#JOIN. NOT JO. jesus christ
narke · 5 months
was super obvious about my crush today but i did get a sweet failed hip bump sweep to successful scissor sweep to failed cross collar choke to failed arm triangle to failed s mount armbar to mounted triangle to roll to traditional triangle finish
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kazz-brekker · 11 months
inspector carmichael from jo walton’s small change trilogy, aka the only fictional police officer in a murder mystery series ever who wishes he was worse at his job
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latremoille · 2 months
hey.... how y'all doing....
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
dec 2015 if my blog's archive is to be believed akjsdbgksjdgb CRAZY ABSOLUTELY CRAZY almost a full decade. jesus christ. the plotlines weren't big or that remarkable ( sry ). petty drama... THAT I LIVED FOR. i was in high school!!!! that's so crazy. now i've graduated (duh), worked, worked, worked, studied, studied, studied... my life's been really busy these past few years and it has definitely showed in my activity. i've wanted NOTHING as much as to enjoy these last moments of hshq ( bc lbr we all could feel the end coming ) but i just couldn't find the energy and i kept pushing it and now ! now hshq has closed and i have to accept that :(
which characters have you written over the years ?
gaia <3 my first baby. lykke / nike, bastiaan, gahye, iéna, sasha, calix, riku... i think someone else but i just cannot remember tbh i wouldn't have remembered riku if the blog didn't exist lmao
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
i think vivi x lykke ? writing them taught me a lot. martha FORCED me to give my best with her amazing replies and i think i really improved a lot in a short amount of time. lykke, who was such a caricature, evolved into something slightly deeper. martha ily and you are so dear to me. i've written so much with you and you've always inspired me and helped to keep my muse up <3 there's a reason why i wanted to bring iéna and that reason was u, puss och kram but that's the nostalgia speaking. i have to mention joce and ani. the friendships gaia and lykke had with ani were so important to me. i don't think i ever wrote a friendship that compared to the ones i had written with you <3 but jo................. JO JO JO getting to write with you was such a privilege !!!!!!!!!!!!! i think i could have written lisaia forever and i still regret not getting to see where niray would have gone. you always had a little spark and i hope you recognize it in yourself <3 and evy.... bitch did you think i wouldn't put you and our crazy surprise pregnancy plot here. it was wild. especially at the time because i swear it was one of the first pregnancy plots i had ever seen in a rp. and i couldn't BELIEVE it when we actually got to write it from start to finish ??? retrospectively, 9 months is nothing at hshq but at the time ??? it ???? felt ??? like ??? an ??? accomplishment ????? my teen-almost-an-adult self was shocked E!!!!!!! something about your writing always made it sooooo easy to keep things organic. i think if i had to pick just ONE thread, olykke's first outing might be it. it started a huge mess and i enjoyed their adventure from start to finish. it stands out to me <3 jude, you and i were the flaky bitches, me more than you. but where the hell would lykke be if it wasn't for johanne ? where the hell would i be if it wasn't for your exciting little replies ??? i was sooo sad when you retired anton. he was the first piece to be lost. and now we're here. and i'm sad. and i'm glad we got to meet and write together. #teamwonderbrows i'm not ending this section without thanking XEE !!!! just thinking about layla makes me emo. i feel like i know you because i know layla. idk if that sounds weird and if my opinion is so wrong. but you were always so kind and helpful and i loved throwing lykke at layla <3333
what about other people's plotlines ?
sol maturing. i think it broke me a bit when i read a reply and i realized this character isn't a girl anymore. which naturally meant that none of us were girls anymore. i also loved frelucien. i don't know why they had me so hooked but i feel like i have to mention them since they were the first to pop into my mind.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
the 6 way thread joce mentioned skjdgbdskjgbs it was SO DUMB but i loved every second of it. a big group thread was a new concept back then so that added to the excitement. we were SOOO active, otherwise it wouldn't have worked. everyone wrote their reply in a matter of 4 hours or something. also i found it.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
i'd add to everything. i'd spend even more time on tumblr dot com and i'd make sure i would have zero regrets!!!!!
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
hmm ? maybe some sort of an ending for bash and ariel ? idk where they would have ended up and i think i would have liked to know. but bc i hate planning and i love organic shit, i don't think i ever will skgbsdjkgb one last thread with vivi and lykke, the og lykke not the nike version. i think it would be a full circle and i would be able to get over hshq ending. or maybe i'd love to write a happy ending for lisaia. idk if it was only me but they were endgame and i would have liked to see it.
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
i cannot pinpoint one single time but i think what made hshq an absolute joy to be part of, was the rapid ims. i loved that plotting was so easy and that everyone was always so excited when there was a new idea or a new character or a new anything. i think it's exceptional that within hshq we could have INNER JOKES like loads of them. we could reference memorable one liners!!! that's brilliant and special!!!!! i rly loved chatting with you <3 i will miss it <3
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
i'm already a stranger !
what else would you like to say ?
when i think of hshq, i think of the end of my teenage life and the beginning of my adult life. i've been here longer than i've been in any school. that's insane. i've had time to process this but it still feels very hard to just let hshq rest. i came and went. i was flaky towards the end ( sorry about that ), but it was so nice to know that whenever i'd get my shit together, i could just login, send a little message to the main and i'd be back to writing in a matter of hours. no one ever shamed me or made me feel bad about my poor activity and i am so thankful for that. we really grew up together and we spent so many years together crafting these amazing plotlines and touching stories. i hope all you continue writing because you all have a knack for it and the world deserves to read your writing <3 i really think my life would have been more boring without this silly little hobby. hshq was the CREAM CREAMMMM of rping. hshq helped me through a few lonely periods of my life as well when everything else but this corner of internet was changing and i wasn't keeping up with the times. hshq <3 anne 4ever thank you, and bye for now, i find it too hard to believe that we wouldn't talk again !!! i'll be checking my messages for a while so pls don't hesitate to message me <3 i'm still down to write something short if someone feels very inspired !!
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pinketine · 1 year
Kiki my darling dear can you please explain to me the premise of. Whatever the fruity men with wild ass names is because I am going insane /silly lighthearted.
The premise of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?
Oh boy
The explanation is going under this cut because of how long winded this will be
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is an anime series focused on a family, and their bizarre adventures, shocker. There are 9 parts, each focusing on a different member of the family, all of whom can be referred to by the nickname of JoJo. Part 9, JoJolands, has very recently just released its first chapter.
JoJo is welll known for being over the top, especially in the anime with the constant colour palette changes, ridiculous character designs and poses. And yeah, it does end up being extremely gay. This is evident in the often homoerotic dynamics the JoJo has with their "JoBro"
There's also a LOT of musical references, especially with Part 4 onwards.
Parts 1-6 follow one universe, with part 6 being reset by its main villain, causing a new universe. CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, this new reset universe is not parts 7-9. They are 2 separate stories about two separate Joestar families. The first 6 parts are this:
Part 1, Phantom Blood, is Jonathan Joestar, a young man in early 1900s England, who is the adopted brother of Dio Brando. Dio is evil as shit as a child, seemingly mellows out, until the pair of them are both about 19 or so, when it's revealed that Dio is still a power and money hungry little shit. He turns into a vampire and the part then becomes about killing him.
Part 2, Battle Tendency, is Joseph Joestar, Jonathan's 19 year old Looney Toon character (not even a joke, he deadass quotes Looney Toons) grandson, and starts in 1940s America before moving to Italy. He and his friend/JoBro Caesar Zeppeli are tasked with having to fight ancient Aztec Gods, the Pillar Men (yes, really).
Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, is Jotaro Kujo, Joseph's 17 year old deliquent grandson, as he, Joseph, Noriaki Kakyoin (the JoBro!), Jean Pierre Polnareff and Muhammed Avdol go on a 50 day cross contiental trip to Egypt to fight Dio in the late 80s. Yes, the same Dio. He's a vampire, ya know?
Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable, is Josuke Higashikata (the kanji for the suke in his name can also be read as jo), Joseph's illegtimate 16 year old son in the summer of 1999 in Japan. He and his friends track down their local town serial killer, Yoshikage Kira, 33 years old, lives in the North East section where all the villas are-
Part 5, Vento Aureo, is Giorno Giovanna (Yes it's pronounced JoJo), the illegtimate son of Dio and Jonathan Joestar (it's GENUINELY not what it sounds like.) in 2001 Italy. He and his band of friends all named after Italian foods go on an adventure to kill the leader of the Italian mafia, Diavolo/Doppio Vinegar, in order to stop drugs being sold to kids.
Part 6, Stone Ocean, is Jolyne Kujo, the 19 year old deliquent daughter of Jotaro, and takes place in 2011 Florida. She and her friends break out of prison, save Jotaro and stop Pucci, a priest and follower of Dio, YES THIS GUY AGAIN, from resetting the world.
Those are the first 6 parts, and the first 6 JoJos. We then leave this universe, and join a completely new one. Important side note: Stands are only introduce in Part 3, with Parts 1-2 having this type of magical breathing named Hamon!
Part 7, Steel Ball Run, is Johnny Joestar, who is this universe's Jonathan, in 1890s USA. In order to regain mobility, he partners up with JoBro Gyro Zeppeli in order to win the Steel Ball Run horse race to learn the Spin and collect the corpse parts of Jesus Christ. He ends up having to kill the US President, Funny Valentine.
Part 8, JoJolion, is Josuke Higashikata, nicknamed Gappy, who is clearly this universe's Josuke in 2011 Japan. I never read JoJolion, so I'm not too familiar with the plot, but I do know that Gappy is actually two men. Like. He's a Steven Universe fusion of Yoshikage Kira and Josefumi Kujo. I'm not shitting you.
And now, we have the newly released Part 9, JoJolion! This is 15 year old Jodio Joestar, and we don't know much of the plot yet due to us having only one chapter. He seems to be this universe's Giorno, but maybe not a son of Diego Brando was ran over by a train. Apparently, it's the story of how he got rich. Right now, he's a drug dealer who was born in New Jersey and now lives in Hawaii in the present day with his sister (IDON'TCAREWHATARAKISAYSSHEISATRANSWOMAN) Dragona Joestar and his mother.
Something interesting to note is that the 7-9 JoJos are very much unlike their counterparts. Jonathan is a gentlemen, Johnny is a pretty selfish cold blooded killer. Josuke is a sweet kid, Gappy kills without remorse. Giorno resents drug dealers, Jodio is one.
So that's the premise for each part! I could go even more indepth, but I think this gets the point across. JoJo's premise is that it's a bunch of bizarre stories 2 families go through.
Anyways, part 3 is my favourite and my favourite character is Kakyoin ^-^ but my favourite JoJo is Johnny
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ericac318 · 1 year
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Miss Alabama
Happy April, 25th! In honor of Miss Congeniality Day, I’m putting out this short fic that’s been on my mind for years. Ella Westbrook won the title of Miss Alabama and she’s ready to compete for the crown and become Miss United States. She met Stan Feilds while competing in Alabama and they began a fling … one that needs to remain a secret,
Continue reading here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46752172/chapters/117750235
Chapter 1
Ella walked into the breakfast that would start off the competition, wondering how long until she’d be able to find a minute alone with Stan.
She sat down at a table with contestants from Hawaii, Rhode Island, Texas, and New Jersey.
“Ladies, I’d like you to meet Gracie Lou Freebush from New Jersey,” Cheryl began, “She’s awesome and you’re all going to love her!”
Ella introduced herself before she zoned out of the conversation while her eyes wandered to Stan where he stood next to Kathy Morningside, causing her to feel just a bit jealous. She had to resist laughing to herself because she didn’t even know if she and Stan were exclusive.
Ella’s thoughts were interrupted when Ms. Morningside took the stage before introducing Stan. Ella held back her enthusiasm as she applauded with a normal amount of excitement.
“Good morning!” Stan exclaimed, “I’m so honored to be your Master of Ceremonies for one last time. Sadly, this will be my last pageant as I’ll be retiring at the end of this season,” he glanced out over the crowd and saw Ella’s expression which was a mix of surprise and sadness. “Don’t cry for me … Alabama,” he added, making a pun on the famous song and reaching out to Ella at the same time.
“He’s not gettin' fired,” Mary Jo blurted out, “I talked to him this morning and the poor man blurted out the whole thing. They’re firing him for a newer, younger host.”
Before he could continue, Gracie shouted, “Jesus Christ!” She quickly stood up, apologizing, “I’m so sorry. I had a bit of my bagel without praying.”
Once she was done with her prayer, the rest of the opening ceremonies finished. Ella wanted to check on Stan, but she had to rush to dance rehearsal.
After the many activities included in the first official day of the pageant, Ella made her way to her room where she discovered she was roommates with Gracie Lou Freebush.
“I’m glad I got a good roomie,” Ella stated, relief clear in her voice, “I am not the most beauty-oriented girl and some of these ladies are just too much,” she added, hoping she’d read Gracie’s personality correctly.
Gracie let out a long sigh, “You’re chill! Thank goodness. I’m ok with all of the beauty prep before the events but my sleep is sacred and it will not be interrupted by any kind of night routine,” she shared, causing both of the women to let out a laugh.
Their joy was interrupted by a knock at the door, which Gracie answered. They were joined by Cheryl offering hot chocolate.
“You two are so awesome,” Cheryl stated as she poured them all a drink from her thermos, “One of you will definitely win,” she nearly lamented as she looked at her competition.
Ella shook her head, “Don’t you dare count yourself out, Rhode Island. You are adorable and witty. What’s your talent? I’m sure it’s amazing!”
Cheryl blushed before she answered, “Don’t make fun of me, but it’s baton twirling,” she replied, her tone timid.
“That’s really cool,” Ella responded, “I’m going to sing. Do you use flaming batons?” she inquired.
Cheryl shook her head, “I can’t do that. My parents would be horrified. They don’t like anything ostentatious and they really don’t like fire,” she confessed before turning back to Gracie, “What’s your talent? I know it’s something astounding.”
“It’s a …” Gracie fumbled for a moment before she settled on a response, “It’s a surprise.”
Ella stood from her bed and announced, “Alright ladies, I hope you two have fun gossiping. I have somewhere to be.”
“Where?” Gracie questioned, her brows raised in curiosity.
Ella sighed, “Can you both keep a secret? Like, really keep one?” Once they both nodded and fulfilled a pinky promise, she continued, “I’ve been seeing Stan Fields since I was in my competition. I can’t go to his room like I’d like to tonight, but we’re meeting by the pool since that can look like something that just happened,” she revealed, awaiting judgment from her new friends, shocked she’d chosen to share her deepest secret.
“He’s not a judge and he’s a very nice man,” Cheryl began, “Do what your heart tells you to do.”
Gracie merely nodded in agreement.
“Thanks, ladies,” Ella whispered before she made her way out of their room which was right beside the pool, no idea that her innocent fling made her a suspect.
Ella saw Stan sitting in one of the lounge chairs on the opposite side of the pool so she walked over to take a seat on one next to his.
“So, you’re retiring?” she asked once she was settled, keeping her voice low while wishing she could join him on his chair.
He shook his head, “I’m not really retiring but that’s what they want me to say. It shouldn’t matter too much to you. You can’t compete twice,” he added as he resisted the urge to reach out and take her hand in his own.
“I suppose you’re right,” she responded, “I guess I just had this picture in my mind of life after this pageant. My plan was going to be to help girls and stay by your side. I suppose I’ll need to figure to figure out something new,” she shared before continuing, “I really wish I could climb on top of you,” she whispered, enjoying the way his breath caught from the mere suggestion.
He chose to change the subject instead of giving in to the thoughts racing through his mind, “Are you going to be singing my song tomorrow for the talent competition?”
Ella’s lips curled into a mischievous grin as she replied, “Would you like it if I sing ‘There You’ll Be’? I’m prepared to do so,” she responded as she caught the roll of his eyes.
“Why do you enjoy being such a tease?” he challenged as he held in a frustrated groan.
She shrugged as she stood from her seat, “It must have something to do with my youth. See you tomorrow,” she added with a flirty little wave as she made her way back to her room.
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Happy Sunday! 🙌💒🎆
O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker.
Psalm 95:6 KJV
Join PLWC for our Sunday Worship at 3pm today.
If you cannot come to the outreach in person please join us online via our YouTube livestream:
See you there! 😃
sunnatanina. itapavalla. on palveluita alkaa klo 15. Tai odotat innolla palveluita. tilaa kirkon. Jumalanpanpalvelukset.
odotamme innolla. Nakevamme sinut Tai katsomassa. Jumala siunatknoon sinua.
El Domingo en la tarde es servicio empezar las 15:00..
o esta esperando. un servicio emocionado por favor subscribase a los servicio de Iglesia
Esperamos. verte o mirar.
Dios te bendiga.
on Sunday in the pm. is services start at 3pm. or you looking forward to Excited services.
please subscribe to the church to the church services.
we look forward to see look to see you watching
God bless you?
Jos. pidat suitable tilaa if you like it please subscribe.
si gusta por sucribete.
if you like it please subscribe. 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Another Random Object Show: SEASON 1
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EPISODE 19: Click-a-Death
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Cuby and David Stix, now having lost GyroGyro, began looking for new allies. They eventually spotted Mime and House and immediately ran up to House after retrieving Mime.
“JO IN US. =)” Mime says. “...no?” Mine now warps its legs to be towering over House. “J O I N U S .”
“JESUS FUCKING CHRIST OKAY!” House panics. “...can Penta Join.” He asks, Mime now discusses with Cuby and David, before turning tl House and stating… “...your pathetic boyfriend may JOIN our allegiance!” Mime says. “..not my boyfriend, BUT!” House now pauses. “Alright.” He agrees.
Meanwhile, Sunny watched with Penta as this occurred, and asked; “You’re a ghost, right?” He said. “Why yes, yes I am.” Sunny now tilted his head. “How long ago did you die..? and… how?” He asked, softly. “I died by poison, unfortunately.” He shrugged. “Oh no… who would—” Sunny was now cut off. “Oh, oh nononono! Sunny, sunny! I wasn't MURDERED! …it was myself! …by accident, really. I accidentally spilled about 35 grams of Arsenic into a cup of tea after spotting a rat. Ironically, both the rat and I died of the poison, so it must work well! As for how long ago… give or take, I died in 1932 on this very island, actually!” He states. “Woooaahh.. you live here?! :D” Sunny asks, excited now. “Can we see your house?? It must be really cool and—” Penta pats Sunny. “Maybe another time, we are still in competition, after all!” Sunny sighed, before now asking… “Are you and House… like uhm.. Venus and Jupiter?” He says. “...who?” Penta tilts his head. “Venus and Jupiter!! They were my friends, and uhhmm.. Venus really liked Jupiter…!” Sunny says. “Oh! …in a sense then, yes… but I must ask, where are they now?” Penta asks. “Dead!” Sunny cheers. “...i miss them sometimes.” He sighs.
“How interesting…” Penta says, before hearing Moony call for him. “Oh! Time to go!” Penta waves Sunny goodbye as Question Mark and Cuby go to watch over him. Meanwhile, David Stix and Mime are still terrorizing House.
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“..okay, so, you LIKE Penta?? He’s a GHOST!” Mime exclaimed as Heart. “I mean, I’m not one to judge, I’m a shapeshifting monster, but STILL! THAT IS A GHOST!” It exclaims. “I know, but I really love him!” House states back. “Is it such a crime? Perhaps I can revive him! He was 35 when he died, anyhow…” House said. “..that does bring up a question. How did Penta NOT come back? If The Gourd has been in existence for milenia now, wouldn't he revive everyone?” Mime said. “To be fair, when we started, nobody knew each other besides some obvious groups, like Sunny, Star, Starry, Lunartic and Moony— or Question Mark, Period, Exclamation Mark, and The Colon Duo..!” House noted. David sighed, resulting in Mime saying— “Oh no! The talk of eliminated contestants is making David sad!” Mime exclaimed.
“Let’s talk about something else then! Uhm… oh! The Gourd–” The Gourd now appeared behind House.
“Perfect timing!” The Gourd exclaimed as House creaked. “CONTESTANTS! HITHER!” He clapped his hands, returning Mime to normal, and teleporting everyone to him. “Contestants! Today’s challenge is simple! Nearby Mount. Frigid is the Whispering Woods, a forest that may very well be haunted!” The Gourd sighs. “but, I couldn't find any actual ghosts, so… ANYWAYS! Inside the forest, you will find 4 eliminated contestants! When 4 people have retrieved a photo to me, I will announce the SAFE CONTESTANTS! The rest of you will be Up For Elimination!” The Gourd says.
“By Eliminated Contestants, you mean holograms, right?” Penta says. “..nope! I mean ACTUAL eliminated contestants that I brought back for the challenge, NOW GO!” He claps his hands.
All 8 of them now received a polaroid camera, alongside a flashlight. Cuby now went with David and Mime, while Sunny went with Moony and Question Mark, leaving Penta and House with themselves.
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“This should be COMPLETELY EASY!” Mime says, wriggling its arms. “Oh? What's that Cuby?” He now reads Cuby’s Japanese Writing. “...good idea! Let’s meet up here!” Mime now pulled out a torch, and placed it, making a beacon for the group to return to.
Cuby began to wander the woods, and eventually encountered… “UGH! HUFF!!” Lightning. “SILENT BOY???” She says. “Ugh, let me out!” She says. Cuby chuckled, before taking a photo. Lightning was now gone, and he was confused, and began going off track to investigate where she went.
Meanwhile, for Mime and David, they were simply looking around.
Mime thought it heard something, so it ran off and found… “Ah, Mime.” Phantom. “There you are… ahem. I… think we need to speak.” He says. “...I am not mad at you. As a matter of fact… I find myself proud of you.” He now reached his arm out to Mime, gently caressing his cheek. “You’re gonna make it to the finals, and I know it.” Mime paused. A slightly watery black liquid, almost like ink, begins to form. “...is something wrong..?” Mime then hugged Phantom, staining him black, and sobbed into him. “..It’s alright, y’know…” He caressed its head as it sobbed. “IT’ S NOT! I CAUSED YOUR ELIMINATION! I SHOULD’VE–” Phantom hushed it. “..it’s alright , what’s done is done, and besides… I simply passed the torch of leadership… to you!” He told it. Mime sniffled. “..what's the challenge now?” He asked Mime. “...we gotta take photos of the eliminated contestants… sniff… and show them to The Gourd?” It said. “...but… I-I’m scared.. I.. I want to keep you and—” Phantom chuckled. “That's quite the fascinating dilemma!” Phantom sighed. “...listen… you can take my photo.” He says. “...you’ll be safe.” Phantom pats Mime. “and remember what I told you back in Mount. Frigid?” He kneeled to Mime. “..y-you're a freak of nature, but you're my freak?” It remembers . “...exactly. Go get me, freak.” Phantom said. Mime now took a photo of Phantom, causing him to disappear, and sighed, before walking to David. “...just a squirrel. Let's go.” It wiped the black liquid from its eyes and trekked onwards.
Meanwhile, Moony and Sunny were also wandering, until spitting Cloudy, who opened with; “Berries!” and, subsequently, threw a basket of Blueberries at them. “...plucked them myself!” She said. “...yeah, nice to see you again, Cloudy. We kinda gotta take your picture though.. so.. sorry but—” Moony now raises her camera, before Cloudy yells out— “WAAAAAAIIIIITTT!!” Sunny gets Moony to drop the camera… “...So, we kinda escaped the place we were in.” Cloudy says. “...what?” Moony seems confused. “..wait, where WERE you guys?” Sunny asks. “Hangman and I met these people— Daisy and… I forgot her name, but she was a Raisin, anyways, Raisin explained to us that when you're eliminated or turned into an object, you go to THE INBETWEEN.” Cloudy says. “...THE INBETWEEN is a dimension between the land of the existing and non-existent, it is achieved immediately after dying or ceasing to exist and from there, you either accept your death and move onto a higher plane of existence, or go back to The Land of Existence by being unprepared and unwilling to die.” Moony says, memories in her eyes. “...Starry, Star and The Others knew… but… how did they—?” Cloudy now answered; “Starry and Star were never officially sent to THE INBETWEEN—” Moony added that “Stars and other Celestial Beings can freely go to and from THE INBETWEEN, so it's likely she simply warped out of it. However, Celestials cannot take things OUT of THE INBETWEEN, only in, so…?” Cloudy continued; “—so, they used SHOOTING STARS, by catching a SHOOTING STAR on its way through the void of space, they were able to wish to make a portal for THE INBETWEEN, and it worked as SHOOTING STARS will always make the wish of the user come true in some way, even if it is temporary.” She stated. “Essentially, she got us a way OUT of THE INBETWEEN, and IN to The Moon, where everyone's been hanging out, except for a few.” Sunny now asks— “Who’s the few?” Cloudy answered: “Exclamation Mark and Period are still in THE INBETWEEN, they have SHOOTING STARs too, they just have to wait for Question Mark, besides them, Lightning also stayed, she wanted to get away from Heart.” She stated. “...huh. Wait, how will you get back? or is he keeping you?” Cloudy now thinks. “According to The Gourd, once we are caught, we will be sent back to THE INBETWEEN, from there, Starry will likely get us back out again, since he never did seem to mind the fact he had to get me from The Moon.” She said, “...oh! For Question Mark, Period says they're rooting for her, and for YOU two, Starry says.. she loves you.” Cloudy nods. “Alright, take me out!” Cloudy now floats. “...thank you… for all of that.” Moony sighs. “You’ll be okay, right?” She says. “..perfectly fine! Go on!” Moony sighs and gets her photo. “...you can have it.” Sunny cheers, getting the photo.
“We’re running out of time— what should we do?!” House panicked. “House, I have something to confess.” House pauses. “What is it?”
Just then, Question Mark heard Exclamation Mark from the woods, and began to run towards him. “QUINN!!” He exclaimed as she came into view. “QUINN! It's been so long!” Question Mark stared at the camera she held, and paused. “...oh. You… need to—” Question Mark stopped him, and asked; “...who… who..” she couldn’t find her words, so Exclamation Mark sighed and answered— “It's me, Eric. I promise.” He says. “After I was eliminated, I got sent to a place called THE INBETWEEN, which I think is between HERE and THERE. As for where I’ve been, I’ve been in THE INBETWEEN, with Parker. We’re waiting for you.” He says. “...anyways, before you uhm… use the camera; I believe in you.” He says. “...I love you.” Question Mark said, raising the camera and looking away. “...love you too.” CLICK.
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“TIME!” The Gourd announced. “CONTESTANTS! BRING ME YOUR PHOTOS!” He says, now clapping them back to him. Cuby turned in his photo of Lightning, and was announced safe. “Anyone else?” Sunny turned in his photo of Cloudy, and was, too, safe. Mime and Question Mark kept their photos, looking at them. “You have to turn it in to be safe~!” The Gourd says. “...C AN I HAVE IT BACK?” Mime says, “I suppose… yes.” The Gourd says, giving Mime the photo back. Question Mark kept hers, until The Gourd took it up. “andd Question Mark is safe! That means Penta, House, Moony and David are up for elimination—!”
Penta now cut him off with a “Not so fast.” The Gourd turned to him. “House is, by technicalities, safe too.” He said. “No, he is not. Does he have a photo?” House now turned in his photo of Penta. “...Penta, you are STILL a contestant.” The Gourd says. “...not anymore, no.” Penta said. “We will not NEED an elimination.” He now pulled out his icon. “I am choosing to LEAVE the show.”
“...hm…” The Gourd now summoned the list of rules and found the ELIMINATION RULES. “Rule Number 3 states that when an elimination is held, the eliminated contestant will get a chance at being saved by someone else stepping up and eliminating themselves.” The Gourd read. “Rule 4, however, states that an Elimination Ceremony is to be canceled in the event a contestant dies and moves on, or quits the show before the Official Ceremony. Therefore, my elimination is COMPLETELY fair.” He said. “House, keep things tidy around here, won’t you?” House stared as Penta threw his elimination icon into the air, and disappeared.
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“...Penta…” The Gourd paused. “...was completely in the right. Rule Number 4 states a contestant or group of contestants are allowed to quit before the Ceremony, with the consequence of the action being no Elimination Ceremony during that episode.” The Gourd states. “...therefore, this is where the episode ends.” He nods. “Does anyone else wish to quit?” He asks.
Moony and Question Mark think about it, alongside House… but then rule against it. House is still thinking about it, but he, too, stays.
“...then I shall see you all… next time.” The Gourd states, disappearing.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
“House, I’ve been thinking for a while and… I have to go.” Penta told him. “...what..?” House says, sorrow in his voice. “This place is only so hospitable. and it's wearing thin, so my supposed properties haven't much protection against my need to go home.” He says. “...and another thing; I am aware you are attached to me, one may even say to a level of romantic desire.” Penta said. “...and I reciprocate those feelings. Make sure things are tidy, alright?” Penta told House.
“...I’ll be waiting at the manor.” Penta says.
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princeofgod-2021 · 11 months
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John 1:4
Following from last lesson, we realize that there are many things written in scriptures that don’t look like Prophecy at all, at least until it becomes fulfilled by the proclamation of the person for whom it was meant.
Most interesting is the realization that such Prophecies were the actual experiences of the persons who wrote them then.
Let’s see this one by King David.
David was talking about his friend and counsellor, Ahithophel, who turned against him and joined forces with Absalom, David’s son, who staged a revolution against, and to destroy his father.
2Sa 15:31 Someone told David, "AHITHOPHEL IS ONE WHO JOINED IN ABSALOM'S PLOT AGAINST YOU." Then David prayed, "LORD, I ask you to make Ahithophel give only foolish advice." ERV
Jesus Christ clearly said that this scripture was being fulfilled by his own experience with Judas.
Joh 13:18 “What I am saying does not refer to all of you. I know the ones I have chosen. BUT THIS IS TO FULFILL THE SCRIPTURE, ‘The one who eats my bread has turned against me. NET
Some scriptures would look like plain texts of experiences of the ancients but to you, it becomes a “charge” and serious Mandate to run with; it becomes an instruction or your direct experience.
Beloved, this was practically how I discovered my assignment for life: I was merely reading scripture as prayers for the Church, when the Words “jumped” at me and left me dumbfounded.
Jos 1:8 Never stop reciting these teachings. YOU MUST THINK ABOUT THEM NIGHT AND DAY SO THAT YOU WILL FAITHFULLY DO EVERYTHING WRITTEN IN THEM. Only then will you prosper and succeed. GW
This is where you really get to know why God enjoins us to study scriptures: because one day, you’d suddenly discover your own unraveled Secretly Coded assignment for this life.
You’d just see that the recipient’s name in the Bible has been replaced by yours.
Only you will see this.
2Ki 15:12 THIS WAS THE WORD OF JEHOVAH WHICH HE SPOKE TO JEHU, saying, Your sons shall sit on the throne of Israel until the fourth generation. AND IT WAS SO. BBE
One day, as you read, you’d be so convinced that it is you God is speaking to, that you’d leave everything - if you are the Obedient and compliant sort - and find out how to fulfill the Mandate.
But how do you manage the [personal] information; Do you tell it or keep to yourself?
Gen 37:5 One time Joseph had a dream, and when he told his brothers about it, THEY HATED HIM EVEN MORE. GNB
Some secrets should remain secrets, since they are only meant for your compliance.
But sometimes, telling it and stirring hatred is part of the machinery that propels the fulfillment of your mandate.
In fact, it seemed Joseph’s brothers needed to be angry enough to “push” Joseph, so God sent another dream.
Gen 37:9,11 JOSEPH LATER HAD ANOTHER DREAM, and he told his brothers, "Listen to what else I dreamed. The sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down to me."…JOSEPH'S BROTHERS WERE JEALOUS OF HIM, but his father kept wondering about the dream. CEV
Our Lord Jesus Christ also had to tell them His mandate. Otherwise, who would kill Him if they were not offended with Him?
We remember that He literally handed Himself over to them.
Mat 10:34-35 “PERHAPS YOU THINK I’VE COME TO SPREAD PEACE AND CALM OVER THE EARTH—BUT MY COMING WILL BRING CONFLICT AND DIVISION, not peace. Because of me, A son will turn against his father, a daughter her mother and against her mother-in-law. TPT
For such assignments, even if you didn’t tell anyone ahead of time, they will soon see it all when you start carrying it out.
However, if it would harm the Mission badly, keep it till you are ready.
Luk 1:80 And the child kept growing and becoming strong in spirit, and HE WAS IN THE WILDERNESS UNTIL THE DAY HE WAS REVEALED TO ISRAEL. NET
Except you are specifically instructed or inspired spiritually to do so, keep youur personal revelations to yourself, in your wilderness, while you prepare and grow stronger, till THAT DAY.
Joe 1:15 BE SAD BECAUSE THE LORD'S SPECIAL DAY IS NEAR. At that time punishment will come like an attack from God All-Powerful. ERV
May God give you courage to stand and proclaim your mandate with Passion, IN JESUS NAME.
Join us on Wednesday, for progress in this enlightening and explosive Subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Monday, July 17, 2023
08055125517; 08023904307
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nijjhar · 1 year
The Holies of Holy Complex in the world is in Amritsar but it is highly ... The Holies of the Holy Complex in the world is in Amritsar but it is highly corrupt and Mammon infested. https://youtu.be/Lpbyl026AdU Punjabi - Birrs in Gurdwaras are highly corrupt and joined the corrupt Scriptures Ved, Kataeb, etc. https://youtu.be/gkcMzYqkYbE Difference between Scriptures and Revelations Scriptures are a reflection of His Word called the "Oral Torah" because His Word cannot be written down in ink on paper but over the living Tablets of the heart through logical reasoning that Brews "Logo" and logo is His Word and His Word is God Himself that taught you through "intuition". That is why the Good News of the arrival of Christ in the flesh of Jesus was broken by the Messengers of Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. our Supernatural Father of our "souls" was broken to the illiterate shepherd who is capable of "Intuition" over their hearts and not thinks over their heads that has the book knowing what their moral teachers Rabbis have said in the Books. Thus, University Professors are the least who would ponder over their hearts but seek the answers from Books, which are corruptible. That is why the New Testament wasn't written by the Apostles but after their deaths, devotees wrote it down. But in Christianity, those Husbandmen, the Temple Priests of the dead letters who had corrupted the Old Testament, also corrupted the New Testament. Take for example, the root of the Disciple is discipline as the soldiers are disciplined in the army or the natural once-born Disciples of the Rabbis are disciplined by teaching them the moral laws of Moses. So, John, the Baptist and the Rabbis, Pharisees and Sadducees, etc., the moral teachers they had the Disciples but not Christ Jesus whose intake was the twice-born of the holy spirit, which common sense called "Surti" in Punjabi. So, Jesus had no Disciples but the twice-born workers in the Royal Vineyard of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. And also, no "Lord" in Christ Jesus as the Lords have slaves. Demi-urge Yahweh, Brahma, Khuda, etc. are the Lords of the creation called "Sarishhti". Now, the Jewish people are not as clever and greedy as the Kings and Emperors of Darkness of the people of the Khatri tribe. So, the corruptions in the New Testament are minor but far greater corruptions in the Adi-Granth, the New Testament of the Sikhs that was written by the scribe Bhai Gurdass Ji sitting in one tent whilst Satguru Arjan Dev Ji in another dictating him. Bhai Gurdass Ji told Satguru Arjan Dev Ji, I hear more people sitting in your tent. Then, Christ Arjan Dev Ji told Bhai Gurdass Ji that every Bhagat and Satguru dictates his own Bani and that makes the written Birr (Holy Book) original Revelations and not dictated by Satguru Arjan Dev Ji alone. So, this original Birr was examined by Satguru Arjan Dev Ji and signed. So, the loose papers were given to the trusted Sikhs to get Bound and they took time to copy the whole Birr and presented two bound copies; one Original and the other copied version. But Satguru Arjan Dev Ji rejected the copied Birr written by men as the Scriptures like the copied by men the Vedas, Quran, Bible, etc. that were copied from written by men Scriptures and liable of corruption. So, the copied Birr of Bhai Bunno Ji became part of the Scriptures and no more through Revelations. The clever Satanic Khatris made changes in the BIRR that Prof Jodh Singh and Trump found and wrote a Book that almost 300 pages have been whitewashed. The Book is available from the Patiala University Press called "KARTAR PURI BIRR DAE DARSHAN". So, today the "Khari Birr", the copied version is very TRUE whilst these printed Birrs are nowhere the true versions but highly corrupted Birrs of the most clever greedy Khatris. Thus, goes the saying, "VED KATAEB ADGRANTH KAHO MATT JHOOTHAE; JHOOTHA OOH JO NAA VICHARAE". The scriptural Books are corrupted but you have to vet them in the holy spirit = Surti or common sense. In Kalyug of the greedy people, this applies:- PAWANN (REVELATION) ARANBHH (BEGINNING) SATGUR (SAT = THE BOTTOM LINE GOSPEL TRUTH, THE ROCK OVER WHICH THE TEMPLE OF GOD STANDS AND GUR MEANS TARIKA = FORMULA, WHICH IS LOGICAL REASONING THAT YOU YOURSELF HAVE TO DO) MATT (WISDOM OR WAY OF LIFE) WAILA (TIME); SHABD (END PRODUCT = NECTAR OF THE LOGICAL REASONING CALLED LOGO = HIS WORD) GURU = TEACHER; SURAT (COMMON SENSE) DHUNN CHAELA (A DEVOTED STUDENT). The Gospel cannot be written down in ink on paper as the Scriptures, the Milk for the once-born babies are. Gospel is the Flesh of Jesus and Nanak or what came out of their mouth of them. In India, the crooks were imitating the Gospel and for this reason, Satguru Arjan Dev Ji got one written under his supervision in which every Saint and Satguru himself appeared and spoke that the Scribe Bhai Gurdass Ji sitting in another tent wrote. Each page was signed by Satguru Arjun Dev Ji. The one who was sent to get it bound diligently copied it and presented two Holy Books called Ad-Gra
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onesillybeach · 2 years
Pit Fight Blues 3
Jo's side of things.
Quick sequel to both this and this by the lovely @chadillacboseman and @roofgeese respectively.
TW: mentions of rape; death threat.
Jazzie belongs to @trashutjr
Kate belongs to @elligatorrex
Echo belongs to @roofgeese
Alex belongs to @chadillacboseman
No pretty faces in the fight pit. That was what one sign read just outside the chain fence of the fight pit. Kano’s rule. Most of the men of the black dragons figured it was because women were too weak, but that wasn’t it at all. The real reason was much more selfish. Kano was protecting the ‘eye candy’ of the black dragons. Often called trophies. Women he’d managed to charm into joining his crime family. Despite Jo wanting to get in there and toss a few guys around, Kano’s foot was firmly planted. “You got one of the prettiest faces, girlie. No way,” he’d told her.
“I can handle one drunk asshole,” Jo defended.
“Oh, I know you could,” He chuckled, then reached out with a rough hand and gripped her jaw nice and tight. “But I love looking at this face when I shove my cock in that tight cunt of yours.”
Jo sucked in a breath and pushed his hand away. “Wish I could say the same,” she mused.
“Oi! Don’t be like that. You seemed to enjoy yourself last time.”
“I didn’t say you couldn’t fuck. I just said you’re an ugly motherfucker.”
“Well, at least I can fuck.” He grinned as he watched the fight. Erron and Lorenzo. Were they just going to circle each other and talk? What was this? “Get on with it already!”
And then the fists flew. Kano laughed as blood went flying. Jo watched with a cringe as she heard the crack of Lorenzo’s nose. After that, Erron seemed to go feral. “Jesus Christ. What’s got into him?”
“Haha! Fuck him up, Erron!” Kano was too happy to see Erron lose control like that.
“Shouldn’t you be stopping this?” Jo looked over to see Kano’s mile long grin.
“Why should I?”
“Lorenzo’s gonna die.”
“Eh. So what? He doesn’t pull his own weight.”
“He owes me money,” Jo said. Which seemed to catch Kano’s attention.
“He owe me money?”
“He lost last week’s bet and hasn’t paid up. That’s why he’s in the fight pit.”
Kano grumbled. Seeing Lorenzo die wouldn’t be a bad thing. Lorenzo failed to pay his debts… But Kano wanted his money too. Damn. “Yeah, yeah.” He stepped over to the railing of his little perch and looked down. “Hey! Turkey! Get in there!” He shouted to Alex.
“He’s got a name,” Jo sighed.
“Yeah, who cares.” Kano stepped back and fell back into the ratty old couch next to her. His legs spread out and he adjusted himself. They both watched as Alex struggled to pull Erron out and to the locker room. Then watched as a couple guys went into the pit to pull out an unrecognizable Lorenzo. “Josie,” Kano said, earning him a disapproving glance from Jo. “You think Kate would want to join us later?”
Jo’s eyes rolled and she shoved his knee away before getting up.
“What?” Kano asked, then laughed.
“Shouldn’t you be fucking Jazzie?” Jo reminded him, only to see him scowl at her.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“It means you should be treating your girl better than this,” Jo scolded.
“She’s fine with it!”
“Then you should be thanking her, profusely.”
He grumbled again. Jo turned and walked down the catwalk stairs to the ground floor. She caught Alex on his way back from the locker room.
“What happened?” She asked.
“I don’t know. He’s in one of his moods,” Alex shook his head. “Echo’s in there with him now.”
Jo grinned. She gave a single nod. “Ah.”
“What?” Alex asked, noticing her amusement.
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
“No. Tell me. What’s going on?” He pressed.
“Don’t think about it too hard. It’ll come to you.”
Confusion was just plastered to Alex’s face. It made Jo laugh as she left him. She followed the agents carrying Lorenzo to the infirmary.
Jo sat in the makeshift waiting area, fucking around on her phone, watching some videos that were already posted online of Erron beating Lorenzo’s face in. But one video in particular caught her attention.
It had been at the right angle to catch Lorenzo’s face as he spoke. Jo couldn’t hear what he was saying, but after several replays, she’d managed to read his lips.
The bastard had threatened to rape Echo with his friends.
Well, now Erron’s display made sense. Jo would have done the same thing. And if Alex had known, she doubted he’d have pulled Erron out. Well… This meeting wasn’t going to end well at all. Jo had only come to let Lorenzo know he still owed her money. But now…
About an hour later, Jo made her way in to see Lorenzo, wrapped up, braced, on monitors and an IV. Erron had done more damage than she’d thought. Good. Stepping up next to him, she tapped his shoulder to get his attention. His swollen eyes opened just barely to look at her.
Jo held up two fingers. “How many?” She asked. But he couldn’t answer her. His jaw had been busted. “Three?” she asked. Jo saw the slightest shake of his head. “Two?” She then saw the slightest nod. “Good. Then you’ll be able to see this.” Jo then held up her phone and played that video of him making that threat. Lorenzo watched it, then looked back to Jo. She could see his confusion even through all that swelling. “I can’t hear what you’re saying. But I can read your lips.” She then pocketed her phone and leaned forward, resting her arms on the bed rails and looking right into his eyes. “You threatened to gang rape Echo, didn’t you?”
Lorenzo’s eyes magically grew wider. His heart monitor beeped as his heart rate sped up.
“I’m going to take that beeping as a guilty plea,” Jo told him. “You better hope you die from these injuries. Because if you make a miraculous comeback, I’m going to dangle you from a helicopter and fly low over a heavily wooded forest. And I won't stop until there’s nothing left of you. And then I’ll find one of your boys and do the same to him. And the next. And the next. And the next. Until every one of you disgusting pieces of fuck are wiped out of existence. Do we have an understanding?”
Lorenzo’s heart rate had only raised more and more as Jo spoke with such venom. He couldn’t nod fast enough to her.
“Good.” She flashed him a forced, but convincing warm smile as she stepped away. “You still owe me and Kano ten grand each. Make sure we get that before you decide to die.”
Jo left Lorenzo in his panic. She needed a nice cold beer.
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doc-pickles · 3 years
Jo finds out she's pregnant in 14x24 and her dress doesn't fit
Has this been half written in my drafts for weeks? Maybe... but I finally got around to finishing it today soooo you’re welcome friends. Have fun.
She doesn’t realize it at first, at least not consciously. Once she registers exactly what’s happening though everything seems to fall into place. Her excessive fatigue and missing period that she’d chalked up to pre wedding stress, a light headed feeling that she assumed was from standing too long during surgeries, tender breasts and decreased appetite that she’d simply pushed to the side. Now though, as she stood in her bridal suite with Meredith tugging desperately at the zipper on the back of her wedding dress, she had figured everything out.
“Stop! It’s not going to zip no matter how hard you tug it,” Jo’s thoughts trail off as an undeniable feeling of nausea overwhelms her body. “Oh god.”
Before she can stop herself or even think to move Jo is leaning forward and vomiting straight on to the soles of the expensive silver heels she’d bought herself. She can hear Meredith shriek in disgust as she leaps away from her, Jo’s hands falling to her knees as she leans over and wills herself not to throw up again no matter how desperately her body wants to. The door to the room bursts open and she’s sure she’s a sight to see with her dress unzipped and vomit all over her shoes. Her stomach flips and she can tell she’s going to be sick again, but Meredith places a trash can in front of her and a broad hand rests on her exposed back before she has a chance to ruin her shoes even more.
“Jesus Christ what’d you do to her Mer,” Alex’s voice is accusing as he runs his hand up and down Jo’s back in a soothing motion. “Get out! I’m sure she doesn’t want you all gawking at her while she’s sick.”
Jo’s thankful that the room is clear now as her body lurches forward again and more of her breakfast reappears in front of her. Alex wraps an arm around her shoulders and helps her onto the couch, letting her drop her head against his shoulder once she’s done being sick.
“What, did you get cold feet already,” Alex chuckles as he runs his fingers through her hair, her eyes closing at the comforting feeling. “Seriously, what’s wrong? Are you nervous? Cause you seemed fine this morning.”
Jo shakes her head, the hint of a smile playing onto her lips, “You’re gonna laugh.”
“You threw up onto your shoes an hour before our wedding, what could possibly be funny about that?”
“I’m pretty sure that I’m pregnant,” Jo lifts her head from Alex’s shoulder to take in the shocked expression she’s sure he has. Instead, he’s grinning back at her barely suppressing his laughter. “I told you you’d laugh!”
“You’re kidding right? You’re actually just super hungover and you’re trying to trick me.”
Jo shook her head, joining in Alex’s laughter as he buried his face in her neck. His beard tickled the soft skin he was nuzzled against, lips ghosting over her neck as he spoke, “When the hell did this happen? I thought you were on the pill.”
“I manipulated my pills so I wouldn’t be even more stressed out for the surgical innovation contest,” Jo threaded her fingers through Alex’s hair as his lips continued to press against her neck. “But I must’ve messed up. I mean I could be wrong, I haven’t taken a test yet. But I’ve been exhausted lately and I missed my period, among other things. Plus my stupid dress won’t zip up.”
“Well,” Alex finally pulled himself away from her neck, a crooked grin glowing on his cheeks as he looked her over. “I’m sure Kepner, the most prepared woman in the world, probably has a test stashed away somewhere. And she can probably help with your dress too.”
Jo bit her lip as Alex watched her. Of course she wanted a baby, especially one with the man who would be her husband before the end of the day. However, she couldn’t help but feel like this might’ve come at a terrible time. She wouldn’t be able to go to Mass Gen, she’d have to balance being a fellow with being a mother, and she’d probably be on an opposite schedule from Alex. Head swirling with her overwhelming thoughts, Jo barley noticed Alex’s hands as they came up to cup her cheeks.
“Stop overthinking things. Let’s sort out whether or not you’re actually pregnant first, then we can go get married and figure everything else out later,” Alex pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, letting Jo lean back into his embrace. “Unfortunately I don’t think that even Kepner will be able to fix those shoes for you.”
“For the longest time, ferry boats made me sad.”
Jo honestly couldn’t believe how the day had panned out. If you had told her even a week ago that the perfect wedding day that April had planned for her would end with her standing on a ferry boat at sunset wearing Alex’s boots she would’ve laughed.
“But from now on, I will look at them the way my husband did. I will see the beauty. I will see the wind, the air, the sea, the motion. I will see the possibility because of the two of you.”
The whole day had been ridiculous, from finding out she was pregnant to missing their original ceremony because she’d been sick to having to wear Alex’s boots because her shoes were covered in vomit. But now as she stood across from Alex, ready to finally tie the knot in front of all of their friends, she couldn’t be more pleased with how the day had gone.
“I have never seen two people bring out better in each other. And if the two of you can take this day and turn it into lemonade, then you can do anything.”
Both Alex and Jo chuckled at that, knowing that not many people that stood around them knew exactly what they’d gone through that day. Alex squeezed Jo’s hand, a subtle reminder that if they could get through today they could tackle anything that was heading their way in the coming months.
“So, Alex Karev, do you want to marry Jo Wilson?”
“I do.”
“Jo Wilson, do you want to marry Alex Karev?”
“I super do.”
Without waiting for Meredith’s next words Alex swooped down to capture Jo in a breathtaking kiss. When they pulled apart Alex held her close to him, his fingers trailing over her stomach as the two shared in their secret. The sounds of their friends cheering around them faded out as Jo relished in the fact that she was finally married to the love of her life.
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flemnotthun · 3 years
This is literally my first fanfic ever, any feedback welcome. This is set immediately after the last episode. TW for blood.
‘Who Else Would It Be?’
Chapter 1 - Other Half
“Kate! Jesus Christ”
“Mother of God!”
Fleming was lying on the ground, blood oozing from her side, no one else was there to be seen.
Steve was by her side as Hastings dialled for an ambulance.
“Urgent ambulance requested, officer with severe GSW to the abdomen...”
“Kate, it’s us, the gaffer’s calling an ambulance, I need you to hold on.”
Kate blinked through the pain, holding on the to hand that Steve had laced through hers like a limpet.
“Steve?” She choked out, feeling woozier by the second.
“I’m here, you’re going to be okay, please just stay with me.”
“I shouldn’t have gone with her, I should have trusted...”
“Shh, it’s okay” Steve comforted as he stripped off his waistcoat, letting go of her hand as he did so, the burning sensation of the missing contact registering in his mind. He pressed the silver fabric against Kate’s wound as she screamed out in pain. The wound was deep and she was bleeding out fast.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Kate” said Steve. “Where’s the fucking ambulance?” he asked Hastings.
“It’s alright son, ETA 5 minutes” Hastings replied.
Ted knelt down next to Kate, putting a professional hand on her shoulder.
“Can be losing half of my best team can I? We know you’re strong, you just need to hang on a few more minutes sweetheart. Besides, someone’s got to keep your other half here in line”.
The significance of Ted’s words weren’t lost on Steve. Despite them not being in a relationship, this last year of them not working together had made him feel like he was missing a piece of himself, his other half.
Kate let out a feeble chuckle, coughed and then began to groan in pain.
Steve knelt back down as Hastings radioed for a status update on the ambulance, grasping her hand, he whispered.
“I should have looked after you better.”
“It’s not your job.” Kate said, kindly.
“Kate, you’ve always been there for me, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me”.
Kate smiled as her eyes began to flutter, balancing on the edge of closed.
“SIR!” Steve yelled.
Hastings whipped around as Steve was holding Kate’s head and begging her to stay awake. The familiar sound of the ambulance grew closer as the DI wept over Kate’s still body.
“Come on Steve, we’ve got to let them through” Ted said firmly as the paramedics rushed over to the scene.
“I can’t loose her,” Steve choked through falling tears as he allowed the medic access to Kate’s blood-soaked frame.
“I know son.”
For someone so headstrong, firm and confident, Kate’s body looked so tiny as it was loaded into the ambulance. It wasn’t that Steve hadn’t seen a softer, more vulnerable side to Kate before, he remembered picking her up after Mark changed the locks, or when she confessed to him her affair with Richard, but this time was different. He jumped in the back with her as the paramedic’s worked on her like a game of operation.
“See you there.”
Steve was startled from his reverie as Hastings slammed the back door of the ambulance.
The journey, while it could only have been 10 minutes, was the longest of Steve’s life. The paramedics were stumbling around the ambulance, attaching her to tubes and fixing a cannula in to the harm that Steve’s had was gripped onto.
“She your girlfriend then?” Asked the male paramedic, as he took Kate’s blood pressure.
“Best mate” Steve replied.
The truth, but not the whole truth. On paper, they were best mates, but the pining and the longing glances that Steve knew he was guilty of suggested that Steve’s feelings were slightly more pronounced than those that you might feel for a “mate”. He’d never act on it though. She deserved better than a crippled addict with a history of shagging witnesses and suspects to avoid acting on his feelings for the best person in his life for 10 years.
And then there was his inability to give her the pleasure she deserved.
Steve caught himself. “Woah, I don’t even know if it’s mutual. Maybe let’s stop with the wishful thinking.”
“Steve, we’re here”. It seemed like male paramedic had noticed Steve was daydreaming, or more accurately nightdreaming given the lateness of the hour, and staring at Kate’s empty face.
“Sorry” said Steve as he stepped down from the ambulance and into the cold.
Kate was wheeled in for emergency surgery on her abdomen, leaving Steve in the waiting room to pace, dying for a coffee but unwilling to think of anything other than the brilliant woman who may or may not survive the night.
“You alright son?”
Steve turned. Hastings had entered the dingy room, hat removed, looking somber.
“Of course I’m not bloody alright”.
“Sorry, stupid question”.
It was unlike Hastings to defer to a junior, but on this occasion, it felt like the only course of action. He was worried for Kate, or course he was, but seeing the trauma in Steve’s eyes showed him that this might be enough to send Steve over the edge. His back, the drugs, and now this. Steve and Kate were joined at the hip for so long both professionally and personally, and Ted cared for them both dearly.
“You know, she’s a strong wee girl, she’s got every chance of pulling through,” Ted offered.
“And that, exactly, is the whole damn problem. Kate’s strong, of course she is, but she’s breakable, just like the rest of us.” Steve replied, indicating his lower back. “Viewing her as strong for so long is what put her here. We should have stopped her.”
A quiet fell between the two officers as they stared at the stream of patients, many of them staring at Ted’s uniform like he was dressed in drag.
“But look at what she found Steve. Jo’s car was found at the scene. She got her. We’re past the threshold. Now tell me you wouldn’t have rushed straight into the same situation if you thought it could crack the case. Remember Gates? Even I pushed my luck by going undercover on the OCG last year.”
Steve paused, opened his mouth to argue, then gave up and responded:
“You know me too well”.
“Indeed I do.”
They were silent again as they sat and waited for a scrap of news, anything that might tell them that Kate was going to be okay.
After four and a half hours of coffee, polite chit-chat and the occasional nap from Ted (Steve had no intention of nodding off), their prayers were answered.
“Mr Arnott?” A blonde nurse with a clipboard approached them from the desk.
“Yes?” Steve replied as he nudged Hastings awake.
“She’s asking for you”.
“How’s her condition?” Steve asked the nurse.
“Ms Fleming’s been very lucky, seems like you managed to reduce the blood loss, we might be in a very different situation otherwise.”
A pause. Steve looked apprehensively at Hastings, who beamed back at him.
“Go on lad, go and see her.”
Glad for the permission, Steve rose.
“Don’t you want to come?” He asked Ted.
“I think I’ll leave you to it. Give her my love.”
Steve smiled at his boss and turned to follow the nurse as Ted called after him.
“Oh, and Steve.”
“Yes sir?”
“Give her yours too”.
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dudefrommywesterns · 3 years
Title: There’s A Great, Big Beautiful Tomorrow: Part Two
Ship: Mike x Robert Chase
Words: 1988 (yeah, sorry)
Description: Mike and Chase explore Disneyland together.
Warnings: none
When Chase rented a car to take them from Los Angeles to Anaheim after they landed, as Mike didn’t drive, it became more and more apparent how out of his element he was. If this were Mike’s first time in the city rather than more than their 15th, they would be hopeless. Mike was the navigator, a bit of a tour guide.
They pointed out the Citadel outlets when they passed them and talked about how much cooler they looked at night. Then they talked about the Travelodge that their family most often stayed at because it was fairly cheap and close to the park. Then, once they got to the hotel, they talked about Goofy’s Kitchen and the character dinner they had there once.
Mike had talked so much, they worried they had talked their boyfriend’s ear off. He didn’t seem all too annoyed so they left it alone.
Mike got them checked in and then started talking about the places they could go for dinner, “Well, there’s this Denny’s on Harbor that I once saw a gentleman selling those flying toy things at. Or we could go to the Bob’s Big Boy across the street from the old Walt Disney Studios but we’d have to backtrack to Burbank. Or there’s a lot of places in Downtown Disney. Ohh, we should go to Tortilla Jo’s! They make the best guacamole, table side.”
“Sure,” Chase said, with a whole lot less enthusiasm than Mike but still smiling.
Tortilla Jo’s always had quite a bit of a wait but that was the true Disney experience, from one wait to another. Besides, Mike had years of conversation material. They told Chase about the tiny toilets in the restrooms and the time their mom took a photo of one because it was so funny to her.
Then, they finally got into the restaurant and ordered.
Mike got what they normally couldn’t get at most Mexican restaurants, a burrito that was actually intended to be vegetarian, and Chase ordered pork carnitas. He also got himself a margarita, and since Mike didn’t drink, they got horchata.
Chase was actually kind of impressed by the table side guacamole.
They talked about everything and anything until the bill came. Then there was something of a debate.
“You’ve paid for this whole thing so far,” Chase said. “Let me get this one.”
“No, absolutely not,” Mike said. “This trip is my treat and I’m paying for anything and everything. I saved up to be able to.”
“At least let me pay for the margarita.”
“Nope, I got that covered too,” Mike said, sliding their credit card into the black booklet that also contained the receipt. The waitress took the booklet to the register. “You’re used to people buying you whatever you want out of guilt. Let me buy you whatever you want because I love you.”
Chase didn’t say anything, even when the waitress returned Mike’s card.
The next morning, Chase was surprised to see Mike up earlier than him, trying to wake him up.
“Come on!” they shouted enthusiastically. “We have to get to the opening thing. I don’t really remember what they call it but that’s not the point. I made reservations for Carnation so we’ll eat there when we get into the park.”
Chase rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, “Are you high?”
Mike laughed, “Yeah! High on life! Let’s go!” Mike gave his arm a tug and nearly bought him to the floor.
“Whoa, okay, I’m awake,” he said quickly. “Jesus Christ.”
“Get dressed,” Mike prompted. “I love your bedhead” — they tousled his hair with their hand — “But I’m not going anywhere with you like this.”
“Give me a second.”
He blinked and noticed that Mike was already dressed. “When did you wake up?”
“About a half an hour ago,” Mike said. “At 6.”
Chase looked a bit shocked.
“What? I get up earlier for work every morning.”
“Reluctantly. Like an angry bear.”
Mike whacked him with one of the hotel’s pillows. “Shut up and get dressed.”
He did so and joined Mike about 25 minutes later.
Mike tossed him his muffin.
“Banana nut, hmm,” he said when he caught it.
“We should probably get going,” Mike said.
“Don’t we have 35 minutes?” Chase asked.
“Yeah but you should see the crowd.”
Chase ate his muffin on the walk to the park.
Just as Mike suspected, the crowd in front of the front gate of Disneyland was large and more people were coming up behind them.
“Damn,” Chase said. “I guess you were right.”
“Don’t doubt me on my Disney knowledge, Robert,” Mike said, trying not to laugh. Chase was trying to fight a laugh too.
After a while, music started playing and the Disney characters started coming out. It was a cute little performance but Mike could tell that the look of wonder on the kids’ faces all around him was the thing that ended up making him smile.
“My mom used to say that Walt Disney wanted somewhere he could take his kids where he could have a good time too,” Mike said, “And out of that came Disneyland. Whatever all that has become, I’m glad that it's still something magical for kids.”
“Kids whose families can afford it,” Chase said.
“Yeah,” Mike said, a bit sadly.
The gates opened and people began filing in.
Mike handed the person working at the turnstyle the tickets they’d printed off the internet and then the person took their picture and handed them a small paper card. The same went for Chase.
“Whatever you do,” Mike told Chase. “Don’t lose that.”
Chase nodded and looked at the mini garden that had been grown to resemble the head of Mickey Mouse.
“Come on,” Mike said, dragging him to the right, “Main Street’s this way.”
“Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy,” Chase read off the sign of the mini tunnel that led to Main Street. “Huh.”
“First we have to get the hats with the Mickey Mouse ears,” Mike said.
“We do?”
“Of course!” Mike said. “You’ll look cute.”
“I’ll look like an idiot,” Chase said.
“A cute idiot.”
They walked past several people and the sign for the double decker bus to one of the many places one could buy a Mickey Mouse hat.
“Nothing like the classic,” Mike said as they bought two black Mickey Mouse hats with an image of Mickey Mouse stitched to the front.
“Do I have to put the string under my chin?” he asked.
“Only if you want to wear it on the rides,” Mike said. “Which I wouldn’t recommend.”
They each put the hats on their heads.
“See, I told you you’d look cute,” Mike said, giving him a kiss to the cheek.
“Hey, there are kids here,” Chase joked.
Mike rolled their eyes. “Worse happens in The Little Mermaid.”
“Come on,” Mike said. “We have breakfast reservations.”
Mike showed Chase the 8th wonder of the world, the Mickey Mouse waffle and talked about how Main Street is modeled after the United States at the turn of the century 1900.
Then, it was off to find their first ride.
“Usually,” Mike said. “My family and I would go to Tomorrowland first and ride the Buzz Lightyear ride but we can go anywhere.”
“The castle is the way to Fantasyland, yeah?” Chase asked.
“Yep,” Mike said. “It’s Sleeping Beauty’s castle.”
Mike and Chase made their way down Main Street and through the castle into Fantasyland.
“So we have one where you ride in a Dumbo, the Carousel, the Peter Pan ride, the Mad Tea Party, a personal favorite; Snow White’s Scary Adventure, and Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, and lots of other stuff.”
“Mr. Toad from The Wind in the Willows?”
“Yeah,” Mike said. “Also the Disney adaptation The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad.”
“Let’s go on that one.”
Mike shook their head, “No, no, not that one. It’s really boring and it’s really hot in the Hell part.”
Chase laughed. “It’s hot in the Hell part?”
“Yeah,” Mike said. “It’s a really silly ride. Not very fun.”
Chase looked at their partner and got an amused look on his face. “You’re scared of that ride, aren’t you?”
“What, no!” Mike lied. “I’m an adult. I’m not scared of the toad ride.”
“Come on,” Chase said. “I’ll be there to protect you.”
“Stop it!” Mike said all the way there. “Stop milking this!”
When they got off the ride, Chase said, “You’re right. It is really hot in the Hell part.”
Mike, feigning grumpiness, said, “I told you.”
The pair rode several more rides, one of which was the Matterhorn, where they laughed at the announcer’s awful Swiss accent.
Then they left the park for dinner.
“What’s so special about Rainforest?” Chase asked on their way through Downtown Disney. “There were a lot of good places inside the park.”
“Don’t they have one in Atlantic City?” Mike asked.
“Yeah but I’ve never seen it.”
“Then you’ll see.”
Outside the restaurant were several torches with fire in them. Then inside was the register, which was a large elephant, and a gift shop. Beyond the gift shop was a large fish tank.
After checking in at the elephant, Mike told Chase what they knew about Rainforest, “It’s two floors with indoor and outdoor seating. It’s got a really cool ambience and I like the food.”
“You should be their spokesperson,” Chase said.
“We should split a Volcano!” Mike said excitedly.
“Split a what?”
“You’ll see.”
They were called back to the elephant to be seated a little beyond the fish tanks, which were at the sides and overhead of a doorway.
Chase looked around at the audio animatronics all around them. “I see why they call it Rainforest.”
They ordered and ate. Halfway through, the room began to simulate a thunderstorm and Chase was briefly scared out of his skin.
“I wasn’t expecting that,” he said. “For fuck’s sake.”
“No swearing,” Mike said. “This is a family establishment.”
“It’s hard not to when a thunderstorm just happens while you’re eating.”
“It’s cool though, right?”
“Yeah, a little.”
Chase was equally surprised when some waiters bellowed the word "volcano" while carrying a tower of brownies and ice cream with a stick with a poof shaped like a firework sticking out of the top.
"That thing is massive," Chase exclaimed. "How are we going to eat all that?"
"You'd be amazed by what I can eat," Mike joked.
They waited for Chase's look of shock before adding, "Eat the ice cream first, we can get a to-go box for the brownies. I've never eaten this with less than 3 people present."
They returned to the park and rode as much as they could before the ten o’clock fireworks.
“Are my feet supposed to be killing me?” Chase asked on the way to the castle.
“Yep,” Mike said. “You just gotta keep going.”
They were in the middle of a large crowd.
“This is where being tall has its conveniences,” Mike said. “Except when some jerk puts their kid on their shoulders and won’t let you step in front of them.”
“Then I’ll just put you on my shoulders,” Chase joked.
“And one of us will end up breaking something or someone,” Mike said.
Just then, the lights dimmed and the announcer could be heard saying the fireworks show was about to begin.
Then came the music and accompanying fireworks.
Mike put their arm around Chase much to his surprise and it stayed there until nearly the final firework.
The grand finale boomed in the sky. Mike pulled Chase closer to themselves and pressed a passionate kiss to his lips.
An old woman could be heard awwing and a kid ewing but all Mike could sense was the sound of Chase’s beating heart and the blush that had crept up his face.
tag list: @cosmicselfship @pucksfictionallovelife @romancologist @holy-heck-i-love-my-fo @cozyships
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deathbidean · 4 years
my destiel fic recs
okay i don’t know about y’all but i’ve been absolutely binging all of my old fics and desperately trying to find new ones, so i figured i’d share some of my favourites with y’all
Broadway Musical - Griftings : The romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general. I cannot tell y’all how good this is, it’s my literal comfort fic I read it at least once a month.
Assimilation - komodobits : Mary always thought you were supposed to be able to tell. That you could just look at someone and know they were – you know. One of that sort. It’s not supposed to happen to her son. this will break your heart but it’s so beautfully written and just sad :(
One White Lie - komodobits : Castiel takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell. He doesn’t need to run through what he’s going to say – he’s already planned and edited and rehearsed it a thousand times. He is going to ask Dean Winchester out to dinner. If it’s not too forward, he’ll say, perfectly charming. You see, I’ve seen you around the neighbourhood and you always seem so earnest and I’d really like to get to know you bette— The door swings open, and Castiel panics.He intends to excuse himself. He means to apologise and come back some other time. However, in a moment of blind fear, what comes out of his mouth instead are the words, “Could you spare a moment for Jesus Christ?” When i tell you i die from embarrassment and cuteness everytime i read this, i’m not lying.
Castiel Novak’s Office, This is Dean - emmbrancsxxo : Dean Winchester is an executive assistant at an advertising agency. On the day his boss retires, he has an unforgettable one night stand with a new hire, Castiel Novak. The problem: turns out Cas is his new boss. AMAZING!! seriously my god it’s so unbelievably good and sweet and dumb and i love it
all my goodness is gone now with you [15x09 coda] - emmbrancsxxo : There was an odd sort of symmetry to it. This is how their story began: Dean climbing out of a coffin. This is how their story would end: Castiel being put into one. okay no this one really hurt but it’s so beautiful that it’s worth it
one million fires burning - dothraki_shieldmaiden : Dean Winchester teaches three classes a day, tutors after school, and chairs the English Department for Lawrence High School. He does enough. Unfortunately, his boss doesn't feel the same and informs him that he has a new job: co-coaching the school's trivia team. His co-coach? None other than the school's golden boy, Castiel Milton. Who Dean can't stand, for various reasons, all of which are valid, thank you very much. And the fact that Dean can't stop talking about the stick up Cas's, sorry, Milton's ass? Completely irrelevant. this is so fun and sweet and typical Dean being a dumbass!
Dislocation - 6or3dom : And then Castiel finally reunites with Dean.And there is something about Dean.Something about Dean that has Dean pulling Castiel into tight embraces, something about Dean that has Dean running his thumb across Castiel’s cheek with a tender look in his eyes, and something about Dean that has Dean shaking when Castiel says certain things to him, things that are normal, things that should not affect him this way.There is something about Dean that no one is telling him. this hollowed out my chest and hurt so goddamn much but it’s so so worth it
ex nunc. : Death: one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The beginning, and the end. Neutrality at its finest. And neither he nor God can remember anymore who was created first; neither care to. Death is a lonely creature by nature. His other Horsemen are there to help ease the weight of the cross he carries on his shoulder, but sometimes it isn’t enough. Sometimes, he thinks he’s beyond saving. OR: Where TFW (and Crowley) are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. again, this is so beautifully written and so tragic but lovely all the same
Swimming - frozen-delight : "And then you'd kill the angel Castiel, now that one, that I suspect would hurt something awful." In his dreams Dean goes swimming. Sometimes Cas joins him. [Tag for 10x14 "The Executioner's Song". Cas/Dean pre-slash.] a common theme but yes it’s very sad and yes it is beautiful. just general moc Dean hurt.
pt.2 , pt.3
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itsunclebucky · 4 years
Turn of Events
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning(s): Dirty talk, smut, 18+ only please
Word count: 944
A/N: this is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ extended drabbles. I found this pic and Jo and I were trying to figure out what he was looking at and as we do, we came to the most erotic scenarios so this prompt works perfectly! Enjoy ladies. 
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This was certainly a turn of events. One minute you were in the kitchen making coffee and the next you were perched up on the countertop with Bucky wedged between your spread legs making out with you. His fingers interlaced in your hair as he desperately deepened the kiss. His tongue slipping through your parted lips when you moaned at his roughness, then massaging the roof of your mouth. 
Bucky pulled away with hooded and lust filled eyes, his forehead against yours as he panted for breath. His fingers slid up under your long shirt and hooked on either side of your black laced underwear, pulling them down your legs. His eyes watching his own move. Once he had your underwear off, you lifted your arms in the air and he removed your nightshirt, tossing it behind him. Bucky took a moment to admire your beauty. He could physically smell your arousal and it just made him more desperate. 
He brought you closer to the edge of the counter, where your juices had leaked on top and he moaned, trailing his fingertips through your soaking folds and sucking his fingers clean. 
“Doll.” He purred, swiftly tugging his sweatpants halfway down his legs. He gripped his rock hard cock in his hand, moving his hand up and down it a few times before stepping closer to you.
Bucky ran the tip of his cock through your folds a couple of times, gathering as much of your natural lubricant as he could. You felt hot and wet to him and he couldn’t wait to see what your insides felt like. 
Bucky lined his cock up to your entrance and with a gentle push forward, he was in. Bucky moaned loudly, he kept going and going until his pubic bone was flushed against your clit. Bucky was a big man, thick, long and raw. You felt his veins pulsate against your sensitive walls as they squeezed him to death. 
“You’re so fuckin’ wet and tight.” He panted and slowly started to move his hips in and out of you. Your wetness gathering all along his hard shaft and you could hear how wet you were. To Bucky, it was like a jam donut. Wet and moist on the inside. 
“Bucky! Faster.” You moaned and nipped the sensitive skin on his neck and throat. His stubble scratching your swollen lips from the heavy makeout session. He complied and sped up, his balls slapping against you with each hard thrust and you screamed out when his tip massaged your G-spot. 
There was no doubt you were making a hell of a mess on Tony’s new counter top he had fitted that same day. But neither of you gave a shit. All that mattered right now was Bucky’s hard cock massaging your walls and you loved it. 
“God, you’re such a big boy Buck.” Your hands grabbed a hold of his clenched butt cheeks, pushing him flush against you. “We can’t make a mess, Tony will kill us.” You commented with a pant as he thrusted hard and fast into you. Your walls tightening even more around his glorious wand. 
“Fuck. I’ll just have to cum inside you then.” 
“Bucky!” Your mouth fell open and your head thrown head. Bucky took the opportunity to suck on your neck. Your walls becoming sensitive as he repeatedly hit and massaged that sweet spot deep inside that no other man has been able to find until now. “Fuck I’m so close. Don’t stop!” And to make sure he didn’t, you moved your hands from his butt and wrapped your arms around his neck. Your nipples rubbing against his. The heels of your feet dug into his lower back. 
“Cum for me pretty girl. I wanna feel you cum over me.” Sweat dripped between your bodies and your pussy buzzing alive as the coil snapped, sending you into the land of euphoria. Stars and dots invaded your eyesight and your head buzzed as you came down from your high. Squirting all over Bucky’s stomach.
“Y/N JESUS CHRIST!” Bucky moaned when he felt your juices spray his abs. Your walls clenching and unclenching around him. His eyes were screwed shut as he shot his thick white cum all over your shuddering walls. You felt him swell inside and you moaned and came once again from the pure feeling. 
You both stayed still, foreheads touching as you caught your breath. 
“That was amazing.” Bucky commented and looking down at the mess you had caused. 
“Oh you two are fucking disgusting.” Tony’s voice interrupted your moment and you blushed. “THESE ARE NEW COUNTERS! What is wrong with your beds? FRIDAY order a cleanup in the kitchen and order some new counters. And alert the team to avoid the area for the next 72 hours.” Tony walked out with his hands in the air and shaking his head.
“Yes Boss.” The AI responded and you and Bucky burst out laughing. 
“How about we take a nice shower together and try out the mattress?” Bucky suggested and you giggled. 
“Check the strength of the window too?” You winked.
“Oh hell no.” Tony’s voice sounded once again from the doorway. “FRIDAY please remind me to burn whatever room they do it in.” 
“So dramatic.” You laughed, Bucky joined in too. 
“Come on doll. Let’s go.” Bucky lifted you from the counter and your legs wrapped tighter around his waist as the two of you walked out of the newly fitted kitchen buck naked. The team sitting on the couches catcalling and laughing. You buried your face in Bucky’s neck as he purposely wiggled his ass as he walked away. 
Taglist: @jobean12-blog​ @criminal-cookies​ @marvelgirl7​
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Happy Sunday! 🙌💒🎆
Sing unto the Lord; for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all the earth.
Isaiah 12:5 KJV
Join PLWC for our Sunday Worship at 3pm today.
If you cannot come to the outreach in person please join us online via our YouTube livestream:
See you there! 😃
are you ready to rumble. come and Join us. we or go to show some things new and interesting or ready for the January.
Estas listo para rutumbar ven y Unete a nostoros. nostoros o ir a mostrar alunas cosas nuevas e ineresantes. o listo Para el viage.
oletko valid jylisemaan tule ja liity meihin. me ta manna naytlamaan jotan uutta ja mielenkinotoisra tai. valmimiira matkaan.
we or praying for you and or family. make a way. Lord love you. nostoros u orar por usted y su famiia hacer un comino senor te amo. me tu rukoilla sinun jaltai.
perheen pueletta. tehda tie lterra rakastea sinua. Valmis kinittaukeses merivyos. aloitamme klo 15, kiitos palvelun katsomisesta jos unohydat, se on sivuallani jamala siunat koon jamala teita kaikka,
Listo Para norochese el enturon de mar . empowers a las 3pm. Gracias por por el servicio . si te lo pierdes eatara en mi pagina. Dios los bendiga a todos.
ready to Buckle your sea belt. we start at 3pm. Thank you for watching the Service. if you miss it will.be on my page . God bless you?🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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