#It's so unhealthy but it'd be worse if they not together
the--firevenus · 2 years
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'In the end, we are all what we have left.'
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chaifootsteps · 22 days
(My pc crashed when sending my last anon so I'm resending just in case it got lost, hope that's ok)
You know, if they do want to hold Stolas accountable for his actions eventually, I think it'd be kinda cool if he did get together with the incubus guy, have an arc that lasts a bunch of episodes where we see him get just as infatuated as he was with Blitz.
Stolas dismisses it at first still thinking he's the wronged one trying to move on from his meanie imp ex with a guy who makes him feel the same or better, except this time the dude isn't indebted to him so he doesn't put up with his racist "cutesy" nicknames (like 'sucky-boo' or some shit) or sexual/public harassment and his unhealthy clinginess.
This could lead to some pattern recognition that breaks the rose-colored glasses he has over himself. That he's always the victim or the martyr wanting to believe his "good intentions" outweight his actions (like how he claims to have martyred himself for Octavia's sake while in reality it kinda made everything worse and he had no problem ditching her when something more exciting showed up in his life anyway)
I think this way he could realize that he was never actually in love with Blitz and question his role in all his personal relationships and get the reality check he needs to even consider making true amends to anyone.
Also if they're gonna be endgame anyway, maybe he should stay single and have a life before getting together. Make some friends or get a hobby (which he could've done any time if he didn't play the eternal victim role in his own life), like sheesh, go to a coffee shop or library and talk to someone on equal grounds, he's not actually a bird in a cage.
-💀 anon (if that's not taken)
I actually really like this! It's believable, it would pull this sinking ship out of the water, and genuinely love the idea of Stolas realizing that he can be happy and free without a relationship, and certainly without shanghaiing someone into being his knight in shining armor.
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shadfinite · 9 months
ok but the thing is shadow and infinite isnt a "healthy" or "good" relationship at first. it takes them years to be good for each other. they shouldn't have been together! they should have broken up years ago! but they didn't and they are working through it and eventually things work out. EVENTUALLY Infinite stops enabling Shadow's self destructive behavior and EVENTUALLY Shadow stops tolerating the admittedly unacceptible way Infinite treats him.
See, Infinite doesn't know what it's like to be with someone who doesn't want to hurt him even a little. Every relationship he's ever been in has been a really unhealthy and dangerous power dynamic (he's been the weak one and the strong one before). It takes him YEARS DECADES maybe even CENTURIES to realize Shadow is NOT LIKE THAT. Shadow didn't even really want to specifically hurt Infinite when they first encountered each other in the Mystic Ruins. He was just doing a job. It takes Infinite such a long time to understand that. He's so obsessed with Shadow but he has this one conflicting core understanding with Shadow that he simply cannot wrap his head around. He needs to stay in control so that "when Shadow tries to fuck him over he has a way to regain the upper hand."
Shadow thinks he's lesser than everyone, even Infinite. Even though Infinite literally started a war and wanted to destroy everything just because he was bored. If Infinite wants all the power over him, Shadow is okay with that because surely he deserves it for being such a miserable creature. When Infinite calls him names and treats him poorly he just lets it happen because Infinite is the first person he's met in a long time who will treat him in a way he understands. To Shadow, this is unfortunately what true love looks like. Being attacked is familiar, and Shadow knows that when people are kind to him he doesn't know how to deal with it. He thinks Infinite is giving him a form of stability that he can't live without.
What's confusing for both of them is that they do have moments of tenderness, and they do have inexplicable boundaries that they never cross with each other. They've never discussed their limits, but there are things they would never do to each other because it'd be too much.
They have moments of vulnerability, where they are just sitting beside each other and Infinite is telling Shadow how beautiful he is. And Shadow believes it because he's pretty sure that Infinite wouldn't waste his time being nice if he didn't mean it. Shadow introduced Infinite to a part of himself he didn't know existed, a part of himself that doesn't want to have to try to hard to reach for the top. But that vulnerability is terrifying at first and neither of them want to acknowledge it. It just happens and then its back to business as usual again. They don't talk about it.
They will do things to each other that cause conflict or anger, enable each other's worst habits, but they won't try to change each other's identities. That's the hard limit. They might have an argument where they harp on each other's bad behavior, but it's just talk. They'd never do anything to each other that would actively contribute to a crisis because one thing they both understand on a fundamental level is that changing the answers to core questions like "What is my purpose?" or "What do I believe is right?" is mind breaking. They never force each other to do things that challenge the status quo or threaten to shake their already deteriorating stability.
But this boundary is also part of the problem. They, for a long time, don't let each other grow and absolutely get worse! They break each other down, but they keep making excuses for why they should stay together. People who constantly fight with each other should not be together!
And when I say "together" I don't really mean together. Their relationship is a situationship at best, but Infinite still refers to Shadow as his boyfriend. Shadow insists they aren't even friends, but doesn't really passionately refute when Infinite says they are together. He just deflects. Of course he wants to be Infinite's partner, but that commitment is terrifying and he doesn't get how Infinite can be ready to commit like that even though it's been YEARS. It feels so impermanent because Shadow's perception of time is based on his immortality. That's one thing Infinite doesn't have (doesn't really think he has).
Two things jade them: time and people.
Shadow and Infinite won't challenge each other's core values, but time and people will. For Shadow, this comes in the form of his admittedly slightly larger support system: people like Rouge Amy and Big especially, but also Sonic to some degree. Infinite stagnates. His only support system is Shadow, really. He also has, like, Big and Sonic and Wave, but he isn't ever vulnerable with them in the way Shadow is with his. Shadow starts to grow, Infinite doesn't.
Infinite is definitely the worse off in this relationship. Shadow always knew that. They both knew it when they got together. Shadow has a savior complex. He thought he could fix it.
It in fact gets worse. Infinite is just bound to break that unspoken boundary they set, and Shadow has to put his foot down. Only then do they break all of their walls down and talk about those unacknowledgable moments. Only then do they get better. They can't work out unless they start to see each other as equals, but it's a really slow process for them to explore what that looks like or how its possible.
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hiraganasakura · 4 months
Seperate Castti and Osvald ask as a treat (treat for me, idk how much you care about this)
They're the duo ever. Literally just someone's parents (not married) right there like thank you Ochette for acknowledging that. Also while we're here it is SUCH a fine line to walk where I wanna talk about my hcs where Castti will die if she can't take care of other people without it leaning into misogynistic "women should always be caretakers" stuff. Deep down it probably is a little but oh well.
I think Osvald would be sick constantly so Castti's making sure he's fine and that he eats. Like also this guy can't eat for shit because Frigit ruined his ability to feel when he's hungry. Not that he was ever good at consistently eating (see: autism headcanon) but Frigit made it worse. Castti watches him to make sure he finishes his food. Probably stocks up on oregano and garlic whenever they're in a town so his Italian adjacent ass can actually eat the food they make on the road. I think he'd become a bit picky outside of Frigit because now he has the freedom to choose and to Ochette and Partitio who are the team cooks, this is a big inconvenience.
Sorry I realize this ask is a bit more about Osvald than Castti.
They'd grieve together. Castti slowly starts remembering Malaya and she has this ache in her chest and Osvald listens to her. His input is never that good because he didn't even really grieve Rita but he'd still somewhat try to be there for Castti because she helped him. I think by seeing Castti slowly grieve Malaya, he'd start to come to terms with Rita's death.
Castti also just feels so much guilt about killing Trousseau because they used to be buddies and Osvald is a bit blunt and rude about that at first because he had no second thoughts about killing Harvey. Castti would never get over the guilt of killing Trousseau, especially as she remembers more about him post canon, and idk if she'd even cope very well. She'd probably honestly just help even more people to make up for it, like Ogen. It obviously wouldn't help with the guilt at all, but it'd make her temporarily feel better.
Castti and Elena are amnesia buddies. She makes a point of visiting Osvald more than the other travelers specifically because Elena is struggling with amnesia. I think cause of all that, she's very close to Elena and is like an aunt. Elena absolutely adores her and would ask her to teach her medicine I think :]
Post canon Castti obviously continues traveling but the poison rain would affect her health in the long run. It makes her body ache and her lungs are screwed so she'd slowly start traveling less and less until she's finally just settled down in the apothecary guild in Conning Creek. I don't think Osvald and Elena would stay in Conning post canon, but they'd definitely stay on the west continent and probably within the Harborland region so Castti lives relatively close to them.
Castti basically becomes like an extended family member to the Vansteins and they're happy to have her visit whenever. She's helped them a lot and they both adore her :]
Also I have an au where Castti and Osvald are extremely unhealthy codependent besties but it's late and this ask is getting long so I'll save that for another time (tomorrow probably)
Conclusion: Castti and Osvald should be besties for the resties
I can sort of see your concern for your headcanon of Castti's constant need to be helpful coming across as unintentionally misogynistic, but tbh I think the context makes it lean out of that trope, at least imho. It's not Castti always needing to be helpful bcus she's a woman, in my eyes. It's Castti always needing to be helpful bcus it's all she's ever known, it's all she's ever had, her whole life as an apothecary has revolved around helping others, and she's seen so many ppl die in this field that it only continues to fuel her need to help, and when every single one of her friends dies in front of her she may not remember at the time but the impact on her subconscious is inescapable and helping others makes her feel better bcus of those she couldn't save in her line of work. Do you get me
Anyway back to Castti and Osvald! The best platonic duo ever!!!
I totally agree that Osvald would have food problems especially after his time in Frigit Isle. As someone who is also super picky about food for autism reasons I'm gonna project a little bit and propose that Castti, Ochette, and Partitio help Osvald figure out exactly what his problem is with a food's taste, noise, or texture and help him avoid it, whether by changing up the recipe or cooking him a separate meal from the others. They're gonna help him get food in his tummy on the gods
OUGH Osvald and Castti grieving together... Sm potential for fascinating character interactions. Processing their own grief thru helping one another! Osvald genuinely struggling to understand Castti's guilt over Trousseau! Bonding in the face of their similar hardships!
Oh no not the Ogen parallels ALFYN GET IN HERE WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW
In slightly related news do you think if Ogen and Castti met would they help each other out or make each other worse? Could genuinely go either way
And speaking of Alfyn I could see him and Castti getting along, I bet Alfyn would look up to this more experienced apothecary a lot!
But back on topic! I love the idea of Castti helping Elena with her struggles with amnesia! And Elena becoming interested in medicine would be awesome, ngl I could see her taking an interest down the line in psychology (or whatever relatively early equivalent would be in Solistia at the time) as an adult due to wanting to help ppl who went thru similar horrors as when she was a kid? (I was going to say "She could be like the Sigmund Freud of Solistia," as in the essentially "founder" of psychology, but then I remembered Freud's psychology involved a bunch of weird stuff so maybe nvm in that regard lol)
I'm now imagining Elena calling Castti "Aunt Castti". That's so cute omg
Aww I love that post-canon idea! It's a shame about Castti's help but it's sweet she gets love and support from the Vansteins and she can still continue doing what she loves at the apothecary's guild. So happy for her! She's found her family, her ppl!
Omg pls tell me about the codependent besties Castti and Osvald AU when you can, that sounds kinda fascinating? I'd be interested to see what's up with it!
So true Castti and Osvald best duo fr fr!!!
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omoracheese · 5 months
if you’re taking genshin omo requests please my man baizhu, i have a feeling he preaches about not holding your pee too long but absolutely will stretch out his own pee breaks
I do take requests ! Even if I reply really late... (47 days?? Really??)
You are absolutely right. As a doctor and pharmacist, there is so much to do, he can let himself have too many breaks.
If he feels like he needs to pee, he will indeed wait the most possible.
I don't think he would hold himself, but will definitely squeeze his thighs together and get all squirmy in his seat.
However, as he's a doctor and knows that holding to much is unhealthy, if it gets too bad he would stop what he's doing, or excuse himself to leave his patients for a while if he can, to go to the bathroom. I think it'd be also to avoid cleaning if he has an accident.
If he can't use the bathroom for any reason, he would rather let go in his pants than hold it too much.
Because he is ill, I think his bladder is kinda weak, so if when he hold it for a bit too much, his bladder will give up before he does. Probably leaks a lot.
Probably whimpers under his breath.
If he ends up wetting himself, would clean as soon as possible and get changed, to avoid bacterias and stuff. Would also get changed if he leaked too much.
If he wets himself, I think he would be a embarrassed, but not that much. He's a doctor, he's seen worse. He would probably say stuff like 'it happens to everyone' or something.
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downforthegas · 3 months
Ok but like sometimes I think about how Wa//lly in the context of the show needs some things explained to him, sometimes even very basic things like laughing and feeling certain emotions... so I imagine he maybe needed to be explained what farts are... uh, I'm... (long post, I'm ashamed lol)
Like I imagine he's with Ba//rn//aby at How//dy's bodega, when How//dy hands him a chili dog and Ba//rn taking it (and being the little joker that he is) says, "How//dy, I appreciate the chili dog, but I'm blaming you for when I get gas later." And Wa//lly just goes, "Gas? But you're not a car." And then How//dy and Ba//rn have a good laugh.
I imagine they explain the process to him, how someone sometimes just needs to fart, but Wa//lly's still lost, even though How//dy feels like he explained it good enough. Ba//rn's already thinking of (explosive) examples he can give himself, especially after eating that chili dog.
But instead, Ho//wdy gives him a nice big can of beans, on the house. Wa//lly stares into the can and blinks, eating what would be considered big spoonfuls of beans telepathically with his eyes. By the end, he feels his belly. It's swollen and putting pressure on the buttons desperately holding his cardigan closed. His two hands feel his belly, it feels weird for his normally flat stomach to feel like a balloon. How//dy and Ba//rn are giggling a little, but notice Wa////lly's having trouble. He knows he has to push but nothing's happening. Ba//rn gently squeezes his sides, which results in Wa//lly's backside finally making noise.
A loud, strong toot, rumbling for 10 seconds, sounding the same throughout those seconds, ending with a loud pop, so loud you could swear Wa//lly made a hole in his pants. He sighs, feeling less pressure in his belly. Then he smells the air. A ripe fart stink permeates the once clear air in the shop, which How//dy and Ba//rn notice as well. "Jeez! How did somethin so small make somethin so smelly?" and now Wa//lly feels a little awkward that he ripped something that smells so terrible. But this awkwardness doesn't stay once it's How//dy's turn.
How//dy's stomach rumbles audibly and he leans over, rubbing his mid section with two hands, the other two holding the counter. Ba//rn asks him what's wrong, and How//dy just says, "You tell me? You thought it'd be a great idea to eat at that *uugh!* new place!" How//dy would be so used to eating leafy greens like any caterpillar that eating greasy unhealthy foods for once totally turns his stomach upside down. He tries not to but a loud, bubbly fart rumbles against his pants, blowing the strings on his apron. Squeezing his cheeks together doesn't help and only amplifies the sound. Clusters of louder short farts keep erupting as How//dy can't help but give up and relieve himself. When he's done, Ba//rn and Wa////y are laughing while teal blush forms on How//dy's face. "Well, I'm lucky no one else is in this shop. Otherwise, they would've been running."
Ba//rn comments saying, "Those are worse than your usual farts!" Which only makes How//dy blush more. "But that's nothing. Watch this." He leans against the counter, slightly lifting a let before a monsterous fart escapes. The whole counter, floor, and walls shake from his huge bassy fart. What's crazy is that it wasn't even from the chili dog.
Wa//lly holds his nose and How//dy holds his shirt over his nose, fans the air, and sprays with a room spray (which you can get for a good joke from How//dy's Place, the home of everything you need and everything you don't). Ba//rn//aby plays it off as if it's just a small toot, waving his backside with his hand, and his little tail, saying, "Whoo! I don't mean to toot my own horn but... well, I just did. Hehehehe!"
Wa//lly seems to understand now, but he's not a big fan of the combined smells from everyone. How//dy's about to say they should open the door to air the smell out, but then another neighbor walks in and immediately passes out from the smell.
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I made this entire tumbler acc because I wanna ramble about Tank right now and no one is here to listen to me.
(This is all my personal hc, so though im stating this as if it were fact and truth, I know it's only fact and truth within the confines of my brain.)
When Tank is sick, they're alone. Which, as we all know, makes being sick suck. Tank has difficulty letting people take care of them at the best of times, but when they're sick it just gets worse.
Ever since childhood, their parents cared about something else more than they did about sick Tank. Be that staying healthy themselves and not going near the germy child, work, whatever excuse they could find. But Tank was never doted upon or taken special care of when sick. No chicken soup, or cold wraps, or tea with honey and lemon, unless it was medically necessary or Tank made it themselves. (Of course nowadays they'd say they didn't need it, and still don't. Come along for the ride and we'll discover together how wrong they are. (: )
And, really, when would that have changed? Maybe friends would have taken care of them if they asked (I know I would for my friends), I'm sure pack mates offered more than once, but they would've dismissed it as something they've dealt with just fine before, so they can do it again. Really, letting someone take care of you when you're sick is something that you don't know is an option unless you're taught that. And most important to me is that they struggle with the "no don't get near me I'm gonna get you sick" to an unhealthy extent.
(And, just as an aside, we all know Quinn couldn't have given less of a fuck. When Tank was sick, they weren't fun.)
So it would be Sam with whom it changes. Obviously it would be Sam. And even with him, it'd only really be after they moved in together. Because Tank is the type of person to text "Hey I'm a little sick rn, I'll just chill at home for a day or two, no need to come by 👍", meanwhile they can't talk, have 40°C fever, whole body pain, and can't sleep through the night.
But once they move in with Sam and they can't exactly stop him from seeing them be sick, he naturally takes care of them. And they are so bamboozled. At first they're almost offended, like "I don't need to be doted over", but then they discover that it's actually nice??? Not needing to get up and make all the headache and bone pain worse every time they just want to open the window, or get a cup of tea, or get some pain meds, practically unthinkable! :0
And the fact that he is there, and he is close, and he holds them when they're dizzy, and he still kisses them, it makes them panic at first. But they can't get him sick, cause he's a vampire, so things are fine and nice and good. And suddenly being sick doesn't SUCK so much.
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brickercupmasterx3 · 5 months
Is Adrien gonna be improved in your rewrite in anyway?
It will be a work in progress, but yes. I do plan to improve him eventually. I just think he needs to face consequences for his actions and learn certain things the hard way first. What I can share for him are: he will eventually give up on that unhealthy/toxic crush on Ladybug (it will take multiple rejections & consequences, but it will happen. Adrien will learn, and accept that some things just aren't meant to be as much as he wants them to), his friendship with Chloe will be more in depth (there will be reasons why he's still by her side, and doesn't exactly let people be too mean to her, being one of the only people who knows she's just putting on a "mean girl" front. There will be more on this later.), and Adrien will get a relatively happy ending. I've actually decided on an Adrigami endgame for him. (Canon may have ruined them, but I enjoyed their romance, and honestly think that Kagami brought a more tolerable side to him whenever they were on-screen together. That being said, Adrigami will be a side-ship slow-burn on my rewrite. There will be hints of romance, but while his unhealthy crush on Ladybug remains, he will not pursue Kagami. Adrien will be far too conflicted going back and forth between his feelings for each of the girls. Kagami is his friend, and he respects her too much to try and get into something when he's unsure of what he really wants and how he really feels.)
Adrien will still undergo salt treatment, but he's not irredeemable. While one of my least favorite characters to work with, I don't think it'd be fair to give him an awful ending even on a rewrite where I get the liberty to do so if I so choose. Things get worse for him before they get better, but he will have his moments.
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theokusgallery · 9 months
God I've been listening to Wolves Run Together today and I'm back to thinking about the lines
If all the good in me is because of you // Are you to blame for the bad, too? // 'Cause I've walked holes inside my shoes for you
Because like??? Oh my god????? I feel like it's something that could be said from either Nick or Sun's perspectives, like how the whole song is almost like a duet between the two of them
Nick knows how far he's gone but doesn't quite care, but I think it'd be interesting if he's very aware of the hole he's dug for himself. No way but down for him in his mind; besides, he's happier for it, so why the hell not?
And for Sun, its like he knows he's surrendering himself entirely to Nick, but chooses to anyways. Much like his partner, this is something he finds happiness and comfort and safety in. He would rather have this known environment than taking his chances without him, even if this environment is very much a toxic one.
The two make each other happy, but they also know they're slowly killing one another with their horrible habits. It's not like they'll stop though, they're too far gone.
God I love dynamics like this HDHSHDHFJF
(also I think Nick and Sun would make for fantastic OCs given how far their personalities are being pushed from canon. You don't have to, of course, but I think it could give you a lot of freedom!)
The thing is that... Especially for Sunny, but for both of them— they know they're not... healthy. They're horrible for each other, but that's why they're good for each other, they're— they fit together. They'll both go to terrible, terrible lengths for one another, but at least they'll do it together. It's unhealthy, but it's... consensually unhealthy. If that's even a thing. They're both like candles constantly fueling each other's flame, and they are melting, but boy do they love the burn. They're horrible for each other because they fit so well together.
They make each other so so much worse but they fucking love it (for Sunny, despite himself; for Nick, completely by choice).
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theangryjikooker · 1 year
It's funny how your last update is about taking a step away from the fandom a little while for me, I'm taking my first step into this fandom space in three years. I became a fan in the DNA era and stopped keeping up in the persona era due to the pandemic, college being rough and my personal taste in music diverging from what they were putting out at the time. It's wild how I remember them last as versus how they've grown and changed since then, with Jin doing military service, and all of them doing their own solo stuff, which is probably the most distance they've had for the first time in years. Of course, they still work in the same company, but now they don't have to go everywhere together as a group to do promotions anymore for the foreseeable future. It's all just incredible honestly, how much I feel like I missed, despite me only really being a dedicated fan for a year and a half. Maybe that makes me less of a fan, but I think it's unhealthy to put too much of yourself in other people, especially people who you do not know personally, especially with how fervent some of these shippers get. It's even funnier when coming back, so many relatively big jikook tumblr accounts I used to follow back in 2019 for content have deactivated.
While away, I really did stop viewing jikook or any bts member in any particular "shipping" light, I basically went full disconnect mode. I do still remember how it was I got into bts and jikook at separate times, and how I felt when I stopped and just saw them as a successful kpop group I once was pretty invested jn. Coming back, I'm re-experiencing my adoration of these men and the fun memories they gave me, but I'm also fully aware once I get busy with life again, I will disconnect with them again. In a very similar way, I always viewed shipping as a personal interpretation of a one dimensional pov. We see maybe 1/10 of their lives at most, and it will inevitably grow smaller as they grow outward to their own destinies. Still, jikook is special to me, whether they're "together" or not, and I consider my shipping of them to be a fun past time more than anything. The shipping community online has always been quite contentious and toxic, even in fictional fandoms, I can only imagine how much worse that toxicity is when projected onto real people who have to see that shit. I wish that it weren't the case, but seems to be an inevitable fact of fandom, especially ones as passionate as bts's. Regardless, while I'm still here and watching what they do, I'll support them in my heart.
Anyways, not sure what exactly I was going with this, hope you do well in your irl endeavors! Your blog certainly is very thoughtful and in line with how I feel about bts and jikook in general :)
Well, welcome back! Although it's a bit odd for me to say, as I gather you may be more of a veteran than I am.
If it makes you feel any better, I've barely been gone that long, and already I feel like I've missed out on so much and that a lot of things have been happening.
I wasn't much of an ardent shipper before I left, and I would argue that I'm even less so than before. It'd certainly affect how I view some things going forward (unless I let myself be consumed by the same content and rhetoric over and over). As you mentioned, disconnecting from shipping and from this fandom overall can reset your perceptions (for the average person), and I wholly recommend it to anyone able to do so. Fandom has a way of turning people obsessive, which I don't find particularly healthy or inviting.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and just thank you in general for the kind words.
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sixxtytoo · 2 years
ok so like. first off i guess i should preface this with the fact that i personally think that the desires of the pregame characters (in some cases) are reflected in the traits of those who participated in the killing game (?? at the very least i think it would be a bit dull if everyone's pregame personalities were just "[x] but worse")
i have a pretty solid idea of how i see pregame ouma and saihara?? although it's easier to think of them together rather than apart. the freedom of character ouma exhibits within the game makes me believe that, pregame, he's most likely under the thumb of a few of the people in his life, prolly his parents and a certain bully,,
we have a pretty good idea of saihara too, since we saw his tape and all? or at least what's assumed to be most of it.. ofc he's just obsessed with the whole killing game thing to the point where it's DEFINITELY unhealthy, to the point of ignoring his friends in favour of rewatching footage from past games on his phone even when they're trying to talk with him
as for kaito i adore him please believe me he'd probably be renown for bullying? the line we were given from his tape leads me to believe that he'd be pretty violent in all actuality,, the tenacity he exhibits in the killing game would prolly align with his pregame personality too. for the most part i think the three of them would prolly be in an abhorrently codependent "friendship"
i guess it'd be like
kaito-(it's complicated)->ouma-(likes?)->saihara (could not care any less)
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yandere-daydreams · 3 years
i love a good captor to lover story but like,,, lover to captor is my favorite. deep down you'll always still love them, even if they now treat you like a caged animal.
tw - unhealthy relationships, financial abuse, emotional abuse, threats of physical harm, codependency.
I mean, they're not technically your captor. They'd never lock you in a dark, damp basement (for more than a couple hours), or chain you to the bed (unless you've done something to make them think that's what you want), and they're sweet, they try so hard to be so, so sweet. It's not their fault they have so much trouble
It's not their fault, not really. They've always been the jealous type - you knew that when you got together, when the extent of their possessive habits was an arm around your waist, a tight scowl when you force them out of their self-imposed isolation. They've told you that they don't like other people, that if they had it their way, it'd just be you and them, locked away somewhere soft and safe, at a comfortable distance from the rest of the world, and you always brushed it off, laughed and kissed their forehead and teased them for being such a recluse. You didn't listen to them, even when they started to get worse, even when they started to hold you tighter, even after they admitted that they hate how it feels to see you around anyone else, anyone but them. They never stopped being sweet, never stopped loving you, but they're... different, now, used to loving you in a different way. That's your fault, too. You let them get used to it.
You let them get used to locking the doors, to losing their temper whenever you go out without letting them know, first, or when you ask if you can. You let them make your life easier, turn in your letter of resignation on your behalf, give you every excuse in the world to stay with them, stay by their side, sit back and let them take care of you. You can argue - you've tried to argue, before, to threaten to leave them, but they're so quick to frown, to apologize, to hold you so close and touch you gently, and if that doesn't work, if you try to be stubborn, then resort to other things, more desperate things. Grabbing at your clothes, pulling you against their chest, explaining how little you have to your name, now, how hard it would be to find another job, how difficult it would be to get by without help, without them. You could, obviously, if you wanted to, they'd never hold you against your will, but they love you. They want you to stay. They just don't know what they'd do without you, what they'd do to you if you ever tried to leave.
And, if you're good, if your stay, neither of you will ever have to find out.
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rockingrobin69 · 3 years
How about Harry taking care of a severe cold and fever draco where draco has kitten sneezes
Hi there Nonnie! Sorry it took a while to get this done. I was actually working on an opposite piece when I got your prompt (sick Harry, Draco taking care of him) and I was really curious to see how different it'd turn out! (result: this way is far fluffier.) Hope you enjoy 💖
“Will you quit moaning, just for one second?” Harry blew some hair off his face with the biggest sigh in the world. “Draco. Draco. Baby. You have to take your medicine.”
“Why?” asked a small, muffled voice, and Harry was an inch away from losing his goddamned mind –
“Because if you don’t, you might die.”
The face he loved most in the world emerged from under an impossible amount of duvet. “Kneazle-flu isn’t deadly.”
“No, but I am.” Harry pushed the vial right up to his nose. “Drink. Now.”
“I don’t like salamander-based potions,” Draco pouted, or at least that’s what Harry guessed he’d said. His voice was rough and a little garbled.
“Tough. You still need to drink it, though. The Healer said the whole thing.”
Harry tried not to let his concern show as he scanned Draco’s face. His cheeks were intensely flushed, eyes half-lidded, and Harry’s whole chest burned with it. Could there be anything worse than watching his Draco in pain?
Oh, right, he forgot. There was his actual Draco. “That Healer knows shit, Harry, you know how they are. He’s only a year above me. I just need some rest and lots of tea.”
“What you need,” Harry huffed, and very valiantly didn’t end by is a good smack on the head, “is to take your fucking medicine and –“
Whatever else he was going to say came to a crashing halt when the strangest thing in the world happened. Harry’s heard Draco sneeze before - they have been together for almost four years now, he’s heard him sneeze a good deal. But never in his life did he hear anything like this. Laughing was the wrong reaction, he realized that, but –
“I’m sorry, but what the fuck was that?”
Draco looked mortified. “Harry. Hand me the potion.”
“No, but what was that?”
Being ill wouldn’t stop Draco from bragging, he knew. When your boyfriend’s a trainee healer, the real problem was getting him to shut up. “It’s a common symptom, you numpty, it’s not – just give me the potion, all right?”
“But. But you sneezed. Like a kitten.”
“Like a fully grown Kneazle, thank you,” Draco muttered, and even though the red in his cheeks was certainly unhealthy, he still looked so damn handsome in his fury.
“Er, no. I heard it. Saw it, too. Like a teeny, tiny, cute baby kitten.”
“I did not –“
A cough interrupted the outrage, and Harry remembered this really wasn’t so funny after all. “Okay, okay, darling. Here, drink up.” He tipped the vial next to Draco’s lips, and used the moment to run the back of his hand over Draco’s forehead. The wrong kind of hot. “Oh, baby, I’m sorry.”
“’m not a kitten,” Draco groaned as soon as the potion was done, and he crumpled onto the sheets. “Full grown Kneazle, if anything.”
“All right. Full grown. Whatever you say, baby.” Harry pressed a quick kiss to his upturned cheek. Draco was quickly falling asleep – the potion would be heavy in his system.
“And I am not cute.”
“Not at all,” Harry smiled, tucking a lock of blond hair behind his ear. “Not even a little bit.”
“And I’m a better Healer than that cretin, Jones.”
“You’re the best, darling.” Harry couldn’t resist the temptation, so he kissed him again. Draco made a small, contented sound, a barely-there hum. He really was a bit of a kitten. Harry had some tact, so he wouldn’t do it right now, but he had no doubt that once Draco gets better, he’s going to have a brand new nickname.
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saintobio · 3 years
Sincerely Not has filled my head w Thoughts and Observations™️ and I thought that I'd just share them!
Gojo making amends for Y/N is not motivated by love (at least not the same as the puppy love they once had), rather he's likely driven by guilt towards mistreating someone he once deeply cared for. Him saying, "I need you!" was him realizing that he didn't want his sole emotional confidante to slip away now that he had Y/N's support back in his life, which is both unhealthy/selfish (which leads to his possessiveness); I wouldn't say that he isn't being sincere in his efforts, I just don't think he's realized how askew his agenda is? I understand that he wants to do right by Y/N this time around—but as it stands—I think Gojo just sees Y/N as more of an outlet than anything, but Y/N can only stay strong for Gojo for so long, especially with the way he's treated her. He's thinking more of what she can provide him than what he can do for her. Even if GojoY/N choose to reconcile, I don't think he'll be developing true feelings for her until the near future— he still has to sort out this unresolved tension with Sera, whom I believe that he genuinely loves despite having started their relationship to spite his father.
The way I see it, SN will have to end in a divorce regardless of whether it's a good or bad ending; It's just the healthy choice for both parties. It'll be a way for GojoY/N to start anew and receive closure, together or not. (I just feel like it'd make sense? Since SN2 happens after a timeskip, time WILL help the two heal). Even with Gojo making amends, the current marriage has already been tainted, and I'm sure Y/N is aware that moving forward as things stand will just fail and hurt them in the process. Just peep how much Y/N is doubting the genuity that he tried showing towards her in Chs.10+11.
It was the right move not telling Nana about Gojo's infidelity, and I respect Y/N all the more for it. While the thought of ruining Gojo in the eyes of one of the few people left who have hope in him sounds gratifying, I don't think I could handle breaking Nana's heart as she's been through enough just witnessing what's happened with Gojo and his parents in the past. It would be better to resolve things first before coming clean.
There is no way Gojo's dad isn't aware of his son having an affair, considering he's already gone through the motions of it himself (I'm sure he would've picked up on the signs by now), and just on top of the fact that he's paid Sera off with a handsome sum. Something's still fishy with that financial exchange though.
There is also no way that Gojo isn't blind to the fact that he IS turning into his father, as much as he is in denial of it. The idea alone of him coming to terms with this gives me hope that he'll do what he can to turn things around.
(As much as I've grown to hate her,) There is still good in Sera, she's just blinded by her affair with Gojo that it's making her behave as twisted as she's been compared to when she met Gojo. You know when you love someone so much you start to change for the worst because of them? Yeah, but it doesn't excuse her power tripping Y/N. The way it was set up, Sera and Gojo have been toxic for each other from the beginning, and if they continue down this relationship, I fear it'll only get worse for them (like... I don't think Sera will be as happy as she thought she'd be having Gojo all to herself). I feel like once she sorts out her victim complex, she'll begin to act more appropriately and even make amends with Y/N. Honestly, I hope that Y/N and Sera receive closure from each other too. Gojo owes that much to them since he's the reason they're both hurting.
This may just be wishful thinking, but something in my gut is telling me that Sera's supposed pregnancy is a red herring, at least not with Gojo if she turns out to be. No clue why but it just feels like a big brain play you might carry out. Also, babytrapping is literally the lowest thing you can do, Sera.
Also, Naoya? DEFINITELY noticed our bare ring finger during our time at the Zenin estate. He's totally scheming. (Typed this all out before Ch.11 and omg I'm so psyched)
Lastly, as much as I love indulging in the idea of TojiY/N, I think their relationship would be better off as it is right now. It's cute. It works. Who says their bond has to be romantic? They're the type of couple that would give it a shot for the sake of seeing where it leads them, but realizes that—as much as their dynamics work in harmony—it probably isn't working out since they don't see each other in that light like they initially thought they would, so they settle for being friends. While they may be lovers in another life, they are content with being platonic soulmates in this one. I like to think that they both serve as this beacon of hope to the other, which is a heartwarming thought.
#MakeY/NAHouseholdNameInFashion2k21 #Y/NTooSexyToDie Y'know at this rate Y/N's gonna end up hospitalized, esp with the way Ch.11 ended (Icb we have to wait another week you TEASE) Also lol Gojo throwing a tantrum over us gifting something to Toji 🤨 If I were in Y/N's place I'd just be like... ok and? Loving the throwback to those Diana shoes. I just really want Gen to rip him a new one already 😭
these are rly good analyses!! 👀 i’m sure a lot of the other readers can agree as well (based on the replies on the chapter) but thank you for sharing your thoughts abt the recent chapter <33
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bluemoondust · 3 years
✧General Yandere Headcanons — Gokuhara Gonta✧
Warning(s): Physical Violence (not towards darling/mentioned), Unintentional Guilt Tripping, Obsessive Behavior, Smothering/Overprotective Behavior, Slightly Delusional Thinking (will be explained)
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Honestly he's one of the sweetest yanderes out there and would never dream of hurting his darling. At first, Gonta did not understand these feelings; it's probably the first time he's ever gained romantic emotions for someone. As soon as he's made aware of this, he's overjoyed. You're a wonderful person to him and he's happy to feel this way towards you. How can he not love you? Since this is his first time genuinely caring for someone as more than a friend, he's not sure where to go about with this.
As mentioned, there is slightly delusional behavior when it comes to Gonta. To explain this phrasing, it means his behavior is due to the fact that he's so new to all of this. He has no idea that this sort of love for you is extremely unhealthy and deems it to be completely reasonable. It's alright that he wants to keep to your side at all times, correct? That's what most couples to; spend time together all the time? This also goes along with the unintentional guilt tripping that is mentioned. Gonta doesn't understand much and will not be aware of the fact that he's making you feel bad for calling him out for his actions. He just loves you immensely, so why are you upset? Is he doing something wrong? He believed he was doing everything right.
Sometimes he needs someone to talk some sense into him or things will go overboard. However, that is still proven to be difficult depending on how deep his level of delusions is. If he's too far in, there might be no way to make him change his mind. That aside, Gonta genuinely cares for you and would never let anything or anyone hurt you. He's a gentleman after all. Though, there is the slight conflict on his mind that comes and goes. Sometimes he wonders if there will be any sort of danger that requires more than just intimidation or asking to leave you alone. What if some more personal actions had to be taken? Gonta really hopes no one would be foolish enough to try anything that stupid. He honestly doesn't want to bring harm towards others.
I feel like his darling might be the only one to sway Gonta's actions/thoughts with no second thought, but that really depends. So I wouldn't recommend trying to just outright use him since he is severely naive and will not question your intentions. He fell for you after all; someone he believes that could do no harm. That leads to more delusions. Gonta has complete faith in you and that you are not capable of doing something awful. You're too good for that. And if anyone were to say otherwise, it'd anger Gonta greatly where he'll fiercely defend you. Making excuses for you and the repetition of words along the lines of you would never or you're such a good person to him.
Going back to unhealthy behavior and him wanting to spend so much time with you; he follows you around like a puppy. Gonta is just so enamored with you and longs to keep feeling this way all the time. He's heard that quality time is important in relationships, so why not stick by your side all the time? This is where things get suffocating. It's even worse when he gets overprotective of you should anything set him off to be so. Once that happens, he refuses to leave you alone. What if something terrible happened while he's away? He would never forgive himself. It might even get to the point where Gonta will outright do majority of the stuff for you as he keeps close. It all okay, he's alright with doing this because that's what a true gentleman does.
All in all, Gonta has no idea that what he's doing is not the best of ways to handle his love for you. He's not the worst yandere to have, but it can get irritating when he doesn't let you do certain things on your own. When you try to deny him, he gets all sad and it hurts to see him upset since he's only trying to help. Yeah, if you're not one to be able to handle the unintentional guilt tripping, this will end up becoming a cycle that the two of you have made.
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princeluckybug13 · 3 years
💣 and 🌹 :3c
Man talk about opposites.
But one that pisses me off? There could many obvious answers. But I'm gonna go with Diesel 10 and Diesel. It's not... the worst but I just don't like it at all. Like they're entirely two kinds of antagonists and I feel it'd be extremely toxic and unhealthy. It mostly feels like they wouldn't get any better as characters just spiral worse and worse. There are defintiely worse out there and this certainly isn't like horrible just... feels really bad. Just bad boys being bad kind of shit. Not real chemistry.
And my otp? Very easy. Bertram and Freddie. Just... I love them so much <3 there's so much potential and I just love the idea that they're kinda the outsiders from the usual. Gotta stick together with their three semi forgotten children: mighty, Mac, and ivo.
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