#It's 6 pages now & I swear it's still about the horse
keira0615 · 1 year
Looking for someone willing to beta read something I'm currently in the process of writing. 18+ only please, there is the possibility of NSFW in many things I write.
I've never had anyone beta anything I've written, but I just got out of an almost 3-year-old dry spell of writing stories & feel I am in need of one. I've just been second-guessing myself on a few things & would appreciate a second opinion & pair of eyes.
I write for a multitude of different fandoms, but hardly ever end up actually posting, or finishing things, honestly. 😅
I have literally filled up my one google docs account with ideas for fics & probably a hundred unfinished ones. 💀
I know I'm probably not selling myself as someone good to beta for with all this, but I wouldn't want anyone to hit me up for it expecting a consistent schedule of fics to beta, because I am honestly the worst at that. As the 3-year dry spell probably shows, lol.
I tend to have issues with moving on in a story, I am the type to explain everything in a situation as it happens in the story & then end up writing thousands of words on one part of a story. I would just appreciate someone who could read through them & tell me if it sounds goods, or be honest & tell me I'm rambling on about shit that doesn't need to be talked about.
Like I said, I write for many fandoms & am a multi-shipper for many of them. I also tend to write an occasional rare-pair fic. I honestly can't name everything off the top of my head, but if anyone is interested, just send me a message & I will go over what fandoms & pairs I write the most. We can also go over what you are & aren't comfortable reading, so I know what not to write/ask you to beta. I don't tend to write anything overly extreme or out there, such as dead dove dne, just for the record.
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signed-sapphire · 6 months
Okayyyy rewatched Wish
Here are my notes
Valentino wasn’t as annoying as people say. Sure, he did nothing for the plot and could’ve been removed entirely, but he didn’t make near as many butt jokes as people say he did
The lead-ins for all the songs were great. Certain media (Hazbin, for example) just jump into the songs
Magnifico??? Didn’t touch the pages??? So why would he be corrupted? Why does Amaya know of obsidian oil? Don’t you just skim the pages to release the evil?
Dahlia was amazing
“At the very least break the hold it has on him” Amaya? Didn’t you found this kingdom with thin? Wouldn’t you know?
Also Amaya was very sidelined. Where’s her backstory?
Asha’s magic wand mishaps were… corny at best
Why did they make Dario high all the time? He’s not stupid. I feel like they made him try to be like Fred from Big Hero 6 but failed
“Nine zillyboo, twenty alphabet!” Val, buddy. No.
DAHLIA. MATE. TRUE LOVE’S KISS CAN BRUNG HIM BACK I swear, it feels like the directors were switched
The spider-carriage thing. I feel like that could’ve been a Disney reference instead
Gabo was still my favorite out of the teens. Bazeema was sweet too
Also. Halzeema moments were actually in canon.
Sabino did not act 100 at all.
Crushing wishes did nothing to people except make them sad for .2 seconds
Asha’s drawing, her magic wand, none of that was important to the actual plot
I feel like the horses could’ve been Disney references too
Why did the roof open? That was never explained
Mag’s hair needed to be messier. Evil Magnifico? Crazy hair
How did he hear them from all the way down there
Mag’s really out there beating up a minor
The curse rope green things were not scary at all
Was Simon just in the forest the entire time?
The Magnifico getting sucked inside his staff… I feel that could’ve been a play to Dr. Facilier somehow
The stars raining down were beautiful
Was Star’s nose tap a reference to something?
The people’s talking… idk how I felt about that
Another half-assed apology. First Namaari, now you. At least Simon’s was an actual apology. Wait. More of it goes on.
Ok his apology isn’t too bad
How did the staff get all the way down there?
Changed my opinion, Amaya deserved to tell Mag off
Did Mag’s curse break once he was in the mirror? Why did he act sad all of a sudden?
I’ve heard Asha’s movements weren’t finalized until later, but her movements seem pretty fluent
Clumsy and energetic, sure, but besides from the mouth drooping part, she wasn’t that quirky
Which. Could be a bad thing. She didn’t really have much of a personality
I like the Peter Pan building a flying machine idea
Zootopia ref
Why does everyone suddenly understand Star
But off-topic they were so cute
“It” I guess
Why refer to Star as an it
“They” was too woke for the Disney execs? Why, you had a one-second offhand comment about a water cousin who’s nonbinary!
That Cinderella-reference thing… wasn’t slow enough to be a dress transformation. So I’m fine with her not having a different dress. I mean obviously I would’ve loved it but idk
“I understand you well enough” I DON’T! HOW ARE THEY TELLING YOU
Some of Valentino’s jokes were funny. Sue me
I liked the Tinkerbell and Mikey Mouse reference at the end
The storybook was a nice callback
Overall. Not as bad as people are making it out to be. But definitely not worthy to be Disney’s 100
I’d say… 7/10. The backgrounds did look watercolor, but the shading seemed off in places. Especially Sakina. There was major improvement to be done, but with the hell the execs were giving (and the proven creativity of the concept art) I feel this movie is getting too much hate. Critiques and criticism are fine. But don’t blame the writers for getting rid of Starboy. Yes, it could’ve been better. But it’s Disney. And the creators tried their best to pour their love into a movie that they didn’t have a full say in.
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rascalentertainments · 5 months
Wish Granted AU: The 7 Teens 👥👥👥🌟
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This one was both the most fun and hardest one to do. At first I hated the idea of 7 friends in general cause its canon that the directors added them later in the story and they wanted to just have a free reference without actually doing something. But the more I thought about it, the more I could see that they were accidentally given a good opportunity to create a new batch of loveable characters. So many creative ideas with it! Even the original concept shows that they had more thought and personality to them!
And they actually did have some personality in the deleted scenes, both during the distraction plan and the dungeon scenes, they felt more like characters than the final film. They had Seven Dwarves without actually acting like the Seven Dwarves, like how....???
Sorry to say, they did nothing in the movie. (yeah, I watched Wish, it was lame. Moving on.) One thing I want to achieve here is they'll be a mix between the Dwarves and the Mane 6. I swear this makes sense. 😅 Also one big difference here is that instead of being friends with them from the start, Asha meets each teen one by one when she and Star enter Rosas. A few of them even know Flazino, but not on a super personal level, just that he's seemingly loyal to Magnifico and Amaya. The teens know each other pretty well since they all work around the same place, but having them work together to start a revolution and defeat an evil will cement them as friends with each other and Asha and Star.
So let's give a quick rundown on each one. The more the story evolves, this page will be updated for additional backgrounds or changes to them.
Dhalia: Combination of Twilight/Doc. She's still a baker in this in version, and her wish is to become the greatest baker in the kingdom. (I actually didn't know this was something canon to the movie until later, it just something I came up with by coincidence!) She's incredibly loyal to the king and queen (with a bit of a crush on Magnifico) and willing to do anything for the kingdom. And...let's just say her role in the story will be bigger than some other rewrites or even the film itself.
Simon: Combination of Big Macintosh/Sleepy. While he still retains his sleepiness, its a result of losing his wish. He was actually strong, outgoing and jovial before then. Now he just doesn't have any ambition to do anything aside from his daily tasks. His wish was to become a royal knight and protect the kingdom.
Gabo: Combination of Rainbow Dash/Grumpy. He's incredibly loyal, but he hides it behind his rudeness. He's been duped so many times that he doesn't trust people anymore, especially when finding out he's right about the king being no good. His wish he's keeping secret, but it'll be revealed somewhere in the story.
Bazeema: Combination of Fluttershy/Bashful. Still keeping her kindness and ability to sneak up on people from the movie, Bazeema adores nature and especially animals. She gets along with just about all the animals in the forest, the royal horses and even the birds. She LOVES when Star turns into animals, since he's the entire animal kingdom rolled into one! The only animal she's never succeeded with was Sabor. He's just too much like his owners to get along with. 😂 Her wish is to provide a safe haven where all the animals would be safe and recover together if hurt.
Dario: Combination of Pinkie Pie/Dopey. Now I know you're thinking why not have the Pinkie inspiration for Hal? Well, I wanted her to be a bit more of a grounded type of funny instead of zany. Since Dario is based on Dopey, he provides a lot of awkward yet endearing humor. Sometimes he tries too hard, but he means well. He always manages to make Star laugh though! His wish is to bring laughter to Rosas, as he's one of the few who notices not everyone is exactly happy there.
Safi: Combination of Rarity/Sneezy. Despite Safi's allergies, he loves animals and is a bit shy around Bazeema whenever he helps tend to the garden or animals around Rosas. He might have like a hundred allergies, but he's always generous when it comes to helping his kingdom. Even though the King and Queen don't appreciate it. 😅(I'm also playing with an idea of Safi x Bazeema. Not entirely sure. I just kinda....got a small vibe of that from watching the movie. Maybe it was just me.) His wish is to get rid of his allergies so he can carry on a conversation without sneezing. Yeah, that's it! 😂😂
Hal: Combination of Applejack/Happy. Bit of a rougher gal in this one. She, a hard worker, but has a great sense of humor. She even helps be a test audience for Dario when it comes to his jokes, which eventually leads them to become a duo. Hal feels pretty content, so she hasn't really thought about a wish to give.
At one point later in the story when all of them do come together, I got an idea for their battle cry or team signal being "Heigh, Ho!". I still can't believe they didn't even use that in the movie.
Oh and there is still a traitor in this story, but...its not who you think it is. That's all I can say without spoilers. So you'll have to figure it out as it goes along.
And there you go, that's gonna be it for the characters now! The only one that may get one is Flazino, but it would be later down the line if I did to avoid spoilers. So now, the first test chapter is coming next! It'll include the "Welcome to Rosas" song, but with a twist! And my bestie @signed-sapphire is gonna help me with it, so stay tuned! 😉
@wings-of-sapphire @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @flicklikesstuff @annymation @tumblingdownthefoxden @emillyverse @mythartist21 @kstarsarts @kenihewa
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swiftsaltsweet · 5 months
The Hunt for Kyoshi: Chapter 2- Revelations
Characters: Rangi and Kyoshi (plus whoever appears in Rok)
Pairing: Rangshi
“What are we going to do?” She asked steely, still not looking up from the ground. She was ready to uphold her duty, or at least, what remained of it. “We need you to capture Kyoshi,” Jianzhu instructed. “Capture?” “Yes, we need to set an example of an Avatar murderer,” Jianzhu responded, oh so matter of factly again.
(Canon Divergent AU- “What if Rangi wasn’t there when Kyoshi ran away, and Rangi had to hunt her down?)
Prev chapter
Other Sites: AO3 and Fanfic.net
A/N: Man….this is actually my 2nd AU for Kyoshi I was working on (the other one I have 6 rough chapters done). But this one took such a hold on me I had to put the other one on hold (now let’s hope that 3 other AUs don’t take ahold of me too). TT0TT Sorry this took so long, I swear I was writing my lil’ heart out for this. TT0TT
Anyway, I found a post where it states that the distance between Roku’s island and Senlin village was about 504 miles (811ish km). Between Yokoya and Chameleon Bay, I’m giving it like….800 miles (1287.48ish km), if you run along the sea. 
It felt like the ground shook around Rangi, maybe it did. Maybe her scream was so powerful it became an earthquake that matched the one in her heart?
Regardless, her scream had alerted her mother and Jianzhu, who came rushing out. 
“Rangi?! What’s the matter?” Her mother yelled.
Rangi whipped her head around, and made the two adults freeze in their tracks, they bore a horrified look on their faces. A faint part of Rangi wondered what expression she was making, but that part died out as quickly as it came into being.
She barreled past them, clutching the little red ledger in her hand. She needed to get out now. She had wasted enough time. 
She practically ripped the stable doors off its hinges, scaring the stablehands inside. They promptly hightailed out of there, as she scanned the room. There was one lone ostrich horse. 
She briefly wondered why there was only one, but figured either the storm or Kyoshi had scared the rest off. It didn’t matter, and she quickly packed what prepackaged supplies she could onto the small creature. 
She made sure to place the ledger into her personal rucksack, threw the bag over her shoulder, and then mounted the animal.
Rangi started taking off, but had to stop right outside the doors, so as not to run over her mother and Jianzhu.
“Rangi! What is going on?!” Hei-Ran she put her hands out, trying to take the reins on the steed herself.
Rangi backed the animal away, and went around the adults slowly. “You were right. You both were right!” Something akin to a sob radiated in her voice. 
“What do you-? Rangi if you’re going to act like this I won’t let you-”
“SHE’S A DAOFEI!” Rangi cut her mother off, hurling the revelation into the adults’ faces. “She was a daofei this whole time! She really did use us!” 
She snapped the reins, and sped past the two. Ignoring their yells to come back. She barreled past the gate, down the road, and soon out of Yokoya. 
Rangi’s eyes focused on the forested area ahead as she tore down the dirt road, ignoring Qinchao Village’s entrance as she passed. Her goal was to get to Gaoling city before nightfall. From there, she was going to avoid the Si Wong desert and snake her way alongside the Eastern Sea.
Her jaw clenched as tightly as she held her reins, she tried to make herself smaller, more streamline so that her steed would go faster.
Now that she was on the road, she was unfortunately left with her thoughts. Kyoshi’s journal weighed heavily on her back, all of Kyoshi’s secrets laid bare. At least, for the pages that weren’t ruined. 
Judging by the info, Kyoshi was a plant, having rooted herself there long ago. Her mother was an ex-Air Nomad, having founded the daofei gang The Flying Opera Company with Kyoshi’s father. 
Bile seeped into Rangi’s mouth. Another renegade Air Nomad? The very idea alone was inconceivable, even when Jianzhu had told her Kelsang was a renegade she had a hard time swallowing it. But now that she found Kyoshi’s journal, the hard pill was finally and fully swallowed. 
And twice in a generation at that! It couldn’t be a coincidence. How often did that happen in the Air Temples? Or was it just that Kyoshi’s mother, Jesa, and Kelsang were outliers. Were they in cahoots together?
Rangi bit her lower lip in deep thought, she deduced the latter seemed the most plausible route. Though, she wasn’t against suggesting to Jianzhu to see what he and the other nations could do about investigating any possible corruption in the Air Temples. 
Pulling her thoughts back to Jesa and Kelsang, she started to formulate the hypothesis in her head. Jesa had dropped Kyoshi off about two years prior to her “official” meeting with Kelsang and Jianzhu. 
Enough time for the child to establish herself in Yokoya, to make it seem like any meeting with her would be a coincidence. To be able to make contact with Kelsang without it seeming too suspicious. All while Kelsang was in Jianzhu’s ear, whispering ideas of setting up shop for the Avatar in Yokoya.
But why Yokoya? Jianzhu had listed his reasons long ago, but what would Kelsang’s be? Surely it involved making infiltrating the Avatar Estate easier. But, again, what was so special about Yokoya? 
Why such a dingy little town? Rangi’s eyes widened in realization. That was it, the size. There weren’t that many people, but most importantly, there weren’t that many orphans. In fact, there had only been one in the past nine years. Kyoshi.
And Kelsang was there to play the role of the benevolent monk who would help the helpless orphan that no one cared about. And the size of the village made it easy to know exactly who everyone was. 
Something gnawed at Rangi, this all seemed like such an overly complicated longcon. Wouldn’t it have just been easier for Kelsang to just ask Jianzhu to hire someone? Wait until Kyoshi was older, and then send a recommendation in?
Rangi absentmindedly tapped a finger on the reins, until the realization hit her.
It had to be overly complicated, because Kelsang knew Jianzhu wouldn’t do that. One of the rumors she heard early on was how hard it was for Kelsang to give Kyoshi a chance as a fourteen year old. And this was after Kelsang had been planting Kyoshi into Jianzhu’s thoughts for the course of nine years. 
The nine years where they searched for the Avatar, where Kelsang would visit the village to “check up” on Kyoshi. Where Jianzhu would visit to make negotiations with the villagers. Jianzhu had known of Kyoshi that entire time, and still almost didn’t hire her. 
Kelsang was aware of his old friend’s overly cautious attitude, and expertly navigated it. 
Rangi grimaced to herself, as the picture was becoming more and more clearer. But she still had one thing that didn’t make any sense. It was Kyoshi’s childhood and her treatment during that time.
Auntie Mui had told Rangi of what Kyoshi’s supposed childhood was like as she grew up in Yokoya. How she’d been mistreated by the local villagers, left abandoned to starve and die. To be treated worse than an animal. Rangi had even recently seen a bout of bullying happen recently to boot!
But with all these revelations, how much of that was true? Did Auntie Mui lie? Was she in on this treachery too? Possibly, but other servants corroborated her story. It was possible that those servants were also in on it. However, it was equally possible of them being lied to as well. And what of the villagers? Was their cruelty also a ploy?
How much could be lied about? A starving child’s body held more truth than any lie could. Had Kyoshi been a victim in all of this too?!
Rangi swallowed the burning lump in her throat and shook her head. No, she would not bleed sympathy for her friend’s murderer. It did not matter what hardships she grew up with, she made her choice. People with far worse had made far better choices. 
She took a deep breath and kept going through the possibilities. Maybe no one lied, maybe her upbringing was that rough. But why put a child through that? Unless….it was an act? 
Kyoshi’s father, Hark, was a man from a long line of actors turned daofei. Maybe Kyoshi was a prodigy actress? Even from such a young age?
Rangi almost laughed at such a silly notion, but she didn’t one hundred percent dismiss it. She moved onto the next, more digestible possibility.
Kyoshi was a child soldier. Of course, a five year old was perhaps pushing it. But Rangi had read about crazier stories in her time at the academy. To be honest, Rangi could see it, she did come from the capital nation of military brats after all.  
Rangi recalled the inhuman feat that Kyoshi displayed against the battle of the Fifth Nation, pulling earth out of sea from two hundred paces. That wasn’t something you just did without special training. 
The recollection of the memory caused Rangi to clench her jaw so hard, her teeth were at risk of cracking. She knew how to bend like that, but acted like a helpless child?!
Kyoshi had kept her ability to bend earth so hush hush, that no one on the compound was really aware of it unless you checked the staff ledger, like Rangi had done. Rangi remembered her trying to encourage Kyoshi into bending, into believing in herself. Unbeknownst that Kyoshi had been giving Rangi the go-around. 
Yet another piece of Rangi’s trust was tarnished. Chewed up and spit out. Desecrated. 
Rangi took multiple breaths to calm herself, lest she set her and her steed on fire with her own breath. 
So Rangi's hypothesis was finally formed. Two renegade Air Nomads dropped Kyoshi off in Yokoya upon seeing it was the best location for their future deeds. After a long con, Kelsang was able to convince Jianzhu to set up a homebase there. They found Yun, and then…… well… killed him. But why wait two years? Opportunity?
Rangi pinched the bridge of her nose for a moment. She’d forgotten to ask Jianzhu about how the incident went down. She needed to get it together. 
She would have to wait until she could send a messenger hawk from Gaoling. 
“Jianzhu informed me we might be expecting you!” Lu Beifong fanned himself. “We’ve prepared a room for you. For some reason he apologized in advance for my floors. Do you….know what he meant by that?”
Rangi glared at the man, she just wanted to get to her room and be left alone.
Lu Beifong gulped, but continued to attempt small talk as he showed his guest to her room. Rangi mostly ignored him, especially when he mentioned something about an upcoming party. “This is where you will be staying. Oh! And one more thing.” He gestured to his servant, who held a messenger scroll. “Jianzhu’s messenger hawk sent this message for you.”
Rangi took the scroll from the servant's hands and walked through her guest room door.
“If there’s anything you nee-” Lu wasn’t able to finish as Rangi promptly shut the door in his face. 
She looked down at the messenger scroll that was for her and frowned. While it appeared closed, it was apparent it had already been opened once. Someone, most likely Lu Beifong, was trying to see what secret Avatar affairs were inside.
She took the message out and unfurled it. A small item fell out, it was Jianzhu’s seal.
The message contained benign pleasantries from Jianzhu addressed to her. Asking her to inform him on her vacation plans and so forth. Absolute bunk. At least, to the person who didn’t have the key. The only thing that wasn’t written in code, was in regards to the seal. He claimed it was in case she needed funds for her trip, and he wasn’t able to send word out ahead of time. She didn’t need a code to read in between the lines on that one.
She read through the contents twice, before deciphering the hidden meaning on her third read-through.
The letter’s real contents contained the story she’d failed to listen to before leaving. Apparently, Jianzhu had taken Yun and Kyoshi to a spirit to help identify which one was the Avatar. The spirit had identified Yun as the Avatar, and that’s when Kyoshi began the attack. She had killed the spirit in the crossfire. 
Rangi grimaced at the sacrilegious act. Kyoshi really held nothing sacred, not spirits nor the Avatar.
Kelsang soon joined the fray, and he and Kyoshi overpowered the two with his surprise ambush. Killing Yun. And Jianzhu was barely able to get a lucky shot in, killing Kelsang, before retreating away from Kyoshi. Kyoshi had taken Kelsang’s bison and was now going to spirits know where.
Rangi tapped her finger on the desk as the final piece of the puzzle fit into place. Kyoshi and Kelsang didn’t enact their plan until two years later because they were waiting for an opportunity. It was no coincidence that Kelsang “revealed” that Kyoshi might be the Avatar when most of the guardsmen and master Amak were taken out by Takaga. 
Between Rangi and her mother being away on business, and taking both Yun and Jianzhu to an isolated location, they must’ve thought their defenses were weak enough to strike. And they were right.
But maybe it wasn’t just about the defenses? Surely they had plenty of opportunities to kill Yun, when he was alone. Unless, Jianzhu was also their target! 
It made sense, Yun was the Avatar, but Jianzhu held a lot of influence and power in the Earth Kingdom in his own right. It would’ve been more beneficial to strike them both down around the same time, so as not to deal with the other’s retaliation. 
Rangi slammed her fist on the table. If only we didn’t go to that delegation! Then Yun could’ve-Yun might’ve-
A cold chill ran down Rangi’s spine. Would she and her mother's presence have been able to dissuade Kelsang and Kyoshi? Would they have still attacked? Would they have killed them too? 
Rangi clawed at the letter on the table, and slowly let it burn away under her finger tips. She accidentally singed the wood underneath it in the process. Once she calmed down enough, so as not to break nor set fire to her brush, she began writing a reply letter to Jianzhu. In code of course. 
She wrote about her hypothesis, who Jianzhu should look into for secret spies and corruption, as well as where she intended to go the next few days, and how she’d planned to communicate going forward. She’d be on the road, but she’d send updates via messenger hawk when she’d be able to. 
Right when she was about to finish, a dark thought entered her mind. She added at the end to see if they could start the search for the new Avatar in the Fire Nation. Rangi may have failed Yun, but maybe she could still help the next Avatar. But that Avatar would need to be safe and secured before that could happen. 
And with an Avatar killer on the run, the urgency of finding the next Avatar was of utmost concern now. 
Once Rangi was done, she left to send the letter. On her way back, she checked her supplies along with her ostrich horse, and then went back to her room.
She rifled through her rucksack, and pulled out the journal. That journal, a coarse reminder of how little she knew about her once friend. But also a dark blessing, as the secrets it told Rangi gave her all the leads she’d ever need, she may not even need a shirshu to find Kyoshi. 
She put the journal aside and checked the rest of the contents to make sure everything was in order. Her fingers brushed against something soft, and she gingerly pulled it out. It was the gold-dyed tassel from Kyoshi’s room. 
Rangi sat silently in the room, and stared at the object.
Rangi held the green tassel in her hand, as it dangled from the Earth Kingdom robe.
“Pretty,” a soothing voice whispered in her right ear. It made Rangi tense up, that voice always made Rangi tense up. She tried and failed to stop a flush running up her right side. Rangi turned to look at the voice, it was from her friend, Kyoshi. “Don’t you think?”
There are prettier things in this room. But Rangi couldn’t say that out loud. So, she just grunted, feigning disinterest. “I’ve seen better made ones.”
“Hm, I dunno, it seems well made to me.” Kyoshi moved her hand to take the tassel out of Rangi’s hand, to inspect it herself. Rangi tried to move her hand out of the way fast enough, at least without it looking like it was fleeing from Kyoshi, but she was too slow and felt their skin just brush past each other.
Kyoshi’s hand was smooth and soft, cool, and pleasant. It also bore the effect of feeling like a hot knife running along Rangi’s skin. Rangi tried to calm her aching heart by listening to Kyoshi ramble on about the object’s quality.
“It’s really soft,” Kyoshi smiled fondly at the tassel, as she flipped it back and forth, causing the fabric to swap and create a small flow of air. Kyoshi’s scent blew towards Rangi, and Rangi fought to keep an even breathing pattern. She smells like morning dew today.
Seeing the green tassel in Kyoshi’s hand, Rangi could see just how well the color worked with Kyoshi’s skin tone, and started to warm up to the object. “I think it’d look good on you.” She blurted out before she could stop herself.
Rangi had a brief moment of panic, before it was quietly tapered by Kyoshi’s snort and roll of her eyes. “Yeah right, it’d look horrible on me! I’d be doing a disservice to this fine cloth.”
No, you wouldn’t. Rangi wanted to protest. You’d look good in anything. But she didn’t dare speak her true thoughts, because she feared her tone would reveal more than she’d want it to. Something she feared that could ruin their relationship.
“What are my two girls looking at?” a cheerful voice came from behind. Rangi thanked the spirits that Avatar Yun had appeared; she was always afraid she’d lose herself around Kyoshi whenever they were alone.
“Aren’t you supposed to be training?” All that being said, she had a schedule to work with, she didn’t want him slacking.
“Yikes! Please I get enough from your mother.” Yun fake wept. “I’m on a break, actually. What do you have there, Kyoshi?”
Kyoshi and Rangi stepped aside, to show off the robe that had come in as a gift. “Oh that is nice, but it seems a little too long for me. You can have it, Kyoshi.”
Rangi looked at Kyoshi, gauging her reaction, but it was exactly as Rangi predicted it would be. “No, I’m good.”
Rangi fought back a small smile. Her friend was ever frugal, and not in want of anything. Almost to a fault.
“No really you can have it! I don’t need it, think of it as a gift from me!” Yun insisted.
“That’s great, but this is actually addressed to Master Jianzhu. So unless you want to take it up with him-“ she cut herself off with a small wave, showing there was nothing more to be explained. Then she went over and flicked Yun on the nose. “Anyway, a gift should be more sincere than that! You shouldn’t give things away willy-nilly because you want to free up space! It won’t feel special!”
“Tell that to the people who send me stuff,” Yun whined.
“Trust me Yun, I’m well aware,” Kyoshi waved her arms around, showing off all the mostly useless trinkets he’s gotten. She rubbed her temple absentmindedly. “Though I guess I should be thankful. As long as these gifts keep coming I still have a job.”
Rangi tensed up at the thought of Kyoshi being here one day and then gone the next. Not being able to follow her because of her duty. She wasn’t sure how she’d manage if that ever did happen.
Yun gave a pat on Kyoshi’s back, laughing. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll make sure you have plenty of work! I swear, as long as I live, I’ll always have a mess for you to clean up.”
Kyoshi rolled her eyes, “Gee, thanks!” Before laughing and giving him a playful shove on the shoulder.
Rangi stared deadpanned at them, before a smile of her own crept up onto her face, softening it. “Ok, ok you two! Enough ostrich horsing around and get back to work.” She started shooing Yun out the door. “I’ll escort you back to your training, Avatar Yun.”
“Aw, but I want to relax for a bit longer! You can go on ahead!” Yun whined, dragging his feet as  Rangi all but pushed him out. To Rangi, the only thing that was worse than her being alone with Kyoshi, was Kyoshi and Yun being alone in a room together. 
Rangi turned back towards Kyoshi as she exited the door. “Kyoshi, I want this done by the end of the day. I’ll be back in a few hours.” 
“Don’t worry I will!” Kyoshi called back to her. Kyoshi could do it. She was always fast and efficient. It was one of the things Rangi liked so much about her. 
“Just five more minutes!” Yun tried to sneak back in, before Rangi pulled him back out into the hallway.
“I told you! Back to training!” Rangi scolded him, giving him another push forward. 
But as she pushed Yun, he crumpled into dust at her touch. She looked forward and saw the hallway was quickly being engulfed into darkness.
Panic shot through Rangi, she turned back to make sure Kyoshi was alright. But as she looked upon her friend, she saw her peaceful smile contorting into a sinister grin.
Rangi opened her eyes with a jolt, she was laying on the floor, the gold tassel still in her hand. Her chest was aching, and she could feel a stream of wetness sliding down her face. She wiped at her face, it was sweat, or tears, or both. She wasn’t sure, she didn’t care. 
She got back up into a sitting position and grabbed the rucksack, and threw the tassel back into the bag. 
She balled her hands into fist and pressed them into her eyes, trying to calm the shaking that was wrecking her. She cursed the spirits for making her relive that once benign memory. Making her see Yun alive again, making her wish for her old relationships back. Making her want Kyoshi’s comfort. And then twisting it at the end, it was as if it was designed to be overtly cruel. 
After she calmed down, she got up and looked outside, it was still dark. She was only asleep for a handful of hours, maybe even not that. 
She couldn’t go back to sleep. She didn’t want to go back to sleep, afraid she’d be faced with more debauched memories. So she began to pace until the sun rose up. 
A/N:God the mental gymnastics hurt but I think I got through it. TT0TT At least for someone who is not thinking very clearly. Keep weaving your own idea Rangi, love to see an actual Evil!Kelsang sometime tho kfjsdjfa.
Next chapter will be a bit shorter I think, as it’s from Jianzhu’s perspective…...Oh wow actually it is very short….I might need to embellish it a bit. TT0TT
Anyway, the song Lose Control by Teddie Swims fits this fic I think (wasn’t my intention, just happened to find this song recently and realized it). I dunno give it a listen. 8U
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Time for the rest of the first challenge. Event. Whatever. Words hard.
[No. 26 - Chase Down The Leader]
We flashback just a minute or so from where we left off, in order to see just how Izuku pulled off his impressive launch across the field. He stands at the start of the minefield, watching other students pick their way through - and occasionally setting off mines with missteps - while having a veritable mumblefest over the mines and the general issue of trying to pick past them. 
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The general gist of the mumbling: The mines are the type that blow up when stepped on, and aren’t that strong, but can throw a student off enough to possibly cause a chain reaction and lose them a lot of time. It’s better to go slow to avoid damage, even for leaping types, and trying to slow others is a guaranteed time loss. Izuku then analyzes the field in front of him, noting the spots people avoid and that most students will be most on guard at the entrance, which means there are plenty of mines left for his plan so long as they stay frosty. 
Izuku puts his armor plate to work digging up mines, muttering about how anti-personnel mines should only be 14 centimeters or so deep (about 6 inches). Jirou, just making her way into the field and using her quirk to… I guess disable mines in front of her? Anyway, she actually notices Izuku is up to something and asks what he’s doing, though I think it’s not one she expects to get answered. In short order, Izuku has a pile of about a dozen mines, and mentally claims he’s taking a page from Kacchan’s book. Meanwhile, Present Mic announces Shouto and Katsuki are still in the lead, and that they’re about to cross the finish line.
Not for long, though, as Izuku names his adhoc maneuver ‘great blasting turbo speed’, throwing himself on top of his armor sheet and onto the pile of mines, launching him over the field and right towards the two leading the pack. Pretty much everyone hesitates or stops to stare for a moment, shook by the sheer brass balls it had to take to literally blow yourself sky high. The two most shook, of course, are Shouto and Katsuki, who only just start moving again when Izuku actually flies ahead of them, forgoing their fight in order to catch back up.
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Izuku considers the whole experience intense, and is even more focused now that he’s managed to gain the lead. However, there’s one huge issue - he didn’t think far enough ahead to consider how he was going to land. As if that’s not enough, Katsuki is throwing himself forward with more explosions, screaming at ‘Deku’ to get back there (presumably to fight). Shouto’s not far behind, giving up keeping the others hindered in exchange for the speed he gets from icing over the field ahead of him - he doesn’t have time to worry about those behind him now.
Present Mic announces the temporary ceasefire between the two in order to chase down Izuku, and how when a common enemy appears, people stop fighting - then tacks on that, well, actually they’re still fighting, just not each other. Aizawa wonders what his friend is even trying to say. 
Izuku starts floating away from his armor sheet, the larger surface area causing it to stall and slow faster then he is. He grabs onto one of the wires as he recognizes this, and that if he loses time on his landing, passing the two again will be impossible. As the two just start to rush past him, Izuku swears mentally, telling himself to not let go - while he’s still ahead, this is his only chance. So, if passing them is impossible, then he has to maintain the lead. 
Somehow, he manages to flip in the air, using the momentum to bring the armor plate swinging around and into the ground right between the two, the pressure enough to set off several more mines. The two are forced to stop from the resulting explosion, while Izuku’s newfound momentum throws him readily ahead. 
As he falls into a duck and roll, Present Mic announces how Izuku blows off the competition with no time to lose. He goes on to marvel at Aizawa’s class, wondering what he’s teaching the kids. Aizawa says it’s not his doing, and that they’ve been spurring each other on all on their own. Present Mic rolls on with his commentary, asking who could have predicted such an incredible turn of events? Aizawa asks if he’s being ignored as Present Mic announces the first one back to the stadium:
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Midoriya Izuku. The crowds go absolutely wild. Outside the stadium, Death Arms recognizes Izuku as the kid from a year ago. At home, Inko falls off the couch sobbing while repeatedly stumbling over Izuku’s name. In an unknown location, Shigaraki watches on while scratching idly at his neck. 
Izuku looks around the stadium while breathing heavily, eventually looking at one spot in particular. Somehow, he’s found Toshinori in the stands, and the two have a Moment™ from across the stadium. 
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These fucking two, man. 
While Izuku is trying to keep himself from crying, the other students start making their way across the finish line as well. 
Toshinori thinks about how Izuku has the spirit of a savior hero to the core, but the sports festival is a competition that tests the exact opposite of that - your willingness to take down the enemy. Heroes nowadays depend on popular opinion so much. So many selfishly seek to beat everyone else. But that’s not Izuku - and that’s why Toshinori chose him, even as he thoughts that lack of selfishness would be his one weakness. He claps in the stands, happy to have been proved wrong and mentally apologizing for doubting him, even as he laments Izuku’s crying habits.
Some business students nearby catch Toshinori’s attention, mostly due to them discussing Izuku’s potential and how they’d market him. They talk about how Izuku’s stock is about to rise, but it’s hard to say what’s still in store for him since he didn’t show his quirk. They then start speculating about how a hero agency would market him if they took it on, with one pointing out how he’s not much to look at, so they’re have to push his skills and his unique, almost artistic sensibilities. When the resources you need aren’t there… Well, we don’t hear how that gets handled, but Toshinori does note how some things never change.
We get a brief narrative insert about the business course, most notably how they have nothing to gain by directly competing in the sports festival. Instead, they hone their skills as salespeople and run business simulations. 
Back with the hero students, we see Katsuki and Shouto both catching their breath. Katsuki is furious at Izuku once again managing to wrangle a win right from under him, while Shouto is just staring after Izuku silently. Present Mic announces more racers reaching the finish line, and that the standings will be gone over later, so the students can catch their breath for now.
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Ochako and Tenya make their way over to Izuku. Ochako calls Izuku’s strategy awesome, while Tenya is in despair over losing a race with his quirk, stating that he still has progress to make. Ochako states that she’s jealous of Izuku’s first place; Izuku flushes and hides his face behind his arms, stating that it wasn’t that impressive, and was still too close. Internally, he laments that he just got lucky, that all his chance strategies happened to work. They say it’s awesome, but it was just a lucky break, and that the real test of skill starts now.
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Anyways, Midnight announces the end of the race, and we get the results:
Midoriya Izuku
Todoroki Shouto
Bakugou Katsuki
Shiozaki Ibara
Honenuki Juuzou
Iida Tenya
Tokoyami Fumikage
Sero Hanta
Kirishima Eijirou
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Ojiro Mashirao
Awase Yosetsu
Asui Tsuyu
Shouji Mezou
Satou Rikidou
Uraraka Ochako
Yaoyorozu Momo
Mineta Minoru
Ashido Mina
Kouda Kouji
Jirou Kyouka
Kaibara Sen
Tsuburaba Kosei
Kaminari Denki
Bondo Kojiro
Yanagi Reiko
Shinsou Hitoshi
Kendo Itsuka
Shishida Jurota
Kuroiro Shihai
Kodai Yui
Rin Hiryu
Shouda Nirengeki
Komori Kinoko
Kamakiri Togaru
Monoma Neito
Tsunotori Pony
Hagakure Touru
Tokage Setsuna
Fukidashi Manga
Hatsume Mei
Aoyama Yuuga
I wasn’t able to find this list in word form anywhere online, so I made it myself. You’re welcome. I also calculated the points each of them had going into the second event, but I’m not gonna worry about that here. I’ll do individual and team points when we actually get to the teams. That way, we’ll know who has which teams’ headbands at the end!
Moving on with the chapter. Midnight announces that the top 42 from the qualifying round will move on, conveniently just including every hero student as well as the two non-hero students who managed to place higher. For those who placed lower, the sports festival will have another way for them to show their stuff!
(Not that we see said show, which I mean, makes sense narratively speaking, but also…)
[I was going to insert the server discussion about my thoughts on the arbitrary cut-off point here, but it’s getting long enough to merit its own post at this point. So look forward to that whenever it goes up!]
Anyways, Midnight continues on, explaining that now the main selection really begins, and that the press corp is going to be jumping out of their seats, so the students should give it all they’ve got. Now, onto the second event, which she already knows - which confirms these are predetermined by UA and they just do the randomizer for the sake of the crowds. Said event is… 
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the cavalry battle!
Kaminari is nervous at that, thinking about how he’s going to suck. Mineta is also looking concerned. Tsuyu notes they’re teaming up, but how, exactly? Midnight explains with a neat little graphic:
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Basically, participants get in teams of two to four, and get into a horse-and-rider formation. The rules are the same as your regular cavalry battle - snag the opponent’s headbands while guarding your own - but with a twist. Each student has an assigned value based on their placement in the race. 
Sato notes that it sounds like the points in the entrance exam, so it sounds simple. Hagakure comments on how this means the point value of each team is based on its members. Midnight snaps and cracks her whip at the students that she’s about to explain, so they should shut up already. 
Individual point values start at five, at the bottom, so the student in 42nd place is forth five, 41st is worth ten, etc etc. However, the first place participant - that is, Izuku - is instead worth a whole ten million points.
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That, my friends, is the face of someone realized they done fucked up.
Basically all the students stare down Izuku as he goes stiff from the internal panicking. Shinsou and Hatsume seem to be shown particular interest in it. Midnight finishes the chapter by noting that the higher-ranked students are the ones to aim for, and that this survival game is a chance for a comeback. It’s anyone’s game!
And with that, we end chapter 26… and volume three. Which means bonus content will be coming soon! See y’all then, and we’ll be back with more sports festival action in the next volume. 
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Chapter 137 Poll Results
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This month’s poll results brought to you by: staraves, crunchwrap, momtaku, and Giovata
Important!! This month’s poll is looooooong so click the read more knowing you’ll be scrolling for a long while.
Also new this month, data junkies rejoice! if you’d like to see all 131 pages of write-ins from this month you can. View as doc or pdf
  RATE THE CHAPTER 2,188 Responses
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Chapter 137, “Titans”, was one of the most polarizing chapters in recent memory, provoking strong reactions both positive and negative.  When we compiled the results, the chapter averaged 4.09 on a 1-5 scale, which places it 37th out of the 47 chapters we’ve ranked. No matter how you view it, it’s still a solid rating.
it was beautiful!!
While the pacing was somewhat spotty, overall, the chapter was absolutely fantastic and very fulfilling and answered a lot of the things I had wanted answered.
i was surprised by the events and was left crying and speechless
I'm never judging a chapter by leaks again. This was awesome!
Regardless of how good the next two chapters are, they won’t fix this one. 126 was bad, but it was just bad. This is bad and disappointing.
I realised that there are 2 chapters left so I read it peacefully while crying
It was a great setup for the final
I mean, this is complete shit and I've completely given up hope in the ending, but at least the story finally progressed at little this chapter.
i thought it was amazing. sad, yes, but amazing. i loved reading zeke and armin’s conversation in the Paths. i just really hope eren doesn’t die. with all the deaths that’s happened, his is the only one i won’t be able to bare. i already lost my favorite character, sasha, i can’t lose him too.
I had no reason to cry but I did anyways 👍
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Before we get to the MVP results we’d like to make one quick shout out to a past poll. In 135 we asked who would be the one to detonate the explosives. Of the 1,121 responses that month, only 29 people correctly predicted it would be Jean. So while Jean only received 6.8% of the MVP vote for this act, we think those 29 people deserved some acknowledgement.
With Zeke and Armin comprising more than 20 pages of the chapter, it’s no surprise the majority of favorite moments centered around them. “Zeke and Armin’s discussing of the meaning of life” garnered one-fifth of all responses (20.2%), followed by “Zeke seeing the beauty of the world” (14.7%).  “Levi making good on his promise” (14.5%) was the third most selected option. “Armin reminiscing about the happy moments of his past”  was fourth (13.6%). The final option with double digit results was the cliffhanger ending,  “Armin saying goodbye to Eren before exploding” (10.3%).
everything in this chapter was amazing, there's literally nothing that doesn't makes me happy (except Zeke's death, it made me cry-)
Zeke‘s reflection and death are my favorite panels in the manga. It lives rent free in my mind. This is my favorite chapter of the manga so far.
I liked how Isayama had Jean reuse the suicidal blockhead nickname
I loved seeing Levi take a sort of protective, fatherly role when helping Gabi take out the Okapi Titan. And seeing him finally fulfill his promise and vow to Erwin is refreshing and makes me feel happy.
I loved the conversation between Zeke and Armin. Zeke was always nihilistic, he saw life as dry and meaningless. Armin is on the opposite - he found the meaning of life in the little happy moments. He taught Zeke that life isn't only about multiplication , but about higher, happier and more spiritual things, like love, having fun or watching sunsets and sunrises. I'm glad that Zeke found his own meaning of life and understood that there was nothing wrong about him being born on this world and he would do it once again, if he had a chance. We can add their conversation to the list of the best conversations in the manga.
it was a great chapter, and Armin & Zeke's talk was the highlight for me.
i love that scene where levi was protecting gabi from falling off falco's titan
Armin transforming and saying bye to Eren gave me absolute chills.
♡ This chapter has one of the touching scenes on AOT, because of everyone's helos moment, the unexpected character development, the fulfillment of the promise, worthy sacrifices, the reunion of the well known past titan shifters especially helping all the alliances, and the unexpected goodbyes.
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER'S MVP? 2,165 Responses
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There were two stand-outs in this chapter. Zeke won MVP by an Eldian ass hair at 35.9% of the vote, with Armin a smidge behind at 35.5%. Third place goes to a truly majestic cameo by the Cambrian explosion at 8.4%. Honorable mentions go to the horse in fourth (6.1%), Levi with his head-spinning moves (5.4%), and Reiner (maybe) Helos Braun (4.9%).
Not crazy about Armin's "Talk no Jitsu" being the end-all solution but I reluctantly voted him MVP because there is no way in hell the brat who killed Sasha deserves anything like it even without being in only one panel
Zeke and Armin carried the chapter, after Levi and Gabi.
Falco is still best boy
Zoook <3
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Looking back at that old sketch, it really does feel like the end of an era. 44.6% of respondents thought Zeke’s end was a good and poetic way to go out. 29% were sad to see him go but were glad he had some agency - even throwing out a last bit of sass at Levi! 12.4% didn’t like how it happened as it was somewhat sudden and maybe not as epic as it could’ve been. 7.6% question if it’s really the end for Zeke quite yet, and 6.4% have no strong opinions about it.
A fitting end for a great character
I think his ending was very poetic but could have been executed much better.
In terms of writing, he was the third best character in the post-time skip section of the story. He deserved a better ending.
funny monke man... I...
10/10 character, one of my all time favourites. In theory, I like the idea of him sacrificing himself to stop Eren, but with the build up he had (mainly the way Grisha said he would save everyone) it was an extremely disappointing death.
I love him and via development. The thing is that the way he was killed was rushed as fuck and kinda killed my enjoyment of his last moments. If worked better, pretty sure I would have cried.
I really liked the way Zeke's character arc ended, and he remains one of my favorite characters in the series.
I'm happy that he appreciated life at the end. I wish he could survive this
He was an incredible character. I'm going to miss the monkey.
i have always loved zeke as a character, his personality and everything about him was just amazing, kinda sad he's gone now but atleast he got an epic death
I have loved Zeke since the beginning and I am so sad he is gone. But thankfully his death was well-done and he went out happily, realizing the true beauty of the world.
I was underwhelmed...I hoped to get much more out of him than what we did. But I guess this is expected when you introduce like 10 new characters and try to cram their entire arcs in less than 30 chapters at the expense of the original protagonists' (I'm not salty...I swear...).
I'm happy that his arc ended the way it did. As the above question said, it was poetic. But more than anything else, it was meaningful.
i dont rlly care bout him before, but when he died i cried. idk why lol 👴
he deserved so much better
I wanted him to die, but not killed by Levi.
He's not dead
I was actually affected more by his final words rather than his death. I think Isayama concluded his character pretty well. Now he can finally play catch in peace.
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47.1% already liked or loved Zeke before this chapter. 22.5% felt much softer towards him after this chapter but not enough to really say they like him. 21.5% enjoyed his chill philosopher side so much they would’ve liked to see more of him after all. Finally, 8.9% were not convinced and still don’t care for him.
I've always found him interesting. I love how his role in the story evolved as time went on. One of the best characters in Attack on Titan.
I mean, when they released his flashbacks as a child, I already started sympathising with him. Also his paths adventure with Eren. But this chapter really solidified it for me. The guy was just a sad boy who wanted love and thought he was doing the right thing.
He was an "end justify the means " person. I don't like him still.
I mean... it was nice to see him realise that he wouldn't mind being born again, but I was still a bit miffed by the fact that he still believed that his euthanasia plan was the way to go (it sort of diluted the impact of the conversation between him and Armin). Also liked that he acknowledged the innocent people he had murdered, so I'd give his character a 6/10.
my rating on him went up a lot, but i do think that it was a bit quick for him to turn
Isayama finally got me to feel for him in the end, but it took a damn long time.
wow he actually almost grew up in his last moments, congrats to him
Probably my favourite character now.
♡ All this time I've been hating Zeke. Call me childish but I do even hate him more to the extent that I wan't him to die a horrible death, just because he gave problems to my fave character Levi. But now that he's changed and gone I feel bad and sad. But I accepted his fate and that he is dead for good.
I've always enjoyed Zeke's character. Ever since picking up the manga after Season 1 what feels like an eternity ago and he's one of my favorite characters. That being said... This chapter made me dislike him a bit.
His character was ruined in a single chapter.
His growth has been interesting to watch. I was somewhat lukewarm on him before this chapter, but his willingness open his mind and accept the life given to him made me appreciate him much more.
I never liked Zeke but at the end I really liked his character development
he’s still a dick
I am a lot more at peace with his character with the development of the recent chapters. I can't say the same for my first impression of him and what he did to Erwin's gang. Still he's a very well written chatacter and I wish he got more moments to bond with Grisha.
I thought something important or something big were gonna happen but then boom he died
I used to hate him but the more get got to know him the more I understood his character. Overall an intresting and well written charcter.... i still hate him tho hahaha but less than before.
I used to hate him but when they showed his past & how he didn’t get love from anyone I started to really like & understand him
I used to hate him tbh but after chapter 137 he turned into one of my favorite characters to bad hes dead 😔
Honestly his story hit me a lot harder than expected, and it was amazing to see him go from totally nihilistic to a little hopeful at his last moments
Honestly I'm just impressed by that long journey. I've don't recall ever changing my opinion on a single character so many times.
I hated him from the beginning for what he did to Mike, and his actions during RtS didn't improve my opinion either. Even his sad backstory didn't influence how I felt about him. And then in chapter 137 a tiny miracle happened, and moments before he died I actually felt something. Sadness. Empathy. Respect, even.  Goodbye Zeke, you were a great character.
We had A LOT of responses to this one - we’ve included as many as possible without the list becoming absurdly long! If you’d like to see all of the write-ins, go back to the top of this document for the full link.
I loved Zekes character. Even as he attacked Paradis Island you could see his methodical viewpoint on their roles in all of this. He always was working the end game and their ability to not be used as pawns. We may not have always agreed with his path and believe me, there were moments I hated him. So many, but he also knew his moment in this time and what his role was. His death was a righteous one and I loved that Levi was able to fulfill his promise.
I thought his character was probably one of the best in the story, with a very well defined beliefs/viewpoint and a bunch of interesting characterwork.
I'll miss the Zook memes
I'm glad he got to understand that the world is beautiful before dying, I was angry because of all the things he did but chapter by chapter I came to realise  how sad his life was, he only had little moments to be happy and be a normal kid/person, I'm not justifying his actions but I'm not judging him either.
I'm going to miss him :/
I love Zeke as a character. He is well written on his own and also has a drastic effect on a lot of characters. I think that Zeke realizing that there are other ways to look at life and his way was not the most convenient one makes the viewer realize that no one is wrong and no one is right. I think his death was pleasing enough and he look liked he didn't have major regrets in life, other than the one he discussed with Armin.
At first he seemed to me a very cruel and conflictive character but he has had a great development and a dignified closing for his unfortunate path
Top 5 best written character
A complex and well written and likable however I still can't forgive him after Erwin
A good character, definitely one of the most interesting of SnK.
a good guy(?) at least he's listening
A good written character , loved his arc and how it ended
I think Zeke was one of the only characters that had some understandable motivations.
"Go back, I want to be monke!"
He was a really important character to the whole plot. His presence always influences the story heavily. I am kinda neutral to what to feel about him.
He was a typical Yeager - only the way he believed should be what all the others had to believe too. So I was glad that he turned around in this last chapter of his.
He was a walking meme then and now he is one of the most complex characters in the series, maybe with another father he would have been happy
He was a well defined character, with adequate back-story to understand his perspective. I cannot say he was likeable or relatable though, except from the moments he was showing some kindness to his subordinates.
He was always a good guy
He was always alone
he was always being used and now i’m crying
he was badass but still idiot
He was brainwashed with no good childhood..i feel sorry for him
He was brought up as kid without loves from his own parents until mister Tom ksaver shows him love and take good care of him as if Zeke was his son so there’s no negative thought about him as he need to do what he need to in order to save the world
Isayama once called him the ""key of the story"", and indeed he was : his character arc concluding to a philosophical answer to his existencial angst that brings forward the key statement of the story : the world is cruel but beautiful.
i felt bad for they way he grew up and when he saw how Grisha actually took care of Eren. i enjoyed his character development
I found him to be quite intriguing. His double cross of both Marley and his people with he euthanasia plan was a treat to read.
I get his motivations, and can sympathize, but genocide is rarely the answer.
I love how Zeke has been having his own character arc since Paths with him making peace with Grisha and seeing how beautiful life can be.
I loved Zeke. Not in season 3 but after reading the manga & reading his backstory my thoughts on him changed. I loved the sarcastic & funny moments with him & Levi.
i'm happy with the development he got, but i'm angry that he was suppossed to be 11/10 smart and he made the dumbest decisions ever. like trusting eren, for example.
I'm just sad Zeke is dead(seriously don't know if he's actually dead) but every time, I would always be reminded of Mike, and how Zeke let him die cruelly by the hands of not only a titan, but three of them.
I'm mad that he did betrayed eren, but im happy he got to choose when he died n how his final moments he liked them.
I'm really really glad he found the meaning of life. after being manipulated all his entire life and knowing that the world was cruel from a young age he decided to go thru with his goals even if it meant nothing in the long term to him (like his plan for paradis) but after his talk with armin his character completely changed for me. Now I understand him more and understand his character. I feel bad for him. mega bad
*sigh* , i have no idea 🙃
A guy that has shady goals but finally realized about the beauty of life which makes him sacrifice himself for the better future and people that fights for it. A good character.
A hillarious guy.
A necessary evil, and really sympathetic but still apart of me is glad he kicked the bucket
A perfect antagonist
a perfectly human and complex character. really loved his contribution to the story.
A pretty great character. One of my favorites.
A really well written character in my opinion
A solid character
A tragic character. A guy who never experienced love and ended up feeling "death is his only salvation."
A tragic story, great leader, never got too attached to him though
A very lovable monke, keep thotting it up in PATHS king
He was a badass man  who sacrifies his live for the  good of humanity
He was a character that never experienced parental love thus he wasn't able to cherish the little moments and understand the meaning of life. I have positive thoughts about him, because I am thinking what his character would be If he had a normal life as a kid
He was a good and tragic victim who became a victimizer in his pain
He was a good boi. Savage, cold and calculating, yes. But in my heart, he was a good boi who stayed loyal to his goals untill the end. I'll miss you zeke.
he was a good character while it lasted, i’m not happy nor sad that he’s dead now, but he was very well written
He was a good character. Still don't like him though
He was a good mysterious character that kept me on edge whenever he was on screen. Didnt know whether to trust him or not and I liked that.
He was a great character and I wish we could’ve seen more of him.
He was a great character overall he had a great character development in my opinion as he sided with the scouts. I'll miss him ofc but I'm glad that he got to choose when to die.
he was a great character, helped the story go amazing
A wHoLe AsS MoNkE
He was a major factor in the story without zeke we wouldn’t be where we are now I personally loved his character he was someone that was prepared to die for his beliefs which I can respect although can’t forgive him for killing all they scouts
He was a misunderstood character and by the end more people hopefully got it.(like I did) But he is now dead monke
He was a really entertaining character and I'm going to miss him.
He was a really good character who in my opinion, got great development till his last moments. Specially liked how Levi was so desperate to kill him as the monster who murdered almost all of the SC including Erwin, but he ended up killing just a man.
He was a really good character, he was only manipulated by Marh and his father (bc he wanted his affection)
he was really interesting- his motives especially. i really enjoyed his perspective of growing up in marley and turning his parents in as traitors, his compassion towards eren, his change of heart in the end. stan zeke.
He was set up to be 100IQ genus but was a self-loathing sad boy the whole time.
he was such a smart character i really enjoyed him , he was one of my favorites and will be really sad to see him die but i’m glad that he got to choose how he died
He was the best monke.
He was the bridge between Eren and Grisha. He was dealt a series bad hands :(
He was the perfect foil to Eren’s character ever since we met him.
He was truly important in each Eren, a bit Levi and the story developments.
He was very well written I feel like he deserved better
He was wonderful character, most one I connected with him in all his journey
He went from a mysterious interesting character in s2 to a character that I hated in s3 for what he done. But now in s4 onwards hes become one of my favourite characters second to eren
He's a very sad character, having grown up with so much suppression and suffering, and to believe he and his race are better off dead, which then leads him to become so determined to exact a bleak plan so his race wouldn't have to suffer anymore. I'm glad armin helped him see there's more to life in his final moments :)
He's a very smart boi but we never got to see his ass-wiping technique. Was this chapter the ass-wiping technique?
He's an amazing character.
He's an asshole, but he's funny. A funny asshole.
He's an extremely interesting character. Filled with intricacies and complexities, I think he fulfills the role he's been given perfectly. In my opinion, his arc came to a nice end and throughout the entirety of it, he remained consistent which I can appreciate.
He's been a victim of the world
He's been an interesting character all along. He should have had a bigger role at the end though.
He's confusing as a character. I feel bad for everything he went through but I'm still not a fan of him
He's funny when he plays with his sand idk😭
He's grown quite a lot as a character
He's just tried he's best t save the world tho. I'm sad for him but i think it the best end for him because he sacrificed so much. Just let him rest in peace
He's monke
He's my favorite character since the Marley arc. I found him really interesting and intriguing with all his Zekerets.
He's my favourite character
He's not really a bad guy when you see his past.
He's one of the best characters, also appreciate the recurring abs fanservice.
He's one of the best villains, if not the best villain, in the series, partially because he feels like such a genuine person outside of his horrible plan and how he can be such a lovable goofball.
He's one of the most interesting characters of SNK. Even tho I still don't like him –sorry, Erwin's dead still hurts:(– I think he was an essential figure for Eren's (& SNK's plot) evolution. A really complex man who finally found peace at the end of his life.
He's quite unlikeable at the start but as time goes by I can finally see some clue about his intention
He's so hot holy shit
He's the best brother Isayama could have written for Eren
He’s a bad dude but he’s hot
He’s a great parallel to Eren
he’s always been an insanely cool character. i dislike how nonchalant he was about ragako but i understand why he acted that way.
He’s an important key to the story and without him it wouldn’t have been the same. i didn’t agree with his plan but i understood it, same as eren.
He’s been a great charismatic character that although he caused my fav Erwin death I couldn’t hate him.
He’s been manipulated like all of them, but in the end, he’s not as shitty as Eren.
HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WAS WILD!!!!!!!!! Isayama did an amazing job on delivering him a good end. I’m glad that I got to fully understand his character and know what pushed him to do the things he did and wanted to do. 10/10 character
His character is amazing; i rly liked him and i’m glad he found his peace in the end
His character was great and his plan made more sense
his titan makes me uncomfy but he has good character development, overall i don’t mind him :)
Honestly very complicated and I don’t feel like writing an essay here, but I very strongly disagree with his ideology but I understand his view point and my respect for him has grown a lot through the series to the point where I was even sad to see him go, all in all an amazingly written character. But he also killed Levi’s husband so get wrecked lol
Honestly? It looks like he was better when he was younger, he was way more scary than now. Now he just looks pathetic.
How should I write it.. He was a great brother, I love him. He loves Eren so much, that's why he chooses to die.
I always hated him and still do for all the things he did, but regardless of that I think he's an amazing character.
I always knew he was gonna die.
i always thought his way of thinking was different from others and thats why i enjoyed his chatacter a lot
I don't like him. Yes, he is a well-written character, but I can't like him because of how much harm he has done to levi. levi lost a lot of his own subordinates and friends because of that monkey.
i dont get why he didn't kill himself before and armin had to be there to state the obvious
i dont like him when he betrayed the scouts but now i understand him but i dont really like him. He deserve better when hes child and thats the cause hes doing this thing. So i guess im both okay and not okay with him
He's had an arc
he's just a brainwashed boy just like others at marley . since kid, he did not have the feels of love by his parents and he just seeing mr.ksaver as his only 'father figure' and this makes me sad like how could grisha did thus to him ?! ik grisha really obssess with eldian thingy that time but ignored your child is a big no no ❤ but for now his character have been improved a lot and makes me change my pov thru him so yeah ...
He's just like every other character in SnK: War Criminal with a backstory. What he went through as a child and a teenager creates a soft spot for him; but doesn't justify his killings and the euthanasia plan. I would have liked him to go down in a more grandiose kinda way (seeing his brain games, him just giving up on his life kinda felt lame). Overall, a great character from analytical pov.
Man vanished for the entire final arc to get one chat and Armin and kill himself. Isayama mismanaged him horribly.
maybe if he was shown love, he would've been a decent person.
I liked Zeke's detached approach on humanity, as I completely relate with his philosophy during the conversation with Armin. Even though at first I was repulsed by his sociopathic tendencies (rip Mike) his character definitely stood out. Everything about him felt rational and original, and I still believe his plan was the most logical one. Great character.
I like Zeke, he was represented as a villain but like all the characters, he's the hero of his own story. He was strong, smart, and tried to stop massive killings. I loved his relationship with Levi too (even though he almost killed him) and I loved Levi's expression when he finally killed him. I expected him to die fighting, but I like how he went down.
I liked him as a villain, but I would have much preferred his Joker-esque "watch the whole world burn" instead of yet ANOTHER misunderstood weeaboo
I really liked him and he was my second favorite character after Eren. I think he was very realisticaly written.
I really liked him as a character. He had a really good character arc not only in regard to his background, and his last moments in the physical world was absolutely stunning!!
I really liked his character towards the end, I’m glad he stepped up and helped call the past titan shifters.
I've got mixed feelings towards Zeke. I really hated him at first for the way he killed Mike - which was absolutely horrible. Then for the scouts and Erwin. But in the end we learn that it's like for anybody else: he did things because he had to. I don't hate him anymore, but I still don't love him either. He's written well, but I feel like he could've been written even more better, which is a bit sad. But he still had a great development. Lastly, the only thing left I have to say is : ✨hot monkey✨
love or hate him, zeke added an incredible dynamic to the story and the exploration of his character as well as his back and forth with others was consistently engaging. didn't think i'd say it but i'm gonna miss him
My thoughts are neutral. I think he had no choice in his life- he too was enslaved. Although, it would have been better to see more of his relationship with Tom Ksaver. That seems to be who he really is, and who he really believes himself to be.
One of the worst childhoods in AoT. I could never blame him for what he did with his life afterwards. I still wish he'd get a happier ending.
One, if not the best character in AOT. He’s such a complex, pragmatic character - I’ve loved him since his first appearance. I just wish his ending hadn’t been so anticlimactic... he deserved better.
Pretty good character but his way of chopping eldians dicks off so they don't have children to save the world was less ridiculous then what eren is doing. Eren says Zekes plan is messed up and then goes on to commit genocide like bruh 😒. But whatever atleast the rumbling stopped.
Well I don't like the guy, never did nor did I care about his sob backstory but at least in the end he came to terms with the shit he had done and accepted his dead.
Well rounded arc. Really interesting character. The idea to have the two yeager brothers have such conflicting ways to bring peace is really interesting
Zeke >>>>>>>> Eren.
Zeke abs
Zeke character is seriously much more deeper than we think he is. Not trying to write an essay here, I'll just say that Armin, Eren, Levi, etc have suffered with the loss of their loved ones. Zeke never even had the chance to be loved.
Zeke character was tragic. He just wanted to live a normal life. At the end, he gave up on his dreams and died, just like Erwin.
Zeke could’ve been one of the best characters in the manga if he had more time to shine it felt like he was either the mysterious villain or a pawn in someone else’s game zeke should’ve had way more of an impact on the story and been less of a plot device
Zeke does his job. He a antagonist to our characters. He a well written character. I still will dislike him for the horrible stuff he did. But he got a good end.
Zeke GOAT. I'd personally adopt him so we could be best friends.
Zeke had a good story. One of the best character in AOT
Zeke had a much more humane plan than eren, he lived his whole life being exploited and used and didn’t truly find the beauty in the simplicity of it all until the end, very sad.
Zeke had a pretty decent character development
Zeke went from a 5d chess 200 iq keikaku master to a meme monke and I loved every second of it.
Zeke had a rare, but perfect mix of being intimidating, goofy and pathetic that made him a complete character.  I've been angry at him, laughed at him, and enjoyed everyone moment he was onscreen, whether it him killing others, getting curbstomped by Levi, or his bantering.
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46.6% were excited to see real creatures of evolutionary history as part of titan lore, while 29.1% were glad to finally see the origins of that mysterious many-legged menace responsible for the world’s troubles. 12.1% aren’t totally sold on the exposition, and 6.2% would’ve preferred the origin story remain more vague. Meanwhile, 6% know who are*really* the masterminds behind it all. *taps head*
HALLUCIGENIA! Who would have thought that the main culprit of everything was just an evolved cambrian worm. Very nice.
This, in my opinion, was the best chapter of ALL the manga so far. My favourite part was the beginning resembling evolution of the real world. Simply amazing.
the "Life" part is confusing. Actually, i want that "Life" things took big part in Titan History, like controlling human, made human (Eldian) become one race for environmental reason, or something, and that "Life" thing has mind, like it could communicate with people....
Is it a coincidence that this chapter released while I was studying the Cambrian Explosion for my college biology class?
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46.3% don’t want to make any more assumptions about Ymir, they just want information first! 36% believe Ymir’s not on anyone’s side and is seeing how things unfold. 12.2% maintain that she’s sticking with Eren, and 5.5% think the alliance has won her over.
Ymir basically tried to make her own version of Instrumentality. I do think we need more elaboration on her perspective so her changing her mind is emphasised. I've been theorising she will betray Eren at some point, but with the lack of POV both on her and Eren's part, it does seem questionable.
I feel like she just didn’t want to be alone anymore. and because she’s the founder she wanted a connection between her and her subjects or her people. it’s understandable why she would help eren with trying to achieve his goal but it also makes sense for her to help the alliance stop eren because she is now free.
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Again, a plurality of 43.9% want to wait for more information from Ymir’s perspective before deciding how they feel about her. 33.6% think the explanation in this chapter made sense and made her more believable in her motives. 15.1% somewhat grudgingly accept that for the role Ymir plays, this’ll do. However, 5% just don’t like it or just don’t think it makes sense.
i have no idea if it makes sense plot-wise but since one of the primary human needs is connection it's believable and touching
I'm surprised because I believed that was the empty, lonely world  created by her subconscious mind or desire for serving the king. Now it looks like it is the world where she feels safe and is waiting for someone to give her what she desires.
Despite the lack of exact origin, this make sense, specially if we see other science fiction war-politic drama, as the first Gundam Series, or Foundation.
Explaining the origin of the spine creature was necessary imo, but I think the origins of the Paths should have been left vague. This explanation is a little weak.
It's sad yet kinda sweet at the same time.
I like this. Ymir best girl
I still don't understand how that shit works
I still wouldv liked it to be the transcendental plane of existence, governed by the source of all life.
I think Paths existed before Ymir, right?
Paths became pretty stupid after Ymir was introduced.
I think she fled, got parasite'd, and that....thing has been in control of the Titans ever since, trapping the mind of a little girl in Paths for 2000 years.  Finally, someone with the Founder was able to contact her and say "You can do whatever you want!" so she just...let him have power, so she could roam freely for a bit.
I thought that we were going to get a different explanation, since PATHS is something supernatural but if Isayama wants that then Im ok with it, remember we are in a story with 16 meters giants, dont expect science explanations here lol
I understand the phrase, but I fail to see why her character turned this way given the hardships she suffered. Indeed, why did she keep obeying King Fritz instead of giving him a lesson?
I want to know why and how it spread to all Eldians instead of just shifters.
It makes sense to me, and it's a good explanation, but I have a feeling that there may be more to it.
It seemed like a good idea at the time, but she was stuck for so long, that it’s initial purpose has lost meaning.
It would need a lot more explanation. How does the (still-unexplained) tree spine give her the capability to form an alternate supernatural dimension? And why would THIS be the way to form those connections, rather than, say, NOT forming massive monsters to kill people on earth? How does wandering around an endless desert alone forming weapons of mass destruction for thousands of years feel safe and connected? It's flimsy.
it's a cheap excuse as to why paths ex machina exists.
It’s a good explanation, it highlights the tragedy of her story even more
It’s honestly very sad. She is such a lonely character and the fact that she made a place where she could feel connected to others is very heartbreaking. She’s just wanted to feel loved :(
Kinda stupid. Titans are fucking weird creatures anyways and trying to explain them beyond the concept of "magic" and paths ruins it for me.
Makes sense, even Eren has stated that she has been desiring for company and understanding, meaning that she couldn't completly achieve it with the creation of paths
No, Ymir is trapped in paths due to being devoured while controlling the spine creature. Because she was eaten by humans (not turned into titans) she was stuck in the world of paths and to end titans she needs to be freed from that world.
omg i never rlly got that (i was super confused) until after i read this question- cool tho how her desire for that is so great she created a whole ass metaphysical plane wtfff
Paths didn't need to be explained but it's nice that it's connected to Ymir's desires
PATHS is pinnacle Strand-type game.
She choose to be alone in that realm, and she chose to obey the king's will. I can't feel bad for her as much as I did before
Super weird. Seemed like Ymir just kinda appeared in Paths in 122. So it existed before her right?
That definitely explains why Armin was still able to see everything that was going on in the living world. It was especially interesting to learn that all titan shifters never fully die, rather their consciousness is transferred to Paths where they remain in a seemingly dream-like state but can still be awakened to an extent, as we saw Zeke do. I still would like to see Paths destroyed in the end, though, otherwise they'll be stuck there forever and never be able to move on.
The plot with Ymir was just absolutely awful.
There are still way too many questions about her but i'm not interested in it
Though Ymir remains quite an obscure character, I've always been a fan of childhood trauma and how this affects the world they are living in, especially in a fantasy setted world. It adds an interesting level of humanity to the story.
Ymir was surprised when she entered paths in 122. She didn't expect but from what we've seen from 122, we can say that "escaping to a world free of even death" holds the most meaning. I never saw it as her desire for safety, Connection of course is existent though.
she's become a very compelling character and her ideologies are more pronounced, and I really do like how it connects to titan powers and paths. however we still need more explanations on her.
She's the incarnation of a very human feeling, no need to wonder why she became a godess
I just want to hear from her! Everyone else is telling her story and speaking for her, and I really want a moment at the end here for her to lay things out
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Armin shared some of his sweetest memories with Zeke this chapter. 74.9% most loved the memory of him running with his two dearest friends as leaves fell. 11.8% chose the memory of walking around a marketplace with friends. 6.8% chose the memory of feeding a squirrel at training camp, and 6.5% chose the memory of reading a book on a rainy day. They were all lovely though, weren’t they?
Not afraid to admit that I teared up seeing the panel of EMA running to the tree!
I love the message in this chapter because to me this is the message of AoT in general; life is worth living because of the small, precious memories we make. It's not about a great sense of purpose; just being alive makes someone a valuable human. If this is the final message of Isayama to his fans, I gladly take it.
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Grisha once said that Zeke would save his people, and it seems he has fulfilled this role with Armin’s encouragement. Although not without a good dash of nihilism first. 61.4% thought his decision to help Armin was perfectly in character; he just needed to be reminded of his few good memories as motivation. 19.2% did think it was a drastic change on his part, but his changed views were just a part of his character development. 15.9% did not appreciate what seemed like the dreaded Talk no Jutsu in full force.
I honestly loved Zeke’s change. Despite Ymir and Eren Zeke was still the key to this and I liked how it never changed.
It was already foreshadowed but Isayama should had set this up a few chapters ago because the execution makes it seem like Armin just told him “life gud” and he was like “oh shit u right” and then went to die
It was believable enough. Plus, I like that he still mentioned to Xaver that he still believed the euthanasia-plan was the way to go.
It was good thematically but it needed more time and more build up in the execution
It was kind of strange in my opinion but he was tasked by Grisha to stop Eren so what choices did he really have?
He doesn't have a change of heart, he just has a change of action. same motivation and beliefs, just different action he takes.
He had a lot of time to think in Paths, so yeah.
after all those fandom debates about armin using talk no jutsu on eren, we instead saw armin use it on zeke instead (so my answer is both yay, character development!! and nay, a part of me believes ONE pep talk can't COMPLETELY change a person)
As abrupt as the change was I think I do prefer this, rather than him not getting any 'better' and eventually dying without realizing the amount of trouble and hurt his actions caused.
It would be believable if we saw how the PATHS trip with Grisha and Eren affected him, but bad pacing happened
believable, shouldve had its own chapter though
don't know what to think about it
Not at all. I think if he paused and wondered on his own it would've been better. Instead it was made to wank Armin and make yet another determined adult look incompetent.
Rational me: Well at least Monke got to go out with a smile. 2013-16!me: Eren should've been giving the pep talks...I thought he was gonna be the protagonist....wahhh (cue baby crying)
Seems acceptable, just glad he’s gone
eh. it was somewhat believable. he didnt have any reason to continue existing
Happened way too quickly.
I don't know, but here's my opinion. I'd say Zeke finally open his eyes to the truth, and now he wished to do as much as he can to stop Eren before his time comes. I believe that's the reason he exposed himself to Levi, and why he chose to die after calling every titan shifters to help aid Eren's friends stop Eren. Does it make sense?
I dont get how armin convinced him more easily than eren did when theyre the ones with essentially the same endgoal
i love the idea of zeke becoming a "optimistic nihilist" but didn't at all like how rushed it was executed.
I mean, it sure could've been explored more, but we have to take into account that Zeke had been in paths for a long time (maybe for what it felt like millions of years) and by that point he felt hopeless; his dream was no longer going to become a reality, he couldn't change anything and was trapped there forever, then Armin came and gave him a different perspective, he listened and found something of value in it while at the same time not completly discarding Xaver's ideology. I like it!
I mean... it was kind of a change of heart? But he still believed that his euthanasia plan was the way to go (I dislike Ksaver for that very reason; he projected his own self loathing onto Zeke which led to him believing that life isn't precious and just inherently cruel)
I think Armin and him talked for yrs in paths but it only translated to minutes irl
I think it was either rushed to the point where Zeke-once the brainer monke-did a full 180 to give up on himself. I mean yes, character development or whatever, I think it should have been given more time to happen. He just gave up and died kinda feels off-setting considering his cunning/witty character.
I think that he just stopped caring about everything and did what Armin asked him to do.
I enjoyed armin and zeke’s conversation, and think the outcome made sense.
I was against that plot at first. But after reading different opinions, I guess he became hopeless due to his time in the paths. So the nihilist speech wasn't exactly his way of thinking. Otherwise why would he run around for making his euthanization dream come true if he was that hopeless of life. So I think his change of mind was acceptable
It did feel drastic in the moment, but I think if I were to read through the chapters more consecutively, it might make more sense to me
It doesn't make sense that someone as motivated as Zeke would sit passive the whole Rumbling. If he could have done anything to stop Eren, he would have done it before half the world was Rumbled.
Zeke wanted to eugenicize his race. Except Armin said 'look at this leaf, I like living' and he said 'yes you're right life is worth living. I will die for humanity now'. People will joke about this for years to come when they explain attack on titan to their friends.
"The greatest teacher, failure is." - A wise old ghost frog.
This change is fine in principle. It's change from his idea of euthanasia and "better not be born" toward "eventhough life is suffering too, it's worth living". But it was rushed, it would have been more believable if the idea germinated in his mind. So between the Yes and No answer.
What change of heart, he was reminded from what he found happiness in life which he was enjoying subconscioulsy before aka playing catch. An activity he started enjoying as a kid. It was a game, something kids enjoy not a heavy burden of "saving everyone" as Grisha implanted onto him.
yes because before talking to armin, he must have been so lonly in paths for such a long time, after such isolation even one talk can influence a person a lot
Zeke had this change coming - it was built up throughout the Paths chapters. The primary boogeyman figure of his life turned out to be a good man, and he apologised, turning his entire worldview upside down (not counting the whole "Stand, dad" thing) He had an eternity in Paths to process the events of ch120-122 (and maybe his entire life before that) multiple times over. Armin found him at his most vulnerable, betrayed and alone once more. Their debate back and forth, all done with mutual respect, was amazingly written. Armin showed him the way, gave him that one final nudge he needed in the right direction. It's perfectly believable, and fitting.
Because we love and appreciate every single one of you, this list IS going to be absurdly long. <3
♡ Levi just him.
20 inch bad dragon dildo
A baseball ⚾️
A basketball
A bed
A berry
A better chapter 137
A better final arc.
A Bible
A black hole
A blanket (don't judge me)
A blue gel pen, maybe? Or a book?
a blue pouch
a book
A book from my ninth grade year
A book I have that's full of messages from friends
A book maybe since I spend most of my times reading books with my beloved one and friends
A book probably
A book? Handphone? Idk
a bottle of black nail polish
a box of spicy chicken nuggets from mcdonalds
a bracelet
A brush
a butterfly
A cake
A camera
A candle
A card from my girlfriend
A cat
A cd
A CD case of cellist yo yo ma
a cellphone ig xjwkxnekdkd jk a book
A cherry blossom / cherry blossom leaf
A chessboard I guess
A childhood toy
a cigarette shared between friends
A cinema ticket
A clarinet
a coffee mug
a coin
A comic book
A computer probably
a concert ticket
A cross
A cross necklace my grandma gifted me when i was like 16 (she died when i was 18 💔)
A crucifix
A crystal
A cup
A cup of coffee
A cup of coffee in a cute mug
A cupcake
A deck of cards
a dick
A dildo
A dildo (joking) a piece of cake
A dinosaur toy.
A doll
a duck
A feather.
A feather..the pretty one..could be bird's feather..
A fish
A fishing rod.
A football balloon
A fountain pen i received when i was younger.
A framed picture of EMA laughing together
A freakin’ leaf, I’m don’t have horrible mental issues like AOT characters.
A friend/family member.
a fucking leaf
A game controller.
A gameboy advance or some curry lol
A girlfriend, because i'm lonely :(
a glass 'potion' bottle
A glove
a gold necklace i got from my parents when i was little
A Good Ending
A good manga series
A good SnK manga chapter
a guitar for sure
A guitar pick
A hair band (symbolizes self development)
A handwritten message from my mother
A harmonica
a hat
A hat I made for a friend
A heart.
a Hot Wheel car
A Jewel
A joint
A joystick
a key
a kpop lightstick idk
A laptop with anime on it probably💀oh or all if my maladaptive daydreaming story notes
a leaf
A leaf as well.
A Leaf because it's a Fucking Leaf
A Lego brick
A Lego figure
A Levi nendoroid
A life
A lightsaber
a little crystal bear
a little red bean
A little rock that I've polished myself with another rock
A little treasure box
A magic the gathering card.
a manette
A Manga (maybe AoT or TG)
a manga panel
A mechanical pencil
A memory
A mobile phone
A mouse
a mouse and keyboard
a movie from blockbuster
A movie ticket
a mushroom
A music Album
A Music player
A necklace
a necklace from an ex
A necklace that my father gave me but it broke
A new Sombra skin (casual). Give her something already!
A Nintendo DS
a noose
a notebook
A notebook filled with my goals and dreams.
a nugget
A paint brush
A pair of googles from my childhood.
A peach
A pen
A pen or quill.
A pen perhaps
A pencil
A perfectly orange looking leaf. Showing that the seasons still go by even after all that misery.
A phone
a photo album
A photo of me and my friends that I keep
a photo of me and my grandpa
A photo shoot, of me and a few my classmates
A photograph of my loved ones
A picture of Hitch's boobs 😔
A picture of me, smiling
A picture of my family
A picture of my friends
a piece of SnK merch or a slice of pizza lmao
a pill
A pinecone
a ping pong racket
A pizza
A Playstation controller
A plush I still have with me since day one. It has gone through a lot with me.
a pokeball
A Pokémon card lol
A Pokemon emerald rom
A Polaroid of me and my friends!
A possible symbol for the final chapter idk tbh
A postcard I got my from my best friend
a potato
a printed photo
A ps4 controller
A quill
A reminder of how my life goes ups and downs but still stands up to fight.
A reminder of life and how it can flourish in the most unexpected of places
A Requiem ending
a ring
A rock
A running shoe
A Santa Hat
A screen honestly
a seashell
A sewing kit
a shot of gold tequila with cinnamon sugar and an orange slice. best night of my life.
A slice of pizza bro.
a small feather
A small stuffed toy, a gift from my grandfather when i was 4 years old, not long before he passed
A snk volume with actually good chapters in it.
A soccer ball
A soccer ball.
A spider man figure
A stone with a hole.
A stuffed animal from my childhood maybe, there’s one that still sits somewhere and is a reminder of those peaceful moments of childhood.
A stuffed animal.
A symbol of innocence and life
A table tennis bat
a teacup
a teddy
A thing who link me to my mom or my brothers
a token. A palm sized blue token with W.S engraved on it in white
A toy
A toy bear dhiq
A toy mouse
A toy plane.
a vape
A volume from this manga lmao
A volume of one piece
a wax pen
A whole bed.
A Wii Remote
A wrestling ring or a brush for paint
A xbox 360 controller..
Actually my answer is really dumb but it will surely look like my picture with my friends at a school camp in forest.
African barbecue chicken
Alcohol 👌🏿
Also a leaf because nature holds my best memories.
an actual decent ending for the series, which this isn't
An AoT manga
an apple
An Attack on titan manga, the 26 volume:(
An attack on titan volume
An autumn leaf maybe
An ice cream
An iced coffee
an old axe
An old Bionicle canister: 8536 - Kopaka. It just feels right, y'know?
An onahole
An orange
An snk volume
Anime-original ending for Season 4 part 2
annies character development before she became uwu waifu
AnR Ending.
Any of my son's toys. He's 2 yrs old. I'm crying right now...
Any small animal representing life
AOT Chapter 137🤣🤣🤣🤣
Aot manga
AoT volume 30
Armin thinks of it as falling leaves when he and his friends go to a tree
Armin would BE my “leaf”. Tbh, he gave me the strength and love to keep loving. He’s my happy memories.
armin’s leaf to me would look very green, very healthy and full of life.
Armin's corpse
Attack on Titan chapter 139
Attack on Titan's manga books.
bald james charles
banana for monke
Baritone Horn
Basement key tbh, y'all remember back in 2013 when the biggest mystery was "what was in the basement?" then it was revealed in the manga in 2016? Good ol' times when spoilers weren't everywhere 🙄
Bertholdt's redacted
Big fookin anime tiddies
Bohrok Kohrok
bottle cap
Brass Ring
Brown and like at the beginning of fall
BTS's album
Calisthenics ring
Can't decide
Cat fur because I love my babies ❤
Cat whishker
chapter 100
Chapter 140
chapters 138 and 139
cheese slice
chicken nugget
Chocy milk
Cock and ball torture from Wikipedia the free encyclopaedia
Coffee mug
Coming home after school and enjoying the weekend playing football and meeting friends
Complete collection of snk volumes
condom ??
cooking with my mother, playing basketball with my brothers and sitting with my friends
Cricket ball
Damn, that's a really good question...honestly I don't know.
damn... idk
dog collar
Dont know
dreams, nostalgia, memories
Eh, probably my cat? Or the picture of people I love.
either a book or a phone
either a controller or my gf
Either a football or video game controller
Eren jaeger 😳
Eren or other
eren's abs
eren's schl-
Erens dick
Erwin's arm
Erwin's dick.
Erwin's right arm or levi's right eye
Erwin's smile
Everyone outside the Walls rumbled
exactly the same
Family Picture
Fern frond
First of all, great question :) probably a mini chalkboard with a little calculus equation on it from when I first got into mathematics
Football (soccer) ball
From episode 1 2000 years ago!?
From the beginning the trees leaf
Fuck Armin
fuck this shit doing here
GameCube controller
Gay porn
GME stonks
golf ball
Green and alive.
Group picture with loved ones
Guitar Pick
Half Life 3
Halo (game)
Harry potter novel
Historia not being a breeder
historia's soft breasts
Hmm i don't really know
hmmm, maybe a coin
hold four lokos
holidays i spent with my family n friends
homemade cooking? it would be all sandy tho
Honestly I don't know
Honestly, I don't know. Maybe the stylus I lost?
Honey bun
Hot wings
I actually have no idea.
I did not expect such a deep question! You guys made me think for like 10min straight and question all my life. I'd say it would be a T-rex toy
i do not have any core memories. i remember nothing important of my childhood. it's all just a blank page
I don't know honestly. So many good memories, that aren't really connected with objects per se. If I could see sunlight in that sand, it would be that.
I don't know. I don't I would have any
I don't know. I don't think you would get a choice on what it would look like to you.
I don't really know I had a lot of good and importants moments in life but what I'm sure of is that it includes my family
I don't want to sit with Armin
I don’t think I’ve encountered it yet
i dont fcking know its a leaf
I dont know because i think i dont have a thing like that. I would imagine it as my previous house that means a lot to me
I had a little piglet figurine in my childhood that was lost.
I have a scructured settlement and I need cash now
I HAVE NI IDEA buuut i will think about it later ... It's a good questio actually
i have no answer for this 😞
i have no fucking clue
I have no happy memories
I have no idea lmao probably a leaf
I have no idea too much to think about.
i have so many in mind, idk what to choose.
I have to think about it that's a real good question.
I honestly don't even know. I'm probably just like Zeke who is yet to know the real value of living hehe
I need more context.
I still dont know what motivates me the most
I think it will be my favorite books
I think it would be my medals
I think it would look like a rock that I found on the beach.
I think it would look like an origami butterfly made from a business card
I think maybe leaf or flower
I think will be a pencil
I thought i had seen the leaf.is this a theory? wait? i don't see a tree on the path.where do the leaves appear? am i left behind?
I wanna know too
i was shocked tbh. the leaf became the sign that verified that there really is a connection between what happened in the past and now in the future — that the founding titan really knows everything that's going on.
I would see a specific type of pen that has the same name as my best friend
I'm not sure if I have something I'm deeply connected to.
I’m not sure
Ice cream
iced chocolate
Idk :(
idk but it does remind of the tree from the notebook ova
idk lol
idk my phone or sumin
Idk, I have many things that i love, but no clue what's the most important
Idk, i'd have to be there and be reminded
Idk, maybe hope?
Idk, maybe my cat. She's the best.
idk, something related to cartoons
Idk.....BTS album? They’re the reason my life become much brighter
In my eyes, I would have seen a music box.
Interestingly enough, also a baseball
Ironically enough, probably a baseball like Zeke
Is this really important?
Isayama-san UwU
It could be anything to me.
It could be metaphorical by contrasting the real world vs the afterlife, the past and the present, what is gone and what is still here.
It has to be something connected to an important memory of your life, not just an object that you wish you had, right? I think whatever the true answer is would be impossible for me to realise myself just by thinking. It seems like one of those things that you would only realise when it's right in front of you, then it all makes sense.
it remids him of mikasa and eren, when three of them running under the three
It would be a basketball
it would be a pencil
It would be green
it would look like a book
it would look like a dress
It would look like an autobiography book.
It would look like my bracelet I got from my best friend
It would look like Pine Tree
It would look like this chapter, but animated.
It would probably be a Lego set or smth
It would probably be the discord logo lol
it would probably look like this one follower my grandmother would always have in her garden
It's gonna be a long paragraph
It's hard to think about it right now, I would say a stick?
its remind me when they are still happy in the wall
Just a leaf
just a leaf u know its nothing particular
Just a leaf. but it also shows that freedom to everybody is different; for zeke it was just playing baseball with mr ksaver, and for armin it was running to a tree with eren and mikasa
Just.. leaf
Lacrosse ball
Leaf 👁👄👁
Leaf as well
Leaf is fine~
leaf of the tree they ran toward to
Legit my cat
Lego brick
Lego star wars the complete saga for the Nintendo wii
Levi Pillow
Levi's plushie
Levi’s butt
Levi’s dumbstruck of an ass- probably a photograph of my closest friends
Levi’s happiness
Life?? Idk
Like a comb
Like a leaf
like a stuffed animal
Like Armin
Like goddamn, you think we could get some trees up in here among all this lifeless sand? jfc it's nice to see some greenery. People may suck but it's hard to say nature does
like looking at the past
Listening to music alone in my bed.
lol yikes i have no idea
Looking at a golf ball
Lots of things.
Man bun Eren
maybe a book ? idk i don't find anything memorable for now
Maybe a book or sumn.
Maybe a bottle of wine or a beach towel
Maybe a camera? Photo album?
Maybe a Lego brick
maybe a slice of cake, or a flower
Maybe also a leaf...
Maybe AOT manga? IDK lol!
Maybe book or pen
maybe flower
Maybe sad actually I don't understand 😃
meaningful memories
mf idk i’m dumb asf
Mi pets :(
Mikasa body pillow
Mikasa's abs
Mikasa's smile
Mikasa’s ass
mikasas titties
mine probably will look like a paint brush<3
Most likely a pencil
music lol
Music Sheet
My Books
my bracelet
My cat
My cat or a cup of hot chocolate
My cats
my childhood
my childhood blanket
My childhood stuffed animal Rudi
my computer mouse
My crappy journal
my crush
My diary
My dog
My dog who died years ago, i loved him.
my dog who passed away
My dog's collar
My dog's leash I guess.
My favorite book
my friend's doodle
my friends.
My glasses or a bar of chocolate
My glasses, maybe.
My Grandma's crepes. ♥
My Grandpa (now I regret being too young to know more about his past)
My hard drive
My hedgehog
My iPod touch.
My kindergarten school
my laptop lol my best memory is blasting songs and pass the night without worrying about anything
My late grandma's glasses
my microphone
My mobile phone
my mom's ring
My mom’s cookies
My motorcycle
My notebooks
My old dog
my own damn tears
My paintbrush
My pc
My phone
My phone :)
My phone kek
My phone lol
my phone probably
My phone, with Reddit open, on r/Titanfolk, reading memes and whatever YakiBacki has made recently.
My phone???
My phone. I have a social media addiction.
My plush horse
My poems
My rabbit(s).
My seal plushie
My smartphone
My stuffed animal
My stuffed bunny from childhood😂
My switch
my teddy or some kind of gift offered by my family/friends
My trumpet. I have so many happy memories from marching band, playing with my friends every summer afternoon. I grew and learn so much through playing the trumpet. I gained so many friends and was so happy during the time I was in marching band. It was like my second home. I would give anything to go back to those happy times.
My tv remote
My unfinished new Survey Corps armor...
My wedding ring
My winnie the pooh doll lol.I loved it soooo much when I was a kid
Nami from One Piece
Nerf Guns lol
ngl it would look like a pawn or some random chess piece for me
nice try, dumbledore
nintendo switch
No comment
no I...
No I'm not ready for psychoanalysis at this moment
No idea, a locket probably
no idea, fuck Paths
Not sure honestly
Not sure. Because i havent found the purpose of my life.
Not sure. Is that bad?
Nothing in particular
Nothing to think about
Noting but vibez
obviously a volume of attack on titan
Oh gosh....this is so deep. I don’t know! Maybe a pencil?
oh man i don’t even know
One Piece volume
Paint brush
Pandemic crisis is over
Perhaps a ballpen I used. I don't really have anything that reminds me to live in particular.
Perhaps a history book or map
Personally or as a manga reader? As a manga reader, it would be something related to the veterans, who embodied the true spirit of AoT to me
Phone full of conversations with my old friends.
phone? lol
Photo of my family
photo of my friends or Levi or Erwin 😂😂. Seriously I  haven't thought about meaning of life as deeply as Armin.
Picture of family and friends
Picture of my family and friends
Picture of sunset
Picutre of me and my parent's
Pieck's Ass
Pieck's butt
Pieck's Cart Titan AWOOGA
Pitchforks so I can go manifest in front of greedy Kodansha how shitty the writing is.
pizza :)
Playing with childhood friends.
plushie from childhood
Probably a bike
Probably a bird I think
probably a book
probably a box of Girl Scout cookies honestly
Probably a coral, I'm a scuba diver so the ocean is always something that is close to my heart.
Probably a Gamecube controller due to that being my first gaming console I owned/played on.
Probably a gaming mouse lol
Probably a Kanye West album idk
Probably a leaf. His entire philosophy on life is exactly my philosophy on life.
Probably a manga, if anything. Or a Vinyl since I love music.
Probably a pen or paintbrush because I love art
Probably a pencil
Probably a photo
Probably a picture of my best friend
Probably a picture of my family
Probably a picture of someone I lost and cherish.
Probably a pillow.
Probably a small stuffed animal
Probably a Soccer ball
Probably a volume of AoT ffs
probably a wii controller :’)
Probably a wrestling belt or a game controller
probably an ice cream
Probably an old photo of mine
probably attack on titan manga HAHAHA
Probably earbuds!
probably how happy i was back then OMFG yea im lonely now
probably just a leaf. i don’t have anything that special to me that holds any value.
Probably like a lego brick lol.
Probably like the one you see fall 🍂
Probably Mikasa
Probably my dog plushie
Probably my old Nintendo DSi
Probably my phone
Probably one of my cats
Probably one of my childhood lego guys
Probably Pieck, or a pretty gymnastic leotard or even a pretty necklace idk
Probably smarthpone, idk tbh
Probably something important and precious to me. But right now it's probably my phone, but I doubt it exist in Attack On Titan
Probably the pillow (I named it pillow pillow great name i know) that I brought everywhere with me as a child.
probably the same leaf
ps1 controller
PS2 controller
Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong
Re zero all arcs
Reading new chapters of Attack on Titan every month
Regrets lmao
Reiner's ass
Reiner's booty
reiner’s titties
Rose pin
Running shoes
s4 by wit
Sand of the beach I used to visit when I was young with my mother and sister
Sea or a shell
Seriously, a gun.
sheet music
shingeki no kyojin LMAO
shitty symbolism
Small rabbit statue
SnK manga
SNK manga volumes (lol)
Snk’s ending
Soccer ball
Some bird species
Some object related to track
Some type of memory. Or resemble a memory??
Something belonging to Erwin
Something from home
something my grandparents had given me! or maybe my mother's necklace
Something that tells you that life is worth living if not for the smallest of moments- I suppose it would be my phone lol.
Something that would symbolize my family.
Still not sure yet
Stuffed animal
symbol of life
Symbol of life?
Talk No Jutsu
Tea cup
tennis ball
that fucking POMEGRANATE
That life is what we see it to be, zeke wasn't looking for anything so he found nothing there except sand but armin was hopeful so he found whats meaningful for him
That's personal wtf 😂
The admin of aot wiki😳 seriously tho uhm probably a picture of my family or something
The Ao3 front page
The Bible
The first coin I earned myself (like in The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck)
The first volume of a niche little series called Shingeki no Kyojin
The hope
the HP wand I made from chopstick
the leaf could be the tree Eren, Mikasa and Armin where running from when they were still a kid or the tree Ymir fell into and got the titans power(?)
The leaf to me would look like a ring. My family gives me one every year.
The necklace my mom gave me
The nothingness
The novel I've writing.
The one he had seemed just fine.
The one under the tree, where it all began
The perfect ending, forever trying to live up to your own version it
The scarf
The seashell
The Sony PS5
The spine of Ymir
The tree
The unrevealed Ackerman and Azumabito plot line
The volume 17 manga cover back when things weren't completely terrible
There's still life and hope
This anime/manga bc I’m so attached to it
This caught me off guard. I don't know
This is a very hard question. I think to me it would show dog toys being my dog is the reason I'm still alive
This is probarly really sad but it would be one of the Aot manga books.
This isn't about me, this is about the manga chapter
This manga
This manga. I wouldn't mind being born again... if it meant being able to experience this story for the first time again... So I'll guess I'll thank you, Hajime Isayama.
This question has the same vibe as "what would you see on the mirror if Erised", therefore, I'm not sure
This series
This so hard but probably the ticket from the Twenty One Pilots concert I went to in 2019 (it was my first concert ever and the last one I went to before the pandemic)
This was actually a really nice question ;0;  To me the leaf would look like, there was a day where i drew Gionro it took 8 hours to others it may sound normal but to me I had so much fun drawing and coloring it. Also the first time i got a dog i was so happy for years i really wanted one and later on we ended GETTING ANOTHER dog and even a cat ;0; that was unexpected!!
To-do list completed
Too me the leaf would look like a soccer ball
uhh, my phone? I don't have much on my life lmao
Um... I don't know to be honest. I mean does this have to be an object ? Can it be something else ?
ur mom
Very colorful, yet simple. I feel like I would be able to tell it’s importance just by the way Armin looks at it.
VHS copy of the 1977 animated Hobbit
Volume 30 of AoT
vv cool
waifu figure
Weed pen
Well, damn, I don't know if I have one lol
What leaf? That's clearly a kite.
Who knows
Who knows hehe
Who knows lol.
Xbox controller
yam's balls
yo moma
Your mom
youth and innocence
Zeke being alive and well, raised in a loving household
Zeke living
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There was some much loved teamwork this chapter. 25.9% of respondents enjoyed Mikasa’s relentless pursuit of the Okapi the most, closely followed by 25.7% who were impressed by Gabi’s continuing kill streak. 21.6% were glad to see Armin help to save himself, and 19.9 % were pleased to see Annie break Armin’s fall. Finally, 6.9% of respondents appreciated Connie saving Armin from another round of Okapi tongue action. Though sadly he didn’t get a mention in the comments!
I genuinely really liked the part where Gabi fired a perfect shot, I personally think she isn't as bad as people make her out to be.
Annie catching Armin was 10/10.
it was so cool to see the team work I'd always dreamed it would look like. Also Levi supporting Gabi was so cuute.
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While all the returning titans had a moment of action, it was “Bertoldt saving Annie” that was top pic for favorite shifter moment with 40% of the responses. “Porco and Marcel together” was a distant second with 17.3%. “Freckled Ymir saving Reiner” closely followed with 17.1%.
Ymir (freckles) is my personal favourite, she could've said one line at least! Same goes for Kruger and Porco. Bringing people back to life is weird, not letting them comment on that is even weirder.
Grisha hit the gym in paths 😳
I genuinely didn't think we were gonna see freckles Ymir again, so that was a very pleasant surprise! I would have also liked for her to have some dialogue, but then again Historia hasn't had any dialogue in the present time either.
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The passed came back from the past to lend the alliance a hand! Now this moment was a little controversial. 42.5% thought it was awesome seeing our old friends take control of their titans to save their loved ones. 29.9% liked what the scene was going for but thought it needed more setup or foreshadowing. 18.9% were not happy at all to see such a shonen scene in this manga. Hated it, even! Despite the many strong feelings, there was still a group of those (8.7%) who didn’t really have an opinion either way.
I feel considerably less crazy about referring to the rumbling as ""basically Ragnarok"" now that we have dead shifters coming back from Valhalla-paths to fight in the rumblnarok.
While I expected the past shifters to help out the Alliance eventually ever since we saw crying Bertotototo, I thought it was a little rushed and could've used more build-up.
i want more porco and marcel lol
Pieck seeing the Galliard brothers must have been so hard. I can't begin to imagine how she felt. :(
I still don't understand how it is Zeke that brought the titan shifters back since he was busy thinking about his childhood. I kinda didn't like the ressurection ( not exactly ) of the dead titan shifters since it takes away the meaning of death of you are actually able to interact with them.
Kruger, Grisha, and freckles Ymir coming back to help the alliance??? What??? I get the others but not these 3. Either fanservice or something more is happening under the shadows.
This chapter continued to showcase some more of the past Titan Shifters throughout the ages. What was most interesting of the past Titan Shifters that appeared in this chapter to fight the past alliance members was that some of the same Titan Shifters that appeared during Ymir's flashback in Chapter 122 can be seen fighting the Alliance in this chapter.
I thought it was interesting to finally have Freckled Ymir's description of being a mindless titan get touched upon again. She said that it was like a never ending nightmare. All the shifters Ymir and Eren summoned were asleep in that nightmare, until Zeke and Armin were able to wake them up, if only for a brief amount of time. There was a reason we saw Bertolt crying after Armin ate him. And we were only reminded again in Chapter 135 when Armin saw Bertolt crying again. I don't think these shifters gaining some of there consciousness back is an ass pull at all. We were given some bread crumbs to believe that at least dead shifters exist in some way in Paths after death.
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39.7% thought him saying his titan was useless was just a lie since he wouldn’t be allowed to pursue his interest in science otherwise. 33.6% figured he was telling the truth and his titan didn’t look that useful. 17.4% think that something truly weird like a whale would’ve served that point better (plus, imagine a whale trying to attack the alliance would be hilarious). 9.2% think it’s just an inconsistency (maybe Isayama realised a whale would’ve been *too* funny).
No I'm not calling him Ksaver, I will die on this hill
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The shifter crew that appeared to join the alliance created some confusion among readers. Why, for instance  was Kruger there but not Frieda? Where was Lara Tybur? What was the deciding factor in whether or not a shifter returned for the battle? The most popular in world explanation was that  “Zeke could only awaken those he’d met before” (33.6%). It very  narrowly edged out the more practical reason “It’s so we only see the shifters the audience is familiar with” (32.1%). 16.9% believed the Founding and Warhammer couldn’t be used because those are Eren’s titans. And 14.1% believed the reason specific titans were brought back was ideological - they where the only ones who would side with the alliance.  
I am a bit disappointed that Kruger and Grisha are fighting for the alliance now. It just doesn't really make sense that the people who helped Eren get to this point would help stop him. I'm hoping that this isn't them acting independently and are just being controlled by someone.
Ymir is the one controlling all the titans. Why the fuck is she making them fighting eachother? The titans fighting was silly
With Kruger and Grisha helping the Alliance, at this rate, Carla will come back from the dead and disown Eren.
Eren Krueger would not help the alliance he would work with Eren him and Eren have done the same thing on different scales Krueger to the end was steadfast that he did the right thing
I have been thinking that what if we see Zeke's resurrected (or whatever thing you may call it) titan fighting alongside the Alliance?
  FINGERSTEIN? 2,074 Responses
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A majority of 57.9% are ALL ABOARD the Fingerstein cart train. 27% seem a little perplexed at how this crack ship blew up from only a few panels together. Well - there’s your answer! 15.1% do not approve of Fingerstein.
Isayama goated with the Jeanpiku content tbh as he should
pikujean/fingerstein omg i ship but i ship mikajean also lmao dont @ me 😔🤚🏻
i’m so glad i got fingerstein content after my months of work for it
Fingerstein is the logical shipping of the only two characters with brains still alive.
That image of a horse and cart made me choke
Does jean like pieck or still inti mikasa?
Nice ship tease of Fingerstein from Isayama, Jean and Pieck are both good characters and deserve to be happy. ^^
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Last month, Levi seemed prepared to give up on his promise to kill the beast titan and we as a fandom were as well. So congratulations to the 32.5% who correctly predicted that Levi might still make the kill on our 136 poll!
A majority at 52.1% were glad to see Levi get to fulfill his vow to slay the Beast Titan. After the many chapters of build up, it’s no wonder. 26.5% were just shocked he actually did it - seriously, how many years have we watched Levi ruminating over monke? 12.1% were disappointed and had wanted Levi to let it go. Don’t worry friends, fanfiction is always there for your Zevi coffee shop AU needs. 9.3% have nothing to say about it.
Where's the 'YAAAAS QUEEN' option for Levi killing Zeke tbh!!
I can’t believe Levi actually did it.
i saw the page where levi finally kills zeke before reading the chapter and I was upset bc major spoiler + it was v visually striking or whatever, so i was v pleasantly surprised that it still managed to take me by surprise. Levi is so savage !
After beheading Zeke, how would you read Levi's expression?
Anyone referring to Levi killing Zeke as "fanservice" is a loser who probably hates Levi for his popularity. Why should everyone else fight for what they want, while he gets nothing?
On Levi killing Zeke, I feel like that's narratively sloppy and only serves as some shitty ass way to make Levi relevant, since there isn't really much to his character anymore. Zeke brought the Titans back to help stop Eren, so technically he's apart of the alliance, right? So why does only he have to pay for his sins, and not anyone else who have committed genocide, partook in war crimes, or perpetuated animosity and hatred towards the Eldians?
Zeke is really dead? :((( I'm sad
I hoped Levi would give up on his revenge, but I liked how Zeke died.
I really liked this chapter but I still feel like something is up with zekie boi. He doesn't feel done yet
Obsessed with how Levi achieved his goal and wasn't even that happy about it. It was so funny to see people treat his vow as this holy grail he would only be happy and at peace if he gained and yet...wow. Doesn't look like the only thing that would make him happy was killing Zeke for Erwin after all huh? Imagine that.
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A perfect 50% slice of respondents think the Beast Titan is heading straight for Historia’s baby. After all, we haven’t seen any baby inherit any titan in the story; now’s as good a time as any. 37.6% think titan inheritance is done due to the probable end of the curse soon. 5.5% think with Falco being possibly the only titan alive with Zeke’s spinal fluid in him, the titan will be fully inherited by him. And there are many more thoughts on that subject!
Could someone still eat him? How "fresh" does a dead shifter have to be? ???
All this time I was thinking it will randomly go to a newborn eldian baby
back to the founding titan
Eren inherit  the beast titan
floch will be resurrected
Give it to Reiner
Dam. i wanted it to go to levi:))
honestly i don’t know i’m hoping it could be used in case anyone is like about to die yk? but if not i think falco could take it
i am still not sure zeke is dead tho. bet isayama will throw us a curveball like with the serumbowl, when 90% were already attending armin's funeral and then sic! it's erwin who gets the axe
I believe Eren will end the Titan curse and the Titan power will vanish
I believe that the power of the Beast Titan will vanish forever, together with the other titan powers.
i cant answer this, its either historia or falco.
i couldn't say not with Isayams bizzare ideas lmao
I don't think anyone will inherit it before the end of the series, but not necessarily because the curse ends. It's just who gets it will be irrelevant.
I don't think it's going to be important at this point.
I don’t fucking know at this point anymore lol
I dont think it will be adressed
I think zeke may come back, I still don't think he's done yet
im torn between the historia's baby theory where the baby will inherit it or falco will inherit it completely.
Inherited by Historia's baby if Zeke is dead... but that's a big if!
It was already transferred to Falco before Zeke died
It went to a random Eldian baby,  we probably won't get to know who that is by the end of the manga.
It's in a baby in the fort
Might just disappear.
No clue but this is still pretty stupid.
No clue, I just really hope it doesn't go to Historia's baby like a lot of people are theorizing because I'd prefer an ending where she/he is the first child in 2,000 years to be born in a world free of the titan's rule. It just sounds the most fitting to me.
The Beast power is going to pass through paths where Eren and Ymir are at. It's very difficult to predict even though Historia's baby is a nominee for it.
The beast titan will go back to Ymir in paths
The kid is going to transform in  the middle of being delivered, killing Historia in the process.
Since Zeke was fused with Eren's spine-bug-body, it might me transferred to him.
Why is it so sure that historias baby will inherit it? I mean it could be but is there no other Eldian giving birth ?
Ymir is too occupied with the rumbling and titans to send the power to a new beast. It’s be a bit too coincidental if Historia’s child gets it
Zeke convinced Ymir to return Eldia to monke. Everyone is now best titan
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In our chapter 133 poll we asked if killing Zeke would have any effect on stopping the rumbling and only 4.2% of people thought it would, so we aren’t sure whether to side eye these results or assume a lot of people had a change of heart in the last 4 months.
35.9% agree that Zeke was always the key linking Eren to the full Founder abilities, so his death would put the rumbling on hold. However, just a tiny fraction fewer (35.6%) think we need more info about this, given chapter 122 where Eren convinced Ymir to go with his plan. 16.5% think the halt in the rumbling is just part of a clever ruse by Eren. 12% think chapter 122 made it clear that the Founder’s powers no longer need royal blood, so this development doesn’t make sense.
Outside of killing Eren; Zeke dying seems like the only way the Rumbling could've been stopped. And with all the shows and movies I've seen with the 'leader/controller dies so army stops' it doesn't come across as cheap.
wtf is Eren doing ? If killing Zeke was the way to do it (which is quite weird since royal blood seemed no longer revelant as of 122, but alright, let's admit it), couldn't he have done something to prevent Zeke from leaving paths ????
It was a very confusing chapter. Ymir switching sides and Zeke's death stopping the rumbling made no sense. We need more information.
I really wanna know why the rumbling stopped
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Was it symbolic or aesthetic? Functional or pure cinge? We had to ask about the usually lotus imagery that while beautifully drawn drew scorn from some parts of the fandom. 38.3% called it primarily symbolic, 37.1% saw it as purely aesthetic. 12.8% considered it “annoying Armin worship”, and 7.9% thinking it perhaps there was a functional reason for the character positioning. There where, of course, plenty of write-ins as well...
It looks sick af
In the final moments, Armin gave thanks to everyone around him for lending their strength. A lesser man might have claimed this to be HIS doing, since Armin indirectly triggered the whole turnaround. The humility is genuine and I respect him deeply for it.
xavier holding Armin was kinda cool but not really.
Quite possibly the worst panel in the manga, both in terms of composition (Bert’s hands are not that big) and theme (Kruger wouldn’t side with the alliance)
Something out of a satanic ritual for the crimson king
Stupid Armin wank and the dialogue makes it cringe.
The panel is fine but the dialogue.... good lord, it makes me physically cringe
The positioning is aesthetic and symbolic, but also protective of Armin.
They're protecting Armin
Up until this moment I was so confused by who Xavier was holding. So it was Armin, makes sense, thanks.
This panel remembers me if a panel where ymir had a contract with the devil. I feel like Armin was like the messiah. Im not sure
A great set up to a huge blow to Eren
Aesthetics and function- if there were any of Eren’s goons still active, they could step in before it could get Armin.
agree with points 3 and 4 😭😭😭 please armin gets handed so much shit on a silver platter FOR WHAT
armin best boy don't hear you
armin king
Armin worship. Not annoying.
Its probably one of the best panels in the series, we just need Krueger and grisha motivations to be there
Kinda cheesy but at the same time beautiful
Didn't even realise it was lotus imagery. I thought it was just a cool shot
Don't have a huge opinion, it looks really cool and I bet there can be deeper meaning found in it.
I don’t really know to be honest but I thought the page looked badass
I have no opinion on this except wow grisha chest hair
I loved it! Armin definitely deserved such beautiful imagery. He is trully pure and kind hearted being who wishes for peace.
I think Isayama loves to imagine his panels in a museum or gallery one day.
i thought it looked lame
I thought this scene was a bit corny
I'm already conflicted by who is standing here so I really don't know what to think.
It would be epic without Armong
It's aesthetic, but it also functions as a way to allow the alliance to escape the blast zone before Armin transforms. These titans protect Armin long enough to get everyone else out.
It's Armin supremacy😭😩
It's just cringe.
It's WONDERFUL and NECESSARY Armin worship
It’s a beautiful and touching image, but also a bit too much Armin worship.
It’s a reference to Naruto arriving at konoha to fight pain, that’s exactly what Armin is, a Naruto.
Xaver’s titan can be seen as a devil since it’s a Ram, he’s holding armin in his outstretched hands. I think this is what all the Ymir Apple foreshadowing is, Armin is the apple
probably mostly for aesthetic but also knowing isayama it's probably a bit more than that. i think it shows how armin and his ideologies are key. also, "The Lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures, especially in eastern religions, as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower." really fits aot ngl
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In yet another detour on the route to actually battling Eren, Reiner was seen wrestling the spine creature in the closing pages of the chapter. What kind of battle can we expect from this new challenger? 32% believe it will be a quick one since Armin will destroy it with his blast. 30.8% are not so optimistic, suggesting weird paths shit will happen first. 20.4% believe Reiner will have his Helos moment killing the creature with a spear. 9.3% selected a surprise Ymir with a steel chair.
Reiner will pierce it using one of the broken Eren bones as a spear like Helos personified
something creepy and disturbing will happen idk
Something creepy and mindblowing, no doubt.
The most powerful creature in aot will die by a single dramatic punch
The Spine creature is indestructible.
There won't be a battle against it.
a dumb one.
Reiner is Thor in Ragnarok fighting Jörmungandr, he is going to kill the creature and finish the Titans Powers, just to die soon after.
Both a battle and some weird Paths shit with Ymir
Reiner will die holding it back
Idk. Just hoping Reiner made it out alive.
Dear lord I have no idea, the only thing I know is Reiner Helos
If we get a fistfight a la Heaven's Feel I will cry tears of joy
It'll be inconsequential compared to Eren returning
It’s not the founding spine. The founding spine is with Eren on Paradis and once the alliance realizes that, it will be too late.
Its already dead, next chapter either Reiner is dead or he has a confrontation with Eren
It will be destroyed by Armin’s transformation
I think the explosion is the best chance for it to die, but I don't know if it'll go down that easy.
I think this is probably it for Reiner. After all he's endured, dying a heroic death would be good, despite me loving his character.
Dunno Reiner's all beat up i don't even know if he can withstand what that big ass spine is going to do
Either by using the warhammer spear to kill it , or some weird paths stuff (Maybe talking to Eren)..
Reiner will fucking die, hopefully
Reiner will keep pushing the spine creature back and tackling it to the ground to do all that he can to prevent it from reconnecting with the Founding Titan's head, and then Armin will land the finishing blow to destroy it thanks to the explosion from the  Colossal Titan's transformation.
Probably another asspull or power of friendship bs.
Punch it like Chris Redfield did with BOULDER
Both Reiner and the spine creature will die in the Armong nuke
However way he deals with it, I hope he survives!!!
Can we even expect a battle against it? I was assuming it'd just drop dead sometime lol
who even cares at this point. Whether it is spine-kun or NPC shifters, I am tired of seeing the crew fight mindless opponents.
Why does it care so much about that head? That's not a joke question -- if that body's a Titan, it has options; and if it's a Warhammer construct, the whole thing is a means to an end -- so what does it have to lose?
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The stage is finally set and we will see if Reiner becomes the hero he once yearned to be. 38.7% of respondents think everyone’s a winner everyone was a part of playing the mythical role of Helos. 32.8% say simply that yes, Reiner will become a Helos figure in defeating the spine thing, or Eren, or both. 15.3% say no, for whatever reason Reiner will not become a new Helos. 13.3% think Reiner has already reached Helos status (the world is still in terrible danger but I like that positivity).
can’t wait to see Helos Reiner!!!
Reiner is my favorite character and I'm really torned between wanting him to die because that'd bring him peace, or wanting him to live to see his mom and take care of Gabi and Falco
I got the bad feeling that even Reiner Helos is going to add to that Mong bullshit somehow. I hope I'm wrong.
I'm hyped for next chapter because it will be the time for us Helos believers to rise, but I'm nervous, because I'm sure that it will come with Reiner's death and I'm not emotionally ready for that.
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A pretty solid majority of 62.2% think Eren has more fight left in him. Whaaat, really? Seems out of character. 17.8% think that he’s still in control of the situation, whether he’s dead or alive! 13.4% don’t think he can come back after Armin’s boom, and 6.6% think he may be out of ammo but that Ymir will keep up the fight.
Hope Eren isn't defeated
I think that eren is ready for all of this. Rather hes just die or have another plan but i hope at least the scout know that eren love them and doesnt have other choices.
I am on alliance side but I dont think the fight is over. I want a plot twist and more explanation esp about ymir
Shits an obvious bait lmao. Yams is gonna pull another sneaky on us like he has done since the very beginning. I still haven’t lost faith in Master Yama.
I want Eren to be alive, not because I “like the Rumbling” or because if I’m a Yeagerist (I’m actually pro Alliance), but because I like the story to make literary sense. To me, Eren getting beat in a single chapter after proving that he was incredibly OP was not good writing imo.
If this was genuinely the end, it would have absolute garbage, but every sign points to Eren winning. If you look at the chapter knowing the Avengers have already lost, it's great.
I really don’t think eren is dead. There is no way they would kill him without having any final words
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It wouldn’t be Attack on Titan without a host of new theories with each new chapter! We tried to grab the most common ones to see which had the most traction. A whopping 67% believe there is merit to the theories that Eren knew this was going to happen and it’s part of his plan. Nearly 40% are open to the idea that Eren is remote control powering his titan form from Paradis. About 34% are open to the theory that he’ll touch Historia’s baby to restart the rumbling and 24% haven’t discounted a Lelouch ending. Only 14% of the fandom believe it’s game over for Eren.
my theory is he's faking his death to see if peace is truly achievable - If the Marleyans try to kill the Alliance, the Rumbling will inmediately continue.
I'm holding out for Eren being hidden in the skeleton's ass. Don't get mad if your headcannon doesn't come true. Most people will probably enjoy the ending and that's fine.
Eren hiding like a fckin coward while people are trampled and his friends put their lives at risk for their own goals then Eren using a child to trample some more is the most ridiculous theory I've ever seen.
Eren might wake up and continue his path forward somehow
I hope big twist next chapter
i hope Eren doesn’t just pull a lelouch.
I hope Eren Yeager doesn’t die and I also hope he doesn’t love anyone from “Attack on Titan”
Eren's not done but rumbling won't start again.
Grisha will free Eren from the burden of his consequences that he started all those years ago.
Eren could've disabled the titans powers when he wanted but didn't so he's probably realizing somme illumination from his time with Ymir
Eren wants to die at the hands of the alliance
Eren would try to activate the rumbling again  but there could be a "Miscalculation" that could interfere with his goal (i.e... Historia's child probably inheriting the Beast Titan), Hange: "You said "fight" twice, does this mean it's a two round fight?" The rumbling will restart.
He knows everything that’s happening and he said he will keep moving forward so there’s no way he’s finished yet.
he probably WANTS them to stop him, because he can't stop himself, Honestly don't know, I just know he's alive, monke is dead :(
Eren is not in Paradis, if he was the plotline of Mikasa resolution about killing Eren would be wasted completely because it would avoid making Mikasa having to answer the question and develop a bit of character, despite being set up multiple time during this arc.
I think he has something else up his sleeve that probably isnt mentioned here.
There's so many people said that he will touch historia's baby. Idk i'm alliance but the theory make sense.. I hope not yeah..
What if he's done everything because he knew he would be defeated and that it'd bring peace? He's seen everything happen, if I understood correctly, so he knew he'd be defeated at some point. Maybe that'd mean it was all a part of his plan to bring peace, WHT power is plausible but I don't think he is controlling it remotely in Paradis (that would be a joke on him after all his "moving forward" speech and all). I was thinking about Eren doing the hardening like Annie did to save himself and probably have another card up his sleeve.
He still has some last moments to fight on his own at least, if need be
He wanted to be stopped.
He'll try one final thing, only to be stopped by Mikasa&Reiner for good.
He's actually asleep like we've seen in 131 and like we've seen 2 times before. Armin will talk with his child self in order to help him wake up. When he wakes up, he regrets everything.
he's gonna cry and come back. the end.
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The fandom has far more confidence in getting Eren POV chapter than Historia’s with most respondents thinking we’ll get Eren’s perspective in the next chapter. Our fingers are crossed too!!
I hope we see Eren and Historia's POV next chapter
I just wanna know when we’ll see erens POV I feel like the alliance win is too good to be true. Feeling like there’s gonna be an upcoming twist
there should be eren's pov even though its just him inside the titan saying ARRRRRGGGGHHHH (LOL)
Im fucking dying to see Historia again my girl needs her POV of this shitshow
What we can still get is a conclusion on Eren's future memories, and possibly closing up the plotholes like why did Grisha give Eren his titans. Unless Isayama forgot. Maybe the reason Eren's POV is hidden from us is a SHOCKING plot twist that he planned for his nakama to destroy Hallucigenia-chan and stop the Rumbling. Because as we all know, Eren's new motto is ""I just keep snoozing forward, until I destroy, like, 50% of my enemies, and then I want to be stopped"".
We neeeeed Eren POV, we have too many questions
I'm really most interested in an eren pov.  I want to know what has been going through his mind this entire time and his opinion on the outcome
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If this was the final battle, were you satisfied? For close to 60% of the fandom that answer is yes, with 22.7% saying it surpassed their expectation and 36.6% selecting that while they’d have done some things differently they were satisfied overall.  On the negative end of the spectrum, 21.2% thought there was potential but it was cut short, while 9.5% consider this final battle stupid from start to finish.
I thought the final battle was over very easily, but it’s not a cliche shonen power of friendship win considering thousands of innocent people have already been crushed to death and the political situations with non effected countries will be a mess.
I really hope that wasn't everything
I really hope we get to see Eren have a final moment with the others, specifically with Armin and Mikasa.
We better get one last Reiner Vs Eren fight before this shit ends
It feels too wholesome for a final AOT battle...
It felt a bit too compact. The content could easily be expanded upon to create more impact.
If this is the end of the fight then the ending is pretty dogshit ngl, unless we get Erens titan vs reiner one last time
I really hope Reiner is okay :((
It was strong thematically and the battle was interesting.
Think about all the times a character has delivered their final blow with some snarky, raging or otherwise power-flexing way throughout SNK. When it was Armin’s turn to deliver a finishing blow, he did it with such humble humanity and... dare I say love (no, not ship-wise, just general love and respect for the “other side”). Guys, Armin really SHONE this chapter. Not because he took the spotlight, but because he went forth with love.
Our friend on Twitter, @hooveredbraunie, created a word cloud of responses from each of the 5 ratings from “Rate the Chapter”. We think it’s makes a perfect snapshot of the fandom.
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Looking at the list in it’s entirely, yhe top five most chosen words are:
Amazing [71] Good [42] Monke [38] Epic [37] Awesome [28]
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Eren. Alive. 36% are hoping the fight isn’t over. Eren talking to someone in his last moments is next with 18.7%. Of the less popular options are Historia (10.4%), Mikasa making her move (8.7%), Levi wondering what to do now that Zeke is gone (8.2% ), and someone, anyone,  in the alliance dying (6.1%).
Help i need answers😔
Hange shard when Hange shard when Hange shard when
I just hope eren’s alive
i just hoped to see an alliance death but no
I just wanna see ymir with historia once again
I just want everyone to have a happy ending but that’s nearly impossible now
i just want historia
I'm just waiting for the next chapter for eren to appear
I just want Levi to die. He deserves to rest, god
I just want to see Reiner Bertholdt reunion
I really want Eren to have a final conversation with someone, preferrably Armin or Mikasa but at this point anyone will do.
Next chapter better be an Ererei talk istg
If Eren is going to lose can we at least get and alliance character dying? At least one!??
I just want to see in the next chapter if the fight is really over but with the WHT and
Please stay alive Eren T^T
pls don’t end :( i can’t emotionally take it :(
Historia's baby, it might not be yet.
I just need more answers 😅
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While Twitter (56.1%), Reddit (41.7%), Discord (24.9%), YouTube (20.5%) and Instagram (16.4%) are still the top platforms for discussing Attack on Titan, TikTok (12.5%) , in its debut on the poll, beat out Tumblr (11.2%), Facebook (7.1%) and a whole slew of other platforms.
Hey there!
I’m so scared lol😀
I’m surprised my fav characters are still alive
Is eren and reiner alive?
I'm still hoping that they can have a happy ending. The deserves it after all the fights.
I've heard so many different theories on how this series could end and now that we are on the final chapters almost nothing has gone with my expectations. I was blown out of the water with how this final fight went. With expectations for this series so high its impossible for it to satisfy everyone. But I'm really happy with how everything turned out. A lot of plot threads are being closed up in satisfying ways and I'm content with the character development everyone is getting.
There are a few things I've been disappointed about, like the lack of Eren's point of view. But I'll hold off judgment till the series ends. I think i'll enjoy rereading this section of the story once it's finished. I caught up with the manga around 117 and waiting monthly for these chapters was made everything seem longer that it probably actually was. Overall I'm happy with how everything went.
Zeke sort of reminds me of Johan from monster. both had a messed up asf childhood and life in general. both didn't find pleasures in life at all, like simple pleasures like tea or coffee to life and people. Because they knew for themselves life had no meaning. therefore both of them could do basically whatever they wanted sorta bc life had no meaning to them and was destined to go extinct if that makes sense. To them, their actions were justified bc they had no meaning in life. But armin, this hope in the world, also knew the world was cruel. however he chose to find pleasures in it rather than distrusting it all together. He found hope in his friends and reading and more, even if it meant getting hurt by people. I believe armin will talk. This chapter messed me up man. Zeke used to be my least favorite character cause he was weird but now he's one of my favs. His death was def one of the hardest for me. ugh what a beautiful chapter. I wish they all found meaning in life before.
Where is the scarf?
Just a reminder we haven't had Ackerman immunity to mind wipes become relevant yet! It's time, Mikasa.
what the heck is going on
reiner helos gallirei canon zeke supremacy gabi gang hoes mad
Gabi has lots of potential, and it was smart to have her as a character study. I mean, not only do we get the perspective of a brainwashed child of war, but through her, it was shown that it's possible to end all conflicts through forgiveness. She is also a replacement for sasha (sharpshooter). Levi is no shooter, but I hope he takes Gabi, and/or the other war kiddies, under his wing. I hope Levi could find another purpose, and I'm imagining being a trainer/teacher best suites him. He cares a lot and gives good guidance with his experience and wisened words…
Gay Ymir please come back and marry your wife
Honestly, I was always kinda neutral towards Zeke. Never really loved him, never really hated him. Hated what he did to the Scouts and subsequently to Erwin, but that hate really didn't last long. He was just kinda...there for me. He was an interesting character, and brought a lot to the series, but I guess it wasn't until the chapter with him and Eren as they went through his and their father's memories (the BIG chapter) that I started to warm up (?) to him. I don't know, it's hard to explain how I really felt about him overall. I will admit though, that his death, although very sudden with Levi coming out of nowhere lol, was impactful and I think a really poetic end for him. Him finally realizing the true meaning of living, seeing the beauty of their cruel world at the very end, and helping to bring an end to the Rumbling, left a very good impression on me. So, in the end...I liked Zeke. He was a good character.
Zeke and Armin's talk is... decent, I guess. Like everything in the final arc, it suffered from bizarre pacing issues, so while the core of the talk is decent, we essentially have Armin changing Zeke's entire worldview with 1 small speech. Then SUDDENLY DEAD PEOPLE COME BACK TO LIFE LEVI BEHEADS REINER HELOS ARMIN NUKE RUMBLING IS STOPPED... why the hell did we get two fanservice battle chapters just that all this gets stuffed into one?
I want Levi alive. So he can open his dream tea shop. I want him happy
I was happy to see Ksaver's titan, Armin and Zeke's talk moved me, and I'll admit I never thought the spine creature was sentient until this chapter. I'm sad the series is ending. What do I have left to look forward to each month?
Reiner Helos oh shit
I am very disappointed that is all. I feel betrayed to just read shounen battle manga story at the climax of the story. I thought Trost is over. And trost had less of the naruto tropes.
i can only hope that all the characters can live and end with a happy ending, this is ridiculous, but I hope it ends with a happy ending
I can see why some people wouldn't like it but I personal loved it
I can't answer 50% of this, I think my thoughts are unique lmao
I can't believe we are nearing the end... AOT has been with me for years. It has been a steady companion that has asked me to reflect on my morals and convictions. It has presented different points of view to me that I had to engage with. It has helped me shape my views on the world we are living in. I don't think I am ready to say goodbye to AOT yet. But I have to.
i miss eren
I miss monke
I miss zeke
I need more chapters, man.
I really don't get the hate for it
I really don't like Armin
I realy don't now what iysyama doing
Wish Hanji was still alive
Worst chapter of the entire series. If eren was actually defeated, and being defeated wasn't his intention, this chapter ruined the series and his character.
I sympathize for baby Zeke's struggles and the trauma he had to experience but honestly he ain't special in this manga, everyone has a sad fucking backstory. He was a pathetic little sadist, always puffed up about how Clever™ he was for double-crossing people and yet never seeing the obvious betrayal coming from Eren. I know the justification for that is "aw he cared for his baby brother uwu" but that was what made him so pathetic - for all his posturing about being smart and pragmatic for the Greater Good (which was his justification for the euthanasia plan) he was just as emotional and fallible as all the people he looked down on. His lack of self-awareness and depth of selfishness disgusts me. This ending was too good for him. He died as a martyr and he deserved much, much less. Tbf, for baby Zeke's sake, I am glad he got to see some happy memories of Xaver towards the end, but I thought his death was tasteless and a slap in the face of all the people he murdered before. (*ahem* Mike)
Suddenly grew a soft spot for zeke.
Zeke is honestly such a masterclass in character writing and it is so impressive that Isayama has written so many amazing characters. I started out really hating Zeke for what he did to Miche, and that impression carried for a long, long time, even until it was revealed that he had his own agenda, that he might be playing the long game helping Eldians, I didn't believe it because of what he did to Miche. In fact, it was Eren's cooperation with Zeke that made me turn on Eren post-timeskip. When we got that hint of Zeke backstory, I was actually kind of miffed. Like no way, Isayama, you're not going to make me sympathize with Zeke. Not happening. Yet, after I read the chapter, my thoughts were Grisha is a shit dad. Absolute shit dad. Anyway, I was still glad Eren bested Zeke in Paths, though once the Rumbling activated, I realized that I agreed with Zeke's plan better. So he's really become an interesting character for me, and I was even really excited to see him return at the end of last chapter. I still don't like him very much, but he is incredibly compelling and interesting, and I'm definitely a bit more forgiving of his earlier actions. Miche's death still sucked though.
Zeke is one of the most well written character of all time
Zeke is so fucked up, but he's hilarious and extremely meme-able. He's a tragic, well-written character who committed monstrous acts. If he didn't die here, he should have been locked up for the rest of his life.
Zeke is such a underrated but sad character. He truly taught his plan was the best Eldians. He was brain wash from his own parents and send them into pure titans, while his half brother had a normal childhood. In the end, he sacrificed himself to defeat Eren.
Zeke is super smart and very strong man ; he was defending his own past and his own sadness ; but he lost when he tried to follow his wrong feeling of sympathy toward eren ; he was thinking that he is a victim either from their father; this makes him lost everything he lived for until this moment..
Zeke is very great and one of the most important character to the story, his development also very good, i'll miss him
Zeke jeager was of course the first of the two jeager brothers and surprisingly the first son of Grisha I think as Hajime Isayama presented him it was awesome but I still not sure about his death is he really dead or is there any twist left in the last two chapters but still 🤞🤞 let’s see what is left in the series.
Zeke just wanted the eldians to be free but the way he wanted to make them free was wrong. That’s why I didn’t like him that much. But I think right now I’m sad that he had to die.
Zeke made many decisions in order to achieve his goal of ending the painful cycle of Eldian life, and because of that I feel sorry for him. I feel sad that he felt that he needed to make those decisions, and I’m glad that he was able to finally see the beauty in life at the end.
Zeke's a very interesting character to me. I love the irony of Grisha teaching him how cruel the world is in the hopes that it would radicalize him, only for it to make him wish he was never born. The guy never got the chance to just be a regular kid, except for when he was with Tom Ksaver. Tom acted like a parent should to a child, and as such Zeke ended up following through on Tom's vision rather than Grisha's. He was supposed to save the Eldian people, but came to the conclusion that it would be better if they were wiped out. I'm glad his past was brought up again in 137 where Zeke was contrasted with Armin. Zeke was born into a role with high expectations, compared to Armin who earned his expectations through repeated successes. Armin was able to grow up as the regular kid that Zeke wishes he was. His past traumas also lead him to project his own insecurities, which we can say by his assumption that all Eldians are born to suffer, and in thinking that Eren was brainwashed by Grisha, both of which aren't necessarily true. Overall I'd say Zeke is one of my favorite characters in the series, and I'm just scratching the surface of why I like him so much.
Zeke was used by others in some way, over his entire life. The restorationists goals. Kusaver using him to ease his own guilt. Marley’s military. Eren as well. I can’t help but wonder how he could have turned out if anyone had sincerely given a fuck about his own happiness.
Hate that Historia is continuing to be ignored.
I feel happy that most people are ok, but I just know that it can't last long. I hope they get a fast death at least if it all goes to hell;-;-;
I feel like eren is going to get his full freedom
I feel like it was mega rushed
I feel like people need to chill out quite a bit. Big surprise, the ending does not go according to your theories, who might’ve predicted that? Please take a moment to clear your head of the entitlement you might have accumulated in the last months, sit back and enjoy the rest of the ride. No need to get so angry over every little detail. And if you can’t even do that? You’re free to leave, but please stop spreading hate everywhere, thanks!
I feel like the reaction was so overblown. We have more chapters left, people shouldn’t disown the series now
I haven't cared about the direction this story's been going in since timeskip so I'm just along for the ride
i hope everyone will die at the end
I hope I could get inside that universe
I hope the ending won't be another typical ending like naruto with UMI DA. Whatever it is, I trust in Isayama who is a master in twist somewhat definitely can't wait for the next chapter :)
WTF Cringevangers could defeat him easy like that.. when they fight with yeagerist Annie and Reiner got heavy damage but fight against 9 Titans ? This is too easy to win.. they have not more sacrifice
Yams has done an impressive job tying this work as a whole, in terms of plot, character development, and themes
I hope there's chance for annie and armin being together because i've ship them since season 1 huhu
I hope this isn't a set up for talk-no-jutsu. One thing that set SnK apart from other fantasy/supernatural shonens was the least use of talk-no-jutsu (it was there way early in the manga and anime but still it was least). Overall, I guess when more information/clarification could've been given, we got more talk and a dissatisfying death, I expected more.
I hoped Armin would have escaped PATHS using a big brain plan
I hoped Mikasa would cut Eren out and feed him to Gabi
I just hope eren isn’t dead so that we can get one more plot twist of the series
I want everyone to be happy in the end please
I want levi to be able to tell Eren what he wanted to say to him :))))
it is mostly about zeke and armin but the other characters were also amazing, it is sad to see levi killing zeke with that expression, I'm not sure why but he is like anger to sad. anD MY ARUANI HEART OMGG, ISAYAMA DON'T KILL THEM PLS, JUST ONE COUPLE PLS T_T and additional, we are really not sure where's eren, is he really that head? what might happen next like will he continues the rumbling? who's the father of historia's baby? I hope it will be cleared in the next chapters, Im exciteddd!!
It kinda sucked.
It left a permanent stain on the name of the series, even if the ending is godlike or even if eren wins how the fuck are you going to explain this bullshit that makes zero sense and gives me vibes of a fanfic writer making it?
It left unanswered questions
It left us with more questions than answers, and I hope we get them soon. But it was satisfying overall
i love you isayama🥰😍😘 (pls don’t kill armin or mikasa i cant take this anymore🤣😁🤪🤩)
It makes me question "what will the alliance do next? Is Eren still alive? What happens to Historia?" Next chapter should answer all of that.
It ould have been longer to flesh out each scenario and make it more believable, Zeke's change would be better if a few pages more was used to add more detail to his change. The fight scene should be fine as it is. As for the death of Zeke it needs to be longer, it would have made the audience much more sattisfies, his death is a turning point and it could have played out better if Isayama paid more attention to it. But overall I enjoyed it.
it was absolutely amazing and has a great impact especially on armin, eren and mikasa
It was actually great and I think it's setting up the tone for something big in the next chapter
Truly devastating
u/animew3eb was here
It was all just so rushed and convenient- levi killing zeke like it's nbd, zeke being dead completely stopping their problem, all these random dead people coming back to life it's like - what is this? why rush things this much in the last 3 chapters?  i'm hoping isayama has something up his sleeve but the power of friendship defeating eren's still as of yet unexplained character change has left me super disappointed.
It was amazing as always and still leave me confused on certain parts but that's okay i will understand everything after it ends
It was an alright chapter, about what I really expected, as much as I'd like to I never thought Eren would win and the chapter ended the way I thought it would. With so much negativity surrounding this chapter hopefully the next chapter and the finale will ease people's mind, some people just need to remember this is a Shonen not a Seinen of course the alliance were gonna win.
It was awesome I just hope the last 2 chapters can emphasise this chapter and give it a bit more meaning
It was good definitely unexpected. If next chapter we don't see eren's POV than chapter 137 is bad.
It was good even if cheesy, looking towards 138.
It was good. Had some great moments like Reiner vs the spine creature and Levi fulfilling his promise. Zeke’s ending was really good too. But feel like a lot of potentially pivotal stuff happened with not the best delivery of explaining how/why. This may be revealed more in the final two chapters though so I won’t judge
It was good. The way we got emotions and fight scenes all in one chapter is another peak fiction writing skill from Isayama. As a lot of people think tho, some things shown in the chapter were confusing and kinda out of context, but I guess we'll gonna have all the answers in the last 2 chapters. Ngl, there was some obvious plot armor there in the Alliance side but I think Isayama already gave us enough suffering to ask for more deaths (man, just the thought of how EMA might end after this is more than enough). The ending will definitely define if AOT will go down at the best manga/anime of all time.
It was great! There are a lot of questions unanswered tho
it was great. i got goosebumps but knowing that there are only two chapters left i am really still wondeeing how things would end. knowing a lot of theories are circling on the internet i am also still confused of what will happen next so i am really looking forward on the fina chapters. uuuuuuu i dont want aot to end thoooo 😭
it was kinda confusing but it was really cool
It was kinda lame, I don’t want characters winning through power of friendship.
It was predictable, but the manner in which it was done was very good. I have more mixed feelings for eren since there is a possibility that he is dead.
It was really good, Although I side with eren, it was nice seeing the alliance getting a win
We surprisingly DIDN'T find out about the outcome of the standoff at fort Salta; last month I was sure leaving it as a cliffhanger was a waste of time since it was obvious that they were going to cooperate and aid the Alliance, but now that the Rumbling has been stopped, Maybe the twist next chapter is that the warriors arrive to see their loved ones dead/dying at Marleyan hands?
We're just rehashing the same lessons of previous arcs and we're just supposed to have conveniently forgotten them...both the feeling of powerlessness/futility of living and the message of "true freedom is..." were already covered by Eren himself back in Uprising and then in his convo with Shadis about what Carla wanted for him. Yams are you telling me he didn't learn a thing and we gotta see other people come to the same conclusions? Ok..........
Were in the Endgame now. Eren's seeming death is used to subvert expectations and is from the POV of Armin. He said goodbye to Eren expecting for him to die from the explosion, e does not say it as fact.
What a stupid chapter for my birthday.
While answering a couple questions, this chapter also made me realize that I didn't understand shit :) Maybe once the manga has ended and all my questions are answered, I will finally succeed in understanding this masterpiece.
I'm honestly shocked. I mean, every chapter got me shocked, but DAMN I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S GONNA COME TO AN END SOON WAAAAAAAAAAAH
Again, this this wasn’t enough the full list on write-ins, all 131 pages, are available. View as doc or pdf.
Thanks as always for your support of the community poll <3
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cornacopicimagines · 5 years
best of friends │t.h
Tumblr media
pairing: single dad!mob!tom holland x single mum!reader
words: 9k (oh god, i’m so sorry)
warnings: SMUT, swearing, praise kink, oral (female recieving), slight violence, mentions of verbal abuse/ degration & rough sex if you squint
summary:  Theo y/l/n and James Holland are the best friends that only 8-year-olds can get, their parents though are a little less happy with their lives. For James' dad; Mob-King Tom, he can't seem to catch cupid's arrow. Better yet, he refused to even let the stupid cherub let it fly free. For Theo's mum; y/n, it's her confidence that shakes her love life until there's nothing there. So it was meant to be.
a/n: at first i hated this fic (i still sort of hate the first part) but i think it’s really grown on me :)
part 2
y/n smiled as she waved off the last group of kids, the small children giving her tight hugs before running off to their parents. She truly loved her job; she couldn't ask for anything other than the life she has right now but something has always been devoid. Alas, being a primary school teacher with an 8-year-old son can keep you busy enough to forget about your past problems.
"Muuum," Theo dragged on as he danced around one desk lazily, "when are we going home, I've got some cartoons to watch," he said snappily, y/n debated on whether she should call her son out on his attitude.
"Soon, you little devil," y/n replied, still happily dismissing her students. Seeing as most of the kids had gone or having a chat with their parents, y/n took that as a sign to pack up her classroom.
"I think Molly has a crush on me," Theo told y/n with a wide grin on his face. She stared up at him with a matching smile.
"Really, how do you know that?" y/n asked cheekily, she waited for her son's answer but only got a shrug and a sigh. She chestily laughed as she started to pack up her bag. "That's not an answer little man!"
"Ask James, he agrees with me," Theo defended.
"You two have really been making a ruckus in my classroom, I should probably split you two up," y/n falsely threatened as she slipped on a small touch up of her pale red lip gloss.
Theo immediately ran to the front of her desk with sad eyes, "please don't mum, we'll be extra good," Theo lifted his pinky finger to wave in her face, "I pinky promise."
y/n stared down and captured his tiny finger with hers, sealing the deal. As she grabbed the rest of her things from underneath her desk, she heard the small pitter patter of an extra pair of feet.
"Hi, Ms.y/l/n" a soft worried voice called out, y/n lifted her head to see James Holland with his bottom lip trembling and his eyes filling with hot tears not daring to spill over. y/n almost jumped over the desk to comfort the young boy.
"Oh James, what's the matter?" she asked gently as she gently wiped the liquid from his cheeks.
"I was supposed to-to be picked up-p a long t-t-time ago," James told her through stifled sobs. y/n felt her heart shatter with absolute sadness for this little boy. It had been an hour since school ended, his parents must be late. "I was wondering if I could go home with you until my dad or his assistant can come and get me."
y/n knew that James's dad did some shady business. She wasn't dumb; she picked up on everything. Whenever his so-called assistant would come to get James she would always ask what he did to dress so sharply and the blonde would constantly have a different answer or sometimes he would deflect the question altogether. She also noticed the gun that lay hidden underneath his jacket and the small pocket knives around his waist. She never thought too much about it because James was the sweetest kid on the planet and he made Theo thrilled, she would not take that away from him by alerting the police to a threat that she had nothing but a hunch about.
Theo burst into a roar of excited cheers as soon as the sentence fell off James's lips. y/n shushed her son before turning back to James. "As much as both of us would love that, you can't come home with us without your dad's permission."
"Can't you just call him?" James exclaimed as he corked an eyebrow at her, as small blush arose on her cheeks; sometimes she felt dumber than the kids. As school policy goes, y/n must have a small binder with all the parents' contacts in case of emergencies.
"Great idea," she complimented as she quickly went to make the phone call. Her finger skimmed around the book, finding the last name Holland and the first name Tom underneath James's page. She had heard that name before she just can identify where. Either way, she rang and someone answered after a few rings.
"Hello?" a male voice called out.
"Hi, this is Ms. y/l/n," y/n told him sweetly. "I have James here saying that nobody has picked him up yet," she told him.
"Fuck, I knew I forgot something!" the voice shouted, y/n was 99% sure the boys could hear it, "shit, Tom will gut me like a fish," the man sounded worried and flustered with panic and fear.
"Wait, who am I exactly talking to?" she pondered.
"Harrison, I'm Tom's assistant." Harrison rolled the assistant slowly. An obvious diversion that she wasn't idiotic enough to fall for.
"Well, if it makes any difference, Theo and James have just made plans for James to come home with myself and Theo," she spoke quietly. "Would that be okay?"
The line was silent for a second or two before Harrison quickly responded, "Yes that will be fine, someone will pick him up around 6," he snapped at her before cutting off the line abruptly.
y/n stared at her phone for a moment before she stared at the boys with a wide gleam. "You're coming home with us James and its homemade pizza for dinner tonight!"
With that, the pair of boys rejoiced and the three of them walked out of the classroom and towards the exit.
Tom sat in his impressively large chair, his eyes never leaving the clock that lay between photos of his family and his son James. He had been in meetings all day with people that pissed him the fuck off. All Tom had been looking forward to is seeing his son and spending his time playing with James. But yet, it had been an hour since he should have been out of school, meaning he should have been home 20 minutes ago. There as a few harsh knocks, Tom instantly knew who it was.
"Got some news mate," Harrison told him before he had even entered the room.
Tom let his head lean back and a hoarse groan slips out, "it better be good otherwise, I don't want to fucking hear it," Tom spat, "I've been in meetings all day, just wanna see my son."
"About that." Harrison trailed off. Tom felt his heart stop. He instantly rushed over to Harrison's side. "I forgot to pick James up from school today and-"
"You absolute dumbass!" Tom roared. "Other Mob bosses know who he is. I can't have him walking the school ground by himself he'll get bloody kidnapped!" Tom started to ramble, he hardly ever did such an infantile act. He hadn't rambled since James was left on his doorstep with a note saying he was Tom's son and that was eight years ago!
Tom couldn't help but feel guilt rack his body, a million thoughts ran through his mind and he felt as if he was on the verge of tears, but he refuses to let even one go. Suddenly, he snapped out of it and almost sprinted towards Harrison. His hands clasped around Harrison's collar and brought him in so fast, Harrison's knees buckled at the force and skidded across the hard floor. "If you didn't pick him up, where the fuck is he?"
Tom watched as Harrison gulped loudly. Tom hated getting violent with Harrison, but with the safety of his son. Tom would mow downfield of people if it meant James was alive.
"He is with his teacher and her son. She said that I have to pick him up later," Harrison told him weepily. Tom didn't know if it relieved him to know that his son was with good hands with his teacher, who Tom had only heard good things about from Harrison or that his right-hand man let his son go off with a woman Tom has never met. "Listen, she said they are making homemade pizza and that we are welcome to join her when I go pick James up."
"Hm, pick him up when it is necessary," Tom grunted as he walked off, suddenly much calmer than he was before. Harrison regained his composure and ran to Tom's side.
"No, I think you should go pick him up," Harrison told him. Coming from anyone else, Tom would have their tongue cut out, but Tom felt obliged to let it slide after his recent outburst at Harrison. "I think it would be good for James to see his own father come pick him up for once and it wouldn't hurt to meet Ms. y/l/n," Harrison spoke the last part with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
"Before you scheme and manipulate your way into making me do something, you know I don't want any woman taking advantage of me- again," Tom hated saying that sentence, he hated giving James's mother the satisfaction that she broke the heart of the world's hardest mobster. That a dancer from a strip club he owned broke the one heart that was never meant to; his. Tom took it as a sign that love wasn't in his card, only single parenthood. Though deep down, Tom wanted someone else, he didn't want to sleep around with expensive strippers and high-end prostitutes for the rest of his life, he would not die with that being his greatest achievement in the sex department. He'd never admit that to a single soul.
"Come on, get back on the horse," Harrison told him gleefully, "She's a nice woman and you've always complained that all the girlfriends you've had since James have hated children, well she works with your son almost every day. There's a fucking jackpot right in front of you, mate."
Tom groaned in disapproval, "How do you even know she's single, she got an 8-year-old son, she's married" he sighed
"You have an eight-year-old and you aren't fucking married you twat," Harrison scoffed, "plus I've never seen a ring on that finger," he held up his ringer finger and swirling it in his face.
"I don't want to do this anymore, Harrison," Tom complained as he smacked Harrison hand away, "I think it's time to give up, my schedule is too busy, I can barely see my own fucking son!" Tom called out as he rested his hands on his hair, "How can I sustain an actual relationship?"
Harrison said nothing but stared at his best friend. To Harrison, Tom looked flustered, angry and tense. Harrison knew that Tom blamed only himself for the misfortunes in his life, even though all the shit that was happening to him wasn't his fault at all.
Tom could see Harrison was pondering at him. He hated it. "If I do this, will you give it a fucking rest," Tom compromised. Harrison looked at him smugly.
y/n stood at the messy benches of her kitchen, shredded cheese fell everywhere and a three quarterly cut pepperoni stick was about to fall off. A warm and delicious smell over the house from the full oven; it was her favourite thing. Currently, y/n was finely chopping basil and rosemary while the two boys sat at the island table, flour and sauce almost covered the entire table and the power creates a ring around the boys.
"Now, Theo do you want to tell James how to lay the pepperoni to make sure it doesn't get all soggy," y/n asked him sweetly, trusting him enough to not have to turn around completely.
"Yesmum!" Theo called out as if she wasn't in the same room. She chuckled to herself before she dumped the herbs into a bowl and came over to the table, sitting on one of the free chairs.
y/n watched as Theo taught James the perfect placing of pepperoni on the spare pizza. It was if y/n intrigue of James's father had hit an all-time high as she stared at the young boy. Before she taught James, she remembers hearing a lot of rumours about James's father from the other teachers and even other mothers about how he was mysterious and them handsome. She used to giggle at the rumours; she supposed that some lonely suburban housewives concocted the rumours, that they had nothing better to do than lust after the young bachelor because their husbands can find the g-spot.
But now that she is teaching James, the rumours seem to come alive the longer she knows the boy. She can't help but fall into the trap of her primal curiosity because of a stranger she's never even met and that very stranger could deal with a shady past or worse a shady present.
"So, James, how your dad?" y/n asked innocently. James stopped placing the toppings to talk to her (much to Theo's disapproval).
"Oh, he's awesome, I don't get to see him a lot but when I do it's amazing," James squealed happily. y/n cocked her eyebrow at the boy.
"What do you mean, you don't get to see him a lot', doesn't your dad pick you up from school every day," y/n pressed, she knew she shouldn't be asking him these types of questions but she couldn't help it and James seemed happy enough to answer.
"My dad partner picks me up, his name's Harrison, and he's the best," James smiled widely as Theo tried to get him to pay attention.
"So, what does your dad do?" y/n queered again, genuinely interested in James' answer. The little boy scratched his head a bit before shrugging his shoulders in confusion, y/n laughed sweetly. "You know how I work as your teacher-"
"And you're the best!" James cut her off suddenly.
"Thank you, but what does your dad do during the day," she spoke quietly but it appeared James got the memo.
"My dad does deals with people where he shouts at them and sometimes, I see this icky dark red stuff on him, but dad just tells me it's just paint," James replied sweetly unaware of y/n shocked face. Sure, she had her doubts and suspicions, but she never expected them to be true. Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. She has the son of Tom fucking Holland in her house, likely without his knowledge. She'd be lucky if Tom leaves her bloody and bruised. y/n didn't want to believe that this angelic and adorable boy has the world's most feared mobster has a father. How the fuck did she not notice the queue with all the bodyguards that come along to pickup time, the expensive stuff that he brings to class and why Harrison is always wearing a very expensive suit just to bring an eight-year-old back home.
"We're done, ma," Theo called her out of her anxiety-driven haze. She smiled sheepishly as she took the pizzas from the boys and put them in the oven. "Are you okay, mum?" Theo asked again as he crawled off the chair and went to throw the scraps in the bin.
"Yes sweetheart," y/n replied shakily. What was she going to say to him, how was she going to explain, how is she going to keep her son safe, what if she-
The doorbell rang, the sound almost deafened her. y/n steadied her nerves and walked over to open the door. Outside stood two bulky 6'4" men and a nicely dressed one in the middle. For some odd reason, y/n felt her cheeks heat and her heart rate pick up. The messily pushed back brown curls seemed to fall perfectly in place and frame his face. Massive diamond rings laced his fingers as he slightly tapped at his wrist, that she might add was decorated stunningly with pronounced veins that made her weak.
"Um, welcome," y/n spoke quietly, the man in the middle (who she assumed was Tom) stared at her darkly before stepping inside. The warm lighting of her hallway seemed to illuminate Tom's features y/n noticed the sharp jaw, and she was just able to make out his dark brown eyes underneath the Versace sunglasses. "Hi, you m-must be James's dad, I'm Theo's mum; y/n," she extended her hand to meet his.
Since she opened the door, entrancement seemed to flow through him. Sure, it wasn't romantically at first, but the woman surely intrigued him. She had her hair tucked behind her slightly sauced ears and behind a flour-covered apron seemed to be a tight-fitting red pin-up dress, which he compliments shows off her curves nicely. Tom felt like he had to smile at her, not in a joking way but in a way that he couldn't explain. In a way that he had to smile when he saw Tessa trip over her own feet. It was adorable; she was adorable.
When he heard her speak, it felt like a breath of fresh air had hit him. He felt as if he was in his childhood home again and she was the beautiful nanny Tom would have had a crush on. Tom felt instantly out of place when he walked in. He was so used to the dark setting and furniture of his massive mansion. He was so used to walking the long empty halls and going to bed in a vacantly giant room. Now though, her home felt so cosy. The walls were tight enough to feel warm but wide enough to not squeeze you. The rooms seemed busy with colours and clothes and her kitchen was small but still seemed homey.
In an act of complete defiance to himself, Tom thought he could live here if he wanted, and he wanted to. It was so different from his regularly scheduled life, her home, her arrangement and even y/n herself made Tom feel so out of place that he had to give her all his undying attention as if she was a magnet of everything Tom needed to balance his life. What the fuck is going on with him? So he snapped himself out of it.
"Where's my son," Tom asked her. He tried not to sound like a total dick, but it was hard not to. Tom felt worse when he saw y/n flinch slightly after he snapped, "I'm sorry," Tom has never apologised to anyone other than his son, he has to get his shit together quickly.
"Oh no, it's okay," y/n smiled warmly, the apology from the mobster made her feel a little better about her situation. "James is hanging out with Theo, you're welcome to stay if you'd like," she invited. Tom felt like he had to stay, and it didn't help that when James saw him in the hallway, he started to cry and whine.
Tom immediately ran to his side, but James pushed him away and hugged Theo, which he happily reciprocated.
"No, I'm not going, you can't make me!" James yelled furiously as he turned his back to his father. Tom sighed loudly. He bent down and placed his hand against James's back.
"Come on, little man, I don't want to intrude," Tom explained sweetly, his hand rubbing small circles. y/n didn't know a man such as Tom Holland could speak that softly and sweetly; it made her want to swoon.
"He's not in-intruding Mr Holland," Theo told her quietly. Tom noticed the boy had stumbled over the hard word. He couldn't help but admit defeat and regained his composure.
"Harrison told me you were making pizzas, it's been a while since I've had some well at least homemade ones," Tom announced loudly, "so I guess we are staying."
The two boys rejoice before they made their way back to the TV and left Tom and y/n by themselves. y/n awkwardly made her way to the kitchen, and Tom dismissed the two bodyguards behind him and happily followed her.
As he walked down the hallway, he took slight notice of the different photos that hung on the walls. Most of them were of Theo, one had him in a karate uniform holding a trophy and a toothy smile while another had a photo of y/n and Theo at the park. Tom couldn't help but smile at them. Once more did he have the feeling of need for all of this to be in his life, he wanted more, correction he needed more. He squeezed through her slim doorway and stumbled into y/n's endearingly kitchen.
He had never seen a mess like her kitchen; he saw flour on the floor and sauce on the cupboards. Tom couldn't help but let a small chuckle escape his lips as he sat opposite her.
Tom wasn't an idiot. He could see how scared he was making her just by sitting closer to her. y/n on the other end of the table was almost shitting herself, she could feel her throat becoming dry and tried her best to avoid connecting their eyes even if she desperately wanted another peek at his warm brown eyes.
Tom stared at her with guilt racking his body, "I will not hurt you," Tom told her gently and for some odd reason, he fought back the urge to hold her trembling hand as he spoke. y/n didn't believe him, she knew deep down that this is what he says to his victims before he blows their fucking brains out, until "I promise." Tom had even surprised himself with his words. He has promised nothing other than when he promised his son he could ice-cream for dinner one night, Tom wasn't sure what was washing over him but worse he didn't know if he liked the feeling or not.
Tom waited for her response. He waited for y/n to give him any cue to tell him she felt safe around him. Finally, y/n lifted her eyes to meet his. Tom hadn't really gotten a good look at the door. Her eyes matched her whole persona, it almost entranced him. They were young but filled with such wisdom and knowledge; he didn't know what to do. It was an obvious y/ec, but it was like he was experiencing the colour for the first time in his 27 year life.
y/n slowly lifted her eyes to meet his and Tom's heart jumped into his throat. Never has a woman had this effect on him; it addicted him. Tom spotted a faint smile on her sauce, dusted lips and couldn't help but return the favour. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be this cold towards you," she spoke softly.
"Oh, it's fine. I get it all the time," Tom responded with a small giggle.
"That's awful," y/n immediately protested, her full attention on him.
"What I do is awful sweetheart, it comes with the job," he told her as he leaned back in his chair. y/n pulled back, how could she be so dumb?
Tom noticed her sudden shift in mood and cleared the air, "I don't mean to pry but is Theo's father around, I didn't notice him in any of the photos," Tom asked awkwardly, he genuinely wanted to know but immediately realised his mistake, "or is that not a talking topic?"
"No, it's okay," y/n responded with a light chuckle, something Tom desperately wanted to hear more of, "Theo's dad and I split badly and I haven't spoken to him in years," the memory still haunts y/n but she could only let fragmented pieces out at a time, "Theo has never met his father and I intend on keeping it that way."
Tom's brain started to concoct a sadly romantic fairy tale with both of them but he quickly scolded himself. Suddenly, y/n perked up. She jumped from the table, took one pizza out of the oven, and started to cut it.
"What about you?" y/n asked with her back turned.
"What about me?" Tom responded, nobody has ever asked him that.
"A good-looking man like you with a son has to be married," y/n exclaimed before placing a pizza in front of them both and calling for the boys, giving them their pizza.
"Sadly, no, I'm not married," Tom chuckled as he picked up a piece. "I had James with his mother on a whim I guess." Tom saw y/n cocked her eyebrow in confusion. "That's all I'm letting out." Tom crossed his arms and leaned away.
y/n though leaned in and batted her eyelashes, "No, you got me intrigued," y/n whined. "If you tell me, I will tell you my backstory the next time we meet."
"We're going to meet again?" Tom smirked widely, suddenly pulled into her spell. Tom saw the heat rise to her cheeks and her face scrunch up as she tried to rack her brain for a proper answer. She was gorgeous; he wanted to stare at her face for all eternity.
"O-of course," she stuttered, tripping over her own tongue suddenly. She doesn't know why she's acting like this. Sure he's a godly handsome man that is ticking all of her boxes in a matter of moments but her brain seems to keep forgetting that she's sitting just a few feet away from the King of the English Mafia. A man who could kill her in a second, still she couldn't help the primal attraction that was cursing through her.
Tom held his hand out to her. "All right darling, it's a deal," he spoke lowly. Any logical person would have kept their hand to themselves. Any reasonable educated person would not raise their hand and shake Tom's. y/n was a logical and educated woman, but not with Tom around. So she took his hand in hers and shook slowly.
"Jame's was- how do I say this? Not planned." Tom sighed as he played with the pizza in front of him. "When I first got control over the Mafia. I bought this strip club just down the street. I used to go in there almost every night. I thought if I went in it would make me feel like a true Mafia King. The Mafia King who sleeps with whoever he wants whenever he wants, but I guess I am more of a romantic than I thought. There was this girl, she was interesting, and I found her mesmerising from the second I saw her. So like an idiot I started to see her only, I bought her things, I gave her safety and let her decide in the Mob. I guess one night I forgot to put on a condom and she left me the very next night. Nine months later, James was wailing on my doorstep with a small note saying 'I am so sorry, he's yours and I can't look after him', I still remember the words on that stupid fucking note," Tom felt his voice crack, he peered over to James who was eating his pizza and pretending to fight the bad guys on the T.V, "I adore my son with every fibre in my being but I just wish things were a little different."
Tom swivelled around and saw y/n almost in tears, "I'm sorry," y/n snapped out of her emotional haze and started to wipe away some tears, "I don't know what came over me."
"That's all right, my mum was in tears for days after James arrived." Tom stared down, remembering the feelings of the room on that day, "happy tears."
y/n felt an overwhelming surge of emotion hit her like a truck. She has heard no one talk with such passion. "Wow, that's um-" she blushed, "quite a story."
Tom gave her a weak smile. He noticed the blush that bubbled to the surface of his cheeks. Tom noticed a lot of other things while she sat opposite him. He noticed the small dimples that would peak out if she smiled. He noticed the freckles that perfectly sprinkled her skin. He was sure that if he sat here for long enough, he could count every one of them.
"Is there something on my face?" y/n's concerned voice snapped him out of his lovesick haze. Tom shook his head slightly before y/n took the back of her hand to wipe the non-existing grime off her cheek only to smear sauce all over her.
"Well, now there is," Tom laughed before he leaned over and wiped the sauce with his napkin. y/n came closer to help him reach her but in the process only pushed her cleavage up, causing Tom's chair to slide out from under him. Their faces were so close, y/n felt the warmth from Tom's body wafting and swirling around her as if he was entrancing her. Problem was, she was fully under his spell now.
"Are you going to kiss my dad?" James ecstatic voice called out abruptly. y/n almost fell off her chair just from the pair eyes. Theo was standing just behind James with a smile that matched his friend as they watched their parents compose themselves.
Tom tried to piece an answer to give his son while still leaving his options open with y/n. "None of your business little man," Tom faked growled as he tickled James and Theo's bellies, causing them to run off squealing with excitement.
Tom turned around to face her, the faint glow of the kitchen made y/n look like an angel. He felt overwhelming an urge to fall to his knees and pray to her, but he slid it to back of his mind. Hoping that maybe he could do it soon.
They talked for what seemed like a second but in reality; they had been talking for an hour. Tom would give every cent away just to keep hearing her sweet-like honey voice. y/n as well couldn't get enough of him, the more she allowed herself to open up to him the more she seemed to love his company. He was intelligent, well-spoken and off the record; he was so goddamn attractive. y/n believes she was to go to the nearest church just for having him near her. Still, he made her feel safe. He made her feel something that she hasn't felt since Theo's father left her. It scared her. Her heart picked up and her brain started to overwork itself. He was just humouring her; he would leave her in a heartbeat; he's got rows of women begging to sleep with him, why would he want her?
"Oh god, w-would you look at the t-time," y/n stuttered as she rushed to get him out of the house before she broke down in tears. y/n jumped out of her chair and almost threw the plates into the sink.
Tom stood up in a panic. He was having a wonderful time with her, why was she so eager to get herself alone?
"It's only a quarter to ten," Tom chuckled as he checked the watch on his wrist. y/n didn't want to make him leave. If it were up to her, she would let the kids' sleepover and pull him into her sheets as fast as possible but her subconscious had other plans.
"I'm sure the King of The Mafia has a busy schedule," she replied as she ran to get the boys' plates and get them back to the kitchen. She was right, Tom did have a lot happening tomorrow. He was most likely going to get his hands dirty. He kept his mouth shut on that remembrance.
"Well, how about you come over to mine tomorrow night," Tom suggested. y/n stood dead in her tracks. "I need to repay you for this wonderful night." A blush formed on her cheeks.
She sighed and before she could even let a single syllable out-, "We would love to Mr. Holland!" Theo's voice shot up. His head appeared just behind her with a straight smile. Tom immediately matched Theo's, knowing y/n couldn't refuse the two of them.
"Yes, we would love to and we will-" y/n head dropped, "and we will be there."
Tom let himself fist bump the air as he went to get James off the couch. "How's 9:30 sound, I have some stuff to deal with beforehand?"
"Sounds g-great," y/n sighed. Tom quickly pecked her cheek as he went for the door. y/n turned to him in disbelief.
"Can't wait angel," Tom whispered just before he closed the door. Jesus Christ, he would be the death of her.
"He seems like a nice guy," Theo blank voice rang out. He leaned up against the back of the couch as he raised his eyebrows at y/n suggestively. she gave him a light smack on his arm.
Tom sat in his chair. The cloud of smoke and the sounds of ragged panting wafted over the room. Percy's head drooped low as he waited.
"Where's your fucking brother Percy?" Tom asked non-nonchalantly. His eyes never wavered off the man.
"Like I told you buffoons before," Percy lifted his head weakly, "I have no clue where my crackhead brother is," Tom glimpsed his prize. Percy's sweaty hair stuck to his head, the crusted blood started to fall from the gash on eyebrow onto his bound feet. Percy stared at him with one eye open; all he could achieve. Tom smiled gleefully.  
"Don't you fucking lie to me, you little shithead!" Tom roared. His hands slammed down on the desk. Everyone to jump. Tom paced around to lean on the front of his marble desk. "I have some very important people coming in about-" Tom glanced at his watch, "10 minutes."
"I will not rat my own fucking brother out," Percy responded defiantly. Tom's patience was thinning with every tick of the clock.
"I don't want to hurt you, Percy," Tom faked a smile, "not tonight at least. So you better make this quicker than me taking a fucking piss." One of his men pulled Percy's hair back, "Where is you goddamn brother."
Percy felt the barrel of Tom's gun roughly shoved up against his temple. He fought back a tear. "Columbia, trying to smuggle your drugs into Ecuador," Percy revealed.
The door swung open to reveal a completely un-phased Harrison. "They're here."
Tom immediately straightened up. "Perfect Timing!" Tom started to his men, "get rid of him." As his men dragged Percy out of his office. Tom straightened his coat as wiped off the dried blood on his chin. Harrison chuckled lightly before Tom ran out.
"They're in the upstairs hallway," Harrison called out, but Tom was already too far gone. 
The massive painting loomed over y/n. She had completely forgotten how powerful Tom was, the matter that Tom commanded respect had slipped her mind. He stood in a black suit. Like something straight out a mobster movie. she giggled to herself at that thought.
"I begged my mother not to have me painted, but she insisted," Tom called out to her. y/n jumped at his voice but softened when she saw him approaching in the same outfit as the portrait.
"Well I think you look devilishly handsome," y/n responded with a wide smile, a smile that made Tom's heart flutter. As he got closer, he noticed the absence of a certain 8-year-old.
"Where's the munchkin?" he asked as he searched around her.
"He's upstairs with James. He took Theo's hand and ran off as soon as we stepped into the door," she laughed. Tom couldn't help but smile along with her. He wondered if she let this side of her out often. Genuinely giddy and joyous. "Do you look at most women like this?" She broke his concentration. y/n stood there with her eyebrow quirked and a smirk plastered on her face. Tom begged whatever god was up there to allow him just a single kiss.
"Only to you, angel," Tom responded, his pearly white teeth shining through a wide smile. y/n's cheeks flustered and her whole face glowed red. He was pushing all of her buttons, wasn't he?
"Come upstairs, I want to show you something," Tom exclaimed as he captured y/n's hand within his. Tom led her up a small flight of stairs and into a large room. The dim bedroom had red plastered everywhere. The carpet was a soft red velvet and the sheet; a luxurious red and black silk. Hell even the walls were painted with a deep maroon. y/n looked over to him with shock. "Dont worry sweetheart, the surprise is outside," Tom chuckled before his calloused hand landed on the small of her back nudging her softly. y/n's breath hitched into the back of her throat.
y/n pushed the glass doors. The dense forest of trees sparkled in the bright moonlight. The faint glow of London's lights dimmed in the background. She knew this might not have been the most aesthetically pleasing view, but it felt more than it looked. The safety and security of the view made her swoon. "Is this a date, Mr. Holland?" y/n smirked as she sat down in the glass chair.
Tom had never heard his last name sound so sweet.
"Only if you want it to be Ms. y/l/n," he responded, quickly trying to conceal his blush.
She stared out for a moment. y/n didn't know why, but she felt like a shy teenager again. A girl sitting next to a hot guy who has no real interest in her. It was nostalgic in some sick way.
They talked for hours. Tom couldn't get enough of her. It was like she was some beautiful drug. A drug so addictive, he's hooked after one night. Every time a laugh surpassed her soft lips, Tom can't help but let his heart flutter. She, too, was quite enjoying herself. y/n let her walls down slowly but surely. The more he talked, the more she leaned. The more she felt as though this was fate. That though was a juvenile thing to even fathom. So y/n wondered what her life would have been if she met Tom before her ex. Would she be happy or would she still be silently crying to herself to make sure Theo didn't hear even a peep.
A curt knock at the door interrupted them. A middle age woman peeked her head in.
"They're both in bed," she spoke happily. "It took a while to get Theo off to sleep though."
y/n giggled, "I'm not surprised."
Tom stared at her for a moment, imagining that Theo and James were their sons, and she was his wife who always seemed to amaze him. Maybe in the near future, he thought to himself.
"Thank you Ms Smith," Tom smiled warmly at her, y/n looked over to him in childlike shock.
"You have a nanny!" y/n poked Tom in his bicep. He gently swatted her finger away.
"Less about me, angel," Tom sighed. "Now, we had a deal," Tom's eyebrow cocked, and a smirk filled his face.
y/n smiled weakly at him. I will need a shit ton of booze, she thought. She grabbed the bottle of expensive wine and poured herself a glass. She gulped it down. Then she poured another one, drinking it down quicker than the first one. Finally, one more glass of wine went down, and she was ready to open her mouth.
"Mind saving a little for me, angel." Tom chuckled lightly, y/n made work getting him a glass (and more for herself wouldn't hurt.)
"Okay, so it was my last year of high school. I had been fawning over this guy since I was twelve. Then, out of nowhere, he's pulling me into empty stalls and telling me he can't be without me and he's in love with me," y/n started, she was cut off by the man next to her.
"How could he not?" Tom quipped as he took a small gulp of his wine. y/n gave him a hard glare as she tried to steal his attention away from the flush of her cheeks.
"Anyway, it took a bit of time but like the idiot I am, I gave in. We went on a few dates; we were happy for a good while. Until those two stupid fucking lines," she felt her voice break. Her head started to feel dizzy. Like it would roll off her neck will the snap of a finger. "Maybe, I was feeling all maternal, and I told him I was pregnant. To my surprise, he stayed with me for my first trimester. He refused to tell his parents, I of course, had to confess to mine. Sometimes I think that was the first red flag. It wasn't until the middle of my third trimester things went downhill. It's normal for women to put on a little weight when they're pregnant. Obviously, he didn't have a fucking clue." y/n felt herself, get more furious and more upset with every word that rolled off her tongue. "He started telling me 'You look enormous', 'I have a fat whale for a girlfriend, 'I wish you had aborted that thing, so I wouldn't have to look at you like this'," She was in tears now, the salty liquid dripped from her cheeks onto her dress. Tom knelt in front of her, his hands rubbing small circles on her knees. "He abandoned me, right when it counted." She started him. Tom felt his heart shatter. "Everyone leaves me Tom."
"I'll never leave you, y/n" Tom reassured her, he took her shaking hands in his. y/n peered down, she shook her head.
"Tom, you don't want me," y/n sobbed, "No one does, it's okay."
"y/n," Tom hovered above her, his palms rested on her warm cheeks. "I want you, more than I have ever wanted something in my life." Their eyes met. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on."
y/n was in disbelief, her hands rested on his wrist. Her cries stopped as soon as she felt his thumb stroking soft circles on her cheek.
Tom still saw that look in her eyes. The look of a woman so broken by a man who never loved her, who took advantage of her admiration. Something Tom needed more than air to breathe. He was making it his mission, that y/n would not leave his home until she finally knew that not only did her son appreciate her, but he did just as much.
So, he took a chance. He bent down and encaptured her lips with his. She tasted like everything, he dreamt of. She tasted like the cakes his mother would make for him on his birthday. She was the breath of sweet excitement when he smelled homemade pancakes. It surprised him he hadn't completely dissolved at this simple touch.
y/n sat in shock for a moment. Her brain tried to catch up to his movements. He didn't move against at first. She pressed into it. Her hands gripping slightly at his wrists as she reciprocated the tender kiss. She, too, felt the satisfaction of knowing what he too tasted like. She took notes of all the little details; the taste of freshly smoked nicotine, the smell of his cologne wafted around her; the pronounced viens in his hands. She was in heaven.
Their lips moved against each other. It wasn't needy or rushed. It was steady and passionate. y/n has experienced a kiss like this in her 24-year-old life. "Take me to the bedroom," she spoke through mousey breathless moans. Tom pulled away completely at this.
"I don't want you to feel like I'm taking advantage of you," Tom told her sweetly, y/n hands caress his cheek gently as she gave him a warm smile.
"You're not taking advantage of me Tom," she stood from her chair, never letting her eyes tear from his, "I want this."
Tom beamed. His hands snaked their way to the underside of her bum, pinching softly. Instructing her to jump, which she happily obliged. y/n could feel him, grasp at her bare thighs. Every time he touched her skin, it burned with sinful passion.
Perhaps it was the one too many wines she had downed in less than a minute or that this was the first man she's really been intimate with since Theo's father left. Either way, her skin felt so susceptible to each kiss her laid on her. Hyper sensitive to every pull at her skin. So responsive to his touches.
Tom took his time laying her on the sheets. He took his time to look at her flushed skin in the dim lighting at how she looked like something sent from God. Why God was sending him something in the first place was a question for later. As he sauntered away from her to lock the door, y/n noticed the decor until the feeling dawned on her. Was she really about to sleep with Mafia King; Tom Holland. She had only one answer- obso-fucking-lutely.
Tom tenderly pushed her onto her back, his face now level to hers. y/n thought she looked as red as a tomato, Tom would agree but wouldn't protest at all. He laid a soft kiss to her lips, then a slightly harder one to her neck, then to her collarbone. His hands snaked up her dress. His fingers clutched her hips, pulling her clothed heat closer to his already painful hard groin.
y/n watched every move he made, every attempt to bruise her skin. Tom whined quietly when his lips met the fabric instead of her flesh. y/n giggled and lifted her dress over head and onto the floor next to her.
Tom couldn't help but pull away to take a glimpse of her. Her flushed breasts hidden behind a plain black bra. Most wouldn't think too much of it, but he couldn't help himself. Tom could see her hardened nipples peeking through the material. He pulled the cup down slightly. Tom heard her hiss quietly at the sudden exposure. His lips came down to the bud gently. His teeth pulling at the erect skin ever so lightly only to flick the nub quickly. Hearing her quiet moans and praises spurred him on. He needed more.
"T-tom please," y/n whimpered quietly, her fingers tangling themselves in his messed brown curls. Tom smirked up at her.
"What are you begging for angel face," Tom asked her innocently.
y/n couldn't get a single word out with Tom's fingers dancing at the skin near her soaked panties. Even dipping underneath them for split seconds.
"Do something, with y-your," she struggled. Tom was enjoying every moment. "f-fingers."
"Your wish is my command," Tom rasped out as he pulled her panties down her legs and got between them. He let his pointer finger paint a long strip up her slit. y/n's hips buckled. "You're so wet doll, being such a good girl."
y/n could only let out a hum. Tom wanted to hear that divine voice of hers, so he blew a wisp of air against her clit making her cry out. He was lucking the boys' rooms where so far from here. "Look at me, I want to see those gorgeous eyes gloss over when I make you cum," he promised as he laid a chaste kiss to her inner left thigh. y/n couldn't wait another moment, she might explode. Slowly her eyes met his. His face was mere centimeters from her cunt.
Tom didn't take a second longer. As soon as her eyes were on him, he went in hard. His tongue latched onto her throbbing clit, pulling and sucking so hard it was audible for the both of them to fawn over. He couldn't forget about the promise he made, so his digits circled her hole delicately before he slipped two of his fingers into her.
y/n felt her whole body go numb. It was a feeling so exotic to her. Yet, here she was. Barely able to make a sentence as she tried to bite back constant moans that begged to be let out. Her toes curled even picking up some sheets beneath her.
Tom could feel her fingers pulled at the roots of his hair. He couldn't but moan against her pussy, causing vibrations in every nerve in her already sensitive body.
"Oh my god, y-yes," She let slip. y/n swears she's starting to see stars now. "F-fucking hell, you're a-amazing."
Tom allowed his fingers to hit deeper inside her with that comment. He was making her cum now, or he will blow without even feeling her yet. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if that happens. He pulled his mouth away from her clit with a loud pop, letting his digits do all the work. He watched her writhe and pull at anything she could grasp. God, she was so fucking perfect.
"Christ, j-just like that," y/n encouraged him, "I'm going to c-cum."
"Do it angel face, cum all around my fingers." Tom whispered to her, "let me taste your sweetness."
y/n felt her first orgasm wash over her like a tsunami. She needed to scream her heart out but quickly smothered her moan in the pillows beside her. Tom peered at her intently. To him, he was watching an angel. Seeing her cum is now his new favourite thing. Being the one to cause such pleasure within her makes him feel as though he's on top of the world. His fingers rode her through her orgasm until she hit the end. Her hair sprawled out as she tried to catch any breath left in her lungs. Hell, she was trying to regain some of her sight. Tom brought his fingers to his mouth. His tongue licked them clean. Her juices tasted like nothing he's ever had before and he immediately knows, there is no way he's letting this go.
Tom stripped himself bare now. He crawled above her once more. His curls falling slightly in his face. y/n opened her eyes to see him on top of her. y/n took this moment to run her hand down his torso. Each time her fingers lapped over a muscle, she felt herself recapture her arousal. Her fingers found the base of his dick.
He was bigger than what she thought, bigger than her ex. It started her a tad when she felt his hard length. She started pumping his slowly. Tom's arms almost buckled at the feeling.
"If you keep doing that, I'm going to cum into your hand," his pulled her wrist away from him to above her head, "and I just want to pound this sweet little cunt into oblivion." The words cause y/n to whimper, eager for him to fulfill his promise.
"Then do it," she leaned up to whisper in his ear. As she pulled back, he locked eyes with her. Utter shock and an animalistic urge filled his every thought. He didn't even give her a warning before he slammed right into her. y/n cried out and wrapped her legs around his waist.
Tom couldn't believe the feeling. She was hugging every vein, every mark, every inch of his cock and yet so was still so fucking tight. He pulled out of her, only to ram back into her. "Fucking hell, you're divine," Tom growled, still deep inside of her. Slowly, he picked up a rhythm.
Every part of y/n's post was filled the brim by him. He hit her g-spot almost instantly. His name became a chant to her as it never ceased to spill from her lips. Each time he pounded back into her, y/n's voice became horse and rougher. Her nails dug into his bag as she clawed for support. Any support she could get from him.
Tom's been with countless women. Now he's finding it hard to sustain a sentence. He can hardly make out anything other than y/n's name. He wasn't complaining though, her tight walls constricting around with every movement. Tom wondered for a moment if he died and went to heaven and was fucking the dirtiest angel he could find.
"You look so goddamn beautiful taking my cock," he praised. He let his head fall into the crook of her neck, smelling her perfume made him almost lose his shit right there. "You feel so good squeezing around me."
Every word was threatening to her. Every word was pushing her closer to her limit. Every word was forcing more moans out of her mouth. "I'm going to cum, Tommy," she warned him.
The nickname only helped Tom lodge himself deeper and harder into her, "I am too, don't hold back angel face," he pressed a kiss underneath her ear.
y/n's second orgasm rolled over more intense the second time than the first. She pulled her head into his skin, biting and pulling to contain herself. Her legs gave out on her and flopped from his waist and quivered beside him. Tom was quick to follow her. How could he not, with how firmly she was gripping his cock. He pulled out quickly and spurted out streams across her belly. The white liquid dripping over her skin made him see stars.
He collapsed next to her, heaving and panting. y/n turned to him. She placed a long kiss on his lips, bringing his face closer. Tom happily hummed against her skin.
He pulled her into a tight hug. Her fingers traced the outline of his pec. "I'm infatuated with you," he told her plainly. y/n didn't move nor did she flinch. She  just stared up at him with a wide smile.
"As am I," she responded quietly. He wanted her to stay here forever, he had admitted to himself that he wanted to be near her for the rest his life. It was like she had cast some spell over him. He, though, had happily fallen for it.
In his eyes, she was a goddess among women.
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deathonyourtongue · 4 years
Willow Run | Ch. 8
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Summary: On a horse ranch in Texas, life is far simpler than on the streets of Bakubah, but Syverson has a bad habit of taking in strays of all kinds, no matter what demons may be after them. Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC Word Count: 4K Warnings: Mentions of past sexual assault A/N: It’s late and it’s long and sadly, there’s not nearly as much fluff in it as I thought there would be, but that’s where the story went.  CHAPTER 1 | CHAPTER 2 | CHAPTER 3 | CHAPTER 4 | CHAPTER 5 | CHAPTER 6 | CHAPTER 7 |
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Sasha awoke excited for another note. Though she’d only received two, they’d become something of a calling card for Sy, his thing, so to speak. She loved that he took even a moment out of his day to ensure she felt comfortable and safe in his home, and though she never brought it up, she’d begun keeping them in one of the shoe boxes that came from their shopping spree. Always carefully folded, she allowed herself the small, childish hope of one day filling the box with Sy’s writing, if only so she could go back and reread them, remembering their story from the beginning. 
Flopping her arm down on the pillow, she pouted as she found only cotton. Maybe it was just a formality. Truth be told, while she trusted his character and kindness, Sasha didn’t truly know Sy, especially where it pertained to how he acted as a lover. Maybe the gestures stopped once he knew he’d locked down a lady, or maybe this was just a one off. 
Sasha pondered both sides as she got dressed and headed downstairs, surprised when she found Sy leaning against the counter, still in his lounge pants. Despite a serious case of bedhead, she couldn’t help but find him even more attractive in his freshly-woken state. Sy smiled when he saw her, gesturing for her to join him in the kitchen. It was only then that Sasha noticed the phone pressed to his ear. Sy blindly lifted his free arm up, a signal for Sasha to snuggle in close if ever there was one. 
“Morning, darlin’,” Sy whispered against the crown of her head, giving Sasha a tender kiss that turned her knees to jello on the spot. Squeezing him tight, she pressed her own kiss to Sy’s chest, just over his heart. 
“Yeah, uh, I’m not sure...Would you be able to tell that from lookin’ at ‘er? Okay, okay, good. Yeah, uh,” Sy checked his wristwatch briefly before his hand swept over Sasha’s head affectionately, “ten works. I took the day off, so we’ve got plenty ‘a time. Alright, thank you. See you soon.” 
Closing the call, Sy set the phone down and wrapped Sasha up in a bear hug, a plethora of kisses scattered all over her face before he cupped her jaw in one hand. 
“I called my mom this morning. Told her about you and asked her for advice on the lil’ one, especially when it came to a doctor--”
“I can’t go to one now! He’s got all my information, Sy! The second I go to a doctor and they pull up my name, the insurance company will send a letter, and he’ll know where I’m at!” Sasha interrupted in a panic, eyes wide, hoping Sy hadn’t just done what she thought he had. 
“Darlin’, I know. That’s why I called my mom for advice. The answer was under my nose the whole time and I’ve just been so caught up in makin’ sure you were okay and that things are runnin’ smooth around here, that it totally escaped my mind. None of us Syversons were born in a hospital. I was born upstairs in my room, actually.” Sy spoke soothingly as he held Sasha’s shoulders, his blue eyes holding her gaze so she understood that they were on the same page. 
“Our family’s been friends with the Taylors for years, and Nat’s taken up her mama’s post. I invited her over so y’all two can get acquainted. If you end up likin’ her, she’ll be your midwife and see things through with us to the end. Her husband is actually one of my best friends. We served together. If she manages to wrangle him away from his job, it’ll be more like an afternoon barbeque than anything else. Don’t panic, mama. I got you.” 
Sasha took a deep, shaking breath, emotion threatening to get the best of her once more. Pressing her face into Sy’s chest, she was silent for a few breaths before looking up at him, her eyes glazed with tears. 
“Why are you doing all this for me, Sy? You barely know me.” She whimpered, her breath hitching in her chest as Sy kissed her tears away, his smile sweet and understanding. 
“Because someone helped me once, and I’m in the position to do the same. And because you’ve been doin’ a lot for me too, mama, without even realizin’ it.” At the confusion on Sasha’s face, Sy’s smile grew. 
“I don’t...I don’t open up to people much, darlin’. I’ve told you more than I’ve told...anyone...in years. And I’ve been sleepin’ through the night, which never happens. I don’t know what kinda magic you brought with you, but I haven’t felt this at peace with life...ever.” He explained, a blush creeping up past his beard, Sy’s long lashes dusting his cheeks as he gazed down at the floor, utterly vulnerable.
Sasha’s guilt was forgotten as she reached up and stroked his face with the back of her hand, bringing Sy’s gaze back to her. No words needed to be said as they stood, an island unto themselves, each understanding the other’s heart in a way they’d never expected to. 
“You’re special to me, Sasha. Very special. I hope you know that.” Sy whispered, each word spoken closer to her lips, until his were pressed to hers in the most tender show of affection she’d felt yet. Sasha’s arms slipped around the broad frame of his back as she drank in the gentility that rolled off Sy in waves, knowing she’d never find another man like him. 
She could have stayed like that forever, wrapped up in his strong arms, floating away on the gentle breeze of his attentive kisses, but the clock on the stove caught the corner of her gaze and she knew they had precious little time to eat and get ready for Nat’s arrival. Still, she couldn’t help but cup his face and tug him down for one, much more playful kiss before they finally parted, each wearing a lopsided, twitterpated smile. 
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Natalie Taylor was probably the most beautiful woman Sasha had ever seen, and her husband Mark was no slouch either. The couple looked like they were straight off the cover of a magazine, with Mark wearing a smart gray-blue button up, black tie, and matching black slacks, while Nat wore a carmine off-the-shoulder top and high-waisted jeans with heels Sasha was immediately jealous of, even if she’d never worn heels in her life.
Sasha watched Sy greet them both warmly, her anxiety growing as she wondered just what the pair would think of her and Sy being so close, so fast. One look from Natalie however, and Sasha’s worry was thrown out the window. 
“Sy, you told me she was pregnant, not that she was damn near ready to go!” Natalie laughed warmly as she stepped out of her heels and made a beeline for Sasha, her long braids trailing behind her like the train of a wedding veil. 
“You must be Sasha. God, you’re gorgeous! I’m Natalie, but you can call me Nat,” Natalie smiled, extending her hand, which, like the rest of her, was perfectly manicured. Sasha shook it with a shy smile, wondering if Nat was always this put-together, or if she just dressed up for the initial meeting; she couldn’t imagine a midwife who attended a birth in heels and super luxe-looking fabrics.  The cleanup alone would be a nightmare. 
“Sy, there’s no way she just ended up at your gate. Where’d you meet her, really?” Nat shot a playful glare over to Syverson, making him laugh. 
“At my gate, I swear on my mama.” Sy chuckled as he gave Mark a hug before holding a hand over his heart as though he were pledging allegiance to the flag.
“Sy’s always had a horseshoe up his ass with this type of stuff. Shame it never came in handy outside the wire,” Mark joked with a wink, moving to join his wife, carrying her stuffed-to-the-brim work bag with ease.
“Well, however you two met, I have to say, first and foremost, congratulations. Second, do you know how far along you are, honey?” Nat asked, getting straight to the point, her smile faltering a bit as she saw the marks strewn all over Sasha’s arms and legs. A look back at Sy made him close his eyes and huff out a breath. 
“We met three days ago, Nat. None of that was my doing,” Sy explained, doing his best to stay patient, knowing full well everyone assumed the worst, even if they knew him. 
“I was about to say…” Nat murmured, shaking her head, her eyes moving back to Sasha with even more kindness than before. 
“Good riddance. No one needs a man like that in their lives. Boys, if you’ll excuse us a second, Sasha and I are gonna have a little chit chat about the baby, then we’ll be back.” Natalie said with confidence, taking her bag from Mark before giving him a kiss on the cheek, having to reach up on her tip-toes to do so. 
Taking Sasha’s arm in hers, Natalie led her upstairs, keen to find out not only more about the baby, but about what had happened to Sasha and how she’d come into Sy’s life. Sasha moved as though on autopilot, looking back at Sy for reassurance and only feeling better about everything when she got a gentle nod of encouragement from him. 
The boys had turned the TV on downstairs by the time Sasha and Nat had closed the door to Sasha’s room, only the faint sound of garbled voices coming through the wood. 
“Well, first thing’s first. I’m glad you got out of wherever it was that you were before Sy, ‘cause any more of this,” she pointed to one of the fresher injuries to Sasha’s legs, “and who knows what would have happened. I’m so sorry you had to go through that, sweetie. You’re safe here. Sy’s good people. I’ve known him since I was little and that man’s always gone out of his way to be kind to others. Even more so after he enlisted. Heart of Gold, just like my Mark.” Nat’s words were earnest and sentimental as she unzipped her bag, pulling out everything she’d need to carry out an exam and then some.
Sasha didn’t recognize half of what the devices were, but she panicked a little at the sight of something that looked more like a penis than anything medical ought to. Nat, seeing where Sasha’s gaze had gone, smiled knowingly. 
“It’s for an internal ultrasound. Helps me see the baby a little easier. It doesn’t hurt, I promise. Have you had an ultrasound yet?” The concern in her tone came with the last question, Natalie fighting every urge she had to hug the other woman, already feeling for her and the situation she’d escaped from. 
Sasha shook her head, too overwhelmed to speak much. Logically she knew she’d have to be examined at some point, she just hadn’t counted on it being so intimate. “I only managed to get to the doctor twice before coming here. Once just to make sure I was carrying, and the second to get some general info on what was normal and what wasn’t.”
“Did they do a blood test?” 
“Yeah, but just in-house. Just to confirm.”
“Okay. Well, we can cross that bridge another time, since I didn’t bring my cooler with me today. Don’t worry though, all my testing is done with patient numbers, not names, so if you ex is savvy to that sort of stuff, he won’t be able to tell you apart from any other woman in Texas,” Natalie explained, wishing Sy had told her more of the story over the phone, but understanding that Sasha’s story wasn’t his to tell. Turning to face Sasha after dousing her hands in alcohol, Natalie indicated to the bed with a kind smile. 
“If you wanna go ahead and lay down for me, undies off, we’ll have a quick look, and go from there, okay?” Sasha nodded, feeling a touch more anxiety as she moved to lay on her bed, slipping her underwear off as she was told to. 
“This won’t hurt, will it?” She couldn’t help but ask, her anxiety getting the better of her and making Sasha’s breathing more laboured than it needed to be.
“Shouldn’t hurt at all, sweetheart,” Nat confirmed, gloving up to do the visual inspection. 
Once started, it didn’t take long for Natalie to find the tell-tale signs of abuse she was nearly certain even Sy didn’t know about. 
“How long ago were you raped, honey?” She asked as kindly as she could, her face one of sympathy as she watched Sasha tense up immediately. 
Though in the back of her mind, Sasha knew what it was, she’d spent years avoiding the word, not wanting to admit it to herself. Tears filled her eyes as she looked over at the nightstand, unwilling to meet Nat’s gaze.
“About f-five days ago,” Sasha mumbled, face red and hot with shame, one arm coming up to cover her eyes. If the house caved in on them at that moment, it would have felt better than remembering her last time with her ex.
“That’s why you ran. I understand. You’re beyond brave, Sasha. Most women, even under those circumstances, are too paralyzed by fear to leave. You took the most important step to save your baby’s life, and that’s something you should be very proud of.” 
Though she wasn’t certain anything would come of it, Natalie discreetly took a swab, labeling it separately, and slipping it in her bag, hoping that if nothing else, it could be used later against the man who’d caused Sasha so much physical and psychological pain.
With her visual complete, Nat set up her portable ultrasound and attached the internal wand to it. Anxiety rose up in Sasha once more as she watched Natalie prepare, and before she could stop it, her voice came out in something of a whisper. 
“Could...Nevermind.” Quickly correcting herself, Sasha shook her head, wiping furiously at her eyes and chastising herself for being such a baby about things. 
"Nuh-uh, honey. None of that holding back nonsense with me. You want or need something you voice it out. Loud and proud, mama." Nat coached, stopping what she was doing and moving to slip a blanket over Sasha’s knees, having a good idea of what the other woman meant to ask. 
“No, nevermind. It’s fine. Let’s just get this over with, please.” Angry at herself, Sasha took a deep breath and nodded to Nat, who still looked concerned, but nodded back. 
Though the ultrasound was uncomfortable, it didn’t hurt, something which gave Sasha only the smallest bit of joy, as she knew it meant she was healing physically. Looking out the window, she mentally checked out through the rest of the exam, responding only when spoken to, and only with what she needed to say. It was all overwhelming, but having shed enough tears in the past three days, Sasha refused to allow herself more, her internal monologue having nothing good to say about her own behavior. 
“Okay, sweetheart. We’re all done. Both you and your baby are in great shape, although I would ask that you start eating more. With Sy around, that shouldn’t be an issue. Man loves to cook,” Nat said with a sympathetic smile, feeling for Sasha even more than before. 
Taking a seat by where her patient had sat up, Natalie took Sasha’s hand in hers. Smiling softly, she looked down to meet Sasha’s gaze. 
“Do you wanna know what you’re havin’, or do you wanna wait ‘till the day?” 
Still lost in her own thoughts, Sasha merely shrugged. “Just want it to be healthy. Nothin’ else matters.” 
Natalie’s lips pressed together, the answer breaking her heart. She’d tended to many a battered woman due to her volunteer work at a women’s shelter, but it never got easier to see just how things that were supposed to bring joy on any other occasion, were nearly always reminders of what a woman had endured instead. Rubbing Sasha’s arm, Natalie stood. 
“I’ll go get Sy. After all of that, I know you could use a snuggle.” 
Sasha decided then and there that she liked Natalie, hoping Sy would keep his word and allow her to entrust the other woman with her and her baby’s care. Though she didn’t outwardly show it, she felt relieved that Nat had the intuition to know when to pull back and keep from being overbearing; it was a rare gift, in Sasha’s experience and one that would be useful during what she could only imagine would be a painful labor.
“That girl’s been through a lot.” Natalie sighed as she took a seat on the couch, handing the ultrasound photos to Syverson. “Sasha’s about 6 months in and she’s gonna be having a baby girl. She was too overwhelmed to even ask about pictures or care about what the sex of the baby is. There were signs of repeated sexual trauma, and she confirmed that she’d been raped two days before coming here. Whoever she was with before? Needs to get bit by a rabid dog and die as slowly as possible, because what he did to her is just…” Natalie couldn’t finish her sentence, too angered by what she’d seen on Sasha’s body to even think of a fitting word.
Without needing to be told, Sy tucked the pictures into the back pocket of his jeans, pointed at Mark then at the barbeque where the steaks were cooking, and jogged upstairs. Knocking softly, he opened the door after getting no reply. 
“Hey, darlin’,” he whispered kindly, taking a seat at Sasha’s hip, one hand reaching out to rub the back that was facing him, Sy knowing she was upset just by how heavy the air was. Still getting no response, he slipped the pictures out of his pocket before getting into bed behind Sasha, one hand sliding under her head while the other went around her swollen tummy. 
Sy stayed silent, not wanting to push. If Sasha wanted to talk, she would; he’d gladly spend the day with her wrapped up in his arms if it helped her more than talking did. Pressing kisses to her shoulder and the back of her head, it wasn’t long before he felt Sasha’s fingers thread through his over her belly. 
“It’s funny how easily you can push something to the back of your mind, to ignore it completely because to believe it means accepting more pain.” Sasha whispered, her voice hoarse with emotion. Sy squeezed her hand, urging her to continue
“Nat asked me point blank if I’d been raped, and up until she said it that way, I’d never once thought of what had happened to me, as that. He was basically my husband, I just...I always told myself that it was normal. That husbands just took whenever they wanted to get their rocks off, y’know? But in the back of my head I knew. Knew it wasn’t normal to...to bleed after, stuff like that. Back when I had friends, they always went on and on about how good it felt, and I just...It’s never felt good. Never.” Sniffling, she curled further into the pillow she held against her chest. 
Feeling his rage rise to meet the bile that made a knot in his throat, Sy breathed deeply, reminding himself that it would do neither of them any good to be angry at a man who wasn’t there to answer for his crimes. Stroking a hand over her hair, he gently shifted them until Sasha sat with her back pressed to his chest. Holding her close, he tucked his face into the crook of her neck, choosing his words carefully before speaking. 
“It shouldn’t ever hurt. Even if you’re just havin’ a one-night-stand. What he did to you wasn’t out of love, like a husband’s supposed to. He did it to control you, to make you fear ‘im, because he’s a weak sonofabitch. I can’t imagine the kind of pain you suffered under his hand, but I know one thing; it backfired on him, big time. Because the moment he put this lil’ one in ya, he made you the strongest woman on earth and no amount of fear or control could keep ya. You fought, you got out, and you got to somewhere safe. Never again will he have any power over you. Never.”
Sasha felt herself smiling as she realized that Sy was speaking the truth. She had gotten out, gotten away, gotten somewhere safe. All because of her baby. Sniffling, she wrapped his arms around her tighter, Sy gladly giving her another squeeze as he kissed her cheek fondly. 
“Wanna see your lil’ one, mama?” Sy murmured against her cheek, his own smile growing as he slipped the pictures into view, resting them on her bump. 
Sasha’s breath hitched in her throat as she took in the grainy, black and white image of her baby. Though there wasn’t a lot of detail, it was easy to see the baby was at ease, sucking on its thumb. 
“Is it a boy or a girl?” Sasha asked, remembering Natalie’s question, and immediately regretting her answer. She did want to know. 
“That right there, darlin’, is your lil’ sweetpea,” Sy whispered, surprised when he found his own voice thick with emotion. Sy let out a wet chuckle when Sasha practically dove onto him, hugging him tightly. 
“Congratulations, mama,” he murmured against her hair, Sy’s expression softening as he felt Sasha cup his face. Their gazes connected only for a moment before she brought him down, their lips connecting in a way that made both their hearts sing.
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yoichichi · 4 years
✨ Anon Playlist
For my ✨ anon, I hope it’s what you were looking for!
warning: slight timeskip!nishinoya spoilers, kissing?
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gif not mine, credit to owner
A/N: I tried to make this GN! since I don’t know your pronouns, if you have any problems please let me know!
Relationship Head Cannons
Okok reading your ask I definitely had to pair you with Nishinoya!! Looking at your interests and your personality etc. I think you guys would make a lovely couple :)
He definitely met you while traveling and immediately asked you for your number (this man is so bold and shameless you cannot tell me otherwise); he was probably a little ridiculous about it and loud and he could not believe you said yes
Went from 😉😁😏 to 👁👄👁,,,😳😳😳 so fast
Called Tanaka drunk after you gave him your number talking about how you have to be the one or something cause he just got some gorgeous babe’s phone number at the bar and he’s pretty sure it’s real
Tanaka still laugh’s about it with him all the time and Noya’s always like oml haha so embarrassing😅😅 stop it dude they’re gonna think I’m a creep 🤬
Nishinoya love’s it when you get to meet his friend’s and get along with them!! It make’s his heart so full!
Double dates with Tanaka and Kiyoko!!! And Noya’s just so🤩🤩 guys guys look at my bb!!!!
omg would endlessly brag about your cocktail making skills asjjskfjnkajeke and NO ONE asked but he can’t help himself
Would shamelessly ask you to paint him and then immediately start undressing for a nude painting  adjskfieurir 
Would for SURE ask you to read to him and it’s one of the few times he’s actually calm, he just finds it so calming he gets to stare at you and just bask in you and how much he loves you is the real reason
Love love loves listening to you talk about your current book obsession and just finds it so cute
let’s be honest just worships the ground you walk on
LOTS of stargazing on beaches at night
He would ask you an abundance of questions about literally anything you know or love cause he’s a passionate guy, too!! You guys could definitely talk for hours and hours and never get bored of each other
And the way you listen to him while he rants about literally any and everything makes his heart practically implode
He’s so soft for you too cause he never thought someone would actually be down for his lifestyle of traveling and having a good time but you do! And you enjoy it so much :)!
LOVES holding your hand cause not only does it let him run around and make sure he’s not gonna lose you in the crowd but it just makes him feel so close to you? And it let’s everyone know he’s your boyfriend which he takes so much pride in pls
All in all, your guys’ relationship is just so full of fun that when you guys get to lay and look at the stars together and everything slows down for that moment, Noya knows he really loves you and couldn’t imagine finding anyone better
And what you’ve been waiting for... your playlist!
Ok, so I did my best to match your playlist to the indie vibes you mentioned and keeping it to the scenario of just laying with Noya as best as I could!
I sincerely hope you enjoy, please tell me your thoughts!! Below is the listed songs in order and my explanation for each :). And if you need anything changed, please tell me!
1. Lost in Your Love - Colyer: This song definitely is reminiscent of when you two first met, seeing you just hit him like a truck. Now, he could let literally let go of anything in his life as long as you were there with him. He’s quite definitely lost in your love (talk about devoted, sheesh).
2. My Kind of Woman - Mac DeMarco: So this is written with the intent of keeping you gender neutral since I don’t know your pronouns, so I don’t specifically take the “woman” part of this song as inspiration, but rather the idea of the love in the song if that makes sense. But if this song makes you uncomfortable please let me know and I will happily replace this song. SIMP ALERT 🚨 please Noya wishes he could dedicate this song to you with his whole heart. It’s more of him just being in complete disbelief that YOU choose to be by his side (this is a common theme here 🙄) It doesn’t matter how long you two are together he will never get over letting him be by your side
3. Nothing - Bruno Major: PLS THIS SONG IS MAKING ME SO SOFT FOR NOYA😰✋  please, this is your guys song. The epitome of just laying in each other’s presence and enjoying the warmth and conversation between you two, it’s these moments that really make Noya fall in love with you
4. Something About You - sophie meiers: Noya was definitely more nervous to ask you to be an official couple than he was saying I love you LMAO. He was just so scared to be like look I really like you, please just let me be yours and please be mine officially and let me do couple things with you and show you cool things I like (definitely came off like 💧👁u👁..... be my girlfriend? 🧍‍♂️)
5. Pluto Projector - Rex Orange County: C’mon now TELL me this ain’t you and Noya 🙄✋ your relationship is definitely always in that “honeymoon” phase, you guys are just effortlessly obsessed with each other cause not only do you have so much love to give but so does he!! And this song is just pure ~vibes~
6. Fall - Chloe x Halle: Ok, this one is mainly just for the feeling of it, but okok. You and Noya laying and looking up at the stars and it starts to rain but he just won’t get up and you guys just lay there having a laughing fit until you pull him up and make him come back to the warmth of your guys’ home. And as you’re drying each other off and you have a towel around your shoulders and your still dripping a little and you’re handing him his tea and fuck you just look so perfect he can’t help but tell you he loves you
7. Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe: SLOW DANCE TIME, everyone's gotta have one right? It’s more soft behavior, but this song? WHEW. Noya know’s he will forever be trapped by you and your beauty and presence but he just couldn’t care less, the things you do to him, god he swears you’re gonna kill him.
8. Intertwined - dodie: There’s no way you could mention laying with your s/o and NOT have me put this song on there, please just listen to this song you’ll understand 🙏 pure cuddly, chill vibes
9. Turning Page - Sydney Rose: stop it this song makes me cry tell me you guys aren’t laying with each other, tracing each other’s features with your fingers, memorizing every little detail there is to notice (fuck this is so intimate i-)
10. Like You Do - Joji: 🚨A LITTLE NOYA ANGST IM SORRY🚨 Noya would be a little scared his lifestyle would become too much and it’s kind of an irrational fear he has for you, but at the same time he knows that you make him so happy and you love him so much he’d be willing to even change this for you if it meant you could keep loving him like you do now.
11. Goodbye Horses - Q Lazzarus: Did someone say late night cuddly and giggly make out sesh? 😳 Noya pulling away every time just to go “oh no sir🤠!” before kissing you again  ( :40 in the song, you’ll know what I’m talking about)
12. Body Language - Miki Ratsula: We get it you two 🙄✋ you like laying down and cuddling together
13. Dogs at the Beach - The Altogether: PLS this is just for vibes tbh
14. Wanna Know - Sabrina Claudio: I do feel like sometimes Noya is a very blunt guy who says it as is, and not everyone else is like that! So I’m sure sometimes he gets nervous that he’s too much for you and whether or not you love him as much as he loves you! But ultimately he knows you guys wouldn’t be where you are now if you didn’t love him (and then he immediately hates himself for even questioning your love, protect him pls)
15. Let Me Follow - Son Lux: TL;DR, all you need is each other’s love to exist and you couldn’t ask for more.
AHHHH IT’S FINALLY HERE , I’m sorry this took so long! I was having a lot of problems with Tumblr and am a fairly new writer, I really hope you enjoyed this, please give me your feedback and thoughts! I want to make sure you got this :(
Feedback and opinions from anyone is appreciated!
request’s for playlist’s are currently closed until I finish the others, but I will make a post when they’re open again! And to all of those who have requested, they’ll be out shortly!! 
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moonflowerlesbians · 4 years
6. with dani and jamie would be so cute 🥺 like a lil vermont winter fic
for you, anon! I altered the wording ever so slightly, but the concept is identical. I hope you enjoy :)
you can also read on AO3
Their flat is located a few streets off from the center of town, close enough to walk but far enough to provide a sense of distance from the bustle of the main drag. Tonight, they set out just after sundown to ensure good seats to what Dani has affectionately dubbed, “the greatest holiday spectacular to ever grace the streets of Bennington,” and what Jamie has deemed, “an entirely American embarrassment.”
It’s their third winter in Vermont, and this year, The Leafling has generously sponsored half of Bennington High School’s Marching Seahorses’ winter uniforms in exchange for a full page ad in their concert programmes for a year and a sign carried at the front of the annual holiday parade. Or, rather, the kids had come to the shop with instruments, a flyer, and an unrehearsed elevator pitch, and Dani had been utterly charmed.
“It’s good to see them so passionate about something,” Dani had said.
Jamie had hummed and had continued tending to her sprouts.
“It would be good publicity,” Dani’d argued.
“Most expensive advertisement of my life.”
“Come on, they’re cute.”
“‘Cute’ doesn’t keep the lights on, Poppins.”
Unfortunately for Jamie, Dani has an irritating way of getting what she wants. And that’s how their small business ended up shelling out an ungodly amount of cash for an extracurricular named after the least fearsome sea creature Jamie can think of.
They don’t even have legs for Christsake.
But, the sheer delight on Dani’s face upon Jamie’s concession softened her heart. In any case, Dani made certain to thank her thoroughly and, ah, enthusiastically, that evening.
Jamie begins to regret her decision, now, as she’s dragged from her cozy flat into the absolutely frigid night air. She’s bundled in her warmest coat, a toque tucked over her ears to stave off the cold, but she swears she’s still going to catch frostbite.
Dani, meanwhile, wears a fleece-lined denim jacket over top one of her many cable-knit jumpers and insists she’s overheating. She carries a blanket under her arm, the other linked with Jamie’s, as she all but skips down the street.
“The English couldn’t handle a Midwestern winter. This is nothing,” she had said.
She’s always loved Christmastime, Jamie has come to learn. Dani has regaled her with seemingly endless stories about stringing popcorn and cranberry garlands, baking biscuits with Judy O’Mara, and breaking the occasional ornament decorating the tree. She’d felt awful about that last one, terrified to tell Mrs. O’Mara. She went on to explain in touching detail how Mrs. O’Mara had taken her hand and reminded her that it was just a bauble.
It made Jamie wonder how often Dani got into trouble for accidents in her home. A question for a later date.
As they near Main Street, the sound of jovial chatter and the unmistakable carolers grows louder. The shops they pass have festive window displays, elves in stockings of red and green reading storybooks or sledding down white fabric hills. Dani blows right past, determined to reach her carefully preselected place on the sidewalk. In what Jamie is convinced must be sub-zero temperatures, she can’t imagine the winter festival will be a popular destination.
She soon finds she is mistaken, however, when they round the corner and encounter a throng of people. The road has been blocked off at either end, and families drift in and out of the shops. Some skate on the temporary ice rink set up to the side. The lights lining the trees reflect prettily off the storefronts, the branches arching up and over the street. It would be like something out of a fairytale had the weather not been turning Jamie’s hands to icicles.
Dani is very proudly pointing to a square on the sidewalk out in front of the coffeehouse, and before Jamie is entirely sure what’s happened, she’s sitting on their too-small tartan picnic blanket over pavement that is far too cold on her arse. Dani is warm at her side, and they’re pressed close, using the size of their blanket as an excuse to disregard social acceptability.
“How long until this thing starts?”
Dani checks her wristwatch. “Thirty minutes, I think?”
“Fuckin’ freezing.”
The apparent mother of three standing nearby shoots them a glare.
“Jamie…” Dani gives an apologetic look, but the woman is already herding her children off in the direction of an arts and crafts booth.
“You know, if we were home, I’d wager we’d find a proper way to warm up.” She gets a sharp elbow to the ribs for that one and lets out a muffled oomph, though she wryly notes the new flush to Dani’s cheeks.
“Hot chocolate? I’ll go find us hot chocolate. I’m pretty sure there was a table supporting the junior high theatre department.”
“S’long as you’re not making it.” But Dani is already halfway down the block.
Then, Jamie is alone, freezing her arse off while waiting to see a mediocre high school marching band play in ungodly weather to make her partner happy. It’s the kind of domesticity she could never quite envision for herself. She’s come to find she’s, somewhat begrudgingly, fond of it.  
Bells jingle, the sound echoing off of low brick buildings. Red ribbon bows hang from lamp posts and doorknobs and rubbish bins, with tails that swing in the breeze. The air is crisp; it blows down from the mountains and feels like a fresh start.
Dani returns with two styrofoam cups, passing one off to Jamie, and sits with her knees to her chest.
Jamie eyes the pale brown liquid skeptically before taking a cautious sip.
“Dani,” she says, “why have you handed me cocoa-flavoured water?”
Dani grins sheepishly. “The kids may have made it.”
“I should applaud you, really. You’ve managed to find the one demographic worse at brewing than you.”
Jamie receives another jab to the side, nearly sending her drink sloshing onto her lap.
“Hey, now, keep that up, and we’ll end the night in the emergency ward.”
“Oh, please, you’ve got enough layers on to stop a bullet.”
“You laugh now, but just wait ‘till we’ve been sitting here for hours.”
“Shh,” Dani interrupts, “it’s starting!”
A dozen or so children in leotards and tight buns dance down the street, followed by a horse-drawn vehicle painted cherry red, in which a larger man dressed as Saint Nicholas stands, waving at the assembled crowds.
Dani’s excited grip on Jamie’s bicep silences any snide remarks she might have made about the quality of performance. Dani’s eyes shine with glee, and it’s so lovely, the few silver strands of her hair capturing the twinkling holiday lights, that the words die in Jamie’s throat. She allows herself to fall into the spirit of the thing, content to sit beside Dani in the corner of life they’ve carved out for themselves. Even if that means listening to a rather shoddy trombone rendition of “Jingle Bells.”
Sure enough, though, heading off the band, a handful of students bear a banner proclaiming the high school’s name and the season’s sponsors. There, listed below the bakery, is The Leafling. Jamie feels a flash of pride. Somehow, seeing their little shop represented for the town to see feels real, grounding, in a way she can’t explain. They’ve found a place, a rhythm, to settle. They’ve left their mark on this town tradition and become a part of something. It feels like home.
So, perhaps she cheers a bit louder when the musicians pass them. This earns her an amused smile from Dani, at which she rolls her eyes.
It’s a relatively short parade. There are only so many volunteer organizations, churches, and youth groups in the town, after all. Jamie’s legs are stiff when she finally stands and offers a hand to help Dani up. Her arms are wrapped around herself.
“No,” Dani says, “Come on, we should look at booths before we head home. Support the other local businesses.”
They wander the various tables, some offering wares, some business cards, some consultations, dipping in and out of shops until a sniffling noise catches Jamie’s attention. Dani not-so-subtly swipes at her nose.
“You alright?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just-- fine.”
Jamie raises an eyebrow, trying to catch Dani’s eye, but she seems determined to look everywhere except Jamie. “You want my jacket?”
“I told you I’m not cold.”
“Right, ‘course not. Just positively shivering from excitement, then, are you?”
“No need to be brave on my account, Poppins, I won’t tell the world your secret.”
“And what secret is that?” Dani’s hands are tucked into her sides.
“That Dani Clayton, certified Midwesterner, can’t hash a brisk Vermont evening.” Her voice drops to a whisper, “Isn’t even snowing.”
“Hey,” Dani protests.
“Just take my jacket.”
“I’m fine.”
“Poppins.” Her tone is playful, a warning disguised as a tease.
Dani’s sighs. “Fine.”
“Ah, that’s a girl.” Jamie shrugs out of her top layer, draping it delicately over Dani’s shoulders. “Come on, then, can’t have you turning to ice on my watch.”
“You said something earlier about the proper way to warm up at home…”
“Was talking ‘bout a good cuppa,” Jamie smirks, “Why? D’you think of something else?”
Dani grumbles. “Tease.”
“Mhm,” Jamie murmurs, pressing her cold nose to Dani’s neck the instant they were out of sight, causing a squeal. “You like it.”
“Shut up.”
33 notes · View notes
thecrenellations · 4 years
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Return of the Thief Notes, Part Three: The Book of Pheris, Volume 2, Chapters 6-14 and “Alyta’s Missing Earring”
Notes from my first read, October 2020. (Part One | Part Two | TaT)
Contents:  Elephants, guesses about gods and dead men, villain team up, the unexpected, AAAAAAH, elaboration on the word cloud above (which is one big Gen, medium Pheris, medium love, and scattered other names), and more quantitative analysis! I love this book.
Format:  Page number. My thoughts (Context?)
Chapter 6
285. unkingly moment, last night with her at home
MISMATCHED STOCKINGS (I have a thing about this.)
Wedges of ribbons?
285. cute
286. a pitneen? A drunk bird?
Wait. Gift of animals??? Did he steal the thunderbolts wearing it?
A canary no longer
287. Hilarion and Ion, wow
Throw a cup of wine on me
288. War pants! War pants!
What’s Attolia wearing?
Sophos! (the whistling!)
288. Ok fine it’s gonna be sad ... I say as if I didn’t just experience the trial (the last lighthearted moment)
Be careful Pheris
Also Relius went to Dite and Juridius, right? (I was convinced Dite would show up)
290. SOCKS! Yay <3 magus
I was resigned to not much magus but he is HERE!
He’s … so much nicer than he was to the kids in the Thief, lol
Lamb, falling in same paragraph. Worried.
Gen :( Gen you ran all over the palace and leapt in the water last night. You are so stupid.
292. Yay Sophos I love you
Math buddies!
294. I’M SAD.
They have had this convo before
I love them
It’s because I can that I think I should
295. Do not overreach. Eddis is right
Danger in self indulgence?
I love her! “I was outside chasing your brother with a stick”
296. My heart. You have to trust yourself. I don’t know if I can. Then you have to trust us.
Tactical Irene!
Thanks I’m gonna hold on to it: “The Call of life is a s powerful as the call of death, and it is no weakness to answer to it”
297. Oh no. My children. Tell each other things like that!
Great time to be childish, Gen.
Yeah honestly. It’s bothered her FOREVER
299. Pull it together, kids!
Thx Helen
Inkpots … :( :( :(
Chapter 7
302. See … that Continent occupation isn’t good either!
303. Unfortunately that is NOT an alternative. Bc volcano.
305. This is stressful.
Chloe, interesting
306. Elephants
Oh my god it’s better than I ever could have imagined (there was like 10 years of lead up to the elephants, and I thoroughly enjoyed them)
I love him
Gen wtf
Yes drink up those guards (“We could keep [an elephant] in the guard’s bathhouse! There’s plenty of room.” “And the guards will bathe ...?” “In the palace reservoir.” “Our drinking water.”)
#6 Gen about elephants
308. This is gonna be a disaster
Hilarion with an eyeglass
Fuck Pheris is making this up.
Gen I love you
Oh my god
Honestly idk if Gen is having fun but I AM
They’re. They’re such a power couple.
Also Bu-seneth is so rude to Attolia
309. so vague about battle, but I’m sure it’s horrible
310. hero talk. Chills.
311. all the woman comparisons for Gen (“Would [a world with no war and no heroes be a bad thing?” “That’s a woman’s question”)
Wow. Interesting. Anonymity
312. Don’t listen to them Gen!
Bad tempered cooks
313. lol. Good looks.
Gen. the hand joke. Why
Well that was … a scene (I don’t know my Henry V)
Reassuring to have a glove. Which one?
314. No. Bad. This is what I was afraid of. (Nahuseresh baiting Gen with Kamet)
Ok Pheris
315. That cannot be true. (it was not!)
Gen. No. No.
316. Wow. That worked out well. So far.
They called him annux. If Kamet is really dead…
319. Yeah Attolia is RIGHT
Yeah I can’t actually either!
Irene knows. In his story!
320. Glove resolved very fast
Interesting reversal (Gen and his dad)
Chapter 8
322. who’s charging off in a haze of glory now
Philologos wounded
Wait, the attendants follow him in to battle...
Cleon RIP
Temenus <3
No. Stenides
If they ever returned.
His brother died in an explosion
Gen’s tears
This is sad.
323. lion lamb :(
325. At least they have each other
Morality is an illusion. Like safety?
326. that’s what Costis was mapping, right? (nope)
How many has Gen killed now
328. Who. Pol? Ambiades? (The cairn man question remains)
Oh no
Oh no. you can fall from a horse
Is Fordad a spy?
I am just not accepting this yet
WAIT THE MEDES TOOK HIM! (I thought the Attolians had taken Gen, or Gen’s body, at first.)
330. wow things only Pheris can do
GDI Erondites
332. You gave it to him dude (Nahuseresh asking “Why does he still have this?” about Gen’s hook)
I love Gen. I wonder if he’s afraid.
This is bad.
Whose treason, whose betrayal?
333. Yeah! Kamet said so (“Tell me again that you are king.” “Annux, if you prefer.”)
334. Oh god.
Get your stories straight bastards
Rolled in a rug!
336. Oh gen
Oh god
Yeah this is …
Be careful what you ask for
338. What did he sign as, though, Attolis? Eugenides?
Nomenus wtf
What does mwt have against facial hair (Fordad, Nahuseresh)
Costis please come (idk how I thought he was going to help, but I was in Costis Denial and expected him to show up at any moment)
Everyone must be going through a lot
A face like an open grave
Gen I love you
Is he … invulnerable now?
Gen what.
Is he possessed? Is he already a god?
341. Yeah same. (“I think he meant that I should not fear him, either. I did, though ... I still followed him”)
This isn’t being self indulgent or overreaching, is it?
342. RIP Ion Nomenus
“My work”
Oh Nomenus
Does he just exist for the morally gray and loyal angst feelings? It works (...)
344. What did he DO
Yes! Swearing Gen!
345. love all caps Gen
Those names
346. Ooof.
Chapter 9
347. moon promises
Noooo Philologos :(
Legarus … :(
349. Gen what what
Costis? Stenides? STENIDES?
Wow ok he killed Bu-seneth
350. god
See I said Nahuseresh shouldn’t have said that
Also is Gen a bastard
351. WHAT (“Because your council had just voted to kill him”)
Oh Helen
Oh Irene
Does he invite him in?
This is reassuring to the reader (“He can bear his god a little while without losing himself”)
Aaaaah Galen
354. Gen that’s a lot. A lot.
Don’t kill everyone.
So so so x7 of doom
Bye Yorn
I hope he wins too
Go away Nahuseresh
another fall
Ok it was Lader (when you don’t know who the man at the cairn was, keep on guessing!)
Yeah the circumstances thing is back
Oh god
Oh no
Chapter 10
361. how long has it been?
362. three days
I love them (Elephants! My excellent queen!)
You promised to trust him
364. Oh no. Oh no. (Relius)
370. These Helen convos…
371. Sad. :(
372. Emtis and Lader
374. Wow
Steal by elephant?
377. Don’t forget about Dite!
378. He’s gonna kill him?
379. Is Dite dead too?
Oh Sejanus
Oh I see
He’s got a mercy taste too
380. Switching!
Lying in moonlight. Hm.
381. Yesss
383. I’m nervous
Gods blessing on your road
Wow. <3
They would have fallen… (if Pheris had gone through with his plan, that’s how they both would have died)
Did not expect Sejanus feelings in Rott.
Chapter 11
386. He’s gonna know. But the trust.
Ion knows.
390. Gen…
Pheris is Lyopidus?
I’m scared
393. I kind of love Ion
More Sejanus, bring it on
I’m nervous
Hmmm… who could it be
395. MoW :( <3 I will not be ok if he dies too
Gen knows the way bc Costis (nope)
Oh my god these two (“I lied” “I know”)
Chapter 12
398. Oh no.
This is not
Her Thief
Irene. “only sleeping” this is what Eddis said to her
But mist… water???
Face touch
402. not living or dead. King
Yes. But no.
403. crying at everything and the MoW next to him
There he went
It was the Eddisians. He fought with them.
404. yeah that’s a lot to deal with, Pheris
405. what a mystery man (Sejanus)
Lol mysterious exit averted
Excuse me that was a difference
406. :(
Am I king
407. Helen is once again right. She’s also always right
MOIRA was Melisande???!??!? (who even knows)
409. ?? Irene?
Same as for Dite. Man loves his brothers. (nephews. you know what I mean.)
AAH yup. Add it to the list (“How neatly you tie them together” ... the list of is ways Gen and Irene are becoming more like each other)
410. speaking of which where is Costis!
Hm… what god was that
I love their reactions
Oh Irene. It’s true <3
It’s so true (“When the king gives his heart he gives it completely”)
Now I’m crying again, at them
412. Gen, she has a point.
Amazing. I … I don’t think she meant to ask like THAT
Jesus, Gen.
You do not know a wagon from a wheelbarrow
413. Irene!
She’d better get home safe.
414. I have another bad feeling, about Gen
415. High king or queen though?
Magus <3
Chapter 13
416. “of course”
That’s ominous
417. No! Sejanus!
A gut wound yikes
418. sadness
419. lol “ill will”
We’re in Roa. My heart’s pounding.
422. I love Gen.
Yes I love them.
Costis. Mattresses exist.
424. Oh no.
426. roof dream
Good roof dream
Good job Helen
428. TWINS. Everyone was RIGHT
Oh shit. The sky.
Oh dear. :( aaah
430. Climbing the rigging!
“it’s just that you have so many least favorite things”
431. I love them (Gen and Irene)
432. I love them (Gen and Helen)
433. RIGHT! I was thinking
I can’t <3 (they’re naming the baby after the MoW, and it’s perfect, and she’s not gonna tell us, huh)
OH MY GOD!!! (baby thief!)
434. AAAAAAH (Hector! @threetoadswaltz​ finished reading before me and knew that I would explode about this and I DID, I threw my arms in the air! HECTOR!)
435. AAAAAAAAH (this was when it became clear they were going to dance on the roof)
Yes she was (as surefooted as the king)
Is this the first time she’s Irene
I’m filled with happiness
Celia and Lavia again … lol.
Lol Chloe
Kamet is a sweetheart
The gods!!!
The gods!
Mystery goddess?
Moira! Yes!
(I was very happy. The page itself:)
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Alyta’s Missing Earring
Wait. Was it Alyta.
Glad we got a bi god (with all due respect to Immakuk and Ennikar, whose bi-ness and godliness is perhaps more up to the reader)
Got very bi very fast
Also. He’s Gen.
Interesting difference in story
Are we literally getting ALL the answers? (No. But so many more than I expected!)
Gen’s grandfather sucks
An urn huh
Omg. Heiro’s earrings?
Oh my gosh.
Same, Gen. Same.
Obvs Phresine knows.
Is Phresine a goddess?
Same, Gen. Same.
She got to tell a story! She is so happy!
I think he’s a little scared
Yeah peace huh
This series is socially sanctioned silliness
1000 Eugenides. Wow.
They did melt though
Little thief.
<3 <3 <3
He’s a character in a story
A big question
Tamarisk? Takima? (We are not getting all the answers.)
That’s it! Thank you for reading - it feels very self-indulgent to type up all of these, but I will honestly take most chances to relive the intense and wonderful experience of reading this book for the first time, which often means looking back at my own notes and sometimes means sharing them with people. Also, I really love reading liveblogs/real-time book thoughts, so here is one from awhile ago ... all at once.
Anyway, check out this word cloud from all of the notes (made with this site):
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It’s ... mostly just character names, with a variety of words that express my enthusiasm and feeling (love, lol, wow, yes, excuse me...). Gen is the biggest because I said his name 115 times! Here are some totals for the other characters who came up a lot:
115 - Gen (and 10 Eugenides)
42 - Pheris
26 - Costis
18 - Irene (and 6 Attolia)
16 - Helen (and 8 Eddis)
10 - Sophos (and 4 Sounis)
12 - the magus
11- Kamet
11 - Teleus
10 - Relius
9 - Ion
6 - MoW
6 - Moira
5 - Sejanus
These don’t fully represent how much I had to say about them, because I didn’t always refer to people by name or title ... which kind of explains why Costis’s total is ridiculously high compared to how much he is in the book -  I likely have more notes about other characters, but I didn’t need to bring up their names because they were already present in the scenes I was taking notes on (for example, I think I talked about Relius more than Teleus, the magus, or Kamet, but many of those just referred to him as he, because it was obvious to me who I meant). But also I was just looking for Costis! Anyway. My use of names and titles for the monarchs also really illustrates how much this book reshaped the way I think of these characters’ relationship to them, Gen’s and Irene’s especially.
It’s representative of my feelings about this series that I wrote “I love them” about so many combinations of characters. Who, exactly? And how many times? Well...
5 - Gen and Irene
4 - Gen and Helen
2 - Gen and Pheris
1 - Gen, Irene, Helen, and Sophos
1 - Helen and Sophos
1 - Costis and Kamet
1 - unknown combo of Gen, Pheris, and Relius on p.166, I love them all and can’t remember. Kamet’s map was there, too, and I do love Kamet, so maybe he was in there too.
no matter what the numbers say, I love them all endlessly, and I love this book.
be blessed in your endeavors, yes I will take any questions about these notebook screams, etc.
12 notes · View notes
agentrouka-blog · 4 years
ASOIAF - Food symbolism: apples and Jon “You have to choose.”
Inspired by this amazing post by @thoughtsandgrumbles I felt compelled to look at apples a little. 
Apples are a deeply symbolic fruit on a good day, but I’m not going to go too deeply into the general use, because who has time for that? I’m looking at the text itself. This post will be all about apples in Jon’s chapters, once I get the preliminary rambles out of the way.
Warning: LONG. Many quotes.
Just a few things: 
Popularly associated with temptation and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden of eden, the realization of being nekkid, the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise as a result. (That would botanically not have been an apple, though.)
The apple “to the fairest” handed out by Eris, godess of discord, for Paris to choose among the three godesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, ultimately leading to the Trojan War, which GRRM heavily draws from.
Snow White and the poison apple
Sansa is the name of a variety of apple that was developed in the 1970s, an early ripening mix of Gala and Akane.
Just by the general use, we get a theme of choice and destruction. Also Sansa is an apple. But - spoiler alert - that is NOT very central in Jon’s chapters. YET.
Also, some boring numbers, because this is not as easy a fruit as the persimmon to parse for the sheer amount of them:
Apples in general have 155 mentions in all searchable publications, 135 in the novels directly, 22 in Jon chapters. Only 9 of all the novel-mentions concern House Fossoway, 11 in the other literature. 
Top chapter uses: 
AFFC, Prologue - 14: Oldtown, Quill and Tankard inn backyard. Alleras shoots them with bow and arrow while the acolyte nerd squad discusses Dany and her dragon rumors. "Where's Rosey? Our rightful queen deserves another round of cider, wouldn't you say?" The apples are withered and wormy, the cider is fearsomely strong. Pate agonizes over his betrayal and theft for his creepy, obsessive love. His choice is “love”. Then he is killed. Complex.
ADWD, Jon V - 11: Jon passes out food and asks the wildlings at Mole’s Town to choose if they want to fight for the NW or not. Apples and onions, you have to choose. The apples are withered.
ADWD, Davos II - 7: Getting information about Manderly from an apple seller in White Harbor. Bad apple, good information. Theme in WH: who are you truly loyal to? The apple is dry and mealy, “bad”. Apples and onions, again.
ASOS, Bran III - 5, and ASOS, Jon V - 3: (8 combined) Rotten apples carpet the ground near an abandoned Queenscrown inn. They provide the background for Jon’s break with the Wildling Undercover Operation and flight back to the Watch. Theme: the abandonment of the Gift, the decline of the Watch, the Dream of Spring and Jon really doesn’t even really pretend to want a future with Ygritte. He chooses. The apples are rotten. 
POV uses: Jon 22, Arya 18, Prologue AFFC 14, Sansa 13, Davos 8, Jaime 8, Bran 8, Tyrion 8, Brienne 6, Catelyn 6, Dany 5, Eddard 5, Cersei 3, Theon 3, Samwell 2 JonCon 1, Asha 1, Quentyn 1, Arianne 1, Areo Hotah 1, Prologue ADWD: 1.
Jon is not only the single top POV character to feature the apple, he also has two of the top-use chapters that give the apple significance in setting the background. The apple is very closely tied to Jon. 
A short note on the  red apple Fossoways (Cider Hall) and the green apple Fossoways (New Barrel): 
The branches split at the trial of seven at the Tourney at Ashford (of the Ashford Theory), where the red apple fought for the bad guys (Aerion Targaryen) and the green apple for Ser Duncan the Tall.
Both had the red apple of the Fossoways painted on their shields, but the younger man's was soon hacked and chipped to pieces. "Here's an apple that's not ripe yet," the older said as he slammed the other's helm. (…)
"Ser Raymun, if you please." He cantered up, a grim smile lighting his face beneath his plumed helm. "My pardons, ser. I needed to make a small change to my sigil, lest I be mistaken for my dishonorable cousin." He showed them all his shield. The polished golden field remained the same, and the Fossoway apple, but this apple was green instead of red. "I fear I am still not ripe . . . but better green than wormy, eh?" 
(The Hedge Knight)
Again with the split of loyalty, with the following your moral code, with the choices. 
So how do apples feature for Jon himself?
Apples are connected to Jon’s struggle of loyalty to the Night’s Watch, and with his inner struggle in general. Every time they show up, he is confronted with a choice of who to stay loyal to, what values to follow. 
First apple: AGOT, Jon IX. 
Jon’s final chapter in the book. Big Drama!
Jon eats a brown, withered apple when he tries to flee the NW the first time. He is heading South because his father has been killed and he wants to join Robb. He is plagued by self-doubt and fear. Then he takes a break to eat. 
In his saddlebag, he found a biscuit, a piece of cheese, and a small withered brown apple. (...) He kept the apple for last. It had gone a little soft, but the flesh was still tart and juicy. He was down to the core when he heard the sounds: horses, and from the north.
Straight after, he is caught and prodded back in an incredibly moving, nonviolent confrontation by his new Brothers reciting the NW vows. 
"… and all the nights to come," finished Pyp. He reached over for Jon's reins. "So here are your choices. Kill me, or come back with me."
Jon lifted his sword … and lowered it, helpless. "Damn you," he said. "Damn you all." 
In his mind, Jon is determined to try and escape again, but the next day, Mormont lets him know they knew what happened. 
Jon’s throat was dry. “You know?” “Know,” the raven echoed from Mormont’s shoulder. “Know.” The Old Bear snorted. “Do you think they chose me Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch because I’m dumb as a stump, Snow? Aemon told me you’d go. I told him you’d be back. I know my men … and my boys too. Honor set you on the kingsroad … and honor brought you back.” “My friends brought me back,” Jon said. “Did I say it was your honor?” Mormont inspected his plate.
Jon thinks he’ll be executed. Instead, he will be taken along to the great ranging beyond the Wall. 
“So I will have an answer from you, Lord Snow, and I will have it now. Are you a brother of the Night’s Watch … or only a bastard boy who wants to play at war?” Jon Snow straightened himself and took a long deep breath. Forgive me, Father. Robb, Arya, Bran … forgive me, I cannot help you. He has the truth of it. This is my place. “I am … yours, my lord. Your man. I swear it. I will not run again.” The Old Bear snorted. “Good. Now go put on your sword.”
Apple = choice. The choice is the Watch. Because the war against the Others is more important. 
Apple Quality: Brown and whithered. But still tart and juicy.
Second apple: ACOK, Jon I
A former green apple (the valiantly knightly Fossoway kind) is to be dispatched from the Wall to garner support from a Baratheon king... 
"Renly is not like to heed a quaking fat boy. I'll send Ser Arnell. He's a deal steadier, and his mother was one of the green-apple Fossoways."
"If it please my lord, what would you have of King Renly?"
The conversation turns toward maester Aemon, his repeated refusal to become king and the incredibly foreshadowy information about the ending of the dragon line. 
It made him feel odd. “My lord, why have you told me this, about Maester Aemon?” “Must I have a reason?” Mormont shifted in his seat, frowning. “Your brother Robb has been crowned King in the North. You and Aemon have that in common. A king for a brother.” “And this too,” said Jon. “A vow.” (…)
Jon drew himself up, taut as a bowstring. “And if it did trouble me, what might I do, bastard as I am?” “What will you do?” Mormont asked. “Bastard as you are?” “Be troubled,” said Jon, “and keep my vows.”
Apple = choice. The choice is the Watch. The bigger picture is more important.
Apple Quality: green and unripe. (But honorable.)
Third apple: ACOK, Jon VII
Jon and the Qhorin Halfhand crew are on the losing side of a game of cat and mouse with the warg-powered wildlings. Squire Dalbridge is about to sacrifice his life by going to shoot the Wildlings that are stalking them. 
The squire bowed his head. "Leave me as many arrows as you can spare, brothers." He stroked his longbow. "And see my garron has an apple when you're home. He's earned it, poor beastie."
He's staying to die, Jon realized.  
And that’s almost right at the end of the chapter. This is the only apple chapter where Jon is NOT immediately confronted with a moral dilemma of loyalty or the making of choices. And Dalbridge’s self-sacrifice, his off-page death, all of that means it’s a more long-term projection of the dilemma. 
The next, final chapter, Jon and Qhorin Halfhand are captured and he is compelled to kill Qhorin to prove himself a turncloak to the Wildlings, in order to start his Undercover Operation. 
The flames were burning low by then, the warmth fading. “The fire will soon go out,” Qhorin said, “but if the Wall should ever fall, all the fires will go out.” There was nothing Jon could say to that. He nodded. “We may escape them yet,” the ranger said. “Or not.” “I’m not afraid to die.” It was only half a lie. “It may not be so easy as that, Jon.” He did not understand. “What do you mean?” 
Rattleshirt’s bone armor clattered loudly as he laughed. “Then kill the Halfhand, bastard.” “As if he could,” said Qhorin. “Turn, Snow, and die.” And then Qhorin’s sword was coming at him and somehow Longclaw leapt upward to block. The force of impact almost knocked the bastard blade from Jon’s hand, and sent him staggering backward. You must not balk, whatever is asked of you. 
He knew, he thought numbly. He knew what they would ask of me. He thought of Samwell Tarly then, of Grenn and Dolorous Edd, of Pyp and Toad back at Castle Black. Had he lost them all, as he had lost Bran and Rickon and Robb? Who was he now? What was he?
“Get him up.” Rough hands dragged him to his feet. Jon did not resist. “Do you have a name?” Ygritte answered for him. “His name is Jon Snow. He is Eddard Stark’s blood, of Winterfell.”
Ouch. From this point on, Jon will have to make his own choices, no longer guided by other people’s rules, other people’s honor. The choices will be harder, lonelier. They will be contradictory, they will involve even more tangible loss. They will involve dishonor. The reward is as distant as home. Sacrifice. Death.
But one day, the poor beastie will get an apple, he will have earned it. 
Apple = choice. The choice is the Watch. The bigger picture.
Apple quality: unknown. 
Fourth apple: ASOS, Jon I
As inconspicuously as above, the apple features in a memory of home, featuring not-yet-deserter Mance Rayder at Winterfell, meeting Robb and Jon up to shennanigans:
“I remember,” said Jon with a startled laugh. A young black brother on the wallwalk, yes … “You swore not to tell.”
"And kept my vow. That one, at least."
"We dumped the snow on Fat Tom. He was Father's slowest guardsman." Tom had chased them around the yard afterward, until all three were red as autumn apples. "But you said you saw me twice. When was the other time?"
"When King Robert came to Winterfell to make your father Hand," the King-beyond-the-Wall said lightly. (ASOS, Jon I)
A neat connection between desertion, vow-keeping and the events that led Jon to take his own path to the Wall. Before Meeting Mance, Ygritte has been praising the values of being “free” like the good Little Wildling Propagandist that she is. But Jon isn’t biting yet.
The following conversation gives the backstory of Mance Rayder’s desertion from the Wall. It was over a cloak, mended by a Wildling woman who tended to him while he was injured.
“And she sewed up the rents in my cloak as well, with some scarlet silk from Asshai that her grandmother had pulled from the wreck of a cog washed up on the Frozen Shore. It was the greatest treasure she had, and her gift to me.” He swept the cloak back over his shoulders. “But at the Shadow Tower, I was given a new wool cloak from stores, black and black, and trimmed with black, to go with my black breeches and black boots, my black doublet and black mail. The new cloak had no frays nor rips nor tears … and most of all, no red. The men of the Night’s Watch dressed in black, Ser Denys Mallister reminded me sternly, as if I had forgotten. My old cloak was fit for burning now, he said. “I left the next morning … for a place where a kiss was not a crime, and a man could wear any cloak he chose.” He closed the clasp and sat back down again. “And you, Jon Snow?”
Jon uses Mance’s story of visiting Winterfell to spin his own lie:
“And did you see where I was seated, Mance?” He leaned forward. “Did you see where they put the bastard?” Mance Rayder looked at Jon’s face for a long moment. “I think we had best find you a new cloak,” the king said, holding out his hand. 
What will the bastard do? Be troubled and keep his vows. So far, so true. But he did kill Qhorin Halfhand, he is pretending to be a deserter. Lines are a lot more blurry than they used to be.
Apple = choice. The choice is… the Night’s Watch. Shifting more and more toward simply the bigger picture. 
Apple quality: red autumn apple. 
Red silk patches. Conflicting values. Women. There is uncertainty on the horizon. 
Fifth apple. ASOS Jon V.  BIG apple chapter.
His final confrontation as an Undercover Wildling.
This confrontation takes place at the abandoned tower and village of Queenscrown, which gets a closer description in the accompanying Bran chapter: 
No one had lived in the village for long years, Bran could see. All the houses were falling down. Even the inn. It had never been much of an inn, to look at it, but now all that remained was a stone chimney and two cracked walls, set amongst a dozen apple trees. One was growing up through the common room, where a layer of wet brown leaves and rotting apples carpeted the floor. The air was thick with the smell of them, a cloying cidery scent that was almost overwhelming. Meera stabbed a few apples with her frog spear, trying to find some still good enough to eat, but they were all too brown and wormy. 
(ASOS, Bran III)
The abandonment of Brandon’s Gift is a subject of conflict between Jon and Ygritte. A carpet of rotting apples. It opens the very next Jon chapter, as they are on the way to Queenscrown. Ygritte mocks the farmers who left the Gift as fools. Jon doesn’t take the bait yet. He briefly indulges in a fantasy of introducing Ygritte to Winterfell before being overcome with guilt and shame again. Ygritte is super great at reading his mood: 
“Might be after we could come back here, and live in that tower,” she said. “Would you want that, Jon Snow? After?”
He doesn’t think about it, doesn’t answer for a while, it rather reminds him of Ned’s Dream of Spring, the plan to resettle the Gift. The Starks and the Watch. 
If winter had come and gone more quickly and spring had followed in its turn, I might have been chosen to hold one of these towers in my father’s name. Lord Eddard was dead, however, his brother Benjen lost; the shield they dreamt together would never be forged. “This land belongs to the Watch,” Jon said. Her nostrils flared. “No one lives here.”
Jon isn’t even tempted. Like, no, Jon, Bambi, you did not love this person, no matter what your telling yourself later. He doesn’t even really contemplate it. 
Instead of bonding them closer together, Ygritte’s invitation to make long-term plans has the opposite effect. It fans the flames of what divides them. They argue about raiding and rape. Ygritte spouts nonsense.
“You know nothing, Jon Snow. Daughters are taken, not wives. You’re the ones who steal. You took the whole world, and built the Wall t’ keep the free folk out.”
Ygritte, no, that is not why the Wall was built. You think they built a gargantuan magic ice structure to keep out Styr, Magnar of Thenn, or what? Really? Jon is also sceptical of this version of history:
“Did we?” Sometimes Jon forgot how wild she was, and then she would remind him. “How did that happen?”
"The gods made the earth for all men t' share. Only when the kings come with their crowns and steel swords, they claimed it was all theirs. My trees, they said, you can't eat them apples. My stream, you can't fish here. My wood, you're not t' hunt. My earth, my water, my castle, my daughter, keep your hands away or I'll chop 'em off, but maybe if you kneel t' me I'll let you have a sniff. You call us thieves, but at least a thief has t' be brave and clever and quick. A kneeler only has t' kneel." 
Ygritte is basically a bland political extremist. I could sympathize with her criticism of feudal culture if it didn’t come hand in hand with her passionate defense of violent theft and rape culture. Like, you paragon of intelligence, not everyone resides at the fair top of the food chain like you do in your peak fitness status within your warrior culture. But of course, rape is fun! Just bring a knife!
"Harma and the Bag of Bones don't come raiding for fish and apples. They steal swords and axes. Spices, silks, and furs. They grab every coin and ring and jeweled cup they can find, casks of wine in summer and casks of beef in winter, and they take women in any season and carry them off beyond the Wall."
Apples in a breath with women. People should not be “stolen”. But Ygritte thinks men who successfully abduct and rape women are sexy. She’s like Dany that way. There are some cultural divides that cannot be pretended away, and their entire conversation circles around it. Jon is plagued by terrible guilt, he tries to warn Ygritte that their plan is doomed, she (rightfully) suspects his loyalty to the Wildlings and Jon believes himself in love but he never wavers in his actual allegiance to the NW.
She grinned at that, showing Jon the crooked teeth that he had somehow come to love. Wildling to the bone, he thought again, with a sick sad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He flexed the fingers of his sword hand, and wondered what Ygritte would do if she knew his heart. Would she betray him if he sat her down and told her that he was still Ned Stark’s son and a man of the Night’s Watch? He hoped not, but he dare not take that risk.
GRRM is going out of his way to undermine the supposed romance by constantly referring to the conflict between them and the apples-of-choice are just all over. 
Anyway, Jon is thoroughly eaten by guilt over having to betray these human beings who are a vicious and brutal threat to the place and people he loves and swore to protect. His true identity is hinted at:
Jon wondered where Ghost was now. Had he gone to Castle Black, or was he was running with some wolfpack in the woods? He had no sense of the direwolf, not even in his dreams. It made him feel as if part of himself had been cut off. Even with Ygritte sleeping beside him, he felt alone. He did not want to die alone.
Ghost. Not Ygritte. Not the wildlings. Not the Watch, even. Ghost. Wolf.  
They arrive at the Queenscrown inn and an old man is captured.
Jon walked away. A rotten apple squished beneath his heel. Styr will kill him. The Magnar had said as much at Greyguard; any kneelers they met were to be put to death at once, to make certain they could not raise the alarm. Ride with them, eat with them, fight with them. Did that mean he must stand mute and helpless while they slit an old man's throat?  
The apples are rotten. Jon spends one last moment with Ygritte contemplating Queenscrown and then the “kill the old man” business starts. He struggles but ultimately refuses. Bran’s wolf Summer disrupts the tension with a bloody attack and Jon doesn’t hesitate to Escape. Like when they met, Jon didn’t slit Ygritte’s throat, but she slit the old man’s. He will not shoot arrows at her, but she did at him. Love. 
Thunder rumbled softly in the distance, but above him the clouds were breaking up. Jon searched the sky until he found the Ice Dragon, then turned the mare north for the Wall and Castle Black. The throb of pain in his thigh muscle made him wince as he put his heels into the old man’s horse. I am going home, he told himself. But if that was true, why did he feel so hollow?
Apple = choice. The choice is… NOT Ygritte. NOT the Wildlings. Time and again. But it also isn’t the Watch. Not as it had been before. Jon followed his instincts, his inner values, but it had a cost, it is hard. Jon is lost.
Apple Quality: rotten. 
Sixth apple: ASOS, Jon VII  
The Battle at Castle Black They await the attack, Jon and Satin share a meal. And they get a nod to Renly’s peach quote:
"Eat," Jon told him. "There's no knowing when you'll have another chance." He took two buns himself. The nuts were pine nuts, and besides the raisins there were bits of dried apple.  (ASOS, Jon VII)
Compare to Renly, which also took place before a nightly sneak attack. 
"A man should never refuse to taste a peach," Renly said as he tossed the stone away. "He may never get the chance again. Life is short, Stannis. Remember what the Starks say. Winter is coming." He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. (ACOK, Catelyn III)
Peaches have an air of incest and hedonism about them, nostalgia and summer, Baratheons and Arya and Asha. The apple is different. It’s about choice, about conflicted loyalty and personal values, about identity and the bigger picture. (And again and again, they connect to women.)
Jon commands part of the fight, it’s grim. He recognizes some of the wildlings as they pepper them with arrows but cannot shoot at who he thinks is Ygritte. Wildlings die, his brothers die. The battle is brutal, Jon’s POV is distant. Satin remains by his side all throughout, grounding him. Jon remembers advice from Theon, from Ned. They eventually beat the wildling attackers with a horrifying fire trap on the stairs, they win. Immediately after, Jon goes looking for Ygritte, Satin still by his side.
The ice crystals had settled over her face, and in the moonlight it looked as though she wore a glittering silver mask. The arrow was black, Jon saw, but it was fletched with white duck feathers. Not mine, he told himself, not one of mine. But he felt as if it were.
We get a Dany-Val nod… 
The light of the half-moon turned Val's honey-blond hair a pale silver and left her cheeks as white as snow. She took a deep breath. "The air tastes sweet."
"My tongue is too numb to tell. All I can taste is cold." (ADWD, Jon VIII)
...and a lovely double-layered “not mine, not one of mine”. Not his arrows, but he feels guilty. She is not his pack, but he feels guilty.
She just smiled at that. “D’you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave. I told you so.” “We’ll go back to the cave,” he said. “You’re not going to die, Ygritte. You’re not.” “Oh.” Ygritte cupped his cheek with her hand. “You know nothing, Jon Snow,” she sighed, dying.
Jon struggles to let go of the fantasy. He is loyal to the cause of the Watch, if not the letter of the vows, but he knows now that his souls want more. He indulges Ygritte’s fantasy of returning because it’s the only thing he has, the only thing he can offer. 
Apple = choice. The choice is… the Watch. But painfully. Numbly. No passion. Duty. 
Apple quality: dried. 
Seventh apple: ASOS, Jon X 
Tormund’s daughter Munda.
After vicious attacking Janos Slynt for insulting Ned Stark during a hiostile interrogation in the previous chapter, Jon is sent to kill Mance Rayder under the pretense of parley to prove his loyalty. He is resigned and shame-filled, contemplating his future, where he will be remembered in honorless infamy.  Much bitterness, plenty of woe. His reception by Tormund is surprisingly jovial. They drink mead to honor their fallen Donal Noye and Ygritte, with surprisingly little bitterness. It helps Jon return some of his cheer.
"You bloody crows." Tormund's tone was gruff, yet strangely gentle. "That Longspear stole me daughter. Munda, me little autumn apple. Took her right out o' my tent with all four o' her brothers about.” Toregg slept through it, the great lout, and Torwynd … well, Torwynd the Tame, that says all that needs saying, don’t it? The young ones gave the lad a fight, though.”
“And Munda?” asked Jon. “She’s my own blood,” said Tormund proudly. “She broke his lip for him and bit one ear half off, and I hear he’s got so many scratches on his back he can’t wear a cloak. She likes him well enough, though. And why not? He don’t fight with no spear, you know. Never has. So where do you think he got that name? Har!”  Jon had to laugh. Even now, even here.
Autumn apple. Stolen women. Cloak. 
Stealing women was a hot topic with Ygritte and Jon is immediately concerned, but is reassured. The tenor of the conversation is conciliatory, while he is revealed to be loyal to the Watch, there is mutual respect. In Jon’s thoughts, Ygritte becomes a mentor voice, drifting away from the romantic woe of before. 
Easy for you to say, he thought back. You died brave in battle, storming the castle of a foe. I’m going to die a turncloak and a killer. Nor would his death be quick, unless it came on the end of Mance’s sword.
Similarly to Dany later, Jon is arguing with dead beloved abusers in his head, like she will do in ADWD with Viserys. Ygritte is less obviously horrific, but the “voices in my head” aspect and the sheer idealising that both of them engage in feels disconcerting. Never the less, we see Jon’s current identity status on Facebook is “turncloak”. Not Night’s Watch.
The rest of Mance’s “court” is less welcoming, but Mance draws him in for a private conference. The Horn of Winter is revealed, the mutual cause of the Wildlings and the Night’s Watch is identified.
“If I sound the Horn of Winter, the Wall will fall. Or so the songs would have me believe. There are those among my people who want nothing more …” “But once the Wall is fallen,” Dalla said, “what will stop the Others?”
(Dalla has the brains that Ygritte lacked. Why can SHE not be Jon’s mentor?) 
Mance offers to hand over the Horn of Joramun if they let the Wildlings pass through the Wall, or he will destroy the Wall in three days. Jon hesitates because he fears they will ransack the place, but he also has no negotiating credit with Thorne and Slynt. He contemplates just smashing the Horn, when suddenly Stannis attacks. The Wildlings are smashed, a helpless Jon enters the tent with Val to attend Dalla.
He is just... disillusioned.
Apple = choice. The choice is… the bigger picture. The Watch is headed by irrational scum, the Wildlings are no less dangerous to the North than they were before and Jon has no hope of saving his ruined reputation either way. He was about to murder Mance, then about to smash his bargaining chip, yet he has no ill will toward them. Only a depressed, numb resignation to preventing the worst of all outcomes. 
Apple Quality: autumn apple.
Again with the autumn apple. There are only 3 “autumn apples” in the books, all in ASOS. Jon I (above with Mance), Samwell II, and Jon X here. 
In Jon I it connected Mance’s disloyalty to the Watch to the red-and-black cloak given to him by a woman. Also Bael the Bard, deception and stealing. Jon consults his inner values, and chooses pragmatism. His break with “blind” honor will leave him flailing a bit.
In Jon X it specifically refers to a young woman being stolen. Jon consults his inner values, he chooses the bigger picture, but he’s frayed and his choice is interrupted. Stannis will offer him Winterfell. Ghost will remind him of who he is. Ultimately, he will become Lord Commander and his struggle with loyalty will cease for a long time.
What’s Sam’s autumn apple about?  They are listed with many foodstuffs that the angry NW brother’s at Craster’s after the fight at the Fist of the First Men expect to receive. Mormont just remembered the true purpose of the Watch. Gilly has just given birth to her son. Sam offers to take the boy, Craster gets mad. they bury a dead brother and the mood is mutinous.
“Apples,” said Garth of Greenaway. “Barrels and barrels of crisp autumn apples. There are apple trees out there, I saw ’em.”
A confrontation breaks out and they kill Craster and stab Mormont. Sam’s friends flee, the others raid and rape, Sam cradles a dying Mormont. Some wives approach and order Sam to take Gilly to safety. 
Gilly was crying. “Me and the babe. Please. I’ll be your wife, like I was Craster’s. Please, ser crow. He’s a boy, just like Nella said he’d be. If you don’t take him, they will.” “They?” said Sam, and the raven cocked its black head and echoed, “They. They. They.” “The boy’s brothers,” said the old woman on the left. “Craster’s sons. The white cold’s rising out there, crow. I can feel it in my bones. These poor old bones don’t lie. They’ll be here soon, the sons.”
The massive abundance of apples suggests a link to the abundance of women, to the connection to inner values over formal loyalty, to the “stealing” of Gilly to save her. To the massive bigger picture. With Jon it translates to his trademark quick-thinking pragmatism, with Sam it translates to compassion and identifying valuable information. 
8th and final apple: ADWD, Jon V  - The Grand Appling.
ADWD Jon V is another big apple chapter:  you have to choose!
Much time has passed since the last apples were mentioned. Jon is Lord Commander and has sent away Sam, Gilly and maester Aemon. The Wildlings are south of the Wall. Food is a constant worry. Bowen Marsh is upset with Jon, Jon is super-diplomatic. Not. It’s time to bring provisions to the Wildlings at Mole’s Town. A Mirror to Dany in ADWD, Daenerys VI, bringing food to the Astapori refugees. The Wildlings are grumpy. Jon struggles to balance the culture clash between free folk, Stannis’ men and Wildlings.
Pig ignorance, Jon thought. The free folk were no different than the men of the Night’s Watch; some were clean, some dirty, but most were clean at times and dirty at other times.
Jon is much removed from his earlier woeful struggles or idealism. A weary pragmatism guides his every action. Grey.
Apples ensue:
"You can have an onion or an apple," Jon heard Hairy Hal tell one woman, "but not both. You got to pick."
The woman did not seem to understand. "I need two of each. One o' each for me, t'others for my boy. He's sick, but an apple will set him right." 
Hal shook his head. "He has to come get his own apple. Or his onion. Not both. Same as you. Now, is it an apple or an onion? Be quick about it, now, there's more behind you."
"An apple," she said, and he gave her one, an old dried thing, small and withered.
"Move along, woman," shouted a man three places back. "It's cold out here."
The woman paid the shout no mind. "Another apple," she said to Hairy Hal. "For my son. Please. This one is so little."
Hal looked to Jon. Jon shook his head. They would be out of apples soon enough. If they started giving two to everyone who wanted two, the latecomers would get none.
"Out of the way," a girl behind the woman said. Then she shoved her in the back. The woman staggered, lost her apple, and fell. The other foodstuffs in her arms went flying. Beans scattered, a turnip rolled into a mud puddle, a sack of flour split and spilled its precious contents in the snow. 
Apples are once again almost aggressively connected to choices. Apples or onions. Not both. You have to pick. 
Barring another meta, I can’t really say what the onion is supposed to represent. Some things that echoe Jon’s apple themes:
His sons were good fighters and better sailors, but they did not know how to talk to lords. They were lowborn, even as I was, but they do not like to recall that. When they look at our banner, all they see is a tall black ship flying on the wind. They close their eyes to the onion.  (ACOK, Davos I)
Dany nibbled at an onion and reflected ruefully on the faithlessness of men. (ACOK, Daenerys III)
The feast was a meager enough thing, a succession of fish stews, black bread, and spiceless goat. The tastiest thing Theon found to eat was an onion pie. Ale and wine continued to flow well after the last of the courses had been cleared away. (ACOK, Theon II)
Theon about to be ordered to attack Winterfell. Betrayal.
The last time it was life I brought to Storm's End, shaped to look like onions. This time it is death, in the shape of Melisandre of Asshai. (ACOK, Davos II)
Life and death brought by the same person.
Melisandre’s manichean world view vs. Davos’ more encompassing one:
"What if I am? It seems to me that most men are grey."
"If half of an onion is black with rot, it is a rotten onion. A man is good, or he is evil."  (ACOK, Davos II)
Bless you Sam. 
Hungry as he was, Sam knew he would retch if he so much as tried a bite. How could they eat the poor faithful garrons who had carried them so far? When Craster's wives brought onions, he seized one eagerly. One side was black with rot, but he cut that part off with his dagger and ate the good half raw. (ASOS, Samwell II)
Considering apples represent the choice you make to serve an ethical bigger picture (not necessarily loyalty to an order), onions seem to show a contrasting duality of bad and good, a refusal to position oneself honestly, dirty compromises, the darkness in human beings. 
Davos’ entire arc circles around being a very decent human being who none the less supports a whole lot of questionable crap. Our resident kraken Theon is torn inside unable to choose between Greyjoy and Stark identity and becomes monstrous. 
Melisandre downright denies the existence of grey. The presence of bad cancels out all good.  Samwell, on the other hand, embraces the good while disregarding the bad. 
Ygritte smelled of onion. Dany eats wild onion on her dragon grassland chapter,  Jorah eats onion. Brienne has onion soup on her way to Lady Stoneheart. Jon offers the Wildlings onion soup after they burn their god’s for Melisandre in echange for safety. Dark compromises. 
So the choice between apples and onions is the choice to MAKE a choice. Stop hedging your bets or practicing denial, position yourself, one way or the other. 
The woman who refuses to choose, loses her apple, loses the fruit that will set her sick son right, loses her cance at following her inner moral compass and doing the right thing. 
There is a tussle, Jon tries to rally them with a speech. They are in a Mutiny at Craster’s Keep kind of mood.
“You want more food?” asked Jon. “The food’s for fighters. Help us hold the Wall, and you’ll eat as well as any crow.” Or as poorly, when the food runs short. (…)
“Fight for you?” This voice was thickly accented. Sigorn, the young Magnar of Thenn, spoke the Common Tongue haltingly at best. “Not fight for you. Kill you better. Kill all you.” The raven flapped its wings. “Kill, kill.” Sigorn’s father, the old Magnar, had been crushed beneath the falling stair during his attack on Castle Black. I would feel the same if someone asked me to make common cause with the Lannisters, Jon told himself. “Your father tried to kill us all,” he reminded Sigorn. “The Magnar was a brave man, yet he failed. And if he had succeeded … who would hold the Wall?”
Jon believes in the greyness of men, but he also believes in choices. You don’t have to be perfect to do the right thing. But you have to do the right thing. Or a thing, anyway. You have to choose.
There is more commotion. Jon decides to make it simpler.
"Hal, what was it that you told this woman?"
Hal looked confused. "About the food, you mean? An apple or an onion? That's all I said. They got to pick."
"You have to pick," Jon Snow repeated. "All of you. No one is asking you to take our vows, and I do not care what gods you worship. My own gods are the old gods, the gods of the North, but you can keep the red god, or the Seven, or any other god who hears your prayers. It's spears we need. Bows. Eyes along the Wall. (…)
He recruits, actively. 
“The choice is yours,” Jon Snow told them. “Those who want to help us hold the Wall, return to Castle Black with me and I’ll see you armed and fed. The rest of you, get your turnips and your onions and crawl back inside your holes.”
Apples yay, onions nay. Dany killed the slavers of Astapor, and left alive only children under the age of 12. Jon recruit ages 12 and up for the Watch, girls and boys. Dany killed 163 random slavers. Jon recruits 63 Wildlings.
By the time the last withered apple had been handed out, the wagons were crowded with wildlings, and they were sixty-three stronger than when the column had set out from Castle Black that morning. 
The apples win out. No more mention of onions in this chapter. 
The chapter ends on a grey note, uncertain but hopeful. 
Marsh was unconvinced. “You’ve added sixty-three more mouths, my lord … but how many are fighters, and whose side will they fight on? If it’s the Others at the gates, most like they’ll stand with us, I grant you … but if it’s Tormund Giantsbane or the Weeping Man come calling with ten thousand howling killers, what then?” “Then we’ll know. So let us hope it never comes to that.”
Hilariously, it is not the treachery of the apple-choosing wildlings Jon will have to worry about. 
The abundance of onions and apples in this chapter sets up the struggle Jon faces in later ADWD chapters. The bigger picture v. Arya. Apples are done, for now, the onions stalk him. He tries to strikes a balance. He hesitates, he sends Mance, he struggles. In the end, the Pink Letter sends him over the edge.
Apples v. onions.  Jon has chosen. 
Apples = choice. The choices is… NOT the Watch. Arya. The North. The bigger picture. House Stark. 
Apple Quality: withered. Like the very first apple. 
Jon stood tall. He told himself that he would die well; that much he could do, at the least. “I know the penalty for desertion, my lord. I’m not afraid to die.” “Die!” the raven cried. “Nor live, I hope,” Mormont said, cutting his ham with a dagger and feeding a bite to the bird. (AGOT, Jon IX)
In conclusion:
Apples signal the necessity for Jon make a moral choice according to his own personal values. 
Jon always has his eyes on the bigger picture. 
His choices becomes increasingly divorced from the concept of loyalty to the Watch.
There is a pronounced conflict between apple and onion, between moral choice and refusal to choose. Jon tries to walk the line between the letter of his vows and his values. He ends up choosing his values. It goes badly. 
The quality of the apples has a relationship with the ease of choosing. 
whithered apples are fairly clean choices, 
rotten apples are traumatic choices, 
autumn apples relate to choices influenced by the wisdom of women, the stealing of women. 
There is a future apple promised to “the beastie” as a reward. 
If we want to draw a connection to the show, Jon will clearly face another apples v. onions conflict and the need to choose will feature heavily. It will go badly. But there is the promise of home and reward.
68 notes · View notes
maxtothemax · 4 years
Hawk Annotations
It’s been some days since Hawk came out so I figured I’d post my stupid annotations on here. Putting it all under a cut because, obviously, there are so many spoilers, and I had a lot to say.
Started reading: 7/6/20
The 10th Maximum Ride book
It just came out today and I just got it in the mail so let’s see what this dumpster fire is all about.
2 – well! the world building is already bad
3 – I do sorta like the narrative voice though
8 – there’s so much swearing. wonder whether she’s allowed to say fuck though
she says “feck”???
11 – how is there an even remotely functional government like 15-20 years post-apocalypse
13 – why’d she wait the extra half hour?
15 – “my kids” I’m going to assume this is more of a flock situation than a teen mom situation?
19 – so much exposition :/
23 – I’m really not invested in any of this. Ugh, and I have 400 pages to go… [well, okay, it was more like 375. My hardcover copy was long.]
26 – for someone who doesn’t care about her parents, Hawk sure does bring them up a lot
37 – oh, that’s probably Fang, isn’t it
39 – is that a fucking smiley face? [It actually had J in the narration. What??]
40 – “Anytime I heard the word ‘experiment,’ my ears perked right up” okay just call me out like that I guess
43 – that would make sense
46 – black lab coat? [the future of lab fashion?]
67 – hmm this is weird, I don’t like it
69 – she didn’t really seem like she was into that
72 – …but apparently she was?
78 – well that escalated quickly
82 – I don’t know how to feel about this
85 – has Max been in solitary for 10 years? What the fuck?? [It wasn’t solitary confinement, actually, just regular prison.]
87 – none of this world building makes any sense
101 – this is incredibly poorly written. Barely even follows the rules of reality
102 – It’s also very dark, edgy, “Life sucks deal with it” flavored and I’m not a fan
General note: this is reminding me of Witch & Wizard in all the worst ways. Especially page 105. [It’s been brought to my attention that Gabrielle Charbonnet also co-authored at least one book in that series, so that’s probably why.]
106 – Why does McCallum sound exactly like Trump? [The most shocking part of reading this book was finding out that Jimmy Patterson apparently disapproves of Trump.]
108 – so we’re not ignoring the “he was like a brother to me” thing?
109 – JP has torn this series apart so thoroughly. I hate him.
116 – Fuck this. You killed her after giving her maybe 2 minutes of page time. There’s nothing meaningful about that!! Nothing!!
119 – oH SHIT OKAY
121 – that didn’t make it any better, actually
Everything feels so pointless here
I don’t even want to read this but it’ll bug me if I don’t :/
127 – At least this book is better about describing characters
129 – HOW COULD HE POSSIBLY TELL?? Isn’t Ridley enough to prove it?
Side note: will we ever find out who Rose is?
130 – multiple sets of what now?
133 – HOW DO THEY FOLD TWICE???? [Their wings! Fold twice! How the FUCK does that work??]
138 – I’m sorry what
141 – Okay yeah McCallum is definitely a Trump stand in
145 – that’s not gonna happen
147 – I know Jeb is dead but I would be totally unsurprised if McCallum turned out to be Jeb. [Spoiler alert: he isn’t. Evidently Jeb’s still dead. Good for him.]
148 – Okay that line was actually good [the line was: “I’m Maximum Ride, you son of a bitch!”]
149 – Max ALMOST said fuck. Very nearly.
[God just let her say fuck, she deserves it the most]
153 – well this is fucked
154 – you’re not allowed to judge anyone’s names, you named yourself Hawk
160 – It doesn’t even really feel like the flock is older. Except Nudge, probably b/c she keeps calling Hawk “sweetie”
163 – why is Freak capitalized?
164 – “We try to keep the body count low. Part of our personal growth.” I’M SCREAMING NUDGE IS SO FUNNY
173 – OH SHIT
181 – Crismins? Did they change the word for Christmas?
183 – As usual, Nudge is the only one here who I respect
190 – Nudge would be an amazing mom
I’m actually so happy about Nudge’s characterization so far, I love her. Nudge stan for life.
[In the original series: Nudge who? I don’t know her.
In Hawk: Nudge is everyone’s favorite person.]
193 – “You want a wing! Find yourself a goddamn brain first!” that’s so fucking good actually
203 – Are you fucking kidding me
209 – savage
215 – this just in: horses aren’t real
Hey also where the fuck’s Angel? Did she finally start a cult or something?
221 – “he’d put his dad wings on” that’s… quite a phrase
When did Fang become such a hardass? [Edit: actually he was focused on rescuing Max so I guess that’s justified.]
225 – “eyeless Rain” are we doing the blind mentioning thing again? Really? [JP has a bad habit of traumatically removing characters’ vision and then always bringing up that they’re blind as though that’s their only character trait, and I for one think he should be banned from writing for that alone.]
234 – well that escalated quickly
237 – way to avoid describing Gazzy or Iggy’s wings lol
246 – seeing Max call Fang “my love” is very uncomfortable
247 – Okay, that’s cute. [Cutest scene in the whole book, actually.]
257 – Nudge does have curly hair!!! See!!! [@ Narae Lee: take some fucking notes.]
259 – Gazzy’s environmentally friendly bombs. He should make a business.
269 – “forking”? Excuse me sir this is [definitely] not the Good Place I’m sure you can just say fuck
271 – Oh god I don’t want to think about how old the flock is now
272 – These Ride girls are really prone to fainting I guess. Real convenient for transitions between scenes.
278 – I’m still so pissed that the flock was separated for ten years. Not even in a heartbreaking way—it just feels like there was no point to it
Also: how did they find out what happened to Rose? [Also: why use a random character you just made up instead of characters we already know? Hello? Wasn’t Fang’s gang still around post-apocalypse? Weren’t they all friends by then?]
283 – Oh god, is it Angel?
284 – YEP! And holy shit did Total have a kid or something?
285 – Okay so I was this close with the cult leader thing
287 – TOTAL’S ALIVE??? and remarried?? where is he? [I still want some fucking answers, James.]
295 – what the fuck is with the spelling here? Did Angel really just say “staaaahp”?? [As in “stop” but the 2010 internet way of saying it.]
Did she just say “LOL” out loud??
301 – this feels like when you’re in the car with a friend while they’re having an argument with their parents…
This all feels so pointless. The whole first series was about building a better world, and things somehow only got worse.
306 – wow it really doesn’t take much to set Hawk off
307 – you know what, Max is right
The fact that it’s been 10+ years and the flock still has to save the world is really dissatisfying. [It’s passed off as a “it’s what we do” sort of thing, but that shouldn’t be their fucking lifelong job.]
315 – Breaking news: Hawk is introduced to the concept of daddy issues
320 – wait when did Ridley get here??
323 – why are there so many mentions of wearing ponchos to hide their wings? [There have to be better ways]
333 – this was the only major spoiler I got but even though I had warning I’m still mad about it
355 – “Could that could be sky?” has to be the worst mistype I’ve seen in here
365 – Okay this is super uncomfortable
370 – “200 km per hour” I don’t know the metric system but I’m guessing that’s not accurate [it’s 125-ish mph so… I don’t know enough about flying speeds for this, okay, that’s the author’s job]
375 – How would Hawk know what a geocache is?
378 – so she’s just leaving him to die?
381 – okay, zero foreshadowing on that one
396 – so Pietro lived
397 – so actually everyone lived except for Clete :/
399 – “More Epilogue”??
Finished: 7/7/20
I… have no idea what to say about this one. It was a lot. Some parts were decent, others were boring, and it didn’t really feel like a “new generation” book, just an excuse to show the old flock as adults.
I was pleasantly surprised with Nudge’s characterization, and I really liked the “drop the Phoenix” scene, but that’s pretty much all I liked.
[Additional note: the book had no plot. Zero. Like… there was an attempt, but it didn’t really come together.]
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headfulloffantasies · 4 years
The Mouths of Babes
5 times other hunters talked about those Winchester boys
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5 times other hunters talk about the Winchesters
Her whole life, Katie had heard stories about the Winchester boys. It started with tales about John Winchester, “and those boys of his.” Shortly after, those same stories turned into tall tales about the Winchesters’ latest great victory. Unbelievable stuff. Dragons. Demons. Fairies. Gods.
Katie’s Uncle Lou would come up to the house with a case he needed help with. He and Katie’s dad would talk a long time, and at the end of many of those talks Dad would say, “This is too weird for us. Leave it to the Winchesters.”
When she turned eighteen and was ready to go on her first solo hunt, Uncle Lou sat Katie down for a talk. If she ever found a case too weird, he instructed her to call him, and he’d call his pal Garth to tell the Winchesters to drop by.
Katie wished she’d listened to Uncle Lou.
She and her partner Leslie slammed their backs against the storeroom door. The thumps on the other side shook the whole doorframe.
“It’s only a shapeshifter,” Leslie sassed, repeating Katie’s words back to her. “It’ll be easy. We’ll be home for dinner.”
“So it’s a shapeshifter family,” Katie grunted as another body rattled the door. “We can still take them.”
“Are you kidding me?” Leslie yelled. “The whole farm is infested. If we make it out of this, I’m going to kill you.”
“I told you we should have left it to the Winchesters,” Katie ground out.
Leslie’s long blonde hair hid her face. “I’m sorry, okay? Next time you can do the research.”
At that moment a bang like a gunshot rang out. Katie instinctively ducked. The doors stopped shuddering under the shapeshifter onslaught. Another bang, and another, accompanied a scream. Then silence.
Katie and Leslie traded a wide-eyed stare.
Someone knocked on the door. Leslie screamed.
“Hey, take it easy,” a male voice said on the other side of the door. “The shapeshifters are dead. You can come out.”
Katie reached for the door handle. Leslie whimpered. Katie cracked the door open. A huge dude stood on the other side with a shotgun in his hands.
Katie raised her machete. “Prove you’re not a monster.”
The guy lowered his gun and pulled a knife from his belt. Katie hefted the machete.
“Easy. It’s silver,” the dude said. He dragged the knife across the skin of his wrist. Blood welled up, but no sizzling smoke.
Katie relaxed slightly. “Who are you?”
“My name is Sam; this is my brother Dean.” Another big dude with shorter hair lumbered out of the dark. He surveyed the area with his shotgun at the ready. Katie recognised the set to his jaw and the position of his shoulders. Her dad hunted like that.
“You’re hunters?”
Leslie crashed into Katie’s side. “Holy crap,” she gasped. “You’re the Winchesters.”
Sam looked startled. Dean swiveled their way, eyeing Leslie with suspicion.
“Yeah, we are,” Sam said.
“You’ve heard of us?” Dean asked.
             “I kind of thought you were a myth,” Katie said.
Dean snorted, but a smirk crawled up his face. “Let’s go. We got the rest of the shapeshifters. You did good, all things considered.”
“Except the part where we almost died,” Leslie said.
             Hunter wakes were the worst.
             Katie wished she was old enough to down the bottle of whiskey on the coffee table in front of her. She didn’t even know the poor dead shmuck. But her dad did, and he insisted Katie should come along to pay her respects.
             “Leslie didn’t have to come,” Katie grumbled to herself. She slouched further into the old couch, wanting to sink into the floor.
             Everybody clustered around the living room had at least twenty years on her. Nobody wanted to talk to the kid. She didn’t have any stories about Tyler to share. She didn’t have any tears to shed, or laughs to offer. She might as well become the lamp in the corner for all the attention anybody paid her.
             A couple of dudes in flannel sat on the other couch opposite Katie. She had tuned out their conversation ages ago. But her ears pricked at a familiar name.
             “The Winchesters took out an alpha vampire.”
             “You’re taking the piss.”
             “No, I’m serious. They got that angel buddy helping them.”
             “Dude, I thought the angels hated us.”
             “This one’s palling with the Winchesters, I swear.”
             “Those boys get weirder every day.”
             Katie strained her ears while trying to keep her expression blank. But that moment, a fork clinked against a glass. The conversations died.
             Katie turned in her seat. Her Uncle Lou stood with a glass upraised in his hand.
             “Friends, hunters,” he started. “We are all here today to honour our fallen brother.”
             Katie wasn’t listening anymore. Two men had just walked through the front door. The taller stood with his jaw clenched and his brow furrowed as he listened to Uncle Lou’s toast. The other one shuffled his feet and stuffed his hands in his green army jacket.
             Sam and Dean Winchester.
             Katie fidgeted until the toasts ended. Then she bolted off the couch. She tried to pretend nonchalance as she sidled up to the brothers. They were talking with Uncle Lou’s friend Garth.
             “Dude, anytime you want to lose the babysitting gig and hunt with us again, we’ll be there,” Dean said.
             Sam caught Katie’s eye first. Recognition sparked across his face. He nudged Dean. “Hey,” Sam said. “You’re that kid from the shapeshifter hunt. Kat?”              “Katie,” she corrected him. “How did you know Tyler?”              Dean chuckled. “The old coot used to hunt with our dad. We’d see him a couple times a year as kids.”
             “Do you actually have an angel friend?” Katie blurted out. She clapped a hand over her mouth in horror.
             Dean frowned, but Sam huffed a laugh. “Yeah, I guess.”
             “That’s so cool,” Katie squeaked. “I have to go.” Go drown herself in the rain barrel, Katie thought as she turned tail and ran. If she ever met the Winchesters again, she just might die of shame.
             Katie scrolled mindlessly through tv channels on the motel room box when a familiar face caught her eye.
             “No way.” She flipped back. Katie’s mouth dropped open. Sam Winchester’s face plastered a wanted ad on the late-night news. The image flipped to his brother Dean, looking angrier than Katie remembered him. She turned up the volume.
             “-shooting up a diner on the edge of town,” the news anchor reported. “These brothers are reported to be armed and dangerous. The public is being warned not to engage and to call authorities immediately.”
             The motel room door opened. Leslie bustled in with her arms full of groceries.
             “Look,” Katie pointed at the tv screen. “The Winchesters are on tv!”
             Leslie quirked an eyebrow. “For real? What did they do, kill the President?”
             “Where are the Winchesters?” The vampire hissed.
             Katie’s head spun. Her heart beat slow and sluggish against her ribs. Blood flowed from her wrist over the arm of the chair, staining the ropes tying her down.
             “I told you, I don’t know them,” Katie slurred. After three days, she could hardly keep track of the endless questions. She hadn’t seen Leslie since the vampires first jumped them in the barn. Now, in the farmhouse kitchen, Katie didn’t dare think what might have happened to her friend.
             “All hunters know the Winchesters,” the blonde vampire snarled. Her needle teeth made it hard for Katie to focus on her words.
             “I know who they are,” Katie nodded. She wished she hadn’t. Sparks popped at the edge of her vision. “But I don’t know them. I don’t know where they are.”
             “Try right here,” a new voice broke into the conversation from behind Katie’s back. She heard the vamp scream. Something sliced through the air and then two dull thuds hit the ground.
             Dean Winchester came into Katie’s field of vision. His green army jacket was flecked with blood.
             “You okay, kid?” Dean knelt and untied Katie’s hands.
             Katie couldn’t speak. Her throat clogged with tears.
             “Hey, I know you,” Dean said. “You’re that Kansas kid from the funeral. Katie, right?”
             “Did you find Leslie?” Katie finally forced out. “Is she okay?”
             “She’s good,” Dean assured her. He helped her to her feet. Katie swayed. “Hey,” Dean caught her shoulder. “Okay, lean on me. Let’s go find your friend.”
             Katie didn’t remember the walk out of the house and into the driveway. But she recalled Leslie slamming into her and wrapping her in a hug. Katie sagged against Leslie. Over Leslie’s shoulder, Katie smiled her thanks to Dean.              
             Katie didn’t hang out in bars. Especially hunter bars. But she and Leslie needed intel from one of her dad’s hunter pals. He insisted on meeting them at the Old Horse bar off the highway. Stepping through the front door with Leslie, Katie inhaled the stench of depression and stale sweat.
             Corky, the old hunter, sat on a stool at the bar. The visor of his old ball cap had ragged edges like his dog had chewed on it.
             Katie and Leslie slid onto barstools next to him. Corky lifted red rimmed eyes.
             “You’re Hank’s kid?”
             “Yessir,” Katie nodded.
             Corky’s eyes travelled up and down Leslie. She shifted uncomfortably. The barstool squeaked.
             “Dad said you had a weird case,” Katie prompted. “Something better left to the Winchesters.”
             Corky scowled. “Them boys are nothing but trouble. You ever see them, run. They tend to leave folks for dead.”
             Leslie shot Katie a frown.
             “They’ve saved our lives,” Katie said.
             Corky snorted. “Sure. And now you’re in their debt. When they need cannon fodder, they’ll call you.”
             Katie regretted the drive to talk to Corky. “Do you have a case or not?”
             Corky reached into his coat and pulled out a stack of papers. He thumped them down on the sticky bar. “All yours. Couple kids missing all their organs. Hearts, kidneys, livers, the works. I don’t know nothing that harvests all that without taking a bite.”
             “How do you mean?” Leslie flipped through the pages.
             Corky shrugged. “All the guts were removed surgically. Clean cuts, no fangs, no claws.”
             “Weird,” Leslie muttered.
             Katie stood. “Thanks for your time.”
             Corky swivelled in his seat to watch Katie and Leslie go. “Remember what I said,” he called after them. “Don’t trust those Winchesters.”
Katie saw them first. Sam and Dean Winchester hanging by their wrists from the rafters of an old warehouse. Another unknown man swung next to them. Their boots had drifted lazy patterns through the dust on the floor. A rudimentary system of hoses pierced the crook of their elbows, draining red into bags hanging on crude stands next to them.
             Katie’s mind raced through a short list of possible monster culprits. Ghouls, vampires, leviathan…
             “Djinn!” Leslie yelled. “Get down!”
             Katie ducked. Leslie’s shotgun blasted through the space where Katie’s head had been.
             An inhuman screech raised all the hairs on the back of Katie’s neck.
             Katie popped up and aimed her gun. Head shot or nothing, she told herself. The longer this fight lasted, the more opportunities the djinn had to ensnare them. Katie got a bead on the djinn’s flaming eyes. She pulled the trigger.
             The gun jammed.
             Katie cursed. The djinn’s grin glowed under its flaming blue eyes. It moved low and fast. Katie braced herself.
             The shotgun blast nearly deafened Katie. Her ears rang. The djinn slumped to the ground.
             Leslie dropped her shotgun. The clattering sound was twice as concussive in the silence after the kill shot. Leslie stared down at the body. It looked like a normal middle-aged man without its glowing tattoos. Leslie shook all over.
             Katie took her shaking hand and led her over to the three men strung up from the ceiling. Leslie visibly swallowed her nerves. She got to work helping an unconscious Sam.
             Katie approached the unknown man at the far end. She pressed a hand to his neck, searching for a pulse. His skin was cold. He was gone. Katie bolted down the rush of emotions. She had to cut him down. He deserved that much.
             Katie found a box in the corner of the warehouse to clamber on top of. She withdrew her knife and sawed through the ropes binding his wrists. She eased him down and laid him out. The ropes unwound from reddened wrists gone pale in death. Katie crossed his arms over his chest. It was the best she could do.
             Katie got up and shoved the box over to Dean’s side.
             Leslie already had Sam down on the ground. She brushed his hair out of his face and tapped his cheek, trying to rouse him.
             Katie focussed on the ropes around Dean’s wrists. Her knife severed them easily enough. Dean’s weight slumped against Katie. She stifled a groan. How the hell had Leslie lifted Sam? He had to weigh tonnes more than Dean.
             She got Dean on the ground without doing him any serious injury. His head lolled against the concrete. Katie removed the needle in his arm. She tossed the foul thing as far as possible. Now what? She didn’t know how to wake people from djinn dreams. Katie looked over at Leslie helplessly. Leslie reflected the same confusion back.
             She gestured to Sam. “He won’t wake up.”
             Dean suddenly gasped. Leslie screamed. Dean sat up so fast he nearly headbutted Katie.
             “Hey,” Katie held up her hands. “Easy. You’re okay.”
             Dean’s wild eyes took in the warehouse and Katie and Leslie. His gaze landed on Sam. His whole demeanor changed. Dean went from coiled to attack to springing into defense. He dove to Sam’s side and repeated Leslie’s gentle taps to the face. It didn’t help.
             “Dean,” Katie said. “We tried that. He won’t wake up.”
             “Where’s the djinn?” Dean asked without looking up from his brother.
             “Dead,” Leslie spat.
             Dean nodded. “Good.” He wiped a hand over his face and gathered himself. “Okay. He’ll wake up in a minute now that the djinn’s dead. Help me with him.”
             Katie and Leslie took Sam’s left side and Dean took the other. Together they lifted Sam and half carried half dragged him out of the warehouse.
             “Why did you wake up but not Sam?” Katie asked as they pushed the warehouse door open.
             Dean shrugged and nearly lost his grip on Sam. “I don’t know. The dream started breaking down. Maybe I’ve got more of an immunity to the djinn because I’ve been dosed more than Sam has. Or maybe it was just luck.”
             “How many djinn have you killed?” Katie asked incredulously.
             “I dunno,” Dean thought. “Three. Maybe four.”
             Leslie gave Katie a wide-eyed stare. These Winchesters were crazy.  
             Dean’s car waited in the back alley under a single street light. It was a beautiful machine. Classic and monstrous in its wide grill and sleek body. Katie and Leslie helped Dean prop Sam up in the passenger’s seat. Dean slapped his brother across the face. Sam jerked awake, spitting and swearing.
             Dean and Sam helped Katie and Leslie clear their crime scene. Then they got into their car and drove away.
             Before that though, Dean offered Katie a handshake. “We owe you one,” he said.
             “I think we’re even,” Katie said.
             Dean smiled. “You ever need anything, give us a call.” He gave Katie a phone number scribbled on a Gas n’ Sip napkin.
             Leslie and Katie watched the Winchesters’ taillights fade into the dark.
             “My dad will never believe we saved the Winchesters,” Katie said.
             “I can’t believe we got their number!”
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enchanted-prose · 4 years
#6 The Lady Renlyn Karise Is Missing Her Right Boot!
Hey howdy hey! I’m finally on time again! 
Word count:  4,514
Characters: Imogen, Amarinda, Lord Feall (Original Character), Lady Renlyn Karise (Original Character), Jolly (Original Character), Brat, Beetle, and Roach (Original Characters)
Notes: So many new people! Anyways, this fic introduces a very important character, and I’m very excited to be publishing her debut! I will be returning with Part 2 of the Vaults very soon, I just needed to keep you all on your toes for a bit!
"I can’t thank you enough for helping me with the selection,” Imogen said as she walked arm-in-arm with Amarinda, and she knew that Amarinda’s hopes were as high as her own. “It just became so hard to choose.”
“I’m just glad you trusted my judgement,” Amarinda’s dimpled smile shone despite the dark, cloudy evening.
There was something else on Imogen's mind: the fear that maybe, just maybe
Amarinda's judgement was wrong this time.
Two months ago, Amarinda was called away to spend time with her cousin, Crown Princess Eline of Bymar, at a quiet party for friends and family. Tobias went with her, of course, as well as a splendid entourage. They weren't away for too long, perhaps a few weeks, but it was a lonely time for Imogen.
She prided herself on being a good listener. Imogen's attendants loved telling her the latest gossip, but were far too afraid to have a meaningful conversation late into the night.
Though Jaron was her confidant, husband, and best friend, there were some things he, ah, had a different perspective on.
It was difficult without Amarinda's company.
Imogen did her best to remain positive despite growing lonely. She wasn't the loudest queen there had ever been, and she didn't feel comfortable asking for favors.
But Jaron soon caught on to how much Imogen missed Amarinda, and how much Imogen simply couldn't connect with her attendants.
As gently as he could, Jaron suggested finding a new lady-in-waiting to keep Imogen
company, as Amarinda's duties as ambassador to Bymar would soon require her to make frequent trips to all five Bymarian kingdom states in preparation for Princess
Eline's official coronation. He created a list of women he thought would get along with Imogen, and she did the same.
Ultimately, the choice became too difficult.
Each woman would make an excellent companion. However, Imogen realized another very important factor.
She needed a lady-in-waiting who'd get along with Amarinda too.
In the end, Imogen asked Amarinda to make the final choice, and not to tell her who it was until the day she arrived.
And that day had finally come.
"Oh, I do hope she gets here before it rains," said Amarinda as she  gestured to the darkening sky. "We haven't had any really frightening storms in a long time, I think today's the day we get a taste of the storming season."
"Do you think that she'd like the rain?" Imogen asked, suddenly realizing how very nervous she was to meet her new lady-in-waiting.
"Absolutely. You two will probably get along very well, I'd be surprised if you didn't."
"It's silly, being this nervous."
"I don't think it's silly at all! You're meeting a brand new person who hasn't been to court in several months and has quite the reputation for her staring, but don't let that intimidate you. You're the queen. People love you."
It was still difficult adjusting to being the highest lady in the land.
After all, nearly five years ago, Imogen was a servant pretending she couldn't speak to avoid her master's eye.
Shifting from being one of the most disliked people in the kitchen to the most admired woman in the kingdom wasn't exactly easy. There were eyes on her almost every moment of every day. Ears listening for her voice and anything they could use against her. Mouths telling flowering lies, spilling with compliments that didn't seem genuine, and biting back harsh comments.
There was always the chance that her new companion would find her too quiet, too dull, and not all that exciting.
After all, that's what some duchesses believed.
"Can I know her name yet?" Imogen was wringing her hands, her eyes glued to the stairs as she and Amarinda glided their way into the great hall.
Amarinda's eyebrows shot up to her hairline, looking dreadfully smug. "Absolutely not, otherwise you'll ruin the surprise. I've given you hints, list them off."
Imogen began thinking of each reason in her head.
"Out loud, Imogen," laughed Amarinda.
"Reputation for staring, her name's on the list Jaron made, she hasn't been here for several months."
"Also that she's very blonde, that's an important one. Any guesses?"
"Promise not to laugh?"
"I swear I won't laugh."
The great hall wasn't nearly as full as it usually was, much to Imogen's relief. Jaron was out on a hunting expedition with Mott, and Tobias had been called away to tend to an ailing old woman. However, there was one brightly dressed troubadour lounging on a chair, strumming a lute while several ladies and lords listened to his ballad.
Oh, Jolly, he always had to have a crowd with him.
It was quite funny, really. Crowds turned him into quite the adventurer. Imogen enjoyed having him around, he'd added several new songs to his repertoire.
Though some of them were a little too sad for Imogen's taste.
"Is it Lady Ayvar- no, she's got ginger hair, sorry about that one," Imogen waved her hand as if trying to shoo away her mistake. "Um, Lady Isla, from Eberstein."
Amarinda smiled, "No, but you're quite close. Guess again."
"Lady Vanesse from the lowlands?"
"Not her, either, and she's not nearly as close of a guess as Lady Isla."
"Lady Helene?"
"Almost, but not quite," Amarinda was still grinning. She thanked the pages who opened the massive oak door leading out to the castle courtyard. "Want to guess again?"
"Not really, I, ah, don't really know who else to name," Imogen confessed.
"Good, it'll make the surprise even more shocking."
The courtyard was filled with people rushing to finish their duties before the storm hit.
Women dashed left and right with their arms full of laundry. Page boys were leading a group of large Bymarian war horses towards the stables. Lord Feall and several soldiers were sorting through a band of thieves.
Imogen swore she recognized one of them.
She narrowed her eyes, and leaned forward in an attempt to see more details.
"One of them looks familiar," Imogen muttered.
"Everyone looks familiar from a distance," said Amarinda. She shrugged her shoulders,
"Roden and Lord Feall have been working really hard to capture some members of the Faola. Feall has told me he suspects that one of them is the notorious Mireldis Thay."
"I've heard that name before."
Amarinda took a deep breath, which meant that she was going to try her best to explain the situation as fast as possible. "Queen Danika sent several investigators to try to find her, but they were expected to arrive several days ago. Jaron sent out several soldiers to find them, but if what Roden said was true about Danika's representatives trying to find evidence against House Thay, I hope they never come."
"Why not?" asked Imogen, trying her best not to sound too eager about learning more from Amarinda.
There was a pause before more words came.
"I knew Mireldis Thay when we were children. We got along, and she was very important to Princess Eline. I don't know everything that happened, as I only learned of
House Thay's strife several months after Tobias and I were married. And I- and I'd rather keep my memories of Mireldis as they were. I want to remember her as my friend, not my enemy."
Words would only make the situation more painful than it needed to be.
Rather than say anything more, Imogen wrapped her arm around Amarinda's waist, giving her a side embrace for a moment.
Her desire to preserve the memory of her friend was something Imogen would do her best to respect.
She wondered why Feall was so convinced that Lady Thay was one of the Faola.
Why he was so concerned with catching her.
She didn't have it within herself to ask Amarinda her thoughts and shatter the peaceful quiet. Imogen knew that she'd receive answers in due time, all that was needed was a little bit of patience.
"I arranged for a larger greeting party," Amarinda said after several moments of silence.
"They're all waiting for my word, I'm just waiting until we get word that our new guest is
in the city, I don't want everyone waiting for too long."
The fear Imogen had felt before was slowly warming up to excitement. "When do you suspect she'll be here?"
"Possibly half of an hour, maybe more than two hours," she was trying her best to be nonchalant, Imogen knew that much.
A fat raindrop hit the cobblestone step below the pair.
"Maybe even more if it begins to rain."
Imogen cracked a smile, "It'll be alright."
"Now you're telling me not to be nervous, wasn't I just telling you the same thing a little while ago?"
Amarinda's laugh was contagious, and Imogen caught herself giggling along as well.
Another rain drop hit the ground.
The courtyard, which had been bustling with laundresses not long before, was devoid of all drying sheets and doublets. No page boys and the massive horses they were leading could be seen.
Only Feall, the soldiers, and the thieves, which Imogen was certain were Faola gang members, remained outside.
Imogen watched silently as Feall separated several of the Faola from the others, and gestured to the underground dungeon. The Faola that hadn't been pointed towards the dungeon were let go.
They practically ran from the soldiers as their brothers in arms were taken away.
Feall stood back, watching as his men and the captured Faola marched out of the courtyard. Once they were out of sight, he sent the remaining soldiers to their posts, and approached Amarinda and Imogen.
"Good evening, your Highness," Feall dipped his head. "Ambassador."
"Lord Feall, it's good to see you here," Amarinda flashed a bright smile.
"Those were Faola, were they not?" asked Imogen, genuinely curious about the thieves going straight to the dungeons. She'd heard much about the Faola and their morally grey ways after they attacked Feall.
"They were indeed," confirmed Feall. "We've been, ah, sifting through the ones we capture. I'd much rather take their leaders captive and coerce them into telling us where their fellow vagabonds are instead of slaughtering each one we find. Captain Harlowe and I are trying to prove that the crown wants justice.
"The Faola we released technically didn't do anything wrong, merely stumbled onto a scene at the wrong time. The ones we arrested, however, were inciting a fight in an alleyway. While that's not a crime as hefty as murder, it's still a disturbance of the peace. They'll spend a week in the dungeon and then be released, hopefully after realizing that the guard doesn't want them dead. They are still people, after all."
"You're a good man, Feall," Imogen smiled, and clasped her hands together. "Have you considered staying here longer?"
Amarinda and Feall exchanged a glance. He cleared his throat, "It depends on if King Oberson wants to stay longer. I don't want to see trouble befall him as he returns home to Bymar."
Ah, King Oberson. The portly king of Dinwallis, one of Bymar's five states. He'd come to rub elbows with Tobias and Amarinda, but recently informed Roden that he was concerned for his safety, and wanted to remain in Carthya.
It probably didn't help that Danika was sending investigators to locate Lady Mireldis Thay.
Tobias later told Imogen that when Mireldis's name was mentioned in Oberson's presence, he went as pale as a freshly cleaned sheet.
There was a silent understanding that until Oberson was certain there was no Mireldis Thay coming to kill him for some random reason, he'd be staying in Drylliad.
Which meant Feall would stay too.
"The suspected storm is making me a little nervous," Amarinda confessed. "There was a woman coming to Drylliad tonight, I fear they were caught up in the rains."
Imogen blinked several times.
What happened?
She'd focused on her own thoughts for too long and vanished from the conversation.
Feall noticed. "Glad to have you back, your Majesty."
"I'm so sorry," Imogen felt her cheeks grow a little pink. "Have you heard any word from our guest?"
"I have, actually," Feall was beaming, his smile so warm that it could've rivaled the sun.
"I sent out a squadron of men, I hope the captain doesn't mind. They'll be here-"
A loud clap of thunder shook the sky and-
Several fat raindrops splashed on Imogen.
Then all at once, the heavens opened up.
Rain poured down, instantly soaking Amarinda, Imogen, and Feall. In a fit of giggles and childish shrieks, Amarinda and Imogen sloshed their way back into the castle, painfully aware that their dresses were creating ponds as they stood safe from the storm outside.
Imogen looked up at Amarinda, the kohl lining around her eyes had melted down her face. They both began to laugh as Amarinda giddily wiped around her eyes. Even Feall was chuckling.
“Can you please send word to my friends in the great hall that our guest will be here soon?” Amarinda asked, most of her kohl successfully wiped off.
The page boy who opened the door nodded his head, and dashed off to do as he was told.
"Do you know our guest's name?" Imogen asked suddenly, turning her gaze to Feall.
"I do, as a matter of fact. But I have been sworn to secrecy to preserve the surprise, as Lady Amarinda asked. Would you like me to find one of your attendants so you both can change out of your wet clothing?"
Amarinda seemed to consider his offer, "Scared we'll catch our deaths, Feall?"
"Yes, yes I am."
"You said you heard from our guests," Amarinda crossed her arms, likely to keep out the
"Do you know when she'll be here?" Imogen asked excitedly, her nervousness had faded the second she realized how close she was to meeting her new lady-in-waiting.
She couldn't deny how ready she was to meet this new guest, couldn't deny that she was definitely anxious to see how the situation would pan out.
Feall ran his hand over his bearded chin, "Very soon."
"But how soon?"
"You're beginning to sound like your husband, your Majesty."
A new wave of giggles overtook Imogen. The thought of her becoming more like Jaron was something she and the rest of the castle feared.
It was bad enough having one Jaron.
But at least one Jaron had a worrying Tobias to keep him in check.
Two Jarons would likely mean the castle's destruction.
Several courtiers began shifting into the large front room, their eyes wide once they saw both Imogen and Amarinda soaked to the bone. None of them said anything.
Except for Jolly, who'd pushed himself to the front.
He pointed at Feall’s soaking tunic, "That's unprofessional, sir."
"So is pointing," Amarinda stuck out her tongue.
"It's good to see you again, Ambassador."
"Are you still frequenting Queen Danika's court?"
"Absolutely I am!" Jolly strummed his lute. "She adores my company."
"I like his company too, he's got numerous songs I absolutely adore," Imogen held her hands up in mocking surrender. She knew that Amarinda wasn't Jolly's biggest fan.
"Thank you, your Majesty, I think I'll write one about-"
"There will be no ballad writing about anybody in this room!" Amarinda insisted, trying to
wring out her braid as she did so. "Plese, Saints, please no ballads."
"Your loss, Ambassador. Besides, I already have one written about sir Feall, it's quite catchy."
Feall arched an eyebrow, "Is it now?"
Imogen took Amarinda by the elbow, and led her away from Jolly and the potential argument.
They’d change from their wet clothes, and hopefully Imogen’s new lady-in-waiting wouldn’t arrive while they were away.
The minutes were ticking by, slowly turning into an hour.
Imogen and Amarinda did their best to sit with the courtiers. Amarinda looked at the large clock imported from Mendenwal seemingly every minute, which only made time slower.
When the clock hit the top of the hour, four of the courtiers excused themselves.
The clock continued ticking.
And then two hours passed. The courtiers and welcoming party vanished, Jolly began to strum a tune about an outlawed princess from the north.
Four hours.
Six hours.
Six hours had passed since the storm hit, and there was no sign of Imogen’s new lady-in-waiting or the squadron of guards Feall had sent to meet them.
“Jolly, can you play us another song?” Imogen asked quietly, rubbing her eyes in a futile attempt at staying awake.
The troubadour yawned, nodded, and strummed his lute, “Is there anything specific you’d like?”
“Something happy.”
“I’ll play The Girl Who Ate Everything because I know that-,” Jolly shot a look at Amarinda, “-somebody hates it.”
“It’s not very kind of you to make that assumption,” Amarinda checked her nails.
Imogen knew she was doing her best to be polite.
Amarinda only ever checked her nails to avoid rolling her eyes and appearing rude.
Jolly inhaled, exhaled, and played the opening chords for the song. He opened his mouth, preparing to sing the first note-
Suddenly, a pounding knock shattered the peaceful air. Jolly jumped, striking a discordant note, which only made Amarinda laugh.
A page burst in through the door. He inhaled deeply, eyes bulging out of his face, bowed, and used his loudest voice for his declaration:
"The Lady Renlyn Karise is missing her right boot!"
Amarinda snorted.
Missing- missing her right boot.
What a way to make an appearance.
Instantly, Imogen thought of a million possibilities of the person her new lady-in-waiting could be. Adventurous, wild, somebody loud and talkative. The type of person that would exhaust Imogen in a matter of minutes.
Dear Saints, she was becoming nervous again.
“Renlyn Karise is here!” Jolly raised his lute in triumph. “Saints, love that woman. She’s charming, absolutely charming!”
"Renlyn Karise?" Imogen made a face, she'd never heard of that name before.
She wasn't even sure if it was on the list of women recommended for the position.
"Come on! Come on, let's go outside and see her," Amarinda said, taking Imogen by the elbow and leading her through the large doors before she could protest.
“I suppose I’ll stay here then!” shouted Jolly.
Imogen held a hand over her head as she and Amarinda took the steps two at a time.
Excitement threatened to knock her back.
The rain was still beating against the stone courtyard, but not with the fury it had before.
A large white carriage was waiting in the middle of Carthyan soldiers, a tall young woman was talking to one of them.
"Lady Renlyn!" Amarinda cried, waving her hand above her head.
Renlyn Karise was as tall as some of the soldiers guarding her carriage. Her hair, though dripping wet, was the same shade of wheat fields waiting for harvest. She dropped into a deep curtsy as soon as Amarinda and Imogen were finally within conversation distance.
She seemed like a nice person.
"I'm very excited to have you in my household," Imogen said, putting her best smile on her face.
"Not as excited as I am," was Renlyn's reply, and yet, her face was locked in a bored expression.
"Lady Karise, you're soaking wet!" Amarinda noted, gesturing to Renlyn's clothing. "And where has your boot gone!?"
"I hate carriages."
"And shoes too?"
"Yes, or I would've been wearing both."
Amarinda chuckled, though Imogen couldn't deny that she was a little confused. It wasn't until a smirk tugged at Renlyn's mouth that she realized Renlyn wasn't being serious.
It seemed that Lady Renlyn Karise's humor would be dry enough to combat the storm. She was collected and quiet.
They’d all get along very well.
"There are three children waiting in the carriage," Renlyn gestured behind her.
Amarinda didn’t hide her surprise."And where did you pick those up?"
"Just outside the Vaults, they were in the custody of three guards. Lieutenant Alistair informed me that the situation will be taken care of."
"What situation?"
Renlyn avoided the question, "It will be handled. I suspect that I will not be given my boot back, unfortunately."
Something in Renlyn's dry voice made Imogen suspect that there was more to the story.
It also made Imogen suspect that she wouldn't get those story details until she and Renlyn were better friends.
"The children will be taken inside," Amarinda promised. "What are their names?"
"Brat, Beetle, and Roach."
"Are you- are you joking?" Imogen tilted her head.
"I don't joke, your Majesty."
The carriage door clicked open. Out spilled three tiny, and incredibly dirty, children. Two girls, one boy.
A tall man, Lieutenant Alistair, held his cloak over the trio, preventing them from getting wet. Renlyn didn’t look away from the odd group as they made their way up the castle steps and into the warmth waiting inside.
Imogen tilted her head.
She wasn’t against bringing orphans into the castle.
She just wanted to know what brought them there.
"You must be cold," Imogen said, gesturing to Renlyn's clothes and then to the sky.
"We're going to get sick if we don't get into something dry."
"We had a group of people here to welcome you, but I suspect that you'd like to avoid people until you're ready," Amarinda added. "I suspect that they're all distracted anyways. It's very late and we have a popular troubadour in the castle at the moment."
"Which one?" Renlyn asked.
"Jolly of Angelmarr, he's Bymarian and an idiot."
"Ah, I know him, actually. Is he still,um, the one who. . .?"
"Is the favorite of Queen Danika, my aunt? Yes, he is."
“You know Jolly?” asked Imogen, deftly steering both Renlyn and Amarinda to the castle. The rain had become a constant drizzle now.
Renlyn nodded, “I do.”
“I hope he’s slipped off somewhere else, Imogen and I were listening to him play the lute. He’s talented, I’ll give him that, but still an annoyance.”
Imogen rubbed her nose as she hid her chuckle.
The page boy who’d announced Renlyn in her right-boot-less state was sitting on the steps. He jumped to his feet as the three women approached, and held open the door. Renlyn nodded her thanks, but kept her eyes glued straight ahead.
Drylliad castle was humble, yet magnificent. You’d be a fool to call it ugly, but a wise man to call it slightly plain.
“Jaron wanted to secure more money for fixing things rather than hanging full tapestries from every wall,” Imogen explained, suddenly self conscious about a castle.
Self conscious.
About a castle.
To Imogen’s surprise, Renlyn didn’t comment on the plain walls. Instead, she nodded. “I’m very much in debt to the king, he’s been assisting my search for workers.”
“You’re a businesswoman?”
She nodded. “I sell ships, and, ah, other goods.”
“How are things, by the way?” Amarinda asked, carefully lifting her skirts as the three women began to walk up the stairs to Renlyn’s apartments.
Several moments passed before Renlyn spoke. It was obvious that she was more than a little uncomfortable. “Very well. King Aranscot has commissioned several pinnaces. There is a demand for, uh, certain fabrics in Bymar and Gelyn. I take pride in the ships I’ve built, but the real money comes from what I can sell using those ships.”
“You’re quite hated among some of the trade guilds in Bymar, I applaud that.”
“I’m also a woman playing a man’s game.”
“How did you come into business?” Imogen asked, fascinated by Renlyn’s choice to do something like that.
“My elder brother was heir to my father’s trades,” Renlyn frowned. “I was betrothed at a tender age, but my brother died, making me the eldest and therefore the one to inherit all my father owned. I was tired of being passed around like a horse, and taught myself how to run a business.
“Rather than sew myself into new dresses, I requested the bolts of silk that would’ve gone to my gowns and began to sell them. Eventually, I was trading silks and giving my father a run for his money. We chose to work together, rather than run both our companies into the ground, and became much more powerful than before. When my father died, I received it all, and now I’ve proven that I’m more than just pretty teeth.”
There was pride flaming in Renlyn’s eyes, Imogen could practically see the flames leaping out.
Imogen cracked a smile.
Renlyn was a hard worker, they’d get along very well.
“We’re both very excited to have you stay with us at court,” Amarinda said as she dragged both Imogen and Renlyn to the right. “Just in time for summer, too.”
Ideas grew in the back of Imogen’s mind. The thought of running a trading empire on her own was thrilling. “Renlyn, King Oberson will be staying here for the summer, have you considered speaking with him about sending a gift to his wife?”
A rare grin slipped across Renlyn’s face as Amarinda dragged her into the small suite saved specifically for her.
“You’ll be staying here unless Imogen requests your company at night,” Amarinda spread out her arms, showing off the lovely room.
“It’s very, ah, colorful,” Renlyn noted as she stepped inside. “My clothes are being brought up so I can-”
“Nonsense! Imogen and I selected several gowns for you, we can’t have you catching your death before you even start your new position.”
Imogen nodded, and gestured to a single wardrobe pressed up in the corner. “There’s plenty of gowns in there, would you like us to wait outside while you change? Do you need-”
“By the Saints!” Renlyn burst, her sudden outcry causing both Imogen and Amarinda to jump. She’d nearly ran to the wardrobe, and was running her hands all over the tiny details. “Do you have any idea how beautiful this is? Look at these! The figures have faces! Faces! This alone could serve as a dowry!”
The wardrobe was indeed lavish.
Hand carved from dark wood, the wardrobe boasted a scene depicting a beautiful woman accompanied by many lance wielding men. Several other details had been added to the side panels and drawers.
It was odd, thinking about how a piece of furniture could serve as somebody’s dowry.
Renlyn was mumbling to herself, touching every single part of the wardrobe. A wide smile broke across her face, “I’ve been expanding my business to include multiple trades. I’ve got an army of carpenters itching for something. My, my, this is genius! Yes, yes, and then the profits could help me with the blacksmiths. . . Oh, yes.”
“This is how Tobias gets when he finds another physician’s reports,” Amarinda grinned. “It’s wonderful, seeing somebody devoted to what they love.”
“Perhaps we should give Lady Renlyn and the wardrobe some privacy,” Imogen suggested, nodding towards the door. She cleared her throat, “We’ll be right outside!”
If Renlyn heard them, she didn’t say anything, as she’d finally opened the wardrobe and was snooping inside.
As both Imogen and Amarinda left Renlyn to inspect the wardrobe, they exchanged a smile.
Lady Renlyn Karise would make a lovely lady-in-waiting indeed.
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bluboothalassophile · 4 years
@chromium7sky thank you for the tag!
Rules: Write ten facts about yourself and then tag ten followers you want to get to know better.
1) I did tap dancing and ballet as a child, thoroughly enjoyed ballet, I regret not sticking with it.
2) I wanted, and still desire to, work with animals; particularly exotic animals at zoos, I have a love for wild animals.
3) I play the piano, clarinet, and base clarinet.
4) I started writing at 18 when I wrote a 150 page rant about my high school experience, proceeded to delete it and started writing original fiction. I published my first fanfiction just after I turned 19, after watching all of InuYasha and wanting to know more about Sesshomaru and Rin’s fates, and from there we got here though I’ve recently resumed a more avid focus on my originals.
5) Other than a single cat, when I was 7, I have never asked for a single pet I’ve come to own. My family has always had a lot of pets though, so if I ever did ask I probably would have received a puppy, kitten, possibly even a horse when I was younger and we had the space.
6) I spent a lot of my childhood on a ranch; I did not grown up on a ranch though; where I learned the basics of riding a horse, milking a cow, and animal care; it’s also where I learnt Emus are fucking evil birds, same with roosters. I love goats, not the biggest fan of pigs though I don’t mind them, love dogs, cats, ducks, geese (they’re alright, funny birds really), snakes, birds, bats, raccoons; if I hadn’t been on that ranch at times I swear I would’ve driven my mother nuts by bringing home animals.
7) I started the Hopes for a Bastard Series in an attempt to escape romance writing and ship writing.
8) I enjoy surfing, I need to get out and do that more.
9) My childhood hero was Steve Irwin, he still is one my heroes to be completely honest. The world would be a better place if there were more like him.
10) I loath, despise, and detest anything with avocado; if any of my recipes call for it I will leave it out or not cook that meal. I will not order it or guacamole, ever, for anything.
Now I’m tagging @bookaholicpt, @ravenfan1242, @shewhowillnotbenamed1, @spoilersteph, @alerialblu, @ss-tyytyy, @andthendk, @ariazu7, @choco-miffy, @wingedskyes
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