#Cat Faunus Ren
vecnawrites · 2 years
Patreon Reward: Begging To Be Bred
Jaune has a problem. He swears that the girls on his team are seducing him and his willpower is not strong enough! Fortunately, they have a mission out in the field soon, so hopefully they have a chance to cool off...
As the team leader, only male, and only human member of Team JNPR, Jaune was used to dealing with odd things.
Everyone had either given him the stink eye, thinking the worst of him due to him being the only male in a team of women (in a position of authority, no less), incredible jealousy, or given him looks of sympathy. He wasn’t really sure why, considering he dealt with seven sisters growing up.
Oh, don’t get him wrong, each of the three girls were a true beauty. Pyrrha Nikos, an apparent four-time champion in Mistral (he couldn’t say anything about that, since he knew nothing really about the tournament scene. It had never interested him.) who was a Tiger Faunus, her trait being a red tail with black stripes, with long red hair held in a ponytail and bright, expressive emerald eyes.
Next to her was Lian Ren, a svelte beauty of a feline faunus, her trait being the ears emerging from her hair (from the ear shape, he suspected panther), with long black hair, broken by a single pink streak in the front bangs, and surprisingly pink eyes.
The final member of his team was Nora Valkyrie, a bombastic and incredibly energetic (and curvaceous) cow faunus, her trait being a small pair of horns on her head (although a tiny part of his mind whispered that her trait was really attached to her chest, due to her bust size) who seemed to ignore any idea of the concept of “personal space”.
To be honest, it wasn’t bad. They weren’t too different than wrangling his sisters, save the fact that he, well, he wasn’t related to them, so it made certain instances more awkward as they got more comfortable with each other. So much more awkward.
Like the times that Lian needed help stretching after class! He had no issue with that (he knew he was always sore as hell afterwards as well) but the fact that she wore only a sports bra and thong of all things made it awkward! Never mind the moaning and pushing her rear back against his pelvis! He swore it was on purpose!
Or the time (times, it happened multiple times…) where Pyrrha had forgotten to take in clothes or a towel into the bathroom when she showered, and came out naked as the day she was born and glistening with water, her muscles rippling and sizable bust and bottom bouncing as she walked shamelessly to get a towel and clothes.
Or Nora asking him for help with something personal, only for him to get the shock of his life when she whipped off her top and bra and she asked him for help milking herself, as she had gotten ‘extremely backed up’ and needed to have her breasts drained. That had been a long and hard (on several different levels) two hours, as not only did Nora have a lot of milk in her chest, like she said, the constant quivering and shaky “Moos” she released were hell on his libido.
If he didn’t know those three so well, he’d swear that they wanted him to do something…but no, he knew that they were just lonely and somewhat forgetful girls. Lian and Nora were orphans and often looked over by everyone, and Pyrrha had been put on an unfortunate pedestal by practically everyone. They simply trusted him not to be the same.
There couldn’t be more to it.
“OH MY GOD!” Nora exploded, tugging at her hair as she fell forward, burying her face into Lian’s lap. “WHY IS HE SO DENSE!?” she whined softly as Lian gently ran her fingers through her hair, rubbing the base of her horns tenderly.
“Now, Nora…it’s not Jaune’s fault…not really. You know he has seven sisters, so what we have been doing is probably something that he’s seen before…that, and we honestly haven’t actually overtly said anything about our interest, so it’s just as much our fault, if not more, for not telling him.” she soothed, even though Lian’s cat ears were twitching in agitation at the fact that their team leader hadn’t taken them and dicked them down yet.
Pyrrha was pacing about the dorm, her tail flicking back and forth slowly like the predator that she was on the prowl, her eyes narrowed. Her nostrils were flared as she drew in the scent of the room, and more importantly, Jaune’s scent.
All three were currently agitated and on edge, as their heat cycles were upon them, and while this normally meant between one to two weeks of intense discomfort, they now had someone that they could trust to help their needs…
They just had to get the lovably dense man to realize it!
Pyrrha froze, her tail going straight and still as she tilted her head, a slow smile forming on her face. “We have a training mission coming up…” she purred, getting both Lian’s and Nora’s attentions.
She turned to them, her eyes almost glowing with eagerness. “Listen to me very carefully~”
Juane hummed softly as he set his tent up. They were in a rather secluded area, one that they had placed traps around to warn them of any excess Grimm heading their way. While they were still technically in the village they had cleansed the Grimm from, the inn had been full, so they were in a slightly secluded and isolated area away, but still close enough to get food the next morning before heading back towards the pick up area.
As he crawled into his tent and laid down to sleep, he was oblivious to three sets of hungry eyes watching him.
LIck! Slurp! Smack! Jaune gasped, his eyes snapping open and his body lurching upwards as pleasure filled him, emanating from his groin. He glanced down, sure that he’d be met with the sight of a soaked blanket and boxers that he would have to hide from his three-
JauneLancelotArc.Exe Has Stopped. Would You Like To Reboot?
Before him were his teammates. His three sexy teammates. His three, sexy, naked teammates, all their curves bared as they rubbed their faces against his dick, pink tongues slipping from their mouths and lapping at his shaft and balls, sending great amounts of pleasure through him.
He gasped as their trailed their tongues over his shaft, starting at the base and working their way up towards his leaking tip, their tongues doing a seeming tango against each other on the sensitive helmet, making him release a louder, choked sound, one that made their attentions turn towards him.
Emerald, Pink, and Turquoise eyes stared up at him in lust. Somehow, Jaune found his voice, shaky as it was. “G-Girls? W-What’s going on?” he gasped out as Pyrrha and Lian licked at the weeping head of his cock again, being able to tell that their feline traits were more than just external; their tongues slightly raspy and dragging along his cock in such a way that made him thrash, even more when Nora buried her face into his balls and audibly inhaled, a slutty moan leaving her lips.
“Jaune…we need you…our pussies are so empty…our wombs need to be filled…we want to be bred…please help us~” the fact that it was LIan who was begging threw Juane, just as much, if not more, than the fact that Pyrrha of all people was shamelessly sniffing and rubbing her face against his cock and Nora was happily sniffing his balls, wiggling her fat ass as she did so.
A gentle caress to his abdomen brought his attention back to Lian, who had sat up somewhat, her modest (but still sizable) breasts jiggling, her dusky light brown nipples hard as diamonds as they pointed at him. “We all want you, Jaune~ Please? We’ll be good girls for you, we promise~”
Jaune swallowed at the earnest, hungry looks that the three gave him. But…they needed him. How could he say no?
“AH! AH! AH! YES! OH FUCK, JAUNE! FILL MY TIGHT LITTLE COW CUNT! BLOAT MY WOMB!” Nora cried out as he fucked her on her back, her legs wrapped around his hips as he thrust firmly in and out of her tight, burning little pussy, feeling the folds of flesh tighten and loosen in a rhythmic fashion as he moved.
“YES! YES! MORE! OH, GODS! DON’T STOP!” Lian wailed as she arched her back as Jaune hovered over her, pounding into her pussy with great intensity, wet smacks filling the tent as his balls smacked into the underside of her ass cheeks as he thrust with everything he had.
“MORE! MORE! WANTED THIS SINCE I GOT TO KNOW YOU! WANTED YOU TO MAKE ME YOURS! WANTED TO MAKE YOU MINE! DON’T PULL OUT! I WANT MY WOMB FULL OF YOUR SEED! MAKE IT LAND ONLY YOU WILL EVER CONQUER!”  Pyrrha screamed, being the most animated of the three, thrusting with Jaune, her own hands not idle as she roamed his body, her hungry eyes glowing with joy at the fact that she finally got what she wanted. Gotten the man she wanted.
And some pride sisters as well, since her moaning and well fucked teammates were curled up on either side of them.
A Jaune came again, for what must have been the fifth time in their mating, Pyrrha tipped over the edge with a scream of passion, her womb so full she swore she could feel his cum swirling around inside her.
As she slumped down, she started purring happily as Jaune followed, gathering her, Lian, and Nora up and cradling them all close.
They might be tired now, what with their heats sated properly for the first time in their lives, but they were going to continue in the morning, no matter who heard them!
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rwac96 · 2 months
Original Male Stud AU
No one in Jaune's team or their sister team have ever seen him drunk. Which is why they are surprised when it does happen, he starts acting very romantic towards Pyrrha and flirting in French. Of course Yang better be careful in teasing Pyrrha... because she soon will be on the receiving end of Jaune's language of love.
"This is bad," Lie Ren grimaced at his leader, whose balance seemed wobbly. "Oh, Brothers, this is bad!"
"I didn't want this to happen!" Nora Valkyrie shouts, tears welling up in her eyes. "I just wanted Pancakes & Chicken!!"
"Isn't it Waffles & Chicken?" Blake Belladonna spoke up, flinching when the orange-haired girl hissed at the Cat Faunus.
"PANCAKES ARE BETTER!!" Nora barked, only to be held back by Pyrrha and Ren.
"Can you not?" Weiss pinches the bridge of her nose, "We already have Arc intoxicated--," she points to the hiccuping Jaune Arc.
"55 Bottles of beer on the wall, 55 bottles of beer," the leader of Team JNPR drunkenly sang, "Ya take one down, pass it around," he hiccups, chuckling. "54 bottles of beer on the wall~."
"Welp," Ruby exhaled, folding her arms over her bust. "he's officially Uncle Qrow drunk."
"Weirdly," Yang said, tilting her head to the right. "VB's more graceful than Qrow."
"We really can't let anyone see Jaune like this," Pyrrha says, her brows creased in worry. "Our team's already on shaky ground."
"Pyr," the drunk swordsman shakily approaches, "Pyr, don't worry so much, "Gladiateur glorieux (Glorious Gladiator)." Jaune spoke drunkenly in another language.
The redhead blinks, raising her brows at this. "I'm sorry?" Pyrrha inquires, confused as she felt her cheeks burning.
"You heard me," Jaune reaches out to tip her chin. "ma belle championne (my beautiful champion)~."
Her cheeks became red as her hair, realizing her leader was flirting with her in French. She turns away, her hands on her face and muttering to herself. Pyrrha would be lying if she said she didn't dream of her partner saying sweet things to her, even in his current intoxicated state. As the others look on in shock, Yang playfully jabs the Champion's shoulder.
"Wow," Yang playfully said to Pyrrha, "all it took for Jaune to flirt with ya is to get sauced."
"Yang," the drunk swordsman speaks up, softly touching the Brawler's cheek. "no need to tease her, feu de soleil (sunfire)~."
"H-Huh?" The busty blonde looks at Jaune, shifting her lilac irises to Blake. "What did he just--?"
"He called you sunfire," Blake responds with a small smile, while Yang's cheeks turn crimson as her little sister's cape.
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linkman447 · 7 months
Jaune the only human in school
Jaune: wow look at this place it’s huge
Yang (cow Faunus): oh ya my girls are
Ruby (wolf Faunus): yang he will be my mate
Blake (still a cat): no arc-sama will belong to the belladonnas
Weiss (swan Faunus): no the elegant schnees shall be the ones to get the prized human male
Pyrrha (fox Faunus): hi jaune
Jaune: oh Pyrrha right my mom said you’d be here
Nora (bear): look renny a human maybe if we catch him he’ll give us his pot of gold
Ren (snake): Nora that’s leprechauns not humans
Nora: oh right
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howlingday · 7 months
Coconut Crab!Faunus Ruby
Yang: Have you seen Ruby?
Weiss: She said she was going to the pool.
Yang: Why? She can't swim.
Ruby: (Face down in the pool)
Weiss: I'm sure she's fine.
Fun Fact! Coconut Crabs, despite their place in the crustacean family, are incapable of surviving in water for longer than a few minutes, as they cannot swim and lack the gills necessary to breathe underwater.
Blake: Ruby?
Ruby: Oh, hey, Blake, what's up?
Blake: What are you doing up?
Ruby: (Closes fridge door, Carrying contents) Just grabbing a snack.
Fun Fact! Coconut crabs are ruthless omnivores, using the cover of night to hunt their varied prey, which includes rodents, migratory birds, other crabs, and yes, coconuts. They'll even hunt cats if they feel hungry enough.
Ruby: (Holding a bowling ball) Hey, Cardin? Remember that time a while back when you called me Red Lobster?
Cardin: Yeah? What about it?
Ruby: Well, I just wanted to let you know... (Crushes bowling ball with her bare hands) Understand?
Cardin: (Gulps)
Fun Fact! Coconut crabs, despite their size of about nine pounds, can lift up to sixty-six pounds with their claws. They use this strength to break open coconuts... and other prey. Using testing equipment, scientists determined the crabs could squeeze between twenty-nine and seventeen-hundred newtons. Nine-pound crabs can even squeeze up to thirty-three-hundred newtons.
Jaune: Has anyone seen my sword?
Pyrrha: Or mine?
Ren: My guns are gone, too.
Nora: WHERE?! IS?! MY?! HAMMER?!
Ruby: (Dragging a sack of weapons away, Whistling)
Fun Fact! In Okinawa, a tourist awoke to find a coconut crab stealing his knife. The likely cause for this theft, among others, was the remains of food left on the knife. This, among other cases of theft, leads to their alternative name, "Robber Crabs".
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So one funny thing everyone must have figured out by now is that I love Jaune X Kali... Like, a lot, hell her Serenades already at 8K and not even done...
But with that said I also do love Ghira, like dude is right after Ren on my fav guys a and right above Sun...
It lowkey kinda sucks cuz I always feel a bit bad, but now I think I got a reasoning that I like.
So as we know the loss of a child can be a harrowing experience, and many couples break up or divorce because of it. Simply put Blake Running away caused Kali and Ghira to divorce.
This makes sense to me because the only talk over this was in the comic... Yeah I know right, but with that said I do kinda think it was handle right. Kali told Blake that they didn't blame her but themselves for letting Adam and the fang influence her.
The reason they divorced wasn't because the hated each other, but because when they looked at one another, they saw all the traits of their daughter. And what sealed the deal was when the first thoughts of blaming each other sunk in.
They never stopped looking, stopped trying to find Blake, and never stopped caring about one another. But slowly the romatic love fafed, replaced by a platonic, almost familial love.
And also I lowkey love the idea of Kali realizing when girls like ghira and acting as his wing woman despite his protest.
One of which is... Carla Winchester! cuz I do love that age gap, but also another I can see is Rogue, Jaune's older sister too... Cuz again, age gap. But also because their both the eldest daughters of the respected families and would be looking for a nice, matured, Sophisticated man... And Good God Have You Seen The Muscles On Ghira!?
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And then there are two more Faunus girls I really like too. Mikado Lem from Arrowfall, who you interact with with Blake and receives her bow.
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And Mrs. Clementine from the comic, a blonde cat Faunus mother of two human children whose brother was shot by Adam and killed himself in a drunken stupor.
She did resent Blake but upon her apologizing she showed a warmer affectionate side and forgave her... And Then Was Implied To Have Been Killed Alongside Her Children By The White Fang!?
Nope! Nah-uh, not happening! She Lived, She Met Ghira And Now his need for Cat Ears Can Still Be Sainted!
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I'll probably make the these two models after I manage to make a acceptable Ghira
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Sometime during Volume 1
Jaune: Guys, I think Blake might be a cat faunus.
Ren: What makes you say that?
Jaune: Well we were cuddling the other day and she started purring.
Ren: That would be odd if she wasn't some sort of feline faunus.
Nora: She does like chasing lasers a lot.
Pyrrha: And that would explain why she wanted a box to sleep in when she stays over.
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craziechwiv · 2 days
Chilling under the Sun, with Sun.
Teams RWBY, JNPR, and others are having fun at the beach, doing basically anything one would do when they have time off. All of them were split off onto the beach, relaxing, having fun, and as said before; doing anything they could for their day off.
Ruby and Nora are having a sandcastle building competition, going against Penny and Weiss. Why Weiss joined in the first place? Because Ruby said she had no 'style'. And the Schnee took it as a declaration of sandy war. Although she has teamed up with a literal walking supercomputer as her partner, they were neck and neck with how hyper Nora is on the regular, and Ruby's fast movements.
Meanwhile, Yang was sunbathing trying to get the perfect tan, all the while periodically flipping over to get some not so sneaky glances at Blake, who was reading another one of her novels. The cat faunus would've said something as she knew Yang has been staring at her for the past 10 minutes but decided not to, even making her bikini alil looser for Yang.
What? She likes the attention of her 'dragon'~.
Ren was busy walking along the shallow parts of the ocean, carefully traversing it as he collected seashells. Not for him, but for Nora. Little known fact is that Nora always collects some weird things or straight up makes a collection of said things if they intrigue her. So, Ren made sure to pick out a select few shells that would definitely excite Nora for days.
Then there was Jaune and Pyrrha, both of them soaking in the water. The two of them were busy taking turns dipping their heads under water, watching the fish swim by or trying to see the floor beneath. After Pyrrha was done with her turn, Jaune took his and was immediately met with the face of a shark that appeared out of nowhere. He took his head out of the water and screamed, gaining attention from his friends on shore and Pyrrha who was about to dive under. That is until...the Shark sprouted a Monkey's tail.
Sun Wukong. He was invited to their day off and thought it'd be perfect to play a prank on his friends. But now, he's sitting on the beach, with a black eye, pouting, while stuck with his best friend Neptune. Neptune was busy with reading as well, not paying mind to his friend who just got his tail kicked, thus making Sun abit annoyed.
So, what does he do to gain the attention of his friend? He dramatically landed his head against Neptune's lap.
Neptune was startled to say the least, with a light blush on his face as Sun looked up at him with a smug look as he proclaimed how lonesome he was and, he needed something else to do now. Neptune rolled his eyes at his friend's behavior and just continued reading, making Sun think his attempt was for nothing. That was the case until he felt something lightly touch his head, seeing Neptune rub his hand against it, taking Sun completely off guard. But as much as he wanted to protest, he kind of liked the soothing feeling, so he let it continue onwards., for only a couple more minutes.
And a couple more...
...maybe just a bit more...
...a little...more...
...and Sun was out like a light. With Neptune's hand still on his hand but the blue haired man was fast asleep as well. The two of them seen to be peaceful, with Sun laying his head on Neptune's lap while Neptune was idly resting with a small smile on his face, and the book he was reading nearby, but out of his hand.
Meanwhile, Coco and Velvet were both nearby watching the small interaction unfold. Coco snapped her fingers to get Velvet's attention, pointing towards the bunny faunus' camera and towards the duo. Velvet instantly knew what Coco wanted and reluctantly took the photo. Once they were all back at Atlas, this would be one hell of a scoop going around.
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thefloatingarray · 1 year
RWBY Vacuo outfits
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Since the SDC processing plants have been destroyed in Atlas, I decided to bring back “dust weaving” as a world-building element. Due to the lack of access to dust processing operations, people have resorted to more archaic forms of dust usage, such as dust weaving. Weiss’ outfit is woven with ice dust, particularly her tights and her mini mutton sleeve. The woven ice dust can be used both as a form of cooling under the desert heat and as an offensive tool at her disposal. Also since the SDC empire is destroyed I also went for a “shattered snowflake” look for Weiss, attaching the broken “petals” of the Schnee snowflake emblem all over her outfit.
For Blake, since many people are torn over the whole “she should wear more black/her wearing white is fine” debate, I instead opted for more purple this time as a callback to her father’s outfit. In the last volume Blake talked to her “past self” about being a “bridge between humans and faunus”, so I decided to incorporate a little bit of Ghira into her outfit, with the white fur, the purple top, and the panther/cat accessory on her left shoulder. Also gave her a jacket for those cold desert nights
I’m already done with the Jaune, Nora, Ren and Oscar’s outfits too. I’m still thinking who should I give a Vacuo outfit next....
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howlingguardian · 7 months
RWBY Cast Spotlight: MCM Birmingham 2023
Notes from attending the panel at Comic Con featuring Barbara Dunkelman, Arryn Zech, Kara Eberle, and Lindsay Jones.
Barbara's engaged to her partner Trevor. Apparently she cannot stop staring at the ring at random moments.
The cast mentioned one previous con they remember was when someone brought up a jar of gold glitter and said 'It's Pyrrha'.
Everyone was nuts about the Bumbleby kiss. Barb apparently watched it 83 times.
Lindsay- "I do seek out media to destroy me". (Same tbh)
Lindsay was very glad to do Season 9 and the topics of Ruby's emotional repression and subsequent breakdown.
She loved the line 'What if I choose me?'
Therapy: The Season
Kara personally loved the rock throw moment for Weiss.
The actresses get no insight into future volumes until they've already been written. However, they did say that they hoped RWBY would get time for a vacation. Beach Episode!
They'd also like something where the Schnees make reparations to the White Fang.
Fan Questions
What Crossovers would they want to see with RWBY?
-Fortnite, Smash, Harry Potter, and The Simpsons. Also possibly a RWBY/RWBY Chibi crossover.
Advice for picking up girls?
-Barb- First lift weights, then you can lift girls. Beeeee yourself.
What Pokemon would your character be?
Barb: Charizard for Yang, but Snorlax for herself.
Arryn: Umbreon
Kara: Ninetales, preferably the Alolan ice version.
Lindsay: Scizor
If you could be a Faunus, what would you be?
Barb: A Dragon Faunus if possible
Arryn- A mermaid
Kara- A Puppy Faunus
Lindsay- A Cat Faunus, preferably a Tiger
Favourite side characters?
Barb- The Shopkeep
Arryn- Neptune
Kara- Jaune
Lindsay- Ciel
What do you wish you could go back and tweak in the series?
-Maybe tweak Season 1 and 2. Like a Disney Remastered edition.
Favourite lines?
Barb- I think I love you/ High five!
Arryn- I love you too/ I think we're already falling
Kara- Couldn't remember the exact line, something like 'Is a home a home if it doesn't exist' (If anyone knows, please tell me)
Lindsay- I'm just trying to save everybody
Interactions you'd want to see
Barb- Would like to see Yang and Sun meet up and bro out.
Arryn- Blake and Ren, probably sitting together in absolute silence.
Kara- Weiss and Nora getting along, now that Weiss can put up with shenanigans better.
Lindsay- Ruby encouraging Qrow to talk with Yang more
Would you do it all again for £1000000?
Relive the time from the beginning of the series until the present? Absolutely not, what with Covid and all.
Redo the entire series? Definitely.
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Funny thought.
Mouse Cinder being 'hunted' by Blake and Fox Pyrrha (given that both cats and foxes prey on mice)
Weiss: Do either of you know why Blake is hounding after the leader of Team CMEN?
Yang: I don't think we can say she's Hounding after her.
Weiss: ... Ruby?
Ruby: I don't know what Blakes doing, Yes you may freeze Yang.
Yang: Wai- (Frozen)
Weiss: Thank you Ruby.
Jaune: Have you guys seen - Huh, guess Yang had to learn to Chill out - Have you seen Pyrrha anywhere?
Weiss: I believe she was with Blake Earlier.
Ruby: Wait, Do you think they know something we don't?
Jaune: About Who? Cinder? She seems to wear her heart on her sleeve!
Weiss: ... Sure Jaune.
Fox!Faunus Pyrrha: Cinder~ I just want to talk~
Blake: She went that Way! I can hear her!
Pyrrha: Why is she so scared of us? are we really that intimidating?
Blake: Maybe. We are kinda hunting her.
Pyrrha: She could stand to be less shifty. C'mon, I think she's this way!
(They Leave)
Cinder: Thank you for hiding me. I don't know what their deals are.
Ren: (Revealing Snake Fangs) I am curious to know what's going on with you as well
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novankenn · 11 months
Did we have it wrong? (100 words)
The pair walk to the library planning to follow Ren’s advice, but upon entering they see Jaune smiling and laughing with a pink haired cat faunus girl.
Pyrrha: No… we’re going to lose him!
Nora: This explains everything!
Pyrrha: How?
Nora: Cat Girls.
Pyrrha: Cat Girls? I don’t…
Nora: It’s obvious, Jaune is attracted to feline faunus! This is PERFECT!
Pyrrha: How is this perfect? We’re not…
Nora: One word… Role-play.
Pyrrha: Huh?
Nora grabs Pyrrha’s hand and yanks her out of the library.
Pyrrha: Nora, where are we going?
Nora: We need to find Blake, she can help us.
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rwac96 · 1 year
Is their anyone who can match Pyrrha's thirst for Jaune?
"T-Thirst?!" The Mistral Champion sputtered, her cheeks gaining a pink tinge. "I-I am not thirsty--!!" Pyrrha denied, folding her arms over her bust, but found herself interrupted.
"You're thirsty for him, P-Money," Yang teased her with a cheeky grin, which made the redhead's cheeks turn red as her hair.
As Pyrrha huffed, listening to the snickering of Ruby and Nora, Blake simply smiled at the exchange, and Ren exhales while enjoying his tea. Weiss rolled her ice-blue eyes, still uncertain of what the famed Champion sees in Jaune, who was in her opinion loveable, but a goofball. As Pyrrha was about to get into an argument with Yang, a loud 'manly' shout was heard; which was obviously from the redhead's object of affection. They turn to see Jaune Arc, who was being fondled by a black-haired girl in dark colors, who strangely resembled Weiss.
"Oh, no," the Schnee Heiress groaned in dread, "not her. Please, not her!"
"C'mon, Darling," Bleiss Gele says to the flustered swordsman, his cheeks crimson as she had her hands on his crotch and abdomen. "I thought you like getting hugs~?"
"There's a difference between hugs," Jaune clarifies to the Atlesian Blacksheep, "and fondling people in public, Bleiss!!"
As the crass, vulgar dark mirror of Weiss continued to harass the young blonde; Weiss and Pyrrha glared at the scene taking place. For Weiss, it was unpleasant to be related to the girl who resembled her, if she was a profanity-ridden, lustful banshee. Even though she was given away by their father to keep up the facade of him being a natural Schnee instead of marrying into the family, Bleiss' attitude made it difficult to relate to her. Plus, her sexually harassing Jaune was something utterly degenerate in her eyes. For Pyrrha, it was rage-inducing to meet an unpleasant version of Weiss. Sure, the white-haired Glyph Maker was difficult to get along with in the beginning, but she eventually grew on her in time. Bleiss, however, was everything opposite of Weiss and yet more unbearable. Plus, seeing her getting too close to Jaune made her blood boil.
"Oh, great," Yang said with a groan, "it's M-Rated Weiss." She exhaled, placing her cheek against her right hand. "Just, great," she said sarcastically.
"To think she makes Weiss, in the beginning, look like a saint," Blake said, which earned her an annoyed sneer from her teammate. "I'm just stating the truth," the Cat Faunus replied with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Yeesh," Nora grimaced as she watched Jaune back away from the approaching Bleiss, "talk about a greater thirst, huh Pyr-Pyr?" Nora turns to her teammate, who was cracking her knuckles.
"Her again," Pyrrha said as she rises from her seat, walking up to Bleiss and getting in between her and her leader/teammate/crush. "That's enough, Bleiss!"
"Hey," the Schnee Blacksheep scowls, "fuck off, Cereal Bitch! I was talking with Darling first~." She flutters her eyelashes toward Jaune, who gulped in response.
"You mean harassing him," she replied, wrapping her arm around Jaune's. "Bleiss, you do remember Goodwitch's warning, right?"
"When it comes to my fuckable himbo," the black-haired twin replies, huffing. "I don't give a fuck what Goodbitch says!"
"Bleiss, I swear," Pyrrha grits her teeth, "if you as so much attempt anything untoward--!"
"Rich," Bleiss snickered, "coming from a bitch thirsty as me, Cereal Bitch. At least I'm honest," she smiles smugly, which made the Champion's anger rise.
'I swear to the Brothers,' Pyrrha thought, gritting her teeth. 'I am going to punch this harlot's teeth in!'
"Yeesh," another feminine voice spoke up, this time it was mature but it wasn't one of the professors. "girls, give a guy some breathing room."
Bleiss, Pyrrha, and Jaune turn to a tall, voluptuous woman with long brunette hair flowing behind her approaching the trio. She wore a black, tight-hugging dress that clung to her hourglass figure. She stared at the situation with concerned chocolate eyes, though her gaze mainly focused on the hoodie-wearing knight. As she moved toward Jaune, pushing Pyrrha aside; they noticed that her ample bust was bigger than Yang's, and her wide hips made Blake's look slim. She pulls the swordsman into a hug, specifically placing his cheek against her bust; the top of her dress has a small cross between her breasts, holding them together like straps. She pats the other side of the blonde's face while pushing it against her chest, which made him blush greatly.
"You two should be ashamed of yourselves," the brunette scolds the two girls, "it's unbecoming of a Champion of Mistral, and certainly unbecoming of a Schnee, regardless if she's disowned."
"Excuse me," Pyrrha spoke up as if her rage was given another boost. "Unbecoming?!"
"The fuck you say, bitch?!" Bleiss grabs hold of Bitchbreaker's handle, preparing to unsheathe it, "Who the fuck do you think you are?!"
"Kendra Otani," she answers the Schnee Blacksheep, turning away from the two girls; beginning to take Jaune in tow. "a friend of his sister's, and someone who needs to keep him away from hormonal lil' hooligans." She caresses his cheek, "Isn't that right, baby~?"
"I...Uh," Jaune stammers, his entire face red and his brain becoming fried. "Uh, sure thing."
Team RWBY, the remaining Team JNPR, and Bleiss Gele watched with widened eyes. Blinking for a few seconds, before the black-haired diva opened her mouth.
"THAT CUNT!!" Bleiss shouts at the top of her lungs, "How dare she snatch Darling away from me?!"
"I don't know who that is," Pyrrha said, as she caresses Auko gently, "but I would like to have a 'talk' with her."
(Kendra Otani created by @rwbysmut4life)
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howlingday · 1 year
Ruby: Hey, guys? You know how Jaune's a shark faunus, right?
Yang: Yeah?
Ruby: Well, what kind of shark is he?
Weiss: ...Blake?
Blake: It's... an interesting question. I'm a cat faunus, and so is my mother, but my father is a panther faunus, so I could have been like him, too. What specific species Jaune is, though...
1. Thresher
Weiss: Thank you for your help, Jaune.
Jaune: No problem, Weiss! I'm always happy to help!
Pyrrha: Jaune? Could you come here for a moment?
Jaune: (Turns around) Sure thing, Pyrrha!
Weiss: (On the ground, Dazed)
Fun Fact: Threshers have the longest tails compared to body size of any shark, about three meters (9ft) long. In fact, there is an old myth that they would hunt whales together with swordfish.
2. Hammerhead
Ruby: Whoa! You aced all of your classes, Jaune!
Jaune: Oh, it was nothing...
Velvet: Let me get your picture, Jaune!
Nora: OOH! Get one with all of us!
Jaune: (Covers face) No! Please don't!
Fun Fact: Hammerheads are the youngest and most advanced in the shark evolutionary timeline, which may account for their higher social interactions than any other sharks. They are also extremely shy.
3. Great White
Pyrrha: Jaune, could you do this?
Jaune: Yes, ma'am.
Yang: Hey, Jaune! You up for a spar?
Jaune: Uh, n-not really, but if you really need me to.
Nora: Jaune, I need you to do this thing!
Jaune: (Sighs) Yes, ma'am...
Fun Fact: Great Whites, despite being the largest of the predatory sharks, are conflict-avoidant, and the males are often dominated by the females.
4. Mako
Blake: Mm, fish- Huh?! How did you get here so fast?!
Jaune: (On his third plate) I ran here, just like you did.
Blake: (Grumbles, Sits next to him)
Jaune: Uh, Blake-?
Blake: I'm sitting next to.
Jaune: Uh, okay?
Blake: (Thinking) How is he always so warm?
Fun Fact: Makos are the fastest sharks in the world, capable of swimming up to 25mph, bursting at 60mph. They also have specialized blood vessels that allow them to have a higher body temperature.
5. Bull
Jaune: Hm? What's up, Ruby?
Nora: I'm not Ruby. I'm Nora!
Jaune: Oh! Uh, m-my bad... So, uh, what did you and Pyrrha need my help with?
Ren: Ren
Jaune: Oh...
Fun Fact: Bulls have small eyes, resulting in poor eyesight. This is commonly attributed to their poor reputation of attacking humans more often than other sharks, along with their ability to live in both sea and fresh water.
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
Ozma, Oscar, Nora/Ren, Emerald, Winter, and the rest of the Vacuo crew’s Reaction when Team RWBY and Jaune return, but also bringing with them:
Penny, Alive Again
Alyx, the Actual Alyx, of Ever After
A Mouse Faunus called Little who is so friendly
A Weird Cat Faunus called Curious
Pyrrha (Love Never Dies) Nikos, ressurected
Summer Fucking Rose (Never Died)
A (Finally Together) Bumbebly Romance
A Smoothie
Upgraded Powers/Weapons
New Knowledge on the Gods/Salem
And Maybe More.
“Most Successful Getting Lost Ever”
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Jaune: *Sitting on Weiss' bed* Okay, now that most of you have calmed down, can you explain why you're here. And what you meant about all that stuff about me being...
Wolf Ruby: *Sitting next to Jaune*
Cat Ruby: *Sitting on Weiss' bed* Well, it seems like we somehow all got sent back in time.
Bird Ruby: *Sitting next to Cat Ruby* But we think into a different timeline. Which is why we're all different types of faunus.
CR: The last thing I remember was falling into the void. And then I woke up in the courtyard.
BR: Same for me.
Jaune: What void?
BR: A very long story short, we were evacuating Atlas and Mantle through this magic dimension thing, with a void under out bridges.
CR: I fell while protecting the civilians.
BR: Me too.
Jaune: Okay, what about me being... You know.
CR: You died saving Pyrrha during the Fall of Beacon. We only started dating a few weeks before then, but I kind of fell for you pretty hard... Took me a long time to be okay again after that. If it weren't for Dad, Uncle Qrow, Yang, and everyone else I don't think I'd have made it to Haven.
Jaune: Oh, well umm. Hard to believe I'd be the one saving Pyrrha. What about you?
BR: After the Fall, Me, you, Ren, and Nora walked to Haven.
Jaune: Walked?
BR: Yeah, it took forever. Mostly because we kept losing maps. But when we got there we found out the the headmaster was corrupt and working with the enemy. We tried to stop them and... you didnt make it.
Jaune: Oh. I'm guessing something similar happened with her?
Fox Ruby: *Clinging onto Jaune for dear life*
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a-fantastic-time · 1 month
The female Grimm would awake to find herself in special stocks which had her bent over and kept her arms and feet restrained, growling to let whomever trapped her know she was a monster and not a pet.
The irony, her type of Grimm, Attractors, were knowing for looking like most men and some women's ideal female to fuck, with their slender, feminine body shape, their fair breast and ass size, and similar to Faunus, animal traits, while some had traits of a cat or fox, most like this one had rabbit ears and tail, as Attactors were usually used by Grimm to simply breed and birth more of them.
Yet, it didn't stop them targeting human and faunus males to be bred by them and/or get their guard down into danger, especially those who had lost a loved one recently, but with the tables turned, the poor Attactor was stuck, if she could break free, she'd let her captor have a full taste of her sharp clawed hands and feet.
(I really did try to find a monster girl that'd fit what I was going for here, but obviously, most if not all rabbit monster-girls are designed to be cute than monstrous, as for who has her trapped, it could be Jaune for the lost a love one reason I mentioned, or it could be a thread-only random who's fucking and trying to break her for the sake of "research".)
It had been days since Jaune had been tasked with this job. Maybe it was Ozpin finally throwing him a bone, or maybe he just felt sorry for him. He trekked through the forest, tracking this Attractor. Usually these kinds of missions were reserved for high profile Huntsmen, but after getting his license, the blonde had been given special access.
He honestly didn't care, the pain of losing the love of his life ate away at him so much, that he ended up pushing Ren and Nora away. At least they took a mission together, he had hoped they were doing fine.
Jaune laid a trap for the beast, having heard it was attacking men on a well known trading route, causing many villages and towns to lose a lot of supplies. It must have feasted on one two many, as he didn't expect for it to get trapped so easily. He slowly approached it, sword drawn and shield at the ready.
(this is the most monster looking to what you described. Just imagine a grimm mask)
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