rowellcruzart · 1 year
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Here's another art I made for YOUNG AND BOLD as artwork for, my friend, Gerry's AU fanfic.
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👑Hello, everyone! I know. I know. It's been awhile, but SO much has happened and there's more yet to come for sure! But today's a reeeally "special" day, if you will. A day I decided to celebrate by giving YOU guys a surprise I've been holding off for awhile instead! 🥳 TA-DAH~!!! A showcase of MY work for the @jdsszine "Young & Bold" and some insight on how I came to love the #supersons to begin with! 🎂 I was truly honored to be invited as a guest artist along with such talented people!
(Don't forget to check them out on all their socials when you can! ^v^) Anyways, I hope you all have a FANTASTIC day today! Thank you so much for your patience with me so for! Love you LOTS! -Bubbly💙
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(P.S. Unhinged Jon is my favorite Jon. I'm just all for a ball of sunshine who can snap and go ape sh!t from time to time, y'know?)
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leninille · 1 year
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my piece for @jdsszine
happy i got the chance to draw these guys together ❤💚💙💜✨
thanks to the mods for having me 💫 and make sure to grab a copy while the leftover sales are still open! 🤗
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My story for the @jdsszine! It was so much fun to write. If you've got some summer funds hanging around, check out their leftover sale at jdsszine.bigcartel.com!
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superboysuperzine · 2 years
Hey y'all, remember our little brother zine, @jdsszine?
Their head mod @R1mdc is helping us out over here with their wonderful art! Shoutout to them and the Jon and Damian zine!! 💥🔥💞
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Rim - SFW Artist
What Makes You Love Superboy?
He's pretty funny, and there are many factors about him that are relatable to me 💖
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prophecies-foretold · 2 years
Teller of Fate asked: Hello! Do your Graphics & Formatting (deli) and Art & Graphics (rim) have any prior zine experience? Could you link any listing for them about the previous projects? I could find info for the other mods but not for them. There's been quite a lot of scams and/or neglect in fan project community in the past years (and even been in a couple of projects like that) so due to those bad experiences, I'd like to be 100% sure of the people who are modding projects that they are both capable and trustworthy.
At the moment, Deli does not have any prior zine experience. However! She works in graphic design and for a trade show/printing company. Her portfolio was just now linked to her icon in the Carrd, if you would like to check that out. Deli has been a wonderful mod so far and a huge help with this project. She is very quick to provide insight and provide a second opinion on any questions I ask, as I am sure you may have noticed that I do not have much mod experience myself. Rim does have mod experience, and I’ve added in their own message on what experience they do have below. Rim is also another very helpful mod and has been helping Deli with the graphics a lot better then I honestly could have. I am very thankful to have both of them on the team and helping make this project a reality so I can vouch for their capability and trustworthiness! -Ace 
 “I never did much graphics in zines but it was my major and my current job is an artist for a webtoon company. 
 I am a head mod, art mod and (briefly) graphics for Young and Bold (@JDssZine on twt) (I did the graphics at the beginning, our actual graphic mod kicked in at around guest highlight but I was still doing half graphic since they were busy, nowadays theyre doing 'em on their own https://twitter.com/JDssZine/status/1521213566002466816?t=v3pJ8sCJxyBZrquikiugRA&s=19); 
 I am an art mod for Buttons zine (@buttons_zine)
 I was an art mod for Parallels (@oihinazine) for both of its "routes", essentially making it two zines. Though, I went by a diff account at the time (this was the spotlight for proof i guess ( https://twitter.com/oihinazine/status/1361352531570348032?t=h-jfhdMd3f8yNDZEDNLfbA&s=19 ) 
 I hope that helps. I've only modded for 2 years, but I have joined many zines and have had a lot of experience working and helping people out with what they need in relation to art, composition, anatomy, etc and I am quite passionate about Hades, I might not always been online but I have no interest in neglecting the project. 
 I hope that was able to calm your mind even if not by plenty. No matter what, our team, and very much I love Hades, its world, its character, the hard work that people put into it and the hard work and love fans have out into it. It's the fun I'd like to help spread and make a reality, to make a mockery of it or doing things for ones' own benefit which hinders its success would be a disgraceful shame.” -Rim (https://retrospring.net/@hadestarot/a/109492182010252961)
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rowellcruzart · 1 year
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I received my copy!!
Did you receive yours?
These look excellent!!!
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rowellcruzart · 2 years
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Here's a sneak peek of my 3-page comic in Young and Bold: A Jon and Damian Zine!
Pre-order now
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Not that I assume anyone cared or if it’s real but sorry I havent been here and probs won’t be anytime soon. For a few reasons:
Life’s hitting hard again. The family emergency i mentioned a few months ago was my mum getting diagnosed with breast cancer. Prognosis is good though but she starts radiation next week. I’m also stressing over money right now. And my job is sucking the life out of me. A coworker who hates me is suddenly /actively/ out to get me/trying to get me fired. My boss I’m sensing believes her/doesnt like me anyway and my manager, with her own shit going in, is trying to defend me. I’m also sick of this job and debating moving on, but because of this job im currently in the throes of feeling worthless and never good enough and lonely and all that cool vibes. Being on the verge of tears 24/7 is exhausting. Also its our busy season and omg its killing me haha.
Im trying to do video game things but i have a shoddy system so half the time it’s not working or logging achievements and its frustrating, which i dont need right now, obviously. (Stray is so fucking cute though omg and zurks are my nightmare fuel but god @giaussaidno thank you SO MUCH im having so much fun :’) )
On better notes - I’m also been asked to participate in a zine! I’m working with the @jdsszine team, so thats my current writing focus :) so probably no real fics in the meantime/until I finish my story for that. (Support them please! Lots of incredibly fucking talented folks are involved!)
And lastly, my papa (pronounced pa-PAAA) is coming next week! Because he worries for my mental health always, not like he helps or understands hahaha. And then a few weeks after that my best friend on the planet is coming to visit too. So ill be prepping and recovering from these adventures.
So I’m alive. Begrudgingly at this point. Or just out of spite. I dunno. I know I have a few asks right now and I’ll…..get to them. Otherwise I’m probably going to be heavily on the dl, or only reposting Stray art haha
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