#JSE writing
This is the last completed chapter. Still debating on whether or not to post the incomplete chapter.
previous chapter is here.
Heros & Villains chapter 9 word count: 1,364
He'd taken a nap after his meal. Though now awake, Jackie continued working on combing through his hair. Not long after he started, he noted that the door remained cracked open, and briefly wondered as he untangled an especially stubborn knot, if that was just because of the cat. He honestly wouldn't be surprised. Finally, he managed to finish combing his hair out. Jackie cradled his right arm. It was aching from the repetitive movements.
“Your arm okay?” Jackie jerked his attention to the door to see Magnificent. When Jackie didn't respond right away, Magnificent spoke again. “Sorry, should have knocked.” Then promptly knocked on the door frame. “Your arm okay?” he repeated his question.
Jackie snorted in response. Then, as he looked down to his arm, said, “It's just sore.” Magnificent stepped into the room. Jackie shot a glance over at him for a second. Then picked up the tray with his left hand and held it out to him. He knew the routine by this point. Magnificent gave him a quick smile in thanks as he took the tray. He was almost to the door when Jackie decided to speak up. “I was thinking I'd take a shower today.”
Magnificent paused. “You think that's a good idea?” he asked, then looked back at him. “With your injuries still healing.”
“I...” Jackie sighed as he recalled Henrik telling him to take it easy. “I don't know. I just want to clean myself up.”
He watched Jackie for a moment. Then shrugged and turned away. “Just don't injure yourself. Washcloth and towels are in the next door over,” he told him as he headed out the door.
Great. Now he was second guessing his shower plans. Maybe... maybe he was right. Both of them. Maybe he should put off taking an actual shower. He still wanted to but... maybe just hot water and a washcloth should work for now. Jackie mulled over it a bit as he turned to look outside. Give his arm a little more time to rest.
Eventually Jackie got up and headed to the door. He paused, half-expecting there to be a barrier as he left the room. There wasn't. Opening the first door he came to, confirmed what Magnificent told him. After choosing a red washcloth, Jackie hesitated when grabbing a towel. Should he just get one of the small hand towels since he wasn't taking a shower? Or should he still get one of the full towels since he'll probably take a shower in a couple days? Jackie glanced down the hall, hoping he wasn't being judged for his indecisiveness. No one was watching; not even the cat. Turning back to the towel closet, he took a second longer before grabbing the full-sized black towel and shut the door.
Stepping into the bathroom, Jackie shut and locked the door. Then wondered if Magnificent would be able to still come in using his magic. Though he doubted he actually would, even if he could. He looked at the mirror. His heart pounded so hard he could physically feel it as he reached up to remove his mask. Its been days since the last time he hadn't worn it. And, considering where he was, he was a little nervous to be without it. But it was also a relief to be able to take it off for even a little while.
Jackie turned on the faucet and, after leaning forward far enough that he was over the sink, splashed some water in his face. He turned the hot water up a little then looked around for the soap. There was some body wash in the tub but no bar of soap. “Well, hope he doesn't mind.” After squeezing some of the body wash onto the wet washcloth, Jackie proceeded to wash his face. He used mostly his left hand since certain motions with his right still hurt.
He paused when he was almost done and eyed the door with caution, and a little anxiety, when he thought he heard something. Could have been the cat. Or Magnificent. Probably his imagination. Jackie finished wiping the suds from his face with the hot cloth before rinsing the cloth and hanging it over the faucet head. It started to drip the excess water into the sink. He did a quick drying of his hands and face before folding the towel and setting it aside. Feeling refreshed, he was a little discouraged having to put his mask back on. But there was no way he was leaving this room without it back on his face. So, reluctantly, he retied the mask over his eyes before he left the room.
It wasn't long after he settled himself back into bed that Magnificent came back to the room. Jackie was curious, and a little confused by the man's appearance. It's unusual for him to come in other then for meals. Instinctively he brought up his guard as Magnificent walked right up to the bed. “Here.” Magnificent stated as he held out a book.
Jackie blinked as he shifted his attention down to the book being held out to him. A little hesitant he accepted it. “What's this?” he asked as he glanced up at him.
“Entertainment.” Their eyes met for just a second before Jackie looked down at the book in his hands. “You said you wanted something to do. To pass the time.”
“Oh right. Thank you.” He didn't want to turn down, or come off as unappreciative, for the offer of entertainment. What if this was the only time he would offer something? He'd be stuck with nothing.
Magnificent turned away but didn't leave. Instead he spoke up. “I.. haven't read it yet. Let me know what you think.” Jackie looked up as he left. Was he...? Was he trying to connect with him? Turning his attention back to the book in his hands he looked it over. The cover had five guys, fantasy warriors from the look of it, four who looked on the older side while the fifth looked maybe half their age. The book looked on the thicker side. He flipped it open to the end. 492 pages. That could take awhile. Maybe that was why he gave it to him. Jackie checked the back to read the synopsis. Huh. Was this what Magnificent thought he would like? Jackie wondered as he looked at the cover again. Well, he might not be wrong. Jackie was curious enough to find out as he opened it to the first page.
He just got to the last page of the first chapter when he spotted Magi walking in. Pausing his reading Jackie watched as the cat sat in the middle of the room and stared at him. “Hi there.” Magi let out a little meow as he got up and walked over hopping up on the bed. He kneeded for a moment before laying down against his leg purring softly. Jackie turned his attention back to the book.
Jackie made it almost to the end of chapter six before he felt himself struggle to keep focused. His eyes were starting to droop. He blinked a few times trying to wake them up and tried again. When he made it to the next page he let out a yawn. How long was this chapter? Flipping the page, he realized he was almost done. He can make it. He can, he just needed to... rest his head back against the headboard with his eyes closed. The chapter was almost done. It was just two more pages. He just needed to focus. Let his eyes rest a moment, not fall asleep, and finish it. With a deep breath, Jackie shifted his position slightly as he straightened up. Magi was sleeping on the bed. He'd been so focused on the book that he'd forgotten the cat had come in. So far it good; even though not much has happened yet, despite being fifty pages in. Looking down at page fifty-one he murmured, “Okay.” He was going to finish this.
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spooky-draws-stuff · 9 months
The cold of winter was here. All chase could do was lie in bed, under many blankets. He rolled onto his side and watched the fresh snowfall as everything looked so soft. but snow was not pleasant, it was cold and melted in his hands whenever Chase would attempt to make something with it. He was lost in thought, remembering yesterday night before being made to leave to stay with Marvin.
Henrik was already worried enough about Chase. He refused to eat, and would only drink water. He would stand up and stare outside his window as the moonlight washed over him, the cozy feeling of autumn quite fleeting as the trees completely lost all their leaves. The stars would sparkle and Chase wouldn't speak. He would sit down and place his hands against the cold glass, his eyes were irritated and boxes of tissues lie in a scattered mess across the floor. Henrik found him like this, and chase was obviously having a stress induced fever.
Why he practically stood up after sitting down (from being dizzy) when Henrik returned to the room the window was open and Chase was desperately trying to crawl outside. Big gusts of wind blew in, the temperature had been dropping more often and it was the first week of winter. Henrik grabbed Chase and pulled him back inside, locking the window and carrying Chase in his arms. He placed an ice pack over his head, and Henrik cried quietly. Chase's eyes were faded in the dim light cast by the lamp in the bedroom which was left on. Chase muttered something but it was so quiet it was like he didn't speak at all.
Henrik hugged Chase gently. It was weird, he wasn't supposed to hug sick patients, but Chase's fever wasn't caused by any serious illnesses, so he decided to take that risk. "Chase, you can talk to me when you're ready. okay? I'm sending you to Marvin's cabin to stay for the rest of the week. It's very peaceful there. You won't have to do any work. Jameson and I agreed. We've talked about this before. We'll be there with you, like a vacation. But my schedule is so busy, I won't be able to go with you until Tuesday. Will you wait for me?" Henrik placed his hand over Chase's head.
"yes. Thank you." Chase smiled before coughing. "water…please…" his voice was hoarse. Jameson walked into the room and handed Henrik a glass of water. Henrik helped Chase drink his water.
Chase sat up and Marvin opened the guest bedroom door,carrying a food tray with soup. There was also a plate with some homemade cookies and a slice of pizza "Are you feeling better, Chase?" Marvin spoke warmly with compassion. "Thanks." Chase started to eat, and Marvin sat down next to him. "The insomnia is getting to you, isn’t it?" Marvin looked at Chase.
"I want to sleep but I can't. And when I do it's not enough. " Chase finished eating his soup.
"You are not a burden to any of us. We care about you so much, and Jackie misses you too. if there's anything you need, just tell me okay? I understand winter makes your depression worse, and this is a very difficult time for you. I'm here to help you eat. and to make sure you get some sleep. I'm also here to make you feel safe, because you know I will fight anyone. No one hurts my friends. ever." Marvin placed his arm around Chase's shoulder.
"I saw Anti again. I was sleeping, then he woke me up, cold claws against my face. He was then hovering above my bed. I was so scared. I couldn't move. red strings were around my wrists. He's trying to get me, Marvin. or he's just messing with me. but I was awake the whole time. He laughed at me again. I screamed for him to go away. but he made my withdrawal anxiety come back. it's like he went inside my head then left." Chase whimpered and took some bites from the pizza slice. "You made this yourself?"
"Well yeah, but it’s Jackie's pizza recipe. Anyway that's horrible and if he goes anywhere near you I'll punch him. When you're done eating, you can watch all the tv and movies you want. I'll even get you the new blanket Jameson made for you." Marvin's tone was angry about Anti, but calm when discussing the pizza recipe.
"You guys are so nice to me. But I miss Henrik and Jameson. When will they be here?" Chase looked nervous.
"Tomorrow. Now please finish your lunch." Marvin pleaded with concern.
@n-anon @kalebsocs @septicwriters
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attentialkane · 2 years
[Listen to September by Sparky DeathCap]
[MH!au oneshot/spinoff]
Chase felt a shiver up his wingless back as he walked inside the house, only with a backpack with a few essentials with him and his australian shepherd Latte, who immediately found itself at home. He instinctively went to scratch the deep scar on his forehead. This was the house where it happened after all, but a pale gentle hand with polished nails stopped him.
"It's okay Chaser, no more."
Chase smiled warmly. The house had been completely renovated by the staying couple since he had moved out. The stench of blood and sickness was long gone and it was now replaced by the smell of houseplants and the sea outside.
There were no screams or cries, no pleads, no bloodtrails, or fighting. The house was warm and perfectly lidded. The basement now returned to what it was designed to be... a simple basement for storage and to keep all of Marvin's books in. Jackie and Marvin watched the head-winged man walk around the house carefully, they knew there was no real danger since they had gotten rid of all the furniture Chase had seen when they all lived there, and thankfully the most that happened was small moments of panic expecting to see something that would remind him of when he died.
They agreed to let Chase sleep with them until he was ready to stay in his room on his own, and helped him settled in. He would be borrowing Jackie's clothes until he built a wardrobe of his own again, and spend most of his time resting until he was ready to start filming again.
Despite the cushy treatment, Chase didn't want to start spending his days locked up at home all the time again, so he decided he'd sing at Marvin's café and help there until he found another film job.
Everything was good. His scars didn't open anymore, and slowly but surely all faded thanks to Marvin's care and magic. He was happy and loved by his partners and reconnected with the friends who believed him to have disappeared years ago. The screaming and heartache didn't crush his body anymore. He was happy, finally where he belonged, finally able to mourn.
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fankayart · 5 months
Tumblr media
“ An electronic, visceral scream. Then his body shattered, the fragments left behind began squirming in an unfathomable pain as each piece aggressively fought to be whole again. ”
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kalcifers-blog · 5 months
Can you also talk about how the fandom also has a tendency to infantilize Jameson (the only character with a confirmed physical disability)? I loved your piece on Chase, I too find it kinda odd how people portray Chase. (Especially if they want a silly soft boy Jackie is right there!)
Oh absolutely this is something that's pissed me off for a really long time.
Jameson Jackson is a fully grown adult man and it is just weird how people infantialize him and just in general make it out that he's completely innocent and can do no harm.
While I do think that JJ can definitely be a sweet guy who's nice and caring I don't think he's the innocent guy everyone portrays him as. I think he has the ability to be just as much of a dick as the other Egos. If anything I could imagine him to be generally unimpressed and not seeing an issue of blatantly letting people know that.
JJ deserves the right to be angry and he deserves to not be nice about it!!
This is my interpretation of the man. So enjoy to anyone who is interested:
(the reason for the cut is that this is fucking LONG dude)
My view on him was that he was the very first person to come into contact with Anti- back in the 1920s. My personal theory is that Anti is attacking very specific individuals because of their abilities, whether they know of their abilities or not. JJ is unaware of his. He often introduces himself to each of the Egos based on what is most likely to affect them the most (for Chase it being a home intruder there to attack his family etc)
Anti took the form of an unknown stranger seemingly stalking him, he didn't really know what to make of him at first, he was just a stranger in the shadows, seemingly just appearing out of nowhere just to stare with eyes that are covered in shadow. Only to walk away calmly, not too long after being noticed, Jameson can't help but notice the stranger getting closer each time he sees him. (There would be weeks or months between each sighting, just long enough for Jameson to almost forget the man before he sees him again)
Everything went wrong during one of his puppet shows. When Anti appeared in the audience and despite the lighting he was still entirely encased in an impossibly dark shadow.
I like to think that JJ was possessed through the rest of his puppet show- yet no one notices. He's internally screaming for someone to notice something is deeply wrong and yet not one audience member can see it. Something about it angered him more than anything- how could any of them, most of them claiming to be close friends of his, not see that something is so horrifying wrong. Except the one audience member obviously.
I think after that experience JJ went out searching for anyone who would listen to him. His story was unbelievable and was often over looked- which lead him to the likes of IRIS, an extremely new company that was the first to hear him out, to actually listen to him.
Jameson Jackson hasn't left IRIS since- he made a deal with them, they'd help keep his tormentor at bay if they are allowed to understand the power he possessed- which turned out to be time manipulation, allowing him to effectively be unaffected by time but being forced to watch as the world moves on without him several times over. He's not immortal? Like he's able to die and other than his ability to warp time he's still extremely human.
He prefers to stay in IRIS, the entire time he's been there Anti hasn't found him since. And he definitely isn't going to be happy when he finds out he's been released.
Since he's been in IRIS so long I think he's very well respected amongst the staff. Especially since a lot of them know just how dangerous a man with nothing to lose and the ability to warp time can truly be. Like Chase he doesn't want to be a danger, he doesn't enjoy harming people but I think he has spent lifetimes worth of living in so much fear of his tormentor and seeing it spread and effect so many other people that he's willing to do whatever it takes at this point to snuff Anti out for good
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greydoesthearts · 1 month
Time Jump (Sunspell)
Words: ~900
Marvin was 10 years old, entering into his first day at Ebon Hall. He clung to his backpack straps tightly, as if they'd keep him on the ground when he felt so ready to simply float away. The sights and the sounds and the smells of the school were all too much at once. And he quickly realised not knowing anybody here was going to make this so much harder, unlike the other students who were already in their cliques and friend groups, leaving him to flounder atop of everything.
His eyes roamed the classroom as he gripped the straps of his bag in misfocus, so the hand tapping at his shoulder was enough to make Marvin nearly jump out of his skin, rounding on the culprit with fear, then intrigue.
A kid about his age, with short locs atop their head, who was smiling at him like they hadn't made his ghost leave his body and return. Then before he realised what was happening, the kid was sticking their hand out to him and introducing themself, "I'm Sunday."
Marvin faltered for a moment longer as his brain got up to him and then he grabbed their hand back. "Marvin." For a young kid, their grip was strong as they shook his hand, holding it and leading him to a seat next to them.
The rest of their school year together went much the same.
Marvin was 13 years old, making a replica of his future magic necklace with Sunday when he was pulled off of Sunday's bed by the blanket he was lying on, their hand pressing against his head as they held it out of the way playfully, both giggling all the while.
Marvin was 17 years old, playing his handheld upside down on his couch with Sunday curled up on the next cushion. He could feel their eyes on him every so often, usually when the game they were playing together got particularly exciting--namely when it seemed Sunday was about to beat him, and then didn't.
"Oh, come on, you can't keep doing that!" he shouted, hanging his arms down to the floor.
"Do what?" Sunday asked, smirking and biting their lip. "Losing?"
"Letting me win! It's not fair if I get all the wins because you keep staring at me..." he said it only vaguely annoyed, but more confused, the question popping out before he could keep it in and he lifted his head to look at them. "Why do you keep doing that, anyway?"
Sunday shrugged, looking back to their own gaming device before peeking at Marvin and seeing their friend roll his eyes, then getting back to the game. They couldn't stop themself from looking again, at the way his growing hair fell to the floor in a mop of auburn, and his green eyes stared at the device, and his tongue poked out in concentration...
Marvin's eyes rose again, and this time Sunday didn't look away, their intent staring causing heat to flood to Marvin's face--he'd deny it was anything but his position hanging off of the couch.
Marvin was 22 years old, getting ready to graduate uni, smiling at his mum and Ramesses as he achieved his long-time dream, then turning and winking at Sunday as they took their diploma next--pride swelled in his chest as he watched them happily live out their dream as well, a blush settling on his face that he couldn't be bothered to hide.
Marvin was 28 years old, a full-fledged magician of The Magic Circle, thus leading him and his fellow magicians to danger more and more often, including good old, capable Sunday. That didn't stop the worry building in his stomach as he saw the attack headed straight towards them.
He shouted at them, but ran at the same time, suddenly lunging and getting them to the ground just in time. Their breath fanned his face as they tried to gain it back, their eyes wide as they stared up at Marvin. Their heart was pounding wildly, the sound filling their ears and blocking out the sounds of the fight around them; it felt like it was just them and Marvin in the world right now.
"I warned you," Marvin chided, before noticing the position the two of them were in, and he couldn't stop his eyes from flitting to Sunday's lips, the only thing visible of their face, his mind wandering even though they were in the middle of battle. But... they were hidden well enough, he supposed, carefully leaning down to kiss Sunday and revelling in the way he flustered them so easily, just like they had his whole life.
As he went to move off of them to help them back up, they grabbed his cloak and pulled him back down, kissing him fervently as if it was the last kiss they'd ever get.
Marvin was 35 years old, splayed out on the couch with his head in Sunday's lap, their soft hands running through his hair and lulling him into a calm as he hummed and enjoyed their company with Higgins on his own knees, petting the cat just as calmly, words forming in his mind that he shot out without thinking as he looked up at Sunday: "I love you."
Sunspell Tags: @glass-trash-bab @the3rddenialist @kalcifers-blog
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madhare0512 · 1 month
Septic Egos Headcanon
They consider each other family, Anti being the head of it
Chase is constantly reigning Anti in, which is a shock to other egos.
Jackie maintains a good relationship with various other egos in various other families, including the Silver Shepherd (superheroes), Bones (favorites), MadPat (god-fucking knows), and Unus (Unus is somehow calming for Jackie
Marvin is the most powerful magic person, and he never fails to lord that over the other Septic egos
JJ can speak, but often doesn't, he prefers to sign and use his boards
Anti likes to torment and play pranks, but if anyone else looks at the other Septic egos wrong, he can and will kill them in a heartbeat
Marcas and Shawn kinda stick together because their stories are kinda similar. Shawn has his Bendy dolls, and Marcas has his Playtime Co dolls
Marvin is the oldest of them, Anti after him, then Jackie, they kinda tend to stick together
Robbie can be childlike but is also very much an adult
Sometimes there are flickers of others, like Mack, Bing, or S34n, but not all the time
Fights between the Septics are usually settled quickly, when they start to hit more than two days, the others get worried
The Septic egos all share a bad fear of heights
Jackie is scared of spiders
Marvin has a cat familiar named Sam
Anti is allergic to Same
When playing human - Andrew Septic, Marvin Magnum, Jackson Mann, Robert Mori, Marcas Brickley, Chase Brody, Henrik von Schneeplstien, Shawn Flynn, and Jameson Jackson
If someone yells "Jackson!" with out being specific, both Jackie and Jamie are gonna look up
The Septics adopted both MadPat and Blankgameplays as their siblings as well
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Whispers Of An Echo
… hello?
"Hm?… oh, no no no no, not this again…"
… hello, are you there?
"W-wait, no, this is… different…"
"… hello?"
You can… you can hear me?
"… yeah, yeah! I hear you! Who are you?"
I'm… my name is Echo! Who are you?
"I-I'm Chase!… wait, where are you? H-how can I hear you?"
That's… oh, um, well, hard to explain–
"How… wait– can you get me out of here?"
… no…
"Then why are you talking to me?…"
"… are you trapped here, too?"
… I am, but I might as well give up hope of ever leaving this place…
"… no no no, no, don't say that. No. If both of us work together? We can get out of here!"
… they're too strong. They'll keep us both locked up…
"Wh-what do you mean? How… how do you know that?"
It's him. They're tracking HIM. You've seen him, right?…
"You've seen him, too?… what does he want?"
I… I think he wants YOU, Chase. His energy– it follows you. Something about you is… special. Even I can feel it.
"Wait… what– I don't understand. What do you mean, I'm 'special'?"
… I think I've said too much. I should go–
"No… no no no no, no, please, don't go! Please, I need to know!–"
"Echo? Are you there?…"
"… oh, come on, please don't leave me alone here…"
(hi hello this is my take on Chase's conversation with Echo. there may be more writings like this to come. for now though, enjoy!)
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septiccoffeefreak · 10 months
Every chapter i write of this goddamn My Immortal Adventures fanfiction gets worse and worse. I thought I knew the plot of My Immortal. it is becoming increasingly clear that I did not know, oh boy, how horribly I did not know, the true depth to which this rabbit hole goes. I'm 14 chapters in. 14 chapters in and 30 more left to go. Is this the payment for my crimes, the reckoning of my folly? By god. I will never be free. I will never be free and Jackieboy Septic Boyman Greenway will laugh with Ebony Darkness Dementia Ravenway before him as I crumble at their feet. mercy on me oh vengeful spirits. you do not know the content you seek. i bear the fruits of my labour with so much sorrow. do not ask for who the bell tolls- it tolls for fucking ME.
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save-jacksepticeye · 3 months
Does anyone else still think about the postcard sometimes? I don't even really watch Jack's videos much anymore but let me tell you I still think about "Wish You Were Here" at least once a week
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Longest chapter so far. Previous chapter here.
Heros & Villains Chapter 7 word count: 2,951
When Jackie woke later, he slowly stretched his limbs until he felt the ache. His left leg hurt more than his right. And his right arm hurt more than his left. He could feel the soreness in the rest of his body. The multitude of cuts. The stab wound... It was going to take time, longer than he would like, before he was well enough to leave. As he turned his head to look through the gap in the curtain, he wondered what time it was. How long he'd slept for this time. Was it almost dinner time? When will he see Magnificent again? So far he's only been coming by to drop off meals. And during that phone call earlier. The conversation was nice, though brief. It wasn't even the subject; it was just, having someone else in the room for a bit. He was used to having people available to talk to.
Bird watching wasn't available this time. So instead he watched the clouds slowly drift by. He felt his eyes drift closed. Jackie laid there for a few minutes before he let out a breathe and slowly reopened his eyes. He had to distract himself otherwise he'll fall asleep again. Part of him wouldn't mind if he dosed back off. But he'd rather not. He's slept so much already. Though sleeping was an easy time waster, he'd rather waste time doing something else. Jackie pushed himself up with his left arm and reached over and picked up his water bottle. Looks like he was going to start running out soon. Maybe he should refill it in the bathroom, he thought as he drank some.
Jackie let out a yawn. Definitely got to get up and walk around. He moved to the edge of the bed and made his way to his feet. He'd kept hold of the bottle as he got up so he wouldn't have to try to bend over to pick it up. Since he knew that would hurt. Opening the closet door, he stepped into the bathroom. Turning on the tap, Jackie filled the bottle before setting it down on the counter and turning off the water. “Tomorrow,” he muttered after inspecting his reflection. He finished up and headed back to the bedroom with the water bottle, shutting the door on his way out.
He really wanted to clean himself up. Do basic hygiene. But, he didn't really want to take Magnificent's stuff. There wasn't an extra toothbrush or comb out that he could use. After settling back down on the bed, though seated this time, Jackie attempted to untangle his hair with is fingers. He gave up pretty quick with his right arm, but kept at it with his left. It was time consuming but kept him focused and awake. Though he did complain a bit about the fact he hadn't gotten it cut yet. He'd been planning to but, as it usually goes, things always came up making him postpone it. Eventually he did give up, for now, in his attempt of ridding his hair of knots.
Jackie thought again about the time. And wished, again, for something to do. His options were pretty slim. He could do some more bird watching. But there was no guarantee there would be any. Though if he got up to look out the window he might have better luck... His eyes settled on the window. Then a thought came to him and he turned to look to the closet door. Magnificent told him if it was open you couldn't access it from the hallway. So that meant... Jackie got to his feet and made his way to the door. If he needed to speak to the man, he just had to leave the door open. Magnificent would be forced to come in the room. It was a perfect plan. He stood by the window to look outside as he waited.
Though it wasn't until he'd settled himself back in bed when he heard a light knocking in the hallway. Then silence. The silence lingered for a bit; then the door to the room cracked open. Magnificent, once he noticed Jackie in bed, stepped in and closed the door behind him. “You... forgot to close the door.” He started to the door to the bathroom when Jackie spoke up.
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you.” Magnificent froze. He turned his head slightly in his direction. Though he neglected to respond. Jackie found himself hesitating slightly, though wasn't entirely sure why. He'd already planned out the questions and requests he'd wanted to ask. “Can I, uh, Could I get a shirt? Or something.”
As Magnificent looked at him fully, Jackie saw the realization click as his expression changed. “Oh! Yeah. Sorry. I'd meant to ask your doctor about your injuries but... I'll find something. But I gotta,” he sent a quick glance to the bathroom door.
“Yeah. Yeah, of course.” As Magnificent stepped into the room, Jackie called after him just as the door was being closed. “Just don't forget about me.”
Jackie heard him leave the bathroom. Then nothing. Just as Jackie wondered if he was coming back there was a brief knock on the door, followed immediately by the door being opened. He closed the door again after he entered. In his hand there was a folded black shirt. Magnificent stepped closer and held out the shirt. Jackie accepted. As he set it down on his lap, Jackie spoke up, “So, what time is it anyway? Since it looks like you have an aversion to clocks.”
Was that a smile? Did Magnificent find his joke funny? “Believe it or not but I do have a clock.”
“Just not in here.”
“Just not in here.” Yep. That was amusement. There was a pause. “I was about to get dinner started.” He didn't actually tell him the time, but Jackie could guess by the statement.
“What's on the menu tonight?”
“Rice.” Just rice? He hoped there'd be something more then, just rice. But even if there wasn't, he would accept whatever was given to him for food. Since he would like to think that, as he had told him yesterday, Magnificent wouldn't compromise his meals. “So, what other questions you got in that head of yours?” For just a second Jackie tensed before realizing the tone he had used. There was no sharpness to it. Just, casual. Bordering on amusement. Almost like he was teasing him...
Shit his questions! “Well...” Right that was it. “Where -” Wait. How would he react to that?! Should he ask the other one? That ones not much better though. Magnificent tilted his head in question. Better choose one and quick. “Where's my stuff? You know, my clothes?” He watched as his expression, what he could see of it under his mask, shifted. And Jackie's thoughts screamed that he asked the wrong question. But he quickly shoved the thought aside. “I mean... It got damaged pretty good. I thought I could probably try to fix it.” He paused, then spoke again. “I just want something to do to pass the time.”
“... Maybe later.” Magnificent told him, his voice quiet. The silence lingered. “I should start dinner.” Magnificent turned and headed to the door.
“Um...” Magnificent paused and Jackie hesitated, unsure whether he should ask more of him. “Sorry, but... Do I have free rein of the bathroom?” At that Magnificent turned to look at him. Jackie quickly rephrased his question. “I mean, can I take a shower? Or, do you have an extra toothbrush?”
“Yeah.” He paused for a second. “Uh,” he pointed back towards the door with his thumb. “In the door.” He stopped, then tried again. “The room between this one and the bathroom. There's towels and washcloths. I'm sure I have extra stuff in the bathroom somewhere.” He turned back to the door. “Just, if it looks like I use it leave it alone.”
“Yeah. Of course.” As Magnificent opened the door to leave, Jackie managed a “Thank you,” before the door was closed.
Jackie's mood had dulled considerably. His eyes drifted down to his lap and landed on the shirt he was given. Unfolding it, he lifted it slightly to get a good look at it. It was solid black and looked a size, probably two, too big for him. There was no way Magnificent was that much bigger than he was. Jackie set the shirt aside as he thought back at their interactions. Magnificent was acting a lot different than usual. And by usual, he meant when they faced off against each other. As hero and villain. But, he supposed, so was he. The closest either of them were to those roles was when Jackie first woke up here. When they faced each other down with only Magnificent's barrier between them. He felt like he was getting a look behind the curtain. What Magnificent was really like. And it was nothing like he would have expected. Though if he were being honest with himself, he hadn't really put too much thought to it. Since he too wasn't exactly the same. There was Jackie-boy Man the hero and Jackie. They were similar, sure, but they were also very different.
He let out a sigh. Who was he kidding. He didn't even know where his Jackie-boy Man persona ended and where he began. Shifting slightly, Jackie grabbed the water bottle and chugged some before turning his attention to the window. He had to get his thoughts somewhere else.
After awhile of cloud watching, and hoping to see some birds, he got up to go to the bathroom. When he finished, Jackie stood quietly, listening. He faintly heard Magnificent talking but couldn't make out what he was saying. When he got back to the bed he picked up the shirt, mulled over it for a moment before he struggled into it. Other then the dull ache in his right arm, Jackie started to feel more comfortable already.
It wasn't long later when there was a knock on the door. Magnificent quietly slipped into the room. Jackie noted that he didn't close the door this time, unlike the previous two times he'd entered. Odd, why did he earlier then..? The thought dissipated as Jackie eyed the tray. Magnificent offered a slight smile as he handed the tray over. Just as he told him earlier, it was rice. Jackie couldn't help his smile. It wasn't just rice. There was also chicken and veggies all mixed in some sauce. Not a lot sauce. Probably just something to add flavor. The only time Jackie ate like this was when he went out to eat.
“You look happy with dinner.” Magnificent stated as Jackie picked up his fork, ready to dig in.
Jackie stopped, fork halfway to his mouth. “I...” He lowered his fork feeling a little self-conscious. “Yeah.” He paused for a second before he mumbled, “It looks really good.”
“I'm not stopping you.”
After a quick glance at Magnificent, Jackie lifted his fork and took a bite. It was good. Really good. Did he really make this or order it from a restaurant good. What if he used magic to make it taste as good as it is? Can you even use magic to do that? No, he's probably just a cook on the side. That would make the most- “Magi no!” Jackie jerked his head up to see Magnificent going for the door. Next thing he knew a cat jumped on the end of the bed, froze, and stared at him. “Magi,” the cat looked back at Magnificent. “You can't be in here.” Then Jackie watched as the cat, who he assumed its name was Magi, turn away and sniff at his food before turning and proceed to kneed the blanket. Magnificent sighed heavily.
So, he has a cat. That's... somehow not surprising. Jackie's never had a cat. His family had a dog when he was younger though. He watched as Magi laid down, one paw stretched out towards him. “I'm sorry.” Jackie looked up. Henrik?
Magnificent huffed and looked out of the room. “What happened?”
“Once he heard you talking he ran to look for you.”
“Of course.” Magnificent turned to the bed. Stepping closer he spoke up. “Come on Magi, it's time to go.” The cat meowed without lifting its head. “Magi.” Another meow but louder that sounded vaguely like 'no'. Magnificent stopped and glanced at Jackie. He sent one more look to his cat before turning and heading out of the room.
Jackie, after the other man left, looked at the cat. “Well,” he said as he scooped some of the food on his fork. “Looks like it's just you and me kitty.”
“Not quite.” He nearly choked on his dinner. Jackie coughed and reached for his water bottle as Henrik stepped into the room. “Henrik.” Henrik smiled and waited patiently as Jackie opened the water bottle to drink and recuperate. “I thought he didn't want us to meet?”
“I suppose he changed his mind.” Henrik stepped over and sat on the edge of the bed. Magi lifted its head to look at him before resting his head back down. “How are you feeling Jackie?” Henrik asked.
“Eh. Okay I guess.” He took another bite. “I'm just bored. Getting tired of sleeping all the time.”
“You need the rest.”
“But I'm bored.”
“And you are whining. Magi I'm sure will keep you company. Now that he has access to the room.” He lightly touched the cats back and he let out a trill noise. Henrik gave him a couple strokes down the back before pulling his hand back.
Jackie eyed the cat before he kept eating his meal. They sat in silence while he ate. Which was fine for Jackie. Honestly he was just happy to have Henrik there. A familiar and trust worthy person; someone he could relax and let down his guard with. He didn't have to hide with him. Henrik was probably the person, out of everyone in his life, who knew him the best.
“I assume he is taking care of you?” Henrik asked when Jackie finished his dinner.
“Yeah? Mostly I guess. He doesn't really come check on me but he does make me meals. Which are really good by the way. What is he a cook? Was his villain origin story someone talking shit about his cooking?” Henrik just smiled as he rambled. Tight lipped about the other mans background. “Oh and he gave me bathroom privileges. I plan on showering tomorrow.”
“You need to take it easy.”
Jackie let out a sigh and nearly rolled his eyes. “There's not many other choices other then taking it easy. I've been sleeping for practically forty-eight hours. I'm dying for something else to do.”
“Jackie I am serious. Do not push your body too hard. You should not be up and moving about too much.” This time Jackie did roll his eyes.
“I get up for the bathroom and to look outside. I doubt that counts as 'moving about too much'.”
“No, I suppose it would not.”
Jackie caught the irritation in his voice. He looked away. “Sorry. The restlessness is getting to me. I know I need to rest.”
Henrik was quiet for a moment. “I don't want you to strain your injuries.”
“I promise I'm being careful.” Jackie told him.
“I know. I-” He stopped as his phone started ringing. Magi lifted his head to stare at him. Getting up, Henrik checked his phone before turning to Jackie and told him he had to go before answering his phone as he stepped out of the room.
He was in a hurry, Jackie thought as he watched him leave. Maybe it was the hospital. An emergency. It was nice to see him though, even if it wasn't for long. Jackie set the tray aside before laying down. He accidentally bumped the cat. “Sorry kitty.” Magi got up and stretched. Then hopped down off the bed and sauntered out of the room. “I said sorry,” Jackie called after him.
It wasn't long later, maybe five minutes, ten at most, when Magnificent came back into the room to collect the tray. He wasn't alone though. Magi came walking in behind him. He rubbed up against Magnificent's legs before hopping back up on the bed. They watched as he bumped Jackie's arm slightly, who then moved it a little, and nestled down against his side with his head resting on Jackie's arm. “So you forgive me?” Magi give his arm a little lick before he started purring.
“Sneaky little traitor,” Magnificent muttered as he left the room. He paused only to pull the door mostly closed, leaving it only cracked open. Jackie didn't think he was meant to hear that. Though it felt like he claimed a victory over him. It was a bit humorous to think that and he couldn't help but smile.
Jackie just laid there for awhile, not really thinking about anything. Except that there was a cat napping next to him. He'd never really seen himself as a cat person. He let his eyes drift closed. Maybe someday he might consider getting one if they're all this cuddly.
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spooky-draws-stuff · 1 year
Chapter 1, full ego story
The bangs from his long brown hair brushed past his tired eyes. He wore a red hoodie, blue jeans, and quality running shoes. It seemed as though running was all Jackie could do, to protect himself to keep away from his friends. But the question still remained if this isolation was worth it. Jackie pressed his hands against the icy glass window as the sky thundered above and the rain poured out. He stared at the moon in all of its beauty, and emptiness that longed to be filled weighed down his heart just like the wind brought its mighty pressure onto the branches. How he wanted to run again, feeling that wind moving against him. But Jackie could not run anymore. He couldn’t even remember where his powers came from or why he had them. He used to be able to use shock blasts of electricity from those gloves he built. Of course there were no use against….
Jackie paused and shut his eyes, his fingers clenching into fists as the anger took hold. He didn’t want to remember what happened that night. So the fire could not work, and there was the immunity to electricity. At least Marvin’s plants could slow down the enemy. Jackie was strong, unusually strong. But his speed powers are what helped him. And with that gone, there would be no saving those he cared for the most. Jackie walked away from the window and slumped down on the couch. He reached his arm out to the table to pick up the glass bottle of whiskey. Much to his disappointment it was empty. Exhaustion crept over him, and he decided it was time to rest. 
The sound of claws made an eerie scratching sound against the wooden coffee table. A shadow loomed over Jackie, waiting for a response. Colorful glitches poured light into Jackie’s living room. Long claws extended themselves to wrap around Jackie’s arms, squeezing them tightly. Jackie’s eyes fluttered open, and his chest heaved in looming dread. His hands twitched nervously and he turned his head around the room, to notice those emerald eyes whose light beamed against him. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!” He screamed in fury. The voice’s booming laughter echoed throughout the room as the shadow released its hold on Jackie and condensed itself into its true shape. “I’m the one you’ve been waiting for. Please, call me Anti.” 
Anti had dark brown hair that was very fluffy, and he always kept it neat looking. He was dressed in all black, and carried a chef’s knife with him. He wore lace up boots and had a red gnash across his neck, something he chose not to heal to remember his victory over Jack. His body stopped glitching as he stabilized and he hovered above the floor. 
“Poor thing, trying to use elements I’m immune too. I control any technology, and I like to play with fire. Did you really believe you could stop me?” Electrical sparks flew off of Anti’s body, and fire lit up in his hands.  
Jackie rolled his eyes in annoyance. “What did you do to me? What happened to my speed powers?” He stood up from the couch, glaring at Anti. “Oh well all that high stress can’t be good for you. You’ve lost your focus. But I could help you, only if you give me one thing in return.” Anti snapped his fingers and a red thread appeared, hovering in front of Jackie. “No. I’m not going back. EVER.” Jackie turned away and stared at the window. “I can’t go back. My friends don’t trust me anymore. All because you promised you would help me when my powers stopped working. But that was a lie. You hurt everyone. Not even Marvin could fight me. I was left alone.” Tears filled Jackie’s eyes as he held back choked sobs.
“Oh you’re so stupid. Of course I used you. But what if I could train you, make you stronger. So the next time we fight, it would be more fair. After all, fighting you isn’t fun if it’s easy.” Anti smiled and held out his hand to Jackie. Jackie frowned at Anti and stared at him. “I don’t get it. You're so angry and yet all your moves are controlled and perfectly coordinated. How did you do that?” Jackie hesitated to step closer to Anti. 
“It’s good to see someone finally appreciating me. While my powers are indeed fueled by rage, yours seem to be determination, the desire to protect others. Perhaps you should consider focusing on what matters to you the most. You’re decent at fighting, but what you lack is appreciation for yourself. When I took over, I could read everything about you….” Anti lowered himself to the floor and stopped floating. 
Jackie placed his hands over his head. “Do not tell anyone about my plastic dinosaur collection.  I’m begging you.” Jackie covered his face in embarrassment. Anti grinned, his fangs gleaming. “Of course…” he hissed. “What I’m saying is I can’t understand why you hate yourself so much.” 
“Well…I’m not sure either. But seriously, why are you here?” Jackie growled.
“I already explained that to you. Now next time you charge at me, I want you to think about what matters to you most. Oh and one last thing…” Anti’s fist plunged against Jackie’s jaw and a few teeth became loose, and blood poured out of Jackie’s mouth. “I still hate you!” Anti spoke in a cheery tone as he glitched away. 
Jackie was stunned and ran to his fridge to get ice. He pulled out his phone and texted Henrik. 
The reply he got was passive aggressive. But Henrik would be there soon. Besides, it wasn't that late anyway. Things would get better, Jackie would just have to wait.
@n-anon @malaboos-bodacious-blog @septicwriters
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pxppet · 6 months
Tumblr media
A short thing about my Jameson and Anti, in which Anti gifts Jameson signs of his ownership.
[CW for blood, possessive relationship, abusive husband, mentions of rot and maggots]
Gentle whirring fills the room, deafening to him, as the machine’s needle traces bee sting lines into Jameson’s throat. He is sitting still. Patient. Still. As Anti told him to. Or else, or else. But he can’t stop the tears pricking his eyes or the slight heaving of his chest as his master works. He has his eyes closed, but he can feel Anti staring at him, eating him up and making him feel like squirming.
“Still,” Anti’s voice comes, a single word command that freezes Jameson into a statue. “We’re almost done, sweetheart. Look at me, hey.”
JJ opens his eyes, allowing a tear to escape and slide down his cheek. Anti’s thumb moves upward and brushes it away, the overgrown nails of his host body dangerously close to his eye. Jameson does not flinch. “What are you drawing?” JJ dares to question. Thankfully, Anti just smiles at him, his eyes fading from black into more human-like green ones as he regards his husband.
“It’s my mark, Bluejay.” His hand rests very lightly on the half-done circle he’s tracing around Jameson’s neck with the tattoo gun. “My blood is in it. It binds you to me.” Anti smiles, his face subtly shapeshifting with his glamor and becoming softer with healthy round cheeks, shining curly hair and a boyish smile. “Forever.”
JJ smiles at him, or tries to anyway. His lip is trembling slightly from the pain. “Thank you, Anti,” he signs, A-husband, A-knife, as his name goes.
“No need to thank me, pet,” he coos, grabbing his chin and wiggling his head back and forth. “Though I do have something for you, once we’re done.”
Jameson perks up with curiosity, but then the tattoo gun is moving back to his skin, right over his jugular, which makes him hiss air through his teeth with pain. It touches down, lifts, touches down, lifts, in a circular pattern. JJ wonders what it will be. Anti had spent quite a bit more time on the back of his neck, but JJ counts his blessings that the front is seemingly quicker.
Eventually, Anti hums with satisfaction and sets down the gun. He wipes the new markings clean, clearing the excess ink and spots of blood. “Want to see, Jay?” Jameson nods, hesitant. His hand flexes in the handcuff Anti attached to the table, just in case – even though JJ would never run. Anti holds a mirror up to him. Jameson observes a dotted line circling his entire neck that leads to a smaller circle wrapping around his adam’s apple.
“This is on the back,” Anti says, drawing a piece of paper into his view, “My symbol. My name.” His voice is soft, distant, as though his thoughts are elsewhere. The symbol is a rather complex seeming sigil that makes no sense to JJ. Anti grins at Jameson with a mouth of dog’s teeth, touching his collarbone. He touches Anti’s hand, shaking minutely. “What do we say?”
“Thank you,” JJ offers him the simple sign shyly.
“That’s a good boy. Would you like your gift now?”
JJ nods, nervousness overridden by curiosity for now. Anti reaches into the back pocket of his black jeans, fishing around with a curse. Pulling out a small black box, he turns back to him, a certain light filling his face. Jameson tries not to so obviously bask in his husband’s rare good mood. “Jameson, lover and light of mine,” he purrs, “Pet and husband. Mine.” He pulls open the box, revealing a small gold ring, a simple band with only a single small sapphire implanted into the band. Jameson feels his mouth fall open faintly, staring at it with widened eyes.
Anti’s fingers come up and tap his mouth shut, laughing. “What, did you think I’d never propose properly? Just because you were given to me already mine doesn’t mean I can’t treat you to something nice.” Anti feels his appearance shift, Henrik’s sharp face, Marvin’s full beard, Chase’s freckles and doe eyes all filled in with black, and Jameson’s own curled hair, dark and highlighted with silver by the sunlight from the window – he is terrifying and beautiful, and he knows it.
JJ takes him in very obviously, his eyes beginning to water as he leans forward against Anti’s chest, overwhelmed. He’s not treated to gifts very often, and it makes him sheepish and distant with embarrassment. “Thank you, A-husband. Thank you.” He signs shakily against Anti’s chest. Anti taps his chin and chest, pulls the hands away softly. “Love, cherish, love,” he promises to him. JJ cannot sign it back because of his cuffed hand, so he simply nuzzles at Anti’s neck in appreciation.  
Anti picks up Jamie’s free hand, regarding the thick keloid in the center from when he put a knife through it, and all the minute scars around it. His beautiful handiwork. He kisses the scar, and then slips the wedding band onto his ring finger. “To have and to hold, ‘til death do us part. You are mine to treasure until the day I kill you.”
Jameson nods in agreement, examining the band with wide eyes. It’s so beautiful – a blue stone for Anti’s bluejay. He runs his thumbs over it, loving. But there’s a subtle sickness in his guts at those words, "‘til death." Anti has already promised to him that the day Jameson dies, it will be because Anti decided it – he is not allowed to die on his own. And Jameson had promised in return to stay with him until that time comes. His gaze darkens with bitterness for a moment, like maggots crawling in his stomach. He shivers and he thumbs the ring, his cuffed hand clenching on itself as Anti moves around putting things away.
Jameson can practically already feel the rolling of worms beneath his flesh – he will be a dead thing on Anti’s floor one day. As Anti comes to kiss his forehead and lead him to their bed with promises of consummation, Jameson feels like he might already be that dead, rotten thing, being eaten away on his husbands floor.
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n-anon · 10 months
(TW: Lost Memories, crying, mentions of blood, bandages, stitches) Description: Deja Vu
Beep. Beep. He rubbed the wound on his arm, as it was itching, in the background he heard the monitors going off, a heart monitor letting out steady beeps. He took a shaky breath, getting lost in the rhythm. Beep. Beep. He grabbed a magazine nearby and his vision blurred, tears falling onto the paper. Why was he crying? Were the beeps louder? A copper taste formed on his tongue as he licked his suddenly dried lips Beep. Beep. "Why are you crying?" A small voice asked, he turned, meeting the eyes of a small kid, innocent, alone. A reminder. Of what? The static fogged his brain and he rubbed his eyes, blinking, familiar blue eyes stared back from the mirror across the way. They were red from the tears. Beep. Beep. 'It feels like I lost a friend' The words left unsaid in his mind, echoing, but he couldn't remember. Why? Why? Why? He turned back to look at the kid and smiled sadly, his reply flat and simply made, ending right as the monitor in the background made its final beep. Beep...Beep......beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.... "I have no idea."
(A/N: And c!Jack is no longer here. HE DED FAM 😭😭😭anyway this is a sort of send-off, I will write him as a one-off here and there, but from now on-canon wise at least, rip my guy, you were great.) Tag List: @pyranoia @altr114209anon @spooky-draws-stuff @a-bnana @vwoop-prince @innocent-angel3 @randowaffle @fear-is-nameless @therealtiger77 @heely3feely @roesavalonsigma
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kalcifers-blog · 5 months
Hurt/Comfort :33!!! Enjoy!!!!
"What the hell were you thinking??"
Sunday's voice spoke, a tone just above a whisper, heavy with concern. Hearing them with such a tone pulled at Marvin's chest in a way that hurt more than the actual injury he sustained. The injury itself had bled out into the gauge Sunday was applying to it, a habit they always did before performing a healing spell.
'The spell never gets rid of the blood, it's always better to clean it first before you stain anything' Marvin thought- it was something an old tutor had told them some years ago now, Marvin couldn't even remember her name- but what she had taught them both stuck with them, Sunday especially it seemed.
Marvin didn't have an answer for Sunday. He just thought he could handle the thing that had appeared out of seemingly nowhere- at the time it seemed manageable. But the thing was smarter than it looked and ended up incapacitating Marvin far quicker than he expected.
'For all your skills Marvin, you just can't help but get blindsided by your own ambition.' Ramesses had once told him- he knew he was right. He always was. Marvin was just too proud to admit it.
"I'm sorry-"
It was the only thing Marvin could think of saying. It made Sunday pause, looking into Marvin's lime green eyes to see any hint of a mistruth. But there was none, just a look of genuine hurt and apology.
"I wasn't thinking- I thought I could handle it by myself-"
Sunday responded, they were trying to sound cold. But years of friendship made Marvin acutely aware of the hurt behind their words.
"Sunny I'm sorry I just- I didn't know what I was gonna face when I got there. I didn't want you getting hurt-"
Sunday cut him off-
"Marv I know- I know you want to protect me and I know you want to see me be safe, but I can handle myself, I know you're capable and strong on your own but you can't keep running into situations without knowing if you're going to get hurt or not-"
There was a pause as Sunday began the healing spell. The wound on Marvin's leg started to heal itself, it would've been an ugly sight to watch but the slivers of gold that was Sunday's magic made it somewhat bearable to watch.
Marvin hissed slightly as the healing spell took place. They always coincidentally felt the same when you got an alcohol wipe to clean a wound- not exactly painful but definitely not pleasant, a small minty burning feeling as the magic started healing the wound.
"Listen, I know you have things you need to do. And it's okay if you can't tell me what those are for whatever reason I just-"
Sunday paused, choosing their words delicately.
"Just let me know if you do. I can help you Marvin. I just- I love you too much to see you put yourself in danger like this. It makes me worry."
Marvin was about to respond before the words Sunday had spoken had fully set in- it seemed that Sunday had the same realisation of what they had just said wash over them.
"You- you said you-"
"I- Yeah, I did"
The two of them could only stare at each other. It was almost like they were both trying to work out a problem in each others minds.
"Is that okay?"
Sunday finally asked. Marvin felt his throat tie up into knots and he couldn't find the right thing to say. He just nodded and smiled shyly at the other. His hand brushed over Sundays hesitantly, Sunday interlocked their fingers and brushed their thumb over Marvin's knuckles.
It was so strange- over the years the pair had been attached at the hip, always holding hands or being in each other's physical spaces almost all the time without question. But now it feels foreign, in a good way but still foreign. There was no hiding behind what their true feelings where.
They had both said at the same time, chuckling slightly as they did so.
"you go first"
Sunday said, Marvin nodded
"I am sorry. For what it's worth- the reason I didn't want you there wasn't because I don't want you to be there I just- I also- you know" Marvin took a breath, "I love you too. And I wasn't telling you because I also couldn't stand the thought of seeing you potentially getting hurt- I. I'm sorry, I was wrong"
Sunday's eyes grew just a little bit brighter at that, their fingers from their free hand gently brushing a stray hair strand out of Marvin's face. Their hand cupping on Marvin, the two of them continued to just stare. Sunday leaned in, kissing softly Marvin on their forehead. Then lightly keeping their foreheads pressed together. The man blushed at that, far more than he'd like to admit.
"I know just- just don't let it happen again. Promise?"
Sunday asked, still pressed against Marvin- their hand still cupping their cheek.
Marvin leaned in, kissing them lightly and hesitantly. The kiss could've only been a few seconds but if you had asked either of them in that moment they would've told you that they had kissed for eternity.
Marvin regrettably pulled back to look at Sunday in their eyes-
"I promise"
Almost simultaneously, the healing spell had finished. Marvin looked down, feeling the magic leave. The wound had been healed completely, leaving behind a sizable pale scar on his skin.
Marvin used it as an excuse to finally curl up next to Sunday. They left out a soft chuckle, Marvin just knew the slew of cat related jokes that were rocketing through the other's brain at that moment. But he found that he didn't mind, just enjoying the others company like he had so many times before. He buried his head into Sunday's shoulder curling up into them.
"Thank you Sunny, for everything"
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greydoesthearts · 1 month
He's Gone
A/N: story about some reactions to character!Jack so warning for character death. Also it's kind of a preamble to this prompt one-shot I did a while ago.
Word count: ~1050
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Jackie had come into the house, all bouncy and punchy like he usually did after a good day in the city fighting crime--well, good was subjective here, but he'd saved them, so it ended good, at the least!
He fought the air, laughing like a lunatic as he stepped through the door and taunted whoever was standing there awaiting his arrival.
"C'mon, ask me how my day was, James!" he said to the back of the man who was walking away from the entryway after unlocking the door for the hero. One hand was up near his face, though, and Jackie swore he heard a sniffle from the silent man.
Immediately, his playful nature faltered and he tilted his head as he followed. "Jameson?"
He caught up and grabbed the other man's shoulder, turning him to see exactly what he was afraid he'd see: Jameson's eyes red and his face puffy, a handkerchief dabbing the tears away from his eyes.
Jackie's eyes searched his face, studying it.
"What happened?" he muttered, and Jameson's hands were just too preoccupied to be able to answer him, though he pulled away and led Jackie to Henrik's lab, his office, whatever the doctor or scientist or whatever he was wanted to call it this week.
The hero looked up at the tall door and bit his lip, looking at Jameson again to make sure he was even allowed in.
Jameson nodded softly and that loosed all of Jackie's self-control as he reached for the handle and shoved the door open to see life. More life than was usually present in here, anyway, as Henrik and Marvin talked between themselves in one corner...
While Chase sat by the occupied bed--it'd been like that for years now, never once empty, except now it was quiet, and that was more terrifying. The pole that usually fed drips of varying liquids to the body was cleared out of the way, and the screen of the monitor was blank, the lights all shut off, the... everything was completely silent.
The door closed behind him and Marvin's eyes turned to him in surprise, before a cautious look took over his face. Henrik covered his own mouth and turned away.
"What happened?" Jackie asked again, his voice flatter this time.
He could hardly tell the fear was beginning to get to him, unable to gauge his own emotions well suddenly. He had asked the question, even knowing the answer--it was obvious now from the silent room. Even Chase was quiet, simply resting his face against his fists and staring down at the body on the bed.
Marvin stepped away from Henrik, smiling gently, but his fear was just as palpable. "Hey, J."
"No." Jackie's voice came rough. He didn't want nicknames, or jokes, or anything of the sort right now. His teeth quietly gritted as he asked for the third time, "What happened?"
The already pale face of the magician paled even further. "We should talk about this somewhere else--come on."
His hand touched Jackie's shoulder as he tried to take Jackie back through the door, but Jackie turned and grabbed his wrist off of him, twisting it slightly and painfully as Marvin winced and his body started sending out magic signals without his direct consent, though he didn't stop it. Jackie also didn't let up, continuing to twist Marvin's arm, almost carefully, until he was forced to let go with a groan.
Then Jackie stepped over to the occupied bed, Chase's attention turning to him for the first time and swallowing. "Hi, Jackie."
Jackie ignored him and looked down at the body on the bed, still, unbreathing, not attached to any of the machinery he had been for so many years. It was weird seeing his full face again, beard scruffy, skin pale, but his expression calm as could be. Jackie pushed some short hair from Jack's brow, his face twisting in pain.
"He went peacefully, if that helps," Chase tried again with no response. He lifted his head from his fists and looked over at the others, then the side of Jackie's face, leaning closer; there wasn't a sound in the room but his voice. "You don't have to hold back, you know. You can cry if you need to--heaven knows I did."
It was devastating and Jackie wasn't sure why.
He supposed because Jack was the first one that had been there for him when he'd come into existence, and despite not considering himself an ego, he'd helped run him down about all the basics of doing the one thing they all had to learn: existing.
But seeing him now. So still, as if he hadn't been for years, so quiet, as if he'd heard his voice only recently. It all came crashing down on him.
That Jackie would never be able to lie on the ground outside with him and watch the stars again as he recovered from a meltdown. That Jack would never be able to playfully rage at Jackie for beating him at a new video game on his first try, one that Jack had much more practice in. That they'd never be able to try and confuse the others because of how similarly they looked in comparison to everyone else, like twins.
It'd always been a possibility, but it was never supposed to end like this.
Henrik sighed at the silence coming from Jackie. He knew what was coming; they all did, and he had to prepare himself to help with Jackie's impending meltdown.
"Everybody out," he muttered, and it felt wrong to kick them out while they were still grieving, but Jackie sure as hell wasn't going to be gentle about this. The doctor stepped closer, watching Chase and Marvin look at him as if he could stop it all, but he couldn't, and Marvin healed his wrist finally, and Chase placed his hat over Jack's face, and they left through the door as Henrik sat where Chase had been moments before. "I'm here," he said to Jackie, and the dam broke with a single, rage-filled scream that echoed through the whole house, resonating through the walls like lightning.
The flash of real light that encompassed the house a second later was not from Jackie.
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