#It's not easy
big-low-t · 9 months
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dduane · 2 years
i’ve always thought it was really cool how honest you are on this website. i think a lot of the time when writers become established or well known, people who aren’t professional writers, or perhaps are writers but have not published anything or amassed a following tend to think that there’s a point when writing becomes easy. but i think you’ve always been pretty upfront and clear about how that is incredibly not true. writing will still be hard sometimes. i just think that’s neat
I’ve been getting paid for this work for forty years now, and I’m here to tell you that even in previous decades, when there always seemed more than enough energy for whatever needed doing, my work was never something I’d have dared characterize as “easy.” (Not least because I always knew such a description, no matter how jokingly I might have voiced it, would have been tempting fate.) ...And having just turned seventy, while these days I have to manage my energy resources a bit more carefully to get done what needs doing, the work’s still not easy.
Sure, some tasks associated with the Work become less troublesome to manage simply because you’ve met and managed them so many times now. Some problems that you’ve solved repeatedly enough become simpler to untangle... sometimes to the point that you don’t even have to think about how to manage things when they pop up. Some mistakes that you made too many times in previous years have also become easier to avoid over time (the way you learn to avoid riding your bike right at a brick wall after the first few times, no matter how you want to show up the person who dared you to. Pain’s a great teacher...).
But the everlasting search for the perfect word, or exactly the right character voice, or the quintessential viewpoint, or the most satisfying plot twist for this particular story, never gets any easier. Solve one of these challenges, and another will promptly present itself. This work is not meant to get easy, because growth isn’t easy... and the good writer is always growing and learning. The last thing you want to hear is “His/her/their book is just another version of the one before. They’ve gone stagnant. They’ve stopped trying.” And my concern is that the thought or feeling “That was easy” at the end of a project would be a sure sign that something or other was going very wrong.
There’s this, too. When too many things start becoming easy, there’s a risk of losing the one thing about a completed writing project that can’t be taken from you: your (rightful!) sense of accomplishment. At the end of the day, that’s the only prize that really matters. Yeah, you get paid when you turn work in. (Or not, if you’re laboring at the fanfic end of things.) But money (or kudos) cannot replace the intimate personal knowledge of what you did, and how you got it done. Outside rewards are no equal to the memory of how you sized up the task lying before you—the way a mountaineer sizes up a peak—or  the way you plotted out how you were going to tackle it: and how you then, step by step, pitch by pitch and crag by crag, embark on your fic’s or novel’s or screenplay’s conquest. The view from the top, months later, when you’re up there looking down over the way you’ve come, wouldn’t be anything like as satisfying if it had felt easy.
So I’m quite happy to keep a good tight grip on the sense of the Work sometimes being hard. When things fail to go as planned—because of life issues, or executing a batch of material and finding out after the fact that it’s all wrong, or discovering that the emphasis of your project has changed in some way you never expected—then the ways you find to shift and cope and get through to your goal are proof that you’re still growing, still learning new ways to get it done. The sense of difficulty, by this metric, is way more valuable as proof of growing expertise than any sense of things being, or getting, easy.
Anyway: thanks for the kind words. They’re much appreciated.  :)
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vecnawrites · 2 years
Patreon Reward: Begging To Be Bred
Jaune has a problem. He swears that the girls on his team are seducing him and his willpower is not strong enough! Fortunately, they have a mission out in the field soon, so hopefully they have a chance to cool off...
As the team leader, only male, and only human member of Team JNPR, Jaune was used to dealing with odd things.
Everyone had either given him the stink eye, thinking the worst of him due to him being the only male in a team of women (in a position of authority, no less), incredible jealousy, or given him looks of sympathy. He wasn’t really sure why, considering he dealt with seven sisters growing up.
Oh, don’t get him wrong, each of the three girls were a true beauty. Pyrrha Nikos, an apparent four-time champion in Mistral (he couldn’t say anything about that, since he knew nothing really about the tournament scene. It had never interested him.) who was a Tiger Faunus, her trait being a red tail with black stripes, with long red hair held in a ponytail and bright, expressive emerald eyes.
Next to her was Lian Ren, a svelte beauty of a feline faunus, her trait being the ears emerging from her hair (from the ear shape, he suspected panther), with long black hair, broken by a single pink streak in the front bangs, and surprisingly pink eyes.
The final member of his team was Nora Valkyrie, a bombastic and incredibly energetic (and curvaceous) cow faunus, her trait being a small pair of horns on her head (although a tiny part of his mind whispered that her trait was really attached to her chest, due to her bust size) who seemed to ignore any idea of the concept of “personal space”.
To be honest, it wasn’t bad. They weren’t too different than wrangling his sisters, save the fact that he, well, he wasn’t related to them, so it made certain instances more awkward as they got more comfortable with each other. So much more awkward.
Like the times that Lian needed help stretching after class! He had no issue with that (he knew he was always sore as hell afterwards as well) but the fact that she wore only a sports bra and thong of all things made it awkward! Never mind the moaning and pushing her rear back against his pelvis! He swore it was on purpose!
Or the time (times, it happened multiple times…) where Pyrrha had forgotten to take in clothes or a towel into the bathroom when she showered, and came out naked as the day she was born and glistening with water, her muscles rippling and sizable bust and bottom bouncing as she walked shamelessly to get a towel and clothes.
Or Nora asking him for help with something personal, only for him to get the shock of his life when she whipped off her top and bra and she asked him for help milking herself, as she had gotten ‘extremely backed up’ and needed to have her breasts drained. That had been a long and hard (on several different levels) two hours, as not only did Nora have a lot of milk in her chest, like she said, the constant quivering and shaky “Moos” she released were hell on his libido.
If he didn’t know those three so well, he’d swear that they wanted him to do something…but no, he knew that they were just lonely and somewhat forgetful girls. Lian and Nora were orphans and often looked over by everyone, and Pyrrha had been put on an unfortunate pedestal by practically everyone. They simply trusted him not to be the same.
There couldn’t be more to it.
“OH MY GOD!” Nora exploded, tugging at her hair as she fell forward, burying her face into Lian’s lap. “WHY IS HE SO DENSE!?” she whined softly as Lian gently ran her fingers through her hair, rubbing the base of her horns tenderly.
“Now, Nora…it’s not Jaune’s fault…not really. You know he has seven sisters, so what we have been doing is probably something that he’s seen before…that, and we honestly haven’t actually overtly said anything about our interest, so it’s just as much our fault, if not more, for not telling him.” she soothed, even though Lian’s cat ears were twitching in agitation at the fact that their team leader hadn’t taken them and dicked them down yet.
Pyrrha was pacing about the dorm, her tail flicking back and forth slowly like the predator that she was on the prowl, her eyes narrowed. Her nostrils were flared as she drew in the scent of the room, and more importantly, Jaune’s scent.
All three were currently agitated and on edge, as their heat cycles were upon them, and while this normally meant between one to two weeks of intense discomfort, they now had someone that they could trust to help their needs…
They just had to get the lovably dense man to realize it!
Pyrrha froze, her tail going straight and still as she tilted her head, a slow smile forming on her face. “We have a training mission coming up…” she purred, getting both Lian’s and Nora’s attentions.
She turned to them, her eyes almost glowing with eagerness. “Listen to me very carefully~”
Juane hummed softly as he set his tent up. They were in a rather secluded area, one that they had placed traps around to warn them of any excess Grimm heading their way. While they were still technically in the village they had cleansed the Grimm from, the inn had been full, so they were in a slightly secluded and isolated area away, but still close enough to get food the next morning before heading back towards the pick up area.
As he crawled into his tent and laid down to sleep, he was oblivious to three sets of hungry eyes watching him.
LIck! Slurp! Smack! Jaune gasped, his eyes snapping open and his body lurching upwards as pleasure filled him, emanating from his groin. He glanced down, sure that he’d be met with the sight of a soaked blanket and boxers that he would have to hide from his three-
JauneLancelotArc.Exe Has Stopped. Would You Like To Reboot?
Before him were his teammates. His three sexy teammates. His three, sexy, naked teammates, all their curves bared as they rubbed their faces against his dick, pink tongues slipping from their mouths and lapping at his shaft and balls, sending great amounts of pleasure through him.
He gasped as their trailed their tongues over his shaft, starting at the base and working their way up towards his leaking tip, their tongues doing a seeming tango against each other on the sensitive helmet, making him release a louder, choked sound, one that made their attentions turn towards him.
Emerald, Pink, and Turquoise eyes stared up at him in lust. Somehow, Jaune found his voice, shaky as it was. “G-Girls? W-What’s going on?” he gasped out as Pyrrha and Lian licked at the weeping head of his cock again, being able to tell that their feline traits were more than just external; their tongues slightly raspy and dragging along his cock in such a way that made him thrash, even more when Nora buried her face into his balls and audibly inhaled, a slutty moan leaving her lips.
“Jaune…we need you…our pussies are so empty…our wombs need to be filled…we want to be bred…please help us~” the fact that it was LIan who was begging threw Juane, just as much, if not more, than the fact that Pyrrha of all people was shamelessly sniffing and rubbing her face against his cock and Nora was happily sniffing his balls, wiggling her fat ass as she did so.
A gentle caress to his abdomen brought his attention back to Lian, who had sat up somewhat, her modest (but still sizable) breasts jiggling, her dusky light brown nipples hard as diamonds as they pointed at him. “We all want you, Jaune~ Please? We’ll be good girls for you, we promise~”
Jaune swallowed at the earnest, hungry looks that the three gave him. But…they needed him. How could he say no?
“AH! AH! AH! YES! OH FUCK, JAUNE! FILL MY TIGHT LITTLE COW CUNT! BLOAT MY WOMB!” Nora cried out as he fucked her on her back, her legs wrapped around his hips as he thrust firmly in and out of her tight, burning little pussy, feeling the folds of flesh tighten and loosen in a rhythmic fashion as he moved.
“YES! YES! MORE! OH, GODS! DON’T STOP!” Lian wailed as she arched her back as Jaune hovered over her, pounding into her pussy with great intensity, wet smacks filling the tent as his balls smacked into the underside of her ass cheeks as he thrust with everything he had.
“MORE! MORE! WANTED THIS SINCE I GOT TO KNOW YOU! WANTED YOU TO MAKE ME YOURS! WANTED TO MAKE YOU MINE! DON’T PULL OUT! I WANT MY WOMB FULL OF YOUR SEED! MAKE IT LAND ONLY YOU WILL EVER CONQUER!”  Pyrrha screamed, being the most animated of the three, thrusting with Jaune, her own hands not idle as she roamed his body, her hungry eyes glowing with joy at the fact that she finally got what she wanted. Gotten the man she wanted.
And some pride sisters as well, since her moaning and well fucked teammates were curled up on either side of them.
A Jaune came again, for what must have been the fifth time in their mating, Pyrrha tipped over the edge with a scream of passion, her womb so full she swore she could feel his cum swirling around inside her.
As she slumped down, she started purring happily as Jaune followed, gathering her, Lian, and Nora up and cradling them all close.
They might be tired now, what with their heats sated properly for the first time in their lives, but they were going to continue in the morning, no matter who heard them!
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Sometimes doing nothing is the hardest thing you can do
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moonsnightowl · 7 months
Alright hear me out
Fuck Marry Kill ™️ game with Gary's characters!
@hudson-bay-girl @celestialsister0918 @historygeekfics @anakinnskid @m00nage-daydr34m
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separatist-apologist · 11 months
I'm starting to think my definition of "easy" and the internet's definition of "easy" are not the same when it comes to dinner recipes. If I have to make my own dressing, that's not an easy/lazy meal.
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ward-leon · 25 days
maybe ill just go shoot at qoh instead idk
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wherethefoolsgather · 2 months
Didn't even realize we're now 3 months clean today heck yeah
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miss-biophys · 3 months
5 years ago, I started blogging about my scientific struggles and joy, combining it with care for two children, move to another country, and learning the country's language.
5 years ago, just when I started, a few people reached out to me asking for advice and mentoring.
This week, I had one of these very first mentees visiting me in my home for 2 days. This girl made an amazing progress in her own journey through academia and life.
It was awesome experience and I am immensely proud of her.
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ceofjohnlennon · 2 years
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"Sometimes all I think about is you.": Remembering John Lennon. 🕊🤍
John Lennon, a name that always tastes sweet in my mouth, today tastes a little bitter. There is no way to measure your importance to me and how your absence is missed not only individually but also for all those who dream. You weren't perfect and you knew it; you always showed your rawest version and tried to improve, you saw a weak staircase, missing steps, and fixed it, always trying to reach the top where the breeze is cooler. Despite not having an ounce of artistic talent in me, you overflow in me as the one I needed to know to know who I am. For some an idol is just an idol, for me it goes beyond that because beyond to learning to love your soul transcribed in music, I also learned to love your heart. I know that besides me, you have awakened this feeling in many and that's your charm. Your absence in the world leaves us in short supply, leaves us black and white without your art coloring us but we are trying, John! For 42 years! And we will not give up. The dream will never end, much less yours, because you are eternal. This day is not a happy one and there is nothing to celebrate but let's make it a good day so you can feel it wherever you are. I wish you peace, I wish you a superior eternity where you can see what you have marked in history and lives of thousands. It is what you deserve.
I miss and love you everyday, John Lennon.
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oasisr · 11 months
I truly believe that we're all a little bit narcissistic these days due to trauma, abuse and demonic oppression.
I think what matters most is that we must practice self reflection, kindness to ourselves and others, prayer, repentance, and the path towards redemption.
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gatespride · 5 months
university is taking up much of my time currently. i will most likely be more active when exams and assignments are behind me.
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im-secretly-a-frog · 6 months
Most of my Spotify ads are just Twinks singing Christmas songs and honestly, I'm okay with that.
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dark-arts-stuff · 8 months
Some art concept for my AU/take of Deltarune Chapter 3
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andsylphy · 8 months
finally figured out how to get this pomadebrain's stupid quaff right at basically any angle.
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rastronomicals · 8 months
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2:29 AM EDT October 10, 2023:
The Rolling Stones - "It's Not Easy" From the album Aftermath (April 15, 1966)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
From the first Stones album to consist entirely of Jagger/Richard compositions.
And like Revolver from the same year, it is not the artist's best, but it is better than both its preceding album (Out of Our Heads) and its successor (Between the Buttons). If you wanted to have an argument about which was the better musical year, this fact alone would have me leaning towards 1966 over 1967
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