Currently Jared’s Walker is the #1 show for three consecutive seasons and Walker Independence is #2 in delayed ratings! 
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X   X
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laf-outloud · 2 years
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I would love to see this and I really hope it happens!
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sapphyreopal5 · 5 months
Hmmm, so I've heard about the whole people talking about Cordell Walker and Russell Shaw fanfic they want to show up going back to the same tattoos they have. I know they and Jeffrey Dean Morgan all got the crown tattoos together in 2019 but it seems to me Jared just joined in while they were discussing what tattoo they wanted. Jensen got it because it was a nod to being crowned Mardi Gras king that year. Jeff specifically requested for that design to be included as an available design, so it's clear he was going to probably get it from the start.
It seems Jared decided to join in to get this tattoo as Jensen and Jeffrey were looking to get that tattoo. They affectionately called themselves the 3 kings but I just find it interesting that had Jared not seen them at the tattoo stand in the wedding looking at tattoo designs, would he also have gotten this tattoo? Seems like it's possible he didn't want to feel left out. The crown tattoo in question contains a W in it and is said to stand for Winchester.
Hmmm, funny how JDM and Jensen got matching tattoos without Jared at another wedding in Tulsa, Oklahoma but all 3 did get this crown tattoo together. I don't think this is a so called J2 thing like people are proclaiming it to be. Jared wanted to get it because he saw them and realized they were getting it and didn't want to feel left out. In other words, Jared wasn't originally part of this conversation or part of the said "plan" to get matching tattoos but instead joined in. Sure they may not have minded Jared joining in to get this tattoo but facts are, it was NOT the original conversation.
Bottom line, people please get your facts straight.
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THE LUCKY FEW tattoo - this tattoo is for Levi, Jensens’s nephew who has Down’s Syndrome. The three arrows represent the three copies of chromosome 21 that cause Down’s and indicate rising above the genetic condition. #theluckyfew #downsyndrome
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massivekidfire · 11 months
Jared padaleck is hot
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Jared padaleck is still hot 🔥
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writethelifeyouwant · 2 years
Runaway | Chapter 31
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Summary: Instead of attending her spot at a top college in the fall, Y/N runs away from her home on the East Coast and ends up on a city bench in L.A. – lost, cold, and utterly alone. When one of her favourite actors, Jared Padalecki, passes her on his way home from a club with his best friend Jensen, while Y/N is getting ready to sleep in the street on that bench, he finds he can't just walk by.
Pairing: Jared Padalecki x Reader Rating: 18+ Tags: AU, slow burn, ANGST, mutual pining, slow burn, tension, friends fighting Word Count: 3.7k
Series masterlist | Read ahead on my website
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Two weeks later
In the wake of the Exposé article coming out, Jared had hoped that maybe Y/N/N would answer when they tried to reach out to her. He wanted to apologise more than ever, after seeing them drag her into the rumour mill alongside him. Cece told them at breakfast the morning the article appeared that he had texted her to check in, but hadn’t heard anything either. Y/N/N never picked up any of the times Jared and Jensen tried to call her, and she never answered any of their texts. After she’d been gone a few days, her number disconnected. 
Dejectedly, Jared packed the black dress in his bag when they dismantled the film set and sent everyone home. He wasn’t sorry to be leaving Napa behind him, but when he walked into his house back in L.A., it felt empty knowing that Y/N/N wouldn’t be here with him anymore. 
Everything had gone wrong in such a short space of time that Jared felt like he’d gone underwater and then re-emerged with his head on backwards. Nothing made sense anymore, and his temper was shorter than ever, which Jensen continued to call him out on. Jensen had somehow managed to keep a level head through all of this; he was the only reason Jared wasn’t currently in the news or in jail for attacking Spencer Morgan. 
They had tried to go to the police, but as neither of them had witnessed Y/N/N’s assault, or Meredith’s, the officers had said there was nothing they could do. Y/N/N would have to make the report herself in order for them to pursue the issue. Jared had tried to argue that he should be able to make an accusation on Meredith’s behalf, as her legal guardian and since she’s been incapacitated as a result of the attack, but they didn’t have any actual evidence to accuse Morgan of her rape. All they had was the fact that he’d been at the same party as them; a party that hundreds of other people had also been in attendance at, as the police had reminded them. 
“But her screaming–” Jensen tried to protest. 
“Sir, I am sorry, but we just can’t arrest someone because a girl who’s mentally unwell happened to begin screaming when she heard a video clip playing,” the officer had shaken her head morosely, clearly sympathetic, but not willing to bend any rules for them. “Look, if Miss L/N decides she would like to report her sexual assault, I will of course look into it, and follow up on any further leads connected to the accused, but without her cooperation, my hands are tied,” she sighed. 
Jared found himself grinding his teeth at the memory, and was only shaken from his thoughts by the sound of his phone ringing. His heart leapt with hope like it did every time his phone made a sound, but his spirits fell again when he saw it was just Jensen. 
“Hey,” he answered the call dully. 
“Hey, man. Are you home?” Jensen asked urgently. 
“Yeah, why?” Jared yawned. He’d felt permanently exhausted the past couple of weeks. He started to head towards the kitchen in the vain hope that there was still a bag of coffee grounds in the freezer. 
“Turn on the news.” 
“Why?” Jared stopped short. 
“Just do it,” Jensen huffed in aggravation, and Jared could picture him rolling his eyes. 
“Alright, alright, I’m going,” Jared yawned again as he crossed to his living room and turned on the TV. “What channel?” 
Jared tuned to Channel Five and saw the ticker tape at the bottom giving details of the press conference that was going on. A stuffy looking man in a crisp grey suit was standing at a podium on the steps of some fancy colonial building. 
“Who’s this asshat?” Jared scoffed. 
“Congressman from Virginia. I’ve been investigating him in connection with the college admissions story. There’s a lot of people who know a guy, who know a guy, who know him; lots of strings leading back to his office,” Jensen explained. 
“Is that why he’s on the news?” Jared asked, “Did someone beat you to your story?” 
“No, he’s announcing that he’s running for governor of Virginia – but that’s not what’s important – look behind him,” Jensen urged. 
Jared squinted at the row of people lined up behind the congressman. They were all a bit fuzzy, because the cameras were focused on the speaker, but he could make out the general appearance of the men and women in equally stuffy suits – and one younger girl. 
“Wait. Is that…?” Jared trailed off, staring hard at the girl to try to make out more concrete details. 
“It looks like Y/N/N, right?” Jensen said excitedly. “I’m not losing my mind, that’s her?” 
“The fucking cameras won’t look back at her,” Jared growled in frustration, walking back behind the couch to see if the image looked any different from a distance, like a Monet painting. 
“Hang on, he’s wrapping up, maybe they’ll–There! It’s her!” Jensen was practically shouting into the phone, Jared could hear him clear as day even though he’d dropped his hand by his side, and the cell was nowhere near his ear anymore. 
He was standing frozen, watching as the congressman was joined at the podium by a woman – who must be Y/N/N’s mother – and Y/N/N herself. She looked happy, but something in her expression reminded Jared of how she used to look when she saw him and Quinn together. On the outside she was what she thought people expected to see, but inside she was burying something intensely unhappy. She was hurting. 
“Jensen, do you know where this guy is?” Jared picked up the phone again, interrupting whatever his friend was in the middle of saying. 
“What? Uh, yeah,” Jensen stuttered, taking a couple seconds to catch up. “Yeah, I know where to find him.” 
“Good. Book a flight, I’m heading to yours now.” Jared hung up and took a deep breath, looking at Y/N/N on the TV one more time. 
“We’re coming to get you, Y/N/N,” he whispered under his breath. “Just hang in there.” 
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“How do you know where this guy’s house is?” Jared asked, mildly concerned and impressed as Jensen drove their rental car through the jam-packed streets of the capital. Jensen flicked his eyes sideways a little sheepishly. 
“It wasn’t illegal or anything,” Jensen scoffed, he knew that look. “I called his campaign office, luckily I got an intern who was a bit of an idiot, said the magazine wanted to send him a congratulatory gift basket after his announcement, the kid coughed it right up,” he chuckled under his breath, honestly amazed it had been that easy. 
“Sooo… that kid’s getting fired when they find out,” Jared pulled his face into an expression of disapproval. 
“Relax,” Jensen brushed him off, signalling a right turn and slowing down as he drove onto a street lined with tall brick townhouses. “He’s not ever gonna know we were here.” 
“He might when his daughter goes missing again,” Jared grumbled under his breath, but then remembered with a sinking feeling that Y/N/N might not even want to come back with them. 
The car crept along the street as both men ducked their heads low enough to see clearly out the windows, looking for the correct address. There weren’t any parking spaces free in front of Y/N/N’s house but Jensen figured that was maybe for the best, it would help them keep a low profile. There were six concrete steps up to the stoop, and the tall charcoal double doors, almost twice the height of Jared, were flanked by two stone carvings that looked like some kind of abstract African animals. There was an iron knocker in the centre of the right hand door in the shape of a lion’s head, and Jared reached out and knocked it once, twice, three times. 
“This guy’s a bit pretentious, isn’t he?” he bent down to whisper to Jensen as they waited awkwardly on the doorstep. 
“He’s a politician, what else did you expect?” Jensen smirked. 
They waited another few moments, but there was no response, so Jensen tried knocking a little harder, hoping the sound would echo loudly enough in the no doubt large house that was waiting behind the doors. This time they heard footsteps, and they quickly straightened up and put on their most polite smiles in case someone besides Y/N/N answered the door, but luckily, when the door finally opened, the face that was staring back at them from the other side of the threshold was just the one they had wanted to see. But they only saw it for a moment before the door was slamming shut again, and they heard the lock very audibly engaged. 
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“Y/N/N, come on!” Jared and Jensen were shouting through the door. 
She didn’t know what to do. Half of her had been so relieved to see them, but then all the horrible things Jared had said the last time she saw him came crashing back down around her and she’d shut the door before she had really thought about what might happen next. She should have known they wouldn’t just go away – they’d tracked her down all the way from California. 
How on earth had they found her? Maybe Jensen had used his press connections and gotten in touch with those reporters who’d found her house when that article came out a couple weeks ago. According to her stepfather, who’d called their publications’ offices to interrogate them, their gossip watch dogs had recognised her as the congressman’s stepdaughter in the photo with Jared. It had been on the cover of a pretty well circulated magazine, after all. There were whole offices of people dedicated to scouring the internet for anything that could be potentially embarrassing to a politician; they had face-books of all their family members that they had to study so they would recognise anyone if they ever saw them. The lengths that people would go to just to make other people’s lives difficult always astonished her. 
“Y/N/N!” More knocking shook the door on its hinges, breaking Y/N/N from her thoughts. “Y/N/N, please talk to me.” It was only Jensen’s voice – and not Jared’s – calling to her, she noticed. “I sent Jared back to the car, I get why you don’t want to see him and I’m not gonna force you to, but could you please let me in so we can talk?” 
There was a pause again as Y/N/N considered what to do. 
“Please? It’s really cold out here!” Jensen shouted, and Y/N/N couldn’t help smirking to herself. Of course the California boys wouldn’t be able to handle the sub-fifty-degree temperatures. 
With a heavy sigh she hoisted herself up off of the bottom step of the staircase that she’d been cowering on and cautiously made her way to the door, opening it a crack and peaking around the side to check that Jared really had gone to wait somewhere else, and Jensen wasn’t lying to her. But there was only one man standing on the stoop, hands buried in the pockets of his jacket looking sheepish. 
“Hey,” he gave her a small smile, as if he half expected her to slam the door in his face again. 
“What are you doing here?” Y/N/N asked. 
“What, you thought we were just gonna let you run away and quietly accept that we’d never see you again? Especially after everything that just happened,” Jensen sighed, and now it was Y/N/N’s turn to look sheepish. 
“You guys really shouldn’t be here, someone might see you,” she ducked her head out of the door and looked up and down the street, still paranoid that some persistent photographer might be watching the house. 
“Can we go somewhere else then?” Jensen asked hopefully. “There’s gotta be a coffee shop or something around here.” 
But Y/N/N shook her head nervously. 
“People might recognise me, since my stepdad announced his campaign… if anyone sees me out with you and my picture ends up in some gossip magazine again he might actually kill me,” Y/N/N laughed awkwardly, hoping Jensen would think it was a joke, but his face fell. 
“Y/N/N are you scared of him? Is that the reason you ran away from home, are you unsafe here?” Jensen asked anxiously, taking a step forward towards her but Y/N/N pulled back further behind the door. 
“I really can’t talk here, Jensen,” her eyes darted around again. Definitely worried someone was watching them, then, Jensen thought. 
“Okay, okay,” he held up his hands and backed up again. “Where can you?” 
Y/N/N gulped nervously and wracked her brains. 
“Are you staying anywhere?”
“We hadn’t gotten that far yet,” Jensen chuckled. “We kind of rushed out here.” 
“Okay, go out and pick somewhere kinda cheap. Not like, prostitute cheap but not actually very nice; somewhere no one would think a politician or actor might stay,” she smirked. 
“And then what?” 
“And then text me the address and I’ll let you know when I can get away.” Y/N/N’s eyes glanced around the street again, looking for the car Jared might be waiting in. “Um, just you, okay?” 
Jensen sighed. “He’s really sorry, Y/N/N. He wants to apologise.”
“I just…” Y/N/N swallowed thickly, “I can’t talk to him right now. Not yet.” 
“Okay,” Jensen nodded in resignation. “Oh, how am I gonna text you, the phone company said your number wasn’t connected anymore.” 
“I’ll switch it back on. My parents don’t know I have that phone so don’t call it or anything, just one text, yeah?” 
“Okay, I’ll let you know when I find a place,” Jensen agreed. He stepped away but then turned back to Y/N/N. “It’s really good to see you, Y/N/N,” he smiled, and she shot him a sad smile back before quickly closing the door again, and locking it with a resounding click.
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There was a coffee shop next to the hotel Jensen had texted her the address for, and she asked him to meet her inside. He found her sitting at a small table in the back of the shop, which was mostly empty given the fact it was dinnertime, not really a prime time for coffee. He smiled when he saw that she already had a cup of coffee for him waiting at the table. 
“Do you ever stop taking care of people?” Jensen asked as he sat down. He meant it mostly as a joke, but Y/N/N smiled a little sadly and gave a shrug, because the reality was that she didn’t really stop; that was all she knew how to do, and she knew she did it well. 
“I figured you’d need it, the jet lag killed me when I came back. I’m still barely over it,” she tried to keep the tone of her conversation light, upbeat. 
“You don’t have to get over it,” Jensen hedged, wrapping his fingers gratefully around the warm mug and looking at her seriously. “You and Jared can clear this up, you can come back. The movie is over, everyone’s back in L.A. now.” 
“So I go back to being Jared’s housekeeper?” Y/N/N raised her brow sceptically. “And keep living with the guy I’m in love with while he dates his freaking stunning co-star, and just… what? What kind of life is that?” 
“Jared and Quinn aren’t really dating,” Jensen sighed, rubbing his neck awkwardly. “I told him to tell you a million times and apparently they were ‘forbidden’ from talking about it, but they’re not actually together. It’s all a publicity stunt for the movie, just to get people interested in them.”
“That’s…” Y/N/N’s head was reeling. What the hell? “That’s really stupid,” she finally landed on saying, and Jensen laughed loudly, throwing his head back in amusement. 
“Yeah, I know. I told him that, too.” 
“But, I saw them kissing,” Y/N/N remembered with a sinking feeling, the small shock of happiness she’d had at Jensen’s revelation melting away. 
“What? When?” Jensen asked incredulously. Jared had never mentioned that to him. 
“In private, on her balcony. No one else was there for them to be ‘pretending’ around,” Y/N/N gulped. She knew it was too good to be true. 
“Look, you’ll have to ask Jared about that one, but I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation,” Jensen reached out and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. Y/N/N couldn’t keep the grimace of suspicion off her face though. “Okay, look, forget about Jared for a second. I need to know, if you stayed here, would you be happier? Because the way you acted at your house, and the fact that you already ran away from these people in the first place, I don’t think you would be. I’m not even convinced you’d be safe, which is an even bigger concern, really.” Jensen pressed, and Y/N/N let go of his hand immediately and looked around, clearly nervous about being overheard. 
Slowly, she looked at Jensen and shook her head. “I don’t want to stay here. I just couldn’t think of anywhere else to go.” 
“What made you run away Y/N/N? You tried so hard to leave them behind, do you still believe in those reasons?” She nodded shakily, and Jensen noticed the tears shimmering along the bottom of her eyelids. “What happened, Y/N/N?” 
“I can’t tell you,” she whispered, a tear escaping and rolling down her cheek, which she quickly brushed away. “He would…” she broke off, remembering her stepfather’s threats all too vividly.
“Did you find out about something you weren’t supposed to?” Jensen asked, and Y/N/N’s head snapped to attention, but she didn’t say anything, she didn’t even blink. He knew he’d hit upon the right track. “Did you find out about the college entrance scams he’s been running?” he asked bluntly, not seeing any reason to hold back. 
Y/N/N’s jaw dropped. 
“How did you know?” she whispered, utterly stunned. 
“It’s how I found you, actually,” Jensen leant forward so he could speak more softly, seeing how scared Y/N/N was, her eyes darting around wildly, scared they were being overheard. “That story I did for Stanford, I kept working on it after the initial player pieces came out. There’s a swimmer there who knew someone else in a similar situation, their parents had apparently done something and they knew nothing about it, they thought they’d gotten into the school on their own merit. I started following leads and it led to some more leads and eventually more and more of the strings started pulling back to one nonprofit education agency – and your stepfather’s campaign is down as the sole beneficiary. 
“How did you work all that out?” Y/N/N was stunned. 
“It took a long time, and a lot of work,” Jensen shrugged. “But I’m good at my job,” he winked, and Y/N/N couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up from her chest. 
“And that was how you found out who I was? Where I lived?” 
“I’d been keeping tabs on him. I was watching the news when he made his gubernatorial announcement and there you were, standing right behind him the whole time.” 
Y/N/N sat back and took all this new information in for a moment before taking a deep breath and asking: “What are you going to do? Now you know, I mean. Do you have enough evidence to go to the police or the FBI or someone?” 
“I’ve got people willing to give evidence if we’re showing a united front,” Jensen nodded soberly. “But I don’t have enough of a paper trail yet; if I’m going to go to the authorities I need something more substantial. They won’t just go on hearsay, and if I publish something to spur on an investigation, he might have time to destroy all the evidence.” 
“What if…” Y/N/N hesitated, taking another deep breath. “What if I could tell you where to find it? The paper trail, I mean.” 
Jensen blinked in astonishment. 
“You’ve seen papers? Actual documents?” he asked urgently. Y/N/N nodded. 
“That’s what happened, what made me run away,” she swallowed thickly and steeled herself to recount what had happened, something she’d never told anyone about before. “I got this acceptance letter from Georgetown, and I never applied there. I wasn’t really great at school,” she shrugged in nervous embarrassment. “I planned on going to community college, I don’t know what for but not going to college wasn’t really an option so I figured I’d pick something once I got there. But anyways, my stepdad told me they’d applied to Georgetown for me, because ‘they knew I could get in, I just didn’t believe in myself,’" Y/N/N rolled her eyes. 
“I knew that was bullshit, my grades were nowhere near good enough for a school like Georgetown. I knew girls at school with way better grades that got rejected. So I figured he must have asked someone to let me in as a favour, and I went looking for proof so I could call him out on that. I didn’t want to go to a school I knew I’d just wind up failing out of because he was embarrassed his stepdaughter was going to community college.” 
“And you found something proving he’d bribed your way into Georgetown?” Jensen asked, excitement bubbling in his chest. 
“Not just me,” Y/N/N admitted. “There were other emails, other letters. Checks that had been cashed… I saw my friend Katie’s name on something, but I didn’t look too hard. I didn’t want to tell her that…”
“That she didn’t make it into her dream school after all, it was a bribe,” Jensen nodded understandingly. “And when you found all the papers, you decided to run? So you wouldn’t have to say anything to anyone?” he asked hesitantly, sensing there was more to the story.
Y/N/N winced, remembering that night like it was happening all over again. “Not exactly.”
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Chapter 32 coming April 26th or subscribe to my website to read the completed the story!
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Runaway: @samsgirl93 @67waywarddaughter @supernatural3002 @deans-baby-momma
We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @austin-winchester67 @flamencodiva @katbratsupernaturalwhore @letsbys-library @fictional-affairs @leigh70
All SPN: @cemini-winchester @akshi8278 @stoneyggirl @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @slamminmine @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @alaufeyson @raidens-realm @tatted-trina6 @defenderrosetyler @cluz1babe @delightfullykrispypeach @05supernatural20 @maliburenee
All RPF: @smoothdogsgirl
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werepires · 5 years
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please don’t ask me what happened because I doN’T KNOW Blame Jensen 
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the-geeky-fangirl · 4 years
As a person who actually unironically still watches supernatural I would just like to say that I do it for Sam Winchester and only for Sam Winchester this has been a PSA
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mfluder42 · 4 years
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Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
Photography: Peggy Sirota for EW Source: https://ew.com/tv/supernatural-exclusive-ew-portraits/
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14 notes · View notes
raccooncoded · 4 years
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lovelyrocker · 4 years
Love Is Blind Ch.55
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~ Characters: Jensen Ackles, Lexi Ackles(OFC), Jared Padalecki
~ Pairing: Jared x Lexi(OFC)
~ Warning: Age Gap, Language, Angst, Anxiety
~ Word Count: 2,912
~ Un Beta’d - All Mistakes Are My Own
Love Is Blind Masterlist
<Previous Chapter
Lexi, Jared and Jensen landed in Vancouver close to 7 pm. They were three days away from the start of the new season. A season in which Lexi would be a returning character throughout. Not bad considering the show was her first acting gig and it was only as a favor to Rich. 
It was different this time though. The last few times Lexi was in Vancouver things were crazy and hectic. The very last time she was here was the first time she and Jared could be a couple around their own home. This time, everyone knew all their little secrets...well, almost all. Now they could finally just be with no hiding. And it felt good.
A handful of people snapped pictures of the three of them as they made their way through the airport. The boys signed autographs for excited fans and Lexi was called out for a handful herself, especially by a few young men. 
Finally arriving home Jensen ordered take out and Lexi craved a hot shower. Lexi was walking from the shower and saw Jared coming down the hall. “Hey, I was wondering where my Cowboys jersey disappeared to. I knew I’d packed it.”  
“I can give it back.” Lexi said, lifting the hem off the oversized shit.
Jared grabbed Lexi by the hips. “As much as I’d love that, I need to shower first.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, his hands moving to her ass.
Lexi pulled away. “Go shower.” She smacked Jared’s rear.
“You’re so bossy.” He told her,  walking towards the bathroom with a smile.
“What’s he smiling about?” Jensen asked as he reached the top step.
“Me bossing him around.”
“Your sister is bossy!” Jared shouted from the bathroom.
“She may be my sister but she’s your girlfriend! She's your problem now!” Jensen shouted back.
“Real nice!” Lexi smacked her brother in the arm. “Have you seen my book? The little white one.”
“The one you and Jared were looking at on the plane?”
“Yeah, that one.”
“I think Jared put it in your blue bag before we landed.”
“Thanks.” She walked past him.
“Beautiful wedding ideas.” Jensen said a little louder and she turned around. “Great Ideas for a wedding in the future. You know, always plan a head.”
“Yeah, right.” Lexi said almost nervously. “I mean, you only get married once.” Jensen gave her an odd look. “You know what I mean, Dork.” She waved him off before walking down stairs.
They’d been filming a few months now. Falling quickly back into the routine of traveling and early mornings along with late nights. It was a rare afternoon when the boys were off by lunch and had the rest of the day to themselves. They decided to go down to the lake and cast a few lines while drinking a few beers. They had been out there for hours and were a twelve pack in almost.  Jared chuckled as he sent a teasing text message to Lexo who was still on set, showing off a big catch and a beer. 
“You’re mean.” Jensen laughed. “You know how much that girl likes fishing.”
“I’m sure I’ll pay for it later.” Jared smiled, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, Jensen rolling his eyes. “So, uh,” Jared scratched the back of his neck. “Lex said you mentioned our wedding plans a while back?”
Jensen paused mid sip, slowly lowering the bottle from his lips glancing at Jared. “I did.” He glanced down at the bottle in his hands before looking back at Jared. “Jare, I know you want to marry her. I just think you shouldn’t rush it right now. She is still only twenty and things are just starting to go back to normal for her.”
“I know. I’m not trying to rush this, trust me.” Jared chuckled. “But, it comforts her.” Jensen cocked an eyebrow tilting his head slightly looking at his friend. “ It keeps her positive of the future.” Jared explained waving a hand. “After everything bad that has happened, her knowing that we will be married one day gives her assurance and comfort. And if wedding planning is what she needs then I will give her feedback and plan with her. No matter how far into the future it may be.” Jensen nodded his head rhythmically in understanding. “But to be honest, the more we talk about it the more excited I get about marrying her one day.” He gave a smirk.
“Yeah, well just don’t knock her up again till after the wedding.” Jensen commented, taking a sip from his beer bottle. He looked over at Jared seeing his smirk fading as he looked down at the bottle in his hand. “What?” Jensen asked, not sure if he said something.
“Uh, we- we aren’t gonna try for another baby.” Jared told his friend without as much as a glance up.
“What’d you mean?”
“I mean, Lexi doesn’t want kids.”  Jensen shook his head slightly turning to face Jared. 
Jensen shook his head giving a quick swipe of his tongue over his bottom lip. “You sure you didn’t misunderstand? Lex has always wanted kids.”
“I’m sure.” Jared looked at Jensen taking a breath. She said she is happy with Tom, Shep and Odette. That she doesn’t want to have anymore.”
“And how do you feel about that?” Jensen asked, noting Jared’s eyes moving from one thing to the other, not really focusing on anything particular.
Jared gave a shrug. “It’s her choice, I guess.”
“Did you two talk about this? Like, really talk about it?”
“Sort of.” Jared finally looked up at Jensen. “She told me she thought she couldn’t carry a baby to term and that she didn’t want to go through another miscarriage.” Jared cleared his throat before going on. “I brought up the idea of IVF or seeing a specialist if she was worried and she shot that down. Then I said adoption and she said no, no more kids. I told her okay.”
“And that was it?” Jensen asked and Jared shook his head. “And you really don’t agree with that decision, do you?”
“No. Not really.” Jared confessed. “Kids were something she wanted. And I want a child one day, with her. But she is completely against it. I don’t want to push her or make her feel forced, you know?”
“Maybe just give it some time. It’s still early.”
“Maybe.” Jared took a breath. “I just don’t want to push her. If it happens it will happen on it’s on time. She did just go through a lot.”
“I agree.” Jensen nodded before taking a sip of his beer.
They sat in silence for the longest while just simply fishing. Jensen noticed the majority of the afternoon Jared seemed deep in contemplation, which he understood. Jared had a lot happen over the past few months. Hell, for over a year now it's been pretty chaotic. But Jared never left her side. For that, Jensen was grateful. 
The silence was soon filled and afternoon blended into the evening and they talked about their families, and laughed while drinking beers. They’d begun to pack up their gear when they noticed the sun beginning to set, Jared noting Lexi would be wrapping up for the day soon. 
They started walking up the long dirt path that had taken them from the treeline of their backyard to the lake edge. “Hey, Jay?” Jared asked, clearing his throat. “Can I ask you something?”
“Shoot.” Jensen  told him as he stepped over a log. “Watch your step.” He pointed to the ground.
“Let's say,” Jared stepped over the log Jensen just had stepped over.  “Thanks,” He adjusted his fishing pole in his hand. “Hypothetically,” Jensen looked back at him as Jared began walking even with him. “If I was to ask Lexi to marry me,”
“Uh huh.” Jensen hummed.
“Do I ask permission from you or your dad?” Jared met Jensen’s eyes. 
“I- uh-” Jensen scratched the back of his head. “I’m not really sure. Me, I guess-” Jared gave a chuckle with a broad smile. “What?” Jensen looked sideways at Jared. 
“A while back at the diner with your parents,” Jared grinned. “Your dad told me Lexi wasn’t his little girl,” Jared shifted his eyes to Jensen. “That she’s yours. That as long as I have your blessing I’d have his.” Jensen smiled looking back down to the dirt path. Jared looked ahead of the path clearing his throat after a few minutes. “So,” He swallowed hard although his mouth was dry. “Do I have it?” 
Jensen stopped walking holding his arm out to stop Jared with him. “You serious?” His eyes dragged up from the ground to Jared’s face.
“Very.” Jared’s eyes not wavering. “I’m not saying I want to ask her today or tomorrow or even next month. But, I also don’t want to wait as long as you’d like.”
Jared watched as  his best friend pondered the words he’d just said. Jared was waiting for Jensen to shut down the idea of he and Lexi marrying sooner rather than later. The silence was beyond deafening as he waited for his friend to say something, anything at this point. Jensen started walking again, Jared following in more silence aside from the leaves and stick crunching under their feet. Jared opened his mouth to speak but didn’t get a chance to get even a sound out. 
“What we talkin’ bout?” Jensen spoke, glancing back at Jared. “Like, big grand gesture,” He waved an arm around. “Or, simple and romantic?” Jensen looked back again toward his friend when he didn’t respond. “The proposal...” Jensen raised his brow.
“Oh-uh, I-I” Jared shook his head. “Sorry, I thought I was gonna get punched in the face or something after I said what I did.”
“I can punch you if you want me to.” Jensen offered with a smile. 
The sun was beginning to set when the two men reached the house. They unloaded their fishing equipment, Jared walking into the kitchen to wash his hands. Seeing Jared, Lexi quickly turned away from him wiping her cheeks.
“Hey, baby.” She took a breath, making sure her face was dry before turning back around. “How was fishing?”
“It was good.” Jared answered drying his hands on a towel. “Relaxing.” He tossed the towel on the counter seeing her slightly reddened eyes. “Baby?” His face dropped with concern. “Baby, what is it?” He placed his hands on her face.
“I’m fine. Just frustrated. Oh God, you need a shower!” She gave a sudden laugh, pushing away from him. “You smell like fish.” She leaned on the counter. “Go shower, we’ll talk later. I’m fine.”
“A-are you sure?” Jared asked with a more softened expression. 
“Yes, baby.” Lexi leaned forward giving a fast peck. “I’m good. Go shower.” She repeated before walking away.
That night they enjoyed fresh fried fish and french fries made by Jensen. The three of them stuffed themselves on the homemade food and Lexi cleaned up the aftermath. Jared hadn’t brought up Lexy being upset after his shower. Yes, he wanted to talk to her to see what had her so frustrated that she was in tears. 
Lexi was lying in their bed on her stomach with her iPad in front of her when Jared walked into their now shared bedroom. Which was still a little word that they could still be completely open with their relationship in all aspects of their lives. Which in coincidence, brings to Lexi’s frustrations.
“What’re you up to?” Jared asked Lexi, pulling back the bedsheets on his side of the bed. 
“Nothing.” She sat up placing her tablet off to the side.
Jared placed an arm behind his head leaning back against the headboard. “So, you gonna tell me what was up earlier?” He asked placing an arm on her leg after she’d laid back on the pillows. “Why were you so frustrated?” He moved his thumb back and forth solely on her thigh.
“I did something stupid.” Lexi gave a sigh.
Jared gave a head tilt. “What?”
“I saw comment-  a rude comment on my Twitter and like a dumbass I Googled-”
“Baby,” He let out a sigh knowing that rabbit hole.
“I know!” She said running her hands over her face and through her hair. “It’s stupid and you should never do that.” She mocked him and Jensen. “I’m sick of the whispering and pointing from people that only get their info from tabloid rags and online sites that do zero fact checking.”
“Then why?”
“I was curious what the fans were  saying since I’m on the show this season-”
“And what did you find?” Jared asked sincerely. 
“The fans, well, most of them,  love the idea of me being on the show. But people like to spread rumors and assume with the trial and my past.” Lexi let out a breath. “It’s frustrating and I felt like- like you and Jensen were getting attacked for being associated with me.”
“What do you mean?” He leaned a little closer.
“You’ve never read some of the things being said?” Jared shook his head. “It’s a mess. People assume everything from me being a slut to saying Jensen talked our parents into adopting me so he could fuck me without people talking. And some even called you a-” She shut her eyes. “A pedophile because of the age difference.” Jared saw a tear roll down her cheek and he reached, wiping it away with his thumb. “I hate that they say that about you.”
“Babygirl,” Jared propped himself up on an elbow. “I’ll admit I saw some of that crap too, not too long ago.” He gave a sigh. “I don’t take any of it to heart. I know that is easier said than done but-”
“I don’t care what they say about me.” Lexi spoke up quickly. “People can call me a tramp, a slut, whore, I- I don’t care. I’ve been called every name and picked apart about pretty much everything from my looks to my weight to my past. I couldn’t give a rat’s ass. But, I hate the things they say about you and Jay. And I feel guilty that people are saying these things.”
“Stop.” Jared said with raised brows, his eyes staring deeply into yours. “None of this is on you, do you understand me?”  Lexi nodded, her eyes cast down at her hands as she picked with the edge of her pillow case. “Babygirl?” Jared dipped his head attempting to gain her focus. 
Lexi let her eyes dart around the bed before she built up the courage to speak. “I’m just tired I guess.” She slid herself down in the bed. “I always tend to overthink and over worry when I’m tired.”
“Get some sleep, baby.” Jared reached shutting off the bedside light before lying close to her, his arm draped over her waist. “You don’t have to worry about any of that mess.” He pressed a kiss on the top of her head.
He alarm on Lexi’s phone went off about the time the sun broke through the clouds. Feeling as if she didn’t get quite enough sleep, Lexi knew it was going to be a double shot espresso morning. 
Lexi stretched in the bed before hopping out to start her day, the smell of Jared’s body wash still floating through the air from his morning shower.  Slipping into her jeans she went down stairs and was surprised to see both Jared and Jensen at the counter drinking coffee.  
“What are you doing home?” She asked walking passed Jared, placing a kiss to his lips.
“Everything got pushed back twelve hours.” Jared told her placing his cup in her waiting hand.
Lexi turned to fill his cup. “So you’ll be pulling an all nighter.” She stated, handing him back his cup. 
“Yup, so we have to cancel out dinner reservations.” Jared gave a pout slinking an am around her waist. 
“That sucks.” Lexi sat in his lap slinging her arm around his firm shoulders. “Thats the fourth dinner cancelling in two weeks.” She lay her head on his. 
“I know and I’m sorry.” Jared kissed her forehead. “
Lexi stood. “That’s okay.” She grabbed his cup of coffee as he raised it to his lips taking a long sip before placing the cup back down. “Tomorrow night pizza, wine and-” She paused looking at her brother then back to Jared. She leaned into Jared’s ear. “And maybe some strawberries.” She hummed in his ear.
“Deal.” Jared smiled up at her before she pressed a kiss to his lips.
Lexi walked away and Jensen looked at his friend. “Do I want to know what the last thing was?”
“Nope.” Jared smiled sipping his coffee. 
“So four cancelled dates in two weeks and that’s it? Pizza wine and whatever and it’s all good?” Jensen gave a raised brow to his friend in surprise. “No guilt trip or-”
“Nope. She never was big on being a drama queen.” Jared grinned. “Even when we first started dating she never made a big deal about constantly having to rearrange everything.” Jared looked down at the cup in his hand then back at Jensen. “I want to marry her, Jay.”
Next Chapter>
@onethirstyunicorn​ @dreaminemz​ @xostephanie​ @thevelvetseries​ @squirrelnotsam​ @vicmc624​  @marvelouslysherlockedhunter 
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miawinchester794 · 5 years
sam & dean || I need my brother.
spoilers for 15x06!
yeah... I made another one right away :’)
I hope you’ll like this ♥
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boysappetit · 4 years
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ruthieconnells · 6 years
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Well, thank you.
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kirajw · 5 years
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