#Izuku’s opinion of Bakugou - So cool!
sapphic-agent · 2 months
I keep seeing post about BNHA's missed potencial and about how it's one of the few stories out there to pit abuse victims against each other and yeah. Absolutely agree. No comments there. But I haven't seen it pointed out how much worse that gets if you are still willing to give Horikoshi some benefit of the doubt... which sadly I am since he wouldn't have had a career if he'd always been Like That. And to clarify I'm not saying that he shouldn't be EXTENSIVELY critizised, I'm just saying that (depressive as it may be) we shouldn't forget how heavily character popularity rankings can affect the writing of an ongoing manga.
Bakugou was literaly introduced bullying kids and suicide-baiting the MC but he also consistently ranked N1 in the pools and Shouto N3 so bye Iida and Ocha these three are the main trio now. Envore was literaly introduced through his familial abuse, referred to Shouto as cattle to All Might's face, and even in his disturbingly self-serving flashback (y'know the one where he acts like he's a poor little meow meow for neglecting any kid he can't force into "hero training") it's still heavily implied he commited marital r*pe... but after One "Cool" Fight he kept breaking Top 10 so redemption it is anyway, I guess.
You have no idea how much I hate that this is where BNHA ended up. But amongst the many things that pain me over it one of the biggest ones is the knowledge that Horikoshi didn't get here Alone.
You aren't wrong in that fan opinion are a big part of why Horikoshi tanked the MHA narrative. However shifting blame from the author to the fans doesn't sit right with me at all.
It's, like, writing 101 that you aren't supposed to pander to a specific group of fans. Horikoshi chose to do that. He chose to cheapen a decent story to appeal to the masses. As a writer, you (and your editors) are supposed to decide the direction of your story. Not your fans.
I would also like to point out that while Bakugou WAS getting very popular among a lot of fans, he had almost as many critics in the beginning. Most of Bakugou's fans at the time were literal kids who didn't know any better. Taking that into consideration is a complete blunder on his part.
And in regard to Endeavor, by the time that "cool" fight happened, he had already decided to redeem Endeavor. In fact, I'm pretty sure that fight was deliberately meant to show off how good of a hero he was to the audience. Endeavor didn't really start getting fans until his redemption arc started.
Also, while Izuku does get a lot of flack, he's been consistently high in character popularity polls and Horikoshi still treats him like shit. Same with All Might and Uraraka.
(Character polls are consistently rigged, so we really shouldn't count them anyway)
So yeah, the fans aren't great judges of character. But it was Horikoshi's literal job to know his narrative and characters better
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knichii · 2 months
OK. does anyone else feel irritated that eng dub seems to be favoured in mha? in edits, in fics, it's clear most people watched dub and idk it's been rlly grinding my gears.
okay, to get this out the way, I don't like mha's eng dub. I don't like any of them. half don't fit their characters, 75% of the time the tone lands forced and awkward, and its literally just unbearable for me to watch I'm sorry. I have this issue with a lot of anime and cartoons so this isn't solely a my hero problem, but this is definitely the most severely I've disliked a dub. and yet I cannot escape it.
one of my biggest issues is the nuance that's lost in translation. anyone with any familiarity with the Japanese language will know what I mean. list of examples:
1. iida refers to class 1-A with '-kun'
2. yaoyorozu refers to class 1-A with '-san'
3. asui refers to class 1-A with '-chan'
3. deku with '-kun' (m) & '-san' (f)
that says SO MUCH about their characters, how they view their relationships, how they view themselves,, but in dub?? all of that's lost. ESP the significance of deku still calling bkg 'kacchan'. [simplified, '-chan' is used for cute/endearing things. it stemmed from children mispronouncing '-san', and became a childish, cutesy way of calling someone, usually someone you're VERY familiar with. it implies a shocking ammount of intimacy] thru years of bullying, all the rocks and straight up non existent road of their relationship, deku STILL calls him 'kacchan', the ONLY one allowed to do so ("but kaminari--" NEENAWNEENAWNEENAW).
in eng dub it gets reduced to a mere nickname, lacking all of its weight.
another thing is bakugou sub vs dub (...)
the most recent example is when bkg says "of course you pulled it off, Icyhot." (I forgot the context tho) in sub, he says "of course you pulled it off, TODOROKI".
THATS SUCH A NICHE, SUBTLE WAY OF SHOWING HIS DEVELOPMENT THATS TOSSED STRAIGHT OUT THE WINDOW. translation (manga) also has him calling his seniors 'senpai' which is... not what he says in sub????? 'senpai' indicates respect for someone your senior,,,, which. bkg would never show. (or only in EXTREMELY rare cases, MAYBE)
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there's also my peeve abt names. this may be an only me issue, but I don't like it when japanese names are written in western format (e.g Izuku Midoriya)... ("this guy cannot be fr rn" unfortunately yes I am). I don't have a reason for this, and I'm aware it's niche and irrational, but I always cringe a little when I'm reading a fic, that's SET IN JAPAN, and their names are written Given Name, Family Name. emphasis on SET IN JAPAN. THEY ARE JAPANESE. THEY ARE NOT AMERICAN.
bkg's hero name. his og one which was translated to King Explosion Murder, losing all of the wit and cleverness in the jp original. this post goes into more detail and is very cool check it out
slightly irrelevant but bkg's jp va, Okamoto Nobuhiko, like. wow. the bkdk fight? the voice cracks? the ANGUISH?? the softness in his voice when bkg was abt to die (the hallucination w all might) ??? like,, wow. the emotion is so much more raw than it's conveyed in eng
(note: jjk was my first anime fandom so I'm probably spoiled. over there, sub seems to be favoured, barring a few iconic lines [ray chase lwk served as sukuna in the shibuya arc] and the fics, like 70% of the ones I read, used japanese honorifics and culture. in comparison, mha was a bit of a shock. the side of the fandom I washed up on is so... American??? maybe I'm in the wrong place idk. everything's just extremely white and slightly uncomfortable.)
this was a bit of a vent post,, obviously ik people are entitled to opinions (even if they're wrong), I js wanted tk if anyone else felt the same way
reading this back, I'm aware of how chronically online I am. yeah. still tho
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heli-writes · 6 months
Headcanon: Katsuki with a younger, quirkless sister!reader
💥 Before it became clear that you don't have a quirk, you two were inseparable. You looked up to your older brother and hoped you'd get an awesome quirk just like him. Katsuki would often play hero with you, him being the hero who saves you from a villain.
💥 Everything changed when you found out you'll never have a quirk. Suddenly, you're not worth Katsuki's time and attention any more. He stops playing with you and starts being mean to you. Your mom brushes it off as Katsuki becoming too old for playing with his little sister.
💥 He probably says and does some pretty mean things to you around the time you're both in primary school. He's that perfect example of an older sibling being a total dick.
💥 Through middle school things cool down. Izuku becomes his new target since he's in his class and you're a few grades below him. You get some demeaning comments here and there but at least he doesn't torment you anymore. He's probably disgusted to be related to you and by ignoring you, he hopes that others don't make the connection between you two. The underlying issue probably is that he doesn't want other people to see him as weak because he's related to you.
💥 During his time at UA, you probably have no contact at all especially after he moved into the dorm. You only see each other during the holidays and then you try to avoid him. By then you're probably low-key resenting him.
💥 In contrast to Izuku, you stop idolizing your brother and see him for what he is: an arrogant bully. So whenever he's around and makes a demeaning comment, you give him a sarcastic comment in return often leading to the blonde exploding on you (behaviorwise and quirkwise). Your parents see that it's best to keep you separate.
💥 However, you wouldn't be a Bakugou, if you had no fire or spark in you. Your resentment towards your brother pushes you to prove him wrong. To prove that even if you're quirkless, you still can do great things. This is probably the reason why you choose a profession that leaves an impact on people like a doctor, lawyer or teacher.
💥 At first, Katsuki doesn't take your ambitions seriously, maybe he even thinks that they're not as impactful as being a hero. However, his opinion probably slowly changes over time. Learning that All Might is quirkless and seeing how far Izuku can go, it changes his perspective.
💥 With everything that happens at UA and the war, Katsuki learns what it truly means to be a hero. It's not all about being powerful and beating up bad guys. It's also about being encouraging and supportive towards people, especially those who may be weaker. It softens him up a bit towards you.
💥 You can see that your brother is changing but that doesn't mean you forget the past. You may be willing to forgive him but only if he takes the first step. Which he probably won't do since he's too proud.
💥 Despite everything, you're worried about him during the war and root for him through all of it. He's still your brother, plus he's fighting for the good guys.
💥 Your relationship with each other will get better when you're both adults. You're both mature now and can treat each other more civilly. Katsuki probably is very aware that he's been shitty to you in the past. He probably won't apologize to you, however. Again, he's a proud man. Maybe he shows that he's sorry and values you in other ways. Defending you or your profession in front of others, asking about your life and what you do during family dinners, etc. You appreciate his change in behavior and show him the same kind of respect.
💥 It's likely you never have a particularly close relationship to one another. You just lead two completely different lives. It's hard to connect when all that binds you is blood. You've got different hobbies, friends and ambitions. However, the resentment and bad feelings towards each other eventually will fade away and you can treat each other like family.
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Quirklesness is not meant to be a metaphor for disability. The Japanese word for Quirkless means having no individuality, that’s what it represents: sense of self, individuality, talent, etc. MHA has so many actually disabled characters (Aizawa, Mirko, All Might, etc) judge the series by how it treats its intentionally disabled characters, whether you think it’s good or bad
uhhhhh i wasnt gonna respond to think but like highkey you know theres more than one type of disability right??
just because quirkless people can function in daily life does not mean they are not considered disabled by the society of mha.
izuku is treated negatively because he is not able to do something the majority of people can. people with quirks are considered to be superior to the quirkless and having that they have value to society. izuku is treated flat out that is incapable of success because the fact that he has an extra toe joint and is unable to float pencils or breathe fire like his parents do. im not sure how that cant be seen as flat put ableism
and in regards to amputees- i didnt mention them because they are treated with respect in mha and therefore did not need to be addressed . im not sure if you just lack media literacy skills or just dont understand that there are more disabled people out there than people who loose parts of themselves and are become disabled through going through a traumatic experience. yes they are disabled. yes thats cool that hori includes that. that is not the point.
people can be born with disabilities too. and thats what im talking about. im talking about the fact that never was it wholly adressed that izuku was a victim too.
having bakugou realize that discrimination based on what someone is able to do (ableism) is bad is great. but in my opinion its not enough. not enough for the way the story was staged at the beginning. not enough for me to feel at peace with izuku being able to love himself and actually feel like he belongs and is wanted in society. something to help him understand that he is useful and him being born is not just a flopped mistake.
i am autistic (medically diagnosed dont @ me) and i know what its like to feel like no one cares and no one likes you or sees you just because you are yourself. obviously this is not the same intensity of what izuku went thru but that doesnt mean it doesn't affect you for the rest of your life. it doesnt mean it doesnt make you hate yourself for even being born.
almost every other character whose trauma was focused on had some sort of healing. in some form. izuku had none. at least none shown or even referenced which is truly what matters in a piece of media. he is the main character. if shouto can get resolution from being abused by his father for 15 years and isolated from the world why does izuku get nothing?
im not trying to say that hori is ableist. im not accusing anyone of anything. i am simply stating my frustrations at the lack of resolution. i do love hori and his work but just because i love a work does not mean i cannot comment on it or make critiques.
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deusvervewrites · 5 months
Regarding the current discussion about why Aizawa often gets the Dadzawa treatment in fanfics, I actually have a theory:
When we first meet him, we are primed to dislike him, after all he is an asshole teacher and specifically an asshole towards Izuku who we all like. But he accepts Izuku after the latter proves himself and we are given the impression that he is this "hard but fair" type that just wants to make sure everyone does their best. Not saying that thats what he is, thats just the impression most readers got from his earliest appearances.
And then, at the USJ, we see his cool side (at least for a short time) while him being an asshole gets overshadowed by Shigaraki and the Noumu being way, WAY more dangerous + he gets a sympathy bonus for getting beaten up while defending the students.
Also, despite being an asshole to Midoriya during the QAT, he also held back Bakugou, another asshole that we all wanted to stop fucking around and start finding out.
All of this I believe did two things:
It gave the impression that early Aizawa, despite being a hardass, is a good and committed teacher (stopped Bakugou, fought the LoV), especially compared to teachers (and adults in general) in comparable Manga and YA media who are often utterly incompetent, shitty, or worse. (Reminder that the likes of Korosensei are sadly the exeption, not the rule.) Obviously this image is undermined by... almost everything he has done since then, but we all know how powerful early impressions can be.
The second thing is that if opened the door for "What-If?" scenarios in which Aizawa wasn't an ass, or, more specifically, not an ass to Izuku. The constant underdog thing was already pretty obvious there, and, as stated above, characters like Bakugou or Shigaraki were liked less/seen as more dangerous, so the idea of an Aizawa that was still a hardass, but instead off going after our boy Izuku focussed his ire on eg: Bakugou, who was generally seen as more deserving of that treatment, was just very appealing. Both for Bakugou to meet consequences and for Izuku to finally catch a fucking break.
This is obviously just my opinion and heavily influenced by my experience with the first chapters as well as my earliest BNHA fics, but I just wanted to share this.
Also, there is obviously more to this, eg many Dadzawa stories are also Quirkless!Izuku stories that still propose that the man fights essentially Quirkless and use that as an obvious connection. Also, also, some fo the most famous/biggest BNHA fics, like most of Clouds works, feature Dadzawa heavily, and if you have limited knowledge of canon or forgot some aspects when falling into this fandom it's easy to just follow along what sounds like widely accepted and liked versions of characters.
But yeah, anyway I need to get some sleep so I'm stopping here.
TLDR: It was imho kind of a perfect storm of lots of different things that turned Canon!Aizawa into the Dadzawa that now stalks Ao3.
It fits with the "If I'd known you'd only just gotten your Quirk, then I would put in my duty of care" trend you see a lot.
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justatalkingface · 3 months
hello! i don't want this ask to come off as mean or targeted at all so please don't take it that way, but i'm confused as to why you're still a my hero fan you don't seem to like the characters or the way that the story is headed, is it just hate watching (uhh,, consuming of media??) at this point? again it's cool if that's what it is, but you talk about the characters like they aren't that in depth, not just bakugou but. the other villains and also izuku too.
you said something about izuku just being happy and content with losing one for all in the new leaks, (in that same post you weren't caught up so i sorta get why you could draw to that conclusion,) but also izuku's character is known for bottling up his emotions.
Izuku's is always happy (even when he's not), the only time we really see him fall apart is his vigilante arc. yes throughout the story he is constantly crying, but again, never in situations that he is really hurt emotionally you know? We get to see his journey and his progress, it's all that he's ever wanted in life, to have a quirk and save people, so when that gets stripped away, he's gonna be a bit gutted no? thats what i think at least. the story started with "this is how i become the worlds greatest hero" but i think it's always been more about what make someone a hero, why people should want to be heros, and their stories behind it. why else create flawed characters like bakugou and shigaraki if not to show all the side of the story?
gosh, sorry didn't mean to write a whole essay, my words tend to get away from me. I would love to see your views once you do catch up tho.
Hmm. Well, I talked about some of my motivations in... that Gaiden post, I think, but if I wasn't OK with ranting, I wouldn't have made this account just to rant.
Why am I still a fan? And as an extended of that, still posting?
No, seriously.
Like. When I first started reading MHA, I was amazed. It just felt so... refreshing, so unique; I loved how determined and kind Izuku was, I loved how human All Might was, I liked the variety apparent in the world, how rich it felt, all the potential to it. And then, before my eyes, I watched it rot away, so slowly I didn't even realize what was happening until it was already dead.
I miss what MHA was, and so much of this is... mourning, almost, for what was and could have been.
Also, like I said, spite, because I watched this fester before my eyes and honestly I want to call out each and every wound and point of rot on it's corpse, along with some desire for validation in finding people who agree with me.
'but you talk about the characters like they aren't that in depth, not just bakugou but. the other villains and also izuku too.'
Not... quite sure what you mean here? I think you mean that I think they're done badly? (And I do, so you're not wrong there.)
Alright, see, so I don't disagree with your logic here: Izuku is a mess. Izuku is a mess held together by lack of time (or not being allowed) to process his shit storm of a life and duty. He's gotten everything taken away from him.
He should be pissed. He should be feel destroyed, depressed.
But the keyword here is 'should'. And that is the problem, in a word. Izuku 'should' be upset. He 'should' be depressed.
But historically, things that 'should' happen regarding Izuku just... don't happen. From his abilities, to his opinion on himself, to other people's views on him... what 'should' happen, logically, just doesn't.
Also... let me pose a question:
Do you think Hori is going to end MHA with Izuku withering away from depression? That his friends, one by one, are going to abandon him, because they only ever really liked his Quirk, that his mom is going to die of disappointment of her useless son, that All Might will get killed by a three year old wielding a balloon? And that he'll die early, and the only one to attend his funeral will be Aizawa, out of obligation, and his entire summery of Izuku's life, and the inscription on his grave, will be 'Problem Child'?
Of course not. (Even though I get the feeling that Hori kind of does want that.) If he tried it, the editors would literally kill him. Less dramatically, they just wouldn't print it and make him rewrite it, because they don't want to fuck up the MHA cash cow at the finish line.
I'm not caught up, yet, but for this? I don't have to be. Stories like shonens follow basic structures, like a sort of skeletal system; you may not know the fine details, but you do know some things will happen. And shonens? They always have happy endings. Always. Even if the MC dies, they'll do it willingly, for a Great Cause(TM), and almost certainly go with a smile, and satisfied with their life choices. If it was a manga like Berserk, it would have been up in the air, because Berserk doesn't follow the same narrative rules, and so how it ends and what not are far more open to question than something like this (ignoring that, yes, Berserk ended too).
Fundamentally, MHA will not end with Izuku miserable. It basiclly can't.
That's why I say he'll be content, because he doesn't really have the time to be miserable before MHA finishes up. At worst, he'll have a brief shown moment of sad, because he reaches acceptance, because he won't be allowed to feel otherwise.
(Yeah, this doesn't feel targeted or anything, don't worry about it. If you get something more specific to ask me or whatever, knock yourself out.)
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red-sneakers · 1 year
I keep seeing people (many smart, cool people I usually agree with) say Izuku would easily kill someone. That though a hero, he can be murderous. And, to be fair, I like this take MUCH better than when people talk about Izuku like he’s an uwu cinnamon roll bottom-as-a-personality. Izuku is tough and strong, and you bet your ass he can be one scary motherfucker.
Izuku’s whole thing is that he wants to save everyone. Everyone including villains. That is central to his character. Remember the first time he throws a smash without breaking his arm? Yeah, that was because he subconsciously held back from using a killing blow on a Nomu that was threatening the life of his friends.
And more recently in the war arc, when the vestiges ask Izuku if he can kill Shigaraki, Izuku says he wants to try and save him. Save The Big Bad. That’s huge, and unless I’m mistaken, pretty unusual for a shonen protagonist. And it’s clearly a big deal to the manga/anime plot, because the “can you kill Shiggy” question is Nana’s test which Izuku passes. Izuku’s drive to save, though it often gets him hurt, is shown as his greatest strength.
Of course, any good hero story must have a few climatic moments in which the hero loses sight of their greatest strength. Oh, you thought I wasn’t gonna make this about bkdk? It’s always about bkdk, babyyy. 😎
The first time Katsuki sacrifices himself to save Izuku is also the first time we see Izuku go completely feral. All rational thought demolished, eyes glowing monstrously, he charges like a rabid animal with, in my opinion, no thoughts of “saving.”
And he almost loses OFA because of it.
[major manga spoilers below]
After that fight, Shigaraki/AFO takes note of Midoriya Izuku’s greatest weakness: Bakugou Katsuki. That’s not my bkdk brainrot talking, that is canon. In the fight currently happening in the manga, Shigaraki singles Katsuki out and tells him the only reason he’s interested in him is that Katsuki is “the closest person to Midoriya Izuku.”
Shigaraki uses Katsuki as bait in the hopes of provoking the feral, irrational side of Izuku that only surfaces for Katsuki. He says he’s making a mangled corpse out of Katsuki as a “present” for Izuku.
Shigaraki/AFO expects Izuku to lose his head when he sees Katsuki’s body, and so do us readers. But as I’ve said before, this story is a hero’s journey, and we must see the hero learn from his past and overcome his weaknesses. We do see Izuku start to lose control, just as Shiggy/AFO wanted, but with the help of Mirio and the vestiges, Izuku manages to control his heart and fight rationally, despite his world (Katsuki) literally ending. Deku is still on his way to becoming the world’s greatest hero by saving to win.
All of this is to say: Midoriya Izuku might have scary dog privileges, but he’s not a killer. He might have been, once, for Katsuki. Only for Katsuki. Overall, Izuku’s aversion to killing, his drive to save, is what makes him my #1 hero.
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pocketramblr · 10 months
AU where students from the same middle school aren't placed in the same class at UA
I guess it's a good thing that no middle schools get more than two kids into the hero track then...
1- Sorry Bakugou and Mina, you're getting put in 1B to separate you from people you know. (This has got to be a weird social experiment for Nedzu, giving his students "fresher" starts maybe? He did that to poor Tamaki and Mirio too huh) In their place are Ibara and Awase. (It should probably be Ibara and Nirengeki but 💙 Awase is a favorite 💙)
2- Mina and Itsuka are the Big Sisters team of Class 1B, the vice and class representative respectively. Mina is the cool big sister who lends you makeup and cheers you up, and Itsuka is the big sister who fixes your haircut and covers for you from Mom. Anyone in class 1B would kill for either of them. The reverse is also true. Well...... Almost anyone in 1B would kill for them... Mina is also going to make sure that 1B has the most fabulous culture festival on record for UA, ever.
3- Bakugou considers his class a bunch of extras and dislikes how him being the entrance exam winner did not win him the class election automatically, nor how Monoma pivots to being open about disliking him after a few hours of knowing him. ("It's tragic, but better one bad member of a class than twenty of them, 1A. Well, one bad member and a TRAITOR, MINA, I SEE YOU HANGING OUT WITH DISCOUNT TETSUTETSU."). That said, he slowly begins to respect some of his classmates: Itsuka (for controlling Monoma), Shishida and Honenuki (raw power + composure), and Setsuna (good test of power.) He thinks Vlad is an ok teacher, and he does excell at increasing the raw damage his students deal on the battlefield.
4- Ibara, in contrast, gets more training from Aizawa about dext and using minimal vines for the max purpose, rather than as much as possible. She has tea with Tokoyami and Momo often, and Momo reports that she isn't sure if the other two are on the same page or not, because their speech is very dramatic and they're either portending doom or debating spiritualism. But either way they keep meeting so?? Friendship I guess?? She and Sato bake for the dorm every week, and Izuku goes to her for help with Black Whip (she only tries an exorcism once)
5- Awase is just so cool so everyone in 1A loves him too I think this is a very unbiased opinion for me to have. He's got a friendly rivalry with Sero, likes to spar with Ojiro, and has the most incomprehensible arguments with Kaminari when they should be going to bed. Izuku gets excited to work with him and his quirk in groups, (his sharp language is familiar, but warm, and there's something else about him that's familiar, at the back of Izuku's mind, where he can't quite reach... ) and Awase appreciates him.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 10 months
So I've been thinking. Iida punched izuku because in his mind izuku who he cares about was reckless to form a team and try to save Bakugou while still injured. Yet it didn't occur to his mind to kick bakuhoe's ass to a bloody pulp? I mean Bakuhoe went after the villains during the training camp even though he was instructed not to run off on his own, leading to his kidnapping, & further leading to a series of events like All Might's retirement, izuku (still injured/tecovering), him and others risking their life to rescue his ass, dragged izuku to a fight leading to a house arrest. All this reckless and toxic behaviour and being abusive to izuku & yet Iida is not destroying bakuhoe's ass but getting on izuku's case.
During 1A vs izuku arc, Iida didn't act when the person he cared about was being disrespected by a toxic POS even though izuku went out of his way to help and care for Bakuhoe and everyone. even during Bakuhoe's infamous shitty apology & his shitty heroic speech about Izuku's ideals disregarding izuku's reason to do it on his own, Iida didn't speak and consider izuku's opinion, feelings & reasons. He didn't put himself in his friend's shoes to understand his side. In his mind, Bakuhoe is right, izuku is just reckless and he disrespected him & his class by going solo and not including them. that is all he along with Uraraka and Todoroki thinks.
sure Iida in the end reached out his hand to 'save' izuku which was all wholesome but that doesn't make up for all the times he neglected izuku and never considered izuku's feelings or reasoning.
I can say the same applies to Shoto and Ochako but more on Iida because of how harsh & Strict he always gets with izuku
Not hating on Iida but I'm disappointed in him.
So Tenya’s a very interesting character in terms of my thoughts about him. Admittedly he’s kinda in the middle for me. He has some cool moments, but he sorta just exists. I do really wanna do an analysis of him though because I think a lot of the issues people have with his character are more-so caused by him being a victim of Hori’s Bakuboner than him being a poorly written character like Shota and Hitoshi.
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doodlegirl1998 · 11 months
After @nutzgunray-lvt replied to my comment on Bakugou being the cause of Izuku developing his self sacrificing tendencies and how he can't be honest with his emotions, it made me realize something about him.
All Might was his favorite hero like Izuku right? He got the limited edition card he wanted of him, AND even praise from him when he was kidnapped.
But as the series went on, he treats him like everyone else and even blames HIM for Izuku's problems that BAKUGOU HIMSELF caused.
And I'm just sitting here like "What the fuck changed?"
Is it because he's retired and quirkless now? Is it because he isn't what he expected him to be? Is it because he chose Izuku over him?
It seems like he saw him more as the idea as a hero than what he actually was, and used him as a scrap-goat to play off his awful apology.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
I would say all of the above are reasons for Bakugou's souring opinion on All Might.
Bakugou probably views AM as lesser now due to his lack of quirk (which is probably in part why he found AM losing OFA so devastating in Kamino ward. Bakugou views himself as responsible for AM being "lesser" now than what he was.)
Maybe AM is also not what Bakugou expected - Bakugou likely built AM up to an impossible standard in his head due to being his childhood hero. An argument could be made that Izu does as well but Izu is shown to like AM as a person too, Bakugou? Not so much.
Resentment over not choosing him for the Ninth holder of OFA and choosing Izuku instead - I could buy this. 100%. Every other hero was tripping over themselves to praise Bakugou after he got caught by the sludge villain for his cool quirk. AM? He went after Izuku (who Bakugou views as lesser) praised him, decided to train him from that moment on and gave him OFA (a quirk that Bakugou can't beat - All Mights quirk.) That's got to sting. That's why Bakugou is so involved in Izuku's "OFA training". Bakugou, the narcissist that he is, wants to attach himself to OFA and to All Might desperately to gain some relevance off it and to try to not let Izuku eclipse him.
To conclude - Bakugou is a friend to no one. Bakugou is a snake 🐍. And will throw anyone under the bus to make himself look better - even his supposed idol, All Might.
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kimbapkimbapp · 1 year
Analyzing bakudeku
The first time we saw Bakugou Katsuki and Izuku Midoriya they were 14 and 15.
Through the series we saw them grow till the age of 17, we got moments from their childhood as well as from their teenage hood that explains the psychology of the characters.
Both of them really catch my attention since their personalities are very well written and complex, and I'm going to focus first on who we thought it was going to be the antagonist of the story, Katsuki Bakugou.
When we first saw him we saw a boy with a narcissistic attitude who seemed very sure of himself and was very cruel. He told Izuku to jump of a roof and he bullied him for not having a quirk, feeling himself superior for having a very cool one.
But as Izuku says, he's not the deku he used to be before, he's not weak or useless anymore. In my opinion, he never was, his mentality hasn't ever changed he was always willing to become a hero and worked hard. What changed was that he was offered an easier way to be a hero, and as the hardworking person he is he took it and learned how to take advantage of it.
As we deepened in the series we realised that Katsuki's attitude was out of his insecurity. We first see it in season 1 when he almost had an anxiety attack because everyone, including Izuku, seemed to be stronger than him. His sense of inferiority made him completely blind and he lost control of himself, crying in front of Izuku.
As we advance in bnha we understand that Katsuki's obsession with being the best is related to not feeling good enough. And what happens to a lot of people who don't feel good enough is that they tend to drag others down, because that's the easiest way to feel some kind of content with themselves.
Katsuki also knows this, he knows that Izuku was never useless to begin with, that's why he's so jealous. Yes, he is jealous. Despite having an awesome quirk, Katsuki is jealous of Izuku because he keeps surpassing him, because All Might chose him. And that's because All Might didn't want a soldier that was strong, he wanted a person that understood the symbolism behind heroism. And Izuku gets that, and Katsuki doesn't. So he is sour and bitter, and can't stand being next to him because he's reminded of his weakness.
He also said that "this year I was forced to see your strength and see my weaknesses all the time".
Izuku and Katsuki are total opposites. Katsuki is impulsive, with zero empathy and with a very brash attitude. Izuku is cautious, with a lot of empathy and with a very soft and sweet attitude.
They can't stand each other, but they have always admired each other. They also envied each other.
As they say, envy is a ramification of admiration. And that's truly their case. As they grew up, their twisted feelings cleared and came out as healthier ones. But even though they looked like they hated each other (ahem, Katsuki) they actually never did. They hated themselves.
Katsuki hated that Izuku was so strong despite being so weak. Izuku hated the part of Katsuki that was all mean. And even though they shouldn't be together, they can't help but to.
Izuku was always looking after Katsuki, admiring him, taking notes of his quirk. On the other side, Katsuki was always looking after Izuku, no matter what he says, he has always kept an eye on him.
"But Katsuki is always telling Izuku to stay away from him!" Yeah, I mean he has that tsundere-like attitude. But if we analyze bnha, Bakugou is always aware about what Midoriya is doing. Like we caught him eavesdropping on Izuku's conversations more than once, he's always doing that. Not only that but he always chooses to mess up with him, it only takes Izuku to breathe to Katsuki notice and say something about it.
So yeah, they're basically obsessed with each other. It's not just Izuku, Katsuki also notices everything he does, even though he expresses it as dislike (yeah sure).
In my opinion something Katsuki hates is that he can't hide anything from Izuku, they know each other very well. Izuku was the only one that could see him crying and breaking down, Katsuki might not be nice, but he can be vulnerable with him, which is a very important thing taking into account how he is.
Izuku admitted that Katsuki was the image of the hero he always had, and even though Katsuki himself didn't say it, Izuku was his image of what a hero should be too.
Through the year they passed in UA, they were forced to work with each other, to fight each other, and to survive together. They were forced to see what was behind all of those negative emotions, admiration (and maybe more we don't know :))
They make each other improve. They make each other want to work more to be their best selves, and they truly are doing that. Win to save, and save to win.
Izuku is save, and Katsuki win. One can't exist without the other. And I'm excited to see how they finally realise that.
(ik this was written as shi but I'm sleepy & English is not my first language)
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lewisshipsthings · 2 years
Top Ten (Or So): Bakugou Fanfics
I’m a multipshipper–especially, for some reason, when it comes to Bakugou from My Hero Academia. I just love to see him put in such an awkward and completely-out-of-his-comfort-zone situation like Romance.
So without further ado, here are fanfiction recommendations arranged by Bakugou couple:
(Edit: I added a reading break, because this was a very long post to scroll through on my mobile.)
Bakugou/Iida: Breakneck Speed by chiropterology. This is the fic that made me make this list. Because I never, ever would have considered BakuIida as a ship if I hadn’t read this fic. I thought it would be cool to help others discover the delight of a previously unconsidered ship, and decided to make this list. The story is unfinished, and looks like it never will be finished (the author hasn’t been active at all in more than two years), but for me it was worth it for how hilarious and awesome it was.
Bakugou/Momo: My favourite fic with these two isn’t romantic at all, but still has great interactions between the two of them. I’m not gonna write the whole fic name because it’s extremely long, but it’s You know that thing where an orchestra swaps instruments…? by Sif.
There’s not that many great fics that are romantic out there for this pairing, and the one I like best I actually put in the Poly section below (“Love like a common cold”). But Leaf Water by smol_bird is a sweet little one-shot for these two, and I liked it quite a lot.
Bakugou/Ochako: I used to be into this ship a lot, but not so much anymore. It makes it difficult to recommend fics properly, because I don’t reread them anymore. That said, there is one Kacchako fic I still read whenever it updates, and that’s Seeing Double by knifekirby. This is one of the best (*the* best?) fantasy AU I’ve read (but mixed with the original MHA world! And yes, at one point you get two Bakugous at once). The world building is fantastic, barbarian Bakugou is epic, and the dragons are so awesome. It’s unfinished, but updates keep coming after long breaks, so there’s lots of hope.
A runner up could be A Different Perspective by House_of_Pixels. I quite like mind-sharing and soul-bond type fics, and this is a really cool one of that genre.
Bakugou/Deku: I have the opposite problem as with Ochako here. I’m a big bakudeku shipper, and I’ve read so many and have so many favourites depending on my mood that it’s hard to pick only a couple to recommend. But still, if I had to pick one, I think I’d go with (may the bridges i have burned) light my way back home by Chrome. It’s slow burn (my favourite), and the romance is subtle and difficult. Quite beautiful, in my opinion. It’s unfinished, and I had thought it was going to remain so forever, but it recently updated after a long, long break this year, so there’s hope!
For a one-shot (and thus finished) fic, try Do Not Disturb by surveycorpsjean. I’m a manga reader, and there have been so many developments between Bakugou and Midoriya recently, but the fics haven’t caught up. This story takes place after Ch. 322, and Katsuki is SO in character–caring for Izuku in the way he does in recent manga chapters, while still retaining all his amazing strength and gruffness.
And finally, a runner up: for a long and finished fic that I don’t think is getting nearly enough love, try zero-sum game by roadtripwithlucifer. It’s dark and angsty and adult and there’s lots of sex (one of the tags is “Sex as a Coping Mechanism”), but it’s fantastically written, and man do you get all the feels with this one.
Bakugou/Todoroki: I tend not to seek out todobaku, but will enjoy it if it’s in the bookmarks or works of an author I really like. So I’m not aware of the full breadth of options for this pairing, but there are a few I’ve found that I really enjoy. cruel to be kind by shaekspeares would be the first one I’d recommend. It’s a very long, slow-burn one-shot, and the first section is devoted to Bakugou struggling with PTSD (something I personally really like reading fics about) and has almost no Todoroki at all (an indication of its slow-burn, and a point in its favour for me).
Another would be and even the cake is in tiers by supercrunch, which I also mention in the poly section below. It has multiple endings, one of which is todobaku, and it’s one of the funniest fics on this list.
And finally, as a runner up, I have to recommend A Real Fucking Problem by Ellessey. It has, um… a LOT of masturbation, lol. I read fanfiction more for the romance than the sex (not through lack of horniness, but lack of interest in written word to deal with horniness). But this fic has such good characterization for Bakugou, and is so, so funny, that I don’t even mind the mammoth amounts of sexual content.
Bakugou/Froppy: All the Same Broken Parts by Seeress. There’s not many fics for this ship–it’s quite a rarepair. But I happened on this one, and I'm very glad. It’s so sad (though happy in the end), but I found it quite lovely and excellently written.
Bakugou/Camie: The Freaky Friday sitch! by orphan_account. Like with Momo, my favourite fic with these two isn’t romantic, but it’s hilarious, and these two are a fantastic duo. Bodyswapped Camie in Bakugou’s body is just *chef’s kiss*.
For a runner up that is romantic, you could try our friendship goes beyond your average kind of bond (but not because we’re gay) by wonhaebunny. I could actually see it happening something like this in canon, plus there’s a lovely bit of Bakugou & Kirishima friendship on the side.
Bakugou/Kaminari: My favourite BakuKami is actually in a bakudeku fic, Permanent Ink by Maxime. Fortunately, the little bit of BakuKami in that fic was so delightful, that they wrote another pure BakuKami fic, Tango for Two, Electric Boogaloo.
Bakugou/Shinsou: letting it linger by Ramabear. Nosy classmates, early-morning Shinsou staring, demi-sexual Bakugou (my favourite kind of Bakugou). It’s super cute and I really enjoyed it.
Polyamorous: Love like a common cold by supercrunch. My two favourite Bakugou ships, BakuDeku and BakuMomo, with a side splash of Todoroki. It’s a fantastic and very funny bodyswapping fic that you should definitely try out. The same author also wrote and even the cake is in tiers, which has an ending with todobakudeku, and is hilarious.
Gen: I’m always on the lookout for good Gen Bakugou fics, but I find it surprisingly hard to find ones I like. Here’s a couple I really loved:
A Little Demonstration by AnonymousTwit. Bakugou’s epic fights are one of my favourite parts of his character, and this gets at that glorious feeling exactly. It’s like the Joint Training Arc, but *more epic*.
Social Media: 101 by WindsChild8178. If you’re ok with Mistuki being abusive and a whole lot of angst and PTSD for Bakugou, then you really should try this fic. WindsChild is a fantastic writer, and this is one of the few fics that I remember vividly no matter how far between updates. It’s unfinished, but WindsChild puts a lot of work into each chapter, so it tends to be a long time between updates. I still have lots of hope it will be finished.
Note on Bakugou/Jirou: I love this ship, it’s probably in my top 3 Bakugou ships, but I haven’t yet found any fics that really, really stand out–enough to put them on this list, at least. Feel free to recommend one!
Note on Bakugou/Kirishima: My shipping is a mystery even to me, and it always has been. Why do I not like KiriBaku when I like almost every other Bakugou ship under the sun? I have no frickin clue. I have no rational reasons against it–it’s cute and sweet and there’s more canon moments with them than almost anyone else besides Deku. I do not blame anyone for liking this couple, I just happen not to myself, so I have no recs. If you really like kiribaku, feel free to reply with some recs of your own. :)
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readreactrant · 6 months
Do you have top favorite character (or characters, if you feel like listing multiple) of all time from any media (animanga, tv series/cartoon/movies, books, etc)? Why love them?
Late reply cuz I kinda forgot abt this one hahah (٥↼_↼)
But oh do I have a LOT of them.
Starting off...
Bakugou Katsuki and Izuku Midoriya (MHA): they're amazing as a ship in their own right but as characters their both so deep and interesting with many layers and nuances interlaced between them.
Mikage Reo (Blue Lock): aside from easily getting attached to characters the fandom hates for no legit reason *coughs in Bakugou and Takemichi* he's literally the most perfect, precious cutie patootie. Not only that he's WIFE MATERIAL which is something instantly found attractive about him, the things I think about OMG (๑♡⌓♡๑)
Dante (Devil May Cry): I was fifteen and he was the coolest video game character I ever saw. Couldn't tell you which of the games tho, only watched and commented while my brother played. I did watch a few episodes of the anime but it's been so long I don't remember if I liked or hated it.
Ryomen Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen): We love a chaotic king, like yasss bitch, kill those innocent civilians yayyy!!!
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter): Blond and bitchy just the way I like em.
Sano Manjiro (Tokyo Revengers): How are you the best fighter but oozing such bratty bottoms energy I love him!!!
Tyki Mikk (D.gray Man): He's a keeper when he can literally reach into your chest to stop your heart, sorry I don't make the rules (^^)
Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basket): I'm rewatching the anime and why is he low-key so funny??? Aside from that drama just follows him constantly and I'm so down that.
Sung Jinwoo (Solo Leveling): Daddy and babygirl. The ultimate combo.
Ash Lynx (Banana Fish): *bursts into tears*
Yato and Yukine (Noragami): They're the only reason I considered picking up the manga when I realized there was probably no third season coming. Like I need to know how they're doing but I'm so lazy. They bounce off each other so well and I don't think I can like one without the other.
Lu Guang (Link Click): he came back in time for his boyfriend?!??! Season 3 where are you?!?!! (〒﹏〒)
Benimaru (Reincarnated as a Slime): Red haired, ogre Daddy.
Chloe Decker (Lucifer): I have a problem liking female characters cuz many of them rarely stick with me but I love her, she's cool, and in my honest opinion very well written.
Kaburagl T. Kotetsu aka Tiger (Tiger and Bunny): We stan single fathers with washed up energy. All he needs is a tall, blond brat to push his buttons.
Natsusa Yuzuki (Number 24): He's so sassy and dramatic I need him as my bestie ASAP. All that while having the whole cast wrapped around his fingers, truly the embodiment of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. I don't care if you disagree.
Lloyd Frontera (Greatest Estate Developer): The only taskmaster I'd willingly serve, they call him ugly I call him 'Sir'. Maniac???where?? All I see is a man trying to get his bag and be happy.
But that's all from me babes, those are all the characters I can think of off the top of my head. Mainly got to this cuz I don't think I'll make any real fan or shipping post this cuz I've got art and deadlines to attend to. Hoped anon likes my answers and I'll get to answer more questions like this.
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kestalsblog · 1 year
Now, I’m never gonna fight with or shoot threats at someone for disagreeing with a ship between fictional characters, but here are some reasons I’d like to see BakuDeku become canon:
1. I’m sick of ambiguity and hints at romantic feelings for m x m ships outside certain genres. I’ve literally longed for an obvious canon gay ship between men in an anime like this since I started anime as a middle schooler. I want it to be made clear for once :’)
2. I’d like to see Bakugou reap the rewards of his self growth and improvement. Some people seem to be in the camp he needs eternal punishment for the awful things he did at like 14. I’d love to see a person who started off crappy and toxic gain something lovely because they had the strength to apologize and become better. That feels very optimistic and inspirational to me. Even more so than the standard plot line of Deku becoming the world’s best hero or whatever.
3. Izuku isn’t some pitiful pushover - he’s always admired Kacchan even when Bakugou was not worth his admiration at all. It’d be cool to see him end up with the hero “actually in his life” who inspired him in a way All Might couldn’t fulfill.
4. Their chemistry is more interesting and dynamic (in my opinion) than other ships in the show. I actually really like Ochako as a character a lot and am not one to instantly hate on hetero ships. I love good female characters. But I’ve never felt super involved with her subpar, tepid romance plot line with Deku. Kacchan doesn’t seem to care about anyone besides Izuku as passionately as he does.
5. It’d just be really groundbreaking and cool to see, like when Korrasami happened and everyone freaked out (in a good way). That’s fun to watch unfold. But even Korrasami only got the hand hold. I think a hand hold is the most that will happen for BakuDeku too though, if anything at all.
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justatalkingface · 1 year
So this was something I asked my Discord Buddies a while back but I wanted to hear your opinions on. What rules from here do you think BNHA needed the most?
Tumblr media
...Huh. Alright.
1. This is something that, if anything, MHA is committing to too hard, with how they're 'redeeming' flawed heroes and the villains; the fact they're trying is basiclly absolving them, or for just wanting things to be better so... not that one. Effort alone isn't everything.
2. Yes two. Definitely two. Like, Mirko's entire creepy thing falls under that, and I guess how Shigaraki went full Eldritch Hand later on (I think that's cool, personally, but I'd bet that'd be unpleasant for a lot of people). There's also the lack of focus on so many things, and Izuku's entire dismissal of his character in particular, under this rule.
3. ...This goes back to how unfocused Hori seems on whatever his end goal is, and how hard he seems to be trying to dodge various themes that are still present and relevent (corruption, villains with points, etc), so pass.
4. I'm not quite sure how that's a rule... I assume that means, have a simple story in mind or something like that? Stay on target? In that much, Hori is covered, it's just the gaps between 'Izuku becoming a hero' and 'saving the day', or 'becoming the Number One Hero' that need work, so not this either.
5. This. God this. MHA has so much bloat, so many one-off characters awkwardly being brought back for the final arc, or just made for this arc, or plot threads that seem to exist just to exist (that reporter? Really? Really?). Underline this one.
6. ...Actually, yes. Like, Izuku is never challenged beyond, 'Fight this', really, and he's still got shy bones to him, so forcing him to social situations, or into the more public end of heroism, could have a lot of plot to play with and general story development.
7. I'm assuming Hori has this covered, though I get the feeling that ending may have changed? It's hard to tell with how muddied things are. Still, he does seem to be going somewhere, even if it's badly, so I'll call it a pass.
8. ...I. Don't think Hori has much of a choice at this point, on this. Jump is going to make him finish this even if they have to bring him back from the dead.
9. This seems ultimately a writer only thing, so... call it irrelevant? Then again, I wonder at what his list of 'impossible' would be....
10. I get the feeling he does this; Mineta, probably, and I think he's got to see something of Endeavour in himself for him to go to bat for him so hard. Ultimately, though, don't know enough about him to call it, but I don't think that this is a major concern.
11. I like this. This is related to the whole theme thing I keep talking about; Hori doesn't know what he wants this story to tell, and so it kinda wobbles all over the place, message wise. Mark this one, for sure.
12. Yeah, he probably could have used this once he got going. A lot of the stuff after MHA took off has been way too predictable, though I wonder at how much time he had at that point.
13. This! The reason so many people like the earlier characters compared to later ones is they had opinions; it fleshed them out, made them feel human. As time passed, there was less focus on the characters beyond their narrative role, which makes them feel hollow.
14. And this, I think, is my theme diatrade, if put in different words. Hori has lost his plot so he can't tell his story right. The theme now isn't the theme it was at the beginning, which is very bad, but worse than that he never replaced that theme. I'm not sure there is one anymore. If I had to name the 'essence' of MHA at this point, it'd be, 'I don't agree with you, so let's fight'.
15. *taps it rapidly* Izuku says 'Hi', Hori. Also, the entire Todoroki family, and basiclly everyone Bakugou has ever talked to. This story needs a heavy dose of this so damn bad, because people don't act like people in the situations they're in would, which makes it all feel so artificial.
16. Stakes are covered. Stakes are almost nonsensically covered, really, so we are more than good here.
17. ...I. If Hori had committed to it, actually committed to it, dropped the themes that he started with, full out, and gone with something new, instead of half assing mentioning them every other minute, I think the story would be better off. I also feel like his approach to main character could have used this, though ironically, I'd like it he'd stop dropping every other character willy nilly.
18. Considering he's throwing the story out the window to be done with it, irrelevant. Quality has got to be one of his last concerns at this point, and things would have to be changed on such a systemic level to improve the situation to make this kind of thing pointless.
19. This is more of a late-game problem, but yeah, shit like SFO being shot just before killing someone, which is miraculously able to actually do enough damage to matter, with no story prep before hand hurts the suspension of disbelief.
20. Irrelevant for our purposes.
21. I've said this as well, but too much stuff is happening just so it can happen, just because it's cool, at the cost of plot and character, and he's never realized that that is a bad deal to make. Very much yes.
22. Toga alone proves MHA needs an infusion of this; he clearly has ideas on how certain characters are like, where they're going, and what people think of that. The reality of the matter, on the other hand, doesn't agree with that idea.
This was pretty interesting, actually. Some of these are bit too geared to the actual writing process to translate well, but still, definitely good stuff here.
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kacchaaaaannn · 2 years
An izuocha shipper said this about us:
Bkdks are just so transparent and easy to read. The people who rant now and want "justice for iida" are the VERY SAME people who always call him irrelevant to the story, boring, annoying, talk down his friendship with izuku and still havent forgiven him being rude ONCE to izuku in the very beginning of the manga before he and izuku even were friends (ohhhhh but anti bakugou people have to forgive bakugou ABUSING izuku for 12 YEARS, right?) and unlike bakugou didnt need over a century to apologiez! Lets be real, there is maybe just 1% of bkdk shippers who are really mad that it wasnt iida. For the majority thats not what the real problem is. They arent mad, because iida was "swaped" with ochako in the opening, they are mad because it was ochako and NOT bakugou! NOT ONE OF THEM would complain if instead of ochako reaching her hand out for izuku, if it would have been bakugou! Despite that there is no such moment in the manga between them! Its all about their shipping agenda. The anime can be as inaccurate as possible, bkdks dont care as long as bones highlights izukus and bakugous relationship even if its not manga canon.
What do think about this? I would like to know your opinion.
I mean, maybe, some of us just wanted Bakugou, personally, not me. I am mad about it, tho, because Bones pushed THEIR shipping agenda making it seem like Ochako was the only one saving him.
We weren't mad when the manga chapter dropped and it was Iida who brought him back to have the talk, were we?
We weren't mad when Uraraka convinced the citizens to let Izuku in UA, were we?
Also, while they made it seem like she saved Izuku on her own, Bakugou, who has half of the vigilante/class 1a vs Deku arc, had only 1 to 2 STILL shots, that was all. And of course, even if they made an intro starring IzuOcha, they won't be able to change the anime, unless they want to get bullied by the whole MHA community, but then, why lie to the people?
Ochako won't have any big scenes until the school ones, so, if this is Izuku's vigilante and Bakugou's redemption arc, why not have at least a few scenes similar to the manga?
Also, another thing, they didn't just swap Iida with Ochako, the also swapped Bakugou. In the manga, Bakugou finds Izuku, they have their little chat and then the fight and all that, but in the intro, the one who finds Izuku, is, again, Ochako.
I loved everything about the intro : the song, the animation, the colors, the setup with all the ruins and stuff, but when that part came it just threw me off.
Idk, again, it's not like they're going to change the arc and become like tpn s2, but still, I find it a bit shitty that they got IzuOchas hope up just to crush them later on, like it's not cool, even if some of them are shitty people, it's still kinda mean.
Anyway, hope you liked my response and I hope that it made sense!
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