#Izuku Centric
lance-space-mommy · 11 months
A Bar So Low, It Was a Tripping Hazard in Hell
Izuku Centric! BKDK endgame
He cheated on me. I know when. I know who. I know where. I know how. I know who he cheated on me with. I have video proof and pictures. I have screenshots of texts.
I’m not dumb. He thinks I’m dumb. He’s been avoiding me. He knows I know of that I have a hunch of what he’s doing. He’s going to get defensive and call me crazy.
I’ve been letting this brew inside me for too long. At first, I was devastated. Then I felt a burning anger consume me. I was stuck in a cycle of sorrow and anger. Of course, I was grieving the loss of my relationship before it even ended.
I was waiting to dump him on my birthday. I don’t expect him to give me a gift or even remember. He’s always been a piece of shit. I just ignored it for my own sake.
My name is Izuku Midoriya I’m dumping my cheating boyfriend.
It’s not hard to find reasons to dump the bastard. The only reason why we started dating was because I was heartbroken and decided that trying to move on wasn’t a bad idea. It clearly was a horrible idea because I got cheated on.
His name was Seiki Kagurazaka and he was a second-year student at U.A. High. I got close with the majority of his friends which helped me in the long run. They ended up liking me more than him and outed him to me as a cheater. I was often busy with hero work while they were hanging out so I wouldn’t have known if they hadn’t told me.
We only were a month into our relationship when the person I originally had a crush on broke up with their boyfriend. I cursed to myself but was determined to move on considering he had to recover from the breakup anyway.
I was in love with Katsuki Bakugo. No shocker there. It’s impossible for my attention to be focused on anyone other than him. Unfortunately, when he started dating Kirishima, it hurt to even look at them. I was beyond happy and supportive, but I couldn’t help but feel my heart break.
Now here I am, standing in the middle of the hallway, staring at my soon-to-be ex in disbelief.
“Excuse me?”
“It’s important okay?”
“Really? I can’t believe you right now.”
“What’s the big deal? It’s not like our plans haven’t worked out before?”
“Oh my god. You actually forgot. We were supposed to go to my place to celebrate my birthday, asshole!”
Kagurazaka paled and the sight of his mortified expression brought me extreme joy. Usually, I’d be angry or upset, but I’ve never been more at peace. I was about to make the entire school see Kagurazaka was nothing more than a mindless fuckboy.
“It’s not my fault you didn’t remind me!”
That genuinely surprised me. I knew he’d get defensive, but this was a new level of stupidity. How I ever accepted his confession is beyond me.
Meanwhile, behind me, I heard the voices of my classmates. I knew Mina, Kaminari, Uraraka, Hagakure, and Ojiro were behind me. In my peripheral vision, I can see the spikey blond hair that belonged to Bakugo.
Behind Kagurazaka was the group of his friends that would drop him after we broke up. They were the ones who supported me after sharing the news that he was cheating on me.
Suddenly, I didn’t want my failed relationship on display for the school to see. I grabbed Kagurazaka by the ear and tugged him into a more private area of the school. I know some people would respect me wanting privacy, but I couldn’t blame those who followed.
“Ow! Ow! Ow! Izuku! What the hell?”
I couldn’t help but let out an exasperated huff, letting go of Kagurazaka. This was it.
“You know what makes me crazy? I’m sorry, can I say this? You know what makes me nuts?” I didn’t wait for a response. “The fact that we could be together—Here together. Sharing our night. Spending our time. And you are gonna choose someone else to be with-.”
“No. That’s not—I’m not choosing-!”Kagurazaka went to interject, his defensiveness rearing its head again.
I shut that down quickly.
“No, you are!”
“Yes, Seiki, that's exactly what you’re doing!” I can’t help but shout at him. He really thinks he’s going to win this. “You could be here with me Or be there with them. As usual, guess which you pick.”
“No Izuku, I have to go-!” snapped Kagurazaka in a way that said a thousand words.
Fuck those homewrecking bitches and his fuckboy guy-friends that probably supported his cheating.
Without missing a beat, I snarkily fire back at him. “No, Seiki, you do not have to go to another party with the same twenty jerks you already know! You could stay with your boyfriend on his fucking birthday!”
I got to know his friends and became really good friends with them, yet he had no shame in cheating on me in front of them. It was beyond embarrassing for everyone to see that I wasn't worth it for him!
This was more than him cheating. This was him cheating after not putting any effort into our relationship from the beginning. He wasted my time and energy. We were both training to become heroes. And sure, I am farther ahead than he may ever be, but couldn't he be proud of me? Or even pretend to be?
“And you could, God forbid, even see my interviews!”
Seeing his stupid face with no guilt written on it filled me with a rage I didn't know I could feel. I will resent Kagurazaka till the day I die. He clearly doesn't feel guilty about cheating and still refuses to admit it.
“And I know in your soul it must drive you crazy! That you won't get to play with your little girlfriends!”
The words I dreaded hearing suddenly met my ears. Kagurazaka now knows that I know he cheated. Kagurazaka knows that I know he'd skip out on dates to go to parties and hook up with whatever girl threw herself on him. He had nowhere to turn, so he'd suddenly project on me.
"You're crazy-!"
I feel his hands try and snatch my wrists to silence me. And in that split second any composure I had left was out the window. All restraints were forgotten and our relationship was officially done.
I shove him away hard enough for him to nearly fall over. Without worrying about who heard anymore, I shouted at him. "No I'm not, no I'm not!"
Kagurazaka's eyes widened, officially backing down. The line had been crossed and there was nothing he could do to mend what he's ruined. I no longer loved him.
There would be no more stolen kisses in the halls or in our dorms. There won't be any more secret hugs whenever we feel the urge to touch. There will never be fingers grazing as we walk through the halls side by side. My eyes will never meet his again after this. My voice will never be directed towards him after this. I'll be nothing more than a memory.
"And the point is, Seiki, that you can't spend a single day that's not about you and you and nothing but you! Marvelous, powerful, you!"
I can feel I'm using my whole body to exaggerate my screaming. Everything I was feeling was pouring out of my mouth. Feelings and thoughts I'd been bottling up about him were now being thrown right into his face.
"Isn't he wonderful? Just seventeen! The savior of Japan! You and you and nothing but you! Miles and piles of you! Pushing through windows and bursting through walls! En route to the sky! And l-"
I couldn't do it anymore and the tears started falling. I didn't want him to see me crying, but I felt so defeated that I couldn't help but break down at the thought of him cheating. We never did anything more than the occasional makeout, but he could sleep with multiple girls he just met?
He didn't even try to come up with a dumb excuse or apologize. He didn't beg for me to stay or say that it was an accident or a one-time thing. I wanted to believe he felt some guilt or shame, but deep down I knew he’d only be upset that I found out.
Even now, as I was crying before him he didn't even move to comfort me. He didn’t say a word to try and fix what he broke. I decided if this was the end, I'd leave nothing untouched.
"I swear to God. I'II never understand. How you can stand there straight and tall... and see I'm crying...and not do anything at all." I know I sounded pathetic and heartbroken, but the regret that finally appeared on Kagurazaka's face made it worth it.
As I saw his hand budge to reach out to me, I shook my head and turned away from him. There was a group shamelessly watching and I could tell the wish they fled the scene before I could see their faces.
Thankfully it wasn't random people and was made up of Kagurazaka's friends and my friends. It made the situation a lot less messy for me. Still, one of Kagurazaka's friends, more specifically the first girl who told me he was cheating, reached out to me.
I raised my hand to signal I didn't want to be here, let alone talk at the moment. I dismiss myself and walk away.
I wanted to scream, but the voice belonged to someone I could never be hostile to. All I do is turn to face Bakugo and shake my head.
"I'll see you tomorrow Kacchan."
I push open the double doors at the end of the hall and leave. I'll tell Aizawa I got sick and was heading home instead of my dorm. He already accepted my request to spend my birthday with my mother.
My birthday was spent in the arms of my mother. I ended up spending Sunday at home as well. I didn't want to answer the questions I know my classmates would have or see the looks of pity yet.
When I got back, no one asked any questions and there weren't any looks of pity. Apparently, Bakugo got house arrest for beating up Kagurazaka. Uraraka and Kagurazaka's ex-friends explained what happened to class 1-A. So, by the time I got back, all I got was support.
I was happy to hear I’d be able to rant about him to many of my friends whenever I found the strength to talk about it. It seemed that I also had plenty of second-years to talk to about it as well. Sure they saw him cheating, but I had embarrassing stories of him to share.
It seems Bakugo could sense I'd be coming back because he was waiting in my room when I walked in. All I could do was smile. And suddenly I can't imagine how I could ever bring myself to distance myself from him.
"Thank you, Kacchan."
"He's lucky I didn't kill him for doing that to you."
As long as it took me to move on, it pissed me off that all it took was one sentence for all those feelings to come back full force. Trying to ignore the rush that was making me dizzy, I stepped closer and plopped down on my bed.
"Yeah, I think he'll probably avoid me like the plague now."
I really hope he wouldn’t dare walk through the first-year hall. Then again, Kagurazaka was a piece of shit. He had no shame so I wouldn’t be surprised if he suddenly started dating another first-year by the end of next week.
"Yeah, you screaming at him was pretty badass. Definitely destroyed his ego with how you tore into him," snickered Bakugo, his smirk as devilish as ever.
"Here. Take it."
Suddenly a small box is placed on my lap. I soon realized that this was a birthday gift considering I wasn't around for my birthday.
"Oh! Kacchan!"
Soon I was a crying mess all over again. After having my ex-boyfriend forget my birthday, this really got my emotions all over the place.
"Hey! Why are you crying?"
"I'm so happy." I pathetically cry out.
I open the box after a smack to the back of my head and a quick breather. Looking inside is a golden All Might charm bracelet. There were at least six limited-edition charms in addition to the limited-edition All Might bracelet the charms go onto.
Bakugo was most definitely collecting these charms for close to a year at this point. That information sent the butterflies in my stomach into overdrive.
I may have just gotten out of a relationship and this may make me a bad person, but I couldn't resist launching myself onto Bakugo. It seemed that Bakugo didn't mind being a bad person as well when he supported my weight and kissed me back.
The end!
This was completely inspired by the musical The Last Five Years and more specifically the song See I'm Smiling by Anna Kendrick! God the feminine rage in that gives me goosebumps everything.
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lchufflepuffcorn · 2 years
A Diamond in the Rough
Words: 805
Warning: Sad-ish, Angst-ish, song fic, Disney x MHA fusion. No Reader was mentioned.
Author's note: I really liked writing this, and I hope you'll like it too!
Taglist: Requested by the wonderful (and very polite) @princeasimdiya12
OGW Masterlist
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An Aladdin!AU Izuku centric imagine.
Gotta keep
The thumping of feet on the dusty ground echoing the wild beating of heart now stuck in his throat, Izuku Midoriya turned a corner. Griping the wall tightly between his fingers to better keep his stability, he took a look behind his shoulder. 
Yup, still followed. 
One jump ahead of the breadline
Clenching the fruits closer to his chest, Izuku jumps over a cart past him. And kicked one box off and continued his ascension toward the ladder leading to the roof. The map back home was reshaped clearly in his head. 
Maybe, if he lost the guards, Izuku should stop and get some fish for tonight.  
Now up the ladder and taking a second to watch behind him once more, Izuku can clearly see the flaming-like hair of Enji Todoroki and the matching red cap of The Hawks. He kicks the wooden ladder to the ground, hopefully buying him a minute or two. 
One swing ahead of the sword
Making it from roof to roof, Izuku jumped toward the ground, holding onto a clothesline before letting go, half a meter before his feet could touch the dirt. Seconds later, the line fell limp on the ground, clean clothes now dirty again, and Izuku bent to grab some. 
'That shirt would do Eri good!'
He continued his run under the insults of the guards, as he so often did. Waving toward Toshinori, the old jeweller, who waved right back. 
"You're stealing again, Izuku?" Asked Tsuyu, handing him a sealed bottle as he ran past her. 
The boy shrugged. " I steal only what I can't afford." 
And that's everything.
There had been a time when he would have walked those streets with real money in his pockets. The laughter of his comrades followed him as he'd juggle more and more oranges before them. 
There had been a time when he'd taken Eri on walks around the town's square and watched her dance. He'd bought a flower crown for her and a drink for Uraraka. Maybe he'd played shogi with Shoto or Iida. He would've sung songs with his mother, joining a dance toward the ends of their shopping and walking. 
He did that for a while after the war, too, before people couldn't loan him a dime anymore. Singing.
Could really use a friend or two. 
The war had taken much of the people around him. Sure, he still had Tsuyu and Kirishima. Toshinori, too, could be considered a friend, he supposed, hell, even Ka-chan some days.  
Eri too, but she was still so young and so weak... she ought to eat more. Maybe he could stop at the Bakugos to see if he could scrap a thing or two of them. 
They're quick, but I'm much faster.
Izuku jumped at the words and accelerated his speed once more. He must have slowed at some point. Once more, the boy used his acrobatic skills and jumped over a pile of hay, taking a sharp left and utilizing the windows to escalade the walls toward the top of the houses again. 
He threw a bunch of the stuff he found on the roofs around him to make the way less manageable. Stupid, but still, it could buy him some more minutes. If that was the only thing he could do, he would. 
Izuku lost the guards again after a little while and stopped at the Tokoyamis before the Bakugos for some scrap they could provide him. In Exchange, he only had to promise to try and find a job the next day. 
Better throw my hand in.
He hadn't been much help during the war, even if Izuku had been of age to fight. He'd been too sickly to enlist, and even in the more desperate of times, the only thing he was good at was taking children to refuges outside of the city, making the path difficult to travel behind them. And then, when everything was reconstructed, and everyone only had enough for themselves, Izuku resolved to steal for the first time. His skills were not good enough for anybody anymore. 
All I gotta do is jump.
He'd arrive at the crossroad leading to either the outskirt of the city or his hiding place. Their roofs are higher, their walls harder to clamber. They were older monuments and too much work to rebuild in their ancient splendour. The perfect place for a scoundrel like him to live with Eri safely and with someplace to cool down during the hotter months. 
Resting in bed, yet again, pale as the moon, the little girl opened her eyes when he entered. Her face lit up with her innocent smile, and Izuku could only smile back, playing out his daily adventure for her amusement. 
If only he'd known that he was a diamond in the rough.
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quirkless-forums · 5 months
Quirkless Deku Fanfiction Recs Organized by Wordcount
My Quirkless Deku Rec list after like 5 years of being in the fandom, on and off. Focus on unique fics that highlight or complement Deku's quirkless status in some way, usually with strong storytelling.
It has 48 fics on it!
It first lists the outline, where fics are ordered based on length, then the summaries with my thoughts will be posted at the numbers. The numbered links will bring you to a post with the summary for only that fic, so you can bookmark which fics you want to read by clicking the number and bookmarking the post there.
It’s a list I’ve posted to Reddit, but maybe I’ll convert it to Tumblr one day.
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For now, here’s the link.
Have you read any on this list? Let me know which ones and what were your favorites!
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oshiawaseni · 2 years
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Kacchan could barely sleep because Izuku left him, and even though that alone probably hurt him even more than his own injuries... he couldn’t stop worrying about Izuku. Kacchan simply couldn’t shut himself down to get proper rest. 
And you see this?
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Faces of friends who love Izuku but have not lost any sleep over him leaving.
It’s not right when people (or studios) downplay the importance Izuku has on Katsuki’s life. Kacchan cares. He cares so damn much.
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I bet he finally rested well the day Izuku came home and Kacchan knew he was safe and wasn’t going to go anywhere... 
I bet that day was his first good night’s rest in literal weeks.
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mysteroads · 4 months
So, in regards to my fanfic, and what we learned in MHA Chapter 423... I would like to formally say CALLED IT!!!
I was so. freaking. close. to what actually happened!
I am probably the only one who cares, but I'm still pretty pleased with myself. 😎 (And, if I'm honest, I kinda like my version a little better. I certainly like what happens AFTER better.)
Good for Kurogiri though. Gonna have to add a oneshot with him to my series. He deserves a good catharsis.
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acerathia · 1 year
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The Lament of Erebus || Chapter 1: The weight against their soles
They appeared in the dead of night, ripping people out of their homes and lives, only leaving scattered clothes fluttering in the wind. There was nothing else left of the missing people.  OR Midoriya Izuku is quirkless, despite his protests, despite the feeling churning in his insides. It seems like fate has a cruel way to show its affection, as this lead to a social death sentence. And he has lived like that all his life. That is until society began to shift, creatures of the night swallowing people residing in the dark. The question is, what is the connection between them and Izuku?
Wordcount: 1.5k
Read it on AO3 || Masterlist
Minor Characters Death, Abuse of Power (Government), Censorship, Isolation, Alternative Universe,
Literally filled with anxiety rn but still posting it. I hope you enjoy it!! Also currently unbeta'ed, so some slight changes may occur oops
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Izuku had been four when he was diagnosed as quirkless. The doctors didn't care about his missing toe joint, they had no proof for the absence of his quirk but their belief. There was no way he could still manifest a quirk, their arguments sounded the same. No matter how the little kid tried to argue with them. He knew it wasn't true, he had a quirk. But how was a four year old supposed to describe how his insides felt? How his shadow seemed to grab his ankles, weighing him down? He only barely registered something going on, but never, truly understood what. So he had to continue with his life, medically quirkless and yet.
Some people sensed some kind of wrongness in him, surrounding him, almost swallowing their footing around him. That played a big part of his school life. Isolated, not bullied, but ignored to the degree of neglect. And if someone was knowledgeable, they knew, they were aware, how studies showed how isolation affected the brain, how it destroyed someone.
But Izuku? He had his mother. She didn't care how fast lamps seemed to break around him, or how the dark places moved and grabbed in his company. She cared for him when no one wanted to, no matter the situation, he was her boy after all. And thanks to her Izuku remained sane, her smile lighting the corners of his brain, saving him from being swallowed in himself. The world had Inko Midoriya to thank for, or nothing would have had the chance to remain for all this time.
And in another timeline, maybe, he could have discovered the thing inside of him, used it to become the hero he always wanted to be. But everything had a consequence. And poor Izuku, his timeline just wasn't the one he wanted, maybe the one he needed, but he only was the victim of the circumstances. The actions of someone else skewed with his possible future. Leading to the current state of events, Izuku stuck there as the everyday civilian.
He had barely turned twelve when the butterfly effect truly kicked in. The appearance of mysterious creatures destroying every hint of a normal life anyone could have led in a world full of quirks.
They appeared in the dead of night, ripping people out of their homes and lives, only leaving scattered clothes fluttering in the wind. There was nothing else left of the missing people.
For such a long time people assumed kidnappings, some shady dealing in the usual groups. But no matter how deep the heroes crawled, they couldn't discover any trafficking ring, any gang, that could just make people disappear without even the smell of blood lingering in the air.
But they tried, they dug until they reached the deep, dark water of existence walking through the city, grabbing at everything and anything, even resuscitating old cases. Nothing. Not until a pair of proheroes got grabbed, on their date.
The pair had been minding their own business, walking through the streets, talking, laughing after the dinner they enjoyed. It hadn't been their first date and it shouldn't have been the last. But not everyone got lucky with their wishes and hopes for their future.
They have been on their way home, just through this alley and the door was glowing at the end of it. They were proheroes, they could manage a familiar alley just fine. And they knew that, their pace slowing, not wanting to end the night just yet.
And maybe, if circumstances had treated them better, they could have gotten out, like they did times before. But they didn't hurry up, their steps just a bit too slow, the shadows dragging their feet to a stop.
Their giggles filled the alley, if only they didn't. Maybe they stopped for a kiss, a hug, maybe they themselves didn't know why they halted their steps, surrounded by the moving shadows. There was a single breath before the darkness engulfed one of them, crawling and scratching. And even if the victim suffered immense pain, no sound could even be perceived in the first place.
The shadows scratched at the soles of the other, but fate had planned another outcome. Their quirk lit up, banishing the shadows into their corners, into their seats at the edge of everything. And once they had left, nothing existed of the partner, their clothes, unscathed, draped over the floor. The hero scrambled to pick them up, before stumbling out of the alley, the heaviness in their steps banished with their light.
The hero, filled with the feelings of determination, protectiveness, hurried to the next police station, not allowing their pain and fear, their anguish, to even come to the surface, intend on leaving these ugly feelings for the shadows of the house, not their home, not anymore.
They told the police what they saw, how the darkness swallowed their partner, soundlessly leaving these clothes not even tattered. The police didn't like that story, they tried to outright deny it, but too many factors proved that tainted event. The cameras viewing the exits of the alley, the clothes, every single lie detector, even the human one. They all told them how they felt the truth, how, at least for them, it actually had happened.
And oh, how much the investigators hated that. How bad they wanted everything to be a lie, because how were they supposed to catch something like that? Something impossibly illusive? They had to resign from the case, hand it over, as much as they tried to resist. As much as they tried to resist, they were aware how powerless they were, how they could not contribute to this case any longer.
The heroes received the case. But everyone knew, at least the people filled with knowledge about how this society ticked, the case landed onto the desk of the Hero Public Safety Commission. The government. And what would the HPSC even dare against these creatures? What could they possibly do, which the police couldn't have done?
Some people thought their measurements were over the top, not understanding the gravity of the situation perhaps, some worshiped the commission for their actions, looking at them like saviors. But in truth they only introduced a lockdown. Nobody was allowed to leave their homes at night, the lack of light strengthening the shadows. Of course everyone got compensation for everything they might have lost in such a situation.
And the heroes? Those poor heroes. If they considered themselves lucky, they didn't get deployed for the service at night. The rest on the other hand had been thrown into the darkness, with nothing but their flashy quirks to help them. Because they would be fine, shadows hated the light and their powers were bright enough to protect them, weren't they? Why else would they be heroes if they couldn't even protect themselves? And every hero had to obey the whims of the HSPC or else they would lose everything they ever fought for.
Maybe some would consider the underground heroes the victims in this particular situation. They had to work in the day, making everything they built naught. But they too had more things to consider than their preferred life path. The lives of the common people hung on them to compensate for the lost heroes, not dead no, but lost to the fight with the invisible darkness.
And twelve year old Izuku had no idea about any of this, why would he? Well, he did, to some degree, because people notice things when they lose them. And they lost their freedom to wander into the night, and more importantly, they lost some of their dear heroes to the night. In more than one way, but they only knew what the government told them. Which wasn't enough, barely the truth.
So Izuku stayed at home, not that he would have done otherwise, and his mother, with his last bit of luck, had only to work in the brightness of daylight. But if everything had remained like that, we wouldn't have the story right now and I wouldn't have anything to tell you, wouldn't I? Because there would always be something that goes wrong, and for Izuku it was multiple things at once. He simply messed up once and fate took that mistake and knitted the future.
And considering why we all were here, we all knew how much of a hero nerd Izuku was, almost in every possible direction fate could have gone, he was one. So nobody should be surprised by the following events.
Of course Izuku noticed the change of pattern in their behavior and in their patrol routes. And he wanted to know why. Why did the government actually implement the nightly lockdown? Was there something else but the allegedly rising criminal rates at night? There had to be, or the change in the normalcy of the heroes wouldn't make sense.
Luckily, he didn't decide to break the lockdown on a whim, or else the story could end right here. No, he did what he could do best and analyzed and investigated. And this decision marked the beginning of his involvement and how he would grow to regret his decisions.
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matteosilly · 11 months
Would anyone be interested in my bnha thoughts because I have so many of them.
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pocketramblr · 9 months
Did you know there's a mha collab with a game called granblue fantasy rn, you can check out the collab art on the gbf wiki
I did not know there was a collab and I do not know what granblue is but huh apparently you can get a rare all might card item and maybe dress up Izuku
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bluezeri · 1 year
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i think they would be friends :]
[Check out my Redbubble to get it as a sticker!]
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bnhactorverse · 10 months
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Giving Point Prologue Assets
Giving Point is an AO3 fic that is an Actor AU for BNHA. All assets posted to this blog are courtesy of @kraeyola
Do not repost/reuse any & all art for this series without permission (this INCLUDES NFTs/AI). — Summary:
“Look, Midoriya,” The studio representative sighs, annoyed. She pinches her temples, eyes screwing shut, “You’re still an actor who is signed under Tartarus Studios. You’re contractually obligated to do your due diligence to ensure production continues as smoothly as possible.” 
She hunches forward. 
A glint of cold steel flashes in her black eyes.
“I understand you have your reservations, but let me remind you that the studio is in a very precarious position right now.” 
The ‘because of you’ goes unsaid. 
Izuku presses his lips into a thin line.
His eyes drop to the contract in his hands.
— AKA: After Izuku secures his role in Lemillion: Concerto, news of a former co-star dying causes old scandals to resurface. With his past catching up to him and fans calling for his head—something has to give. And this time? It might be Izuku’s career that’s doing the giving.
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wisteriavines · 2 years
Why aren’t there many, if any, si/reincarnation fics in the bnha fandom?
I love the Izuku-centric stories that keep him quirkless or give him a totally original quirk — but why can’t I have an Izuku that wasn’t always Izuku?
An Izuku that remembers what the world used to be like before quirks — what it could have been if quirks never emerged. An Izuku that looks at quirks, is absolutely fascinated by them, but also sees all the ways they’ve made society stagnate and break. An Izuku that intimately knows how dangerous being “different” can be — has experienced and witnessed those dangers even before that fateful doctor’s visit. An Izuku that isn’t as desperate to fit in, ins’t as invested or interested in the life-risking job of a Hero. An Izuku that misses that quirkless and fundamentally ugly world, because at least then he didn’t have to worry about being “accidentally” stabbed or burned by his classmates — at least then he would have been given the chance of arguing/defending himself.
An Izuku that is tired of this new quirk/power filled world and it’s rapid descent into a dystopian.
Give me an Izuku that’s just one person — but one person that is more than aware of where the narrative will fall if no one does anything — who refuses to simply sit back and take the beating Fate wants to sentence him to.
Give me an Izuku with old, tired eyes, a determined line to his lips, steady hands and feet firmly planted, telling the world,
“No. You move.”
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bkdk-fan4ever · 1 year
Bakugou Katsuki Centric | Crocodile Tears | Bakugou Katsuki Is A Little Shit | Class 1A Shenanigans | Midoriya Izuku Is A Little Shit | Crack Treated Seriously
Toxic Masculinity? No No - Manipulative Masculinity by mentallypapaya
It was at this point that Bakugou, to Aizawa's horror, and the rest of the class's utter disbelief, promptly burst into tears.
Bakugou can cry on demand, and he has absolutely no problem using this for his own personal gain.
Who knew?
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yyyyanyan · 1 year
It's so interesting to look at what kinds of things are trendy/popular within a fandom :O
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kr0ffie · 1 year
Various shades of colors
"You must be class 1-A right? The hero students?" She asked.
"Yes." The hobo looking man answered, Eraserhead, her mind helpfully supplied. "And might I ask how you know that?"
Miyuki grinned. She threw her empty coffee cup into a nearby trash bin and bowed dramatically. Curse her for being such a theater kid.
"The name's Miyabe Miyuki, and I am a member of the Armed Detective Agency"
When the principal of UA sent a request to ADA, Fukuzawa immediately knew something is up.
When he informed the Agency Members, all of them knew something is up. Specifically, what the Hero Commission is up to.
They accepted it anyway, just to poke fun at the naive heroes.
And besides, it's about time that the heroes stopped looking through black and white lenses.
It's time they see the various shades of colors that exist.
or; Class 1-A is sent to Yokohama to observe and gather information on the Armed Detective Agency. They'll get to experience their first "infiltration" mission!
Unfortunately for them, they are facing some of the greatest detectives, and they saw right through their plan.
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acerathia · 6 months
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The Lament of Erebus || Chapter 2: The silent plea
They appeared in the dead of night, ripping people out of their homes and lives, only leaving scattered clothes fluttering in the wind. There was nothing else left of the missing people.  OR Midoriya Izuku is quirkless, despite his protests, despite the feeling churning in his insides. It seems like fate has a cruel way to show its affection, as this lead to a social death sentence. And he has lived like that all his life. That is until society began to shift, creatures of the night swallowing people residing in the dark. The question is, what is the connection between them and Izuku?
Wordcount: 3.5k
Read it on AO3 || Masterlist
Minor Characters Death, Abuse of Power (Government), Censorship, Isolation, Alternative Universe, Kidnapping, Witness Protection, slightly illegal activities, Midoriya has a quirk, Panic attack
I know i said i'm on break, but i posted it on ao3 days ago and i just remembered to post it here oops, anyway, enjoy lolol
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Sometimes people think everything might be their fault, that the consequences of their actions finally caught up to them. I reckon Izuku was such a person. After all, he was considered the weird, quirkless Deku. Yes, like his hero idolisation the name Deku seems like a fixture in every possible variation of himself. Due to his so-called weirdness, his uncanny vibes, people blamed him for everything, he brings bad karma, the spirits follow him or any other variation of the same spiel. A try to explain whatever was going on. Poor Izuku didn't have any other choice but to accept these baseless accusations, taking the blame for everything and everyone. Even if whatever was about to come, was not his fault, no, he was just unfortunate enough to be there at the wrong time.
Now, enough with that, we need to focus on Izuku, to understand the story properly.
There was something going on, Izuku knew, but he had no idea what exactly. The government just implemented that nightly lockdown, no one was allowed to step outside if the sun had set, unless they were accompanied by a hero. But even then, they would get a hefty fine, for allegedly obstructing justice. Which didn't make sense to him, after all the heroes were supposed to help people! Especially if it was true that the nightly crime rates really have been rising. And this reason didn't make sense either. If the crime rate really got that high to be a risk to the population, there would have been any kind of early indication or any kind of statistics. But Izuku didn't encounter any of this in all his nightly deep dives into the forums and, sue him, the police archives.
No one could blame him for distrusting the information they had been given. There was something else going on and he wanted to know what. But every question and answer to this particular topic vanished from every forum, even in the ones specifically for conspiracies. He knew, because he looked and dug, but everything was gone. Even if he finally found someone wondering and asking the same thing, he couldn't do anything but watch as the question got deleted in front of his eyes.
He groaned with frustration as it happened again. Once again he lost some discussion about the current events. He even forgot to note the name of these people in hopes to contact them later on again. The need to bang his head against the table slowly grew with each post lost. Was this how losing the library of Alexandria felt like?
But he didn't have time to despair just yet, his mother was calling him for breakfast, and who was he to ignore her? So he shut his laptop down, softly closing it before emerging from his room, almost forgetting his bag.
Letting his schoolbag lean against the table he took a seat. In front of him a plate with toast and jelly and peanut had been put, with some orange juice to the side. With a bright smile he thanked his wonderful mother before digging in. He allowed for the crunch and the sweetness to distract him from his conspiracies for at least a moment. Of course he wouldn't call them conspiracies, but we all know they were, as none of them were even close to the truth.
After finishing his quick meal, he slung his back over his shoulders and gave his mother a goodbye kiss. He didn't let his weariness show until he was out of the door and turned at least once around a corner. He slowly grew tired of his middle school, the whispers and isolation starting to take a bigger toll on him than he would have anticipated. Some tiny sliver of hope told him to wait for something to happen, for something to turn his life around. And he grabbed that hope with desperate hands, with all the weights of his shadow. Maybe that was a reason for him to go looking for some kind of explanation or possible future events, even if it meant filling his brain with baseless rumors and conspiracies. Like that one about undergro-
Something pushed his shoulder, taking his balance away, leaving him stumbling. But he didn't fall down. Probably due to his increased agility or because he started working out the tiniest bit. In truth the shadows hung deep over his ankles, grounding him. But that was something he wasn't supposed to know yet, so his reasoning had to suffice.
He turned around to look for the perpetrator, but they had already left the scene. He should've expected that. People loved to push him, acting as if he wasn't just there, as if he didn't exist for them at all. That was why he was so accustomed to living on the edge, to barely exist. He was only protecting his body, if he couldn't even shield his mind from that silent torment.
With a soundless sigh he turned, almost slithering into his classroom, trying to avoid getting noticed. Before anyone could even raise their heads, he already sat in his place, pulling his notebook out of his bag. In this universe he never had to worry about his belongings getting taken away, his bubble too big for any bully to dare walking up to him, he was too unnerving for no reason, his existence in their periphery already sending shivers down their throats.
He opened the book to his new entry, 'The change of Hero Society'. A little dramatic, but for Izuku everything about heroes represented a far away world, every little change seemed like a myth.
With nimble fingers he took notes in bullet point form, trying to put everything from that one lost post before he could even dare to forget it. The possibility of the boogeyman returning, the strengthening of the yakuza and if there was any power struggle wrangling underneath society. Any of these possibilities had some kind of potential to unleash havoc upon them, in multiple ways and forms. But even if he put down every reason the current events could be connected to any of these reasons, he felt like missing something. Something was pulling him, whispering to him, wrong, wrong, wrong. So even if everything made sense, nothing clicked for him. He felt almost like pulling on loose, interconnected strings, like trying to grasp into delusive shadows.
He almost missed the start of the lesson, but even if he didn't pay attention, the teacher would not warn him. They barely managed to talk to him, so keen on ignoring him. He had in fact to teach himself the subjects, his questions receiving no answers from the teacher. At least they didn't grade him unfairly, and he supposed they were too afraid of repercussions if he failed due to their incompetence. And studying the subjects on his own turned out to be pretty fun, as long as he had time to look into everything as much as he liked.
Still, he tried to pay attention to class, to show some respect to his elders, and to know what the next topic could be. At least he looked like listening. Yet, his thoughts were still trying to dig into the dark, into this feeling of wrongness he has been getting lately.
Before he knew it, the day was over, without anyone even calling his name, even batting an eye at him. And he packed his bag, his notebooks heavy in them, filled with wrong knowledge and yet.
His way home turned out to be unspectacular, even if he felt like his feet floated over the ground. The whispers urged him forward, run, run, run. And for some reason he resisted. There was no reason for him to run, was there? His home would be where it had been that morning, it wouldn't move. His mother worked, maybe at home, didn't she? Yes, today was her usual home office day. So everything should be in order.
Still, for some reason he couldn't help but hurry, the usual weight on his ankles gone for this one moment, the shadows trying to push him, and yet.
And yet it wasn't enough. It never would have been enough.
He stopped in front of the door. Standing ajar, jarring him to the darkness of his bones. His mother would never allow the door to stay open, there was no reason for that but to invite unwanted shadows and guests in.
His breath got caught in the depth of his lungs, choking him for a moment. There was something wrong, wrong, wrong, and he should have been faster, run, run, run.
Hesitancy made his fingers tremble pushing the door open. But he didn't dare to look into his home yet. There was no reason not to, everything was fine, wasn't it?
Yes, everything was going the way it was supposed to, but that didn't necessarily mean it was fine. Eventually, everything would be fine, but everything needed to lead there first.
He finally stepped into the space he once occupied with his mother. Or at least that was what it was supposed to be. His recognition of the simplest thing failed and he didn't dare take another step.
The blue vase, mother's favorite, had shattered, its corpse laying in dust on every corner of the place.
For some reason he grabbed his phone, dialing the police. He didn't understand why either. He just pressed the phone to his ears, letting it ring and echo in his head. The moment the line clicked and someone asked him about what happened, he started babbling.
"My… my mother's vase, it broke. I- I don't know how…", his voice creaked and a gasp fled his lips, allowing for the sobs to lodge free.
The person on the other side didn't belittle him, rather they calmly asked for his address, staying on the line with him until someone arrived. And even then, they talked with him, trying to distract him from the state of the place, from the state of his mind. They only bid goodbye to him once they were sure he wasn't alone anymore.
A hand had been put onto his shoulder, bringing his attention to the crouching police officer in front of him.
"Hey buddy. I'm sorry that this happened to you. Do you mind coming to the police station to explain everything to you?", he asked with a soft voice, almost like talking to a frightened animal.
And maybe he was, his whole body felt jittery, almost like it wanted him to bolt immediately. But the heaviness had returned, grounding him somewhat. So he nodded, taking the offered hand to stand up and follow him to the car.
He didn't speak, didn't dare to even think about what could have happened. He just stayed silent, counting every blue car on the way to the station.
Arriving at the station meant to sit and wait. To sit with something to drink between his too cold fingers, and to wait for the adults to finally talk to him, to explain the situation properly for him. Because for Izuku, it didn't feel real, not until someone saw the same thing and mentioned him. He was refusing to accept the possibilities until someone confirmed it with him. But what kind of adult would tell a child, barely a teenager, the harsh truth? No officer wanted to lay it down on him, but he deserved the truth, as much as it was going to hurt him.
A police officer with black hair and simple features, no mutations, his mind supplied, crouched in front of him.
"Hello Midoriya, my name is Tsukauchi Naomasa, I will be the lead detective in this case. And you might be wondering what case I'm talking about, well…", he took a deep breath, "you mother seems to have been kidnapped and we don't know the reasons or who the perpetrator could be. And while we investigate you would have to be put into witness protection…"
He talked more, but Izuku couldn't listen to him anymore, couldn't process anything he said. His dear mother, gone? And someone ruthlessly took her? He couldn't even protect his own mother, he was a weakling, a Deku. A whimper escaped him and the tears already stained his sleeves once again. He won't ever be enough, couldn't even save his own mother.
He felt the arms of the officer around his twitching shoulders, letting him cry his pain out, leaving an aching hole in his lungs. He already missed her so much, his bones creaking her name.
After he was empty, Tsukaushi-san repeated the latter part, the part he missed while drowning. They were going to put him into witness protection, he was going to live with a hero. The thought should have been exciting, he was going to live with a real hero! He could learn so many things from them. And yet it wasn't enough. Maybe heroes would never be enough if his mother wasn't by his side.
In the end he didn't have any choice but to agree with whatever they were planning with him. A police officer would once again return with him to the apartment, it wasn't his home anymore, no, to collect some of his stuff, if unscathed. That was how he had to return once again, driven by a police officer, and he could have been the same one, but he didn't remember and he didn't care.
In front of the steps, he hesitated for a small moment, not wanting to crush the shards of the vase any further. To avoid breaking them, he calculated his steps, only looking at his feet until he stopped in front of the door of his room. What used to be his room. He peeked inside, nothing out of order. A stark contrast to the living room. No broken vases, no shards. Almost like a limbo, unchanging, stuck in time.
He was scared everything would rupture once he stepped inside, but he had no other choice. His feet slowly dragged him into the room, the air stale, he forgot to open a window before leaving. He didn't open one now either. Just grabbed the first bag he found and filled it with anything. Some things were not necessary but some things? To some things he had emotional attachments. And in this situation he needed those more than anything.
After ensuring that he had packed truly everything, especially his identifying papers and cards, he joined the officer outside. Even if the police would take those for safekeeping, he would rather have them on his person, at least until they hand him his new, shiny identity.
Once again he climbed into the police car. He began to grow weary of traveling with the car. At least the officer wasn't driving him back to the station, but rather to the first available hero. He wondered if he was going to get passed around in shifts, or if he was staying at one place with the same hero. Either way, he was stuck. They were taking his freedom away and it was for his safety. Because he couldn't do it himself, he was too useless, too weak, too weird.
Before he knew it, they had arrived. Hopefully for the last time he climbed out of the car. In front of him was a big building, resembling a luxurious hotel of some sort. Everything was clean, shiny and bright, and apparently safe. There was even someone to greet them at the entrance.
They didn't enter yet, they weren't allowed to do so, the hero had to pick Izuku up. So he waited while the officer made whatever call needed to get rid of him at last. He understood that sentiment, that was how everyone treated him, everyone but his mother. But that was over. He had to get accustomed to never having that sort of comfort ever again. Even from the people supposed to give him safety and comfort.
They both were lucky. The hero didn't take long to come down, looked like he had been in his home at that moment. And even if Izuku's feelings towards heroes were slightly numbed, he couldn't help himself but get a little excited. Because even if his hair wasn't in that complicated hairdo, he recognized the haircolor and of course the glasses.
Out of any choices, he couldn't believe he hit the jackpot. Present Mic was one of the few heroes to vocally support quirkless and mutated people, despite the discrimination many of them face, even by heroes (most of them didn't comment on such topics, too afraid of any backlash).
He hoped with the depth of his soul that Present Mic wouldn't be put off by him, he didn't know if he could handle such a rejection. So he immediately bowed.
"Good morning, my name is Midoriya Izuku, thank you for having me!", he exclaimed, nervousness and excitement tinting his voice.
"Hello, Midoriya-kun! It's nice to meet you.", Present Mic smiled and bowed slightly, before turning to the officer to discuss some details.
He saw how a package had been exchanged and he was aware what the contents could be. His temporary papers, his new identity. They were going to put some costume on him, acting like it was so easy to get rid of his life, as if the last years were nothing but an act, which could be changed at all times.
He grabbed his green locks, picking on them and letting their color shine in front of his eyes. Were they going to make him change it? Get rid of whatever feature of his mother etched into his very being? He hated that thought. Wasn't losing his mother already enough? Was dusting him of any remains necessary? He scratched his scalp, trying to remind himself that nothing is permanent, yes, once they found his mother everything would go back how it once used to be. He was not stuck with their shallow whims.
A hand on his shoulder brought him back to the person opposite of him, and he wished they would stop touching him like that. Still, he smiled at Present Mic, noticing the absence of the officer.
"Ah! You're back! Let's go inside, Imma explain how this place works.", he grinned and led him inside the building. He seemed so unaffected by him, a stark contrast to everyone else, it surprised him.
Inside he told the portier to allow him in, unless stated otherwise, before striding to the lifts. Izuku was struggling to keep up with his long steps, especially with the added heaviness to his own. But he listened nonetheless. The hero explained the concept of these apartments. The way the security worked and how their privacy was protected. No one could enter without permission and no names exist at the entrance, lest someone sneak a glance at them. He told him how he doubted anyone truly knew everyone living in this complex.
Finally arriving at his apartment, after making sure Izuku had memorized the way just fine, he showed him around. The kitchen, the soon to be shared bathroom, and the guest room, well his room now. Present Mic allowed him to 'go ham' with the decorations and the way he wanted the room to look like. At that moment it only had blue sheets, and bare walls. And he still was thankful for those.
He put his bag onto the bed and followed Yamada-san, the hero told him to use his name (and he tried to comply to his wishes, even if Izuku felt the need to continue calling the man by his hero one) into the living room, sitting on the edge of the couch, burying his feet into the dark underneath.
For some time there was nothing but silence, and then Yamada-san dropped the information, their plan for his safety. He handed him his new identification, his new name, explaining his transfer to a new school, close to his workplace, related to UA. That way they could be there at a moment's notice, as fast as the shadows at night.
He didn't mind the change, still harboring the hope of some friends, or at least classmates who talk to him. And if the school was close to UA, that meant he had the possibility to meet more heroes!
After the hero finished telling him his worktimes and giving him his number, with a new phone of course, he asked what his favorite food was and who his favorite heroes were.
The second question led to a tangent and an in-depth analysis of his top five heroes, which Present Mic belonged to. Said hero didn't seem to mind, rather enjoyed his talking and only interrupted him to ask questions, give him input or when his delivered food arrived.
Digging into the take-out he thought that maybe, maybe this wasn't as bad as he thought it could be. Nothing could replace his mother, of course, but he didn't have to suffer without her, some people still cared, somewhat.
And the same way his heart got a bit lighter, the shadows let go of him, solely dragging his soles, rather than ground his ankles.
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giveheartshoto · 2 years
TW: Death, gore, blood, weaponry, killing a friend, suicide, oocness.
SHIPS: Kiritodo/hinted Bakudeku.
P/R/F: Platonic
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Over fifty years ago, the world began to collapse. A large explosion off in the middle of Japan somewhere was caused. A mass of greyish-green smoke erupted from a small building hidden in the corner of an unpopular street.
The small building was disguised as a paint shop, when in reality it was a lab of unqualified scientists. Scientist's who made experiments that deliver no help to the world.
People ran as fast and far as they possibly could. Some people idiotically stayed nearby, curious as to what in the damn's name was going on; a few held their phones out, recording the scene.
Those who stayed near started to become affected by the smoke. It ventured through their nostrils, ears, eyes, and mouths —anywhere that is a possible opening to the inside of a human's body — it restricted their mobility of breathing, then their skin started to peel off and change to a light grey colour.
Their words slurred; minds fogged over…
Until they were only puppets to the smoke.
Some of those same people died from the mutation caused by the smoke immediately, others became zombified and started attacking the ones unaffected, by biting and digging their fingers into their flesh… anyway possible.
The mass attack had spread quickly. From one part of the country to the other. Some people had even spread it across the globe. To the United Kingdom, Poland, and many more countries, until, there weren't many people left.
Which brings us to today. Fifty odd years later, with only just over two hundred people across the globe left alive.
Shoto Todoroki - a young seventeen-year-old was one of these survivors, along with some friends he's made along the way.
The sky was gloomy, filled with stormy grey clouds with some rain drizzling. The wind howled and pranced around the small group of teenagers. The group consisted of four teenage boys:
- Shoto Todoroki
- Izuku Midoriya
- Eijiro Kirishima
- Katsuki Bakugo
Other than the sounds of their shoes tapping against the asphalt road in sync with the freezing wind, no other noise was made. The group was silent — the type of silence that was tense and unsettling.
Not even two hours ago did the quadripartite lose a member of their squad, and damn it did Shoto blame himself all for it.
Shoto, the others, and their now-deceased friend: Hanta Sero were surrounded by a group of zombies. It all came on so quickly. The zombies surrounding them far too swiftly for the squad's liking. There was no room to run, only fight.
And fight they did. With swing after swing with bats and knives. Shoot after a shoot with some guns they held. Blood, guts, and greying fleshy meat spewed over the five boys, dirtying their clothing; rusting their blades.
The counted leader of the group, Katsuki Bakugo, shouted out commands for each person in the group to do. Pairing everyone up with one another but himself. Shouting out when to attack. His voice echoed on for honestly long miles.
Shoto could feel himself becoming exhausted from all the attacking and trying to run - dammit, this was no time to have some sort of asthma attack now! The dyad-haired boy scolded himself.
He took a glance around the surrounding area. Seeing Katsuki excellently take down the dead figures on his own with no help whatsoever. Izuku and Eijiro back to back shooting and jabbing the zombies with their guns… and Hanta-
Wait… where was the black-haired boy?
Shoto frantically looked around. Spinning at three-sixty degrees plenty of times to the point he became dizzy; he could feel his breathing picking up, anxiety rising with it.
Where was he, where was he, where was he?!
He couldn't see the familiar boy anywhere. Nowhere to be until a scream occurred on the other side of the street.
Shoto glanced over to where the scream came from, there Hanta Sero was…
The others were too busy fighting the zombies themselves — they barely had the space or time to go and save a friend, but no zombie was blocking Shoto's pathway.
So he ran.
He ran towards Hanta, slashing and dashing through the horde of zombies. Stabbing and jabbing. Feet thumping across the asphalt as his chest burned some more until he skidded to a stop in front of Hanta Sero.
Hanta who was kneeling on the floor on the grey-stone pavement, clenching his left hand over his right wrist, his skin tone was greying at a fast rate to the rest of his body, sobs erupted in his throat. The older boy looked up to see Shoto standing there, a distant look crossing his face.
Hanta's teeth clenched in horrid pain. The wound burned far worse than fire. His eyes stung from both the tears and the feeling of the forming of mutating.
From what sounded like in the distance, a trio of footsteps came up from behind shoto.
“Oi, bastard! Don't just stand there, do something!” Shoto felt the blond flick his forehead out of anger as the same said blond kneeled also in front of Hanta.
Shoto and the other two—Izuku and Eijiro - watched as the blond and the black-haired argued back and forth on Hanta's situation.
“Please, it is the only way. I would rather not become like one of those!” Hanta cried out as he glanced from Katsuki to the trio, then straight into the eyes of Shoto begging him to agree to his wishes.
Shoto glanced at the two usually optimistic teenagers on both sides of him, seeing no reaction but sadness and fear. Whereas Katsuki in front of him, was shaking with anger and despair — the counted leader wished not to lose anyone else… Not after losing some others from their squad already (Denki Kaminari, Tenya Iida, Mina Ashido... Katsuki clenched his fists tightly at the thought of his losses).
“I can't do it.” Katsuki stands from his kneeled position, small stones and dirt from the pavement trickling off the creases of his joggers and falling to the spots in front of his red colour faded trainers. He turns away from Hanta, gritting his teeth as he walked away from the group; tears building up.
“Shoto please?” Hanta pleaded. His skin was greying more and more. Shoto could tell he was starting to lose control over the feeling of staying conscious from the horrid virus puppeting him. His words were slurring like a drunken man. His body started to slowly sway from one side to the other.
Shoto was stumped on the choices he was weighed with. To kill his best friend instantly, so he won't have to suffer, or to let the virus puppet his controls as they watch him try to kill him and the other three?
Shoto grabbed his gun from the side pocket of his heavy blue coat, placing a couple of bullets inside as his fingers curled around the handle of the heavy metal junk piece. Pointer finger rested lazily upon the trigger, “if you're sure, Hanta.”
He didn't want his friend to suffer… He'll let his best friend rest in peace, even if it means he'd have to deal with the consequences of killing Hanta.
Hanta frantically nodded, readying himself for the quick pain to send him to eternal rest.
Izuku and Eijiro - once beside Shoto's sides, now backing away from the scenario, not wanting to watch what will go down. They decided to sit on the other side of the now empty street, just where Katsuki sat on a set of stairs that led to what they assumed was once a sweets shop.
Shoto aimed his gun up.
Hanta closed his eyes.
Shoto pressed back on the trigger.
Hanta slowed his panicking breaths, waiting for his end to come for him.
A loud bang suddenly goes off, and Hanta's body slumps forward over as Shoto placed his gun back in the same side pocket as before.
The colour of dark red flowed from the front of hanta's head, causing a puddle of blood to form. His blood was the only colour shown among this boring street of greying death-
“icyhot! Bring yourself back to the present will you, damn bastard!”
Shoto shook the thoughts out, eyes blinking rapidly as he looked around his now new surroundings. “Where are we?” His quiet voice echoed across the empty area.
“We're in a garage area! We decided to camp here tonight to rest!” Eijiro responded as Shoto now noticed the trio in front of him setting up their sleeping bags, Izuku had set up an electric lantern light beside his own dark green sleeping bag.
Shoto slides his bag off his shoulder and kneels to the lino-tiled ground, grabbing his blue one, copying the actions of his friends by placing it on the floor, and soon sits on top of it whilst he digs through his brown shoulder bag next grabbing four small pull-up cans, handing one each to Izuku, Eijiro, and Katsuki along with handing them a plastic spoon each.
“Cheers icyhot.”
“Thanks, Sho!” both Katsuki and Izuku thanked the dyad-haired teenager as he hears Eijiro on his right sigh and then whine next to him. “Sweetcorn again?”
“They're the only cans we have left. All the meaty or pudding ones are empty.” Shoto responded as he started to dig into his cold canned vegetable.
“If you're going to complain like that, why don't you explore for better food, redhead loser?!”
Eijiro decided to give up on his complaint and join in with the rest of the group by digging into his food.
The aura was calmed, and the noise was silent, minus the quadripartite eating and clinking their spoons against their tin cans.
After some time, one after the other, all four of the teenagers were done eating. Now they were all doing their things: Izuku was writing down in his notebook, Katsuki counting his and everyone's weaponry seeing what might come in to use for their long deathly trip, and Eijiro was reading a comic he once stole from Hanta Sero ages ago, now reading it due to the loss of his dear friend.
Shoto sat idly still in his sitting position, face blank; no movement was caused, minus his breathing and sometimes blinking every few minutes or so.
The youngling was stuck in thought, thinking over and over again of the scenario that happened over four hours ago now. Having to kill his best friend… he didn't want him to suffer, so of course he helped Hanta with his wish. He would rather not be seen as a wimp after Hanta's pleads. Plus... it was the apocalypse. There was no other safe route to go down except for death.
Shoto could feel his hands start to shake and sweat at the repeated flashback. It kept replaying. Over and over and over again! He wanted it to stop. Leave his damned mind, let him be with peace!
Suddenly, a loud noise brought Shoto back to the real world. He flinched at the noise; looking up from his lap. His surroundings were dark. How long was he stuck in thought? Eijiro, Katsuki, and Izuku all have fallen asleep, Izuku's lantern ran out of saved charge to keep any light glowing.
Shoto's senses perked as he could hear the sounds of footsteps and hushed voices echoing from the other side of one of the walls behind his back. He grabs his bag from beside him and grabs both a knife and a pistol gun with him, standing from where he sat as he tiptoed over to the wall, pressing his ear up against it.
Though, as he pulled his head immediately away from the wall he noticed there was no sound on that side. Was the apocalypse's madness finally getting to him, causing him to go crazy?
A tap on his shoulder makes Shoto turn swiftly around, yet nobody was behind him, nor anywhere actually. The only people in the room were him and Eijiro, Katsuki, and Izuku — nobody else...
Shoto glances down to the ground, noticing a piece of folded paper by his feet. He bends down and grabs it, unfolding it he sees a few numbers written on it. Was it a code of sorts? He folds the piece of paper back up and places it in to one of the few pockets of his jacket, and heads back to the sleeping trio.
Maybe he'll stay up tonight, he thought, just to keep an eye and ear out for anything odd going on.
A few more hours passed as Shoto stayed far wide awake. The sun was just about rising, flitting glimmers of sun rays through the thin gaps of the huge garage doors. One of the others began to groan awake, Shoto looked over to the group of three and realised it was his curly haired friend Izuku.
“Mornin' Sho!” Izuku immediately perked after realising he wasn't the first to be awake of the lot.
Shoto hums in response, nodding curtly toward the smaller teenager.
With a small conversation happening between the green-haired and the dyad-haired teenagers, Eijiro and Katsuki eventually both woke up, all four decided then to ration out some food they still held on to along with coming up with some plans for their mysterious adventure (although — most of the “talking” was just Izuku and Katsuki arguing about this, that and the other whilst Eijiro tried calming the two, Shoto decided to stay out of it. There was no point in trying to stop the argument anyway.)
The group of four eventually pack their belongings and one by one — like chicks following the mother duck — they leave the space. Eijiro and Izuku talked to each other about anything they possibly could (dreams, their ideas on how the world is like before and maybe after the apocalypse, creating jokes to cheer the quadripartite up; you name it!) Katsuki held a beyond look, glancing at every corner and shadows the world casted looking for any zombies or other walking beings. Shoto stayed stuck in thought, one hand in his heavy blue jacket, as he fiddled with the edges of the once-folded-now-scrunched-up piece of paper he found last night.
He suddenly slides the paper out of his pocket; gently unfolding the creased paper and reviewing the numbers again. What could the numbers possibly mean, why so ominous; who placed it on the floor and why?
“What you got there bro?” Shoto jumps as he looks to his left side, seeing Eijiro peeking over Shoto's shoulder at the paper he held, his eyes squinting confused at what he was reading.
“Oh… I found this last night on the floor of the garage-”
Katsuki abruptly stops in his steps as his ears perked up at what he heard his quiet acquaintance say, causing the same-said male to bump into his back. He turns around to face the heterochromatic-eyed boy, seething fire on the sides of his face, as he jabs a finger at the youngest of the group.
“You found a note… And didn't bother to tell us?!”
“I was going to eventually-!”
“When, huh?!”
Mere silence.
Katsuki rips the paper out of Shoto's grip, reading it over for himself whilst mumbling, “freaking Half-and-half, absolute stupid bastard.”
The world was quiet around them for a couple of minutes — like a television's volume being turned to mute by the control of a simple button.
“They're coordinates.” Katsuki eventually talks up.
“They're coordinates to some place!” The blond grins then wavers the paper high into the air, “I say we check it out!”
“W-wait!” Izuku interrupts, “but what if it's a trap?!”
“Then we'll fight our way out of the trap!” Katsuki faces forwards again and starts speed-walking ahead, Izuku and Eijiro running, following behind the usually angered boy, Shoto soon walking after them in thought.
He's got a bad feeling about where these “coordinates” are, Shoto internally tells himself, clenching one fist together tightly.
Their walk went on for a couple more hours and now, the group was hiding behind a fallen concrete-grey wall, hiding away from some zombies they'd now encountered. The excitement the group held mere minutes before has now drowned to the darkest depths of the ocean, whilst seriousness and concentration surfaced to the top.
They stood as still and quiet as possible, waiting with baited breaths for something to happen: whether that was for an outraged attack to be caused or for the zombies to disperse, none of the four was sure.
“Fuck it, I'm going in!”
“Wha- Kacchan no!" yet Izuku's response failed to reach the ears of his childhood friend as the same blond ran out from behind their hiding spot, shooting bullets and jabbing the butt of his gun into the heads of the zombies.
“He kind of has the right idea, dude.” Eijiro shrugs, feeling slight defeat in not helping the other to stop their teammate from dangering himself. Izuku tilted his head to the ground and sighs then looks back at Eijiro in the eyes, “I guess he does, right!” Izuku then grabs his gun from the top of his partly opened bag and runs out too, following the counted leader, helping him seize the layer of zombies.
“We should probably help them before Katsuki shouts at us.” Eijiro commands Shoto as the dyad-haired teenager nods and hums in response, the two following the other duo.
Shoto decided to use a machete he found long ago, sneaking up to a standing still zombie and swinging the blade at the side of its greying and peeled-off neck, its close-to-black blood splattered onto his pale skin; the zombie's head slicing jagged off the start of the body's neck.
The head rolled onto the asphalt road, causing a small stream of blood to be caused whilst the rest of the zombie's body collapsed over on its side.
The sound of footsteps slowly coming up to Shoto with a heavy beat to it caused the teenager to swiftly turn around and immediately stab the blade of his machete into the top of a zombie's forehead, he could see the tip of the machete coming out of the other side of the zombie's head, the same zombie collapsed forwards ragdoll-like on to the road, same as the other zombie.
Two more of them came up to Shoto. Teasing him as they walked ever so slowly. Shoto stepped towards them and stabbed them both — one immediately after the other — in the chests, kicking them to the ground as he then stabs them in the tops of their heads too.
“DEKU!" Came the sudden distanced voice of his counted leader. Fright and panic wavering in his tone. Shoto perks his head away from the two zombies he just slaughtered and over to where the voice echoed from. Not all that far away he could see a clear view of Izuku Midoriya lying still on the cemented pavement, Katsuki Bakugo kneeling over his body, his shoulders hunched and tense yet shaking.
Was he crying? What's wrong with Izuku? Shoto questioned as he began making his way over.
Though his steps were too slow. Suddenly, a loud sharp bang goes off.
Katsuki's figure slumped over Izuku's one in an instant, blood trailing down the side of his forehead as the gun he once gripped onto slid out of his grip, sliding onto the other side of Izuku's deceased figure.
“What the hell was that noise?!” Eijiro, winded, came running up behind Shoto - his figure slightly hunched over as he took in deep gasps of breath.
Shoto stayed silent. Taking the chance of Eijiro not focusing on the scene in front of him by walking up to the now dead duo, digging into the pockets of Katsuki's hooded jumper as he finds the paper the blond male once stole from him, along with grabbing Katsuki's and Izuku's guns and any other items; placing them inside his bag.
There was no time to mourn when it came to the apocalypse.
He stands from where he was kneeling and twisted away from their bodies, heading back over to Eijiro at perfect timing as the spiky redhead finally caught his breath and started to stand normally. Shoto grabbed Eijiros' wrist and twisted him around, pulling him along the road, passing the two dead bodies of his friends.
“Woah‐ okay! Bro where are we going?”
“To wherever these coordinates Katsuki was going on about are.”
“Without him? Where is he actually- and Izuku, dude?” Eijiro suddenly felt the horrid aura that cocooned Shoto. Something bad went down and Eijiro wasn't there to notice, the spiky redhead thinks.
The aura stayed like that for the rest of the day, seeping into the evening. Shoto and Eijiro — not even ten minutes ago — have come across a food shop of some kind, so with no thought in mind, the two internally agreed upon raiding the said shop… If the food was still edible and not stolen, that is.
“I knew the outside of this looked big, but damn… The inside is so much bigger!” Eijiro excites whilst Shoto hummed in response. They both walked in synchronisation over to one of the closest food aisles; both covering their mouths and noses at the horrid stench it brought.
Rotten vegetables and fruit are strewn messily on the shelving and littering the white-tile floor.
Disgusting, both redheads thought.
They explored the large shop for a while, and in the middle of doing so they accidentally split up whilst looking for anything edible and maybe some good drinks too. Both piled their bags to the brim with what the duo both liked and may eat in the future on their everlasting survival adventure.
Half an hour later and the two find each other again at the very far back of the shop, standing near an “employee's only” door which Shoto stood near against with an ear up to the door, eijiro standing close by. When the two paired up again and were about to talk, they heard voices coming from the other side of the door.
They waited near the door for a while. Two minutes, five minutes… eventually a couple more minutes crossed the line and the voices stopped. Shoto glanced towards Eijiro who held a stern look, nodding towards the dyad-haired teenager, indicating for him to open the door. They both got their weapons out ready, in case anything bad happened.
Shoto brings a hand down to the handle on the right, gripping the bronze metal tightly as he pushes the handle down. It squeaked slightly, causing both boys to cringe and wince at the noise as Shoto suddenly shoves the door open.
What he saw was not expected.
Instead of there being a standard boxy room for employees of the food shop they stood in, there was, instead, a large barrier/fenced-in area outside with newly made buildings and camping tents filling the ground. Various people roamed about. Some looked like guards, whereas most were just plain surviving civilians.
Eijiro came up beside Shoto as he peeked into the doorway also, “Woah…" He breathed out.
Suddenly a bulky male in dark clothing came up to the doorway, and in a deep voice he spoke. “You can't enter unless you've got a paper slip to do so.” he says, crossing his arms. He looked terrifying, Shoto thought, whilst he dug into his pockets looking for the piece of paper with the numbers he held, though silently gasping and starting to inwardly panic as it was not in any of his pockets.
Shoto was about to freak out until- “here, I got it.” He looked over to see that Eijiro handed the bulky man the paper, did he drop it by any chance if so, when?
The bulky man stands to the side, guiding his arm out after reading over the paper. “you may enter.” he tells as eijiro goes through the door. Shoto was about to follow when the same bulky man stopped him, pushing Shoto away from the doorway, “you cannot.” The man demands, “you don't have a permission slip to do so.”
“Why can't he enter?” Eijiro butts in for Shoto as the man turns to face him slightly whilst also making sure to keep an eye on Shoto, thinking the dyad-haired teenager might do something suspicious.
“Only a certain number of people are allowed to enter this camp. The amount is one hundred and fifty, you filled up the last slot; there's no more room for him to join.”
“That doesn't even make sense… This is a safety camp for the survivors of this apocalypse, right? Then let him enter! Who cares about how many people can or cannot come here, just let-” Eijiro's words were suddenly interrupted by the man jabbing a sharp, jagged blade into his chest. Eijiro staggered backward, collapsing to the ground with a loud yet dense thump.
Shoto attempted to enter, wanting to run and comfort his very friend. Tears begged to fall from the corners of his eyes, blurring his vision slightly.
The bulky man pushed Shoto away once more as Shoto shouted out for Eijiro again, watching as the life drained from the spiky redhead's eyes, his body becoming still and fragile.
As Shoto screamed and cried for his last friend, the man slammed the door closed in front of Shoto, the sound of it locking as Shoto falls to his knees, his body tensed with shaking as his tears freed themselves by rolling down his pale skin and causing small puddles of salt water to form on the white tiles.
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