saviors.
The Lice Mayor: Without them, we wouldn't be able to put on this...explosive fun festival!
For some reason, he decides to make random explosion puns. If the beat didn't clue in the viewers that this is an intentional pun, they even put in a comedy drumfill. It is a gag that goes for far too long, and it is only here to show off how ignorant Blossom and Bubbles are of their mission. Bubbles I can understand, but Blossom?
He then reveals his plans to drill into the gooey center of their planet and destroy it. If this is supposed to be some environmental message, it's pretty half baked; even Captain Planet villains have some motivation other than "we just want to be evil so the plot can advance". Can Blossom and Bubbles really kill these cutesy little bugs? This is answered almost immediately when they reveal this is not their final form.
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The once cute lice turn into giant monster lice. They even lose the ability to talk, now only speaking in screeches. This does not come completely out of nowhere; these Phase 2 forms do look like the "Evil Queen" from the play. How convienent for the Reboot Puffs, too. Committing mass murder is far more palatable when you can't see the victims as people.
Given little choice, Blossom and Bubbles prepare to fight these in the best way they know, by readying their fists...
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...to drive away in their flying car, which they know how to drive now, and be chased by the super lice. Bubbles tries to zap them with their eye lasers, though she immediately gives up after only zapping two of them. Of course, the bomb can do the job with far more efficiency, but it's an odd scene to even have. They may have realized the only time the Powerpuff Girls directly fight in the episode was when they were hit by Buttercup's mullet.
As an aside, we hear a sound bite of Blossom saying to buckle up, but at no point do we ever see them with seatbelts. It's almost like they realized a problem, and decided one line was good enough.
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As things are getting hairy, which is a pun they do use, they find a comb in the middle of Buttercup’s hair. Wait, if Buttercup wasn't even trying to take care of her hair, how did this even get here? It happens to have an opening just large enough for them to fit through, and it's good that colliding with a comb causes the parasites to explode.
The Ribbon Lice comes back, in her more monsterous form, to screech at her. Blossom karate chops the back of the car, causing the back of the car, and the bug bomb to fall on Buttercup’s cowlick, causing a huge explosion.
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The Professor praises them for not dilly-dallying around, as Blossom and Bubbles look at each other knowing that their father figure is better off ignorant. I would think superheroes would be able to drop a bomb pretty much immediately, but maybe he's just that much of a genius to figure it all out. I doubt that.
Buttercup is still rocking her Rapunzel mullet by the end of the episode, but, unknown to her, she does now have a huge bald spot where her cowlick used to be. The episode suddenly ends at Blossom and Bubbles' disgust at that. We can assume that Buttercup has learned nothing.
Does the title fit?
The title replacing Everything Nice suggested that it was Blossom that gets the super-lice, and she does not. It would not be fitting of Blossom’s character to get lice anyway, either original or reboot.
How does it stack up?
There was some potential in this plot, but that's only because Futurama's Parasites Lost did it far better. Good transformation scene, concept was not as bad as I thought it would be, and not much else. Just barely makes it out of being a Disgusted.
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Next week, Buttercup decides to trust a girl who turned out to be an enemy in a previous episode.
← Never Been Blissed ☆ The Buttercup Job →
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