#Heat Cycles
shamrockqueen · 1 day
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Omega retreat chapter 7
Pairing : Alpha Bucky x Reader
Warnings : R18, eventual Smut, uncomfortable situation, heat cycles, scenting, something is amiss
Word count : 1891
Summary : As an unmarked and lonely omega you find a flyer for a service called The Omega Retreat.
You are paired with a compatible alpha to spend your heat or just a week at a luxurious cabin at a forest resort. Amenities and Utilities included. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, fresh air, as well as the company of an alpha of your choosing. What could possibly go wrong?
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Your lips tightened together, not uttering a single word in response to this stranger as your scent became tainted with a new sense of unease.
“What, are you shy, baby?” He leaned in towards you, breaking further through your comfort zone. “You can call me Mr. Rumlow, if I could only get your name in return…”
“Sir?” The small chirp of another staff member rang through the air, leaving you to finally breathe as his gaze was stolen. “I have to ask you to leave the other clients alone, please.”
“I’m just saying ‘hello’ to the lovely lady. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
“Sir, I will not ask again.” The expression on her face became all the more sharp, just as her tone did. The unwanted Alpha clicked his tongue in annoyance before trudging past her, knocking against her shoulder in the process.
He regained composure almost immediately, turning back to you with a plastic smile. “Come with us, ma’am. Your partner was called, and your transportation is ready.”
“Really?” It was a relief to be able to leave this atmosphere, but it was a lot sooner than you’d initially thought. You hadn’t even seen Bucky yet.
The other beta shittered around her, grabbing your bags back up as she helped pull you from the chair. You hoped the reason for the hasty retreat wasn’t due to your increasingly potent pheromones laying thick in the air around the room.
"Yes, ma’am, this way.” Both of the staff members quickly ushered you towards the doors at the other side of the building, where they had transport waiting for you. Sadly, it wasn’t fast enough, as another commotion broke out at another desk as you passed by.
It had been an angry couple, and soon voices began to rise as another large Alpha turned his ire towards the staff member.
“You gave me a beta bitch!!” His scream echoed around the room and was met with a shrill response of “grow up, you pig” from the lady at his side.
They barely had you out the door as the loudest part of the conversation rang through the air as he shouted back, “You fucking lied to me!”
The door clicked shut behind you, and you stood by the glass, nearly shaking as the smaller beta loaded your bag into the waiting vehicle. The female was at your side, soothing you with her neutral scent as he squeezed your shoulder.
“I’m very sorry for the inconvenience; this doesn’t normally happen.”
“Is everything alright over there?” Your voice cracked, a jolt of fear shaking your knees. The aura of a raging alpha makes your inner Omega cower, twisting your belly until it makes you sick. It’s the sickness that terrified you the most, and you would have collapsed and curled into a ball on the floor if it hadn’t been for the sweet beta beside you.
“It’s nothing to worry about, ma’am. We’re an alpha and omega match service, but some Betas like to slip through the cracks, and it can make their potential partner a little upset.” She spoke so smoothly as she guided you into the car, and you curled into the seat without realizing you’d made it this far.
“Okay.” You spoke back meekly. You think that it sounds fair to be upset if someone lied like that, but it still seemed like an overreaction.
She held the door as she leaned in to speak, calming you further. “Your stay should be much better from here, ma’am.” With that last sentiment, she gently closed the door, and the door pulled away immediately.
The ride is quiet, shadowed by the large trees surrounding the thin road. You are very disheartened by the sour display, and the few red flags seem to draw up on the horizon. But your budding heat, along with the sight of the cabin in the distance, made your excitement bloom back to life.
The idea of finally meeting James made your body even hotter than it was when your heat crept from under your skin. You were almost there, and just maybe he’d be waiting for you at your little forest escape.
But, as the car pulled to a soft stop near the cabin’s entrance, there wasn’t anyone there to greet you.
“Where is..” you almost didn’t want to ask, your voice shrinking as you spoke.
The driver turned back to you, most likely anticipating your confusion. “We decided to bring you up a little early to make you more comfortable.”
“Oh.” Your shoulders sank as the little syllable left your shaking lip.
You didn’t want to cry, not here, but you didn’t mean to put any of the staff on edge over your own anxieties, let alone your heat.
The driver didn’t speak again to reassure you, choosing instead to get out of the car to secure your bags from the trunk. You followed suit slowly as they carried the luggage past the small porch and towards the door to let themselves inside.
The cabin was just as beautiful as you had seen in the advertisement. The kitchen was a georgeous oak with emerald green tiling, and the dining table sat at its side, past the island that sat beside its stove.
“Alright..” She spoke with a plastic smile, heavily rehearsed as it spread from cheek to cheek. “…so here’s the kitchen; the bedroom is shared with the den over by those beautiful windows; the bathroom and back down that hallway.”
She set your bags by the door before continuing with the small tour. “You chose the meal kits, which are stocked in the fridge alongside a selection of wine and spirits.”
They went over all the necessary amenities from top to bottom. They were quick to try and say their farewell, giving you a curt “If there are no other questions, then I’ll leave you to wait for your partner.”
“I..is there an emergency number? You know if anything happens.” You stuttered out before they could leave just yet. If anything happened and even your expectant Alpha couldn't help you, then you would need a lifeline.
You watched her take a thick swallow, nearly looking through you before finally answering. “Of course. There’s a phone by the bathroom and a list of office numbers beside it in case you need to reach us for anything. Plus, your phone should have coverage even out there.” She said everything with a wavering smile that you nearly didn’t notice.
Sadly, you were too anxious to think about it further, assuming your troubled scent was simply putting her on edge.
“Thank you.”
“No problem; have a nice day.” It was the last sentiment they gave before leaving and letting the door click closed behind them. Then it was quiet. A tranquil sort of quiet.
The soft rustle of the leaves as the wind gently swept through them was coupled with the chirping of small birds. Walking past the chair by your bag, you gravitated towards one of the wide windows.
The glass was cold against your skin as you pressed your fingers to it. Your heat is thrumming through your veins, shaking your body, and the slight chill from the window was very much welcome. You pushed away, wandering through the beautiful cabin.
The fridge was indeed well stocked, and you glanced over the possible meals the two of you could share. Getting to cook together was something you thought would be really fun, and Bucky seemed excited when you asked.
You weren’t a chef by any means, but you were no slouch when it came to making at least a nice meal, and now you get to make it for two.
Checking the cupboards, you find more food, wine, and liquor. It was all accompanied by necessary plates and cookware, as well as some dish soap and other emergency cleaning supplies. Nothing heavy-duty like bleach.
You have to do a double take at the expensive-looking scotch sitting beside the simple brands of wine you’d picked out. Bucky never discussed money or income with you, something you were too nervous to initially ask. However, looking back at the dark liquor, it seemed he may be used to the finer things in life.
You carefully closed the cupboard back up before wandering through to the den as you fanned at your warm skin. You tap your phone, still tucked away in your back pocket, before pulling it out to check the time.
You didn’t expect to be here so early, and you didn’t want to be left in a heated mess before he was able to arrive. You weren’t even supposed to check in for another hour, but you didn’t think the heat blooming along your skin was going to be as much of an issue for others as it was for you.
You sat back in one of the soft chairs, trying to shut your eyes to just relax. You thought about finally seeing your Alpha, growing more excited to finally see Bucky, when the roar of any engine broke through the peaceful silence.
You pushed up from the chair as the car stopped by the porch, and he stepped out.
He was taller than you thought he’d be; his long, thick legs were hugged snuggly by a pair of black jeans. He had his duffel bag in his hand and wore a loose red flannel that opened to show a gray tank top underneath. But, it was his shoulder-length brown hair that had you gawking. It was even more enticingly soft than the video and photos did justice to, and you just watched as he ran his fingers through the back of it to better shake it into place.
He finally turned away from the car as he shut the door, locking his ocean blue eyes on your little figure standing on the porch. He immediately breaks out into a smile, just another part of him that was far more breathtaking in person than in any of his pictures.
You slowly stepped down the small set of stairs. Part of you wanted to run and leap at him, but another part was still too weary to simply let you throw yourself into his arms. So you were left standing at that last step and calling out to him instead.
“Bucky.” Your voice was a wisp as you tried to find enough breath in your lungs to speak. He didn’t move as the car pulled away, giving you an equal look of awe and admiration.
His car had disappeared up the gravel road when he dropped his duffel bag to his side and opened his arms.
“Don’t I get a hug, Omega?” He spoke playfully, but with an actual need laying behind his words, as he had longed to hold you.
This was it. This was the moment you’d waited for. This was the man that may save you, that just might make that fear and pain go away. It was a lot to put on his shoulders and he hadn’t any knowledge of it.
After all the frustration, all the anxiety he was finally here in the flesh and standing just a few feet away. You only needed to leap forward and you’d be in his arms.
You propelled yourself off the porch, running down the steps, and throwing yourself right into his arms for a tight embrace.
“That’s more like it." He buried his nose into your hair and hugged you close, almost lifting you off the ground.
You took in his scent, which was thick like barrel-aged rum and horribly intoxicating. It made your knees turn to jelly, and your legs nearly wiggled out from under you. You had to tighten your arms around his neck for support, and his own squeezed at your waist.
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Tags list : @meowmeowyoongles @black-cat-2 @cjand10 @bethyruth @scott-loki-barnes @wintrsoldrluvr @buckysdoll85 @lendeluxe @meowmeowyoongles @heletsmelovehim @mcira @buckysbaby-doll @serendipitouslife90 @unicornicopia1 @animegirlgeeky @matchat3a @darkdemeter @onyxwolf @thebuckybarnesvault @nicestgirlonline @jbuckybarnesfan @val-writesstuff @birdenthusiastez @ozwriterchick @mandab44 @cringeycookies @skittslackoffilter @sunglasses-in-the-bentley @bohemianrhapsody86 @lillianacristina @cadencejames87 @teambarnes72 @ashychangeling @samuelkwinchester @iwudbutnah @nightofthesea
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First heat (Tsu’tey x reader)
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Description: You unexpectedly entered your first heat with Tsu’tey in close proximity. He helped you through it, but when it was over you made everything way harder than it had to be.
Warnings: pure filth, heat cycles, breeding kink, fingering, p in v, lots of cum, reader being slightly insecure
7631 words
Tsu’tey was insistent on trying to teach you how to hunt. You didn’t get why, it was obviously not your area of expertise - your brother Jake was way more gifted at that - and you would much rather be back in the village patching up someone’s scratches. You even missed Mo’at scolding you with a hiss. But instead you were walking around the forest with bow and arrow, missing every single target Tsu’tey wanted you to hit. It was really getting embarrassing.
“I will never learn this, I don’t get why you insist on it”, you sighed, your bow sinking after another failed attempt. Tsu’tey clucked his tongue in dismay, stepping behind you and lifted your arms up again, the close contact making you nervous. Another reason why him teaching you doesn’t make sense, you had fallen for this man head over heels.
“Try again, it is important to be able to defend yourself in the forest”, his face was stoic, just like always. That’s why you didn’t have any hope for his feelings to be the same as yours, he never had shown any sign that he like you too - not any that you picked up at least. You could understand that of course - his first love and promised mate was killed and the one that was promised to him after that was snatched away by your brother. Just like his position as Olo’eyktan, not that Tsu’tey was mad about that anymore, at least it seemed like he wasn’t. Plus there were other eligible women in the clan who were falling for him just like you, why should a former dreamwalker have any chance.
He didn’t step back, his chest pressed to your back. It felt like your skin was burning where his was touching you, the Na’vi clothing not providing much coverage. You tried to concentrate on your shot, but your hands started trembling slightly, which - eventhough you weren’t good at this - they had never done before. You could basically feel the tall warrior scalding you with his eyes, your face burning in embarrassment.
“What are you doing?”, he barked, stepping around you and pulling the bow out of your hands. He was obviously angry with you, it looked like you got even worse. You lowered your eyes in shame, but simultaneously the way his muscular pecs were only a few centimeters away from your face made you crave his touch.
Eywa, you were in love with him, sure, but never before were you this incompetent at controlling your body’s reactions to him. What the hell was happening? “You can’t even answer me now?”, his voice was rough and you distantly remembered he did in fact ask you something, but your brain was slightly fuzzy and when his large hand grabbed your forearms to get your attention, you let out a pathetic whimper.
You immediately froze, and you felt his eyes run over your body in wonder. But that didn’t matter right now, his hands on your arms were sending a pleasurable sensation right to your core and just from that little contact your loincloth was soaking wet with your slick. How were you this turned on just by a little touch? He touched you before and you could easily keep your dignity until you were alone - thinking about his fingers sinking into you instead of yours.
But now you were so desperate and when you heard him inhale deeply, you were sure he could smell your arousal. You were so embarrassed by all of this, your thighs already rubbing together to get some friction, so your tried to pry yourself out of his hold. Maybe if you could make a run for it you could find some privacy and deal with this? But he wouldn’t let go.
“Tsu’tey”, this was meant to come out as a scolding for not letting you go, but instead it sounded like you were whining his name, the blush on your cheeks reaching to the tips of your ears. „What-”, the man in front of you started but interrupted himself. „You are in heat“, he stated and your face fell.
No way. No way was this happening now! Your first heat, right here, right now? You thought you wouldn’t get one at all to be honest, the scientist always said because you had humans DNA too, it would be unlikely that you would experience heats or ruts. You were just a former botanist, who were you to question that. But fuck them, they were obviously wrong.
„What? No, no that can’t be, I’ll just go home and-”, you were panicking, you had never thought about how you would deal with this, but he interrupted you. „No. You will not go near any unmated males“, he was basically growling and the sound made your knees buckle, some primal instinct telling you to submit to this dominant male. Luckily he caught you, but now you were caged in his arms and pressed to his body, another whimper leaving you.
Tsu’tey had to clench his jaw, all his selfcontrol working on not pushing you onto all fours and breeding you until you couldn’t take any more of his cum. But he knew this was your first heat, and being a former dreamwalker, you weren’t prepared for this. It was common for unmated Na’vi to help eachother out during their cycles, and when you talked about going back to your hut, he knew the other males were going to pounce on you immediately. Such a beautiful woman in heat? They would be all over you.
The thought of someone else helping you through this nearly drove him insane, so he decided he would be the one to fuck you, your pheromones making him extra protective. He was planning on making you his mate anyway, he had his courting gift nearly finished. Eywa, he was the only one even allowed to look at you right now. „I will help you through your heat. Get on all fours“, he told you and almost pushed you down yourself, when you looked up at him with this big innocent eyes.
„What?“, you were shocked. Was he offering to have sex with you right now? „It is common for unmated Na’vi to help eachother through their cycle, and you clearly need someone to breed you or this is going to be painful“, he was so cold, almost making you feel like this was straight up business for him, but he was right and the subtle pain that started to throb in your belly was making you desperate.
Before you could say anything else, he picked you up by the waist and turned you around, pushing you onto all fours with your back arched. Was this how Na‘vi had sex? There wasn’t much known about it, but you kind of felt like this was really…distant or something. Not intimate. Not what your humanself was used to. But you were panting and when her ripped off your loincloth, you could feel some of your slick drip down your thigh.
You could feel some rustling behind you, and then you felt two of his fingers slide into you. You were a mess instantly, pushing back against his hand and soft mewls leaving your mouth. You couldn’t believe the man you were in love with was about to fuck you, and the way you were so deperate would surely make you blush later on but right now all you cared about was being filled.
His thumb started to circle your clit, and the coil in your stomach was tightening. Your fingers clawed at the soft, mossy forest ground and your eyes were screwed shut, just chasing that high while his fingers were pressing into that spongey spot inside you with every stroke.
Your walls startled fluttering around his finger, you were so close to cumming. „You going to cum for me? Cum all over my fingers?“, the strict warrior behind you seemed totally composed still, but his voice and the realization that it was really him fingering you, pushed you over the edge. „Tsu’tey!“, you whimpered his name while sucking in his fingers, your thighs shaking and your slick making a mess.
„Eywa, would you look at this perfect pussy“, the warrior was starting to lose his composure, his cock already embarrassingly hard for not being the one going through his cycle. But the thought of burying himself in that hot and wet pussy made him almost cum on the spot. You were so perfect, taking everything he gave you so well, being so ready to take his seed.
You were calming down a little, the fog lifting slightly and you could feel his hard cock slide between your folds, being mounted by his large body making even more slick gush out of you. But when you felt his head slightly catch on your entrance, you suddenly felt the need to be closer to him. Maybe he didn’t reciprocate your feelings, but you had them, and you felt this position wasn’t giving you the intimacy you craved right now.
„Wait! Wait“, you tried to wriggle out of his grip, and after a little struggle he let you go with an unhappy grunt. You turned onto your back, propping yourself on your elbows, and the picture of him sitting back on his knees, his throbbing cock standing proudly between his muscular thighs almost made you cum again. „I want to look at you“, you were slightly embarrassed again, he probably thought this was dumb. On all fours was probably just the way they did it.
Look at him? He wasn’t sure about you on your back, Na’vi normally mated on all fours, it was the way of things. But he had to admit, you laying there with your legs spread, your perfect pussy on show, he was definitely curious about doing it that way. Also he could never refuse you, and the one he wanted to mate with wanting to look at him while he was fucking her, wanting to be closer to him, made his heart beat faster and his hard exterior soften a little. He slowly nodded, and the smile on your face was worth everything.
You layed down fully, relaxing a little more and spreading your thighs wider to invite him in. He seemed a little hesitant, but you felt the desperation sink in again (his fingers only delaying the full force of your heat that much), so you lifted your arms to let him know you needed him. „Need you Tsu’tey“, your voice was gentle and a little whiny and at that he immediately wedged himself in between your legs, his hard cock coating itself in your slick and mixing it with his precum.
You breath was starting to quicken, and you laced your fingers behind his neck, pulling him so close that your nipples were rubbing against his chest, the stimulation making you moan. He mounted you more securely, the biceps next to your head bulging and his battlescarred body caging you in. It was starting to hurt again, his rutting against your cunt not being enough. But then the leaking head of his dick moved to your entrance, gently pushing in.
Right away you tried to squirm closer, pull him into you fully and finally have some release from the uncomfortable feeling the heat generated. But he shushed you, keeping your hips in his hands and you couldn’t do anything but pout a little. Then he finally eased in all the way, you were tight around him but so damn slick that it didn’t hurt. He stopped once he bottomed out, his heavy balls resting against your ass and you finally felt so perfectly full that your hands gripped his biceps and you relaxed a little.
Tsu’tey was in ecstasy. He really had to admit that he loved this position right now, being able to see your beautiful face all pleasured and blushed made it hard not to pound into you right away. He wanted to mate with you so bad, make tsaheylu and you’d be his forever. But it was frowned upon to mate when one was going through their cycle, they weren’t really responsible in their decisions and as much as he wanted you as his mate: ultimately you had to want it to.
When he stopped and you felt him staring at you, you became impatient. „Tsu’tey“, you were begging at this point, your instincts taking over, „please move!“ He seemed to snap out of his stupor, bracing himself and starting to pull back out of you before thrusting back in. He found a rhythm, your legs hiking up on their own and wrapping around his narrow waist. You were blissed-out, his head battering your cervix and his balls slapping against your ass, soaked in a mix of your slick and his precum, was pushing you closer and closer to your high.
He was grunting above you, eyes screwed shut in pleasure, you were gripping him like a vice and he wanted to cum deep inside of you so badly. He was picking up his pace, one of his hand grabbing you leg and pulling it over his arm, the new angle suddenly allowed him to sink a bit further into you and you were clawing at his back in pleasure, a growl leaving his mouth.
You felt him hit that one spongey spot inside of your wet pussy, and you couldn’t help it, you had to be near him. So your hand took a hold of his cheeks and you pulled him into a kiss. He faltered slightly, but when his brain registers what you were doing, he kissed you back fiercely, his cock fucking into you relentlessly.
When he felt you clench around him he knew you were close, so he pulled back, littering your neck with soft kisses and the whine you let out nearly made him cum right then and there. But he held back and guided his hand between you, his rough fingers circling your clit and you immediately came around him. You were basically screaming his name, your walls gripping him so hard and your slick drenching him and he couldn’t hold out anymore. His hips rutted into you a few more times before he groaned and forcefully pushed himself as deep as you would take him.
You were still riding out your high when you felt him push into you hard, his groan making you shiver and then you felt his hot cum flow inside of you. His cock completely sealed anything from leaking out, so you were clenching in sensitivity when you felt it flow into your womb, finally satisfying the dull pain of your heat. He lowered his body so he was embracing you completely, but not crushing you with his weight. You were so, so comfortable with his skin pressed to yours, his dick still inside you and your heat ebbing away a little. Before you knew it, you were passed out in his strong arms.
Tsu’tey felt your breath even out, making him smile. You were so comfortable with him and trusted him enough to fall asleep in his arms, Eywa he would make you his, he definitely would. He laid there with you a couple of minutes basking in your presence and your small hands on his chest, but then he noticed eclipse was close. He pulled out carefully, you were whining quietly and he scolded at his cum leaking out of you, unhappy that it wasn’t staying inside. He was tempted to push it back in with his fingers, but he didn’t want to wake you. He decided he would dress you back up and sneak you into the village and into his hut, your heat wasn’t over yet.
What he didn’t know, was that Jake and Neytiri were wondering where you two were and had taken a seat in a tree not far from his home. So they saw him carry your sleeping form into his hut and Neytiri smirked, while Jake frowned. „What the hell is he doing with my sister?“, Jake growled, but Neytiri just patted his arm. „Mawey ma Jake“, she grinned, rooting for you and her friend, maybe you would finally mate after this, „(Y/N) is in heat.“ Jakes eyes widened. „So he-”, Jake was slightly shocked, he had never went through a rut, so he expected you to not go through a heat, but these bodies were full of surprises. „I think you don’t want to hear exactly what they are doing, she is your sister after all“, Neytiri laughed at the face her mate pulled, „come one let’s leave them alone.“
Tsu’tey was asleep next to you in his hut, but with a female in heat next to him, more precisely a female that he wanted to mate with, he was still on high alert. And when he felt you stir in the early hours of the morning, painful whimpers leaving your mouths, he was wide awake in seconds. You were laying next to him, fingers buried deep inside your swollen and wet pussy, and your eyes were screwed shut. You looked unhappy, your fingers would never be enough to satisfy your heat. The sight was so sinful, his cock was hard already.
„Why didn’t you wake me?“, your eyes sprung open in shock, and you looked into his scolding face. You didn’t even realize he was awake. „I-I didn’t want to be a nuisance“, you were blushing when his eyes were taking in your fingers that still buried inside of you, and you pulled them out, closing your thighs in embarrassment.
Tsu’tey snatched your hand up and took your soaked fingers into his mouth, the sound of his groan making you rub your legs together for some friction, the painful sensation in your womb bugging you to no end. „You will never be a nuisance to me yawne, this pussy belongs to me and if you call for me I will be there to breed you“, he was growling under his breath and his possessive behavior made you clench around nothing.
If he would say something like this to your not-in-heat-self you would be going crazy, but all you could think about was him mounting you again. „I need you ma Tsu’tey“, the intimate pet name slipped out accidentally, but it did something to him. His pupils were blown and he climbed on top of you, pushing your legs open with ease, his hips settling between them, he seemingly liked the position from earlier. One of his large hands gripped your jaw firmly, his lips pressing to yours softer than you thought was possible for an experienced warrior like him. Your heart was beating so hard you could hear it in your ears.
His lips made their way along your jaw and started nipping at your neck, definitely leaving marks, but you didn’t care, your hands were busy untying his loincloth. When you were finally successful (his lips and your heat making you dizzy) his fully erect cock slapped against your lower stomach and you couldn’t wait for him to be buried inside of you again. He moaned at the friction he got from rubbing against you, angling his hips so that his dick could slide between your already sensitive folds, making your hips jerk when he slid over you clit.
He pulled of your top, your tits bouncing slightly and he started sucking your nipples, your back arching and your chest pressing into his face. „You are so perfect“, you heard him mumbling against you, his braids softly sliding over your skin and making you shiver, but the heat inside of you was getting unbearable and he seemed to notice, because he hesitantly pulled away from your chest and moved his hips so that his length was buried inside of you within seconds. You were so slick and ready from before and from your heat, that he slid in without resistance, a moan leaving you when the emptiness was filled once again.
The strong warrior caging you in started moving right away, he could smell your heat was burning inside of you and you needed him. You were clinging to him while he pounded into you, your whole being at his mercy, and it made him want to please you even more. „Who do you belong to ma (Y/N)?“, he was grunting through his teeth while his veiny cock was battering your needy pussy. You didn’t seem to be able to answer him, but he needed you to say it. „Say it!“, he barked, a particularly forceful thrust making you scream slightly before finally whimpering: „You, I belong to you, I always have!“ He smirked, satisfied with your answer and concentrating on making you cum again.
You would be absolutely mortified by all of this when your heat was over, but now you were in paradise, you were nearing your high and you couldn’t wait for him to fill you up. „Fuck, can I turn you around tìyawn?“, Tsu’tey was panting and you nodded desperately. You wanted to be closer to him before, but now you felt like you were so close already, the position didn’t matter anymore. He gripped your hips tightly, turning you around without pulling out and settling you down on your knees.
Your legs were shaking so bad, but he held most of your weight, so you just had to concentrate to stay bend down on your forearms. That proved to be a challenge, because you could swear the new angle made him slip as deep as never before, your eyes growing wide at the borderline painful feeling. Your primal self was basically purring with the pride of being able to take him so deep and you wrapped your tail around his arm instinctively. When he started moving he caught your spongey spot with every thrust, making you claw at the weaved ground of his hut helplessly.
Having such a strong and tall warrior dominate you like this, made your walls clench around his girthy cock and he groaned, bending over your body and positioning his arms next to your head, his chest slightly pressed to your chest. You were practically buried under his muscular form and his tail had tightly wound itself around your thigh for support, still impaled on and being thrusted into by his massive dick.
„You are taking me so well, so ready for me to breed you and fill you up“, his lips were grunting right in your ear, making them twitch, pulling chuckle from him. „Need you, need your cum ma Tsu’tey“, you whined and again, the pet name riled him up, his thrusts getting rougher and his hand finding your clit. You were so on edge that his fingers only needed to graze it and you exploded around him, making a mess of his cock.
He felt your body convulse underneath him, his grip on you tightening or you would have crashed into the floor. The sounds you let out went straight to his groin, the look of your swollen and slick pussy clenching around him and pulling him in with every thrust made him reach the edge too, a few more ruts into your tight cunt and he forced all he had inside of you.
In the midst of your orgasm you could feel his balls were tightening, his cocky twitching inside of you and then with one final groan the head that was tightly lodged against your battered cervix started gushing his seed into your womb for the second time. You were so deep into your heat, that before you fully finished your first orgasm the feeling of his hot cum pushed you into another one.
„Tsu’tey“, some tears were leaking out of your eyes from all these overwhelming feelings, your high milking him for everything he’s got. „You’re doing so well ma sevin“, he grunted next to your ear, his forehead resting against your temple, planting a soft kiss on your hot cheek. When you calmed down a little, he carefully maneuvered you two to lay on your sides, his legs meddled with yours and his strong arms holding you closely to his muscular abs and chest. His cock was still inside of you, keeping his cum locked there and you were so exhausted and satisfied that you fell asleep again, a smile forming on Tsu’teys face when he watched you relax into him.
It had been three days that Tsu’tey has fucked you in every position you could have ever imagined, filling you with his cum over and over and when you awoke on the fourth day you could feel that the dull pain in your womb was still there, but less noticeable. You were still pretty foggy from everything and didn’t notice the warrior next to you was awake too.
„Come on, it’s still really early, we should head to the spring and get cleaned up“, he whispered softly in your ear, stroking your cheek. You just hummed in agreement, and he knew you probably couldn’t walk so he got up with your form draped across his front, holding you up by your thighs and your head settling into his neck, your lips brushing his pulse making him purr. He could smell your heat was starting to subside, so he wanted to move you to the spring. You would probbaly need to be bred one more time, but he would do it there. He could feel both your bodies needed the fresh water, eventhough he liked his smell all over you.
You didn’t really remember much of the way, but when you felt him submerge your lower bodies in the soft water of the small spring, you peaked up slightly, letting out a sigh. He walked further in until only your heads were sticking out. The water was breathing some life back into you and you noticed that your heat wasn’t over fully yet, because the need for his cock to fill you was starting to flare up again.
„Can we go under for a second?“, your voice was barely above a whisper, and he smiled at you, your cheeks burning. „Sure“, he kissed you softly, taking you by surprise, but before you could react he pulled back and eased you both underwater. It felt good to get all the sweat and cum off of you, but you were also so glad that he was still holding you in his arms, his closeness dulling the pain in your womb.
Tsu’tey pulled you both up again, the sight of your perfectly soft skin covered in little water droplets made him choke. You looked ethereal, and he vowed to be the only one ever seeing you like this. But he could also see you were getting aroused again, the last wave of your heat starting. It wouldnt be as intense as the others, but he was still eager to give you his all.
He slowly walked back towards the shallow water, your loincloths and your top dripping and creating little disruptions in the water. He laid you down on the smooth stones, you were submerged to about ten centimeters, the water having a nice cooling effect. „Hm you ready to take me one last time ma yawntu?“, he murmered into your ear, his tail thrashing lazily behind him.
Eywa, you would do anything for this man. The way he was so gentle with you in this moment made you almost tear up (your emotions were running really high right then). „Yes, yes please I need you“, you softly whimpered, pulling off your top and loincloth with shaky hands, the last wave of your heat making the slick gather again between your legs.
Tsu’tey was way softer with you this time, taking his time with preparing you (not that you needed it after three days of being fucked by him) and pulling an orgasm out of you, before finally pulling off his own loincloth. You were a panting mess underneath him already, making him smirk slightly, Eywa, when you were his, he would have you like this every day.
He balanced his weight on one arm and gripped his leaking cock, moving it up and down your slit and catching onto clit now and then just to see you squirm. „Tsu’tey“, you whined, still sensitive from your prior orgasm, and he finally relented. He pushed his head in and adjusted his position slightly, before sinking into you fully.
He didn’t give you time to adjust, but you didn’t need it, and he thrusted into you with precision, but more gentle than the times before. You were grateful, eventhough you were feeling so blissful right now, your pussy was still so sensitive and swollen from being fucked around the clock. His whole body was covering you, and you lost yourself in his rhythm, but then he suddenly turned you both around, so you were lying on top.
He sat up and slightly crossed his legs, his strong arms wrapping around you and pulling you as close as possible. Because you had absolutely no strength left in your legs, you weren’t able to hold yourself up and slid all the way onto his cock, the depth he was reaching making you yelp and grab his shoulders for support. „Tsu’tey I don’t think my legs can-”, you wanted to tell him you wouldn’t be able to ride him, but he smirked and interrupted you.
„Don’t worry I got you, just wanted to hold you closer“, he explained with his rough voice and you quite literally melted into his arms. He could be such a softie if he wanted to. He started thrusting up into you from underneath you, and you moaned, admiring how high his stamina was. His dick was reaching so far into you, his veins and texture rubbing against the spongey spot and his hand guiding you up and down a little without you having to really engage any muscle. Not that you were able to, you were so fucked out.
He was so tall compared to your small frame, that eventhough you were sitting on him he had to lean down a little to kiss you. You loved his kisses, his lips fit perfectly against yours, and when he pushed his tongue against yours, you pulled yourself closer with a moan. You wished he would be yours forever, not only for these few days. Even thinking about not having him close anymore made you shiver, but you pushed that thought away for now.
„Want you to cum around my cock again, going to fill you up one more time“, he panted slightly, the exertion from this position making him grunt, but he loved how close you were so he didn’t care. You whined and could feel yourself nearing your high again, and after three days he could read your body body perfectly, so he immediately pulled one hand away from your waist and wedged it in between you two, circling your clit.
When he started to nip at your neck, you reached your peak, pulling him in and gushing all over his cock. This one was so intense you let out a scream of his name, your vision going white for a moment. „Fuck such a good girl“, he groaned, his hips stuttering slightly and then he pulled you down as much as possible, before he came too, his seed spurting deep inside your already awaiting womb. The dull pain of your heat subsided completely at that, and you came down from your high slowly, sighing into his neck and clenching from the overstimulation.
He was out of breath, but he watched with a smile how the exhaustion of your heat being over hit you like a rock. You were falling asleep in his arms again, and he kissed your cheek softly, carefully pulling out and dressing you two up again, before carrying you back to his hut. When you had slept the exhaustion off, he planned to ask you to be his mate right away, he had finished the necklace he made as a courting gift over the past few days when you were sleeping. You would be his.
When you awoke the next time, it was early morning, and the man next to you was surprisingly still asleep. The man next to you. Tsu’tey was laying next to you! Your brain was fully awake in seconds, and everything that happened the last few days came crushing down on your now totally clear mind. Oh my god. This fine warrior had bent you in all positions thinkable and fucked you!
This was bad, your now fully functional brain riddled with insecurity. Did he only help you through your heat, because you were around him when it started? Or because he feels responsible for you? Fuck, you quite literally threw yourself at this tall Na’vi, you wanted the ground to swallow you right then and there. You even called him ‚ma Tsu’tey’ the pet name normally reserved for mated couples, how were you supposed to recover from this, you would never get over your feelings now, and it would probably always be awkward between you. Maybe not on his part, helping eachother through cycles was normal after all, but definitely on yours.
You would always have to think about this when you looked at him in the future, a future where he one day would have a mate and a life without you. Your breathing was picking up speed, and you just couldn’t stay there. If he woke up and told you to go now that your heat was over, you would never ever recover from that rejection. And you also didn’t want him to feel obligated to anything, you had been clingy and desperate enough these past days. The memories made your cheeks burn.
So you carefully pulled yourself out of his arms, the unhappy grunting making you fear that he was waking up, but he settled down again and his breathing evened out. You got up, standing on your wobbly legs, your muscles aching from the exertion of the past days, but after a few clumsy steps, you walked out of his hut with some dignity.
Getting down the tree with sore muscles was another challenge, and you were glad most of the village was still sleeping so they couldn’t witness this. Your hut was in another corner of the forest surrounding the village, and when you finally made it up there you fell into the bedlike plantfibres in the corner with a thud. Your legs were shaking again, but atleast you made it home. Compared to Tsu’teys hut yours was way smaller, you hadn’t built it yourself (you could never do this), it was a gift from the villagers, as you were the sister of Toruk Makto.
You were laying there staring up at the ceiling, hearing the soft wind rustle the leaves, and it fully sank in that you had had everything you wanted with the man of your dreams for the last few days, and now that was over. You were already longing to be in his arms again, the thought of never being this close to him again made your eyes water. And when you thought of having to face him again, the exhaustion and emotions broke all your walls, and you were crying silently until you had cried everything out.
When Tsu’tey woke up, he wanted to pull you close again, but froze when he noticed you weren’t in his arms. His eyes flew open and he quickly scanned the hut, his mind playing one scenario more horrible than the last when you weren’t there. He immediately took his knive and put on his sheath, ignoring all the clan members greeting him and climbing up the tree where your hut was located in record time. But you weren’t there, and that’s when he began to panick.
He found your brother and Neytiri talking near their own hut, and rudely interrupted them, but he didn’t care he needed to know you were safe. „Where is your sister Jake Sully?“, his voice was rough and the pair flinched slightly at the sudden appearance of the warrior. „I think I saw her go into the forest earlier, did something happen?“, the Olo’eyktan was worried, he thought you and Tsu’tey had feelings for one another, why didn’t his best warrior know your whereabouts. „Where?“, Tsu’tey ignored Jakes question and Neytiri was looking thoughtful, her eyebrows furrowed. „Right there, in the direction of the spring“, your brother was pointing to his right, and Tsu’tey ignored his further questioning, disappearing into the forest too.
You managed to avoid Tsu’tey all day, he probably wanted to tell you that you should keep your relations on the low, and you just weren’t ready to face his rejection yet. It seemed like the other females of the clan knew he helped you through your heat, because you were getting some nasty stares and they obviously talked about you, but you knew they wouldn’t touch you - your brothers position protecting you.
Tsu’tey wasn’t worried anymore, he was getting frustrated bordering on angry with you. Why were you running from him? You had been so needy and clingy a day ago and now he couldn’t seem to get a hold of you. He was standing near the seated Na‘vi who had dinner, not hungry himself - at least not for food. He had thought that maybe you would come here, but he didn’t see you. „You know, eventually that frown is going to be permanent“, Jake stood next to him, and Tsutey just scoffed at the comment.
„She will come around, she’s just…she was human at one point you know“, he continued talking to him and Tsu’tey perked up. „What do you mean?“, his eyes stopped searching the crowd for you and settled on the Olo’eyktan. „Humans don’t…get that physical that quickly, at least my sister never did. And she really likes you, the way I know her, I think that she’s probably scared to be rejected now that her mind is clear and functioning again“, Jake hadn’t talked to you today either, you had avoided everyone, but he just knew his little sister.
„Reject her? Why the fuck would I do that?“, Tsu’teys frown deepened and the former dreamwalker smiled. He knew his sister would be in good hands once she got over herself. „You should talk to her, I’m pretty sure I saw her slip past your gaze a minute ago and in the direction of her hut“, Jake smirked when Tsu’tey immediately took off.
You sighed when you sat down on the soft plantfibres in the corner of your small home. You had manage to dodge the tall Na‘vi warrior all day, and you hoped you were safe here for the night. Maybe you could face him tomorrow. The tsmisnrr illuminated your hut softly and you felt like you could finally relax, when someone barged into your home, making you jump. (Lantern the Na‘vi use for light)
Your heart dropped when your gaze met Tsu’teys, his eyes looking down on your shrinking form with anger, his regular frown etched onto his forehead. „What are you- Why are you-”, you were stuttering around and blushed slightly under his intense stare, and with a few long strides, he sank to his knees infront of you. „Why did you leave? Why were you running from me?“, he was basically snarling at you and you flinched.
This wasn’t what you expected, you thought he would reject you right away, telling you he was just helping you through your heat and to not interpret more into this. „Uhm…I-I didn’t want to bother you?“, it sounded like a question and it made him scoff. „Why the fuck would you think you would bother me? Have the last three days meant nothing to you?“, he was still angry, but you could also see that he was slightly hurt. That shocked you, you didn’t think he would care if you left.
„No! I mean yes, yes they did, I just…didn’t think they meant anything to you“, the last part was whispered so quietly that you weren’t sure he heard, but he did and his face fell slightly. „What?“, his posture was sagging a little, and you were talking again before you could stop your mouth.
„I-I thought you were just helping me through my heat? And I’m sorry for…throwing myself at you in the forest the way that I did, I didn’t want to make you do anything you didn’t want to, you could have taken me to someone else for help I promise I wouldn’t have been mad“, you were ashamed again when you though back on how desperate you were. He stiffened, his muscles rigid and his gaze dark, and you shrank a little more.
„You would’ve rather someone else had fucked you the last three days?“, his voice was dangerously calm, but he was boiling under the surface. Even the thought of someone else helping you through your heat made him want to commit murder. „No! I mean I…“, you took a deep breath, „I wanted it to be you, but I didn’t want you to feel like you had to. You don’t have to feel like you’re obligated to me or something.“ This made him relax slightly, he was so confused by you still though.
„You didn’t make me do anything, I’ve thought about fucking you almost since the day I met you, and there won’t ever be anyone else who will touch you like that yawne, trust me“, he grunted and he couldn’t control his urge to be near you anymore. He missed your touch all day, and when you didn’t resist his hand taking yours, he used it to pull you into his lap, his arms circling around your waist and holding your sweet blushing self close to him.
„I meant what I said the last days, you are mine“, you refused to meet his eyes, „I see you (Y/N).“ At this you looked up in shock. What? Did he really just say what you thought he did? „What?“, your voice was choked and you looked at him with big eyes, his hands stroking your back distracting you slightly. “I don’t understand why you ever thought I wouldn’t want you, but I chose you as my mate a long time ago”, your heart skipped a beat, you couldn’t believe this was happening.
Tsu’tey fiddled with the little pouch in his waist for a second and you were breathless. He pulled out a beautiful necklace, small pearls and stones and crystals in colors that matched his own were artistically woven together in a small intricate row. “I made this for you, as a courting gift, if you accept me as your mate”, his voice was soft now, he was holding the necklace up to you, offering himself as your mate and your eyes were watering slightly.
You started to nod immediately, your voice not quite working yet. “Yes, yes, please, will you put it on me?”, you were shaking slightly in his arms, and the relief he felt when you accepted him was making him feel weightless. A rare smile made its way onto his face, and he carefully fixed the necklace around your flawless throat. It was more like a loose chocker and it looked perfect on you. Everyone could see you were his now.
“I see you Tsu’tey”, you whispered and he was the happiest man on the whole planet, his lips finding yours automatically. After spending the whole day without you, he finally felt whole again. When you two separated to breathe, he finally asked what was burning on his mind still. “I still don’t understand why you were avoiding me”, he was just curious at this point, you already agreed to be his after all.
“Uh…I just was convinced you helped me through my heat out of obligation and were going to reject me the next time we saw eachother”, the tips of your ears were burning, and he was still not satisfied with that explanation. “I was tending to your every need for three days, and you thought I would reject you?”, his voice was slightly offended, and you were quick to explain.
“It’s just that, it’s so unrealistic for you to choose me as your mate. There are so many talented and fully Na’vi women who would immediately agree to be yours. I didn’t think you were interested in a former human”, you were hesitant to spill your insecurities, but you knew he deserved to know that it were your insecurities that kept you away and that it wasn’t his fault at all.
“You are fully Na’vi, you are one of the people. And there is no other woman I would ever even think about in that way, you are the only one I will ever want, the only one who owns my heart”, he softly kissed you again, Eywa he could be so sweet. “Tìyawn, I can’t wait anymore, I need to make you mine right now”, he was getting impatient, pulling you up with him and leading you down the tree.
“Where are we going?”, you were hoping it would be somewhere where he would spread your legs again, you already felt empty just thinking about it. You swear he could smell the moisture gathering between your legs, because his head whipped around with a smirk while he pulled you through the forest. “Utral Aymokriyä, to mate with you before Eywa“, he smiled down at you, and you couldn’t believe he was really going to be your mate soon.
Another one for Tsu’tey because he’s just my favorite <3 hope you enjoyed as people I love for your sweet and encouraging comments so leave some love!
Taglist: @eywas-heir @brooklynscherry-z @liyahsocorro
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so, we’ve seen Sebastian and Claude in pre-heat preparation and we’ve seen Sebastian when he’s in heat, but not Claude, soooo can I pretty please ask for a scenario or headcannons about what Claude in heat is like? With tying in his spider behavior and all?
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Oh so I have a few of these! I combined these three since these seemed compatible to mix!
(Also Ty Anons I’m so glad you enjoyed em!
So far starters I don’t think he’d just come up to us like Sebastian, he’s the type to just lock himself in his room and try to jerk off until he’s satisfied. (Which doesn’t end the way he wants since his body is craving you know…a mate. He can ‘finish’ on his own just fine but it’s not as good) he leaves a majority of the work to the other servants and will avoid rooms your in unless, you’re alone.
(I got carried away!! Made it a lil weird while I took a break from kinktober! I hope it’s good!)
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Claude (heat cycles, afab reader, demon forms, (demon form Claude has a weird flexible tentacle d!ck), Claude’s big flexible tongue, oviposposit!on, )
You were surprised to have Hannah greet you at the door to your bedroom. You expected it to be Claude, but she quickly informed you that Claude was ‘feeling under the weather’ which…only happens once a year for an entire week. You went on with your day, you were aware of what he goes through (thanks to the Triplets accidentally telling you while venting) and expected him to come to you if he needed ‘extra help’.
You’d slept with him before, there’s no reason for him to be shy when you’ve ridden his face and sucked his dick before, though it’s been three heats since you’ve first contracted him, you figure he knows what he’s doing. With Hannah you ended up ending the day early and you just went to your room, maybe you’ll sleep early tonight.
You heard the door click open without a knock, before you can say anything you distinctly feel eyes on you. Your desk faces away from the door so you don’t know whose watching you so…intently, you stand up ready to turn and confront them, but your instantly pushed against your desk.
You freeze and try to turn but the person doesn’t let you, arms wrap around your waist and your lifted up like you weigh nothing. You cant see the person but as soon as you feel them carrying you to the door, you kick, trying to get them to let go. “Drop me!” You yelled, hoping it was one of the triplets messing with you.
Whoever it is ignores you and you breathe to scream but a hand covers your mouth. “Please, Master, quiet. I’m t-taking you to my room.” It was Claude, his voice sounded strained and he wasn’t letting you turn to see him. “Sorry to grab you like this, just n-need you.”
You were unceremoniously thrown onto a bed and it took you a second to realize you weee in Claude’s room and on his bed…but there were webs all over the floor and walls, it took you a second to realize the silky sheets you were on weren’t in fact blankets, but finely woven webs. You recoiled at the sight and tried to move backwards to get off the bed but Claude sits behind you and blocks your path.
“Claude this is gross, I don’t want to be surrounded by webs while we-“ You didn’t get to finish before he’s pressed against you with a kiss and his tongue shoved itself down your throat. You jerk under him and writhe away enough to breathe before he’s between your legs. Now that you can see him you can see just how disheveled he looks.
His hair is a mess, his tie is loose and he barely has his clothes on right, you cant help but notice he forgot to even put on an undershirt. He’s removing your pants without even asking so you give him a harsh slap, he doesn’t even flinch. “Claude! What the hell? Don’t you know to ask first! You cant just take me from my room and expect sex!”
Claude seemed taken aback by that, though he seemed to realize what he just did as he bows his head. “I-I’m sorry Master. I-I just need you now, I didn’t t-think you’d care-“ He whines out stopping to adjust the visible arousal he’s trying to hide. “It’s too much to handle on my own, even if you just let me use your hand please-“
He whimpers out more things you don’t catch before you sit up and glance around. His room…looks very different even without the webs, his normally neat room is a mess and there’s broken furniture and you cant help but wonder if he broke it in frustration while trying to avoid getting you.
You show him mercy and undress for him, he follows suit instantly and you can see just how bad his heat is getting him. His cock is dripping pre onto the silk as soon as it’s free. “Lay down.” You order, moving aside so he could. You turned away from him and seated yourself onto his face, leaning down so you could grab his cock.
He whines against you and you feel his tongue drag against your entrance before slipping inside of you. He purred feeling your walls constrict around his tongue. The vibrations gave you a surprise jolt of pleasure. You in turn take the head of his cock into your mouth, gently sucking it to coax a more noise from him.
He visibly flinched upon you taking his arousal into your mouth. You adjust yourself to practically ride his tongue, rolling your hips and stroking the rest of his cock with quick uneven strokes. He bucks up, only for you to completely move away from his cock. “Don’t choke me on your dick.”
Claude whines and his toungue retreats as he lifts you enough of his face to talk. “I-I need to be inside you.” You take it into consideration before lowering yourself onto his face again. He whines in protest but allows his tongue to lap at your clit before slipping into you once more.
“Maybe if you help me get off I’ll help you.” You respond. Claude’s tongue drags along your insides, seemingly twisting inside you in search of your sweet spot. You didn’t need to help him, his tongue can reach everything inside of you with ease, he’s just so excited he keeps missing.
You grab his cock, teasingly ghosting over the head and rubbing the base. He bucks forwards, cock trembling in your grip as pre swells at the head. You squeeze the base, grinding down on his face, feeling him hiss in response. His cock suddenly writhes out of your grip, when you look up, you can see a shadowy haze over Claude as his body shifts.
His cock is more tentacle like in this form, twisting and nearly tying itself in a not as it searches for stimulation. You can feel his firm under you, the warmth providing you comfort, after you had him ‘satiated’ you were definitely using him as a pillow (or maybe a blanket) while you rest.
You can feel him using his extra limbs to rub your breast, massage your clit and hold your hips close to his face. He purrs when your hands return to his cock, stroking it in tube with his own movements. He trembles with every few strokes, cock twisting in your grip causing you to tighten said grip.
“Good,like that.” You praise, earning a deep purr in response, his hips bucking forwards. Your thighs nearly snap shut on him when he finally finds your sweet spot. You don’t need to tell him, your moan lets him know instantly and he’s hitting it repeatedly. To reward him you swallow down his cock and before you can suck it, it wraps around your tongue causing you to gag.
You spat it out but Claude still mewled, hips trembling as he tried to stay still. You huff as you feel your own climax reaching you. His cock weeps as your hot breath teased it. You don’t touch him as causes you a blissful orgasm, you’re legs going limp as you collapse ontop of him.
You’re panting, face centimeters away from his raging erection, panting directly onto it.
You do intend to help him with it but you need to catch your breath. You watched in amusement as it seemingly stiffened more with each breath until it was so swollen it couldn’t do anything but twitch. It brushed against your cheek, then Claude practically screamed, completely muffled by your sex.
He cums against your cheek, just short of your mouth as he trembles, body going completely stiff. You get off him, adjusting yo place your weight in his lap, getting his attention. Four pairs of eyes watch you grab his cock, taking it to your entrance and lowering yourself on his still orgasming cock.
He whines, his shaft sensitive as you used his knees to brace yourself before riding him with no care. Claude mewled happily, bucking up a few times before he’s limp under you, cock spilling the last of his mess into you. “T-th-ank you M-My Queen.”
“I’m not fucking done yet, I love it when your dick is like this!” You slam down with each thrust, squeezing his still hard shaft while he recovered. His heat kept him excited, allowing you to use his stiff cock like a dildo while he trembled and recovered from days of aching finally being taken care of.
He was thrilled you let him finish inside of you, he’d let you ride him till he’s unconscious if it meant he could finish inside of you. His swollen shaft ached with every stroke, feeling like it’s going to burst while stimulate him.
You pause open feeling what seemed like his cock expanding inside of you.
You jump off him quickly, startled, when you look down you see your suspicions confirmed. Claude desperately whimpered, cock bobbing as you undoubtedly ruined his second orgasm…
A small, circular swollen spot moved from the base of his cock to the tip, it seeming was stuck, as Claude quickly stroked himself, noticeably squeezing himself from base to tip to force his cum to push whatever it was out.
The entire time he’s sobbing and whining, if you didn’t know any better you’d think you broke something down there…
You finally get to see the object nearly a minute later, it finally emerges fro his swollen cock, popping out with a ‘squelch’ that made you cringe. The way it forced his cock open looked painful, though he continued stroking himself feverishly, bucking into his own hand.
You pick up the object an realize, it’s an egg.
You look up and see another small bump working it’s way up his still hard cock. You examine the egg in your hand, it’s maybe the size of a golf ball, a little pressure made it give, your certain you could crush it easily. You hold it in your hand, watching Claude continue to try to milk the rest of his clutch out, without the cum aiding his shaft, it was difficult, and you noticed, there were a few at the base of his cock.
You decide to experimentally help him, pulling the lotion (or lube you couldn’t really see) from the night stand, pouring it on the engourged head of his cock. You practically squeeze it into his shaft and your hand is suddenly stroking him, his own hands pushed out of the way.
“D-don’t stroke d-down!” He squeaked out, legs shaking as they were pressed together. “I-it hurts, just, stroke up, squeeze, like I-I-it’s..” He paused thinking of an example. “T-tooth paste? T-they are d-durable b-but there’s no room t-to push them d-down.”
“Even in your heat you wish to lecture me?” Nonetheless you do as advices and he melts. He’s purring, cock spitting out three more eggs, you are about to stop but he bucks up. “Wait, there’s more?”
Claude nods. “I c-cant tell how many, I-there was no p-pressure t-they are supposed t-to come f-faster…” You let the eggs pool on his stomach, the white eggs standing out against the black fur.
He’s whimpering and just shy of thrashing you off of him as another couple of eggs started working their way up his aching cock. They come out quite quickly as his cock has recovered enough to build up pre again.
You are left with eight eggs, you notice his cock still hasn’t softened but you put the eggs aside first. “Still got a few left in you?” You tease, getting ontop of him again. He nods, too tired to respond. “Tell me when you are close or I’m forcing every one of these eggs back into your cock.”
He shudders at the thought, cock jumping inside you.
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van1llam1lkk · 7 months
♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ Fawn is Thinking about...
Fem!Reader with a Bunny/Puppy/Kitty Hybrid!
[ CW | Talks of breeding and pregnancy, Kitty is sadistic asshole, and reader deals with their shit, Degradation, praise, Brats, animalistic behaviors, not proofread, biting, Heat cycle, brief mention of periods, overstimulation, might make a full post out of some of these ]
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Bunny! Hybrid
Fluffy little bastard. 
Biggest brat, will stomp around if you say no over the stupidest of things. 
Like, No sweetie you can't tear up the new couch I just got, you can't throw plates out the window just because you like watching people getting hit, and no you can't chew on the cables.
Gives you the silent treatment for a couple of minutes, before realizing how much he loves your attention and ends up completely forgetting whatever he was pissy about. 
Depending on the type of rabbit this mf is either tall as hell or tiny. So imagining a 6'0 Flemish Giant rabbit throw the equivalent of a toddlers tantrum because you told him to NOT bite your fingers off is just funny. 
On the topic of biting, this mf bites EVERYTHING including you.
The first week you had him you had to use the lemon trick because everything that was chewable was in fact chewed upon, he'd probably eat insulation if possible
His ears are so... Cute??? Depending on the type of rabbit they can be floppy or straight up but it's adorable on em' anyways, 
I can just imagine ears turning in your direction anytime you catch his attention, pink nose slightly twitching as he watches you in vague interest. 
Steals everything, he probably doesn't even mean to because he just has this attitude of "Everything you have is mine, and everything I have is only mine." So he just subconsciously steals your clothes and what not. 
When he's not being an annoying little shit he's the best cuddler, all that fluff isn't just for the cold. He'll feel like the softest plushie in the world
Oh your first time dealing with a Rabbit in heat was hell, and he was trying so hard not to snap with you around.
He's all but confused why you haven't cracked yet, it's not like keeping Hybrids as pets is considered acceptable anyways. You'd just be fitting out your role if you let him fuck.
Taking the term fucking like bunnies to the max.
Every day, on any surface— you actually probably would be pregnant if not for the fact that you are two different species
I think his favorite position is missionary, not only does he get to watch how you react— Eating up every little emotion but he gets perfect access to your tits
And this may be my barely disguised fetish sneaking in but I feel like he'd be a titty man. A cups, C cups D cups doesn't matter— he just fucking love tits, using any excuse he can to be buried in between them. 
Thinkin' about how sensitive his ears and little fluffy tail becomes, almost Cumming in his pants (or in you) from just the feeling of you tugging on them.
On the days you couldn't too sore n' tired to go another round he resorts to thigh fucking, shaky hands trying so desperately not to accidentally claw into your thighs— Tapered tip grinding against your clit perfectly with each needy thrust
High pitched whines escapes him, his hips mindlessly rutting against you in his chase for pleasure. "Pleasepleaseplease let me fuck you." He pleaded, grinding his cock against your hole— whimpering at the resistance the damp fabric separating you two provided.
"'M sorry for bein such a brat— I'll be such a good bunny f' you." He slurred leaning down and burying his face into your chest. Nibbling and licking the supple skin covering your harden nipples in spit and saliva. "So please please let me in."
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Puppy! Hybrid
Oh, baby is so sweet its insane
He's so expressive— Visibly lighting up when you enter the room, all smiles and giggles with his tail wagging aggressively
Fully domesticated boy wife. Cleans the house while your gone, packing you homemade lunch with the cutest little designs, has dinner and a bath prepared by the time your back home
Husky Hybrids are so fucking???? They're loud, they WILL team up on you, and shed every.fucking.where.
Guiltrips you with puppy eyes any time he does something bad, he does it even without the mistake- If he wants extra treats or if he's trying to convince you to stay home a little longer
He accidentally breaks a glass vase? Puppy eyes.
Vet visits are fucking horrible, cause at first he'll be so happy because he thinks you're going to the park, but the moment he realizes you took the wrong turn he's a whining mess
Refused to talk to you for a few days after because he had to wear the cone of shame
I think he'd actually be in more control during heat season, probably waiting for your own mating season to come before acting on any urges
Early on in your relationship he was so confused why you never go through heat. Literally would spend months watching you waiting for it to come just for it to never. And baby boy was so confused.
that was until he did research, pup was so worried about you— Genuinely wondering how your species grew to the size it did when apparently your 'heat' cycle was all year.
Cause how are you supposed to tell who's ready to breed and when??
It didn't take long for him to find out about a magical thing that exists before your period there's this magical thing called ovulation
And now you deal with a doggy who keeps track of everything in your menstruation cycle— in three different calendars + you get sniffed because he's slowly realizing that during ovulation your scent slightly changes
The biggest switch ever, sometimes you'll be riding him into a mattress while he's crying from overstimulation— Begging you to fuck him till he can only shoot out blanks
Or he's fucking you into the mattress, holding your hips firmly against his so he's able to reach and fuck with those spots in you that have you so needy beneath him
When he knotted you for the first time it was a little bit of a surprise— Like you seen the base of his cock swell up before but it was never in you
So the feeling of all that cum being trapped inside, a fat knot just keeping you plugged up was definitely a new and welcomed one
That experience probably unlocked something in him, because after that day he begs to breed you 24/7
He's some level of delusional cause he thinks that if he tries hard enough he can actually get you pregnant
Will spend hours on foreplay, especially if he's the Dom. Will forcefully hold your legs wide open, eagerly lapping and sucking your pussy. Fingers pumpin' in and outta you despite the fact you already came three times earlier
Thinking about a tall 6'3 doberman melting at the simplest of your touch— Crying and begging for your attention to be directed to the twitching dick in his pants
Or a tiny 5'2 Chihuahua somehow tying you up, and has your legs spread, arms behind your back, overstimulated as all hell because of the dildo squirming and vibrating inside of you— A cute pastel pink vibrator taped down to your sensitive, overwhelmed clit
Just so many possibilities...
The loving yet lust hazed eyes looking down on you almost made you wanna forgive him, but that thought is thrown out the window when you remember it was those same pretty eyes that put you in this situation— Pussy clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled up with something anything. "You're so pretty— Can you cum like that f' me one more time?" He asked, but by the way his eyes flickered down to your twitching cunt you doubt he' cares for an actual answer
Not that you can form any, mind too stupid and fucked out to fully register the weight behind his words. More focused on the way his thumb draws sticky shapes all over your clit, two fingers finally sinking into the warmth of your cunt and pumping in and out of you. "Just one more and I'll stuff you full of my cum, gonna make you my baby mama... you'd look so pretty with swollen breasts and a stomach round with my kids in ya"
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Kitty! Hybrid
Meanest little shit to you
Not even in a bratty way, he's like an actually asshole— Conveniently bumping into vases and glasses 'on accident'
You have too many scars to count, you don't think he even does it in purpose. His claws are just naturally sharp, and any attempt at cutting them ends with him awkwardly apologizing while tending to the now bleeding scratch marks on your forearms
I think he's probably the only one who in general has a consistent height excluding the big boy breeds. Maybe a bit taller than you but no major height differences.
You have so many nicknames you're 90% sure he forgot your real one. But his most favorite ones to use are 'Peasant' and 'Slave'
He can't cook for shit.
Tried making you something as an apology but ended up almost burning the kitchen
And don't get me started on the dead rodents
A annoying asshole yet wants you to praise and focus all your attention on him
Scents you as well but it's a little more obvious
Nuzzling himself into your neck, wears all your clothes to make sure his scent sticks
Gets actually offended when you wash your clothes because of that.
The scratches and bite marks aren't limited to outside the bedroom
It's not even on purpose at this point, he is so overwhelmed that he can't help it that his claws dig into your skin.
A choked gasp spilled from your lips, the pressure on your throat as your cunt was being abused was enough to have your eyes Rolling back, Tears sticking to your eyelashes. "God you're disgusting, to get off being treated like trash—" He panted, his nails digging into the fat of your hips the stinging sensation mixing with the overwhelming pleasure. "Do you even deserve my cum?" He mocked, leaning down to bite and suck at the nape of your neck adding to the collection of bruises and bite marks that decorated on your skin.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 5 months
You're What?
Weiss: (walking with Blake through the city of Vacuo) .......
Blake: (ears twitching as she bites her thumb) ......
Weiss: .......
Blake: .......
Weiss: .......Well, as riveting as this gal pal date is, what's going on with you?
Blake: (blurts out in utter word vomit) I'm in heat!
Weiss: .....?
Blake: ........
Weiss: .....Not what I thought you were going to say.
Blake: I'm sorry for springing this on you, Weiss. But I needed to tell someone before I went insane. I haven't had a cycle in literal years, and I'm freaking out.
Weiss: Wait a minute... Have you not told Yang?
Blake: (ears droop as she holds her arm and shakes her head)
Weiss: Why not?
Blake: Because I'm nervous that she'll think I'm an animal, okay?
Weiss: Blake, Yang fell in love with you with all your animalistic qualities. I doubt this would make her love you any less.
Blake: (deadpans) Wow, thanks, Weiss.
Weiss: You're the one who jumped nearly six feet in the air when Zwei came to Beacon, you drool over fish - lest you forget the fish bowl from the noodle stand during the Vital Festival, and you've done the whole "if I fits, I sits" thing in that giant tea set box Yang got you.
Blake: I get it! I have a few extra feline tendencies to go with my ears and night vision.
Weiss: So, what's the big deal with having a heat cycle? Hold on! Does that mean you don't get regular periods?!
Blake: I get them about four times a year with the cycle.
Weiss: (crosses arms and grumbles) Lucky you.
Blake: (giggles slightly) Sorry. But it's difficult to be around Yang, I can smell her more intensely than normal....and I don't want to do something stupid that will drive her away.
Weiss: Please tell me you aren't going to start "presenting" yourself to her like a common stray.
Blake: Wow! Okay. Way to stereotype, Weiss.
Weiss: Well, excuse me if the one stereotype I've heard about Faunus going into heats turned out to be true! I'm going to question everything now! Next, you're going to tell me you purr!
Blake: (ears stick up straight as she chuckles awkwardly) Uhm... About that...
Weiss: You can purr!?!?!?!?!
Blake: I haven't purred since I was a child!
Weiss: But you can purr?!
Blake: I haven't felt safe enough to purr in years!!!
Weiss: It's probably the same thing that happened with your heat cycle! (Plasters her hand to her head in a fake swoon) I'm beside myself! My best friend, my confidant in Faunus rights, is only further instilling stereotypes that my younger self would be roling over to hear!
Blake: (shoulders Weiss into the road) Oh, shut it, Ice Queen!
Weiss: Hahahaha! Okay, but teasing aside, thank you for telling me. But I still think you should tell Yang so she doesn't just think you're avoiding her for however long this lasts.
Blake: (sighs and relaxes) I know. It's just difficult.
Weiss: (strings her arm through Blake’s) Well, let's focus on that later. Right now, let's see about finding you something that can help while you tell me all about this heat cycle. I'd like to be prepared for this in the future.
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mychlapci · 2 months
Merformers got me acting up
Rodimus in heat trying to swim to safety because he does not want a clutch right now or ever in fact, so unlike a carrying mech but he’s never been normal.
And he just…lands right in the servos of either Dratchet or Thunderclash?
That robo fish valve is getting demolished.
Drift & Ratchet have someone who can carry their young because as much as they love each other neither can carry but they can both breed.
And Thunderclash? He’s had his eye on Rodimus since the mech went by Hot Rod, he’s ready to load him up and breed him until he’s carrying multiples for the rest of his life cycle. Perma preg if you will.
mhmmmmm I love some violent mating practices. Rodimus knows he’s prime breeding material and that no mer will hesitate to pin him down and fill him up once they smell his heat. That’s just how things happen, a horny mer is a horny mer, if they have to rid themselves of charge and transfluid they won’t bother initiating a long courting. All they need is to cram themselves into an unsuspecting mer’s tight little slit, cum, and then swim away. And Rodimus does not want to be wrangled into carrying a clutch.
but literally, how can anyone resist breeding him…? Drift and Ratchet are good studs, they’d treat him so well. Thunderclash thinks he would be a wonderful mate to Rodimus, if only he’d let him prove it. He’d get all the belly rubs and support he could want. He wouldn’t even realize he's too heavy to swim, that’s how attentive a lover Thunderclash, or Drift and Ratchet could be, they'd carry him wherever he wants to go.
I hope there’s actually a rivalry between the three. They all try to get Rodimus to carry their eggs while Rodimus doesn’t want any of that! He doesn’t want to be too fat to swim, and dragged around by his mates…. but he is in heat. His body is getting hotter and hotter as the rushed courtships progress, his valve aches, and the thought of being stuffed full of eggs becomes more and more appealing the more needy he becomes.
I think one of them eventually finds Rodimus feverishly humping a random boulder as he tries to satisfy himself, and he doesn't even hesitate when they start to lead him away, promising to take care of him… Roddy wakes from his heat frenzy in a foreign nest, his valve fluttering around a plug keeping transfluid inside of him, dutifully fertilizing the eggs stuffing his fat belly and tail <3
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spacealienrobot · 1 year
Yeah the things in transformers are insane, but we need to move past the mpreg and talk about the heavily implied heat cycles
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lonelyheartedmusings · 2 months
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In the park, on a nice sunny day, a fox-boy trap was having a jog, until suddenly, he started to have his heat cycle. He was suddenly filled with the desire to mate and to breed. Nothing else mattered to the cuntboy vixen at this point.
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starscoffeecreamer · 1 month
Roddy having a pouch where his gestation tank is. It shows up a week before, during & a week after his heat.
He tries keeping it sucked in or working out extra to hide it but that only helps slightly.
He doesn’t want anyone seeing or knowing he’s a fertile carrying bot meant to spend his life cycle bred with sparklings.
Maybe someone or someone’s notice?
here you go cozy one drabble coming up (I had fun with this one)
Word Count: 647
Rodimus huffed as he put his servos under the small yet visible curve of his belly. It was his stupid gestation tank; him bloating usually meant his heat was soon. He sucked his belly in with another huff. He didn't want anyone to see. 
How would he be a captain if anyone knew? He's a fertile carrying bot, carriers are supposed to be helping repopulation by having as many Sparklings as possible.
Now, that was fine and dandy for some, but not him. He didn't want to be settled down, filled with Sparklings, no. He wanted adventure, he wanted action! That would be hard if he was heavy with Sparklings all the time.
It shouldn't be hard to hide it.
Rodimus definitely overestimated himself. His heat had finally arrived, and it was getting harder and harder to hide his tummy pouch. Especially with Drift asking questions.
He sped to his quarters, servos over his panel. Primus, he was so hot. He felt like he was burning up.
He practically leapt onto the berth, his panels springing open. His servo immediately dipped into his waiting valve, and he moaned at the stretch. It wouldn't be enough to completely get rid of the charge, but it would help. He covered his mouth with his other servo, bucking into his digits.
He sat there, fingering himself before pausing with a jolt as he heard the door open.
“Rodimus? You good in here?” It was Drift. “You've been looked a bit bloated. We brought you some tank cleaners if you need it.”
“I'm fine! I'm completely fine!” Rodimus called, stifling a moan.
“I’m setting it on your- oh…” Drift's finials perked and his optics widened at the sight of Rodimus spread eagle on the berth, three fingers stretching his valve and his free servo on his belly.
“H-Heyyy, Drift,” He tried playing it off. “What a nice day for some normal self servicing, right~?”
Drift sniffed the air, his optics widening even further before he pounced on Rodimus. He held his servos in his own, pinning the captain to the berth.
“You're in heat,” He said, running a servo along his belly. “Ooh… I recognize a Carrier when I see one…”
Rodimus’s face was blue. Drift was right on top of him, his panel pressing against his achy valve. He bucked his hips with a whine.
“Primus, Drift, please! It's been so h-hard hiding it, pleaaaaase,” He whined as Drift smirked.
“Shh, Roddy, be patient.” His spike sprung free, and Drift lined himself up with Rodimus's entrance. Suddenly, Rodimus was flipped over, his face pressed into the berth and servos pinned above his head.
“O-Oh- ohhh, Primus~” Rodimus moaned as Drift thrust in, pausing to give the red and yellow mech a moment to adjust before beginning to rock back and forth.
“Primus, Roddy, you're so wet,” Drift commented, purring as he pulled Rodimus up to where his back was touching Drift's chest, gently biting his neck and spoiler. “I can't believe you didn't tell me~ going around, flaunting your frame to the crew…”
“Hah~ oh, s-sorry~”
“I was getting jealous~” Drift smirked, thrusting at an angle that made Rodimus see stars. I'm going to pump you full of my Sparklings, so everyone knows you're mine.”
“O-Oh, okayy~” Rodimus moaned, squeezing Drift's servo. He didn't mind carrying Drift's Sparklings, he realized.
“Primus, Roddy, I'm going to overload, o-okay~?”
“Haaah~ okay~” Rodimus moaned, squealing as he felt Drift release in him. Hot transfluid filled his fertile tanks. The feeling made him overload as well. “Ohhh~!”
Drift bit him again as he pulled out, licking some of the transfluid that gushed out of Rodimus's valve. He laid Rodimus down on the berth.
“Mmm, my mate,” He purred, still in the haze of Rodimus's scent.
“Your… Your mate…~” Rodimus mumbled, snuggling into Drift.
He didn't think having Sparklings would be that bad now.
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Inspiration for muzzled Sebbie?
It's spring, so heat and mating time!
Sebastian gets touchy feely and keeps trying to give you hickies and smooches to try and release his feelings as well as get you aroused (even doe he knows you have important work to do...)
He won't come and ask for help when you're free. It's always. When. You're. Working.
So what do we do to bad demons that can't learn to be patient or properly communicate their needs? We muzzle them. (Desensitisation too if you're okay with that)
Leash him. Tie him to the table and have a bar (idk what it's called) separate his legs permanently so he can't try to rub himself out. The only way he can get pleasure is try to hump your foot till he admits he's been bad, apologises and asks for help directly
Oooh!! This is so good!! (A spreader bar I think is what you’re talking about? It forces a subs legs apart and keeps them like that)
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Sebastian (demon forms, teasing, nuzzling, basically underlining pet play, ed:ging, slight pact play, ruined org*sm (once), )
Spring caused a lot of things to bloom, and you don’t mind when it comes the only thing you get annoyed by is your butler getting into his yearly heats. He couldn’t wait till you finish any work before he’s getting handsy, practically inhaling your scent as he whines about how badly he needs you.
You’ve spoiled him in the past really, you indulged him preavously during his heats and now he things you’ll drop everything you’re doing to stroke/blow him whenever he’s aroused. (Which is basically 24/7 with this horny demon’s heats) He oversteps boundaries, nipping and biting at any exposed skin he can get close to, leaving a ton of sharp, clearly in human bites around your wrist, neck and shoulders.
You had to wear scarfs when it’s 70 degrees out! It was so frustrating so you had to get a few ‘gifts’ to remind your dumb mutt his place. A pretty black muzzle, it would fit him perfectly and a bright pink collar and a matching leash! Even a little name tag for him (along with a phone number to call) to wear.
Before you were even in your house, Sebastian was on you, shoving you against the door, pressing his body right against you and leaning down to kiss you. You bring your free hand up to push him away, he quickly nips your hand and holds it firmly in a painfully sharp grip between his teeth.
You hiss in pain. “Let go.” You say firmly, you get a playful growl in response but he doesn’t let go until you make it an order. You glare at him as you bring the bag up to his eye level. He huffs and looks you over, seemingly not interested in the bags contents as he reaches to fondle your chest.
You grab the leash first, showing it to him. The clink of the tags and the leash get his attention and he stares at it for a second and shakes his head. “No, M-Master just, a hand?” He guides your free hand between his legs and you have to force his pact to stop him. You drag him in the house.
You snap the collar on and give the leash a firm yank, Sebastian in turn bows his head as he lets you pull him along. He whines as you drag him him to your kitchen. You notice the heavy boxes stacked on the table and without missing a beat, you tied Sebastian’s leash tightly. He looked at you like a kicked puppy, lightly tugging at the leash, the table moving as you step away. “Stop.” Your order forces him to freeze.
“M-Master, I cant r-reach you?” He ask in a confused tone. He tries to resist the pressure by rubbing his thighs together to stimulate his aching cock. You had just the item for this! You ordered him to strip (much to his delight) and grab a spreader and once he had kicked off his pants and undergarments, you spread his legs and lock it in place.
Unsurprisingly he was hard, making a mess. With a hushed tone, you speak clearly and slowly. “Don’t. Move. The. Table. That’s an order.” Sebastian groans and presses as far as he can without moving the table, when he reaches for you, you step just out of his range. A whimper escapes him, he claws the ground in frustration and uncomfortably sits on his heels, legs still forced apart. His cock bobbed and given how swollen it was and it was already dripping, you imagine how much it must ache when he can smell that this is arousing you as well.
Not to mention his heat, you can tell all he want is to just buck into you until he’s seeing stars, but now you won’t even let him touch you. “M-Master? I need you…why aren’t you…” He trailed off with a whine glancing between his cock and then to you. “Please?” He whines out.
His cock gives a few hopeful bobs before you step forward. You press a leg between his legs, watching him quickly buck up against your leg. You pull back before he even gets to touch you, earning a growl. “Bad boy!” You step out of his range right before he can grab you. To his embarrassment, his cock was drooling in anticipation, a small puddle of pre pooling between his legs.
“You cant take what you want. You are my dog. You only get what i give you, and you obey me. Be good, I’ll reward you, as your first punishment…” A grin spread across your face as you grab the last item in the bag. You are quick to put it in Sebastian, startling him enough that he didn’t struggle, seemingly not sure how to respond.
Once it clicked in place he seemed to snap out of his trance and you step back. To your amusement he shook his head first, but the muzzle didn’t come off, without being able to see the clasp, he cant easily get it off. He reaches up and feels the contraption on his face.
“Master…you’ve….m-muzzled me? I cant… bite you. I-I cant kiss-“ You force his head up to face you. Before you can speak, he pulls you down, nuzzling into your neck, you can feel his tongue drag over the bars to try and taste you. You growl at him.
“I order you to let go right now and sit like a good dog.” He releases you instantly and sits on his haunches. You step to the other half of the room before you release the order. He huffs and before he can do anything you add. “You are not to touch yourself, you are not to grab me, or touch me without permission.”
A whine escapes him as he listens to you. “And,” You add with a glare. “You need to learn self control…” You step forward, taking his cock into one hand, teasingly rubbing the head of it. You could see his entire body jolt as the pleasure shot through him. He bucks up instantly, but your hand lets go of his cock as soon as he moved.
“W-why..?” Sebastian whimpers out as his cock painful bobs in excitement. “I’ll be good, w-what am I supposed to do?”
You hum and reach down but stop short of his cock. “Don’t buck up when I touch you, if you want something, just tell me. I am sick of you bothering me at work, so today I’m training you.” Sebastian gave you a shocked look, a tremble goes through him at the authoritative tone you use on him.
“M-my heat! I-I can’t train l-like this! This is cruel!” He whines like you caught him stealing a cookie, not him dry humping you while you work. You lean down enough to be eye level with him.
“Higher stakes.” You half joke as your hand goes to his chest instead of cock, teasing his man hood with your other hand, avoiding the tip as you barely rub it between your fingers, intentionally putting too much pressure. “I don’t mind if you ask for it. Politely. But instead you bite me, leaving marks like a dog, so I’ll treat you appropriately. You can use your words when you’re ready to tell me what you want.”
You release his cock once more to his dismay. “You’re heat is going to make this more…intense for you. You only act up when you’re in heat too, so if I can get my dog to keep his bone tucked away whenever he smells his bitch, only then will I let him finish.” You glare at him and disgruntled whine in return.
“I’m not a dog-“ He tries to rub against anything, but in this position his cock can’t reach the floor without you noticing. His ‘bone’ throbbed in a attempt to get your attention, the tip bright red, looking like you had been torturing it…
He pauses, seeing you look down upon him, he can feel the power of your pact keeping him from releasing the agonizing tension between his legs…as much as he wants to fight…he just whimpers in response, tongue lulling out as he pants. “Please, my cock, touch me!” He sits up, almost like he’s presenting his cock to you.
You reach forward, lightly touching it, working it until you wrap a hand around it, you could feel it pulsing in your hand, but you didn’t move…you held his manhood their as he trembled, the pact preventing him from grabbing your hand, leaving it hovering above your hand. He growls in frustration, his teeth clear even with the muzzle, you let go of him and jump back just before there’s a change the in atmosphere.
His wings are out, trembling as his scarlet orbs desperately eye you. You watch him claw at the ground as he bears his teeth in frustration. “B-but I asked!” You nod, but don’t respond right away. “Master, it hurts! Please!” His wings flap desperately, leaving feathers to scatter.
When he sees the scowl on your face he freezes, and to your amusement, he bucks under your gaze and you hear the distinct sound of his cock smacking against his stomach. You let out a short laugh, watching his face turn red as he takes in the situation.
“Puppy,” You wait till he acknowledges you to continue. “You told me to touch you, so I did, you didn’t ask for me to help you, just for a touch.” Sebastian freezes and lets out a drawn out sight.
“Stroke m-my cock! I need you pleaseplease-“ He cries out as you tighten your hold of his throbbing shaft. You stroke him at a leisurely pace, watching the way his hips tremble as he tries to stay still. You barely have a grip on him, you don’t even move all the way to the tip with each stroke! “Please, please! Squeeze my cock! Stroke f-faster, p-please!”
His tone hurried, the ache between his legs worsening with each stroke. You know what he wants, but you’re dragging it out to drive a point home. You do show mercy this time though, hand speeding up and tightening more than he liked. Sebastian moans out a couple “Thank you!”s before he’s trembling.
“Close?” Sebastian nods, his man hood giving a heavy throb before you stopped and let go of him once more. Sebastian cries out, he couldn’t buck fast enough, he’s left trembling as you let him ruin his orgasm. You hear him near wheezing as he pulls on the collar, harder than he should, the table jerks forward and you see him try to get up to stop the boxes from falling, but the spreader causes him to lose his balance and practically bow in front of you. He glanced back to see a few of the boxes on the ledge, if he pulls again…you will definitely punish him if any of those fall…
When he turns back to you, he can see you’re think the same thing, he moves back to give his leash slack before putting his arms behind his back. His cock hung between his legs, still fully erect. “Master, I n-need you to stroke my cock. Please, let me cum! I want to feel good!”
You praise him and lean down, he meets you half way but with the muzzle, he cant kiss you. He let out a defeated whimper. “Muzzle off…please?” You eye him carefully.
“If you bite me once, I’ll leave you like this till tomorrow.” Sebastian whimpers but nods. To his confusion, you don’t touch him or take the muzzle off. Instead you shove your leg between his. You stand up straight and grin. “Hump my leg like a good dog, you can cum as much as you want on one condition.” Sebastian gives you his full attention, his manhood throbbing hard against your calf. “Admit you were a bad boy. Apologize.”
He whimpers and quickly caves. “I’m s-sorry, I’ve been bad, I need to cum please…” He’s bucking against your leg, you show him mercy and bounce your leg with every few thrust. You can feel that he’s close and you let him cum on your shoe, he collapses against you, too tired to support his own weight.
You step aside and he falls forward, dragging the table forwards, making the boxes fall with a loud thud….
Sebastian whimpers in response, he submissively bowed and apologized again with a tremble in his voice. “I-I’m s-sorry! I’m-I didn’t mean to…” You ruffle his hair but don’t punish him over it. Besides you can see his cock starting to come back to life, he’s gonna have to be good if he wants to finish again!
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nachttraum · 12 days
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I have a new Thorki fic up on ao3! The first two chapters are available - so, go, get it while it‘s still hot 🔥
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unsanitarystation · 12 days
nevermind im back-
Different mechs have such different responses to needing to piss on their partners in heat.
You've got those who are driven very strongly by a sense of control and territory who have it go off as a dominance thing. Prowl with his boys is one of those who will piss on Everything. He physically needs to know everything, especially his mates, smell like him. No one else can lay a finger on them. He will bite and snarl and spray waste fluid everywhere. Nothing in the room is safe. He can and will mark the furniture as well.
He will pin his mates down and piss on them. Audial fins and horns are his favourite things to go for when he bites down and wrestles his mates into position. The first thing he goes for is the hips. He grinds his array against his mates' as he voids his tank, getting it into all the seams between panels and sensitive cabling. Then he will wrestle with his mates more to get their fronts, backs, then sits on their faces and makes them lick him clean.
If he gets his way, he will get a chance to do the spiking and fill his mates full of piss before pumping them full of his transfluid too. Pushing his spike into a valve full of his own hot fluids drives him crazy.
Then you've also got mechs who are really just full of piss and really not much else. Sure their mate gets marked in the process but like yea thats whats supposed to happen and it doesnt have to be done intentionally. Like Rodimus would just be filled to the brim with waste fluids and it would feel good. He'd feel so full and stuffed and the moment he's touched he can't hold it and he's just voiding anyway. He's a whimpering mess laying in a pool of his own waste as he's begging to be fragged stupid. When he's finally impaled on that spike he's coating that thing in his piss.
He's just constantly leaking. His frame is producing the waste and he lets it out. Every thrust into him is an obscenely wet squelch through too much lubricant and fresh waste fluids that trickle out of him.
He practically screams when his mate puts his mouth on his valve, licking and swallowing the mix of transfluid and slick and piss. In his heat-addled processor, where he wants everything to smell like his piss, I dont think theres anything more arousing than his mate drinking it, putting that waste inside him- His mate will be coated inside and out with his scent. What more could he ask for
hghrgh yes exactly... It's a control thing for Prowl. His hab-suite, his office, his two mates belong to him and he needs to make sure everyone can tell.
Roddy on the other hand would just be a mess. He can't control his waste tank and doesn't care to try. He'll pee constantly as he's getting fucked, pussy spraying every few minutes...
I wonder about other bots.
I think it would be a control thing for Drift as well, but he'd be so ashamed of it, feeling predatory for wanting to claim Ratchet... he'll end up sneaking out of the berth at night to secretely piss over the furniture to inject his scent all over. Of course Ratchet notices quickly and coaches him through heat cycles 101, feeding him plenty of energon so he doesn't burn out and lets him mark him whenever he can. I think Ratchet would be begrudgingly accepting of his urges while in heat. He'll be sluggish and feverish, letting piss flow freely out of him as he rolls in the bed. He really likes to pee on Drift's face. It's a pussy eating kind of week when Ratchet is cycling.
Oh, you know Minimus has some strong ideas about marking. Turbofox instincts drive him crazy while his own pride restrains him from giving his body what it needs. He'd probably try to plug himself up. And when he cannot handle it, he'll secretely, shamefully leak into his chair...
Megatron would either never let anyone know when he's cycling, or he'd make a show out of it, use it as an intimidation tactic by pissing on his soldiers to let them know they belong to him... of course, on the lost light he can't quite afford to do that, but I think it would be kind of funny if he tried to mark the bridge and the captain's chair. it would make Rodimus sooo mad.
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mychlapci · 2 months
I've had this thought buzzing in my head for a while now so, here goes nothing:
A branch of older medics that have decided to create a separate wing of the hospital to take care of other bots in heat. Here, bots who don't have partners, that feel weak and dizzy because of their coding going haywhire with horniness or that don't want to get knocked up go to these older, sexually experienced bots, to get taken care of and find some relief from their heats. Furthermore, since most of the mechs working there are so old, their transfluid is extremely thin, so they can creampie needy bots as much as they want with minimal risk of pregnancy (it's still possible, just very difficult).
Some couples go to these older mechs too to learn how to please their partners while they are at their most vulnerable with both by getting guidance from these old bots, while also ending up discovering some kinks they never thought they had. Be it hige mommy kinks, an immense desire for being breastfed, being pinned down and fucked by a bigger/smaller bot or being a subby bottom
OohO yes that's what I'm talking about. A heat relief hospital wing meant to help out those in need better be led and managed by older, experienced bots...
So many young mechs come in with their first heat or their first heat alone, and they're so nervous and afraid and everyone is so professional... But all they need is a firm hand that can hold them down, and touch their arrays in just the right ways.
mhmmm The kinks discovered in that wing... bots clinging to their attending doctor, calling out for mommy, for daddy, begging to be taken care of... Little bots who find out they get off faster and harder when there's a big bot above or below them. Big, scary bots who find out they like to be shoved into the bed and be a pretty pillow princess <3
I imagine this hospital wing is a very popular outlet for cycling bots... I do wonder who would work at it, though.
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vikingmagic33 · 2 months
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Bonus chapter is now up for my Modern Workplace Gwynriel ABO AU on AO3, Get Off.
Free on AO3
Some warning for mild breeding talk. #NSFW. Please adhere to tags and warnings on each chapter.
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thesewingmachine · 3 months
i read a fanfiction on ao3 and now have an undying love for omegaverse whump. i believe that I might have a bit of a problem.
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leonsleftbicep · 2 months
II Heat Cycle - pt:2 kinda?
this has been marinating for a bit and I've been in a big writing mood recently. so, enjoy.
pt1: here
word count: 930
cw/tw: heat cycles, emetophobia, crying, the vessels aren't really human, polyvessels, they/them for III, it/its/they/them for Vessel, fluff? hurt/comfort? idk hes just in pain ig.
first bit is me trying to understand how im going to write about this
They all knew II hated his heat. To the point that when he first transformed into a Vessel, he cried all those first days. He didn't let anyone touch him but Vessel. he would cry and cry, not listening to any of them for help. just falling into the idea that he will just cry it away, till he passes out from exertion.
IV the day before immediately knew what was coming, and from the past years of being with all of them. He knew he needed to start making II's nest. IV made sure the fairy lights work, and planned on taking II out to get him his favorite foods. 
III made sure they had a wide array of pain meds and herbal remedies for some of the heat symptoms. hoping that this time IV or them will actually be able to help, but they knew it was a slim chance with how newly turned IV was.
II was in a pre-heat-haze. not knowing he had less than 24 hours till he would be in that excruciating pain and discomfort. He did his normal work around the house, with a slight shake here and there. went out to the shops with IV because he wanted to pick up some of II’s favorite foods and drinks. Which II didn’t even think as suspicious with the fact that he almost seems too laid back today.
III had dinner cooked, and welcomed II with a big hug when he and IV came home. Vessel met them all in the kitchen; they all didn’t like having a dining room and enjoyed standing and eating, more than sitting and getting fidgety.
Vessel volunteered itself to sleep in II’s bed while IV and III took to the main room.
It wasn't long after II and Vessel woke up when II started to whine and shiver. his tail curled around his thighs to keep them closed, as he cuddled up to Vessel. “hurts” II groans his skin damp already, his brows furrowed as he starts to weep.
Vessel instinctively texted III a simple text of “meds now” before they kissed II's forehead and held him. the strong pheromones making vessel purr absentmindedly. vessel pulled up II’s hair in a bun; knowing he most of the time had to vomit an hour or so after taking the herbs. II usually feels better after that.
III walked in quickly with a wooden shot glass of their usual herbal remedy, that III knew would have to be made again. a bit differently an hour or so after seeing II’s state after the first dose. III let out a huff as their tail flicked from the pheromones. III leaves the room after kissing II’s forehead and petting his hair. Which made II groan as more tears flowed down his cheeks.
after II drank the medicine he was sated for at least thirty minutes, before he scurried out of bed to the bathroom. Beginning to hurl up his dinner from last night. The studio was connected to the room II had to stay in, by a bathroom. which allowed IV hear the sound of II losing his dinner which made him worried.
he opened the door and was hit with a waft of pheromones, “II.. you smell, really good” he said incredibly surprised. II’s head was just in the toilet as he finally calmed down his stomach, “Ivy, I love you. but this isn’t the best time” II says as he sniffles a bit. 
Vessel walks in and sits next to II on the floor, Vessel rubs at II’s back to calm him a bit “IV, you need to stay in the other room, you don’t have a tolerance yet” Vessel huffs out as IV sits down in the doorway. 
“But I want to help. maybe being around him while he's like, This. Will help my tolerance.” IV states as he watches II wipe away tears and his mouth off with some tissue. Vessel and II sit and think for a moment, exchanging a long glance “it might work, that's kinda what we did with III” vessel says as he rubs II’s hips. II just wipes his tears again “i need IVy and III” II says in a pitiful manner. his strong stoic demeanor ripped away to expose a soft and sensitive interior of a man in pain. “love, i.. i don't know if we ca-“ Vessel was cut off " I can be good. I can support II and not get handsy. He Needs Me.” IV say’s defensively. Vessel shut his mouth and nodded. 
IV picks up II after he was finished in the bathroom. the three of them make their way to the main bedroom where III already sat in a hoodie and shorts. “oh?” III breathes as they sees all three of them. “Ivy made the decision that he needs to build up a tolerance, and II said he wants all of us” Vessel explains, it is also worried about all of this. IV sets II in bed where he immediately cuddles up to III like a needy cat. the pheromones were getting increasingly prominent, which was affecting IV but he was not going to show it. 
Once all cuddled up to them, II relaxes as Vessel lays on top of him and he has III and IV on either side of him. Both III and IV have their faces in II’s neck just so they can enjoy the lovely scent of his pheromones. they all start to purr as they start to fall asleep.
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